Anonymous said on 6/Apr/09
In fight club when he and Edward Norton were barefoot in one of the scenes Brad Pitt looked 4-6cm shorter than Ed Norton.
mamonazo said on 6/Apr/09
Pitt looks great in the screen and thats why hes there. he aint anthony hopkins or real talented mickey rourke, de niro etc. Brad HAS to look great. A great toned body, fake teeth for the perfect smile, good make up so to hide wrinkles, botox, hair implants (maybe), dyed blonde and of course LIFTS! whats the big deal? most actress have botox, plastic surgery, fake breasts, heels, make up etc etc. Pitt does a great job and hes probably sick of having to look so perfect and boring...hes around 5-11 and thats perfect for a man his age and with that body structure.
Leung said on 5/Apr/09
Flyboy, that
Original said on 5/Apr/09
He's 5'11 in the morning
5'10 in night.
MR said on 5/Apr/09
Rob, you can't let these "we are jealous" comments through anymore...anyone here long enough can realize that this is a site to discuss height. Accuratly. We need to take all there is on his height and decide what pitt is based on all our evidence and lifts might factor into this. This isn't about downgrading or jealousy, it's about getting the most accurate estimation we can.
RisingForce said on 5/Apr/09
As someone mentioned here a while ago, Pitt's boots in The Inglourious ****s look a lot like Stallone's Demolition Man boots.
Click HereThe movie is premiering at Cannes. Considering the heels he's worn at Cannes in the past, expect him to wear some massive shoes, especially since it'll be the premiere of an action movie.
Either way he really does have the frame of 5'11", 6 ft man. I'm not sure if that's his slim frame, but I'll give him 5'11" for now. There's no way he'd look 2.5", 3 inches taller than 5'10"
Matt Damon if he wasn't atleast 5'11".
hollywood said on 5/Apr/09
I went to the mall and saw two 5'5" guys one of them with a hot girl. They were both lean and ripped and walked with great posture and looked great. Its all about what you do with the body you have. Work out get ripped and girls will be attracted to you no matter what height you are!!
sodapop said on 5/Apr/09
James Dean was 5'8" and he was the coolest guy ever!
Doug said on 4/Apr/09
I couldn't really give a monkeys if Pitt is 5'6" or 6'2" in all honesty. He is taller than 5'9" and shorter than 6 foot barefoot. Big deal so are like at least 50% of the American male population. I can see that some people are jealous of him and laugh at his lifts and like to think he is only 5'9" but the man is certainly not short and is on the taller side of average regardless of footwear. He doubt he is fully 5'11" barefoot but he isn't far off. If he is happy wearing lifts to get him 6' or 6'1" and looking tall in public good for him. Imagine how you would feel having millions of people studying you and your life everyday. The man wants to feel as good as possible in himself, I know I would if I was in the public eye and if a few inches in height is what he wants let him be!
Tony said on 4/Apr/09
My friend who saw the Benny Button movie, Said Brad was great in that movie. Then I told him "Brad Pitt wears shoe lifts to be taller". His reply "Genius". I laughed for a good 5 minutes. But i agree with my friend. If lifts are what helps brad sleep at night then so be it
RisingForce said on 4/Apr/09
He does look very tall next to Jim Carrey and Eric Bana and his boots didn't seem like 3 inch boots. I'm fine with 5'11" for Pitt.
bam said on 4/Apr/09
flyboy is on the money. I'll admit that I want pitt to be 5'10 lol. I'm sure I'm not the only one. The thing is there is a good chance of 5'11.
Anonymous said on 3/Apr/09
Pitt looks to have about three inches on Juliet Lewis in that older pic. figure her for regular three inch heels which really give you 2.25-2.5 inches and that puts her at 5'8.5 give or take and him at 5'11.5 in shoes and around 5'10.5 barefoot, which is exactly what i've always thought he is.
Flyboy said on 2/Apr/09
If an individual such as Brad Pitt can 'look tall', is it unreasonable to assume that is because he IS kinda tall?
I think Pitt is around 5'11". That makes sense to me. He never looks short. There are a couple of rare candid photos out there that show him looking smaller than we expect...but that is not the same thing as being small.
He can comfortably beat Clooney and Damon. He can go toe-for-toe with Eric Bana. He never looks like he is struggling next to actresses, even the more striking ones.
Yes, he undoubtedly uses a little Hollywood magic to boost his height. He also has fantastic posture and a body that absolutely lends itself to visual height maximisation. But we also know that Clooney and Damon use the special shoes; Clooney often struggles next to co-stars, even actresses. Damon tries his hardest both with the special shoes and posture, but still usually fails.
I just think that some of you are reaching unnecessarily. 5'9"? Come on, gimme a break. There are plenty of actors out there in that 5'9" - 5'10" range (McGregor, Farrell, Craig, Damon, Gibson, Le Blanc etc), but very few of them, if any, are capable of looking tall in the same way that Pitt does.
So ask yourselves this question: is that because Pitt has the best shoe specialist in Hollywood? Or could it just be because he has 1 - 1.5" on those guys?
By the way, 5'11" is not a super-duper height. But you can comfortably get away with looking 6' - 6'1" with decent shoes, which is something Pitt does regularly. It also enables you to measure up to the genuine 6+ guys out there. Can you imagine the Clooneys, Damons and McGregors of this world measuring up to Bana in Troy the same way that Pitt did?
It is time to stop the conspiracy theories. There likely is no mystery over how Pitt can look tall. Rather, the mystery is why so many people failed to accept the probability that Pitt is above average height. For all the postings, for all the photos, for all the time spent on this guy...there is still no smoking gun.
Fair play to you, Rob, for resisting all of the big 5'10" calls for such a long time. Can't have been easy.
scata said on 2/Apr/09
lol Rising those are some huge lifts, its almost like hes wearing high heels
scata said on 2/Apr/09
I don't know.. Brad Pitt gives me more of the impression of being 5'10
somebody said on 2/Apr/09
if you buy an ordinary pair of dress shoes and put lifts inside the most you can get out of them is about 4-4,5 cm (about 1,75 inches), depending on the outer heel of the shoe. even though many people here claim that i.e. Tom Cruise gets up to 3 inches out of normal looking dress shoes, you won
adam said on 2/Apr/09
Vibram, what study is that? Could you give a link, plese. =)
derek d said on 2/Apr/09
Dural says on 29/Mar/09
Pitt and Juliette Lewis, around 1992. Lewis is listed 5'6" here, Pitt seems roughly 5'10".
Great picture as it is early in his career, but Lewis wearing heels in that picture, can't you tell? So he is looking 5'11 at the lowest possibly even 6'0 if she is 5'6 and is in anywhere in between 2 - 4 inch heels. Do the math.
Doug said on 1/Apr/09
Its pretty clear to virtually everybody here though that Pitt is not 5'11" barefoot. All this discussion doesn't make a blind bit of difference as the site is based on Robs observations, not anybody elses.
Doug said on 1/Apr/09
Huh LOL 5'3" for Jolie? Thats funny! 5 ft 3 inch Angelina Jolie? Mmm. OK then.
Leung said on 31/Mar/09
RisingForce, don
hollywood said on 31/Mar/09
Thank you delphonic, I should have said misconception. I agree with your post as well I'm 5'10" and feel pretty tall most of the time. But there are a few times when I'm standing around 6'1 or 6'2 guys and I feel shorter, but those times are very few and far between.
Doug said on 31/Mar/09
I continue to find it hard to believe that anybody can gain four inches in height in elevator shoes, even a full 3 inches. Does anybody have any idea of how much taller shoes can really make you? It is absolute rubbish that people can gain that much height in anything but platform shoes. I'm 6'2" and I bet any money I would find it very difficult to reach anywhere near 6'5" in shoes. They can't perform magic. Even reaching 6'4" the shoes would be massive, the most I can gain from footwear is 1.5 inches MAX from regular boots and they are pretty monstrous looking biker boots I don't wear too often. My normal boots give me a little over an inch over barefoot, I can't believe how inflated peoples shoes are on here. From what I understand elevators are only raised at the back not at the front so I can't see how it is possible. Pitt is minimum 5'10".
Vibram said on 31/Mar/09
I always thought women liked men with long legs but a recent 'study' suggest women are more attracted to a longer torso (maybe it's a sign of good cardiovascular health?). Pitt seems to have the long torso / shortish legs combination.
delphonic said on 30/Mar/09
Well put hollywood. A legit 5'9" to 5'10" guy with a lean build and good posture really doesn't look short at all till he's surrounded by guys well over 6'. The problem is too many guys who are barely 5'8" like to claim this height range, so it's gets conceived as shortish.
hollywood said on 30/Mar/09
The problem here is the conception of 5'9" or 5'10" not being that tall, but this whole Brad Pitt thing proves 5'9" 5'10" height can look quite tall especially if you have a lean ripped body like Brad. You don't have to be 6ft to look tall
John said on 30/Mar/09
Granted, I dont think Pitt is 5'11 or 6'0. But the pic of him next to the car? How does anyone know that those shoes are elevator shoes? They dont look like elevator shoes to me. I mean there are many pics of him that look like elevator shoes on here, just that pair doesnt. They look like a cheap pair of shoes that his "character" for Burn After Reading would own in the film.
mamonazo said on 30/Mar/09
somebody, if that car is 6-2 brad looks like being 6 feet...on elevator shoes plus an extra inch of his hair. Brad is 5-11 max. maybe 5-10 but never 5-9. Someone 5-9 cannot reach the 6-1 brad reaches sometimes with the big monsters.
sodapop said on 29/Mar/09
Cat, Alex worked at Brad's house and met him personally and said he was 5'10 with shoes on. So looks like he is 5'9"
Cat said on 29/Mar/09
That's very interesting Somebody, thanks for that. Assuming you are correct, if that car is 6'2", there's about a 4" difference between it and Brad Pitt, giving a 5'10" Brad Pitt, take away 1-2" from his lifts, leaves a 5'8" - 5'9" Brad Pitt. Wow, that is VERY interesting. Give or take an inch wherever you want, ie. the car, Brad, the difference between the car and Brad, Brad's lifts, he is definitely starting to sound like a possible 5'9". What do you people need? My theory is also starting to sound accurate: whatever Rob and Glenn have pegged for these celebrities, take off 2" for the men and about 4" for the women. The heights given and the heights these celebrities claim are probably their heights with the highest possible shoes without toppling over!
glenn said on 29/Mar/09
jolie is 5-6.5 bare minimum.5-7 max.more on the 5-6.5.
Dural said on 29/Mar/09
Pitt and Juliette Lewis, around 1992. Lewis is listed 5'6" here, Pitt seems roughly 5'10".
Click HereClick Here
somebody said on 29/Mar/09
just to have a reference point ... the car pitt stands next to in the pic of Rising Force
Cat said on 29/Mar/09
I'm starting to think that Brad Pitt is a flat (barefoot) 5'9". There's just so much mounting evidence the more you analyse photos with Brad and Ange. There's always about 4" between them and Ange is often in 4" heels and Brad in 2-3" lifts. I believe Ange is 5'4" possibly 5'3", plus her 4 inch heels gives her 5'7-8", plus 4" difference, makes Brad 5'11"-6', but if you take away his 2-3" lifts that would leave a barefoot Brad at 5'9-10". I believe 5'3-4" for Ange and 5'9-10" for Brad.
delphonic said on 28/Mar/09
Jake - Dude are you blind? Look at the ad again, the "middle increaser" is what everyone is referring to as the "heel on the inside". And it is a well known fact that the majority of Pitt's shoes are custom built and cleverly disguised elevator boots. That's not even debatable at this point...seriously. The only thing still unknown is his true barefoot height WITHOUT the custom height increasing shoes. And about 95% of the people who post on here agree it's somewhere between 5' 9.5" and 5' 10.5". So odds are he is 5' 10". That is a respectable and believable height, especially with his lean build. Add the custom lift-boots and military posture and suddenly he can appear to scrape 6' 1" in shoes and fool so many who ASSUME he must be taller than average because he's "Brad Pitt".
strauss said on 28/Mar/09
On the newstand now! 'In Touch' Magazine April 6,2009 issue with Brad & Angelina on the cover. Go to page 31 for Brad in elevator shoes! He's 4" over Jolie who's in spike heels. Just below they're in another two shot facing camera and are the same height. BTW Jolie's brother has moved in because Brangelina might be breaking up. How tall is Haven? 6' 3"? They are all staying at the Waldolf-Astoria with Brad sleeping on the couch according to some of the help. Apparently Brad goes up on the roof to smoke like a chimney and also goes out to get one on in Hell's Kitchen! Sounds Like Berlin! No way is this coupling going to last! To top it all Jennifer Aniston just move into the Ritz-Carlton 12 blocks away for the next 4 months. She's another chimney! Getting back to this forum, page 31 of this mag proves that Brad stunted his growth from smoking and is a solid 5'8.999". My cousin lives on W57th and is a professional photographer. I'm going to ask her if she can get a 'Mutt & Jeff' photo with heels of Haven & Pitt together! For our Forum!
horacle said on 28/Mar/09
He is definitely between 5'10 and 5'11. I'd say 5'10.5.
RisingForce said on 28/Mar/09
Jake, look at Brad's shoes here.
Click Here Those are elevator shoes.
Pitt also wears big heels at times. Like at Cannes in 2007
Click HereClick HerePitt is good at hiding his footwear and he usually doesn't wear anything ridiculous but there's a reason why pretty much every regular poster knows he wears height enhancing shoes.
Jake said on 28/Mar/09
Imiliano I've already seen it. Brad doesn't wear such shoes. I've seen his shoes in many pics and zoomed it. Besides in advert it doesn't claim that there is secret heel within the shoe! it is at the bottom of it.
trueheight said on 27/Mar/09
Pitt wears boots in 12 Monkeys but I honestly cannot see how you can tell that sort of a height difference b/t him and Willis, because the camera angles are deliberately inconsistent.
sodapop said on 27/Mar/09
Vegas, those are not elevator shoes, they look like Rockports.
John said on 27/Mar/09
He is a solid 5'11'' in the morning.
anonymous said on 27/Mar/09
You can reach from 2 to 4 inches with lifts
strauss said on 27/Mar/09
I rented 'twelve monkeys'. By stopping the film and examing the Willis/Pitt 'two shots' one can see the height difference in the actor's shoulder level. Pitt is consistantly 2 to 3 inches shorter than Willis. It's funny but the more I inquire about actor's heights from people I knew in the industry. All male stars fudge their hgt by 1" when starting out. Many stars worry that wardrobe people will tell what they know to the tabloids for a fee, if they fudge their hgt too much! So one could surmise that by subtracting an inch from the stars early films wardrobe dept statistics, might give their actual height
sodapop said on 27/Mar/09
Brad is 5'10" Max. With shoes or boots he does look around 6 feet. He has an incredible body so that is gonna make you look taller and he has great posture.
miles smiles said on 26/Mar/09
Those classical/business shoes you see Pitt wearing are usually designer boots that look like low-cut shoes when his long, tailored pants hang over them.
Imiliano said on 26/Mar/09
Jake - just look at the advert that appears on this page for elevator shoes - below your post in fact ;)
Anonymous said on 26/Mar/09
In his biggest lifts I'd say Brad Pitt could even reach slightly over 6'1.
lv2play said on 26/Mar/09
Does anyone else see a pattern. Every male star under 6 foot tall claims to be 5' 10"-11". Hm...I guess anything from 5 foot to 5' 11" is the consider the same.
Anonymous said on 26/Mar/09
i heard that with lifts he can reach 6'10'', hhahaha nah im just making fun over exaggerating downgraders.
Jake said on 26/Mar/09
He wears classical shoes under his suit. I don't think there extra heel can be placed within a shoe. It would make the feet so much disturbed and besides why would he do that? He is by no means a short guy. I would expect Tom Cruise to do wear high-heel shoes but not him. Brad is supposed to be 5'11 barefoot so 2-3cm heels already make him tall enough.
delphonic said on 26/Mar/09
Sure Jake, nothing abnormal about Pitt's shoes at all ;) Welcome to the post, you've got a little reading to catch up on. Classical/business is the last way I would describe Pitt's shoes. Google elevator shoes when you get a chance...they actually put an extra heel "on the inside" of the's a real trip! ;)
Anonymous said on 25/Mar/09
Jake pitts legs are short.
marc said on 25/Mar/09
whats also interesting - checked out brad's weight - he seems to be around the 11.5 stone mark - that would suggest the weight of a shorter man. Just another angle to look at on this topic.
i also can't believe im actually on this site dedicating my time to someone's height.
crazy world.
Antonio said on 25/Mar/09
In 12 Monkeys, Bruce appears almost 3" at times. Those camera shots and angles were bizarre in that scene ... but a good evaluation.
Jon said on 25/Mar/09
JJ says on 24/Mar/09
I find it amusing that in Twelve Monkeys Brad Pitt is consistently 2 inches shorter than Bruce Willis who is listed at 5'11 here.
Click Here
Go to about 2:00 mark and watch from there.
Actually JJ, Brad looks an inch shorter, not 2. second, Willis is listed at 5ft 11.5in, which is pretty much 6ft bt nt on the dot. If Pitt reli is 5ft 11in then he wud b roughly 1cm and 1/2 shorter than Willis, not an inch, also bearing in mind that theres alot of conspiracy about Pitt being 5ft 10in instead of 5ft 11in.
ChucktheSchmuck said on 25/Mar/09
"I find it amusing that in Twelve Monkeys Brad Pitt is consistently 2 inches shorter than Bruce Willis who is listed at 5'11 here." I can't see those 2 inches...Bruce Willis is listed at 5'11.5 and he was probably 6 feet back then, and he is just barely taller than Pitt if taller at all. The camera is tilted to Willis favour.
sodapop said on 25/Mar/09
Wow Alex, YOu are lucky, I would love to meet Brad one day, he looks like such a nice guy. I'd love to be his friend.
Jake said on 25/Mar/09
classical/business shoes are nearly 1 1/2 inch (3cm) and that of Brad is no exception. If he had higher heels, this would be understood in the pics. He often has standart formal shoes with nearly 3cm. He is fit and has long looking legs he is possibly 5'11 but looks like 6'1.5".
scata said on 24/Mar/09
Ive noticed hes always standing perfectly straight in pictures, probably trying to appear as tall as he can be. I think hes 5'11 right when he wakes up after a long sleep.
JJ said on 24/Mar/09
I find it amusing that in Twelve Monkeys Brad Pitt is consistently 2 inches shorter than Bruce Willis who is listed at 5'11 here.
Click HereGo to about 2:00 mark and watch from there.
Anonymous said on 24/Mar/09
How can George Clooney be 5'11.5 and
Matt Damon 5'10? look at the picture at the top of this page. They are the same height basically. Clooney claims 5'11, i dont buy for one second he is any taller than that. if he was, his publicist would tear him a new one. if anything, he is under 5'11 if he is claiming that. same with Pitt.
Alex said on 24/Mar/09
Brad Pitt is 5'10 in shoes... I met him when I was 16 while I was working at this house - he was bulking up for Troy back then - I was 6'1 and 215... he looked about 175 at the time. Hella nice guy though - very down to earth and very polite.
RisingForce said on 23/Mar/09
I pretty much agree Doug although I think Clooney may be a half inch taller than that when he stands up straight.
Doug said on 23/Mar/09
I said he was 5'10" meaning minimum. 5'10.5" is likely correct. Don't mince my words.
Brent said on 23/Mar/09
i agree with anon Brad "Lift" is 5'10, and 6 foot in lifts.
glenn said on 22/Mar/09
dougs right on his whole post.
sodapop said on 22/Mar/09
If Brad Pitt wrote 5'10 on an application hes 5'9", I'm 5'9" and 1/4 and I always put 5'10" on any application. Cuz I'm 5'10" with shoes, so whats the difference
sodapop said on 22/Mar/09
Brad is 5'9", I'm 5'9" barefoot, 5'10" in shoes and Brad looks like hes my height but we're only talking 1 inch for God's sake. Clooney and Damon are 5'8"
delphonic said on 22/Mar/09
Ok Doug, you state he is 5' 10", then you list him as 5' 10.5". Did he grow while you were writing your comment? Wouldn't be Pitt's first "late growth streak" ;)
Doug said on 22/Mar/09
Pitt is obviously taller than 5'9". He is 5'10", 6 foot regularly in 2 inch boots, 6'1" in munsters. the man is clearly closer to 5'11" than 5'9" people regardless of lifts. Haven't you seen the pictures of Pitt barefoot with Gwyn? He's 5'10" minimum seriously which is hardly shockingly short is it.
Damon - 5"10
Pitt - 5"10.5
Clooney - 5"11
This is exactly what I think too guys.
delphonic said on 21/Mar/09
Damon - 5' 9"
Pitt - 5' 9.5"
Clooney - 5' 10"
These barefoot heights are the only that really make sense at this point. Damon and Clooney both round up their "listed height" one inch. This is very common and acceptable for male actors and is hardly noticeable. Pitt gets away with rounding up an inch and a half because he lives in lifts. Damon constantly wears chunky shoes/boots which enable him to scrape 5' 11" in shoes. When Clooney is in normal shoes with his bad posture, he can give the appearance of the 5' 9" Mr R swears he has seen him at. But when Clooney wears lifts and bothers to stand up straight, suddenly he comes off over 6' as Glenn has seen him recently. Glenn also saw Pitt looking exactly 6' in funny boots that we all know add a good 2.5 inches to his height. And lately he's been busting out the mega-boots that give a good 3 inches at red carpet events and the white house. Combine those shoes with his eternal posture advantage and Pitt can come off almost 6' 1" in shoes. The wide variation in comparative heights between them all (as seen in pics recently posted by Rising Force) comes down to the fact that Damon and Clooney do wear big lifts on occasion, but Pitt wears them almost all the time.
On the extremely rare occasion that Pitt is in normal shoes and Clooney is in lifts, suddenly Clooney appears to be a couple inches taller than Pitt. However, there are still far more pics of Pitt looking taller than Clooney because George wears normal shoes far more often than Pitt.
Misha said on 21/Mar/09
Strauss, your description of the pneumatic CO2 adjustable elevator shoes may sound far-fetched, but in the over one hundred pages of commentary assembled
here, much of which is preposterous nonsense, it is the only explanation I have yet seen that harmonizes with the wild variations in height conveyed by his photos. I'm glad you mentioned that hilarious sequence of shots on the deck of the yacht because it was a turning point for me. I realized that Pitt would not have gone to the trouble of making Damon and Clooney appear in their stocking feet unless those innocent-looking moccasins he was wearing concealed some sort of height boost. It was so pathetic to read posts stating that moccasins don't have lifts in them, thus he couln't have been getting an edge that way. Of course they don't have lifts in them - until someone puts them there! He is nowhere near an honest 5'11", as Marc's post just below mine amply demonstrates, and sooner or later barefoot photos will surface to prove it. By the way, 5'9.5" is exactly what I think Brad Pitt's real height is. Thanks again for the fascinating post.
Everyone please read what "hi" says on 19/Mar/09 - in just a few words he is conveying worlds of wisdom and truth.
Misha said on 21/Mar/09
Strauss, your description of the pneumatic CO2 adjustable elevator shoes may sound far-fetched, but in the over one hundred pages of commentary assembled
here, much of which is preposterous nonsense, it is the only explanation I have yet seen that harmonizes with the wild variations in height conveyed by his photos. I'm glad you mentioned that hilarious sequence of shots on the deck of the yacht because it was a turning point for me. I realized that Pitt would not have gone to the trouble of making Damon and Clooney appear in their stocking feet unless those innocent-looking moccasins he was wearing concealed some sort of height boost. It was so pathetic to read posts stating that moccasins don't have lifts in them, thus he couln't have been getting an edge that way. Of course they don't have lifts in them - until someone puts them there! He is nowhere near an honest 5'11", as Marc's post just below mine amply demonstrates, and sooner or later barefoot photos will surface to prove it. By the way, 5'9.5" is exactly what I think Brad Pitt's real height is. Thanks again for the fascinating post.
delphonic said on 20/Mar/09
True barefoot heights:
Damon 5' 9"
Pitt 5' 9.5"
Clooney 5' 10"
These are legit and believable to me. Damon and Clooney both round up their official listings one inch (fairly common and acceptable for male actors). While Pitt rounds up an inch and a half to 5' 11" and it's believable with his perma-lifts etc.
When Pitt is the only one in mega-boots, he's the tallest. When Clooney busts out his lifts and Pitt actually forgets his, suddenly Clooney looks noticebly taller (like in the recently posted pics with Pitt in his little hat).
These heights explain why they all look so close in height except when Pitt is the only one in lifts.
marc said on 20/Mar/09
just watched the curious case of benjamin button - the scene where benjamin's father tells him who he really is, you get a full shot of brad pitt - he looks no more than 5'9.5. Cut to the next scene where he is in overalls doing the painting outside, i could swear he is wearing lifts, taking him to a magical 6ft.
Antonio said on 20/Mar/09
Yeah, straus & anonymous, the Pep Boys (Manny, Moe & Jack) are pretty confusing. I think they are playing games with us!
From all that I have seen and heard, especially lately, I too, would estimate all 3 of them under 5-11.
I would place Pitt at 5-10 max. After all, why would a guy put 5-10 with his own handwriting on an application early in his career? If I'm truly 5-11, I would put 5-11 or maybe even claim 6-0!
Of course, it's up to Rob, but I would shrink him to 5-10.
sodapop said on 20/Mar/09
I find it funny some of the people here posting think 5'9" is kind of short, but look at how good Brad Pitt looks, he does not look short at all.
glenn said on 19/Mar/09
i agree with miko.
John said on 19/Mar/09
Strauss, that was a amazing theory of pneumatic shoes lol.
sodapop said on 19/Mar/09
Miko, how the hell can you list Clooney taller than Brad Pitt, Clooney is obviously shorter than Brad. Brad 5'9" or 5'10" , Clooney 5'8"
strauss said on 19/Mar/09
I can't get over Rising Force's Damon/Pitt Photos. Pitt is up and down like a yoyo. Like I said, and what got me interested in this site, when we saw Pitt in Berlin a couple of months ago. I couldn't get over how short he was. I always thought he was over 6 feet. BTW the lead actress in that film is drop dead gorgeous in person, I can't recall her name. The other thing I noticed right away was his long torso and short legs. The three shot pic. of Clooney,Pitt and Damon on the boat deck has me believe Pitt's mocassins are elevated or special made. A friend of mine who works for the Florida Blue Sheet told me Pitt paid $3500. for unique elevator shoes that are adjustable while wearing them. The shoes have a pneumatic/spring mechanism that is controlled by a wallet size control. The wearer activates a valve attached to a CO2 cartridge to inflate the shoes up to 3 inches. The wearer can also deflate the shoes when needed. Apparently they were designed in Italy and hold a US Patent. Without a doubt, Pitt is wearing these pneumatic shoes. Wouldn't it be funny if they malfunctioned at a photo op and blew up like clown shoes or one side doesn't work,...etc.
anonymous said on 19/Mar/09
if pitt is 5 11 barefoot and damon only 5 9 then how is it they look so close in height so often? is it because damon wears "lifts" and pitt doesnt? PLEASE
brad pitt is the celebrity most likely to rock some huge shoes! its pretty obvious that the 3 of them are very close in height... as the BAREFOOT pics of clooney and damon while pitt in his shoes will show... theyre probably all hovering below the 5 11 mark by half an inch or even one full one
hi said on 19/Mar/09
it looks like common sense just died on this page. someone's height is the lowest they have been seen, period. everything else is cheating. Pitt is 5ft9, this is obvious, but most people on this page just can't accept it.
miko said on 19/Mar/09
Damon - 5"10
Pitt - 5"10.5
Clooney - 5"11
adam said on 19/Mar/09
Pitt is 5-11, correct. But Damon is 5-9.
ARI said on 19/Mar/09
Mickey said on 19/Mar/09
I have to say Brads shoes in the pic with Clooney look very normal, like Rob said, while Clooney's look slightly suspicious. Clooney also has slight camera advantage.
anon said on 18/Mar/09
Brad Lift is 5'9-5'10 and with custom lifts made especially for him 6-6'2
John said on 18/Mar/09
Just watched Snatch. Seems Adam Fogerty " Gorgeous George". For a guy who is 6'3 as Forgerty clearly is. Pitt being 6'0-6'1 LOL. Doesnt seem to look it next to him. Forgerty has about 5-6inches on Pitt in the film, and in the making of Snatch. Like I always said Pitt is 5'10. Maybe a bit less.
glenn said on 18/Mar/09
damons official height is 5-11.he looked close to that to me.but i factored his thick heels 5-10 most likely.5-10.5 for damon not absurd.
sodapop said on 18/Mar/09
Brad Pitt is 5'9" to 5'10, and when he wears boots or shoes hes 5'10" to 5'11.5"
sodapop said on 18/Mar/09
Leung great pic, Clooney is wearing lift shoes in that picture!! Looks like 2.5 inch lifts. Brad is taller than Clooney. Clooney is about 5'8" Brad is 5'10 to 5'10.5". I am a really good judge of height. Trust me.
strauss said on 18/Mar/09
I just looked at Ace's photo of Pitt and Clooney. Clooney's shoulders are 2 inches over Brad. I think Brad was smoking the funny cigarettes and let his guard down thinking, "I'll just wear my 1963 civil rights hat and forget the lifts today...Puff,Puff!" See what happens!! Clooney looks like Pitt's bodyguard. If Pitt's legs were any shorter he could play 'Cotton', Hank Hill's Dad on "King of the Hill" BTW I'm old enough to remember when many of the brothers wore pork pie hats in the early 1960s. Pitt....5'9" Gothcha!
RisingForce said on 18/Mar/09
I use to think that was possible Bam. Pitt and Damon have looked very close in height before.
Click HereClick HereBut then again how could Pitt look atleast 2, even 3 inches taller than Damon other nights if they're the same height?
Click HereClick HereDamon may have been in normal dress shoes
Click Here but it's not like Pitt was in huge shoes either.
Click HereNow it's true that he could have easily had lifts in those shoes, but those aren't 3 inch shoes, that's for sure. And it's also true that he may have been getting a half inch advantage as far as posture, but those advantages aren't nearly enough to make him 2.5", 3" taller than Damon if they're the same height.
So in my opinion Damon must be shorter. Damon's shoes do look chunky in the first picture, so although he's not a known lift wearer he may wear elevator shoes. I have Damon at 5'10" and so do Glenn and Rob. So unless Damon is shorter than that then I guess Pitt can't be a hair under 5'10.5".
bam said on 18/Mar/09
acg, he's clearly making fun of pitts footwear. Theres another quote where clooney says something like brad is a shorty at about 3 feet tall. I do think its possible he's the exact same height as matt damon, who looked the same height as ed norton in a pic. (echoing pitt looking the same height as john malkovich in a pic)
Anonymous said on 18/Mar/09
I dont think clooney is taller than Pitt. look at the link at the top of the page. yes Pitt has "slippers" on and the picture is tilted in his favor, but Pitt and Clooney look about the same height taking that into consideration. Also, they are both barely taller than
Matt Damon, who i think is a weak 5'10.
RisingForce said on 18/Mar/09
I agree Bam. Clooney normally slouches to 5'10.5", but standing straight he reaches 5'11.5". I'm not 100% sure on Pitt either, but the Eastwood pictures at Cannes made me doubt 5'11" for Pitt.
Doug said on 18/Mar/09
If I know Clooney I think he is being sarcastic. He has the same sense of humor as my dad. He "knows" Pitt is't really 6'1".
ACG said on 18/Mar/09
I totally agree, glenn....gotta love the "6'1" quote from Clooney though.
Could Clooney have been mocking Brad's footwear? Or just doing his friend a favor in the publicity department??
Whatever the case may be, I'm almost 100% positive that Clooney doesn't truly believe Pitt is 6'1!!
bam said on 17/Mar/09
rising, from the pics you posted there are others that show pitt taller, and looking very similar in height with clooney. Its a tough call to say who is taller, I still think its 50 50 with 5'10ish and 5'11 for pitt. Clooney's height is 5'10.5 on average, he rarely stands at the full 5'11.5(although thats probably his height), this is why rob has clooney listed at that height. The best way to figure out pitts height is to stay away from picture with clooney. Clooney himself is also a mystery.
Leung said on 17/Mar/09
Presuming that Pitt wears lifts all the time is part of the problem. I suspect that Pitt wears lifts occasionally but he is not a serial lift wearer like people here would have you believe.
Pitt�s shoes appear to be completely normal dress shoes in the photos,
Click HereClick HereRob what�s your opinion on these shoes?
Otherwise I�m not debating Clooney v Pitt anymore because I believe that Rob has got their heights listed correctly at 5�10.5� for Clooney and 5�11� for Pitt.

Editor Rob
they look normal barely 1-inch shoes.
glenn said on 17/Mar/09
this is possibly the only time i disagree with leung.pitt is between 5-10 and 5-11.clooney isnt a hair shorter than 5-11,and is most likely 5-11.5.clooney is taller.maybe not by much.
Ace said on 17/Mar/09
I will never figure brad pitt out:
Click Here
dicky curtis said on 17/Mar/09
So its actually is a fact the he wears lifts?
7 years in tibet will be on tonight and i will pay some attention for his height
mamonazo said on 17/Mar/09
Chan-man, Cruise is a bad 5-7. with his tricks he reaches the 5-10 mark.
Arie said on 17/Mar/09
Ok so what if Brad is 5'9", he looks great!! 5'9" is not short!!! Its actually average to above average height for a man in America. I don't know why you guys make a big deal about a couple of inches. Get a life!!!
Mike said on 17/Mar/09
Strauss- you are bang on buddy- i'm 5'11 and on the set of Jesse James- The top an extra could be was 6 feet- Brad in 3 inch lifts. So ya, 5'9 is the correct height- and yes short legs elongated torso- Thats all folks
RisingForce said on 17/Mar/09
Leung, I'd be surprised if those were regular dress shoes with no lifts. Pitt is a master at getting the most out of footwear. Those shoes have a decent sized heel as it is. I'd give them no less than 1.25' to start but I'd also bet that with a slight lift he's getting 2".
The angle really isn't that bad either. You can see in one that Pitt is looking up at Clooney. I'd say that a 2" difference that day is very possible.
Glenn has met both and he has Pitt at closer to 5'10" and Clooney at 5'11.5". Clooney seems like the taller man to me. The reason he doesn't look it more often is Pitt's Stallone-esque posture and dress boots. Clooney rarely stands straight or wears elevators himself.
Chan-man said on 16/Mar/09
If he is 5'9 then he must be the same height as Kevin Spacey or Tom Cruise and he is much taller than Cruise for sure. Anyway, proportionally he does not look like 5'9" at all. Also, dressing shoes that he wears with huge heels doesn't exactly give him an actual 3 inch lift over his barefoot height. Even with those massive heels one could only gain 1.5 inch at the most. Anything more than that he would have trouble walking on the red carpet for sure. At least he would be tripping over constantly. So he is 5'11" barefoot and around 6'
Vibram said on 16/Mar/09
Doug says on 15/Mar/09
Pitt did look 5'9" in the early 90s, he seemed to grow an inch or two by 1994's Interview with the Vampire though. Thelma and Louise was 1991, he looked very small in Across the Tracks too, very young looking for a 28 year old playing a 17 year old -he looked it.
Yeah I noticed he suddenly had physical changes after 27.
He would of been 26 1/2, 27 when Across the Tracks was filmed in 1990 and released in 1991, but still he did look teeny young - below 19. Then suddenly by 1993's "Kalifornia" he was bearded, more rugged and well-built and looked all his 29, 30 years, perhaps a little older looking than 29 in that film? Was that the first film he had facial hair? I'm not sure but I know he had no beard-growing capability, at least no heavy stubble before 1992'ish.
Leung said on 16/Mar/09
RisingForce, take another look at Pitt
glenn said on 16/Mar/09
doug-i met both since the mid 90s.pitt was always turning me down for photo with and was a fake nice to people then.clooney was and still is,among the nicest ever.your right,clooney does look better in person.and pitt the opposite.though pitt always looked 6ft to me.i never suspected lifts.dumb of me.clooney was always looking 6-1 in lifts too.
Strauss said on 16/Mar/09
On March 5,2009, Pitt visited House Speaker Nancy Pelosi who is just 5 feet tall according to her staff and California Driver License. In the photos of Pitt and Pelosi together, Pitt appears to be about 3 inches taller than Pelosi, who is wearing heels most likely. Pitt is probably wearing dress shoes of unknown lifts. Pitt is escorted by a half dozen Capitol cops and he is shorter than all of them. If you can see the stills or the video it's apparent that Pitt has short legs. Jolie seems to be almost as tall as Pitt. Check it out
ChucktheSchmuck said on 16/Mar/09
There is no way in hell that he is as low as 5'9. Get a grip!
Doug said on 16/Mar/09
Yeah Pitt looks around 1.5 inches taller as I've mostly seen in pictures of them together. I can't see the man is as low as 5'9".
Vegas said on 16/Mar/09
pitt and clooney standing together on video at manns in la
Click Here
Brad said on 16/Mar/09
I ran into a guy who worked with Pitt n Clooney early in their careers. He said Clooney had crazy weird eyebrows and Pitt bad acne scars.
RisingForce said on 16/Mar/09
Leung, Pitt clearly has better posture there with Clooney. I think Pitt's shoes add about 2" too, they still look smaller than Clooney's who look like 2.5". Look at the first picture you can see Pitt looking up at Clooney. It's no camera illusion, Clooney was taller that night.
The reason I think that Pitt can look taller than Clooney a lot is superior posture and he usually has a footwear advantage.
Doug said on 16/Mar/09
What are they like in person Glenn? Some people say Pitt looks better in photographs than in person. Others say Clooney looks better in person than in photos. When you first met them was there anything that surprised you about them, e.g smaller/taller than expected, rude/friendly etc or are they very much like their image on screen and in the media?
bam said on 15/Mar/09
i would bet money pitt isn't 5'9. Strauss, I believe you, but 5'9 is totally ridiculous, but very possibly an exxageration of 5'10.
miles smiles said on 15/Mar/09
Hey miko, the true Battle To the Death Lift Face-Off would be Stallone, Pitt, and Downey. All in their finest munsters, their faces grimacing from trying to keep the most extreme military posture. Then they would all have to take off their sci-fi levitator shoes and suddenly lose 3-4 inches.
glenn said on 15/Mar/09
no problem doug.i have been seeing clooney as high as 6-1 lately .of course i know he is 5-11.5 tops.5-11 minimum.
Leung said on 15/Mar/09
RisingForce, the angles are so skewed in the favour of Clooney in those photos. In addition Clooney is obviously wear big guns whereas Pitt
Doug said on 15/Mar/09
Perhaps its time for a downgrade Rob to 5'10"? I don't think him smaller than 5'10" personally but he isn't 5'11".
Doug said on 15/Mar/09
Pitt did look 5'9" in the early 90s, he seemed to grow an inch or two by 1994's Interview with the Vampire though. Thelma and Louise was 1991, he looked very small in Across the Tracks too, very young looking for a 28 year old playing a 17 year old -he looked it.
Strauss said on 15/Mar/09
These up & down Pitt/Clooney photos are hilarious. It made me call up an old friend who worked as a casting director for Lori Wyman/Miami, who got me an extra role in 1994's 'Shame 2/The Secret. I was in the prison/visiting room scenes with Amanda Donohoe and Geffroy Blake; 5'10" and 6'1" respectively. I was hired because in walking/standing scenes I'm 6'1" and not distracting. Denise told me extra's heights is critical in most movies. She told me that have 'templates' of the stars in movies they cast extras for. She pays close attention to shoulder heights mor than tops of heads. She told me Pitt is 5'9" and has 27-28" legs. You can see he's much smaller in 'Thelma and Louise' compared to 6 ft Geena Davis. Ridley Scott wanted Pitt to stand on 4" thick boards in all the two-shot scenes with Davis. He whined and wore elevator boots.
dmeyer said on 15/Mar/09
i agree i dont get whi pitt looks an easy 2 in under clooney ven considerig slight footwear advantage and angle andvantage for clooney brad shouldnt look that short cloney is no more than 5 ft 11 so pitt looks 5 ft 9 in those pics
Doug said on 15/Mar/09
I've always seemed to see the pictures of where Pitt is looking taller. The height of these guys is all over the place. Only one thing of course can account for that is the amount of paits of elevator shoes these actors have. Most people would never really know that these men where such shoes.
Doug said on 15/Mar/09
Wow I'm amazed at those pictures. CLooney looks at least 2 inches taller!!! In the other photo it was the other way round!!! I always though Pitt was the taller of the two. Clooney looks a legit 5'11.5" in those pics I'm surprised! That picture with Clooney makes Pitt indeed look 5'9.
RisingForce said on 14/Mar/09
5'11" is too high. Look at him with George Clooney who i think is 5'11" or 5'11.5".
Click HereClick HereClick HereBrad's obvious posture advantage take out any real camera advantage Clooney may have. Regardless George seems about 2 inches taller. George seems to be in 2.5" elevators as well while Pitt's shoes have a decent sized heel and he's still probably getting 2" from them.
The first picture shows Pitt clearly looking up at a slouching Clooney proving that Clooney appearing taller that day was no camera illusion. Clooney barefoot is an inch, maybe an inch and a half taller than Pitt. That's close enough for Pitt to appear taller with a footwear advantage and a posture advantage.
Pitt with his "effect" posture and Clooney standing casually.
Click HerePitt still seems less than an inch taller(not counting his hair) and aside from the posture difference look at their footwear.
Click HereClooney's shoes look normal and Pitt's normally well hidden heels are exposed.
So Pitt with a posture and footwear advantage can appear slightly taller than George, but George with a slight footwear advantage can appear 2 inches taller without a posture advantage.
Brad said on 14/Mar/09
He's 5' 10". At 5' 11" plus those jumbo dress boots he'd be 6' 1.5" all over the place. That's too tall.
RisingForce said on 14/Mar/09
Doug, Pitt also has a posture advantage over Clooney, he's closer to the camera and the picture is tilted a bit which favors Pitt.
Doug said on 14/Mar/09
One thing though thats confusing me Glenn. Pitt looks two inches taller than Clooney it that picture in them in their socks and slippers linked above. If Pitt was 5'10" barefoot, Clooney must surely be barely 5'9" in comparison? Was Pitt wearing lifts in his slippers in that picture because he often looks 1-2 inches taller than Clooney. Perhaps it is time to downgrade these guys by the likely inch? Pitt at 5'10", Clooney nearer 5'9"? Pitt looked small in the early 90s I thought but by Interview with the Vampire he was starting to look bigger. However I always remember pictures of him next to Gywneth Paltrow when they were dating and thinking, this guy can't be 6 foot. When you see the pictures of them barefoot, this would seem to prove that he is 5'10"?
Doug said on 14/Mar/09
Thats very interesting, thanks for that Glenn. I was not quite certain not having met either of them although it would have seemed that Pitt might have been a little taller. In my view both men are taller than 5'9" but not as high as 5'11" barefoot. I could believe 5'10.5" for Pitt barefoot highest. Around 5'10" it is then. Thanks for clearing that up.
glenn said on 14/Mar/09
doug-ive seen stallone look 6ft many times in what appears to be normal dress shoes(obviously not normal).and pitt look 6ft in funny dress boots.
glenn said on 14/Mar/09
i bet pitt and stallone would both be the same barefoot.5-10.
glenn said on 14/Mar/09
bam-shorter than i expected.5-10.5.saw again recently.same thing.i thought he was suppose to be 6ft.he has hideous posture and wears converse alot.
The Truth said on 14/Mar/09
Brad Pitt always wearing lifts..see at his shoes...he's ridicolous...
real Brad Pitt height: 5'9" max...with his "magic shoes": at least 6'
bam said on 14/Mar/09
glenn, I know you said malkovich was hard to pin down, but was he looking short or tall?
Doug said on 13/Mar/09
Yeah LOL Miko that would be funny. See who can get over 6'2".
Bouncer said on 13/Mar/09
I kinda doubt 5'11 for Pitt. 5'10 flat and barefoot in my eyes isn't just possibly, it is even likely.
miko said on 13/Mar/09
I would love to see a 2009 Stallone/Pitt face off. That would be a battle to death of the lifts.
delphonic said on 13/Mar/09
Look again at the big clunky shape of Pitt's "dress-boots" in the ankle area and compare them to these boots or a number of similar elevator dress boots that claim to add 2.6 to 4 inches to barefoot height. The front part of Pitt's shoes look much nicer because they're custom made to resemble sleek designer shoes. But the shape and "technology" around the ankle/heel area is the same if not better in Pitt's customs. I am convinced the man is getting a solid 3 inches over barefoot in his high dollar customs. With shoes like these and his eternal posture advantage, it's easy for 5' 9.5" to appear to scrape 6'1" in shoes! Look at this pic of him walking, he has the frame of an average height slim dude. The shoes, posture, fine tailoring and hollywood hype have so many still fooled. I'm 5' 9" flat with a very similar build to Pitt's...lean and muscular with small to medium bone size and shortish legs. When I wear lift boots and stand up straight, I am eye to eye with my 6' friends who wear thin soled shoes and have lazy posture.
Click HereClick HereClick Here
Doug said on 13/Mar/09
Seeing those recent pics with Bana I'm convinced the man is little over 5'10".
Doug said on 13/Mar/09
There is no way a 3 inch difference between Pitt and Stallone surely?
Doug said on 13/Mar/09
Pitt would seem to be in the same sort of range as Stallone, maybe up to an inch taller there is not 2 inch difference in reality between these men surely?. Around 5'10" barefoot, 6'1" in big lifts. Both men seem to have what I call the "6 foot complex" in which being under 6 foot legit affects their ego, especially when around taller men. I would estimate Pitt's height barefoot to be a little over 5'10" maybe as much as 5'10.5", in his regular shoes he is around 6 foot. Stallone I think is a little under 5'10" barefoot and reaches a little over 5'11" in his regular shoes, over 6 foot in bigger lifts. Both men require big lifts to look 6'1", 3 inch ones max although Pitt being taller can pull it off easier than Stallone. Brad Pitt is taller than Stallone but not over an inch legit I'm sure. Pitt at 5'10.5", Stallone at 5.9.75" is my estimate. I'm judging by Glenn's reporting that Pitt looked near 6 foot, Stallone looked around 5'11" (in shoes). Is this correct Glenn? Judging by the pics in comparison to Glenn, Pitt didn't seem more than an inch taller than Stallone? Let me know Glenn!
glenn said on 12/Mar/09
i saw malkovich again recently.really bizzare to pin down.shorter than i imagined.
pman said on 12/Mar/09
stallone 5'7 pitt 5'10 jake who thinks hes 6ft gleyhal is actually 5"9 cruise 5"7 FACE IT PEOPLE ITS A FACT!!
bam said on 12/Mar/09
malkovich is shorter than a 5'10.5 lady with a visible slouch. Maybe with an invisible DMX slouch he appears the 5'10.5 glenn saw him at? But that would still make Pitt 5'11. Thats perplexing even if pitt is 5'11 to me at least.
Strauss said on 12/Mar/09
Flash...Extras hired in Berlin to work on Pitt's movie weren't hired if taller than 5' 8". Male or female. That was in a German news article and a TV talk show last week. What does that say about 5-9 Pitt?
delphonic said on 12/Mar/09
I stand corrected on the dress-boots. Pitt actually left his boots at home for this shoot (a rarity). But even his low tops dress shoes appear to have a high back ankle on them. They could easily hold a 1 inch lift. Pitt's posture and hair make up the other inch difference between Pitt's lean 5'10" and Malkovich's dumpy and aged 6'.
Anonymous said on 12/Mar/09
delphonic, actually bam is right, Pitt isn't wearing his usual hi-cut dress boots in this photo shoot. In fact he's in low cut normal shoes
Click HereBut I wouldn't rule out upto 1" lifts in those shoes either, as I do it too. A little tricky but it can be done :-) plus bad posture on Malkovich's part.
bam said on 11/Mar/09
rob, what do you think about the pic? Pitt's entire frame looks that of a taller man compared to malkovich.
John said on 11/Mar/09
Fact of the matter is someone needs a pic with Pitt on the beach with no shoes on, or a real good pic of him out, with the shoes/boots looked at close lol. Good luck with that.
Ian said on 11/Mar/09
He doesn't look to be weaing mega lift dress boots. You want to see mega lift dress boots have a look on David Schwimmer's page. He doesn't even do a good job of disguising the fact. You can see the lift he is getting from the heels. Whereas Pitts look like normal shoes.
delphonic said on 11/Mar/09
bam - There is a very good explanation for that pic with Malkovich. Pitt has stick straight posture and is wearing his usual mega-lift dress boots that can look like normal shoes when they are almost completely covered by his long pants. All you see is the long thin front part of his shoe that is designed to look like normal low-heeled dress shoes (not the big "dress-boots" they are). Malkovich is in normal shoes and is hunching his neck forward with horrible posture and he is bald (while Pitt has spiked up hair). All these factors combine to easily make up for the 2-3 inch difference in their true barefoot heights.
Click Here
Noman said on 11/Mar/09
helloooo, to confirm Brad Pitt's Height, I was an extra in one of his movies....and our PA [ ..i think personal assistant] replied to me 5'10"..Pitt's ultra lean musculature, gives him the look of a guy 6'2" I agre with the Bana comparisons [ Troy] / when 'Hector' leaves the temple of Apollo you can see he is at least 2 inches taller.....
bam said on 11/Mar/09
unless there's a good explanation for this, maybe pitt is 5'11.
Click Here
Chan-man said on 11/Mar/09
I am also classified as solid 5'10 /weak 5'11, but I am pretty skinny though. I don't have a big frame I have small arms so my weight does not support my height very well. in other words, i am underweight.
ali said on 10/Mar/09
Bradd Pitt is about 5'9, maybe a bit taller. His legs
are shortish so he wears big lifts.
John said on 10/Mar/09
Anonymous. Yea Bana is closer to the cam. But truth of the matter is Pitt is 5'10 max. It was just one of the many pics from this site that shows the diffrent heights Pitt looks.
bobo said on 10/Mar/09
risingforce: I think those shoes are pretty tame relative to what he has been seen in. He had bigger lifts recently with Nancy Pelosi
RisingForce said on 10/Mar/09
I do agree that Pitt looks to be in 2.5" lifts, elevators or heels usually. Rarely does he look to be getting 3" because you can't hide those as well as he does.
These however look like they could be 3 inch elevators.
Click Here
miko said on 10/Mar/09
I haven't really commented on Pitt before but I think the guy is 5"10.5, possibly a fraction lower. In his 2.5" lifts he can reach 6"1. Therefore he can pass as a 6"0 guy.
delphonic said on 10/Mar/09
True Anonymous, when Bana is closer to the camera, he's like a head taller! And when Pitt is closer, they look about the same height. But if you study all the pics of them together, it's obvious that if Bana forced his posture like Pitt does, he'd have 3 inches on him. That leaves Pitt around 5'11" before we account for his magic-shoe advantage which knocks him down to 5'10" max...again.
Anonymous said on 9/Mar/09
John says on 9/Mar/09
Yeah here is Bana and Pitt again. Look at the height diffrence between the two. Pitt must have been in a rush and forgot his "good" shoes.
no its called bana being much closer to the camera
John said on 9/Mar/09
Yeah here is Bana and Pitt again. Look at the height diffrence between the two. Pitt must have been in a rush and forgot his "good" shoes.
Click Here
bobo said on 9/Mar/09
Thats a good pic. Pitt would have known he was appearing on a studio floor with full length camera shots. He would have used his secret shoe lifts for that interview...
DejaVu said on 9/Mar/09
Click Here Pitt looking 4 inches shorter than Bana.
Click Here Slightly shorter with his superior posture next to Peter O'Toole who I believed to be only 6'1 now next to Bana.
RisingForce said on 9/Mar/09
Leung is this the picture you're referring to?
Click HereBana's sneakers don't look very thick so at 6'2.25" I'd say he's at best 6'3" in them. Pitt is atleast 1 inch shorter before factoring in that he's closer to the camera and his posture is better.
I do think that Pitt can reach 6'1", but I wouldn't say he can easily.
bobo said on 9/Mar/09
You are right ACG.
Just 2 inch ones!
ACG said on 9/Mar/09
imho Pitt does NOT need "huge heels" to reach 6', as Complex said.
Leung said on 8/Mar/09
RisingForce says on 7/Mar/09
He can't get to 6'1" with ease. He was struggling to get to 6'1" with those huge heels at Cannes next to Eastwood.
Pitt can easily get beyond 6
Brad said on 8/Mar/09
Stallone wears Clown-Frankenstein's much like Brad does. Both have major problems with their heights deep in their heads. Saw a low cut pair of Doc Martens today that had huge heel at a store. I don't want to know what legendary custom builders can make these days for Cruise/Pitt/Sly/Gibson. In the new issue of Rolling Stone Bono is walking with his wife in boots with what appear to be building blocks as heels. That is real sorry looking stuff. Very laughable.
Complex said on 8/Mar/09
5'9.5-5'10 barefoot is what he is, huge heels he likely hits 6'0-6'0.5 and maybe in his absolutely best he might just barely scrape 6'1, but that's at best, also explains the paltrow pics and how he was 2-2.5 inches shorter than norton.
Doug said on 8/Mar/09
It is "obvious" to me from those pics that Pitt lives in elevators however much he disguises it most of the time. You can tell that the shoes he wears are not normal. To me though he has never looked "tall" even in his munsters, height is the one thing that Pitt doesn't have. He looks around 5'10" to me max, and can reach 6 foot in his custom two inches heels, 6'1" in his munsters. 5'9.5"-5'10" barefoot is more accurate I'm sure. Most of the time he wears boots which when concealed with jeans look cool and give him a regular two inches on barefoot. This is why he looks around 6 foot a lot of the time in public. Pitt has said he wishes he was two inches taller. This suggests to me he wishes he was a legit 6 foot without the elevators.
bobo said on 8/Mar/09
check out Spy Game with Pitt walking aroung in Cowboy boots next to a medium sized Redford in normal shoes. Does that look like a 5 11 guy in Cowboy boots?
bobo said on 8/Mar/09
exactly delphonic. The psychology of it doesn't add up either. A guy approaching 6 foot does not put that much effort into his footwear. The use of clown shoes alone should immediately suggest he is insecure about this height. I have always felt he is a below 5 10. There are too many people who have met him commenting on how 'small' he is. YOu don't say that about a 511 guy in normal shoes, let alone a 5 11 guy in custom lifts. No body says Christian Bale is 'small' and he is a true 5 11 - 6 foot guy. And he looks it. Pitt just never consistently looks tall. He is a medium build, average height guy.
His younger self in movies provide the best picture, does the dope head Floyd in True Romance look like a 6 foot guy? NO. Does the funky Cowboy in Thelma and Louise look like a 6 foot guy (even in cowboy boots!!!)? No. He never looks 'lanky' in those films (despite being ultra thin!!) because he was in proportion to his height - which I am confident is less than 5 10 bare foot.
a Down grading is essential to the integrity of the site. The evidence is too strong.
I still think you should set up a website called ''. Wigs and implants are as elusive and as much fun as heights and lifts.
bam said on 7/Mar/09
this proves my theory rising, pitt is 5'11.75 in his lifts. Things get VERY confusing when clooney comes into the picture though...
Brad said on 7/Mar/09
3" is easy, christ I saw Doc's with 2" and another 1" with a custom wedge is easy. He's 6' with ease in the customs.
John said on 7/Mar/09
The pic with Pitt and Pelosi. Come on, Look at those heels compared to the other people in the pic, and yet he doesnt tower over or look 6'1. Sorry But I agree a down grade is needed. But No one will down grade the guy.
RisingForce said on 7/Mar/09
Anonymous says on 6/Mar/09
Major lifts yesterday with Speaker Pelosi:
Click Here
Wow, look at how long his lower legs are. It's obvious he's got lifts with those heels.
delphonic said on 7/Mar/09
Glenn-Thanks for the compliment and correction of my typo.
bobo-I second that motion. If Pitt was a true 5'11" barefoot, we'd have tons of 6'2" sightings and comparisons with his 24/7 megaboots and corn-cob posture. But we don't. Even those who still buy the hype/tricks that he's "tall" never say he looked over 6'1" on his best stilts. A solid 5'9.5" barefoot for Pitt would not be out of the question or even surprising at this point. I think Rob is afraid that if he actually down-graded Pitt, it would complicate/confuse many of his other heights (Clooney, Damon etc). Because Pitt can look undeniably taller than them in so many pics. But it's not really that confusing. Clooney and Damon wear elevators sometimes, when they do they are all quite close in height. But Pitt sleeps in lifts, so naturally there are more pics of him looking taller than them. That's why he had to wear his 1 inch slippers and be closer to the camera even when Clooney and Damon are in their socks! Pitt can't dare shatter the myth that he is "tall". It's taken years and years of practically living in lifts/custom boots to establish it.
RisingForce said on 7/Mar/09
He can't get to 6'1" with ease. He was struggling to get to 6'1" with those huge heels at Cannes next to Eastwood.
leonari said on 7/Mar/09
delphonic: How is 5'10 " little? You are right about his shoes but your "litte man" joke is ridiculous. He is an average guy.
bobo said on 7/Mar/09
given the evidence. I think its time to down grade. a 5 11 man does not put that much effort into custom lifts. And he still looks average even with clown shoes. Please can we down grade....
glenn said on 7/Mar/09
a wedge? try a high heel hidden in there.
glenn said on 7/Mar/09
delphonic-thats hysterically genius.little man,big
delphonic said on 6/Mar/09
Brad Pitt's Indian name would be "ittle man big shoes" ;) Look at the un-natural shape of these custom "dress boots". He's getting a minimum of 2.5 inches above barefoot in these. He gains another .5 inch in military posture to go from barely 5'10" barefoot to appearing to scrape 6'1" with tricks.
Click Here
Brad said on 6/Mar/09
He's got the wedge inside those heels at Cannes. He can get to 6' 1" with ease.
RisingForce said on 6/Mar/09
Here are some more Pitt and Redford shots.
Click HereClick HereHe looks taller in this picture than the other picture that looked like it was taken the same day.
Click HerePitt's heels were huge in that movie.
Click Here
Anonymous said on 6/Mar/09
Major lifts yesterday with Speaker Pelosi:
Click Here
German said on 6/Mar/09
hi rob, is the 180 cm list of brad pitt a estimation of his morning or evening height?
italian boy said on 6/Mar/09
178cm without shoes,181 in dress shoes...184cm with lifts,i think he use lifts only for special event maybe when he have to stay near other famous actor.
bobo said on 6/Mar/09
Great Pics RisingForce. Those are two inch lifts minimum. And he still only looks six foot.
RisingForce said on 6/Mar/09
That is a common trick he uses Dural. He wears black heels with extra long black pants + military posture and he gets away with 6 ft without his height looking suspicious.
The key is when Pitt walks, especially down stairs. Then his heels are often exposed. Look at how steep his footwear looked at the Cannes Changeling premiere.
Click HereClick HereAmazingly enough he hid those well most of the night which is why you have to look closely at his footwear. He's almost always in 2+ inch heels(and probably lifts) these days.
And even with those huge heels and military posture 6'1" Clint Eastwood still had 1.5" on him.
Click HereI sure wouldn't bet on 5'11" barefoot for Pitt.
Dan said on 6/Mar/09
I am sorry. I agree with you guys that he's probably wearing small lifts in his shoes, but as far as him wearing heeled shoes and heeled boots, thats an image thing. I like to wear boots too. Anyone who is selfconsious about their height is going to wear shoes that give them a lift. Nothing wrong with wearing a high pair of boots when you go out. Besides boots are an image factor. Some people just like having the boot look. Its manly. I dont buy into the guy wearing sandals look. That think thats really feminine. Heels give a person a good walk. Sneakers tend to give you a bouncy childish walk. Theyre cool in the gym, but not when youre walking around in hollywood. I say 5-10 and a half max, 5-9 and a half minimum
Dan said on 6/Mar/09
here he is in a pair of merrell spirit moc shoes. I have them and they are very very flat.
Click Here
theman said on 5/Mar/09
vibram not sure your tall theory pans out in all regions. I grew up in NJ and most my friends were in the 5'6" to 5'11" range (some shorter & and some taller), mainly Irish, Spanish, and Italians. When we got into fights height did not matter at all, trust me. I am 5'9" and never got picked on or felt short. We were all athletic maybe that helps. It must all be in your heads.... I am sure some 6' tall guys wish they were taller. Persnonally I am cool with 5'9", never felt short but recognize I am not tall. It feels perfect, never turned down by a woman, helps to look good.
John said on 5/Mar/09
Those pics from Dural and Rising Force prove it. The guy may not physically put lifts in his shoes, he just has the shoes custom made with 3inch heel. Come on. he is 5'10 at max.
And, those pics with him in those slippers. Arent they the same pair he wore in the pics with Clooney and Damon when they where in socks. LOL guy cant be without heel support of a shoe/slipper.
mamonazo said on 5/Mar/09
he is 5-11 max. he wears lifts so to reach the 6-1 mark. regular people wear hair implants, lifts, make up, fake teeth, breast implants etc etc so whats all the fuzz with Pitt wearing lifts, fake teeth, botox, hair color....??
Dural said on 5/Mar/09
Cannes pic nr.4 is great. He wears longer trousers at the Oscars and the similar color of shoes and trousers may add to the illusion they are not as big if you don't take a closer look. The shoes he was wearing at Cannes look pretty similar to those from the Oscars, the only difference I see is the shining surface. Concerning the beach pics, why can't he just walk barefoot?
RisingForce said on 5/Mar/09
Good pictures Dural, but I'm not sure he has lifts in those slippers. Based on his ankles it looks like he'd only get half an inch max.
The other beach picture looks very suspicious though. Those sneakers look bulky and his nakles position looks high. His shoes don't look too bad at the Oscars though. I'd bet he's wearing lifts, but he's doing a better job of hiding them. Check out his heels at Cannes 2007. It looks like he borrowed them from Angelina!
Jane said on 5/Mar/09
omg Dural!!! he is so on his tippy toes at the Oscars, great pics.
Dural said on 5/Mar/09
little mistake, one of the beach pics should be this one
Click Here
RisingForce said on 4/Mar/09
Pitt's heels at Cannes in 2007 were massive. He most likely bought these back in the 70's!
Click HereClick HereClick HereClick HereClick HereClick HereClick HereClick HereAs far as posture, he's as bad as Stallone. Who the hell stands this straight? Good posture is one thing, but this is pretty forced.
Click HerePitt knows every trick in the book. Big heels, chest out posture, elevator shoes ect. In reality he's 5'10.5" max and has great proportions and a thin frame. Even without knowing those tricks I still wouldn't have guessed him higher than 5'11.5", 6'0".
glenn said on 4/Mar/09
acg-no worries.i do stuff like that all the time.maybe not here as much.
glenn said on 4/Mar/09
thanks for backing me on that doug.
Doug said on 4/Mar/09
Jolie regularly looks 5'10" at premieres. She is only about 3 inches than Clint in heels. Brad mostly looks 6 foot in his regular two inch lifts, can pull off 6'1" in his munsters though.
ACG said on 4/Mar/09
f*ck!! sorry, glenn.....Thanks for the jolie story, but i meant to say paltrow. I suspected jolie was in the 5'7 range, but that's pretty neat that she can look so much taller....
My bad.
So, yeah, is it possible for Gwyneth to be over 5'9, because I know she isn't under....that could explain Brad looking so "short" besides her.
Ugh, can't believe I wrote "Angie".
glenn said on 4/Mar/09
i couldve sworn jolie was 5-10 in front of me in doc martin like boots.saw her again in heels and i put her more towards 5-6.5,5-7.more on the 5-6.5. i had her at 5-8 cause of that 5-10 sighting.i can list weird sightings one day.heights that dont make sense.thats why i need to see a celeb more than once.
Brad said on 4/Mar/09
Riser has this one nailed. The key is Redford to Pitt and it was dead even in photos I've seen. I doubt Redford would allow Pitt to wear that garbage on his feet on the last Oceans film. Poor Clooney. Those things he wears on red carpets are as bad as Stallone's Frankensteiners. Somebody get a beach shot of BP & AJ. He has a posture add-on like nobody else except Sly or Cruise at times.
bam said on 4/Mar/09
dont forget there are pics of pitt looking a hair taller than 6ft john malkovich in flat shoes. That one has me scratching my head...
ACG said on 3/Mar/09
Could Angie be taller than 5'9?
Vibram said on 2/Mar/09
I think Pitt drops to as low as 5ft9.75 by midnight, knows it and feels shortish around the house in his socks and with his girlfriend. Below 5ft10 is when psychological distress begins for males - unless your massive build. As I've mentioned in the GH page, during my college years lots of 5f9 guys with slim builds got picked on, yet for every inch above 5ft10 people don't mess with you as much regardless if your slim build - it's just the look of tallness that deters other males to start on you.
5ft10.25 out of bed after 8+ hrs sleep max for Pitt.
Callie said on 2/Mar/09
My husband and I saw him and 5'10 seems generous. My husband is 6'4 and I am 5'9 and Pitt was *barely* taller than me!
RisingForce said on 2/Mar/09
Yeah 5'10", maybe 5'10.5".
bam said on 2/Mar/09
rising, you make a good point. The issue isn't if eastwood is still 6'1, but if
that is his height with his normal stance. I think glenn saw him at 6ft. Maybe eastwood is only 6'1 today straightened out? Brad is 5'10.
RisingForce said on 2/Mar/09
Hasselhoff is in normal cowboy boots, Pitt often wears elevator shoes. These are big elevator shoes here.
Click HereElevator shoes have built in shoe lifts. I'm surprised Pitt wore those shoes, he's usually a lot more subtle.
Anonymous said on 2/Mar/09
Vegas says on 2/Mar/09
i have yet to see pitt wear anything as big as these, this page would implode upon itself if someone posted pitt in 2 inchers like this Click Here
Funny you mentioned that. Your prayers have been answered :-) I happened to watch a rerun of "21 Jump Street (1988)" yesterday (aah!*sigh!* the good ol' 80's) Pitt had a guest appearence on this one episode called "Best years of your life". Just before the end of the show, the camera pans over the actors and there you have it, Pitt is sitting on a sofa with the biggest cuban heels I've seen. Pretty much like what Hasselhoff's wearing here. So I turned to youtube to have it posted here. I would recommend that you guys watch the whole episode. I was pegging him 5'10" at best throughout the show untill that ending scene came up when I saw those boots. I'd say 5'9-5'9.5. But still 5'10 at best.
Click Here and the scene is at 3:59
anonymous said on 2/Mar/09
rob u refuse to see reason on pitt! read bobo's comment! its insane that if mr brad pitt is really 5 11 that thatll be all hell claim. i certainly dont believe hes 5 8 or not even 5 9 maybe.. but certainly not a full 5 11
Vegas said on 2/Mar/09
bobo says on 1/Mar/09
My final comment: WHy would a legit 5 11 barefooter wear such suspect shoes?
i have yet to see pitt wear anything as big as these, this page would implode upon itself if someone posted pitt in 2 inchers like this
Click Here
bobo said on 1/Mar/09
Thank you Debbie for that photo.
If Brad was a 5 11 barefoot, he would have been saying he is over 6 foot for years. He hasn't. He isn't. Thats how Hollywood works.
It annoys me that people claim all kinds of odd heights for celebs but don't make the case for the other people featured in key photos. If Paltrow is 5 8, then Pitt can be no more than 5 10. If you want to make the case that he is taller than go on her page and make the case there as well.
Otherwise stop making it. Its plain daft.
If he was a legit 5 11 barefooter, he would look 6 1 in his films. Look at Spy game, look at the Devils Own (the street scene prior to the SAS attacking), he looks a compact 5 9/ 5 10. Nothing wrong with that.
He also has short legs. His recent pics with Angelina have shown longer legs. Clearly showing an interest in dodgy foot wear.
My final comment: WHy would a legit 5 11 barefooter wear such suspect shoes?
Anonymous said on 28/Feb/09
I think his taste for big footwear came in meet joe black. He looked much taller compared to anthony hopkins than he did in legends of the fall.
Brad said on 27/Feb/09
Gwyn 5' 9"/Brad 5' 10".
Complex said on 27/Feb/09
the pool side pic, the ones delphonic posted of them both in sandals, no awkward camera angles or anything and they looked the exact same height, I bet now he'd be alot taller than his customs of course ;)
RisingForce said on 27/Feb/09
I'm pretty sure that he's 5'10" or 5'10.5" now. No shorter, no taller.
He was atleast an inch, but probably a little more shorter than 6'1" max Clint Eastwood at Cannes 2008. Eastwood was in normal dress shoes and Brad was in boots with minimum 2 inch heels. Best case for Pitt is assuming he wasn't wearing lifts, those heels weren't over 2 inches and the difference wasn't over an inch. So best case that'd put Pitt at about 5-11 even. But then when you consider that the difference was probably atleast an inch and a half, there's a good chance Pitt was getting more than 2 inches and Eastwood may not be 6-1 anymore, then it looks like 5-10, 5-10.5 fits better barefoot.
That also adds up with Pitt in shoes with decent sized heels and perfect posture looking shorter than 6 ft Edward Norton who was in smaller shoes and slouching a lot.
Then consider the picture where he wasn't a hair taller than Redford and probably a little shorter. Or the full body shot pictures where he's about
Matt Damon's height. 5'10", 5'10.5" makes more sense to me than 5'11". He has great proportions, excellent posture and he's good at hiding lifts and big heels. With that he rarely looks taller than a legit 6 ft man so it's not hard to imagine him being an inch and a half to 2 inches shorter.
dicky curtis said on 27/Feb/09
I have also seen pitt easily 2 inches taller than gwyneth in the same event as where he did barely look 1 inch taller. Never saw him shorter than her, or equal in height.5.10 is just a smidge too less for me.
glenn said on 27/Feb/09
while i dont have a problem with brad being 5-10 or 5-11,gwyneth is a legit 5-9.
Vibram said on 27/Feb/09
Is the barefoot pic of both Pitt and Paltrow together the one where they're nude poolside?
Complex said on 26/Feb/09
Rob you'd be suprised even after all the evidence posted? 5'10 seems fairly accurate, Rob what's your take on the one of him and gwyn barefoot where he looks virtually the same height, 1' taller max...
RisingForce said on 26/Feb/09
Yes he did wear big heels in Spy Game and with them he looked taller than Redford. But interestingly enough I found a picture of the two of them which looked to be on the set of the movie and Brad was no taller.
RisingForce said on 26/Feb/09
Rob, I know there are several celebrities who you're unsure of. Is Brad Pitt one of them? If so what would you upgrade or downgrade him to?

Editor Rob
at worst weak 5ft 11 downgrade if ever. I don't know if this listing will change, I think he got a taste for big footwear back in Spy Game.
TheoJ said on 26/Feb/09
I thought Brad Pitt was 6'1" minimum. In the film with Harrison Ford - The Devil's something (not Advocate), he looks a bit taller than Ford.
Debbie said on 26/Feb/09
Look at this old pic of Brand and Gwyneth. I think he is 5'10 no more. Gwyneth is listed here at 5'8.
Click Here
Brad said on 26/Feb/09
Wears expensive customs of terrific stealth mode. 5' 10". Bit more with the military posture he is in 24/7-365. Some red carpets he pulls out the obvious jumbo boots.
TELLEM said on 25/Feb/09
seriously, how about a downgrade for this guy? atleast 5'10.75
Complex said on 25/Feb/09
Even when norton had no shoes and pitt was in heels, norton was still a tad taller..
George said on 25/Feb/09
Rob, I think most would agree that you should change his height to either 5'10.5 or 5'10.75
Rusty said on 25/Feb/09
I watched the oscars recently and he had some pretty large footware.
scata said on 24/Feb/09
wtf are you smoking joe, brad pitt NEVER looked taller than edward. yeah maybe when edward had no shoes and was slouching while brad pitt was wearing lifts standing upright in military position was he taller.
Anonymous said on 24/Feb/09
no.this is to much.178 tops.176-177.thats hes reall height.He is shorter then George Clooney every time hes next to him.its imposible for him to be taller.
Rob G said on 24/Feb/09
I think solid 5'11" is out of the question here, as most of people here would agree. Weak 5'11" may be the case for Pitt. I agree with James' estimations on Pitt.
Joe257 said on 24/Feb/09
In the movie Fight Club (1999) Brad Pitt looked about an inch taller than Edward Norton (6'.25" here). I guess Brad could have been wearing bigger footware in that movie. In Interview with the Vampire (1994) Pitt looked about 4 inches taller than Tom Cruise (5'7.75" here). In my opinion Brad Pitt is 6'0" barefoot and looks taller than that in his movies depending on his footware, no way he's below 5'11" though.
John said on 23/Feb/09
A top 5'11'' in the morning and 5'10'' at night.
Strauss said on 23/Feb/09
I met Pitt in Berlin several weeks ago as I mentioned before in an earlier post. I just reviewed the SAG award photos and the Clooney/Pitt side by side. Pitt has short legs and his shoulders are two inches below Clooney. The dress shoes have 2 inch heels. Very similar to the 'engineer' boots he was wearing in Germany. He was wearing a hat constantly like the one in the Clooney photo. I'm 6 feet and was wearing my dress Bostonian shoes which make me 6' 1". I was looking down at him. I couldn't get over how much shorter he is. He's 5' 9" tops. He's the same height as my brother-in-law. BTW in the Clint Eastwood photo, Clint is slouching and bending his knees in the head on group photo. Remember, short guys wear hats!
glenn said on 23/Feb/09
pitt can be phony.nice as well.never mean or a jerk.but can turn down photo requests left and right.there was a excellent 2007 picture of him and i on top of the page that was a terrible pic of me,and not that great to judge height as i took it with my own hand and botched it.he did look 6ft next to me when you really looked at it.i always thought he was 6ft.this is the one case where the site had me change my veiws.saw him in the 90s as well.