Hugh 190cm said on 12/Jun/09
I always read 6ft4.5.
RisingForce said on 28/May/09
Yeah, I still believe that he was 6'4". If not then he was certainly close to 6'4". He always looked huge in movies.
Gonzalo said on 25/May/09
Interesting excerpt, RisingForce. Wayne was tall. And big. Anything under 1`90 sounds hard to believe
mike c said on 14/May/09
Guys, I wrote May 13th.:
Paul, you truly need new glasses. Watch Dark Command with Wayne and Roy Rogers. Rogers, 5'10.5" with boots and Wayne. They're side by side and face to face to face...Wayne towers over Roy..The Duke...6'4.5" at his prime! No doubt!
RisingForce said on 14/May/09
here's an interesting excerpt from a book.
"Not having quite so much fun, though, was Capucine, who played the French girl Wayne brings back for his partner. When I interviewed her at Pinewood Studios where she was filming Arabian Adventure, she told me, "I wish I could say I liked John Wayne very much. But I didn't. I just happened to be someone who was in a John Wayne picture. He knew it, and he expected everyone else to know it. He was not the man I had expected. I was surprised he wore a toupee because he was losing his hair. And I thought he was supposed to be so tall, but he wore lifts in his boots." Actually, the subject of the "lifts" had come up before, and Wayne himself explained: "I've often heard people accuse me of being shorter than I am and trying to look bigger by having big heels on my boots. Of course I had big heels when I was in a Western. Cowboys had big heels. But this picture [Brannigan] isn'ta cowboy picture. Here, look at my shoes. Do you see any lifts?" I said I didn't. He said, "Do I seem short to you?" He didn't."
Click Herei believe wayne was 6-4, but the lifts stuff is interesting. he was accused of that a lot, not only by his co-star, but by robert mitchum and bobby darin as well.
tubbs said on 13/May/09
If you watch Brannigan, which was made in 1975, in the long shots Duke is virtually a full head taller than Attenborough, who at the time would have been around the 5'7" mark. He also had atleast an inch on Mel Ferrer who is listed as 6'3". In the movie he is in dress shoes, definitely not in lifts, there are several close ups of his feet in the film too. He was 6'4", there is footage of him on Youtube on the Bob Hope show, compare when he is chatting to Hope in a suit, probably in dress shoes, and when he is in cowboys boots, he looks 6'6" in the boots, maybe more.
mike c said on 13/May/09
Paul, you truly need new glasses. Watch Dark Command with Wayne and Roy Rogers. Rogers, 5'10.5" with boots and Wayne. They're side by side and face to face to face...Wayne towers over Roy..The Duke...6'4.5" at his prime! No doubt!
Brunobrowne said on 13/May/09
Listen Paul even 6'4'' doubters still have Wayne at 6'2'' min so forget about your 6' rubbish.
Paul said on 13/May/09
Check out the 1935 movie 'The dawn rider'. In that movie John Wayne is at or just above the height of the other actors. 6' or maybe 6'1" is all he appears to be in a full lenth body shot.
Anonymous said on 10/May/09
Wayne was 6'3 in his socks.
Doug said on 6/May/09
Wayne looked the full foot taller I thought.
mike c said on 5/May/09
Doug, Ed. Rob is listing Ann as 5'4.5" and yes, Wayne towered over her.
Doug said on 5/May/09
I could buy 6'4.5" for Wayne in boots at peak. He certainly looked a strong 6'4" in boots anyway, it is difficult though to judge just how tall he was in his barefeet. I've also started to believe the full 6'4" for Eastwood too, a video of him with a 5'8" guy loomed nearly a head taller than him and also in one scene in Josey Wales he was only an inch of a likely 6'8" door frame with his cowboy boots and hat. I doubt both man were EXACTLY 6'4" but they were certainly around this height,
Doug said on 5/May/09
I don't know how tall the Swedish actress Ann-Margaret was but Wayne looked a giant compared to her, he looked the full 6'4" to me in The Train Robbers.
Doug said on 5/May/09
Mmm its difficult to tell what his precise barefoot measurement was. All I know is that he looked very similar in stature to an uncle of mine in height and build, and we call him Big Uncle Ernie. He's 6'3" and around 17 1/2 stone about 250 pounds (with a pot belly) and always looks huge compared to other old blokes in the way that Wayne does . Wayne certainly looked very tall and big too, he didn't in the early 1930s but he did later on. He had the frame of a man in the 6'3"-6'4" range undoubtedly although his legs were fairly short in comparison to his torso. I'm also gradually starting to believe that maybe Clint Eastwood was also the full 6'4" at peak. I would have estimated both men to be legit 6'3"ers, maybe I was wrong I dunno. The are very big men regardless of precise barefoot measurements.
mike c said on 4/May/09
Doug, is that a hint that you're finally coming over to the 6'.4" side? Hope so, because as I've said, we only differ on an inch...the width of my thumb. No way one can distinguish that difference when watching a movie. Glad you contributed as I was getting anxious...the last contribution was April 21. mike c
Doug said on 4/May/09
Just watched the train robbers from the late 1950s. Wayne looked a big 6'4" and 240-250 pounds.
mike c said on 22/Apr/09
Kas says on 11/Apr/09 :
I don't know how tall John was either, but I am a woman that wears a size eight in a man's shoe. I stood in his boot prints at Grauman's Chinese Theater also. His prints were much smaller than mine. I said to my husband, they must have not been his, these look like high heel prints. A man who worked there overheard us and said, no, those are his prints, I was here when he made them, and he had very small feet. We thought that since he was such a big tall man that perhaps he had to wear bigger boots, because having that small of feet would not look right for a man of his size, and maybe that was why he had such a distinctive walk. Regardless of his height, he was a mountain of a man and a true movie star. Maybe someone could get some mathmatical genius to study pictures of him and use scale to figure it out, I haven't seen the pictures of his bare feet sticking out of the hospital bed(maybe he had a foot double.)I see on Steven E's post he says the USC football roster says John was 6'1".Any of his teammates still around? Our genius mathmatician could get their heights(sorry they'd have to pay for all their own travel plans.)I just found this site,great to read the comments. I've been hit in the head with an axe several times, but my mind is still intact, thanks for having this site here,I'm enjoying it tremendously.
mike c said on 20/Feb/06 :
Interesting what one can do with mathematics! Looking at a picture and knowing or intelligently guessing the measurements of some of the items in the picture can help one determine certain facts. For example, the approximate height of a figure in a photo... Take the picture of John Wayne against the background of a log cabin, dressed in skins, with flat deer skin (could be another animal, but let's say deer) shoes on...Using mathematical ratios (the ones used by many a carpenter or furniture historian to duplicate furniture from pictures) one can say that in the picture of John Wayne, page 16, of.. The Duke, A Life in Pictures... it is possible to mathematically approximate his height. It's not that difficult if you understand that there is a ratio ( a mathematical relationship) between what an object measures in a picture and its measurement in reality. Let's say that in that picture (you'll have to buy the book to appreciate this or get the picture from the internet), when you measure the belt he has on, the belt measures 3/16" wide. I guess that in reality the belt measured 1 and
mike c said on 21/Apr/09
Doug, Patrick is not trying to impress anyone with his OPINIONS; he's not pedantic in his efforts to get his point across. Believe it or not, most of the contributors to this page agree with him. His opinion is just as important as yours. By the way, your opinion would have more weight if you didn't change your mind so much. Again,the difference between 6'3" and 6'4" is the width of a man's thumb. Impossible to distinguish on a photo or in a movie. We have to use points of reference when trying to arrive at Duke's true barefoot height. We've got to admit, Patrick knows his actors! mike c
Dean said on 21/Apr/09
Wayne was indeed 6'4" in his prime . The comment below regarding his shoe size is understandable . Even Katherine Hepburn commented on his extraordinarily small feet compared to his height and frame . He wore a size 9 boot . I , myself am 6'2" and wear a size 9 boot .
Patrick said on 20/Apr/09
Doug you have your opinion, I do have mine. Deal!
Doug said on 18/Apr/09
He was just a man Patrick. No need to be so pedantic. He was a legend yes. "impregnable as a fortress" come on..
Patrick said on 15/Apr/09
Guys, when i and most people think of John Wayne, the
adam said on 14/Apr/09
Scott, every book says Wayne was 6-4. Written document doesnt really prove that much. Everyone knows that his publicity height was 6-4. Now was this really true or not? We all know that Sly Stallone has been described as 5-10 or more while in reality he is very likely under 5-9. Wayne was a tall man and well-over six feet but 6-4? Possibly. Possibly not definitely. There is proof that he was 6-2 to 6-3.
Scott B. said on 13/Apr/09
There is a new book out on the Duke. The next time I go to Barnes and Noble I will get the name of it. The book said Wayne was 6'4 prime. My wife works with a lady who knew Waynes agent. His agent said Wayne was 6'3 prime in his socks.
He also said Wayne never wore lifts either. And towards the end Wayne was NEVER below 6'2. Also, The book on Wayne was written by some of his friends.
Doug said on 12/Apr/09
In Big Jim Mclain there is a scene where Wayne is standing in the centre and Alan Napier is standing at the side. Wayne walks towards the camera and compared to Napier only looks 6'2" ish. It looks virtually impossible to see how he was 6'4" next to Napier. Napier made Wayne look a normal height!
Doug said on 12/Apr/09
Wayne was definately taller than 6'1" I just don't think the man was anywhere near 6'4" barefoot thats all. Why would they claim is exact minimum barefoot height when his career was based on maximising his height and size and macho appeal? Now I've seen Wayne barefoot and the man was undoubtedly big I just am very uncertain about as high as 6'4". Alan Napier who was a legit 6'6" had four inches on Wayne. There are a lot of things about Waynes height that don't add up. I think Wayne was about 189-191 barefoot the same as Eastwood which explains the strong 6'4"-6'4.5" in boots.
adam said on 12/Apr/09
And Doug has some great points there. You cant ignore the fellow.
adam said on 12/Apr/09
What I would love to see is those underground early Wayne films. There is a page (
Click Here) where you can find a lot of them. Someone economically more powerful than I am can buy those pictures, such as "Idol Of The Crowds" and "Conflict".
John Wayne was taller than 6`1.
Kas said on 11/Apr/09
I don't know how tall John was either, but I am a woman that wears a size eight in a man's shoe. I stood in his boot prints at Grauman's Chinese Theater also. His prints were much smaller than mine. I said to my husband, they must have not been his, these look like high heel prints. A man who worked there overheard us and said, no, those are his prints, I was here when he made them, and he had very small feet. We thought that since he was such a big tall man that perhaps he had to wear bigger boots, because having that small of feet would not look right for a man of his size, and maybe that was why he had such a distinctive walk. Regardless of his height, he was a mountain of a man and a true movie star. Maybe someone could get some mathmatical genius to study pictures of him and use scale to figure it out, I haven't seen the pictures of his bare feet sticking out of the hospital bed(maybe he had a foot double.)I see on Steven E's post he says the USC football roster says John was 6'1".Any of his teammates still around? Our genius mathmatician could get their heights(sorry they'd have to pay for all their own travel plans.)I just found this site,great to read the comments. I've been hit in the head with an axe several times, but my mind is still intact, thanks for having this site here,I'm enjoying it tremendously.
Stephen E said on 11/Apr/09
According to the USC football roster John Wayne or Marion Robert Morrison was
6'1", I stood in his boot prints at the Graumans Chinese theater, the heal of his boot was half again closer to the ball of the foot, meaning he was wearing elevator boots. I'm 6'2" and wear a size 13 he may of just had really small feet but I am watching "They Were Expendable" A PT boat story WWII and Waynes charcater is in a hospital bed with large bare feet showing. My Father who was a CIA Investagator and 6'7" said Mr. Wayne was about 6'5" and commented on my fathers size at 280. They met in the early sixties when John Wayne came out to Edwards Air Force base to see some of our spy planes. He also met other Hollywood stars during investigations and many who claimed the magic number of 6'2" where inches shorter. I stood next to Arnold Swarzennegger who was shorter than I and claims 6'2". Finally being that tall is a pain in the arse, dad use to hit his head on the door frame occasionally when he forgot to duck, and he was 14 inches taller than his bride. The myth of height being important for success is just that. Steve
adam said on 11/Apr/09
Anonymous says on 10/Apr/09
Hudson WAS 6'5.
That is correct. Hudson also did look taller than Wayne in THE UNDEFEATED while Wayne was wearing lifts. But like Patrick said, Wayne was not in good health, unfortunately. And in the early fifties if they had made a film together? I think Rock would have been taller, definitely, yes, but..... who knows...
Doug said on 10/Apr/09
I agree Patrick. Bring back the macho man I say. One who doesn't spend all his time looking in mirrors like most Hollywood stars do today.
Anonymous said on 10/Apr/09
Hudson WAS 6'5.
Patrick said on 10/Apr/09
Thanks Adam! About such men and actors, it
Doug said on 10/Apr/09
Funny thing is Rock Hudson had an inch on John Wayne even when he was in cowboy boots and claimed 6'4". If Rock Hudson was a strong 6'4"er its difficult to see how Wayne could also be, this would make Wayne around 6'3" in comparison which I believe he always was.
Doug said on 10/Apr/09
Oh Hudson was a huge man. Interestingly check out how Rock Hudson looks in comparison to Reagan and then check out how Eastwood looks in comparison to Reagan. Hudson was WAY taller than Eastwood. Eastwood only had two inches on Reagan. Hudson has at least four inches and towered him, Eastwood didn't. I'm beginning to seriously doubt Eastwood was ever 6'4" now as this would put Hudson at 6'6" or 6'7". If Hudson was 6'5" Eastwood was 6'3", at least by the 80s.
adam said on 9/Apr/09
And another actors who was NATURALLY very well-proportioned and impressive was Victor Mature. He was around 6-2 with a huge chest and impressive arms. He was somewhat similar as Mitchum. Please, keep on posting Patrick. I enjoy reading your posts.
adam said on 9/Apr/09
You are correct, Douglas was a wrestler. And Bob Mitchum was an amateur boxer, not really a champion. Still, Mitchum was a true mesomorph! Very naturally build man, definitely. Duke was somewhat similar, if not that well-built as Mitchum was in the 50s. Mitchum was a big man with broad shoulders, barrel chest and muscular arms. Duke was also broad-shouldered and had big arms but didnt have a barrel chest!
And Clint Walker was a real mountain. Around 6-6 in height and his nearly PERFECT physique made him look even taller and almost as imposing as man can be. Walker was definitely a naturally hugely impressive invidual but Im sure he did work out in some way. Rock Hudson was very tall and very well-proportioned with long long legs and a big torso and shoulders. A huge man but not naturally near as impressive as Walker.
adam said on 9/Apr/09
Gonzalo probably still thinks that Wayne is 6-3!
mike c said on 8/Apr/09
Patrick, great to read you comments. Regarding Roy Rogers, perhaps you didn't notice the .5" which I wrote in place of 1/2". I used the decimal. So Roy 5'10.5"(5'10 1/2") plus 2" for the boots = 6'1/2" or 6'.5". Sorry if I confused anyone. And, you're absolutely right, size has nothing to do with it. Bronson was made of steel and, if I'm not mistaken, worked in mines. He was rock hard when he started acting. From what I've read about the Duke, he was one tough hombre. He got into many fights and could take as well as give. That fight scene with Victor is priceless. mike c
Patrick said on 8/Apr/09
Adam, I am positively sure Kirk would have beaten Rock Hudson if only because Kirk was a real wrestler champion, never beaten and size has nothing to do with that.
Chrales Bronson or Robert Conrad, around 5
mike c said on 7/Apr/09
Guys, I've mentioned this before, but no one commented on it. In Dark Command, 1940, Wayne stars with Roy Rogers and Walter Pidgeon. Roy was 5'10.5" inches tall. In the scene following a fight Wayne and Rogers get into, both are walking side by side on the wooden sidewalk. By using the pause button, you can clearly see (about 110-115 frames into the scene-start using the button when Roy says "Cupid") both have at least 2 inch heels on their boots. Wayne clearly, and I mean clearly, towers over Roy. Roy, 6'.5" tall with boots, Wayne 6'6"+ with boots. There is no arguing with what you'll see if you just use the pause button. Now, of course, you'll have to get a copy of the DVD (available on the internet for less than $20.00). Pidgeon, was 6'2"+ and again, he and Wayne are wearing boots with at least 2" heels. Wayne is clearly 2"+ taller than Walter. Great movie, it made a lot of money for the production company and added a stripe on Wayne's shoulder patch. Patrick, glad to have you back. I'll write shortly. Happy Easter everyone!
adam said on 7/Apr/09
Kirk Douglas would have beaten Hudson? Seems somewhat hard to believe. Yes, Douglas seemed to be a very tough fellow in his prime (and still!) but Hudson had to be 9-10 inches taller and having a great reach advantage. I would have put my money on Hudson if they happened to have a fight. But back to height discussion...
Wayne doesnt look much taller than 6-1 Raymond Massey. Wayne didnt give a solid 6-4 impression in Big Trail so... I dont know what to think. I agree of course once again: The man did look very tall in most of his films. Most. Not necceccarily all.
Doug said on 4/Apr/09
Charles Bronson yeah was undoubtedly one of the toughest actors, a real fighter He was hard as nails and would have beaten most taller guys at peak. Man I'd loved to have seen Bronson and Wayne fight.
Doug said on 4/Apr/09
Patrick, yeah and in The Big Trail the rare instance that Wayne was wearing flatter mocassin shoes actually demonstrated more his real height than in cowboy boots.
It was very clear to me Wayne was not 6'4" in The Big Trail and the film showed him at his real height, he was undeniably a very tall man but just not 6'4" barefoot. I can see Wayne around 190 barefoot judging by those pics of him barefoot.
Doug said on 4/Apr/09
It is not unreasonable that the Duke was measured at 6'4" in boots?
Doug said on 4/Apr/09
Yeah and Adam keep watching his other films too and you will consistently be trying to think how it is possible Wayne was ever 6'4" barefoot when he often didn't even look that tall even in boots. I really think it more likely Wayne was 6'2.5" and in standard boots hit the 6'4"-6'4.5" mark. I also don't believe he was wearing lifts as such before his health problems as the normal cowboy boots gave him a big two inches in height anyway.
Patrick said on 3/Apr/09
Sorry guys, but I had a problem to
Patrick said on 3/Apr/09
Guys, in the Big Trail, the Duke is the only one wearing Indian moccasins, with no heel at all while all the others wear regular boots!
Normal since he was supposed to have lived amongst Indians!
I am very surprised that all those in this site who always pull back the 6
adam said on 3/Apr/09
And my comment was not posted. I try it again:
In Reap The Wild Wind Wayne does not look any taller than 6-1 Raymond Massey. The difference is at most an inch for Wayne.
Doug said on 2/Apr/09
Adam has every reason to raise doubts that Wayne was ever 6'4" barefoot. The evidence is there, forget all the bull, in just about every one of Wayne's films. Watch him on film and virtually all of the time the height-wise person will be stuggling to think it possible he was 6'4" without boots and how he could ever be near 6'6" in boots when looking at him. Sure the man was a very tall big guy, but for those who know just how huge a legit 6'6" is realistically Wayne never came close walking about in his films. As I've said all along the man reached 6'4.5" maximum in cowboy boots and he did look 6'4" but only in big boots. I have reason to believe therefore it makes sense he was 6'2.5-6'3" barefoot which is still very tall and I think even that picture of him barefoot suggests he was around 6'3".
adam said on 1/Apr/09
Im sorry to sound like a 6-year-old kid changing his mind every two seconds BUT...
Just watched Reap The Wild Wind and Wayne DOESN`T look any taller than Raymond Massey who was 6-1! Please watch the film if you are able. It is in youtube. The difference is at most an inch for Wayne.
Doug said on 1/Apr/09
I would bet any money that Wayne was not 6'4" barefoot. In an industry like Hollywood and where his career depended almost entirely upon his image as this larger than life giant of a man why do people think his exact barefoot height would be listed? Cmon this is Hollywood where nearly every actor is listed 1-2 inches taller than what they really are. ESPECIALLY with Wayne where size was crucial to his image why to people think Wayne would be listed normally? Wayne admitted in an interview he does not give his exact height and does not tell the truth about it. Eastwood and Wayne were NEVER 6'4.5" barefoot and he didn't look that tall barefoot in those clips I saw before. In cowboy boots you think Eastwood and Wayne would have stood 6'6.5"??? This is clearly WAY off. Why do people keep inflating them? Yes both men were a very similar height and were noticeably tall, they were really around 6'2.75"/6'3" peak and always 6'4" in shoes, and came close to 6'5" in cowboy boots. Both very tall men, but clearly not 6'4" barefoot, certainly not Sutherland either. Tim Robbins and Jeff Goldblum are example of legit 6'4"ers or real 6'4.5" guys (who some mistakingly believe to be 6'6" or the full 6'5") and I bet neither Eastwood or Wayne were within an inch as tall as them peak barefooted. I bet Robbins would have been around 1.5 inches taller than both Wayne and Eastwood at peak. If you see Eastwood for example next to Robbins now, very difficult to believe they were once a similar height it has to be said.
Outlaw said on 31/Mar/09
I'm inclined to agree with Brunobrowne. Although, I'd say Rock's peak was probably around 6'6," Eastwood: 6'4," and James Stewart 6'3.5".
You done good, Bruno. But now Adam is doubting again. Come on, for Heaven's sake, stick with one height, adam!
Take care and may the Lord be with y'all.
Tony G. said on 30/Mar/09
Joe, no one (and I mean no one) who saw John Wayne in person ever referred to him as "small!" Just the opposite.
This is written in a book by one of his children (Aissa Wayne)... (The caption of a photo of Wayne with his wife at the time, Pilar): "She was a petite 5'3", 100 lbs., and he was a burly 6'4", 230 lbs" (1955)
Brunobrowne said on 29/Mar/09
Listen Adam this guy says wayne was 6'3'' in early 60's and Clint was maybe a tad less, come on give me a break, leaving Wayne aside Eastwood matched up to rock hudson to less than 1 inch difference, the only way this statement can be true is all actors have to be downgraded by at least 1 inch that ever acted with Eastwood or Wayne, J Stewart 6'2'', Liam Neeson 6'3'', Rock 6'4'' max ?????,
I saw 1997 absolute power eastwood dwarfs Ed Harris by 6-7 inches.
Just because Wayne beat your old man and you dont agree with his political views does not allow you to downgrade the man.
These are my peak heights
Rock Hudson 6' 5.5''
John Wayne 6' 4.5''
Clint Eastwood 6' 4.5''
Jimmy Stewart 6' 3''
adam said on 29/Mar/09
FPDAdam24 says on 27/Mar/09
My father was 6'2" and was asked to be a stunt man for Wayne in the early '60s. When he met Wayne he said Wayne was about 6'4 with regular shoes on. He said Eastwood was about 6'4, at best.
Joe said on 28/Mar/09
Several years ago I stood in John Wayne's footprints in front of that Chinese Theatre place and was very surprised at how small his feet looked compared to mine, I am 6'1" and was wearing size 11 cowboy boots and completely covered his boot prints with lots of room to spare..I just assumed he must have been a small man or just had very small feet for someone who was supposed to be so huge.
adam said on 28/Mar/09
I believe that Sydow was 6-4 peak. He looked to be over an inch taller than Wayne.
Doug said on 27/Mar/09
A lot people though are convinced Sydow was a strong 6'4" peak though but thats unusual then if Wayne did not look as tall.
Doug said on 27/Mar/09
Interesting. Adam, Max Von Sydow is often listed at 6'3.5 (192cm) too not the full 6'4".
FPDAdam24 said on 27/Mar/09
My father was 6'2" and was asked to be a stunt man for Wayne in the early '60s. When he met Wayne he said Wayne was about 6'4 with regular shoes on. He said Eastwood was about 6'4, at best.
adam said on 27/Mar/09
The 6-4 Max Von Sydow (a great actor) was taller than Wayne in The Greatest Story Ever Told. In that film Wayne looks definitely under 6-4.
mike c said on 26/Mar/09
Doug, I'm not disappointed. You make for a good debate and we're really not that far apart in our arguments. Glad you're part of the "struggle" to narrow down Wayne's height sans shoes or boots.
Bob H. said on 26/Mar/09
I agree with Doug. I did not see 6'4" in 'The Big Trail'. But in the 30's and 40's Wayne did seem as tall as Lane Chandler and Glen Strange. Both quite tall. And taller than Quinn, Fonda, Bond, Ben Johnson, Crash Corrigan, etc. I also think Wayne appeared taller later in his career. That leads me to believe that AFTER John Ford had passed away and Wayne was 60ish... he started wearing lifts. I do not believe Wayne wore lifts before say 1965 or so... because John Ford was alive and would have got wind of it and humiliated Wayne. Ford was a mean spirited man and I believe liked to make fun of his so called friends.
Doug said on 26/Mar/09
Yes, later he did look taller and much bigger. didn't see 6'4" in The Big Trail though sorry to disappoint.
mike c said on 25/Mar/09
Now Doug, is it possible you had too many Irish beers on St. Patrick's Day?
Doug says on 11/Mar/09
Yeah he does Mike C, you can tell by his sheer size sitting in that chair is was clearly taller than 6'2" even in 1976, looks to me like a good 6'4". Wayne reminds me in height and build of the South African golfer Ernie Els who of course they call "The Big Easy". Interestingly Ernie Els is also sometimes listed as 6'4" and 6'3". there are those who think him not quite 6'4" etc. One thing you've proved Mike is that the Duke even as an older man was still a huge man and was WAY above 6 foot even in the mid 1970s. I'm also starting to change my mind that maybe he was the full 6'4" without shoes at peak, its just I never thought he looked anything over 6'5" in cowboy boots thats all.
mike c said on 25/Mar/09
Love that movie, The Big Trail! I bought the special edition with extra features and so much information, especially the way it was made. Now, Power has on huge boots! All you have to do is use the PAUSE button and it's quite evident. In the first scene when he meets Wayne, it's very clear that Power has on boots with at least 2" heels. Wayne is wearing moccasins. These are what he wears throughtout both versions of the movie. There's no doubt, guys. USE THE PAUSE BUTTON IF YOU OWN THE MOVIE!! Later, when Power's flunky, Lopez, helps him take off his water filled boots, you can appreciate the size of the boots...they look huge, almost like the ones in the Frankenstein movies. All you have to do is use the PAUSE button! I've stated this a number of times and no one has yet to tell me that I'm wrong. Wayne, at least 6'4" in the Big Trail. Power, at least 6'1"...Outlaw, you dead on! mike c ps. Patrick, Gonzalo, we miss you!!
adam said on 25/Mar/09
Wayne was at least 6-3 and could have been 6-4 peak. Wayne was a big man. Not a first guy you`d challenge to a fight! As an interesting side note: Nicholas Ray cast Robert Ryan opposite Wayne in the film "Flying Leathernecks" because Ray thought that Ryan was "the only actor in Hollywood who could kick Wayne`s ass." Wayne certainly would have beaten most of the actors in a one on one fight. Apart from Ryan only Clint Walker, Sterling Hayden and Rock Hudson might have had a chance against him. What do you say?
Doug said on 25/Mar/09
Exactly 6'5.5" barefoot and the guy looks way taller than Wayne ever did.
Big King said on 24/Mar/09
Doug, even Ralf Moeller is not a full 6'6". He's 6'5.5" and still looks very tall.
adam said on 22/Mar/09
Yes and Anonymous was me, sorry about the name changing.
Outlaw said on 21/Mar/09
I thought he looked 3 inches taller, at least, but that's just me and my opinion. Yeah, I noticed when they were walking about Chandler seemed taller, but Wayne was also walking to his side and behind him most of the time, but when they finally got in the room, and before Wayne did his usual leg bend, they still looked about the same height.
And yeah, I thought that was Tyrone Power Sr. and yeah, he's 6'1". So unless John Wayne is under 6'1," he was most certainly taller than that man. Ya know, Wayne wasn't the only guy with boots on there, fatty had 'em, too, making him stand 6'3" and Wayne at 6'6". He looked it easy to me. There are no scenes of the two together really close enough, except in that bar scene and the one where he's standing to the Duke's left, where you can clearly tell Wayne was a few inches taller.
Take care and may the Lord be with y'all.
Anonymous said on 21/Mar/09
And yes, the fat guy is Tyrone Power Sr. who was 6-1!!!
Doug said on 21/Mar/09
He did not look 3 inches taller than Fatty. Well you watch Wayne and Chandler walk about and Chandler seems to look a little taller. Perhaps it is the ground level.
Outlaw said on 21/Mar/09
adam, you may think Doug has a relative point, but have you seen Winds of the Wasteland? I just watched it on YouTube, and when he and Wayne first meet, you can see they're standing on equal ground, both about equal height, if Wayne is not a hair taller or so when he stood up straight. If you haven't seen it, watch it and judge for yourself, but I see around the same height, possibly Wayne being 1/8 of an inch of so taller. And well, the fat man in The Big Trail taller than John Wayne, someone please show me the clip? The only scenes I see of Wayne and the fat man together, Wayne looks several inches taller.
Anyway, I'm headin' out.
Take care and may the Lord be with y'all.
Don said on 21/Mar/09
John Wayne was only 6 ft 2.5 barefooted. He wore lifts inside his boots to make him appear 6 ft 4 in. FACT.
Doug said on 20/Mar/09
Aw c'mon Wayne at 6'6" in cowboy boots is just dreamin, pure fantasy. Google image Ralf Moeller. Then you'll get an idea of how a man at 6'6" will look.
Doug said on 20/Mar/09
A 6'4" Wayne in cowboy boots would have towered the 6'1" fat man. Can somebody find me a scene of Wayne towering above Tyrone Power Sr.?
Doug said on 20/Mar/09
Watch the Big Trail and tell me you genuinely thought the man looked any where near 6'6" in boots in the film. That is as exaggerated as claiming Brad Pitt or somebody is 6'3".
Doug said on 20/Mar/09
8 inches? I think not. The woman is level with his nose.
RisingForce said on 20/Mar/09
In The Quiet Man he defintley looked all of 6'4".
adam said on 20/Mar/09
Outlaw, Doug is doing fine there! Doug has great points. We cant ignore the fellow. If Wayne was shorter than the 6-4 Chandler, then what do you say about that? And I watched Big Trail and Wayne certainly didnt look taller than the fat man.
Outlaw said on 20/Mar/09
Doug, it seems like you're talking to yourself these days.
Anyway, I checked out that Big Trail clip you put up, and I honestly think you need to put some glasses on or get a prescription. If you think he looked only 4 inches taller than that old lady, then his head was around 4 inches tall? Sheesh. She came around his chin, maybe slightly above it which would be 8 inches minimum. Take 8 inches off of 6'6" (which was Wayne in his cowboy boots) and you have 5'10," which I doubt she was. I'd say she was more 5'8"ish wearing 2 inch heels or so. It all adds up right to me.
I know you were addressing mike c., but no, Wayne did NOT look huge in the '30s, that is because he wasn't huge; he was very tall and fit. Later down the road, say mid-late '40s and '50s, he most certainly looked huge... Very bulky, very well-rounded.
I'm at least happy to see adam finally joined in and now realizes he was really 6'4". Unfortunately, there will always be doubters.
Take care and may the Lord be with y'all.
Doug said on 19/Mar/09
Started watching Winds of the Wasteland from 1936. Lane Chandler is listed at 6'4" and looks it and seemed taller than Wayne didn't he?
Doug said on 19/Mar/09
Remember Wayne is wearing a hat in the initial scene with her which gives him 2 inches in height, take away the hat if you know what I mean and he is around 4 inches taller than her. Surely that old women was no where near 6'?
Doug said on 19/Mar/09
Adam on YouTube check out The B_g Tra_l 1/10 and watch from 5 min 30-6.00. Wayne is only 3-4 inches taller than that old woman max. She looks quite tall but I seriously doubt she was 6'. She looks around 5'9" I think. Do you see Wayne has 7 inches taller than her? Wayne has always looked tall, even in this film but 6'4" barefoot tall, honestly? I think he looks 6'2".
Doug said on 19/Mar/09
Watch The Big Trail. NEVER 6'4" in that film. He would be minimum 6'5" in those boots if he was 6'4" barefoot and anybody who seriously thinks that the man looked 6'5" in that film is seriously kidding themselves. The big fat bearded guy had 2-3 inches on Wayne and was a likely 6'4"-6'5" himself and 300 pounds. If Wayne was standing at 6'5" then the fat guy was nearer 6'8". Seriously exaggerated heights. Watch Wayne walk in that film he didn't even look 6'4" in those boots.
Brad said on 18/Mar/09
6' 4" in everything he ever did or walked in Hollywood. Barefoot.
Brunobrowne said on 18/Mar/09
John Wayne (uncredited) in 1929 film Salute stood at least 2 inches taller than Ward Bond (credited), both were young men. Wayne was always tall. 6'4'' before cancer in early 1960s
Doug said on 18/Mar/09
Mike C, can you honestly say Wayne looked like a huge man in his earlier 30s films? I started watching The Lawless Frontier from 1934 earlier and again Wayne looked 6'2" max. I've studied him walking about and he was definately not as high as 6'4" at this time. Can you show me a clip or image of Wayne looking 6'4" in the 1930s?
Doug said on 18/Mar/09
Yeah I've watched a number of his films too. He sure looked bigger later in life though. That just shows that I am a good judge of height and weight if Wayne was 6'2" and 198 pounds in The Big Trail. I said earler too I thought Wayne was about 195-200 pounds in his younger years. When did Wayne grow the further two inches? He would have been 23 in the Big Trail in 1930 and the man was CLEARLY not 6'4" in that film. You can watch a lot of his films over and over again and find it difficult to see the 6'4". He had very short legs for a legit 6'4" guy, compare his legs to someone like Jeff Goldblum. I was watching Big Jim Mclain the other day too and Alan Napier seemed to have near 4 inches on Wayne. Compared to Alan Napier, Wayne looked around 6'2" I thought. I was almost convinced by some of the barefoot clips of Wayne looking at least 6'3" but was he really the full 6'4" barefoot? IN all honesty in The Big Trail Wayne looked no taller than 6'2" even in boots.
adam said on 18/Mar/09
But for Dougs and JW`s defence:
That big fat guy was Tyrone Power Sr. (who could have been his son) and he supposedly stood 6-1! Now in the scenes they are together they seem to be very close in height....
adam said on 18/Mar/09
And mike c, I hope it is Irish beer. Im a big fan of Irish beer nowadays. Guinness and Killkenny... that is pretty good stuff, wouldn`t you say. And in Big Trail Wayne looks tall, definitely. Just how tall? Hard to say.
adam said on 18/Mar/09
Doug, interesting. I`ll visit youtube and take a look at the matter. Thank you.
JW said on 18/Mar/09
At the time of The Big Trail, John Wayne was 6'2" and weighed 198 pounds:
Click HereThe accuracy of this article has been questioned, but considering its exactness and the time it was written, I see no reason not to believe it. The 6'4" height for John Wayne was likely fabricated after he became a celebrity--probably in the 1940s or 1950s. He was never 6'4" except when wearing cowboy boots or lifts.
To get an idea of John Wayne's true height, watch The Comancheros and Big Jake. In The Comancheros, Wayne is obviously not as tall as Michael Ross. I can't find a height listing for Ross, but he always looked to be about 6'4" based on his TV appearances. In the movie Big Jake, Wayne doesn't look 6'4" when compared to Tom Hennesy who was 6'5".
I have watched more than 40 John Wayne movies and I don't know of one movie where he looks 6'4".
Doug said on 18/Mar/09
Sorry I was watching The Big Trail earlier from 1930 and it has to be said Wayne looked way off 6'4". He is wearing boots too and looks nowhere near 6'4"-6'6". The big fat bearded guy in the film had a good two to three inches on Wayne. Wayne looked taller but not at a height you'd think wow he looks tall. I would have estimated that he looked around 6'2" max and about 190 pounds in The Big Trail at the age of 23. He looked nowhere near 6'4" in that film trust me.
adam said on 18/Mar/09
mike c, I`ll have to disagree a little bit. I think at that time Victor McLaglen was 6-2 max. Nevertheless, Wayne does look about two inches taller.
mike c said on 17/Mar/09
Happy St. Patrick's Day! I'm going to celebrate by watching the uncut version of The Quiet Man, again. If you haven't seen it guys, I guarantee you'll enjoy it. You'll especially like the finale. Of course, O'Hara is beautiful and was the perfect leading lady for Wayne. Those of you that still think Wayne was 6'2", pay special attention to the bar scenes with Victor, O'Hara's on screen brute of a brother (he was 6'3"). And, Bond is pretty much McLaglen's height...Of course, Wayne is taller than both of them. Gonzalo, Patrick, and Adam, I'm having a beer on you. Take care. mike c
adam said on 15/Mar/09
Anonymous says on 15/Mar/09
Sorry guys, but John Wayne has been my hero since I saw him in True Grit when I was 8 years old & I don't think there is anything about him I don't know. He was just shy of 6'6". In many of his films his leading woman would stand on a box or The Duke would stand & sometimes walk in trenches dug for him. He is still the greatest & even my grandchildren enjoy his movies!
Yeah... And Ward Bond was near 6-4 and Sterling Hayden was 6-9. Correct.
Anonymous said on 15/Mar/09
I just submitted a comment about John Wayne & did not add my name (not real good with texting). I'm Dodi from Florida.
Anonymous said on 15/Mar/09
Sorry guys, but John Wayne has been my hero since I saw him in True Grit when I was 8 years old & I don't think there is anything about him I don't know. He was just shy of 6'6". In many of his films his leading woman would stand on a box or The Duke would stand & sometimes walk in trenches dug for him. He is still the greatest & even my grandchildren enjoy his movies!
Doug said on 14/Mar/09
Yeah Patrick I thought he looked around 260 in the 70s. If he was 265 lbs that means the man was 18st 11 lbs which I'm sure anybody here will agree is an absolute mountain of a man.
adam said on 13/Mar/09
Well I disagree about Ward Bond. I dont believe he was 6`2+ because in Johnny Guitar he was totally dwarfed by Hayden. No way there`s only three inches between him and Sterling Hayden.
mike c said on 13/Mar/09
Wow! Patrick,you've covered a lot of territory, pilgrim! You dead on right, as usual. Glad you're part of the Wayne 6'4"+ team. mike c
Patrick said on 13/Mar/09
Doug, I agree with you as I do with mike c and now adam but as for comparing the Duke to Steven Seagal regarding their weight
Patrick said on 13/Mar/09
Many actors who were, I
Patrick said on 13/Mar/09
BTW my name will be honoured in very few time and I
Patrick said on 13/Mar/09
When young, John Wayne was already very muscled too; look at the pic sent by mike c too where he is in bath suit before a very admiring girls assembly. His shoulders and his arms are those of an athlete.
Laurence Oliver used to say that one of the most important assets for an actor lies in his physical strength. That gives him the presence others do not have.
Imagine Mitchum, Bronson, Douglas, Lancaster or even Cagney without that obvious strength.
John Wayne was as all of you or so, say
Patrick said on 13/Mar/09
Too many things to comment this time!
First, the
mike c said on 12/Mar/09
Here's Duke along with some other cowboys we all remember. See how many you can name. You've got to admit, he's in good company. Enjoy. mike c
Click Here
Ed T. said on 11/Mar/09
Great stuff Mike C. I do have the uncut version and will watch it at some point this weekend to gear up for St. Patrick's Day. A great movie with excellent performances by all, especially Duke and Maureen. Your right, we can debate half inches but there is no question that John Wayne was very talented. few actors could match his screen presence.
adam said on 11/Mar/09
Wayne looks big, thank you mike c and merry Christmas, friendo.
mike c said on 11/Mar/09
Guys, you'll love this clip if you're a John Wayne fan...Maureen is great. And, since St. Patrick's Day is just around the corner, you might enjoy watching the uncut version of The Quiet'll be convinced that Duke was one tall man with talent to boot. O'Hara was simply fantastic! As I stated in a post many moons ago, I've had a crush on her since I first saw her. We can disagree about heights, but I think no one can dispute the fact that both of these very talented actors had a special chemistry on the screen...mike c
Click Here
Doug said on 11/Mar/09
Yeah he does Mike C, you can tell by his sheer size sitting in that chair is was clearly taller than 6'2" even in 1976, looks to me like a good 6'4". Wayne reminds me in height and build of the South African golfer Ernie Els who of course they call "The Big Easy". Interestingly Ernie Els is also sometimes listed as 6'4" and 6'3". there are those who think him not quite 6'4" etc. One thing you've proved Mike is that the Duke even as an older man was still a huge man and was WAY above 6 foot even in the mid 1970s. I'm also starting to change my mind that maybe he was the full 6'4" without shoes at peak, its just I never thought he looked anything over 6'5" in cowboy boots thats all.
mike c said on 10/Mar/09
Guys, you'll enjoy this clip. Shows a very big (and heavy) Wayne chatting with 5'10+ Bob Hope. Good view of the shoes, also. This was made 4 years before Duke's death...still a very huge man.
Click Here
adam said on 9/Mar/09
Wayne wasn`t really that broad in his younger days.
Doug said on 8/Mar/09
Wow 270-280 do you you think? Thats like Steven Seagal territory, whats that around 19-20 stone? I could see 260 pounds. Mmm do you think he really gained 80 pounds? In the Big Trail in 1930 Wayne looked as if he'd be around 200 pounds which is quite low for a man of his height and broad build. In the Searchers 1956 Wayne looked to be in the 240 pound range I thought. I think 240 pounds would be a good estimate throughout much of the 1950s and 1960s.
adam said on 8/Mar/09
When Wayne was a young man (in his early thirties) he was probably around 200 or just slightly more. Possibly less. Then in the 40s he started to bulk up. In the early 70s he was way over 240 lbs. Probably 270-280. He was big from shoulders, arms and, at that time, from belly too.
Doug said on 8/Mar/09
Does anybody have any weight estimates or official weights of John Wayne? I'd have estimated 215 pounds in his younger years, 240 pounds perhaps by his later years?
Doug said on 8/Mar/09
Hi Mike C. Thanks for your comments, yes your great posts have proved to me that Wayne was over 6'2.5" barefoot. Without a doubt Wayne was a very big man without shoes, even as an older man as proved by some of your links, the guy looked huge BAREFOOT! and put to rest any ridiculous claims by anybody else here that he was not even 6'2" barefoot. I know its difficult to judge by looking on screen, but Wayne frequently did have at least two inches on guys listed as 6'2" even as an older man. The best proof we have of Wayne being minimum 6'3" barefoot was in the clip with the 5.9" guy (known to wear lifts) and Wayne clearly towered him, no footwear tricks. John Wayne has always looked 6'4.5" to me in his boots as you see him in the films so this is why I did question the 6'4" barefoot measurement as I know cowboy boots are known to give two inches in height and also all those lift rumours did have me suspicious of his actual height. Wayne always looks 6'4" to me in shoes minimum it was only his actual size barefoot that had me curious, especially as his size was very important to his image in films in an industry known to exaggerate heights, I hope you can see this. And yes heights are often difficult to estimate from film, 6 ft 5 for a man is huge yet when I watched Jurassic Park countless times before even knowning who Vince Vaughan was I never once though WOW that guys tall.
adam said on 8/Mar/09
Yes you have to remember that not only did Wayne wore boots in those westerns -EVERYONE did. So everyone gets about two inches more thanks to the footwear. So that kind of evens the situation.
But what I`m still wondering how short Ward Bond looked next to Sterling Hayden! Wayne never towered over Bond that way. Nevertheless, I`m starting to believe that Wayne really was around 6-4.
mike c said on 7/Mar/09
Doug, I've mentioned this a few times before, but perhaps you missed the posts. When I see Wayne and Stewart, for example, in scenes such as in The Shootest, it's quite obvious to me that they're both taller than their natural height. This to me is implicite. Stewart has always been described as 6'3" and I'm sure no one disputes this. Now, add about 1-2 inches for boots and you have a 6'4+ Stewart. The same applies to Wayne. Add 1-2 inches for boots and you have a 6'5+ Wayne. Put them together in a scene and the inherent difference in their respective heights is still 1"+ with or without boots. Use the pause button as I have suggested countless times (by the way, did you try the pause button while viewing The Flying Leathernecks?). I think not, because if you would have, you would agree with me, Gonzalo, and Patrick; Wayne was as tall or taller than Ryan (who, by the way has always been described as 6'4"). I don't buy the 6'4" with boots/shoes argument. I'm convinced, after watching The Quiet Man and about 100 Wayne films that the Duke was one tall actor! Remember my post regarding scenes with Wayne and other tall actors. The surrounding elements tend to catch our eye and distort either up or down what we perceive to be the actor(s)' natural height. I mentioned Jeff Goldblum in Jurassic Park-to me, he doesn't appear to be a 6'4" actor yet I know he is. I honestly feel that the elements in the scenes (trees, structures, dinosaurs, etc.) somehow warp our perception of his height. This is my opinion and because this sites is comprised primarily of people's opinion, I offer it. You may not agree. That's fine. Please remember that our debate now is down to 1" difference. That's the width of my thumb and I'm a short guy. I respect your comments and opinions, though, because you're not coming in from outer space with your comments. Let's have some fun!! mike c
Doug said on 6/Mar/09
I'm still waiting for Mike C to explain the aspect of it which doesn't figure with me. Wayne looking two inches taller than his apparent 6'4" height in cowboy boots which are known to give two inches. It might be difficult because often co stars are also wearing two inches boots but if you could provide some pics or clips of Wayne looking 6'6" I'd like to see them. To me he looked 6'4.5" in his boots at prime. Thats why I find it hard to believe he was the full 6'4" without them.
Tony G. said on 4/Mar/09
Adam: Glad you have "seen the light."
As for Boris Karloff, he did have a Frankenstein-type walk in that movie (due to the footwear) whereas John Wayne never walked like that.
Scott B said on 4/Mar/09
Good deal Adam! I knew you would come around. I am proud of you. I always thought Wayne was 6'3 peak, but Mike C. was just to convincing. JW was 6'4 prime and 6'3 at the end.
adam said on 4/Mar/09
Just a note for everyone about lifts in films: Making a fellow look let`s say as much as four inches taller without it looking "dumb" in films isn
Doug said on 4/Mar/09
I know I have read them. This is why I said "or at least 6'6" or over. Please read my posts below and on Stallone's page. I have clearly said "gaining four inches in height" in lifts is rubbish. You would literally need platform soles in which the front of the shoes is the same height all the way along to pull of four inches. Two inches though, quite easily.
RisingForce said on 3/Mar/09
Doug, 4 inch lifts are mostly exaggerations. Rob has written articles about this. To get 4+ inches over your barefoot height you need footwear that's very thick in the front or back like platform shoes or Frankenstein boots.
Lifts in normal cowboy boots or elevator shoes limit you to about 3 inches over your barefoot height because they put your foot at an angle as if you're standing on your tip toes.
Lets awesome Wayne wore elevator shoes or a cowboy boots/lifts combo that gave him 3 inches over his barefoot height(which I doubt he got). That'd mean he'd have just a 1 inch advantage over men wearing 2 inch cowboy boots and only a 2 inch max advantage over men with normal shoes. That means he'd look 6'5", 6'6" max even with the lifts.
For the record I highly doubt he even got 3 inches over his barefoot height with footwear.
Doug said on 3/Mar/09
I personally think Wayne was 6'3" peak height barefoot and in cowboy boots stood near 6'5". Normally he appeared 6'4" in normal shoes throughout much of his life I think. It still seems odd that even a legit 6'3" guy would need to wear lifts though. His height loss must have been serious for him to consider wearing lifts surely. If he was a legit 6'4" he was have naturally towered most blokes and needn't have been concerned with maintaining it surely?
Doug said on 3/Mar/09
Wayne was known to wear big lifts in his shoes towards the end of his career. It just strikes me as odd a 6'4" inch man barefoot would ever even need to look at lifts. Hell it is rare for guys over 6 foot to wear lifts surely let alone a guy of 6'4" who naturally towers above most guys in their shoes anyway. If Wayne was still near 6'4" towards the end of his career and reportedly wore four inch lifts wouldn't he have stood nearer 6'8" or at least over 6'6"?
Doug said on 3/Mar/09
Perhaps you could provide some images of Wayne looking 6'6" in boots? Sorry I just never saw that.
Doug said on 3/Mar/09
I acknowledged my mistake first time around when Gonzalo said. I was even aware they are different people, a typing slip. I just thought it was unreasonable for Shortie to also have a go at me about it, it looked like "ganging up" on me which was totally unnecessary. Wayne was 6'4.5" in cowboy boots in my view, a little taller than 6'4".
RisingForce said on 3/Mar/09
Doug says on 2/Mar/09
Anybody who thinks Wayne and Eastwood were 6 ft 4 inches barefoot really never seem to explain why neither of then were ever 6'6" in two inch cowboy boots let alone 6'5". Dream on guys, OK then Shortie Wayne and Eastwood never gaine any height whatsoever from boots they were 6;4" barefoot and 6'4" in boots too. Duuhh
Have you ever considered that the other men in those films were usually wearing cowboy boots as well giving Wayne and Eastwood no advantage? Watch those movies again, Wayne and Eastwood weren't the only guys wearing cowboy boots. That's why they often looked 6'4" in movies. Wayne often looked 6'5"+ though.
mike c said on 2/Mar/09
Adam, don't give up that easily. I like you. We won't shower together, but I like you. And just as you were inching up a tad...I think you were stating 6'3" a one point. Hey, That's what Gonzalo has stated and I respect him quite a bit. So, you're in good company. Now, if we can get Doug to shift up, where would all the fun be. You've got to admit, Patrick's logic is hard to beat! If you're gone, take care. If you're taking a break, relax. At least we agree 100% on something..this is the best site!! mike c
adam said on 2/Mar/09
patrick, thank you! Robert Mitchum was a cool fellow without trying to be one. Wayne wasn
mike c said on 2/Mar/09
You realize, Doug, you resorted to name calling and invectives. Shortie was attacking your logic, not you the person. Now, why would you assume that he is "probably 5'2" and dull as dish water"? Oh, I know, the same way you assume that the Duke couldn't possibly have been 6'4" nor Eastwood for that matter...why? because in your eyes they don't look it. Now, that's fair and I think most of us accept that, but you've lowered your standards to the level of the couple of nuts that post here once in a while with your name calling unfounded remarks. Some contributors use profanity when they run out of things to say. And, by the way and, I've said this before, Wayne was 6'4"+ without shoes and yes, to me and a host of other contributors, he looked easily 6'6" with his boots on. By the way, what does Duuhh mean?
Just show the rest of us who welcome a clean and fun debate specific details, articles, specific frames in movies or clips, and just one biography please where Wayne is described as 6'2" or less. In fact, there's only an 1"+ difference in our points of view; that difference is slightly more than a man's thumb. Besides, I get the feeling that Shortie is very tall, strong, and could probably put yours and my lights out at the same time.
Patrick, as always yours was an intelligent and well thought-out post. I agree 100% with your comments regarding the Lucy clip. I used the pause button and there are a minimum 8 frames where Wayne is as tall or taller than Woodward
(31-3 sec, 1:16, 1:27,2:43, 3:05, 3:17). The Duke's posture is indeed terrible in that clip and yes, he's leaning against the bar. Of course, were we to be arguing in favor of Woodward, we could leave out that very important piece of information. Hey, all's fair in war! But, those of us that love a great debate, have a tendency to disect arguments and use the PAUSE button. Yes, it goes against all logic: I'll wear lifts throughout my movie career to look tall, but I'll stoop and hunch forward and just stand in a very relaxed manner to negate the effects of the lifts. Thanks to you, Gonzalo,and Shortie (hope I haven't missed one) for pointing out that I'm mike c and not Mike.
mike c said on 2/Mar/09
Desi Arnaz was 5'9"+ and wore at least 2" lifts/heels. His family stated on a number of occasions that he was more like 5'10+. Let's split the difference and say 5'9.5" and with 2" lifts/heels he was close to 6'. In the photo with barefoot Wayne, the Duke is easy 5-6 inches taller, not a foot, which by the way. is 12". Doug, I don't think you read very carefully. In a good debate the opponents always listen intently when the other is speaking in order to prepare a rebuttal; reading and listening go hand in hand. I'm mike c (always with the c and always lower case). The other is Mike. Well if you haven't noticed a difference by now, you're not going to win this debate. I'm not delusional and have provided a hell of lot more proof than you have. So, if we're going to debate, let's make sure we at least get the names straight. mike c
Doug said on 2/Mar/09
Anybody who thinks Wayne and Eastwood were 6 ft 4 inches barefoot really never seem to explain why neither of then were ever 6'6" in two inch cowboy boots let alone 6'5". Dream on guys, OK then Shortie Wayne and Eastwood never gaine any height whatsoever from boots they were 6;4" barefoot and 6'4" in boots too. Duuhh
Doug said on 2/Mar/09
Doug and Dog? What planet are you on? I subtract 1 to 1.5 inches. Really?? What do you know Shortie? You;re probably 5'2 and as dull as dish water. Robert Davi was 6'2.5" peak as I keep claiming, Julian Glover 6'3". Pierce Brosnan 6'2" peak. Jeff Goldblum and Liam Neeson 6'4.5" peak I have suggested - ALL ABOVE WHAT IS LISTED ON THIS WEBSITE. Get your facts straight. My 1-1.5 inches deducation is for guys like Wayne and Eastwood who never were a legit 6'4" barefoot.
RisingForce said on 2/Mar/09
Wayne was 6'4" and Rock Hudson was atleast 6'5", maybe 6'6".
Patrick said on 2/Mar/09
I told you that there could be confusion between the
Shortie said on 2/Mar/09
Doug, I agree with Gonzalo. Please read more carefully and comment accordingly. Mike and Mike C are not the same person. Mike C has been contributing worthwhile comments and info on this site for awhile now.
Also, Doug and Dog are not "exactly hard to get them mixed up" but they are different. I do see the pattern of your comments on heights. You just subtract 1 to 1.5 inches to whatever is stated on the site. Fine with me.
Brad said on 28/Feb/09
6' 4" with no shoes. This was a big man. 6' 2" is laughable.
Doug said on 28/Feb/09
Mike, Mike c PLEASE. Not exactly hard to get them mixed up Gonzalo.
Tony G. said on 28/Feb/09
Adam, John Wayne didn't look nearly a foot taller than Desi Arnaz because he wasn't!
There may be shrimps that claim to be 5-9 but turn out to be 5-6, but Desi really was 5'9" and Wayne was far taller than him (even when barefoot).
adam said on 27/Feb/09
Gonzalo says on 27/Feb/09
Doug, it was Mike who believed JW was 5`8, not Mike C. Mike C has been contributing to this page for years and has always said that Wayne was 6`4+. Please, read more carefully
JW said that Wayne was 6-2. It was Jay S who said that Wayne was under six feet....
adam said on 27/Feb/09
Rock Hudson looked nearly a FOOT taller than Desi Arnaz. John Wayne certainly didn`t. Sterling Hayden looked nearly half a FOOT taller than Ward Bond. John Wayne never did. Yet these two guys would have been barely an inch taller than Wayne? I dont think so.
I think there are a lot of those shrimps that claim 5-9 but turn out to be 5-6 in film industry. Wayne sure towers over these folks that you keep mentioning but other fellows (who would have supposedly been only an inch or so taller than Wayne) towered these same people a lot MORE impressively than Wayne did!
Gonzalo said on 27/Feb/09
Doug, it was Mike who believed JW was 5`8, not Mike C. Mike C has been contributing to this page for years and has always said that Wayne was 6`4+. Please, read more carefully
Tony G. said on 27/Feb/09
RisingForce: Exactly! I don't see why others can't see the obvious. Also when compared with Desi Arnaz (barefoot Wayne and Arnaz wearing shoes).
RisingForce said on 27/Feb/09
Look at him barefoot at 66/67 next to 5'9" Ron Howard who was wearing shoes. He looks atleast 6'4" there. He most likely wore lifts at times, but he sure didn't have lifts in his barefeet!
Doug said on 26/Feb/09
I have always said Wayne was at least 6'2" even when older I just can't see 6'4" barefoot peak thats all. I figures more that Wayne was a strong 6'3" and regularly 6'4" as people saw him in shoes, nearer 6'5" in cowboy boots. Sorry this just makes more sense. BTW Ian it is not Adam who has the delusional trouble it is Mike C who thinks Wayne was only 5 foot 8. Hey Ed can you post your views on James Avery's page, thanks.
lsu alum said on 26/Feb/09
Could I get some of whatever Adam is smoking,drinking,or swallowing,because he is in the twilight zone!John Wayne was a tall(big)man.Maybe if I take what Adam is ingesting,I'LL actually see Mr.Wayne,and get talk to him.
mike c said on 25/Feb/09
Hey, even aliens wanted to know how tall Wayne trully was.
Click Here
Tony G. said on 25/Feb/09
Quote: (Adam) "Yep. He looks around 6-2 to me."
He looks more than that when barefoot and standing next to a fully-clothed Desi Arnaz.
adam said on 25/Feb/09
Yep. He looks around 6-2 to me!
Ed(1) said on 25/Feb/09
Nice video Mike, based on the weightlifting clip alone Wayne still looked to be in the 6ft2-6ft3 range barefoot, and this was while he was older. I think it's safe to say he was a solid 6ft3 when he was younger and 6ft4+ in shoes, or near 6ft5 in cowboy boots. 6ft6 and taller though I just can't see for Wayne, even in some of his earliest roles like Stagecoach. Maybe he was, but it just seems off to me?!
Either way it was cool to see Wayne in such a laid back casual atmosphere. To be honest all I've ever really known of him has been from his films, so it was cool to see these home videos that didn't reek of being setup or promotional.
Doug said on 25/Feb/09
Great video. Yes Wayne does look big but the camera is still on the ground looking up at him. Even Tom Cruise could look tall if they did that.
mike c said on 24/Feb/09
Guys, here's a very tall Wayne. Great movie! Pay special attention to the section where he's lifting weights (1:03)..he's very tall and the barbell is 5' long. I know, because I own one. In the 50's and 60's bars usually came in two sizes, five feet and 6 feet (olympic size). I think he's barefoot! Great speaks a lot about what kind of man he was.
Click Here
Scott B said on 24/Feb/09
The reason Adam Claims Wayne wasn't intelligent is because Adam is a FLAMING Liberal and Wayne was a Conservative as am I.
Doug said on 24/Feb/09
Hang on Mike a mo. So if I am correct you think Arness was 6'7" barefoot, so likely around 6'9" in boots? No, thats just not correct. The man was never above 6'7" even in boots.
Doug said on 24/Feb/09
Mike, are you aware that the discussions on this site are about barefoot measurements? The idea is that we take away shoes and boots off their height and provide an accurate barefoot estimate. Isn't this correct or am I mistaken?
Doug said on 24/Feb/09
Mike thats exactly what I'm saying. The height of celebrities on this site is supposed to be BAREFOOT estimates. Wayne was easily 6'4" in boots, so was Clint Eastwood. But not barefoot. It is the same with Clint Walker and James Arness yes they were 6'6" and 6'7" in shoes peak but not barefoot. 6'4.5"-6'5" and 6'5.5" -6'6" is more accurate the same as a 6'3" for guys like Wayne and Eastwood barefoot. These are supposed to be barefoot heights.
JW said on 24/Feb/09
John Wayne doesn't look 6'4" in this video clip with Morgan Woodward and Lucille Ball:
Click HereMorgan Woodward is listed as 6'3" in his biography. According to this website, Lucille Ball was 5'6.5". In the video, Wayne and Woodward are both wearing cowboy boots which would probably have 2 inch heels. There is also a possibility that Wayne was wearing lifts. Lucy appears to have on shoes with about 3 inch heels.
mike c said on 24/Feb/09
Adam, can you please explain how you formed the opinion that Wayne wasn't intelligent. Can you give us specific examples. From John Wayne, The Man Behind the Myth, page 15, by Michael Munn:
Director Andrew V. McLaglen knew Wayne for many years and directed several of his later movies. When I had lunch with McLaglen at Pinewood Studios in 1978, where he was preparing to film North Sea Hijack, he said, "People think Duke was not an intellectual. Well, he was an intellectual. He read avidly and could hold a discussion abou many subjects. He made himself aware of politics both nationally and internationally. Don't every mistake John Wayne for being dumb, just because he was big and kind of slow. The was only a part of his screen persona."
George Sherman, who directed Wayne in a number of films, concurred when I spoke to him by telephone for a second time in 1979: "I knew Duke when he was still a young man and I can tell you that he was an extremely intelligent guy. He knew he didn't like Communists."
Another of Wayne's directors and friends, Raoul Walsh, told me in 1974,"I got to know Duke when he was still very young and the only thing he did that was stupid was to let himself get drunk too often. But when we were making The Big Trail, he proved he was very bright and articulate. When he spoke as a youngster, you knew he'd had a good education. He had to learn to drawl like a cowboy."
I'll discuss his political views later in another post. mike c
mike c said on 24/Feb/09
Doug, aren't we forgetting to add shoes/boots to Walker and Arness...? I believe that was their height barefoot.
Doug said on 24/Feb/09
I can accept 6'3" barefoot for Wayne peak. But if he was wearing lifts 2-3 inches on top of a 6'4" natural frame wouldn't this have placed him in the Clint Walker and James Arness range of 6'6"-6'7"? Its just the math figures that the 6'4" wasn't a barefoot measurement. I'm 6'2" most of the day. Nearer 6'2.5" out of bed, 6'1.75" barefoot by evening yet in a good pair of shoes most people think I'm 6'3". If I walked about claiming I was 6'3" a lot of people would believe me I'm telling you. Anyway Wayne was large than life an whether he was an inch or two shorter than this in reality he was still a mountain of man in nearly every way possible.
Ed(1) said on 23/Feb/09
Doug, I agree a solid 6ft4.5 in shoes for Wayne is reasonable, but barefoot I don't think so! I honestly can't see him at 6ft6 or more in cowboy boots in any of his films, and the same goes for Eastwood, another listed 6ft4 actor. Personally I think they were both comparable in height, 6ft2-6ft3 each barefoot, and between 6ft3-6ft5 in various footwear(cowboy boots, casual shoes, etc.). If lifts were involved for Wayne as so many actors have mentioned, then he could get a good 2-3" in even dress and casual shoes, putting him at anywhere between 6ft4-6ft5 still.
It's very true that a lot of people forget to take into consideration how many actors inflate their own heights by a good 1-2". With the exception of a handful of legitamately tall actors, most actors do seem to get the bump, and this in turn can throw off a lot of estimates when sharing the screen with other questionable stars. Take Tom Cruise for example who is somewhere between 5ft7-5ft8, but with lifts and camera trickery can look 5ft10-5ft11. I still remember how shocked I was when I saw him in Mission Impossible 3, and he looked almost exactly the same height as Ving Rhames(5ft11.5).
Tony G. said on 23/Feb/09
Doug: Ron Howard was about the same height as two of his "Happy Days" co-stars, Anson Williams and Donny Most. Easy to see that when you watch a scene with all three of them in there.
Adam: The photo of John Wayne (without shoes) next to Desi Arnaz clearly shows that he was not 6'2" or less.
Also, Adam, on what do you base your claim that John Wayne "wasn't too intelligent?" Did you know he was a chess enthusiast?
mike c said on 23/Feb/09
My apologies, Doug. I thought your question was rhetorical. As I've said before, I can accept comments in the ballpark (6'3"+)...below that,I find them laughable. My friend, Patrick, made an excellent point a while ago as he explained the lifts rumors. Maybe he'll elaborate for the new comers.
No one disputes that Duke wore lifts toward the end of his career, but anyone can easily see (if he/she takes the times) that in the first 40+ years of his career he was a giant of a man; both in stature and in his influence on the movie industry. It's been mentioned that Mitchum said Wayne wore lifts. We all know (if we have done our homework) that Mitchum was a ball buster. He said things to get a rise out of people. Now, here's what Mitchum's brother and son say about the Duke in Duke, We're Glad We Knew You, chapters 16 and 17
(I won't give you the pages, you'll have to buy or borrow the book):
John Mitchum (brother)-"The first time I met John Wayne was on a picture called The Flying Leathernecks in the early nineteen fifties. We shot it down at Camp Pendleton, California, which is a marine base. You were awed by Duke when you first met him, because he is 6'4" and a big, big man, very direct, and very forward. The kind of man who means what he says."
Christopher Mitchum (son)-"He walks into a room and suddenly everybody knows he's there. His voice carried. His stance, an attitude, a position. It's a presence. It leaps at you. Plus the fact that Duke was close to 6'5" wth large hands. He was a big guy."
Now,we can argue until we're blue in the face about Duke's height barefoot. I have not come across anyone in the printed media who states that Duke was 6'4" in shoes/boots. Every article (with the exception of one), every book, every comment describes his height as 6'4". Everytime we talk about someone's height, it's implicite that the height is a natural one; no one is born with footwear . So, when we say he's 5' tall, it's implicite that the measurement is his/her natural height. We don't go around stating our height with the qualification of shoe/boot heel size. Height please. Oh, I'm 6' when I wear these shoes or I'm 6'4" with boots on.
Again, I can respect someone stating that Duke looks "around" 6'3" in the movies, but we all can agree that two people can look at something and form totally different opinions; that's why two people looking at a crime scene can give the police totally different and sometimes contradictory bits of information. We tend to see what we want to see. By the way, I caught a bit of Jurasic Park a couple of weeks ago-Jeff, to me, doesn't look 6'4". I know that he is, but in that picture, I can't see him as tall as the Duke. Why? I think the setting has something to do with it. The scenes, the background (big trees, bushes, animals), tend to offset his height. In my opinion,this is true of any movie. Van Cleef looks very short in the bar scene with Duke in Who Shot Liberty Valance. Yet, with Clint, in the sphagetti movies, he's almost eye-to-eye with him. So guys, let's keep debating, but please give me more than he doesn't look, he appears to, he seems. Give me specific movies, but tell me which frame I'm looking at. And, please give me some direct quotes from at least one biography. Love this site! Let's keep this debate going in friendship sans political views, please!
adam said on 23/Feb/09
Tony G. says on 23/Feb/09
Doug, to see how tall John Wayne was barefoot, click the link on my Dec. 23 post. You will see two photos of Wayne (barefoot) standing next to (approx.) 5'9.5" Desi Arnaz. Wayne is MUCH taller than Desi!
I remember JW saying that Rock Hudson looked nearly a FOOT taller than Desi. Hudson also dwarfed Kirk Douglas much more than Wayne did. And what do you say about Sterling Hayden? Wayne never towered Bond the way Hayden did. And still Wayne would be only slightly shorter? No way.
Yes, John Wayne towered over lots of co-stars but so did other fellows like Hudson and Sterling -and they towered these same co-stars a lot more than Wayne did!
And remember that Wayne is pretty much the ONLY tall (over six feet) person who has been rumoured to wear lifts. And he wore lifts in his later career, that is a fact. In his early career? Who knows. Hudson said that Wayne wore lifts. Mitchum said that Wayne wore lifts. In the Clint Walker page there was a mysterious fellow who said that pretty much every actors` height is exaggrated. (Please read the comments of Anonymous or Bob Atwater).
Doug said on 23/Feb/09
Thanks Tony for that link. Ron Howard claimed 5'9" but perhaps he was a little less I thought he looked rather small in a lot of films. Judging by Wayne in comparison and taking into account footwear I would estimate a strong 6'3"-6'3.25" barefoot for Wayne. One things for sure. Those images rule out the possibility that Wayne was ever under 6'2" barefoot or wore "4 inch lifts". Those claims are ridiculous. The question is why would a man who clearly looks very big barefoot in the evidence provided would have lift rumors surrounding.
Doug said on 23/Feb/09
Exactly Ed. People think Robbins is 6'6" because he IS this height 6'5.5"-6'6" in shoes. However the man has a height of 6'4.5" listed which is a solid barefoot measurement when naturally he always appears taller than this to them in shoes everyday. Its the same with the Duke I'm sure in regards to the shoe appearance thing. I think he stood around 6'4.5" in shoes peak. But not barefoot. There is a difference but I still believe Wayne was clearly over 6'2" barefoot. I don't think it is a good thing comparing in relation to other actors as the height of a lot of other actors IS inflated by one or two inches. I don't think Eastwood was just 6'2", he was 6'3" in my view. I don't think Caine was 6 foot I think he was 6 foot 1 1/2 not 6'4" and 6'2" respectively. This was their height in shoes as they regularly appeared so people assume this to be completely accurate. Take off the shoes and they lose an inch in height naturally. Same with Wayne, evne more if he was wearing lifts in his boots in some films. What a lot of people aren't doing on this site is accounting for this difference that guys like Ed and I are identifying. Mike still hasn't answered my question of why the Duke was never 6'6" in big cowboy boots if he was 6'4" barefoot.
adam said on 23/Feb/09
Patrick says on 23/Feb/09
But the man was a nice man. Watch the you tube last interview in 1979. A humble and simple man, very human and clever and wise.
Wayne was a nice man probably yes. He seemed to be very humble in most occasions. But on the other hand he wasn`t too intelligent and his views weren`t too bright....
Back to the height conversation. I just watched the original 1931 Frankenstein. In the film the 5-10 Boris Karloff looks at least 6-4. He looks enormous in the film. And I mean huge, while in reality he was a slender fellow of average height. At the times he looks as massive as say Clint Walker did in his prime! But my point is that while Karloff wore definitely HUGE elevator shoes (and you can see that the shoes weren`t normal), he still gave the impression of a genuinely large man which he wasn`t. If I had to guess those gave him abou three to four inches max but they gave him a lot more. So the way they made Karloff look enormous was extremelly skillfull to me. It was a great achievement to make 5-10 guy look that huge WITHOUT that looking ridiculous. It didnt look ridiculous. You could see that "he is probably wearing some lifts but is STILL a big guy" while in reality this wasn`t true.
So they could make a 5-10 guy look enormous in the early thirties. I bet they could make a strong 6-2 guy look 6-4+ in the 40s -> or so. Making one taller by a couple of inches isn`t that difficult a mission.
Randolph Scott has been described from 6-2 to 6-3
Patrick said on 23/Feb/09
peteyork says on 15/Feb/09
Tony G. said on 23/Feb/09
Doug, to see how tall John Wayne was barefoot, click the link on my Dec. 23 post. You will see two photos of Wayne (barefoot) standing next to (approx.) 5'9.5" Desi Arnaz. Wayne is MUCH taller than Desi!
mike c said on 22/Feb/09
Guys, compare the difference in height between Skelton/Wayne (see post below) and Skelton/Korman (6'3"+). I see Wayne as taller than or no shoes.
Click Here
mike c said on 22/Feb/09
Ed.T, the sites list Barry as 5'4". This sounds right as Wayne is easily more than 1 foot taller than he in all the scenes. Again, I respect thoughtful debate, but I've seen over 100 Wayne movies to doubt that he was 6'4"+ barefoot. I think I have a great deal of fans on my side of the fence. Appreciate your comments, though. Keep them coming. Also, agree that Hogan's and Andre's heights were exagerated by some 5".
Ed(1) said on 22/Feb/09
Ed T. you make some really good points!
I agree that overinflation and "with shoes" height is way more common then some people might think. Pro Athletes, especially basketball players which are known for being exceptionately tall, often give their "with shoes" height and then round up to the nearest inch. Pro Wrestlers are another group notorious for inflation, with Hulk Hogan and Andre the Giant being the best examples. Movie stars are honestly no different, and with their need to maintain a larger-then-life image usually connocted by their publicists and the studios who represent them, lifts and exagerations come into play often. Of course there are the rare examples of genuinely tall stars like Clive Owen, Nicole Kidman, or Hugh Jackman, but for every one of them there's a Tom Cruise, Al Pacino, or Robert Downey Jr.!
As for Robbins he says 6ft4.5, and that might be exactly it on the nose. But, the other trend besides overexageration is downplaying ones' height, because in Hollywood too tall doesn't bode well for careers. Shorter stars usually don't want to act along side taller co-stars, and be made to feel inferior and look tiny on the big screen! James Cromwell is a good example of this, as a 6ft7 guy who referred to himself as 6ft5 so as not to lose roles.
Ed T. said on 21/Feb/09
Doug, Ed(1) and Adam make some good points although Mike C. is right about Wayne looking very tall in the cottage scene in "The Quiet Man". Although, Barry Fitzgerald was obviously extremely short, Sean McClory ( one of the IRA men), has been listed at 6'2" ( although he certainly may not have been that tall but most likely had a barefoot height of at least 6'0") and Wayne appears to be easily taller than McClory. However, the issue of measuring barefoot v. "with shoes" is very important. Most "regular" non-celebrity people will give their height in shoes as opposed to their barefoot height, therefore adding at least an inch to their true height. Movie Stars and Pro Athletes , with even more reason to appear taller and have their barefoot heights inflated, are more often than not listed at their heights in shoes , basketball shoes, etc.( cowboy boots for "Western" movies stars). As Doug already said, a true 6'4" barefoot man would appear to be extremely tall in a pair of cowboy boots with two inch heels. In general, I believe that the reported or listed height of a professional athlete or celebrity is going to be anywhere from one to two inches more than their actual barefoot height. Wayne was definitely a tall guy. His peak barefoot height was most likely between 6'3" and 6'4", but as Adam pointed out, I doubt he was as tall as a Tim Robbins , who seems to be a legitimate 6'4.5" ( I think it is funny that alot of people on the Tim Robbins page insist that Robbins is 6'6" or 6'5.5", when he himself says he is 6'4.5". Chances are his true peak barefoot height is 6'4.5" , and he would be 6'5.5" or close to 6'6" in shoes.)
mike c said on 21/Feb/09
Guys, we all need a laugh now and then, especially considering the economic times we're living's 6'2" Red Skelton and 6'4"+ John Wayne...I think he just finished True Grit...the other needs no explanation. mike c ps. visually remove the shoes and there's still a 2-3 inch difference. Today's stars can't compare to these two.
Click HereClick Here
adam said on 20/Feb/09
mike c, wearing lifts isn`t always visible. Nowadays it is easy to buy shoes that make you at least three inches taller while no one notices a thing. Im sure that in the big business of movies a great number of people wear lifts. Nowadays and over half a century ago. Man has made some great achievments -it sure wouldn
mike c said on 20/Feb/09
Guys please correct me if I'm wrong, but in the 70's high heeled shoes for men were the IN thing. I got married in 1972 and wore dress shoes with at least 1.5 heels. Man did I feel tall. I'm only 5'6" and slowing getting shorter with age.
Ed, there are two great scenes I remember during which Wayne is barefoot. The cottage scene in The Quiet Man where he's told his wife has run off and the scene with Ron Howard in The Shootist... the hotel scene. In the cottage scene, especially, he's huge. Ron Howard is 5'9" and is dwarfed by Wayne in the hotel scene. If you get a chance scroll down and read the Time magazine article. Again, I've said it a hundred times, writers for these top notch magazines check all their facts before going to print. Appreciate and respect all your comments...well, almost all!
Ed(1) said on 20/Feb/09
Thanks Doug!
Mike C, I see what you're saying about the typical Wayne walk and I honestly hadn't thought of that. The thing is it's tough to make out in a lot of old video clips the true size of his footwear. Even in those great clips you posted, like the rare home videos, Wayne at times looks to be wearing some sort of a half cowboy boot/dress shoe connoction. Regardless, it was obvious he was a very big man, and I don't doubt he was at least 6ft4 in shoes, my issue is whether he was that tall barefoot.
Also, there's something about shoes from the late 60's-70's that is kind of suspicious! You had guys constantly wearing flared pants and shoes that always had a pronounced heel. Maybe that's what I'm seeing as a cowboy boot/dress shoe hybrid? Either way in the Tonight Show clip Wayne seems to be wearing something like this and appears somewhat wobbly!
On another note, that's the first time I've ever seen Wayne bald! I had no clue that there was footage of him out there without his toupee!
Doug said on 20/Feb/09
Groan groan I agree Mike. Did I say that Wayne was anything less than a big guy??? He almost always LOOKED 6 FOOT 4 INCHES in every way. I am not debating whether Wayne was small or not, he was unquestionably a huge guy and towered above most people as clearly shown in most of his films and with the general public. What we are questioning is if he was 6 ft 4 barefoot and questioning why he wasn't 6'6" in cowboy boots as you'd expect of a man this height BAREFOOT. He sure had the frame of a 6'4" man and was obviously tall, shoes regardless but there are a few things that don't add up when it comes to height in boots thats all. He sure as hell was at least 6'4" in shoes but it is the barefoot measurement we are debating. Perhaps you could find a series of clips of Wayne barefoot and we can make a better judgement.
Doug said on 19/Feb/09
Ed. Good find. Wayne can barely walk in the first one. He looked the way a 6'3"-6'4" man would in my view but the difficulty he has walking and apparent instability on his feet is highly suspicious to me.
Doug said on 19/Feb/09
That figures Adam. 6'2"-6'3" for Wayne barefoot peak is very accurate I'm sure. And yes Hayden looked bigger than Wayne. A legit 6'4" will always look huge anyway.
adam said on 19/Feb/09
Just watched Stanley Kubrick`s classic "The Killing", starring Sterling Hayden. Hayden looked enormous. A lot taller than Wayne ever was. But Hayden only claimed 6-4 himself. I`d say most people in movies lie about their height and use angles and lifts to make themselves look taller. Most. Wayne was probably one of them. And remember that in films many 5-11 guys can look 6-2 or so. A man close to 6-3 (which I believe Wayne was in reality) could look very very large easily.
I believe that Sterling Hayden was 6-5 in his prime, not only 6-4 that he claimed. But I dont believe that he was only an inch taller than Wayne. Like I said, Hayden towered over Ward Bond by at least 5 inches and at the times the difference looked to be a half a foot! Wayne always had about 2-3 inches on Bond. I`d say Bond was no more than six feet. That would make Wayne about 6-2 to 6-3 which I believe he was. And it is very possible that both of these men wore lifts.
And remember that in "The Undefeated" Wayne wore lifts and was still shorter than Rock Hudson by about two inches. I believe Hudson was 6-5.
Ed(1) said on 17/Feb/09
I found these two clips of Wayne and thought they were interesting! One is of Wayne on the Tonight Show from the 70's, and he seems to be wearing some suspicious heels that he looks to be having trouble walking in! The other is from the movie The Fighting Seabees, and it has Wayne dancing, something I would think would be tough to do while wearing lifts, but I guess anything is possible? Either way Wayne looks huge in both clips, easily in the 6ft4 range, but how much of that is shoe related is the big question?
Click HereClick Here
adam said on 17/Feb/09
I agree with Doug: Wayne never looked as tall as let
Doug said on 17/Feb/09
Mike C. If you think JOhn Wayne was a legit 6'4" barefoot, why did he never pull off 6'5"-6'6" as he should have done in boots??? Cowboy boots are known to give around 2 inches. How do you explain this? Guys like Hasselhoff and Robbins can pull off 6'6" in cowboy boots, Wayne NEVER looked as tall as these legit 6'4" guys do.
Gonzalo said on 17/Feb/09
I have uploaded new pics in the John Wayne album I share with my good friend Mike C. I hope you like it.
Click Here
mike c said on 16/Feb/09
Thank you, Scott B. I appreciate the encouragement.
mike c said on 16/Feb/09
Guys,here's the entire article I quoted in my previous post. Enjoy (Time magazine, June 9, 1967. I hope Ed. Rob let's me post it.

Editor Rob
mike c said on 16/Feb/09
Thank you, peteyork. I e-mailed that famous photo to my buddy Gonzalo about two years ago. Even though he posted it for me, I think someone else had done it before. Anyway, it's from the book, The Duke A Life in Pictures. Barnes & Noble sells it for under 10 dollars and it's packed with beautiful color/bw photos of the Duke. That photo, with the cake ( page 77), is a classic view of the stars that have entertained us for years. There is another very similar photo, but from a slightly different angle and doesn't have all the stars. The one I'm refering to (page 77) shows Marvin next to Eastwood, Hudson next to MacMurray next to Wayne next to Stewart. Also, Borgnine, Caine, and Harvey are to the right of the Duke in the classic photo. Just look at Wayne. How can any reasonable person state that he was less than 6'4" at peak ( I still can accept and respect 6'3"). Look at the background and his position in relation to Hudson and Stewart... in a suit no less! 6'4" Eastwood clearly two inches taller than Marvin. Look at their shoes! Wayne bending over the cake; he's clearly taller than Stewart and slightly shorter than Hudson...but not much. So, you're right. In order for the nonsense to fly, we have to down-grade all of the above by at least 2-3 inches. Sounds ridiculous? It is!
By the way, in Duke, We're Glad We Knew You (I've mentioned this before) by Herb Fagen, (1996)look on page 173:
'On May 7, 1967, Wayne turned sixty. One month later his sixtieth birhtday was covered in Time magazine under the headline "The Duke at Sixty." He was now the greatest moneymaker in movie history, with a total film gross of nearly $400 million. Excepting 1958, he was one of the top ten box office draws for eighteen straight years. He celebrated his sixtieth birthday at the primier of his 137th picture, War Wagon, in Arlington,Texas. Two days later he was at Fort Benning, Georgia, staking out The Green Berets during a long Memorial Day weekend.
"Give or take some creases over the eyes, the huge leather face has hardly changed. Nor have the jutting jaw, the laconic grin, the squinting eyes as blue as the big sky" Time reported on June 9, 1967. "The shoulders on his rangy 6'4" frame still look persuasive...He still looks born to the saddle."
I guess Time magazine is not a reliable source of information. The writer would never research his/her information to ensure that all the info was correct...The amount of information on the web, in books, in movies, etc. regarding Wayne's height is so overwhelming it's laughable. But, debate keeps this site going and I'm glad to contribute and compare notes...just don't give me the crap about Wayne's height being an illusion created by lifts, suits, mats, and fancy camera angles. Why do people always talk about his height? (as adam asked)...just read the Time magazine article and study his impact on the movie industry...he was greater than life! No one today comes close. mike c
Shortie said on 16/Feb/09
I was hoping someone would remember the interview where John Wayne said he lied about his height. I just remember Wayne's general comments on TV and do not remember whether he meant he was taller or shorter than 6'4". I am hoping some true diehard John Wayne fan will prove me right (or wrong).
Mike C, I did a bit of research on this too. I Googled and found no info on the topic. I thought Wayne may have said it on his interview with Barbara Walters (but not sure) and even viewed on YouTube - John Wayne's interview. Unfortunately what was shown on Youtube was not the complete interview but a shortened version. I do not know if the complete Wayne interview has been released for viewing.
Parker said on 15/Feb/09
Just thought I'd post this again. The 3 guys with Wayne are all listed 6'1/6'2 on the internet. Rowan and Martin and Tiny Tim. In this pic they will all be standing at a minimum 6'2/6'3 in shoes.
Click HereSorry 6'2 prime for Wayne is utter nonsense.
joy said on 15/Feb/09
He was Tall In The Saddle and a hero to generations that nowadays aspire to nobody in particular . Feelgood movies have gone . He was 7ft to me and who really cares. H E IS A HUGE MISS.
peteyork said on 15/Feb/09
What of the famous photo of an ancient Wayne cutting a cake with Michael caine, lee Marvin, clint eastwood, jimmy stewart. If wayne is 6-2, caine is 6, stewart 6-1, eastwood 6-2, marvin 6, which means brando 5-6,5-7. dean martin oh dear, see him walk down the street with wayne in rio bravo at the end 6-7 inches difference, 5-8 i guess. that means Burt reynolds 5-8, jerry lewis 5-9. Sinarta even with lifts 5-7. God I am tall at 5-10 and three quarters.
To be serious for a second all know lift wears have great posture. No guy who slouches like wayne is going to where lifts. Guys who wear lifts never slouch thats how you spot them. Why pack your shoes with two inches, just to lean forward and down and stick a hip out like wayne. Nicola kidman could have taken lessons from Wayne.
Measure yourselves, try a classic wayne pose and measure yourselves in the pose, guess what you loose more than an inch in height.
Rob lets see your wayne pose, with the tape measure behind. It will be a classic.
mike c said on 15/Feb/09
Nice bit of info., Shortie. I wonder, did he state he lied about his height by adding the .5" as he stated in The Quiet Man (6'4.5")? You've got to admit, this leaves the statement very open to interpretation. After all the photos, movies, articles, biographies, statements from co-stars, etc. I still think he was minimum 6'4" and very well 6'4.5". If anyone can give details about the interview I am certainly willing to research it. For now, 6'4" minimum in opinion and the opinion of countless contributors to this post. mike c ps, adam, you're slowing inching up to 6'3" again!
adam said on 15/Feb/09
Yep. That 5-8 thing is BS. Please do not post anything like that anymore. Wayne wasn
Doug said on 15/Feb/09
Seems a lot of us agree that Wayne was a likely 6'2"
Doug said on 15/Feb/09
Exactly Scott B. John Wayne wore 2 inch lifts or has least thick soled boots to make him in the 6'4" or 6'5" range. He was 6'2.5" - 6'3 barefoot in his prime like many of the actors who claimed 6'4" in the classic period of films without a doubt - by the late 70s has lost an inch or two so was likely 6'1" on his death. Sorry but he WAS NOT under 6'2" in his prime the man was too tall lifts regardless.
adam said on 15/Feb/09
Wayne was the same height as Lon Chaney Jr.
Shortie said on 14/Feb/09
Does anyone remember a John Waynew interview in the 1970s in which Wayne was asked something like "Do you always tell the truth?" and Wayne replied that he does not tell the truth about his height.
I think John Wayne was probably 6'2" barefoot although he compared his height to that of Abe Lincoln (at 6'4").
Mike, you said on your Feb 6 comments that Wayne was as short as 5'8". Then, on your Feb 9 comments, you said Wayne is 6'. That is a big four inches difference. You are a very INDECISIVE fellow who is desperately CRAVING FOR ATTENTION. Your acquaintances and family must find you very annoying.
Scott B said on 12/Feb/09
Mike C and others convinced me that Wayne was indeed 6'4 in his prime.I do think
he lost height at the end. In the Shootest he looked a little over 6'2. Wayne being below 6'2 is a joke. Keep up the great posts Mike C!
Tony G. said on 12/Feb/09
Mike, I don't think the standard size for a household door is 8 feet. The front door at my house, built in 1964, is 6'8" in height and for the interior rooms (bedrooms, den, family room) is 6'7".
A claim of 6' even for Johny Wayne is beyond ridiculous!
mike c said on 11/Feb/09
Thanks, Gonzalo. I'll certainly view the scene you've recommended. Believe it or not, I tried taking a picture of Wayne off the TV with a digital camera. I was going to e-mail you the pic, but the reflection distorted everything and I wound up with bright lights and shadows. Perhaps one of the contributors knows how to successfully take a pic. off the tv. That would be great. Cuidate, amigo. mike c
Gonzalo said on 11/Feb/09
Great post, Mike C, as usual. Do you remember the scene of the headquarters by the end of the movie, when Wayne and Ryan meet again? It would be great if you could press the pause and make a picture. In that scene Wayne looked, to my surprise I must admit, clearly taller than Ryan. All in all, during the movie and leaving that scene aside, Wayne and Ryan looked basically identical in height
Doug said on 10/Feb/09
I am not aware of a single pair of shoes or boots that can genuinely make men 4 inches taller. Total bull. Even the elevator shoes which claim 4 inches clearly aren't going to add 4 inches as according to these silly diagrams that keep popping up on here the lift is at the back of the shoe and is pretty flat or normal size at the front so would have the affect of just standing on tip toes rather than actually standing on a block or something. Now if the shoes are platforms, all the way across in which your toes are raised on a four inch block then that is the only way possible. I can't see how it is possible for Wayne to have gained four inches in shoes or Stallone for that matter. FOur inches is a huge difference. Its just rubbish unless they were standing in platformed shoes. 2 inches yes, maybe even 3 in monsters but not really that likely but Wayne was clearly taller than 6 flat. He must have been a good 6'2" at least barefoot at peak to pull off 6'4.5" which he regularly looked.
peteyork said on 10/Feb/09
Okay why does Frank Sinatra always come up to his nose, even when wayne is in the background in countless photos. Sinatra lifts yep, Wayne why. Try standing like Wayne does in movies, he is for ever loosing height to make other people taller.
adam said on 10/Feb/09
I repeat: Check the 1976 commercial in youtube. There John Wayne really doesn`t look anywhere near 6-4.
Scott B. said on 9/Feb/09
John Wayne wore 2 inch lifts. Towards the end he was no less than 6'2.. He was 6'3 barefoot in his prime and 6'5 in boots. And you Mike, are a buffoon.
FXR said on 9/Feb/09
Some of our Navy guys, (guys being UDT frogmen) in 1977 met John Wayne when he stayed for a while with Maureen O'hare and her husband down Puerta Rico way. The frogmen went by her house and dropped off a beer mug with the team logo. A couple days later, John Wayne showed up at a bar where our guys were hanging out, and he bought them a round of beer. Our team still has the photo. I can say from that encounter that everyone said, John Wayne is a big dude. He is not only tall, at least 6-4", he was Wide in the back and shoulders. He loomed over the UDT platoon guys, thetallest of which was 6-2" .
FXR said on 9/Feb/09
Some of our Navy guys, (guys being UDT frogmen) in 1977 met John Wayne when he stayed for a while with Maureen O'hare and her husband down Puerta Rico way. The frogmen went by her house and dropped off a beer mug with the team logo. A couple days later, John Wayne showed up at a bar where our guys were hanging out, and he bought them a round of beer. Our team still has the photo. I can say from that encounter that everyone said, John Wayne is a big dude. He is not only tall, at least 6-4", he was Wide in the back and shoulders. He loomed over the UDT platoon guys, thetallest of which was 6-2" . So take the lifts and pack sand with 'em.
adam said on 9/Feb/09
Bond wore lifts? Obviously. Bond and Wayne were both quite similar in a way, if you know what I mean.
Hayden was 6-5. Ryan was most likely 6-4. Fonda was 6-1 or slightly more. Cooper was around 6-3. There`s no chance that Bond would have been as tall as Cooper. Bond had to wear lifts. Like Wayne did.
And Gonzalo: Heston looking taller than Stewart? Well, that`s nothing. They were both about the same height. But still in many occasions the other guy can look taller than the other. Im 6-2, a friend of mine is 6-2. Sometimes I look two inches taller than him, sometimes he has the edge.... All about posture and stuff.
Bond was 6-1 at most. mike, I think Wayne really had somewhat short legs for his size and wore lifts. Still, I`d say he was 6-2
Gonzalo said on 9/Feb/09
Hayden towered over Bond in johnny Guitar. Ryan also towered over thim in "On dangerous ground". Bond looked as tall as Henry Fonda and as tall as Gary Cooper in "The unconquered". Height is a mystery.
By the way I have seen a book in which Heston looks taller than Stewart. Height is a mystery.
mike said on 9/Feb/09
Wayne wore lifts, adam, he wore 4 inch lifts look it up. If he is 6-4 on the set, that puts him at 6 foot, maximum. As far as doorways go, they are all smaller on a set than a standard 8 foot household door.
Just to put this to rest, we watched Wake of the Red Witch last night, because there are three scenes with Wayne barefoot in it. And remember, Gail Russell is 5-2 or three. He's sitting on the sand so it was hard to tell, we all thought he may be six feet tall at the most, he's a head taller than Russell throughout the pic. We froze it and had a nice argument, one thing we noticed is that he is long-wasted, has short legs for his size. Perhaps that is why he wore the lifts. I will go six feet on Wayne.
adam said on 9/Feb/09
My comment got posted?
adam said on 9/Feb/09
By the way: In JOHNNY GUITAR Sterling Hayden towers over Ward Bond much more than Wayne did. Hayden is at least five inches taller. That would make Bond an even six-footer. And Wayne always looked a good two inches taller. So that would definitely back the 6-2
Doug said on 9/Feb/09
Mike. I also believe that Wayne wasn't quite as tall as was claimed but c'mon he was a tall guy undoubtedly!! - lifts, Hollywood inches added regardless he still was clearly tall, most people must surely be able to tell this. He was certainly never under 6 foot ever thats ludicrous, watch him in the films walk through doorways and compared to other people and I personally can't see him under 6'2" he really was just too big to claim this. He had the long legs and large frame of a man and indeed presence of a man in the taller range clearly. Regardless of lifts nobody can deny that he was a tall man, it is just a question of how tall. 5'8"-5'10" for Wayne is a ridiculous as stating Seagal, Goldblum, Neeson or Selleck is only 5'10" it really is. We know that Wayne was NEVER under 6'0". Anything below 6'1" for Wayne is just not correct. Wayne's grandson is a boxer and is a legitimate 6'2" and probably 240 pounds. The tall genes clearly run in his family. I sincerely doubt Wayne was ever a legit 6'4" barefoot but if he was indeed 6'2.5"-6'3" barefoot which a lot of us here seem to agree on then in normal boots he would be 6'4" at least, 6'4.5"-6'5" possible in those cowboy boots he regularly wore. I don't doubt he was 6'4"-6'4.5" in boots he looked it a great deal of the time but pretty sure wasn't barefoot.
Anonymous said on 9/Feb/09
Ed, regarding your 6th feb comment, I agree with you. Even stars i like very much cannot be compared to pre 60ies ones. That's not a question of height: Bogart, E.G. Robinson, R. Widmark and James Cagney (not mention Mickey Rooney!) were BIG stars in every meaning of the word and were either short or average tops.
As for me, John Wayne always looked very tall ans so he was considered for decades in Americas as well as "elsewhere". He was always rperesented as a very tall man and I just wonder why if he was only 6'2 as Errol Flynn for instance.
6'4 proves to be very tall but not "that" tall as 6'6. Adam Baldwin looks shorter than Jeff Goldblum because much more massive even though Jeff is very broad shouldered. Liam Neeson looks rather taller too because of his complexion and you often need to see those tall - 6'4 - actors but very strapping ones as Wayne or Peter Lupus, McLaglen or even Clint Walker to really figure out how tall they are. As say Gonzalo, does the Duke not look very tall in Hatari, the quiet man or Liberty Valence ? Really? If you don't think so, "free to you" as we say in France and i won't try to convince you but, at least, that doesn't seem reasonnable.
Tall actors today as I wrote it right here many times, are relegated to secondary or "funny" roles, as Adam Baldwin, Jeff Goldblum, David Morse or the excellent Vince Vaughn compelled to play "buffoons" next to silly so-called actors!
I am pretty sure that even nice "new guys" as Tom Welling (about 6'3) or Jared Padalecki (around 6'4) wont find easily a job after having starred in their repective shows. James Corbett never succeed in finding good parts; TV is a sanctuary for them as it is for Vincent d'Onofrio while he's a far better actor than all the Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt (I just forget Clooney on purpose!) of the world. TV proves to be closer to "people" natural choice in matter of "what a man is to be". That's why James Arness starred for decades in Gunsmoke. Robert Conrad was short and though was a wonderful and incomparable James West.
Most of old time stars were pretty tall "in addition" to their own charisma and talent. I would say that the average was between 6'1 and 6'2 with some exploding that record as Jimmy Stewart, Peck, Heston and John Wayne. The last "tall" star is undoubtedly Clint Eastwood.
BTW mike (pity some can mis up your name with my friend's one mike C!), what mad house are you coming from, I mean it seriously? What you're saying is so absurd and awkward. That really makes me feel not comfortable because this site is dedicated to great stars and deserves the honest people who regularly write into in, whether I agree with them or not. Frankly, Robert Taylor being 5'3 is at least as laughable (crying with laughter!) as John Wayne being 5'8! Frankly man, I am sincerely, I mean it, worried. Just hope that Ed Rob will edit my comment.
Gonzalo said on 9/Feb/09
Wayne looked tall in all his movies, westerns or non westerns. Didn
Ed(1) said on 8/Feb/09
Doug and Adam,
I agree that between 6ft2.5-6ft3 peak for Wayne sounds pretty reasonable! Once you add cowboy boots he'd have been anywhere between 6ft4.5-6ft5 easy, and that's going to look pretty big onscreen especially next to shorter actors. There's a bit of a similarity with Eastwood and Wayne, in that they became so known for there western roles where they were always in 2+" boots, that it's hard to determine what they really were barefoot. The 6ft claims for Wayne are ridiculous, and I agree anything below 6ft2 is as well! I just can't say he looked as tall as say Liam Neeson does, especially in roles where he didn't have cowboy boots on.
I've been on a bit of a Wayne kick lately and the other day I watched Stagecoach. He did look pretty huge in that movie, but then again there weren't a lot of really tall actors as far as I know in it. George Bancroft(6ft2) was the only legitamately tall actor, and Wayne to be honest only looked marginally taller then him. It's hard to tell how big exactly there cowboy boot heels were in those films, not to mention with all the rumors of lifts flying around, it's very possible that only added to the illusion.
I agree there seems to be no real need for really tall major headlining stars these days, due to the ability to use camera trickery, lifts, etc. to make stars appear larger then life. Case in point Cruise (5ft7), who with certain angles and lifts can look almost 5ft11 at times. I's still interesting though that we don't have any real major box office stars these days, that are as imposing and larger then life as the Duke was. The ones that are tall like Hugh Jackman, still haven't become iconic like Eastwod, Cooper, Stewart, or Heston. They're on the brink, but haven't made that transition yet like say Johnny Depp did with the Pirate films.
mike said on 8/Feb/09
Taylor was 5-3, Dean was 5-7. We know this. This isn't disputed and they admit to it. Now, you are saying that Rock Hudson is 6-5 with them in Giant? Come on! And you are wrong about Moore I went and got the pics to proove it. I didn't make statements about Dean Hasselhoff Seagal or Lundgren, we were talking about Wayne, a man, who pertetuated a myth about his height his entire life on screen and off. That is why it is so facinating.
adam said on 8/Feb/09
Alright alright.. Anything below 6-2 for Wayne in his prime is nonsense. mike is a crazy fellow.
Chaz said on 8/Feb/09
mike,Roger Moore,is not Short,even now at well over 70 he is still 6',and if you see the film Bullseye he did with Michael Caine he is only a bit shoter then him,1/2 at most.
adam said on 8/Feb/09
mike, dont stop posting. I like your posts. And I agree with you on one thing: Wayne probably wore lifts in many of his films.
Ed(1), I agree with your estimate. Wayne was around 6-2
Outlaw said on 7/Feb/09
Yeah, mike... No doubt, John Wayne was only and definitely bewteen 5'8"-5'10," barefoot and in prime. And James Stewart, barefoot, must have been anywhere from 5'7.5"-5'9.5". Yep, Dean Martin was also around 5'2"-5'4".
Sheesh. What a total laugh... What a joke! I guess everyone in the world is a lot shorter than they say or that is claimed. This guy is really funny. Man, this has got me laughing.
Well, I've had my laughs for the week.
Take care and may the Lord be with y'all.
Doug said on 7/Feb/09
Seriously who is this guy Mike? I bet according to Mike Clint Eastwood now only stands 5'8" and never reached six foot at peak, perhaps David Hasselhoff being over six feet is also laughable and he was and ever only was 5'11? How about Steven Seagal or Dolph Lundgren, ooo, what 5'10"?? C'mon.
Doug said on 7/Feb/09
Ed yes I agree completely. ALthough many stars in the past were shorter like Bogart and Brando etc there certainly did seem to be a larger number of tall guys compared to today. Notice though that a lot of these men specialised in western or action films when it was the trend to be huge and macho looking or in horror films for the fear factor (Christopher Lee, Vincent Price etc). I still think that the heights of some of these actors who were billed as 6'4" are sometimes exaggerated I'm certain few of them were ever a legit 6'4" and were nearer 6'2-3" which was still very tall in the day, unlike Christopher Lee for instance who was likely over 6'4" barefoot atpeak. The trend for using tall and imposing action film stars did re-emerge in the 1980s and 1990s with guys like Steven Seagal, Dolph Lundgren, Ralph Muller etc who were all clearly over 6'4" but they never had the acclaim that guys like Wayne and Stewart had. Most film stars in Hollywood these days indeed seem to average out around 5'10" which is very close to average height. I guess height isn't important anymore, besides guys who are a legit 5'10" on screen can give a tall impression anyway depending on camera angles and lifts etc.
Doug said on 7/Feb/09
Yes I think he was a similar size to Eastwood at peak 6ft2.5-6ft3 barefoot and in a good pair of boots could give an impression of 6'4.5" or even 6'5" at the most. If he was 6'4" barefoot and was known to wear lifts he could reach 6'6" easily. He never did. But it is interesting to see the height difference between him and Arness in some pictures, Arness looks two inches taller I think only. Often Wayne appears to me to look a legit 6'4" but it is difficult to tell, also all those rumours about huge lifts and 6 foot flat descriptions are highly suspicious.
Anonymous said on 6/Feb/09
Hudsen was 6'5 and Wayne was 6'3.
adam said on 6/Feb/09
In The Undefeated Wayne wore lifts. And that is a fact. Rock looked still taller by about two inches. You do the math... But Wayne had lost height by then very very likely. Still, I dont believe Wayne was ever 6-4.
Chaz said on 6/Feb/09
I met Roger Moore two times in 1985,at pinewood i worked there removeing Asbestos,and I was 180cm just under 5'11'' at the time, and he had 2'' on me,at the very least he was 6'.75''at age 57,so he must have been over 6'1'' as a young man.and Wayne was not as tall as Rock Hudson,so iver Hudson was taller than the 6'4''that was clamed or Wayne was only about 6'3''.
adam said on 6/Feb/09
James Arness was probably a strong 6-6 prime. Ladd, Hoffman and Pacino were and are all short, around 5-5 to 5-6 or something. Jimmy Stewart was 6-3 barefoot. Eastwood was likely 6-4 (or just slightly under) peak. And like I
Anonymous said on 5/Feb/09
Mike: You are a JOKE. Roger Moore was 6'1 peak. Towered over Vandamm. Wayne was 6'3 prime. Arness was 6'6 and you Mike are living in the Land of OZ.
mike c said on 5/Feb/09
Well Rob, you might as well shut this site down...Mike, the lord, has spoken and adam is in choir...mike c
leonari said on 5/Feb/09
Mike you are a
troll. Laughable comments . Ridiculous. Roger Moore short...Thats a genuinely tall man!! Get a life and stop posting here. As gonzala said: go get some friends. I go further: get lost.
Gonzalo said on 5/Feb/09
Mike, go get some friends....
mike said on 5/Feb/09
Roger Moore is short. His co-star Barbara Bach is short, the same height as Ringo Starr. Let's get that out of the way right now. James Arness is no 6'5." That is a laugh. For one thing they all lied about their height on the sheets. Wayne wore lifts that is a fact, and the boots already had a heel. His co-star Gail Russell was short, O'hara was 5'7" with heels. These people were partially chosen because they matched up well. JIMMY STEWART WAS 6 FEET TALL in dress shoes, people. Richie Cunningham is a dwarf and so are all the cast of Happy Days.
Wayne refused to be photographed with Eastwood and in fact there are only a few Warner publicity shots of him together with Lee Marvin and Wayne and one is sitting, the other standing.
Flynn was a dwarf that is an undisputed fact. Ladd was 5'5" as is Hoffman and Pacino. Newman was 5'8 1/2". Wayne looked tall because he acted with short actors like himself, like Monty Cliff and Russell. Campbell, Duvall, Hopper, and especially Darby are all a bit on the small side in True Grit. You just don't want to believe it.
adam said on 29/Jan/09
Patrick, yep: Nowadays actors are far from what they were about half a century ago.
Mark said on 28/Jan/09
Wayne was 6 ft 4inches tall. You people are fools. James Arness 6 FT 6.5 inches.
Watch Big Jim McLain 1952 the movie they made together. Wayne was shorter but not by 4.5 inches. 2 inches at the most. Wake up!!!!!!
Patrick said on 28/Jan/09
First, thanks Adam. I really appreciate.
As for Wayne
Anonymous said on 27/Jan/09
6'3 PRIME Adam.
adam said on 26/Jan/09
Gonzalo, I dont know. Did you check the video I was talking about? He sure doesnt look very tall in the video. And was he really two inches taller than Stewart? He certainly wore lifts. Probably 4-inch ones.
Tony G, Im sticking with 6-2
Gonzalo said on 26/Jan/09
Adam, if Wane was 6`1 in 1976 how come he be (or is it was?) two inches taller than 6`3 James Stewart (6`4 in his shoes) in The Shootist? Was Wayne wearing 5 inch shoes? Or Wayne was taller than 6`1 by then or Stewart wasn
Tony G. said on 26/Jan/09
Come on, adam! You keep changing your mind! 6'3," "wasn't over" 6'1", "may have" been over 6'3", "barely over 6 ft," etc.
In 1976, John Wayne was much taller than 5'9" Ron Howard... even when barefoot!
And don't try to say that the "floor was uneven" in that "Shootist" scene!
And what about barefoot with Desi Arnaz (5'9.5") who was wearing shoes? (Check my Dec. 23 post with link.)
adam said on 25/Jan/09
John Wayne Commercial US Savings Bonds 1976. Check that on youtube. In the video he really does look under 6-2! Look at the very beginning of the video when he is bending. Come on: Does his body look long to you? And he probably wore lifts in the vid too. In his very last years Wayne was far under 6-3, no doubts. He really DOES look barely over 6ft.
By then he had of course lost height. But in my opinion John Wayne wasn`t over 6-1 in 1976. Check it out. And use your logic, your brains and not emotions. Thank you.