RR said on 3/Dec/24
Like his namesake, the man is sly when it comes to his height. 5'8 flat peak. Due to his age, could be anywhere between 5'6 to 5'7 now.
Most likely uses lifts extensively in any manner he can.
reachjtm said on 3/Dec/24
has anyone seen Rocky 5? Richard Gant is apparently 6'3 and stallone looked fairly short next to him despite the fact he's most likely even wearing lifts. more convince than ever that he is and has always been 5'7.
Cobra 5'9.5" said on 29/Nov/24
Stallone has always been a shortish guy. 5'9" range sounds believable when he was younger.
Rising174cm said on 29/Nov/24
@Legend 177 cm: Stallone's footwear looks similar to those 2" Hogan sneakers he wore a lot around the mid-2000s, but Statham could not have been any taller then. I think Sly was still 5'8.5" from at least 2015-2019 and looked it on video even when wearing dress shoes into 2017 at age 70 and was pulling off looking about 5'10" at that event assuming Statham is also about 5'8.5". Notice Statham is going up on his toes on his left foot, which can give you about 1 cm and he still didn't look like he could be any taller than Stallone barefoot yet.
One thing about Sly is that he's still managed to maintain perfect posture so if he's shrunk any more since then, I don't think it's more than a fraction. He didn't look to have lost a fraction until at least 2013-2014 and I don't think he'd have lost more than 1/4" yet by then since it still seemed likely he edged Statham. Only by 2015 did it seem Stallone had lost a full cm. We can safely say Sly was somewhere between 174-175 cm peak with Brigitte Nielsen confirming that height on that reality show in the 2000s. Arguably more 5'9" since I believe Nielsen has also given that figure for Stallone more recently, but most likely a weak 5'9" or 5'8.75" with Statham likely a small fraction shorter at just 5'8.5" peak.
David Kashfi said on 19/Nov/24
Back in 2002 I saw a website that said that in the movie First Blood, John Rambo was five nine and 167 pounds. So I believe Stallone was five nine when he was younger.
Legend 177 cm said on 19/Nov/24
What's going on in this picture lol?
Click Here
Stallone makes Jason Statham look tiny! I think Stallone hasn't shrunk much. Statham looks 5'7" max. Stallone has to be at least 5'8.5" now. He was definitely around 5'9" when he was younger.
Scotto said on 1/Oct/24
Can’t imagine him over 5-8 now. Peak is difficult to gauge with him a lover of camera angles etc and suspicious footwear. Probably 5-9 max peak.
Jesse Stone said on 27/Apr/24
I guess the listing is spot on. Recent pics where Sly and his wife are next to each other barefoot show that he should be around 5'8 by now. His wife is listed 5'9:
Click Here
Click Here
Myers said on 25/Apr/24
Looks 5-7.5 now. Peak 5-8.5.
Mickie said on 28/Nov/23
I'd be thinking 5'8.5" - 5'8.75" range peak rather than the full 5'9". Maybe 5'8.75" would be the safest bet.
Henners said on 25/Nov/23
174.6 peak
172.7 now
Duhon said on 27/Sep/23
Don't think he was under 5'9" in his prime. Rewatched the first 2 Rocky films recently and he passed for 5'10"+ I'm sure the the camera angles were accommodating but did not look on the short side at all at that time.
Abdu-5'10" said on 25/Sep/23
There is no tomorrow
Jtm said on 9/Sep/23
i always thought Mr.T was 5'9.5-5'10 but not too sure. If he was 5'10.5 peak then stallone looks 5'8 . i doubt he was ever above it and still think 5'7 is closer.
Robby Harris said on 7/Sep/23
5'9" peak.
5'8" today.
Robby Harris said on 29/Aug/23
Sly, Wesley Snipes, Antonio Bandares and Jason Statham at the Expendables 3 premiere in 2014:
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
They're all of similar height there. I'd estimate Snipes at 5'8.5" to maybe 5'9" max, ditto Statham. Bandares is listed here at 5'8.5" and Sly appears to edge him by at least a fraction, though its arguable Bandares is more 5'8" flat, which would still make Sly near 174 cm in comparison. Imo, he also has an edge on Snipes and Statham, both whom are most likely 5'8.5" guys, possibly a little over, with Snipes having a somewhat fair chance of 5'9". This would make Sly at LEAST 5'8.5", and possibly a 1/4" over that in '14. His shoes are clearly liftless here, and they appear to be normal low-heeled dress shoes. Its arguable Sly is the tallest out of all the guys, though they are all fairly close. Sly has never been 5'7". If you even assume he was, then you'd have to explain his ability to pull off a strong 5'11" with a good pair of lifts/elevator shoes back when he regularly wore bigger footwear. Remember, 5'7" + 4" over standard 1" shoes = 6'. Its ridiculous and impossible for Sly to have been that short, or under 5'8.5" to be able to pull off the height he did in the observable footwear we've seen him in over the years. His shoes should have looked like stilts and he should have walked like a clown had that been the case! Again, remain objective and leave personal bias out the way!
I'm reposting this to demonstrate Sly is not in lifts literally 100% of the time, though he is for the majority of public events and professional photo shoots.
MareZ said on 8/Jun/23
hey Rob, even Sly in Cobra appeared to be 5'11 ..he was almost as tall as Brigitte Nielsen , as tall as Reni Santoni who was claimed to be 6'0. And he looked taller or a little taller than Andrew Robinson..2 inch heels??
Slamo said on 7/Jun/23
Honestly think he’s around 5-7 ish now. In the tusa king he looked short.
MaskDeMasque 5'9.5 said on 4/Jun/23
Yeh, that's about a 2 inch difference viper not 3.5. Plus we have no idea what kinda footwear they are both wearing.
Stallone's 2nd Cousin said on 3/Jun/23
I grew up with this guy, he’s never been 5’9 even with special shoes
Jtm said on 29/Apr/23
great picture viper. looks like we have the right to claim 5'7 for him now.
Johan 185 cm said on 29/Apr/23
viper said on 28/Apr/23
Stallone looks 5-7 here with Mr T
Click Here
I would actually give him 5'8.5" there next to a 5'10.5" peak Mr T.
viper said on 28/Apr/23
Stallone looks 5-7 here with Mr T
Click Here
Histhename said on 20/Apr/23
Hey Rob, I'm 23 and I've been wearing 2 inch lifts with boots that have a thick sole for almost 4 years now. My legs sometimes ache but ive not noticed any problems in joints. Was just wondering if this could cause height loss (I haven't noticed any yet).

Editor Rob
It will increase the chances of some problems, much like how women who wear high heels might run the risk of an increased chance of foot or ankle/ligament issues.
Maybe if you take care and do some stretches with legs it might reduce risks.
Andrew Lawrence said on 19/Apr/23
Shrunk badly.
Slamo said on 11/Mar/23
5'7 and a fraction Well those famous people above describe him as short also. You must be right and they are wrong. Imo 5-8 isn’t tall. 5-9 imo starts as average with make height. You’re short range like sly so it’s actually pretty cool.
5'7 and a fraction said on 10/Mar/23
Slamo said on 22/Dec/22
What a very silly thing to say. 5'8 is just below average and I come across hundreds of guys 5'8 out in the town, so that's hardly "short". "Big" Rob is 5'8 so ...
You must live in a world where the average height is 6 feet tall.
MareZ said on 28/Feb/23
I think it was about 185 pounds with a low percentage of fat mass. in the various films his weight has varied from the lowest in Rocky III (165) to I believe the highest in Get Carter (200 lbs)
Pierric said on 23/Feb/23
Rob, have you an idea of his weight in "The Specialist", 1994. Thanks !

Editor Rob
I ain't sure on that!
Slamo said on 16/Feb/23
Barefoot he would surprise many people. 5-7.75 barefoot imo. In his favourite footwear 5-9 + range.
Jtm said on 11/Feb/23
there are weird pictures of melinda dillon and keifer sutherland. maybe age and sutherland's footwear played a part. i was thinking maybe 5'8 comparing her with john lithgow. either way, i take her quote more seriously than the likes of hogan or jean claude van damme since she didn't seem like someone that would say something like that if it wasn't true. this sure would have been fun to talk about when his height was one of the most popular here especially 2009-2010 lol.
MaskDeMasque 5'9.5 said on 9/Feb/23
I think tulsa king is worth adding to his bio Rob, it's a big show ATM
Jtm said on 4/Feb/23
how tall was Melinda Dillon(Rip)? maybe Bradley would know. one thing for sure is she wasn't 5'10+

Editor Rob
She claimed to be taller than Sly. I've seen earlier articles calling her 5ft 9.
Bradley said on 22/Jan/23
Time to get rid of the 1/4".
Dmeyer said on 22/Jan/23
Sly boots will give 1,8 in thé Nike air force on thé 5-9,25 Guy give 1,2in so 0,6in more shoes and better posture Sly will apear 1in taller than reality he has to bé 5-8,25 still
berta said on 15/Jan/23
just saw the interview with him on jimmy fallon. he actually did not look over 5´8 in it. i must agree with robs 173,5 listing he propably is that height. could still be 174 but not a mm more.
Mike tosch said on 12/Jan/23
How do you add photos with your comments

Editor Rob
Unfortunately you can't embed anything, just include a link to the url the photo is located.
MaskDeMasque 5'9.5 said on 30/Dec/22
Hes probably down to a flat 5'8 now from watching him in his new show, Tulsa king.
berta said on 28/Dec/22
i could never believe anything under 175 cm peak and never over 177. 176 is very possible. He did look same or taller than kurt russel in their shower scene. both barefoot and both with good posture. I guess the only time stallone did pulled of almost 5´10. Stallone is a guy that peole always called a dwars and arnold is called giant back in the day but in reality there really was at most 4 inches beetween them. Sly legit 176 and arnold weakish 186. But of course with all the heavy weight arnold did lift he was always walking around 1 cm shorter than if hew wouldnt lift. Today stallone still can look close to 5´9. legit 176 down to legit 174. ( but not a single person will be with me on that :P)
Slamo said on 22/Dec/22
@5'7 and a fraction. Read above. Many actors described him as a short guy. Hulk Hogan said 5-7. I apologise for all you 5-7 5-8 guys for me thinking you’re short. Being tall I see 5-8 short for a guy.
5'7 and a fraction said on 21/Dec/22
Slamo said on 11/Dec/22
In reality he’s a pretty short guy. 5-8 or maybe under barefoot today
I've heard Stallone been called many things but "short" has not been one of them...
Yehor said on 20/Dec/22
Not less than 5'8.5-5'9'', for sure
That's just the way he's always looked, proportions and height-wise, throughout his life and career, I'd say. Anything lesser than 173.5-4 is bs for prime Sly, I think. Today? Not so sure, but to me, he'd still clear about 5'8'' barefoot.
A truly charismatic and just great guy.
Plenty of great films, both action-wise and leading thought(-s)-wise.
MaskDeMasque 5'9.5 said on 17/Dec/22
But he was 5'9....
5'8 isn't short either.
Slamo said on 16/Dec/22
@MaskDeMasque 5'9.5 5-8 range is short for a guy. 5-8 for a Hollywood action hero who claimed 5-11 is definitely short. Hope that clears up everything
MaskDeMasque 5'9.5 said on 12/Dec/22
How is a guy who's peak was likely to be 5'9 short? Sly was average, now he's a little under at 5'8 maybe 5'8.25.
Slamo said on 11/Dec/22
In reality he’s a pretty short guy. 5-8 or maybe under barefoot today
Andrea said on 28/Nov/22
Here's a recent photo of him with a guy I've posted sometime ago roughly measuring just over 5'9 (guy on the right):
Click Here

Editor Rob
A decent heel on those boots Sly's wearing.
Hong said on 21/Nov/22
Click Here Here's Stallone making fun of his height when talking about being offered the part of Superman.
Sh0ckeh said on 18/Nov/22
Nowadays 5'8.5, peak height was definitely 176cm, he's barefoot in Tango and Cash with Kurt Russel and he looks about the same height, if not a lil bit taller actually. And in Rambo first blood at the police station he looked 176cm next to the rest of the cast.
Bradley said on 17/Oct/22
The tricks used in the Rocky movies to not look 5' 8.5" are legendary.....his Rambo boots were massive customs....huge wedge inside.
Usykfan said on 13/Oct/22
What about his reach? His reach looks over 5'11 in the Rocky movies
1984here said on 4/Oct/22
Struggling with 5-8 barefoot imo. 5-7.5. Max today.
berta said on 27/Sep/22
i still think he pull o 5´9 alot of the time. I think 176 peak and 174 now.
Bradley said on 3/Sep/22
Dats wight, 5 fweet 7 and a quartah might be right now after da baitin' he's taken n dee press recently. Sal, another hotdog and more napkins, I'm due to see da Scot upstairs in 2 hours and I can't leave da Volvo backseat bed to lose even 1/2 of one inch. Frank2 please tell us why 5-7 is real.
burby said on 24/Aug/22
5'7" peak is silly, but add "twee quartahs of an' inch" (NYC G speak) and you've got yer 2022 Sly height.
Bradley said on 23/Aug/22
Frank2, there's a name from the G-zuss years. I miss his posts. He said 5-7? Ridiculous. Stallone was 5' 8.5" peak, around 5' 8" now.
Philipe edwardo said on 23/Aug/22
Its obvious to me Stallone is top 5'7 tall.
I have seen hundreds of photos
Its also obvious to me that there are very clever, intelligent valid people here like frank2 and they seem very professional.
Frank2 claims Stallone is 5'7
His own sister (Stallone's not franks) says he is way below 5'9
Multiple other people on this very long thread who met Stallone never give him more than 5'8
Then there is this excuse my language ****** who got banned thank god, who is selling stalline signed gifts etc (no conflict of interest there) and he claims Stallone is 5'11
This man is a laughing stock of this thread
Thank you frank2 for addressing this
Its obvious to me that Stallone is 5'6-5'7
Also Stallone's behavior is insulting
400 USD for a photo? Or sending obviously paid hit men like the banned guy? Or fake "fans" who saw Stallone being 10 feet tall on a beach?
Stallone has too much cash it seems
Man up Stallone, frank2 exposed ur childishness well
Sorry if I was harsh, but its obvious who is the hero here (frank2) and who the villain is (stallone and his *********, banned guy)

Editor Rob
The only thing I agree with is the ridiculous costs some of these companies and stars are charging for professional photos.
Becheese said on 21/Aug/22
He’s a shortish guy. Barefoot peak I doubt he was a full 5-9. Imo he’s probably closer to 5-8 peak. His 2.5 heels gave him the 5-10 range illusion.
Okidoki said on 12/Aug/22
@Rob To correct myself, i think actually he looks taller there. Nielsen is slouching and bending her one foot down, but Stallone is standing at his best there and really looks around 5'9.5 to me there, but may not be quite that tall.
Okidoki said on 11/Aug/22
@Rob Do you agree that 175 or 176 peak is more likely than 174? I personally think that because the picture of him and Nielsen in Boxing shoes convinced me. He really looks solid 5'9 range there to me.
The recent picture with Glenn was interesting, maybe the angle helped him look a bit taller there. Could almost pull of near 5'9 there i guess, but he is more in the 5'8 range today i guess.

Editor Rob
Yes, I think he likely was 5ft 9 at least
Bradley said on 10/Aug/22
Saw it. At a flat 5' 6" and a 5' 8" Sly in customs you get the picture.
Bradley said on 9/Aug/22
Where is this video? At 50 and heavier after dragging a load of items for 6 hours from The Bronx G would measure 5' 6" in '22 with a lift wearing 5' 8 1/4" Sly.

Editor Rob
Was just a recentish photo I talked about a few months ago on Youtube with g/stallone. Stallone held up well and apparently no obvious lifts.
Alex 6'0 said on 8/Aug/22
Would been interesting if i met G. Both in ny so still possibe. Hed definitely say I'm 6'2! Or at least 6'1.5
Big T said on 8/Aug/22
That new Glenn pick is a little bit surprising. Sly looks to be standing 5’9 1/2” (if it was a perfect comparison with a 5’6.5” Glenn), less his obvious footwear advantage and camera/pavement advantage= still looks in the vicinity of 5’9”. If the difference between them is less than 2” then the footwear difference must be more than it appears.
Alex 6'0 said on 7/Aug/22
I just seen the video of G with sly. G no way measures the 5'6 5/8 he did in 09. Closer to 5'6.25 perhaps? Sly looking good 3 inches taller with camera advantage. Sly 5'8 flat today?

Editor Rob
Yeah there's a chance of 5ft 6.25-.5 range for Glenn today, which makes sense with 5ft 8-8.25 Sly.
Alex 6'0 said on 6/Aug/22
5'8.5 peak i think. Looked near 2 inches less than 5'10 Mr T
??? GEORGE LAWYER said on 6/Aug/22
💥💥 Sly is weak 5.9 flat and about 5.10 on shoes. Stars like Stallone, Richard Gere, Alain Delon, Wesley Snipes are about 5.10 with shoes on and at most 5.9 or weak 5.9 flat. Stantham is 1 cm shorter and Mel Gibson 1 cm taller. Stars like them that are icons of masculinity or beauty don’t wear lifts, but they usally wear 3 cm shoes. They don’t lie about their height but they give their best height on shoes when they are asked. Personally I am 5.8 flat and 5.9 plus (or 5.9 1/2 in the middle of the day wearing suit shoes. Antonio Banderas is as tall as I or 1 cm shorter and Tom Cruise about 1 cm shorter than Banderas. (Only stars like Robert Downey or Marky Mark wear lifts or lie because they make fun and although they are good looking they are not exactly icons of masculinity or beauty). ALSO THE STARS DONT LOSE HEIGHT BY AGE (UNTIL THEY ARE 70) BECAUSE THEY WORK OUT AND THEY ARE ATHLETIC.
??? GEORGE LAWYER said on 6/Aug/22
💥💥 Stallone is 5.10 with shoes and at most 5.9 or weak 5.9 flat.
Becheese said on 5/Aug/22
Watching Rambo 2 he’s still 2” shorter than 6-1 crenna and slys in his custom boots. Sly was and is a short guy. 5-8 max
Rukmini Singh said on 28/Jul/22
Doesn't Looks 5'8 Nowadays
Might Be 5'7.5 I Guess This Days
Bradley said on 18/Jul/22
He was over 6 feet in his custom heeled and wedged Rambo boots.
berta said on 23/Jun/22
never nder 175 peak thats just ridicolous. and never over 177 that why i go with about 176 peak. today i think he still will measure 174 ore a couple mm over.
Voorhees Myers said on 22/Jun/22
Too many people who knew him personally say he’s 5-8 barefoot. He was only tall in his crazy footwear. 5-8 peak.
lavislav said on 21/Jun/22
When you say peak height, do you mean in his lifts?

Editor Rob
Before he shrank. In his biggest elevator boots, Stallone in his 30's could have measured over 6ft
Abdul177cm said on 7/Jun/22
172 cm
ChristianAnthonyPerkins said on 7/Jun/22
Can Jenny be approaching 5'7.5" at night nowadays? Last I heard she was 5'7 5/8", and that was a few years ago.

Editor Rob
She's stabilised around 5/8ths for last couple of years.
Pierre said on 7/Jun/22
I bet for Glenn under 5'6" current height

Editor Rob
I wouldn’t think he’s quite that short….although a lot can happen in 13 years. Jenny went from strong 5ft 8 to very weak 5ft 8.
Parker said on 7/Jun/22
Even if Glenn was 5'6 in the photograph Sly still looks 3 inches taller. OK, camera advantage etc could lessen the gap, but he still looks as listed or even a fraction taller. Falls between the average guess current and peak heights.
Pierre said on 5/Jun/22
MJKoP said on 5/Jun/22
I tend to believe Glenn is an honest fan of Sly so he tend to exclue all the possibilies of lifts,that is a natural reflex for a fan.
@Rob I know guys around me who sometimes lost easily more than an inch before their 50s, some after a severe diet or something ...that may be the case for Glenn?...

Editor Rob
Whilst Dracula is scared of the Cross, Big G turns to Jelly at the sign of a Tape Measure.
I really doubt he's measured himself in the last 13 years and lives in blissful ignorance...but could he really be a meagre 5ft 6 at 50?
Bradley said on 5/Jun/22
Stealth helps for da G wisdom. G claimed 5' 8" for himself for years until he was prooved, er proved, to be a height liah. He was 5' 6.5" in all his pictures after a long trek from the Bronx to get the evening scribbles. "Sal, remembah the mustad for my Nathan's, it is getting hungry in dis Volvo bed to not lose height when da Scot measures me soon". Sly has never over 5' 8.5" in bare feet in his life.
burby said on 4/Jun/22
Sly has nice stealth on with da G.
Okidoki said on 4/Jun/22
Based on his latest pictures, such as for example the one with Glenn, overall, i feel it's more likely he has lost between 1-2 cm than a full inch of height, although, i personally wouldn't rule that out.
He has very good posture and a build which suggests he still works and literally has worked his whole life at his physique and fitness, which is why he has such a good stance at 75.
Pierre said on 4/Jun/22
Um... I wonder if Glenn is still 5'6.5" these days,some guys lose height younger than other and his 5'6.5" measurement was made around a decade and a half ago.And this stadiometer was generous for a few millimeters if memory serves(Of course Sly was in regular shoes next to him:)

Editor Rob
He’s near 50 and been workin the streets of NYC for decades. Wouldn’t rule out a small fraction by now
Joe Ponce said on 3/Jun/22
I'm seeing him at a peak of either 5'9 ¼" or 5'9 ½". Rob?
Bradley said on 3/Jun/22
G was 5' 6.5" with Sly who was 5' 8.5"
Parker said on 3/Jun/22
@Rising Force
Whilst comments have been down I've been reading some of your old posts from 2017-2019 and have to say you have 100% convinced me Sly is 174cms today......or at least in 2019. Great posts by the way.

Editor Rob
Made a quick video this morning to show Glenn met Stallone again and thinks he's 5ft 11:
Click Here
Pierre said on 28/May/22
Duhon said on 25/May/22
Arnold didn't look too far off Lou here Click Here
Each time Arnold looks around same height as Lou in a photo Arnold stands comfortably closer to the camera...Then here imo ,or the floor isn't regular or Lou drops height or is sitting on a chair.
Click Here here Arnold stands comfortably closer to the camera than Lou and Lou still looks same height as Arnold in the photo .
This time Lou comfortably closer to the camera ,not really straight posture,looks like he dwarfs Arnold.You can see how much his right shoulder dwarfs Ben Weider's left shoulder,while Arnold's left shoulder stands about same height as Ben Weider's right shoulder =
Click Here Click Here
Duhon said on 25/May/22
Arnold didn't look too far off Lou here
Click Here
Pierre said on 25/May/22
MJKoP said on 24/May/22
@MJKop =Arnie 6'1.5' peak?! here is Arnie next to Lou similar posture similar distance to the camera =
Click Here = three good inches.
Lou next to Dick Durock 6'5.5" /6'6" similar postures similar distance to the camera
Click Here
MJKoP said on 24/May/22
Tech noir said on 22/May/22
@MJKop. Arnie wears a cowboy boot most of the time or a nice thick sports shoes most likely air filled type. So its still a fact the difference isn’t massive and never was. Both inflated the height by 1-2 “ and sly perhaps a tiny bit more. 6.0.75 peak arnie. Sly 5-8.5 peak
Nope. Arnold was easily 6'1.5"(at minimum) during his peak. Sly was a strong 5'9", IMO. So barefoot, Arnie towered over Sly during their peaks. Today, the difference is definitely a bit less, what with Arnie having shrunk more. And Sly was/is a far bigger offender in the footwear department than Arnie ever was(which kinda makes sense since Arnie was already tall).
Tech noir said on 22/May/22
@MJKop. Arnie wears a cowboy boot most of the time or a nice thick sports shoes most likely air filled type. So its still a fact the difference isn’t massive and never was. Both inflated the height by 1-2 “ and sly perhaps a tiny bit more. 6.0.75 peak arnie. Sly 5-8.5 peak
Okidoki said on 21/May/22
@Rising174cm It's not easy ofcourse to see accurately heights because of angles, positions and posture. But i really think that full body pictures barefoot, there is no tricks anymore and you can see both body proportions and height more easily too. Yeah, i agree with you, his legs don't look short for his height too. Sly is really well built too, which makes him appear like a bigger person which can alter the perception too. His wife surely seems max 5'9 in those pictures atleast.
It's not easy always ofcourse, such as for example the old barefoot picture of Keitel and De Niro, where Keitel is closer to the camera, which could possibly reduce the real difference.
Okidoki said on 21/May/22
@Rob Is his head bigger than average? I get that impression.
He could get a bit of extra height from it.

Editor Rob
Maybe a
fraction longer than the average 5ft 9 man.
MJKoP said on 21/May/22
Tech noir said on 20/May/22
In recent pictures with Schwarzenegger the difference is really not much?? Either one of them is lying a lot or one was never what they claimed. Or both. 5-8/9 range peak. Now I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s 5-7.5 barefoot now.
Sly is still over 5'8", and he's shrunk barely an inch. Arnie has shrunk almost, if not three inches - far more than Sly has. Sly wears bigger shoes than Arnie, so the height difference looks far less drastic than in reality.
It's pretty simple, actually.
Tech noir said on 20/May/22
In recent pictures with Schwarzenegger the difference is really not much?? Either one of them is lying a lot or one was never what they claimed. Or both. 5-8/9 range peak. Now I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s 5-7.5 barefoot now.
Pierre said on 15/May/22
Eusebio 5'9" short hairs next to Pelé =
Click Here
Young Sly supposed 5'9" big hairs next to Pelé =
Click Here
I can understand Sly isn't standing perfectly straight here but it will be hard to me to imagine him as tall as Eusebio with the same posture
Here is what type of shoe was wearing young Sylvester in the movie "Escape to Victory" next to Pelé = do pause at 19:09 /19:10 (possibility also to chose a low speed) .So you can see that even for training football he was wearing this shoes.
Click Here .
= If I have a good memory it seems to me Rising that you claimed Sylvester had no help in other scenes next to Pelé .But I can not understand your logic, lifts in football shoes seems very possible,particularly when you can see Sylvester can play football and even do stunts with this massive cubain shoes ...
Pierre said on 15/May/22
Rising174cm said on 14/May/22 Pierre, I am familiar with the type of photos you'll use etc etc
Oh yeah @Rising ,me too.
Rising174cm said on 14/May/22
@Okidoki: Yeah, in 2nd pic she has worse posture while in the first they both kind of have their head down. With barefoot photos you'll rarely get perfect pics so these are just to give us an idea, particularly regarding proportions. But as of 2013-2014, they were really close in height and as I said, Sly's legs surprisingly aren't too short. In the 2022 photo of Sly in dress shoes, Jennifer's dress covers her shoes so we can't see whether she's wearing heels as is typical when dress formally, but it's notable that Sly still maintains excellent posture and that could help him minimize height loss. Based on this and photos last year, I'd guess he's still about 5'8.5". The limited evidence we have of Sly's wife with other celebrities suggests she's about 5'9". As Sly himself was 5'9" max(either peak or 2013-2014) I don't believe she was quite 5'9.5" as her modeling height and the NY Times listed her.
Pierre, I am familiar with the type of photos you'll use and I believe you make up your mind ahead of time so as I said I'm not going to bother trying to convince you. A good example is that photo you use of James Corden visibly slouching where you claim he's tip-toeing even though it can't be seen whether he is from that angle. Most people agree that Van Damme had lost height over the last 10 years. As expected I can't tell that much from JCVD and Corden. Maybe an actual video shows the height difference. JCVD is probably 5'8.5" max these days, maybe shorter. I could believe JCVD was either 5'8.75" or 5'9" 10 years ago and at his peak.
When Van Damme was pictured with Stallone in 2012, JCVD was taller than Mario Lopez(probably 5'8.5" rather than 5'9" he's listed here) in 2 separate videos that year and seemed slightly taller than Statham who might be the 5'8.75" he's listed here as Statham also has looked taller than Mario Lopez, but Statham also looked shorter than 5'8.75" Robert Knepper whom Rob has met 15 years ago and Statham still doesn't look taller than Stallone in his 70s so I think Statham is also 5'8.5".
Here's Van Damme and Stallone from another 2012 event in dress shoes:
Click Here Click Here and here's another event where Sly's model of shoes were identified and Rob said they add about 1.75":
Click Here Click Here Click Here
It's pretty clear to me that Stallone was at least as tall as Van Damme at peak and in 2012 when they were possibly still peak height or close enough.
Pierre said on 11/May/22
@MJKoP= That is an interesting interpretation,that can also work if both are under 5'9" ...
MJKoP said on 11/May/22
Parker said on 10/May/22
Pierre said on 9/May/22
If she was 5'9" peak how explain in good posture she looks noticiably shorter than Sly Click Here Click Here Click Here
WOW.......for someone that uses the excuse of 'advantageous shoes' in nearly every post written, that really is an ironic question Pierre.
He came full circle in trying to debunk Sly being at least 5'9" by basically conceding that Sly wears lifts to look taller than 5'9" women in heels.
Okidoki said on 10/May/22
No disrespect to some of the guys under here who think Stallone was well under 5'9 peak, everyone is allowed to have their opinions of course. I just ask, is it realistic that Rob, a guy who has worked with this topic and hobby for 20+ years probably, who knows almost every single detail about height, posture, tricks etc is going to be off by a full inch or even a bit over an inch? I don't see how that is realistic.
I think upto 1.5 cm of his listings is possible, i just can't see Rob being off by a full 2 cm or a full inch. He has worked for so long with this topic that he knows how 5'9, 5'8, 6'0, 6'1 and the others height's look like.
I don't know if in the beginning of the site, he changed listings from full inches possibly, but when it passed a few years, i doubt any more than around half inches. I saw him change Lewis Hamilton from 5'8-5'7.5 for example once.
I can possibly see him being off by a full 2 cm at max, but i think it's rare that he would be off by that much with the amount of experience he has now.
Pierre said on 10/May/22
Parker said on 10/May/22
Pierre said on 9/May/22
If she was 5'9" peak how explain in good posture she looks noticiably shorter than Sly Click Here Click Here Click Here
WOW.......for someone that uses the excuse of 'advantageous shoes' in nearly every post written, that really is an ironic question Pierre.
So finally you don't give your opinion on this question...It would be problematic ,because if Sly could add so big helps in this shoes then Tom ...
viper said on 9/May/22
Pierre, you think Sly is 5-7 peak?
Lowest I can buy is 5-7.5
Agree with you,I tend to believe he was weak 5'8" peak
Parker said on 10/May/22
Pierre said on 9/May/22
If she was 5'9" peak how explain in good posture she looks noticiably shorter than Sly Click Here Click Here Click Here
WOW.......for someone that uses the excuse of 'advantageous shoes' in nearly every post written, that really is an ironic question Pierre.
viper said on 9/May/22
Pierre, you think Sly is 5-7 peak?
Lowest I can buy is 5-7.5
Okidoki said on 9/May/22
@Rising174cm In you're second picture of Jennifer and Stallone, Stallone has really good posture and does really look slightly taller than Jenniffer there. She is slouching with her leg slightly there, but even if she would stand at her best, it will be very close but Sly has the slight edge in that foto. Is it a good angle? Doesn't seem too bad to me.
Pierre said on 9/May/22
@Rising Here is an old event with Jennifer with this shoes =
Click Here next to Sly supposed 5'9" peak (Let's say he was really 5'9" peak) wearing this shoes =
Click Here
If she was 5'9" peak how explain in good posture she looks noticiably shorter than Sly
Click Here Click Here Click Here
Pierre said on 9/May/22
@Rising= Jennifer stands comfortably closer to the camera in this pic next to John Travolta,plus the camera is low and gives her a good advantage ,and John isn't standing exactly at his max height here his posture is relaxed.And we don't know her shoes
Here is Jean Claude supposed around 5'9" next to James Corden =
Click Here Click Here .
Now James and 5'6" Mathew Horne =
Click Here
James tiptoeing next to Samuel Anderson 5'10.25" standing in relaxed posture
Click Here ...
Rising174cm said on 8/May/22
I always thought Stallone looked to have a proportionately long torso and short legs, but barefoot photos with his wife show his legs don't look too short in comparison since women have proportionately longer legs:
Click Here Click Here First pic is 2013 and second is 2014. I'd guess he had still pretty much maintained his height and maybe lost 1 cm over the next few years after that.
Rising174cm said on 8/May/22
I'm not trying to convince you of anything, but for others, she was/is definitely at least close to 5'9" and most likely a full 5'9". Towered over 5'5.5" Kelly Preston and in heels measured up well to 6' John Travolta in the 90s:
Click Here In 2012, in heels she is noticeably taller than Van Damme slouching and further from the camera:
Click Here Note Sly himself is at least as tall as Van Damme in dress shoes.
A 1993 NY Times feature had her at 5'9.5" and 123 pounds. Her official modeling height was also 5'9.5", but a 1995 article had her at 5'9" so 5'9" flat is fair. She clearly looks tall like a typical female model who tend to at least be around 5'9".
Pierre said on 8/May/22
Sorry but I really doubt Jennifer Flavin is 5'9" range or close.
Here are her proportions =
Click Here Click Here
and here are Lindsay Wagner's proportions =
Click Here Click Here
Rising174cm said on 5/May/22
Sly in March in dress shoes w/ his roughly 5'9" wife:
Click Here I can actually believe he's still 5'8.5". Look at how he's maintained excellent posture. Even though the most he could have been peak was 5'9", I do believe he's maintained 5'8.5" these last 5 years. I showed a while ago how much the height difference has grown between Sly and Burt Young. Weak 5'9" peak so about 1 cm loss, which isn't impossible as Carl Weathers and Sam Neill have shown at a similar age.
viper said on 1/May/22
Can't go any higher than 5-8 peak
Yehor said on 28/Apr/22
About 5'9'' in his prime, maybe a little bit less )
5'8''+ - now.
Surely, average for his day 'n' time, could look tallish due to good proportions and smart footwear etc )
Sly, the legend )
Bradley said on 26/Apr/22
He'll be 5-8 forever, his knees have cement in them.
James B 171.5cm said on 25/Apr/22
5ft8 1/8 today rob?

Editor Rob
He's got a good chance of it...in a few years he will do well to still be 5ft 8.
Bradley said on 23/Apr/22
Vince uses an elevated ramp with The Rock and Sly uses nothing with the Dolphster and the Hulkster. Go figger.
Duhon said on 21/Apr/22
Stallone's an odd guy he fudges his own height to claim taller but then has massive guys like Hulk Hogan and Dolph Lundgren stand on literal boxes with him.
Bradley said on 16/Apr/22
Probably money.
houss said on 16/Apr/22
I think the tallest he looked was in jadge dredd , he looked over 6' , I don't know what was inside those boots
Bradley said on 15/Apr/22
He'll always say 5-10. I can hear him now "I'm 5-10, have you met your postman and knows hiz height?". He's about 2" off in 2022. G-zuss.
Leighton Tang said on 15/Apr/22
If Stallone's elevator shoes were 4.5 inches thick, then he would be 6'1.5" when wearing them in his peak and 6'0 3/4" today. Yet, he looks much shorter than that.
Celebheights 6'1.5" said on 13/Apr/22
He claimed 5’10” on another occasion.
Click Here
“ W]hen I did Rambo III, I didn’t like the way I looked anymore, so I decided to reshape myself. I went down to 168 pounds. I put on weight slowly and got sinewy, hard-cut muscles. I wound up weighing about 200. But it was all muscle – my body fat was down to 3.8 percent. Now my fat count is 6.8. I’m 5’10? and weight 187 pounds. I’m pleased with my body now.”
Bradley said on 12/Apr/22
He was 5 foot 8 and 1/2 barefoot in all the Rambo films. Sly's boots were custom made with huge wedge inside. He had to be up to 6 foot with the 6 foot actors.
Okidoki said on 11/Apr/22
@Rob The thing that is interesting is Janice saying that she had to stifle a laugh at how "short" Sly was. Do you think that Janice, from her and Naomi's perspective as 5'9-5'9.5 women were viewing a man like Sly short because he is around the same height as them and is a man? Or could maybe this be an argument that Sly was below 5'9? He looked 175-176 most of the time, but this had me thinking a bit :P Did he have bad posture or something, heheh.
I know many women that view men around the same height as them as short, some even when he is objectively not.

Editor Rob
Maybe because of the change in boots to barefoot, it would come as a surprise for tall women seeing sly in that manner.
Also maybe eyelevels and expectations can also throw off how tall/short somebody appears.
Tech noir said on 11/Apr/22
Just watched Rambo 2. The best part to judge his height is at the end when he’s next to troutman and Martin kove both 6,05. So even in his army boots (1.1 heel and his lifts which was confirmed) he still looks 5-10.5. So imo he was never over 5-8 peak barefoot. Recently near Lewis Hamilton he looked basically the same height.
Ricky muliawan hansyar said on 10/Apr/22
Rob,how about Mr Stallone just 5ft8 in 2022 ?

Editor Rob
He could be a flat 5ft 8 soon.
Bradley said on 27/Mar/22
Hanging at 5-8. Cement in his knees.
Mike voorhees said on 26/Mar/22
Today imo he’s sub 5-8.
MJKoP said on 21/Mar/22
RR said on 16/Mar/22
Okay. Whatever you say. Opinions are opinions. Still no conclusive statements. I'm not going to reference whatever you've stated. Cold day in hell. Why should I? If you haven't bothered with any of my findings. In spite of that and apart from me, it would have been helpful. Maybe we should just appreciate your "citations." But, whatever!
Speaking of which, I don't know who this Glenn person is your mentioning?
What are you delusional? How do you know Rob agrees with you? He may just like the back and forth and the hits it brings. In fact, I'd like to hear what Rob's verdict is? What do you think Rob? All in all, good day to you sirs.
Dude, Rob's assessment is literally in big bold numbers at the top of this page. Are you really trying to infer that Rob doesn't even believe in his own listings and simply purports them for the sake of site traffic via banter? It's pretty easy to ascertain Glenn's identity and his role in all of this, but suffice to say even *he'd* call such a hypothesis nutty.
Good day to you, too, sir.
Celebheights 6'1.5" said on 18/Mar/22
Jamie Foxx: 5’9”
Sylvester Stallone: 5’7 3/4” today
I’m going to assume that Sly has his legs three feet apart since he’s wearing lifts.
THE REAL SHITT said on 18/Mar/22
Celebheights 6'1.5" said on 18/Mar/22
Jamie Foxx is definitely taller than him:
Click Here
Oddly enough, Sly doesn’t appear to be standing at his best for once.
Bradley said on 16/Mar/22
G met him dozens of times. He prooved, er proved, he was 5' 10". Lovitz: yea datz right.
RR said on 16/Mar/22
Okay. Whatever you say. Opinions are opinions. Still no conclusive statements. I'm not going to reference whatever you've stated. Cold day in hell. Why should I? If you haven't bothered with any of my findings. In spite of that and apart from me, it would have been helpful. Maybe we should just appreciate your "citations." But, whatever!
Speaking of which, I don't know who this Glenn person is your mentioning?
What are you delusional? How do you know Rob agrees with you? He may just like the back and forth and the hits it brings. In fact, I'd like to hear what Rob's verdict is? What do you think Rob? All in all, good day to you sirs.
MJKoP said on 16/Mar/22
RR said on 14/Mar/22
Bring on the photographic evidence. You're still all talk. How do I know? How does anyone know if they've never seen any of those movies? Next to someone who's as tall as Dolph, Stallone is still an underdog no matter how you look at it. Forming that point was pretty needless.
If you want my sources or proof? Yes of course. You can try looking below at my argument with pictures included. Once you're done there, look at all the things real people have said who've met Sly in person, that Rob has already provided. I think it's you who needs some reading lessons guy.
I literally referenced photographic(and video) proof. You can view them for yourself. Not to belabor this point, but Dolph stood on a platform to create a more dramatic effect. Yes, he's much taller than Stallone in IRL...but to create an even more jarring height difference for the sake of making the movie more entertaining(i.e. an even bigger accomplishment when Rocky defeats him) Dolph stood on a platform, therefore rendering height comparisons useless.
And I could care less what those who claim to have met him in person say. Glenn claims Sly is 5'11", so I guess that figure also acts as "proof?"
And you are citing the fact that Rob provided quotes of "real people"(Glenn is also a "real person" who met Sly dozens of times, w/ photographic proof) to "corroborate" your guesses, yet you conveniently disregard that Rob still agrees with my estimation.
RR said on 14/Mar/22
Bring on the photographic evidence. You're still all talk. How do I know? How does anyone know if they've never seen any of those movies? Next to someone who's as tall as Dolph, Stallone is still an underdog no matter how you look at it. Forming that point was pretty needless.
If you want my sources or proof? Yes of course. You can try looking below at my argument with pictures included. Once you're done there, look at all the things real people have said who've met Sly in person, that Rob has already provided. I think it's you who needs some reading lessons guy.
MJKoP said on 14/Mar/22
RR said on 2/Mar/22
Quite sure, those photos were live stills from the movie. Again, Dolph was 6ft 4. Why would he need to stand on a box? Could be the other way around. LOL
Just because you say, he's "5'9," doesn't make it so. Any sources or proof for that would be great.
Reading comprehension, guys. I said to EXAGGERATE the height difference, i.e. make Stallone seem like even more of an underdog(David v. Goliath-esque battle).
My proof comes in the form of pretty irrefutable photographic evidence:
Him hitting over six feet in his lifts, him looking no more than three inches shorter than six foot Ray Liotta in flat shoes, and him looking no shorter than strong 5'9 Kurt Russel(both barefoot).
Just because you say, he's "under 5'9," doesn't make it so. Any sources or proof for that would be great.
Jared Tyler said on 2/Mar/22
In Cliffhanger, he sometimes looked shorter and sometimes looked taller than 5'9 Michael Rooker. His height really confuses me. But if I had to make a guess he's either a strong 5'8 or a weak 5'9.
RR said on 2/Mar/22
Quite sure, those photos were live stills from the movie. Again, Dolph was 6ft 4. Why would he need to stand on a box? Could be the other way around. LOL
Just because you say, he's "5'9," doesn't make it so. Any sources or proof for that would be great.
viper said on 1/Mar/22
Really can't see any taller than 5-8
Jtm said on 1/Mar/22
There was a full body picture posted here years ago and dolph isn’t standing on a platform. Syl still looks really short next to him.
MJKoP said on 27/Feb/22
Jtm said on 15/Feb/22
He really looks 5’7 ish with dolph. 5’9-10 stuff is his Hollywood height and he should have did time for his 5’11 claim lol
Dolph was standing on a platform to exaggerate the height difference, this is well documented. Sly was at least 5'9" back then.
Bradley said on 25/Feb/22
In wedged up heeled footwear he was 5' 11" in Rocky.
Nikodem said on 25/Feb/22
In the movie Rocky (1976) he looked 5 "11
Ian C. said on 19/Feb/22
I watched as much of the original Rocky as I could stand last night, and it's pretty hard to nail down Stallone's height. There can be no doubt, however that he was an extremely powerful man.
Rocky is a genuinely good movie, but much of it is unbearably sad. It is made clear that Rocky Balboa has an I.Q. of about 80, and you get a sympathetic but rather depressing look at how badly marginalized people like that really are. (There is a poignant scene where we see him rehearsing a lame joke in front of the mirror.) Adrienne is a plain, painfully shy woman, utterly crushed by her cruel and loutish brother.
Rocky is one of the few movies I can name where the plot depends on the main character being kind. Rocky is a failure as a collector for a loan shark because he flinches from hurting people. His romance with Adrienne is possible only because he is at heart a gentle man, who is willing to patiently woo her. His acceptance of Mickey as his trainer is possible only because he can forgive Mickey for cruelly abusing him at the gym.
Bradley said on 18/Feb/22
Showbiz Cheat Sheet just mentioned this site and put up the 5' 10.5" N.Y. Times whopper and the current height on here. I hope Sly digs getting the publicity and this site.
Jtm said on 15/Feb/22
He really looks 5’7 ish with dolph. 5’9-10 stuff is his Hollywood height and he should have did time for his 5’11 claim lol
RR said on 9/Feb/22
Care to take another crack at it? These pictures should dispel the myths. If only we had the lines with inches. That would help a lot. Guess Rob does it only when he's standing next to them? There looks to be more than a two inch difference with Mr. T, whilst both are wearing boxing boots.
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
MJKoP said on 7/Feb/22
A solid 5'9 or a hair over peak, IMO. The 5'8 range claims are just as bad as the 5'10.75(even 5'11 from Big G, which Sly himself never even claimed) nonsense.
Mike voorhees said on 6/Feb/22
Looks sub 5-8 now. In truth his height is crazy. One minute he looks good against 6+ people and then he’s looking like 5-7 with female co stars. Peak 5-8 range
RR said on 4/Feb/22
However, my intuition says peak Sly was only 5ft 7.5. Guys like Michael Douglas, in their younger years were in the 5ft 9 range. I can't see him ever touching anywhere near that. Unless for with his lifts. He's probably really the same height as Tom Cruise.
BoobleGooble said on 3/Feb/22
174.5-175.5cm peak and 173cm now
Bradley said on 2/Feb/22
Jason doesn't wear the custom wedged up footwear that Sly wears, he'll own him even at around 5' 8".
Mattyboy said on 31/Jan/22
Here’s my take — if Sly “lied” about his height by 1 inch or so that would make him a pretty typical celebrity. 1-1.5 inches over barefoot is still in that range where a person could’ve been measured at a doctor or by themselves in shoes and would’ve actually been the height they claim.
Either way — Sly at his current 5’8+ puts him in the very average range. Not bad for a guy that has lifted weights for 40+ years. Throw in the hair, thick shoes, posturing and you get the effect of him looking comfortably taller than someone like Statham as he has in many pictures.
Omar174cm said on 30/Jan/22
He is currently i think like jason statham and jcvd around 174cm max maybe his peak was 5ft9 as he claimed 5ft10.5 back then who knows!!
Bradley said on 30/Jan/22
Nobody questioned the 5' 10" lie or even thought of custom wedge and lifts, they all got fooled. G-zuss, wake up in '22.
Mattyboy said on 29/Jan/22
If Sly was 5’9 I seriously doubt anyone questioned him being 5’10 for most of his life….especially with his hair, lean build and posture. And he could’ve been a fraction over 5’9 so we are talking less than one inch here. Keep in mind Sly lived 50+ years prior to the internet being very popular so places like this discussing his height didn’t exist. Now if he was 5’9 claiming 6 foot than sure random people in the 70s 80s and 90s would have took notice about something being off. The vast majority of people simply aren’t celeb height regulars trying to pin a guys height down to the 1/8 of an inch.
Mike voorhees said on 29/Jan/22
Sly 5-8 peak arnie 6-0.5 peak.
RR said on 29/Jan/22
I can buy a flat 5ft 8 peak for Mr. Sly and that's being generous. Mr. T was 5ft 10 peak, so it's logical to see a two inch height difference. Anything more than that is ridiculous. A three inch lift wearing Sly would look a lot more taller standing next to others if he was any taller than that.
Bradley said on 28/Jan/22
The Planet G.....where even after measured you lie.
Avrheighy said on 27/Jan/22
On what planet does sly think anyone would believe he's 5'10 let alone the 1/2 lol
Mattyboy said on 21/Jan/22
5’9 give or take even 1/2” Stallone is a solidly average height guy…especially for someone of his generation. In person with the hair, fit body, posture and wearing thicker shoes (even without lifts) he probably spent most of his life coming across as someone that was above average height.
Bradley said on 19/Jan/22
He was 5' 8.5" peak, not much under now.
V for 1984 said on 19/Jan/22
Not totally convinced he was a actually 5-9 peak. Maybe just under.
Bradley said on 9/Jan/22
5 feet 10 in a pair of Portman's available used in the Bronx. I wonder if he ever used a Bieber Board on publicity shots or a Vin ramp board with close-ups with The Rock.....both proven to be true in photographs of Biebs and Vin.
RR said on 3/Jan/22
Haha! That was priceless. The first sentence even ryhmied. Agreed, it was very noticeable he was dragging clunkers in Rambo. The arrogant attitude/character was spot-on too. Once a lift wearer, always a lift wearer.
burby said on 3/Jan/22
I saw Driven again yesterday, just laughing as Sly has to jump up in order to push Kip Pardue after that illegal street racing scene... "He's awlmost fwive eleven, you downgradahs!!!"
Rising174cm said on 3/Jan/22
Sly's boxing footwear didn't have lifts until apparently some scenes in Rocky 4. That's why he made that remark about having to do fight scenes in lifts with a solid 6'4" Lundgren. Although it was only noticeable to me in Rocky Balboa when his boxing footwear looked odd.
I still think Sly has to be about as tall as Jason Statham, who is listed at 5'8.75" here, but could probably use another quarter inch downgrade.
A 68 year old Stallone looked a bit taller than Statham in dress shoes 7 years ago:
Click Here Click Here and a 72 year old Stallone in lifts still pulled off looking comfortably taller than Statham 3 just 3 years ago:
Click Here Click Here Considering Statham is going up on one foot, Stallone could pull off near 2" taller in lifts at that event. This also makes it more believable he didn't have lifts in the earlier photos.
Bradley said on 2/Jan/22
I cut through the G-nuts and peanuts in 0-6 here with the same lines. His Rambo boots in the film were loaded up, as were his Rocky boxing footwear with immense camera angle help. I still wonder what he'd say to his height in '22....probably 5-10 "cantcha see, have you met your postman?"
Rising174cm said on 2/Jan/22
@Arch: 5'8.75" peak is extremely likely. He still looked that through the Expendables 3. Based on the photo above from that premiere with his brother, Sly had lost less height than Frank because the difference is closer to an inch back to back than 2".
Sly's Rambo 3 boots were confirmed to have lifts inside, but that's no real surprise because he looked 5'11" in that film. For what it's worth, First Blood author visited Sly on the set of Rambo 3 and got the impression Sly was his height, but that the "sturdy Rambo boots" made him look taller in their photos together. Morrell said he was 5'9.5" back in the 80s. As I said Sly was never taller than 5'9" flat, but it's not too surprising for a 5'9.5" man to think they're similar. Sly looked at least 5'10.5"-5'11" in Rambo 2 as well, so those boots must have had lifts.
RR said on 1/Jan/22
Way to go cutting through the noise. 😄👍👌
Arch Stanton said on 1/Jan/22
Him claiming 5'10 and a half and 5'10 and 3/4 might have been the two inch Hollywood rule.... I don't know why people think he was as short as 5 ft 7 though. 5'10 in shoes seems about right, not as short as many think.
Bradley said on 30/Dec/21
He was in wedged up custom boxing footwear in 1976. Find the training footage from the film when he was in standard footwear...he's so short he's leaping off the canvas on his punches. In Rambo his boots had massive lifts inside.
Alan mctavish said on 29/Dec/21
I always thought sly was 5'9" peak height. Becouse i was only age 9 or 10 when i watched the rocky films in 1982 and i thought he must be big to act as a heavy weight boxer, i had no idea about him wearing 4 inch high shoes or lifts as i have learnend lol. But when i read he was 5'8" and maybe smaller i thought no surely not. Becouse in rocky i could see that his thick hair made him look at least 2 inches taller and i saw his shoes and they were at least 2 inch heels on them. So that would take him to at least 5'11" including the hair wich is tall. But carl weathers who played apollo creed was 6'2" flat footed, thats why when they stand eye to eye before there fight you will notice the camera looks up at them from near the floor to decieve apollos real height. But in rocky 3 clubber lang is 5'10" so hes really an inch or two taller and thats why the camera did show them almost eye to eye with clubber lang looking down at rocky from an inch taller becouse he is meant to be the real killing machine.
Rising174cm said on 25/Dec/21
Not true. Sly wore Converse in that scene and Burt wore boots and Sly was clearly still taller. Here's a still:
Click Here and here's a scene where you can see a wide shot at 1:07:
Click Here and another scene with a wide shot:
Click Here
Converse about 0.6" while Burt's boots are likely about 1". Burt's lousy posture can make the difference even greater, but it's still clear that Sly is taller there despite less footwear. Stallone could have been anywhere from 5'8.5" minimum to 5'9" max peak while Burt could have been anywhere from 5'7.5" minimum to 5'8" maximum. As I showed on 18/Nov/21, though, Burt has lost a lot of height while Sly doesn't appear to have lost more than half an inch.
Tanguy Collineau said on 20/Dec/21
In the movie rocky 1, there is a scene with burt young's 5'7 and usual dressing shoes and sly with boxing shoes walking in the slaughterhouse / abattoir and they are barely same height. 173 cm peak height!
Rising174cm said on 8/Dec/21
Here are two more photos of Sly and JCVD in dress shoes:
Click Here Click Here Van Damme is not taller. Here's Sly in 1.75" shoes looking at least 2 cm taller than JCVD:
Click Here Click Here
Rising174cm said on 7/Dec/21
@Parker: I actually agree after seeing this other photo from just 2 months ago:
Click Here Dolph is still 6'2.5" minimum and more often looks closer to 6'3" since his 2017 hip replacements, though post-height loss Lundgren tends to look shorter when standing with people considerably shorter. Regardless, it's hard to see Sly less than 5'8.5" with him. Same with most of his 2018 and 2019 appearances.
The difference between peak Lundgren and Stallone in wide shots from the Rocky 4 set was obviously a lot greater. Dolph was at least 193 cm back then and has likely shrunk to about 190 range. It's clear Stallone hasn't shrunk anywhere near that much. He really only appeared to have lost about 1 cm between 2012 and 2015 and hasn't looked any shorter since. Based on appearance he's very likely 175 cm peak and 174 cm today.
And Van Damme has related his own height to Stallone's. It was certainly clear that a 66 year old Stallone was no shorter than a 51-52 year old Van Damme:
Click Here Many have guessed Stallone at nearer 5'9" as well even if we ignore his co-stars like Weathers and Lundgren giving him 5'10"+. Brigitte Nielsen is in the best position to know and said 174-175 cm. Co-star Kevin Conway is aware of the lifts and still said 5'9". Similarly, First Blood author David Morrell said Sly seemed his height(5'9.5") back in the 80s and was also aware that his "sturdy Rambo boots" as he put it, made Sly look taller in their on set photo. Eddie Murphy also referred to Sly as 5'9".
Mel Gibson is another 5'9" action star who is also regularly called short and guessed often at 5'6"-5'8". Van Damme himself gets the same thing.
Duhon said on 4/Dec/21
Sly is what I call "Short action star" height. Meaning his height (at peak at least) 5'9" give or take isn't particularly short among the general population but it is for the perception of how tall an action star should be. Most people associate action stars as being 6'+. So seeing Sly in person would cause most people think he is shorter than he should be.
Same with Arnold today, who is described as short-ish by some in person as he's now 5'10'-5'11" and not 6'2" like some people think he is.
Parker said on 30/Nov/21
Rising174cm said on 18/Nov/21
As of this past week, Burt Young has lost way more height than Sly! Click Here I know he's 6 years older, but it's safe to say that Sly's height has held up much better even relative to their ages.
I would not be surprised if Sly still measured 5'8.5 lunchtime
Az said on 30/Nov/21
Rob, you rarely see low average guys get described as this tiny by most people.
Claude Van Damme :"he's very short".
Janice Dickenson: "I couldn't believe how short he was".
Most other people also guessed him at 5'6"-5'8" in the quotes you link.
He has perfect posture, and looks lean/taller than he is, so why are people portraying him as so tiny? We know that most people guess others as taller than they are (due to exaggerating their own height) Are people exaggerating/joking when they call him so short?
V for 1984 said on 28/Nov/21
Haha it’s impossible to gauge. He’s looked 5-11 to 5-7. He’s the lucky dip height master. 5-8.5 peak imo
Bradley said on 22/Nov/21
Sly will never get below 5' 8".. Burt has lost lots.
Rising174cm said on 18/Nov/21
As of this past week, Burt Young has lost way more height than Sly!
Click Here I know he's 6 years older, but it's safe to say that Sly's height has held up much better even relative to their ages.
Rising174cm said on 9/Nov/21
5'8.75" or weak 5'9" peak into the Expendables era. Still about 5'8.5" until 2017 or so, but I'd probably guess more like 5'8" now based on probability even though he's done a good job standing tall and continuing to look over that.
MaskDeMasque 5'9.5 said on 7/Nov/21
Watched the final Rambo film last night. A 73 year old Stallone is still looking 5'8 maybe 5'8.25. 5'9 peak seems very likely.
Bradley said on 4/Nov/21
On Kojak he was 5' 8.5" barefoot with some boots to boot. He tried to beat the golden Greek but Telly pinched his cheek and showed him his customs and went "who loves ya baby, nice try".
Hong said on 3/Nov/21
Click Here Here's a young Stallone with Kevin Dobson,I googled Dobson to find out his height its mainly listed as 5ft11 but one had 5ft10.
berta said on 30/Oct/21
fraction taller than kurt russell ( both barefoot in tango and cash) peak 176,5 and today 174,4. Everyone will disagree. :P
Bradley said on 28/Oct/21
Westbound on Olympic to the 405 is correct.
Westbound on Olympic said on 26/Oct/21
Impossible to judge haha. 5-8.5 peak
MaximusPrime said on 21/Oct/21
Stallone 5’9 and now 5’8
RR said on 19/Oct/21
Forget about it. It's all cool. No harm done. At least you weren't a consistent jerk. Appreciate you being a gentleman. That's what the world needs more of. 😀😄👍
bmb said on 17/Oct/21
Gonna guess maybe 5'8⅞" for his prime
bmb said on 17/Oct/21
@pere t. jackson Good analysis, but Carter is a bit closer to the camera than Sly is (look up forced perspective). So Sly is going to look a bit shorter. Even with the advantage Carter has in favor, Sly still looks taller in that photo. So if Carter leans back a little and we get an actual height comparison. Sly would probably be taller than him by maybe a couple of inches.
Frank R1 said on 16/Oct/21
In the film "Nighthawks" (1981), Stallone appears to be exactly the same height as the legit 5'9" Lindsay Wagner.
Cjcjcj said on 15/Oct/21
@RR I Was wrong, sorry, it was a provocation, I accept the answer
Good Day to you
RR said on 10/Oct/21
It's hard to follow you with that grammar. You must not be American. Anyhow, it's one thing to wear those lifts as you so like, but it's another thing when you're claiming it to be your actual height! That's what we're discussing on here. The true height of an individual. Not one man's freedom to be vain. That's the pure definition of being a charlatan.
Buona giornata amico,
Cjcjcj said on 10/Oct/21
I think that American have to think anout milions of died in Afghanistan, homeless, unemployment, very bad social system, very bad, health system, in these questione Americans lie
Ian C. said on 9/Oct/21
Stallone tended to cast himself as big guys. This made sense when he played Rocky Balboa, who was a heavyweight boxer, and he got away with it by casting tiny actors like Burgess Meredith and Burt Young as his supporters.
But check him out in Over the Top, where he plays an arm wrestling champion. That was a bit of a stretch. The real arm wrestling champs are quite tall. One of them, Cleve Dean, was six foot six and competed while weighing close to 400 pounds. (Dean could not walk without a cane, because his legs could not support his massive size.) Another arm wrestling champ was actor William Smith, who was six foot one. Smith looked in reality like Stallone looked in his dreams.
Cjcjcj said on 8/Oct/21
@RR American are obsessed versus stupid things lie of 2 3 cm is not very serious. Stallone is under 5 ft 9 and with bad proportion, for this has a fame of lift wearer. But I think that everyone has a freedom to wear that he want
Westbound on Olympic said on 7/Oct/21
Shorter than you believe if you met him for real. 5-8.5 peak
RR said on 7/Oct/21
Everyone knows he's a frequent user of lifts and a pretty bad liar. Ask yourself; why would anyone who stands 5'9 or 5'10 be wearing lifts in the first place? Sylvester "Sly Height" Stallone is half-witted as they come.
Bradley said on 6/Oct/21
He was in boots to battle the golden Greek. Telly wore custom bricks throughout the series.
097 said on 4/Oct/21
hi teddy savalas kojeack serie annd stallon on show savalas 1m78 and stallone 1m68
link video on 4minue02seconde
Click Here
MichaelMyers said on 4/Oct/21
Changing my guess for peak height from 5'9", to 5'9.5". And I still think he's 5'7.5" now, tho he will usually look maybe 2 inches taller (5'9.5") due to his monster lifts. I think his lifts now, perhaps make him look how tall he was when he was younger. The man is 75 years old, and he's a weight lifter. He's definitely lost some height, I believe 2 inches easily.
Slim 6'1.75 said on 3/Oct/21
5’10” morning heights not impossible
Add to dc now please
Jonp said on 1/Oct/21
Yeah 5"10......in his lifts.
Cjcjcj said on 1/Oct/21
3 ich lift? Nahh
Johan 185 cm said on 29/Sep/21
Well on Instagram he posted a pic of Hogan standing on a platform and in the comments was asked his height. He still claims 5'10" even today. Big G couldn't contain himself and he gleefully backed him up, saying that he was 3 inches taller than his 5'8" frame. To which he was asked, wouldnt that make you 5'7"?. nono, SLy was 5'11" in person, to which someone responded, yes and you're 5'6" 5/8ths in person :)
RR said on 26/Sep/21
Mr. Sly's height at the peak of his life was a weak 5 ft 8 or rather 5ft 7 ¾. Now he's currently 5 ft 6. Wears 3 inch lifts to look closer to 5 ft 9.
MichaelMyers said on 20/Sep/21
Sly being a 75 year old guy, who's lifted weights much of his life, only losing 3 quarters of an inch? It doesn't add up to me. I'd bet anything that he's lost at least an inch lol.
5'9" for peak height, current height seems to be around 5'7.5". Tho nowadays he usually seems much taller than whatever his real height is, due to lifts and/or thick heeled shoes.
MaskDeMasque 5'9.5 said on 20/Sep/21
5'7 guesses are crazy. Absolute min he could be is 5'8.5 but 5'9 or 5'8.75 peak is more likely.
Pieter said on 5/Sep/21
Guess Sylvester Stalone’s actual height as 5’7”
QM6'1.5" said on 3/Sep/21
Agreed with guys below.
Sly's height is like "Mission impossible".
1st picture - he's 5'11, next one he's 5'8" ... And we have many events both with Arnold when Sly almost the same height.
It depends from everything, but he isn't short (not un 5'7 anyway) and def taller than RD Jr :)
Cjcjcj said on 2/Sep/21
@ethanwolf if opposite are good proportion and very strong physique not dwarfed
Swarzneher is not able to dwarfe Ronnie coleman Kevin levrone flex wheeler Lee Haney, all of them 5 ft 9 5 ft 10
Cjcjcj said on 1/Sep/21
@slim let's cut the bull
Click Here.
Cjcjcj said on 1/Sep/21
@ethanwolf Depend on camera ankle
Westbound on Olympic said on 31/Aug/21
In rocky 1 he looks 6-1 lol. He’s a ultimate magician of height!! Seen him recently on social media and looks to under 5-8 lol. I’d say it’s impossible to say. Probably a 5-8 or 5-9 approx guy.
Bradley said on 31/Aug/21
The Stinker is correct about peak, however; his height now is 5' 8" or as listed.
Stinky 186 cm said on 29/Aug/21
This guy is honestly impossible to pin that cause he can look 5’ 11” at times and other times he can look as short as 5’ 6” it’s honestly insane how much this guy varies in height I’m gonna average it out and say he was about 5’ 8 1/2” at peak and now is about 5’ 7 1/2”
Irshgrl500 said on 19/Aug/21
That's all.
Dr Decker said on 11/Aug/21
Shorter than Sharon Stone. Can’t be taller than 5-8 barefoot.
177cm said on 22/Jul/21
5’9” MAX peak is as close to the truth we’re ever gonna get
Tall Sam said on 19/Jul/21
I don’t think he had a significant edge on De Niro in Copland actually, he and Kurt Russell though can look pretty close too.
Roby Italy said on 18/Jul/21
Hey Rob, sly, in Cobra he seems almost as tall as his "colleague" played by Reni Santoni (who was believed to be 6'1 tall) how is that possible, given sly's true height?

Editor Rob
maybe he had good boots in the film?
man 1 said on 13/Jul/21
I thought he was a big guy after watching Rocky 1.
Sly is approx 5'9 which is American average, what do you think is the Indian equivalent of American average( because most of the city people, especially of our generation looks well above 5'5 for example in almost every class of 25 students there almost always 1 or 2 students above 6'2, and students below 5'7 looks very short mostly. Even some rude people say 5'8 is short. So what do you think is the 5'10 height of India.
Dr Decker said on 12/Jul/21
Just under 5-8 peak
Sinclair said on 5/Jul/21
I’d say 5’9.5” peak, easily edges out Robert de Niro in Copland and I thought he had at least one inch on Antonio Banderas in Assassins. I would have settled for 5’9.25” had I not seen Stallone with Don Johnson, Stallone looks so much taller than DJ in photos, DJ was at least 5’9” and both men were known to regularly wear lifts so I wouldn’t count much difference in their footwear.
Hotspots said on 22/Jun/21
Hard to see over 5-9 peak. Now hard to see barefoot over 5-8.
Alex 6'0 said on 21/Jun/21
Ive seen guys 5'8 range or even between 5'7-5'8 claim 5'10 lol. If you're 5'9 you could pass 5'10 but 5'7-5'8 claiming it is bad.
Nik Ashton said on 16/Jun/21
@ Catherine roberts - Could be, some guys of 5’8” claim to be 5’11” too and even 6’0” on occasions. Yes, 5’10” may be the start of what a lot of people think is the “Big Misters range” but “Big Misters” can be any height in my eyes, I know you will agree. It’s what’s in the heart that counts, not a person’s level of height! Also 5’10” may be a height that appeals to many because 10 is a two digit number and 5’10” is two inches below 6’0”!
Catherine roberts said on 15/Jun/21
Why do guys that are 5ft8 or so always claim to be 5ft10? Is it because it's the start of the tall height.
DDH said on 7/Jun/21
67 inches sounds about right.
RR said on 6/Jun/21
Someone considered to be 5 ft 9 wouldn't be called short. Sixty-seven inches, translates to roughly 5 ft 7 give or take.
Some people call me Romeo; other people call me Romel.
Ethan Wolf said on 2/Jun/21
Arnold at his prime really dwarfed him, I'd say 174 at best for prime. For today's I have no idea tho.
Hotspots said on 2/Jun/21
I’m meeting mr T and seeing him at maximum 5-10 it kinda does make you think if sly was ever taller than 5-8.
viper said on 27/May/21
He's always been 5-7
5-9 is laughable
5'10 Dude said on 27/May/21
Since Sly wears elevator shoes like all the time he probably regularly stands at around 5'10 or 5'11. A fairly strong 5'8 barefoot seems accurate and his peak in my opinion is 5'9 tops. He's not as short as some people think. He's not even really short in my opinion. His stocky build can make him look shorter than he really is.
Hong said on 26/May/21
Click Here Here's Sly with 6ft4.75 listed Kobe Bryant,he looks tiny in comparison,that's how he looks compared to a genuine 6ft4.75.
Hotspots said on 25/May/21
Peak strong 5-8. Now maybe just under 5-8
Impartial Judge said on 14/May/21
Always been a 5'8 guy that wears different footwear sizes. Honestly, Italians are pretty short so not too surprising.
Duhon said on 4/May/21
Not the best photo for height comparison but this was Arnie and Stallone in the late 70s when they would have both been at their physical peak heights. Even back then Stallone made sure to wear advantageous shoes haha
Click Here
Jtm said on 4/May/21
Not under 5’7 and not over 5’8
RR said on 3/May/21
With or without lifts, Stallone doesn't even stand close to looking 5 ft 8 1/2 currently here with Schwarzenegger.
Click Here
Which means he could be even lower than 5'7 barefoot. There's no way he was ever 5ft 8.88in peak in real life.
Why conform? Why do the same as most people?
RR said on 3/May/21
@Bradley, thanks brother! I was like 20 in '06, different interests back then I guess.
@Arch Stanton, that photo would help the argument, if you can upload it?
6 ft 4 you say for Clint Eastwood? That could be debatable. Why waste time on someone over 6 ft tall?
Mr. T looks to be more accurately listed and closer in height. Why muddle with a good thing, right?
It's still possible that someone that was 5 ft 7 1/2 to 5 ft 8 used 2.5 to 3 inch lifts to look about 5 ft 10 and up. Since everyone who's met with Stallone has said he uses lifts.
How do you rule out Mr. T having approximately more than a 2 inch difference?
Just my estimate and 2 cents.
Arch Stanton said on 2/May/21
Saw a picture of him with Clint the other day and he was only a couple of inches shorter LOL. 6 ft 4 vs 5 ft 7 as some think I think not. Maybe the current guess 5'8.88 peak is spot on! Wisdom of the masses I've noticed tends to often look accurate, even with many underestimating.
Bradley said on 1/May/21
Great shots double R. We needed you in '06 on this Stallone forum. 5' 8.5" it is with T. Hotspots knows the truth.
berta said on 30/Apr/21
Rob how can stallonebe listed 175 peak and kurt russell 176 (with a chanse of 177) when they looked the same height barefoot in the shower scene in tango and cash. if one of tem was taller then it looked like stallone. i really think 176,5 is better peak. i know everyone wants him to be shorter and call him dwarf but he really was a average guy, just litte under avergae.

Editor Rob
they are quite close, but from all I've seen I'd have given Kurt a greater chance of measuring taller.
RR said on 29/Apr/21
Assuming both are wearing boxing boots, (giving them equal footwear) and assuming Mr T. is the full 5 ft 10 he claims to be. These photos are possibly the best out there, in comparing and analyzing Stallone's real height at the time, once and for all.
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
I personally believe Stallone was no more then 5 ft 7 1/2. Or just under 5 ft 8.
We need those white lines with inches. How about it Rob, please?