How tall is Brad Pitt - Page 24

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Average Guess (1435 Votes)
5ft 10.62in (179.4cm)
Complex said on 14/Jan/09
Norton has worse posture than pitt in those pics and Pitt is in shoes and closer to the camera, minimum 2 inches difference. And Martin my evidence of Pitt and Paltrow BAREFOOT is better than everyone who posts pics of him looking tall in ELEVATORS and LIFTS. Keep in mind we're trying to figure out his barefoot height bud, not his shoe lift height. It's easier to judge barefoot height when you're barefoot and when Pitt is (which is virtually never for some odd reason) he's never over 5'10. Wouldn't a legit 5'11 guy not be ashamed of his height? Would a legit 5'11 guy really where lifts at the beach and to wrestle?

And big t delphonic has posted several (no wierd angles) and similiar footwear of pitt and her appearing the same height. At best he's an inch taller than her.

Oh and anonymous proved down there that lifts can even be put in converse, so i'm glad we finally got that nailed down.

And Martin I have no hidden agenda but I will say, NOT ONE PERSON HERE HAS POSTED THE SLIGHTEST BIT OF EVIDENCE TO MAKE ME BELIEVE PITT IS ANYTHING OVER 5'10 BAREFOOT, not one single photo, they're all of him in elevators...or lifts!
Real said on 13/Jan/09
First of all, I believe Pitt is over 5'10. Second, i want to mention that 5'9 isn't really THAT short. Look at guys like Charlie Sheen, Kirk Douglas, Kevin Dillon, Justin Long. They look great at 5'9 and no one would ever call them short. If Pitt is under 5'10, he is fooling a lot of people, but I COULD believe a very strong 5'9 based on others who are 5'9 or 5'10.
Big T said on 13/Jan/09
I just saw a documentary with a whole sequence of pics and videos of Paltrow and Pitt.....honestly, he is at least 2 inches taller than her.
Rantsrob said on 12/Jan/09
Complex, i see Pitt in mid stride possibly making him shorter.
Martin said on 12/Jan/09
It always hits me that you Complex have some hidden agenda. You don't want Pitt to be over 5'10. That would destroy your universe. All the evidence you have is those crappy photos of him and Paltrow. Didn't convince me much. I can look the same height as my dad on a photo, with equal shoes. I am 8 centimetres taller than my dad, but if I am leaning or standing strange or the ground is unequal (which it often is), I can look close to my fathers height. I can also look pretty much the same height as my brother, walking beside him even though I am 4 centimetres taller than him. It's extremely hard to judge from photos if you aren't 100 % certain that the ground is flat. We have discussed this matter for like, what is it, three years now? And we never get any smarter. There must be something else we can do to figure this out.
Anonymous said on 12/Jan/09
In the picture with edward norton brad pitt is leaning his weight on his extended foot. and this onc touches the ground so he is not fully stretched by far. With norton its the other way around. to me not convincin.
TELLEM said on 12/Jan/09
wow anonymous those pics are great...those converse reminded me of arnold, sly, and bruce planet hollywood pics...makes me think that arnie might have had lifts in them since he was wearing them
TELLEM said on 12/Jan/09
wow anonymous those are great...those converse reminded me of arnold, sly, and bruce planet hollywood pics...makes me think that arnie might have had lifts in them since he was wearing them
Complex said on 12/Jan/09
Bam I do agree that in all the pics you mentioned he does look tall and in that sense 5'11 is very logical but then we have others where he's actually barefoot where he's virtually the same or barely taller than paltrow, also ones of him looking nearly 3 inches under norton and the same height as dermot mulroney.

The pics you mentioned are likely with him in footwear and we all know how tricky pitt's footwear is.

But ppl really think about it, one pic you have him and norton almost 3 inches apart, the next you have him looking a few inches taller than norton, it just doesn't add up, it's called lifts and elevators.

Click Here
Here for those who missed it, here you have a slouching norton (you can tall by his neck/posture) next to a well postured pitt (straight up neck) with Pitt in shoes and CLOSER TO THE CAMERA and Pitt still looks 2 inches shorter, with camera advantage posture and everything. Just check out their eye levels and compare...a true 5'11 and a true 6'0 would virtually have the same eye level and it would really be hard to tell a difference but as you can see Pitt's eye level is clearly lower than nortons and that's before you factor in pitt being closer to the came, posture, and Pitt's shoes, if they stood straight up there Norton would be likely 2.5-3 inches taller, just look how slouched norton is, you can tell by the wrinkles in the front of his short that norton is slouched then you look at pitt who is like a stick when it comes to posture. Pitt is 5'10 max.
Alex said on 12/Jan/09
2 inch lifts in converse? I'd think you can't put lifts in any sneakers really unless they're 1/2-1 inch and those would be in high tops like Nike Shoz.

You can put lifts into most boots like Timberlands, Lugz, Sketchers.
Anonymous said on 12/Jan/09
Thanks Rob. Also, I must say there are celebs who wear lifts more elegantly than others. It's how you carry yourself wearing them in a way that doesn't arise suspicion or minimally if at all. Pants are usually tailor made or a little bit longer so as to hide that. It was awekward walking with 2" lifts at first but after a year it becomes somewhat 2nd nature.
Anonymous said on 12/Jan/09
of course, if you have access to custom built converse or some knock offs which are slightly chunkier and more accomodating that would be even better! you can put lifts and that would be concealed in a more better way, like some of our favorite celebs do ;-)
Anonymous said on 12/Jan/09
Rob, upon your request, here are pics of my lifts in the converse. Feel free to use any of the pics on your website if you want to :-)

The converse is model # M9622 with 0.5" heel, a typical off the shelf converse. When 2" lift is inserted, it should give 2.5" increase but actually gives a total of 2" in height. Sorry for the quality of the pics but it was 12am :-)

In this 1st pic I laid out the custom built wedge lifts alongwith the converse for size comparison and how they look Click Here

Another view Click Here

Lifts are of 2" size Click Here

A view of the lift inserted in the right shoe Click Here

A view of both shoes for comparison, right one with lift, left one without. As you can see my right foot has that "bulge" because of the lift and the left
foot is normal looking. I'm sitting down on a chair with my khakis pulled up to give a better idea Click Here

Here from a slightly different angle still sitting, khakis still pulled up Click Here

Same angle sitting down but the pants are in normal position (not pulled up anymore) and now you can see that the effect of the lift is not that obvious anymore, at least not to the untrained eye :-) Click Here

Now, Im standing up and there is no way you can tell I have lifts in my shoes Click Here

Standing up from the front Click Here

Two views of the converse with the lift to show the "bulge"
Click Here
Click Here

So you see, you can put 2" lifts in converse too, and I found out over time that the lifts are most comfortable when used with converse and sneakers.
When used with Docs/boots of which I have a couple of pairs (one with 1" heel and the other one is 1.75" heel) they are ok but will start to get uncomfortable after a few hours. I beleive the comfort is related to type of soles on the shoe being used. If the sole of the shoe is in one flat piece like in sneakers or converse, the more you can use the lifts without any problems, but if the shoe has heels then it will start to get uneasy depending on the size of the heel itself, meaning more heel, more uncomfortable because the foot is getting slanted at more angle. Hope this clears a lot in peoples minds about what you can do with lifts :-)

Editor Rob
good illustrations, the bulkiness reminds of downey sneakers.
glenn said on 12/Jan/09
in high tops? is that a shock? thats not a surprise.low cuts would impress me.wouldnt shock me too much either.
bam said on 12/Jan/09
if you assume he is 5'11, he can look impressively tall. The bana trl pics, john malkovich pics, laurence fishburne pic, and rossi pics show him looking inexplicably tall. Clooney is a hair taller. 5'11 is very logical.
Complex said on 12/Jan/09
I'm sorry Lemon, I see what you're saying and I also agree that the 5'8 claims were ridiculous, it just soundt like you were taking a shot at me for something I didn't say..sorry.

It's true tellem, in Thelma and Louise he was easily shorter than her (who wore flat in the movie by the way) and he was in cowboy boots. 5'11 is impossible withhim next to norton and paltrow. Anonymous is right, i've seen a friend put about 0.5 inch lift, maybe a tad more in converse, ruling out the fact that you can't put lifts in converse is ridiculous.

Pitt is 5'10 or less, for sure!
Anonymous said on 11/Jan/09
I agree anonymous. i am 5'10.5 and wanted to be taller when i was younger so i used to put 1" lifts in any and every type of shoe. even converse and adidas to look like a weak 6 footer. If you use lifts in dress shoes, you will use them in any type of shoe imo.
spida said on 11/Jan/09
i am a strong 6 fter, 185cm in the morning, 183.5 in the evening, and i ve met brad in a ice cream shop in LA, i would say hes somewhere between 5 ft 11 - 6 ft 0.5, cos he was about the same height as me, he gives out a much higher impression tho, because of his well build body , impeccable posture and of course, he has a pair of long legs +torsos.
give de guy a break, i never thought he looked under 5ft 11,,,,,and also, to those who thinks Brad's 5ft 9, i can only say,,,,no matter how gd a 5 ft 9's proportion or posture, there's no way u can get a 5ft 9 that has a pair of '6ft' legs lol i ve never seen one in ma life
Anonymous said on 11/Jan/09
Those of you ruling out lifts in converse as ridiculuos, shouldn't be talking unless you know the facts. Yes you can put upto 2" lifts in plain hi-top converse. It will boost up height by 2" total and I'm a user myself. I have custom made 2" wedge lifts that can be inserted into any hi-top shoes, boots, sneekers, which I use quite regularly, converse included.

Editor Rob
can you take a photo side on of your foot in them? It would be interesting to see, Downey Jr has converse style elevators which have to bulge to accomodate the higher angle his foot it at.
TELLEM said on 10/Jan/09
i agree complex, he can be lower than 5'10...look at him in thelma and louise...hes shorter than 6'0 geena davis, and he was in cowboy boots! he was 2-3 inches shorter than a slouching 6'2 michael madsen...and pitt had cowboy boots @ him growing in the 90s...the man was already in his mid-late twenties while making "thelma and louise"
Ian said on 10/Jan/09
kevin says on 9/Jan/09
i dont think hes under 180cm. just look at those pics. if anything hes taller.

Click Here with 6' fishburn
Click Here with 5'10'' kidman
Click Here with 6' malkovich
Click Here with 6'1.5'' carrey
Click Here with 6'2.5'' kutcher
Click Here with 6'2.5'' bana
Click Here with 6' norton and his shoes arent that big
Click Here
Click Here with 6'1'' shepard
Click Here with 6'1'' eastwood
Click Here with 6' common
Click Here with 5'11.5'' bardem
Click Here with 6'2'' beatty

Judging by those he could be 182CM 5ft11.6535433"
RisingForce said on 10/Jan/09
Come on, stop trying to make something out of nothing. With Brad Pitt you hear the most ridiculous claims. He doesn't have lifts in Converse, some even claimed that he had lifts in slippers in the picture with Damon and Clooney.

In Fight Club he does look atleast 5-11, maybe taller. I'm changing my mind, I think he's 5-11. He can pull off looking tall without ridiculous looking shoes.
Dural said on 10/Jan/09
Not the beach pics I was searching for, but if you take a close look you can see the unusual bend in his converse (the same he was wearing with Rossi).
Click Here
Click Here

Another Pitt & Rossi pic
Click Here
dicky curtis said on 10/Jan/09
interesting pictures kevin. he looks tall there. although he does look just under 6ft malkovich. but the hair gives an other impression.

Am always a little skeptic about the liftst but in some pictures there are noticably differences in height with the same person.
He look a good deal shorter then eric bana. and in a recent picture with him the difference was a lot less. and he looked surprisingly over 6ft.
These are things that make me think about him being a lift wearer. evenso i just cant see him under 5.11

He wrote 5.10 for his height once. later on it was 5.11 that is an honost mistake wich i have made myself once as well. maybe he just diddnt care back then. Usually people try to exaggerate their height but i know people who claim to be 5.11 while they are most certainly at least 6ft if not a little more. they don't care and maybe pitt diddn't either so he misjudged his height. maybe he did care when he got older and maybe used lifts. and with them he often looked taller than other 5.11 guys like bloom and clooney. there are pictures where clooney looks taller but those pictures are always in bad angles.
Also in pictures he looks just a little taller than paltrow. i also seen pictures where he did look at least 2 inches taller. a picture is just a moment in time and there can't be made firm conclusions based on such pictures.
just by looking at his frame i just don't seem under the 5.11 range. off course 5ft10.75 would not be unthinkable.
Vibram said on 10/Jan/09
James, he did look late adolescent (abt. 21) in Johnny Suede (1991; filmed 1990), but I doubt he'd of grown since 1990 when he was 26, 27, unless he's had leg lengthning surgery in due time. He was active filmaking every year throughtout the 90s so I dismiss leg op surgery cos it usually takes a year to fully recover from such a horrendous procedure.

There are products like grow taller pills but are only really of help for people aged under 25, and give minimal increases anyway. I don't know if steriods and HGH can promote bone growth, but stars seem to have easy access to such stuff to help improve their musculature when quick bulking-up for roles is required.
Lemon said on 10/Jan/09
Complex, I
kevin said on 9/Jan/09
i dont think hes under 180cm. just look at those pics. if anything hes taller.

Click Here with 6' fishburn
Click Here with 5'10'' kidman
Click Here with 6' malkovich
Click Here with 6'1.5'' carrey
Click Here with 6'2.5'' kutcher
Click Here with 6'2.5'' bana
Click Here with 6' norton and his shoes arent that big
Click Here
Click Here with 6'1'' shepard
Click Here with 6'1'' eastwood
Click Here with 6' common
Click Here with 5'11.5'' bardem
Click Here with 6'2'' beatty
dmeyer said on 9/Jan/09
look at getty images brad pitt page you will find interesting pics , at the premiere of burn after ,,,, pitt look asy 4 cm taller than clooney pitt has elevator you can see them in the pics when he sits down , not high cut enaugh to get more than 1 in over clooney footwear
Dural said on 9/Jan/09
Complex, I know a guy that managed to put 2in lifts in converse. I saw it when he was sitting and his insoles ended at the top of his shoes! Pitt has 100% lifts in his converse. I've seen some pics on the beach with his kids where you could clearly see that he has lifts in his converse. Then there was a pic on google Pitt looks the same height as Rossi in a yellow dress and another shorter guy on the picture with a beard. I'll post the pics if I find them.
Lemon said on 9/Jan/09
Complex, there is no way Valentino is that short (5'8"), he is 5'10" minimum.
Here he is with 5'8.5" Michael Schumacher: Click Here
Here he is with (weak) 5'10" Cuba Gooding jr.: Click Here
Here he is with 5'7.5" Stoner, 5'8" Nicky Hayden, 5'5.5" Melandri and 5'9" Chris Vermeulen: Click Here
Alex said on 9/Jan/09
How tall is Edward Norton? 6'0?
I dont think Brad is as tall as 5'11 anymore but I wouldn't go under 5'10 either.
Vibram said on 9/Jan/09
In a parodying fashion I think Pitt and Clooney have a 'lifts war' between them at premiers etc. "He who dares with the biggest wins" sort of thing, no? They're always smiling at each other and trying to outdo one another in the height department. I bet they laugh about over their mobile phones.
glenn said on 9/Jan/09
back to having me think pitt is 5-11 with those pics.
Ian said on 8/Jan/09
delphonic says on 7/Jan/09
Even Pitt's most official industry page has him under 5'11" now!! Along with all the other evidence...why exactly is he still listed as 5' 11" barefoot here???
Because 180cm is 5ft10.8661417 and nearest to that is 5ft11. 179cm is 5ft10.4724409
Bouncer said on 8/Jan/09
I think flat 5'11 is the highest Brad Pitt could be and 5'9.5 the lowest. I consider him a strong 5'10, he really didn't look that much taller than his wife with normal footwear. This guy's height is very very tricky to find out because he has excellent posture beside people who don't at many times and of course he's a major lift wearer and has probably the best lifts you can by for money.
delphonic said on 8/Jan/09
Lemon-Pitt's shoes in the pics you posted are of the style of a canvas "converse style" shoe, but I promise you those ain't no converse! Look how high the arch of his feet are in them. These are just yet another pair of Pitt's custom lift boots made in the style of a high top sneaker. If Valentino stood up straight, Pitt would only have about 1.5 inches on him. That is merely the difference in Pitt's customs and Rossi's low heeled driving shoes. A 5'10" man with perfect posture and custom shoes can pass for 6' all day long...Pitt has for years.
Complex said on 8/Jan/09
I agree Tellem, 5'10 max, I often think 5'10 is even generous much less 5'11, but at best if he's given the benefit of the doubt, i'd say 5'10 (not a hair over). If he's any taller than that then we'd have to upgrade Norton and Patrow, that's for sure.

Lemon that wouldn't be bad evidence if a. we knew for sure rossi was 5'10 (i've heard anything from 5'8-5'11 for rossi) and b. if we knew for sure Pitt didn't manage to cram lifts in those shoes he's wearing. As silly as it may sound, I know a guy that managed to put a little lift in converse, probably wasn't comfortable and only added 0.5 inch at best, but still, he did it. Stars will put lifts in everything physically possible.
Lemon said on 8/Jan/09
Brad Pitt next to 5'10" motorcycle racer Valentino Rossi: Click Here

Pitt's shoes: Click Here
Rossi's shoes: Click Here

Rossi is leaning a bit and Pitt might have shoe advantage, in any case I can't see him any shorter than 5'10.5".
TELLEM said on 7/Jan/09
pitt's 5'10 max...gwyneth paltrow and edward norton exposed him as a fraud 5'11 man
Complex said on 7/Jan/09
Nice delphonic, he's listed 5'10 other places as well. I think it's quite obvious by now that he's not 5'11 barefoot.

I could buy that Vibram, I always thought Clooney may be in the 5'9 range evening height but I do admit that Clooney is hard to peg down because of his extremely loose posture. Although I really think in the evening Damon is in the 5'8 range.
RisingForce said on 7/Jan/09
The comments on this picture are funny.

Click Here

One person said that Brad is 6 feet and only looks short because George is 6-2....

Brad at 6-0 is obviously off but atleast he can pass for it, George Clooney at 6-2 is hilarious.
delphonic said on 7/Jan/09
Even Pitt's most official industry page has him under 5'11" now!! Along with all the other evidence...why exactly is he still listed as 5' 11" barefoot here???
Click Here
imiliano said on 7/Jan/09
To be pedantic, 180cm is in fact just below 5'11 - therefore, should the above listing not read 5'10.80 (or something around about)/180cm?!
Anonymous said on 7/Jan/09
This is what Pitt wore for Troy Click Here while the rest of the cast wore Roman style sandals from the period being depicted.
MarcustheSwede said on 7/Jan/09
delphonic: Ok thanks for answer..there is not very many scenes in Troy where you see him and focus on the lower part of his body so its hard to see what kind of shoes he wears..but you answered it good so I think you are right..he looks tall in that movie so it must be lifts in the movie for him...just makes me wonder when he puts them on...must feel weird if the rest of the crew weirs sandals..anyway thanks.
Vibram said on 7/Jan/09
Astronomical lifts? Click Here

Forgot his astronomical lifts? Click Here

Pitt: 178cm / 5ft10
Clooney: 178/9cm 5ft10.5
Damon: 175cm 5ft9
Complex said on 6/Jan/09
Wow really hugh, 181-182 for Pitt? I suppose you think Paltrow is 181-182 too oh and if Pitt is that tall, Norton must be 6'3, lol! I had a rough day today and I need some of what Hugh is smoking to calm my nerves, lol, jk man, but I think a weak 5'11 is the most alot of ppl here would buy for him, me personally I dont even give him that, he could be 5'10 and in the evening very well in the 5'9 range. Proof all over this page!
MarcustheSwede said on 6/Jan/09
Hugh: Are u kidding. No way.Read the disscussion below and get the facts before.. Pitt is without shoes max 179cm. I think the above 180 is generous enough on Pitt.Just look at pictures with Matt Damon and George really says it all.
RisingForce said on 6/Jan/09
I highly doubt Pitt is over 5-11. I don't have a problem with 5-11 flat for Pitt but I don't have a problem with 5-10 flat either. Anything over or under is absurd in my opinion.
Ian said on 6/Jan/09
I mean Pitt could be 181 or 182cm. I've fairly certain he is about that height as that is around my height area during the day and Pitt doesn't looks small.
Ian said on 6/Jan/09
James have you seen how much a cm actually is. It isn't much. I could be 181cm or 182cm those are true 5ft11 heights. 180cm is a high end 5f10.
Random Person said on 6/Jan/09
The pic with Gwyneth Paltrow and Brad pitt in sandals indicates Brad Pitt to be 5'9.5 - 5'10.

These 6ft allegations seem farfetch'd.
Hugh said on 6/Jan/09
Think pitt could be 181cm-182cm. No less than 5ft11.
Midget said on 5/Jan/09
I didn't know that Delphonic, very interesting point. Certainly would explain why he lookd over 6' in the role of archilles.
glenn said on 5/Jan/09
i havnt seen that movie since it came out in the theater.i hated it.cant remember.but clooney looked 5-11ish to me last year,and 6-1 to me alot this i see what you mean.
dicky curtis said on 5/Jan/09
He seemed taller then 5.10 treat williams in the devil's own.
delphonic said on 5/Jan/09
MarcustheSwede - Pitt wore special lift boots even in TROY. The rest of the cast (including Bana and Bloom) were in low heeled sandals.
glenn said on 4/Jan/09
right risingforce.that scenario is possible too. good point james.
MarcustheSwede said on 4/Jan/09
How come he looked so tall in Troy movie??When he played Akilles??
I think he is about 179 without shoes.Max. but he looked very very tall in The Movie Troy...
Ian said on 4/Jan/09
Anon. I would say you are a weak 6ft or very strong 5ft11. I would say 5ft11.5-5ft11 3/4 if anyone were to ask you. You would get away with saying you are 6ft. I do.
RisingForce said on 4/Jan/09
Of course that's possible Glenn and if that's the case then I'd say he's 5-10.5 because he's a little taller than Damon.
Anonymous said on 4/Jan/09
Just a question about height: if I'm 6ft. in the morning but 5ft. 11.25" at night, what's my true height?

Anyway, Pitt to me looks like a solid 5ft. 10" (barefoot).
glenn said on 4/Jan/09
risingforce-i have an interesting scenario.all the pics in your last post.lets suppose no lifts involved this possible? and if possible,what can we make of it?
glenn said on 4/Jan/09
i agree complex.
Complex said on 3/Jan/09
I think 6'0 is the perfect height imo
RisingForce said on 3/Jan/09
I've said for a while James that Clooney likely is taller than Pitt.

Here it seems that they're both probably in some kind of height enhancing footwear and Pitt's posture advantage isn't as big as it normally is.
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here

Actually in all but one of the pictures Pitt is standing straighter. Clooney isn't that much closer to the camera either, otherwise it head would be much bigger than Pitt's. The reason Clooney can often look an inch or 2 shorter is because Pitt is usually the one wearing lifts and standing much straighter. take away those advantages and Clooney is likely taller.

In those full body shots(except the last one), Clooney looks 1.5 to 2 inches taller.

Matt Damon and Brad Pitt who are both likely in height enhancing shoes.
Click Here
Click Here

Pitt has the posture advantage and looks at most a half inch taller. Once again full body shots where Pitt doesn't have the footwear advantage aren't kind to him.

And finally to illustrate how full body shots don't favor Pitt. Here are the 2 famous pictures again.

Pitt and Gwyneth Paltrow in sandals.
Click Here

Pitt could be losing some height from where he is in his stride but he is closer to the camera and factoring in everything he looks like he could end up at most an inch taller.

Here he is with Edward Norton who is slouching. Pitt could have a footwear advantage too.
Click Here

Norton has a minimum 2 inches on him.

In all of those full body shot pictures it seems that these heights add up.

Edward Norton- 6-0.25
George Clooney- 5-11.5
Brad Pitt- 5-10, 5-10.5
Matt Damon- 5-10
Gwyneth Paltrow- 5-9

With Pitt looking under 5-11 in the majortiy of full body shot pictures where he doesn't have a big footwear advanatage I have a hard time believing he's a full 5-11.

5-10 or 5-10.5 fits Pitt better. You can't ignore that when you take away Pitt's footwear advantage and you have full body shot pictures that he usually looks under 5-11.
Zach #2 said on 3/Jan/09
Brad Pitt never looks TALL in any of his movies (tall meaning 6ft+) so my guess, hes 5ft 11"(morning) and 5ft 10.5"(evening)

the tall side of average to be fair.
Ian said on 3/Jan/09
Click Here

Brad Pitt has that sloping shoulders look that Arnold has. His shoulders are the same as Cloney 5ft10 but the top his head is inches above Clooney. This may be way all the low height estimates for Pitt but to me he is 5ft11 maybe 5ft11.5
bam said on 2/Jan/09
i hate to dwell on 1 or 2 pics, but the pics where pitt is the same height or taller than 6ft john malkovich is insane.
Danny said on 2/Jan/09
Vibram 180cm is the perfect height in my opinion.
Alex said on 1/Jan/09
Klem, its like when I think of a girl in my head I think of 5'4-5'5 for some reason.
Alex said on 1/Jan/09
Klem, I'd think most girls would picture a man in their mind to be in the 5'10-6'0 range.
eddy said on 1/Jan/09
just saw fight club last night, in that film he looks slightly shorter than 6 foot Norton who im assuming was not wearing lifts in the film.
Y-Man said on 19/Oct/06
No Drew, Glenn is not lying as he already mentioned explaining the pic with Clooney that he (Clooney) had a thick heeled boots on, and who knows what's he got in them boots :) Besides, I'd trust Glenn's 5'8" height over any of the Hollywood claims made by the actors.
So... I still think Clooney is 5'9" ( I remember watching this yrs Oscars and Clooney's path crossed with Ang Lee's and both talked for a few seconds holding there respective Oscars and u could tell that Clooney was about 2"-2.5" taller than Lee's 5'6.5"-5'7" height. Clooney looked quite his 5'9" height at the Oscars) and Brad is 5'9"-5'9.5" and Matt is 5'7.5"-5'8"

Yes Viper652, Clooney's as tall as Brad, maybe .5" shorter and that on account of him almost always holding his head at funny angles tilting it from side to side and that's about it. I wouldn't take his statement about Brad being 6'1" seriously as he's a known Funnyman/Practical Joker around Hollywood. In my opinion that statment was done in a tounge-in-cheek fashion :) so any statements uttered by him on non-serious issues in regards to his profession, I suspect.

Anyways, after all said and done, what we say are all guesstimates and nothing else. right? You all could be right but then again I could be too LOL.
Viper652 said on 19/Oct/06
Y-Man, Brad Pitt looked 6-1 in the abduction video.
Anonymous said on 18/Oct/06
Clooney could be taller than Pitt, excluding lifts...
d said on 18/Oct/06
"if Brad is 5.9 then Damon should be 5.6 !! and Clooney 5.8 !! "
people these comparos don't work when we don't know who is wearing what on their feet. Clooney looks 5'11 next to glenn, but as its been pointed out many many times, look at clooneys elevated waist line in that pic..unnatural?
There's a few pics where damon looks almost the same height as pitt and many more where he looks 2" shorter. assume nothing. I recommend watching "the dark side of the sun" if you want a shocker look at how small pitt looked at 25.
Glenn said on 18/Oct/06
I never understood the tons of people making judgements and answers like you people walk around barefoot?
Anonymous said on 18/Oct/06
my best friend is working today with gearge matt and brad on ocean 13 so tonight he will tell me their height exept if thei wear elevators
Drew said on 18/Oct/06
Y-man, if Clooney is 5'9" then Glenn is lying about his height too. You can tell from the picture (see the George Clooney page) that he's more than one inch taller than Glenn.

Oh well...
Viper652 said on 18/Oct/06
If Pitt is only 5-9, then that makes Clooney only 5-8, which isnt the case.
Y-Man said on 18/Oct/06
@ anonymous2: Thanks a lot. yeah I know what u mean, I have the same sentiments :)

@ Drew: Well I think he is that short :) & as for why wasn't he wearing lifts that day, my best guess would be that as he was being a jackass that day (no pun intended) & was pulling a stunt like that which was quite obviously aggressive in nature, I'm sure he must've thought it's not wise to wear such shoes that day lest he sprain his ankle or worse rupture his Achilles tendon which ironically he did on the set of Troy (press reports) during the action sequences & which setback the shooting of the film for sometime. Now we all know that he wore knee-high boots in the movie and not the strap on sandals as rest of the cast as well as the original Greeks did. His lame excuse was "I wanted something you could actually fight in." and what were the original Greek warriors doing back then? horsing around? of course not! they were fighting tooth and nail in those very same sandals. The fact of the matter is everyone who suspected him of wearing lifts cried Foul: HEIGHT INCREASE!-- so doing Greek style action in lifts is a big no no.
As for any pics of this guy with Brad, I don't know and I don't think so as I'm sure he would've sent me one as proof, but just in case to satisfy your curiosity, e-mail him thru his website like I did :)

@ Marc: Yeah u are absolutely right and I agree with you on that :) but here is where u and I differ: u think he's 5'11" to begin with and I think he's 5'9"

@ Height Detective: No it's not nonsense at all, I think Clooney is 5'9" as well like Brad and Damon is a tad under 5'8" maybe 5'7.5"
In Hollywood everyone knows it's make belief and the bottom line is: image, image, image!
And you're right. It's his word against who say 5'11" but I explained my theory in my reply to Drew. Read it.
anonymous2 said on 18/Oct/06
good work Y-Man. I never could see Pitt as being taller than 176 cm.
Drew said on 18/Oct/06
Y-man, I doubt he's that short! Plus, why wasn't he wearing lifts that day? Doesn't this guy have any pics with Pitt?
Marc said on 17/Oct/06
I'd say Brad is 5'11, and I have a friend who is about 5'10.5. When I wore dress shoes with a 1.25 inch heel (that's being generous, too), he thought I was 6'1". I told him that I was 5'11 and he really thought I was 6'1". It shouldn't be too hard for Brad to play his height up to 6'1" if he's 5'11. I did it unintentionally.
Height Detective said on 17/Oct/06
Y-Man think a second the nonsense that you are saying , if Brad is 5.9 then Damon should be 5.6 !! and Clooney 5.8 !!
If that guy said that he is "around" 5.9 is because he dont know his real height , and he has no prove fron nothing coz is his word against other peoples word who says that Brad is 5.11
Y-Man said on 17/Oct/06
checkout this website
Click Here
this is the guy who was prominently featured on the Jackass video "the abduction" and he mentions that Brad's "short, but he
derbi said on 16/Oct/06
I mean in that pic wahlberg's like 4-6 inches bigger, for shore not only 2!
derbi said on 16/Oct/06
dubdude, I don't understand you. You say he was looking small (5'6) next to 5'4 kate moss and then post this picture:
Click Here
Height Detective said on 16/Oct/06
Dumbdude , that is the Cover promotion picture for the movie , its obvious that is retouched .
Paltrow and Jack Black
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
dumbdude said on 16/Oct/06
Oh and regarding the Wahlberg question..Glenn mentioned that Wahlber was closer to the camera, and wearing clunky boots or something. Glenn looks like he's kind of slouching in the pic too, so I'm pretty confident that Wahlberg is probably closer to 5 foot 6. 5 foot 6.5 at the very most.
dumbdude said on 16/Oct/06
Er..well I stand corrected on Paltrow, Paltrow is shorter than I anticipated. She's only 5 foot 6 to 5 foot 6.5 tops then...should have figured that, since she was looking only an inch or two taller than the 5 foot 5 to 5 foot 5.5 Jack black in Shallow Hal...

Click Here

As you can see from the pic above..Paltrow is wearing 2 inch heels and barely towering over him.

So that would now put Paltrow at 5 foot 6..And Damon at about 1.5 inches taller than her..which makes him as I said before..5 foot 7 to 5 foot 7.5 tops.

Height Detective said on 16/Oct/06
Dumbdude , the problem with your theory is that Paltrow ISNT in flats near Damon. I dont understand why are you saiyng that while you cant see their feet.
Check this photo.
Click Here
And this one
Click Here
Paltrow is wearing big heels meanwhile Damon is in flats .
In the third pic you posted , when you said that Paltrow towers over Damon ,look at the picture , they arent at the same level , there is a camera angle trick going on there , the heights are distorted ,so that pic proves nothing.
If Whalberg is 5 foot 6 , why he look near the same height as 5.8 Glenn ?
So to mantain your theory you have to doubt about Glenns Height now ?
Height Detective said on 15/Oct/06
I think 5.9 could be spot on for Damon , 5.10 for Clooney , and between 5.10 and a half and in the 5.11 mark for Brad ,wich allows him to put a little lift in those plain shoes and look pushing 6.1 .
Check the pic above , Damon is consistently taller than near 5.8 Whalberg and no so shorter than 5.11 Di caprio , wich makes hard to believe him being at bare 5.8 , plus in the Clooney - Glenn picture , a lot of people said that Clooney looked like a 6 footer near 5.8 Glenn , and a 5.9 person cant look that height even in boots , so George must be 5.10 minimum and in boots as Clooney was in that Glenns picture , he can pushing the 6 ft mark.
Height Detective said on 14/Oct/06
Look at this photo
Click Here
he never wears sandals , check his shoes and the weird position of his feet. Is he hiding something inside ?
Height Detective said on 14/Oct/06
If Damon is 5.8 , then why he look noticeable taller than 5.7 and a half whalberg and no much shorter than Di Caprio ?
Click Here
And dumbdude , check the pic with Glenn and Clooney , he doesnt look 5.9 at all.
anonymous said on 13/Oct/06
Maybe he is 5 foot 11, but in the movies they make him looks like a 6'2.
Paul said on 13/Oct/06
Click Here
Click Here

This two pictures prove that Pitt is not over 5'11. Norton's barefoot, Pitts shoes give him a 0.75-1 inch advantage, but Brad still looks 1.5-2 inches shorter than 6'1 Norton.
dmeyer said on 11/Oct/06
a friend of mine is brad pitt hairdresser and told me pitt was 1 inch shorter than me so like 178 179
dumbdude said on 11/Oct/06
I think my estimates were pretty good. Pit looks close to 5.10, Clooney looks about an inch shorter, and Damon looks to be in the 5 7 to 5 foot 8 range.
Height Detective said on 11/Oct/06
Brad , George and Matt
Click Here
anonymous said on 11/Oct/06
i think its just amusing how people are still arguing that he's 6 foot or over when the real brad stated he was 5'11. why would someone like brad pitt lie and say that he's shorter than he really is. That just show's he's 5'11" at the very max as 99.99% of the time celebs say that they are taller than they really are.

its just common sense, people
dmeyer said on 10/Oct/06
i just saw something intresting in ocean 12 pitt goes in a room were topher grace is and he looks 1.5 to 2 inches taller but pitt his hin 1.5 inches heels and who knows wath inside and topheris barefeet so they are probably the same height barefeet but brad did look taller than him in ocean 11 also he looks 2.5 inches almost 3 inches smaller than 189 mac so even in lifts he is not mush over 6 foot brad is like 180 and apear 184 in good shoes
Adam said on 10/Oct/06
you guys that think Pitt is shorter than 5 9, wtf?
Brad said on 6/Oct/06
But Brad stands straight up with 3" heels in boots, dress or cycle.
anonymous2 said on 6/Oct/06
Pitt and Clooney may be the same height, give or take 1/2 inch.
Brad said on 6/Oct/06
5' 11" and it irritates Clooney.
dumbdude said on 6/Oct/06
Okay based on all the evidence presented, I'm thinking Brad is about 5 foot 9.75. That now puts Clooney in the 5 foot 9 range, and Matt Damon in the 5 foot 7 to 5 foot 8 range, and Cruise is somewhere in the 5 foot 5.5 to 5 foot 6 range tops. How does that sound?
dumbdude said on 6/Oct/06
Here's a pic of notAliar beside Cher, he's to her left..

Click Here

Seriously buddy, do you have the same disease as that mask kid? I'm thinking that's the case since you seem to think your forhead adds about 4 to 5 inches to your height. But I doubt that's the case, I just think you didn't do a good job measuring. I'd say you're probably closer to 6 foot 1 eye level, and I'd say there's about 3.5 to 4 inches between the top of your eye level and your bottom most part of your lip. I came up with this number by measuring the distance between my eye level and my bottom lip.

So at the very least, by your guesstimate..Pitt would be 5 foot 9 since he came up to your bottom lip. Which is around the height most on this site think he is. Personally I think he's closer to the 5 foot 10 range,(probably 5 9.5 or 5 9.75) but who knows. He's definitely not a real short guy. He's about average. And with regular shoes on, he probably looks about 5 foot 11. With biker boots/lifts I'm sure he can look a legit 6 foot 1.

Paul said on 6/Oct/06
Look how is wearing his pants in Fight Club. His upper part of the body looks very long because of that. This guy always wants to look taller than he is.

Click Here
Height Detective said on 6/Oct/06
Exactly , if Brad is 5.8 then Clooney must be like 5.7 or something and thats ridiculous , and Clooney dont wear lifts , so Brad must be in the 5.10 / 5.11 range , even a little bit more that 5.11 as a possibility ,as he looks always 5.11 minimum.
Viper652 said on 6/Oct/06
Correct Chris, which would make him look like a legit 6-1 guy.
Chris said on 6/Oct/06
Very true ER. But he can look 6'2'' in public, so sometimes he wears lifts.
ER. said on 6/Oct/06
Why would he need to wear lifts to appear 6-1? If he is 5-11 he would only need normal heeled dress shoes to appear 6-1ish. I don't think he wear lifts.
Viper652 said on 6/Oct/06
6-1 with his lifts on, sure.
Anonymous said on 5/Oct/06
He probably told them that was his height.
dmeyer said on 5/Oct/06
i never heard as bad as 5'8 but people did tell me he looks 5'10 in person
dmeyer said on 5/Oct/06
brad is 5'11 +3 inches lifts 6'2 = looking 6'1
Glenn said on 5/Oct/06
Brad-it never occured to you that some people dont have english as their primary language and this site is worldwide? I screw up all the time,cause of lack of sleep,brainfog,and plain stupidity.dont be anal.doesnt mean one isnt intelligent.I know plenty of booksmart college graduates that are idiots at handling life and or relationships.
FBM said on 5/Oct/06
Don't know how accurate the Mdme Toussoau people really are..but they list him as 6'1". His likeness was about that size and wearing very flat shoes.
Anonymous said on 5/Oct/06
Exactly dmeyer. Most guys atop their height up a half inch to an inch and a half. For Pitt that would mean 5'9.5"- 5'10.5"
Viper652 said on 5/Oct/06
I was just thinking, If Brad is 5-8 then that makes Clooney 5-7, which is pretty impossible.
Viper652 said on 5/Oct/06
5-8 is pretty far out there for Brad, I have to admit.
Drew said on 5/Oct/06
Whoever said 5'8" is smoking something. Pitt is not 1mm under 177cm.
dumbdude said on 5/Oct/06
notAliar says on 4/Oct/06
"i saw brad pitt in phili, on the set of a movie he was making there, the one where he has a irish accent, he was standing right next to me for like 5 mins, but i didnt recognize him because of the insane height 6'1" and he was at least 5 inches shorter than me, standing...hes a really small guy in real life; i would say 5'8" tops."

I don't think he's quite that small. Based on your eyewitness testimony, I'd say he's probably closer to 5 9.75, I'd say 5 9.5 at the very least. When he puts on regular trainers or clunky dress shoes, he probably looks about 5 11. I stand at about 5 8 myself. And when I put regular shoes on, I can look anywhere from 5 9 to 5 10 sometimes because I'm fairly slender.

Brad said on 4/Oct/06
"I readed". Oh my gawd. Seriously, is this American education? I love it! Somebody has to "deffend" it.
dmeyer said on 4/Oct/06
i never thaught about it but if he claimed 5'11 at 24 whi would he be taller since men dont downgrade
Viper652 said on 4/Oct/06
Well, the guy is 6-1 in lifts.
suppafly said on 4/Oct/06
yrr rrright ya know. he seems 5'10" to me. great lifts though. he dosent have the proportions to be 6'. glenn my man u gotta nail this one, with the shoes.
notAliar said on 4/Oct/06
i saw brad pitt in phili, on the set of a movie he was making there, the one where he has a irish accent, he was standing right next to me for like 5 mins, but i didnt recognize him because of the insane height 6'1" and he was at least 5 inches shorter than me, standing...hes a really small guy in real life; i would say 5'8" tops.
dmeyer said on 3/Oct/06
no i never seen him
dmeyer said on 3/Oct/06
it is true in seven looked at least 3 inches smaller than freeman and a lidl smaller than than geena in low heeled sandals and he was in boots and a lidl smaller than ducoveny so 5'10 5'11 and now looks 6'0 6'1 so he defenetly did something
Gonzalo said on 3/Oct/06
5`11 and he wears lifts. How can we explain that he looked 4 inches shorter than Morgan Freeman and just two shorter than Eric Bana?I think we know the answer: lifts.

Editor Rob
Pitt is in the elite band of celebs who stands tall in the vast majority of photo ops.
Anonoymous said on 2/Oct/06
I though these guy was 6'1" tall cuz I saw a movie of him where it said that was that tall.
Glenn said on 2/Oct/06
Interesting Height Detective.
Lucas_25 said on 2/Oct/06
He's about 178cm barefoot, no more, when wearing lifts he does apear taller. Dmeyer - have you ever seen him "live" ?
Viper652 said on 2/Oct/06
Hes 5-10 1/2.
Anonymous said on 1/Oct/06
Because everyone knows that along with Cruise and Stallone, Pitt is one of main abusers of height enhancing footwear.
heightmaster said on 30/Sep/06
I'am sorry Glenn, Pitt is not 5'11". He is no more than 5'10.5". Most movies Pitt is in, he is wearing at least 1" to an 1".5" heels. Which would make him look around 5'11" to over 6'.
Height Detective said on 29/Sep/06
He is ripped , he has good proportions these makes him look tall , but that 5.9 stuff is really difficult to believe .
dumbdude said on 28/Sep/06
You forget Huey that all these "eyewitnesses" didn't really know whether or not Brad was wearing lifts. Pitt ain't a small guy, anyway you look at it. He's on the tall side. He's either a bit under or a bit over 5 10, I can't see him as being much taller than this. He probably doesn't really need to wear lifts all that much, seeing as how normal dress shoes can add about an inch to his height, making him look 5 11ish most of the time.
Huey said on 28/Sep/06
What I've noticed on this thread is that all the eye-witness accounts say Pitt is 5-11 to 6-1, all the people studying phots say 5-9 and 5-10.
Anonymous said on 28/Sep/06
I'd say the shortest is 177 and the tallest is 181 with my guess being 179.
Height Detective said on 28/Sep/06
Jon Bon Jovi and Brad
Click Here
Height Detective said on 28/Sep/06
Its interesting to compare these two couples , Brad and Jennifer and Peter facinelli (5.10 ) and Jenny Garth ,similar height to Aniston they look similar in height.
Click Here
Click Here
Drew said on 28/Sep/06
I think the shortest he could be is 177cm and the tallest 180cm. We will never ever know until somebody meets him while he is barefoot! Haha...
dmeyer said on 27/Sep/06
hey rob wath do you think the shortest brad could be and waths the tallest
Adam said on 27/Sep/06
Click Here

He looks pretty decent six foot foot plus here. almost as tall as Bana
Chris said on 27/Sep/06
I know. I checked it out when I saw what you wrote, then it said 5'11
dmeyer said on 27/Sep/06
there is a scene were pitt tell bernie dont say anithyng to danny and pitt looks 2 inches smaller so 184 cm ingood shoes
dmeyer said on 27/Sep/06
if damon is 178 then clooney apear 181 and pitt 184 in the oceans movies there is a scene when clooney and damon are in the safe and clooney looks 4 cm taller
dmeyer said on 27/Sep/06
hey rob there is a very interesting pic in this week us weekly were clooney looks taller than pitt clooney has a lidl flore advantage and 0.5 in heels advatage but who knows eath pitt has inside the shoe but in this pic they both have very high cut boots pitt with 1 inch uotside heels and clooney with 1.5 in take a look
suppafly said on 27/Sep/06
u see as height progresses people look slimmer even at the same bmi. a guy who has the same bmi as michael jordon or vince carter but is 6' will look much bulkier even though he has the same weight to height ratio. I dont know but it has something to do with the size and density of bones which increases as height progresses.
Drew said on 27/Sep/06
Chris, two days ago Innarritu was listed at 5'10"!
Anonymous said on 27/Sep/06
yeah dmeyer, pitt looked 5' 10.5" in Thelma and Louise (in cowbow boots!). maybe he slipped away and had limb lengthening done at some point in the mid-90s (doubtful) or maybe he just found an even better shoemaker than stallone's!
dmeyer said on 26/Sep/06
lets say we dont care how tall he realy is in movies and premiers he does look 6 ft+ exept in troy were he looked way smaller than 187 hedlund and smaller and 2 inches smaller than otoole and similar with bean
dmeyer said on 25/Sep/06
back in telma he looked 5'10.5 and nowadays he looks about 6'0.5 he must have done something
suppafly said on 25/Sep/06
keanu reves gets listed at 6"1' and 175lb (80kg approx) and he looks much slimmer when compared to pitt if u ask me.
Drew said on 25/Sep/06
Suppafly, Pitt is a ripped guy (very low body fat), so obviously he can look "buff"...but in really he's just very slim with low body fat (just like fashion models). He could easily be 65-75kg at 5'9"-6".
MD said on 24/Sep/06
Just for a correction, Don Cheadle isn't even 5'8"
suppafly said on 24/Sep/06
if his listed weight of 70,72 kg is accurate, i cannt see him being more than 5' 10", because he looks buffer than a guy who is 5' 11", 6' can look at that height
rwfender said on 24/Sep/06
i think these pictures show brad is 5'11 but not 6'
Drew said on 24/Sep/06
Great pictures Height Detective. More proof that Pitt's shorter than 5'11". Did he forget to wear his lifts?
dumbdude said on 23/Sep/06
Brad is 5 9.5 to 5 10 people..not too hard to tell. Depending on what type of shoes he has on, he can look anywhere from 5 11 to 6 1.
Height Detective said on 23/Sep/06
Anonymous i didnt doit as a mistake ,I think he could be 5.10 but then i saw another pics and you know , he could be taller , i remember all my posts dont worry , and yeah he look shorter on that pics , thats why i posted that pics here ,im trying to be impartial sorry if I upset you , whe have to keep an eye on this guy.
Here is brad with Colin Edwards a Moto racer who is listed oficially at 5.10 1/2
Click Here

Colin Edwards and Valentino Rossi officially listed at 5.11 1/2
Click Here
Click Here
If valentino wasnt slouching he will look like the photo of Brad and Edwards , what do you think rob ?
Viper652 said on 23/Sep/06
Brad, 90210 made Jason Priestley look average and Ian Ziering tall half the time.
Anonymous said on 22/Sep/06
Height detective, you've completely lost me. A month ago you were posting pics of a 6'0" Geena Davis much taller than Pitt in cowboy boots and a ten gallon hat. Now you're trying to argue that he's at the very least 5'11. Not trying to be a jerk but you made a very convincing argument that he's 5'10 albeit by mistake it seems.
Brad said on 22/Sep/06
Beverly Hills 90210 was notorious for camera angles making their cast look higher. There wasn't another show on TV that made 5' 1"-5' 6" actors look higher. Mr. Spelling did that on Charlie's Angels. Probably the same directors. I would have guessed Farrah Fawcett a 5' 8" Texan model. Not even close. I have a DVD of photographers following celebs. Pitt is walking through an airport making the sharpie/photo guys look short. Okay, some of them were the 5' 5" fat guys, but; most were not. He had to be 6' 1" in boots.
Paul said on 22/Sep/06
I don't say that he isn't tall but Pitt is definetly not over 5'11. I guess he's 178-179 cm. Normal sneakers have 1 inch soles so it's not difficult that Brad can look 6' with normal footwear too. And please show me a picture where he's wearing sneakers and does look 6'1-6'2. Such a picture doesn't exist.
Height Detective said on 22/Sep/06
problem is pitt sometimes wears very flat shoes , or like converse sneakers , and he still look tall. a bare 5.10 guy cant look more than 5.11 in that kind of shoes and is hard to put lifts there.
Viper652 said on 22/Sep/06
That is true Paul, and a show that use to do that was Beverly Hills 90210.
Paul said on 22/Sep/06
With good posture, good shoes and a good camera angle a 5'10 guy can appear being 6'2.
Brad said on 21/Sep/06
I'm just helping out the little fella who got dissed. Word structure was just on purpose like that. Pitt is 5' 11". In "Ocean's 12" he was wearing big ass heels and really tall looking. I wouldn't want to be taller. I was 6' 7" today in work boots and hated it. I wanna be 6' 2".
dmeyer said on 21/Sep/06
pitt look from 180 to 185 in pics anything from 5'10.75 to 6'0.75
dmeyer said on 21/Sep/06
i met someone that worked with brad on ocean therteen i was wearing 1.6 inches heels and he told me brad was exactly my height and i met a few people that told me he was my height i dont think brad wears less heels than 1.5 in so rob might be right but i dont get whi he towers over clooney
Glenn said on 21/Sep/06
I dont recall anything like that in height difference with Morgan.must check that out again.
Anonymous said on 21/Sep/06
check out se7en. you'll really be confused then cuz he looks 4.5 inches shorter than freeman.
Height Detective said on 21/Sep/06
yeah Glenn thats the point i dont understand too and makes my wonder.
Anonymous said on 21/Sep/06
Brad: Most of your comments seem to be right on in my opinion. So I'm not sure why you felt the need to leave such a pointless and petty comment about my "grammar" now. I'm sorry if me neglecting to use spell check offended you somehow. Admittedly, I'm a horrible speller. But fortunately, that's not a big deal in the age of "spell check". When it actually matters, I don't have mis-spellings. Being a decent writer is far more important and useful than good spelling at this point. Anyhow, you're not exactly in a position to critique my "grammar" (which is about word structure, NOT spelling).

Here is your last comment on this page:
"That's really true about Willis. Never met him but I'd think he was under 6' by a couple by movies/tv/print even though he's 6'. Pitt always looks taller. He walks tall with a lean body."

Read it again, then give me another lecture on grammar. If I wanted to be petty, I'd say "C'mon dude, turn off ESPN and open a book or the paper" (I don't mean the sports section). But frankly, I don't care about your spelling or grammar. Is it so much to ask people to get back to the subject of height???

Anonymous said on 21/Sep/06
Height Detective: Stop kissing Rob's ass for five minutes and read the postings on this page. Over half the people on here also believe he is under 5' 11". I guess they're all idiots with personal height issues as well?? Just cause I said I'd love to be a little taller does not mean I have an "issue" with my current height. Like most people, I wouldn't mind being a little taller...a little richer...a little better travelled, you get the point. Who wouldn't in theory? Unlike yourself, I'm man enough to admit it. That doesn't mean it keeps me up at night. I'm a wealthy, good looking and world travelled bachelor...what do I have to complain about?? Absolutely nothing!! You may have a problem with me being 5' 9" barefoot, but fortunately, the hot women I date don't, so get over it.
If you haven't noticed by now, Rob doesn't exactly have time to comment about every posting on That doesn't mean they're all s***. In fact, sometimes he's more likely to make a comment if he disagrees.
Have you even read Rob's words at the top of this page? He says Pitt "holds himself like a 6 footer, but then who knows about his footwear."
Of course he "looks" at least 5' 11", nobody is arguing that. The question here is barefoot height. Since it's obvious he wears lifts (even in tennis shoes), nobody here knows his barefoot height for sure. What about that is so confusing for you? Why can't you understand that these are ALL just opinions...even yours and the almighty Rob's. I bet you were one of those annoying "teacher's pet" types growing up...desperate for approval and a pat on the head from your master. Try being your own man height might like it ;-)
Glenn said on 21/Sep/06
What I dont understand is that in certain movies,particulary Oceans 12,he looks 6-1.other movies,5-11.I say no smaller.the manhimself posted on here.he said 5-11.scroll down.
Height Detective said on 21/Sep/06
Drew I respect your opinion ,but may be in that pic there are no good camera angles , for example check this one Click Here Brad is in plain sneakers , and paltrow is in pretty big heels , and he is taller , how much lift you can put into those sneakers? Anyway , i was just guessing about Pitt beight a little taller than 5.11 , I said it once and Rod stated it as a possibility , i never confirmed that , may be you are right and he is shorter , im looking for that possibility too ok , so rob what do you think , there is a slight possiblity of Brad being a hair taller in the 5.11 range ?
Drew said on 21/Sep/06
Height Detective, can you stick to posting pictures please, because I can't understand anything of what you're saying. Thanks.

I have no issues with my height, in fact, if you read other comments of mine on other pages, I'm generally trying to UPGRADE the height of most celebrities. But in this case, I'm pretty certain that Pitt is 5'10'5".

You said that my picture proves nothing because the ground slopes in Paltrow's favour. How is that so?

Click Here

Do you realize that this is one of the pics you posted? As you said, Pitt looks around 5cm taller (at the very most)...but didn't you notice that she's slouching??

If she had to stand up straight, she'd be maybe one inch shorter than him, which would make Pitt 5'10".
Brad said on 21/Sep/06
"Tryed","sandles","therfore","lier","grammer". I think I see third grade grammer, er (Jim Rome soundbite) grammar.
Height Detective said on 20/Sep/06
And anonymous and Drew , your "ultimate" photos that are gonna reveal to the world that Brad is 5.10 werent commented by the Editor , wich means that your "ultimate photos" are irrelevant to probe anything . In the other hand when i said my theory the Editor considered it a possibility , plus I have contributed in pin down many celebheights so i dont have to prove you nothing "anoymous" and thats all Im gonna say , this discussion you made is pointless ,you can believe whatever you want and be happy with your "5.11 with boots" height .
Anonymous said on 20/Sep/06
Hey Height Defective - Well if english is your second language, I guess that explains your writing...which is pretty decent considering that. So I do apologize for calling out your grammer.
But you're still arrogantly assuming your opinion is somehow superior to mine because it's a "theory". A theory you have no real "proof" of either. Therefore, each theory is only as good as the argument it's based on. I'm basing mine on rational pics and sightings. Other people may look at the same pics and sightings and claim 5' 11". I respect those opinions and wouldn't be totally shocked if he was indeed 5' 11", but I would be surprised.
However, you are basing your theory/argument on the fact that he himself wrote 5' 11", like he must be at least that if that's what he wrote. You speak as if that makes it "proof" because he said/wrote it. To me, that is all the more reason he is most likely under 5' 11" for the fact that nearly ALL male actors under 6' are gonna round up to at least their height "in normal shoes". 99% are gonna add at least one inch to their barefoot height. If you don't believe me, just ask any hollywood agent (or anyone in hollywood for that matter). Maybe actors NEVER lie about their height in bollywood or wherever you're from. But I garuntee you they do here my frustrated friend. Pitt isn't wearing heeled boots/lifts and forcing military posture for the hell of it. He does everything in his power to "look" taller than he is. Maybe as a 5' 9" barefoot guy I understand and recognize that better than someone like yourself. You are 5' 11", do you feel the need to wear lifts and force your posture at all times. I'm guessing your answer is a proud "No". So why the hell do you think Pitt would go through all that if he were above 5' 11" barefoot??? Answer that for me Einstien ;-)
Height Detective said on 20/Sep/06
Anonymous , your "coolness" is agressively ironic , if you disagree you can say it and thats it , but when you start making fun on a person opinion ,even in a "cool" way ,that shows the kind of person you are.Im not fron USA that may explain my grammar , yes I respect all opinions , i dont care whow tall is a person , when that person give serious opinions and IMPARTIAL ones , like Rob Glenn or other users , but you started to ironize myself that was just innecesary , go to the shrink , you " 5.9 i will love to be 5.11 " ( in your own words ) Anonymous , you finished saying that you havnt a single proof that Pitt is 5.10 ,so you are giving me the reason , may i write bad , but you read wrong , I made a theory about brad looking tall than 5.11 , I never affirm that he IS more than 5.11 , but who knows why you wanna convince everybody that he is 5.10 with no proof at all , so you admitted you dont have a single proof to know he is 5.10 and in the other hand you say that what i said its ridiculous , I think you are making a bigger ass of yourself.
dmeyer said on 20/Sep/06
the 180 at night and 182cm in norning is when i mesure my self but at the pharmacy i am 183 cm in the morning it is an electric mashine i am talking barefeet
Anonymous said on 20/Sep/06
I tryed to be cool with you Height Detective, but you obviously aren't bright enough to even realize that. But you're right about one thing, I don't have undeniable "proof" that he is 5' 10" because I've never personally measured him barefoot. It is simply my opinion based on the pictures of him in sandles (the only shoes you can't hide lifts in) with Paltrow. The fact is there are just as many if not more people on this page that believe he is closer to 5' 10" than 5' 11". All of which are opinions based on the information, pics and sightings available to us. My opinion is also based on the opinion of my step sister who was an extra in the coffee shop on friends for 2 years. She saw him on the set several times. You have no more "proof" that he is above 5' 11" than anyone has he is under. Maybe you want him to be 5' 11" because you're 5' 11"?? No disrespect to Rob or Glenn, but neither of them have seen or measured Pitt barefoot either. Therfore their opinions are simply just two more opinions. But according to you, anyone under 5' 10" does not have a worthy opinion anyway. So considering the fact that Rob and Glenn are both about 5' 8", I guess their opinions are just a bunch of bulls*** anyway. Anyone under 5' 9" must surely be an angry lier (your logic). You claim you respect others opinions, but you clearly don't...which is fine. Unlike yourself, I don't cry or get angry just because someone disagrees with me. Nor do I start making cracks that anyone who disagrees with me MUST have personal issues about their own height. And you have the nerve to call me and Drew aggressive?? You should just let this one go now, becuase each time you string together another ignorant post with your 3rd grade grammer and IQ, you're just digging yourself deeper and making a bigger ass of yourself. But I guess when you're 5' 11", you don't have to learn to write and express yourself beyond an elementary level. I'm sooo jealous Height Detective...I wish I was tall enough to get away with being dumb (not).
John said on 20/Sep/06
Its weird Brad Pitt looks, 6'1 from like 1995-2006, but if you look at pics from him before that time he looks 5'10. I know he didnt grow at 25. Seems like the bigger his celebrity gets, so does his height,
Height Detective said on 20/Sep/06
Im not taking it personally ,but even Rob admits he looks taller than 5.11 and he backup my assumption , again an assumption ,even Glenn said he look 5.11 minimum , plus I have helped to pin down many celeb height here , I respect all the opinions , even yours with not proof at all , its funny but you anonymous and Drew the two who act agressively to my comment , are both below 5.11 .
Fortunately , im taller than 5.10 and i dont have any bad animosity against Brad Pitt height . I really dont care if he is 5.10 but i dont care if he is 5.11 either. Anyway , im taller than that. Im impartial and serious , I dont came here acting like a child saying he is 5.10 when I dont have a single proof of that. Sorry , but someone who say that and dont put a single and serious proof and keep insisiting agressively on that , I have to think that person have issues with his own height.
I dont close the possiblity that he is really 5.10 , but he walks tall , even in flat shoes ,or plain converse sneakers with no much room for lifts .
ForensicNYC said on 20/Sep/06
"IF you think these FLAT bowling shoes of mine are should get knocked out by my HIGH BOOTS!!!..."
Click Here

Anonymous said on 19/Sep/06
Yeah Height Detective, i'm not attacking you (thanks for the backing Drew). You're the one who attempted to make it personal by insinuating I have a problem with my own height. FYI, I'm just over 5' 9" barefoot...would love to be just an inch or two taller...but with generous shoe/boots, I'm scraping 5' 11". I have a lean muscular build, decent looks and a brain. So it's not like my average height is preventing me from getting laid or anything. But nobody here really gives a s*** how tall I am (except you for some reason). Like you say, I'm just another "anonymous".
Whether you're willing to admit it or not, your contention that Pitt (or any other actor) would ever round down (even 1 cm) is a weak argument at best...borderline ridiculous at worst. So I called you out in a clever and humorous way. Sorry you took it personally. Relax and laugh at yourself sometime, especially when you say something that's laughable as we all do on occassion.

Brad said on 19/Sep/06
That's really true about Willis. Never met him but I'd think he was under 6' by a couple by movies/tv/print even though he's 6'. Pitt always looks taller. He walks tall with a lean body.
Height Detective said on 19/Sep/06
Well Drew , as i said before is just a theory ,because we dont know what kind of lift he wears , and more laughable are the Paltrow Pitt photos you posted , when is obvious they arnt at the same ground level , and you keep insisiting that photos are enough proof .
Yes, nobody rounds down his height ,i dont said that , read well , 5.11 can well englobe 1.81 and 1.82 , so somebody can put 5.11 when in metrical sistem means 1.81 . But its just a theory , you dont have to make such a problem , thereis a document in wich Brad wrote 5.11 , all the rest are assumptions , see down the photos I have posted , Brad is in plain sneakers and is taller than Paltrow by 5 cm , same ground level , so please , who is the person we have to laugh at here ?
Drew said on 19/Sep/06
Nobody is attacking you Height Detective. It's just that what you stated is laughable. Nobody would round down their height (especially someone like Pitt), even if it's just 1cm.
Height Detective said on 19/Sep/06
I love these "anoymous" people ,you need to calm down , first of my theory was ruled as a possibility by the Editor , so if you dont want to believe it , i dont care , I will love to put Pitt at 5.9 but thats not so serious , I didnt say that he ROUNDED DOWN imperial sistem is not exact as metrical sistem , if you are 1.82 or 1.81 and you stated your height at 5.11 is not bad ,because is not at exact system , so if you have to fill a form and you are 1.81 and you put 5.11 is normal , and yes , my friend is an athlete actually ,he teach in a gym and is very well proportioned and muscular he is a runner also , and is 1.79 and he never looked in person 6.1 ,i dont know in photos , but in person never , I dont know why you attack me , but i think you have a problem with your own height my friend.
Adam said on 19/Sep/06
classic example:

bruce willis: 6 feet, but looks five ten
brad pitt: 5 10 to 11, but looks 6 feet

the proportions play a huge role in height deception.
Anonymous said on 19/Sep/06
Ten years ago he didn't look close to 182. my best guess is that he is 178 and change and he rounded up to 5-11 on that sheet. Also at age 23 most people don& know their true height and go by what people tell them. For example I am 5-11 but always thought i was 6 or 6-1 cuz that is what people always thought i was. Pitt may very well be 5-9.5
Drew said on 19/Sep/06
I totally agree with Anonymous. If anything, Brad Pitt would have written 6' if he were 182cm. Why the hell would he round down?? It's more likely that he's a little under 5'11" and he rounded UP!

And regarding the "you can't look 6'1" if you're not at least 5'11"...that's ridiculous! You can look much taller if you have a slim build. I am 5'10" and it's not the first time that people thought I were 6ft or taller in pictures, even when I'm wearing normal sneakers. It's because I'm thin.

So basically, if you're thin and you wear lifts, you can definitely look MUCH taller than you really are. Brad Pitt is the epitome of this phenomenon.
Anonymous said on 19/Sep/06
Hey Height Detective - You really believe that Pitt would have rounded his height DOWN to 5' 11"??!! That is truly one of the most naive things I've read on this sight in a while. If he did, he would be the first pretty boy actor under six foot to actually round their barefoot height down. Did it ever occur to you that if anything, he would have rounded it UP a little (like every other actor under 6 foot)?? You're no Sherlock Holmes height detective.
You say that your 5' 10.5" friend can't look 6' 1" in a good pair of nikes, therefore Pitt must be 5' 11.5". Does your friend have the same lean build, wasp waist and broad shoulders build that Pitt does? Does he have expensive custom made shoes with well hidden lifts built in?? Didn't think so. Another cold case for the keystone height detective ;-)
dumbdude said on 18/Sep/06
5 10 at the very most, probably closer to 5 9 and a half. I'm sure he looks close to 5 11 in regular shoes, which can give about an extra inch or so.
Height Detective said on 18/Sep/06
He wrote 5.11 , thats a fact . the 5.10 stuff , altrought is possible , is just things that people said and there is no proof of that.
Also , as I said before , if he wrote 5.11 that well could be 1.80 ,1.81 or 1.82 , because i dont think that he can wrote in a form "5.11 1/2" , so may be he is 1.82 and he put it into imperial but he put just 5.11
Its kinda impossible to look like 6.1 if you arent at least 1.82 . And there are a lot of photos when he is in flat shoes and look like 6.1 ,its impossible if you are 5.10 look 6.1 even with a good pair of boots. I have a friend of mine who is 5.10.5 and he never look 6.1 even when he is in his Nike Impax shoes with good heel on it , in the other hand if you are 5.11 and a half , the majority of people will think that you are 6.1 with a good pair of shoes.
Drew said on 18/Sep/06
As I said previously, this picture proves that he's shorter than 5'11".

Click Here

More pics of Pitt and Paltrow:

Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here

Trust me on this. Brad Pitt is 5'10.5" at the very most.
Brad said on 18/Sep/06
Ground is sloping on the Pitt/Paltrow photo. Favors Paltrow.
Chris said on 18/Sep/06
Yes. I think you were dead on Rob with 5'111/4''.
jane-Jz said on 18/Sep/06
he always apear like 6ft in his movie.. i ws think that def he be lower 6ft but taller than 5ft10max.. i would add 1cm to this 180cm stated height..
Anonymous said on 18/Sep/06
This picture of Pitt in obvious lift boots with Paltrow in converse style shoes proves Pitt has a max of 2 inches on her barefoot. So if she's 5' 9", he's 5' 11"...right. But here's the problem. She ain't 5' 9". Go read the Gweneth Paltrow page. Although Rob still has her listed higher, the general concensus of those who have actually seen her in person and comparative pics prove she is between 5' 7" and 5" 8"....definitely not 5' 9". That's still pretty tall for a woman and because she is so skinny, she looks taller in pics/film, but she isn't. This puts Pitt in the 5' 9" to 5' 10" range barefoot.

Click Here
Height Detective said on 18/Sep/06
Brad and Benicio del Toro , looks like Benicio towers over Brad
Click Here
Click Here
And look at this ones Brad and Guy Ritchie , who is listed here at 5.11 , and Brad looks shorter.
Click Here
Click Here
Anonymous said on 18/Sep/06
This picture of Pitt in obvious lift boots with Paltrow in converse style shoes proves Pitt has a max of 2 inches on her barefoot. So if she's 5' 9", he's 5' 11"...right. But here's the problem. She ain't 5' 9". Go read the Gweneth Paltrow page. Although Rob still has her listed higher, the general concensus of those who have actually seen her in person and comparative pics prove she is between 5' 7" and 5" 8"....definitely not 5' 9". That's still pretty tall for a woman and because she is so skinny, she looks taller in pics/film, but she isn't. This puts Pitt in the 5' 9" to 5' 10" range barefoot.
anonymous2 said on 17/Sep/06
Height Detective says on 16/Sep/06
Sure , thats because the ground is sloping in Paltrows favor.

good point, didnt even notice that
I give up
Drew said on 17/Sep/06
Isn't this picture proof that he's shorter than 5'11"?

Click Here
Chris said on 17/Sep/06
Paltrow is 5'9'', Pitt is 5'11'', maybe even more.
Franco said on 17/Sep/06
did anyone noticed PALTROW every picture have a cigarette in her hand? soooo i'm a non-smoker. :D

yeah, 178cm for pitt is about right without shoes nor elevators or any stairs.
dmeyer said on 17/Sep/06
considering the shoes he is taller than paltrow by 5 to 8 cm
dmeyer said on 17/Sep/06
brad does look big near clooney and damon around 184 185 cm shoes does help i tried 1 inch lift it dificult to wear even in boots you can barely walk with those celeb must use elevator shoes
Height Detective said on 16/Sep/06
Pics at the same ground level
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Height Detective said on 16/Sep/06
Sure , thats because the ground is sloping in Paltrows favor.
anonymous2 said on 16/Sep/06
another pic, full length, with brad and gwyneth looking verrrrryclose in height:
Click Here
that's all I got!

anonymous2 said on 16/Sep/06
Drew says on 15/Sep/06
Anonymous2, there's no proof that he wrote 5'10" in an audition

Hi Drew, I did write "if" he wrote 5'10" ;)
Agree to disagree I guess, he just looks shorter than 178cm to me. (But then I use Paltrow-who I think is 5ft7, not 5ft 9-for comparison)
Viper652 said on 15/Sep/06
Hes written 5-11 and 5-10 before. I chalk that up to being 5-10 1/2.
Drew said on 15/Sep/06
Anonymous2, there's no proof that he wrote 5'10" in an audition, a newspaper simply said that people "saw him" list that height.

I think somebody should start a website where people bet money on what they think Pitt's height is, then hopeful they'd get Pitt to be measured by a doctor. I would put my money on 178.5cm. And I'd win.
Brad said on 14/Sep/06
5' 11" jacks himself 6' 1"+with the big heels/inside lift and posture that Clooney wishes he had.
anonymous2 said on 14/Sep/06
If he himself wrote 5ft10 as his height, chances are he is under that. I cant see him being over 177cm barefoot. The only time he appears 180cm or taller is when he is wearing shoes/lifts or both.
Viper652 said on 13/Sep/06
Brad wears lifts for sure. The guy can look like a true 6-1 man.
ralph said on 13/Sep/06
brad looks 5'11.25" to me.
Drew said on 13/Sep/06
HelloKitty, certainly. I am 5'10.5" and with a good pair of shoes I can hit 6', but I am still shorter than my 6'3" and 6'4" friends. Might be hard to believe, but even where I live (Malta), despite the average height for a male being 5'8", it's still not uncommon to encounter guys well above six feet. Therefore, even if you're above average height, you can still feel short next to very tall people.
HelloKitty said on 13/Sep/06
Viper652, you really think Brad wears lifts? I can't see a 5'11 guy where lifts, he's already almost hitting the 6foot range barefoot and with regular shoes will look 6'0-6'1.
Viper652 said on 12/Sep/06
Brad is 6-1 with lifts, 5-10 1/2 barefoot.
dumbdude said on 12/Sep/06
I always thought brad was around a 5 9.5 to 5 10 guy. He looked at least that height next to Morgan freeman in seven. Put the dude in lifts, and I'm sure he can look about 6 ft.
Glenn said on 12/Sep/06
I agree with Chris.he costantly looks 6-1 to 5-11 min.
Height Detective said on 11/Sep/06
Brad and Guy Ritchie
Click Here
5.11 tops
Chris said on 11/Sep/06
Look at this. Brad is at least 2,5 inches taller than a slouching Wyclef Jean who
Chelsea said on 10/Sep/06
I think Brad Pitt is fine i met hom in person and he was like 5'11
Del Mar said on 10/Sep/06
In Spy Game, when Brad meets Robert and her wife at the train station he actually has a good 2 inches on him. Except from that they often look close in height, but Brad is with no doubt taller.
Y-Man said on 10/Sep/06
In almost all of brad's pics with Robert Redford, they're usually the same height i.e. around 5'9.5". Is it out of respect that Brad doesn't wear lifts around Robert being the legend that he is? something to think about.
Drew said on 10/Sep/06
Compare these two pics:

Click Here
Click Here

Isn't it unbelievable? In one pic he looks about only a little taller (despite the heels) and in the other he looks about 6 inches taller.

Today's lesson: you can rarely rely on pictures.

Editor Rob
Obviously the first pic is extremely hard to judge anything. But, you can rely on a small % pictures...those which are near ideal conditions for showing true differences. The further you stray from 'ideal' circumstances, the more likely it would be to have 5 people interpreting 5 different height differences.

similar posture, both faces similar distance from camera, no tilt in the photo, floor flat, footwear height both known, one of the people having a known height...

If you want to try to get further accuracy...if you know the exact interpupillary distance of one person in a photo, this, added to those 'ideal' conditions described above, you can approximate height difference better, in some cases within 1cm.
MD said on 10/Sep/06
Did anyone post these, yet? Someone posted these on Bono's page. Now, Bono gets to 5'8" in his special boots, right?

1. Click Here
Anonymousa said on 9/Sep/06
pretty convincing evidence for Bradley being 177cm. 180 with shoes, more with his giant boots.
Height Detective said on 9/Sep/06
Brad And Jennifer Aniston
Click Here

Brad and Anthony Hopkins
Click Here

Editor Rob
hopkins still saying 5ft 10...well, prop man on that fastest indian gave him 5ft 10 on passport
Anonymous said on 9/Sep/06
More 5' 9"ish pics:
Click Here
Click Here
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Click Here
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Click Here
Brad said on 9/Sep/06
5' 10" or 11". He jacks it really good in the cycle boots. I'm sure Clooney regrets these days at Warner Bros. when he wears them in scenes. Pacino hides.
Anonymous said on 8/Sep/06
As someone pointed out awhile ago, 4 inch heels don't make you 4 inches taller either. Probably closer to 3. You've got to go by how much height it adds at the middle of your foot not the heel . try it sometime...
chris said on 8/Sep/06
Julia Roberts 4 inch heels - Brad Pitt 1 inch. That makes Brad 5'10.
Anonymous said on 7/Sep/06
As Glen points out recently, Julia Roberts is about 5' 6" these days. Put her in some high heels and yeah she looks pretty tall. But in reality, she is above average height with a long neck and lanky proportions that make her look alot taller on screen. She is not as tall as many people think she is. Think about it...even in 4 inch high heels, she wasn't taller than 5' 10"ish Richard Gere in Pretty Woman. And pics of her with ex-boyfriend Keither Sutherland actually make him look tall when we know he is about 5' 9".
Even in the Mexican, Pitt is wearing "special shoes" . The part of his shoes you can see look rather normal, but like all his shoes, they are actually high tops at the ankle (hidden under extra-long pant legs)...allowing ample space for hidden lifts. Even with Julia at 5' 6" and in 4 to 5 inch heels, it still makes sense that Pitt is in the 5' 9" to 5' 10" range (minus special shoes) when you compare their heights in this pic:

Click Here
ForensicNYC said on 7/Sep/06
This hairpiece makes Brad 6'10"...
Click Here
Brad said on 6/Sep/06
5' 10" as Huey says. Roberts is a TALL gal. She needed the wedges out in the Mojave.
Height Detective said on 6/Sep/06
Anonymous : Looks like Brad was using this type of boot in Fight Club
Click Here
Click Here
Anonymous said on 6/Sep/06
Paltrow's 5'7" and in those three inch shoes she is exactly Pitt's height. Brad Pitt is 5'9.5" to 5'10".
dmeyer said on 6/Sep/06
that pic with julia prove he cant be under 5'11 logicaly brad is betwenn 179 and 184

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.