koko said on 9/May/09
THE GUY NEAR HIM IS 5'11 WHILE THE GIRL IS 5'7 BAREFOOT (with those hills she was probably around 5'10)
Click Here
Danimal said on 9/May/09
Been saying 5'6 3/4" for YEARS. Read an article on him in 1988, giving away his true height: 5'6 3/4" (Glenn's EXACT evening height).
frankys said on 9/May/09
yes gilipollas...you read my mind..i thought the same..the guy is really looking at his shoes...Rob , we will never know what kind of insole he is hiding..i can't tell if he is 5.8 or 5.6 flat but those shoes look really suspicious to me ,regardless his real height..Greg check the hole gallery you might find more interesting pics
John said on 9/May/09
I don't think Cruise is 5 feet 9 in his socks. More like 5 feet 7, and he wears 3-inch built up shoes.
Dylan said on 9/May/09
This page has been an eye opener to me. One of the reasons I did not think Crusie was 5'8" apart from every media quote saying he is 5'7" was an article I read by Billy Warlock, who claims 5'6" but looks 5'5". Warlock wrote an article entitled "Short Guys Are Big News" and in the article, he said, "Tom Cruise is real short and Michael J Fox is tiny", I thought that a statement like that coming from someone of Warlock's height must mean Cruise was shorter, however, I am now convinced he must be at least the 5'7.75" given at the top of the page. Thank you for posting those convincing pictures Parker.
gilipollas said on 9/May/09
frankys, look at the man on the first pic. It seems he thinking "wow Tom ur so short even wearing those ridiculous trainers"

Editor Rob
he's wearing Air Force One sneakers. They give 3cm in height, or about 1.2 inch.
Anonymous said on 9/May/09
so glenn you claim your a weak 5'8" meaning you touch 5 foot 8 once during the day when u wake, then quickly shrink under, im also a pretty big shrinker, i awake and some days it feels im taller than 5 foot 9 but usually very close or just under, then when its bed time i always measure just a tad over 5 foot 8, so if u were me would u call yourself 5 foot 9? just curious, btw what age did all of u stop growin, im 20 and still slowly going upwards, i have grown a few inches since i was 18 so assume i may have some time to go, ive heard some guys growing well into their twenties, and i also look very young still so maybe mee to??
frankys said on 8/May/09
good for you leonari (even though i think there's no perfection in this world, we are human beings)...but it's surely not a good reason to attack Tom's english skills just because you don't agree with his point of view..(it's like saying ... "i don't like tom cruise acting only because he's short"..)..
just a curiosity...what are the other 2 languages you understand but not able to speak?
Dylan said on 8/May/09
Parker - Ben Stiller is listed as 5'6.5" on here not 5'8", not that it makes any difference because in the picture you posted Cruise is easily 1 1/2" taller, so you were right and I was wrong I apologise for doubting you.
gilipollas said on 8/May/09
5'6.5'' for Mr Cruise. Long time lift-tricky shoes wearer as Sly or Pitt with one big difference. This guy is really short and really needs the lifts+tricky shoes so to avoid looking ridiculous. Pitt and Sly can look great as action heros or sex symbols on movie screens but Cruise needs an extra help to be what he represents. IN any case Tom is a mediocre actor with a lot of power in the industry.
leonari said on 8/May/09
it's a at least 1.5 inches. Cruise is max 5'7.5 during the day and could indeed wake at a tiny tad over 5'8"
Dylan said on 8/May/09
I didn't notice the sandals on Katie, they must add around 1/2" so I stand corrected, perhaps there is only about 1 1/4" difference in their heights.
Brad said on 8/May/09
He really does look short with Katie. That's Cruise's Sly to Hopper golf shoes shot.
leonari said on 8/May/09
frankys: I speak 4 languages perfectly (german, english,french,rumanian) and I understand 2 more without being able to speak.
Zack81 said on 8/May/09
Man, 5-8 is wayyyyy too much for Cruise. Hes no taller than 5-7 max and could be a hair under it.
glenn said on 8/May/09
1.5 sound more right the more i think of it derek d.
derek d said on 8/May/09
I see a inch and a half difference in that barefoot photo of tom and katie. If she really is 5'9 then he looks like a strong 5'7.75 guy next to her considering she is in sandals and he is not.
glenn said on 7/May/09
i appreciate that dylan,but i honestly see it as he looks taller than me in both pics.even if i stood straight.i could be wrong and you could be right.i always said i was a weak 5-8.even 3 years ago.tom might be stong 5-8.meaning he doesnt do the incredible shrinking man routine like i do(he shrinks little during the day),and maybe he wakes a hair over 5-8,or 5-8.and i wake a hair under 5-8.
frankys said on 7/May/09
leonari says on 6/May/09
Whatever nationality you may be you can improve your proficiency of a foreign language.
totally right Bud..and how many languages do you speak Leonari?
Oh? said on 7/May/09
Glenn,if you are 5'8,then Tom looks more like 5'9. I firmly believe Tom is around 5'7 barefoot though. So you are more like 5'6 just claiming 5'8 huh?
Dylan said on 7/May/09
In that photograph on the right Glenn, you are leaning whereas Cruise still has that upright military posture. If you were standing upright like he is I think you would be slightly taller. Just my opinion.
Cameron said on 7/May/09
Cruise at 5-8 seems really unbeleivable, considering just show short he has looked in his movies andin other pics. And also considering the flack he has had for being so tiny. I think realistically he is in the 5-6-5-7 range.
glenn said on 7/May/09
thank you dylan.people get a kick at trying to get me angry and look right.they succeed at making me miserable.but will never be right.tom can be 5-7.75 to 5-8.5 out of bed.im 5-7.5 to 5-8 out of bed.more on the hair under 5-8.so tom could be taller.or we are the same.he is wearing lifts i imagine on the left.not sure of the right.
glenn said on 7/May/09
you cant even leave a name.you dont have to believe anything i say.i laugh at all you haters.but it does get too much for me.brad and i fought for years,yet he agrees that tom is 5-8.cause he saw him.unlike 90 percent of you.make that more.
miko said on 7/May/09
I think Cruise is around the 5"8 mark, Rob has him listed about right I would say. Not as low as a flat 5"7 and not close to 5"9.
Anonymous said on 7/May/09
right parker. cause glenn's opinion really means alot to me. the guy won't even admit how tall he really is, after over 3 decades of living, so please how can he estimate others precisely? and yes this is an instance where i disagree with rob, despite actually having some faith in rob's estimations, but rob hasnt actually met mr cruise. and u certainly havent met him either, so why in the world would your opinion have any more validity than mine? i was merely saying that someone this close to 5'8" barefoot would never have gotten so much crap for being short. and whats your rebuttal to that? "oHh uhh glenn says hes this tall and err rob has him listed as this height... so err...sh their word is law! no debate!!"
glenn said on 6/May/09
more importantly,what does brad have to say.5-8 for cruise.cause he saw him also.not speculating.
glenn said on 6/May/09
leonari-i was only kidding.lol.i know you and i are of similar height.around 5-8.like risingforce and a few others here.it would be nice if we all got along.its getting too much lately.
glenn said on 6/May/09
miko-havnt seen him in a year.looked 5-9ish last time i saw him.5-9.5 times before that.in of course lifts.
glenn said on 6/May/09
take away her sandals.i see an inch.inch and half isnt crazy.
Dylan said on 6/May/09
Brad - You are certain Tom Cruise is 5'8" yet you persist in saying Glenn is only 5'7" maximum. How do you explain that they look exactly the same height in those photographs? Cruise is probably wearing lifts and I am going to go out on a limb and say that if they were both without footwear Glenn would edge it slightly.
Parker said on 6/May/09
Dylan - Use the big guys face in the background as the measure. Eyes to top of head is approx 4.5 inches. Top of Cruise's wife's head lines up about 2 inches above the guys eye level. Tom's about 1 = 1 inch, not 2. Of course Tom's estimate of 5'8 from this pic relies on his wife being 5'9.
Brad met him = 5'8, Glenn met him = 5'8, Rob thinks he's 1/4 inch less than 5'8.
Media think he's 5'7, but according to Sunday paper in UK last week, think Stiller is 5'8. So here's a 5'8 Stiller with a 5'7 Cruise
Click HereWhat do you reckon Dylan. Do you believe the media or people that have actually met him.?
TELLEM said on 6/May/09
i see an inch and a half between 5'9 katie and 5'7.5 cruise
Dylan said on 6/May/09
In that photograph Parker of Cruise and his wife barefooted. She has in my opinion a clear 2" advantage over him.
miko said on 6/May/09
Have you seen Cruise at all lately Glenn?
Bouncer said on 6/May/09
NOW I'M VERY CONFUSED! This site gives Cruise 5'7.5 in (172 cm), but this article says that Tom Cruise is only 5'6 in (168 cm) tall(!):
Click Here
leonari said on 6/May/09
The lowest I ever got measured as an adult was a totally flat 5'7" (exactly 170 cm) and that was on a day when I slept 2.5 hours at 5 P.M , by a doctor using a very precise stadiometer. So I doubt I am taller than you Glenn. If anything it's possible we are the exact same height (which is kinda cool for me so I can imagine myself next to these celebs :-) . It's possible that I could give the impression (or rather the illusion) of looking taller because I have adopted outstanding posture (yeah Stallone like) and I am a fitness buff with 4.5 % bodyfat.
Brad: What does my height has to do with Glenns height? You state yourself chicks like faces not inches.
You would give inches away to have nice facial features (at least it sounds that way) and I would give a couple of my facial features or athletic built away for some inches. Thats human nature. You always want what you can't have, still if you and I are both healthy we should be grateful. Don't you agree??
Why can't we just all get along people??
Brad said on 6/May/09
Give it up, he's 5' 8" on his tootsies/heel no shoes.
Parker said on 6/May/09
Sorry Anonymous - What does the editor of the site say above.? What does Glenn, who has met him say?...but yeh, your probably correct, and the three of us wrong. Apologies.
frankys said on 6/May/09
leonari... Tom's "maccheronian" english is not the issue..stop this kid's dispute
glenn said on 5/May/09
im not insecure about my height.you guys make that up.after being nagged for 3 years about my height,you would be testy too.or left the site long ago.all my childhood friends are 5-7 to 5-9.and my current peers are 5-8 to 5-10.so how can i feel insecure.i feel like i fit in.
glenn said on 5/May/09
if im 5-6.5,which i am to some here,leonari is taller than me.
Brad said on 5/May/09
Leonari, you taller than Glenn?
Parker said on 5/May/09
Well Anonymous, looks like you've been brainwashed by the media too. Everyone says he's such and such a height so that's what he is.......'we know for sure he wears lifts' Do you? All the time? You must be very close to Tom.
How about this barefoot shot next to his 5'9 wife, Tom looking an inch shorter
Click HereLifts in his feet?
leonari said on 5/May/09
As I said TOM: get some english classes. Your level of the english language is like a 6 year old foreigner. Pathetic. Why can't you post all your messages? Cause no one understands them!!!
Brad said on 5/May/09
Wrong about what? Seems I was right about your height. I lost 1/4" in 9 hours yesterday, I wish I could lose over 1 1/4". Gimmie some stress and some big bag and a parking lot to walk around in fer a day. How tall was Danny Gans?. Willis is 5' 11". That's right. Cruise 5' 8". That's right. Pitt 5' 10" that's right, Sly 5' 8.5" that's right. Zzzzzzz.
Anonymous said on 5/May/09
yes glenn that is what im saying. think about it for a sec. if tom cruise is as close to 5 8 as hes listed here, that means when he wears his lifts (which lets face it we know for SURE he does) hell be easily 5 10, seeing as the average dress shoe and sneaker give u about an inch. so say hes wearing regular dress shoes then, that would make him 5'8.75". are u guys joking? tom cruise standing at close to 5'9" in regular dress shoes or sneakers? you must be JOKING. and since we know mr cruise is insecure about his height (much like u are glenn, no offence), he wont be rocking just normal dress shoes when hes out and about. so how in the world is he 5'7.75" barefoot? oh is that 'morning height' were talkin about here? seriously please be real fellas, mr cruise would never have gotten his reputation for being a shorty if he was a mere 0.25 of an inch away from 5 foot 8
glenn said on 5/May/09
definitely not under 5-7 with ease.under physical stress and little sleep,up for many hours,days on end.read risingforces post of similar loss on the rob page now and 8 other posts by others throughout the month.you choose to ignore that.and the fact that it was my lowest.ill hand it to you though,you were accurate again.to a point.saw willis again tonight.drunk and still turned me down.6ft tonight.not 6-1.but i still stand by very possible 6-1.the problem with you brad,is you can never be wrong.and thats a disorder on its own.among many that you have.at least i admit when im wrong.and i apologized to you.
glenn said on 5/May/09
how can tom be wearing lifts next to me and still be 5-7? he would have to be 5-5,5-6 without the lifts.by your logic.
Anonymous said on 5/May/09
5'7.75" for tom cruise? seriously? the most infamous 'short' man in hollywood? why would he get this immense reputation if he was this close to 5'8"? clearly wearing lifts in the photos besides 5'7" glenn. seriously no more than 5'7" MAX for mr tom cruise. this is beyond ridiculous
glenn said on 4/May/09
well said about horrible men doug.stewart is indeed 5-11 morning.i saw him in slippers look this even at night!.and of course he can look 5-9.5 late at night,hunched over.
Brad said on 4/May/09
6' 6". 6' 7" with "effect". Bet me. SoCal/Vegas with cash, I'm there bro. I was called horrible saying Glenn will measure under 5' 7" with ease. Cruise is a legit 5' 8". Posture/Stealth/"effect" he is taller than people expect. Stewart isn't short. He doesn't look it with his model ex girlfriens/wives. Rod isn't 5' 9".
Parker said on 4/May/09
Agree with you on Cruise Doug, but Stewart's never as short as 5'9 - Go to the Stewart page and I'll post some pics
Doug said on 4/May/09
Yup Glenn. Rod Stewart is another of the guys people tend to think of as miniscule and ridiculously short. Notice though how both Stewart and Cruise date very tall women who in heels dwarf them. Rod Stewart is supposed to be 5'11". I always read he was 5'5". Honestly? I think Rod Stewart is around 5'9". Cruise is a weak 5'8". Hardly miniscule fellas even though they often give that impression. Glenn don't believe the 6'6" rubbish for Brad. There are a load of people on here who claim 6'6", as if thats some ideal. Doubt many of them if any at all are that height legitimately. usually the horrible guys like him are also terrible liars.
glenn said on 4/May/09
sorry haze.i get confused as who are my enemies here.the 2004 pic i should be 5-7.25.the 1993 pic,who knows.probably 5-7 flat.both cause of the times.
Haze said on 3/May/09
i do got my facts straight. at least im pretty sure i do. are u saying that u are 5'8 minumum in these pictures or are u really around 5'7 ish with shrinkage. thats what im saying. you may be a lil taller on the right cuz ur younger and slimmer. but what i meant is that ur not 5'8 in either pics
glenn said on 3/May/09
tom-the only thing silly,and actually pathetic is people like you.you never met me.or cruise.even brad who is my biggest enemy(in height too at 6-6) on the site has seen cruise in the flesh and agrees on 5-8.we will neve agree on how tall i am,or cruise.but debate cruise.not me.we cant tell what he wearing inside his feet in my pics.the the 1993 pic i thought he had no lifts.but he standing as straight as possible and im bending.small chance,but not impossible,is that he is tip toeing a bit.a snapped a pic of him doing this,seconds before with kidman and newman.
glenn said on 3/May/09
andre-my height after not sleeping for days,late at night,isnt my real height.anybody with a brain can see im 5-7.5 at the very worse when i wake.most likely 5-7.75.and possibly 5-8.if you dont go by morning height,then im slightly under 5-7.5.but more than 5-7.25.
glenn said on 3/May/09
rod stewart is 5-11.he can look 5-9.5,5-10 due to night time height and bad posture.you usually read 5-7 for him as the lowest.5-2 is beyond absurd.
Parker said on 3/May/09
I wouldn't believe the majority of websites listing celeb heights other than this one TOM. Have a look at this 5'2 listing for Rod Stewart
Click HereFact is, given equivalent footware above with Glenn, and the barefoot shot with his 5'9 listed wife.
Click HereThere is NO WAY Cruise could be under 170, despite what 'all people all over the world' think.
leonari said on 3/May/09
Tom: I say first take an english class to improve your language. That would be job one. And once that is done I would suggest stoping to post random bull that people only wake up 1 cm taller. Thats simply not true. 1 cm is probably the absolute minimum. Most people will wake up 1.5 to 2 cm taller. And I don't think that you lose that height ALL within an hour. It can take a bit more til you hit your lowest height.
Parker said on 3/May/09
TOM says on 3/May/09
all people all over the word know cruise is about 170 cm max
Apart from CelebHeights editor Rob who has him listed at 172.
frankys said on 3/May/09
Height is not an opinion!
Andr said on 3/May/09
I think its quite ridicolous to keep Tom Cruise at 172 cm since Glenn real height is reveiled. But the final word is always with Rob.. so obvious that tom is not 172 cm.
glenn said on 3/May/09
wrong haze.again get your facts straight.get out of your haze and daze.
glenn said on 2/May/09
jack black looks shorter to me than stiller in person.i could be wrong.
glenn said on 2/May/09
exactly roger.
glenn said on 2/May/09
haze-cruise and i are closer to 5-8.stiller i too believed was 5-6 flat.after seeing him more in the flesh,not like you,guessing from photos,he can be 5-7 flat.can he be 5-6.5,5-6? sure.i dont have a problem with that.but cruise and i are around 5-8.morning at least.and cruise looks taller than stiller and i due to his various sizes in lifts.can cruise be a half inch more than me? sure.but im not 5-7 flat.only after 8 hours or more.and i usually wake at 4pm.except this year.im up mornings now.thats why rob caught me at my lowest and he saw the proof of me being up mornings via email.get your facts straight.
glenn said on 2/May/09
thank you stephanie.
Haze said on 2/May/09
wrong stephanie
the shredder said on 2/May/09
LOL , Stephanie who ever believes Tom is 5'1 is a jackass !

Editor Rob
I was listening to a talk recently and the actress mentioned something about Tom Cruise, and what he was like.
Someone in the audience immediately said 'not very tall' and half the people laughed.
I don't think Tom can ever win the battle! His height is something people laugh at. Of course the actress pointed out many of the audience weren't that tall either...
Stephanie said on 2/May/09
Glenn is 5' 8" though. I'd say Tom is half an inch taller than Glenn. I don't think Tom is quite as short as some people think, but for some reason his face and his body proportions make him seem like he's shorter than he really is. Everyone seems to believe he is 5' 1" or something and that's simply not the case.
Haze said on 2/May/09
actually after checking out stiller more id say hes about 1/4 shorter then glenn. so 5'6.5 stiller, 5'6.75 glen and 5'7.5 cruise
Haze said on 2/May/09
id imagine stiller and glenn about the same height. 5'6.75ish making tom about 5'7.5
Reg said on 1/May/09
Tom Cruise should admit that he is 5'6"/ 5'7" and stop trying to make out he is taller. It doesn't make a better actor which he is not I personally can't stand him.
Metric said on 1/May/09
Just watched Risky Business the other day. Movie rocks!! However Tom just looks so incredibly tiny in that one. VERY hard to picture him at anything near 5-8 after watching!?? It's not just his height but his entire frame! Ohh, man he is one small dude. He literally looks like a 13 yr old boy in that movie. No shoulders, no chest, no biceps. I just can't buy 5-8. Maybe 5-6.5 on a good day? ??
Brad said on 30/Apr/09
He looked 5' 10" in front of me in his stealth shoes and maybe 1/2" more with posture.
the shredder said on 30/Apr/09
Yes , 5'8 for Stiller is a joke , He looks 5'6 or he is a 5'7 guy that looks 5'6 because of posture ? I think 5'7.75 for Cruise is good , he can look 5'9 or 5'10 !
ACG said on 30/Apr/09
Parker: glenn recently confirmed that stiller is a legit 5'7. so that easily puts cruise over 5'8.
TELLEM said on 30/Apr/09
fair enough parker, i just don't see 2 inches next to a slouching stiller and great posture cruise. i see 1.5 inches between them in those pics.
Anonymous said on 30/Apr/09
I reckon little under 5ft 7 from when I saw him. I notice his feet are on an incline inside his shoes quite often.
Parker said on 30/Apr/09
Well if we split the difference Tellem and call it 1.75, if Stiller is 5'6 Rob's got Cruise spot on. If Stiller is 5'6.5 Cruise hits 5'8 for sure. Cruise in my opinion is definately at Rob's listing some time in the day.....what time of day is the debate. I do agree with you however that Cruise does not look quite as tall as Rob next to Glenn..but Rob,again in my opinion, is 5'8.5.
Lmeister said on 30/Apr/09
Tom Cruise seems to be a 5ft8 guy like Robert Downey jr. They both look taller than Ben Stiller whom I believe is around 5ft6. I think that even Jack Black might be taller than Ben Stiller.
Midget said on 29/Apr/09
171cm-172cm max barefoot for Tom and no more than 168cm for Ben Stiller. Tom lives in big, custom made footwear. Even when my parents met him and Nicole in london a few years ago they do recall him having "unusual" footwear. ie. looked a bit chunky for casual dress shoes.He was at a cafe with nicole having brunch at the time.
Roger said on 29/Apr/09
Tom likely wears lifts, and might be equal to Glenn in height. Which means he can drop below 170 cm after long hours.
TELLEM said on 29/Apr/09
the first pic you posted of cruise and stiller parker is not 2 inches, its more like 1.5
TELLEM said on 29/Apr/09
i still stand by stiller at 5'6 and cruise at 5'7.5
TELLEM said on 29/Apr/09
Parker says on 29/Apr/09
Tellem - I think that's closer to 2 inches that Cruise has on Stiller. Similarly,at Tropic of Thunder premier.
Click Here
Really does look close to, if not flat, 5'8 to me.
your right parker, but thats only because stiller has terrible posture and cruise, like always, has great posture. thats why in that tropic thunder premiere there's 2 inches.
quas said on 29/Apr/09
Tom next to Mimi rogers who is listed at 5'8 on this site. Id say Mimi is wearing heels but she still looks a lot taller than Tom.
Click HereAlso to Parker, that pic of Tom next to Jack Black and stiller is a great pic. Tom is a little taller than the other two but look at the guys behind them they tower over those 3. It really makes the difference between the 3 of them seem insignificant.
Parker said on 29/Apr/09
Tellem - I think that's closer to 2 inches that Cruise has on Stiller. Similarly,at Tropic of Thunder premier.
Click HereReally does look close to, if not flat, 5'8 to me.
Sam said on 28/Apr/09
I'd Give Tom At 5'6 - 5'6.25
glenn said on 28/Apr/09
exactly sam.its annoying.
leonari said on 28/Apr/09
Dave: whats strange is the link you provided. Nothing on Tom Cruise.
thanks for nothing buddy.incredible
Dave said on 28/Apr/09
Tom Cruise might be overstimated, special shoes - see it -
Click HereThat
Brad said on 28/Apr/09
Ben Stiller in a major magazine at 5' 8" is p.r. garbage. He's 5' 6".
TELLEM said on 28/Apr/09
he looks 5'7.5 next to 5'6ish ben stiller
sam said on 28/Apr/09
tall people are often not good at estimating shorter people's heights. I know a guy who's 6'2 who met tom cruise and thought he was 5'5 - 5'6. The deal is, 6 inches is a lot no matter how you slice it, even if cruise is 5'8. Therefore, he problably is 5'8 but the guy just thought, "here's a guy whose way shorter than me so.... 5'5" I have the same issue. It's annoying. I'm 5'8 and people swear I'm no taller than 5'7.
sam said on 28/Apr/09
slight height difference. Cruise could be a little over 5'8, stiller could be just under...
Parker said on 28/Apr/09
One Sunday magagazine described Ben Stiller as 'only' 5'8" this weekend. Wonder
what they would give Cruise looking at this pic?
Click Here
Editor Rob
they'd still give him 5ft 7!
Brad said on 27/Apr/09
Go meet him, he's 5' 8" at the lowest possible.
RandomLeftCoastGuy said on 27/Apr/09
Here's the guy in Hollywood most concerned about how tall you think he is. It's such an issue that the media are under strict orders never to bring it up in an interview. He's between 5'5" and 5'6" according to people I know who have worked with him. There's a stunt man who looks just like him who is
Banned from ever doubling Cruise because he's 5'4" and Tom demands his stunt doubles be closer to his claimed height.
Anonymous said on 26/Apr/09
5'5 sounds way too short, i mean come on, he is not tall, but 5'5????? Give me a break. I would say somewhere between 5'6 to 5'7.5.
Nothing more, or less.
Ian said on 26/Apr/09
Parker says on 21/Apr/09
Well we'll just have to agree to disagree JP. Its the eye level that counts.
No it's the top of head that height is measured from.
jasonn said on 26/Apr/09
met him last night. 5'5 spot on Lange. Not a weak 5'5 though. He's a strong and RESPECTABLE 5'5. Surely a solid and ADMIRABLE 5'5.
why is he listed at a gawky and giant 5'7.75? He's a tall 5'5er.
Jay said on 25/Apr/09
i always thought he was 5'6". my cousin met him and said he was a bit taller than her and she's 5'5.
Kristian said on 24/Apr/09
Ok im pretty sure cruise is between 5.7 and 5.8 as everyone has been saying, but most likely hes just a dude that looks shorter than he really is, like myself, there is this 5.5 guy at work who thinks he is roughly my height! and i am 5.9 when i wake, i kind of felt insulted but at the same time i didnt want him to make him feel bad about himself so i just pretended like we were roughly the same height and continued on our way, but seriously how can somone miscalculate height by that much
Joe257 said on 24/Apr/09
I heard 5'9" at highest, 5'7" at shortest. I think Tom Cruise is about 5'8", which I do not consider to be that short. Tom got stereotyped as being a short actor yet he is taller than the average woman quite a few inches. True, there are a lot of men taller than him but what can you do.
Parker said on 24/Apr/09
Shredder - Rob ducked the question, but I'll give you my answer. Based on the way Rob determines height, the tallest I think Cruise could be is 173, and the shortest 170, which is why Rob is happy to leave him at 172.
themaster said on 24/Apr/09
Head implants now dang, what is this world coming to?
Brad said on 23/Apr/09
Go meet him.
bball20 said on 23/Apr/09
do all the heights listed on this site include the celebrities with shoes on or is it just flat footed?
Doug said on 23/Apr/09
Everybody bow down and respect the views of Billy Connelly. Anybody who knows Billy Connelly they will know that if Tom had appeared a "wee guy" to him he would be making jokes about it. Quite on the contrary Connelly was surprised how much taller Tom Cruise was than people make out. 5'6" is rubbish. The evidence points to him being around 5'8" or a tad under as Rob has him listed at. Cruise regularly looks 5'9" or even as high as 5'10" in lifts. He has to be around roughly 5'8", 5'7" at his very lowest.
the shredder said on 23/Apr/09
Rob , do you think a full 5'8 is too much ?
glenn said on 23/Apr/09
not sure frankys.maybe he is taller than me.or we are exact.cause he does seem to creep down to 5-7 also.like bruce lee and myself.5-8 guys that shrink to 5-7.
Parker said on 23/Apr/09
So in summary Rob are you saying in the photo on the left Tom is standing about an inch taller than Glenn, but of course we don't know if Tom has a lift or any ground level difference. In other words Tom cannot be over 5'8.5 at his very Max,

Editor Rob
yes. Ground level is always something to think about more in street shots. Sometimes you won't even be aware someone could be standing 1/2 inch higher...the slab may look level but it might not be.
the shredder said on 23/Apr/09
Rob , now that you measured Glenn , what do you think is the TALLEST Tom Cruise can be ... and the shortest ?

Editor Rob
I'm happy leaving him 172cm.
yoyo said on 22/Apr/09
yeh his 170ish. 172 mission'not possible'.. haha.
Anonymous said on 21/Apr/09
I think his real height is 5'6 He does wear lifts to appeat taller. He is famous for being short.
Parker said on 21/Apr/09
Well we'll just have to agree to disagree JP. Its the eye level that counts. Yes you could have a head implant to make you 2 inches taller
Click HereThe eye level stays the same. And 'He's most likely to be wearing lifts than not' why???
Here's a pic of director and members of Mission Impossible 111
Click HereLeft to right Keri Russell (5'4 +heels=?),J Abrams(listed at 5'7 on iternet),Cruise, Don't know,Maggie Q (listed 5'5 + heels =?)
Tom looks 5'9/5'10 in the pic in shoes - really can't see them giving him 2-3 inches...5'7 is a good debate, as is 5'8. Nothing below or higher in my opinion. And Lange...a weak 5'5? Your having a laugh.
frankys said on 21/Apr/09
yes glenn you got the point..lifts...let say you are a strong 5.7.... how can tom be a strong 5.8 if he has just 1/4 (maybe half) inch over you in both pics ( considering that you'r bending in the 2nd )i doubt tom wearing flat shoes .
glenn said on 21/Apr/09
brad-he might be wearing lifts in at least one pic.and you know that.i dont think he was in the 1993 pic.but im bending.
Jim said on 21/Apr/09
"Actors are unimportant"
the shredder said on 21/Apr/09
Tom is not a flat 5'7 , but he really is not that much taller then Glenn , I think he is no taller then 5'8 though I think closer to 5'8 !
Parker said on 21/Apr/09
If Cruise truly is a flat 5'7, there are numerous celebs on this site who's heights need lowering - Stiller,MJF, Hoffman, Michael Penna and Katie Holmes to name 5. Cruise, in my opinion, is not more than an inch shorter than his wife.
The debate for me is not Rob's height listing being incorrect - but at what point in the day is he 172? I think its last thing at night.
Brad said on 20/Apr/09
Of course Cruise is taller than Glenn. Look above.
JP said on 20/Apr/09
Parker, hows under 5'7 baloney, he could be 5'7.5 on a morning and drop just under by night time very easily. some people have very big foreheads and eyes set lower on there face so not taking the top of the head into account would be ridiculous, Toms eye line is practically the same as Glenns on the photo to the left anyway, yes we both don't know whether he's wearing lifts or not but there's a better chance he is than not, just because he's doesn't wear blaintant monster size lifts anymore doesn't mean there's not something hidden inside his shoe, and bearing mind if custom made we would not be able to tell. In my opinion Tom Cruise is 5'7!
glenn said on 20/Apr/09
well said frankys.
Thomas said on 20/Apr/09
Tom Cruise is 5'7. I was at that premiere when he was rescuing the kid from the barriers.
Nicole Kidman is 5ft 9. Why are so many readers here always willing to accept official female heights but not men???
Lange said on 20/Apr/09
Yeah I agree with Tabbs, that seems to be the CURRENT consensus, but as we all know his height will continue fluctuate critically. I thought I saw a weak 5'5 when I saw him at an autograph signing, but I think was disadvantaged where I was standing. Most likely just a strong/respectable 5'4.5 or 5'4, either way a SOLID height for cruise.
frankys said on 20/Apr/09
ok glenn..don't take it too personal but i "judge" what i see..and in your pics with Rob i see a minimum of 169,4 (5-6.80)1st meeting and a max. of 170,3 (5-7+)2nd meeting.In my humble opinion your height is in between those two measurments ... You cvan claim either 5-11.5, free to do it...everybody cares about your height now just because it's the only way to figure out Tom's real Height... ( man i'm Musician i do meets celebs once in a while..but i don't take pics with'em , and that's way we all refer to you as a Measurement 4 celebs heights)cheers
frankys said on 20/Apr/09
ok glenn..don't take it too personal but i "judge" what i see..an in your pics with Rob i see a minimum of 169,4 (5-6.80)1st meeting and a max. of 170,3 (5-7+)2nd meeting.In my humble opinion your height is in between those two
glenn said on 20/Apr/09
frankys-thats your opinion.not a fact.fact is,i might these celebs and judge height well.you dont.and yes,fact is,im 5-8 when i wake and lose height possibly fast.but i have a right to claim 5-8.after 8 hours or more,alot of people lose an inch.which is what happened to me.
leonari said on 19/Apr/09
Tabbs: you are a joke
frankys said on 19/Apr/09
Agree with you Parker , but above 5-7 is Baloney as well!
Parker said on 19/Apr/09
Doug - He is an American baseball player Derek Jeter. He is listed on IM_B at 6'3.
Parker said on 19/Apr/09
What I mean Tabbs is your
trolling - 5'4/5'5 for Cruise is laughable, as well yo know.
Samuel said on 19/Apr/09
Why does he get so much grief about his height ? I know 5 foot 7 is abit on the short side but its not THAT short that everyone feels the need to make fun of it is it ?
Andr said on 18/Apr/09
Rob got an Tom advertisement on his website, so hes working hand in hand with him to keep his real height secret ;)
Doug said on 18/Apr/09
Parker any idea how the tall the guy is on the right of Michael J Fox in that Stiller picture. Hes huge! Must be 6'4"-6'5" ish?
Parker said on 18/Apr/09
Never look at the heads JP. Hairline can throw you off. Look at the eyeline. Cruise is 0.5-1 inch taller than Glenn in the pic given even ground. I don't know if Cruise has got a lift in his shoe, and neither do you. You can't assume he has just because he used to wear lifts with Nicole Kidman. Under 5'7 is baloney.
Jedigoddess said on 18/Apr/09
Tom Cruise wears lifts in his shoes, he had to do this for years because Nicole Kidman is 5'11. Tom is 5'7 - 5'7 1/2, but well built which makes him appear broader.
Tabbs said on 18/Apr/09
What do you mean Parker? All I'm doing is restating what we know, so we're all updated. It seems his height isn't the STRONG 5'5 some were claiming. By the last few reliable encounters and photos we've compared it seems he's leaning towards a strong but RESPECTABLE 5'4.5. I'm just filling in you in, sorry if you've missed anything,..
JP said on 17/Apr/09
I'm not sure how accurate the above photo's are with how level the ground is etc, but if it is flat ground and Glenn is 5'7.5 max then all these claims for cruise being over 5'8 need to stop... because he's clearly not!. The photo to the left their pretty much exactly the same height looking at the top of their heads and in the photo to the right Glenn is leaning slightly so he appears very slightly smaller. It looks to be nighttime on these photo's and say for example Glenn is down to 5'7, take into account Tom Cruises footwear which are more than likely to have some sort of lift in them and you could put cruise at anywhere between 5'6-5'7 but thats only judging from those two photos. Tom Cruises nighttime height in my opinion from these photo's is definately between 5'6 and 5'7.
John P said on 17/Apr/09
Its funny that rob will let post like Tabbs slide but every one of my post he deletes. That makes sense............
Parker said on 17/Apr/09
Tabbs says on 17/Apr/09
Well so the argument now seems to hone down to him being a WEAK 5'5, but more likely just a strong 5'4.5. What are your opinions guys? Don't believe the 5'3 sightings, its baloney. He's average 5'4-5'5
Your whole post is baloney.
frankys said on 17/Apr/09
i agree with anonymous...this morning height thing is a crap....i'm 5.8 at night in the afternoon and in the morning, i measured myself a couple of times just out of bed and i'm 5.8,75 , right after one hour i get back to 5.8 ...in my opinion glenn should be downgraded to 5.6,75 and cruise to 5.7.
glenn said on 17/Apr/09
of course he does.brad thinks im 5-6.5 to 5-7.tops.all day and night long.despite 4 or 5 people backing they lost 1.25 an inch,1.5 an inch,and in one case 2 inches was stated as a loss for someone.i would never lose more than a 1/4 inch.how dare i.could tom be 5-8,5-8.25 when he wakes? sure.can i be 5-7.5,5-7.75 or 5-8 when i wake.absolutely.less likely 5-7.5.honestly.
the shredder said on 17/Apr/09
Rob , I just measured at 5'7.5 with shoes = K-swiss , What do you think my averange barefoot height is ?

Editor Rob
depends on how big those kwiss are, 5ft 6.5 then?
Tabbs said on 17/Apr/09
Well so the argument now seems to hone down to him being a WEAK 5'5, but more likely just a strong 5'4.5. What are your opinions guys? Don't believe the 5'3 sightings, its baloney. He's average 5'4-5'5
Anonymous said on 17/Apr/09
So Brad, are you saying you think Tom is taller than Glenn?
Dylan said on 16/Apr/09
I agree with Shaun, take away his shoes and lifts and I think you would be left with 170cm.
SHAUN said on 16/Apr/09
You need to reduce Tom Cruise's height to a flat 5'7" 170cm. I don't think that he is anywhere near 172cm.
Brad said on 16/Apr/09
I've seen the stealth shoes & posture, he comes across taller than you'd imagine.
Midget said on 15/Apr/09
I agree with brad. Tom has fanatastic footwear being custom made for him to be ultra stealth. Max barefoot 172cm-173cm. With lifts in his shoes-177cm-179cm depending on whether he is in boots or formal dress shoes.
Anonymous said on 15/Apr/09
Who cares about this morning height crap. The guy is 5-7, end of story.
Thomas said on 15/Apr/09
He was dead short on the last Jonathan Ross interview. I mean dead short as in smaller than when
James McAvoy was on the show.
RisingForce said on 15/Apr/09
I don't think he's 5'8" in the evening or even midday. That could put him close to 5'9" when he wakes and that just isn't realistic in my opinion. I think he wakes up at around 5'8" barefoot. That makes the most sense.
mamonazo said on 15/Apr/09
tom is 5-6.5 barefoot. HE Looks taller becuz hes skinny. I met him in madrid when he was hanging out with penelope cruz. He has a skinny face and a weird walk. he was nice tho'
Brad said on 15/Apr/09
5' 8". Stealth lifts.
the shredder said on 14/Apr/09
I still don't see 5'7 flat for him , I also don't think Sly is shorter then 5'9.5 and Will Smith still close to 6'2 !
TELLEM said on 14/Apr/09
5.7.75 at night...more like an hour after being awake.
Steven said on 14/Apr/09
i agree anonymous, cruise is most likely 5 7 flat, just look at the above photos with glenn. and no celebs close to 5 9 have been attacked about their height such as the way cruise has been, so hes clearly nowhere near that.
Anonymous said on 14/Apr/09
please.....guys on this site have to realise tom cruise wears lifts consistently and has immaculate posture you guys have to understand that he is nothing over 5'7 and a half at most its frustrating listening to all this ****...toms 5'9' out of bed etc. get a grip and just look at the man barefoot on google images...
Anonymous said on 14/Apr/09
ACG....5''9 in the morning..uhh...no i dont think so 5'8' in the morning...haha look how short his arms are and his frame this man is lucky if hes 5'8' he wears casual lifts in his shoes he must do all the time just little slips in his shoes that give him probably 3/4 inch or less trust me hes nowhere near 5'9 you should see barefoot pics of him just look at his body...if he was 5'9 he wouldnt get slated constantly for being short...who agrees with me???
JP said on 14/Apr/09
Parker, i said show me photos where he is bare feet, every photo he's wearing footwear and he can have anything altering his height, just as Tom can look a good 5'9" on photo's he can look 5'7" on others, it's his footwear and until he's barefoot next to people it's hard to make a proper judgement.
A-Bomb said on 14/Apr/09
Parker I agree on Cruise at this height - but Penna and Stiller I think are listed too generously here.Both I believe are 5'6" max - less than that last thing at night.
glenn said on 14/Apr/09
thanks rob for backing me on that.except you didnt see the hidden lifts in them.
glenn said on 14/Apr/09
uh,gee.tom wouldnt wear lifts would he?
the shredder said on 14/Apr/09
I thought legit 5'8+ for the longest , but to be fair I really don't see more then 5'8 for him with Glenn , I still don't think he is a flat 5'7 though , I think he most likely is barely 5'8 on averange ! I think its fair to say hes between 5'7 and 5'8 !
the shredder said on 14/Apr/09
I thought legit 5'8+ for the longest , but to be fair I really don't see more then 5'8 for him with Glenn , I still don't think he is a flat 5'7 though , I think he most likely is barely 5'8 on averange ! I think its fair to say between 5'7 and 5'8 !
ACG said on 13/Apr/09
no, i don't think tom ever goes above 5'9 barefoot....but he might hit that mark when he wakes.
Parker said on 13/Apr/09
ok JP. Here he is next to 5'7 listed Michael Penna
Click HereHere he is next to 5'6.5 listed Ben Stiller
Click HereAnd again at the Tropic of Thunder Premier
Click HereHere's Cruise's shoes that night - white converse
Click HereHe looks less than 3 inches shorter than his 5'9 wife in shoes giving her at least 2 inches
Here's Stiller with 5'4 listed Michael J Fox
Click HereIf Cruise is 5'7, we need to take everyone else down at least an inch.
Robs got him spot on. 5'7.75 (nightime)
leonari said on 13/Apr/09
ACG? So in your opinion Cruise possibly wakes at over 5'9"?? Are you for real?
JP said on 13/Apr/09
there's even photo's further down where he's next to will smith and on two of them smith has his knees bent, another he's leaning, how can you use photos like that as reference!!!! he's 5'7"!!!
JP said on 13/Apr/09
Parker that's one photo! Show me 5+ where their both in bare feet and its clear and i will totally back you up but sometimes photo's can show peoples height differently, it's ridiculous you can't go on one photo! most people will agree?
Eugthehuge said on 13/Apr/09
If Glenn is 5ft 8, then Tom (judging by the pictures) is either 5ft 9 or wears lifts.
Parker said on 13/Apr/09
JP and everyone else. Look at the barefoot shot with his wife. Less than an inch difference. If she is 5'9. He is 5'8. You can't put lifts in bare feet.
JP said on 13/Apr/09
Tom cruise is out of bed is 5'7.5" or lower, i think his height should be listed at 5'7" because these photo's suggest that and every other photo i've seen of him next to Katie Holmes and Nicole Kidman he's been struggling to not look short next to them, just to look close to Nicole Kidman he had to wear big lifts, have amazing posture and she had to wear flat sandals, im sorry but that is not a 5'8" man at all, no way!!
glenn said on 13/Apr/09
sorry guys,im 5-7 at night.i always claimed my morning height,and not much difference has come out of it other than i was slightly under 5-7 with a heavy bag on me,walking for miles.yet people here are unreal with what they say.nothing has changed.i always stated i as around 5-7 at night.no new evidence is found.only the biased opinions and fantasies of some here.
glenn said on 13/Apr/09
no photos do anything brad.stop it with my boots.you exclude that i was measured that after being up all day under extreme stress.for days.with a heavy bag on my shoulder.i know you would feed off of that.rob knew too.

Editor Rob
brad did try to call you on those shoes you wore with downey jr.
these were the same shoes glenn wore to the first meeting and I measured you in them, and they were like 1 inch and 1/8th.
ACG said on 12/Apr/09
Cruise is on average (during mid-day) between 5'8 and 5'9. That's my strong opinion right now. Don't think it will change anytime soon.
leonari said on 12/Apr/09
Brad: Come on? Don't do anything? It tells us Cruise is close to whatever Glenn is on this pic. It pretty much gives you a reference. This is by no means a perfect science dude. Wake up
TELLEM said on 12/Apr/09
so where's all the ppl saying cruise is over 5'8? not a chance...the most the man is is 5'8 out of bed, like i've been saying.
Anonymous said on 12/Apr/09
rob i dont understand if glenn is lower then 5'8 why is Tom still listed as 5'7.75 shouldnt he be downgraded to 5 foot7 or 7.25?? just a question..

Editor Rob
cruise still looks 172cm.
RisingForce said on 12/Apr/09
I think Cruise is about 5'8" out of bed as well. 1/4 inch higher wouldn't surprise me though, neither would a quarter inch under 5'8" or 5'7.75". The lowest I could see for Tom is 5'7.5".
Brad said on 12/Apr/09
People come to this site and see "5ft 8 Glenn And Cruise" under the photos then go from there. Glenn measured under 5' 6 and 3/4" by a whisker. Well, did he measure that here at this time? How bout 5' 7"? Was he wearing his boots? You see how the above photos don't do anything?
A-Bomb said on 12/Apr/09
I think based on what we now know of Glenn's height Id say Cruise is 5'8" in the morning - 5'71/2" at night meaning Rob's got him pretty square
frankys said on 12/Apr/09
...after this last revelation we can all say that tom does't fully hit the 5-8 mark
leonari said on 12/Apr/09
jon: we are not missing what Rising is saying.And Cruise being higher than 5'8": nonsense
jon said on 12/Apr/09
Are you guys missing what risingforce said? He's around 5-8, perhaps a little lower, but more evidence shows him to be a little higher. look at other photos, you'll see
Haze said on 11/Apr/09
when i say strong 5'6 i mean in the upper 5'6 up to 5'7.25. imo if ur 5'7 most the time and drop to 5'6 occasionally then to me ur a strong 5'6 or a weak 5'7. but thats just me. ;)
leonari said on 11/Apr/09
Cruise is probably 5'7.5 but Glenn is not a strong 5'6" - he is probably 5'7" in this pic
Taylor said on 11/Apr/09
Based on the new info a downgrade to 5'7.5" or 5'7" is needed...
Anonymous said on 11/Apr/09
I think we can all agree now Cruise is 5'7.5 based on Glenn height.
Roger said on 11/Apr/09
I too believe 5'7'' for Tom now, it's line with what I've numerous times in newspapers or some sites.
Haze said on 11/Apr/09
with glenn a strong 5'6 id say cruz is looking 5'7.5
Samuel said on 11/Apr/09
After the new revelation that Glenn is truly 5 foot 7 rather than 5 foot 8, I'd say with all certainy that Cruise is 5 foot 7.5 max.
Eric said on 10/Apr/09
With glenns new found 5'7" height I can easily see Tom Cruise being 5'7" especially if you consider the possibility that Cruise is wearing lifts in this pitcure which shouldn't surprise anyone.
TELLEM said on 10/Apr/09
5'7.5 for cruise...weak 5'8 when he wakes
j. said on 10/Apr/09
if glenn is nearer 5'7", according to them new measurements, doesn't that just prove from these photos Tom Cruise is technically and inch shorter? i don't know... just a thought lol
miko said on 10/Apr/09
Tom Cruise's height could be under scrutiny now Glenn's height has been outed.
Anonymous said on 10/Apr/09
Glenn is about 5'7 looking at Robs pictures so cruise in these pictures above providing he's not wearing lifts is about 5'7.5 or 5'8 so Robs estimate is about right.
Anonymous said on 10/Apr/09
Rusty he's only a inch below average nothing really he could properly get away with being average height due to his posture.
Anonymous said on 10/Apr/09
He really can look 5'9 with his posture and normal shoes I'm going for 173cm for him.
Rusty said on 10/Apr/09
I always thought of him as a 5'8" guy. I think Rob's listing is pretty accurate. Hes not as short as people give him crap for being. Hes only a couple inches below average.
Brad said on 9/Apr/09
Rising is 100% correct.
the shredder said on 8/Apr/09
I agree risingforce , 5'7 flat is downgrading , I really feel that he is atleast the 5'7.75 that he is listed at , with a big chance of being taller then 5'8 ! Rob , I think posted a 5'8.25 claim of his that he claimed in a chat room !
RisingForce said on 8/Apr/09
I think Tom is atleast 5'8" and with his good posture and lifts he can look 5'9"-5'10" in pictures like that. He can achieve that even with subtle lifts. Tom with massive elevators holds his own with 5'10.5"/5'11" Nicole Kidman in flats.
Click HereI think that 5'7" flat is just typical downgrading. He's not as short as guys like Tobey Maguire, Ryan Seacrest, Matthew Broderick ect. 5'8" or Rob's figure of 5'7.75" fits him a lot better. I think that almost all evidence points to Tom being 5'8" give or take a quarter inch.
Pierre said on 8/Apr/09
Agree with you Jimmy, he's DEFINITELY not a fuulll 5'1, perhaps actually below the half mark and that way only a solid BUT respectable 5'0. Strong 5'0 is where I stand. I think this is the new height Rob, change it.
Jamaican Rob said on 8/Apr/09
Tom Cruise used to eat at a small private restaurant in NYC I worked at as maitre d' sometimes . I'm a full 5'7 I think. The first night I'd seen him there he went up to use the bathroom and I had my head the other way. I began walking in his path ahead of him towards the restroom area and behind me felt a brushing against my elbow of someone's hair. I looked down and to the side and it was Tom cruise, and he had on the most SHEEPISH smile. It was actually creepy. I would have thought he was a child!
He's I think above the tweens though guys. Solid 5'3. 5'3 textbook solid.
Tom said on 8/Apr/09
Jimmy I think he's above a strong 5'1, he juust brushes 5'2, and of course with his lifts he reaches at least 5'5-5'6. That's his public height;
mofo said on 8/Apr/09
I don't know that pic really shocked me when I found it.
It really is confusing to why and how that height is obtained for him.
He really looks 5ft9-5ft10 in that pic weird.
Lenad said on 8/Apr/09
He's taller than Tobey Maguire I'm positive.
Burt said on 8/Apr/09
He's way shorter, I heard from a friend of one of his drivers that he wears stilts under his pants. hence the photos.
Jimmy said on 8/Apr/09
Guys you have it ALL wrong. I'm a messenger around where Tom lives and occasionally walk or run into him on the sidewalk or even at places of business. I was actually in line with him behind the counter at a cafe once and I'm about a solid 5'6 and he barely reached my shoulder. I say he's a strong 5-footer, maybe 5'3 with his lifts.
JP said on 7/Apr/09
If he's wearing a slight lift and he's 5'7 he could easily look 5'9, 2 inch lifts (which are very easy to hide) and great posture gives that effect, he's definitely not over that estimate above... in bare feet. He looks like he's struggling to get up to Glenn's eye line on both photos and Glenn's leaning a bit on one of them, on top of that probably has a shoe advantage yet again.
mamonazo said on 5/Apr/09
in that pic cruise is prob wearing 2 inch lifts and denzel is on regular shoes. Cruise is 5-7ish and with his special shoes he reaches the 5-10 mark. Denzel is 3 inches taller but take into account his posture...
Hello said on 5/Apr/09
I don't think Cruise wears big lifts. If you read the shoe lift article you can see that lifts that give a significant amount of height are obvious. There's just no way to gain a significant amount of height without someone noticing. I think he's a legit 5'8" who stands VERY straight and thus can appear to be 5'9" sometimes.
RisingForce said on 5/Apr/09
Great picture of Tom and Denzel. By the way JP, Colin Farrell wears boots a lot and I think his appearance on Jonathan's show was no exception. If I remember correctly he was wearing boots then too.
Parker said on 5/Apr/09
JP - I have never said Cruise was 5'9, just that he looked that against Jonathan Ross, and also in mofo's pick below. He's a clear 3 inches shorter than Beckham(plenty of pics on the internet), and Beckham is not quite 6'. ( a 'weak' 6 footer). I agree with Rising, Tom is 5'8 at some point in the day.
JP said on 4/Apr/09
Mofo... that photo shows no footwear and the way Denzel Washington is standing suggests he has one leg in front of the other like he's turning and moving forward whereas cruise is standing bolt upright, which would loose an 1-2 inches!
Dural said on 4/Apr/09
JP, I agree 100%.
mofo said on 4/Apr/09
opps rob I may have forgot to put my name with the denzel to cruise pic post
It's not anonymous but me please change.
Anonymous said on 4/Apr/09
Can somone explain to the mofo this
Click HereI mean look at the eye level if denzel is trully a 6footer then surely tiny tom should be way under his eyeline not drasticaly over it!
Some one either needs to be downgraded (denzel) or upgraded (Top Gun) hmmmm.
JP said on 4/Apr/09
I watched a video with Colin Farrell on the Jonathan Ross show and him being 5'10-5'11, and the height difference wasn't that big compared to when Cruise stood next to Ross, so the fact that Cruise looked dwarfed by Ross at times shows this estimate is probably correct, or 5'7.5 infact.
JP said on 4/Apr/09
Parker- he's not 5'9 no way, well maybes cruise has small lifts on or something, just my personal opinion obviously i could be wrong but i agree 5'8 is possible but at a stretch, and a big stretch at that, when he walks out on that video, there's points where there both standing up straight and Ross looks 5 inches or more definitely. The whole tabloid thing about him being tiny is ridiculous, just like gary barlow gets stick for being fat, but really he's not, it's a wind up basically, but it's clear he's not above 5'8.
RisingForce said on 4/Apr/09
Yes it does appear that Katie is 1 inch taller than Cruise max barefoot. And that's with Katie's half inch sandals, which makes it more confusing because I think Katie is 5'9". Cruise also must have the best lifts in Hollywood.
He pulled off easily looking like he was a legit 5'9" in what appeared to be normal dress shoes at the Los Angeles "Lions For Lambs" premiere.
Tom actually looked taller than Katie.
Click HereClick HereWill Smith who apparently is a solid 6'2", doesn't dwarf Tom the way you'd expect him to.
Click HereClick HereClick HereTom also measured up quite well to Robert Redford.
Click Here Click Here Glenn saw Redford look 5'10.5" in flat shoes about a month after this picture was taken. However I believe Redford's poor posture makes him slouch down to 5-9ish, and this photo is no exception. Regardless Cruise looks atleast 5'9" there.
Even while walking, no noticeable heel is exposed on Tom's shoes.
Click HereIn fact Tom's height was so surprising that there were articles written about how surprisingly tall he looked at that premiere. He really did look like he was a solid 5'9". To pass for a legit 5'9" with shoes that normal looking I'd imagine he must be atleast 5'8" at some point in the day.
Nice job by Tom at that premiere. Robert Downey Jr. could take lessons in how to subtly look taller.
Parker said on 3/Apr/09
JP - I saw that show, and I've watched your clip several times, at no point does Cruise eye level fall below Ross's chin. That's less than 4.5 inches. If Ross is 6'1.5, that makes Cruise 5'9. If he has a lift, 5'8, which in my opinion is what he is.
glenn said on 3/Apr/09
katie is a legit 5-9.
Tomi said on 3/Apr/09
absolutely joke:D tom is about 167cm, its an image, i dont think that he is taller than that.
Parker said on 3/Apr/09
jon - you look closely at the pic, and use the big guys face in the background as reference. Eyes to top of head is 4.5 inches. Get a rule from top of Katie's head across his face - reaches about half way between his eyes and top of head. Now do the same with Tom. 3 inches? No chance. Closer to 1 tops.
JP said on 2/Apr/09
On the Jonathan Ross show fairly recently and people sometimes exaggerate with and over use the word dwarfed but ross did dwarf him, both wearing similar footwear, Ross is 6"1.5 so Cruise must be 5"7!
Click Here
Anonymous said on 2/Apr/09
Parker you'r dragging with this "barefoot pic", they both are not standing straight and plus if you look carefully tom looks very tiny next to 5-8 katie
Tomi said on 2/Apr/09
if Tom wears 7cm heel than he is 5'8" . glenn never 5'8" too.
jon said on 2/Apr/09
Parker look properly at that pic, posture similar half inch sandals and if katie and tom were level that would be at least 3 inch difference If he was 5'8 " will smith wouldn't dwarf him like he does.
Donatello said on 2/Apr/09
I couldn't agree with parker anymore. All your listings on spot on for heights as is your opinion with cruise. I could see him hitting 5'8.5" straight out of bed, military position. Only thing I don't agree with is hoffman at 5'5.5" I could buy 5'5" flat morning height for hoffman.
ACG said on 2/Apr/09
James says on 30/Mar/09
I think he's one of those 5'7.75 guys that can pull of looking 5'9.
I think it's vice versa.
Big King said on 1/Apr/09
Oh come on! Cruise looks clearly a half inch taller than Glenn. Tom's real height goes from 5'8"-5'8.5".
Doug said on 1/Apr/09
Nah he is definately not the full 5'8" barefoot. I bet he's not a hair over 171cm as a tight barefoot measurement.
Hello said on 1/Apr/09
He looks the same height as Katie in that barefoot pic, if you subtract Katie's heels they'd be about the same. I'm surprised Glenn doesn't change this to 5'8" since Cruise is clearly the same height as Glenn, maybe slightly taller, and I doubt he was wearing elevator shoes in 1988 when he was just a young rising actor.
piter said on 31/Mar/09
I think he isnt taller than 5'8 out of bed,but in reality he is 5'7 especially at night,no less no more
anonymous said on 30/Mar/09
I have a similar issue cruise has. For some reason people think i'm like 5'5 - 5'6. I'm actually around 5'8. could be if you have a slightly muscular build or something you may look shorter.
pete said on 30/Mar/09
I remember making a comment about Tom Cruise, that he is more closer to the 5'8" range (give or take half an inch) than the 5'6" many people believed him to be. His listed height has changed at least a few times since a couple of years ago.
Roger said on 30/Mar/09
Tom is, when standing barefoot, 5'7''.
Metric said on 30/Mar/09
Cruise average height!??? Since when?? In Asia or the Middle East maybe. In Europe is SHORT for a male! Average for a female maybe. Lol. I can't believe what I'm reading.
Matt said on 30/Mar/09
He's 5'8''.
short stack said on 29/Mar/09
Katie is 5'9" Tom is 5'7
glenn said on 29/Mar/09
i agree with james,sam,shredder and parker.
TELLEM said on 29/Mar/09
5'8 fresh out of bed. no more than that.