How tall is Brad Pitt - Page 28

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Average Guess (1435 Votes)
5ft 10.62in (179.4cm)
cendrin rovini said on 8/Nov/05
I think that indie sex god is pretty tall (for Americans). Like 184cm or so... Normal American is only 5 8, is that true? Greetingz from germany...
cid said on 8/Nov/05
haha ppl i met brad at cali and i was barefooted and he was as tall as me and im 5 10 flat so theres no way in earth his over 5'10
JUSTMATT said on 7/Nov/05
Yes Rob! I don't know but if you were a 6 ft guy you would wear this kind of shoes?! Maybe Americans actor have not a good taste in dressing as italians but com'on these american actors (I speak about Pitt, Clooney, Damon, etc.) have really horrible shoes...or have some height problems! :-D Anyway I still think Pitt is a true 5.11 guy barefoot or I cannot explain his photos with Redford who is 175-176 and who uses big boots and still Pitt is 5-6cm taller
d said on 7/Nov/05

does this Troy pic of Bloom, Pitt and Bana look doctored? Bloom is the same height as Pitt and Bana's only 2" taller.
Ajoe said on 6/Nov/05
I can't recall what article I read it but in the movie,"Interview with a Vampire",they had Tom Cruise's Lestat stand on higher plane so he's almost eye to eye with Brad Pitt's character. In the novel,Lestat is supposed to be taller than Brad Pitt's charcter.
Someone in Reality said on 6/Nov/05
AND on the Jolie message board, it seems to be unanimous that Jolie is 5'4-5'5, not the 5'8 that she is normally listed as. I guess you guys can do the math....
Someone in Reality said on 6/Nov/05
You're right, TJ. Brad is taller than Angelina, but probably not by much. In the publicity shots he seems to tower over her, but in candids, Brad tends to looks much shorter, though he definetely still has a couple inches on Jolie. I think that in the second photo, it looks as though Jolie is wearing flat heeled sandals-I could be wrong, but it looks to be a good indication of Brad's height.
d said on 5/Nov/05
well, "if" Bloom is 5'10.5" like this site suggests, that pic i posted (and most others from that event) would have Pitt at 6'1.5" barefoot. But there's no way he was 1" shorter than the 6'2.5 Bana, more like 3"+.

I believe the Bana height, but Bloom would have to be 5'9" tops or Pitt's wearing lifts (and bloom doesn't look a hair more). Bloom must be wearing normal shoes to be this much shorter than Pitt regardless.

If Pitt "was" wearing normal shoes, then he looks 5'11.5" - 6.0' barefoot, in that series. But i still think his knees look too tall.
Smith said on 5/Nov/05
Saw Pitt in 1997 in NY, he has to be 5'10 maybe 5'11 He is not 6'1
d said on 4/Nov/05
well, i just read this entire thread and it full of comparing his height, wearing unknown footware to people of unconfirmed heights with usually with obscured footware. or some combination thereof.

I've always assumed brad pitt was about 6.0'. He always seems to appear about 1" taller than clooney in pics and films. I assumed clooney was 5'11" after he said he was on letterman once. he looked a couple shorter than 6'3" freeman, 1" shorter than carrey etc...

Then i saw this movie about a boy who wore a mask, rode a dirt bike, that looked to be shot on some european coastline. he he looked about 15 years old and i cannot believe that boy was over 5'8", 5'9" tops. "The dark side of the sun", shot in 1988, starring brad pitt ->25 years old.

I didn't realize there was a thing going on in hollywood with lift shoes. How come all the pics with Brad in shorts has him wearing high top converse shoes. show me some in tennis shoes, prove me wrong.


TJ said on 4/Nov/05
Someone in reality, those pics at the railings prove no such thing. You are talking about a pic where we can't see footwear. How do we know she isn't wearing four inche heels? How do we know the railings aren't mounted on concrete and she's stood on that? Even your point about her head being higher isn't true in all the pics. Look at this pic:
To me that doesn't tell us the full story, because we don't see footwear, but taking your logic, we have to say it proves beyond doubt that Brad is around 4 inches taller than her. It doesn't - it's inconclusive. However, there is a full body shot of both here:

Brad is looking maybe two inches taller, but we can't judge much from that as it's tough to see what kind of heel she has. What we can judge is that your claim of her being taller than him is way off.
JUSTMATT said on 3/Nov/05
Looking at Schroeder photos I think Pitt is 1 inch taller so what do you think Rob to downgrade Pitt at 5.11?
drew said on 3/Nov/05
Pitt with Rick Schroder (5'10"), from the 1991 movie Across the Tracks:
Someone in Reality said on 2/Nov/05
Here's some more pics that prove that Angelina is no doubt taller than Brad....

Brad Pitt appears to be standing erect while Jolie is leaning against the railing---and her head is still higher than his.....
JUSTMATT said on 2/Nov/05
Sorry but I still think he is a solid 5.11 guy!
What said on 2/Nov/05
Great pictures, Mary. People gotta be nutts to think he's over 5'9" or 10".
Mary said on 2/Nov/05

how tall do u reckon he is from these pictures of him with jolie?Notice hes wearing really huge boots and jolie's on almost flat soles and he still doesnt look anywhere like the 6'0 everyone says he is
Viper652 said on 2/Nov/05
Brad's height is interesting to say the least. Sometimes he looks a solid 5-10, and then sometimes he looks a little shorter. Id still say hes a solid 5-10.
Someone in reality said on 1/Nov/05
I don't think Norton is over 6'.....
MD said on 1/Nov/05
Rob, please take a look back at this height and that of Edward Norton, or which I posted pics for on his page.
Drew said on 1/Nov/05
I posted the same pic twice!

Here's the two pics of Pitt and Norton:

As you can see, they are wearing same exact clothes, so the pics were taken on the same day, hence, they are wearing the same shoes as visible in the full body pic.

Pitt is CLEARLY at LEAST two inches shorter than Norton. That would make him 5'10.5".
Drew said on 31/Oct/05
Brad Pitt next to Norton:

Even though none of the pics are clear, it's evident that he's at least two inches shorter than Norton.
What said on 27/Oct/05
Someone in reality: That is a sick find. It is amazing what happens when the tricks are bagged. I add once again that my family met Pitt in Carmel and they confirmed to me that he was about 5'8" or 9". My dad used to be 6' but has shrunk to a cutie patootie 5'10" and Pitt was shorter than him. My mom is a fan (most girls are) and she wouldn't want to under-rate him. She said he was 5'9" and buff but skinny. This picture helps out a lot with confirming that.
Someone in in reality said on 25/Oct/05
Oh and here's the picture of him with Jolie that I referred to in the comment below and forgot to post:


It just shows you that when actors are shot candidly, they seem to magically "shrink."
Someone in in reality said on 25/Oct/05
While I highly doubt Pitt is only 5'2, it may be closer to the truth than you think....check this picture out of him with the 5'4-5'5 Jolie on the beach. She is BAREFOOT and he is wearing boots (with lifts?!?). Brad Pitt is only 5'11 in his dreams. Trust me Charlton Heston may be going senile, but he knows his actors' heights "......And Brad Pitt is small...very strange." - Charlton Heston
MR. Smith said on 25/Oct/05
I you watch Mr. and Mrs. Smith, pay close attention to when Vince Vaun recieves Brad and Jolie's wanted list. The stats say that Brad Pitt is 6'1", but after viewing that picture of Brad next to Anthony Hopkins (5'8.5") we all know Hollywood LIES!!! Well... either that or Anthony Hopkins is slouching a good 4 inches.
Finding the truth said on 23/Oct/05
If you take a look on that one
he is 71 inch maximum, probably with shoes on, however I don't know if this picture is realistic and can really be used as a proof. But it seems ok :)
Ginny said on 21/Oct/05
I'm a small girl, 5ft 3, 105 lbs. I stood next to Brad asking for his autograph. I was wearing three inch heels, he was wearing tennis shoes. I would estimate his height as approximately 5 ft 11.
Adam said on 18/Oct/05
If Pitt is 5'2 then he's the same size roughly with Danny Devito....what are you smoking Munnos?
Adam said on 18/Oct/05
I've met Anthony Hopkins in person, and he's not 5'7. He's definitely 5'8 or 5'9. In Joe Black, Hopkins eyes is level with Pitt's mouth. Claire Forlani in heels, sees Pitt's lips at her eye level. Anything shorter than 5' 11 or 10 for Pitt is hard to believe.....anyone with a comparative picture for how short so many people are claiming him to be??
Anonymous said on 18/Oct/05
I just watched meet Joe Black and he looks two inches taller than 5'7" Anthony Hopkins. How can anyone really believe this guy is 5'11". It's kind of crazy.
Adam said on 18/Oct/05
He looks quite tall in Meet Joe Black. But looks quite short in Kalifornia. I'd say he's 5'11 barefeet and 6'1 with shoes. His lanky frame is deceiving....
tai said on 17/Oct/05
in Troy he looks quite tall. 5'11 's exact, i think.
Anonymous said on 17/Oct/05
I love Jolie so so much but I've seen her and she is only 5'4". My friends met Pitt in Missouri and report that he is a super hot 5'8"-5'10" (he was in combat boots)
fabrizio said on 15/Oct/05
i think brad pitt is 5"11"(1,80)
fabrizio said on 15/Oct/05
in my opinion brad pitt is 5"11"(1,80)
Some Guy said on 15/Oct/05
hey Munnos i think u miss typed something in there. He cannot be 5'2 dude lol.
JUSTMATT said on 12/Oct/05
If you are Brad Pitt well...I am Jesus! Com'on nobody believes you!! You're ridicolous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous said on 10/Oct/05
Check out Pitt by Bono. Pitt can't be 5'11". No way on earth.
Viper452 said on 9/Oct/05
saying Pitt is 5-11 is just as crazy as well. Hes 5-10 at best.
JUSTMATT said on 9/Oct/05
As I wrote in Don Cheadle page, Don Cheadle is max 170cm (I think he is 168cm)because he is at least 1 inch shorter than 173 Sophie Okoneido (look Now if Cheadle is 5.7 then Pitt is no more than 5.11. In my opinion Pitt is exactly 5.11.
Anonymous said on 9/Oct/05
after millions of pics i saw of brad i think he is between 5'11" and 6'1" i dont think we will find out the truth i am 181 182 cm and when i am standing tall i can looks up to 186 cm even taller sometimes
Anonymous said on 9/Oct/05
Thelama and Louise he is standing next to Thelma-Davis and he is shorter then her,good inch,maybe even two
She is 6 ft tall,so decipher for yourself
i dont wanna put anybody down,but he is nowhere near 6 ft,i think hes 5.10
berry said on 8/Oct/05
You can find many old pap photos of Brad and Gwyenth walking together, wearing tennis shoes (trainers) and sandals, and it's clear that there is a 2-3 inch height difference. If you look at photos of them together at formal functions (at which Gwenyth would wear heels) she's ony a bit shorter than Brad. Brad has to be around 5'10, give or take. This makes sense also if you've seen recent pics of him with Jolie (on mag stands now!) in which they are both wearing biker boots, he looks a good five inches taller than Jolie, who is two inches shorter than Paltrow.
Below are two links to Brad and Gwyenth pictures on planethelium:
Below is a link to a picture of Brad and Angelina from,19736,1114931,00.html
Anonymous said on 8/Oct/05
I hardly see pitt being less then 5'11, its pointless saying his 5'9, obviously there are people who want to make themselves feel better by bringing the guy down, but seriously by saying hes less then 5'11 is childish
Bychance said on 7/Oct/05
I am a hairstylist and one owner of the salon that I worked in at the time. her husband is a boom in the film industry. He worked on Seven and they filmed in downtown L.A. We went on set and saw them filming. Brad Pitt is taller than me and I'm 5'10, he is about 6'0 or maybe even 6'1, Morgan Freeman was tall maybe 6'3 and Kevin Spacey 5'10 my height. I met a woman in a store bragging about working on set and Brad Pitt was supposedly staring at her and a girl asked her if he was tall and she said no about 5'7, I knew she was lying then. She either saw someone that claimed to be him but she didn't see him because he is tall.
BradPittis5'10 said on 6/Oct/05
What, why don't you post that picture of Brad Pitt and your 5'8 cousin?
Monty said on 29/Sep/05
I agree with JUSTMATT. If i had a gun pointed to my head the lowest i would say is 5'9.75 for Brad.
What said on 28/Sep/05
My family and I met Pitt in Carmel in 2004. He was without a doubt under 5'11". My dad is 6' but getting old and slouching. Brad was still two inches shorter. In fact, he appeared tiny to me, but really buff at the time. I have a piture of him next to my 5'8" cousin and they are of comparable height. don't be fooled by what movies can do. In addition, I met Gwyneth and she is not over 5'7" and they were pretty close in height.
tommy said on 24/Sep/05
i am sure that brad pitt is only between 174 and 177 cm
JUSTMATT said on 23/Sep/05
FASULO said on 21/Sep/05
Yes,probably Chris is saying right.Today Brad is 178.And in early 80's he was as claimed 179-180.End of the question.
Anonymous said on 17/Sep/05
from an episode of friends with pitt brad looks just over 6 feet depends on schwimmers height he looks about 4 to 5 cm shorter so 182 to 184 cm is possible but in that episode he wears boots so who knows if there is lift in itanyway i think brad is 182 cm aleast
Johnny_7 said on 5/Sep/05

One anonymous said these in section of mathew perry:
Anonymous says on 30/Aug/05
OK Brad Pitt is a self confessed 5'10.5 according to the 21st August post on his page. Perry was about 1cm taller than Pitt in that Friends episode, making him 5'11 or 180cm which looks feasible when you see him in that photo with 5'11 Agassi, and in the other photo looking at least 7cm shorter than 187cm Andy Roddick. I think Perry is 5'11 (180cm) at best, Le Blanc, who just doesn't look tall and appears of distinctly average height, and who is always at least two inches shorter than Perry, is 5'8.5-5'9 (174-175cm) at best and Schwimmer looks about 6'0.5(184cm), about 1.5 inches taller than Perry. The three male Friends and Pitt all need to be downgraded, no way in hell is Le Blanc the 5'10.5 that he claims,maybe he's clutching at straws and alluding to the fact that in 1- 1.5 inch shoes he technically is that height.
Mr. R said on 3/Sep/05
Falcon, that's the pic from the Interview with a Vampire press tour. Much was made of the fact that Tom had special shoes for the movie, and I am sure that he wore "special shoes" around Brad after the movie. For the first time, his "studly status" was a stake from a taller man!
Anonymous said on 3/Sep/05
He isn't less that 5' 10'' or 5' 11'', because that would put AAngelina Jolie under 5'6'' (she looks about 4 inches shorter than him in their movie Mr. and Mrs. Smith).
questioner said on 3/Sep/05
I agree with those who say Brad is 5'9-5'10. Also read Mr. R's comments about his perception of the avg male height increasing on college campuses, etc. Is there any hard evidence to support this? Also, I believe it takes longer than a few years for any height increase to show up. Avg. male height only increased by 1" between 1966 and 2002 so I would imagine it will take another 30+ yrs for another 1".
~Nate~ said on 3/Sep/05
I've seen Brad one time walking by a cafe on Rodeo Drive next to my friends apartment. I'm exactly 6'1 and we seemed to look eye to eye when we passed eachother. He's very nice I told him through passing that he's a great actor and I love all his movies, he took about three more steps and turned around to say "Thanks Man, appreciate it". I dont know about lifts but yeah were about the same.
Falcon said on 3/Sep/05
There's this picture on Brad's fans site where he stand next to supposed 5'7" tall Tom Cruise... Looks like 3 inches taller... Hard to say... we don't know about the shoes these two are wearing... (
commenter said on 2/Sep/05
i met brad pitt in L A and i am 5'11" and he looks shorter than me 1" or 2 "
so i think he is 5'9" or max 5'10"
Anonymous said on 2/Sep/05
Based on the Devil's Own photos, it looks like brad might be anywhere from 5'10.5- 5'11 assuming Ford is 6 feet. Its a tough call because you can't see both of their shoes
JUSTMATT said on 2/Sep/05
CelebHeights Editor said on 23/Aug/05
From gossip newsgroup: "I've been insisting Brad Pitt is maybe a bit over 5'10 for ages, I met him in the early 90s ... nooooobody believes me. "He's 6 feet!"
delfonic said on 19/Aug/05
Some of you have alot to learn about hollywood elevator shoes. Some of you think if they don't look like Gene Simmons boots, then they must be average every day shoes. Of course Pitt's shoes appear to have a modest to average heel on the outside, but trust me there is a big heel on the inside. That is why they always have a high ankle to accomodate his ankle sitting so high in the shoe, other wise his foot would fall out when he tried to walk. The shoes are also long and flat in the front to better disguise the fact he is in heels. Ever notice how women's shoes with a 3 inch heel don't stick out in the front as much because the foot is curled up on the heel? In conclusion: an average size heel, long flat front (that his toes don't even reach inside) and a long inseam on his pants insure his shoes "look" normal at a glance. Throw in his square shoulders, slender build and erect posture and presto! A guy who's about 5'10" suddenly looks a very believable 6'1". Jude Law uses the same formula to go from 5'8" or 5'9" to around 5"11 or 6'.
CelebHeights Editor said on 17/Aug/05
Jeff Pilson (basist from various bands) said in an interview, "I've met Brad Pitt [who's so much taller in person than you'd expect]."
Anonymous said on 17/Aug/05
after all i seen he is between 181 and 184 185 cm i think the movie were he lok tall is ocean 12 at a certain scene you can see his shoes and there is no room for heels maybe 1 or 2 cm inside the shoe so hi is a strong 6 footer
Azn said on 29/Jul/05
Check out this picture! If Bono is 5ft 6.5in, Brad Pitt can't be 181cm! I say he's 178-180cm TOP!
dmeyer said on 29/Jul/05
i dont now how brad make himself look so tall in the 90's he looked 6' compere to freeman and today i saw a picture from le blanc who is a minimum of 178cm and brad looked 4 inches taller its funny because in friends he looked barely 3 cm taller than leblanc
J.J.F said on 27/Jul/05
I really cannot understand why there are still people who think Pitt is 6' - the guy wrote 5'11" HIMSELF on his CV back in the late 80's!!
NO actor is going to list themselves even half an inch shorter than they really are.

He just about scrapes 5'11" people, there really isn't anything left to debate about.
KJ said on 10/Jul/05
Well if Brad is 5'11, then why does he feel the need to wear lifts or be listed at tall? I mean he is much taller than most actors in Hollywood
talker said on 9/Jul/05
I agree with stick.Letterman wouldnt have called Pitt "tiny" if the guy was 5'11''.He is not "tiny" but Letterman probably wanted to make fun of the fact that people think he is a lot taller.I think Pitt is around 5'9"maybe a little taller.
servel said on 8/Jul/05
Well, Brad came to mexico city, where i am right now, he looked at best 5.10 1/2 max 5.11.
If you saw the Smiths movie, then you see brad looks shorter next to 5.7 Angelina Jolie with 3inch heels, and pitt supposedly in 1.5 or less shoes.
He looks 5.10.
@bored said on 6/Jul/05
you've obviously never seen a well designed pair of elevator shoes before if think Pitt was wearing "normal dress shoes" on Oprah. Look at any picture of Pitt with Paltrow where he seems 2-3 inches taller, Then you will see one custom pair of elevator shoes after another. But don't look at the pic of them both in "normal sandles" looking the same height, as this may confuse you.
Heightster said on 6/Jul/05
In hollywood, actors often start out shorter and grow taller as their career progresses. Brad Pitt is a prime example who grew from 5-10 to 6-1 after his 30th b-day. Orlando Bloom started out at 5-9 and is now "listed" at 6-0. Jude Law started out at 5-10 or 5-11, jumped up to 6-1/2 and dropped back to 5-11 after his overexposure and flops. Cruise is the one most scrutinized, with Stallone (who claims 6-0 and his been listed as small as 5-7). Yet, Hollywood is the game of illusion and enchantment. Everyone guy wants to be around 6 feet and every woman wants to be between 5-6 and 5-10. In fact women over 6 usually "list" as 5-10 or 5-11 whereas guys anywhere around 5-10 typically "list" 6'+.
bored said on 5/Jul/05
Pitt looks a solid 5'11 at the least. I'd say 5'11 is generally a good height for a man. Im 5'8, and here in Canada average men are generally 2-3 inches taller than me =[. Here is a pic with brad pitt standing beside Oprah whos listed as 5'6.5 on this site. Here is another pic with them sitting down, from which we can see their shoes. Brad's shoes look like standard dress shoes so I'd say between 5'11-6 is an accurate guess.
Bill said on 4/Jul/05
Yes anything over 5-10 is tall, some countries like Holland 5-10 to 5-11 would be average but there is a larger number of very tall people there. just remember 50% of people are average but the majority of the others are within an inch or so of the upper or lower range of average. At 6' only 14% of men are the same height or taller in the USA and around 16% for the UK
Parker said on 3/Jul/05
Dave - All depends where you are standing. If you are on an Island of pygmies, your a giant. If your standing in a town in Holland, your average. In the UK your deemed Tall. Height is relative. It depends on the people around you, so for height definition you can only go off statistics and where you live. If your 5'5" and live in the UK or USA, 95 out of every 100 adult males will be taller than you. That's short. If your 5'8 50 out of every 100 adult males will be taller. That's average. If your 6'3, 95 out of every 100 adult males will be shorter. That's tall.
Dave said on 2/Jul/05
Even if Pitt is 5'11 he'd still be considered relatively tall wouldn't he? i'm 182-183cm (5'11.75-6'0) tall barefoot and am curious to know if that would be considered average height or tall? Where does average height end and considered tall begin? i am a 21 year old male by the way.
Sticks said on 29/Jun/05
The best evidence we've seen of Pitt's real height is the two pictures of him with Paltrow (one barefoot at a pool, one in sandals walking) and the picture of Pitt on stage with Clooney, Damon and Garcia. In every case you can see the footwear and make a decent comparison with someone else. He's very similar in height to Gwyneth Paltrow (less than 1" difference), whose height isn't closely scrutinized. Even when Pitt's clearly wearing lifts, Matt Damon can be taller than him in shoes that are only a little suspicious. That only means that, if Pitt's taller, he sure isn't taller by much. I think that if we have no idea what their footwear is like, picture evidence is almost meaningless.
JUSTMATT said on 29/Jun/05
If you go to in the section "television" you will find photos of Pitt at Jay Leno Show. There is a photo where Pitt and Leno are face to face and Pitt is 1 inch taller than Leno so if Leno is 5.10 Pitt is 5.11 but if Leno is 5.11 Pitt is 6. Anyway later I noticed another photos where we can see Pitt my opinion they are very suspicious, they are boots and maybe they have lifts inside...what do you think?
FASULO said on 29/Jun/05
I would say that all this debate on Pitt is fantastic.This man can appear everywhere with most various heights for every single occasion,in every single place.I think he is really a god.Probably really a new Achilles in Hollywood with his "magic boots"...
Mr. R said on 28/Jun/05
Chris, this is a very important picture. Of course we can't see shoes, but Schwimmer has been listed at 6-2 since he hit it big. I saw an old Saturday Night Live show with Schwimmer doing a sketch with Will Farrell in an elevator. It seems to be commonly acceptable that Farrell is pretty much the 6-3 he claims to be. Standing shoulder to shoulder, Schwimmer is about 2 inches shorter than Farrell, which means that he is really 6-1 at best. If the shoes in your pic are equal, that puts Brad about 5-10.5
JUSTMATT said on 28/Jun/05
PITT THE NEVERENDING HEIGHT'S STORY...You know guys...sometimes Pitt seems a real 6.1 guy! Look on his photos with Jim Carrey. Carrey is 6.2 so with shoes probably 6.3 or 190 cm. In all tis photos Pitt is no more than 1 inch shorter than Carrey so 188 cm with shoes on!!! Know my question for you Rob and for everybody is: could a boy who is only 180 cm (someone says 5.10!!)be the same height of 187-188 Carrey even if he wears lifts in his shoes? My answer is that or Carrey isn't 187 or Pitt is a real 183 cm....
J. said on 28/Jun/05
Again ... judging an actor's height by television is very risky in terms of accuracy. Anyhow, that picture is hilarious and brings the mind the comments Mr. LeBlanc made to Katie Couric which are posted on his height page on this site. He says he has a 'short complex' because his two 'Friends' co-stars are an inch or two taller than him. Huh?!?! How the hell do anyone feel short because someone's a mere 1 or 2 inches taller than you? It's just the Hollywood way, I guess, to tell a blantant lie.
I think when he says this BS 5'10.5" he really means 5'8.5" or lower, since it is common for the Hollywood folk to add 2 inches on to their height and 2 inches off of their age. (Also Perry and Schwimmer aren't that tall so why would a nearly 5'11" guy feel short next to them?!- There's obviously a lie being told).
Mr. R said on 27/Jun/05
Raj, Letterman did make that comment in his usual smart alecky way. I watched the show when it aired. It was his way of flirting with Julia Roberts, who was dating 6-2 Benjamin Bratt at the time.
Viper452 said on 24/Jun/05
does Anyone know If 6 foot Ladders are really 6 feet?? Maybe we could measure the stars with a Ladder on Talk shows. Though Im 6-2 And I seem to be 4-5 inches then the ladder
kJ said on 23/Jun/05
Well Dave is 6'2. Which is tall and probably even taller in hollywood
FASULO said on 23/Jun/05
I don't think Pitt-Paltrow pic is a wonderful one to evaluate.Because they are walking(Pitt in a very wide step)and Paltrow is behind him.However all that I said doesn't justify +1 inch of difference between them.In all cases I think Pitt is slightly under 5'11"
sticks said on 22/Jun/05
Julia Roberts on Letterman promoting the Mexican:

Dave: I will take them all out if you want. You know I'm just teasing you.
Julia: Oh my God, let's talk about The Mexican. You said the first question was going to be about the tiny, tiny man.
--break in my copy, they look at a movie clip--
Dave: Whenever March 2 is and it's gonna be a huge movie because it's entertaining and it has you in it of course and Brad Pitt.
Julia: What's this thing, I'm just a little confused I guess would be the best word. What's with the "tiny" I don't understand that.
Dave: I'm 6'2". That's all I'm saying.
Julia: No! No!
Dave: To me that's what guys ought to be ......6', 6'2", right in there. That's all I'm saying.
Julia: OK, well, Benjamin's 6'2".
Dave: Exactly. Exactly. But you spent the summer with Brad Pitt making your movie, how tall is that guy?
Julia: He's Brad Pitt; he measures right up.
Dave: How many crates was he sitting on in that shot that we saw then. [Julia stands up as though to fight Dave]
Dave: God bless you. You know I think the world of you.
It's dropped down the web's memory hole but I copied some of it a long time ago. Let's see if it lasts. Julia Roberts could easily defend a 5'11"-ish Brad Pitt by saying he was 6'. Even if he were around 5'10", she could say he was around 6'. And why would David Letterman call the guy "tiny" in the first place if he was average height or more? Take Occam's razor to the problem: he's short and they both know it. Is there another plausible explanation?
sticks said on 22/Jun/05
Paltrow is not 5cm shorter than Jude Law in that picture. A line parallel to the horizontal lines on the wall makes it clear that they're at the same height. She's reducing her height by bending a knee and dropping her hip, arching her back and sticking out her neck, techniques she must have honed in her relationship with the "tiny sex maniac". It's hard to spot and she does the same thing in that picture where she's in the converse all-stars and Pitt's in boots. I think the difference in shoes gives her about a 4cm advantage (picture the difference in the height of their ankles) and she takes most or all of that away with her make-the-man-tall tricks. They're at the same height in the picture and I bet they're within an inch of eachother barefoot.
sticks said on 22/Jun/05
JUSTMATT: Yeah, I tried that when the picture got posted last week, but it's too dependent on a guess that the pattern's height is some sensible number of cm. If you try to figure out the width of those rectangles, you'll find that it's not a nice integer, which makes a so-so idea pretty weak. I'm not saying it's wrong, but if the height has to be some multiple of 5 (which is why you say it's 40 and not 38 or 41) then why wouldn't the width be the same, e.g., 45cm? The length to the width ratio is 6:7 and if you used 2.5cm as one unit then Law's height in shoes comes out to just over 5'7". If you said an inch is one unit then his height in shoes is just over 5'8". It's too arbitrary to use as an argument.
Scott said on 22/Jun/05
The Gwyneth and Brad in sandals picture is very interesting, as there is very little difference. It is especially interesting when compared with this pic of no more than 5'11 Jude Law next to well heeled Gwyneth:

I imagine that barefoot there is a very real possibility that Brad is no more than 178-179cm max. A case of a perfectly acceptable height that has been exaggerated as the years have gone by and Brad has felt compelled to live up to the expectation with lifts. Very surprsing really. I imagine the debate will continue for years though ...
Anonymous said on 22/Jun/05
Why the continued debate??? Finally...a picture of Pitt without elevator shoes!!! He's in sandles, as is Paltrow and they are the exact same height (give or take a 1/2 inch for stride). Gweneth is listed as 5'9" to 5'10" everywhere. So how the hell could Pitt be 5'11" to 6'1" without his "special shoes"????? C'mon guys get off Pitt's jock already and stop buying the hype. Most elevator shoes add an average of 3 inches to barefoot height. This is why Pitt appears 6" to 6'1" in most public appearences and films. Look again:
delfonic said on 21/Jun/05
Why the continued debate??? Finally...a picture of Pitt without elevator shoes!!! He's in sandles, as is Paltrow and they are the exact same height (give or take a 1/2 inch for stride). Gweneth is listed as 5'9" to 5'10" everywhere. So how the hell could Pitt be 5'11" to 6'1" without his "special shoes"????? C'mon guys get off Pitt's jock already and stop buying the hype. Most elevator shoes add an average of 3 inches to barefoot height. This is why Pitt appears 6" to 6'1" in most public appearences and films.
MD said on 21/Jun/05
Let's not forget that Pitt is (when not playing a role that requires him to bulk up) 159 pounds (which may be stretching it, too when you have to stick with 159 and not just round up to 160). With his build, he doesn't look to be anything over 5'10".
J.J said on 21/Jun/05
Watched (part of) Interview with the vampire yesterday and it would seem to me this was before Brad started using lifts - he is definitely not 6' in that.
5'11" is spot on I'm pretty sure now
Joe said on 20/Jun/05
Don't really know where to post this, seems like a lot of people visit Pitt's page. What is considered average height for a male? I've read 5'9/5'10. What have you all heard?
Chris said on 20/Jun/05
This proofs that Brad is 5'11''.

On the other hand, maybe he is 5'10''. I honestly don
sticks said on 19/Jun/05
dmeyer, how can you conclude that Damon is taller than Clooney from the picture on the stage and avoid the conclusion that he's taller than Pitt? Look at Pitt's right foot. Other than centaurs, who has a leg that looks like that? Guys wearing lifts. Face it: whatever they had in their shoes that night made Damon taller, and Damon's ankles look more natural than Pitt's.

MHouillon, are you sure it's just 'embarassing' and not 'blasphemous'? What makes you so sure he's not under 5'10"? Why would Duchovny say he's shorter than he really is? Apparently Adam Brody said Pitt's 5'10" on the Tonight Show. Do you think Brody's rounding Pitt's height down to irritate a powerful Hollywood star?
MHouillon said on 19/Jun/05
Brad Pitt is 181cm-182cm, David Duchovny is 184cm-185cm. Saying Brad is 5'10" or less is embarassing.
dmeyer said on 19/Jun/05
it is weird because i met jerry weintraub and he is aleast 6'2'' and brad is taller than him so brad is sometimes 189 cm but i also met freeman who is 6'3'' and pitt looked 3'' shorter i guess pitt is the only men to grow after 30 years old
dmeyer said on 19/Jun/05
rob i just saw the picture from pitt garcia clooney damon damon is taller than clooney it is weird because in ocean 11 and 12 damon look 2 inches shorter than clooney and 3 inches shorter than pitt in this pic clooney have weird looking shoes so damon is not as short as i thaught he is atleast 179 cm pitt could be wearing elevator but it is dificult to say i saw a lot of pics of clooney and he alwais hane a minimum of 4 cm heels pitt is a mistery but he is no taller than 6'1
Anonymous said on 19/Jun/05
On the Duchovny-Pitt picture: Don't you think Pitt, who wouldn't wear sandals in Troy or take off his shoes on the set, would be wearing lifts? Sure, there's a difference of 2" in the picture. But for every extra bit of lift beyond whatever Duchovny's getting, Pitt's that much further under 5'10". If Duchovny's in 1" soles and Pitt's got a 1" lift, Pitt's 5'9".
Monty said on 18/Jun/05
"5'11" Brad Pitt with 6'0 David Duchovny Brad looks two inches shorter then David here plus David is slouching.
sticks said on 18/Jun/05
JUSTMATT: 1. If you figure out the difference in distance from the camera you'll find that it's very small and the consequences to Pitt's apparent height are much smaller (I get less than 2cm).
2. The Webber pictures can be explained by a difference in the amount of lift in their shoes.
3. James saw Pitt at about 183cm, not 185-186cm. For every inch of lift over the standard 1" sole, Pitt is another inch below 5'11". That means that if Pitt had 2" lifts in, he would be 175-176cm barefoot, 5'9" or a bit more.
4. I admire the faith you and rick have in the honesty of a male actor reporting his height.
delfonic said on 18/Jun/05
Yeah rick, why don't we trust him? It's not like actors have ever been known to lie about thier height, so I guess he must be 5' 11". More accurately 5' 11" in normal shoes, just under 6' 1" in his special shoes and about 5' 10" barefoot. If you had filled out an audition form or acting resume before, you would know few people actually put their "barefoot" height on these forms. Pitt's no dummy, even in 1987, he knew enough about the game to round up his height an inch.
Mr. R said on 28/Apr/05
Okay, I've stayed out of this for awhile, but I'd like to join in on the fun. I saw Brad and Jen several years ago in Hollywood on Oscar night. They were leaving Elton John's party, and their limo pulled in front of me. I saw them get in, and while I could not stand behind him for a good measurement, he seemed to be about 6 foot to me. Of course, who knows what's in his footwear?
When he hit big with Thelma and Louise, he was touted as a strong six-footer. But if I am correct, there are few, if any, scenes of him standing with Geena Davis(6 foot), and when there are, he is wearing cowboy boots. One article, I think it was Vanity Fair, referred to him as very tall, at least six feet, and others used this same six foot mark to describe this new star. I'm a little surprised to hear Clooney referring to Pitt as very tall, cause in the movie Ocean's Eleven, there only seems to be an inch between them, which suggests maybe that maybe Clooney has a personal relationship with "the lift fairy".
From what I've seen in person, he is more than 5-10, but not quite 6 foot, anything in the 5-11 range is probably close.
new-guy said on 14/Feb/05
Brad Pitt is not 60 I met him this summer and he is shorter than me. im 605, id say hes about 59 or 10

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.