Hungarian Actor best remembered for roles in films such as Casablanca, The Maltese Falcon, Arsenic and Old Lace, M, Mad Love, The Man Who Knew Too Much, Beat the Devil and the Mr. Moto series. He has been described in biographies as 5ft 5, 5ft 4 and also 5ft 3. I even read he himself tried once to claim he was "5ft 8"!
Sandy Cowell said on 21/Jan/23
It’s thanks to the lovely Caroline Munro that I can now pronounce Peter’s surname correctly!
Tall Sam said on 10/Jun/22
Yeah actors like Bogart must’ve loved him since it was easy to look tall near him.
Jug said on 16/Aug/17
Lorre was 5'2. He made Bogie look like a 6 footer. Fantastic actor. He really made the films he was in.
josh jeffords said on 2/Jan/17
Just watched british Man who knew too much, this guy is so fing creepy!!
Onscreen he looked between an obvious 5 3 up to a weak 5 6 due to other leading men who lied about being 5 9..
Really funny seeing him across from 6 1 -4 thugs hes bossing everyone around with authority!
could be very funny too very versatile hes listed 5 3 .5 but being austrian why not millimetric it?
Needs 20,000 leagues under the sea a perfect role demonstration showing him in a lighter role.
Matt said on 27/Oct/15
I remember reading that he was measured at 5'5'' according to medical records.
Sam said on 10/Aug/15
I bet he was really well liked by Hollywood stars when he came to America, he was a guy they would seem tall in comparison with.
Sam said on 10/Apr/15
Rob, could you add to his credits the following?: Mad Love, The Man Who Knew Too Much, Arsenic and Old Lace, Beat the Devil and the Mr. Moto series.
Arch Stanton said on 20/Mar/14
Rob, asking if Lorre could have really been 5'5" is sort of like asking if Bieber could really be 5'9"! This guy made shortish to average guys look really tall!
Arch Stanton said on 20/Mar/14
5 ft 5 ? LOL. Not a chance. 5'2"-5'3" I think is what he was, I was just saying that he really looked that short in 20,000 leagues. In Fritz Lang's M he didn't look lower than this though, and for once he had on normal shoes in that film!
Arch Stanton said on 17/Dec/13
He looks almost a full head shorter than Kirk Douglas in 20,000 leagues under the sea!!! He looks crazy short in it, like 5 ft 1.
Arch Stanton said on 2/Sep/13
Rob any idea how tall Cantiflas was. 5'8" seems to be on the web but its a joke for him, he looks nowhere near it. More 5'6" I think.
Arch Stanton said on 2/Sep/13
IN Around the World in 80 days, Cantiflas looks 5'5"-5'6" next to Niven. He's shorter than Shirley MacLaine. However. Cantiflas looked 3-4 inches taller than Lorre in it. Lorre looks nearer 5'2" in it I'd say. Perhaps he's lost height by 1956?
Knowitall said on 10/Jul/13
Paul Henreid was six foot two.
Bogart was five foot seven. With lifts would reach five nine and a half.
And Lorre was five three.
Oh, and Mickey Rooney who I once met was barely five feet tall.
greg lehmann said on 4/Jul/13
Just bagged The Mask Of Dimitrios DVD last week. Pete never did better! But I remember him best from a 1959 What's My Line? mystery guest appearance in which panelist Arlene Francis called Pete the "sad eyed,innocent villain" and she nailed it because she said Peter Lorre was a WB gangster movie star of the 1930's and 1940's,which he was,but I'm happy Warner Archives brought The Mask Of Dimitrios to DVD for future generations to see what a fine actor Lorre was!
Arch Stanton said on 18/May/13
Sure it would be my pleasure to. Paul Henreid at times only looked about 5 inches taller than Bogart in that film and he was supposedly 6'3" so Bogart must have had footwear advantage or Henreid was no more than 6'2". I didn't notice his shoes but Lorre's shoes were real serious ones even by Downey's standards! I'm surprised he could walk in them!
Arch Stanton said on 17/May/13
Rob, have you got Casablanca on DVD? I bought it as I couldn't get it online. If you have pause at 21:22, there is a scene in which Lorre fires a gun and in the corridor his trouser legs briefly come up and you can see he's wearing big lifts!! The heels are massive and his feet are virtually coming out of the shoes!! Even in those Downey Junior like shoes he was wearing Bogart had more 6 inches than 5 on him in Casablanca. I'm starting to doubt he was even 5 ft 3. I vaguely recall that he did look easily 5'3" range next to Mickey Rooney in Quicksand I saw them in which Rooney was a mechanic who borrowed money but he was probably wearing big lifts. Is it possible Bogart was taller than a flat 5'8"? I don't think he ever really looked over 5'8.5", but I think it is possible Lorre was even shorter than this. The heels are shocking in Casablanca, he looked near 5'2" even in those big lifts compared to Bogart!!

Editor Rob
yeah he could look at least 6 inches taller at times in that film, but I am sure Bogie was wearing big shoes aswell in parts of the film.
oh, if you see older actor page like this without any mention of any films they've been in do put a comment as I'm trying to go back over pages added years ago and improve them a little bit.
Arch Stanton said on 17/May/13
LOL at 5'8"!! And you think G is bad!! If he's 5 ft 5 Bogart was 5'11! Bogart looks near 6 inches taller in Casablanca, I'd say 5'3" is surely the most he could have been...
gregory lehmann said on 15/May/11
I sure wish "The Mask Of Dimitrios" would come out on DVD. That was me favorite movie Peter Lorre did.Just the same,I wish "Toward The Unknown" and "WallOf Noise" would hit DVD,as well as some other WB classic movies like "The Hanging Tree."
Chip said on 17/Dec/08
If Peter Lorre was 5-5", then Humphrey Bogart was nearly 6 ft. So I definitely believe 5'3" for Peter Lorre.
Anne Sharp said on 18/Nov/08
Friedemann Beyer, who wrote a German biography of Peter Lorre, said he was about 5'3" and I think that's about right. If you see a candid photo of him and Humphrey Bogart together Bogart usually appears to be about 5 or 6 inches taller than him and Bogart was 5'8".
Glenn said on 13/Dec/06
Yeah,I was always a little skeptical about 5-5.I always thought he was 5-3,5-4.
Lisa said on 12/Dec/06
I read the new biography of Peter Lorre by Stephen Youngking. He said 5'5", but if you dig around you see later he questions that measurement.
I think it's gotta be 5'3"! In Arsenic and Old Lace he always looks like 5'3", same way in My Favorite Brunette. God knows you can't compare in any of his movies with Bogart....
Regus said on 7/Aug/06
It's good! They do four of the 8, greatly restored, nice featurettes on director Norman Foster and Lorre, etc. I'm impressed myself.
Glenn said on 6/Aug/06
Lucky is the packaging? Im getting one eventually.
Regus said on 5/Aug/06
I have the new Mr Moto DVD set here-Lorre is def. no more than 5-4 or 5-3, sure. Look at him w/ Carradine or Philip Ahn. He's pretty compact.
Bleemo said on 23/Apr/06
US actor? I always thought he was form Hungary originally? The film that mad ehim famous was a chilling German movie classic "M ". He Left Europe when the Nazis turned up in Germany and went from London to the US and stayed there basically.
Had a pretty interesting life all in all, was a student of Sigmund Freund, was tipped off by Joseph Goebells to leave Germany before he was arrested, talked Humphrey Bogart into marrying Lauren bacall and was a pretty dam good actor.

Editor Rob
I type 'us actor' so often on this site its the first thing I normally do ;-) I forget occasionally to change it...
Frank2 said on 19/Apr/06
Yes, in Arsenic and Old Lace his character is described as being 5'3". And Lorre was 5'3". I've seen far too many photos of him and watched most of his films to come away with any other height for him.
sam said on 19/Apr/06
He probably was closer to 5'3" but, for much his career, I thought he was billed at 5'5". Could have been 5'4"ish at his peak? Even Humphrey Bogart, apparently sans his trusty lifts, looked pretty tall next to Lorre.
Paul said on 19/Apr/06
I'd have a hard time believing he was ever more than 5'3" or so. He was shorter than Keye Luke (another short actor) in Mr. Moto's Gamble. Seeing him next to George Sanders in Mr. Moto's Last Warning it looks like there could be a foot of difference.
Here he is being dwarfed by Barton MacLane (5'11"-6'0") in Maltese Falcon.
Click Here
It's been awhile since I've seen Arsenic and Old Lace, but isn't Lorre's character in that movie referred to as 5'3"?