Height Detective said on 6/Sep/06
Is well known the picture that Hposted , Brad and Julia Roberts walking together , is interesting if you look at the picture again
Click Here Julia Roberts is not standing tall and is slouching , there is a little difference in height between the two ,favoring Brad ,you can imagine what would happened if Julia wasnt slouching ? Anyway , look at this pic from the same movie
Click Here , Brad has the sloping of the ground in his favor Julia roberts is in much lower level ground , and they look the same height , even Julia looks slighty taller than Brad.
Make your own conclusions.
Y-Man said on 6/Sep/06
it looks like Height Detective beat me to the pic in the link I posted earlier but it goes to prove my point: PITT WEARS LIFTS!!! :-)
Anonymous said on 5/Sep/06
height detective: That pic, you posted is with Brad wearing his built up shoes or his famous large heeled boots! He is in the range of 5'8 to 5'9 barefoot! He is much shorter than listed!
Huey said on 5/Sep/06
Anyone claming he's below 5-10.5/5-11 is suffering tall poppy syndrome. Julia Roberts is tall for a woman, wearing huge shoes in this pic and still shorter than Brad whos in flat soles.
anonymous2 said on 4/Sep/06
interesting photo Height Detective posted. Dermot Mulroney is listed at 176cm and looks taller than Pitt there.
Brad said on 4/Sep/06
Paltrow with close to 4" heels is around 6'. Brad wins again. Brad wins here in this post.
Brad said on 3/Sep/06
He's over 6' with ease with those Jolie photos in those boots. The guy is 5' 10". Give it a rest. Hope he and Danny Ocean take Pacino down in "13".
anonymous2 said on 2/Sep/06
Pitt never looked more than a couple inches taller than Gwyneth Paltrow, who is 170 max. (see pics frm Anonymous on 24/Aug/06) But if she is truly 5'9 as listed (which is quite unlikely given the pic evidence) then yes, he is 180 cm.
Y-Man said on 30/Aug/06
and some more with u know who in his trademark boots :-)
Click Here
Y-Man said on 30/Aug/06
some more pics at the Ocean's 13 set with some clear pics of his shoes
Click Hereany clues from this??? maybe him standing near that suv?
Glenn said on 30/Aug/06
Ive been doing this for 16 years.long before the site.and maybe 100 worldwide have similiar pics.celebs dont care about me and usually dont remember me.one day I will be applauded for my accuracy.
DMeyer said on 29/Aug/06
in this pics if standing taller he would be 4 inches taller but she is wearing 2.5 inches heels so like 5.5 inches taller that woulbe 6 0.5 but he might have similar heels so 5 11
asda said on 29/Aug/06
i have 2 cousins who are in the 5'11 range.Sometimes they can appear 6'1.i read an article that most humans could stand up to 2 inches taller with the correct posture. i agree with this as i am 5'8 but can sometimes reach 5'10 with a straight posture.I think this explains pitts 5'11 to 6'1 sightings.
Anonymous said on 29/Aug/06
great pic from y-man! Jolie's body does not look that tall. She just has arangatang arms and gigantic hands that give the impression she is a bigger person. And Pitt is obviously in elevator boots (what else is new). But if Glenn were present for this shot, all he would notice is another star "looking quite tall". Because if he called out Pitt, Bloom, Stallone (etc) on their elevator boots that allow them to tower over shortish Glenn, they wouldn't wanna pose for pics with him anymore. Am I the only person on this site to realize that??? Stars are aware of this site and therefore, they are aware of Glenn.
D. Ray Morton said on 29/Aug/06
She looks like a female Terminator - which is probably pretty close to the truth.
Y-Man said on 29/Aug/06
Here are some more "Towering" pics of Brad with Angelina :-)
Click Here
ForensicNYC said on 28/Aug/06
"For a limited time this week,...special offer on this soap which removed my pimples and acne...they have now become scars and scabs, as you can see.."
Click Here
Brad said on 27/Aug/06
100% true.
Viper652 said on 26/Aug/06
I figure when Clooney said Brad was 6-1 that was with lifts. It makes sense. Its possible that Clooney thinks Brad is a true legit 6-1 and doesnt know about lifts? How hillarious would that be.
Glenn said on 26/Aug/06
Bloom is 5-10 at the least.saw him alot more than you.Pitt is 5-11,looking 6-1 next to 5-11 Clooney.
Brad said on 26/Aug/06
Brad walks very tall. He's lean and lean tends to add illusional height. Add those cycle boots and he walks tall compared to say such as Clooney who has a leaning posture so it seems.
Anonymous said on 25/Aug/06
I was within 5 feet of Orlando Bloom when he was promoting the movie "Elizabethtown" in my home town of Louisville, Kentucky. He ain't no 179. I'm 5' 9" barefoot and he was noticably shorter than me. I'll give him 5' 8". My sister swears he looked more 5' 7"ish. Anyhow, the point is, it would not be difficult for a 5' 10" Pitt to tower over Bloom by a few inches...especially with lifts. Bloom is just another classic example of the "2 inch rule" for shortish actors. He's about 5' 8", so claims 5' 10" and is lean enough to look it in pictures. Just as a lean 5' 10" Pitt looks 6 feet in pics and 6' 1' with the full lift package.
Val said on 25/Aug/06
Brad Pitt seems really tall actually.He's nowhere near being smaller than 180cm...On photos next to Orlando Bloom he looks much taller.And orlando is also 180cm as he claims and 179 here..Is that only a cm? Either pitt wears lifts here or...?
Click Here
Martin said on 25/Aug/06
My dad was 5'11 in his 20's and he weighted about 145 pounds. I watched our photo albums and noticed that he could easily give the impression of being 6' or 6'1 with shoes on (of course no lifts) because he was so skinny. Now he's 40, weighs 240 pounds and does look more being 5'10-5'10.5. (I'm not sure whether he was taller - when you are 6' in Europe, except UK, you often downgrade your height to 180cm because it's better to say). What I wanna say is, that Brad can look taller than he is, because he's skinny.
DMeyer said on 24/Aug/06
in those pics with barfooted agelina he looks 5 feet9 since he hsa boots with fairly big heels weird becase beside clooney he can look 6 feet 1 my girlfiend is strong 5 feet 7 and if she was barefeet and i would be in boots i would tower over her i am 182 so brad gotta be less than that i have seen troy premiere he looks 3 to 3.5 inches shorter than bana so pitt is 5 11 possibly 5 10 but can look 6 feet1 in the best lifts
project mayhem said on 24/Aug/06
Even discussing that Pitt could be 6
Brad said on 24/Aug/06
I sure don't have it or remember the site. I'll believe Brad in his words.
Anonymous said on 24/Aug/06
What people fail to keep in mind is Pitt's perfect military posture (ala Stallone). Using this posture, it's easy to look an inch taller than someone who is actually the same height as you are! If someone is in typical relaxed or slouchy/bad posture mode as most people are, they will "look" shorter than someone like Pitt whose neck and back are as straight as a board. Add to that the almost 2 inch heels on most of Pitt's shoes and a 1 inch lift that is easily hidden inside his high cut dress shoes, boots or high top tennis shoes...all of a sudden a guy who is barely 5' 10" barefoot can easily "appear" 6' 1" to the average slouching on-looker.
Why is this so hard for some of you to believe? If he were a legit 6 footer or even 5' 11", he wouldn't look almost the same height as 5' 7" to 5' 8" Gweneth Paltrow in the pics with her where they're both actually in normal shoes or sandles. Look again:
Click HereClick HereClick Here
Chris said on 24/Aug/06
Brad- Do you have that picture with McCartney?
Brad said on 24/Aug/06
I'm going 6' 1" with lifts. I just saw a photo with McCartney and he beat him by 2 inches.
Anonymous said on 23/Aug/06
Yeah, if she's 5'7" then I'd say he's max 3 inches taller than her there; and she's barefoot!!
Y-Man said on 23/Aug/06
what do you make out of this?
Click HereI give it a 5'10" at the very max barefoot for Brad but could be 5'9" :-)
Adam said on 18/Aug/06
hey brm, when you say 6 1, do you mean at that sighting he looked 6'1?
if so, then he's five eleven, unless he walked around barefoot.
if he is a natural six footer, with shoes and so called lifts on, he's easily six three.
Viper652 said on 18/Aug/06
Brad does look about 6-1 with full on lifts though. I beleive brm's sighting and estimate.
Anonymous said on 18/Aug/06
Let's not forget that alot of these 6'1 sightings depend on how honest the witness is with their own height. I'm 5'11 on the button but some of my 5'10 friends who like to think they're 6' believe I am 6'1
Anonymous said on 18/Aug/06
Are people serious with this 6'1" - 6'2" nonsense? If he is indeed over 6' BAREFOOT then there is no way he would look so short next to Hedlund in a candid pic. Also look at pics from Spy Game. There is a photo of him and Redford walking where you can see their shoes and guess what? same height, maybe a half inch in Pitt's favor. Lets not forget the pics of him strolling down the beach with Angelina and her kids in high tops. This guy isn't fooling anyone.
Anonymous said on 18/Aug/06
If he was a genuine 6'1 or 6'2 he would look huge on screen! and his publicity machine would go mad!...Mr Pitt a towering 6'1 or 6'2! he himself as stated 5'10.5 to 5'11 which means really he is no more than 5'9!
Everyone knows he uses lifts!....He is average not tall. Most likely 5'8.5 to 5'9! brm - get real, 5'9 barefoot max, in boots 5'11, with lifts around 6'
brm said on 18/Aug/06
Uh...I've seen him in person at the restaurant Orso in Beverly Hills...stood right next to him...he's at least 6'1'' maybe 6'2'', who's posting this stuff?
Anonymous said on 18/Aug/06
Ya'll are crazy. Check out the pics with Damon and Clooney. They are in normal shoes and Pitt is in Cowboy Boot heels. He is so 5'9" and some day you will all be forced to see it!!! 5'9" / 5'10" tops.
Brad said on 18/Aug/06
Pitt wears big heels. Just look at scenes in Ocean's Eleven.
Anonymous said on 18/Aug/06
i have seen pics of oceans 13 he realy has suspicious boots hight so probably lifts inside
Anonymous said on 18/Aug/06
I wonder if maybe Orlando Bloom is 5'9, Pitt is 5'11 and Bana is 6'2ish based on the picture John Doe submitted?
John Doe said on 17/Aug/06
Haha. No im not associated with anything like that. And some football players (who need some extra inches) do
stretching exercises to gain height. It works. Now aside from you accusing me of selling stuff, do you see any links? Anyways im not a short guy so I wouldn't know about how lifts are made, and what they look like. But your telling me he is wearing lifts in those photos I submitted below? Those shoes are really small.
Adam said on 17/Aug/06
For once we agree.
Chris said on 17/Aug/06
Interesting John Doe, although I find it hard to belive you can strech and do special programs and grow 2 inches. I still think he is 5'11''. No need to be mean Anonymous.
Anonymous said on 17/Aug/06
Hey John Doe - The most one can expect to accomplich from one of those stretching/hanging and supplement programs is to regain one's original max height previously lost by bad posture and or aging. Pitt didn't become "famous" till his late twenties. If you really believe he grew 2 inches after that, I've got some swamp land I'd like to sell you.
You are obviously affiliated with one of those online streching programs and are using this page as a way to market the product by proclaiming Pitt gained 2 inches from a similar progam. The only other explaination for why you would write such rubbish is that you aren't too bright. Any height "growth" Pitt has experinced since his late twenties could only be attributed to elevator shoes. That is unless he had the highly complicated and risky leg bone extending surgury...which I tend to doubt he would have gone through all that when at 5' 10", he is already tall enough to easily look over six feet in the right shoes.
Anonymous said on 17/Aug/06
Wow. Growing 2 inches at 35, and I thought I had heard everything. Here's another explanation: he is insecure about his height so he wears lifts to look tall.
John Doe said on 17/Aug/06
What I think about Brad's height...
Even though some people don't know it or don't believe it, you can add a few inches to your height by doing various things. I am going to tell you what I think, and if you don't believe it oh well (I don't care) because it's seems like what happened to me. And I have evidence. When Pitt became famous he was about 5-10. It says at this very site, a washington post newspaper article said he put down 5-10 on an audition form before. He also put himself down at 5-11 on one before. In his movie 'Kalifornia' he is on the run from the law and they say 5-11 in a special news bulletin. Now everybody knows when you have your drivers license made they ask you you're height and weight. Not somebody else, YOU. Now I know everybody knows alot of people lie to make themselves feel better. But Pitt said six foot. Here is a picture:
Click HereYou can look at pictures all day, say he has on lifts, whatever. But these pictures prove if you say Orlando Bloom is 5-10.5 and Eric Bana is a little over 6-2 that Pitt can't possibly be any shorter then 6 foot. They all have on the same kind of shoe.
Click HereClick HereClick HereI think (today) Pitt is 6-foot-flat without shoes, and 6-1 (or a little taller) with shoes on. Im willing to bet alot of you haven't met Brad. Well George Clooney has made a few movies with the man, and said Brad is 6-1. I think he looks shorter in older photos because he wasn't as tall as he is now. Like I said you can do various things to gain height. Stretching, hanging, take supplements. I think Brad did. Someone said below he got teased for being short as a kid, and has dated a few tall women. Aside from that he makes movies for the whole world to see. I think he wanted to look taller.
DMeyer said on 14/Aug/06
in people mag you can see the footwear of damon pitt and clooney damen and clooney in standard 1.25 to 1.5 in low cut shoes pitt with similar heels but high cut so they might be elevators since he looks taller than both of them with his slim body and some lifts he can easily look 185 cm
John said on 13/Aug/06
I have to say, I saw Clooney when he was in Middletown NY, doing Micheal Clayton, and Im 5'11.5 the .5 with shoes on HA HA, But I was a good 2 and a half inches taller then Clooney. I should know about the inches, I was standing right next to him, So Pitt may be 5'10.5 or 5'11. Cause the height diffrence in the Pitt Clooney pics, are a match to how I looked next to Clooney, So If Pitt is 5'11, a designer pair of shoes with 1.5 inch or 2 inch heels. There ya go 6'0.5 6;1
Height Detective said on 11/Aug/06
Leung im based on the heights listed on this site , if Clooney is 179 and Pitt is 1.80 it is a little difference , the think is to know if Pitt uses lifts or not ,to make him look more taller , or he is more than 5.11 , that the discussion here.
Im not saying that they use deliberate strange camera angles ,but we saw here the same photo taken in different angles and that makes a difference.
Larry said on 11/Aug/06
Sacre Blu!!! :-) Anyway, I still say Mr. Pitt is 5'11".
dmeyer said on 11/Aug/06
there is scene in amsterdam were they all wear the same sneakers lately he looks 182 to 184 but garrett told me 5 11 if he was 6 feet he would told me 6 feet also he would have looked closer to garrett height
Leung said on 10/Aug/06
Height Detective, what are you talking about
Anonymous said on 10/Aug/06
Hey guys, I thought this page was for discussing Brad Pitt's height? When did it turn into a french chat room? DudeX and dmeyer need to exchange personal e-mails or get a room!! ;-)
Glenn said on 10/Aug/06
Exactly Hellokitty on Tom.that would make Sly 5-10.
Brad said on 10/Aug/06
He's wearing those jumbo heels on location with the Danny Ocean gang in on-set photos in Vegas this week.
Height Detective said on 9/Aug/06
In this photo , there isnt much difference ...
Click HereRemember that is hard to find some photo taken at the same level when we are talking about Clooney and Pitt there are allways strange camera angles that make Brad look taller , if you check this photo that was taken at the same level you see that is practically no difference between the two , brad is slighty taller but no more.
Leung said on 9/Aug/06
If you want to compare the height of Clooney and Pitt then watch Oceans Eleven because during the casino heist everyone is wearing identical shoes and outfits. Pitt is 1-1.5
dmeyer said on 9/Aug/06
brad alwais apear 2 to 3 cm taller than clooney in those pics clooney has normal shoes pitt might have 1 in lift inside
Glenn said on 9/Aug/06
Yeah,I reluctantly saw Troy last week and Brad did look short.
DudeX said on 9/Aug/06
Tu fais quoi comme boulot? Moi je viens de Montr
Adam said on 9/Aug/06
Hey Drew,
In most of those pics, Brad appears taller than George.
DMeyer said on 9/Aug/06
actualy troy is one of the movies were brad didnt apear that tall similar height with sean bean clearly smaller than otoole way smaller than hedlund
dmeyer said on 8/Aug/06
j habite a los angeles mais je vien de france
Anonymous said on 8/Aug/06
Here's the link to him and Garrett Hedlund...He sure looks pretty short here
Click Here
DudeX said on 8/Aug/06
Dmeyer, ou habites-tu?
HelloKitty said on 8/Aug/06
Anonymous, I met Tom Cruise and even if he borrowed Stallone's (as someone else put it )"Big Guns", he would be 5'8, 5'9 at the most. Tom is really short, his listed height at 5'7.5 (assuming barefoot) is really generous.
dmeyer said on 7/Aug/06
from wath the guy say pitt is max 5 11 maybe less since the is lidl under 6 feet 2 and claims brad is smaller by 3 inches i alwais thaught brad could be 6 feet 1 not anymore
Anonymous said on 7/Aug/06
There's a link on this page from awhile back of Pitt and Hedlund sword fighting off set and Hedlund looks much bigger than Pitt. If he is 6'1 than Pitt is 5'10
dmeyer said on 7/Aug/06
you dont have garret in you website

Editor Rob
dmeyer said on 7/Aug/06
give me you phome i might be able to send you the tonight pic
dmeyer said on 7/Aug/06
the cosin of achilis in troy the tall young blon guy that get killed instead of brad julian glover maybe
DMeyer said on 7/Aug/06
hey rob you are right i met the guy that play the cosin of brad in troy and he knows pitt well and told me brad is 5 foot 11 the guy claims he is 6 feet 2 but looks a lithel under that so brad might even be less then the below height lets leave hin at 5 11 so the guy wears lifts for sure i have a pic with guy i dont know is name thaugh

Editor Rob
you mean Garrett Hedlund I think....you have pic, no chance of getting it shown on here ;-)
leonari said on 6/Aug/06
Pacino is 5'5" at best these days...so basically most people will tower over Pacino ,Brad...
Anonymous said on 6/Aug/06
Cruise did have lifts in vampire, but if I remember correctly Pitt still didn't look more than an inch taller. My guess is Cruise in lifts: 5'10", Pitt in shoes: 5'11"+
Brad said on 6/Aug/06
He'll be filming at The Bellagio in 3 days during the night. Somebody in Vegas out to see him by Pacino's side when Steven S. yells "action". He'll tower over Pacino.
Glenn said on 5/Aug/06
Cruise had lifts during Vampire.
trueheight said on 5/Aug/06
My guess is 5'10.5; David Duchovney's at least 2in taller than him in Kalifornia. And in Se7en, he appears more than 3in shorter than Freeman in quite a number of shots
Anonymous said on 4/Aug/06
Of course Pitt towered over Cruise. At 5' 10", he has a good 3 inches on the 5' 7" at best Cruise.
Anonymous said on 4/Aug/06
Sorry HelloKitty, But there is no denying Pitt wears lifts and often. The debate is how tall is he barefoot. I belive all the evidence puts him at 5' 10"...give or take a half inch.
Alex said on 4/Aug/06
Brad could be as short as 5'10.5 but he looks over 5'10 flat to me and 5'11 is pretty possible too but nothing over 5'11.
Huey said on 4/Aug/06
Watch the movie 'Kalifornia',in it a police report describes his character as "five feet eleven with long brown hair", so I doubt he 6ft.
HelloKitty said on 4/Aug/06
I cant see the controversy about Brad's height, he is tall and doesn't need lifts, wether he is 5'10 or over 6'0, he is not under 5'11. Brad towered over Tom Cruise in Interview with a vampire and magazines I read said tom had lifts that made him 5'9 to 5'10, but still was obviously shorter than Brad.
Drew said on 3/Aug/06
Click HereCheck that out. That actress is 5'4" and she has maybe 3-4 inch heels...
Brad said on 2/Aug/06
5' 10" is about right. Somebody I know saw him looking at his cycle by Mulholland & the 405. In those big motorcycle boots he was over 6' with ease. Wearing the helmet he looked 6' 3".
Glenn said on 1/Aug/06
I do agree he looked short in certain scenes of Snatch and Fight Club,my favorite Brad movies.other favorites are 12 Monkeys and Interveiw With a Vampire.besides all that he looked 6ft when I met him.
Drew said on 1/Aug/06
Glenn, Brad Pitt never appeared taller than 5'11" in any movie or picture, despite the heels. I've always thought he was around 5'10". In most pictures he looks about average height.
Glenn said on 1/Aug/06
5-10,5-10.5 is short for someone that always appeared taller to me in the flesh and in films.
Glenn said on 1/Aug/06
Truer words were never spoken Adam!
leonari said on 1/Aug/06
D. Ray Morton: Are you dissing this site dude?
Anonymous said on 31/Jul/06
edit: Adam Brody was on LENO and he said Brad Pitt was 5'10. (Adam was in Mr. and Mrs. Smith)
Adam said on 31/Jul/06
if celebs were truthful about their height, then yes, no need for this site.
D. Ray Morton said on 31/Jul/06
"Coming from a personal friends point of view, it is rediculos to create this banter over such a trivial matter, i only stumbled across this web site trying to show brad the rdiculous lengths the public go to in order to fulfil their outrages fasanations with celebrities. Personllay you should be rather embarresd. Although i do object, Brad wears 1 3/4 inch heels on all of his designer shoes and usually has to order them from Emilgdo Zenga, despite his celebrity status most designers do not substitute "will of few and quallity of many" their words."
So how tall is he? ;)
Glenn said on 31/Jul/06
Nothing ridiculous at all.I METall these celebs including Brad over a 16 year period,so IKNOW im not blind and make things up.its not ridiculous when a celeb can vary 2 or 3 inches in height depending on the day,which I have witnessed.I could sworn Brad was 6ft easy.carrys himself well I guess.
Tara said on 31/Jul/06
Coming from a personal friends point of view, it is rediculos to create this banter over such a trivial matter, i only stumbled across this web site trying to show brad the rdiculous lengths the public go to in order to fulfil their outrages fasanations with celebrities. Personllay you should be rather embarresd. Although i do object, Brad wears 1 3/4 inch heels on all of his designer shoes and usually has to order them from Emilgdo Zenga, despite his celebrity status most designers do not substitute "will of few and quallity of many" their words.
Thankyou xoxoxoxo Tara
Anonymous said on 31/Jul/06
I agree. 5'10.5" sounds dead on and Glenn, is that really that short?
Viper652 said on 30/Jul/06
5-10.5 is the exact height I have been saying all along.
MD said on 30/Jul/06
Shelia, you'll have to either give us a little more context, or email the editor so he can confirm this for us.
Glenn said on 30/Jul/06
If thats true,then that makes sense to the Brad short sightings .
Chris said on 30/Jul/06
Hi Shelia.-In what kind of situation did you measured him?
Shelia said on 30/Jul/06
He is 5' 10.5" FACT I not only know him, I have measured him, I am a nurse, all I can say.
Glenn said on 29/Jul/06
He APPEARED,and I say appeared cause I dont know about lifts,6ft,6-1.never smaller.
Chris said on 28/Jul/06
Glenn-Since you
Glenn said on 28/Jul/06
Your right to a point,but not everyone goes by that rule.how can Pitt look 6-1 sometimes when he is 5-9.cause he is 5-11.
D. Ray Morton said on 28/Jul/06
[quote]and then the sit downs are crazy[/quote]
What with the whoopie cushions and all...
Interesting about the 2 inch rule, though. The sad thing is that anyone feels that they need to take advantage of such a rule. (I wonder if I could get away with 5'10"?)
martin said on 28/Jul/06
Come on Rob. Put him down at 5'10. Everbody knows that he wears lifts.
Viper652 said on 28/Jul/06
And of course Brad can actually look a real 6-1 with his lifts.
Actors Insider. said on 28/Jul/06
Mind the name, If I said my real name, I would make alot of insecure actors very mad at me.. Well anyway: People its called the 2 inch rule. If B.Pitt is listed at 6'0, He is 5'10. If he is listed at 5'11, He is 5'9. Trust me on this I see alot of "resumes" and then the sit downs are crazy, I see on paper 6'0 and Im thinking the guy or gal is tall then he comes in and is my height.
Anonymous said on 27/Jul/06
Looking 5'10" here
Click Here We've already seen their shoes. Looking 5'9" here
Click Here
Anonymous said on 27/Jul/06
Click Here I know she's closer to the camera, but sorry he looks really little here. Must have been his pre lift era.
Huey said on 27/Jul/06
Brad posesses all the characteristics of someone who 'appears' tall: broad shoulders, strong abs and core hence great posture and a pencil neck atop a lean ectomorph frame. All these together make him 'look' 6ft+
Anonymous said on 26/Jul/06
Robert is on target. I too believe Pitt is a solid average height (5' 9.5" to 5' 10"), but with broad square shoulders and a well proportioned and lean build, it's easy to appear 6' in pics and on film. Particularly if you're a fan of custom footwear ;-)
Leung said on 26/Jul/06
Brad Pitt stands 6
Glenn said on 26/Jul/06
Interesting Rob.makes me wonder on Brad.
John said on 26/Jul/06
Look at the heels, Mr. Mrs Smith
Click HereClick HerePitt is no 6'0. I say and will stay with 5'10
RobertJ said on 26/Jul/06
Brad's fluctuating height reminds me of my dad who's probably about 5'9'' - 5'10'' barefoot but with the shoes he looks near 6ft. He's got really broad shoulders so that could be a factor in the illusion which may apply to Brad.
Anonymous said on 24/Jul/06
The key word being 'lately'. ten years ago he appeared 178-180
dmeyer said on 24/Jul/06
i think brad apear anywere from 182 to 185 lately
dmeyer said on 24/Jul/06
in friends he apeared 511 6 ft range
raj said on 24/Jul/06
its weird on friends show he seemed not to be wearing his lifts!
HelloKitty said on 23/Jul/06
Brad is a gorgeous man, every woman's dream, tall (5'11 to 6'0) and handsome. I read somewhere where he got into some fight and also rash that cause some small (but unnoticeable) scars on his face..... still gorgeous guy though.
Height Detective said on 23/Jul/06
Brad Pitt is not 1.85
Brad Pitt and David Schwimmer(6.1)
Click HereClick HereBrad is more closer to the camera than Schwimmer ,and still look noticeable short.
Azzurri said on 23/Jul/06
at first i was confused about brad pitt, thought we has in the 6'3 range. i was surprised to see that he ws under the 6' mark. but when i started pay attention to him in films such as spy-game i saw that he was about the same height as redford(5'10). he wears really thick soles though, almost always in boots. in the mexican gene hackman had at least 3 inches on him if not more, so this height is accurate. i think he's underrated though, he deserved to be akcnowledged for the good actor he is.
Anonymous said on 20/Jul/06
Yeah. he looks very 5'10"ish in that pic.
leonari said on 20/Jul/06
He looks 5'10" maybe 5'10.5"...surely not more. Bit above average Guy...
dmeyer said on 20/Jul/06
maybe the other guys are very tall they make him look 175
Viper652 said on 20/Jul/06
Ive seen that pic before. At first I thought Brad only looked like a 5-8 guy there. But he actually appears more 5-10.
guest said on 20/Jul/06
Click Heredo you think he looks like a six-foot guy on this pic? taking the proportions of his bodyparts (arms, legs) in consideration he looks like an average height guy ...
Height Detective said on 19/Jul/06
In that pictures of the boots Brad used in troy , in the second photo , you can notice there are some inside the boots , if not , brad shimbone should be anormally larger to reach the inside of that thin sole boots
Anonymous said on 19/Jul/06
Ten years ago he looked 178-179. Now he looks 181-182 cough lifts cough . If I had to bet my life on it I'd say 179 barefoot of course.
Anonymous said on 19/Jul/06
Look at these pics and tell me Pitt couldn't have some serious "inside the shoe" heels going on in his "Troy" boots.
Click HereClick Here
Anonymous said on 19/Jul/06
Bana and Bloom are wearing sandles in Troy. Pitt is in some high top lace up boot things that are perfect for hiding lifts while still providing enough ankle support to jump around in. Oddly enough, it was reported that Pitt injured his achillies heel around the end of filming of Troy. Maybe those lifts weren't so great to jump around in??
Kabuki said on 19/Jul/06
I mean take a look at the fight scene with Eric bana in Troja!
I don't think they wear elevators,so Pitt looks 182cm minimum to me!
Adam said on 18/Jul/06
Thanks for verifying Pitt's five ten and a half to five eleven height Detective.
are you convinced now Anonymous?
Gotxo said on 17/Jul/06
Good photo Height Detective.
I don't think that Pitt is under five eleven, but then that makes Damon 5'8" (or maybe half an inch taller but not quite 5'9") who agrees with me lol?
Height Detective said on 14/Jul/06
Click HereHe wasn't very tall
Y-Man said on 14/Jul/06
Well after doing some "research" of my own, I've come to the conclusion that Brad's 5'9" :-) People who've seen Brad report anywhere from 5'10" to 6'1" or even a 6'2". The main thing that works for him and completes the illusion is his built. We know that he mainly prefers to wear chunky boots/cowboy boots which come in 2" heels easy. Lifts come in anywhere from 1" to a very special extreme 4.5". He must have a veriety of these to suite every occaision. It's Hollywood baby!.. You do the Math!!! ;-)
Viper652 said on 7/Jul/06
Well, Brad has an inch over Clooney. He couldnt be any shorter then 5-10. 5-10.5 barefoot and 6-1 in his "special" shoes.
Anonymous said on 7/Jul/06
Yeah there's no way he's over 179 cm and that is really pushing it.
Marcus said on 7/Jul/06
I just saw "Interwiev with a vampire" again...he's solid 5'11''...I also saw "Snatch" again and this time I really concentrated on Brad's height: He looked slightly shorter (an inch perhaps?) than Jason Flemyng, who's strong 6'1''! So he definitely wears lifts nowadays!
Height Detective said on 7/Jul/06
Check this photo
Click HereThere is not a lot of diference in eight between Brad and Geroge Clooney.
In the photos that shows Brad And George thogether , allways you can notice wired camera angles lower or higher ones ,
Click Here to make brad pitt look more taller than Clooney , but in photos at the same level the difference is really little.
smoke said on 7/Jul/06
I think he is 5"10 The reason is he looked almost the same height as Clooney( maybe have an inch taller.Anonymous I agree with you thin people do look taller.
MD said on 6/Jul/06
I definitely don't think he's over 5'10.5"
Anonymous said on 5/Jul/06
Good group of photos, height detective. It is strange that all Candids have him looking small and in movies he appears taller. I believe firmly that he is under 5'10". Firmly.
Anonymous said on 5/Jul/06
Althought Brad Pitt is now buff, he wasn't some years ago, HE WAS THIN. That made him look taller, even 3 or 4 inches
Thin people always look tall
Truth said on 5/Jul/06
To be honest alot of tall guys are bad judges of height. I think it is
the fact that they want to be least 2-3 inches taller then other guys. I
am 6ft but some 6"3, 6"5 guys I know try to make out that I am 5"10.
When a guy is tall he wants to keep that image of being like 3" or more
taller that other guys. When I wear shoes, I am almost as tall as my 6"2
friend. Now tell me if I'm not the Truth.
Height Detective said on 30/Jun/06
Brad Pitt and Anthony Hopkins
Brad is walking on the higer part of the street make him appear more taller
Click HereClick HereAt the end of the street , they stand at the same level...
Click HereClick Here.. and the height difference dramatically decrease
Click HereBrad Pitt and Julia Roberts
Click HereBrad Pitt looking Short near Bruce Willis in Twelve Monkeys
Click HereClick HereOf Course in some part of the movie Brad looks the same height as Willis , even a little taller
Click HereThe reason:
Click HereBrad is using some kind of special Boot-shoe , with big heels that make him look taller. ( Look at his shoe in that photo ,this is a big lift ! ) you can cleary see the monster heel of that custom boot.
Check the shoes of the other patients ,are normal ones , only Brad have unique pair of custom shoes/boots to make him gain height near Willis in that scene.
Click HereBrad is famous for looking tall in all the photos he is in , look at this one
Click HereHe look really short , isnt he ?
Anonymous said on 30/Jun/06
The pictures with Bowie are great. He cannot be over 5'10"
Adam said on 30/Jun/06
Editor Rob,
Maybe you could provide some proof to Anonymous of Pitt's height of five eleven?? I've seen the guy in person and he was eye to eye with me at six one (with shoes).
Anonymous said on 30/Jun/06
Hey Adam, Bana is listed at 6' 2". In hollywood that means he's probably closer to a lean 6'1" barefoot. Norton is 6' even max. So Pitt really wouldn't have to be 5' 11" to appear close to their height in his lifts. He also gains at least an inch in pics with those guys because of his military posture. Bana stands fairly relaxed because HE IS TALL. Norton is a serious sloucher, but because he is so skinny and a legit 6', he still looks tall. Pitt just doesn't look tall, except when he is wearing lifts and forcing posture. He ain't short, he just ain't 5' 11" and up. Read what people who have seen him in person say, not what people who've seen a couple of people magazines and next thing you know they're the expert on Pitt's real height?!
Gonzalo said on 29/Jun/06
I think Pitt is 5`11 and wears lifts sometimes. In Seven he was 3 or 4 inches shorter than Morgan Freeman
Jordan said on 28/Jun/06
My ucles freind from college was pitts bodygurd for 14 months and he described Pitt as a little pissy celeb, My uncle is 6'2 1/2 and said Pitt was 5'10
Anonymous said on 27/Jun/06
The pictures with David Bowie nix out 5'11" and put him at a 5'10" maximum. No question.
Anonymous said on 27/Jun/06
Sure Adam, if that's what Pitt says, then I guess it's true. Dude, if he claimed to be 6 foot before, then why do you believe he wouldn't lie now? The guy is 5' 10" max or he wouldn't wear lift boots everywhere!
dmeyer said on 26/Jun/06
there is a scene in fight clug were brad is wearing none heeled sleepers =barefeet and look compareble height with norton so i say could be 182-3 cm barefeet to me brad is anywere from 180 to 183 barefeet
D. Ray Morton said on 26/Jun/06
5''8"-5'9" seems a bit short for Brad; when people look up to him, they really LOOK UP to him. ;-)
He looks like a 5'10"-5'11" guy.
anonymous said on 25/Jun/06
I encountered Brad and a friend of his (up close and personally)in the late 90's in a club in his hometown of Springfield. I am a female who is doctor recorded 5'10". I in tennis shoes at about 5'11 1/2 and he in "loafers" at a GOOD 3 inches shorter than myself. barefoot--5'8" easy for Mr Pitt.
heightdude said on 25/Jun/06
Pitt's own site says 6 foot. So i think, 6 foot 1 is deifnitely out of the question. If I had to pinpoint Pitt's height, I'd say 178 cm exactly, come on Rob knock him down 2 cm.
Del Mar said on 25/Jun/06
Well leonari, I don't believe you, cause I think you're just guessing. But it doesn't matter at all while I really don't care about the subject. Case closed
@Tyler said on 25/Jun/06
I'm doing research on growth patterns of teenagers. I hope this doesn't sound intrusive :S, but could you tell us the measurement of your knee height? Please refer to the picture here if you are confused about what knee height is:
Click Here , its fig 28.
Thank you very much for your attention
Anonymous said on 24/Jun/06
Hello! Clearly only 5'9"!
Click Here
Anonymous said on 24/Jun/06
@ J-dog: There is a reason that Pitt is ALWAYS in high top type footwear, he wears built up shoes. He is always in either big boots, high top dress boots or those high top white no-name (because their custom made as well) tennis shoes that are in so many shots. Take it from someone who wears lifts, There is a high arch on the top part of his foot in any of his shoes you can see (when they're not hidden under long pants).
In Troy, every character and warrior (including Bloom and Bana) wore open air sandals that would be impossible to hide lifts in. But Pitt wore some ridiculous leather lace-up high tops (perfect for hiding lifts)!! How can you say it's just speculation that Pittt wears lifts while you agree that Cruise does. It's fairly obvious they both do.
And by the way, with nice heeled boots giving you about 2 inches and a 1 inch lift inside them, you can stand a total of 3 inches taller than your barefoot height and still walk somewhat normal with the good ankle support of high top like shoes. Cruise is struggling with to reach 5' 7" barefoot, but can stand just under a respectable 5' 10" in his special shoes. I believe Pitt is 5' 10" and uses the same strategy to stand around 6' 1" in his special shoes. But since Pitt has such a lean build and broad shoulders, he makes a far more believable 6' 1" than Cruise's 5' 10". Crusie is fit, but has an odd build with sloping shoulders that don't add to the illusion of being taller like Pitt's do.
In "Interview with a Vampire", Pitt was not exactly barefoot. Watch it and see his boots had nice heels as well. He probably didn't wear lifts though as a courtesy to Cruise who was playing the lead role and was still a bigger star than Pitt at the time. Cruise had a ridiculous heel and probably a 1 inch lift inside to make up a some of the 3 inch height difference betwwen them, but he was not wearing 3 inch lifts inside his boots!!! Do you really think it is possible for anyone outside of the circus to wear stilts like that?! Lifts go inside the shoe and i have yet to see any shoes that could accomadate a 3 inch lift and still have room for feet!!
Viper652 said on 24/Jun/06
I read where Brad got some of the scarring removed. Good for him
leonari said on 24/Jun/06
Bulls***. Pitt has scars from acne...tiny holes in his cheek. Maybe he has another scar but I wasn't refering to that.
Chris said on 24/Jun/06
A friend of mine who is 5'10'' met Brad Pitt outside his school in L.A. Brad was laying in the grass waiting for some people to come to help him with his motorcycle. THey talked and acoording to my friend Brad was very thin, about 5'11'' and a very nice guy. They took some pictures and my friend had his buddy with him who
Anonymous said on 24/Jun/06
5'10", 6ft is tall regardless, and theres very little difference. A pair of sneakers can add the inch hes needs for 6ft. im 6'1 my brothers 5'11 if im barefoot were practically the same height
J-Dog said on 23/Jun/06
I think with the scar thing, people are just looking for something to make him imperfect, but a las we all have imperfections. They aren't very noticible.
To Annoyamous, everyone's opinions are still opinions even yours. You can post the select photos of him looking shorter than average, while there are just as many pictures of him looking 6' and 6'1".
About the lifts, does anyone have any evidence that he is wearing lifts? Do you know with certainity that he actually goes out and meets up with Stallone to trade lifts? That is an assumption you are making.
To say that he couldn't possibly be even 5'11" is a stretch, the guy is certainly not 5'9" 5'7.75" Tom Cruise wore 3 inch lifts which would make him 5'10.75" and still looked shorter than Brad Pitt in Interview with a Vampire.
You are telling me Brad Pitt is only 5'9"? Seriously?
Click Here
Del Mar said on 23/Jun/06
To Sarah and leonari: What I read about how Pitt got his scar (Below left eye I think?) was a football or basketball tossed hardly into his face when he was a youth. His skin chapped or something, therefore got a characteristic scar. Sounds a bit strange, but shall not doubt it. ;)
Slim said on 23/Jun/06
Brad Pitt is 5'10 5'11 tops.. In his earlier part of his carrear he didnt seem to be as tall as he is now, back then he looked 5'10, but now that he descovered lifts he easily is 6'1 with shoes on..
Adam said on 22/Jun/06
Hey Anonymous,
Everyone's comments on this board is unvalidated, which means it is everyone's take on his height. I do not mean to be mean either, but think before you voice your opinions..
Anonymous said on 22/Jun/06
when you watch movie you have no problem to believe he is 6' or 6'0.5" but people that met him in live say he is 5'10
Height Detective said on 21/Jun/06
Brad Pitt with massive heels never seen before ,to make him appear like 6.2 on commercials ,Check them out !!
Click HereWith shoes like that is not strange that he appear taller in photo shoots.
Sarah said on 21/Jun/06
Hummm.... I'm not sure if Pitt's scars are from acne or from a bad car accident he go into in college. His scars are only very noticable on one side of his face (I forgot which side) But on everything else I agree with you Leonari :-)
D. Ray Morton said on 21/Jun/06
Mel Gibson is 6' tall according to the FOX Network.
Anonymous said on 21/Jun/06
Brad Pitt Fans: Check him out next to Bono. He clearly cannot be 5'11. I know he is 5'9-10". He just isn't on the tall side. And 5'10" is a fine height.
Jason said on 21/Jun/06
I don't think Brad's 5'9'', I would say ~ 5'10 1/2''. Hounsou sure isn't 6'3'' though - check out his board here.
Viper652 said on 21/Jun/06
Ill tell you what, when I saw Brad on MTV's jackass show, he looked TALL. At least 6-1 tall I thought. Maybe it was the camera angles or something, but he can look tall If he wants to.
Adam said on 21/Jun/06
Hey Leonari...
ask all your female friends and see whether they think 5 9 for a man is not small. if you read carefully, I'm saying five nine is tiny in terms of what Pitt's height is. I was not talking about the population...
D. Ray Morton said on 21/Jun/06
Tyler - I'm glad I missed that report. Sounds depressing.
Karen said on 21/Jun/06
By the looks of it most of Hollywood Heights are not real. Id imagine they add an inch or 2 to their real heights to seem taller.
leonari said on 21/Jun/06
ADAM: 5'9" is tiny... Yeah, good thinking! Are you nuts or did you fell on your head as a kid?? Or both??
The average man is 5'9.5" so a huge part of the male population is tiny...Where do you live? In a fairy tale of giants?? GET REAL and stop posting heavy non-sense here. Thanks.
Tyler said on 21/Jun/06
Yesterday on CNN (in Europe) an inside story about heights and influence on career and life etc. Also on growth hormones given to children and stuff, some sh*tty things being mentioned there.
Poor Tom was said to be only 5'7 and
Mel Gibson 'only' 5'10. So basically the item was about how people make lack of height into a decease. But in the end...they listed a 5'10 guy as short!
@my own growth, I think I reached 183 at age 18 and took the last cm in about a year after it. After reading the shoelifts item (I had never heard about those things) I tried on different pairs of shoes that I have: appears there is this huge difference, I discovered only 1/4 an inch already made me feel a lot taller. Weird huh?
Alex said on 20/Jun/06
I can see Brad at 5'11, but no more.
Anonymous said on 20/Jun/06
I don't want to be mean, but let's clear up the fact that no one cares what you THINK. It's the pictures that are telling the truth. Pitt ain't no 5'11".
Adam said on 20/Jun/06
Five nine is tiny. Tom Cruise is five seven. My ex girlfriend met him in person. In Interview with the Vampire, Tom wore publicized three inch heels, and made himself slightly shorter, but roughly the same height as Pitt. Pitt is still slightly taller if you watch the movie. That makes Pitt five eleven. I also saw him at the Fight Club premiere, and could not make out exactly his height since he was far away, but he looked six one. Five eleven with an inch and a quarter heels, makes him six one.
J-Dog said on 20/Jun/06
He isn't 5'9", but how would 95% of the men here wish it to be true.
Look at him beside 6'3 Hounsou. To me Brad Pitt looks at least 6' feet tall. 5'11.5" seems it could be more accurate.
Click HereWhat do you think Rob?
Anonymous said on 20/Jun/06
It's conclusive: Brad Pitt Cannnot Max Out 5'10". No Way. This guy is 5'9" all the way.
ForensicNYC said on 20/Jun/06
Bono, Brad Pitt, Djimon Honsou who looks a good 6'2"....
Hmmmmm...that background looks like a good height chart...
Click Here
Anonymous said on 19/Jun/06
Please Explain:
Click Here
Brian said on 19/Jun/06
Interesting, how can pitt be 5'11 if this picture is accurate?
Click Here
ForensicNYC said on 14/Jun/06
Bill Gates checked out his height listing lately...Big Brother is watching...
Anonymous said on 13/Jun/06
Let's not forget the importance posture plays in some of the pics we see of Brad. A typical 6'1" guy isn't always standing military style and usually won't reach close to that when standing relaxed, instead he may only reach 5'11.5". Brad is always aware of his posture. That, coupled with lifts, could be a big reason why he appeared taller than notorious sloucher Edward Norton in Fight Club even though Norton has him by 2 inches probably. Also could be why he appeard close to Eric Bana's height in premiere pics for Troy.
Viper652 said on 12/Jun/06
Clooney is really no taller then 5-9 1/2 barefoot. Id say Brad is 5-10 1/2 exactly.
Larry said on 12/Jun/06
Frank2 & D.Ray Morton - They DO? Then I'm NEVER saying anything except taller on the professional badasses, like wrestlers & the karate dudes! :-) The other celebrities that are SMALLER than me are "fair game" though! :-)
Anonymous said on 11/Jun/06
He "looks" 6'1" because he's wearing lifts. There are parts of ocean's eleven where he only looks a half inch taller than Clooney. If Pitt's 6'1" then Geena Davis is 6'3".
Glenn said on 11/Jun/06
I agree.he can look 6-1 alot.even 10 years ago in front of me.apparently he is 5-11.
Nolifts81 said on 11/Jun/06
To me he looks about 6'1".He is 2 inches taller than 5'11" Clooney.
Del Mar said on 11/Jun/06
He's probably 5-11 then
D. Ray Morton said on 11/Jun/06
"I thought these guys would be too busy to care."
Yeah, no kidding.
Anonymous said on 10/Jun/06
Yo Tyler, 184 is not short, thats very massive actually. And you grew heaps ever since you were 16. When did you stop growing?
Height Detective said on 10/Jun/06
You never know , with the new tecnologies you can check your e mail and internet in seconds from a cell phone ,or a palm or a laptop, you dont need much time to do it , really.
Glenn said on 10/Jun/06
I thought these guys would be too busy to care.
Tom(Germany) said on 10/Jun/06
I saw him 3 times in my life...I'm 1.82...and i'm sure..he was shorter than me...of course he is 1.79-1.80 max
Viper652 said on 10/Jun/06
Im sure Frank
Frank2 said on 9/Jun/06
For what it's worth, an actor friend of mine who knows a few big names tells me that some of them know all about this website and check it regularly to see what people are saying about them.
Glenn said on 9/Jun/06
Brad if that was really you,I did extra work on the DEVILS OWN.hook a ex-coworker up with a photo op.please.I know where you are when your in NYC,but you always use the garage.
Frank2 said on 7/Jun/06
Geena's exactly 6'.
And I've got news for you. David Duchovney is over 6'. He's more like 6' 1/2".
John said on 7/Jun/06
I agree with RWFender, not under 5'10 not over 5'11
dmeyer said on 7/Jun/06
even with boots on on he is not as tall as geena in low heeled sandals but i think geena is over 6 feet
Anonymous said on 5/Jun/06
I agree with RWFender. No less than 5'10" and not a hair over 5'11"
dmeyer said on 5/Jun/06
i think he apear 182 since a few people that met him told me he was my height
Dragon said on 4/Jun/06
- 6'1 in Fight Clube
- 5'11 sometimes
- Conclusion: 182cm (181cm - 183cm)
RWFender said on 4/Jun/06
i think all the evidence shows Pitt is 5'10 min. -5'11 max
Storm said on 4/Jun/06
People have different perspectives of height so if someone five foot five says Brad Pitts tall then someone six foot seven would say you must be crazy. People we need to know their exact height. I need to finish my report!
Smoke said on 4/Jun/06
boy that pic is interesting height detective brad looks little
Anonymous said on 2/Jun/06
I think he was factorini shoes in saying 71.60 with shoes, 70 barefoot.
A said on 1/Jun/06
To Jonny Ringo: actually I think 71.60 inches equals 5'11.6", not 5'10"
0kuma said on 1/Jun/06
oh snap, may 31st pitt replied with his height. i guess it is end of story. XD
dmeyer said on 1/Jun/06
yeah raj in elevators he is 6'2" with the shoes on
Johnny Ringo said on 1/Jun/06
Ok we've all heard about the infamous audition form where brad put 5'10
Ok well check this pic out
Click Here Now if u notice the car he's standing next to is a Land Rover Range Rover series 96-2002 4.6HSE motor which stands 71.60 inches that workes out to about 5'10 maybe 5'10.5 and so take an inch of his heigh for shoes and then straighten him up cuz hes standing on a slant plus hes slightly above that would put him in the 5'10-5'10.5 range.
Height Detective said on 31/May/06
The same photo , but bigger , what do you think Rob ?
Click Here Brad forgot his lifts that day ?
Certainly , Brad knows who appear taller in photos He use the same trick here
Click Here and here
Click HerePeople who still think he is 6.1 after that , are nuts.

Editor Rob
trying the old McKellen technique there, if done right, can restrict your vicitim by up to 2 inches!
Height Detective said on 31/May/06
Brad forgot his lifts ...
Click Here
SEBASTIAN said on 31/May/06
lol. Sorry "Bradd Pitt your not". There is to much evidence that says your not.
raj said on 30/May/06
dmeyer, in "special shoes" u mean
dmeyer said on 30/May/06
if bloom is 179 then pitt apears aleast 184 in public like 6'1.5" in shoes
RWFender said on 25/May/06
tyler, just out of curiousity...you said you were 172 at 16 and now you are 6 feet...just out of curiousity, how old were you when you reached 6 feet? thanks
Tyler said on 25/May/06
@ Rob, well you know more about this subject than me of course, but the Tussaud used to claim that all the people they 'clone', had come to them to be measured (if alive at the time). But who knows, you could be right since the real Pitt seems to be wearing lifts once and a while.
@Wasa: thanks, I just thought it was quite ok and normal to wine here since all everybody talks about here is height issues ;) I would feel very embarassed to get caught or questioned by anyone about wearing shoelifts, but I imagine I could wear them one day to an application or formal sitation (where nobody knows you that well) just to feel 'extra' confindent, towering over the major part of the crowd :)
dmeyer said on 25/May/06
from one side you say 180 and the other side you say 182 you could give him 181 like you use to
Larry said on 25/May/06
I meant to post this earlier, but... My daughter works as a preojectionist at a premiere theater in San Antonio, Texas. Brad Pitt & George Clooney were present at a "sneak preview" of "Ocean's 11". She is 6' and said both men looked 5'11". She stated they were both in suits with "dress shoes" on. She's normally a good judge of height.
Tyler said on 24/May/06
Ok, well, I couldn't find my own Tussaud London pic so I use this one below of just another fan. When I saw it, it remembered how I amazed I was with the Travolta-Pitt height. Pitt is taller there!! So either something went terribly wrong at Tussaud's or there's something with the judgements here....
Click HereClick Here
Editor Rob
ask Tussaud's if any of their statues have lifts ;-)
In the distant past some stars agreed to get body measurements for a waxwork, but in most cases nowadays they will guess from photos etc if they can't get any tailor info, or direct info from star
wasa said on 24/May/06
@Tyler: i don't see the problem, you're 184cm, in my opinion thats pretty near to a perfect height, if not the perfect height, work out if you feel "lesser" then taller, but i don't see why you should feel that way, there is no real "merit" in height, it's mostly just a matter of luck/genes. And about the dutch getting to a 190cm average, i sincerely doubt this, the average of most countries seems to stabilize at around 181cm, i dont think the dutch will get much further then 185cm average, even if they drink growth-hormone rich milk all the time. I'm 173 myself and have to deal with a younger generation of Belgians where most are around or over 180, and there's lots of people like me or shorter. So quit your whining and be thankful for what you got. :)
Height Detective said on 24/May/06
Tyler ,related to your comments , Eduard Norton is a big sloucher ,that means he can look shorter than Pitt , because he is never in good posture , plus if Pitt is wearing lifts that put him near 6.1 but if you see him on older movies when he wasnt famous , he look really short , for example look the photos I have posted from Thelma and Louise and you can see that brad using boots is still short than Geena Davis who is 6 ft and was barefeet in that scenes , so is impossible he is at least 6 because with boots he must be towered over barefeet Geena Davis.
John said on 24/May/06
Tyler there is a Tussuand in NYC, I've been there. The Pitt statue there is about 5'10.5. Im 5'11 and was just a bit taller then it. I have a pic of it. Im getting a scanner this week and will put it on this site. That guy is no 6'1. His publisist may have said 6'1.
Tyler said on 24/May/06
Still, nonody comes up with an explanation for the Madam Tussaud's exact body doubles. It must have occured to anybody then that all the statues were made in oversize? I don't believe that. The other night I was checking out some Ed Norton pics and in most of the pics that have him and Pitt, Brad is the taller. It seems a lot of people seem to want to make Brad Pitt shorter than he is. I'm sure he's at least 6'.
Looking at my own miserable situation, I never ever wear lifts and I have many pics in which I look as tall as a 6'2 friend of mine. In others, he towers over me. Then I have pics of me and a friend who's 5'10 and he can look exactly my height as well. Look at yourself in the mirror on an certain moment and then focus on standing up totally straight. There can be a 4-5 cm difference between a bad posture and standing up straight.
So who has wisdom on these statues (given the fact that I just don't lie about my own height).
Click HereClick HereClick HerePS I also looked to find out how tall that enormous dude in History X is who rapes Derek Vinyard in the shower scene. I was shocked to find out that he passed away 9 years ago...
d said on 23/May/06
tyler do you have a pic of him standing beside his statue? If they're the same height, he could be be wearing lifts and the statue could be wearing normal shoes.
who says that these big wig actors don't have a say in exactly how their statues have to look. I think they do. Their image is their marketing, and they're very aware of their look, and likely obsessed.
Anonymous said on 23/May/06
Over 6'? Not a chance. Older pictures and now this article point to 5'10.5". No more no less and please dont tell me he could have grown since he was 30
Alex said on 23/May/06
I could see Brad at 5'11, but nothing more than that. He is a couple inches taller than Angelina who I see at 5'7ish.
Anonymous said on 23/May/06
Hey Tyler, Tussands makes a mold of their face and neck. They don't mold their whole body dude. They just sculpt the body to "appear" the same size/shape as the celeb appears in person. News Flash: Pitt wears shoes with built-in and well disguised lifts. Therefore, he "appears" the height of his statue. But the guy is 5' 10.5" max barefoot. We're talking Hollywood, not Holland. People aren't near as tall or as honest about their height in Hollywood than they are where you're from. Don't be so naive Tyler.
John said on 23/May/06
The article said "of about 5'11" So that means 5'10.5 There is no way he is 6ft or 6'1.
Tyler said on 23/May/06
What I simply don't get is how on earth Brad Pitt's statue in Madame Tussaud's London can stand at 186 cm, maybe close to 187 cm. I know this for a fact. I am 184 cm myself, that is barefooted. I am Dutch and particularly short with this height, certainly at the age of 25, I realize that within 10-20 years, the average dutch male will be well over 190 cm, which makes it even 'worse' I guess you could say I have some height issue or at least a slight obsession, so I know what my exact height is (before 12 am!) But I shouldn't complain cause things could have been worse, since I was 172 cm at the age of 16. I never wanted to put down a fake height, even when I got my new passport, they measured me at 186.5 cm, but I said 'take the 2.5 cm off please' (I was wearing shoes of course, with 3 cm heals).
So on Brad Pitt, I stood next to this statue and he was slightly taller than me, both of us wearing normal shoes. In a pic that was made, I fully stretched and maybe just made it even.
I just cannot believe his statue would have been made 5 cm taller than him. I mean, they always do these photoshoots with the celebrity and his Tussaud double, both wearing exactly the same clothing AND shoes. How weird must that have looked then?
I just think he is 183.5 cm at least. How the hell is he going to be 186 cm otherwise? No way Tussaud's is going to make the statues any inches taller than the real life person.
It occurs to me that heightwatchers usually tend to rate celebrities shorter. In Pitt's case, the height you rate him is just not correct I think.
Viper652 said on 22/May/06
So MD, would you say an exact height of 5-10 1/2 for Brad?
Anonymous said on 20/May/06
I agree. about 5'11" usually means slightly under 5'11"....
MD said on 19/May/06
He definitely seem somewhere in between 5'10" and 5'11", but we all know "about" 5'11" is slightly ambiguous. I wouldn't take that as irrefutable proof.