How tall is Tom Cruise - Page 18

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Average Guess (1262 Votes)
5ft 7.2in (170.7cm)
ClaraZ said on 15/Jul/06
I did a search for pics of Tom and came up with this one: Click Here If Cruise is 5'6 (actually I think a case could be made for shorter) and Kidman is really 5'10 1/2 as reported, then why doesn't she appear alot taller than Tom here? I seriously doubt he is wearing lifts in that pic and she is wearing sneakers.
mcfan said on 14/Jul/06
I read below where Glenn states as others do that he can be 5'10 in shoes. Now I have about 20 pairs of shoes/sneakers and the only pair I have that reach almost 2 inches are my winter boots, but they are only 1.65 inches. My converse All-stars only give me a half-inch of height. Most of my sneakers give me 1 inch and shoes 1.25 inches. One cheap pair I have are these Sketches workboots. They have pretty chunky heels from the way they look, but I still only get not even 1.5 inches of height.
bill said on 14/Jul/06
I worked with Cruise on the set of Mission Impossible 2. I'm five foot seven, and he was either exactly my height or a half inch shorter. If his height really is 5'6" and a half, you know he's gonna round that up.
Viper652 said on 13/Jul/06
I cant see Tom looking 6-0 at all.
Anonymous said on 13/Jul/06
I don't know if this helps, but he does look 5'7.5". (If that's what Kanye really is).
Click Here
Glenn said on 11/Jul/06
Thats sounds ridiculous Grip,but thats at least the 2nd or 3rd tall Cruise is one I will throw in.I saw a still from WOW where Tom looked 3 inches taller than spielberg.weird.I met and talked with the man many times.he is 5-7,maybe 5-8.closer to 5-7.
Leung said on 10/Jul/06
Grip, the only time Tom Cruise stands 6' is in his dreams.
GRIP said on 10/Jul/06
Leung said on 2/Jul/06
HelloKitty, sounds like you have a major crush on Tom Cruise, but that
Marcus said on 30/Jun/06
For some reason this guy looks shorter than 172cm to me...Maybe it's his build that misleads me? Besides he always looks like he's swallowed a pole or something...
HelloKitty said on 30/Jun/06
Tom Cruise is not average and not ordinary by any means. He is a mega-Hollywood blockbuster celebrity, multi-millionaire (if not billionaire already), with good looks, and dating/intimate/and marrying gorgeous women. In regards to fame & fortune, he's on the top of the world, recognized in any continent, any nation, and living a life most of us only dream of. From what I've read and seen on tv, he's also very personable, one of the nicest celebrities out there. Looks, personality, money, fame, women, Tom Cruise has it all, charmed life but people will say he's not perfect.........he's short, average height, under 6 feet. If Tom was 6 feet tall, there wouldn't be much people could say to cut him down to size.
steve miller said on 28/Jun/06
By the way, how the hell does glen know these people?
Rufus said on 27/Jun/06
You're not psychologyst but a psycho! I never said you made fun of Tom, but that you think yourself superior to him. To show it you remark his obvious defects, rather than showing the virtues you exceed him (wich are none). Typical of insecure guys, blaming others of own faults, BIG inferiority complex of yours.
Glenn said on 25/Jun/06
I would get invited by friends during the 90s to work out at various gyms.thats when I figured out it was meat was in the upper east side actually.
J-Dog said on 23/Jun/06
Hey Glenn guys did that at your gym too? D. Ray what kind of setup do you have at home? Yeah Tom Cruise is probably closer to 5'7" than 5'8" its hard to tell his action star boots can get pretty big.
J-Dog said on 23/Jun/06
Yeah D. Ray, I agree I much prefer working out at home, there are too many variables and issues with other people. Think about it, you have random people all who have different temperments, manners, and ettiquet. I live in uptown Manhattan and ordered a powertec bench/squat rack and dumb bells just to avoid having to go to NYSC and have dudes walking around completely naked in the locker room with something to prove.
raj said on 23/Jun/06
rufus, ur getting too smart. Im a PhD Psic
Glenn said on 23/Jun/06
I hear you Dr.Ray.
D. Ray Morton said on 22/Jun/06
To be honest with you, I don't get the exhibitionism thing, either. I find that working out at a gym *robs* me of energy rather than actually psyching me up. I'm there to improve myself, not to show off or be watched. I always found that I never made much progress at a gym, because my concentration was never fully on what I was doing.

So yeah, I much prefer working out at home, too.
Glenn said on 22/Jun/06
Thats how I always do J! I never understood the gym when I can work out at home.unless you WANT men staring at you.of course gyms have women too.
J. said on 22/Jun/06
I hear you, Glenn! Gimme a pair of dumbbells, the side of my bed as my 'bench' and I'm straight!
dmeyer said on 22/Jun/06
i think you can judge someone height only if you are on the exact same floor i met a like 4 times tom but we werent exactly on the same floor at some points i thaught he was aleast 5'11 in shoes but i wasnt on the same floor same for travolta i was only 1 second realy on the same floor he looked 6'0.5" to 6'1" defenetly a lithel over 6 feet and tom was aleast 5'9 i saw him runing a few times by my side he looked alaest 5'10 in shoes but the outside heel was samller than mine 1.4" his heel was 1" i doubt he had huge lifts inside he was runing so well so it is a mistery he looked 5'9 when i met him i remeber he was 1.5" taller than spielberg on the set so i think he is 5'11 in the best lifts
Leung said on 21/Jun/06
Personally I tend to think Tom to be about 5
LOL said on 21/Jun/06
This is a funny site!!!! you guys are halarious!!!.... That picture with tom and katie standing next to each other, and his legs being the same height but overall he is still shorter! LOL... that looked like a camera trick.

Being short is hard to deal with, and I feel kinda sorry for Tom. He would probably give up a couple million to be a lil' taller.

But on the other hand he should be happy with his millions and just stack money on top of his head if he wants to be taller!
K's Vzla said on 21/Jun/06
Hey, dudes! How are you doing? Well, I saw a commment where it said that someone around 5 ft 10 in will see a great difference on someone who is 5 ft 7 or 8. Well I'm five foot eleven (180 cm) and my eyes are 169 cm above the ground, so, if someone is 5 foot 8 (172) he'll be slightly taller than my eyes height. Greetings!
Rufus said on 21/Jun/06
Great post, you've sumarized my thoughts in a better way: No decent guy can feel ofended when he notices another man's insecurity, a gentleman pretends not seeing it.

Raj: I agreed that Tom's short & in your right on posting on it, as i grant myself the right on commenting so and any post in this page.
Never said i'm close to you, but on the antipodes.I said it was stupid on you making fun on a overcompesation needed man when it's clear you share same need.

I coment your shortness without feasting on it, i'm not bothered on your fame
being 5'7" whilst i'm 184cm and i lack that. Who cares?

Darn accurate, 40" is not much over the time it took me writting that.

leonari said on 21/Jun/06
J-Dog: Thanks man. Finally a guy who seems to share my point of view and understands human nature as well as hollywood rules.
And Raj : why are you stating 2 times that you din't read my comment? Whats wrong with you dude? If you didn't read than READ it. What do you want to say to me man? That my comments are not even worth reading? Or you didn't see my comment? Expression doesn't seem to be your strong side...Well... I am among the guys who post the longest on this board and some appreciate my comments some don't. You can say what you want RAJ but J-Dog is soooo right: Guys like you try to bring people down: Thats not the purpose of this board PLUS that some hot celebs wear lifts make these discussions interesting!! Don't you get that? Man...If we would have 1000% accurate heights on every celeb around ROB wouldn't have created this excellent site. OK? Sorry to say this and I don't want to offend you RAJ: but it's you who is wondering too much. You go like" yeah Tom Cruise ain't as cool as he thinks because he wears lifts....Who does it bother?? Doesn't bother me. It bothers YOU RAJ, YOU!!
DingDong said on 21/Jun/06
Maggie Q claiming to be 5'7? Impossible Or tom Is actually taller then we think?
DingDong said on 21/Jun/06
Click Here
Explain this check the leg length of tom and katie, Katie is wearing atleast 3 inch heels and she is taller then tom. But Tom's leg length is the same as Katies legs. That must mean Tom is wearing lifts over 3 inches. Or Tom just has long legs or katie has short legs, which I doubt.
raj said on 20/Jun/06
GLENN, you are so right. theres some people that start worrying too much.
leonari, im sorry but i never had a chance to read your message.
J-Dog said on 20/Jun/06
leonari had a great post that seems to ring true. The people who seem to care and concern themselves with Tom's height are probably guys who are average to slightly below average in height and have a burning illogical desire to not only have another famed example of themselves but to push their agenda and feelings of inadequacy on others, IE: Tom Cruise.

"Anonymous, tom is a short guy and what people dont like is that he tries to hide it. Insecurity is something nobody likes and especially coming from someone that earns trillions and gives this mr perfect image."

What people don't like, or what you don't like? I am hard pressed to ever be offended by someone who has a physical insecurity, as everyone does. So what is the big deal with him wearing larger sized boots, as if you wouldn't? What if he doesn't want to go around constantly saying "I'm average height" just to quell your and many people on here's desires. Gives this Mr. Perfect Image, I think you have more issues with Tom Cruise than most people, who cares what image he exudes, he has to exude that image becuase people like you judge him on every single physical and mental characteristic he shows.

What of the women who wear make-up on TV, who are airbrushed on magazine covers, are they not JUST as insecure? Why not hate on Jessica Simpson for trying to cover he acne, or any other "it" girl. What of the breast implants that were mentioned early, what of the gastric bypass surgery? Most women are far more insecure then men with their looks and there are many men especially on here who are insecure, how many of you guys desire to be even taller than you are now?

A lot of male celebrities experience balding, yet they should just tell everyone they are bald and shout it on the mountain top? What benefit would that bring them, the fact is people would heckle constantly or derrive pleasure.

The main reason this thread receives so much attention is because human nature has instilled a love for seeing those who we view as being on top as having a flaw, hence the almost orgasmic enjoyment on commenting on Cruise's stature. At 5'8" he isn't even far below average.
raj said on 20/Jun/06
rufus, thank u, finally u agree and admit ur not very far from me and u said i was very far from tom so wer all the same.
leonary, sorry i didnt even read ur comment.
Glenn said on 20/Jun/06
Theres a foot fungus among us.and fruits in the locker room.
leonari said on 20/Jun/06
Raj: of course you are entitled to your opinion. Don't worry I type fast. The paragraph took me 40 seconds to write.
Rufus said on 20/Jun/06
At least we agree in that, the guy is short.YOU CAN HAVE AN OPINION WHENEVER YOU WANT, as much as i do and coment it. It typed it in a hurry as i do in other sites. Difficult to you doing so? As i said, you're short of ideas & ...
raj said on 20/Jun/06
I said if hes short cool with me but if he hides it id think hes not as cool as he thinks. he can do whatever he wants and i CAN HAVE AN OPINION WHENEVER I WANT. simple as that. now, talking about ME with those huge paragraphs is something u should start worrying about LOL
Rufus said on 19/Jun/06
I wouldn't spare your life mate :), not even if its you or a donkey who must lie on a table of shambles.
Tom's attitude is stupid i must say again (so you can understand me) as that of the ones who comment the obvious (as you do). In fact in spite all his money and fame the guy isn't so satisfied with his life, if, as HelloKitty said, must wear boots+extrahelp to achieve a medium height, and, as far as common knowledge's, had to show off she-lovers to vanish rumours. SO???
Guy, tell me about those Hollywood tricksters new inventions or improved lies
to keep up with an image, that's fun not the trash-bin s*** wich you scavenge.
Nope, it's quite clear that you don't think twice what you say, no need to state it.
And as concerning of cockiness, you are true, people do like it! Perhaps that so much of it and bragging tries to conceal a lack of that matter.
Overcompensating a shortage (know what i mean, in ") showing opposite?
You are not very far from Tom dude.
D. Ray Morton said on 19/Jun/06
"I was at this gym in NYC one time where I saw Tom Cruise. I'm 5'10 so he's around 5'8 in my opinion. Plus no one wore shoes there"

That's insanitary!
raj said on 19/Jun/06
rufus, follow your own advise dont spare my life. I can say one day I like Tom and the next the total opposite. this explains Im not serious about it. I dont stop my life for more than a second to make a serious comment about this type of thing. Tom is short and he hides it, thats a fact. other stars as short as him DO NOT WEAR LIFTS, so tell me sumfin that makes sense. Everyone likes cockiness if its in a funny sarcastic way. Only smart people get it and the ones that are insecure are the ones that respond as u did. LOL
HelloKitty said on 19/Jun/06
In that pic with jamie fox, looks like tom is wearing boots with about an inch heel on and possibly with lifts inside, still shorter than jamie fox who looks to be wearing white flat sneakers. Yes tom is short, not five eleven, not a six footer, maybe five nine with boots and lifts on, but he's maintained his boyish, youthful look, compared to several other actors who have "pruned out" and getting face lifts versus shoe lifts, except for stallone who probably has both.
Rufus said on 17/Jun/06
I don't think Tom is over 5'7" either, no matter what height Rob gives him.
Tom's attitude hiding his height is ridiculous as is yours sparing his life,
he's an star, he must keep on with the advertised image, wether is a well known short guy or not, kinda stupid how the show-bussines work, isn't it?
Your words show quite clear that you think you're over Tom, but you pardon him
as being short, in fact you excuse his fame as long as he admit his faults.
Well one thing i know people doesn't like either is cockiness.

Steve Miller said on 17/Jun/06
I was at this gym in NYC one time where I saw Tom Cruise. I'm 5'10 so he's around 5'8 in my opinion. Plus no one wore shoes there, so this is fair game!
Nolifts81 said on 14/Jun/06
Rob- Have you read my e-mail? I want just know what you think about that(in private to my e-mail address if is possible).If you think that the e-mail can be on the site you can post the mail.

Editor Rob
sorry, what was it about again? height in morning to night?
raj said on 14/Jun/06
Anonymous, tom is a short guy and what people dont like is that he tries to hide it. Insecurity is something nobody likes and especially coming from someone that earns trillions and gives this mr perfect image.

what we say is that hes very SHORT and theres nothing wrong with that when you are cool with it.

if he was like "yeah i go places in sandals and barefoot and i never hide my height" attitude, people would like him better.
Anonymous said on 13/Jun/06
I would say he's 5'7"/5'8" but honestly, who cares? The only reason people care about this is because he's been a sex symbol for 20 years, and people think sex symbols should be sterotypically tall. The fact he's a bit short just throws the whole thing off for some people, and that's fine. However, if he weren't famous, nobody would care or think about his height much at all. Nobody would stop and stare and say "He's really short!" And the truth is that 5'7" or 5'8" isn't all that short, though it certainly is below the average. I see guys that are that height all over the place, in fact I'd say maybe...what?....3 out of ten guys or more are floating right around there. I think 5'8" can be almost be viewed as the very low end of medium height, while 5'7" guys have perhaps "entry level" shortness, meaning there are many that height and it isn't super severe. At 5'10" I really just don't feel that much bigger than the people I know who are Tom's height...I don't think most average height guys notice a hure difference between a 5'7" or 5'8" and themselves (especially depending on their footwear). Now above average height guys probably feel differently.....

Just my $.02....
Stephanie said on 13/Jun/06
He's as tall as a 5' 8.5" person with shoes on... and those people have shoes on too. It's not like they're barefoot and he is wearing 2" shoes or something! They all have on shoes of approximately the same height. Why do people want Tom to be short so badly?
raj said on 12/Jun/06
hes 5-8 with shoes. Tom is probably 5-6 barefoot. Its a bit stupid to argue over if the guy is 5-6 or 5-8 when you are that short!
the important thing about tom is if hes a good or bad actor...and hes pretty mediocre as an actor.
Glenn said on 11/Jun/06
I was 5-7 for a long while.then at around 23,I hit 5-8.maybe 22.hold still have hope.
ire said on 10/Jun/06
Hi i have a question for glenn. What age did ou stop growing do you know? I mean what age were you when you reached 5'8? I'm 19 now and touching 5'7 but i dont know if i'll grow any more. I am slow to develop however. Like i couldn't grow any proper facial hair yet. Would be happy to reach 5'8.
Paul said on 9/Jun/06
I have answer for you about Tom height he is short and he is about 165 cm in height no more on this picture he is standing next to Keri Russel and he almost the same height, look at that Click Here
dmeyer said on 6/Jun/06
those pics prove that rob is right tom is 172 since jamie is wearing non lifted sneakers 4 cm diferance they both look their height of 5'7.75" and 5'9.5" then tom sometimes dosnt wear lifts but looks close to 5'10 in lifts when i met him he must have wear monster lift when i met him
Polska said on 29/May/06
Sorry. Messed up putting the first three url's in. These links should work:
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Polska said on 28/May/06
In light of Jamie Foxx's recent statement that he's "like 5'9"," here are some clear comparisons that seem to put Tom at about 5'7.5":

Here are a bunch of photos of Tom with Foxx at the MTV movie awards where there appears to a 1.5" difference between the two.
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here

And a shot of both their footwear (Cruise is slouching a bit in this one):
Click Here

Finally, here the two appear together on Leno. Jamie is slouching some, but there's still a clear difference. Also notice that the guest area is on a set about 3 inches higher than Leno's desk, putting Tom even with 5'10 Leno:
Click Here
ForensicNYC said on 25/May/06
HEY! I thought Tom Cruise and Willem Dafoe were the same height...maybe he was still young then...just came home from VIETNAM...
Click Here
With war vet buddies, 5'7" Tom (extreme right) next to 5'10" Patrick Swayze...
Click Here
Even at a young age, Patrick KNEW the secret of tallness...He is standing on LAYERS OF BRICKS while Tom already had a propensity for BIG SHOES...
Click Here
After the war Tom becomes AUSTIN POWERS...
Click Here
Neo said on 23/May/06
if tom is 5'7, then glenn sorry to say, u must be 5'6 or 5'5.25, as its clear in ur pics.
UNK said on 23/May/06
As nuts as Tom is I think he would think we are more nuts debating his height. He never said he was anything other than 5'7". It's not like you could find a quote of him claiming anything else. It's pretty much been a known fact since the early 80's that he is 5'7"ish. I also don't think that he would argue that he has worn lifts, boots, all kinds of footwear, and stood on boxes or did what ever it took in his movies.

I really don't think there is much to uncover here.. the guys is right around the 5'7" mark.
Polska said on 23/May/06
I watched the same Ellen show as Anon. and was very careful to note the difference in height. I was shocked to see a difference of at least 2 inches. Either Ellen is shorter than we think, Tom is taller than we think, or he's actually wearing lifts. You know, sometimes I doubt this whole celebs wearing lifts thing (seems like maybe it was an old, now antiquated, tradition) but Tom really makes me think again.
Neo said on 22/May/06
i have see tom cruise, he is not at all shorter, even he is not of average height, he was looking 6'1 with his lifts ( i guess so!) so ppl dunn get worried, his big or small height will not change ur heights, if he is tall accept it, by the way this glenn is trying to fool u ppl, as he is showing u fake pictures, he is making all pics in Adobe photoshop or some other software, he is even mad about his own candy ass height at age of 34...
Alex said on 19/May/06
Viper, I didn't see Mission Impossible 3 yet but Tom does look 5'7 most of the time when I see him, but he can look 5'9-5'9.5 in his lifts though.
Felix said on 19/May/06
Tom has killer boots on throughout Top Gun (except during beach volleyball, where his true height is (somewhat) revealed). Plus, somebody posted a link here months ago going over how the directors actively tried to shoot Cruise as taller than McGillis (e.g., she's always leaning, sitting, and so on)
Frank2 said on 18/May/06
Kelly McGillis is just under 5'10".

Anonymous said on 16/May/06
i saw him on ellen the other day. if ellen is about 5-6, then tom must be 5-8. he was definately taller than degeneres; even without shoes!! he is so hot that stature does not matter
MM said on 14/May/06
Saw him at the Mi:3 premiere and I'd estimate 5'7" max.
Felix said on 13/May/06
Intresting photo with Tom Cruise and Kelly Mcgillis or what her name is during Top Gun. I think she is like 176cm or something? :S Click Here
Polska said on 12/May/06
Here's the article quoted by Jim in which Michelle Monaghan states that Tom and herself are both 5'7."

Click Here
leonari said on 10/May/06
J-Dog: Stallone was still great at 43!!!!!! Much better than Cruise...
A-Bomb said on 10/May/06
In line with the articles below I was watching an entertainment report on a morning show this morning and they were making a big deal out of the "lifts" that just recently become a publicity issue for Tom. They labeled him as 5'7". It could be interesting if this gets some steam.
ForensicNYC said on 9/May/06
Re: D. Ray Morton says on 9/May/06
"She'll never work in that town again."
Hmmm....I think I heard those comments before...
It was way back when HRUNDI BAKSHI blew up the FORTRESS SET of a military movie but got accidentally invited to THE PARTY...
D. Ray Morton said on 9/May/06
What's gotten into Michelle, being all honest an' s***?

She'll never work in that town again.
Gotxo said on 9/May/06
On Jim comments:
I don't think Monaghan won't receive her christmas prsent since she was asked how much taller than Tom was she, and she evaded the question of being taller than Tomas in a the best diplomatic way one can do without lying :
She came to say that they both were the same height, not him smaller.

Editor Rob
yeah, but she said same height of 170cm, that's not what tom wanted to hear ;-) He demands 175!
dmeyer said on 9/May/06
i saw a pic of tom and deniro and cruise is taller by almost 1 inch it means tom apear just over 5'9" in public
Viper652 said on 9/May/06
I thought Tom looked 5-7 for most of Mission impossible 3.
0kuma said on 8/May/06
Click Here

Read this

dmeyer said on 8/May/06
i think tom is just a bout 172 to 173 cm barefeethis shoes are totaly normal in rain man he got a solid 2 inches on hofman who was aleast 5'6 back there
D. Ray Morton said on 8/May/06
"Please Rob don't sell this site. This site would never be the same wothout you. One clearly sees that you put your heart in it. I visit the site every day. No exception. Kepp up the excellent work: there are many who appreciate your effort and the amount of work you put into."

Hear hear!

Though I don't know to what exactly leonari was referring, I totally share his sentiments.
Mr. R said on 8/May/06
I also just saw MI3. I watched the angles carefully, and clearly they are trying to match Cruise heights with his co-stars, without appearing obvious. By the way, I worked with Ving on Dark Blue, and he is just over 5-10. Cruise looks 5-8 in MI3, but he always has on bug shoes and boots.
Frank2 said on 7/May/06
Yes, I've met Cruise which was back when he was making Minority Report at Fox. And I'm 5'11".

FYI Ving is my height.
Glenn said on 7/May/06
Ving is possibly as low as 5-10.
Polska said on 7/May/06
Hey Frank2, have you ever met Tom? Btw, how tall are you? Just wondering since sometimes you mention "so and so is X inches taller than me" or something along those lines.
HelloKitty said on 7/May/06
I just saw Mission Impossible 3. The numero uno scientologist looks remarkably tall at eye level with Ving Rhames, who I suspect is at least 5'11 to 6'0. other scenes with his character's girlfriend/wife he is at least 3 to 5 inches taller. There is a scene in the movie where the couple gets married and to my surprise, they are the same height!!
dmeyer said on 6/May/06
if you watch m i 3 tom is a lot closer to ving's height that in m i 2

Editor Rob
all those years of stretching beginning to pay off for him now?
hahaha said on 6/May/06
You know, if you watch Minority Report, you will notice that Tom Cruise "in shoes" is as tall as Collin Farrell, who is 178 and probably 179 or 180 in shoes. So?
wasa said on 6/May/06
Actually I don't think he's gay. And he just seems to like taller women in general, nothing wrong with that. In fact I think he has quite a good taste in women ;) In comparison with all the fuss about Brad Pitt's relations, i think he has been with better looking women, but that's just personal taste ofcourse. He's average in height, not short. But his behaviour is getting stranger with the years, i don't remember there being a fuss about him a few years ago. The media also plays a big role ofcourse, since a few years even the smallest little thing 'celebs' say and do is being printed and covered all over the world, it's becoming really annoying imho.
Anyway, I actually have to give hem creds for being not tallish and making a very decent career in action flicks. It's not always easy to appear strong when you have to stand up to someone who's 6'1-6'2 for example. :)
Frank2 said on 5/May/06
The most fascinating aspect of searching through literally hundreds of web photos of Cruise are the incredible number of shots of him with a female companion. Some have him passionately kissing the woman he's with. I don't believe there's another well-known celebrity with as many. What do you think? I believe it's a little over the top.
Glenn said on 5/May/06
Leanori-it isnt worth it.I make tons of money months at a time,then Im broke for months at a time.dont have to answer to anyone and have freedom is perks.
Bleemo said on 5/May/06
Heh the best place for C/D-list celebs in London Rob is Notting Hill. My mother and younger sister are policewomen down there. My grandparents on my mother's side bought a house there after the war when it was certainly not the happening place it is today.

You can literally walk down any few streets and bump into some crappy soap actor or lesser TV presenter. I've been down about 6 times and to be fair I have only seen Vanessa Feltz, Alan Davis, Nigel Havers (who my mate thought was Richard from Richard and Judy but it wasn't), some big guy that presented some weird comedy history show and the tallest one from the Fast Show.

Between my mother and my sister though they claim to have seen Robbie Williams jogging, Robert Plant, Chris Barrie, Eddie Izzard, some minor Eastenders actors, and a flat my sister was interested in was owned by Ben Fogherty or whatever his name is.

Plus you can go to the West End and go to the stage door if they let you. My mother got a program from "Art" signed by the two smaller League of gentleman guys, she said they were both small and the dark haired one was really stroppy.

The only problem is that you just kind of see them walking along so it's genuinely hard to gauge their height and I simply don't have the brass balls to walk up to these people. Especially if you had a camera, you'd either look like a nutter or paparazzi.
leonari said on 5/May/06

Cool article! Congrats! Please Rob don't sell this site. This site would never be the same wothout you. One clearly sees that you put your heart in it. I visit the site every day. No exception. Kepp up the excellent work: there are many who appreciate your effort and the amount of work you put into.

Editor Rob
thanks man, I just wish I could create more time for myself to get to meet more celebs ;-) I only wished I lived in London...or NY! Glenn, I'll trade jobs for a month with you!
Anonymous said on 5/May/06
I personally know Tom Cruise's stunt double for MI1 and MI2, his name is Keith Campbell and they match in height almost idenical. There is no way Tom is taller then 5'7.75. Sorry Tom, and by the way you didn't do all you own stunts as you like people to believe. Hollywood is all about illusions.
dmeyer said on 5/May/06
he rarely apear less then 5'9" in public
dmeyer said on 5/May/06
once and for all i think tom between 5'7 and 5'8 and look 5'9 to 5'9.5 when he wears big shoes in m i3 he looks close to 178 in some scenes
Anonymous said on 5/May/06
The producers don't want Cruise to look shorter that's why. He is considered handsome by most of the American public, and I guess his height would take away from his machoness or whatever...especially in Mission Impossible where he would be shorter and weaker looking than the others.
J-Dog said on 4/May/06
Can Tom really be considered short? I mean 5'8" isn't far from the average height. If someone is 5'10" or 5'11" we don't consider them "super tall" so why do we consider Tom who is about one inch below average "super short"?
Glenn said on 4/May/06
Yeah,Rob,your the best! figures I didnt get todays Post to check that out.

Editor Rob
cheers and thanks for getting back to me about that other little thing I emailed about ;-)

wait...this thread is becoming the celebheights lovefest! Oh, it was yesterday's post, just a small little article...
Frank2 said on 4/May/06
This could explain a lot of things: Click Here
Woz said on 4/May/06
How come Tom Cruise looks tall in movies and on the big screen ?
Leung said on 3/May/06
Last year around the time when Cruise appeared on Oprah (yeah the coach jumping episode), a few colleagues in my office were discussing the incident and how it wasn
Glenn said on 3/May/06
Frank is right.alot of folks are pansies.
Frank2 said on 3/May/06
Jamie Cullum, Jamie Oliver and Cath Kitson: Click Here

And here: Click Here

I have no idea how tall Cath is or even who she is.

Editor Rob

Frank,, just another note about getty.
When the pop up window with the image appears, hold down ctrl and press N key. The new window that appears has the proper url for linking to that getty stuff. It is of the form:

proper Link1

proper Link2 to let everybody view links.
Bleemo said on 3/May/06
You really think he's fruity Frank? I still cannot decide to be...well frank actually. There's definately something off about his relationships with women, but then again he IS a cast iron whacko. I guess what I mean is, is he fruity or is he just kooky? *drum role* thank you I'm here all week, try the steak I heard it's great.

Hey Rob why don't you really push this celeb thing to the limit and start another site speculating whether celebs are gay or straight? I'm telling you man that's gold, you could call it AC/DC or something like that. I mean you'd probably be up to your ears in slander cases, but it would be really fun for us.

Incidentally in the time this site has been up has anyone ever contacted you complaining about their listing or something like that?

Editor Rob
I try to keep away from controversy. Doing a site would quickly send me bankrupt!

Talk about height etc is pretty harmless, but certain subjects touch nerves and provides an excuse for lawyers to come after you. If I ever do another celebrity related site it would be about a subject close to my ears.

Oh, and not that many celebs contact me really, they must be delighted with their listing!!! ;-)

But celebs have stumbled across this site and I've told a few at conventions. Actually, if you think about it - 3 million people visit this site a year. I spend max 2 hours a day moderating this site (i.e. reading comments etc, researching heights), but remarkably I have a couple of other websites that get 1/10th the visitors but make 5 times the income this site does! Sometimes I feel like selling this site and moving on...]
Tall said on 3/May/06
I saw Tom Cruise on Letterman last night. There is an incredible shot of him next to Jamie Olliver. If we can nail Olliver's height, we can end the Cruise debate once and for all. Does anyone have any information on Olliver's height or a reliable photo from Letterman last night?????????????!!!!!!
J. said on 3/May/06
Intresting ....looking slighty shorter than Kanye West on "TRL" recently. I'm suprised that he'd allow himself to appear as such in public: Click Here
Anonymous said on 3/May/06
hey sheina are you sure because in public he alwais apear 5'9" when i met him he looked 5'9.5" or even 10 and the outside heel was only 1 inch he must have hade huge lifts but he was runig all the time on the set weird cruise was like 3" taller than my 5'7 roommate
Frank said on 2/May/06
wearing lifts even on ice sk
Click Here
Frank said on 2/May/06
how about this one

Click Here
Frank said on 2/May/06
Click Here

check out the shoes
Shaina said on 2/May/06
I had the privilege today to see Tom Cruise this afternoon at a taping of The View airing on May 5, 2006. I am 5'8" tall. Tom was next to me several times. He is clearly 1 or more inches shorter than me. Who cares how tall he is anyway! He is sooo cute at any height.
P.S. Mission Impossible III -- Go see it! Loads of action and adventure...
Frank2 said on 2/May/06
"The saddest part about it is, I think if he was honest about him being short he would be more of a hero to shorter men."

If Cruise was totally honest he'd also be a hero to another other type of men, short, medium height and tall.
Anonymous said on 2/May/06
Leung, 5'4" is not petite for a woman. Where do you get such ideas? Sure young people are taller then older ones. The overall average shifts up per decade with...1 whole centimeter! Tadaaaam!
There are differences in countries too but let's just say in France or the US a 5'9 man is (on the shorter side of) AVERAGE and so is a 5'4" woman.
You're just plain wrong man. And the fact that Cruise gets comments on his stature is because he's an action hero in films and those are roles usually played by tall men. People expect him to be taller so they are kinda disappointed. Plus he's only 5'7" (not 5'8.5") and furthermore he's a bit of a weirdo (scientology cucoo cucoo).
Leung said on 1/May/06
Bleemo, in my previous post I was trying to explain the reasoning as to why Tom Cruise
Glenn said on 1/May/06
While there are loads shorter guys than me in public,I still feel more outnumbered by taller.
Tristam said on 1/May/06
Leung, 5'9" is NOT short by today's standards. That's a joke. For American men, the average height for men who are aged 20-39 (in other words, men at their peak heights) is 5'10" (although if you take into account Mexican-Americans of that age, it brings the average down). 5'9" remains the average height for all adult males in the U.S. For females, 5'4.5" is the height for American women aged 20-39, while for ALL adult women the average isn't even quite 5'4".

So yeah, you're wrong.
Bleemo said on 1/May/06
Leung the average height of a country takes into acount ALL men and ALL women. Are you suggesting we simply dismiss old people's height because they are old?

The average height in most countries is still pretty much 5'9 for men and 5'4 for women. Infact in the US some believe that the overall average may be going down a little do to poor dieting and lack of health in general of the poorer classes.

At 5'8.5 barefoot in the UK I rarely feel especially small, there many who are a little taller and a bunch who are greatly taller, but there's still plenty men who are smaller. I can count on one hand the amount of people who have reffered to me as small, where as I've had numerous occasions where people have guessed my height as 5'10. I think that's where a lot of this comes from, people being awful guages of height and exaggerting it somewhat.
Glenn said on 1/May/06
I agree to a point Bleemo.but he always looks short.he doesnt hide it with lifts that make him 5-11.
Bleemo said on 30/Apr/06
The saddest part about it is, I think if he was honest about him being short he would be more of a hero to shorter men. Infact just in general he would get a lot of respect for being a little man at the top of the industry.

It was like that whole thing with the guy supposedly having a tape of him and Cruise having sex. I mean it's not nice but if you're straight and you know you're straight, you've gotta know your not on there. He should have just said, "well lets see this tape," nothing says coverup like a millionaire suing some bum (that works both ways I guess) because he suggested he was gay.

At the end of the day a real man doesn't care how tall he is, or how big his biceps are, whether some random people think he is gay or how attractive he is. He just gets on with what he's got and makes it work for himself and sod what anybody else thinks.
Leung said on 30/Apr/06
Anonymous, quoting average height statistics is fine but you have to factor in that these
dmeyer said on 30/Apr/06
hey rob how tall can cruise look with the best lifts

Editor Rob
with oversized heel+lift I think looking 5ft 10 to people is possible...
BahBah said on 28/Apr/06
Hey Guys check this out Maggie Q is posted to be either 5'6 or 5'7 but if you look here she looks about 3 inches shorter then cruise and she is probably wearing heels.

Editor Rob
just type in maggie q on and you'll see all the MI3 promo pics, she actually does look *near* 5ft 6 just from glancing through pics of her...hmm
J. said on 28/Apr/06
Great pics, Frank!
Anonymous said on 27/Apr/06
I have to say that I think Frank2 has provided some very conclusive eveidence. I'd say no more than 5'7 aswell.

Well done for putting the effort in Frank2!
JD said on 25/Apr/06
I just eyes wide shut last night....near the end when nicole and tom was in the shopping mall.....u can see nicole was wearing flat shoes....i dunno if tom had lifts in his....but u can clearly see there isn't much height difference between them....unless nicole is only 5-8 or 5-9 ....i couldn't see tom shorter than 5-8
Nolifts81 said on 25/Apr/06
Yesterday I was in Rome and I've seen Tom Cruise(he is in Rome for the presentation of the prime of Mission Imposible 3). I am 5'10"and I had normal dress shoes on (1inch), so I was 5'11"with shoes on.Tom was 1 inch shorter than me, he was 5'10"with his shoes on. One thing I can say for sure: he had elevator shoes at his feet.I know very well elevator shoes and he had elevator dress shoes with an advantage in height of about 2.5 inches. So I think he is about 172 cm barefoot(5'7.75).
Anonymous said on 25/Apr/06
Is he shrinking now or is this true? I heard a rumor that he's actually 5'6" and most of all not happy with it.
Frank2 said on 20/Apr/06
"Look (at) his shoes!"

Check out these shoes: Click Here

Look similar?
D. Ray Morton said on 20/Apr/06
Glenn writes:

"I had a friend who thought everyone was his height at 6-1.5.even me!"

I wish there were people like him!
sf said on 20/Apr/06
Just adding my two cents about the height perception thing. I had a friend in college who thought I was taller than him. Well, he had me beat by at leat 3 inches. After we stood back to back, he was amazed. Some people have no perception of height..
Tristam said on 20/Apr/06
No kidding. I've got a friend who's about 5'4.5", while I'm 5'7". The other day, my other friend (who's 6'2") asked me which of us was taller. I was like "Are you kidding me??"
Height Detective said on 19/Apr/06
Some good pics:
Kidman /Cruise Click Here Look the way he is standing

Click Here

Click Here

Cruise/Holmes Click Here

Click Here

Look his shoes ! Click Here

Click Here Thats why sometimes he looks a bit taller than Holmes ,he looks like he have some problems to walk with that!
MD said on 19/Apr/06
Yeah, just as some people are tone-deaf, other's can be totally oblivious to height differences.
Glenn said on 19/Apr/06
Are you good at percieving height? I had a friend who thought everyone was his height at 6-1.5.even me!
Thomson said on 19/Apr/06
I am a local bodyguard in vegas and I was once hired to have Cruise escorted from one place to another years ago. My mates and I are at least 6' tall. Cruise, beside us, appeared to have the same height. We never suspected him to be under 5'10 until I came across this site.
Glenn said on 18/Apr/06
Elio said on 17/Apr/06

I'm not sure whether it was intentionally funny, but your last post (here) had me in stitches. :) I'm definately going to use that line!
A-Bomb said on 17/Apr/06
Frank2 wrote,
"NOOOOOOO????? CAN'T BE! YOU'RE KIDDING!! Tom Cruisin' gay? My teeth just feel out!"
"Hmmmmm...I wonder if Tom is finally coming out of the far as his height goes."
"What does it mean when short men date tall guys?"

You have to get off this gay thing for this thread. No relevance and it's getting old real quick.
Anonymous said on 17/Apr/06
It's simple Sebastian. People don't expect you to be taller.
ANON said on 16/Apr/06
Tom Cruise did an interview around The Last Samurai time & they had photos afterwards & Ross (who is 6'1.5") about 6 inches taller cos he had to really arch his back to get in the shot! I'd say about 5'7.5". Kidman is 5'11" but she probably walked hunched & he wore bigger souls when they were out & about so...........
Glenn said on 16/Apr/06
I love girls of all shapes and sizes.not obese of course.
Glenn said on 16/Apr/06
In secret Frank,its called BONESMUGGLING.
Polska said on 16/Apr/06
On Cruise. Still think he's a solid 5'8".

On Anonymous' comment. I'm 5'7" and I love petite girls. Although I've dated mostly girls within an inch or so of my height and one taller girl, it was purely by chance.
SEBASTIAN said on 16/Apr/06
Frank2 said on 15/Apr/06
What does it mean when short men date tall guys?
Anonymous said on 15/Apr/06
I agree with ds that tom cruise is just about 5'8" and that he's insecure. Most men that I know that are about 5'7-5'8" insist on dating women that are only about an inch shorter than them or taller than them; which makes sense why Tom is always dating taller women. The men I know that are Cruise's height don't like women that are a lot shorter such as 4'11-5'4". As for guys that are below 5'5", I, like ds, always have seen that they're more comfortable with their height and have no problem dating a woman of whatever height.
delusional said on 15/Apr/06
When you compare pictures of tom standing next to renee zellweger he is at most 3 inches taller than her, and she is about 5'3". Also when standing next to steven spielberg, spielberg seems to be about an inch taller and he is 5'7". Maybe all the scientology and jumping on oprah's couch has made tom delusional!!!!
ds said on 14/Apr/06
I think he's about 172 cm. He never looked short to me. I think it's just the fact that he's insecure about his height and dates tall women. I find it more common that guys that are just below average (5'7"-5'8") are very insecure about their height, where as guys that are below 5'5" are not.

Editor Rob
if he's insecure surely he'd be dating 4ft 11 women to look like a relative 'tall man' ;-)

but, the fact that interviewers rarely get to ask about his stature maybe gives sense of insecurity or annoyance...well, not many interviewers, I remember Jonathan Ross commenting upon his height
Frank2 said on 14/Apr/06
Vice Squad?
Mike said on 14/Apr/06
A friend of mine on the Santa Monica PD once dealt with Cruise; my friend is 5' 8" and he remarked upon how short Cruise is.
Frank2 said on 13/Apr/06
Not by his publicity. They have him at 5'9".
Anonymous said on 13/Apr/06
Cruise has always been listed as a 5'7" guy. Everwhere.
ForensicNYC said on 13/Apr/06
Tom Cruise has always maintained a "good posture", virile and erect in every public appearance. You will never see him slouching or bent down. Same with Sly Stallone.
A-Bomb said on 13/Apr/06
Yeah after rewatching Eyes Wide Shut in which he wore large soled shoes on and still looked smallish I'm back to thinking he's more around 5'7".
Tuan said on 12/Apr/06
The recent issue of Parade magazine says 5'7"
Glenn said on 8/Apr/06
Here it is- the funny part is I have thousands unseen least hundreds more to come by the summer,slowly trickling them New York,its easy to find these celebs.and I get tipped off too.thanks for the support!
Here it is said on 7/Apr/06
I agree with rob, too much bad press and ive seen all the proof, i mean look at war of the worlds looks bout 5'9-5'11 in those shoes so is probably close to 5'8, just wondering glenn but were do you get all these photos, i mean u got like photos for half the people on here, and im being positive about this because you have helped this site decide on peoples height so many times, but how u get all the pics
Frank2 said on 6/Apr/06
Had you known her as I did you'd be waiting too!
dmeyer said on 6/Apr/06
A-Bomb said on 6/Apr/06
I suppose my post could be taken as claiming that scientology does offer some positives, but I didn't say they are "bright people who have tremendous confidence in themselves". What I should have said was part of the scientology ethos was "not to be sucked into what's not important in life since after this life your body will be transported to another organic alien body within in any corner of the universe at large and the process will start again - though be careful what you do in this life as every negative action will carry on to your next life and may manifest in problems such as dyslexia, depression etc etc". Creepy.

And as for your story about your old flame and waiting for her to "OD" - real charming way to put it.
sf said on 5/Apr/06
I think I'll form my own religion, if it's that easy to get big stars to join and give me money.
A-Bomb said on 4/Apr/06
You know I read an article in Rolling Stone today about scientology and it struck me that as a devout and highly ranked scientologist that it doesn't really fit that Cruise would wear lifts in public. Part of the scientology ethos seems to be about being comfortable with ones self - and not to be sucked in to what's not important in life (e.g. height) - you know some of the less creep stuff they espouse.
Frank2 said on 3/Apr/06
NOOOOOOO????? CAN'T BE! YOU'RE KIDDING!! Tom Cruisin' gay? My teeth just feel out!
Glenn said on 3/Apr/06
Yes,and Travolta and Ricky Martin too.
Joel said on 2/Apr/06
one of my mom's co-worker's daughter was a star on Sex in the City and says that its very well known in HollyWood that Cruise is gay.
sf said on 1/Apr/06
Why do people think Tom has a bigger head in this picture? That makes me laugh! His head is not any bigger!! In the first picture, Glenn is leaning slightly closer to the camera, therefore, HE looks bigger compared to Tom and Tom's head. In the second picture, they are pretty much side to side, AND Glenn does not have as much hair as he did in the first picture, so, of course, Tom's head is going to look bigger, comparatively - he's closer and right next to Glenn. People - these are photographs. Even a small change in where one is standing, etc. can make dramatic effects on how big or small something looks. BOTH men are aloso more closely framed in the last picture, making them both look a little bigger. Yes, Tom is growing a gargantuan head with growth hormone!
OutOfLeftField said on 30/Mar/06
These two photos can be used in the "SPOT THE DIFFERENCE" contest. For Glenn, man you haven't changed, even the expression! Tom has several changes. He has a bigger head (growth hormones?),bigger adam's apple (thyroid trauma?), bigger muscle (lifts in the jacket?), more expensive clothing (Glenn has improved too!), longer Dr. Spock ears, etc., etc.,
Glenn said on 30/Mar/06
Never 5-8 in shoes.close to 5-9 in shoes.sometimes 5-10,if Im my full 5-8,and the soles are thick.
JUSTMATT said on 29/Mar/06
Gleen told us he is probably max 5.8 with shoes in the night so Rob I think it's time to downgrade Cruise to 170 cm...
Glenn said on 28/Mar/06
His shoes seemed normal.
Glenn said on 28/Mar/06
Me being 5-7 or 5-7.25 at night and 5-7.75 to 5-8 when I wake might explain a little to people thinking Im shorter than 5-8,since most photos are taken at Tom,I believe is the one celeb, if him and I where barefoot,would be the same exact height or Im only a half inch taller.
sebastian said on 28/Mar/06
glenn do you remember the shoes he was wearing
Tristam said on 28/Mar/06
Wow, you guys really need to take into account the fact that Tom probably has chunkier footwear than Glenn in both these pics.
A-Bomb said on 28/Mar/06
So if Glenn is 5'7" at night just maybe Tom is really a 5'7" or 5'7 1/2".
sebastian said on 27/Mar/06
i always wondered why everyone thought this guy was so short. They said he's 5'7 which isn't really short. When i saw him my Mom ran over to him and he was her size which is 5'4.5. He was no taller.
C. Gardner said on 24/Mar/06
Whats the chance of Glenn meeting Tom on two occassions 11 years apart and both having THE SAME HEIGHT on both pictures? Do you need a THIRD PHOTO to be convinced that GLENN AND TOM ARE THE SAME HEIGHT?
Frank2 said on 24/Mar/06
People routinely shrink during the day, especially if they're standing for long periods of time. A person can lose as much as half an inch by the end of the day. I lose about a 1/4" and gain it back the next day. Hey!! Maybe when I saw Elvis he had lost as much as half an inch and being that I had just arrived at work and was a 1/4" taller than normal he looked hardly any taller than me when he wasn't wearing his height-increasing shoes. Hmmmmmmmm......
Glenn said on 24/Mar/06
Left one in summer 1993,right one spring of 2004.
Tristam said on 23/Mar/06
Glenn, just for the record, when were both of those pics with Tom taken?
tgri said on 23/Mar/06
rob, is 173cm (5'8) max? do you still think he could be 174cm ? is he 5'8 1/4 in the morning?

Editor Rob
maybe he has big shrinkage? It could be possible yes.
TheJerk said on 23/Mar/06
Not really a direct comment about his height (which can be no more than 5-7), but look at how his head has grown from the first picture to the second. Even taking into account that they are closer to the camera in the second it is definately larger. Maybe he really has been injecting himself with growth hormones and it didnt make him taller it just gave him a bigger head.
HIJOPUTA said on 22/Mar/06
met him. hes 5-6 including big hair and after a good stretch. the guy has no shoulders and a weird body shape. cannot believe hes considered a sex symbol!!
TomsTrueHeight said on 21/Mar/06
I met Tom at a beach boardwalk. On a solid surface, barefoot Tom is about my height give or take partial inches ~ I am 5'6" so Tom is between 5'5" and 5'7"
Frank2 said on 20/Mar/06
"There are stories about how he wore incredibly high heeled shoes to match Brad Pitt's height on the set of "Interview with a Vampire"
Here's a photo of those shoes: Click Here
Anonymous said on 19/Mar/06
Its amazing how those who get photographed with Tom HAVE TO WEAR FLAT SHOES. Take Katie, who nowadays MUST WEAR converse flat shoes in all outings! Nicole Kidman used to wear all those FLATS, but as she have said after the breakup as a sigh of relief : " I am glad to be wearing heels again"! You want to be with a great movie star? Then take your shoes off, Man!
trueheight said on 16/Mar/06
Ayeron: yea, like why would it be such a big deal to him if he WERE 5'8-5'9? I have heard that his publicists warn ppl before interviews NOT to ask about his height
cendrin rovini said on 14/Mar/06
...taller than glenn again, so 5'8-5... but probably with lifts, know someone who saw him and he said 168cm max... i really think he wears lifts, he's one of those vain actors, so i think 5'7 is about right...
Glenn said on 14/Mar/06
I heard it was lifts,not heels.I could be wrong.
Glenn said on 12/Mar/06
Could be.he can look 5-7,5-8.lifts?
CAA said on 12/Mar/06
I used to work for CAA and I stood next to Tom Cruise wearing similar shoes. I'm 5'9" and I was at least 3 or 4 inches taller than him. I would say he's 5'6" at the tallest. No BS.
Glenn said on 6/Mar/06
I meant he wasnt wearing lifts cause he always looks short.
Glenn said on 6/Mar/06
Thanks Tristam.its Amazing That No Matter What Forum Or Site Your On,you Get These No Girlfriend Couch Potatoes.and They Judge Me Over One Pic Without Looking At The Other 250.and Furthermore,I Probably Look like a Model Copared to Them.commenting On There Snaps Of My Appearence.
cintialazorra said on 6/Mar/06
theres nice pics of tomkat both barefoot in a spanish magazine this last weekend. Tom is an inch taller than her and as white tan as an onion. Very bizarre pictures!
Its obvious the guy doesnt care about being 5-6 anymore, which is good specially if you are over 40.
dmeyer said on 6/Mar/06
in that pics he reach 5'11 in shoes or 6 since she is 6'2 in those heels but his shoes look like elevator i think tom is 172 173 cm range so he can look 177 178 cm with lifts on
rwfender said on 5/Mar/06
tom cruise not wearing lifts? i doubt that...
Tristam said on 5/Mar/06
Not wear lift inserts? Puh-lease:

Those boots perfectly match the look of the shoes in the "shoe lift" article.

Editor Rob
in his Nicole days, no doubt his footwear was more extravagant - he's also worn cowboy boots when out with nicole...
Glenn said on 5/Mar/06
Your so right,not so tall.I try to do the same with shoes.tom is 5-7, taller or smaller.Ive seen guys 5-11 look short next to their friends.I sometimes wondered if mel gibson was telling the truth at his 5-11 claim in a magazine I,you guys pick on the size of my head now and even more petty,my grammar.amazing.for starters,I write the way I do cause Im in a hurry or Im using a cell phone which is slow as can be,and tricky at jamming words together.keep up the good work jerkoffs.pretty soon Ill be disgusted enough to ignore the site.Im glad you have nothing better to do than watch my grammar and making sure yours is correct.geez.what wussies.what next?
notsotall said on 5/Mar/06
I would also think that Tom doesn't actually wear show lift inserts but more just big heeled shoes. If you ever take time to look at peoples shoes on the street or when you are actually shoe shopping, you can easily find normal shoes with a good 2 inch heel. I don't actually wear shoe lifts or have ever seen them but i do admit that when i buy new shoes i always pick a nice 1.5 inch or so heel. I reckon tom just does the same. He wears a heavy working boot when casually dressed which does look a bit strange but plenty of my friends wear boots like this and they are over 6 foot. My dad is a builder and i've noticed he has around 6 pairs of work boots which all have a heel of atleast 2 inches. There is a make of boot called 'new rock' which are very popular among gothic teenagers and bikers. These boots have a heel of around 3.5 inches average but they do look pretty silly on normal dressed people so i would never wear a pair of these just to look 5'9 or so. At the end of the day you have to take off your's shoes and coming down 3 or 4 inches would be a bit of a bummer as opposed to just taking off your doc martin's or cat's. I've noticed that tom takes off his boots in war of the worlds in a scene at the start when he's getting into bed. He does look shorter but only about 2 inches. He flings his boots on the ground and they look like any pair of my old man's working boots. But lets not forget it is easy to look small if you are under 5'10 standing beside some guy of 6'3. I have friends who are 5'7 and i actually look tall beside them at 5'8 (with shoes) but then you walk down the street and pass a guy of 6'3 and what do you know im tiny again. Even tom at 5'10 with his boots can look very short beside some tall actor in a movie. It is just that we all have this image in our heads that he is like 5'5 so we read more in to it. We assume the taller man is like 5'9 but he's probably 6'2. It's just how it is for anyone that isn't really tall. Next time you're out for a few drinks with friends or whatever, look at one of your mates who is about 5'10 from across the room and if he/she is standing next to someone over 6 foot they to will look small even though they actually are a good height. Also i find people with mussle are less likely to look short. Tom is actually very built so this helps.
Height Detective said on 5/Mar/06
The amazing thing is why people keep saying that Tom is more than 5.8 , or less than5.75 ,even with the Glenn s pictures.
I allways said that Tom was 1.72 , so those photos confirm my theory.

Forget about torso and leg size ,that doesnt matter ,yo can have short legs , but long torso , and be taller than someone who have long legs but short torso.
The body proportions doesnt matter , every single person have his own unique genetic background ,so is no serious that you compare your legs size or torso when you try to compare your height with a celebrity.
dmeyer said on 5/Mar/06
tom does look a legit 5'9 or 5'9.5" in minority report his shoes looks normal
WE44 said on 5/Mar/06
It amazes me how people will argue over an inch in the difference for Tom Cruise. Look, the guy is 5'7 - 5'8. That's the reality. People want to go all nuts because Tom Cruise is by far biggest actor in the world of all time, but the truth is he's just not that short. He's far from tall, but measures in just under average. People make such a big deal over him because they figure someone of his success should be around the 6' mark.
notsotall said on 4/Mar/06
Vanilla sky shows a scene with tom standing in front of a height chart and he is clearly just under 5'11. Tom wears very big shoes in this movie and in my opinion i'd say they are around 3 inches. so surprise-surprise, he's about 5'8. Beleive me i'm 5'6 and 5'8 with my boots on and i certainly don't look as tall as tom. I mean the correlation between the lower and higher leg lenght would be off the charts for a man of 5'6 like myself to wear lifts that would bring him up to 5'11. It would look nuts! That's why i am totally confident that tom is not actually that short. he's got very long legs for his height also and quite a short torso but he's definatly 5'8. Sure there is even a scene in day's of thunder when tom stands next to nicole barefoot and he is only 1 inch shorter. And don't say that he's on his tippy toes or on a f***ing platform because no man of his status is gonna embarras himself like that in front of a set full of people (not to mention his future wife). And also he's done is homework on shoes because its so hard to tell in war of the worlds. He seems to be just wearing a normal 1 and a half inch work boot but im sure there is another good inch too well tucked in there.
Editor Rob said on 4/Mar/06
Rikki Lee Travolta: "Tom Cruise and Mel Gibson may have to stand on their tiptoes to reach five-foot five, but girls dig them anyway"
Glenn said on 4/Mar/06
Tom Might Be The Only Short Celeb That Doesnt Wear Lifts.

Editor Rob
I can think of at least 2 people who have posted in this thread who might agree with you...
Anonymous said on 3/Mar/06
I homestly believe that he's 5'6 - 5'7.....probably closer to 5'7. After going through all the links on this page I think that my "guesstimation" is closer to the truth than what he has been listed at.

sf said on 3/Mar/06
A-Bomb - First, you don't know how tall the trainers are. Shorter stars usually surround themselves with shorter people. Secondly, you can buy sneakers/tennis shoes with lifts, even sandals...
rwfender said on 3/Mar/06
i think he closer to 5'7 than 5'8...i dont really see 5'8 in the pictures where he is barefoot with katie holmes
A-Bomb said on 3/Mar/06
After watching the making of Collateral last night with some scenes of Tom next to Michael Mann and also of Tom doing physical training for the film in sneakers and him either actually being taller or the same height as the trainers I'm beginning to think Tom actually might be a legitimate 5'8"! Or at least maybe a 5'8 1/4" first thing in the morning and 5'7 3/4" at night.
Aero said on 28/Feb/06
height detective, as with any statistical data (and especially with height) there is a range for where we would judge a person to be of "average" height (this range could be 1 standard deviation from the mean for example), not just a specific value. By your reasoning if anyone under 1.76 is short, then a 1.77 guy is tall. You wouldnt compare and 1.75 person and a 1.77 person and call one short and the other tall, the height difference would hardly be noticable!
Height Detective said on 27/Feb/06
To make an opinion about a celebrity height , you need to forget about YOUR OWN HEIGHT , obviously , most people tend to downgrade celebrity for the fact that the celeb is more taller , or in the other hand , they say a cientifically short height is "average" , the average height for Americans is 1.76cm , below that is short , thats simple as it sounds.

heightdoesmatter said on 26/Feb/06
well you know what they say "short guys have big balls and tall guys have big heads." im 5'7" but always tell people im 5'4". taller thinks he's better based on height(bighead). shorter earns its based on prejudice(bigballs). this site reminds me of the guy that runs around talking about how big his little pp is. irrelevance is a must for the weak.
Lawrence said on 26/Feb/06
I really don't think Tom's style is to wear lifts. If he wears any type of lifts perhaps a couple of extra insoles that would give him only less than 1/2 inch increase. So guys, relax Cruise is definetly not a shorty and definitely not a Tally. If you should be a good judger of height Cruise would be in the range of 5'7"-5'8". Period.
trueheight said on 26/Feb/06
Rob, please repost if you can the pic of tomkat on the Motorbike leaving the MTV awards, you can get a great look at his lower leg and just how many inches his extreme shoes can add on. That original barefoot pic posted by Ronnie is very relevatory. I'm now 100% sure that he sports lifts b/c his lower legs are *magically* long in dress shoes but appallingly short barefoot
trueheight said on 26/Feb/06
I'm wondering if he editor can weigh in here. obviously from those pics, Tom is NOT a short man. 5-8 is just below average; So why does EVERYONE, even the editorial press consistently disparage him as a 'shorty'? Is it because they're on to his elevator shoes(if he even has any) or simply because they like to pick on 'different' ppl. Tom 'difference' certainly has come to light in the past year. So what do you guys think? Igenious elevator technology or unfair bullying? one of the two

Editor Rob
I don't know, maybe scientology plays a role in how people treat him? He is arguably most bankable star, but does not conform to 6ft 'ideal' height...maybe people feel better taking him down a peg or two...I think what Billy Connoly said is somewhat true.
Daryll said on 24/Feb/06
No Rob, I meant Glenn didn't meet Cruise, so obviously this photo is a hoax to get credibility online!
dmeyer said on 24/Feb/06
even thaught when i met him he looked 5'10 since he is smaller than homes he cant be over 172
Daryll said on 23/Feb/06
Nash, we are on the same level of investigation, one of these pics is bogus? You think Cruise cropped it and gave it to Glenn??!!

Editor Rob
you mean, Glenn met Cruise and Tom slipped him a pic? As did mark hamill, tupac, ozzy and the rest of them?

the thing about autograph collecting is if you're good and spend many years, over time you can get photos with a lot of people...

and please, stick to your original name!
anonymous said on 23/Feb/06
Katie Holmes said she was 5' 8"-5' 9" before. I guess it depends on the day.
D. Ray Morton said on 23/Feb/06
Weird. He looks around 5'4" in a couple of those shots. Either that, or Katie Holmes is really 6'2".
Ronie said on 23/Feb/06
Here are more pics of barefooted Tom Cruise in Sydney! GOD he looks sooo tiny
Tristam said on 22/Feb/06
Wow. Nice find, Ronie. That is seriously the first time I've EVER seen a pic of Cruise barefoot. I was starting to wonder if he wore them in the shower. He certainly looks shorter in that picture than in many other pics, but since I don't know the heights of the others...

Does anyone else notice his torso looks smaller (proportionally) than his legs? Anyways, I think this pic looks to show Cruise more around a low-end height guesstimate (around 5'7 even).
nash said on 22/Feb/06
daryll, you are so right. Tom cruise in that pic seems to be standing on a box or wearing huge lifts. Glenns head is proportional to his body but toms ain't!

Toms head is tiny on the 1st pic (the one he looks taller)
susan said on 22/Feb/06
if tom says hes 5-8 that means he really is 5-6. thats what everyone does in hollywood so u feel obliged to do the same so to not be in disadvantage from the rest.
daryll said on 21/Feb/06
Either Glenn has a really big, good-looking head, or this pic is a bogus.

Editor Rob
well, his head does look above average size...and if he's a little closer to camera it will look a little bit more aswell, but please, stick to the one name, there's no need to change it...

the bigger version
dmeyer said on 21/Feb/06
it is true that his body looks short in that pic
TJ said on 21/Feb/06
Polska, I agree that Tom can look 5'8, but also think the theory can be thrown out due to pics where he looks shorter. The pics where he looks 5'8 can be explained by lifts. How do you explain the ones where he looks max 5'7? You can elevate your height, but not decrease your height :-) For me, the Sinatra pic proves Tom is nearer 5'7 than 5'8.
Ronie said on 20/Feb/06
Check out this photo of Tom and Katie in Australia with James Packer, this is by the way the first time I see Mr Cruise barefooted!

Notice how small his arms and legs are next to everybody else in the photo. I'm really starting to think that he's no taller than 5'6"
Polska said on 20/Feb/06
You know, I've always been stuck on him being 5'7" but the more I look at different pictures I think he really is closer to 5'8." There are a few pics where he looks like he could really be 5'7" but these are few and could just be due to the camera angle. Those pics with Glenn really seal it for me. I think in the first if Glenn weren't slouching and leaning into him he'd be just a bit taller putting Tom at just under 5'8". The second one is a little strange as Tom looks taller than Glenn but if Tom were to ever wear lifts in public you can bet they'd be for formal wear, so maybe he's wearing lifts there. Or maybe there the angle favors Tom?
Height Detective said on 17/Feb/06
"Tom and I didn't have a problem with the height differential but Paramount did, so we tried to hide it. "
Kelly McGillis
Anonymous said on 16/Feb/06
I'd say he's 5'7.

It seems that we can explain the pictures where he looks tall as he wears lifts and elevator shoes, but we can't seem to explain the pictures where he looks shorter.
A-Bomb said on 16/Feb/06
Ok not the greatest of photos but here's Cruise with Larry King who's height listing are always 5'7" or 5'7 1/2". He looks about the same taking into consideration where they are positioned.
Viper652 said on 14/Feb/06
Ive seen a 5-5 listing for him in a magazine once.
Serene said on 13/Feb/06
I saw a magazine posting him as 5'7" only
tgri said on 12/Feb/06
rob, has tom cruise ever clamed a height for himself? if he did iam willing to bet it was taller then 5'7.

Editor Rob
I've only ever seen one quote '5ft 9' on a fan site, but there is no source, so without knowing what interview who knows...
JDrozen said on 12/Feb/06
Just becasue Evans told her height it doesn't mean it's true Rob. She could be lying. Those measurements are from sport organisations. They need the true statistics.
dmeyer said on 12/Feb/06
when i met him on war of the worlds i was wearing 1.5" shoes so i was 6'1" with shoes and tom looked 2 inches shorter than me so 5'11 he had only 1 inch heel he must have been wearing huge lifts also he runing on the set but it is funny because he never apear that tall near holmes i think he is 5'8 wears 3 inches lifts =5'11 and looks 5'10
tgri said on 12/Feb/06
rob , i asked on sly's page . now tom. what is the tallest and the shortest tom has been on here ? ive only seen 171cm and 172cm.. has he ever been 5'8?

Editor Rob
no, he's held 172cm steady for a while now...
Specialist said on 11/Feb/06
This pic is pretty dam funny, San mentioned this but look at all of their heels:

Brad looks like hes wearing hefty heels, Tom looks like hes packin heels
Theyre both packin but Brad looks like hes wearing higher heels to be 2-3 inches taller than 5'10.5 Nicole Kidman with heels.
Anonymous said on 10/Feb/06
How tall did glenn judge him to be? And was his footwear suspect?

Editor Rob
I think 5ft 8 max was what Glenn thought of Cruise in person...

certainly, Cruise is one guy who you won't find slouching in photo ops!!!
Jeff said on 10/Feb/06
6'& 18 do you mean that Tom Cruise is a genuine 5'9" or so in regular shoes or elevator shoes?
6' & 18 said on 8/Feb/06
Well, Glenn is 5' 8" (he claims) and Tom Cruise in this pic is an inch taller than him. That's all I'm gonna say...
Alex said on 6/Feb/06
Yea, Brad does look 5'11 in that picture. He could possibly be 5'11. Also shows that Tom is not over 5'7. Rob I think it's time to downgrade Tom to 5'7 flat.
susan said on 6/Feb/06
SINATRA was close 2 5-9 and Tom is 5-6. both wearing lifts on that pic.
TJ said on 6/Feb/06
That Sinatra pic is interesting. Perhaps Cruise didn't wear lifts back then and Sinatra did, or perhaps Sinatra was really closer to 5'9 than 5'8.
JR said on 5/Feb/06
Hey 6 foot,
Technically, you are right. 5'9 is exactly average in America. But 5'7 is within average "range". So it is not short. Those 2 inches are not much. Also, if Tom is 5'7.5, then that rounds him up to 5'8. How much more "average" do you want? I know average height is on the rise for new generations, like you, but many would still consider anything above 5'9 average/tall, including 5'9.5.
Amanda said on 5/Feb/06
I think 172 cm seems about right for Tom.
D. Ray Morton said on 5/Feb/06
"this is creepy..."

Interesting choice of words. Why "creepy?"

Thanks for the link, but...???
6 foot 1.5, 16, still growing said on 5/Feb/06
JR, sorry to tell you, but 5 foot 7 is not an average height in America, 5 foot 9.5 is.
Viper652 said on 4/Feb/06
Holy crap, Brad TOWERS over Cruise in that pic San linked. Brad looks a solid 5-11 there.
brazilian guy said on 3/Feb/06
i think that glenn´s telling the truth about his height
i´m 5'7", and i know a lot of guys this height, for me he looks 172-173 no problem with that
i can´t see any reason for him to lie about it, because the intencion of this site is to show the reality about artists heights
i´ve realized a lot of people lie their heights, i´ve got friends my height that says they´re 173, so 3 for cms people normaly raise in their heights, cause they use to mesure with shoes on
tom looks 171-172 tops
his height is right here
i stil have doubts about farrell don´t belive he´s 177, looks 174 tops, but let´s see
Matt said on 2/Feb/06
If Tom has an astonishingly large head physically, then Glenn's head is monsterous. Also, Glenn has terrible english. Maybe we should "brake out" the measuring tape as Glenn said and measure Glenn. I'm not advocating Scientology or anything, but I can think of things I care about more than how tall Tom Cruise is.
Alex said on 2/Feb/06
Tom is def. wearing lifts in the pic with 5'8 Glenn. Tom looks like 5'10 in that picture with whatever shoes he has on because I'd guess Glenn is 5'9 with normal footwear so Tom is wearing 3 inch lifts.
Carly said on 31/Jan/06
I was in an elevator in NYC with Tom Cruise in 2002. I am 5'7" and was wearing flats. He was wearing shoes that were slightly built up (similar to doc martens but looked like they had a lift in them.) He was maybe an inch taller than me in that elevator. I am guessing he is problably 5'6" based on my experience of standing shoulder to shoulder with him. He is small, but has an astonishingly big head (literally and figuratively)for a guy of his stature. Arms looked totally normal sized.
jeff said on 30/Jan/06
The guy has existed and succeeded in the Holloywood environment for well over 20 years - a world underpinned by appearance and the competiveness that must follow. We see that notion frequetnly characterised by fake tan, botox, hair transplants, extensive cosmetic surgery etc etc. Tom is a short man, on any objective assessment do you really think he's going to ignore the prospect of a readily accessible height increase - he wears elevator shoes all the time. Similarly, he's employed in a world of make believe. He gets paid to pretend - enough said.
trueheight said on 29/Jan/06
I truly believe Tom is unfairly being pinned down by the media. Glenn offers some great pics. Eg: I always though Tom had short arms, but they look very normal compared to glenn's. I don't think this link will merit much debate in the future

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.