Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 10/Jun/23
Yeah Gerald, I'm suspecting Lonsdale was a potential 186-187cm guy with hidden height in that slouch. James Gandolfini is another guy I've gotten similar impression of over the years...also a heavy guy whose posture might've been affected
Jordan actually began here at 6ft2 if you can believe it
Gerald S said on 7/Jun/23
Fair point Rob, but didn’t he seemingly have posture issues; he rarely stood at full value (might have been the case when he got measured).
Gerald S said on 3/Jun/23
What are the odds of 6’1.5”, Rob?
I agree 100% with Rampage that Lonsdale was a stronger 6’1” than Montand and especially Richard Jordan. Didn’t you mention Lonsdale made Jordan struggle with over 6’0.5”?

Editor Rob
He surely would have written 187 rather than 185 in his biography...
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 31/May/23
I notice Yves Montand and Richard Jordan have now been moved to 6ft1 flat...Lonsdale looked taller than both of them
5'7 and a fraction said on 31/May/23
I think it's good that he's been put back to what he was originally listed at. I think sometimes some of these actors who are put an inch shorter should be taken with a grain of salt. Obviously the ones who inflate heavily outnumber the ones who downgrade, but that definitely doesn't mean there aren't such cases.
Gerald S said on 29/May/23
To me Lonsdale looked about an inch taller than Jordan. I really think Lonsdale was over 6’1”.
Rory said on 28/May/23
Click Here
You can see at 29.30 min there he's about the same as Richard Jordan listed 6ft1.5 so the upgrade is fair. I'm minded to think though that Lonsdale was just a real 6ft1 guy,hence his 185 claim and occasionally he'll pull off nearer 6ft2 with some people because their height is exaggerated. You get that at times with people appearing taller than they really are in comparison to others because their claim is honest whist others claim is suspect.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 27/May/23
Good call, Rob
This listing should never have been reduced. Lonsdale was a bulky guy with a hunch who like Gerald has pointed out rarely stood with good posture. I'm beginning to suspect we may be dealing with a concealed 6ft1½ range guy. In all these photos he looks nearer 6ft2 than 6ft1, forget below it! Gerald's proposed range looks somewhat feasible. Strong 6ft1 guy up to a weak 6ft2 is what he generally manages to pull off.
Gerald S said on 26/May/23
Could Lonsdale get an upgrade, Rob?
In this photo, Lonsdale is edging Moore and is further away from the camera.
Click Here

Editor Rob
I think it's probably fair to put him on that mark.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 24/May/23
The 6ft listing is also complete rubbish....
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 24/May/23
Rory, I'm beginning to see where Gerald is coming from with his estimates.
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
He looks 6ft2-3 with Moore and with the hunch is edging Connery! Notice the ground is pretty even and the shoes look the same in the first two photos. If Roger was a legit 186cm (which I still think he was) then Lonsdale had to have been that as well worst case. 188cm stretching it even though he pulls it off at least in those photos but I'm beginning to suspect he could have been a hidden 187cm guy.
Ludicrous that he's listed below 6ft1...
Gerald S said on 21/May/23
Agreed Arch, Lonsdale certainly could look in that 186-187cm bracket in many French films of the 1960s and 1970s. He completely towered over 5'10" Alain Delon in Monsieur Klein.
Arch Stanton said on 18/May/23
Odd, I thought Lonsdale could look as tallas 187 in some of his older French films, could look over 6 ft 1.
Rory said on 17/May/23
Yh but Gerald as soon as Caine and Lonsdale get out on deck and later on the quayside Caine looks a comfortable inch taller. 6ft1 is possible for Lonsdale but I wouldn't even begin to consider 6ft1.75.
Gerald S said on 16/May/23
I believe 6'1.5" for Lonsdale, despite his 185cm claim (his posture was often not at full potential, so maybe that was the case when he was measured). He really always looked over 6'1" into the 1980s, if you examine his earlier works. Lonsdale pretty much played a hunchback in In the Name of the Rose, so of course you'd expect Sean Connery to be a good deal taller than Lonsdale. 6'2" is out though for Lonsdale, but only just. 6'1.75" would be the highest I could envision him at peak; 6'1.25" the lowest.
Gerald S said on 15/May/23
Rob, at 7:15 of the clip below, Lonsdale easily seems taller than Michael Caine! Please take a look, and accordingly upgrade Lonsdale and downgrade Caine again.
Click Here
Gerald S said on 28/Feb/23
Rob, Lonsdale was a good 3cm taller than 6’0” Bruno Cremer on an episode of Maigret.
Arch Stanton said on 24/Jan/23
Fantastic actor, one of the best in European films in the 70s. I actually think he could look a strong 6'1 in some films rather than under it. Quite heavy set too, at least 230 pounds I'd say
Sinclair said on 1/May/22
Rob, I know we’ve also touched on this photo before but surely it justifies at least 6’1” for Lonsdale?
Click Here
Lonsdale is clearly taller than 6’1” Moore here and although both men are wearing heels, it looks to me that if anything, Moore might have a bit more heel. Even so, Lonsdale can look over 6’2” here! A very modest 6’1”.

Editor Rob
How much 'Jaws' holding Roger in that pose might effect his height, is tricky to tell...he's got to be losing some height there.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 1/May/22
Looks 186-187cm range with Ronet
Definitely think 6ft0¾ is an improvement. Could look similar to Moore in Moonraker but all in all, I'd probably rate Roger as the more solid 6ft1 guy
Sinclair said on 1/May/22
Rob, how tall does Lonsdale look with 5’11.5” Maurice Ronet here? 6’1.5”?
Click Here
Granted if he claimed 185cm, 6’1” is a reasonable shout, but maybe he got that measurement after he had started to lose height or was slouched at the time as he usually was in his projects. Even in the photo with Ronet above, I don’t think that Lonsdale was fully stretched out, so could we please finalise Lonsdale as 6’1” like he practically claimed. Otherwise, I’ll be happy to provide further evidence to support my 6’1.25” thesis.

Editor Rob
In that still he could look over 6ft 1
Rory said on 30/Apr/22
I think tbf if he claimed 185 I'd list him at 6ft0.75. The claims come from the horses mouth and does fit with how he looked generally, making me think its plausible. The six foot claim may well be complicated in that in France they use metric so conversion into feet might just lead someone like Lonsdale going with just six foot for ease.

Editor Rob
Yes that figure is fine
Sinclair said on 30/Apr/22
Rob, are you sure Lonsdale was not taller than this?
Look at around 07:30, he looks almost as tall as Michael Caine.
Click Here
Look at just before 1:54:30, he looks taller than 6’1” Roger Moore there to me.
Click Here
Sinclair said on 28/Apr/22
Rob, can we therefore finally give Lonsdale 6’1” in lieu of his 185cm claim?
It’s the least he could have been at peak; see these photos with Lonsdale and 5’11.5” Maurice Ronet!
Click Here
Click Here
More like two inches there, 6’1.5” is even acceptable for Lonsdale, his posture wasn’t always perfect. I’ve also read his autobiography and he never struck me as someone who would oversell himself. 6’1” absolute minimum for his youth.
Here Lonsdale is with 6’1” Jean-Pierre Marielle and once again Lonsdale is the winner. He was a giant!
Click Here

Editor Rob
Near 6ft 1 may well be fair, he said he bumped his head on a chandelier and in the same sentence described himself as 1.85 metres.
Sinclair said on 15/Apr/22
Rob, how tall does Lonsdale look in comparison with Roger Moore?
Click Here
Click Here

Editor Rob
He could look close in height, although shoes can be a factor, both aren't exactly in flat heels there.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 2/Sep/21
6ft0½ at least and 6ft0¾ could be argued with Moore at 6ft1¼.
Rory said on 10/Jun/21
I dont agree that he looked taller than Moore in Moonraker. They looked within an inch of each other for sure but I felt Roger edged Michael out actually if anything. I think Roger 6ft1 and Lonsdale 6ft0.5 looked reasonable in that scene.
Sinclair said on 27/May/21
Can you please update him to 6’0.5 ?
He could even appear taller than Moore in Moonraker.
And Moore was at least a flat 6’1
avi said on 22/May/21
Can you update him to like 6'0.25 ?
He wasn't really shorter than Moore in moonraker.
And Moore at worst was a weak 6'1

Editor Rob
It is fair to say he could appear over 6ft, I suppose in the same way Richard Harris could be argued a bit more than 6ft too.
Jug said on 23/Feb/21
He really could not have been less than 6’1 compared to Moore and Connery. I really would say a very strong 6’1 during most of his career.
jimbo said on 18/Oct/20
He's the same height as Michael Caine in the Holcroft Covenant.
Rory said on 25/Sep/20
RIP. Should be listed 6ft0.5 Imo, I think that would be a fair compromise. That way you take into account his six foot claim (many 6ft0.5 guys will round down think Chris Pine or Bill Nighy) but also acknowledge he could often look 6ft1.
Sinclair said on 21/Sep/20
R.I.P Michael Lonsdale. I voted 6'1.25" for him.
Sinclair said on 28/Aug/20
Rob, could you please consider upgrading Michael Lonsdale to 6’1”?
Lonsdale was practically eye level with Roger Moore in Moonraker and was also a similar height to Michael Caine in The Holcroft Covenant.
Sinclair said on 4/Aug/20
I always considered Lonsdale to be more of a 6'1" or even 6'1.5" but I respect this 6'0" listing all the same. In Moonraker, I feel Lonsdale could have been even taller than Roger Moore, they looked very equal in height, but Moore's posture seemed superior. In the Holcroft Covenant, Lonsdale looks really similar in height to Michael Caine. At times, I even thought Lonsdale looked taller than Caine! I feel Caine wasn't the full 6'2", at least by that time in his career, but Caine's posture was also superior to Lonsdale's in that film, I felt. That is why I thought Lonsdale was never lower than 6'1" at peak.
avi said on 20/May/19
If you look at Moonraker with Roger Moore they look the same. So shouldn't Lonsdale be 6'0.5 area?
Richard Kiel hardly looked 10 to 11 inches taller

Editor Rob
They could have both been around that mark.
Rory said on 6/May/18
Yh 6 foot flat for the likes of Lonsdale and Nighy doesn't seem right to me both those guys looked nearer 6ft1 than 6ft in their youth.
Paul NS (6ft0.5) said on 13/Dec/17
I think it's unfair to generalize the Spotlight listings. They have precise people (something like Peter Capaldi), inflating people (Corden and Bob Hoskins), and the people who round down, most blatantly people like Roger Lloyd-Pack who was clearly something like 6ft2 and got a 6ft0 Spotlight listing, even Rob didn't give him that.
There have been a few downgrades based on Spotlight I've objected to (Bill Nighy was probably not just a 6ft0 guy at peak like he's listed in the Spotlights) but they're not that much different than other claims.

Editor Rob
there are some who are very tall and still lied, the classic case being Matthew Kelly who put 6ft 6 in the directory, but admitted he lied and was only 6ft 5.
It's certainly interesting to document for visitors. I'd say a small percentage from all I've seen had their height rounded down, but a big chunk rounded/lied upwards and a big chunk I'd say were honest.
Sometimes you even get a surprise, I remember I met this
actress a few years ago and guessed her at 5ft 4.5, then earlier this year I saw she had herself in spotlight at 5ft 4.5 in the 90's...not all people lie 😉
Anonymous said on 12/Dec/17
@Rory agreed rob does take spotlight casting pages too seriously. Lots of actors over 6’ at that time would likely downgrade themselves to appeal to a wider range of roles. Some revise them over time others less height conscious won’t, they should always be taken with a pinch of salt I feel. I would say he was more 6’0.75 next to Moore who seemed to have a slight edge. This would explain the 6’ and 6’1 listings.
Rory said on 30/Oct/17
Hmm Yh but he looked the same height as Roger Moore, there was nothing in it between them...the downgrade to 6foot seems a bit knee jerk because nobody watching that film could argue Moore at 6'1.25 and Lonsdale at 6'0 because there was nothing in at all certainly not 1.25 inches and they shared good scenes to compare together too.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 28/Feb/17
I think Moore edged him out in Moonraker
Arch Stanton said on 19/Jun/16
Editor Rob: saw a con friends photo (a guy who claims 6ft 1) with Lonsdale from not long ago, and surprised he was standing and looked 5ft 9-10 range today...but at mid 80's you'd expect that possibility.
3-4 inches is a big loss even in mid 80s. There is a chance of 184 peak for Lonsdale but generally he did look 6'1 ish.
Arch Stanton said on 17/Jun/16
That's the one he was playing
Click Here !! Wonderufl piece, makes me feel like I'm in a townhouse in 1830s Vienna or something LOL.
Arch Stanton said on 17/Jun/16
I always associate Chopin's Prelude No.15 in D flat Major (Raindrop) with Lonsdale now LOL. He was playing it in his mansion in Moonraker "cucumber sandwich Bond?" . Exquisite piece, I can play that one, one of the few Chopin pieces I can play on the piano as he was a technical monster! Check out Chopin's Ballade No.1 by Zimmerman on youtube for instance, it's world class concert pianist material! Though I've seen him in quite a few French films I'll always think of that piece and chateuas when I think of him haha. He could look 6'0.5 with Connery though Rampage.

Editor Rob
saw a con friends photo (a guy who claims 6ft 1) with Lonsdale from not long ago, and surprised he was standing and looked 5ft 9-10 range today...but at mid 80's you'd expect that possibility.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 17/May/16
Nice add...I actually thought he edged Moore in Moonraker
Arch Stanton said on 17/May/16
Rob can you squeeze in Murmur of the Heart, India Song and Enigma.
Arch Stanton said on 17/May/16
Thanks. I'd always thought he looked about 6 ft 1, he looked that with Roger Moore, slightly shorter but Sean Connery looked about 1.5 inches taller in Name of the Rose.

Editor Rob
it's not impossible for him to have dropped a bit in posture by the 1980's.