Surnames: L

Height of Nia Long
Nia Long
5ft 2 (157 cm)
Avg Guess (7 Votes)
5ft 2.07in
Height of Shelley Long
Shelley Long
5ft 6 ¼ (168 cm)
Avg Guess (5 Votes)
5ft 6.9in
Height of Tanisha Long
Tanisha Long
5ft 3 (160 cm)
Avg Guess (6 Votes)
5ft 3.33in
Samia Longchambon
5ft 1 ½ (156 cm)
Avg Guess (15 Votes)
5ft 1.4in
Height of Eva Longoria
Eva Longoria
5ft ½ in (154 cm)
Avg Guess (48 Votes)
5ft 0.31in
Height of Keiynan Lonsdale
Keiynan Lonsdale
5ft 10 (178 cm)
Avg Guess (49 Votes)
5ft 10.27in
Height of Michael Lonsdale
Michael Lonsdale
6ft 1 (185 cm)
Avg Guess (20 Votes)
6ft 0.74in
Height of Gabi Lopes
Gabi Lopes
5ft 5 (165 cm)
Avg Guess (5 Votes)
5ft 4.4in
Height of George Lopez
George Lopez
5ft 10 (178 cm)
Avg Guess (33 Votes)
5ft 9.61in
Height of Jennifer Lopez
Jennifer Lopez
5ft 4 ½ (164 cm)
Avg Guess (152 Votes)
5ft 4.46in
Height of Mario Lopez
Mario Lopez
5ft 9 (175 cm)
Avg Guess (66 Votes)
5ft 8.64in
Height of Jack Lord
Jack Lord
6ft 1 (185 cm)
Avg Guess (11 Votes)
6ft 1.11in
Height of Elaine Lordan
Elaine Lordan
5ft 3 (160 cm)
Avg Guess (5 Votes)
5ft 4.2in
Height of  Lorde
5ft 5 (165 cm)
Avg Guess (23 Votes)
5ft 5.11in
Height of Traci Lords
Traci Lords
5ft 5 ½ (166 cm)
Avg Guess (8 Votes)
5ft 5.5in
Height of Josie Loren
Josie Loren
5ft 1 (155 cm)
Avg Guess (4 Votes)
5ft 2.5in
Height of Lela Loren
Lela Loren
5ft 3 ¾ (162 cm)
Avg Guess (6 Votes)
5ft 4.5in
Height of Sophia Loren
Sophia Loren
5ft 7 ½ (171 cm)
Avg Guess (22 Votes)
5ft 7.58in
Height of Natasha Loring
Natasha Loring
5ft 5 (165 cm)
Avg Guess (10 Votes)
5ft 5in
Height of Peter Lorre
Peter Lorre
5ft 3 (160 cm)
Avg Guess (26 Votes)
5ft 2.96in
Height of Pixie Lott
Pixie Lott
5ft 7 (170 cm)
Avg Guess (34 Votes)
5ft 7.33in
Height of Caity Lotz
Caity Lotz
5ft 4 (163 cm)
Avg Guess (22 Votes)
5ft 4.01in
Height of Alexis Louder
Alexis Louder
5ft 5 ½ (166 cm)
Avg Guess (6 Votes)
5ft 5.21in
Height of Lori Loughlin
Lori Loughlin
5ft 4 ½ (164 cm)
Avg Guess (6 Votes)
5ft 4.88in
Height of Jordan Loughran
Jordan Loughran
5ft 0 (152 cm)
Avg Guess (7 Votes)
4ft 11.43in
Height of Jimmy Jean Louis
Jimmy Jean Louis
5ft 11 (180 cm)
Avg Guess (55 Votes)
5ft 11.25in
Height of Julia Louis Dreyfus
Julia Louis Dreyfus
5ft 2 ½ (159 cm)
Avg Guess (33 Votes)
5ft 2.08in
Height of Tina Louise
Tina Louise
5ft 8 ½ (174 cm)
Avg Guess (2 Votes)
5ft 8.5in
Height of Billie Lourd
Billie Lourd
5ft 1 (155 cm)
Avg Guess (27 Votes)
5ft 0.67in
Height of Valerie Loureda
Valerie Loureda
5ft 2 (157 cm)
Avg Guess (2 Votes)
5ft 2in
Height of Demi Lovato
Demi Lovato
5ft 2 ½ (159 cm)
Avg Guess (73 Votes)
5ft 2.55in
Height of Stephen Lovatt
Stephen Lovatt
5ft 11 (180 cm)
Avg Guess (8 Votes)
5ft 10.94in
Height of Lisa Lovbrand
Lisa Lovbrand
5ft 7 (170 cm)
Avg Guess (2 Votes)
5ft 7in
Height of Angelina Love
Angelina Love
5ft 5 (165 cm)
Avg Guess (20 Votes)
5ft 5.25in
Height of Bessie Love
Bessie Love
5ft 0 (152 cm)
Avg Guess (1 Votes)
5ft 0in
Height of Courtney Love
Courtney Love
5ft 8 ½ (174 cm)
Avg Guess (22 Votes)
5ft 9.02in
Height of Kevin Love
Kevin Love
6ft 7 ¾ (203 cm)
Avg Guess (99 Votes)
6ft 7.81in
Height of Lily Loveless
Lily Loveless
5ft 6 (168 cm)
Avg Guess (5 Votes)
5ft 5.9in
Height of Rebecca Lovell
Rebecca Lovell
5ft 5 ½ (166 cm)
Avg Guess (6 Votes)
5ft 5.5in
Height of Vella Lovell
Vella Lovell
5ft 8 ½ (174 cm)
Avg Guess (9 Votes)
5ft 8.75in
Height of Chandler Lovelle
Chandler Lovelle
5ft 6 ½ (169 cm)
Avg Guess (1 Votes)
5ft 6.5in
Height of Lyle Lovett
Lyle Lovett
5ft 11 (180 cm)
Avg Guess (1 Votes)
6ft 0in
Height of Norman Lovett
Norman Lovett
5ft 9 (175 cm)
Avg Guess (5 Votes)
5ft 9.1in
Height of Ophelia Lovibond
Ophelia Lovibond
5ft 2 (157 cm)
Avg Guess (5 Votes)
5ft 1.7in
Height of Hayley Lovitt
Hayley Lovitt
5ft 6 (168 cm)
Avg Guess (3 Votes)
5ft 5.83in
Height of Jon Lovitz
Jon Lovitz
5ft 9 ¼ (176 cm)
Avg Guess (10 Votes)
Pk: 5ft 10.1in, Cr: 5ft 9.4in
Height of Jack Lowden
Jack Lowden
6ft 0 (183 cm)
Avg Guess (58 Votes)
5ft 11.72in
Height of Kyle Lowder
Kyle Lowder
6ft 1 (185 cm)
Avg Guess (1 Votes)
6ft 1in
Height of Alice Lowe
Alice Lowe
5ft 5 ½ (166 cm)
Avg Guess (4 Votes)
5ft 5.5in
Height of Andrea Lowe
Andrea Lowe
5ft 6 (168 cm)
Avg Guess (2 Votes)
5ft 6in
Height of Arthur Lowe
Arthur Lowe
5ft 4 ½ (164 cm)
Avg Guess (6 Votes)
5ft 4.46in
Height of Chad Lowe
Chad Lowe
5ft 8 ½ (174 cm)
Avg Guess (5 Votes)
5ft 8.4in
Height of Crystal Lowe
Crystal Lowe
5ft 4 ½ (164 cm)
Avg Guess (1 Votes)
5ft 4.5in
Height of Daisy Lowe
Daisy Lowe
5ft 10 (178 cm)
Avg Guess (40 Votes)
5ft 9.77in
Height of Jessica Lowe
Jessica Lowe
5ft 5 (165 cm)
Avg Guess (2 Votes)
5ft 5.25in
Height of Natalie Lowe
Natalie Lowe
5ft 9 ½ (177 cm)
Avg Guess (7 Votes)
5ft 9.43in
Height of Rob Lowe
Rob Lowe
5ft 10 (178 cm)
Avg Guess (73 Votes)
5ft 9.76in
Height of Sophie Lowe
Sophie Lowe
5ft 7 (170 cm)
Avg Guess (9 Votes)
5ft 6.31in
Height of Todd Lowe
Todd Lowe
5ft 11 (180 cm)
Avg Guess (46 Votes)
5ft 11.58in
Height of Carey Lowell
Carey Lowell
5ft 10 (178 cm)
Avg Guess (22 Votes)
5ft 10in

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.