Donatello said on 9/Jan/09
Vibram says on 9/Jan/09
He gives 5ft9 guys bad vibes by claiming it throughout his carrer
5'9" is way more believable then 5'6" for cruise, Complex he does use lifts to look "average". I couldn't pull that off with 2.5 inch lifts and I'm close to 5'7". So just stop with your 5'6" nonsense, if anybody should I know it would be the person who is actually 5'6". Plus look at him next to hoffman or stiller, even if hoffman is 5'4" and stiller is 5'5" that still puts cruise at strong 5'7".
Parker said on 9/Jan/09
James says on 9/Jan/09
In Cocktail he looked short next to his characters - best friends girlfriend. Its the scene where she is trying to seduce him in her apartment.
Watch it again James. That girl is Kelly Lynch,listed 5'9 here. Yes she looked taller than Cruise in her heels, but when she takes her shoes off she is shorter.
Vibram said on 9/Jan/09
He gives 5ft9 guys bad vibes by claiming it throughout his carrer.
glenn said on 9/Jan/09
i forgot about that james! yes,and i did in the flatest sneakers for at least a split the actual photo i looked 5-8ish,5-9.i saw something similar 3 weeks ago with viggo mortensen.5-8 guys looking 5-10 next to him from a weird angle.not video either.they were doing photos with.
glenn said on 9/Jan/09
i dont think its the smartest idea shredder,as he is aware of the controversy of his the right situation ill think about asking him.
juniordunlop said on 8/Jan/09
Sorry Rob, don't drink while on the job. Just stating a fact. After about 4 or 5 hours it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure something like this out. Shoes can do wonders for man height (and must for him at times). At this reception he obviously wasn't "lifting" and my stated height ranges are certainly spot on.
Parker said on 8/Jan/09
Complex - He probably claimed 5'9 because that's what he is in dress shoes in the evening.
leonari said on 8/Jan/09
Glenn: You would look flat out a 5'10 guy in lifts. Nobody would doubt it. But sure you would get the same controversy as most 5'10" guys get...
Complex said on 8/Jan/09
I've seen Cruise argued as low as 5'3 to as high as 5'9, i've heard 5'6 a countless number of times, 5'7 tops i'd say. He's got the Pitt affect going on except instead of using lifts to look "tall" as pitt does, cruise uses lifts to look "average". I have no earthly idea why Cruise claimed 5'9, there's just no way that's even possible.
the shredder said on 8/Jan/09
Glenn , I think it would be cool to ask Tom his height the next you see him ! ... Be like " HEY TOM ! 5'8 or 5'9 ! " or hey tom are you 5'8 or so , or just flat out ask him what his height is !
Lemon said on 8/Jan/09
Sorry, the second link is:
Click Here
glenn said on 8/Jan/09
i agree guys,thank you.that i can pull of looking 5-9 or so,sometimes.thats why i dont understand the 5-6 to 5-7 snide remarks.tom has funny arms and legs.i wonder how i would pull off looking in lifts?
the shredder said on 8/Jan/09
Rob , how come my post are not showing ? ... I posted on the Sly page and Avery !

Editor Rob
I hadn't got around to looking at them yet to give you a response because they included links.
Lemon said on 8/Jan/09
juniordunlop, no way Cruise is 5'5.5", look at him next to 5'6" Ben Stiller:
Click Here; or next to 5'5.5" or 5'6" Bono:
Click HereCruise is 5'7.5" minimum. 5'7.75" more probable.
Brad said on 8/Jan/09
Yes Junior, you had too many of those drinks that the reception was to serve. He's 5' 8" or juss a wee shy of it.
Kristian said on 8/Jan/09
Its true tom does have a weird body i first noticed it in Jerry Maguire when hes walking in the airport...he is pretty stocky though that is the only reason why i think he cops a bit of flak...
but you should seriously hear the comedians down in australia who dead set think hes 5 foot 4 what a joke, its true they are jealous ****s but what can you expect when you join a group such as will get flak about anything
leonari said on 8/Jan/09
Hell yeah you look in proportion Glenn. Thats why you can look taller than you really are in certain pics. Cruise can't.
TELLEM said on 7/Jan/09
rob, whatever you do don't up this man's height...please...keep him in the 5'7 range
juniordunlop said on 7/Jan/09
I worked his wedding reception to Nicole Kidman (which was quite a bit after their actual wedding) and stood by him all night. This event took place at the Long Beach museum for aviation (not exactly sure if that is the exact name, but it is an airplane museum in Long Beach). At the very tallest he "could" be 5'6", but I would put my money on 5' 5.5". No way is he 5'7" unless he wears shoe implants that work the opposite of lifts. By the way, a very nice guy. Introuced himself to me as Tom, as if I didn't know.
Brent said on 7/Jan/09
I agree with complex cruise is a 5'7 guy.
ACG said on 7/Jan/09
yeah, glenn can look a legit 5'9 to 5'10 in some pics. and that's not counting the pics where he's next to celebs who either claim or are listed elsewhere way higher than they actually are!
proportion-wise? yeah, cruise has the build of an unusually short man- which he is not. but his unflattering build and the fact that he is still just a tad under average height make him a prime target for short jokes or misconceptions. of course this is all combined with someone who has starred in big budget action movies playing the hero- who people would expect to be 6'2- but then they meet him in person and.....
i can almost bet my life that if Tom were a solid 5'10 he'd still get almost an equal amount of flak for being "short"- just look at Stallone; hell, look at Schwarzenegger!!! Arnie actually was a legit 6'2, maybe not anymore, but he still gets a crapload of short sightings and rumors- some allegedly even dating back to when he WAS his peak height!!
glenn- though Tom may actually be taller than you(if he's 5'9, which is possible), you give a much taller impression due to your proportions- as leonari said, Cruise looks a bit weird for someone as "tall" as he is, but you look fine. i wouldn't go as far as to call Tom an abnormality, but i've seen people around his size that are way lankier, therefore giving a taller impression than he ever could hope to.
let me put it this way- it's a heck of a lot easier for me to see Brad Pitt as a sex icon, raw height aside.
frankys said on 7/Jan/09
leonari: look at the pics and make up your own my humble opinion cruise is 172 cm with shoes on (no lifts though)..
James: than berlusconi is 170 cm with footwear... comparing with cruise they have the same gap with veltroni..which prolly means that cruise is 172 cm with shoes on
glenn said on 7/Jan/09
i know that leonari.i meant do i look in proportion in general? especially compared to him?
glenn said on 7/Jan/09
you never ever had a myspace account leonari? thats odd.i couldve sworn you had one 2 years ago.
Vibram said on 7/Jan/09
I don't think Cruise has a small upper body: type 'Cruise, Magnolia' into google images and he looks big-chested / broad. Itr's odd cause he looked small / sparrow-like with thta grey shirt pic with Kidman posted a few days ago, like a jockey he looked. I think Charles Brosnon was 5ft8 at best - a similar height to Cruise - but never got the short mans flack, ever from the media like Tom does. Bronson pulled off the 5ft10 look, something Tom can't quite do without camera trickery and hideous boots, though. Is it because Bronson has somewhat normal-looking leg length and straight shoulders, where as Tom has short legs and sloped/compact shoulders?
Complex said on 6/Jan/09
I think a flat 5'7 is more possible than legit 5'8 for cruise...
John P said on 6/Jan/09
Glen i will admit you have good proportions-wide shoulders, decent build. You give the illusion of a 5-10 guy.
leonari said on 6/Jan/09
Frankys: So whats up with the Veltroni pics? Explain. Just posting pics is not self explanatory, you know!
Lemon said on 6/Jan/09
James, as I said before Veltroni is 5'11.5", 6'0" tops.
leonari said on 6/Jan/09
Glenn: I don't have a myspace account so I doubt you have seen a pic of me sitting...
leonari said on 6/Jan/09
Glenn: I meant like myself you have wide shoulders. Normal built. Tom has weird body proportions not you man!
the shredder said on 6/Jan/09
Ok guys , he might not be legit 5'8 , but it is not impossible ! ... it is more possible then 5'9 or 5'7 flat ! ... Now that I think about , If got he measured 5'9 in shoes then 5'7.75 would be accurate !
The guy clearly is NOT 5'6 to 5'7 ! Im 5'6 to 5'7 , And I'd bet Cruise is taller ! ... Cruise is atleast a little taller then 5'7 , 171cm realisticly !
Lemon said on 6/Jan/09
frankys, Berlusconi always wears lifts, so it's better to look at him as a 5'7" guy.
glenn said on 6/Jan/09
what about my proportions leonari? shoulders? normal? you can be honest.not that i expect you to say anything unsual proportions can look weird.i feel im perfect in that sense.i never saw a pic of you standing.i think i saw a myspace pic of you sitting.
leonari said on 5/Jan/09
I agree with Glenn. There are uglier shoes out there. But Cruise packed serious lifts in there. Trust me. Thats why he needs the 1.5 sizes bigger than what he would need when buying regular shoes without wanting to put lifts in 'em. But recently he is not pulling those out of the closet. His shoes look way more decent these days.
And yes he has a very weird body shape. His shoulders are extremely narrow. I'm his height (give or take half an inch) and my shoulders are much wider. Glenns as well btw.
leonari said on 5/Jan/09
Here we go again another of my posts disappeared. Steve Edwards: We are intelligent animals. Nothing more nothing less. In the animal world it's also the big alpha male that is the leader of the hurdle the one one females are after. It's all about prize-ability . Thats why it doesn't matter if very famous actor or Rock stars are ugly and/or really short or filthy rich billionaires for that matter. We are primitive beings with a developed brain if that makes any sense. Well actually it's as contradictory as the human race as a whole...
Complex said on 5/Jan/09
Man if we're gonna give Cruise a legit 5'8 why don't we just go ahead and upgrade him to 6'0, lol! It seems he was listed 5'6 way back in the day, then 5'7 for the longest, now he's toying around with 5'8, what next...5'9, 5'10, 6'0 6'3 Cruise?? I mean unless this guy is still growing, he's 5'7 tops!
DEPP said on 5/Jan/09
the dont even seem that big too me. Just normalish shoes that acuall dont look bad at all. I think jus the mention that shoes ma have lifts make some people automaicall label them "hideous". lol
frankys said on 5/Jan/09
italian politician Veltroni next to 1.65 cm Berlusconi
Click next to Cruise
Click Here
glenn said on 5/Jan/09
downeys gray sneakers and slys munsters take the cake for me.i dont have a problem with cruises shoes.too long,too big.but i like the style if they were normal size.its the big size thats make them ugly.not the style to me.
RisingForce said on 5/Jan/09
Glenn, I think the thickness and size of the shoes makes them ugly. If they were smaller then they wouldn't be ugly in my opinion but the size makes the difference. Sly's Rocky Balboa premiere shoes were hideous but I like some of the cowboy boots he wore in the 70's and 80's that weren't thick but had a big heel. Downey's shoes themselves aren't that bad which is the problem considering the fact that he trys to put 2 inch lifts in them. Downey's problem is that he has no idea how to hide lifts.
Vin Diesel probably has some of the ugliest boots. Way too thick and chunky. Sometimes his boots like fine though.
Now that I think of it, Cruise has much worse shoes than he wore in the picture I just posted.
I honestly think these shoes are truly hideous. I don't understand why anyone would wear them.
Click HereClick HereMaybe I'm missing something but those really seem ugly to me.
I've seen Brad Pitt and Sly wear these. They aren't as bad but they give a lot of height. These actually don't look too bad, it's just obvious why he wears them.
Click HereClick HereIf he wants 2.5 or 3 inches then he should just wear those and not what he wore in the first 2 pictures. Tom really can pass for 5-10 or close to it in certain shoes.
Honestly though when I want more height, I wear cowboy boots. I like the way those look and they give 2 inches even without lifts.
leonari said on 5/Jan/09
Steve Edwards: Cause we are still and will remain a primitive being no matter what scientific or technological advancements we make But I think like you. It would be a much nicer place...
Steve Edwards said on 5/Jan/09
Why can't we just live in a society where height and race are considered irrelevant?
Vibram said on 5/Jan/09
Seth says on 3/Jan/09
i think everyone thinks he's short is because he is a small man, not just in height, but in actual size
Indeedio. He has sloped shoulders, a long neck, a short back/spine with shortish legs as well. This makes guys below 5'10 look small IMO.
Kristian said on 5/Jan/09
Im amazed that this guy gets such a hard time for being short, when others like ben stiller are always overlooked when it comes to such things despite being much shorter....
im almost 5 foot 9 (perhaps even on it) in the morning and come down to just a tad over 5 foot 8 at night except i never look or feel as short as tom does put him at 5 foot7.5
Leung said on 4/Jan/09
leonari says on 4/Jan/09
You have him perfect,don't give him 173.Please
I second that. His current listing is correct.
glenn said on 4/Jan/09
i think those are nice shoes.just too big.ugliest? thats exaggerating.that goes to sly and downey.
Lemon said on 4/Jan/09
Yes, Parker, Veltroni is 5'11.5", 6'0" max (here he is with 5'7" Silvio Berlusconi:
Click Here). Redford is 5'9.5" minimum. Glenn saw him at 5'10".
Anyway, I guess a weak 5'8" for Tom.
RisingForce said on 4/Jan/09
When Cruise was being marketed as an action hero around the time of MI2 he wore some of the thickest, ugliest shoes I've seen a celebrity wear.
Click HereIn them he does look every bit as tall as 5-9.5, 5-10 Cuba Gooding Jr. though and Cruise is slouching. That means at worst he's a weak 5-8.
Parker said on 4/Jan/09
Here's Lemon's pic from a different angle - Redford looking like 5'10 to me.
Click Here
Parker said on 4/Jan/09
Good pic Lemon. Looks about 3 inches shorter than the politician 5'11.5 (182) you say? Puts Cruise at 5'8.
Lemon said on 4/Jan/09
To me 5'8" sounds a little high for Tom. Here he is with Redford and the italian politician Walter Veltroni (saw him recently, he is a legit 182 cm.):
Click Here5'7.5" or 5'7.75" is perfect for Mr. Cruise.
Parker said on 4/Jan/09
I'm with you shredder, I too think he's 173,(legit 5'8) but definately no more than that, but Robs listing of 172 is only a cm off, so perhaps you could argue he could be 172 at night after carrying a sack of potatoes around on his back for 14 hrs.
Complex - good pic but unfortunately, without seeing their feet its impossible to make an accurate height estimate.
In my opinion Cruise is a legit 5'8, but his wife's footwear can make a big difference to any pic together.
I think Katie is as listed here (5'9)and Cruise can get to 5'9, 5'9.5 in standard footwear,dress shoes as here with his wife in mm footwear-
Click HereNow,equip Katie with her favourite 3 inchers..
Click HerePut her together in a pic with Tom in a pair of his flatter shoes...
Click HereAnd abracadabra, he stands 5'9 and she 6 foot.
Put them in a group pic on the same night with 5'6 Marc Anthony and J Lo..
Click HereStill looking 5'9.
Put Tom in Converse and Katie in marginally shy of 3 inchers,
Click HereTom maybe standing at 5'8.5/5'8.75
Now roll the years back and get him into Stallone lifts against his ex 5'11 wife
Click HereHe's standing close to 5'11. If he's 5'6, he's getting 5 inches from his shoes, If he's 5'7, 4 inches, 5'8 2.5/3 inches. Before you decide how much his shoes are giving him, bare in mind I once had these shoes
Click HereThey give you 3 inches from barefoot.
the shredder said on 4/Jan/09
Rob , in your opinion you don't see taller then 172 cm ? ... I know you don't see 170cm , which I agree with !
the shredder said on 4/Jan/09
Rob , CHECK this out PLEASE !!! ... I find this pic of Cruise and Downey , jr 's footware , and they are both in FLAT shoes ! ...
Click Here Now look at this pic ... they both look like legit strong 173cm !
Click Here Downey , jr is a legit 173cm imo , I don't care who disagrees , Cruise imo is 173cm !

Editor Rob
if I remember from looking at those photos Cruise was wearing all white converse, matthew had a 1-inch nike.
the shredder said on 4/Jan/09
Yes Rob , I think it is the most accurate an estimate , 5'9 is too high , 5'7 is too low !
leonari said on 4/Jan/09
You have him perfect,don't give him 173.Please
the shredder said on 4/Jan/09
Rob , what stops you from giving him 173cm ?

Editor Rob
nothing, but is it more accurate an estimate, a legit 5ft 8?
king kong bundy said on 4/Jan/09
morning 5-8, by night brushing 5-7 @ ~5-7.25
sam said on 4/Jan/09
he's got a complex because everyone in hollywood wants him to be 6 foot so they're jelous that a man of average stature physically has achieved extraordinary stature professionally/artistically.
sam said on 4/Jan/09
looks like a solid 5'8
Complex said on 4/Jan/09
Click HereTom Cruise & 5'7 Michelle Monaghan (who's also commented that her & Cruise were the same height)
Granted she's likely wearing heels in this pic....but he likely is too ;)
RisingForce said on 3/Jan/09
Tom looks an easy 5-8 barefoot with Katie. Her sandals give her a quarter or half an inch.
Great pictures Parker. I think he's 5-8. I also think there's a better chance that he's 5-9 as he claims over the 5-6.75 figure you hear.
He's really not that short. Rob has him listed well.
Seth said on 3/Jan/09
i think everyone thinks he's short is because he is a small man, not just in height, but in actual size
the shredder said on 3/Jan/09
Tom is pretty much a 172cm - 173cm guy , not legit 5'9 ... not flat 5'7 !
Vibram said on 3/Jan/09
He did look 5'8" - 5'9" and an average height man in "Risky Business" (1983). Didn't look small at all but was a slimmer framed man compared with today. Go's to show 5'7" men can look average before they become stockier, thus shorter-looking with age.
Donatello said on 2/Jan/09
I really have a hard time buying anything less then 5'7" 1/2 for Tom. Complex quit
trolling around these forums with your 5'6" claims. 5'6" isn't possible for cruise, I would buy 5'10" before 5'6" for cruise.
RICHARD said on 2/Jan/09
How tall is Tom's mother ?????
I've read his dad was 6'0 so Tom took after his mom
Lego said on 2/Jan/09
nice tom image below, looks 172-173cm there but if he was swimming then maybe his spine was tretched, besides it's morning or something.
171-172cm is more like it for tom.
james2 said on 2/Jan/09
RisingForce looking at that picture he looks around about 5'8.
glenn said on 2/Jan/09
i guess it looks that way tom,but cruise is most likely 5-8. 5-7 is also possible.
RisingForce said on 2/Jan/09
Here is a better picture of Tom barefoot.
Click HereHe's 5-8 or 5-7.5 at worst. Rob has him listed perfectly.
the shredder said on 2/Jan/09
Parker , I find it hard to see how people can even see as low as 5'7 flat ! ... That guy Michael Pena looks 170cm and so does JJ Abrams looks 170cm also , and actually JJ Abrams next to 5'4-5'5 women in heels is exactly how my grandpa looks next to my 5'4 grandma in heels , and my grandpa is a measured by the army 5'7 guy , and still is ! ... This is why I don't see Tom being just 170cm , because a 5'7 flat guy next to women that height in heels will look at most the womens height , Tom always looks taller !
Rob , this is the reason I can't see him being 170cm ! ... Im not going to demand 5'9 ... I don't think he is that tall , but he has got to be 172cm !
Rob , do you think 172cm is minimum ?
Midget said on 2/Jan/09
I read somewhere that in the mid to late 80's, Tom was listed on a movie's cast list as being 169cm. I think it was around the time he did his first movie,(some fantasy/adventure type flick),but I can't find the article that I saw it mentioned.I still can't see him being any more than 171cm-172cm though at max.
Parker said on 1/Jan/09
Tom with Lions of Lambs cast members
Click Here5'7 listed Micheal Pena(Celebs),5'9.5 listed Robert Redford,6' listed Andrew Garfield(IM-B)
And another, Garfield,Cruise,Redford.
Click HereIf anyone still thinks Cruise is under 5'7 - I give up.
Complex said on 1/Jan/09
He looks as low as 5'5 in the pics leonari posted but like he said, the boat is tilted, the 5'6 range could be possible, I think maybe he's 5'7 during the day and 5'6.5 at night, something like that.
TELLEM said on 1/Jan/09
a while back i posted a picture of a bunch of paramount picture celebs next to each other and charles heston completely towered over tom cruise...hes 5'7...nuff said
anne said on 1/Jan/09
i dnt get it y does every 1 call him short? if he really is 5-6 then he is 3inches taller than me i know i am short any way but compared to tom who is "small" then i maust be a shrimp y dnt they give him a break? if he is that bothered by it then y does he get his leg elongated???
Parker said on 1/Jan/09
Adam - Get an envelope or a ruler and line it up at the top of Cruise's head on the pic. If Heston was 9 inches taller you'd see Heston's full head. You don't. He's more like 7 inches taller than Tom 6'3 -7" = 5'8.
Also, with respect trying to estimate a 5'7/5'8 guy accurately against a 6'3 guy is almost impossible.
adam said on 1/Jan/09
Go to the Charlton Heston -page. There is a pic (put by Gonzalo) where Tom is standing next to Charlton Heston. The 6-3 Heston looks what 8-9 inches taller. So that makes Cruise.... 5-6 to 5-7. And that is pretty much what he is!
Brad said on 1/Jan/09
He's been wearing very big stealth the past year. On Leno he had incredible ones. Sly should find the cobbler. I bet Tom looked at Keri's heels and went: "Oh no".
Glenn said on 18/Oct/06
That would still be lifts anonymous.good question Dmeyer.5-7 and 5-8.I could see being vain is against his religion.
DMEYER said on 17/Oct/06
hey glenn wath the tallest that cruise apear to you and the shortest
anonymous2 said on 17/Oct/06
if he doesn't wear actual lifts he must have his shoes specially made, like Sly ;)
dmeyer said on 16/Oct/06
174 is wath he looks in those pics with glenn
dmeyer said on 16/Oct/06
if tom didnt wear lifts when i met him last week idsay he is 173 pushing 174 but his shoes did look suspicious so more 170 172 range
TJ said on 15/Oct/06
Well dumbdude, those pics suggest Penelope was up to his eyes, which makes him a good 4.5 inches taller than her. 5'2 is a low estimate for her. Rob has her at 5'4. Even if we say 5'3, that puts Tom at over 5'7. Certainly not the ridiculous 5'4 you have claimed in this thread. Either you have an obsessive need to make every celeb as short as possible, due to your own insecurities, or you are on here making stupid comments for a lark.
Zach said on 14/Oct/06
lol @ george H's picture!
dumbdude said on 14/Oct/06
Yeah Tom is looking real tall next to his 5 2 Vanilla Sky costar/ex girlfriend Penelope Cruz..
Click HereClick HereClick HereClick HereAnd BTW, Cameron Diaz is actually closer to 5 foot 6. She may even be in the 5 foot 5 range. Camera angles and perspective can make people look taller than they actually are. She only comes close to 5 foot 9 when she's wearing 3 inch heels.
dmeyer said on 12/Oct/06
if you judge celeg within 1 inch i'l say cruise is 5'7.25 to 5'8.25 hanks 5'11.5 to 6'0.5 eckhart 5'10 to 5'11 ..... i dont think we can judge someone exact height some people think i am 5'11.5 some 6 feet and some 6 feet 1
Viper652 said on 12/Oct/06
Franco, Jensen looks no taller than 5-10 1/2 next to other actors. Dont think his build has anything to do with it.
Lmeister said on 12/Oct/06
Franco U are so right. I'm in the same range as Tom heightwise. In somepoint I used to be rather skinny around 140 pounds. Nowadays around 177 pounds I look shorter in the new pics...
George H said on 12/Oct/06
My wife has a favorite forum she visits and this picture was posted on it. We both thought it was hilarious rofl.
Click Here
RP said on 12/Oct/06
I'm sorry there's no way that Tom Cruise is 5'7'. look at the proportions of his face when he stands next to someone who most likely isn't wearing lifts. if you look at the -face- you can clearly tell his body his on the small side. his head is like an inch or more smaller than spielberg's, whose 5'7-5'8. that being said, I would say his actual height is 5'5.5-5'6. 5'7'' is an average height for human beings, but i know tom is short.
dmeyer said on 11/Oct/06
for example tom looks taller in person than ben stiller like 1.5 taller or 2 inches it make sens since cruise is a lidl over 5'7 like 172 but a lot of people think 5'7
Franco said on 11/Oct/06
I gotta agree on Tom Cruise having a slightly bulked (??) body, you have to keep in mind something :) if you are 1.72 cm and got a muscled body, you will look 1.65cm this is because once you get "big" your upper body and maybe your legs will look short when in fact it isn't really that short.
that's why a 60KG guy with a height of 1.65cm will look taller than a 80kg guy with a height of 1.75cm. it's all about proportions and body frame, small frame = look taller.
the best example is JENSEN ACKLES (from Supernatural), because his body is well muscled he doesn't look 1.85 cm onscreen, add to this a big leather jacket and you're looking at him as if he's 1.75cm.
in conclusion, i agree Tom Cruise body frame makes him look short, indeed his upper body doesn't showcase his height with or without lifts, although technically he is 1.70 - 1.72cm he definetely look shorter.
Jared Padelski is 1.93cm like me and thanks to the huge jackets and other things he looks BIG (his upper body) but doesn't look 1.93 cm, maybe 1.85 cm even though he is really 1.93cm. ;)
your body frame and what you wear makes a difference. ;) i don't think Tom Cruise is 5.6' ....he is definetely 1.71 - 1.72cm without shoes and no less than 1.70cm. absolutely not.
i agree also that Tom Cruise obsession with his height gave the opportunity to the "hateful" media to annoy him with frases like "TOM CRUISE IS SHORT" when in fact he isn't. they just found a good opportunity to write something that would cause some interest, people read magazines and a title like "TOM CRUISE.....SHORT!" eye catching :-D ****s lol
Josh said on 11/Oct/06
If Tom was more open about his height and concealed it less, people wouldn't be as interested as they are. The truth is the man is 5'5, 5'6. This is relatively short, but not such a big deal in hollywood, lots of short actors. In most pictures you don't get a true sense of his height. But w/o a doubt, he has a short upperbody. Using this as an indicator of his true height as he has small legs too, it's only natural to assume he is wearing large lifts, and constantly. Once again this guy is 5'6 tops.
Anonymous said on 10/Oct/06
By Franco-"for men anything above 1.70cm isn't short, unless you live somewhere where everyone is 1.80cm."
I agree. I see guys that are 5'7"/5'8" everywhere. Here in Michigan it seems almost average and maybe only slightly short. I've never understood why people rip on Tom the way they do (at least not for his height). I see far more guys around his height then I do 6'1" and up.
Franco said on 10/Oct/06
Let's not kid ourselves, and this is coming from a 1.93 cm guy (me)......1.72 cm isn't short, period.
it may look short compared to a 1.80cm guy, and a 1.80 will be considered short compared to someone like me 1.93cm, and 1.93 will be considered short compared to a 2.00 cm guy etc.
keep in mind that here in Italy most girls are around 1.55 to 1.60cm, so Tom Cruise would be considered tall without lifts for them, a 12 cm difference and most girls here date shorter guys around the 1.60-1.65 cm. bah
also i dunno why they say Tom Cruise is short when you have someone like Danny De Vito that is 1.52cm, why don't they laugh at Danny instead and stop kidding themselves?
1.72 to 1.75cm is not short nor THAT average either, for men anything above 1.70cm isn't short, unless you live somewhere where everyone is 1.80cm. (highly unlikely).
YES, tom cruise is 1.72cm and not an inch more (without shoes).
Danny De Vito, Joe Pesci......SHORT! Tom Cruise? not. ;)
anonymous2 said on 9/Oct/06
came across a sighting on a gossip site. someone saw him on a beach and claimed he was the same height as their 5'4 daughter
dmeyer said on 9/Oct/06
even taugh he is 5'7 or 8 he can look 5'9 with the right shoes on
dmeyer said on 9/Oct/06
171 172 might be his actual height rob you are good
dmeyer said on 9/Oct/06
i talked with cruise sathurday he looked just under 5'9 like 5'8 but his shoes looked like elevators even thaugh they had only 1.25 outside heel if they were none lifted id say a strong 5'8 but barefeet might be closer to 171 with elevator on he looked 173 174 range they were high cut dress boots and they looked similar with elevator shoes that a friend of mine is wering but if he was wearing only the 1.25 heels he could be a 5'8 guy no more possibly less like 171 or 172
Anonymous said on 6/Oct/06
No way Cruise is "taller", "shorter", "taller"than Spielberg. Tom is SHORT. As a 6' woman, just check out a guy's upper arm. If it's really short, they're wearing LIFTS!!! Back in the daym Paul Newman always had the "forward" walk. We knew he was wearing heels, bur it was freakin' Paul Newman!!! and the acting trumped the size. Same with antonio Banderas. Now, MY favorite guy is at least 6' 2'', bur talent trumps size anyday. I'll take Sir Antony Hopkins over Josh Hartnett any day. Height is height and talent is talent. I don't mind that Tom is 5'6"...if can't find a better performance than his in "Rainman"!
Rob2 said on 5/Oct/06
weellll , i think he's 1,72..
dmeyer said on 5/Oct/06
even taugh when i mket tom he looked 5 ft 9 + he does look aleast 1.5 in smaller than katie
antron said on 5/Oct/06
Tom is 5'7" and wears lifts next to Katie (and did near Nicole) when she's wearing heels so he doesn't look mini. Everyone knows he is shorter, but he doesn't want to look dwarfed. I recently saw a picture of them walking along a dock near a boat and they were in sandals. He looks the appropriate 1.5-2 inches shorter than 5'9" Katie. If I can find that picture again I will post it.
Anonymous said on 4/Oct/06
I really did bump into him, literally, last weekend (in Las Vegas at the Wynn Hotel) (believe what you will) and I am 5'8" and I was wearing Haviana flip flops (flat flatt). I was an inch to three inches taler and he was in loafer type shoes. It was so weird and his body guards pushed me away. I really captured the impression that he is 56' to 5'7" and the 5'7" is generous. I also looked up to Katy Holmes, in the eye (and she smiled sweetly and said hi) and she was in huge heels and not much taller than me, 5'8 max?
Anyway, crazy run-in and it happened with four of my friends, all who say he was 5'4-5'4" but I will be the benefactor of the doubt and say he is max 5'7'.
ThatStuntGuy2004 said on 30/Sep/06
Fooh King Guy, you are the one telling lies. Everybody, read exactly what i wrote and judge for yourself.
Click HereIf you plan to respond of about the stunt industry facts I speak of. Be smart and do some research first and you will see I'm telling the truth. I said he was 5'9 NOT 5'11. The article is about Tom being 5'11. He isnt 5'11. He is 5'9 and i have seen him in his bare feet and I'm 6'1.
Polska said on 30/Sep/06
I Don't know. The more I look at pictures, including those with Glenn, and read about what ppl say after meeting him, including Stuntman, I'm starting to think he is more in the vicinity of 5'8"-5'8.5". What do you really think Rob? I know 'officially' you think he's 5'7.75", but I suspect you're denying him that last .25"-.75" becuase you'd be crucified by the masses if there wasn't that 7 in there, lol.

Editor Rob
he just might shrink more than average during the day. No point in commenting on that katie/tom pic because it is an anti-cruise picture
aw said on 29/Sep/06
that pic looks fake, Katie looks like giant.
Parker said on 29/Sep/06
Just to be clear, I believe Tom stands at about 5'8. I don't understand the photograph I posted belowbelow, it must be some sort of camera angle/trick - didn't Rob post 3 candles once of the same size looking very different? I think this must be something similar.
dumbdude said on 29/Sep/06
Look's like the fit has hit the shan for the 5 7 and over claims. Katy's around 5 7ish herself, and with those three inch heels she has on, she looks about 5 10. If Tom were really 5 7, he'd be at least up to Katy's nose level even in those heels, but he's barely coming up to her shoulder. Still he's taller than 5 2 though. probably about 5 5 tops based on that pic. He's probably closer to 5 4 though. Which makes me think that as I've stated before, Dustin Hoffman is actually closer to 5 3.
Parker said on 29/Sep/06
Don't quite believe this photograph. Tom looks about 5'2 on this
Click Here
Anonymous said on 29/Sep/06
his stunt on war of the worlds was 5 feet 9 and told me cruise was the same size cruise did apear 5'9+ when i met him since cruise is about 172 ans with 2.75 inches lookes 176 177 range but he was runing all over the place he had 1.5 inches taller than spielberg that day
anonymous2 said on 28/Sep/06
is there anyone who believes he is 5'7" who thinks it is possible that he is shorter?
Nolifts81 said on 27/Sep/06
He is no more than 5'7"!!!
Adriano said on 27/Sep/06
I think that he is quite tall guy about 178cm,he is almost the same height as Nicole Kidman in Zack photo.
Fooh King Guy said on 26/Sep/06
There's a Stuntman2004 at the link below who says he met Tom and says he is no shorter than 5'11. This stuntman been in one stunt too many.
Click Here
liam said on 26/Sep/06
i think cruise always wears lifts because his head always looks small compared to people who has the same height
Anonymous said on 26/Sep/06
Posted by Sam: "Tom Cruise looks 5'8. I've never seen him appear much shorter, maybe 5'7.5 but he's a pretty standard size guy."
The guys is 5'7"/5'8" and appears so consistently. Why do people continue to debate this? In honesty, I've never understood why people give Tom so much crap about his height. I agree with Sam that 5'7"/5'8" is a pretty standard height. Before anyone says anything, I agree that it IS short. If you're going by statistics he is certainly below average height, period. But when I say that it's pretty standard I mean that it isn't THAT short. There are guys all over the place this height, and they never turn any heads or are pointed out as "really short." In real life 5'7"/5'8" guys just don't suffer from the same stigma as truly very short men, be it socially, romantically, professionally, whatever. So it is short, but not dramatically noticeable, and in that sense Tom is a pretty standard guy. Far from tall, but not overly tiny.
I think Tom's arrogance and his repeated use of lifts is what causes him to get so much crap. If he just accepted that he's a bit on the short side, people would probably just let him be. He ought to stop speaking in general, too.......
john said on 26/Sep/06
downgrade to AT LEAST 5'7 please. I want to see him without his magical shoes standing next to someone 5'8.
Viper652 said on 25/Sep/06
Dumbdude is truly lowballing people on this site. Sly at 5-5, Nicole Kidman at 5-7?? What in the world.
dmeyer said on 25/Sep/06
tom comes evry saturday at la cienega park to watch his dauther play football i leave near buy i am gonna try to take a look
Viper652 said on 25/Sep/06
I can beleive 5-8 is his height in shoes. 5-7 barefoot.
Parker said on 25/Sep/06
There are some pictures of Cruise walking with Katie Holmes in OK magazine this week. All I will say to Rob is you have one of the listings on the site wrong. Either Katie is not 5'9, or Cruise is 5'8 (173/174) min. She had 3 inch heels on and there was little between them.
Leung said on 24/Sep/06
Dumbdude, enough of your jokes, you may think that you are a funny person but most of us think you are annoying. Be sensible or go elsewhere.
sam said on 24/Sep/06
Tom Cruise looks 5'8. I've never seen him appear much shorter, maybe 5'7.5 but he's a pretty standard size guy.
Zack said on 24/Sep/06
dumbdude said on 24/Sep/06
Speilberg looks well proportioned in the pic relative to his stature Height Detective, but Tom again does not. His arms look stubby, and his head and the rest of his upper body look real small. If you're a certain height..your arms should at least go significantly past your waist area. Every picture that I've seen Tom looking an inch or two taller than a legit 5 7 - 5 8ish guy like Glenn, it seems as though his arms barely go past his waist area. The pictures look kind of surreal, it almost seems as though Tom's standing on top a crate or as if something is "lifting" him up a good 2-3 inches.(wink)
Gotxo said on 24/Sep/06
I can buy 5'8" for Tom, but 5'9" is allready an stretch.
But very interesting comment, so that confirms that Tom in any way is a little taller than his supposed 5'7", cool.
He's not that short.
dumbdude said on 24/Sep/06
I don't think so. Glenn looks like a 5 7 to 5 8 guy..his arms are lanky, and his head and body look fairly well proportioned. Tom's head and arms look relatively small and stubby compared to the rest of his body in those pics above with Glenn. I just can't see Cruise being anymore than 5 6, and that's being generous. I think he's really about 5 5 on the dot. I'm sure he looks 5 7 to 5 8 with 2 inch lifts and posture. And his ex wife, Nicole Kidman is nowhere near 5 10..she's definitely in the 5 7 range..5 8 tops. She looked no more than an inch and a half or so taller than 5 6ish Matthew Broderick in the Stepford Wives.
Click Here
Height Detective said on 24/Sep/06
Cruise and Spielberg
Click Here
Editor Rob
there was a 'stuntguy' talking about cruise on one of the cruise articles on this site:
Polska said on 23/Sep/06
Hey Shoemaker, just out of curiosity, what size shoes did they wear? And did you make any lifts or large healed shoes for any notable stars?
Glenn said on 23/Sep/06
I agree with that Shoemaker.5-8 should be the most for Cruise though.
HelloKitty said on 23/Sep/06
Shoemaker, whatever you believe is fine. As for changing my mind and the minds of several people who have met him, good luck as it will not happen. 5'7 is his height.
TheShoemakerCC said on 22/Sep/06
I used to run a custom leather shoe shop in Century City, Ca. Over the years many stars were my customers. My most memorable customers were Bruce Willis, Al Pacino, Arnold Scwarzenegger and Mr. Cruise among many others. Mr. Cruise was a fequent customer back in the late 80's to mid 90's when I retired. Measured him for shoes many times. Now I'm a firm 5'7. Being a former Naval Officer, I stand straight and tall. No hump in my back. Tom in his bare feet was still taller than me. I would say he is a good 5'8 maybe 5'9, but no taller. Just in case you are wondering with shoes off. Willis is 6'0 even, Pacino is 5'5, Arnie I would say is bout 6'1 to 6'2.
anonymous2 said on 20/Sep/06
I've also seen estimates as low as 5'4 for Oprah. Her 5'6 isnt exactly cast in stone, therefore neither is Tom's 5'7.
TNTinCA said on 20/Sep/06
I have to agree with frank. Those heels are huge. They almost seem like cowboy boots.
frank said on 20/Sep/06
Nice pic Drew, i'd say more than two inch heels ... look at how his foot is looks like he's wearing high heels
Christian said on 20/Sep/06
What about this photo Tom Cruise is the same height as 163cm Kerii Russel,what you can say about this Rob??
Click Here
Editor Rob
its an extremely high angle shot, I wouldn't post such a pic 'proving' differences myself...
Witkacy said on 20/Sep/06
What about this photo , I cant balive that this guy is more than 170cm ,Im waiting for yor coments.
Click Here
Editor Rob
the shooting angle and position of that shot means any difference in height is deflated more than it really is...
for instance, in these 2 other shots:
Hoffman and Cruise and
Another One
dumbdude said on 20/Sep/06
Hollywood height conversion chart:
Use this height conversion chart to get a roundabout estimate of the true heights of your favorite celebs:
Real Height of Celeb Hollywood Height that Celeb Gives
5 2 - 5 3.5 = 5 foot 5 to 5 foot 6(depends on the celeb's ego)
5 4 to 5 6.5 = 5 foot 9 (note: Cruise falls in this Category)
5 7 to 5 8.5 = 5 foot 10
5 9 to 5 10.5 = 5 foot 11
5 11 and up = 6 feet to 6ft 1
All heights after 5 foot 11 given by celebs are generally accurate, with the exception of those given by pro wrestlers, who usually add like to add 3 to 4 extra inches to make themselves seem more imposing in the ring.
Drew said on 20/Sep/06
Okay, that pic is a good one:
Click HereNow, according to this site, Oprah is almost 5'7", therefore if she's wearing three inch heels, she's a little under 5'10".
On the other hand, Cruise is wearing two inch heels (they're very obvious), making him almost 5'10".
Conclusion: the current estiamate is correct. Well, I'm certain he's not under 5'7" and not over 5'8" anyway...
Another Short Guy said on 20/Sep/06
I good friend of mine is the brother of Michael Mann. He knows Cruise very well and said he is about 5'7" and wears lifts in movies that take him to 5'9". Mann's brother is my height which is the same as Cruise.
5 feet 7 inches!
Nolifts81 said on 19/Sep/06
anonymous2- I am not saying he is 5'11" with those elevator boots on. I am almost sure that Tom is 5'7"(170cm). I've seen again the pic and I've recognized those boots. I am very expert about elevator shoes and lifts. Those boots are very similar to "Mario Bertulli boots", maybe they are Bertulli's boots.I've heard that Tom has an italian shoemaker and in Italy Mario Bertulli is the N
anonymous2 said on 19/Sep/06
the pic shows he can hit about 5'9". but who is say how he gets there? the thing is, with shoes like that, he could be under 5'7" and still appear 5'9ish ;)
Nolifts81, are you saying he looks 511 there??
Witkacy said on 19/Sep/06
Tom is really short guy, he is no more than 170cm,but probably closer to 165cm.
Nolifts81 said on 19/Sep/06
This guy is a solid 5'7"(170 or 171 cm max). In that pic with Oprah he had elevator boots, no doubt. If you look at the front of the boot you'll see that seems that his feet is vertical in the shoe. Those are the tipical 4 inches elevator boots.
dumbdude said on 19/Sep/06
You can't be serious anonymous2, Tom is wearing 2-3 inch heeled boots in that pic, and I'm sure that he undoubtly has lifts inside the shoes.
dumbdude said on 18/Sep/06
Why is it
trolling? Pics were posted of Sly looking an inch shorter than 5 7 Burt Young, the same height as the alleged 5 6 Sharon Stone, and about an inch shorter than the 5 6- 5 7 ish Kris Katan, among countless other quotes from reporter stating that he was visibly shorter than "5 8". I don't see how that's
trolling, but whatever.
dumbdude said on 18/Sep/06
You should of posted it Rob, it would've been funny to see Glenn's response...:)

Editor Rob
well, funny to you, but I do understand conflicts of interest.
You can argue over sly being just 5ft 8, but 5ft 6 is
trolling for your posts to get deleted...
Glenn said on 18/Sep/06
He isnt the master of lifts cause he always looks short.that would make Tom 5-5,5-6.he is 5-7,and wears lifts only on occasion to appear 5-9,5-10.Stallone is the master cause he usually looks tall.5-10 barefoot to 6-2!
leonari said on 18/Sep/06
5'7" PEOPLE! 5'7"
Viper652 said on 18/Sep/06
I thought Cruise looked really short in Jerry Mcguire.
Anonymous said on 17/Sep/06
hofman was 5 feet 6 in rain man so cruise is 5 8 since he had regular 1 inch shoes if you watch getty images in somes pics his shoes are low cut 1 inch heel
DMEYER said on 17/Sep/06
i am wathchig top gun and tom beside 188 edward and 183 184 kiler looks 174 cm and looks similar height with 178 cm macgillis even in heels cruise might be 5 feet 9 or aleast look it i doubt he wear lifts by then i think ton is aleast 5'8" and looks 5'9 + on ocasion when i met him he looked 177 he was runing all over the place he must have good lifts he might be standing on someting in some scenes but i dont think he is as short as 170 more like172 173 range
Drew said on 17/Sep/06
I just watched "Jerry McGuire".
He looked slightly shorter than Beau Bridges and Cuba Gooding Jr, who are both 5'10".
This guy is baffling, he's either been wearing lifts for ages, or he's actually 5'9".
Glenn said on 17/Sep/06
Gotta hand it to him,at least his name is right.
ralph said on 17/Sep/06
Tom Cruise is the master of lifts. Rob, I think this article should be one of the "Popular Articles".
Glenn said on 17/Sep/06
I think dumbdude IS a waste of time.

Editor Rob
dumbdude has had limited recent comment accepted...they were too dumb indeed
dumbdude said on 16/Sep/06
I guess that confirms things Height Detective. Based on those pics, Katie must be around 5 foot 11 without heels, and a good 6 foot 2 with them on. and Tom is a strong 5 foot 10. That would put James Van der Beek at around 6 foot 2 and Joshua Jackson at about 6 ft 6, seeing as how they were both significantly taller than Katie on Dawson's Creek. Case closed. Tom is definitely 5 10.
leonari said on 15/Sep/06
I don't see a full 5'8" for Cruise but who cares...I see a full 5'7". Yeah Dumbdude is the first poster ever who is stupid, arrogant and very very annoying...but I think it's kinda hard for Rob to ban people from the forum (technically)

Editor Rob
oh, I can, but sometimes it means banning other people inadvertantly in the process, so only if someone is really wasting my time
Viper652 said on 14/Sep/06
Is that Jimmy Carter guy really 6-2? Him and the Rock look the same height.

Editor Rob
looking at all photos, I would put him in that range
Viper652 said on 14/Sep/06
Is that Jimmy Carter guy really 6-2? Him and the Rock look the same ehgith.
Glenn said on 14/Sep/06
Tom is no smaller than 5-7.might even be 5-8.doubt it though.but someone please get rid of this clown dumdude,he's making the comments into a joke.
Random Person said on 14/Sep/06
I personally think Tom Cruise is 5'6 and a half, but who knows..
dumbdude said on 14/Sep/06
Thank you Height Detective. Tom is not looking anymore than 5 foot 6 in that pic, and he's got some clunky shoes on.
Height Detective said on 13/Sep/06
Tom and Holmes , the angle is not so good , but the pic is interesting (check the second image , even Holmes is in plain sandals she is taller than Tom with his suspicious shoes )
Click Here
dumbdude said on 13/Sep/06
Exactly anonymous2..Kidman ain't no 5 foot 10. She's about 5 8 on a good day..probably closer to 5 7 though. I'm sure she looks about 6 feet in heels though. You, me and that other dude who saw Tom next to his girlfriend are the only ones who have it right.
anonymous2 said on 13/Sep/06
Kidman is about 3 inches taller than Cruise, so if Tom is 5.5, that would make Kidman 5.8, instead of 5.10. perhaps she says 5 10.5 so Tom can say 5.7.5 ? they probably have it in writing somewhere...
dumbdude said on 13/Sep/06
Either Al Gore is shorter than he states or Jim Carter ain't no more than 5 10..check out a picture of Jimmy next to Burt Reynolds(5 9.5 5 10 on good days)
Click Herebased on that pic, it would put Jimmy at 5 10 at most, he's still almost a good 4 inches taller than Tom in that pic that I posted, so that would put Cruise at 5 6 at best, and I'm sure he's wearing shoes in that pic. So Tom is no more than about 5.5 barefooted..
Anonymous said on 13/Sep/06
hey dumbdude: you are earning your name. That Jimmy Carter guy is a solid 6' 2"....not 5' 10" as you speculated. Look at this link of him with almost as many celebs as Glenn, he towers over almost everyone. He is a good inch taller than Al he ain't no 5" 10". But I do applaud you for finding this Jimmy Carter guy's page. Anyone who looks at celebheights would greatly appreciate checking out this link of the 6' 2"ish Carter with tons of A-list celebs. Like Glenn, he is another great resource is judging height.
Click Here
Anonymous said on 13/Sep/06
Tom isn't 5'4", let's be serious. The guy is on the short side, but he's not THAT short. The reason why sometimes he looks short, and other times he looks very average, is that he fits neatly into that niche of guys who are right between truly short and average height: he is between 5'7" and 5'8". Guys this height are not average, but really are only slightly below what is normal, and are up at the higher end of the "short scale". A 5'7"/5'8" guy with good posture and decent shoes can look average height, even if he isn't quite there (keep in mind that perception and measurement on a scale are not the same). However, put that guy in barefeet and all of a sudden he might look short. I think this is where a lot of the confusion about Tom comes from. Anyway, the point is that a guy who is 5'7"/5'8" will cause confusion about his height because he CAN look normal. If Tom was 5'4" there would never be any confusion.
Anonymous said on 13/Sep/06
'Met Tom Cruise at a beach boardwalk. When my girlfriend got his autograph both were barefoot and eye to eye and my girlfriend is 5'4.25" and she looked about an inch or two taller but had more "hair" thus Tom Cruise is no more than 5'4" tall.'
Thats ridiculous. Why even post.
Parker said on 13/Sep/06
dumbdude - so you now have Tom Cruise and Sylvester Stallone at 5'5. Thanks for the laugh.
dumbdude said on 12/Sep/06
Final Nail in the Coffin..
Dude in pics is named Jimmy Carter. He's some sort of public speaker..He's around 5 10. Take a look at him next to 5 5 Dustin Hoffman.
Click HereNow take a look at Jimmy next to Tom Cruise with Rebecca De morney
Click HereTom ain't no more than Probably 5 5 and half tops bare footed.
On another note check out this Dude Jimmy Carter's Website..he should be the new Glen..he has pics of himself next to just about every celebrity.
Felix said on 12/Sep/06
Click HereTom Cruise looking short beside Jerry Buckheimer during Top Gun. I don't know guys...
JC Rauch said on 11/Sep/06
Met Tom Cruise at a beach boardwalk. When my girlfriend got his autograph both were barefoot and eye to eye and my girlfriend is 5'4.25" and she looked about an inch or two taller but had more "hair" thus Tom Cruise is no more than 5'4" tall.
Height Detective said on 11/Sep/06
Anon, you are not counting the high camera angle ,wich makes all in that picture look the same height.
Anon said on 11/Sep/06
Click HereCruise doesn't look so short there...he looks almost the same height as Kidman. The ground seems decently level, and the soles of their shoes are about the same height.
Brad said on 10/Sep/06
Wow, Kidman is towering over him. She doesn't care, she probably pulled out the heels and told to do something he couldn't do at the house when he complained.
Anonymous said on 10/Sep/06
she has 3 inches heels in that pic
anonymous2 said on 10/Sep/06
This pic shows the heel on Toms boots, boots perfect for concealing lifts BTW.
Click Here Looks like a 2 inch heel, and who knows how big the lift is inside?
Viper652 said on 8/Sep/06
But Jay Mohr is 5-6 :)
Editor Rob said on 8/Sep/06
Chicago Times, old 'buddy' Jay Mohr - "He's straight and 5-foot-9. That always answers the only two questions I'm ever asked about him"
Brad said on 7/Sep/06
5' 8". Let it die for good. I'm sick of Cruise.
anonymous2 said on 7/Sep/06
good grief, if he's shorter than 171cm Spielberg he must be under 171cm.
ForensicNYC said on 7/Sep/06
"Ahermmm...Steven, how tall are you?..."
Click Here"Ahermmmm...cough..cough...Broooooke!! HOW TALL ARE YOU?"
Click Here
A-Bomb said on 6/Sep/06
In that Richard Simpking picture below Cruise looks about a legit 5'8" there - in what are normal shoes as well. Plus he seems to be on the downward slant of the pavement as well. Maybe if someone could email the guy and ask him what he estimated Cruise to be.
Anonymous said on 5/Sep/06
hofman was 5 ft6 back in rain man and cruise looked 2 inches taller his shoes were low cut 1 inch heel while ben stiller looks similar height with hofmann so cruise might be near 5'8
Brad said on 5/Sep/06
He sure looked tall next to Hoffman. He just loved it.
dmeyer said on 4/Sep/06
his shoulders are tiny on screen but he looks about 5'9 in person he gotta wear lifts 172 is possible
Nolifts81 said on 4/Sep/06
I think he is a solid 5'7". He is exactly 3 inches taller than 5'4" Lea Thompson.He is 170 or 171cm. But absolutely not 5'8".
trueheight said on 4/Sep/06
True though, a 5'8er w/ clout like Cruise would pretty much always look at least normal to tallish in all films; but he kinda always looks short, and slight shoulders
trueheight said on 4/Sep/06
thats not 1.5 inches; I think your letting the excitement of downgrading affect your thought processes. It looks to be about 3in if fully upright

Editor Rob
he doesn't appear to be standing as fully as he can in the promo material for that film either but has 3 inches, the argument is if its 4, in that snap it is 3 inch the way they are standing...
HelloKitty said on 2/Sep/06
Tom Cruise is one of the very few celebrities that I've met in person and I would have to agree with Leonari. When I met him he was wearing dress boots and with them on he was between 5'7 to 5'8. I'm sure he's shorter when he's not wearing them, but not sure if it has ever been confirmed that he wears lifts in them.
leonari said on 2/Sep/06
he is 2-3 inches taller.
anonymous2 said on 1/Sep/06
There is maybe a max 2-3 inch difference between Thompson and Cruise there.
I think he is about 167cm. but downgrading to 168/169cm seems reasonable.
ForensicNYC said on 31/Aug/06
Tom Cruise had a nightmare last night...this was the vision...
Click Here...Hmmmm...maybe it was a dream, really...
Anonymous said on 30/Aug/06
Actually, Lea Thompson is listed as 5' 3.5" on this site. Looking at the clip, 2 inch difference is a max IMO, may be as low as 1.5" difference tbh...
So Cruise is a 5' 5" person? Why not? It's more concrete than looking at pics where he has footwear and lifts since he's so height conscious.
Glenn, Rob, what do you make of that? Time to downgrade to 5' 6" at least, or daren't you because it sounds so short?
leonari said on 30/Aug/06
again by watching the nude clip: 5'6" nothing above that
HeightGuy said on 29/Aug/06
Warning Slight Nudity:
Click HereThis clip prooves that Tom Cruise is no more then 5'6" - he is naked and shoeless with Lea Thompson who is stated at being 5'4" or less... he is no more then 2" taller then her.
leonari said on 29/Aug/06
Man he looks short next to Jamie oliver and David Letterman...Nothing above 5'6" when relying on this pic only...
ForensicNYC said on 29/Aug/06
"Steven, who gave you permission to wear my lifts? Huh?"
Click Here
anonymous2 said on 28/Aug/06
not the best pic but here he is beside jamie oliver who is about 178cm
not the best pic but here he is beside jamie oliver who is about 178cm
Click Here
ForensicNYC said on 27/Aug/06
One of the rare times Tom is Sydney, after a swim, with Katie in beach slippers. There were no apple crates around...just a wharf and pier...
Click Here
Glenn said on 26/Aug/06
I agree Leonari and 15.
15and5'7'' said on 26/Aug/06
tom's probly like 5'7''-5'8'', but anything OVER 5'8'' is absurd (i agree with 5'7'' more.)
DMeyer said on 24/Aug/06
there are pics of tom wearing normal 1 inch heels in a premiere of m i 3 in japan maybe his shoes are very low cut so not even 0.5 inch lift
Viper652 said on 23/Aug/06
I had a feeling the comment section would be up earlier than planned.
leonari said on 16/Aug/06
OC: you have absolutely no clue about anything....5'9" for Cruise is sooo impossible!!
Leung said on 15/Aug/06
Pete, yes I agree that he is shorter than his official height of 5
Glenn said on 15/Aug/06
The only thing absurd is we have a Frank junior with Pete.5-9 was his official height.not 5-6.he is 5-7,5-7.5.pic to the right,my knees and posture are bent,due to putting my backpack on the ground and not having chance to get up straight on time as the camera went off.pic too the left,is the ground level.
Leung said on 14/Aug/06
Pete, his official height was never 5'6", he has claimed the official height of 5'9" since he started in Hollywood.
Pete said on 14/Aug/06
Funny how he keeps growing. Ten years ago he was officially 5'6"...
Parker said on 13/Aug/06
I watched Vanilla Sky last night. All I can say is that if Tom really is 5'7, he's the tallest 5'7 I've ever seen. He was 2-3 inches taller than 5'7 Timothy Spall. I know everyone will shout 'lifts', but Timothy was in shoes (putting him at 5'8) - and I'm sceptical of any shoe that can give you more than 3 inches from ground zero without a noticeable heel/wedge.
mo.66 said on 9/Aug/06
does anybody have any pics of tom cruise wearing very high heled boots rather old pics or new ones? has he actually wore tall heels or just lifts?
HelloKitty said on 8/Aug/06
Dingdong that's funny, you got a point.
Earl said on 6/Aug/06
I had always thought he was 5'7" and he never looked anymore than that in his earlier films. Now when I see him he sometimes looks taller, maybe 5'8" I am not sure anymore.
Anonymous said on 6/Aug/06
IN Pic 1 Tom Cruise 5'9" In pic 2 5'8"
dingdong said on 6/Aug/06
I was 5'5 for a good 2 years before I grew to 5'8 but I know for sure tom criuse isn't 5'5 he is 5'7 no more no less. Its hard to say that he is 5'5 because in hollywood everyone wears lifts in their shoes and so for tom cruise when he wears lifts he is just to compensate for everyone else wearing lifts.
Anonymous said on 4/Aug/06
If the media and the actors he works with are taking such pains to say he is 5'7, he must then be 5'5. He must wear lifts constantly!
dmeyer said on 3/Aug/06
i think cruise is 172-3 range so can lookeasily 175-6 range in lifts
jesse said on 3/Aug/06
whoever put the poster at tom is 5-11 is wrong, 3 reasons, 1 hes is closer and 2 yes she is wearing heels but his shoes only make those heels an extra inch taller and since he is closer you should take off 2-3 iches kate is 5-9 so if he looks 5-11 i would say he is no taller than 5-7 or 5-8 and nicole didnt wear heels and he is up to her fore head so 3 inches less and kidman is 5-10 or 5-11 so 5-7 or 5-8 is probly right
Glenn said on 30/Jul/06
Found that pic I took seconds before the above 1993 pic, where Cruise stretches as much as he can next to Kidman and Newman.I jumped in and they scattered except Cruise hence that pic.
Leung said on 30/Jul/06
HelloKitty, I was quoting colleagues who all had the opinion that Cruise is a small man, prior to that I had never heard the term 'stump' to describe someone's height.
Personally I think that the media really goes overboard in pointing out Tom Cruise
Zak said on 29/Jul/06
My father is an actor, and appeared with Cruise in the film Cocktail back in the 80s. My father's 5'6 and claims Cruise is about 5'8". I don't think they wear lifts on the set of films because it's redundant, they can easily make him taller through camera trickery. There are scenes in Eyes Wide SHut where is looks like he's standing nose to nose with Nicole Kidman. She's obviously kneeling. I don't understand this whole lifts thing - can this guy move around comfortable on 2 inch lifts? I mean, don't most shoes give you an Inch anyway? Average height is 5'9", average height most actors claim is 5'10" so there really shouldn't be any confusion. They lie about their height on their resumes because obviously they aren't going to be filmed without their shoes very often (unless it's die hard) so they want to give casting people an idea of how tall they will appear. But since EVERYBODY who's 5'8 claims to be 5'10 (Colin Farrel, Jamie Foxx,
Mel Gibson, Robert DeNiro, etc. etc.) 5'10 just means 5'8 to 5'9 1/2... so whoc ares.
Viper652 said on 28/Jul/06
Klemen, Wade is pretty much a 6-4 guy, not a flat 6-3. He was measured at a hair under 6-4, so he can actually be 6-5 in shoes.
HelloKitty said on 28/Jul/06
Leung, in of your posts you described tom as a "stump." That's so mean.
Rick Allen said on 27/Jul/06
5'4"-5'5" (I agree with 5 ft 7.75 in and even more depending on shoes/lifts as in photos shown above)
Klemen said on 25/Jul/06
80's man: dwayne wade is no more than 6-3(if that) barefoot, in one article i have read the author said he's only 6-4 in 2 pairs of socks and thich-soled basketball shoes. he has extreme leaping ability... anyway every nba height is at least 1 inch hihgher and thats no secret, they are measured in basketball shoes..
dmeyer said on 25/Jul/06
tom is described as 5 foot 7 in many magazine they say he wear lifts
Glenn said on 25/Jul/06
Tom always looks short.thats why its ridiculous when people think him and Sly are the same height.
80's Man said on 24/Jul/06
Speaking of letterman, I seen Dwyane wade on his show just after the finals and when wade enteres the set he apeared shorter than letterman! I know this is border line impossible but it could have been because of the camera angle or a difference in the height of the floor from where wade was standing. Anyone know wades real height he's listed as 6'4" on but i think hes around 6'3.5"ish.
Iaio said on 24/Jul/06
@ trueheightHe's wearing lifts in that clip aswell. He tries to hide it, trying to walk very casual. That's why he jumps on the ledge of the platform, anybody who tries that with lifts would fall flat on their face but Tom has been practicing.
I've noticed Tom always stands very erected, obviuously trying to squeeze out every millimeter of his height. It looks pathetic and makes it very obvious that he's insecure about his height.
trueheight said on 24/Jul/06
Click Here6'1 letterman and Cruise on his show. Freezeframe at 22sec, it looks to be at least 5in and Dave is leaning in. Nobody who's 5'9 would be a dwarfed by a 6'1er; not to mention his distractingly slight build.
trueheight said on 24/Jul/06
I just saw some vids on youtube and noticed that Tom's shoulder's are really really slight. If he didn't have skinny hips as well, he would be shaped like an upsidown V
HelloKitty said on 23/Jul/06
I saw on tv where there was this english dude who was a tom cruise look alike. He went around town and all the fans were hysterical when the saw him thinking he was the real tom cruise. But when he went into a exotic car dealership. after being told that he was a celebrity look alike, the salesman commented that he had his suspicions because the look alike was quite "tall" at 5'9-5'10, if he was shorter, he would literally be tom's twin.
Glenn said on 17/Jul/06
I hear you Leanori!
bill said on 17/Jul/06
Whoever gives the estimate of height on this websit is not considering elevator shoes. Celebs where them almost anywhere except for the set of a film. Tom is 5'7 just like Stallone is. Not that I have an obsession with height, but its common sense and a known fact that Cruise and Stallone are short.
Glenn said on 15/Jul/06
my friend has a pair of basketball sneakers that give him nearly 2 inches.I have a totally different style and name that gives me at least 1.75.with a stallone stance that I use,thats 5-10.
leonari said on 15/Jul/06
Mcfan: we are talking about lifts, insoles!!! Fool! No the heel of a shoe. Whats inside!!