sodapop said on 29/Mar/09
Bella I agree, Cruise is closer to 5'6" than 5'9" lets be real people!!
ACG said on 29/Mar/09
PARADE magazine described Katie as 5'10 and Tom as 5'7. But from that barefoot pic, there's no way hell a three inch difference between the two.
And no, I'm NOT saying Katie is shorter......
the shredder said on 28/Mar/09
I REALLY think 5'8.25 is his real height !
Parker said on 28/Mar/09
He's 5'8 Rising - no doubt in my mind whatsoever. I'll buy 5'7 tops for Ryan Seacrest, 5'6.5 for Ben Stiller, 5.5.5 for Hoffman, 5'4 tops for MJF....but Cruise, no way is he short. Press & media for whatever reason, appear to have it in for him...and you can see by posters on this site they have succeeded in brainwashing people. People still posting below 5'7 from him even after the barefoot shot with his wife. It wouldn't suprise me with full military posture 2 mins after waking up if he hit 5'9.........
RisingForce said on 28/Mar/09
Imagine if Katie took off her sandals and Tom stood a bit straighter. He's defintley taller than most people think. Tom hasn't regularly worn obvious elevators since his divorce with Nicole. He can appear 5'9" with normal look shoes. Either that's a slight lift or his posture, but I don't think a 5'7" man could look 5'9" that easily.
Parker said on 28/Mar/09
Bella says on 28/Mar/09
I wouldn't believe any height until I saw the guy shoeless! I'm betting on 5'6
Here you go Bella, Cruise shoeless but not standing straight,looking an inch shorter than his 5'9 wife in a small heel.
Click Here5'6? Looks like you would have lost your bet.
Joe said on 28/Mar/09
He's about 5'9. Unless he wears enormous lifts 24/7 (which i doubt), that's what he consistently looks like in all his pics (sometimes a tad more). Anyone who says he is 5'7 is just a jealous **** like Billy Connolly says.
Bella said on 28/Mar/09
Cruise wears LIFTS in his shoes!! I wouldn't believe any height until I saw the guy shoeless! I'm betting on 5'6
sam said on 28/Mar/09
come to think of it, it's pretty funny. Some guy totally average height, being called short. why would that happen. oh yeah hollywood. desperation. People using everything they can against each other, it's dog eat dog. I mean it rocks but Hollywood is some brutal ****. If you're not 6 foot, perfect build, and awesome in interviews, you'll get **** at some point. rediculous.
sam said on 28/Mar/09
that post by glenn a little while ago....yes I always suspected he could be 5 foot 9. Cruise an't short, come on.
Anonymous said on 28/Mar/09
yeah i agree J.lee, i find my height fluctuates quite a bit almost an inch everyday, and even more depending on the activities i have been upto, however i am also still probably growing a bit at 20, but from 18 to 20 i have grown almost 3 inches and hope to keep going, i think people with larger spines would fluctuate more
glenn said on 27/Mar/09
j-lee-anything is possible.i think my eyes or anyones for that matter,plays tricks on them.i dont understand how i saw james woods around my height in 1990,yet he is around 5-11,and looks more with me in my pic when i snagged him in 1994.same thing with 6-2 harry connick on the same day in 1990.i thought he was around my height.goes to show the 5-7,5-8 stallone sightings are just what they are.illusions that i even make up.
sodapop said on 27/Mar/09
HAHAHAHAHA, That pic with Tom and Katie is a joke! Tom is obviously wearing major lifts, looks like at least 2.5 inches and Katie is almost barefoot with those sandals. How can you post that picture as proof. Hilarious!!!
Anonymous said on 27/Mar/09
RisingForce great picture he's 5'8 and katies got sandles and she is barely taller than him
J.Lee said on 25/Mar/09
Rob I have a question. Glenn your opinion too. Rob you changed tom cruise height so many times. Now you also have changed other celeb heights as well. and glenn always says that this girl seemed tall one day and short the next day. And i feel the same too about girls i am with. Do you think it's possible that there are a small percentage of people who's height fluctuates more than others? Like say maybe 1 out 20 people have their height fluctuate each day as much as an inch on a day to day basis? I mean not like in the morning but are there any girls who are five eight one day and then five seven the next then five nine the next? I swear to GOD Rob. It's like a big mystery. Like with Glenn and Julia roberts. five six one day five nine the next. Or with mischa barton. he thought she was five eleven than the next time thought she was shorter. I am almost convinced that some people's height fluctuates day to day more than others. anyone agree?
sodapop said on 25/Mar/09
I think Tom is 5'7" max with shoes.
glenn said on 25/Mar/09
he obviously didnt make it a habit of tip toeing cause he would've been caught.
Brad said on 24/Mar/09
I wouldn't doubt Tom doing anything, he's a Scientologist.
glenn said on 24/Mar/09
metric-this was 1993.i dont think he was into that then.i dont remember too much.i think i asked about upcoming projects.the pics of him and i were in a magazine actually.hola at some point,when he entered central park,photogs,2 at most, did blast us.he was able to walk around more free then.compared to now.i remember a business woman remarking how short he was.he seemed 5-9 to me.
Parker said on 24/Mar/09
Thanks Rising - Using the big guys head at the back as a 'Rule' you can see the top of Katie's head lines up approx 2 inches above his eye level, and Tom's 1 inch, meaning he is less than 1 inch shorter than his wife. If his wife is 5'9 + small heel Tom is most certainly 5'8. There are lots of pics on the net where she has no heel that substantiate this - like this one
Click Here
the shredder said on 24/Mar/09
Thanks RisingForce , proof that he is legit 5'8 !
Klem said on 24/Mar/09
I agree Metric, but guys around 5-11 can look either taller or shorter on screen, its hard to tell, since 5-11 i kind of no mens land area of height.
TELLEM said on 24/Mar/09
a weak 5'8 is the most i'll buy for cruise...nothing over that.
Metric said on 24/Mar/09
I meant 3rd Parker pic.
Metric said on 24/Mar/09
ACG: No, I don't think a short guy can have the same proportions as a tall guy. There is a reason that you can instinctively tell if someone is short or tall when watching them on screen. You will NEVER mistake a 6'5" guy for a 5'6" guy. NEVER! Not even if you see only the guy and have no reference points. Maybe you can't judge his height to the last inch but you can ALWAYS tell if he is short or tall. Try passing Dolph Lundgren on as a 5'6" guy! Or Joe Pesci as a 6'3" guy. Lol. Never gonna happen.
Metric said on 24/Mar/09
Glenn: You walked and talked with Tom? That's cool. What did you two talk about? I bet he tried to make you join Scientology!? Lol.
RisingForce said on 24/Mar/09
It should also be noted that Katie's sandals are giving her about a half inch advantage over Tom.
RisingForce said on 24/Mar/09
Here is the picture Parker.
Click HereEveryone should note that Cruise isn't even standing at his tallest. I don't rule out him being a bit over 5'8" when he wakes.
glenn said on 23/Mar/09
and 2nd of all,there were no paps then compared to now.i would walk the streets talking with cruise no,he has photogs coming out of his hotel or home toilet.while he's crapping.there were 2 photogs tops,if that,on top of his ass for a few its 10 car deep,24/7.
Anonymous said on 23/Mar/09
How Accurate are the figures at Madame Tussauds Wax Musuem? I'm 5'8+ when I wake up and visited the musuem. I was wearing converse sneakers and the wax figure had on dress shoes with heels. Tom's figure had about an inch and a half on me.
glenn said on 23/Mar/09
samuel is another that misses the point.
glenn said on 23/Mar/09
maybe i will one day roger.or maybe not.
glenn said on 23/Mar/09
i strangely never saw speilberg.just saw an arrogant 5-6 george lucas only 2 years ago.
glenn said on 23/Mar/09
i dont know brad,why dont you ask him? i took a photo of this.proof.are you saying im making this up?
Brad said on 23/Mar/09
What the hell would Tom Cruise be doing tip-toe? The paps would have him in the rags with the caption "Tom going the distance". Tellum: you can't judge real height without footwear on each party noted. Sneaker to stealth custom, big boot to dress shoe, Doc Martin with 1.5" wedge to sneaker, etc.. I've said it a million times: time of day height means nothing compared to reality: what is on people's feet. Hey Sam, if I were 5' 6" I'd be Clyde Barrow revisited to Louisiana if I could be 6' 2" unless I got some of Sly's magic footwear.
Parker said on 23/Mar/09
Rising Force - Can you dig up that barefoot photo of Tom with his 5'9 wife again, so people can see, once again, he's a clear 5'8 without lifts.
TELLEM said on 23/Mar/09
glenn needs to take a pic with steven spieldberg...that way we can find out more truth of whos REALLY taller. him or cruise
Roger said on 23/Mar/09
Glenn, Tom tip-toed? Never knew that, great that you share this. Will you post this picture?
Samuel said on 23/Mar/09
Karim I agree. I am a 5 foot 7 man and I realy like coming on this site but lately some of the comments ive been reading here arent very pleasant. People need to sto judging people by their height its not something you have any control over and it doesnt make you any less of a person. Its whats inside that truly counts.
glenn said on 22/Mar/09
jena-we dont know how tall tom is.i do know that im 5-8 or close to it when i wake.we all shrink during the course of a some can say im 5-7,5-7.5.but would that make tom 5-9 when he wakes? and he has claimed 5-9.not impossible to me.absurd to most.i feel he is a stronger 5-8 than me,also possible.or we can both be exact.i have a photo of him tip toeing a minute before my pic above next to paul newman and nicole kidman.i jumped in,the other 2 scattered.1993.maybe he tip toed?
glenn said on 22/Mar/09
its not about that karim.its about pin pointing their heights cause they fluctuate.for example ive seen johnny depp look 5-9 to 5-11 in front of me,weeks apart.
Karim said on 22/Mar/09
ACG says on 21/Mar/09
because this is you're not interested in how tall celebs are, then feel free to leave.
its not that im not interested in celeb heights i just feel that some people here criticize people for their heights.But its not thier fault that they are short you know. thats all.
frankys said on 22/Mar/09
yes Jena , he's a bit taller than glenn and spielber but with lifts on, probably light lifts but still enhancing his real height
Jena said on 21/Mar/09
Although 5 ft 7.75 is accurate for me after seeing last posted pic by Parker as Spielberg is 5 ft 7.5 and tom cruise is a bit taller than him.
Jena said on 21/Mar/09
Glenn my opinion is that you are shorter than Tom in the first pic whether he is wearing lifts or not, in the second pic you are a little shorter than Tom noway taller whether if you bending or not, conclusion Tom is not 5 ft 7.75 if we accept that you are 5 ft 8.
ACG said on 21/Mar/09
Karim says on 21/Mar/09
What I want to know is what difference will it make if he's three inches shorter or five inches taller? the real question is whether he's good actor or not.
because this is you're not interested in how tall celebs are, then feel free to leave.
Parker said on 21/Mar/09
Here's one of Spielberg, Harrison Ford and Clint Eastwood
Click HereAnd 5'4 MJF
Click HereLooks like a 5'8 man to me.
the shredder said on 21/Mar/09
Jena , because he is 5'8 and Parker IMO he looks every bit of 5'8 standing by Speilberg !
frankys said on 21/Mar/09
parker, the first one he is stretching his back and spielberg is bending his knee but they still look the same height, the others they look similar height except for the sixth pic where tom looks a bit taller..i strongly think he wore lifts
glenn said on 21/Mar/09
jena-in one pic im the next he might be using lifts.he is known to wear height enhancing footwear.hidden inside the shoe.
Karim said on 21/Mar/09
What I want to know is what difference will it make if he's three inches shorter or five inches taller? the real question is whether he's good actor or not.
Jena said on 20/Mar/09
Can someone explain to me, how Tom is 5 ft 7.75 in and Glenn is 5 ft 8 while in both pics Tom is taller than Glenn? Glen what's your opinion on that?
Doug said on 20/Mar/09
Yes Parker he does look a little taller in that photo, one would think though he was wearing lifts to a do like that which he normally does.
glenn said on 19/Mar/09
gotcha risingforce.
Leonari said on 19/Mar/09
That Toms name is mentioned often and that he is short is understandable even if he is a full 5'8... but that Stallone is also called short or considered a good example of a short actor is a true mystery to me. I say jeaulousy also comes into play...
someGRANDguy said on 19/Mar/09
... can't see the shoes Cruise is wearing when standing next to Spielberg, however, their arm lengths look pretty much the same.
RisingForce said on 19/Mar/09
Maybe I caught it once or twice back then Glenn, but for some reason I remember hearing a lot more about Stallone and Arnold's height. Maybe because I watched more of their movies and their names came up more in conversations.
glenn said on 19/Mar/09
i kinda see that klem.
derek d said on 19/Mar/09
Tom very well could be 5'8 but he's probably got known as the "short" guy because he is a action star, and he does/did not wear lifts 100% of the time, at least not as much as now. I still think 5'7.5 is more like it.
sodapop said on 19/Mar/09
I think Tom is 5'8" barefoot. He doesn't seem tall enough to be 5'9" which would make him 5'10" with shoes on.
Klem said on 18/Mar/09
Does anyone else think he has a small torso and short legs with big head... like compare his torso next to clinton and even Spielberg...
glenn said on 18/Mar/09
risingforce-but it was in every newspaper and on entertainment shows that talk celeb gossip too.i caught it once or twice on tv.and i dont watch sometimes in conversations about actors with people,names like cruise and stallone come up as short.
ACG said on 18/Mar/09
No, Doug, at least not in my opinion. I think Speilberg is 5'7.5 min, most likely 5'8; while Cruise is 5'8 min, quite possibly 5'8.25-5'8.5.
Cruise and Speilberg are close enough in height so that Speilberg can get away with occasionally looking a bit taller, but that's usually because of the camera angle, posture, etc....
In reality Cruise is taller, and can make the true height difference look even greater somehow; there are pics out there with Cruise towering over Speilberg- full body shots, nonetheless....
TELLEM said on 18/Mar/09
well them pics with spielberg clearly eliminate this over 5'8 for tom cruise...hes 5'7.5 like spieldberg
Parker said on 18/Mar/09
Can't see it Doug
Click Here
frankys said on 18/Mar/09
doug , you got the point!
Doug said on 18/Mar/09
Parker I think Spielberg would seem to have around 0.5 inches on Cruise, definately a little taller. I had always thought Spielberg 5'7.5". Cruise looks 5'7" in comparison.
RisingForce said on 18/Mar/09
I never read tabloids Glenn so that's probably why. They never really interested me. I was more aware of the Stallone/Arnold short rumors oddly enough. And that was before Arnold shrunk.
Parker, those first 2 pictures of Spielberg and Cruise are proof of what I say about mid-stride pictures. They're not reliable because look at how much their height varies between the first 2 pictures.
ACG said on 18/Mar/09
Brad: Wonder why? ;-)
Brad said on 18/Mar/09
He loved working with Hoffman, just loooved it.
Parker said on 18/Mar/09
There a lots of pics of Cruise and Spielberg on the net. I do think they are very similar in height
Click HereClick HereClick HereHere's Spielberg with 5'4 MJF for reference
Click HerePeople keep coming on here and posting Tom is under 5'7 without any shred of proof or evidence to back it me he's a clear 5'8 man, the lowest I'd give him is what Rob's listed him at.
Roger said on 17/Mar/09
The first time I noticed how short Tom must be was after seeing "Rainman", where he had around 2 inches, maybe 2.5 on weak 5'6'' Dustin Hoffman.
glenn said on 17/Mar/09
im surprised at that newspapers and tabloids he is always mentioned at being short.and possibly on i would imagine you wouldve caught it somewhere.
TELLEM said on 17/Mar/09
if hes 5'8, hes 5'8 out of bed, but thats as high as i can buy for him
Vibram said on 17/Mar/09
I doubt he's ever been over 5ft8, not even after yoga stretching, protein shakes and 12 hrs sleep. You should see the boots/lifts he had on in Minority Report and War of The Worlds, he had quite a bit on Spielberg in some behind the scenes clips, about 2.5", yet I've seen Spielberg look the taller man on a few occasions.
Click Here - looks at least 3" taller here, BTScenes WOTWorlds.
Click Here - possibly shorter, although Speilberg is nearer camera.
RisingForce said on 17/Mar/09
Before I even noticed celebrities heights I never even knew Cruise was short. They make him look 5'10"-5'11" sometimes, especially in action films like Mission Impossible 2. Of course that's a combination of lifts, shorter co-stars, camera angles ect., but still that's impressive to make him look that tall at times.
Brad said on 16/Mar/09
Dude, he's 5' 8" and has great posture and THE best customs. Add it all up. He uses terrific cinematographers for even more height on film.
Martijn said on 16/Mar/09
tonight there was a talk show on belgian television, and in this show they were talking with the woman that played in valkyrie next to tom cruise cause she's from the netherlands.. and tom's height was a subject and she confirmed that he wasn't that short: she said they had the same height which was 5'8".. so 5'7.75" should be correct
Parker said on 16/Mar/09
dani- Michael Penna is listed at 170 on this site. Here he is with Cruise.
Click HereYou really think they both look 170? I also think its Penna's shoes that look suspect. Show me one pic where he looks 170. Both Brad and Glenn have met him and say 5'8. Every pic I've seen he looks 5'8. 169? sorry but no chance.
dani said on 16/Mar/09
only a scientolgie member would list him as 172cm^^... he his arround 169-170 cm and never more! The reason why he looks 173-175 cm: "special shoes"
Agreed. I couldn't agree more with ya.Cruise looks 169-170cm.
glenn said on 15/Mar/09
brad is right.5-8 it is.nicks 5-8.5 isnt insane either.
nick said on 15/Mar/09
looks 5'8.5 to me.
Brad said on 14/Mar/09
Hidden wedge inside is stealth. He was 5' 8" right in front of me. The add & posture work well. Look at him with Hoffman, he walks like a U.S.Marine in parade. He isn't 5' 7".
Parker said on 14/Mar/09
What's a 'stealth shoe' Brad? Lifts? I thought you were a '5'8' estimator?
Vic said on 13/Mar/09
Barefeet, I stand at 5'7.75 normallly. If I stand tall, I can achieve a 5'8. However, when I wear my shoes (with home-made insoles in them), I achieve a nice 5'10.5 inches. I can walk comfortably in them. Now, the shoes I use can be anything.
I met Tom Cruise at least 4 times. I've met him when I never had those insoles, and after I got the insoles. The first time I met him, I was wearing flats, and he was about an 2 inches taller than me. The next time I met him (with the insoles), I was looking down at him. I glanced at his shoes. I noticed his heels were bigger than usual, and the bottom part of his foot was elevated, indicating he was wearing lifts inside the shoes. I would he is about 5'7''.
Brad said on 13/Mar/09
Had the best stealth shoes I've ever seen in person. Works well with the posture.
glenn said on 11/Mar/09
gotcha parker.
Anonymous said on 10/Mar/09
only a scientolgie member would list him as 172cm^^... he his arround 169-170 cm and never more! The reason why he looks 173-175 cm: "special shoes"
Nikolas said on 10/Mar/09
Tom cruise really very short 5-7 maybe 5-8 max
Doug said on 10/Mar/09
I agree with ACG below. 5'8, Tom's height + simple 2" lifts = 5'10. Cruise regularly looks 5'9.5-5'10" in shoes, 5'8" without them, no taller. Cruise has always looked to be around 5'8".
Parker said on 10/Mar/09
Actually to be fair Glenn I 'pinched' the Stiller/Seacrest pic from Rising Force who posted it on the Seacrest page.
Cruise def taller than Seacrest in my least a solid inch.
glenn said on 10/Mar/09
great find parker.
Anonymousanus said on 10/Mar/09
I think Cruise is like 5'7.5
frankys said on 9/Mar/09
Click Herelooks 5.8 top to me
leonari said on 9/Mar/09
Shredder: you are right. But from 5'7.75 to 5'8.5 thats a big " tad" man. thats 2 cm. Thats almost an inch. And you are probably right. He ain't no flat 170 cm. But your estimate at 5'8.5 is 174 cm and that to me is kind of threshold btw the short side (below that mark of 5'8.5) and "kinda" average (I know it's not average). I hope I makes any sense...What I mean: A 5'8.5 guy can appear pretty average with good posture and some nice dress shoes. Tom without lifts in my opinion falls short of looking pretty average. Thats why I say Rob is spot on!
Parker said on 9/Mar/09
Well Rob has got Tom and Ryan Seacrest exactly the same height..172
Cruise and Stiller
Click HereSeacrest and Stiller
Click HereCouldn't find any pics of Seacrest and Cruise but I'd put money on Tom being at least an inch taller. Rob's got one of them wrong.
the shredder said on 9/Mar/09
Leonari , I respect your opinion and I like you , but You say Rob is on the dot with 5'7.75 , but you jumping peoples ass for saying 5'8 , REALLY thats not much to be upset about , its a tad ! Im saying that he does NOT look more then 5'8.5 next with Glenn , because He don't ! He does not seem 5'9 , 5'11 is joke , I never said and the people that are seem to be kidding and photoshoping , and the reason I think around 5'8 is because I personally don't think he is a 5'7 flat guy !
leonari said on 9/Mar/09
Oh man this is getting out of hand. 5'8.5 some say 5'9" or even 5'11". Whats wrong folks. Suddenly Cruise is average height? Since when? I still say Rob is master and pinned him don to the mm.
the shredder said on 9/Mar/09
He is not looking taller then 5'8.5 next to Glenn , but does not look 5'7 flat !
glenn said on 9/Mar/09
nothing to bark about bending in that pic and tom and i are close in height.he could be a strong 5-8,and im a weak fine with that.
ACG said on 9/Mar/09
I guess I should've non-suspicious LOOKING footwear. Still, you can only conceal so much....
ACG said on 9/Mar/09
Tom Cruise could've gotten away with claiming 5'10, imho. I surprised he didn't.
5'8, Tom's height + simple 2" lifts = 5'10.
And he can look 5'10 to glenn in non-suspicious footwear.
Brad said on 9/Mar/09
He's 5' 8".Weak 5' 7" makes Glenn like really short on the right. Okay Glenn bark at the Chain links.
Parker said on 8/Mar/09
Don't think he was smoking anything Complex, he's just claiming his height in standard dress shoes - People do it all the time.
Complex said on 8/Mar/09
I agree with Chains, he's never over 5'8, not sure what he was smoking when he claimed 5'9 but I won't!
glenn said on 8/Mar/09
thats an outstanding question shredder.i cant answer that right now.
Chains said on 6/Mar/09
58 my ass anonymous he's a weak 57 at best
the shredder said on 3/Mar/09
Rob , what do you think would be more shocking , Him being measured near 5'9 or 5'7 flat ?
glenn said on 3/Mar/09
not on the right.on the left, reference to lifts.
George said on 2/Mar/09
Tom Cruise is 5'11 in his 3 inch elevator shoes.
Dural said on 2/Mar/09
Rossi grew in the last 2 years from 5'9.3/4" to 5'11.3/4" but is already 30!
Rossi with 6'5"
Michael JordanClick Here
Anon said on 2/Mar/09
Based on those pictures with Glenn and Glenn's assertion that Cruise wasn't wearing lifts (I especially don't think he used to wear lifts back in '88 when he was still just a rising star) I think Cruise is about 5'8", maybe a hair above.
Source said on 28/Feb/09
Seems as every male celeb that is between 5'7-5'9 is listed wrong on this site... :P I think both Glenn and Tom are 5'8 in these pictures.
Kristian said on 28/Feb/09
Good post Dural, if rossi really is 177, and cruise and lorenzo are roughly the same height...then it could be assumed that cruise couldn't go above 170, what do u guys think?
the shredder said on 27/Feb/09
Leung , I must say I did not seen Taps ! Complex , that picture is funny LOL , no Im not going to find something wrong and Im not going to go and say he is 5'9 barefoot ! Dural , the pictures are interesting , Tom looks taller then another 5'7 guy , I google Jorge Lorenzo and he also is listed 5'8 , I say 5'7 though ! That guy being 5'7 barefoot puts him about 5'8 in shoes and Tom looks 2 inches taller then him putting Tom about 5'10 in shoes , Tom HAS TO BE adding 3 inches of footwear to only be 5'7 ! his footwear is a good 1.5 inches though ! I think 5'7.75 to 5'8.5 seems the most realistic in my opinion !
Complex said on 27/Feb/09
Not all that confusing jin, for instance she's in flats and as you can see he's wearing boots, in the one where he looks taller I think it's simply that, he looks taller, but isn't, cuz when I look at that it would seem that if she straighten up she'd likely still have him or be the same height and that's with him in boots, lifts...who knows..I'm with Dural for the most part cept I believe the absolute most that he ever hits straight out of bed after his best night of sleep is 5'7.75, the height listed here, heck even that may be a stretch, 5'7 is the best peg for him ever, it would explain everything!
RisingForce said on 27/Feb/09
Jin, the second picture was taken while they're walking so it's not as reliable. There's your answer. Tom's shoes look bigger in the second picture.
Dural said on 27/Feb/09
Cruise & 170cm Jorge Lorenzo
Click HereToms shoes
Click HereLorenzos shoes
Click HereLorezno with supposed 177cm Valentino Rossi
Click HereI'd give him 5'7" afternoon, at most 5'8" in the morning. Maybe he grew a half inch to an inch by the pilates exercises he's doing.
glenn said on 27/Feb/09
Parker said on 27/Feb/09
You won't get any attacks from me Complex, because anything below 5'7 or above 5'9 isn't worth debating. Your entitled to your 5'6 opinion just as Daniel is entitled to his 5'11. In fact, from this site you haven given me the best way to determine anyone's height accurately. I take your estimate, and add about 1 inch. Thankyou.
Parker said on 27/Feb/09
frankys - I accept he's in dress shoes that could give him up to 1.5inches, but if Katie is as listed on this site, Tom is standing at 5'10 in those shoes. No way is he getting 3 inches from them.
The picture with Beckham is a tad more confusing because Beckham looks like he's standing at 6'2 - I know he was wearing GAP boots that night, but I didn't think they gave you more than 2 inches.
Jin said on 27/Feb/09
Tom cruise taller than Katie Holmes
Click HereTom Cruise shorter than Katie Holmes
Click HereKatie Holmes 5 ft 9 and wearing flat shoes in both pictures, confusing ha?
Samuel said on 26/Feb/09
I personally think Tom Cruise is 170cm ( 5 foot 7 ) Which is the exact same height as me. I dont get why the media portrays him as so small. Sure 5 foot 7 is a tad on the short side but it isnt that short really as you see plenty of guys that height walking around not to mention its taller than most girls.
Complex said on 26/Feb/09
Shredder why back up our claims..when we do, ya'll find something wrong with them like "camera angles, posture, etc. & so forth".
Here, here is your proof :
Click Herehahaha, lol, jk obviously but seriously, we're hearing talk of 5'8minimum 5'9, man this nonsense is gonna continue til he's listed 5'9.75.
I've changed my mind on Cruise, here is where I know he sits barefoot, 5'6-5'7 with 5'7.5 being the absolute most his head could scrape in the morning. I know bookoo ppl that say he was measured at 5'6.75 and who knows if that was morning or not but I was givin' him a strong 5'7 but now I firmly believe he dips in the 5'6 range.
Let the attacks begin because apparently it's ok to say cruise is 5'8, 5'9, and even strangely enough 5'11 (as most of you have seen recently) yet if you drop him down and inch below listed everyone flips, so if ppl can say 5'11 for Cruise, I say 5'7.5 absolute max and most likely in the 5'6 range, attack if you want although your attacks are flawed cuz the 5'11 believers for Tom weren't attacked even tho we knew they were wrong, ppl don't know if i'm wrong or right cuz they haven't seen him barefoot, only in lifts. He's a master of elevators and uses them in great stealth to appear & claim average height!
Leung said on 26/Feb/09
the shredder, did you even watch the movie? Because to anyone that has seen TAPS knows it is blatantly obvious that Sean Penn is taller than Cruise.
Dude said on 26/Feb/09
Only person here lying about their height is Glenn. Tom is on point. Only when Glenn comes honest with his height, then you guys will understand why Tom ain't 5'8....cause Glenn isn't!!
the shredder said on 26/Feb/09
To be fair frankys , they look the same height in that photo , though I don't think his footwear is adding that much , I must say Tom is not 5'9 , but I find it hard to see him shorter then barely 5'8 , not saying that 5'8.25 is legit , but I think that can fit him and is more possible then only 5'7-ish , look at how other 5'7 guys look in photos , then look at Tom !
frankys said on 26/Feb/09
for Parker
check tom's shoes on that pic..the sole is an inch+
and RisingfF. they'r standing about the same distance to the camera..
in my opinion he can be 5-8 barefoot at the very best, and 5-7 is very much possible,we are talking about 1 inch difference guys
i would not go above or under these marks though
Parker said on 26/Feb/09
frankys - look at this article including the pic of Tom with Katie. I agree Katie at a weak 5'9, in which case she is standing at 5'9 here.
Click HereBecause Tom is standing at 5'9/5'10 the article is suggesting he has lifts on. Well I don't think he has.He has worn lifts in the past, which is why people always shout 'lifts' every time he looks tall. There is little doubt in my mind he is a solid 5'8.
When I first came to this site I always assumed Tom was 5'7,because that what he is listed everywhere. Rob had him listed at 171. Rob has since increased his listing by 1cm - I still believe that's a cm too low.I have not seen anything to suggest he is lower than 172 at ANY time.
Its clear from this pic with Beckham from the same night, he is no higher than 5'8.5 - but no lower than 5'7.5........5'8 on the nose.
Click Here
RisingForce said on 26/Feb/09
frankys, they're both walking and Katie is closer to the camera so that picture is not reliable.
frankys said on 26/Feb/09
Shredder... look at this pic and post a fair you think he's a real strong 5.8 next to weak 5.9 Katie?
Click Here
the shredder said on 26/Feb/09
I think Rob has him and Sean Penn's height messed up , I think its Sean Penn who is 5'7.75 and Tom who is 5'8.25 !
the shredder said on 26/Feb/09
Im sorry , but you guys that are saying 5'7 , it seems like you are just saying it ... atleast back up your claims , the only person on here who thinks 5'7 that backs up there claim is Leonari ! Atleast me , Acg , and Paker are backing up the 5'8.25 that we see ! IMO theres no way that this guy can only be 5'7 , I think Rob's listing is really the shortest he can be ! I know Im going to hear it but I think he is no shorter then 5'8 , I think he is about 5'8.25 !
AND PLEASE DON"T GET ME STARTED WITH 5'6 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
John said on 25/Feb/09
How old is the picture on the right?
TELLEM said on 25/Feb/09
tom cruise i bet u never reaches 5'8 outta bed...the most he can reach is most likely 5'7.75.
TELLEM said on 25/Feb/09
sean penn 5'8? last i heard he was more 5'7 than anything. that once again puts cruise at 5'7 range with that pic. he looks only a quarter taller than penn.
John said on 25/Feb/09
tom is taller than glenn in the pic, look where his chin is, so how can tom be 5 ft 7.75 in (172 cm) abd glenn 5ft 8 (173cm)?
Complex said on 25/Feb/09
Sean penn is 5'7, 5'7 barefoot for tom, 5'9 in lifts, suprised to see ppl sayin' he's 5'9 rather than 5'7, we've all seen katie holmes taller than him in barefeet and she's like 5'8.5, 5'7 cruise
frankys said on 25/Feb/09
totally agree with you Vibram..5-7 barefoot for the guy...not a hair above, plus it's not sure that Katie is a strong 5-9
the shredder said on 25/Feb/09
HA HA HA , Tom slightly taller then another 5'8 guy ... Sean Penn !
Click HereI don't care who disagrees , Tom is a good 5'8 , more like 5'8.25 !
Joe said on 24/Feb/09
Guy's 5-7, not even a hair above that. He's constantly wearing 2-inch heels to make his 5-9 claim seem more plausible.
leonari said on 24/Feb/09
Rob: thanks for clearing my nickname. I appreciate it.
Rob G said on 24/Feb/09
I think at very max he is 5'8" out of bed. IMO 5'7.75" or 5'7.5" is fair enough for him.
glenn said on 24/Feb/09
im with acg,parker and shredder.
Vibram said on 24/Feb/09
frankys says on 23/Feb/09
Tom with heels, Katie flats.
5ft9 Katie still looks equal to -- maybe even pips him by 0.5" -- in her absolute nothing sandals and he in chunky 1.75" boots. He's a 5f7 range man for sure - the talk of strong 5ft8 recently doesn't warrant credit from this picture alone. Thanks man for posting picture.
the shredder said on 24/Feb/09
Who do you think looks taller though ? ... Is Tom at 5'8.25 possible ?
the shredder said on 24/Feb/09
Rob , do you think Tom looks a tad taller then Downey ? Both in flat shoes , IMO Downey at 5'8 should put Tom at a little taller then 5'8 !
Click Here
Editor Rob
I thought tom was wearing a very converse like styled sneaker at that event. Downey that day seemingly abandoned his big elevators.
the shredder said on 24/Feb/09
THANK YOU VERY MUCH Acg and Parker ! Im with you guys that 5'9 is looking more a possiblity then 5'7 , it is a tad tall for him though , but I say a good 173cm , I know legit 5'7 guys in person and how they look in photos , and even when Tom is in flat shoes he does not look like they look in photos , Tom is for sure 5'8 !
Parker said on 24/Feb/09
Apologies - just read my last post after it had been posted. Meant to say Katie had a quarter inch heel in the photo with Tom barefoot, not an inch. That would make Tom 5'9 haha! We can't have that.
Parker said on 24/Feb/09
You confuse me Complex. That barefoot shot next to his 5'9 wife clearly showed he was less than an inch shorter, and she had an inch heel. Every pic I've posted next to people supposedly 5'7 show Cruise looking at least an inch taller - Like this one with 5'7 listed JJ Abrams
Click HereI mean, the lowest I've seen Maggie Q listed is 5'5, so in the shoes above she must be standing close to 5'7, putting Tom 5'10 in his shoes. You really think he's getting 3 inches from those?
Or the pic I posted below against Michael Pena,again listed 5'7.
Click HereEvery pic barefoot or not shows Tom looking 5'8, but you believe without ANY proof that he's 5'7? Because you read somewhere 'somebody' said he was measured at 5'6 3/4!!???
Pictures against a near 6' Beckhma clearly show Tom is not above 5'9, but if Tom was measured in front of our eyes at 5'9 I'd be a lot less suprised than if he was measured at a flat 5'7.
Solid 5'8 for me.Not 172 as Rob has him listed,but 173.
ACG said on 24/Feb/09
glenn says on 23/Feb/09
whats this rocky guy talking about?
Seconded. Is Wal Mart even open at 3 AM? Is this some top-secret time and location where really fat leprechauns congregate? Maybe to break in and steal the 'Mart's extra-tiny exercise machines?
OK, I'm done now.......I just don't get it.
On Cruise: I guess 5'8 seems the most likely right now, but from certain pictures Parker has posted, I actually see 5'9 as a greater possiblity than 5'7.
leonari said on 23/Feb/09
ROB: Someone is using my nickname!!!!!....

Editor Rob
it's deleted now.
frankys said on 23/Feb/09
Tom with heels, Katie flats
Click Here
glenn said on 23/Feb/09
whats this rocky guy talking about?
RisingForce said on 23/Feb/09
George says on 23/Feb/09
I remember seeing Cruise on Leno and he was about the same height as Jay but obviously he was wearing height enchancing shoes. It was pretty funny at the beginning because when Tom walked up to Jay to greet him Jay was surprised to see that Tom was so tall and he starred down at his shoes. I think Cruise is just a little under 5'8. He's definetely not as short as the media potrays him to be and because of the media people usually think he's "really short".
Here's the video, bad quality but it's good enough.
Click Here
George said on 23/Feb/09
I remember seeing Cruise on Leno and he was about the same height as Jay but obviously he was wearing height enchancing shoes. It was pretty funny at the beginning because when Tom walked up to Jay to greet him Jay was surprised to see that Tom was so tall and he starred down at his shoes. I think Cruise is just a little under 5'8. He's definetely not as short as the media potrays him to be and because of the media people usually think he's "really short".
frankys said on 23/Feb/09
tom in suspicious footwear and Katie with flat sandals
Click Here
Donatello said on 23/Feb/09
Rocky I haven't seen a 4'9" man ever, I think. I think you really don't even know what 5'8" looks like, its rare to see men under 5'3-5'4". And complex you were saying a flat 5'6" for cruise is possible, don't BS, you were even saying 5'7" morning after a good nights sleep for tom, lol yeah right.
Parker said on 23/Feb/09
If Michael Pena is as listed here (5'7) there is no way on earth Cruise is only 5'7.
Click HereIn fact if you look closely at the Shoes, its Pena's that look suspect.
the shredder said on 23/Feb/09
I agree James , he looks more around 5'9.5 in public , look at the movie videos I posted , he does not look 5'7 , Im telling you guys he is around 5'8 , I don't see how Rob just don't list him 5'8 , to me 5'8.25 can fit him !
glenn said on 23/Feb/09
right alex.i get your point.yes,in person it varies almost as much as does in photos.well,in person he almost always looks 5-9.but how much is in lifts is the question.
Rocky said on 22/Feb/09
Cruise is definitely a short man, probably 5'5''-5'7''.
If he was 5'8'', then people would not think that he is short, because that is such a common height for men. If anyone has been to Wal-Mart at 3 in the morning, there's tons of guys there that are 4'9'' and 400 pounds, and we don't notice - it's become common how obese Americans are nowadays.
Complex said on 22/Feb/09
shredder you've never shown me one piece of evidence of him being 5'8 barefooted, all I see is pics of him lookin' 5'8 in which he could possibly be in elevators and lifts, I didn't say he was 5'6 I said that range is in the realm of possiblity, the highest I would ever go for tom is a weak 5'8, higher than that is inflation, just like the 5'11 non-sense for him. I've also read he was measured at 5'6.75, for me I believe he's a flat 5'7, stickin' with that, until I see physicalbarefoot unfavored proof, 5'7 it is...
TELLEM said on 22/Feb/09
i've never seen him pull a weak 5'10, unless you count his waffle stompin combat boots, then yes.
RisingForce said on 22/Feb/09
Complex, over 5'8" is a lot more possible than 5-6ish.
bobo said on 22/Feb/09
I can't see the debate really, or why anyone is listening to Daniel. Glenn is 5 foot 8. On the pics, TC looks about the same. He is certainly not taller than 5foot 8. I just can't see the debate. No one should be saying anything over than 5 8, simply based oin Glenn's pics
Alex said on 22/Feb/09
I wouldn't go as low as 5'6-5'6 1/2 for Tom. He's not that short. 5'8 is a push for him but I still feel 5'7-5'7 1/2 is most accurate.
the shredder said on 22/Feb/09
Complex , 5'6 is clinically insane ... wheres your proof that it is realm ? Show me ? I show my proof of 5'8 ! 5'6 is a fantasy , 5'7 is not that bad but seems unlikely , around 5'8 is the most realistic !
going to america said on 22/Feb/09
how common are 6-footers in America ?
Billy said on 21/Feb/09
why all these photos look like a montage?
Complex said on 21/Feb/09
I'm stickin with 5'7, at best he might comeclose to 5'8 but never reach it, 5'6 range is in the realm of possibility, 5'8 + = clinically insane..
Lozzer said on 21/Feb/09
Providing Glenn IS 5'8" exactly as stated on this webstite, Cruise looks more on the 5'8" even-5'8.25" side here!
bobo said on 21/Feb/09
AS usual, Daniel, people make passionate claims but fail to follow through. The only evidence you keep offering is that TC wears huge lifts.
Please contribute to David Beckham's thread and present your claims that he is a strong 6foot4. If you claim 5 11 for TC, than Beckham must therefore be a very tall man.
But I don't see you on there. SO stop talking.
Ironman: No idea what you are on about, mate. Try English?
Alex said on 21/Feb/09
Glenn, with the way Tom wears certain shots that may give him extra height its tough to call but you probably seen him look different heights anyway for him to look as low as 5'7 and as high as 5'9.
glenn said on 21/Feb/09
not you confessional.the 5-11 guy i mean.i dont have a problem with tom being more than 5-8.i have a problem with more than 5-9.most likey he is 5-8 flat.5-7 isnt impossible either.but not too likely.the least of possibilities is 5-9.
the shredder said on 21/Feb/09
Good points Mr.R , his co stars could be barefoot for most his movies , but there is no doubt that he looks legit 5'9 in movies , even though he is not that height range ! He could be what you and Rob think Mr.R ! 5'7 or 5'8 Im fine with , 5'6 is a fantasy that people want , 5'8 seems the most realistic , I agree with Glenn , 5'8.25 !
Here is more of Top Gun he looks 5'8 !
Click Here
Mr. R. said on 20/Feb/09
Shredder, there were several interviews with Val Kilmer who was told to take off his shoes and socks in his scenes with Tom. Also, he had special shoes built for him in Interview With A Vampire so that he was not shrimped by Brad Pitt. I stand by my account of Tom as 5-7 to 5-8. Rob has him perfectly.
Complex said on 20/Feb/09
I agree 100% with tellem, someone can post that they think someone is an inch shorter than listed and everyone attacks them and wants them
Banned for downgrading but daniel is over here sayin 5'11 barefoot for Cruise and no one says anything?? I dont get it, 5'11 for Cruise is more crazy than what anyone hear thinks about any of vipers listings (who I don't think was too far off). Why when ppl inflate is it ok but when ppl downgrade they get slayed?? I just don't get it!
Beth said on 20/Feb/09
Yeah, right, Tom Cruise ain't 5'11, he's more like 4'11. In this pic with Katie,
Click Here he looks tiny. No way is Tommy 5'11.
Gene Frisco said on 20/Feb/09
From these pics apears about 5'8.75 to 5'9 but everyone always states that he is 5'7, looks short at times looks taller at times which is why many claim he wears lifts or special footware, but since Glenn is 5'8 and Tom is wearing normal footware in these pics, which he might be because he seems very close to an inch in height difference compared to Glenn in both photos, I say 5'8.25 for Tom.
the shredder said on 20/Feb/09
I don't know about Edwards being barefoot , it is good that you thought of that , but Tom really does vary in that movie , he looks about 5'8 most of the movie , though in scenes he really does look 5'9 - 5'10 as he looks in alot of movies , he even looks that height range next to Val Kilmer !
glenn said on 20/Feb/09
i agree ironman.its up to rob though.
the shredder said on 20/Feb/09
Rob , Im looking at the scene I posted from Top Gun ... Its it me or does Tom really look 5'9 - 5'10 standing next to 6'2 Edwards ?

Editor Rob
in close up shots maybe edwards is barefoot?
confessional said on 20/Feb/09
glenn. you were talking about me? I'm not kidding.. cruise its not even 5'8..170 171 fits him more...I met him and I have no reason to lie...
funny pic of tom with katie hahaha
Torsten said on 19/Feb/09
Re Daniel: Stop dreaming Daniel. He is nowhere close to that height. He is 5'8 and no more.
TELLEM said on 19/Feb/09
cruise looks 5'7 next to 5'11 dave beckham, which is what tom cruise most likely is, 5'7 in the midday. 5'7.5-5'7.75 when he wakes
TELLEM said on 19/Feb/09
why is it that this daniel guy can post all this non-sense and ppl don't have a problem with it, but when other ppl downgrade height like arnie at 5'10,etc. they wanna ban them? this ain't right, seriously ban this goof.
frankys said on 19/Feb/09
I hear ya Daniel..but the last pic you posted i'd call it "tiptoeing"
..i agree James, 5.7 is what he looks in that new pic with Beckham (no less though)
Complex said on 19/Feb/09
It's definately not Viper, cuz Viper thought Cruise was 5'7, daniel never is Cruise taller than m.mcconaughey, or downey jr for that matter, even in that pic you posted where he's closer to the camera, plus he could be in elevators, you must not be takin' into account barefoot vs shoe height. I wouldn't go anything above 5'8 for him, 5'10.5-5'11 is! haha! Let the inflation begin 09' Oh and on more thing daniel,you say 5'11, well the big guy behind him, is bill hader, 6'1, Tom doesnt look much 5'11 compared to him and that's with tom bein closer to the camera, i'm fine with the 5'7 range, but 5'11, wow, la inflatione'
leonari said on 19/Feb/09
Daniel: Taller than Mthew McConaughey...hahahhahahahh. Thats the joke of the year!!!
show me one pic where Tom is taller. Just one. I show you ten where he is smaller by 3 inches minimum.
ER. said on 19/Feb/09
LOL, I'm not buying this. This is either Viper in disguise or just someone who's bored and wants to have a laugh.
Daniel said on 19/Feb/09
LOL frankys, funny pic. I still think Tom is taller than 5'8 though. I come across a pic of him with the cast of Tropic Thunder. His is a fair bit taller than Ben Stiller and Jack Black, and just SLIGHTLY taller than Robert Downey Jnr and Matthew McConaughey. So, by simple mathematics, if RDJ and MM are around 5'9 and 5'10, that would put Tom at 5'10.5 or 5'11 :)
Click Here
Vibram said on 19/Feb/09
He looks a legit 5ft7.75 next to 5f11 Beckham there frankys.
sunnyfan said on 19/Feb/09
I think Rob has listed Cruise really accurate, but Cruise could be a legit 5.8 on a good day. As mentioned before, if Ben stiller is 169 cm, Cruise is not more than 172-173 cm.
frankys said on 19/Feb/09
hey Daniel you are right, i found a pic of Tom towering Katie
Click Here
frankys said on 19/Feb/09
tom and beckham in a brand new pic
Click Here
Daniel said on 19/Feb/09
More proof of my claims. Obviously in those other pics of Tom with Will, he was standing on uneven ground.
Click Here Click Here Click Here
Ironman said on 19/Feb/09
I think dat Tom is atleast 5'8. Cause a 5'6 or a 5'7 man wil hav 2 wear relatively big shoes to reach the height dat tom appears to be. But i think dat most of the time tom wears normal footwear. So i think dat we should upgrade tom to 5'8. Wat do u say glenn?
the shredder said on 19/Feb/09
Rob , thanks for seeing the video , do you think Tom looks atleast 5'8 in that scene though ?

Editor Rob
Parker said on 19/Feb/09
For Daniel and Barry, who I suspect are just having a laugh, here is David Beckham, a legit 5'11 weak 6 footer stood next to Tom and Katie
Click Here
the shredder said on 19/Feb/09
Rob , This is the scene Ive been talking about from Top Gun ... The scene with 5'6 James tolkan . Tom looks atleast 5'9 - 5'10 next to the guy , I don't get it ? Is he standing on a box are something ? Go to 2:25 or so , but 3:12 or is really good because they are face to face , what do you think ?
Click Here
Editor Rob
I don't know about Tolkan, I remember talking about him a while ago on here...maybe he's 5ft 5 max.
Jimmy said on 18/Feb/09
Highly suspect pic of Tom:
Click Here It's hard to judge if he is wearing lifts or not. It's a full body group shot, the ground appears to be even and he seems to be wearing flat shoes. I'd like to say 5'8, but I think it's questionable. His height seems to fluctuate.
Complex said on 18/Feb/09
Tom @ 5'11.....let the INFLATION begin, lol! How tall will he be next,legit 6'1? 6'3? taller than shaq?
TELLEM said on 18/Feb/09
cruise with 5'10.5 ving rhames:
Click Here
chriskardos said on 18/Feb/09
WTF? Couple of years back i read that he's at a 163 cms and that Kidman hit a 170 or something like that? What the hell?
Daniel said on 18/Feb/09
In the pics where he is shorter than Nicole and Katie, it's because they are wearing 4 inch heels, so of course they are going to look taller! It's common sense, people. However, if they are wearing normal flat shoes, Tom is taller. The man is 5'10.5 at the end of the day, 5'11 upon waking up.
Tom & Nicole:
Click Here
glenn said on 18/Feb/09
complex-its rare people in inflate on this site.but this is inflation no doubt.
glenn said on 18/Feb/09
5-9 for cruise isnt impossible.certainly not a hair above.5-8,5-8.25 is what i have him at now.whalberg i have at 5-8.5,5-9 now.
Ironman said on 18/Feb/09
No matter what his height is that does not take away da fact dat he is one of da greatest star da world has ever seen. Take a chill pill guys...
leonari said on 18/Feb/09
Daniel & Barry: You are making fools of yourself. Seriously. Get real. he is 5'7.5". If that.
frankys said on 18/Feb/09
hey know that Tom is going to star in a new movie as Mr. Fantastic because of his naturall skills of growing several inches every day...come on get serious.. we all agree that he is in the 5.7 5.8 range...don't spoil this site dude
bobo said on 18/Feb/09
daniel and barry:
please stop. You are making fools of yourselves. Are you scientologist
Scroll down to Parker's photos from Feb 7th and ask yourself. Is this a 5. 11 man?
Please. Stop.
Daniel said on 18/Feb/09
Tom with Katie and Suri, looking a solid 5'11. Katie is an offical 5'9 and Tom is a few inches taller. I don't think Tom would ever wear lifts. He doesn't seem like that kind of guy. I think it is all just a hoax to taint his image.
Click Here
Hart said on 18/Feb/09
LOL! ROFL! there is no way tom is 5'11! that's insane. he is obviously wearing lifts in those pictures.
RisingForce said on 18/Feb/09
Cruise is not in the 5-6 range, there's no way. At worst he's 5'7", but it's more likely that he's closer to 5'8".
the shredder said on 18/Feb/09
Yea he is 5'11 , but claims 5'9 ! ... LOL Barry your photoshop pic is funny , he is not even 5'11 in lifts , though some don't get that he is not 5'7 ! ... more like 5'8 !
ER. said on 18/Feb/09
Rofl, Tom Cruise 5-11?!. Tom's PR agents must have finally caught on to the site.
Daniel said on 17/Feb/09
Thanks, Barry. We seem to be in the minority here. Everyone downplays his height, when he is in fact average (or just above) height. I found a pic of Tom standing next to Brad Pitt. If you look at it, he is a smidgen taller, which would make him 5'11. I also found another pic of Tom with Nicole and Brad, and he is the tallest of the three. I'm sticking with 5'11.
Click Here Click Here
Complex said on 17/Feb/09
Ok i'm sorry but 5'10.5 for Cruise is flippin hilarious, he could be 5'6 range, 5'7 mostlikely, and with very VERY good photos someone might could convince me over time that he is a weak 5'8 or close to it, but never anything over.
Again I say 5'7.
But remember a few weeks back when everyone told me that no one inflates here, well i'd say daniel's sighting of cruise 5'10.5 contradicts that, just sayin..
Real said on 17/Feb/09
5'10-5'11?? Come on.. that's as ridiculous as a 5'5 claim for this guy.
He's not as short as some people think, but he's definitely not above average.
I think the 5'7-5'8 ballpark is on the money.
leonari said on 17/Feb/09
Barry: so how tall is Cruise in your humble opinion?? 5'10"? hahahha
Lemon said on 17/Feb/09
Barry, are you serious? If Cruise is 5'11, then Nicole Kidman gotta be at least 6'2".
And Will Smith 6'5":
Click HereRob has him right!
Parker said on 17/Feb/09
I would ask people to stop using what are clearly photoshopped pictures - it degrades the site
frankys said on 17/Feb/09
Barry how about this...who's taller?
Click Here
frankys said on 17/Feb/09
wow barry nice pic..i say tom is at least 6.2
Barry said on 17/Feb/09
I agree with Daniel. In my personal opinion, I think people abuse Tom and his height because of his religion. In his films, he does look close to six feet. The average male height is 5'10 and there is rarely a guy taller than him in his films. I found this pic of him with Orlando Bloom and Katie. He towers over them! If I had to peg it, I'd say he's a solid 5'11.
Click Here
the shredder said on 17/Feb/09
Rob , In Top Gun theres a scene in the locker room of him standing next to James Tolken ... if that guy is 5'6 , then Tom seems 5'10 in that scene !
glenn said on 17/Feb/09
correct vibram.
glenn said on 17/Feb/09
is this guy kidding me?
confessional said on 17/Feb/09
met him!!!!!! two weeks go I was in rio and he was there promoting valkyre with katie and his daughter..he is a very nice guy and so as katie, thom was wearing lifts obviously because hi shoes didnt seem normal and even some journalist made fun of that..well tom can be taller than 5'8 most like 5'7.05 so rob 171 cm fits him a lot better and katie is a legit 5'9 no shorter than there you go cruise's height its solved to me
Parker said on 17/Feb/09
Newman not looking that much shorter than Paul McCartney in 2005
Click HereBut looking a fait bit shorter than Tom here - Tom in lifts?
Click Here
Daniel said on 16/Feb/09
I met and shook hands with Tom at the premiere of his movie Valkyrie. I am just shy of 5'10 (I'm 176.5cm) and Tom was just a tad taller than myself. I'd put him at a weak 5'10.5. I feel sorry for Tom, as he is not as short as everybody makes him out to be. Watch Interview with the Vampire - he is almost the same height as 5'11 Brad Pitt.
To prove my point, I found this photo of Tom standing next to Paul Newman. Tom is a good few inches taller than the 5'9 Newman.
Click Here
frankys said on 16/Feb/09
Maheli.. 9 is 9 not 6
Anonymous said on 16/Feb/09
Actually, if Tom Cruise has short legs that only helps him wear lifts without looking weird. Shorter guys with relatively long torso / short legs can wear lifts and look completely normal. I know a guy who is 5'8" and has a 32" inseam- he could never get away with lifts!
Maheli said on 16/Feb/09
Hey,I have recently discovered this site and find it strangely endearing! Amazing how height can impact one
Vibram said on 16/Feb/09
So, glenn, you say Newman didn't lose much height with age until about 65-70?
frankys said on 16/Feb/09
Brad if newman is 5.9 tom must be 5.7 max
Brad said on 16/Feb/09
Katie 5' 9", Tom 5' 8". Newman 5' 9".
glenn said on 16/Feb/09
i studied cruise and newman in front of my face plenty of times.newman was 5-10 at least up until the early 90s.
Vibram said on 15/Feb/09
Newman was 5ft9.5 in his prime. he was 60 in The Color of Money, so may well have lost 1" inch from his peak.
yoney said on 15/Feb/09
I'm amazed with Cruise's success in making himself look much taller. His height never gets my attention in his movies.
Anonymous said on 15/Feb/09
i agree with Tellem and Complex..he's most likely 5-7
Complex said on 14/Feb/09
I'm stickin' with the 5'7 sightings, how tall is paul newman listed..
TELLEM said on 14/Feb/09
look at the shoulders. newman had cruise by a good 2-2.5 inches in the film. if newman was 5'9.5 that would make cruise 5'7ish just like i said. 5'8? yea right.
Parker said on 14/Feb/09
That's a poor photograph for height comparisons Franky's. Here's a better one.
Click Here5'9/5'10 Newman does look an inch taller
Gago said on 14/Feb/09
Great photo frankys, that's what I've been saying Tom was in cowboy boots the whole movie and Newman in regulars, also Tom had hair advantage, but still looked 2 inches shorter.
frankys said on 14/Feb/09
Tom and Paul Newman
Click Here
Bob Williams said on 13/Feb/09
I would have always thought Tom at around 5' 9, but it looks like in all his photos he makes sure to straighten up and give that illusion, so I am not surprised at the 5' 8 height