How tall is Samia Longchambon

Samia Longchambon's Height

5ft 1 ½ (156.2 cm)

English actress best known for her role of Maria Connor in ITV soap Coronation Street. In StyleMag she commented on her height, saying: "standing next to him [husband] it made me realise just how short I am (5ft 1)". On her talent agency page, she was described as: "Height: 5'2", Hair Colour: Dark Brown, Eye Colour: Blue-Green".

How tall is Samia Ghadie
Photo by PR Photos
I was 7st 7lb before I started my training and I went down to 7st.
That was too light. I’m 5ft 3in and I looked like a little girl. I have gone back up to 7st 4lb but I’m still toned because of all the exercise I’ve been doing.
-- OK!, 29 Apr 2014

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Add a Comment18 comments

Average Guess (15 Votes)
5ft 1.4in (156cm)
Sandy Cowell said on 2/Mar/23
Nice one, Maria, giving a listening ear to Daisy, who’s going through the sheer hell of being stalked.

What an understanding human being, and as she’s endured the same experience herself, she’s the ideal person for young Daisy to turn to.

5ft1.5. 😁💐
Sandy C said on 16/Jul/22
Poor Maria, with nutcases after her, simply because she’s trying to make the world a better place by becoming a local MP.

It’s dreadful that the Police need so much concrete evidence before they can make an arrest. As Lawrence Tierney said in ‘Reservoir Dogs’, “Who needs proof when you have instinct?”

Obviously, the job of the Police isn’t an easy one, and they DO
need proof.

5ft1.5 for Samia.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 9/Jul/22
Talking about having cold water poured over one’s ideas, when Maria suggested that Fiz should wear false eyelashes because she wanted her eyes to ‘pop’, Evelyn said “It’s a wedding - NOT a horror film!”

Good old Evelyn! (Maureen Lipman).

Samia gets 5ft1.5.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 19/Jun/21
Maria Connor (Samia) is supporting her friend, Fiz, by siding with her against her brother, who's gone off with a trophy girl some 15+ years his junior. Well done Maria, and I agree he does look ridiculous in the overly youthful tight 'n' shiny clothes his girlfriend chooses for him (Tyrone) to wear! 😂

5ft1.5. 💐😉
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 15/Dec/20
Ha ha! Well done to Samia's Maria, telling the 6ft2.5 Ray Crosby that if he doesn't leave young Faye Windass alone, she'll sort him out herself!

Both girls are around 5ft1. I believe Maria would as well!


Miss Sandy Cowell said on 17/Aug/20
Well, the two of them, Maria and Gary, have just got married after all. Gary has mended his ways, but it would seem as though his connection to his ex, Sarah, who's having marriage strife with Adam Barlow because she won't grass on Gary for a defence killing, is going to impact badly on Maria's and Gary's marriage.

Samia's Maria, who plays a hairdresser, has even, if inadvertently, coloured her blonde hair red like Gary's, but will that be enough to keep him? 🤔

5ft1.5. I did read that she was 5ft3 when she was first new to the Street - with brown hair!

Miss Sandy Cowell said on 24/Dec/19
Oh, my word! Poor Maria (Samia) is expecting Gary's baby! How awful for her, to be tied to HIM! I read that her baby's been likened to the spawn of the Devil! I wouldn't go that far - he/she is half hers after all, but if I was in her shoes, I'd take myself and my pregnant tum-tum as far away from that nasty piece of work, Gary Windarse, as possible!

Samia gets 5ft1. 🤰🎄
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 4/Nov/19
I wouldn't get too close to Garry, Maria! He's DANGEROUS!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 4/Nov/19
Samia looked quite a bit taller than Bethany in last week's 'Coronation Street', yet they're both listed as 5ft1! No amount of footwear can give a difference like that, well, it can, but I didn't hear Samia's Maria's shoes clonking around like they would have done in order to make a height difference like THAT!

5ft1.75. I've read she's 5ft3 before.
Littlelee5ft6 said on 29/Jul/19
If she is 5ft 1 her husband sylvian isn't over 5ft 9 barefoot. Certainly not the listed 5ft 11
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 13/Jul/19
💐🎉🎂 Happy Birthday Samia! 🎂🎉💐

Samia turns 37 today. Many Happy Returns to her!

I can't see her as less than 5ft1.5.

Miss Sandy Cowell said on 6/Jul/19
Yes, guys, certainly according to one of last week's episodes of 'Coronation Street' bore out your theory that women, some women, I hasten to add, stick 'tall' top on their list of priorities when it comes to describing their ideal type.

However, this was a Soap, after all. I have known plenty of real-life women who have said the same and ended up settling down with smaller guys than them and sometimes even, MUCH smaller guys.

Maria - you are only about 5ft1! You shouldn't have to look far! 😁

I will go with 5ft1.5. I have read 5ft2 and 3 before.
Sandy Cowell said on 19/Nov/18
@ Nik - I wish I was taller but only because of the inferior way so many, many people regard the shorter among us! Also, furniture tends to be designed for people taller than me, as do many shop displays. I find myself on tiptoe a great deal of the time! Other than that, I don't give a stuff, and, of course, I can't get over my nice
⭐️ New Height!⭐️

I distinctly remember reading Samia was 5ft3 once, indeed I do!

Today this little knockout can have 5ft1.5!
Nik said on 10/Dec/17
@ Sandy Cowell - Hi!

You are jolly well right and it stinks! Why can't people lower other people's height, or their own height, if the true height of a person is not going to be told? We are brought up in a world where in a lot of cases it is seen as better to be taller, and that is simply not on! I don't care how far my head is off the ground or how far other people's heads are off the ground! Comprendez? I know you do!

Samia is beautiful, whether she be 5'3" or 5'1.5"! I will give her 5'1.5"!
Sandy Cowell said on 9/Dec/17
When Samia was first signed up for her part, I only ever read that she was 5ft3!
Whether this was a publicity stunt or not, they always RAISE the height, never the other! It's like saying that taller is better! Bah to that! 😝

She can have 5ft1.5!
gorgeous said on 14/Oct/07
she looks much taller in corrie!
Glenn said on 16/Oct/06
Perfect.could be 5-9 actually.
Padraig said on 16/Oct/06
Glenn, I am to use your own estimate for Millz, is 5 feet 8 and a half is too much?

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.