How tall is Tom Cruise - Page 16

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Average Guess (1262 Votes)
5ft 7.2in (170.7cm)
Complex said on 12/Feb/09
Nice pics rising, Crowe looks taller than I thought he was in those pic, Cruise looks a decent height next to him too, dunno about the footwear tho, could be tricky..
Parker said on 12/Feb/09
Disagree slightly Lego,I'd put Cruise a cm heigher, 172-173 if Ben Stiller is 169. 172 evening height.
RisingForce said on 12/Feb/09
Tom measures up better than you'd expect next to Russell Crowe.
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Then again his shoes looked thick
Click Here
frankys said on 11/Feb/09
James says on 10/Feb/09
"Yeah but still why would you wan't to tip toe next to guy that is only 1 inch taller than you just for a photo"

cause he has a complex and his lifts are not enough
Lego said on 11/Feb/09
Ben Stiller is 169cm and cruise 171-172cm that's my final take, i know there's no such thing as 100% but that's my final judgement on the matter. :)

amazes me that Cruise even in shoes can look quite short-average eg. 170cm yet in some shots barefoot can look 173cm (in the boat next to his wife).

this tells me that he's not 173cm nor shorter than 170cm, so 171-172cm is his real height. has to be.
Complex said on 11/Feb/09
Glenn is taller than Cruise...maybe not in the photos but in barefeet...
Vibram said on 11/Feb/09
He gets flack cos he's Alpha role - leading man. It's all very well being a short male with a bit part like Seth Green does. It's just when a not-tall men acts Alpha it's some how misinterpreted as an aggressive, counteractive display with inferiority connotations based on lack of size.
Complex said on 10/Feb/09
Yeah, Cruise I really think is 5'7..
TELLEM said on 10/Feb/09
James says on 10/Feb/09
Why would he tip toe for glenns pics anyway?

because hes 5'7 and glenn is 5'8.
Lemon said on 10/Feb/09
Interesting pic from an italian paper: Click Here
glenn said on 10/Feb/09
i dont think many tip toe.rare.but i caught billy crudup doing it.
Complex said on 9/Feb/09
If he's tip toeing then I wonder how he would look next to glenn in barefeet back to back without lifts, I bet Glenn would be taller :)
lexi said on 9/Feb/09
To Parker who posted on Feb 3rd: I completely agree with that post. I still don't get why Tom gets so much flak for his height when there are shorter celeb males who get barely to no flak. Pretty odd. Tom always seemed a good 5'7 1/2 man to me. No more, no less.
frankys said on 9/Feb/09
if he does really tip toeing he must be under 5-7
glenn said on 8/Feb/09
thanks for the outstanding work risingforce and rob.
glenn said on 8/Feb/09
yeah,rising.i took a photo of him doing it.more a slight tip toeing,more stretching out next to paul newman and nicole kidman.
RisingForce said on 8/Feb/09
It's no problem Glenn. I was also able to track down your older picture with Sly as well as your pictures with Matt Damon, George Clooney, Don Cheadle and Colin Farrell.

Wow Cruise was really tip toeing for pictures? If you straightened up you might look his height anyway though.
Andre said on 8/Feb/09
lol thats funny, tiptoeing for photos, not to mention if a celeb does it ;)
Alex said on 8/Feb/09
Stiller I dont think is more than 5'7.

Cruise is likely 5'7-5'7 1/2 which is going to put Katie Holmes at as much as 5'9.
Parker said on 8/Feb/09
Maybe your right Tellem. There is only 1.5 inches between them. Stiller does have bad posture, and he could be as listed here - 5'6.5. That would still put Cruise at 5'8. Lets face it, we are never going to know how tall Cruise is without actually measuring him with a Stadiometer straight out of bed snd last thing at night. I don't know how tall Cruise is, but if Glenn is 5'7.5, Beckham 5'11, Katie Holmes 5'9 and Stiller 5'6.5 Cruise is for sure 5'8.
glenn said on 8/Feb/09
much appreciation risingforce.rob,can you use this pic?.in this pic,i believe cruise was liftless.but i mightve been 5-7 flat.i have pics of his shoes.he is tip toeing in pics seconds before.i have the proof.maybe with me too?

Editor Rob
I put the other one up again.
the shredder said on 8/Feb/09
Rob , how come my post are not coming out ? ... Sorry if I made you mad about the Christian Bale post , its a joke , I was being funny !

Editor Rob
your other post is ok, not the bale one though.
Brad said on 8/Feb/09
Cruise 5' 8". Stiller: short.
Gweedo said on 7/Feb/09
When Cruise is meeting some one taller he immediatly straightens up like hes tryin to prove that he aint that small -he almost looks uncomfortable straining when hes doing it. without lifts hes a solid 5'7 .2inches shorter than average usa male .
RisingForce said on 7/Feb/09
Glenn, I was able to find your other picture with Cruise. It had been posted on a forum in a discussion about celeb heights. I know you wanted the other one.
Click Here

It was attached to the other picture but I managed to seperate it and enlarge it the best I could. I don't know if Rob wants to use it at the top, but if he does then there it is.
TELLEM said on 7/Feb/09
sorry parker, but stiller and cruise i see an inch, inch .5 max. i don't see 2 inches. if you'd study ben stiller's pics, which i'm sure u have, since you've posted a ton, you'll know that stiller HAS bad posture, and that pic with cruise both are slouching.
Complex said on 7/Feb/09
Fair enough parker, very well put, and no I don't think he's got lifts in his feet, lol! Only thing that throws me about that pic is wasn't that on a boat? If so hard to know if it was level, personally I think Katie is close enough to 5'9 to claim it, but I think if measured in reality would be 5'8-5'8.5, she's claimed 5'8 before. I really think 5'7 Cruise, maybe he is what Rob has him listed who knows, but I will say that a full 5'8 for him is a stretch in my eyes. More than likely id say Cruise is 5'7, Holmes 5'8-5'8.5
resnic said on 7/Feb/09
In respnse to

In this series of pictures of Tom's family, he does look the same height (or just slightly shorter) than Katie is. Take a look:
Click Here

SO I guess, 5'7-3/4 seems to be accurate as Katie is listed at 5'8-1/2

Im not sure what height either of Katie or Tom are but one thing i can say is Katie Holmes has a lovely set of legs :)
the shredder said on 7/Feb/09
Yes complex , I am about as female as Rob , and Glenn ! Are you a girl Complex ? Sorry , but 5'7 flat is too short for Cruise !
Parker said on 7/Feb/09
miko says on 6/Feb/09
Cruise is 5"8 at some point in the day, thats for sure.

Very True Miko. In fact I'm going to cause controversy by saying I actually believe he NEVER falls below 5'8. I think he's the exact same height as Rob the editor who lists himself at 173.
Parker said on 7/Feb/09
Well here's another of the two Complex where neither is closer to the camera
Click Here
We agree their is a two inch difference, but your argument is flawed Complex. 5'6 for Stiller 5'7 in shoes, 5'9 for Cruise in lifts. You don't know that Stiller or Cruise are wearing lifts or not, so you have to go with the evidence of your eyes, a 5'6 man next to a 5'8 man.
Click Here
And above, we have got the advantage of the big guy's face in the background which is almost as good as uding a tape measure. You can see there is an approximate one inch between a slouching 5'8 man and a 5'9 woman....unless you think he's got lifts in his feet?
Complex said on 6/Feb/09
Not bad parker, granted Cruise is way closer to the camera. Shredder, I never said he was 5'6 (hands shredder a chill pill). I think Stiller is 5'6 and Cruise is 5'7 and Cruise wears casual lifts to hit 5'9 and stiller likely doesn't wear lifts.

Shredder, this is not an insult, but are you a girl or a guy? I'm just wondering because of the feminine way you wrote please, kinda reminded me of the "you ain't all that and a bag of potato chips" *Snap snap, "oh pleaseeeeeeeee", lol, just curious is all, I still say 5'7 Cruise, at best he's in the 5'7 range, 5'8 never, and he inflated big time when he said 5'9,don't know what he was thinking.
ACG said on 6/Feb/09
If Stiller is 5'7, then I think there's no chance of Cruise being only 5'7 as well.

Just look at every picture of them together.....and who's to say Stiller can't wear lifts??
TELLEM said on 6/Feb/09
good pic complex, 5'6 ben stiller and 5'7 tom cruise. i love it.
miko said on 6/Feb/09
Cruise is 5"8 at some point in the day, thats for sure.
glenn said on 6/Feb/09
owen wilson is 5-11.stiller is 5-7.taller than i originally had him at.
Parker said on 6/Feb/09
Good pic Complex. Here's another from the same night.
Click Here
the shredder said on 6/Feb/09
OH PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEE Complex ! You picked the WORST pic of Cruise and Stiller ! Dude , give up ... Cruise is NOT 5'6 !
glenn said on 6/Feb/09
i wouldnt say that.there is a noticeable difference in height.i thought stiller was 5-6 myself for years.even having met be fair,he is 5-7.he claims 5-8.
Anonymous said on 5/Feb/09
Tom Cruise looks to be an inch taller than Ben Stiller. And if he is 5'8"
Anonymous said on 5/Feb/09
I say Ben Stiller's 5'8" or 5'7" But no way 5'6"
frankys said on 5/Feb/09
look at his shoes
Click Here
Complex said on 5/Feb/09
Click Here
Brad said on 5/Feb/09
Katie is a legit 5' 9", big heels. Cruise 5' 8".Wears customs with less than Katie in her enhanced footwear. Doesn't care about her putting on the heels or with Nic.
Complex said on 5/Feb/09
I've heard Katie claim 5'8 and 5'9. Either way she's clearly a couple of inches over Tom, 5'7 for Tom i'd say.
RisingForce said on 5/Feb/09
In heels Katie is around the 6 foot mark. In dress shoes Tom would measure about 5-9 so that makes sense.
Alex said on 5/Feb/09
Ben Stiller may be just 5'6 flat based on the picture with him and 5'11 Dmeyer.
RICHARD said on 4/Feb/09
Wow Katie really towered over Tom in that one pic with her heels. She's probably 5'11 in them so 5'7-5'8 for Tom seems accurate.
Alex said on 4/Feb/09
Glenn, yea Katie I think does look a legit 5'9. She has admitted to being 5'8 too so maybe shes in the middle. I'd lean more toward 5'9 than 5'8 though. She is always a bit taller than Cruise at least.

Cruise I can buy at 5'8, no taller.
Vibram said on 4/Feb/09
He's got sloped clavicles (the collar bone) which make him appear smaller IMO. If he didn't work work out to beef-up his deltoids it would look even more severe as well.
the shredder said on 4/Feb/09
I agree james , theres NOTHING that shows tom at 5'6 , not even barefoot pics , and I agree that he can look as tall as 5'10 , tom is most likey 5'10 in lifts , there is a movie where he looked 5'9 or 5'10 standing in front of a height chart ... Tom is 5'7 to 5'8 MINIMUM barefoot , !
Rusty said on 4/Feb/09
He most likely got the 5'9" height when he woke up, put on shoes, measured himself, got 5'8.5" and then rounded up to 5'9"
theman said on 3/Feb/09
Timmy good pics. At least Tom doesnt wear lifts 24/7 like Brad Pitt. Never catch Brad barefoot in public, or open toe flip flops.

Tom look no shorter than 5'6" for sure, 5'7" to 5'8" looks right.
nicole said on 3/Feb/09
i thought he was way shorter then 5,8
Timmy said on 3/Feb/09
In this series of pictures of Tom's family, he does look the same height (or just slightly shorter) than Katie is. Take a look:
Click Here

SO I guess, 5'7-3/4 seems to be accurate as Katie is listed at 5'8-1/2
Complex said on 3/Feb/09
Glenn you crack me up..personally I don't see me as the new viper but even if I were it would be an honor because he was more correct on legit barefoot heights than most here. Keep in mind most here claim their out of bed heights, therefore they don't know there on heights muchless celebs, what a laugh, claiming highest height. I think it's better to claim mid-day or evening. If I go by you reasoning glenn statham would be 5'9....out of bed, but where would thatput him mid-day and evening?? Right where I have him. Lol, the new viper, that's classic, You gotta love these inflaters ;)
sam said on 3/Feb/09
in those photos he looks like a classic average height guy standing next to a tall chick in heels. not short, classically average.
glenn said on 3/Feb/09
james is right.tom did look 5-10 in behind the scenes stills i saw of him next to speilberg.and complex is the new viper.statham isnt 5-8ish.he is 5-9 to 5-10.i agree more on the 5-9.
glenn said on 3/Feb/09
i thought bogart was 5-6 my whole life.supposedly he was 5-8.
Andy said on 3/Feb/09
Tom and Katie @ Brazil

Click Here

Click Here
Parker said on 3/Feb/09
The flak Tom Cruise takes from the media reminds me very much of the 50's star Alan Ladd. I was always interested in all the old stars,Cagney,Wayne,Flynn,Robertson etc. The media had Ladd at 5'3 or 5'4. The myth was propogated after he starred in a film with Sophia Loren (5'8) who was made to stand in a ditch for their scenes together. To this day, he is still listed at 5'4 or 5'5 on most sites. Yet if you research quotes from people that actually knew him,or worked with him, his height was around 5'6 or a tad over, but the 'media' never allowed him above 5'5. Tom Cruise, in my opinion suffers the same prejudice....I really don't know why, when Fox,Stiller,Hoffman,Pesci are all much shorter and get little comment. It was the same with Ladd. Cagney and Roberston shorter but getting zero comment. Really strange.
Complex said on 3/Feb/09
I didn't see him lookin' 5'10 in war of the worlds compared to 5'11 listed Chatwin, Cruise looked considerably smaller, and that's assuming Chatwin is the 5'11 listed, alot say he's legit 5'10 instead. Either way most substancial evidence points to a 5'7 Cruise...
Herbertsherbert said on 2/Feb/09
Great actor, no matter what people say about him.

Hes a short dude though (Ill give him 5'9) and no more. Its funny how alot of people expect him to be 5'7.5 or somthing when they dont realize how short 5'9 really is lol!
Complex said on 2/Feb/09
I read an article once that was talking about the movie collateral that said they tried to keep 5'7 Cruise away from 5'9 Fox to avoid him looking smaller. At times they're barely seemed aheight difference between the two, but at other times there was two inches, There was also about 1.5 inches between him and 5'8ish Jason Statham. Best I could buy is that sometime in the morning or midday he may not quite reach 5'8, maybe the height listed here, that's not what I think he is, but that's the best someone could possible convince me of if they had outstanding proof, I'm stickin' witih 5'7 flat tho!
ACG said on 2/Feb/09
i truly believe that the only reason why people see cruise as "short" is because of the negative press.

i honestly think that if you were to take someone who had never heard any rumors or claims about cruise's height one way or another and were to show them just about any of his films, that person would get the impression of an easily average-sized person, or possibly even slightly above.

it's just the media that screws with peoples' expectations and produces false conceptions about things such as height.

in real life tom is slightly below average, but never really looks short on screen, especially in his action hero movies.

the only place tom is truly "short" is on paper, if you know what i mean....

would you say this is a fair assessment, glenn or anyone else?
the shredder said on 2/Feb/09
Rob , would you also rule out 5'8.5 ?

Editor Rob
I would say it has lesser chance than 5ft 8 proper.
the shredder said on 2/Feb/09
Rob , Just asking ... not that I think he is but is it possible that he could be 5'9-ish barefoot ?

Editor Rob
Complex said on 2/Feb/09
He's less than equal to 5'7, 5'8 or above...not possible!!!!!!!!!!!
TELLEM said on 1/Feb/09
because he is 5'7....yes james i meant 5'8.5 for kanye west...i think the man never reaches 5'8.
sam said on 1/Feb/09
I agree, 5'8. yet why has he been billed at 5'7 his whole life??
glenn said on 1/Feb/09
outstanding work parker.yes,5-8 most likely.
Iwonder said on 1/Feb/09
In the barefoot pic with Katie Holmes (the back shot) has anyone mentioned he it looks like he is standing on one leg? That would make him about an inch taller than standing on both (it usually different depending on which leg you stand on but it should make you about an inch taller).
Parker said on 1/Feb/09
Apologies Frank lampard is 8,and Owen 10,in the pic below not as I described it, although I think you all would have realised
Parker said on 1/Feb/09
Glenn - Agree 5'9 for Cruise is not impossible, but I would suggest highly unlikely. But at the end of the day , without actually measuring someone barefoot, you can only go on how legitimate heights claimed, or listed are. For example, Frank Lampard the Chelsea footballer claims 6'. His club site list him at 6'. If it is true, David Beckham looks an inch shorter here:-
Click Here
(For none UK people Frank Lampard is 10, Michael Owen (No 8) claims 5'8 and is listed exactly same height as Cruise on celebs) A 5'8 Michael Owen and 6' Lampard would confirm David is a minimum 5'11, but not a full 6 footer.
Here's David in Gap boots (which I suggest would stand him at about 6'1)next to Tom and Katie:
Click Here
If David were to straighten up I think he would have a solid 4 inches on Tom, so again Tom 5'9 or a tad over in his footwear.

Here's another of the two of them. Don't know David's or Tom's footwear here but lets assume both have a standard inch or so.
Click Here
You can't see their feet, but assume as I've said David is in standard 1 inch shoes, Tom looks less than 3 inches shorter,so again Tom standing 5'9 in footwear. Here's another where you can see their feet,with Tom in what looks like normal dress shoes, again looking 3 inches shorter than David.
Click Here
So the evidence shows that Tom constistently looks 5'9 or a tad over in footwear,as in his photo with you above Glenn. Of course we don't know if he has a lift in his shoe, but that's heresay, and not evidence. The evidence is 5'9 in shoes, 5'8 barefoot.

Here's a pic of Tom from years back.
Click Here
If Nicole is 5'11,Tom standing as straight as he can must be close to that, more like 5'10.5. In this case we can SEE he's wearing lifts, particularly on the outside - That's evidence. Despite what some people say on this site,I don't buy for one minute you can get more that 2.5 inches out of shoes without them looking like Frankenstein shoes, so I think Tom is getting max 2.5 inches in the pic with Nicole, which again supports a 5'8 barefoot height.
glenn said on 1/Feb/09
wouldnt shock me if he was 5-8.25. 5-7 and 5-9 flat are both not impossible.
Mr. R. said on 1/Feb/09
Actually James, most of the previous male movie stars DID get a lot of flak about their supposed heights. Among them, Robert Redford, Paul Newman, Burt Reynolds, James Dean. It was known that Pacino, Hoffman, and others were pretty short. I would also add Stallone and Arnold have also had a lot of articles about their height. Tom gets it more because he is BELOW Average, yet as a movie star and masculine symbol, he is expected to be taller than average.
anonymous said on 1/Feb/09
I'll live with 5 foot 8. He's short but not dwarf short.
Complex said on 31/Jan/09
Shredder to know that he's 5'7.75 is insane, you would've had to either measure him at that height or he would've had to claim that height. He's never claimed that height and i'm sure you've prolly never measured him, so how can you know such a precise height?

That's like me saying Tom is 5'7.128487373 not a flat 5'7, lol! It's laughable, i'm stickin with flat 5'7, closer to 5'7 than 5'8 either way around it.
mike said on 31/Jan/09
look at a scene from Jerry McGuire.. standing next to cuba he looks atleast 3 inches shorter.. and cuba is a good 5'10
Parker said on 31/Jan/09
Someone from the expert site thinks he's 5'9
Click Here
He's not. I'm 99% sure of that, Just as I am 99% certain he's not less than 5'7.
the shredder said on 31/Jan/09
He is not 5'7 flat , more like 5'7.75 ! Complex , you say that no site list him taller then 5'7 ? ... Ive seen alot that list him at 5'9 !
Complex said on 30/Jan/09
Cruise is a flat 5'7, maybe more out of bed but most of the day he's 5'7, not 5'8!
TELLEM said on 30/Jan/09
neither is kanye's posture good. kanye is 5'8.
Mr. R. said on 30/Jan/09
James, Cruise is one of the top male movie stars in the world. He represents one of the highest standards of masculinity. Men always compare themselves on the masco-meter with the stars that seem larger than life. Since for whatever reason, 6 feet is considered the ultimate height of masculinity, anyone below that becomes not as masculine - especially to those of us who are not rich and married to beautiful women!
TELLEM said on 29/Jan/09
legit 5'8 kanye west (5'8.5) has a good inch on tom cruise: Click Here

under 5'8 for cruise.
Parker said on 29/Jan/09
James says on 29/Jan/09
What I find hard to imagine though is how a guy who is around 5ft8 is famous world wide for being short? Am I the only one who thinks that dosen't make much sense?

Because James the media has to find something to pick on. Tom Cruise,good looking action hero has to have 'faults' - There is no doubt by trying to disguise the fact he's 5'7/5'8 the movies have used certain tricks, as in Top Gun with 5'10 Kelly McGillis. He also wears lifts to get himself to 5'10/5'11, less so now, but certainly in the past with Nicole Kidman. Because of that people think he always wears lifts, even when barefoot they think he has them stiched into his foot. People believe what they read in the media, even if its utter nonsense like this.
Click Here
I've seen people posting on this site referring to it as true, even when the April 1st date was pointed out. Every article I read about Cruise mentions his height, normally in a derogatory manner. Stiller,Fox,Hoffmann etc who are all shorter never get so much of a mention of their height, and lets face it their attempt to portray Tom as a very short men has succeeded. Just at lunch last week in work a woman was making a big thing of Cruise only being 5'3. Even with all the evidence on this site, personal sitings from Glenn and Mr R,barefoot pics with his 5'9 wife,and lots of other pics - people are still claiming he's under 5'7.
Go figure
Brad said on 29/Jan/09
5' 8" right in front of my face. I'd go 5' 7.75" also. Pitt posture.
RisingForce said on 29/Jan/09
Thanks for sharing that Mr. R. I've always thought he was around the mark that Rob lists him at, and the in person sightings from you and Glenn seem to confirm that.
Mr. R. said on 29/Jan/09
When I saw Tom at Dodger Stadium a few years ago, he was for sure between 5-7 and 5-8 with his sneakers. We know from Sly that it is possible to get height enhancing sneakers, but I don't think that Tom had them on that day. (He was running the Olympic torch around the stadium, and it could have been awkward!)
Complex said on 28/Jan/09
I do agree with what Vibram said, shorter guys usually make up for their lack of height in looks. It would seem to me that it's better to be shorter wth a model face than tall and look like a goof. It's very rare you see 6'3-6'4 guys that look like pitt or clooney, most just don't look model like, some do, don't get me wrong, but that's how it seems.

But most like Pitt and Clooney are just average with model faces and use lifts to look tall, Cruise gets flack cuz he's short and uses lifts to look average, nothing wrong with that, it's the hand he was dealt! I still say 5'7.
leonari said on 28/Jan/09
Cruise did not overdo the botox...he looks ok. kidman is a different caliber of plastic surgery
Vibram said on 28/Jan/09
I always find low-esteem blonde or gingery guys over 6ft are the ones quick to victiimize/bully dark haired guys below 5ft10.

Is it because they've got the "tall" part but not the "dark" or "handsome" parts and are just envious/frustrated in that they think all women want dark haired men?
Ana said on 28/Jan/09
Watch the other day Oprah's show about the 25th anniversary of Tom Cruise's career. He was shorter than Oprah (who was wearing high heels). Besides, Cruise got recently this wrinkleless, deadpan look on his face (and his hair looks different). Botox shots no doubt. It's incredible how actors nowadays screw up their working-tools (i.e. their faces) without a blink just on account of fashion and wrinklephobia. The same goes for his ex-wife Nicole Kidman that got that permanent malevolent look in her eyebrows after some cosmetic job. Such a pity...
Parker said on 28/Jan/09
Steven Spielberg is always a good reference point for Cruise's height. Listed 5'7.5 here. Here is the pic where he supposedly 'dwarfs' Tom
Click Here
Hardly 'dwarfing' but he does look marginally taller in this pic. There are however dozens of pics on the net where Tom looks taller:-
Click Here
However, for the vast majority of pics they look very similar in height
Click Here
The guy in the middle above by the way is Sam Mendes listed at 5'10 on another site,not listed on celebs.
Click Here
Click Here

As Rob has written on many occasions, camera angles play a big part.

Here's Spielberg with 5'4 Michael J Fox
Click Here
If Michael is 5'4, Spielberg looks a strong 5'7.5 to me, and possibly 5'8.

Cruise under 5'7? No chance. In my opinion of course.
ACG said on 27/Jan/09
After seeing that pic with Michael Pena, I'm doubting he EVER goes below 5'8, no matter what time of day!
Anonymous said on 27/Jan/09
My aunt does make up for movies in LA, said Cruise has unreal hidden lifts in his shoes that give him at least 2 and half- to 3 inchs. Said you wouldnt even know the shoes had lifts just by looking at them.
Parker said on 27/Jan/09
Complex says:
but with all these here that think Tom is 5'9 and 5'10

Point me to one poster who thinks he's 5'9, let alone 5'10.
glenn said on 27/Jan/09
cruise is most likely 5-8.
Complex said on 26/Jan/09
Truthteller than doesn't suprise me, either way i'd say 5'7 range or less for cruise and I doubt if he ever hits 5'8, 5'9 in elevators I say, not flat shoes.

Let's face it guys, we all know the height listed here is his max, but with all these here that think Tom is 5'9 and 5'10, one day he surely will be listerd here at 6'0, lol! If Tom were 5'9 then he'd prolly get listed as high as 5'10 to 5'11, heck even some celebs that are legit 5'9's can get listed as high as 6'0, The highest i've seen tom listed is here, you know it's bad when the highest you get is still in the 5'7 range. I really think he's a flat 5'7, nothing more!
5 ft 3.2 said on 26/Jan/09
I say Tom is a good 5'8" but nothing more. He seems to be the same height as Glenn.
Vibram said on 26/Jan/09
I got the feeling he didn't like Jonathan Ross and who wouldn't? Ross is Obsessed With Height, he used to ask every big (in the stardom sense, not size) male movie star about their height except he didn't touch the subject with Cruise.
Vibram said on 26/Jan/09
For god sakd he was dwarfed by a chunky-trainered-wearing Steven Speilberg (5ft7). Cruise is only 5ft9 in nothing LESS than Cowboys.
mcfan said on 26/Jan/09
I think Parker's barefoot post proves that there is only about an inch difference between Holmes and Cruise. She is 1.25 taller with 1/4 inch flip flops. My estimate is 5'8.75 for Holmes then Cruise's 5'7.75 would be pretty dead-on. If she is 5'9 as claimed then Cruise is 5'8. However, Cruise definitely wears lifts at times, but I only see him at the most 5'10 in his shoes with probably 1-inch lifts.

Click Here (Parker's post from below)
Mr. R. said on 26/Jan/09
James, in response to your question about Tom Cruise and not mentioning his height on the talk show. Before an appearance, the stars' publicists meet with reps from the show and the media and make sure that they know which topics are off limits. Notice, you never hear Tom talk about Nicole Kidman, his kids, or his height because the media is told if they violate these rules, they will be denied access to the star. Another example: Joaquin Phoenix is never asked about the death of his brother River. Again, the topic is off limits.
TELLEM said on 25/Jan/09
those are some funny shoes parker, remind me odf robert downey jr's.
truthteller said on 25/Jan/09
I know the owner of a custom mens shop in Beverly Hills, I was told that Ton Cruise is 5'6" tall and does sometime wear shoe lifts.
Comeonguys said on 25/Jan/09
Most people don't know how to accurately measure their height, most just go around and tower over a few people and assume their 6'0, wtf. i measure my height barefoot in the morning with something flat on my head against the door, im 6'4 EXACTLY not with shoes on guessing around, i actually use a YARD STICK
Parker said on 25/Jan/09
Agree with you shreddar, and just to clarify I don't think anyone on this board is saying Cruise is 5'9 barefoot, but he consistently looks that height in flat shoes. On Jonathan Ross he looked about 4 to 5 inches shorter irrespective of footwear - 5'8 in my opinion.
leonari said on 25/Jan/09
Rob has him spot on. He was on the biggest european Show "wetter da
the shredder said on 25/Jan/09
I think 5'7.75 is a good guess , that would make him pretty much 5'9 with shoes , most shoes are about 1 inch , he is not 5'7 flat !
Steven said on 25/Jan/09
i also watched him on the johnathon ross show, and tom looked about 5'9, he is no way short. i think 5'7.5 is about right.
glenn said on 24/Jan/09
excellent points on all parker.5-9 for tom cruise isnt impossible.unlikely to me,but im open to it.he sure can look it.
glenn said on 24/Jan/09
nobodys saying rob is 5-9 and there is no typical inflating.rob is 5-8.5.on occasion when someone states a height more than one actually is,its not abundant like tall are you complex?
Donattello said on 24/Jan/09
The only way I could see Tom dropping below 5'7" 1/2 is when hes 70+. /thread
Metric said on 24/Jan/09
5'9" for Cruise is DELUDED! This nonsense has to stop! The man is a HUGE lifts monger. If he was a genuine 5'9" he would reach into Stallone territory (6'0"-6'1") all the time with those babies on. He doesn't! The most he ever looks is 5'9"-5'10" (and that's in his BIGGEST and most brutal lifts). What does that tell ya?? 5'6.5" barefeet. 5'7" in the morning maybe fresh out of the bed? But that's MAX for Tom. A true 5'8" or 5'9" man would never get the kind of abuse in the media he does. Nuff said.
Gago said on 24/Jan/09
First, Pena is never 5'7, he's only 5'7 in shoes, I've seen him several times. 98% of all the actors lie about their height by adding average 1-2 inches, some of them more.
g said on 24/Jan/09
1.72 for cruise as morning height in a good day, that's something I can believe
Complex said on 24/Jan/09
Personally I think he's a flat 5'7 but at best I say in the 5'7 range, I don't think he ever hits 5'8, the 5'9 claim is your typical inflation.

Oh and guys, Rob himself doesn't claim 5'9 and everyone here is saying he's 5'9. Wow wonder how high my height would get bumped up on this site :)
Parker said on 24/Jan/09
Doug, Cruise consistently looks in the 5'9 range in flat shoes, as here with 5'7 listed Michael Penna
Click Here
But people then argue he has 'hidden' lifts inside that give him 3 inches in total from barefoot. The same as these shoes give you:
Click Here

Quite funny really.
Doug said on 24/Jan/09
OMG did anybody see Jonathan Ross size Cruise up when he walked in? He looked him over from head to toe as if to say, mmm hes actually a little taller than I expected. Cruise looked 5 ft 9 I thought in shoes, perfectly adequate height, 5'7.5" barefoot would be about right. I don't know why Cruise frequently is made fun of. He is marginally under average height for a man certainly not the short man he is portrayed as as if he is 5'4 or 5'5. Personally I think people are jealous of him and who wouldn't be.
Parker said on 23/Jan/09
Thanks Tellem - I understand your posts now.

TELLEM said on 23/Jan/09
Parker says on 23/Jan/09
Tellem - help me to understand what you are saying please. Rob has him listed at 5'7.75 (ie 5'7 and three quarters of an inch) Your telling me that's 5'7 but not 5'8? If you are that's fine, nothing more to debate.
All the Best.

do you see an 8 anywhere parker? because i don't
RisingForce said on 23/Jan/09
I understand why he does it too Glenn. I honestly think that measuring out of bed after a good night of sleep is fair because everyone is at their max height.It doesn't make sense to me personally to wait until a certain time to measure yourself for your claim.

In my opinion if you can measure a height barefoot without tilting your head or tip toeing then you are that height.
Parker said on 23/Jan/09
Tellem - help me to understand what you are saying please. Rob has him listed at 5'7.75 (ie 5'7 and three quarters of an inch) Your telling me that's 5'7 but not 5'8? If you are that's fine, nothing more to debate.
All the Best.
glenn said on 22/Jan/09
rob should claim 5-8.5.i should claim 5-7.5.but we see things different.he chooses his lowest,which doesnt make sense to me though.i choose highest,which doesnt have to make sense either.pick somewhere in the middle.he does that cause thats what he is in photos.
TELLEM said on 22/Jan/09
rob is 5'8...he stays 5'8...5'9 would be lying to himself...if he hit 5'9 in the morning, then he is 5'9
RisingForce said on 22/Jan/09
I agree Glenn. I personally consider Rob more 5'9" than 5'8". Obviously he's entitled to claim what he wants and believe what he wants is someone's true height. I however consider someone's true height their height right out of bed after a good night of sleep.
TELLEM said on 22/Jan/09
Parker says on 22/Jan/09
Tellem - well if rob thinks hes more 5'7, hed put 5'7 here, but he hasn't, he's put him down a tad under 5'8....sorry to burst ur bubble...5'8 for cruise

hahaha..thats why he has him in the 5'7 range...5'7 is 5'7 parker...he does not have him at 5'8...hell u wish he had him at 5'8.5..sorry dude hes 5'7
Parker said on 22/Jan/09
Tellem - well if rob thinks hes more 5'7, hed put 5'7 here, but he hasn't, he's put him down a tad under 5'8....sorry to burst ur bubble...5'8 for cruise
Parker said on 22/Jan/09
At this premier Katie is wearing 2/2.5 heels. So if she is 5'9 as listed puts her over 5'11. Tom standing at 5'9.5 or a tad under. I think these shoes are giving him at most 2 inches, more likely 1.5, consistent with 5'8 and the barefoot pic with Katie.
Click Here
Click Here
ok - There not conclusive, but No way could Tom be less than 5'7
Parker said on 22/Jan/09
Complex - Check my post again, I didn't say Rob woke at 5'9.
Metric - Just because you think he wore lifts at 'Tropic Thunder' premier doesn't mean to say he did.Ahh, the level of evidence presented here...boggles the mind.
glenn said on 22/Jan/09
parker is right about his whole post.including rob being actually closer to 5-9.
sam said on 22/Jan/09
sometimes wears lifts. just under 5'8 is perfect. that's how everyone could get away with saying 5'7 even though he looks nearer 5'8. Just slightly under that is problably the god's honest truth.
the shredder said on 22/Jan/09
Rob , do you keep him at 5'7.75 because you don't think legit 5'8 , or do you really think he is 5'7.75 ?

Editor Rob
remember these are all guesses, but against others I think personally that fits him.
Complex said on 21/Jan/09
Agreed Tellem, he's not even listed here at 5'8 and too be honest, this is the highest listing i've seen for him, most have him at the 5'7 that he is. But agreeing to disagree is not a bad thing parker so i'm ok with that. We both have different opinions on how tall he is. But Parker Rob doesn't actually wake at 5'9 if I checked his measurements right it would seem he wake at 5'8.6 or something like that. I think at best 5'7.5 would be Cruise's morning or out of bed height, that's the most I could give him.
Vibram said on 21/Jan/09
If 5ft7 Spielberg was in slight lifts he would still barely reach over 5ft9.5 with them, but still Cruise looks 1" shorter next to him in his dress shoes which look to have 1.5" heel.

A probability on that occasian:
Spielberg: 5ft7 + 1.5" soles + 1" lift = 5ft9.5
Cruise: 5ft7.25 + 1.5" = 5ft8.75
Metric said on 21/Jan/09
Parker: Just because you "think" he didn't wear lifts at the "Tropic Thunder" premiere doesn't mean he didn't! Ahh, the level of evidence presented here...boggles the mind.
Parker said on 21/Jan/09
Think we'll have to agree to disagree on Cruise's height Complex. I just don't see him below Rob's listed height, and I think the height Rob has him listed is conservative.(evening height) Rob himself wakes at near 5'9, yet claims 5'8 for himself when I think 5'8.5 is closer.

I've tried inserting lifts in ordinary shoes and your slipping out of the back of the shoe anything over an inch, and I don't believe he was wearing lifts in his converse at the 'Tropics of Thunder' premier, where he looked 2 inches taller than Stiller, as he always does.
TELLEM said on 21/Jan/09
well if rob thinks hes more 5'8, hed put 5'8 here, but he hasn't...sorry to burst ur bubble...5'7 for cruise
Parker said on 21/Jan/09
Complex says on 21/Jan/09 Is there anyone you think is the height listed or lower"
Flynn,Cagney,Rooney,Stiller,Hoffman,Cruise. I could go on, but I think you get the picture.
the shredder said on 21/Jan/09
Im going to be fair and say that he might be 5'8.25 as a morning height ! He is more 5'8 then 5'7 though ! Face it ! He is taller then 5'7 , even Rob and Glenn think he is more 5'8 !

The height between Paul and Tom is not as much as people think , In the movie Tom's shoes are not that much and Tom still looked strong 5'7 at worst next to 5'10 Paul ! Theres a scene when Paul goes to Tom's door and Tom is in socks and paul is in shoes , making Paul more 5'11 and Tom still looked Rob's listing !
Complex said on 21/Jan/09
Parker I will answer that question then ask the same thing to you in the sense of "Is there anyone you think is the height listed or lower" cuz you seem to think they're all taller just like I think many are shorter. But parker I will say the answer is yes. To name a few, Seth Rogen I think is the height listed, Conan O'brien actually I think Conan may be taller than listed, Ed Harris, Will smith pretty much I think is the height listed, most of them women are petty accurate, I don't downgrade everybody. But celebs are naturally gonna get downgraded since they (along with most of the world) upgrade their own heights. For instance if a 5'9.5 guy says "i'm 5'10." There's nothing wrong with that...but no one's gonna look at him and say "you're not 5'10, you're 6'0" (well parker, rising, and glenn might lol-jk ;) But most would assume 5'10 is his max and if he were around a legit 5'10 that claimed it someone would assume him only to be 5'9 even tho he's close enough to claim it. My point is most claim their max height, so when assuming their heights yu can assume most are that height or lower which is why some think i'm downgrading. But come on guys, 5'9 for Cruise is out of control. He has the proportions of a 5'7 guy and that's what he looks, heck even if he could claim 5'8 that would be a max height inflated by a little bit but 5'9 is nuts, just no way! But in the one of him and her barefoot you can look at the ground and it seems to slope in cruise's favor for one, and for two alot say holmes may not be a legit 5'9, maybe 5'8-5'9. Plus isn't that picture on a boat? Unlikely they're sailing on perfectly straight water that makes the floor of the boat perfectly level which is why you can see it's in his favor, I'd say all things considering he looks 5'7 in the pic with holmes. 5'7.5 absolute maximum peak tops for cruise and a flat 5'7 most likely. But 5'8 and over for Cruise is a pipe dream. He uses elevators to claim an average height when really he's a tad below average, no big deal, I can't see why ppl have trouble accepting it...
Tom Cruise said on 21/Jan/09
Hi this is Tom Cruise. I am 5'5 barefoot but I usually wear elevator shoes that make me look 5'9.
the shredder said on 21/Jan/09
Leonari is even starting to see more 5'8-ish ! Im not a fool that is claiming 5'9 , but he is taller then 5'7 ! Robs listing is great , he can be this height ! Atleast Rob does not have him 5'7 or shorter ! 5'6 is a joke , not even possible !
Grifter said on 21/Jan/09
shredder: If people already speculate that he's insecure about his height (and Cruise is no doubt aware of it), I doubt he'd specify it to the quarter inch in a chat room.

Parker & Leung: It's sort of weird -- some 5'7" and 5'8" guys are never seen as short whereas others are always taking ribbing for their height. Philipp Lahm is a 5'7" soccer player and is nicknamed "The Magical Dwarf" in Germany and English commentators often remark about his height. But for Xavi, another 5'7" player from Spain, his height is never referenced by the Spanish or English media. Same goes for 5'7.5" Arshavin (a Russian).
Vibram said on 20/Jan/09
Speilberg's not on uneven ground, there's another photo on that site to rectify that.
glenn said on 20/Jan/09
strange thing is,i saw pics of tom where he was taller than speilberg by an inch or 2.
klem said on 20/Jan/09
I agree that 5-6 is more possible than anything over 5-8, althoug I believe he is 5-7 before bed at best.
TELLEM said on 20/Jan/09
look at him with an aging 5'9.5-5'10 paul newman. Click Here

look at him w/ a weak 5'11 chris penn: Click Here

thats no 5'8 man...try a 5'7 man
TELLEM said on 20/Jan/09
look at him with an aging 5'9.5-5'10 paul newman. Click Here

look at him w/ a weak 5'11 chris penn: Click Here
Parker said on 20/Jan/09
Complex - Just out of interest, as I've seen a lot of your posts on different pages, is there any celeb you think is not shorter than the listed height?
Parker said on 20/Jan/09
Sorry Tom. If you think Katie is over 2 inches taller than Tom in this barefoot pic
Click Here
Please read Rob's article on how to judge height. Its an inch max,and Katie has shoes on.
TELLEM said on 20/Jan/09
why would a director where lifts? in that pic w/ spieldberg, hes closer to the camera and has better posture than cruise...if he and cruise were in the same distance and cruise had spieldberg's posture, they'd be the same height. 5'7.5 for cruise.
Metric said on 20/Jan/09
Tom needs a downgrade.
Vibram said on 20/Jan/09
Shorter than 5ft7.5 (tops) Steven Spielberg? Click Here

I don't get it because Cruise looks 5ft6.5 next to him? Other pictures on the page containing the 1st link show Spielberg in some sort of a rugged caterpillar type shoes and Cruise in formal ones. Would Spielberg wear lifts of all people?
Complex said on 19/Jan/09
Shave his head and put a tape measure behind his back barefoot and he can't possibly go too much over 5'7, here i'll give him a little more leadway, 5'7.5 MAXIMUM straight out of bed on his best nights sleep, although i really think 5'7 or slightly under!
Vibram said on 19/Jan/09
I've read paragraphs describing Rod Stewart and Mick Jagger as "short men" yet they're 5ft10 and 5ft9 respectively. Like Cruise, they both dated taller women so perhaps from comparisons to those women are where short rumors arose rather than a direct assault on their actual heights?
Donatello said on 19/Jan/09
This is the thing about big super stars like Tom Cruise, people want to bring them down anyway they can. People are jealous of his success so they call him tiny and even describe him as short as 5'6" which is total nonsense. Just Look at him next to any 5'6" actor, he usually always has at least 2 inches on them. He looks to have 4 inches over hoffman alot of the time, but I personally think hoffman is more 5'4" these days. Tom is no shorter then 5'7" 1/2 at his absolute lowest height of the day.
Parker said on 19/Jan/09
Tom - 'look at the evidence - He must be between 168-170 ' What evidence? I've never seen a single picture or film that puts him below 5'7. Nothing. Zero. Nada Cruise is 5'8 'ish' - Danny Devito is short, as is Paul Williams,Davy Jones,Dudley Moore,Mickey Rooney,Michael J Fox,Rob Schneider and anyone else under 5'5. 5'7/5'8 is just under average

And speaking of 5'4 Rob Schneider, here he is looking 5 inches shorter than Cruise, and Cruise in turn looking 2 inches shorter than 5'10 Adam Sandler.

Click Here
glenn said on 19/Jan/09
ill buy 5-8.25 max for clue on his minimum.shredders isnt 5-7 flat.ill buy 5-9 max for whalberg.5-8 min.i changed my mind on mark.
RKO said on 19/Jan/09
I say he is 5'7, no more taller then 5'9.
the shredder said on 19/Jan/09
Tom is a little taller 5'7 minimum , but could be a slightly taller then 5'8 ! ... It seems the most realistic ! 5'7 flat and full 5'9 I don't see , shorter then 5'7 is insane ! He supposebly claimed 5'8.25 in a chat room , I think that seems possible , he can look it !
Complex said on 18/Jan/09
I agree tom that he hits 5'9 in elevators only... but not barefoot
Leonari said on 18/Jan/09
Rob Lowe does not have 4 inches on Cruise. Around 3. Which again puts Tom at 5'8 or close to it. Get over it guys. Tom is slightly below average. He
Could be as tall as 5'8.5 when he wakes after a good nights sleep and shrinks down to 5.7.75" in tje evening. Tom Cruise being tiny is a myth. Nothing else.
Leung said on 18/Jan/09
James, that
glenn said on 18/Jan/09
rob lowe was 5-11 when i saw him 2 years ago.rod stewart is also 5-11.i saw him in slippers.horrendous posture makes him look shorter.
italian boy said on 18/Jan/09
170 cm min 173 max.
Complex said on 18/Jan/09
I've never seen Cruise listed at 5'9 ever but even if he was that's just a waste cuz we all knw he's not that tall.

But just so I get this straight, ya'll are saying he's really 5'8-5'9 and he gets listed lower out of jealousy and it's spread everywhere that he's 5'6/5'7 as part of a conspiracy theory to make Tom shorter??? Possible but not likely. Honestly if he's 5'8 plus then how does he keep gettin described as tiny? The entire media hates tom and wants to downgrade his height???? That just sounds funny, kinda like everyone in the world is pickin on tom and downgradin his height but he's really taller, lol? I seriously doubt it. Personally i think it is what it is, he's 5'7
ACG said on 18/Jan/09
glenn- bonaduce claims he is 5'6, so he most likely isn't anything over....

Complex- I've seen Cruise listed as 5'9 just about as much as he is listed 5'7.
mcfan said on 17/Jan/09
Here's one of Rob Lowe and Tom Cruise. Are we sure Lowe is only 5'10? To me, he looks 5'11, but I haven't seen his movies in a while...just the impression I had of him. In the movie I thought Cruise was 3 inches shorter than Lowe.

Photo: Click Here
mcfan said on 17/Jan/09
Here's one of Rob Lowe and Tom Cruise. Are we sure Lowe is only 5'10? To me, he looks 5'11, but I haven't seen his movies in a while...just the impression I had of him. In the movie I thought Cruise was 3 inches shorter than Lowe.
Parker said on 17/Jan/09
Ever tried to Google Rod Stewart's height Complex? Here's one at 5'5
Click Here
And another at 5'8
Click Here
He's minimum 5'10. It means nothing. A.N. Other Website see's Tom Cruise height at 5'6/5'7 and copies it etc etc. It propogates a myth.
short guy said on 17/Jan/09
one more thing to add, sorry- this, of course, depends on whether or not we have an accurate listing on Katie Holmes' height, because the validity of his height inferred from that photo is clearly based on comparing his own height to that of Katie's.
Complex said on 17/Jan/09
I think Katie is 5'8.5 or 5'8.75 and Cruise is 5'7 flat. Google "Tom Cruise Height" and show me where you get anything over 5'7, literally everywhere he's listed at 5'7, i'm still sticking with either a flat 5'7 or 5'7 tops. Generally when you google someone's height you get inflated heights anyways, for instance if you google "Brad Pitt height" you get as high as 6'1, "matthew mcconaughey height" you get above 6'0 as well.

Click Here
Here check out this from Answerbag where someone asked how tall Tom was. This is where I said he gets argued as low as 5'3 among other height forums yet everyone thinks I make that stuff up. Here I say 5'7 tops and get ridiculed. At answerbag you get ridiculed if you say over 5'7 for him and most say they wouldn't use "Tom" and "Tall" in the same sentence ever. Barefoot he's 5'7 tops and sometimes even that seems a stretch, uses lifts/elevators to get listed as average, but 5'8-5'9 or him is starting to get a tad out of control.
Parker said on 17/Jan/09
Rising Force. Can you help me out here with your Horizontal lines. Complex, here is a barefoot shot you were asking for,Rising posted it some time back. Katie in shoes maybe giving her 1/4 - 1/2inch.
Click Here
Using the big guy at the back, line up a horizontal line from top of Katie's head across his face. From the horizontal lines down to his eyes - 2 inches. Top of Tom's head lies between the horizontal line and the guys eyes. Thus Tom is 1 inch shorter than Katie in her shoes, and he's not even standing straight. There is less than an inch between Cruise and his wife barefoot, of that I have no doubt.
5'6 is insane, 5'10 is insane. 5'7 min is unlikely, 5'8.5 is unlikely,He's also definately not 5'9. 5'7.75 - 5'8.25 (172/173) depending on time of day in my opinion.

To be fair to Complex, he is saying not under 5'7 now, which gives him credit as there are a lot on this site who would never be convinced on Cruise or Stallone's height even if Rob measured them both barefoot with his stadiometer.

Complex's 5'7.5 first thing in the morning against mine 5'8.25 = 3/4inch difference in opinions. Your never going to get much closer without measuring him.
glenn said on 16/Jan/09
bonaduce i never saw.common name in new york too.what is he suppose to be,5-6?
Complex said on 16/Jan/09
5'9 is clinically insane for Cruise. I'd bet ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY ON IT. Maybe he's not 5'6 but i've heard on numerous accounts he was measured at 5'6.75 but i've never seen proof though, flat 5'7 for Cruise, he never even reaches 5'8 barefoot much less 5'9. Parker he could be getting exta height from those shoes, if you check Pitt's page a guy posted pics of him putting 2 inch lifts in high-top converse so anything's possible.

Tell you what, does anyone here have any pics of Cruise BAREFOOT where he looks 5'8 or over?? Don't come and show me pics of him in shoes, I want to see barefoot pics, I want to see all ten toes and him next to someone to compare because he's obviously a lift abuser and drops a lift in anything he can, so if it's not barefoot, it's not solid proof. Next to 5'8.5-5'9 tops holmes, he looks a flat 5'7, who can deny that!
Parker said on 16/Jan/09
Lemon - yes, I posted something similar recently. I think there is little between their barefoot heights, less than an inch in my opinion. I think Katie could be a tad under her listed height of 5'9.
Lemon said on 16/Jan/09
Tom Cruise with Katie Holmes (look at their shoes): Click Here

The same day: Click Here

Tom has a shoe advantage; nevertheless if Katie Holmes is 5'9" as listed, Cruise in my opinion is 5'7.5" at the very least.
TELLEM said on 16/Jan/09
5'6 is laughable? try 5'9...5'9 cruise would equal = a near 6'0 paul newman, a 5'11 ed about completely upgrading...yea i'll admit 5'6 is a bit low for him too, but don't just say 5'6 is laughable while putting 5'9 as OK in ur sentence.
the shredder said on 16/Jan/09
He is not taller then 5'8.5 , that can be ruled out ! He is not shorter then strong 5'7 , he is taller then 5'7 flat ! 5'9 is a bit deluded , 5'7 tops is deluded , 5'6 is insane !
Parker said on 16/Jan/09
Donatello - I agree
Donatello said on 16/Jan/09
Complex, 5'6" is laughable for cruise. You just seem to keep argueing it though, almost as if your trolling. Although I do think cruise would be hard-pressed to reach 5'9" in the morning I still think 5'6" is a way more ridiculous claim. I'd say hes 5'8" 1/4 morning 5'7" 1/2 lowest.
glenn said on 16/Jan/09
i actually mixed that up myself with charlie and martin.i do that with those two occasionally.didnt realise you messed
RisingForce said on 16/Jan/09
Click Here

What was that you were saying about Tom never wearing shoes as big as Sly's Brad?
Complex said on 16/Jan/09
I think 5'9 is the most deluded, we know he definately NEVER EVER reaches 5'9 barefoot not even in the morning so more likely he's 5'6 than 5'9. For now i'll give him 5'7 dead on but very most I could believe is 5'7.5 morning height, I mean he's not the tallest guy in the world, so what. It's like ppl here want him to be 6'0 or something and it's just not gonna happen. Not like it matters, he's married to holmes and is clearly dwarfed by her in heels and obviously they are both ok with that so I doubt it matters that he's only 5'7 cuz he seems happily in love, crazy happy in love, proof of that is on that oprah episode where I literally think he was virtually clinically insane, lol! 5'9 is out of the ballpark tho, maybe at best he could round up to a weak 5'8 even tho he never hits that, but i'm stickin' w/5'7. No telling what he was on when he said 5'9.
Parker said on 16/Jan/09
Complex - If you think Tom is 5'7 Tops, that is your opinion that you are entitled to. But using your logic on the Mcconaughey pic, it would make Ben Stiller 5'5 tops. You would then need to put Hoffman at 5'4 tops, and Michael J Fox at 5'2 tops. And 5'7 listed Michael Penna? 5'4/5'5?
Click Here
Unless you think Cruise is getting 3 inches from barefoot height in those shoes?....sorry, I just don't see it.
Brad said on 16/Jan/09
Cruise doesn't wear the things Sly wears and Sly is 1/2" taller than Cruise. Put Cruise by Dennis Hopper in golf shoes.
Anonymous said on 16/Jan/09
hey glenn have you come across danny bonaduce at all? what is his height?
leonari said on 15/Jan/09
Metric: all good. I always thought you know what you are talking about. YES Charlie Sheen is a very good example of a true 5'9er. At no point of the day does he go below that mark. Put Tom Cruise barefoot next to Charlie Sheen and there is 3-4 cm gap. Charlie has very good proportions.
glenn said on 15/Jan/09
watch how you word things complex.nobody here says anything like that except me.lifts are indeed overated,but celebs do where them on good occasion.not always.again,your pulling things out of the your calling my statement ignorant.and reworked the words to your liking.i never said they dont wear them.and who on earth,on this downgrading site(not rob),says celebs dont wear lifts? who? not even i would say that.right out the air you made that up.just like that statement of how im arrogant for thinking you or others didnt meet vin diesel.that made no sense either.cause its plain as day 90 percent of you met no celebrities.
RisingForce said on 15/Jan/09
Man, in that first picture with Nicole Tom's shoes are hideous. Those blocks at the end of the shoe are really ugly. The front of the shoe looks pretty thick too so who knows how much he's getting there.
Metric said on 15/Jan/09
leonari: OOPS, I meant Charlie Sheen. Heh heh. Dunno why it came out as Martin Sheen??? Believe me Charlie was in my head when I typed it. lol. I know Martin is short. My bad.
leonari said on 15/Jan/09
Metric:Martin Sheen is 5'9"? The father of Charlie Sheen?? Thats the most ridiculous claim ever Metric. Martin is a short guy and always was!
TELLEM said on 15/Jan/09
parker: thats 3 inches, not 4...5'3 michael j. fox next to 5'6 ben fox isn't even standing straight.
the shredder said on 15/Jan/09
Man , what is up with people ? 5'8 for Tom deluded , but 5'7 tops and shorter is not ? When are you people going to face the fact that he is pretty much strong 5'7 at the minimum ... He is at the VERY least 171cm realisticly , but imo Rob's listing is the minimum , but A great barefoot guess ! Im not saying for a fact that he is 5'8 , but there is no doubt he is more 5'8-ish then 5'7 or 5'9 ... we all know that he is not 5'10 , lol , but the 5'6 to 5'9 opinion's , 5'6 is the most deluded !
alexturner said on 15/Jan/09
Tom Cruise is about 5'7 I think. Not shorter or taller. Exactly 5'7. I think it's awesome that a lot of really good actors are "short". It just goes to show that you don't have to be 6'+ tall to be a successful person. Women just chose taller men because they think they are protected. Ladies let me ask you this, If you and your boyfriend/husband had to walk through a dark alley one night, who would you rather have by your side? A tall man like lets say Vince Vaughan? or a tiny 5'7 guy like Bruce Lee? Height shouldn't be an issue anymore.
Complex said on 15/Jan/09
But acg I don't see her wearing heels though, I work with nothing but chicks and they wear shoes look that 24/7 and they are completely flat. It's almost like they look exactly like your typical heeled shoe minus the heel and I think Kidman is more 5'10. But assuming that she is in heels then I would retract my statement.

Click Here
This is the pic I was refering too, I really see no heels there,if you look at her foot under her dress you can clearly tell there's no heels, you can see the back heel of her foot is nearest the ground. I'd guess she's getting 0.5 inches from those shoes and if you subtract his hair you would still see a difference, prolly close to 2 inches.

I've said it a million times, cruise is 5'8 in decent lifts and prolly 5'9 in big lifts and in sly like elevators with lifts he might be able to reach 5'10, he could never go over 5'10 in my eyes unless in stilts! All i'm saying acg is ya'll aren't making sense, you say there's not much difference in him and supposed 5'11 kidman in heels yet we've all seen him completely dwarfed by 5'9 katie in heels. That just doesn't make sense.

Click Here (Tom & Kidman)
Click Here

Click Here (tom & katie)

Click Here (Let's just assume for a moment Mcconaughey is the height listed here 5' tall does that make Tom????) Personally I think Mcconaughey is shorter than listed here but even if we give him the height listed here where does that put Cruise honestly) and since alot of you say "LIFTS ARE OVER_RATED & STARS DON'T WEAR LIFTS" (which is obviously ignorant) we'll assume their both in casual footwear, even tho I doubt either one leaves the house w/o some sort of height increasing footwear. 5'7 tops!
Metric said on 15/Jan/09
Brad: Click Here For your boxer dog. And get a few back, hip and leg ops that should take care of your height. Nothing is impossible. (Except Cruise being 5'9" barefeet!!) Lol.
Metric said on 15/Jan/09
GREAT post, Complex! I'm with you on this one: 5'6.75" for prime Cruise! Prolly shorter today since he is fast approaching the big FIVE-O. 5'6.5" barefeet?? Probably...
ACG said on 15/Jan/09
Complex says on 14/Jan/09
even in those HUGE, repeat HUGE shoes that he's wearing in the kidman pics he looks between 5'8, 5'9 max.

Are you serious?? First off, Kidman is 5'11- barefoot. Then keep in mind that she was wearing heels. That makes her well over 6' tall altogether. Now Tom looks about the same height as her, sometimes even taller when he wore his possibly height-enhancing shoes.

To say he still looked only "5'8 or 5'9 max" with those "HUGE, HUGE shoes" is pretty far out there.
RisingForce said on 15/Jan/09
Stallone hasn't been UNDER 5'9" in his adult life. The fact that you think Sly is only a half inch taller than Cruise is laughable. Cruise is a minimum 2 inches shorter. I base that on the fact that I've seen Cruise is monster shoes and he barely reaches 5'11" in them. Sly looks to be reaching over 6'1" in shoes all the time.

Remember Sly in elevator shoes next to 6'1.5" David Letterman? Sly was barely shorter. Remember Cruise in elevator shoes next to 5'11" Jay Leno? Shorter than Jay by atleast the same amount.

Once again Sly is 2-3 inches taller than Cruise.
Brad said on 15/Jan/09
If I was worth a few hundred million I can assure you I could get custom Chuck Taylors. I wish I was 6' 1". It sucks being tall. I wish I could find a way to be shorter and to stop my boxer dog from farting and snoring. Tellem has to meet Cruise, but 5' 7.5" is close to reality. Stallone has never seen 5' 9" in his life.
Complex said on 14/Jan/09
No offense, but ya'll are clinically insane if ya'll think it's a stretch that celebs can get 3 inches from shoes. Shoe lift sites advertise even more than that. Even shox give like 1.5 inches and that's w/o lifts and timberlands give a decent amount of height as well, so elevators are so much more. I slipped on a pair of elevators once that a friend of mine had and they gave a solid 3 inches of height and were solely undetectable...and that's w/o lifts. So to answer Parker's question yes I seriously believe that Cruise is getting 3 inches in his lift pics, why not, he's called short 24/7 and criticized so he uses this so he won't get picked on. Heck if ppl all over the world started criticizing me for being fat I would either lose some weight or wear something to make me look thin and thinner clothes to hide it. Kind of what cruise does.

But Parker in the one of Cruise and her stnding straight up by that statue he still looks 1.5 to 2 inches shorter if you subtracted his hair and she stood straight up. Plus has anyone looked at his heels in those, they are ginormous. I don't know what the ppl that think Cruise ever looks 5'10 is smoking but I don't see it, even in those HUGE, repeat HUGE shoes that he's wearing in the kidman pics he looks between 5'8, 5'9 max. 5'7 tops barefoot, even in the barefoot pic of him and katie he looked 1.5-2 inches shorter and alot say she's more 5'8-5'8.5, plus he was measured at 5'6.75 according to several sources, 5'8 is a HUGE stretch for him barefoot! Trust me on this one!
Rusty said on 14/Jan/09
Tom Cruise has always looked more like a 5'9" guy to me, he must be wearing lifts then if his real height is only 5'7"
runt said on 14/Jan/09
Thinking about Parker's last pic with Tom+lifts against Nicole+nothing soles, I imagine several scenarios...

1) They both have the same amount of time out of bed and Tom really reaches Nicole's barefoot height when he's in those lifts; which means he could look TALLER than her if they had shot the photo with Tom at max height. Since most people lose .7" we can assume as much as a 1.4" swing between the two.
2) The picture is rigged (intentionally or not) because Nicole is near minumum height and Tom is near maximum and he's benefiting from the max 1.4" swing or less.
3) Nicole is the one benefiting from a time of day advantage. This would make Tom even taller than he looks in that photo.
Parker said on 14/Jan/09
Tellem - If you read my post I was going off the heights listed on this site. Stiller is listed at 5.6.5 (You say 5'6),Hoffman is listed at 5'5.5 (You say 5'5 tops) If you think Tom is 5'7,we'll agree to disagree. I think he's 5'8 at midday.Not seen any shred of evidence to refute it.Here's Stiller with Michael J Fox-
Click Here
Looks around 4 inches taller than Michael, so I think 5'6 for Stiller could be a tad low - If he is 5'6, Cruise looks at least 1.5 inches taller which still puts Tom at 5'7.5 MIN. Here's Michael with his wife standing approx 3 inches taller in whatever footwear she has on-
Click Here
Here's Tom looking 3 inches taller than Michael's wife from the same night
Click Here

Consistent - Tom 2 inches taller than Stiller,1.5 minimum. Sorry, He's 5'8.
Metric said on 14/Jan/09
5'9" for Cruise is just deluded. Compare him to legit 5'9" Martin Sheen. Nuff said.
TELLEM said on 14/Jan/09
1st of all parker if 5'10 brad pitt can pull off looking nearly the same height as eric bana in some show (i think trl) why can't tom cruise stick 3 inches in his shoes? 2nd of all, stiller is 5'6 not 5'6.5 and hoffman is 5'5 and could be under that nowadays...2nd of all..if he was really 5'8, why was he 2 inches shorter than 5'9 ed harris in the firm, why was he MORE THAN 2 INCHES shorter than paul newman in "the color of money" (cruise's foot wear was also suspicious. the most he had on dustin hoffman in rain man was 2.5 is 5'7.5 max morning height.
the shredder said on 14/Jan/09
Thanks Parker , Same reasons why I don't see a flat 5'7 for him , I can see him being as tall as 5'8.5 , he is most likely 5'7.75 to 5'8.25 , he is closer to that then 5'7 flat or full 5'9 !
runt said on 14/Jan/09
Anonymous says on 13/Jan/09
"I don't know...Cruise looked unusually tall on the Golden Globes. Maybe it's camera trickery but to me he looked well over 5'9". In general Tom appears taller than 10 years ago with much less suspicious footwear...Strange...very strange."

I guess lift and shoe technology has become much more advanced in the last 10 years :D
runt said on 14/Jan/09
Complex says on 12/Jan/09
"...I mean he's prolly 5'7 but that wouldn't suprise me, outside this height ppl argue as low as 5'3 for Cruise and most say he's prolly a flat 5'5, even on official listings he gets a whopping 5'7 and alot of height listings are generous giving things like 6'1 Pitt and 6'0 Clooney, so I say 5'7 for Cruise, not over!"

I did read your whole post and when I responded "you do realize 5'3" to 5'5" is absolute rubbish" I meant exactly that. I was pointing out that those heights shouldn't be given any credence. Even though you said he's prolly 5'7" you seemed to give credence to those much lower estimates. At the end You suggested that the 5'7" listing might be the same as the 6'1" listings for Pitt. BTW Cruise took some pics with Kidman in heels and those are the ones I was referring to.
ACG said on 14/Jan/09
Complex says on 12/Jan/09
Acg this is just a question not meant offensive, but how can you ppl tell that celebs have no lifts? Do ya'll know what lifts are...lifts are designed to be HIDDEN and are placed INSIDE the shoe, so the only way we could ever say for sure that a celeb has no lifts is to make them take off their shoes and check inside their shoes, that's the only way, just guessing and saying "oh he had no lifts and looked 5'10" that makes no sense at all. Again I say I have a friend that puts lifts in even converse and no one ever notices. 5'7 tops for Cruise barefoot, 5'9 in lifts.

I'm simply going by what glenn said- ask him. But glenn has had loads of experience studying these celebs and seen every type of footwear on them imaginable- and then some. So if glenn ventures as far as to say that Tom looked 5'9" once without lifts, then I'm completely behind him on that.

Good chance he is not 5'9 and the sighting was a result of uneven pavement, etc... but there is no way on earth a "5'7 tops" guy could look 5'9" sans height enhancing footwear.

I think Parker hit the nail on the head with his last post.
Parker said on 14/Jan/09
ok - Lets imagine a flat 5'7 for Cruise, and remind ourselves, using the heights listed on this site, what Stiller and Hoffman look like pictured together.
Click Here
5'5.5 for Hoffman, and 5'6.5 for Stiller.
Now look at Cruise and Stiller.
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Looks to be 1.5 to 2 inches height difference. 'Lifts' comes the cry. Well Stiller could be in lifts, but we can't have that. Only Cruise wears lifts. So if Stiller is 5'8 in shoes in the pics, Cruise is 5'10 in shoes. That's a 3 inch lift EVERY time Cruise is pictured with Stiller.
Here's Cruise with 5'7 Michael Penna
Click Here
Penna's footwear looks suspicious but it can't be, only Cruise wears lifts, so again looking 5'10 (IF Penna is 5'7) = So Cruise again is getting 3 inches from his shoes - Does ANYONE seriously believe it?
Finally here he is with 5'11 Nicole Kidman
Click Here
Yes, in this picture he IS wearing lifts - but to look like that against Kidman he'd have to be getting 4 inches from a flat 5'7.

In summary, I've not seen 1 pic or a shred of evidence over 'hearsay and conjecture' that shows he can be anything less than 5'7.5.
When I first visited this site about 3 years ago, I believed Cruise was 5'7 tops. Rob had him listed at 171. Like me, he's seen enough evidence, and heard from Glenn that he's nothing under 5'7, and more likely nearer to 5'8. Facts are he's closer to 5'9 than 5'6. Robs upped him to 172. I personally still think he has him a cm too low.

For some reason the press and numerous people WANT him to be less than 5'7. I've seen ridiculous press as low as 5'4 here
Click Here

People want him to be short. Sorry, he's not. He's a tad below average.
Tim said on 14/Jan/09
Why does Tom Cruise just stop the speculation about his height and just tell people how tall he really is. He has no reason to be insecure seeing he chooses he that releases a worldwide blockbuster every year, makes millions of dollars, has a hot wife and beautiful kid. he can **** on 99 percent on the human population, he is living proof you dont have to be over 6 foot be a successful hollywood actor in the world today
Complex said on 14/Jan/09
runt..pause a second, reread my post that you commented on, then realize that I never said he's 5'3-5'5. I know he's not that low, but if you go to other height forums, there are ppl that argue he's those heights barefoot. If you woulda read my whole post you woulda seen that I gave him 5'7 not over, I never said "Cruise is 5'3" or "Cruise is 5'5", in that scenario it seems you read what you wanted to read. I think the absolute lowest for Cruise is 5'6 and the absolute highest is 5'7.5, he's somewhere in between barefoot evening height. and I could buy 5'8.5 for sly but personally I think he may be 5'8. 5'11 for sly is hysterical. At best Sly is 5'9.

But runt in the pics of cruise and nichole she's in flats and he's in MONSTERISHLY HUGE ELEVATORS and he's still an inch shorter. 5'7 maximum for cruise, sorry you guys are having a hard time accepting it but that's what it is.
Anonymous said on 13/Jan/09
Brad doesn't realize that lifts in regular shoes will look weird. Try it out Brad. Try to put 2.3 inches in your shoes and look how weird them shoes look...It's easy. Just try.
Anonymous said on 13/Jan/09
I don't know...Cruise looked unusually tall on the Golden Globes. Maybe it's camera trickery but to me he looked well over 5'9". In general Tom appears taller than 10 years ago with much less suspicious footwear...Strange...very strange.
RisingForce said on 13/Jan/09
Leung says on 12/Jan/09
Tom Cruise taller than Seacrest at the Golden Globes is exactly what I expected.
That clarifies that Seacrest
RisingForce said on 13/Jan/09
I agree shredder.

Cruise ended up nearly Jay Leno's height recently and a few years ago Sly ended up nearly Letterman's height. That does back up Cruise at a minimum 5'7.5" and Sly at a minimum 5'10". I think each are about half an inch taller though.
the shredder said on 13/Jan/09
Sly is NOT a mystery to me , He is NOTHING but 5'10-ish !
runt said on 13/Jan/09
I have difficulty with a solid 5-8 for Tom and a struggling 5-11 for Sly. I think in both cases these actors might be willing to 'prove' their height because the consensus is that they are quite shorter than these marks. Similar to the stunt that Mel Gibson pulled when he took his shoes off on that show, I think Sly at a struggling 5-11 with military posture + 10 hours of sleep should be able to take his shoes off on Jay Leno.
RisingForce said on 12/Jan/09
Brad, you're pathetic when it comes to Sly. You'll say anything to downgrade him to your RIDICULOUS 5'8.5" estimate. When Sly wants more height it's pretty obvious(look at those black boots in the Rocky movies or his Demolition Man boots). I'd bet my life there were no lifts in those Converse shoes, there was nothing weird looking about them.
Leung said on 12/Jan/09
Tom Cruise taller than Seacrest at the Golden Globes is exactly what I expected.
That clarifies that Seacrest
Brad said on 12/Jan/09
Everybody owns Seacrest, he's like short. Lifts in Converse? Sly did that in Rocky '76. He had to, he's 5' 8.5".
runt said on 12/Jan/09
Complex, you do realize that 5'3" to 5'5" is complete and absolute rubbish? Have you seen 5'3" ppl in pics with Nicole Kidman in her heels??? I guess not. In the past, I've posted Naomi Watts in heels against Nicole Kidman in heels. A 5'3" to 5'5" Cruise in lifts WOULD resemble 5-4ish Naomi Watts in heels. Trust me, Naomi/Nicole pics are not even in the ballpark of Tom/Nicole pics no matter what heels she's wearing.
Complex said on 12/Jan/09
Acg this is just a question not meant offensive, but how can you ppl tell that celebs have no lifts? Do ya'll know what lifts are...lifts are designed to be HIDDEN and are placed INSIDE the shoe, so the only way we could ever say for sure that a celeb has no lifts is to make them take off their shoes and check inside their shoes, that's the only way, just guessing and saying "oh he had no lifts and looked 5'10" that makes no sense at all. Again I say I have a friend that puts lifts in even converse and no one ever notices. 5'7 tops for Cruise barefoot, 5'9 in lifts.
the shredder said on 12/Jan/09
I think Tom is taller then Ryan ... I think Ryan is 5'7.25 -5'7.75 , and Tom 5'7.75 - 5'8.25 ! ... I think Tom has GOT to be what Rob list him as ! I rule out him being as short as 5'7 , 5'6 is the same or worst as saying 5'10 , 5'9 seems just a tad too much , 5'8.5 is possible but tops , 5'8 or a tad taller is very possible , 5'7.75 is a good guess !

I don't see how people would go ape sh!+ for him being taller then 5'7 ! Atleast Rob is close with his barefoot guess !
Big T said on 12/Jan/09
At the Golden Globes, Cruise had an inch over Ryan Seacrest, who himself had an inch over Ricky Gervais, who is 5'7 1/2" on this to say Tom's "public appearance" height is a strong 5'9" at the moment
jojo said on 12/Jan/09
While some people keep trying to bash him because of his height or religion. He's one of the most powerful celebrities in the industry , has a lot of money, fame, looks, and has worked with some of the most acclaimed directors and actors of the world. Yeah he must be losing sleep about his height.
ACG said on 12/Jan/09
But yeah, 5'8ish is the safest bet...
ACG said on 12/Jan/09
Everything Parker says is true, except I actually think 5'9 for Tom is a possibility. Glenn has seen Tom at this height WITHOUT any lifts, so he could be it.

I'll buy 5'9 any day before all this "5'7 tops" BS.
Complex said on 12/Jan/09
5'7 is the most I would give, maybe out of bed he's 5'7.5 at very best with a ton of sleep. If he were a legit 5'8 as some claim then he could get away with 5'9 and trust me, no wway could he ever get away with 5'9, ignorance I guess with ppl saying 5'8 or above for Cruise. I've heard from more than one source that he was measured at 5'6 3/4 and a flat 5'6 evening height wouldn't suprise me, I mean he's prolly 5'7 but that wouldn't suprise me, outside this height ppl argue as low as 5'3 for Cruise and most say he's prolly a flat 5'5, even on official listings he gets a whopping 5'7 and alot of height listings are generous giving things like 6'1 Pitt and 6'0 Clooney, so I say 5'7 for Cruise, not over!
Leung said on 11/Jan/09
James says on 11/Jan/09
I don't think anyone in a million years would belive he is actually a 5ft9er because most people outside of this website think he is 5ft6 or 5ft7.

His ego is 5
Leung said on 11/Jan/09
Cruise is taller than Seacrest.
Cruise is 5
Parker said on 11/Jan/09
Disagree Tom.On This site I think the majority think he's between 5'7 and 5'8. Me,Glenn,Brad,Shredder,James,Rising,ACG,Donatello,Lemon,Leonari. That's because we've seen the evidence. Most people outside this site (and a few on it) listen to rumours and myths and believe what they read in the press.
g said on 11/Jan/09
I agree with you TOM, for me he looks like a 5'7.5 morning max in a very good day, and they are puting him almost in 5'8 and even saying that is more probable for him to be 5'9 than 5'7 come on!! BTW I've seen publicity of tom cruise on this site I think that is one of the things that makes me believe that they are protecting tom.
the shredder said on 11/Jan/09
Rob , who do you think can be taller ? Cruise or Ryan Seacrest ?

Editor Rob
I don't think either would be taller, well noticeably like 0.75 inch.
juniordunlop said on 10/Jan/09
"Junior's 5' 5.5" sighting is ridiculous. He's almost as tall as Katie in that barefoot boat shot and she's a tall gal. He said "spot-on" which is a Brit expression not SoCal."

So what if "spot-on" is a Brit expression? I can guarantee you I am from SoCal (if your real computer savy check my IP). Everyone here can debate all they want. Just wanted to give some insight from some personal experience. What seems to be lacking in this discussion is the simple fact that Tom is as short as the shortest you've seen him. He can only "lift" not "shrink" and I've seen him at around the 5'5.5" - 5'6" range. Certainly no taller. If anything he can only be shorter, just because he wasn't barefoot. Wishing hard enough won't help change his height.
TELLEM said on 10/Jan/09
in "the color of money" he looked 2, maybe sometimes 3 inches shorter than an aging 5'10 paul newman (if he still was 5'10) cruise is 5'7, 5'7.5 MAX...that is all
glenn said on 10/Jan/09
thats true james,but i think he has claimed that.he is at least been listed as that.even more bizzare,i think read it out of his mouth.
Jasmine said on 10/Jan/09
He look shorter than girls in many of his movies and Why Tom cruise is on the top list of most hated celebrities?
Brad said on 10/Jan/09
I don't think Cruise would go near a height question.
Parker said on 10/Jan/09
Complex - Here is a post I posted on 13th October, which somehow ended up on the Stller page

Parker says on 13/Oct/08
Clearly 1.5-2 inches taller than Ben Stiller, but 2-3 inches shorter than Beckham
Cruise Under 5'7 - no chance
5'7 Evening height - possible
5'7.5 Evening height -probable
5'8 Evening height - possible
5'9 - No chance

I'm sure you've seen this video
Click Here
And this pic when he was in converse
Click Here

He's clearly got a min 1.5 inches on Stiller and at least 2.5 on Hoffman
Click Here

Every pic and film I've seen confirms this difference, so if you have Tom 5'7 tops, then we have Stiller 5'5.5 Tops and Hoffman 5'4.5 tops. Do you really believe that? I'll accept and debate 5'7, but surely that's the lowest height he could possibly be.
Vibram said on 10/Jan/09
When people see any 5ft7-5ft9 north european-looking white guy with black hair, white skin and light eyes they think of Tom Cruise. It's quite a rare colour combination, and to extent pred. refined to British, Welsh and Irish folk. Because Cruise is short, they think must think the 5ft9 guy with similar features as short, too, at least it must enter their head, even though 5ft9 isn't really short but beacuse of the Cruise physical similarities they're brainwashed into paring the physical features of regular guys they meet daily to stars on the screen. College girls go crazy over lookalikes don't they? I recall back to 1993 there was this guy in my school class that looked like Mark Owen from boy band 'Take That' and girls were screaming over him.
glenn said on 10/Jan/09
cruise is around 5-8.
The Game said on 10/Jan/09
I say he's 5'7" no more. All 3 of his wives have been taller than him with Mimi Rogers at around 5'8" to 5'8.5" being the shortest.
Complex said on 9/Jan/09
I just can't see that Parker, maybe if by dress shoes you mean lifts. But I highly doubt in the evening he can wear casual dress shoes and hit 5'9, if so, then he'd be close to 5'9 out of bed, which is impossible. 5'7 tops for Cruise, tops! He could never pass for a strong or weak 5'9...he can't even pass for a weak 5'8 in my book! I think he got so much flack about being smaller than average that he figured if he claimed 5'9 that it would get some of the ppl off his back. If he were 5'9 then the rest of the 5'9 guys in the industry should be getting just as much flack about their height as Tom, yet they arent...makes me suspicious of mr. cruise!
ACG said on 9/Jan/09
Tom is wise to claim 5'9, even if he may not be....there's no debating that he can easily look it, contrary to what some people want to believe.
Brad said on 9/Jan/09
Junior's 5' 5.5" sighting is ridiculous. He's almost as tall as Katie in that barefoot boat shot and she's a tall gal. He said "spot-on" which is a Brit expression not SoCal.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.