How tall is Brad Pitt - Page 23

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Average Guess (1435 Votes)
5ft 10.62in (179.4cm)
RisingForce said on 23/Feb/09
The problem with Pitt is he has excellent proportions, he's one of the best at disguising elevator shoes and he has flawless posture. That's why it can be hard to see him under 5'11". 5'10" minimum, 5'11" max. There's a good chance he's somewhere in between.
dicky curtis said on 23/Feb/09
Have you ever met him Glenn, how is he like? Even though he can look quite tall i also think he could indeed be somewhat under 5.11 so i do think to agree now. although i'll never see him under 5.10.
glenn said on 23/Feb/09
i dont have a problem with a 5-10 flat pitt.most likely he is a bit more.5-11 not impossible either.6ft,6-1 laughable.
George said on 23/Feb/09
Pitt is 5'10.5 tops, definetely not a full 5'11.
RisingForce said on 23/Feb/09
Complex says on 22/Feb/09
He very well might be Alex, I really think 5'10 is more accurate although i'd say 5'10.5 absolute tops tho, it may seem strange to see him in the 5'9 range but the pics of him and gwyn are pretty hard to get by..

Not really considering that is a mid-stride picture. The picture with Edward Norton is a lot more convincing.
Complex said on 22/Feb/09
He very well might be Alex, I really think 5'10 is more accurate although i'd say 5'10.5 absolute tops tho, it may seem strange to see him in the 5'9 range but the pics of him and gwyn are pretty hard to get by..
Ryan said on 22/Feb/09
If Pitt's 5'11 then David Duchovny has to be at least 6'2 look at them in kalifornia theres more then just a inch diffrence at least 2 inches. but it says on hear David Duchovny is around 6'0.25 so i'd put pitt at 5'10 5'10.5 tops.
Chan Man said on 22/Feb/09
I am also classified as solid 5'10 /weak 5'11, but I am pretty skinny though. I don't have a big frame I have small arms so my weight does not support my height very well. in other words, i am underweight.
Alex said on 22/Feb/09
James, I can agree on Brad being those heights morning, afternoon and night. He'd be classifed as 5'10 1/2 on that, solid 5'10/weak 5'11.
bam said on 22/Feb/09
great find rising force.
JD said on 21/Feb/09
couldnt agree more doug
dicky curtis said on 21/Feb/09
That is probably the only picture with robert redford where pitt looks shorter.
pitt looked taller during the entire film. lets not get subjective here.
Alex said on 21/Feb/09
Complex, I am thinking Pitt is 5'10 to 5'10 1/2 barefoot but with lifts will be 6'0-6'1.
Complex said on 20/Feb/09
Nice pic rising, they musta made pitt take off his monster heels for that shot.
Doug said on 20/Feb/09
I think it very likely that Pitt is around 5'10" barefoot and regularly wears 2 inch lifts to scrape the 6 foot mark, 6'1" in his munsters, we know that height is an issue with him personally. Pitt has a very toned and slight frame yes, but I would never describe him as having the frame of a "little man". 5 ft 10 is a solid height for a guy and when you look like Pitt and have millions of women around the world swooning after you, I really couldn't care less if I was 5'10" or 6'2" to be honest. I'd give away 4 inches of height anyday to be 5'10" and have the success and popularity that he has had. The people who slag him off here as being "little" are the ones who clearly are jealous of his status. While everybody here sits and debates his footwear he is around the world in his two inch shoes making millions and helping people. Better than most could ever claim here for sure.
Doug said on 20/Feb/09
I remember an interview a while back when Pitt was asked what he would change about himself. Pitt replied and said something like "We all have our insecurities in some way although I'm pretty happy in my own skin. If anything I'd like to be two inches taller". Read into that as you may but Pitt wishes he was 2 inches taller. Does this mean he is 5'10" barefoot and wishes he was 6 foot without any inflated footwear??
RisingForce said on 20/Feb/09
I posted this on the Robert Redford page a while ago.
Click Here

Redford looks as tall or a hair taller than Pitt and he's 5-10.5. I'm not sure if Redford wears lifts or not, but in Spy Game Pitt wore big heels. Maybe he didn't have them on in that picture, which was likely taken around that era.
Anonymous said on 20/Feb/09
John, you are at your tallest once you wake up in the morning. During the day you start to shrink. on average by up to 2cm. by bed time you are at your shortest. As yoy sleep your spine decompresses and you wake up taller.

I was 5'10.25 in the morning and shrink down to 5'9.75 by bedtime. over the last year i have been doing streching exercises and sleep without a pillow and now i have 'grown' to 5'10.75 in the morning and by bed time down to 5'10.25
Mr. R. said on 20/Feb/09
For some reason, the only Oscar nominated movie that I cannot bring myself to see is Benjamin Button. It seems so long and boring. Watching Brad Pitt get younger does not help either! I will try to watch it this weekend before Oscar nite.
glenn said on 20/Feb/09
i agree james.dolph can give that low of an impression.
Anonymous said on 19/Feb/09
I agree with those estimates James. I think he is a weak 5'11
Random Person said on 19/Feb/09
Hmm, possibly 5'11 by morning and 5'10.25 by day.
Complex said on 18/Feb/09
I agree with mamonazo and the anonymous that posted 5'10 morning, 5'9.5 day time, barefoot that's what he prolly is, in lifts he's like 6'0.5 or 6'1 tops in best lifts...
JJ said on 18/Feb/09
There is no way stallone is 5'8 seeing as he looks 6'1 in most pics where he's wearing lifts. I'd give them both 5'10.
glenn said on 18/Feb/09
frank2 also said colin farrell was 5-8,and other 5-10ers,had them lower too.i love the other guy who says sly is 5-10ish in sly never looked 6ft,6-1 before? next to 6-3,6-5 guys? hogan,lungren.
glenn said on 18/Feb/09
no mikewalker,i have to check that out.though the image sounds familiar.
TELLEM said on 18/Feb/09
Vegas says on 18/Feb/09
TELLEM says on 17/Feb/09
if pitt was 5'11, and gwyneth is 5'9, they WOULD NOT look nearly the same height in a full body shot pic of them walking together. again pitt is 5'10

i posted this before for the lols, never trust walking photos Click Here

1st of all, hasselhoff is bending his head down. pitt/paltrow weren't bending their heads down and wasn't mid-stride like this one. FAIL.
mamonazo said on 18/Feb/09
PITT is less than 5-11 and Sly is 5-8 on the dot. Both are great lifts wearers and Pitt reaches the 6 1/2 and Sly the 5-10 ish mark.
john said on 18/Feb/09
anonymous jw like ive seen that u posted him being taller in the morning, ive seen pple postin that all over, where pple are taller in the morning. is that true? and if so, why is that?
Anonymous said on 18/Feb/09
5'10 morning, day time 5'9.5
Vegas said on 18/Feb/09
TELLEM says on 17/Feb/09
if pitt was 5'11, and gwyneth is 5'9, they WOULD NOT look nearly the same height in a full body shot pic of them walking together. again pitt is 5'10

i posted this before for the lols, never trust walking photos Click Here
RisingForce said on 18/Feb/09
Glenn has been right next to him and it's been captured in photos, twice! Glenn knows what he's talking about.
JD said on 18/Feb/09
yeah the paltrow picks are pretty undeniable. and yeah i agree that it does look like clooney and damon are tip-toeing. probably knowing that those arent regular slippers pitts got on
Brad said on 18/Feb/09
The Playgirl with Pitt has been yanked all over sites. The nude Jennifer Aniston photos are amazing but lawyers just eat up sites putting them up. The good ones get yanked. Yer right Sly isn't 5' 8", he's 5' 8.5". Frank2 was right next to him and he's not 5' 10.75".
Complex said on 17/Feb/09
I've seen you post em delphonic and they are undeniable, I still don't see how ppl can argue with those pics. Pitt is less than/equal to 5'10...
MikeWalker said on 17/Feb/09
Hi, Glenn
DO you notice in the picture, it looks like Matt Damon and Clooney are standing on their toes... LOL.. SOrry, I couldn't help but notice.
Shorty said on 17/Feb/09
C'mon guys, accept your short height. Your insecurity is what makes it material for jokes. I'm 5'7.5", and I have women as tall as 5'11" say that I am a sexy man, and my height is part of the package. If I were six-foot, I might lose that appeal. Of course I am hella-buff, and I have a movie star face.
TELLEM said on 17/Feb/09
if pitt was 5'11, and gwyneth is 5'9, they WOULD NOT look nearly the same height in a full body shot pic of them walking together. again pitt is 5'10.
delphonic said on 17/Feb/09
Rising Force - There were 2 pics of Pitt and Paltrow in sandals. In one it appeared Pitt was more in stride, but in the next he had stopped and she was in stride and lowering her head. Both shots were full body and it was obvious beyond doubt there is no more than an inch difference in their height if that. As I've said recently, I would gladly re-post them. But they have been completely removed from the internet and are no longer on any of his fan sites! Hmmm, wonder why those got yanked??!
Scott said on 17/Feb/09
Tom Sizemore isn't 5'11 at all - he's lucky if he's anything over 5'10.

My brother has worked with him and spent a lot of time around him. For the record the guy is also a deeply unpleasant man too.

It is surprising that Pitt is smaller than him ... and if he genuinely is - then BP may well not even be the full 5'10 barefoot. Weird.
glenn said on 17/Feb/09
exactly.thats why stallone isnt 5-8.
Brad said on 16/Feb/09
Tellem is correct. Posture and customs can put you 6' 1". I bet Clooney rips him a new one all the time when he brings out the whoppers.
RisingForce said on 16/Feb/09
Pitt and Gwyneth Paltrow were also mid-stride and in different parts of their stride.

The Norton picture is much better evidence, he does look 5-10 flat there. He's in the 5-10, 5-11 range. I'm not sure if he's more 5-10 or 5-11 though.
Chan-man said on 16/Feb/09
What kind of lifts is he wearing if he can look like 6'2 next to Bana? He must have slipped some extra lifts inside the shoes or a fat hidden heel somewhere.
Dural said on 16/Feb/09
I see about 6'0.25" if you don't count differences in footware. Take away his customs and he's most likely 5'10".
TELLEM said on 16/Feb/09
lets see, nearly the same height as gwenyth paltrow in sandals, much shorter than a slouching 6'2 michael madsen, weak 5'11 tom sizemore edges him out, 2 inches shorter than 6'0 edward norton. the man is 5'10.
Dural said on 16/Feb/09
Doesn't look 6'1" with bana if you count posture, I'd say 6'0.25". 5'10" barefoot.
Englishgirl said on 16/Feb/09
Sunday Mail 15 February 2009, Piers Morgan describes Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie as "absolutely tiny".
RisingForce said on 16/Feb/09
Bana would be 6'3" or just under in those sneakers. Pitt initially looks about an inch shorter, but take away a little more for "the effect"(Pitt's military posture) and then take away a little more for Pitt's camera advantage.

He still does look to be reaching 6'1" there, factoring in everything.
Brad said on 16/Feb/09
He isn't lower than 5' 10". The most recent customs are Sly variety. Hey Brad, don't munster yourself, get real bro.
Lynn said on 15/Feb/09
Brad seems 6-2 with shoes on.
Click Here
Parker said on 15/Feb/09
Good Pic Anonymous, Pitt is slightly closer to the camera but agreed he is standing at over 6' - suggests he can't be lower than 5'10 barefoot.
Anonymous said on 15/Feb/09
Complex says on 14/Feb/09
I've never seen Pitt look over 6'1 and that's in his best elevators. I'm still stickin' with 5'10..or possibly less in late evening.

Click Here
runt said on 15/Feb/09
Simon says on 15/Feb/09
"Sorry. I've met him. He wears obvious lifts and is notorious for never taking his shoes off in pblic or in pictures. Even his warrior boots in Troy were enclosed so that they could fit the lifts inside. He has the frame of a little man when you meet him. Even with the lifts he was shorter than me and I am only 6'0. A friend of mine who has worked with him on several movies (as a studio exec) says he is short. Like 5'9 at best. It really doesn't fit his image though so everything is done to make him look taller.

Allegedly he also has a severe body odor issue as several people on the film this friend were working on complained about it. Apparently it is common
knowledge in film circles."

I've heard all of this myself.
Simon said on 15/Feb/09
Sorry. I've met him. He wears obvious lifts and is notorious for never taking his shoes off in pblic or in pictures. Even his warrior boots in Troy were enclosed so that they could fit the lifts inside. He has the frame of a little man when you meet him. Even with the lifts he was shorter than me and I am only 6'0. A friend of mine who has worked with him on several movies (as a studio exec) says he is short. Like 5'9 at best. It really doesn't fit his image though so everything is done to make him look taller.

Allegedly he also has a severe body odor issue as several people on the film this friend were working on complained about it. Apparently it is common knowledge in film circles.
RisingForce said on 14/Feb/09
Did he really look that tall at the premiere. He usually looks 6'0" to 6'1" range in elevator shoes.
Complex said on 14/Feb/09
I've never seen Pitt look over 6'1 and that's in his best elevators. I'm still stickin' with 5'10..or possibly less in late evening.
Bill said on 14/Feb/09
5'11 or 5'11.25.
RON said on 12/Feb/09
I met Brad in the 90s when he wasnt well known. He was skinny and shorter than me and im 1.81. I think i said this before long time ago. id go for a 5-10 or close to 5-11
Anonymous said on 12/Feb/09
Rob, did you ever see a pic/pics of Pitt and go: he is definitley shorter than 5'11? could you post some please for debates sake? thanks :-)
Ryan said on 11/Feb/09
In kalifornia he looks 1 1/2 to 2 inches shorther then David Duchovny who is listed as 6'0 1/4 that would make pitt around 5'10 - 5'10 3/4
Mister Lennon said on 11/Feb/09
Please, Bale is 5'11 as minimum. And i see him more as a legit 6'0 guy.

By the way, i saw Brad Pitt at the baftas in the red carpet. I said hello to him . Im 5'10 and a half and he was about the same than me.
Complex said on 11/Feb/09
Delphonic I think it's that time of year again that you bust out some of the undeniable gwyn/brad photos, I love those! He would seem 5'10, again if he's 5'11 or 6'0 then so is gwyn :)
Seduc said on 11/Feb/09
I'm 170cm. but I want to be 174cm!(average heigth)..
Alex said on 11/Feb/09
Brad Pitt gets listed anywhere from 5'10 to 5'11 1/2 on sites I saw. I M D B has him at 5'10 3/4 right now but those can be edited though.
RisingForce said on 11/Feb/09
It'd be really interesting to see what Brad claims now.
delphonic said on 10/Feb/09
Hey Stan, did you happen to notice his shoes and posture? I'm willing to bet that if you were both barefoot in Fred Segal, you would have been the taller man!
Stan said on 10/Feb/09
Guys, I've stood next to Pitt at Fred segal (expensive clothing shop here in LA) and me being 100% 5'11, I can verify that Pitt is at least 5'11 or an inch taller...

I think proportions have a lot to do how tall someone looks. For example even tho Im almost the same height as Pitt, I look shorter. Im a bit more 'compact' then pitt who is very thin in real life. He also seems to have a small head so that also helps to make them seem 6'2...
reggie said on 9/Feb/09
how do you post picutres? there was alot more than an inch between rourke and pitt at sags. And I'd still say Rourke is minimum 5-10.5 but likely the full 5-11. Pitt had monsters on for that
RisingForce said on 9/Feb/09
I doubt Pitt was wearing lifts in that picture where Damon is wearing socks. Besides in the second picture he's only an inch and a half max taller than Damon and he has the camera/posture advantages.
TELLEM said on 9/Feb/09
James says on 9/Feb/09
Tom Sizemore has had loads of 6ft listings.

that don't matter, hes shorter than 6'0 tom hanks.
TELLEM said on 9/Feb/09
dmeyer saw sizemore in the flesh and said hes 5'10.5-5'11. so i go with 5'11 and hes taller than pitt. pitt is 5'10.
Anonymous said on 9/Feb/09
When people see him and say he is 5'11 iv really doesn't much because he is in shoes, so my guess is he looks 6' including footwear and then an inch or so is subtracted. its obvious this is faulty when considering PItt probably sleeps in lifts.
Vibram said on 9/Feb/09
He didn't take his shoes off in Monte Carlo like the others cos people would see those massive 2" lifts exposed, of which a photographers lens would scope in on and make a fool out of him when sold to the magazines next day. He's not stupid.
RisingForce said on 9/Feb/09
I think that with Pitt and Clooney the difference seemed larger at times because Pitt wears elevator shoes more often and he has much better posture. While Clooney is a little closer to the camera, it's not really altering the pictures I posted much because if you line up Clooney's head with Pitt's it's no larger.
Mr. R. said on 9/Feb/09
Risingforce, the pics that you show of Pitt and Clooney are at a bad angle. When you see pics of them together on solid ground taken directly in front of them, Pitt is clearly at least 2 inches taller. Also, look at George's shoes.
Brad said on 9/Feb/09
Brad really does have problems with his height. He could just eat up Redford with custom boots with the big wedge/heel but he gave Redford the pass. I can see Redford on the first day on the set goin "Brad, look...please".
ACG said on 9/Feb/09
that's a bit surprising that someone would put gibson at 5'8 and pitt 5'11. this may very well be true, but regardless i'd be willing to bet that the height difference would be much less than 3 inches if they stood next to each other- that is, depending on who forgot his lifts!!
misha said on 8/Feb/09
Regarding the infamous Monte Carlo photo, under what circumstances would men on the outside deck of a yacht be in their stocking feet? Isn't it likely that Damon and Clooney had just slipped out of their shoes for this photograph? Thus Pitt's retention of his footwear is very suspicious, and suggests that he is only marginally taller than Matt Damon and no taller at all than Clooney. As has been pointed out, recent photos show Clooney as actually being taller than Pitt. I agree with Delphonic - there's just no way this guy is 5'11" in his bare feet, and sooner or later photos will surface that remove all doubt.
glenn said on 8/Feb/09
mel gibson is the biggest mystery to me.ever.cause i already know the height of everyone,i may not know depp exact,but he is 5-9ish,5-10.mel can look a legit 5-8 to 6ft!
glenn said on 8/Feb/09
im with you on that whole post james.we have similar taste in that respect.
dicky curtis said on 8/Feb/09
again, when i thought, he is 5.11 i see tom sizemore having a little edge on him.
the people who have seen him range him from 5.10 to a little over 5.11
RisingForce said on 8/Feb/09
That's interesting Glenn. 5-11 for Pitt is certainly possible and we can't rule out 5-8 for Mel, but Mel doesn't seem as short as guys like Cruise and Downey jr. to me. I'd guess Mel is atleast 5-9, although he doesn't look it in your picture if you account for his boots.
Joe Blow said on 8/Feb/09
Brad is Obsessed With Height, this pick is crazy. look at the tongues of the shoes and how they are pushed forward because of lifts?
glenn said on 8/Feb/09
i once talked to a hotel doorman that brought up height first.he said mel gibson surprised him at 5-8.and that pitt was 5-11.
Ejel Khan said on 8/Feb/09
Pitt is a legit 5'11"
TELLEM said on 7/Feb/09
although u can't see their feet, here's pitt with a slouching weak 5'11 tom sizemore. they look the same height but sizemore would be a bitt taller if he didn't have that slouch. 5'10 for pitt. Click Here
delphonic said on 7/Feb/09
Saw the movie Kalifornia (1993) last night. David Duchovny had a solid 2 inches on Pitt throughout the movie and Pitt was wearing massive work boots with minimum 2 inch heels. Duchovny is a true and strong 6' barefoot. One of the few male actors who doesn't exaggerate or round up his height at all. Pitt was even described as 5'11" in a police bulletin in the movie. If he needed boots that huge to play a 5'11" character? He's closer to 5'10" in reality.
RisingForce said on 7/Feb/09
Pitt's getting a good boost from his footwear here.
Click Here
Adam said on 7/Feb/09
On that Alan Titchmarsh show, hes got a height measure to measure up how tall they are next to the celebrities and it said Brad Pitt was 181 cm.
glenn said on 7/Feb/09
im with you james.never a fan of him.same goes for ben affleck and matt damon.i liked mambo kings.wasnt garcia in that?
RisingForce said on 6/Feb/09
Garcia at about 5-9 makes sense and when did we confirm that he can reach 6'1" with 2 inch heels? He may have an inch lift with those heels.
Christian said on 6/Feb/09
Andy Garcia is a great actor and I think he is 5.9.25
glenn said on 6/Feb/09
ive been seeing garcia all week.and obtained photo with..5-9 up a 5-10 appearence further away.hard to one point, a crowd of people and photographers didnt even roconize him coming out of a insane is that?
Christian said on 6/Feb/09
So know we have proof that Pitt is 6'1'' with a 2 inch heel.
John said on 5/Feb/09
LOL, so many people meet Brad Pitt, or know him, yet no one ever has pics with him.
Complex said on 5/Feb/09
Acg for a 5'10 man see depp?? Depp is 5'9 tops. I think Pitt is 5'10 and slightly under in the evening, I really don't think there is too much difference between pitt and clooney, 0.5 inches between them tops! And John I did notice that too, he has huge heels, the biggest heels i've seen him in was in spy game, in spy game Pitt was virtually wearing a male form of stilletos, lol! I could see 5'10, maybe slightly over out of bed, legit 5'11 seems a stretch, 6'0 no way!
TELLEM said on 5/Feb/09
Erick says on 5/Feb/09
I have met Brad Pitt many times. He is about 6 feet tall, even in bare feet. I am 5'10 and standing next to him he is a few inches taller.

you saw brad pitt barefooted erick? i mean u said hes 6'0 EVEN BAREFOOTED.
dicky curtis said on 5/Feb/09
In benjamin button he looked about 3 inches taller that kate blanchet.
RisingForce said on 5/Feb/09
Mr. R, I think Clooney is taller than Pitt though. I'm not sure if you've seen this series of pictures.

George standing straighter than he usually does next to Brad who has his usual posture.
Click Here

Brad with the posture advantage, yet he still looks quite a bit shorter.
Click Here

Pitt is looking up at George who is looking down.
Click Here

George is looking down at Brad to talk to him.
Click Here

George was atleast 2 inches taller that day and while I'm confident George had elevator shoes, Brad probably was wearing lifts too. The heel on Brad's shoes was easily big enough for it and what are the odds that Brad went liftless to an event like that?

At first it seems like George was closer to the camera, but if you paste George's head lined up perfectly next to Brad's then it doesn't appear any larger meaning that he wasn't getting much of a camera advantage.

It's also important to note that in one of the pictures Brad was clearly looking up at George while George had to look down at Brad. I'd be surprised if barefoot Brad was any taller than George.
Erick said on 5/Feb/09
I have met Brad Pitt many times. He is about 6 feet tall, even in bare feet. I am 5'10 and standing next to him he is a few inches taller.
John said on 5/Feb/09
Ok, anyone see the new US Weekly Mag? Pitt is in at the SAG Awards. There is a pic in there that has him a few feet away from Jolie because she is the being photographed. In the pic Pitt is standing cross legged. His left foot is toe up over his right leg. In the pic you can see the highest heel i have ever seen on a tuxedo shoe. I would say 2 inch heel. Pitt has the money for the custom shoes. He happen to make a Opps doing that.

LOL..Note to publicist. Cant recall Us Weekly.
Anonymous said on 5/Feb/09
Mr. R, do you think Pitt is really 5'11 or do you think the two inch difference between Clooney and he also includes lifts?
bam said on 5/Feb/09
6ft for eastwood is too low, but with his natural stance, it is possible he can look 6ft. Glenn has seen eastwood at 6ft in the past as well as 6'1. Mr. R., there's no way that clooney is 5'9.5, even with a slouch he's taller than andy garcia. (5'9-5'10)
Mr. R. said on 5/Feb/09
Dmeyer, are you back in LA or still in France? I start doing extra work in two weeks. By the way, George syas Pitt is about 6-1. This might be true if George was really 5-11. But as I said, George is 5-9.5 which would make Pitt a little over 5-11.
ACG said on 4/Feb/09
I don't see Pitt as short as 5'10 max. I don't even see Pitt as 5'10 min.

I see a solid 5'11er who actually looks much taller 99.99% of the time.

For a 5'10 man see Depp.

In fact, I always got the impression that Pitt was well over one inch taller than Depp.
RisingForce said on 4/Feb/09
I never got the big deal about the pictures with Eastwood.

Here is the picture that many talked about as Pitt looking 6-2.
Click Here

As you can see he's barely taller than Eastwood and he's standing as straight as possible while eastwood has old man posture and he's looking down at Jolie. The camera angle was shot from below which also is giving Pitt an advantage.

First of all you can see that Pitt had big heels on and at an event it's very possible he was wearing lifts.
Click Here

Even without lifts the heels alone would give him atleast 2 inches.

Take away the camera advantages for Pitt and Eastwood looks atleast as tall. he may be a little closer to the camera, but Pitt without a doubt is standing straighter.
Click Here

Now Eastwood looks a half inch taller, but Pitt is still standing straighter and he may even be closer to the camera.
Click Here

Eastwood standing straighter then becomes more like an inch and a half taller here.
Click Here

We all know that Eastwood is 6-1 max today and in dress shoes he wouldn't be anything over 6-2.25. Pitt seemed to be atleast an inch shorter factoring in posture based on the last 3 pictures. So that'd put Pitt right around the 6-1 mark in his footwear that had atleast 2 inches IF Eastwood is still 6-1.

Nevermind the fact that Eastwood could very well be a flat 6 feet today. So in reality Pitt didn't look that tall next to Eastwood with the exception of the one picture which was an illusion.
delphonic said on 4/Feb/09
People! If he was really 5'11" barefoot, he'd pass for 6' all day! Think about it, with his perfect posture and slim build, he could look 6' in pair real converse!! But it almost impossible to find a pic of him not in blatant elevator boots that we know are giving him at least 2.5 inches! The only pics out of that footwear leave him looking the same height as Paltrow (the infamous sandal shots) or shorter than Clooney (the recent shots with Pitt in a hat and mustache). If you need 2.5 to 3 inch custom shoes to creep over the 6' mark, you ain't 5'11" barefoot! This ain't rocket science guys ;)
Alex said on 4/Feb/09
Pitt I can see at 5'10 barefoot but nothing under that though. Maybe 5'10 1/2 max for him. I no longer believe he's as much as 5'11.
Jim said on 4/Feb/09
I worked with Brad's sister Kathy on 5th and Gumball back in 2006. She said that the men in the family had always been quite small in size and Brad wasn't much taller than 5'6
RisingForce said on 4/Feb/09
reggie says on 4/Feb/09
looks suspiciously taller than 5-11 listed Mickey Rourke at SAG awards. almost 3 inches

Not 3 inches. Maybe an inch or an inch and a half.
Anonymous said on 4/Feb/09
@ dmeyer u r right bro...also 2 guys can't compare their heights standing in front of a mirror..the mirror fools people a makes taller guys look short n vice-versa
Christian said on 4/Feb/09
Strauss-That is very hard to believe.
reggie said on 4/Feb/09
looks suspiciously taller than 5-11 listed Mickey Rourke at SAG awards. almost 3 inches
ChucktheSchmuck said on 3/Feb/09
Many of you guys are seeing ghosts in the middle of the day. He is around 5'11 give or take. I would say just under 5'11, like 5'10.75 or something.
dmeyer said on 3/Feb/09
i think it is more accurate to judge height from videos than photos , for example a friends odf mine is 6 ft before bed and i am 5 ft 11 he was wearing 1 in shoes so about 6 ft 1 i had 1.25 in heels s about 6ft 0.25 and we took a pic we had similar posture no camera tricks and i looked 1 in taller wish means about 2 in taller than reality , and that is without elevators and withou angle so i think people can look 1 to 2 in taller or shoter than wath they realy are in photos wish makes me understand whi dicaprio looks about 1.25 in smaller than hanks when he is only by 0.5 in and many other examples
Parker said on 3/Feb/09
I don't know how tall Pitt is, I've never really studied pics of him. What I will say is that I've just watched an episode of 'Friends' and there is one scene in which he stands alongside David Schwimmer. David looked 3 inches taller to me.
Herbertsherbert said on 3/Feb/09
Pitt is the one guy I am never sure about, I have never once hear of a celebrity so keen on hiding his true height. I think there was a picture floating around of him with george clooney with weird looking, akward sandals. Maybe they had lifts too? Im sure he ALWAYS has his lift shoes when in public events though. Im giving him a mere 5'10.5 for now.
Filmfan said on 3/Feb/09
Just watched Kalifornia. Brad's character is described as 5'11'' in the movie. He a little shorter than 6ft David Duchovny so this sounds right to me.
Complex said on 3/Feb/09
Strauss I seriously wouldn't doubt it, personally I think between 5'9-5'10, but i've seen countless articles claiming that a "5'9 pitt wears lifts" and I know of 3 sites that list him at 5'9 plus thats what he looked next to Gwyn barefoot, That's why I say 5'10 tops, being his max. Definately not 5'11.
Anonymous said on 3/Feb/09
Strauss, did you get a pic with Pitt by any chance?
Strauss said on 3/Feb/09
Just met Pitt in Berlin,I am 6' in my bare feet. Pitt wears a hat all the time, a waitress told me. When I introduced myself I could look at the top of his head. He was wearing 'engineer boots' with a big heel. The room service waiter said Pitt is much smaller than you realize. 5'9 tops. He's my brother-in-law's exact height. I thought he was my height from the movies.
Clay said on 2/Feb/09
The huge guy that Achillis fights near the beginning of the movie was Nathan Jones - 6'10ish.
RisingForce said on 2/Feb/09
James, Pitt wore boots in Troy while everyone else wore sandals.

As far as Cruise, well he does look taller now at times, but his footwear often looks bigger than what he use to wear.

Reni Santoni was about 46/47 when he filmed Cobra and in his mid 50's when he was on Seinfeld, but that makes sense because I saw 1.5" between Sly and Reni Santoni at the most and Santoni obviously wasn't barefoot in that movie. The most bizarre thing about Cobra though is that his boots weren't that big. Click Here

They did a great job hiding lifts in those boots because I wear cowboy boots with bigger heels than that.
Complex said on 1/Feb/09
I doubt any of them have had surgeries, if they look taller it's due to lifts and elevators. To me it's fairly obvious by now that Pitt is 5'10.
Anonymous said on 1/Feb/09
James says on 1/Feb/09
Saw Troy last night. He looked like a guy who is over the average height but not by much though. You seen Troy with Brad Pitt glenn?

that movie had some monsters of men in it, e.g. 6'10 nathan jones, 6'8 Tyler Mane, gleeson and bana are 6'2. looking more than average height with those guys is doing well lol
glenn said on 1/Feb/09
vibram-anything is possible.great find on their off years.i was hoping someone would firgure that out.thanks vibram.
glenn said on 1/Feb/09
no, interest.maybe i will one day.
TELLEM said on 1/Feb/09
why would stallone get limb lengthening in the late 90s after his career during that time was downhill. if he would have gotten that surgery, it would be during his peak in films and age.
Dave said on 1/Feb/09
lol dude,have you seen stallones shoes in cobra? they are monsters.
Vibram said on 1/Feb/09
glenn, I really think Cruise had something done during his year off in 1995. Possibly Stallone sometime in the late 90s as well; no films in 99 for him and only a voice-over part in 98.
glenn said on 1/Feb/09
excellent point about stallone.its probably the illusion of him wearing lifts more in the last decade.
Anonymous said on 1/Feb/09
Sly's co star in Cobra is no way 6'3. think he is in the 6'1 range. He was on an episode of Seinfeld where he looked that height compared to 5'11 Jerry.
RisingForce said on 1/Feb/09
I doubt Willis had it, he really doesn't seem to care much about his height. He wears thin shoes and slouchs.

Stallone is really possible because he consistently looks taller than he did prior to maybe 5 years ago, but then again you saw him at 5-10.75 in sandals in 1991 and he looked tall before that. For example in Cobra(1986) he looked huge, like 6-1 even in full body shots with Brigitte Nielsen or his other 6-3 co-star. I also saw plenty of 80's, 90's picture where he looked like a 6 footer(obviously in lifts or heels). Or when he looked 5-10.75 in slippers back in 1982 or when he looked taller than 5-9 Kurt Russell barefoot. I think Stallone looks taller now possibly because he wears lifts more often, it's a lot more rare today to see him in normal shoes.

Pitt is as good of a candidate as Stallone for the surgery because he has perfect posture like Stallone and most of us here know he wears elevator shoes like Sly. His posture is perfect 24/7 and he rarely wears normal shoes.

I'm not saying that he defintley had the surgery or that he wasn't naturally 5-11, but it's odd how even in cowboy boots or other boots he never looked like a legit 6 footer, 6-1 guy back then like he does now.
glenn said on 1/Feb/09
who besides pitt possibly had that surgery? willis? stallone?
Anonymous said on 1/Feb/09
I think its simply a case of Pitt wearing custom lifts. remember, the idea behind such lifts is that they look totally normal.
Complex said on 31/Jan/09
He's prolly 5'10, maybe lower in the late evening and claiming 5'11 would only be a 1 inch inflation and he uses lifts to look tall, prolly that's how pitt's height adds up, I don't think him claiming 5'11 is a stretch, as it's only an inch off,but I don't think he actually is 5'11, I think he's more 5'10, wouldn't measure 5'11 or 6'0.
Vibram said on 31/Jan/09
He's not had a year off from acting so I doubt he's had leg surgery, which usually takes 6 months bound to a wheelchair, then another 6 months learning to walk again.
dicky curtis said on 31/Jan/09
Hmmm, height surgery? i think that would have become public. Sinces when did he start to wear lifts anyway? maybe i could keep it in mind when i watch some of his movies. still he if Hopkins is 5.9 he was near 6 ft in that movie.
RisingForce said on 31/Jan/09
What's odd is that in the mid 90's he often seemed only about 5-9 next to Gwyneth Paltrow. Next to Edward Norton he seemed like a very weak 5-10 guy at best too.

Now he never seems that short. He truly does seem like a legit 5-11 guy to me at times even factoring in the footwear.

Maybe he got leg lengthening surgery?
glenn said on 31/Jan/09
i agree with you complex on most of that post.
Complex said on 30/Jan/09
All I know is back in the day he was average, now days he occasionally looks way taller compared to ppl he was of equal height to back in he day, i'm stickin with 5'10 or less, I really can't see him much over 5'10.
glenn said on 30/Jan/09
spacey is over 5-10.very possibly 5-11,as d-ray morton on the site has seen in person as well.hopkins is a legit 5-9 this very day.
Stevey said on 30/Jan/09
Out of bed he is 5'10.75, but because of his long torso he loses more height thus ends up being about 5'9.75 at night. I'm sorry but its true.
Anonymous said on 30/Jan/09
If I remember correctly Pitt looked about 3 inches taller than Hopkins in Meet Joe Black. He only looked an inch or two more than him in Legends of the Fall though.
dicky curtis said on 30/Jan/09
Saw some bits and pieces of meet joe black. he had easily 2 inches on anthony hopkins. he seemed to be having a good height there. i really have doubts of him wearing lifts in there.
klem said on 30/Jan/09
on John Wayne wearing lifts...
Some older men who are 6-4 are used to be very tall but now with the younger generations they don't stand out as much. But they still want to keep that larger than life image, so lifts come into the game.. Some guys around 6-4 and 6-5 are used to tell people that they are around 2 meters tall but in reality they are around 5cm shy of that. Shorter people and women wouldn't question it, but guys over 6 foot would.
RisingForce said on 30/Jan/09
I'm not sure Complex. Mr. R has made good points about Steven Seagal wanting to look taller as well. Some really tall celebrities still want to look taller. That usually isn't the case with normal people but celebrities often like being the biggest guy in the room.
Anonymous said on 29/Jan/09
I think Clooney is 5'10 and Pitt is 5'10.5. I dont buy Clooney at more than 5'10.5. he has never looked anything but average to me.
Complex said on 29/Jan/09
I would if I could meet him Rising, lol! But I would say he's one of the RARE cases of being tall and wearing platforms, most normal 6'3-6'4 guys wear average shoes. That's a rare case of wanting to look huge I guess.
Anonymous said on 29/Jan/09
I believe in the pic Kim posted, those dress boots surely give Pitt around 3" over barefeet making him in the 6'0.5" area.
Vibram said on 29/Jan/09
Clooney's the same as Pitt IMO they're both 1.78, Damon @ 1.76cm. The sock pic in the banner above says it all for Clooney & Damon.
klem said on 29/Jan/09
Plus I would say taht at Pitts bodytype he can shrink up to an inch since he is more torso than legs. I Have similar type and I shrink an inch during the from 6-0.25 to 5-11.25 sometimes and I have more height in torso than legs. If you have long legs you can lose a bit less. So he could be 5-11 out of bed and 5-10 in the evening.
Anonymous said on 29/Jan/09
Plus I would say taht at Pitts bodytype he can shrink up to an inch since he is more torso than legs. I Have similar type and I shrink an inch during the from 6-0.25 to 5-11.25 sometimes and I have more height in torso than legs. If you have long legs you can lose a bit less. So he could be 5-11 out of bed and 5-10 in the evening.
RisingForce said on 29/Jan/09
Complex says on 28/Jan/09
Nail on the head anonymous, the fact that he wears lifts and elevators says it all.

Tell that to 6-4 John Wayne who also wore lifts.
My Name Is Kim jong il said on 29/Jan/09
Click Here

I mean, just look at those shoes, hes got more heels than the missus. jesus.
3 inches at least.
RisingForce said on 29/Jan/09
I'd bet Clooney is taller than Pitt by atleast half an inch.
Complex said on 28/Jan/09
Nail on the head anonymous, the fact that he wears lifts and elevators says it all.
klem said on 28/Jan/09
I would say Clooney is 179-180cm and Pitt 178-179cm.(not out of bed, afternoon height.) Out of bed they both clear 5-11.
Gago said on 28/Jan/09
Christian, have you even met Hopkins nowadays? He lost some visible height, the same way Newman lost height when he was getting life achievement award. Hopkins is around 5'7 nowadays and the most Pitt reach in lifted shoes is hardly 6'1.
Anonymous said on 28/Jan/09
I think Pitt is taller. Clooney has never looked anything but average height to me. I would bet Clooney is 5'10 and Pitt 5'10.5.
Anonymous said on 28/Jan/09
The fact that he wears lifts says it all really.
delphonic said on 28/Jan/09
I don't know Christian. Look at Hopkins hunched over posture there. The man is no spring chicken ;) I'm going with what Gago said who met them both in person recently. He said Jolie was 5' 9" in heels and that Pitt looked about 6' (maybe he scrapes 6'1" in his high heels and arched back). The man is a strong 5'10" barefoot in reality.
Christian said on 27/Jan/09
Here is Angelina 1.5 inches taller than Anthony Hopkins. Anthony with noemal shoes is 5'9, give or take. That means Angelina is about 5'10'' with hight heels. Is Brad closer to 6'2'' on this pic? Click Here

I know that it could be the angel.

Here is Brad 10-12 cm taller than Angelina. If Angelina is a weak 5'10'' in those high-heels, brad is close to 6'2'' with his shoes on. Click Here
Christian said on 27/Jan/09
Proof that Brad can bee 6.1.25 with lifts. Click Here
delphonic said on 27/Jan/09
klem is absolutely right about the height relationship between Pitt and Clooney. I think their both right about 5'10". Since Pitt sleeps in lifts and has perfect posture, he usually appears a good inch taller than Clooney. In normal shoes with his slouchy posture, Clooney can appear as low 5'9.5" at a glance as Mr. R has noted. But when Clooney borrows a pair of Pitt's elevators and stands up straight, suddenly he looks almost 6'1" as Glenn attests. That 5'10" height range is tricky to pen down, it's a perfectly average height. Therefore, anyone in this range can actually appear slightly short OR slightly tall (especially if you're slim) depending on their shoes and posture. Obviously, Pitt and Clooney usually prefer the slightly tall option ;)
klem said on 27/Jan/09
I think Clooney and Pitt are within 0.5 inch difference at most. But most of the time Pitt wears lift, Cloney on occasions too with, also have more relaxed posture which can make you half an inch to an inch shorter, when standing relaxed.
RisingForce said on 27/Jan/09
I can agree with that Glenn. 5'11.5" for Clooney and 5'10.5" for Pitt sounds good.
glenn said on 27/Jan/09
bam is shocked by my 6-1 clooney sightings.and it was finally proven here the other day in some pic.clooney is 5-11.5,pitt 5-10.5.
bam said on 27/Jan/09
the number one piece of evidence of pitt under 5'11 is glenns sighting. Glenn saw Pitt in dress boots looking 6ft. Of course dress boots can accommodate huge lifts. Clooney in lifts appeared 6'1. I think it is possible pitt stands at 6ft with lifts, and uses posture and standing closer to the camera to look 6'1+.
Complex said on 26/Jan/09
I agree with what bill said, and Rob G is right, he surely never reaches 5'11 even in the morning and a legit 5'11 would seem out of question, Im sticking with 5'10 region or a tad under.
Rob G said on 26/Jan/09
Definately 7ft on the apple box :-) hehe my guess is that Pitt probably never reaches 5'11", even in the morning. I assume taht he is in the 5'10" region, and yeah at that heigh you can easily look tall. Pitt's build gives him a lot - lean but well-trained body plus perfect posture and there is no way you can tell if he is 5'10.5" or 5'11.5, especially in the pictures. Really I think that his body type is an underestimated factor here. Granted he can look 6.0", 6'1" and shocingly 6'2" but he also loked to me 5'9" (famous Paltro and Honsou pictures) and 5'10". So we have to ask ourselves question abouth his footwear :-) My personal opinion is that Pitt is 5'10.5" to 5'10.75" morning and may even be as low as 5'9.75" during the night. So he is basically a solid 5'10" guy.
TELLEM said on 26/Jan/09
dicky curtis - the paltrow ics u talk about show pitt in shoes. when their both walking on the sidewalk in sandals then u know whats really up. a 5'10 pitt
dicky curtis said on 26/Jan/09
The thing is, if the majority of people on this board say that he is shorter than 5.11. everyone starts to believe it. but that does not make it necessaraly true. Though not much, but in every picture with paltrow he always seems at least a little taller. i think his evening height would be a solid 5.10 at least. in the morning scratching the 5.11 figure.
He could be near 7ft on an apple box! what do you guys think?
Grace said on 26/Jan/09
Someone look at that picture posted down where he's stepping off the plane, judging from that I'd say those shoes were giving him 3 inches
Vibram said on 26/Jan/09
Klem, his barefoot height is 5ft10, so in "NORMAL" shoes he'd be about 5ft11.25 - 5ft11.5, but with lifts he reaches 6ft1.
Joe Blow said on 26/Jan/09
I don't believe this website will ever downgrade him, we all know he is not 5'11 barefoot yet how does someone get downgraded evidence right? Well we have all seen plenty to see he is not 5'11 barefoot.
bam said on 25/Jan/09
i've said this before: Assuming pitt is 5'11, he can look very impressively tall. Assuming he is 5'10, 5'10.5 and he is a genius in changing his height.
bam said on 25/Jan/09
delphonic, your theory sounded silly at first, but you never know. The thing is when a person looks shorter than they are in pics, and people use it as evidence, they forget that pics can be very deceptive without an explanation. In the pic your talking about there is a second pic where pitt looks 5'11.
delphonic said on 25/Jan/09
Nice theory James, but we don't have any pics of Pitt in NORMAL shoes! Oh wait a minute, we do (or we did)! The ones in sandals with Paltrow. Many tried to discredit them as camera tricks or whatever, but they were full bodied shots standing right next to each other in similar sandals. They were the exact same height (even with Paltrow's bad posture). As much as I'd love to show those pics yet again to prove it. I just noticed that they have been completely removed from the internet! The old links do not work and the pics can no longer be found on BradPittfan website. Hmmm...and you think Pitt or at least his PR folks don't read this page?! Think again.
bill said on 25/Jan/09
I think brad Pitt is 178 max right before bed. I think people are overlooking how ridiculously short his legs are. His long torso and short legs make him a PERFECT candidate for lifts or elevators
klem said on 24/Jan/09
Vibram says on 24/Jan/09
Klem, do your maths correctly. 5ft10 + 1.75" lifts + 1.25" soles makes 6ft1, not 6'.

I understands that you mean that he is 6-1 in shoes, but thats 6' peorson, if he would wanna look 6-1 he would have to reach 6-2 in shoes. See I am almost 6 barefoot and I reach 6-1 in shoes but everyone perceive me as a 6' foot person beacause everyone else is in shoes also. You understand what I mean.
delphonic said on 24/Jan/09
Most elevator shoe companies you see have rather ugly and cheap looking elevators that mostly look like old man shoes, not the sleek and stylishones we always see Pitt in. But these look a whole lot like what Pitt wears and they give a full 7cm from barefoot height (just a hair under 3"). Combine a pair of these with Pitt's impeccable posture, lean build and excellent tailoring and it's no wonder he gives the impression of 6' to 6'1". But take it all away and the man is 5' 10" max barefoot (easily 5 9.5"). Do the math people.
Go to the site and see for yourself.
Click Here
Click enter (bienvenido). Select "Coleccion Hombre". Then select "Max Denegri 7cm" and you'll feel like you're snooping in Pitt's closet.
Complex said on 24/Jan/09
Pitt is more 5'10, not 5'11...and less than 5'10 wouldnt be too suprising. I think in his most common lifts Pitt hits a little over 6, like 6'0.5 or 6'0.25, rarely do a see him look 6'1 and never ever does he look 6'2.
Anonymous said on 24/Jan/09
When Mr. and Mrs. Smith came out, supposedly Adam Brody was on Jay Leno and said Pitt was 5'10. I've looked on you tube for the interview but couldn't find it.
AJ said on 24/Jan/09
lol hes shoes on premires and stuff look something like this :

Click Here

thats like 4 inches lmao.

no wonder he can look almost as tall as eric bana.

Hes clearly in the 178/179 range, depending on how late it is.
Vibram said on 24/Jan/09
Klem, do your maths correctly. 5ft10 + 1.75" lifts + 1.25" soles makes 6ft1, not 6'.
bam said on 23/Jan/09
a while back someone said that adam brody claimed brad pitt was 5'10. Brody is 5'10.5 or 5'11.
Gago said on 23/Jan/09
Brad reaches 6in shoes with lifts, may be 184, but if you're around him and pay attention to his shoes, arch and the way he walks you will realise that he's getting at least 2 inch boost. I'm convinced now he's no way 5'11. I'd give him 5'10/178 but 177 is also possible. That's why Clooney jokes about his height, cause working on several films with him, he's noticed how his height changes all the time, and he says "It's irritating".
JJ said on 23/Jan/09
Derbi are you serious? He can fool an untrained eye but look at the first pic how his leg is bended, legs don't bend that way unless there's a hidden insole.
klem said on 23/Jan/09
Why are some of you taking height in shoes here, Vibram dor example? If Brad Pitt is 5-10 + 1,75 lifts and 1,25 soles you get an 6 feet man not 6-1,yes he reach 6-1 but in shoes! The sole over an inch doesnt count since most people are in 1 inch soles.
Bombay Rocker said on 23/Jan/09
He is atleast 179 cms...anything less is a joke..I'll buy 5 feet 11 anyday!!
Derbi said on 23/Jan/09
jj, is that a bad joke? I'd bett 1000 bucks right now that there are no lifts in that shoe. just look at the first pic. this is soo rediculous man.
Andre said on 22/Jan/09
I just watched The Curious Case of Benjamim Button and when he arrives at the hospital in Paris he looks about 6.0, I never saw him looking as tall as he did in that scene although he was wearing black making him look slimmer and therefore taller I suspect
Zach #2 said on 22/Jan/09
starting to think if we had a pic of Pitt shaved head, and barefoot, he will be 5ft 10" (178cm) max!!!!
JJ said on 22/Jan/09
Yes Vibram hollywood is indeed hard on a leading man agenda but the thing is he's not an action star. I can understand Stallone's obsession, early in his career he probably got laughed at from people expexting him to be this big action hero. The only role in which I would expect Pitt to look tall was Archilles.

Anyway, who knows.
klem said on 22/Jan/09
JJ great pic, it clearly shows that lifts are in.
Vibram said on 22/Jan/09
good work JJ. From that one picture of him jumping off the grounded plane, the stablizing leg is bent too awkwardly in its lower portions to be natural. Those boots look to have 1.25 soles and lifts could be 1.75" = 3" altogether. Put that on a weak 5ft10 man (178cm) and you get a 6ft1 man; indeed his "Premier" height recently.

Those old (90s) nighttime shots where he was near-equal alongside the 5ft9 Paltrow posted weeks ago could be true as he would fall to 5ft9.5 before his bedtime cocoa. Regarding the mentaI state, I think he knew in his early career that Holywoods pretty hard on guys that don't fit the ideal "leading man" height of at least around 6ft or better. With his looks he could only be the leading 6ft man or the average height "pretty" boy in a side-role that everybody forgets.
Complex said on 21/Jan/09
I 100% agree with Hanne, a true height is someone with a shaved head. His hair makes him look taller more often than not..
JJ said on 21/Jan/09
Brad Pitt definitely sports some serious lifts. For reference, look at these 2 pictures.

Click Here

In this one his shoes look normal, with an average dress shoe heel, maybe even smaller than an average heel. Probably gives him about an inch max. But notice how unnaturally long the shoe seems compared to his body.

Now look at this one:

Click Here

Make the image bigger and look at his right leg, the shoe is indeed not a normal dress shoe, his right shoe literally makes it look like he's standing on his tip toes, with his foot ending a few inches from the actual end of the shoe. To demonstrate this, I used my impeccable MS paint skills:

Click Here

Judging from the second picture I think he has a collection of custom built lift shoes that are actually a couple of inches larger than his foot size. Combine that with some thick ended pants and you have a perfect lift formula. That's how in front it seems like his feet are flat inside the shoe, but in reality he's standing on his tip toes.

I'd give him about 5'9.5 to 5'10 max. He can easily get a 3 inch boost in a custom made shoe like that, which explains why he looks 6'1 on most premieres. In the shoe lift world Brad Pitt is definitely the king, he makes it about as seamless as humanly possible. Honestly I think there is enough evidence to downgrade him to 5'10. Either way though, Downey Jr and Stallone should really get some tips from this guy.

Why people resort to these measures is beyond me, he's definitely not short and well around average height, must be some kind of a selfish obsession to be taller than most people you meet. Plus walking in those things must be extremely uncomfortable.
Hanne said on 21/Jan/09
James, a person's shaved head is their true height anyways. If shaving his head makes him look shorter than his hair adds to the illusion of him being taller than he really is.
bam said on 20/Jan/09
i think 5'10 is very possible. However, how do you guys explain brad looking taller than matt damon who is a legit 5'10.
Vibram said on 20/Jan/09
We know Paltrow is no more than 5ft9. The picture of her and Daniel Craig (5ft10) barefoot on a beach show she's noticebly smaller.
dicky curtis said on 20/Jan/09
He doesnt look 6.1 there. looks a solid 10 cm. difference.
i think am losing my opinion here. he can look shorter then. 5.11 and taller. some sightings of him say 5.10ish some a little over 5.11 and there is the lifts element.

and yes catherine could be a little less then 5.7. But have you considered she could be a smidge over 5.7? there is no way of us really knowing that.He is somewhere between 5.4 and 6.9 i think. its a safe assumption lol.
Jimmy said on 20/Jan/09
watch those shoes in that pic with paltrow ... clearly elevator shoes !
Complex said on 19/Jan/09
Anonymous I do agree in the sense that it's not too far-fetched for him to claim 5'11 but he never hits that mark. I mean I know ppl who are 5'9.5 mid-day and then closer to 5'9 evening and claim 5'10, I don't really have a problem with them claiming 5'10 but in reality they're not 5'10. I mean basically yes but if it came down to, "i'm gonna measure u", they wouldnt be. I really think 5'10 or slightly over is his max. Legit 5'11 is out of the question tho.
Strife said on 19/Jan/09
5'11 my a$$, this guy probably threatened a law suit for listing him as his true height. Brad pitt is more like 5'10 barefoot, but loves his elevator shoes.
Christian said on 19/Jan/09
Brad Pitt looks 6'1'' on evens and premiers.

Here he is with 5'7'' Chatherine Keener.

Click Here
Anonymous said on 19/Jan/09
RisingForce; its amazing how much pavement advantage changes photos, this is your photo Click Here

now same night, same footwear, same street Click Here Click Here

photos have never been good for estimating height
RealBrad said on 19/Jan/09
In the picture of pitt and gwyneth in front of that bus id say pitt has about 3-4 inches lifts in those hugely enormous brown boots.

That guy is a joke, fake from toe to forehead.
RisingForce said on 19/Jan/09
James says on 16/Jan/09
Rising Force maybe his shoes do give him a bit of an advantage but still he does look 2 inches taller than Gwyneth.

Yeah but in one shot he had less than 2" and if Brad is 5'11" and Gwyneth is 5'9" then shouldn't he look 3-4 inches taller than her when he has a big posture and footwear advantage?

To be honest I'm still leaning towards 5'11" for Pitt but based on the pictures I posted I'd think he was 5'9".

eddy, Pitt looks the shortest of the 3 there but Damon is standing still while Clooney and Pitt are walking so you can't really compare Damon to them. Damon also seems to have the footwear advantage.

Big T, Gwyneth does have a pavement advantage but Pitt has a clear footwear and posture advantage. In the picture where Gwyneth is in Converse the pavement doesn't look that bad there. However Brad is in boots and he is standing much straighter, but he looks just 2 inches taller.
Clay said on 18/Jan/09
Some people have Damon at 5'8ish, when really there isnt more trhan an inch seperating all 3 of them. They're all 5'10-5'11, except Damon is the shorter (barely).
Anonymous said on 18/Jan/09
Complex, i think most here regard mid day height as their height. so 5'10 evening is what, 5'10.75 morning? i dont think that is that far fetched.
eddy said on 18/Jan/09
here is a link to the entire series of pics that i referenced the group shot, Brad looks the tallest, with Damon next and then Clooney. Clearly Clooney has a very large heel thing going on there...

Click Here
Complex said on 18/Jan/09
I agree with you on the lift sizes Vibram. Probably I figure that he wears elevators and a lift inside. And I see what you're saying dicky, height is flippin' wierd. Maybe it's camera angle but that's the tallest i've seen damon look, but I think that's a scene from ocean's 13 when they get off the plane and on the movie Pitt was taller than both on that scene, but not sure if that's at. In reality the top of pitt's head in the evening is probably somewhere between 5'9.5-5'10.25 (personally I think 5'10 tops but i'm being open mindeded here :) and he uses lifts to hit 6'0 or like anonymous said 6'0.5.
Anonymous said on 18/Jan/09
I really don't see him less than 5'10.25 or more than 5'10.75. close enough to the 5'11 he is listed here at.
dicky curtis said on 18/Jan/09
In that picture of eddy matt damon seems to be the tallest. and pitt the shortest. am really confused with this guy. next subject!!!
Anonymous said on 18/Jan/09
Vibram,I totaly agree with your lift estimations, but I beg to differ on his height and to where he reaches wearing lifts. I go as low as 5'9" and as high as 5'10" for his barefoot height. Using lifts, the maximum he reaches, is most probably 6'.05" at best. Reason other tall paeople in the 6'2" range look similar to his height is they usually standing normally and not with a forced posture like him, or the camera angle favors him considerably.
Vibram said on 18/Jan/09
How tall are Brad's lifts you say? Well, lets say he's what most people say: 5ft10.25 barefoot, yet can suspiciously reach/look 6ft1 - 6ft2 at premiers with shoes + lifts, then it' would be the normal sole thickness of the shoe, usually most normal dress/formal shoes have 1.5" inch soles (making Brad 5ft11.75" in these normal dress shoes) and either a 1.25" or 2.25" inch-sized secret lift inside the shoe propelling him to 6ft1 or 6ft2.

So Brad's lifesavers (in his eyes) are somewhere between 1" minimum and 2.5" max.
Big T said on 18/Jan/09
Rising, in one of those pics Gwyneth has obvious pavement advantage. C'mon man.
Tim said on 17/Jan/09
I would say Brad Pitt wears inch lifts in public to make him appear 6 ft.
eddy said on 17/Jan/09
Pitt, Clooney and Damon all looking very similar in height...and footwear here:

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Complex said on 17/Jan/09
One may never know trent, their hidden inside the shoe, but when you see his shoes tha already have huge heels then factor in the fact that lifts may be hidden inside, 5'10 sounds very fair.
dak said on 17/Jan/09
I doubt he is 5'11, closer to 5'10.
Trent said on 16/Jan/09
How tall are Brad Pitts Lifts?
Mister Lennon said on 16/Jan/09
The most secure thing looks to be that Pitt is around the 5'10 area. He has excelent posture and with his usual tricky footwear he can look 5'11 or 6 easily. But yes, now i think that he is a solid 5'10 dude. But , in the other hand, i think that the 5'9 estimations for him are too over the top. He clearly looks taller than 5'9. At least 5'10.
Complex said on 16/Jan/09
Yeah, I know what you mean gago, alot of ppl think just because I think he's more 5'10 that I must not like him but Pitt's awesome, he's one of my favorite actors and I love all his movies. All I'm saying is it's obvious he's not the tallest guy, he's still a solid height with a solid build. Back in the day it was pretty obvious that he had somewhat short legs, his proportions were that of a 5'9-5'10 guy but then all the sudden his legs magically got longer, lol! He wears elevators with lifts inside. 5'10 is not a horrible height or anything, granted it's not the tallest but it's not bad.
Gago said on 16/Jan/09
Thanx Complex, you know when you see him he has a body of someone 5'9-5'10, and then strangely he looks 6'0, so I investigated his shoes, almost no way he didn't have lifts, cause his arch was very high. But I gotta he's very nice guy, one of the nicests of the big league.
Complex said on 16/Jan/09
I agree with gago, Pitt is more 5'10ish (although lower wouldn't suprise me) and Jolie is 5'6. I have a friend that's a model (5'7) that met jolie and she said jolie was about an inch and a half shorter than her, so i'd say 5'6 for jolie and likely a little less in the evening.

From the pitt and common pic, all I think about when I see it is the ones of pitt looking taller than norton, lol! All I can think of is that if he took off his shoes he'd go right down below common. But it is a wierd camera angle and they have a slight lean and pitts hair is on up there, but if pitt and common's shoes came off, pitt would definately be question about it. Last thing pitt needs is an upgrade....he actually needs the polar opposite!
RisingForce said on 15/Jan/09
Brad looks shockingly short here with 5'9" Gwyneth Paltrow.

Brad with an obvious footwear advantage over Gwyneth who is in sandals.
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Brad is also closer to the camera and Gwyneth is slouching. Factoring in all of that, he should appear more than an inch and a half taller than Gwyneth.

Brad is wearing boots here and Gwyneth is in Converse shoes.
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Once again Gwyneth is slouching and Brad is a little closer to the camera. He should appear more than 2 inches taller here, but he doesn't.

I'm surprised, prior to seeing those pictures I thought he was more like 5'11" but I'm not so sure now.
Big T said on 15/Jan/09
Brad might be packing lifts, but Common is still in dress shoes which always give a bit of height. I don't think Brad Pitt is much over 5'11" but I don't think he's much under either.
miles smiles said on 15/Jan/09
Yeah, klem, it's weird. No girlfriend has ever commented on my height decrease with my shoes off. It may be because I'm kind of lean, and they've already pegged me as a strong six footer, so they've never noticed. Kind of strange. Or maybe they're being polite.
MarcustheSwede said on 15/Jan/09
In the movie Benjamin Button, his is Kate Blanchett..she is listed 174 centimeters...and in the movie when they are indoors.No shoes.It clearly shows that he is not more then max 178-179 centimeters.Ant hat is a shot when he is not "Old" in the movie but normal young age.No shoes.Nothing just them besides each other.I think 180 centimeters is maybe little to genarous.Just look at pictures when he stands on a boat with Matt Damon,and the other guy from Oceans eleven for example.Great actor but I think he needs a downgrade in height.
Doug said on 15/Jan/09
Dsmooth due to the camera angle it's impossible to determine height in that photo. But Pitt is most likely wearing some kind of elevator shoes, possibly with lifts.
TELLEM said on 15/Jan/09
look at brad pitt's shoes compare to commons. hes got heels written all over em'.
Dsmooth said on 15/Jan/09
Please someone explain this? Common is listed on this site at 6ft. Someone needs a downgrade or Brad a possible upgrade?

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Gago said on 15/Jan/09
I met him last week at Critic's Choice, actually he was with Jolie, first Jolie is not 5'7, she was around 5'9 in 3 inch heels, and Pitt looked 6'0 but he definitely had lifts, so my conclusion is Jolie around 5'6/168 and Pitt is 5'10/178, though possibly little shorter but i doubt taller.
Complex said on 15/Jan/09
That's so true tellem, I remember that scene, that whole movie he looked about 5'11 in boots, if he were 5'11 barefoot then in boots he'd prolly look closer to 6'1. 5'10 tops.
klem said on 15/Jan/09
miles smiles says on 15/Jan/09
You have long term girlfriends and never were barefoot with them?:) Because if you are suddenly 6 cm shorter thats very very noticeable.
miles smiles said on 15/Jan/09
I just want people to know that 2.5 lifts are easy to put in most boots and high-top shoes. With pants covering them, nobody ever suspects a thing. I've never been called on it, even from long-term girlfriends.
miles smiles said on 15/Jan/09
Nice display of lifts in Converse, Annonymous. For some reason a lot of peeps think that lifts in non-custom shoes are difficult to pull off. I used to wear 2.5 inch lifts (lightweign foam-type material) in my high-top Converse all the time. You're right, there much more comfortable than in shoes with heels. I'm about Brad Pitt's height (maybe a smidge taller), so they made me about 6-1 (maybe even a bit taller.)
john said on 15/Jan/09
i met brad last week
he was my height
I'm 5.11 and a half
Complex said on 14/Jan/09
Yeah dicky that's true bout bana but they are also pics of him getting dwarfed by bana and a good 4 inches between him and 6'1.5-6'2 max hounsou.

I agree Alex.
Vladimir303 said on 14/Jan/09
Hmmm, last time I checked on these Celeb heights, wasn't he listed as 5'8. And now he is 5'11.......strange.
TELLEM said on 14/Jan/09
once again, go watch thelma and louise. watch the motel scene (midle of the movie) when pitt gets off the car...once he gets off the car, a slouching 6'2 michael madsen has him by 2-3 inches...i'll just say with that slouch and madsen in shoes (bout 6'3) that puts him at about 6'1...meaning pitt is looking 5'11 in cowboy boots next to madsen...what does that tell you?
Big T said on 14/Jan/09
I don't really think that "famous" pic of Pitt and Paltrow walking side by side down the street proves much. Pitt still looks an inch taller anyway, and is leaning forward as he walks, still very easy to see him 2 inches taller if he straightens up.
AJ said on 14/Jan/09
pitt is 5.10 and 5.11 would be really max morning height.

im a 5.10 guy and with good shoes i can appear 6 feet. im not even using lifts, so with lifts and good posture this guy can look 6.1.
Alex said on 14/Jan/09
He looked 5'10 next to Vince Vaughn in Mr. and Mrs. Smith I thought.
dicky curtis said on 14/Jan/09
those wrestle pics are not in lifts i can assure you that. i posted a comment on that a while ago but it was placed almost a week later. if he would wear heals in those shoes he'd break his ankles. the shoes are hight to protect his ankles from this. a logical choice to wear. nothing to be sceptic about. there are also pics in where he looks more than 6ft compared to bana and orlando bloom. maybe i could buy him wearing lifts there. but not in the wrestle match.
MR said on 14/Jan/09
that picture with norton and is wearing shoes, look closely, they are black shoes and socks so they blend in together. You can see the shoelaces.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.