How tall is Brad Pitt - Page 21

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Average Guess (1435 Votes)
5ft 10.62in (179.4cm)
dmeyer said on 22/May/09
if tarentino is 185 cm the pitt is more 179cm brads shoes are normal for ones he looks a strong 5 ft 10 like 5 ft 10.5 howdo you explain that rob
Chris said on 22/May/09
If he actually was 5 11 then hed say 6 foot like any other actor would do which immediately proves hes not 5 11. Hes between 5 10 and 5 10 and a half
Anonymous said on 22/May/09
No way is he over 5'11. And no, tilting your head does not cause much height loss. Maybe half an inch. Try it if you do not believe me. He looks 5'10 flat here Click Here
mimi said on 22/May/09
No way does Pitt look like a 5'11" guy next to 6'1" Tarantino...
ha said on 21/May/09
The Angelina height site says she's 5'6/2 so brad is shorter than 5'11. I think he's 5'9 or 5'10 without lifts. laineygossip site has seen him in person and says he wears lifts/heals but his lifts/heals are not has big as Tom Cruise'.
Midget said on 21/May/09
Hey Brad- Had you heard or read somewhere that Pitt had lifts or inserts put into custom sandals for the movie Troy? He looked at least 5'11" there. I 'am wondering if it was due to lifts.He also looked 6' ish in Mr And Mrs Smith but his shoes may have been suspect.
Anonymous said on 21/May/09
I stood next to him and Angelina, Pitt wears massive lifts and has one of the best postures. In my opinion he's 5'10.
James said on 21/May/09
He could be wearing lifts next to Eli?
RisingForce said on 21/May/09
i believe that pitt would be half an inch shorter than vin barefoot. pitt at 5-11 and vin at 5-11.5. it wouldn't surprise me if either of them were a half inch taller though.
Brad said on 21/May/09
Pitt would be the same height as Vin.
Doug said on 21/May/09
I reckon a lot of people would be shocked how much shorter Pitt is barefoot and slouched compared to wearing lifts and military posture. It is not impossible for a 5'9"er to frequently look 6' in lifts and great posture. Personally I think Pitt is 5'10" but a little lower is certainly not impossible. To me he looks like a flat 5'10" guy wearing boots to give a 6' effect. I'd be willing to bet Vin Diesel would have 1.5-2 inches on Pitt.
dmeyer said on 21/May/09
i thaught tarentino was 6 ft 1.5 to 6 ft 1.75 then brad is nearer 5 ft 10.5
Del Mar said on 21/May/09
antonio, that is possible, but this is some of the lowest I have seen him ever lately, so I'm almost tempted to believe this is his real height. I think it proves he's definitely below 6' possibly 5-11 or maybe even shorter (5-10) IF he has some sort of lifts here. The difference between him and Roth is almost exactly the same as with me and the madame tassaud doll of brad, posted 9th of may. I have to say though, that i never thought brad to be less than 5-10, although not anything above 5-11 either
bobo said on 21/May/09
observi: don't start with the whole 'time of day' routine. We got over that already. Next you will be asking how heavy his bags were.....
Anonymous said on 21/May/09
Tarantino did have at least 2.5 inches or 3 inches on Brad
dmeyer said on 21/May/09
it is amazing in canne looks exactly 5 ft 11 and he has normal bronwn 1 in shoes you can see his socks and the ankle position why will brad not wear them in cannes
obzervi said on 20/May/09
He's between 5'10 and 5'11 depending on the time of day.
miles smiles said on 20/May/09
Out of curiosity, is there anyone here who believes that Pitt is outside the 5-9.75 to 5-11 range?
Antonio said on 20/May/09
Del Mar & James, do you not think Brad is lifting in that photo?
James said on 20/May/09
Look a strong 5'11 next to Eli Roth
Antonio said on 20/May/09
Del Mar, look at the evidence & photos below, beginning on 5/16.
Antonio said on 20/May/09
RisingForce has been quiet again. I hope he is still here!
mimi said on 20/May/09

Definitely agree with you! I've seen Quentin around Austin a few times and he is around 6'.05" to 6'1" at the VERY MAX. He didn't really seem like a "tall man" the times I saw him. What I did notice is that he doesn't look as caricaturish in real life as he does in pictures/TV.

Back to Brad, definitely 5'10"ish compared to Tarantino...and countless others.
Ian said on 20/May/09
TELLEM says on 18/May/09
this guy is 5'10. end of.
End of what? 5ft10 3/4 180cm.
bobo said on 20/May/09
Have a look at the new pics form Cannes. Rising. Pitt is wearing crazy shoes again. But for the sake of an argument lets just say they are normal shoes (they are NOT ), but lets just say they are.

Is that a 6 foot guy next to Tarrantino? Tarrantino is wearing cowboy boots as well, so lets say they have the same lift as Pitt. Tarrantino is slouching but still has a good three inches on Pitt.
Is Tarantino 6 foot 2?

Pitt never looks 6 foot no matter what shoes he wears.
Brad said on 20/May/09
I think the 5' 11" figure above is a Glennster. That figure ought to have Tommy Tune's flowers on the grave with Trooper Dobbs of F-Troop playing taps with Agarn holding his hat over his heart weeping.
bobo said on 20/May/09
Antonio: I agree. 5.10

End of.

I vote we get Rising on to the Sam Worthington page. There are some crazy estimates there.
Brad said on 20/May/09
5' 10" is his height.
Alex said on 19/May/09
James, I agree. I wouldn't go under 5'10 for him but 5'11 may be a push. He's a bit tough to call.
Klem said on 19/May/09
He is a strong 5-10 in my opinion, scrapes 180cm out of bed, 178 cm most of the day. 178cm plus 1 inch lifts in alreadyt thick shoes of 1,25 and good posture he can get away claiming 6. He suposedly claimed 6-1 a few times which is a joke, thats like a legit 6-0 claiming 6-3.
Antonio said on 19/May/09
Well Dural, no wonder why I didn't see it. I even "searched" for it w/o any luck.

Anyway, I think we figured him out. He's 5-10.

Who's next?
James said on 19/May/09
He's at least 5'10.
Dural said on 18/May/09
Antonio, you couldn't have seen the movie because it doesn't exist. I would call it a real life movie. Of course they are both barefoot, the pic with more detail, where you could see their feet was removed from the internet.
Anonymous said on 18/May/09
I'm starting to think rising boner is Pitt's publicist. Pitt is standing on a ledge in that nude pic with Gwyneth so if anyone has an advantage it is him. I still think he is a weak 5'11 so i guess i am haggling over half an inch.
TELLEM said on 18/May/09
this guy is 5'10. end of.
Antonio said on 18/May/09
The Paltrow pic is a good one. I never saw the movie, but I would assume they are both barefoot. Are there any stills of this scene?

Anyway, if Brad stands straight, he is 1" taller than Gweneth. Note that she is standing straight, but her head is lurching forward.

IMO this is another strong argument for a 5-10 guy.
bobo said on 18/May/09
Rising: There is a great debate to be had over on Sam Worthington's page. I like a lot of people thought the Guy was a strong 5.10, but he aint. I reckon 5.8.

Worthington is a clear example of how a strong screen presence (like Pitt's) can distort the perception of the audience. Turns out Worthington is Cruise levels of height. Its funny how the press protect some actors, Worthington is clearly popular right now and in a lot of the trade press they are saying how stocky and well built he is, a 'mans man' is doing the rounds a lot with journos who can't write anything original. But no one is mentioning how shorter than expected the guy is. He would have to clearly stand on a box to get them face to face screen shots with Bale. Interesting.
bobo said on 18/May/09
Rising gets alot of crap cos he is so nuts. Its fun to wind him up. Its half the reason I come on here. Pitt never looks like a 6 foot guy UNLESS he is in very big shoes and even then he looks like a shortish guy in big lifts. I have never seen Pitt look like a Gerard Butler or Pierce Brosnan in his shoes. He just does not get up there. And neither does Diesel. THey look like what they are, 5 .10 blokes in BIG shoes. Unlike Rising Farce I have never been emotionally attached to a celeb being a certain height.

Rising is now claiming Pitt looks like a 6.1 guy or a 6.2 guy with his lifts in. Thats Gerard Butler and Will Smith and Hugh Jackman levels of height. He never looks that tall. NEVER. And lets not forget Pitt is actually really skinny with the lowest levels of body fat of any major A lister and he still doesn't look as tall as those legit 6 plus footers.

Its time to let it go Rising. Its been good while it lasted: two questions before you ignore the obvious.

1. Is that a nearly 6 foot guy kissing Paltrow. Honestly? No. I don't think so either.

2. If Pitt claimed he was 5.11 in his twenties as he was becoming a rising star, do you think he claimed that as his barefoot height? Nope me neither.

Keep it up Rising.
Dural said on 18/May/09
I can't see Damon at 5'10". Footware advantage with Glenn and still not 3in+ taller.
Here's a pic where you can see Tildas heels. Everytime Pitt is without his huge customs or only with slight lifts he wears a hat.
Click Here
Dural said on 18/May/09
Thanks Antonio!
James said on 18/May/09
We can argue he's 5'10 untill we are blue in the face but I doubt this listing will be changing within the next 2 years.
RisingForce said on 18/May/09
no Anonymous, i'm telling people who claim that mid-stride pictures are accurate, that they're wrong. dural, i changed my mind after seeing him with 3 inches easy on 5-10 matt damon in shoes that definitley weren't 3 inch shoes. as well as seeing pitt consistently in the 6-1, 6-2 range in lifts, sometimes in shoes that to most would seem normal. he consistently looks taller than 5-11 guys like mickey rourke and tom sizemore in slight lifts.

i'm not sure how much taller pitt would be there with paltrow. there is a tilt in paltrow's favor and pitt is losing a good amount of height.
Anonymous said on 18/May/09
Give me a break Leung, he isn't getting crap cuz he thinks Pitt is 5'11, he is getting it because he is telling everyone who doesn't believe that that they are completely wrong, know nothing about height, etc. Most here enjoy the debate, but no one wants to hear that their opinion is garbage.
dmeyer said on 18/May/09
pitt at the burn after reading premiere looks at best 5 ft 10 but he had normal shoes
Brad said on 18/May/09
4" with the slouch removed on Priestley who wears hiking boots on the beach. He's 5' 10". Dural is correct.
Bo said on 18/May/09
I have a stinkin suspiscion that pitt's 5'10
Leung said on 17/May/09
To everyone hating on Risingforce, he was actually one of you guys preaching that Pitt was under 5
Anonymous said on 17/May/09
Brad should have been downgraded to 5-10 on here a long time ago. The evidence is overwhelming.
James said on 17/May/09
Eric Banas got hair advantage. As proved next to Jeremy Clarkson Eric Bana can get a lot height out of the dress shoes he wears.
Antonio said on 17/May/09
Dural - Outstanding job! Great photos, and excellent points you make.
Dural said on 17/May/09
Rising, the picture with Bana is shot from above, you can not draw a line like that. I know Pitt is slouching with Priestley, but he still doesn't look like a 5'11 guy. I thought you think Pitt is 5'10", what made you change your mind?

Rising, how much do you think Pitt could be taller than Paltrow here if he would stand straight?
Click Here
RisingForce said on 17/May/09
b., you're a joke. i ignore crap like mid-stride pictures because i know for a fact that they aren't reliable. what's wrong with that? what a joke Anonymous, pitt was bending and tilting his head with paltrow. it's obvious if he stood straight that he'd be taller.

dural, pitt has his head down in the first in those 2 pictures with bana and wolfgang peterson and jason priestly are closer to the camera. pitt is slouching a lot with priestly as well as the fact that he's in the backround. besides there's still no 4 inch difference between pitt and bana there. Click Here good collection of pictures though, a lot of them i haven't seen.
James said on 17/May/09
Weak 5'11 most likely.
Dural said on 17/May/09
Rising, it seem they aren't standing still in your picture, look at their legs. Just because Pitt is going to shake someones hand doesn't mean they aren't walking.
bam said on 17/May/09
the man can appear 5'11.75 in lifts. Which clearly opens up 5'10ish. anonomous forget about the law of averages. What about the law of 5'11? A good number of 5'11 guys will claim this height. Especially if they have no problem with that height. Pitt claimed this height because he was fine with it, but then developed a height complex and hence lifts.
B. said on 17/May/09
risingfarce basically completely ignored/disregarded what everyone else has said and stands by his own assertion that he is right and everyone else is wrong. this kind of dogmatic 'reasoning' just proves that you're close minded and that your opinion means squat.
Anonymous said on 17/May/09
I love how anyone who disagrees with this bone known as rising farce is just completely wrong. Maybe Pitt was being completely honest when he wrote 5'11 as his height at age 24. The laws of averages says he was not, but fine, lets say he is 5'11. He sure doesn't look it in that nude pic with Gwyneth, and before you say it tilting one's head does not cause a significant loss in height.
yoyo said on 17/May/09
he could look 3inch over clooney to 1inch shorter than clooney.. weir guy..
Aratirion said on 17/May/09
@Paul; That sounds pretty ridiculous to me; I admire your ingenuity about judging someones height but the chance that this calculation is accurate tends to zero ...
Dural said on 17/May/09
Pitt easily 4in shorter than Eric Bana, 2.5in taller than 5'7" Wolfgang Petersen at the troy premiere. It seems he forgot his lifts.
Click Here
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Click Here

Everybody knows Jason Priestly isn't taller than 5'6". The pic is from the early 90's, maybe a liftless era for Pitt.
Click Here

Paul said on 17/May/09
There is a scene in The Curious Case of Benjamin Button where Brad Pitt is standing barefoot in an apartment doorway, fanning out smoke. Pitt is standing casually erect, and both his full body and the full door are visible.

Take a screen capture, mark the point at which the top of Pitt's head intersects the door, then measure as a percentage of the total door height.

Pitt ends up being 86% the height of the door. Standard US residential door height is 80 inches, making Brad Pitt 5'8.8" in bare feet. This is pretty consistent with him being somewhere around 5'9.5" standing barefoot with military posture. Maybe just a little over.

Sorry not to post the screen cap, but I think that doing so might be a copyright infringement.
RisingForce said on 16/May/09
bobo, i generally ignore your posts especially since you referred to vin diesel and brad pitt as short. yes, pitt was likely honest when he claimed 5-11. and no, i never dropped my claim for stallone. and i did post many pictures where pitt looked 6-1, bobo.

dural, i don't care if they're both walking. mid-stride pics aren't reliable. my picture was taken with them standing still, that's far more accurate. it was proven on the stallone page when i took stills of stallone walking with kurt russell and mickey did as well. the height varied a lot in those stills, but it was taken from the same 3-4 second scene when they were walking.
glenn said on 16/May/09
pitt looks as tall as i did next to clinton as i did in my not sure if its still on the site.clinton looked 6-1 to me.see him alot.
derek d said on 16/May/09
Pitt is probably 5'10.5 or 5'10.75.... Why does he always have to be either 5'11 flat or 5'10 flat?
James said on 16/May/09
Barack Obama is very good at holding holding posture though
Antonio said on 16/May/09
Their are many photos from that day RisingForce. They were all taken outside at a construction site. Everyone was carrying shovels and the ground was anything but level. As a result the pics vary greatly. That's why I chose the pic from the street.

Let's switch gears a bit. I mentioned that Clinton more than likely is no longer 6-2. 1) He is in his 60s. 2) He has had open heart surgery, as Arnold has and as I have. I have been lucky enough to have had 2. Both of these factors rob (no pun intended Rob!) you of height. On average, a man Clintons age will have lost about 1" of height. Tack on the height loss from poor posture and the increase in spinal curvature that follows, and you have roughly a 6 ft. guy. I can't be certain of just how much Clinton lost, but his story is similar to Arnolds and mine. He may have lost only 1" total, maybe he lost more than 2".

I think it is pretty clear that Pres. Obama is around 6-1. On this site he is listed at 6-1.25. So be it. It is pretty clear from these photos that he is about 2-3" taller than Pres. Bush, who is probably closer to 5-10.5 now. I think that confirms that Rob's estimate is extremely close: Obama is most likely very close to 6-1.25. If you like let's even go with 6-2, in order to play it safe.

RF, you'll be happy to see that I did not include mid-stride shots!

Click Here
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Click Here

Here are the 2 Bush's with Clinton. George sr. was listed at 6-2, but he is well in to his 80 now, and likely 2" shorter. When you look at the 3 of them, I'm thinking Bush Sr. - 6' George W. - 5-10"+ and Clinton - 6'
I know a lot of you think that's redicuous, but yes we ALL shrink as we age.

Click Here

Finally, take a look at Obama with Clinton.

Click Here
Click Here
Click Here

There is no question ... Obama is taller by about 1.5 - 2"!

End result, Bill Clinton is definately not 6-2 anymore! In the previous photos, Brad was not standing & walking next to a 6-2 Clinton.

Conclusion: Once again, Brad Pitt is 5-10!
Anonymous said on 16/May/09
haha yes i am totally shut down by "risingfarce's" undeniable logic. rebut a comment by posting a photo (of torsos) that's from the same day answers everything. Where did you get your phd farce?
bobo said on 16/May/09
Anonymous: YOu are wrong, FoxNews, I mean RisingFarce is right. Its that simple. The laws of Physics dont' apply. Actors don'tlie about their heights. WHy would they? And if you are going to attend a public event with an ex president its not like you might wear lifts if you are a famous actor. Especially one who has worn lifts on just about every other occasion since the mid 90s. Those photos are worthless. Pitt is 5.11. There is no way he could be any less. Its obvious. Don't you see? Whats wrong with you?
bobo said on 16/May/09
You are quite Rising. I have no idea what I am talking about. This is why I have never claimed 5 11 for Stallone. Its because I am a complete nutjob. You dig?

Pitt is a chronic lift wearer who described himself in a teen magazine in his early 20s as 5.11. Can you answer this one question (which you consistently avoid). Do you think Pitt was giving an honest bare foot height? You dropped an inch for Stallone agter your mentalist episode and you are still wrong on that score. You gonna lower Pitt's height as well?Remember, you need to give the barefoot height and not when they are wearing shoes.

If you look at the Cannes 2008 pics you will see 2 inch lifts for Pitt. And thats being generous. Does he honestly look 6 foot 1 to you? No. Didn' think so/
Dural said on 16/May/09
Rising, Antonios pic is less worthless than yours. Both probably walking, no full body shot & level ground not visible as Anonymous said.
GUK said on 16/May/09
Hi height her eisprobably about right at 180cm which is just shy of 5ft 11. It is possible he is less but no less than 179 would be my guess which is 5ft 10.5 plus bigish shoes makes around 6ft in shoes and 6ft 1 if using lifts.
Measuring well againt Ford mid 90s (Ford probably 6ft then).
Click Here
RisingForce said on 16/May/09
Anonymous, you obviously don't know anything about height. take a video of two people walking and take a few stills mid-stride and see how much they vary in height. i'm sorry, but you're wrong, it's that simple.
RisingForce said on 16/May/09
same day, except they aren't mid-stride. this time clinton is closer to the camera, but he still doesn't dwarf pitt. Click Here

pitt is no less than 5-11.
Anonymous said on 16/May/09
how is that pic worthless? they're both captured midstride... not like on is an the other isnt, and its a full body shot where the level ground is visible aswell. just cause it doesnt match your inflate pitt's height agenda does not make it 'worthless'
James said on 16/May/09
Antonia I disagree. Bill Clintons hairstlye makes him look 6'3. Brad Pitt is around 5'11.
Anonymous said on 16/May/09
You dont lose as much height as one would think while in mid stride.
RisingForce said on 16/May/09
that mid-stride pic with clinton is worthless. mid-stride pictures aren't reliable.
Antonio said on 16/May/09
Again ... You know Brad has to be heightening here. This was of huge importance to him. Here he is with a 6-2 or less Bill Clinton. Clinton does have boots on, but look at Brad's feet. Remember the ex-prez is also in his 60's, so he is most likely under 6-2 here. Even though Brad is a little closer to the camera, he is still bested by 4"!

Click Here

Again, I am settling on 5-10 for Pitt.
Antonio said on 16/May/09
OK .. after viewing many (somewhat recent) James Caan photos, I have pretty much concluded that over the last several years ... he is 5-8.5.

Now here are 3 pics of Jimmy with Brad. Granted, they are not great photos, but there is something rare about the photos. Pitt must have been caught off-guard! Brad is not stretching upright. Neither is Caan, however. As you can see even though Brad is farther from the camera, he is not a lot taller than Jimmy.

Click Here
Click Here
Click Here

Here's one where Brad appears about 2.5" taller, but do you think he is lift-less???

Click Here
Anonymous said on 15/May/09
Right Antonio. Everyday people are the same. I can stand next to most guys my height and they will tell me they as 6' when they really are 5'11 maybe a bit less. Actors and athletes tend to exaggerate just as much if not more.
gilipollas said on 15/May/09
Antonio, i totally agree with you.
Antonio said on 15/May/09
Ok, so if he wore lifts, then I'm back to Tom at 5-7 & Pitt 5-10. I don't believe in an actors advertised height. With few exceptions they are inflated. Everyone knows this.
James said on 15/May/09
Damon does look to have almost 4 inches on Robin Williams as well.
glenn said on 15/May/09
absolutely antonio.he was nothing compared to cruise then.your right.
Leung said on 15/May/09
Antonio it was well publicised that in that movie Tom Cruise wore built up heels to minimise the difference between him and Pitt. In real life Brad Pitt truly destroys Tom Cruise, there is no comparison.
RisingForce said on 14/May/09
this is from a 1993 miami herald article about interview with the vampire.

"Pitt plays the vampire Louis, and stands 5 feet 11. Cruise is about three inches shorter, so he ordered up platform heels to measure up to Pitt,"

i believe pitt at 5-11 and cruise at 5-8 is accurate. bobo has no clue what he's talking about.
leonari said on 14/May/09
Tom wore lifts in Interview with a Vampire. Actually there are articles who state that. Can we be sure. No. But I believe it.
TELLEM said on 14/May/09
James says on 14/May/09
Rising Force in your last pic he looks 5'11.5 in comparison to 6'2.5 Ben Affleck. And Tellem I woudlen't rule out Matt Damon wearing slight lifts at the Oscars back in 1998 to look taller next to his co star.

i agree james, its possible he could have done that.
James said on 14/May/09
In some ways maybe Brad Pitt should be grateful he isn't over 6feet like 6'4 because I don't think he would be as good looking since they say men of more average height tend to be beter looking than talller men. Obviously it can varey of course.
James said on 14/May/09
Rising Force in your last pic he looks 5'11.5 in comparison to 6'2.5 Ben Affleck. And Tellem I woudlen't rule out Matt Damon wearing slight lifts at the Oscars back in 1998 to look taller next to his co star.
Antonio said on 14/May/09
Interview with a Vamp. was made in 1994. Look at the list of work Brad had accomplished before that movie. For quick reference, that movie is #34 on the list.

Click Here

Yes, Glenn, Brad was already accomplished, but not yet in the degree that Tom was at the time.

I believe Pitt did have some clout at that time of his career. My gosh, you here about big attitude's with actors filming their first movie.
Antonio said on 14/May/09
I remember when that Pitt/Cruise movie was made, there was animosity between the two, due to Tom seeing Pitt as a "huge threat." There are no "small threats" in Hollywood! As it turns out, Tom's concerns were warranted.
bobo said on 14/May/09
Either way Damon is no where near 5.10 flat foot.

Glenn: If Pitt was regularly 'billed as 6 foot" ( and I confess I have no idea what this statement means) why did he describe himself as 5.11 when he was in his 20s? And lets just say he was being honest (which he wasn't) wouldn't this be the only time in Hollywood history that an actor gave his true bare foot height? When he said he was 5.11, he was stating his shoe wearing height. Making him 5.10. Can you imagine any Hollywood agent saying, "yeah go ahead and state your flat foot height"?. No. I can't either.

ANd this fits in with his other statement about wanting to be 2inches taller, making him a round 6 foot. Given his military posture and penchant for ridiculous shoes, this would explain his appearing 6 foot when you saw him.
RisingForce said on 14/May/09
in these 2 pictures from the same night, i easily see 3 inches between williams and damon if matt stood straight. Click Here Click Here williams is actually in front of damon in that first picture too.
Dural said on 14/May/09
well, at least in the video, the photo shows 2.1/2 inches.
Dural said on 14/May/09
You have to take into consideration that Damon looks only barely taller than Robin Williams at the Academy Awards.
Anonymous said on 14/May/09
I think Glenn has it correct. Pitt has always been billed as 5'11 or 6'. He is most likely a weak 5'11. I would guess 5'10.5-5'11. Nothing lower than 5'10.25. One can easily appear 5'11-6' as a weak 5'11. He did look 5'11 flat in Vampire taking Cruise's lifts into consideration.
glenn said on 14/May/09
its a known fact,that tom wore lifts with pitt to get closer to pitts 6ft.thats what all the newpapers and tabloids stated.i too believed he was 6ft.he looked it in person.i now feel he is 5-10 to 5-11,cause of this site,and the findings you guys post.but there was many articles written about that movie.and all stated tom at 5-8,and pitt at 6ft.and pitt was ultra famous then.
jf said on 14/May/09
Antonio: "I cannot imagine one letting the other heighten w/o doing the same."

You do realize that the director has authority over how he wants his actors filmed, right? For all we know, he wanted the two "roughly the same height" and thus made Cruise wear elevators. Or maybe just Brad. Who knows. But keep in mind back then Brad Pitt was NOT close to being famous yet, so he certainly had no "pull" over the Director as to how tall he appeared on screen. And at that time, Cruise certainly wouldn't have demanded he be "taller than Brad Pitt onscreen", because again, Pitt was a nobody at the time. Cruise certainly wouldn't have been "competing". He had no idea this guy was gonna follow him as the biggest sex symbol in film in just a few years later. If he was clairvoyant, yeah, he probably would have demanded to appear taller than Pitt.
Antonio said on 14/May/09
Here are some Pics of Brad & Tom together.

Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here

I gotta tell you I only see a 1-2" edge for Brad, in all 4 stills. Regarding the last one where Brad appears to have about a 2" advantage, Tom is standing farther from the Camera. At any rate Pitt certainly does not own Cruise here.

For me anyway, this may show that Tom is not 5-7, but close to 5-8. It also tells me Brad is definitely not 5-11, but more like 5-9 to 5-10!

I think we can be reasonably sure that either both of our heroes, were liftless, or both were wearing lifts. I cannot imagine one letting the other heighten w/o doing the same.

These pictures re-enforce my estimates taken from comparing the different celebs with a single, but same subject.

Click Here
calvinator said on 13/May/09
Vegas, You can see the huge heel on Damons shoes on your youtube video! look for a side shot of his foot when he comes on stage. He must know Brad Pitts shoe maker! also check out how short his limbs are!
ChucktheSchmuck said on 13/May/09
Damon, yes...he looks 5'9 but Pitt has never struck me as being under 5'11. Never!
glenn said on 13/May/09
i agree damon can look 5-11 on rare occasion.i think he wakes 5-10,5-10.5.
TELLEM said on 13/May/09
James says on 13/May/09
Matt looks more 5'11 next to Ben Affleck.

i agree james.
James said on 13/May/09
Matt looks more 5'11 next to Ben Affleck.
RisingForce said on 13/May/09
look at the pictures i posted below of damon in sandals next to affleck in sneakers. matt is 5-10 and ben is between 6-2 and 6-3. just like at the academy awards there was only about a 4 inch difference.

matt being 5-10 is very good evidence that pitt is 5-11 and if you doubt matt is 5-10 then look at the pictures of him in sandals.
James said on 13/May/09
at least 6 inches?????????????

There looks barely 4 inches between them if you ask me.
Vegas said on 13/May/09
calvinator says on 13/May/09
The reason Pitt sounds taller than he really is because people on this site keep thinking Damon is 5'10, when he is actually closer to 5'8. I remember seeing Damon with Affleck at the Academy Awards show and Damon was at least 6 inches shorter than Affleck.

Click Here
bobo said on 13/May/09
I think Leung and Rising Force should join forces and write a book or something. I would pay to hear their collective thoughts on stuff.
calvinator said on 13/May/09
The reason Pitt sounds taller than he really is because people on this site keep thinking Damon is 5'10, when he is actually closer to 5'8. I remember seeing Damon with Affleck at the Academy Awards show and Damon was at least 6 inches shorter than Affleck.
calvinator said on 12/May/09
I think people think taller about their favorite stars . Pitt is a solid 5'9 any day, but never 5'11 or 6 foot. His arms and torso are too short for even a 5'11 man. Look at him in the movie Troy or Thelma and louise! He also would't wear heels even to the bathroom at home if he was anywhere near 6 foot.
Mimi said on 12/May/09
Clooney and Damon are no way 5'10.5" and 5'10" respectively. They're both shorter than that.
John said on 12/May/09
Brad Pitt is one of those guys who has been able to look tall, even though he isn't. A lean physique and a pair of elevator shoes does the trick.
J.J. said on 12/May/09
by the look of the pictures above Pitt is a solid 5'11" Clooney looks 5'10.25"-5'10.5" and Matt looks and solid 5'10"
derek d said on 12/May/09
What I would love to see is a picture of Pitt and Stallone. Pitt as of lately is looking a legit 6'1 - 6'2 in his lifts next to angelina jolie... I would love to see how the two compare next to each other.
calvinator said on 11/May/09
Pitt weatrs massive heels,just saw him in six monkies with willis and he was wearing big heels in the crazy house talking to willis, willis looked barefoot. he looks 5'9 max.
James said on 11/May/09
I can belvie around 5'11 probably. Nothing againt him or anything but Brad Pitt dosen't seem like the most friendliest or down to earth guy on the planet.
RisingForce said on 11/May/09
thanks leung, what really convinced me was pitt looking 3 inches taller than 5-10 matt damon in fairly normal looking shoes. obviously they probably weren't normal, but a 5-10 man wouldn't be able to pull that off, much less in shoes that to most would seem normal. at events he's consistently standing at around 6-1 in that type of footwear, ocassionally 6-2 in a big boots/lifts combo(eric bana picture).
James said on 11/May/09
Anythings possible my dad used to be a very strong 5'10.5 but at 50 years of age has now shrunk to 5'10, but my dad doesen't always have good posture though.
bobo said on 11/May/09
He is 5.11

In shoes.

End of.
Bo said on 11/May/09
oh yea just looking at these posted pics, pitt DEFINATELY wears lifts, no questions asked, probably more so than tom cruise. one pic hes 1-2 inches shorter than norton than hes 2-3 inches taller? give me a break.
Rolling Thunder said on 10/May/09
Brad Pitt was 5'10 when I met him (5 years ago) when I was working at his house... I am 6'1 and I had a good 2.5-3" on him
Leung said on 10/May/09
Welcome back Risingforce. I read your recent Pitt contributions and I must say that you are now talking sense about Pitt, you are now speaking the truth. It seems that your time off really helped. In the past many of your Pitt comments were unfair and biased towards trying to downgrade him below 5
Anonymous said on 10/May/09
Yeah I doubt he has lost height. I still believe he is a weak 5'11 or 5'10.5
Del Mar said on 10/May/09
no worries will, 5-10 is a possibility, but for for what i think nothing less than that. since i never heard anything else than 5-11 from trusted people i could assume he is 5-10, 5-11 or in the middle of those
RisingForce said on 10/May/09
i see no reason to think pitt has shrunk even a centimeter. he's relatively young, in excellent shape, holds flawless posture and he looks as tall as he ever has.
James said on 10/May/09
Maybe now he might be 5'10.5. Around 5'11 4 years ago? Although he does hold good posture.
RisingForce said on 10/May/09
i don't trust wax figures at all. how tall they are is irrelevant to me.
bam said on 10/May/09
i agree, pitts waxwork was 6ft minimum, between 6ft and 6ft 1. This was in new york city. But no, they're not anatomically correct. They might be if the celeb was measured, etc. I was told that some are based off measurements, while others are based off estimates. Pitts looked fake compared to the others, meaning it is likely it was based on estimates.
jf said on 10/May/09
I saw Pitt's wax figure in Vegas and was annoyed to see it was a half to 1 whole inch taller than myself at 5'11.5". I thought there was no way he was this tall but I'm pretty sure those wax dummies are anatomically correct so I've come to terms with the fact that Brad Pitt is even taller than me. Madam Tousouds in Vegas. Not sure if it's still displayed as this was back in 2002. I'm guessing they rotate the displays. Wayne Newton's wax dummy appeared a solid 6'3", maybe more.
Will said on 9/May/09
Very Interesting Del Mar, and thanks for the upload. Those pictures lead me to believe that Pitt is indeed around 5'10. Also, another guy commented that if Pitt really was 5'11 he would be claiming 6 feet.

I wonder if those pictures are enough proof to convince rising force.
gilipollas said on 9/May/09
risinforce, isnt it better to compare Pitt to someone both barefeet? we all have seen the pic with Gwyneth, right? Also check Pitt barefoot in here:
Click Here

check that pic of Norton barefoot while Pitt was wearing boots...
dicky curtis said on 8/May/09
i think risingforce makes some good points here. i'v always seen pitt look a certain 2 inches taller than a.hopkins so 5.11 seems ver possible.
and pherhaps even a little over. then again you never know..
RisingForce said on 8/May/09
gilipollas, jim is closer to the camera and brad is slouching more. standing straight equal distances they'd be closer. look at all of these pictures to show how tall pitt in lifts looks next to a strong 6 ft edward norton. Click Here

i said bana was 6-3 in those shoes, he's listed at a barefoot height of 6-2.25 here, which i believe is accurate. damon is 5-10, look at him with no footwear advantage dwarfing 5-7.5, 5-8 mark wahlberg at a basketball game. or look at him in sandals next to ben affleck.

this is one of thew few times pitt's footwear was obviously bulky. Click Here Click Here Click Here usually he's tricky with his footwear. but look how tall he looked in those. 3.5, 4 inches taller than angelina jolie in heels. Click Here Click Here Click Here at 5-6.5, 5-7 she should be pushing 5-10 in heels. 4 inches taller than 5-8.5 anthony hopkins as well, or atleast 3.5 taller. Click Here

pitt is 5-11 and would consistently measure bwteen 6-1 and 6-2 with lifts, depending on the size. don't forget, a lot of times he's probably only getting around 2 inches over his barefoot height in footwear.
Anonymous said on 8/May/09
Del Mar, I for one would definitely love to see that pic again. Thanks.
gilipollas said on 8/May/09
risingforce, in that pic with jim carrey, jim is at least 2 inches taller than brad. considering jim is 6-1...u make the count. im pretty sure pitt was wearing big sole shoes if not lifts. i doubt jim wears lifts. Bana is not 6-3- Bana is 6-1.5 barefoot. Matt Damon is 5-9 max. Pitt is surely under 5-11. I have a very close friend that met Pitt in the early 90s. My friend is 1.81 and described Pitt as "shorter than me"...
glenn said on 8/May/09
omg delphonic.i sleep all least for 20,when im up at 5pm,at 7pm on,the camera flashes.ive only been up early this fact im sleeping all day again this week.yes,in the pics,im fine with saying im 5-7.25.when i wake i know im near 5-8.and i dont judge by my height.i judge by what my eyes tell me.and the estimates of my friends and peers around me that i trust.they all said colin was 5-11.even if he isnt,he is 5-10,and thats still better than the absurd 5-8 or 5-9.i ask everyone.doorman,security,drivers,actors,photogs and go by all that data to make a conclusion my estimate.yet,nobody here appreciates that.they appreciate watching dvds.when i hear arnold is 5-7,then i know not to ask that photog again his opinion on a celeb.cut me some slack.the site isnt gonna get anyone better for free.
Del Mar said on 8/May/09
A couple of years ago I think, I posted a pic with me and a madame tassaud figure of brad, putting the doll at about 5-10.5. If someone has any info abt those figures being measured right or not or interested in seeing this pic I could post it again. If you think it would be just a waste of time I won't. Just let me know guys :)
RisingForce said on 7/May/09
Pitt isn't less than 5-11. I've certainly changed my mind on him. He easily looks taller than 5-11 guys like Mickey Rourke, Tom Sizemore ect., often in what appear to be normal dress shoes. Obviously part of that is posture and possibly hiding lifts in those dress shoes. sure, there are a few pics that show him shorter(that one edward norton pic) but don't forget that pitt consistently appeared taller than norton at premieres. i belivee pitt usually gets a 2 inch boost from footwear or a hair over, rarely if ever does he wear stallone type monsters. he maintains a 6 ft height well, consistently look 3, 4 inches taller than jolie in heels(she pushes 5-10 in heels).

it seems like pitt can reach 6-2 in his best lifts. i know it's more fun to believe he's 5-10 max, i got caught up in that too(partially because most of the pics posted here are him looking his absolute shortest). everyone gives illusions of being shorter than they are at one time or another.

eric bana is probably 6-3 in shoes and pitt looks an inch shorter in boots. Click Here pitt could be getting a slight camera advantage, but bana also has the advantage of a slight tilt in his favor. posture advantage seems minimal there. worst case he's 6-1.5 in those boots

here pitt looks consistently taller than 6-1 clint eastwood. Click Here Click Here Click Here eastwood holds a height of probably a bit over 6-2 in dress shoes. now granted he likely doesnt stretch up to his full height anymore but pitt is slouching in the last pic and still taller. he also looks 5 inches taller than jolie or close to it in all pics and she's almost certainly 5-6.5 minimum and wearing heels so closer to 5-9.5. his shoes that day had a heel but they weren't huge by any stretch, a 3 inch gain is VERY unlikely. Click Here Click Here

now look at him with 5-10 matt damon who is atleast 5-11 in shoes. pitt could be as much as 3 inches taller! Click Here while brad is almost surely in lifts his shoes certainly don't look like they could give 3 inches. Click Here

look at how well he measures up to 6-1.5 listed jim carrey. Click Here pitt is slouching and farther from the camera, but he's still not dwarfed. in fairness he was in big boots Click Here , but then again a 5-11ish man would have to be to be close in height to a 6-1.5 man.

not to mention him looking consistently taller than 5-10.75 orlando bloom in every single picture of them. sometimes by over 2 inches. part of that is possibly posture and footwear, but there's no doubt that he's taller than bloom. you also have the john malkovich pic.

pitt is atleast 5-11 and 5-11.5 wouldn't surprise me. you notice that his height has never been an issue in the press? even 5-11ish, 6 ft schwarzenegger gets made fun of constantly for his height in the press. you'd think a huge star/sex symbol like pitt would if he were 5-10. i recall an article that said "unlike most actors, pitt clears the 6 ft mark" and that seemed to be before he wore lifts. even glenn thought he was 6 ft in the mid 90's which i believe was before he wore lifts. take away an inch for the help of the dress boots and you have a 5-11 man, just like viggo mortenson.
Sam said on 6/May/09
Pitt is 5 ft 10 and George is 5 ft 9
Bo said on 6/May/09
ok the only reason clooney would say hes 6'1 is to make himself seem taller... most male celebs will lie about their height by at least an inch
Brad said on 6/May/09
Better put some relish on the Nathan's he has never measured even 5' 9" on a measuring device.
Asd said on 6/May/09
Yes, he wears his boot also when he goes to pee.

In the movie "Mr & Mrs Smith" he was wearing his giant boots also when they had to run away of their home.
He wore a shirt, underwear and obviosly his boots! (I take 5 minutes to wear this kind of boots)
glenn said on 5/May/09
nobody has to believe it.and you keep pushing 5-11.he isnt 5-11.stallone averages 5-10.nobody has to see it too.i know the truth about stallones height.and i relish knowing im right.
Anonymous said on 5/May/09
Right. 5'10 is pushing it for stallone.
Brad said on 5/May/09
You can meet Stallone for 25 years and nobody will believe 1/4" shy of 5' 11".
glenn said on 5/May/09
those are true words acg.
kommodoro said on 5/May/09
he is 181-182 max
glenn said on 4/May/09
i agree with those estimates acg as possible out of bed morning heights.and true,compared to the downgraders,we have nothing on them.but they attack us.and i met these celebs repeatedly for 20 years.
ACG said on 4/May/09
agreed joseph. the great thing about this site is that every height is up for debate. nothing is set in stone or 100% certain.

and through the advent of lifts/elevator shoes certain actors can appear to be different heights at different times- as if they "grew" in their mid to late 40s! for instance, see several pics of pitt standing besides clooney from several months apart.

my point is that the whole purpose of this site is to try and "nail" 'em down and find out what their true heights are. it's absolutely fascinating to see the "evolution" some of these listed heights go through. pitt was once listed here at over six foot!! 6.25 to be exact, I think. And now the funny thing is that it looks as though even 5'11 might be too high, too!

that is just one example.

and i say one can have whatever opinion they want as long as:

A. they truly believe it and aren't just purposely trying to bring chaos and BS to the site

B. they're respectful of others' opinions, NOT saying "pitt is 5'9 and there's no way anyone in their right mind could possibly believe he's taller"

Unfortunately, you still see a lot of those two things happening, and 99% of the arguments here arise from those said fallacies.

And the only one who can really say "NO WAY is xxxx taller/shorter than x-x" is of course glenn because he actually meets and knows these people. Unlike some fools who just watch a DVD and say the same thing!!
Brad said on 4/May/09
ACG Upgrade Inc..
Joseph said on 4/May/09
There is certainly nothing wrong in upgrading - or downgrading, for that matter - actors, againt the common opinions, as long as one has decent evidence! This is less likely, though, the more one differs from what's stated. I believe that we understand each other.
Perhaps we should get back to focusing on Mr. Pitt?
ACG said on 4/May/09
thanks glenn! and even if i WAS upgrading(e.g. Pitt at 6'5, Stallone 6'3, Gibson 6'2, Cruise 6') it still wouldn't be enough to counteract the numerous chronic downgraders- people who swear up and down that Pitt is 5'9, Cruise is 5'6, Stallone is 5'8, and such....with no proof but questionable word of mouth.

So for the final record here's the way I(ACG) sees the celebs Joseph mentioned(the very max they could be):
Stallone: 5'10.75
Cruise: 5'8.5
Gibson: 5'10
Pitt: 5'11

And like I said, those are what I see as the very max for each one, imho. Not that I *DON'T* believe them to be the most likely scenarios, it's just that I don't think they are anything over those numbers.

I'm fully open to the possibility that Cruise could be 5'7.75. And Pitt 5'10.5. It's just that if I had to put down money(which I never would!) I would put Cruise at a bit over 5'8 and Pitt at a strong 5'11. As opposed to the 5'9 and 6'1 that each himself claims, respectively.

If you wanna see legit "upgrading" see that guy who claimed Arnold S. is a 6'4" man during the present day. lol.

Hope that clears things up.
Haze said on 3/May/09
5'10.5 and how do i know? magic thats how.
glenn said on 3/May/09
lenad-i agree with that.stealth slippers to the rescue!
glenn said on 3/May/09
acg isnt upgrading.he is usually right.he maybe a little high on one or 2.thats all.and even then he may be right.
Joseph said on 3/May/09
Has anyone else noticed, that ACG is hanging around and constantly upgrading all actors, infamous for not-being-as-tall-as-wished-for - Stallone, Cruise, Gibson and Brad Pitt?
On a special pay-roll, perhaps? :)
Lenad said on 3/May/09
He can look as tall as Clint Eastwood. Pitt is obviously a lift wearer and yeah I agree with anonymous he probably gets up in the middle of the night to urine with his lifts
glenn said on 2/May/09
yes,it was a bad pic of pitt and i.he seemed 6ft.with the help of those dress boots.
glenn said on 2/May/09
his mother? how do reconize his mother? he must live near you.
Doug said on 2/May/09
Why is it that if virtually everybody here thinks that Pitt is 5'10" or 5'10.5" do we still have him at 5'11"? If he was a legit 5'11" wouldn't his management have claimed 6' in Hollywood? It is more likely he is 5'10" as he once put down on a paper and they gave him an inch as normal?
Doug said on 2/May/09
I agree too Alex. We are both over 6' and I also don't consider 5'10 or 5'11" guys "short" to me. I live in the real world. Pitt does not fall within the "short man" category that a 5'8" man might. I think it highly likely Pitt is 5'10" which is not a bad height for a guy.
Alex says on 1/ May/09 said on 1/May/09
I think the problem of this is that i don,t know because 5.10 or 5.10.5 guys are considered short(i would like to know the reason of it),to me a short guy has to be under 5.9,a guy with average height is between 5.9 and 6.1,a tall guy is 6.1 to 6.4 and a really tall guy is over 6.4,that is my estimate.Now about Brad,s height no way he is 5.9,i think 5.10 barefoot is right for him and if he does look sometimes a 6.0 or 6.1 guy it is because with lifts or elevator shoes he reach that height easy (i know there are even 4
John said on 1/May/09
Yeah go to the site. There are pics with him and a huge sumo wrestler.
Brad said on 1/May/09
That's right James.
Anonymous said on 1/May/09
Glenn got a photo with him about a year and a half ago. I think it is impossible to nail his height anyway due to his custom lifts, unless you see him barefoot; and i dont think this guy gets up to take a leak in the middle of the night without his lifts.
James said on 1/May/09
Pitt can sometimes look over 6' but that's because he has a long torso and military posture plus he wears lifts and big heeled shoes. Barefoot he is 5'10.
Anonymous said on 1/May/09
glenn, since Pitt is in NYC, why don't you make it a mission and try to nail down his height once and for all!? :-)
Anonymous said on 30/Apr/09
John, they actually mentioned his height as 5'10?
Brad said on 30/Apr/09
That's what he is: 5 feet 10.
John said on 30/Apr/09 has photos of him in NYC yesterday, they have him at 5'10.
Brad said on 30/Apr/09
I saw his mother the other week but she was driving away. I'm sure Mrs. Cheadle wouldn't lie if I asked her.
glenn said on 30/Apr/09
i dont disagree about pitt at 5-10 brad.
Brad said on 29/Apr/09
Cheadle 5' 7"/Brad 5' 10".
r.sabella said on 29/Apr/09
look at this brad pitt is taller than clint eastwood Click Here
glenn said on 29/Apr/09
cheadle's more a legit 5-8 guy.more a 5-8.5 morning guy.i could be wrong.
Anonymous said on 28/Apr/09
Here is a little experiment everyone can do: Go to Don Cheadle's page on this site and look at the photo at the top of the page. Cheadle is almost exactly the same height as 5'7ish Glenn; certainly no more than 5'7.5, and probably just a shade under.

Now look at a full body shot of Cheadle and Pitt together: Click Here

Measure their body lengths in pixels: Pitt, with the benefit of high heeled shoes, is 4.6 percent taller than Cheadle. If we (generously) assume that Cheadle is 5'8.5 in shoes, then Pitt is 5'11.65, in shoes. Subtract about 2 inches to account for the high heels and you'll have Pitt's barefoot height.
bobo said on 28/Apr/09
can all the 5 11s people find the photos were he looks over 6 foot (as he would if he was wearing normal shoes and not the stonkers he ALWAYS wears).
IF they can't then please stop talking.

He is below 5 11. Thats why he LOOKS 5 11 in those big shoes.

This is, not

Whats wrong with you people?
glenn said on 28/Apr/09
i agree with bam that might be the case.
bam said on 27/Apr/09
he is wearing lifts next to bloom, who is wearing thin shoes and slouching. I'm too lazy now, but theres a pic that exposes pitts shoes' large heels.Thats why he looks 5'11.75. Without those lifts/heels, he's barely 5'11 possibly the same height as bloom.
sebastiano said on 27/Apr/09
Ola guys,I was lucky enough to meet messrs clooney,damon and pitt in amsterdam as my wife works for a well known footwear company that was providing them with,er,footwear.They very graciously posed with my wife and I for some private shots and in sandals and a buzz cut (ie,no lifts at the top or bottom) monsieur Pitt is excactly the same height as my good self. Sadly,there the similarites end but i'm 5'11 dead on,so there you go. George and Matt (i'm obviously on first name terms,haha!)were wearing shoes,so how tall -or not- they might really be,I couldn't comment.
peteyork said on 27/Apr/09
daggo your evidence is off, if you go to the next page he looks the same height as peter o'toole and bana. The picture you refer to he comes up just under bana's eye or actually 5 inches. Swap bana and pitt round there the same height all of a sudden. So bana's 2 1/2 inches taller and peter o'toole about an inch. Which would put pitt 5'11 1/2 at a premiere in lifts. So its back to how big are the lifts. i agree he wears them at premiere's so 5'10 1/2 evening I think is realistic. That goes with themla and lousie and seven and fight club. forgot the ealry ocean photos where he looks an inch taller than andy garica who is a strong 5'9.
Anonymous said on 26/Apr/09
A solid 5ft 11' would be my guess. Nothing more though.

The lowest 5ft 10.5 I think.
Ian said on 26/Apr/09
Click Here

He has 3cm on 179cm Orlando Bloom. He could be 182cm. We must now put away the possibility that Pitt is only 5ft9-10. He is clearly a strong 5ft11 181-182cm guy like myself or weak 6ft if he wants 183cm out of bed.
MK said on 26/Apr/09
Next to George Clooney during premier for oceans 13, he looked quite tall, an inch, or even an inch and a half taller than Clooney. Im guessing he's a strong 5f 11 inches.
Scata said on 24/Apr/09
Considering that Brad Pitt wears lifts and admits he wants to be taller, if he were a legit 5'11 why would he be listed as 5'11, he'd be listed as 6'0
ChucktheSchmuck said on 24/Apr/09
It's clear that he is nowhere close to 5'9. That's just rubbish. He is obviously in the 5'10-5'11 range. He doesn't have the proportions of a 5'9 guy.
JD said on 24/Apr/09
he's got some shoes on in most of his movies, but ACG is right he never dips below a strong 5'10, most likely an even 5'11 as i see it.
sprint84 said on 23/Apr/09
Agree completely with Misha's post (and I think it applies to every page on here). There's really not much debate left here. Pitt's listed height seems accurate to within a half inch, which means that it fits in the morning/evening range for Pitt. Can't get more precise, unless you want a live update as to Pitt's height every second of every day.
adam said on 23/Apr/09
Pitt is 5-11 max and possibly under that mark.
Mimi said on 23/Apr/09
I definitely would agree that Pitt is 5'10"ish...
Scata said on 23/Apr/09
I say 5'11 right when he wakes up and 5'10.25 at night
ACG said on 23/Apr/09
I'm positive that he never goes below a strong 5'10 under any circumstance- no matter what time of day, etc.

The 5'9 talk has got to stop. It's really ridiculous.

Most likely scenario is that he's a legit 5'11, imho.
Anonymous said on 23/Apr/09
In 'Fight Club' Pitt had imaculate posture whilst Edward Norton had dreadfull posture and Pitt still looked a good 1-1.5 inches shorter. I would not be at all surprised if he was 5' 10".
Joseph said on 23/Apr/09
He looks about the same height as me 5'10.5
Anonymous said on 22/Apr/09
His real height is most likely 5'9 (5'9.5 morning) He has a slim build so he can easily look two inches taller. With built up shoes/lifts can appear around 6'0 or a bit over. I say no more than 5'9 barefoot.
Ange said on 21/Apr/09
I cannot believe we're still debating this. Brad Pitt doesn't even LOOK like a tall guy. He looks like a dude of average height. I would put him at 5'10.25 MAX and get on with my life. I suggest others do the same.
TELLEM said on 20/Apr/09
yea but watching good will hunting in full body shot scenes shows affleck standing his tallest just like damon, and he has him by 5 inches. i doubt affleck would sport lifts. with that pic, affleck has terrible posture, but there's no telling how bad his posture is since its only a pic, unlike a film scene.
Thomas said on 20/Apr/09
Yes Damon closer to the camera than Jennifer Garner otherwise they would be almost the same height. She used to be close to 5ft 8 back in her fit days before making the baby.
RisingForce said on 20/Apr/09
Tellem, those factors make Damon look closer to Affleck's height than 4.5". Don't forget that Affleck has the footwear advantage. There's no way Damon is 5.5" shorter based on those pictures where Damon is obviously liftless.
TELLEM said on 20/Apr/09
on all of those pictures damon is closer to the camera, and affleck is bending his knees and has terrible posture. 5'9 for damon. 5'10 for pitt.
Doug said on 20/Apr/09
Um Mischa, its common knowledge Pitt lives in lifts to make him look 6' or 6'1".
Doug said on 20/Apr/09
Jonathan Ross IS 6'1". And he looks it compared to a lot of people, definately not 6'2" but if you think he is below 6' you are deluded. He was 1-2 inches taller than Vin Diesel, I suppose Diesel is 5'9 or 5'10" then...
kevin said on 20/Apr/09
oh forgot the pic

Click Here
RisingForce said on 20/Apr/09
No Damon is 5-10. Look at Damon in sandals next to Ben Affleck(listed 6-2.5 here) in sneakers.

Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here

Pitt is 5-11 and Damon is 5-10.
Thomas said on 19/Apr/09
Matt Damon is just shy of 5'9. My GF has a photo of him both of em in sandals.
Brad Pitts about 5'10. He can't live without the lifts.
Jonathan Ross is not 6'1 anymore. That was years and years ago. He's old and fat now. Watch interview of James McAvoy and Jonathan Ross on youtube. You can see McAvoy's footwear is nothing special and Ross is 6ft flat maybe 5'11 and a half now.
Misha said on 18/Apr/09
Regarding Brad Pitt's wild variations in height, I propose that a celeb can only be as tall as he is at his shortest. This is because there are many ways to counterfeit an increase in height, but no way to decrease it. Let's say Pitt attends two events, and is confirmed as being 5'10" at one event and 6'1" at the other event. There are two possible explanations: If he were really six-one but showed up at an event with a true height of 5'10", it would mean that he had taken a chain saw and cut off a three-inch slab from each leg, and that after the event he would then have surgery to re-attach the slabs back onto his legs so he could be 6'1" again. The other explanation is that he actually is 5'10", but looked 6'1" at one of the two events because he was wearing boots with a build-up of three inches. Which explanation would you accept?
bobo said on 18/Apr/09
still looks like a 5 10 bloke to me. If he was 5 11 he would regularly look over 6 foot in films. He doesn't. WHy is that?
GUK said on 18/Apr/09
In the film Kalifornia Pitt looked a good two inches less than David Duchovny

I think pitt is 179 i.e. 5ft 10.5 maximum.
The absolute minumum for him is 5ft 10 IMHO
kevin said on 18/Apr/09
here a pic with pitt in normal shoes and julia roberts in heels and he still looks taller. to me hes 180cm and with his lifts he can reach 185cm easy.
RisingForce said on 18/Apr/09
Matt's shoes look thick there ace. There's no way Pitt could be 3 inches taller that other night in pretty normal looking shoes if they were the same height. Pitt is simply taller than Damon, he almost always looks it.
Ace said on 17/Apr/09
Risingforce, in the pictures where you claim matt damon has a footwear advantage, you can see that matt damon's shoes actually look quite normal.
TELLEM said on 17/Apr/09
so if damon is 5'9, that makes pitt 5'10...makes more sense to me. pitt saying he wanted to be 2 inches taller is most likely a 5'10 man wishing he was 6'0.
Doug said on 17/Apr/09
Rising yes he certainly did. Even as far back as 1995 during around the time of seven, I read this in a magazine at the time. They asked him if he would change anything about himself. He said he's happy in his own skin except he wishes he was two inches taller. Thats why I always thought maybe the guy is 5'10" and wishes he was 6' flat legimately. My sister always thought Pitt was a short guy. She had no idea he was 5'11", maybe he isn't..
RisingForce said on 17/Apr/09
bam, did Pitt really admit that he wanted to be 2 inches taller? I'm surprised, when did he say this?
TELLEM said on 17/Apr/09
good to see you back complex, and lol @ wahlberg listed 5'11...thats insane. brad pitt going by 5'11 isn't that bad, since hes closer to that height then markie mark.
glenn said on 17/Apr/09
well said bam.thats all true.5-9ers in dress boots boosting to near 6ft,if not that.except i think pitt is no less than 5-10.same thing with gary sinise in dress boots.except he went from 5-8 to 5-10.
Complex said on 16/Apr/09
hey guys, hadn't posted here in a while, just wanted to comment on the listings of 5'11 for Pitt in movies, only reason for commenting is I watched max payne and saw a flash of wahlbergs supposed drivers license listed him as 5'11, now if a supposed 5'8 guy (possible 5'7) gets listed as 5'11 for a movie to be considered hollywood, don't you think it's much more possible for someone 5'9-5'10 (aka pitt) to be listed the same, just some food for thought...good to be back ;)
Antonio said on 16/Apr/09
Steven, how do you know Damon is 5-10? Go to Damon's section and read about the estimated height differences from members of this forum.
GUK said on 16/Apr/09
-schwimmer is 6'2, actually.-

No he isn't he was smaller than Jonathan Ross who is 6ft 1.5
patrice said on 16/Apr/09
On the picture "damon, clooney in socks", are you sure matt damon is not on the point of his feet.
RisingForce said on 16/Apr/09
Damon is 5-10 not 5-9. Matt is listed here at 5-10, Glenn estimates him at 5-10, he looked atleast that height in sandals with George Clooney or socks with George Clooney and he consistently looks that in movies.

Matt looked as tall as Brad in pictures where his footwear was suspicious. That's an easy scenario to explain. Brad being as much as 3" taller than Matt can't be explained except for the fact that Brad is 5'11".
marc said on 16/Apr/09
Scott - you could be right - am from London - we are suffering from obesity etc in this country at the moment - we are producing a nation of fatties.
Rob G said on 16/Apr/09
Hmm actually it is very debatable if Scwimmer even reaches 6'2", Rob has him at 6'1" and I think it suits him well.
Scott said on 16/Apr/09
Marc - as someone who is actually 180cm ... I can assure you that 11.5 stone is not the weight of a shorter man - it is actually marginally OVER the ideal weight for that height.

11 stone 3 is the medically ideal weight for 180cm unless you carrying A LOT of muscle.

You have actually provided more support for the theory that Brad Pitt is in fact a very weak 5'11.

Which he is.
ACG said on 16/Apr/09
schwimmer is 6'2, actually.
Steven said on 16/Apr/09
Or he won't downgrade him because Pitt may actually be 5'11". How else could he look 3 inches taller than 5'10" Matt Damon at times? He'd have to be 5'11" to pull that off, lifts or not.

but then how can he look the same height as matt damon aswell? why do ppl disregard that? in oceans he was the same height as both clooney and damon. there are pictures on this page to prove that
bobo said on 16/Apr/09
because Matt Damon is not 5 10. ANd Pitt looks shorter than Clooney on a number of occasions and the same height as Damon on others. Making the wild fluctuations in height symptomatic of a chronic lift wearer. Why would a 5 11 guy wear such foot wear? And wouldn't he regulalarly look over 6 foot if he only wore NORMAL shoes. He doesn't.

Go back to his earlier films and ask yourself if thats a 6 foot guy (assuming normal footwear). Is it? NO.

So stop making 5 11 claims. Its sounds silly.
bam said on 16/Apr/09
the basis for pitt being under 5'11 that people fail to mention is that glenn saw pitt at 6'0 in dress BOOTS, not dress shoes in the flesh. Boots are where real crazy increases in height come from, where you literally jump from an average 5'9 to near 6ft. 5'9ish lenny kravitz appeared 6ft to glenn. Apparently so did 5'9ish bon jovi. Thats insane! So in theory, Pitt could easily be 5'10 flat. He did admit to wanting to be 2 inches taller. Maybe thats exactly what lifts do for the guy?
Its very possible Pitt was gaining over an inch in those lifts, hell you could say its in fact very probable.
So my point is 6ft is very possibly pitts lifted height at premieres in "premiere mode". I would have guessed near 6'1. He always looks taller due to military posture, and clever camera angles. This is actually 100 times better evidence than stupid pictures of pitt and george clooney where they alternate in height based on camera angles and slouching.

I'm not really sure about 5'10 or 5'11. You could argue for both or in between.

I'm not sure about 5'10 or 5'11. Each are easily possible.
Midget said on 15/Apr/09
Spot on RisingForce. Brad must be near to 5'11" or he simply wouldnt be able to pull off a look of 6'1" or so even with assistance in his shoes.
marc said on 15/Apr/09
i still go back to the weight issue - 11.5 stone - that suggests a shorter man. I still think Brad Pitt is just 5.9.5".
RisingForce said on 15/Apr/09
Or he won't downgrade him because Pitt may actually be 5'11". How else could he look 3 inches taller than 5'10" Matt Damon at times? He'd have to be 5'11" to pull that off, lifts or not.
Anonymous said on 14/Apr/09
pitt 5'11, schwimmer 6'1 Click Here
scata said on 14/Apr/09
He won't downgrade him because brad will sue him the next day.
bobo said on 14/Apr/09
my point being that Pitt never looks like a 5 11 guy in any of his early films. Even when he is cowboy boots he still looks like a medium build bloke and medium height. If he was 5 11, his cowboy boots would push him over 6 foot, and with his build he would be incredibly lanky. Incredibly. But he never looks lanky, even in boots.

He doesn't look like a 5 11 guy in any of his girlfriend pics, he never looks like a 5 11 guy unless he is wearing monster foot wear. So, I can live with 5 11 as his stated height, as long as it is not his flat foot height. His flat foot is 5 10 MAX.
mamonazo said on 14/Apr/09
Bobo, maybe Robert Redford was wearing lifts. You just never it's hard to compare 2 people when you don't know whos wearing what, AND if what if both are wearing lifts? who's lifts are bigger?
TELLEM said on 13/Apr/09
i agree with bobo, 5'11 is utter non sense for brad pitt...his height is pretty much exposed in "thelma and louise" you think a 5'11 man wearing cowboy boots with great posture would look short next to a 6'2 terribly slouching michael madsen? because pitt looked short. i'll put brad pitt at 5'10, and falling under that mark in the evenin'.
RisingForce said on 13/Apr/09
I also now believe Pitt to be an even 5'11". Maybe in the evening he's closer to 5'10".
bam said on 13/Apr/09
lol, i'd hardly consider myself in the 5'11 crowd. I just think that 5'11 is easily possible. 5'10.5 possible too. Nothing under 5'10 flat.
bobo said on 13/Apr/09
wow, they would sue you? Even though its only light hearted? Thats nuts.

For the record I think Pitt is pushing 6 foot 4 and I was only joking about the earlier 5. 10 stuff.

bobo said on 13/Apr/09
in huge 4 inch heels Paltrow is shown to be the same height as Michael Stipe in flat Converse. Lets give her the benefit of the doubt and say she is in 3 inch heels. Stipe is listed here as 5,9. He looks it. But lets say he is 5 10 for the sake of the argument. For Paltrow to reach 5 10, on the smaller heels she is coming out at 5 7 barefoot, making the claims for Pitt as a 5, 9 possible and a 5 10 max for more credible than 5, 11.

Go on Paltrow's page and have a look at all the pics. She looks like a medium sized 5 7 woman.

But for the 5, 11 crowd lets say she is 5,9 (making Stipe an automatic 6 foot, even though in the pics she is clearly wearing BIG heels, making him a possible 6,1 - something he is clearly not), that still makes Pitt only 5 10 at the MAX.

If he was 5, 11, do we not think he would have claimed 6 foot in his early career?
bobo said on 13/Apr/09
Bam and the other 5 11 crowd.

This is getting quite frustrating having to come back here every few months to get you lot to calm down. If he was 5 11 he would look 6 foot and more in every one of his films. Thats how Hollywood works, he would be classed as a 'big bloke' and presented that way by every cinemaphotogropher/director since his earliest films. Whats more, his agents would have described him as 6 foot. They never have. Why is that?

Go back to his early films. Is that a 5 11 bloke jumping on the bed in Thelma and Louise? NO. Its a skinny kid with short legs who might push 5 10 but I don't think anyone would be surprised if he was 5 9.

Is that a 5 11 bloke running away from the SAS in the Devil's Own? NO

Is that a 5 11 bloke walking next to Redford (in Jacked up cowboy boots) in Spy Game? NO. They would make him 6 1, and he would drawf Redford, as it is, he barely looks the same height.

Why would a 5 11 guy go to so many tricks to disguise his height, he could put on a normal pair of dress shoes and be comfortably taller than most leading men in Hollywood and not worry about appearing at premieres. Yet instead, both the physical evidence (the barefoot pics, the wild inconsistences depending on footwear) as well as the psychological evidence (the need to wear specialist footwear, the complex tricks to hide them) point to a shorter man. Would a 5 11 bloke act like that? NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO

Now will the 5 11 crowd kindly go and amend Paltrow's page please. And claim she is a 5,10 tall leading lady.
bobo said on 13/Apr/09
Can people stick to the evidence instead of going on what they 'think'. or what they WANT.

We have him smaller than Clooney, about the same height as Matt Damon, not much bigger than Paltrow and only a bit bigger than Juliette Lewis. Does that sound like a a 5 11 man? No.

The pics from the last decade are the best way to judge his true height before his fetish with clown shoes. He was happy being the young Hollywood Pup, boyish and cheeky. Now he seems to want to play the elder statesman and this has required a certain adjustment in his shoes to appear more staturesque.

Stick to the evidence people.

The evidence states quite clearly he is at or under 5 10.

Rob, please start It would get loads of traffic.
Christian Slater, Tom Hanks, Bono, Mel Gibson, Jamie Foxx all need exposing as wig wearers as much as Pitt needs discussing as a lift wearer. You would be doing a great service to the community and I don't have the time.


Editor Rob
more likely to be sued over hair comments than height!
bam said on 12/Apr/09
the paltrow barefoot pic supports 5'11 as well as 5'10. Its tough to tell how much height pitt is losing.
Doug said on 11/Apr/09
Um if Pitt was clearly an inch MAX taller than Paltrow barefoot how can he be 5'11"?
Doug said on 11/Apr/09
Surely he is the same height as 5'10.5" Orlando Bloom?
scata said on 10/Apr/09
I think he should be downgraded to 5'10.5
anonymous said on 8/Apr/09
Darren R.....WTF are you atalking about!!!??? HE IS NOT A CANADIAN! He was born & raised in the USA. Jim Carey however was born in Canada.
Anonymous said on 7/Apr/09
How is he Canadian? Does he live there now? I know he was born in Oklahoma and raised in Missouri.
Darren R said on 6/Apr/09
To be clear, Brad Pitt is actually a Canadian, as is Jim Carrey and many, many other extremely successful Hollywood actors. But who really cares how tall he is. He is one of the biggest stars going. Good for him.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.