Rusty said on 25/Jan/09
He sure looked 6'4", but i think hed lost at least an inch in his later stuff.
mike c said on 24/Jan/09
HI Gonzalo! I think you would agree that Ebsen has the camera advantage. I think they would be equal in height or Wayne would have the advantage if photographed from the front. I've seen all the Beverly Hillbillies segments and almost all the time Baer is a tad taller than Ebsen. I've always read that Baer was 6'4". Cuidate, amigo. Mike C
Gonzalo said on 23/Jan/09
Sorry, I forgot to add this picture. Ebsen desn
Gonzalo said on 23/Jan/09
Max Baer Jr. is listed here 1`93. Here you can see him next to Buddy Ebsen. They look about the same height.
Click HereHere is Ebsen next to an aging john Wayne. Ebsen doesn
Brunobrowne said on 22/Jan/09
Adam I think you should grow up and stop making silly statements, John Wayne did and he was 6' 4''
Anonymous said on 22/Jan/09
Sorry Adam:Wayne was over 6'3 and was only an inch shorter than Hudson.
adam said on 22/Jan/09
Yep. I`d say Arness would have been the tallest one beating Connors very slightly, possibly by a weak inch. Then Connors would have had about two inches on Eastwood and Baer Jr. These two would have been slightly taller than Stewart and Stewart would have been slightly taller than Wayne. Of course Wayne would have been the tallest one with his normal sneakers.
My estimations about these people Tony mentioned:
John Wayne: 6-2
Tony G. said on 22/Jan/09
I was thinking... it would have been very interesting if this were 1960 and we could have John Wayne, Clint Eastwood, Chuck Connors, James Arness, Max Baer Jr and Jimmy Stewart standing side by side, barefoot, and on level ground. That would reveal a lot!
Gonzalo said on 19/Jan/09
Howard Hawks said Mitchum was a terrific actor but he didn
adam said on 19/Jan/09
Patrick, I like reading your posts, hope you`ll keep posting. And glad your surgery went well. Our opinions might be sometimes very different but I have lots of respect to you.
Mitchum is probably my favourite actor. I love his film noirs and other work too. He was great in Night Of The Hunter, Cape Fear, Out of the past, El Dorado and so on. Mitchum certainly had the charisma and the certain magic so that he was always _the_ character on the screen.
Patrick said on 19/Jan/09
Thanks mikeC and glad to read your words Adam (Gonzalo
adam said on 19/Jan/09
Gonzalo, good pics. My main interest is in the "Girls demand excitement" pic. Gonzalo, I assume that you are not that blind "Wayne is god" fellow so you can use your intelligence, not your feelings. Imagine Wayne walking closer away from the situation. There`s a tall guy with a white shirt. I`d say that guy would be easily taller than Wayne. Now of course this guy can be 6`7 or something but how probable is that? In my opinion Wayne really looks around 6-2 in that pic. He certainly DOESN`T look any kind of giant there. Just a normal athlete. A tall man but not bery tall.
Later on Wayne of course gained more weight and a pair of elevator shoes, which explains pics from his later life.
I would love to see that film, Girls demand excitement. Im a betting man and I would bet that Wayne doesn
Gonzalo said on 19/Jan/09
Adam, here is a pic of that movie
Click HereWayne looks tall but I can
Tony G. said on 19/Jan/09
I asked the question "John Wayne 6'4"... or not?" on two forums I visit frequently. Two members replied who actually saw him and stood next to him.
One said, "Years ago, when driving a cab, I had Wayne as a passenger. I am 6'5" tall and he was every bit of 6'4"."
Another said: "He was very tall [very tall was underlined]. I stood next to him one Christmas at a store in the Newport Shopping Center way back in the '70s."
mike c said on 17/Jan/09
Patrick, Bravo! Glad you're back. mike c
adam said on 16/Jan/09
By the way: George Sanders was about the same height as Wayne. Sanders was around 6-3.
I would like to see an underground Wayne film called GIRLS DEMAND EXCITEMENT. I remember seeing a pic from that film where Wayne is standing in a crowd and there are a couple of guys who are further from Wayne but look taller if you use your logic
adam said on 16/Jan/09
Oh and I forgot some Hitchcock films from my list. North By Northwest is great but I still prefer Vertigo and Psycho. The Shadow Of A Doubt is an underrated one too.
Gonzalo, a good list. Im about to see Sleuth soon. The Roarin Twenties, I havent seen that one either. Pretty interesting.
Gonzalo said on 15/Jan/09
Quick List: It
adam said on 15/Jan/09
Gonzalo, you are a smart fellow. And I think you`ve gotten a wrong picture of me: I love old actors like Stewart, Grant, Cooper, Fonda, Robert Ryan, Mitchum AND Wayne. They were all better than todays boys like Cruise or Pitt.
Wayne had his roles tailormade for him. That is a fact. You are somewhat right: There arent that many who could have played Ethan Edwards. But Wayne in Raging Bull? No can do. Comparing actors is very hard as you all know so Im not gonna go to the "this one is better than this one" game. The fact is that back in the glory days of Hollywood actors were better than nowadays.
My all-time favourite actors are: Robert Mitchum, Joseph Cotten, Orson Welles, Gregory Peck, Ingrid Bergman and James Stewart. You said that Stewart is the greatest of all time in your opinion? Possible. Possible, not definite. Marlon Brando was great, De Niro is and was great, Bogart was great.
Gonzalo, what are your favourite films by the way? And mike c and patrick, I`d like to here your opinions as well! How about Rob`s?? I
Gonzalo said on 15/Jan/09
The quality of an actor lies in the fact that you can or an not imagine another one playing his roles. Can you imagine another actor playing Ethan Edwards in The searchers? No. Or James Bailey in It
Patrick said on 14/Jan/09
Hi Fellows ! I
Outlaw said on 13/Jan/09
adam apparently doesn't know that most every male actor that had a leading role back then wore lifts when they felt it was necessary. Why they felt it was necessary, I'll never know. Although, I'm 5'11," and when I get in two inch cowboy boots, it does feel good to be taller. Regardless, though, I know John Wayne did NOT wear lifts all the time. Now, seriously, if he was 6'2" or a little more, which you suggest, and he was wearing 4-5 inch lifts... No. That ain't happenin', as that would make him 6'6," or 6'7," which he only looked 6'6" when he was wearing his cowboy boots.
Comapred to the then 5'9" Ron Howard with boots on, give or take, adding an inch and a half, making hima round 5'10.5," Wayne still looked around 5 inches taller. I have the movie. That would make him in "The Shootist," 6'3.5," which he very well could have been that low by the time of the movie.
Facts are facts, and all your doing is writing down what you think, not what is true. He may have wore lifts to social affairs, like those pictures with Ronald Reagan or the one with Tiny Tim, because he certainly looks around 6'7," maybe even more in those pictures.
True that John Wayne was the greatest cowboy of all-time, at least in my opinion, but other than his usual, repetitive cowboy roles, he did others with just as much excellence. He just began to get sterotyped because he usually only stuck with one role, but he switched it up every now & then, but you, adam, must not have seen too many of his movies. Watch a few of his where he isn't just a cowboy. No, the Duke wasn't quite as good as James Stewart or Henry Fonda, but his performances were never far outdone by theirs, only slightly. And I rate James Stewart as the #1 greatest actor of all-time and Henry #2. I'd put Mr. Wayne around #5 or so.
At any rate, take care everyone and may the Lord be with y'all.
Neacal said on 13/Jan/09
I would like to say from the start that I believe John Wayne was a genuine 6ft 4.5 inches tall man. I would also like to put the man and his career in context. We are all aware of his conservative and right wing beliefs, his supposed failure to serve in World War 2 aswell. All said and done John Wayne was no liberal, yet here was a man who resolutely supported his country, admitted his failings and would happily poke fun at his screen personna. I note here quotes attributed to fine actors like Robert Mitchum, Rock Hudson, Henry Fonda & Robert Ryan about Wayne but like all Hollywood these people were no paragons of virtue and its very easy to forget this and accept conjecture. Check out The Sea Chase, Big Jim McLain, or Hondo all with James Arness. I think Wayne fully establishes his height against a very tall Arness and equally does not have a problem with being the smaller man on camera. As for his acting, well his performances in Red River, The Sands of Iwo Jima, The Searchers and The Shootist are all oscar worthy, much more so than his win for True Grit but only Iwo Jima gained an Oscar nomination. Always an underrated actor by the establishment but loved by audiences, his name will live on in cinematic legend long after many of his peers are forgotten.
Brunobrowne said on 13/Jan/09
I said this before, and now I say it again, Adam has in my opinion some issues about JW's right wing stance. He will downgrade Wayne at every oppurtunity and get some snide comments in as well 'Somewhat a sick fellow'
Stick to the subject as much as possible Adam. Only a few months ago you reckoned he was over 6'3''
Scott B. said on 13/Jan/09
Adam: You snuck back into the Land Of OZ again. Wayne was 6'3 BAREFOOT Prime and 6'2 in later years. Anything below 6'2 is nonsence. In the pictures below, Wayne Towered over Martin and Reagan. Also, Martin was 5'10 or 5'11 and wore lifts.
Gonzalo said on 13/Jan/09
In the end actors always play the same kind of roles. Finally the characters become them, not the opposite. I don
adam said on 13/Jan/09
Gonzalo, Wayne was a good actor in his own genre. He made some great westerns. Rio Bravo is great, The Searchers is great, El dorado is great and so on. But Wayne as an actor wasn`t even in the same league with Fonda, Tracey, Cagney and other masters. Wayne could do one role well and he did it about 150 times. I repeat: Wayne could do one role very well but he certainly wasnt versatile.
I dont doubt that Wayne was a "good guy" to work with. He probably was the easiest person to work with. But there`s also a story that Wayne suddenly went insane and knocked John Huston out while filming The Barbarian And The Geisha.
Then about Wayne`s films. Yes, he has made lot`s of pretty good films and some great ones. But again, he has made lots of his films are quite similar with each other. A couple of great films and a great number of entertaining flicks but masterpieces? No way.
Henry Fonda did 12 ANGRY MEN, ONCE UPON A TIME IN THE WEST and GRAPES OF WRATH. Wayne`s own films match with these? Come on...
Gonzalo said on 13/Jan/09
Adam, I have found these quotes of Hawks about Wayne. Hawks wasn
Gonzalo said on 13/Jan/09
Well, I wil have to watch that movie again but I remember that Wayne looked 3-4 cms taller than Stewart. MikeC said the same thing some time ago. When they first met in the Stewart
adam said on 13/Jan/09
Also another thing: What kind of a man who already is tall wants to look that tall? Let alone if he really was 6-4! Somewhat a sick fellow, wouldn`t you say? The big and HONEST hero my ass..
adam said on 13/Jan/09
From Rob`s article the shoemaker that made Wayne look taller tells:
"I went out and had these special shoes made. It's nothing new, I don't know if you know, John Wayne is 6'4 and wears 3-4 inch lifts in his shoes. I don't know who he wants to be bigger than, but he does and it's an old, old custom, I certainly did not invent it. In my case, it was more neccesary than it was for Duke Wayne. I had these shoes made and 2 to 3 inch lifts inside and the heel was another 2 and half inches or so and I walked around that way, wherever I could without falling over"
So as amazing as it may seem, Wayne really wore lifts that made him four inches taller! So 6-4 plus FOUR more inches would be a staggering 6-8! Did he ever look even NEAR that height? No he didnt.
The man was 6-2 and looked around 6-6 in his special shoes.
Lenad said on 12/Jan/09
A strong 190cm or a weak 191cm in his prime.
adam said on 12/Jan/09
I would say that Wayne was around 188-189 peak, Gonzalo. By the time of the Shootist he had to be 187 at most, probably under. Stewart was still by the time of The Shootist probably around 191 or slightly under. I havent seen the film, did Wayne really look 5 centimetres taller, since there are people who say that Stewart looked taller? All in all, Wayne wore lifts in that film that boosted him from 6-1
Gonzalo said on 12/Jan/09
The three pics I posted about that meeting with Reagan shows clearly how this works: in the pic Wayne is slouching and he looks an inch taller than Reagan that would be use to say "hey, Wayne is not that tall, he took off his lifts and he looks around 1
Outlaw said on 11/Jan/09
Man, adam is really trying his best to show the world that the Duke was shorter than 6'4," even going as far as saying he was Fonda and Mitchum's height... Sheesh. Fonda was 1/2 an inch taller than Mitchum, and John Wayne was 2 1/2 inches taller than Fonda. It's pretty clear, the 2 1/2 inche, that is, in the picutres Gonzalo has posted. Yes, we've seen Henry Fonda said at a flat 6'1," but at the same time, 6'2". I've read a lot of biographies and like I said a while back, he was 6'1 1/2".
As for the Duke always wearing lifts... Please. He started wearing lifts after his surgery in '64 or better. Even then, he didn't wear them all that often. He was at least the same height as Robert Ryan, as well. I've seen the movies with them both. You're apparently hallucinating, saying John Wayne has to look up to speak to him. Even if he did, you could clearly see Wayne was doing his usual slouch. And when he stood up straight, they were at least eye-to-eye.
I was also reading in his biography from Pat Stacy, he had to have his car fitted for his height. Now that right there tells you he was very tall. Now, for Heaven's sake... Stop trying to discredit the man's height.
I enjoy all these pictures that are posted. I can't find 'em anywhere. They gotta be rare. Keep postin' 'em, please! Thank you.
Take care all and may the Lord be with y'all.
Parker said on 11/Jan/09
adam - Look at the pic I posted with 6'1 Tiny Tim on 7th Jan. He's looking 6'6/6'7 in his shoes. If he was 6'2 that's a 5 inch lift. More like stilts than lifts to get that effect.
mike c said on 10/Jan/09
Parker, Frank 2 also met him and shook his hands...6'4"! Great site!
adam said on 10/Jan/09
Wayne always looked huge. All who met him saw him as a 6-4 guy or more. Why? Because he LOOKED it. He wore lifts all the time you know.
Parker said on 10/Jan/09
Always good to get opinions of someone who met him
Click Here6'4
Anonymous said on 9/Jan/09
Adam: Wayne was 2 inches taller than Fonda. Wayne was 6'3 prime not 6'2. He was 6'2 in later years, I will give you that.
adam said on 9/Jan/09
And by the way Gonzalo: There`s a pic in Charlton Heston`s page (put by you, thanks for it) where Stewart is in his seventies and still looks clearly tall, around 6-3 to me! And George Kennedy could have been close to 6-5.
Fonda was probably closer to 6-1
adam said on 9/Jan/09
Gonzalo, in Fort Apache Wayne is taller than Fonda. But in Longest Day (according to M2) they were about the same height. How do you explain that? How do you explain that in Longest Day Wayne doesn`t look any taller than 6-2? While filming he shrunk a couple of inches but after the session he gained it back?
Wayne wore elevator shoes in Apache. Gonzalo, Wayne was a strong 6-2 peak and wore elevator shoes to appear 6-4.
"Lifts is not the explanation for everything" Well it just might be! What do you say about the fellow there in Clint Walker`s page who has seen all these people and claims that Wayne was 6-2 peak? He also says that he admires Wayne but still downgrades him. Does he sound like a "troll"? Not in my opinion.
Wayne was similar with Victor Mature: both were around 6-2 and were big-boned so they always looked taller. And like Wayne, Mature wore lifts too. And like Mature, Wayne wasn`t very versatile actor.
Gonzalo said on 9/Jan/09
This is an interesting page
Click HereBy the way, I disagree with the statement that James Stewart didn
Gonzalo said on 9/Jan/09
Fonda and Wayne at the same height is a joke. Wayne and Mitchum at the same height another joke. Ryan two inches taller than Wayne a joke. Adam if you believe all that then you must say Wayne was 1`85.
Wayne shortly before he died, looking taller than Fonda. Again in lifts, as in Fort Apache, In harm
adam said on 8/Jan/09
talker, thank you! And welcome on board. I`ll hope you`ll post more. I havent seen the film but I believe you. M2, Wayne the same height as Fonda? Very possible.
Gonzalo, Stewart was never under 6-3. He never shrank. By the time of The Shootist he was still 6-3, Wayne certainly wasn`t. If Wayne was CLEARLY (again, a strong word) taller than Stewart, then he DEFINITELY wore big lifts.
Wayne was two inches shorter than Ryan, the same height as Fonda and Mitchum, Hudson and Bob Atwater confirm that he was around 6-2. Also there`s an article where Wayne is described as 6-2.
talker said on 8/Jan/09
Stewart looked taller than Wayne in Valance but i'll accept that all the scenes are not really informative.Thats unlike Flying letahernecks where R.Ryan is clearly taller than Wayne in a couple of very informmative scenes.
There's the scene i mentioned where they shake hands and Wayne even looks up to Ryan,just look at his face,and its indoors no unever ground etc.There's another scene where they are standing next to each other watching a guy painting a plane.Ryan looks at least 2" taller there but its outdoors so i'll accept the uneven ground possibility even though they are standing at almost the same spot.There are a couple scenes where Wayne looks taller but in these the actors are far apart.In all the scenes where they are close Ryan looks taller.
Gonzalo said on 8/Jan/09
John Wayne was around 5 cms taller than Henry Fonda in Fort Apache or in "In harm
Nick said on 7/Jan/09
I think its a given that John Wayne was 6ft4.5 for the most part of his career. In later years after extensive surgery for cancer including several ribs being removed after lung surgery I think its fair to say he dropped to around 6'3. As for wearing lifts in his cowboy boots, maybe he did or maybe he didnot. Its a fair question but point in fact, if he did then maybe Marvin, Hudson, Ryan, Mitchum, Arness and other actors did too. Hollywood is fickle and even the really tall actors wanted to be bigger and still do. We all know that and see it ever day.
M2 said on 7/Jan/09
Compare the Duke to other stars: He appears about the same height as 6'1 1/2" Henry Fonda in "The Longest Day," and a bit shorter than 6'3" Jimmy Stewart in "The Shootist." Sure, they could have been faking it for the camera, but watch Wayne carefully against costars and he seems to be more in the 6'2" range.
Parker said on 7/Jan/09
Anybody old enough to remember this guy? 6'1 'Tiny Tim'
Click HereFor those that are old enough to remember him, he made his debut on Rowan & Martins laugh in, who themselves were tall guys 6'1/6'2 range.
Here's all three of them next to someone who looks like the Statue Of Liberty
Click HereSorry guys, people are entitled to their opinion, but if we are debating anything under 6'3 for Wayne I can't take it seriously - I'm off to other threads
All the Best
Gonzalo said on 7/Jan/09
I saw Stallone in the flesh and he looked a bit under 1`80 to me.
Adam, if Wayne looks 1`93 in more than 1.000 pics, couldn
adam said on 7/Jan/09
With lifts, Gonzalo. You can show those 1000 other pictures as well.
Gonzalo says on 7/Jan/09
Gonzalo said on 7/Jan/09
What about this one, Parker?
Click HereWaynw dwarfs the other guys.
Parker said on 6/Jan/09
Here's 6'1 listed Ronald Reagan with 6'1 listed Bridgett Nielson and Sylvester Stallone
Click HereHere's an earlier pic of Reagan with Wayne,Bob Hope, Sinatra and Dean Martin
Click HereWayne 6'2? Never in my opinion.
adam said on 6/Jan/09
Talker, thank you. I havent seen the film (Ed T, have you?) but I sure can believe that. Robert Ryan was very likely around 6-4. I sure believe that he would have about two inches on Wayne if they had similar footwear.
Glenn, I would say that Wayne was slightly over 6-2 peak and wore lifts pretty much 24/7. Wayne was a tall, massive man but I dont buy 6-4. You are right, and even six feet is impossible but around 6-2 is very possible.
Wayne`s whole frame just didnt look as tall as let`s say Vincent Price`s or Robert Ryan`s. Still Wayne towered over most people in his films. That certainly brings the lift question to daylight...
talker said on 6/Jan/09
I believe Wayne was a strong 6'3",i would say 1.91m.He looks about 4cm taller than Lee Marvin(Donovan) who probably was 6'.1.5" at 1.87m,4cm taller than Henry Fonda at 6'1.5" 1.87m,2cm taller than Randolph Scott at 6'2.5" 1.89m, 5cm taller than Anthony Queen(Tycoon) at a strong 6'1", 1.86m and shorter than R.Ryan(leathernecks) who probably was a full 6'4" 1.93m.
glenn said on 6/Jan/09
i know people that met wayne and they say he was a giant.but maybe fooled with lifts.
glenn said on 6/Jan/09
rob-any possibility wayne was 6-2? 6ft claims above are impossible.
talker said on 5/Jan/09
i just saw the Flying Leathernecks.There's a scene early in the movie where R.Ryan i sitting on a desk in the officers office,Wayne is standing and they are talking ,then Ryan gets up and they shake hands standing face to face.Ryan looks clearly taller than Wayne.Maybe Ryan was over 6'4" but they were not the same height.
Parker said on 5/Jan/09
3 inches? Sorry adam, your not going to get 3 inches out of them. Forget what you see advertised, the claims are over exagerated to sell more shoes.Believe me,I'm one of the suckers that buys them.
What about Donovan's Reef when he wore boat shoes/converse and still looked 3 inches taller than Marvin? I'd debate 6'3, but never as low as 6'2. In my opinion of course.
adam said on 5/Jan/09
Wayne wore elevator shoes in that pic. You can see those shoes advertised in everywhere. They`ve been around for a long time. You gain invisibly easily around 3 inches. Wayne was a strong 6-2 so with those shoes he was easily 6-5+.
Parker said on 4/Jan/09
Somebody please dig out that boxing pic with Randolph Scott - John Wayne was 6'4 minimum, as Rob has him listed. Spot on.
adam said on 4/Jan/09
Scott, it is possible that Wayne was closer to 6-3. Possible but not certain. In Longest Day he didn
mike c said on 3/Jan/09
Tony G., I never realized Wayne wore fake feet in addition to his lifts. That explains everything: small imprints in cement (forgot to wear his fake feet with the matching boots. HIs real height was 6' sans the 4" lifts.
Now, back to reality. Just purchased and watched The Sea Chase with James Arness. They're face to face and we get plenty of chances to see Wayne's footwear (no cowboy boots here) and the James Arness is barely 3" taller. Let's see: Arness was/is 6'7" minus 3" for the Duke...that puts Wayne at 6'4"..lost the .5" since the Quiet Man. Also bought The Flying Leathernecks with Ryan. In all scences but one, Wayne is a fraction taller or the same height. Buy/rent the movies and use the pause button. Worked for me. mike c
Tony G. said on 3/Jan/09
Scott B: I posted a few photos of John Wayne/Desi Arnaz. Click the link in my Dec. 23 post.
Donna B: Wayne had big feet. One of the photos I posted (Dec. 23 post) shows him barefoot with his size 11 feet. They sure don't look small in the photo! Maybe he had on fake feet? ;-)
Scott B said on 2/Jan/09
I watched an episode of I Love Lucy the other night. John Wayne was on. When standing next to Desi, Wayne was barefoot and desi was wearing shoes. Desi was 5'11 in shoes with lifts. Wayne had him by 4 or 5 inches. I beleive Wayne was 6'3 Peak and 6'2 at the end.
adam said on 1/Jan/09
John Wayne had very small feet for his height. He was 6-2 and had small feet and short legs. He hold his belt in his chest level and wore lifts so that his legs -and his whole body - would look longer.
There are so many 6-4 -guys yet only few gets so much attention to his height as Wayne gets. He was 6-2 and he was made a couple of inches taller and then everyone spread rumours about his height. They mentioned that same "mountain of a man" , "6`4" giant" garbage so much that everyone had to believe. "It is mentioned so many times by so many different sources so it must be true then!"
John Wayne was a big man. He was tall and large. Just not 6-4. He was a solid 6-2 peak and was big-boned so he looked taller than what he really was. And -he wore lifts.
But on the other hand... the man made some good films. He made lots of crap too, no doubts but that`s ok. He was a good actor and chose good parts that were pretty much made for him.
Parker said on 1/Jan/09
Donna - Because he had small feet in relation to his height. Happens a lot.
Donna B said on 1/Jan/09
If John Wayne is so tall, why are his footprints at Graumann's Theatre so small?
mike c said on 30/Dec/08
The corrected version of what I had intended to send ed. Rob:
Thank you, Scott B. If one takes the time to read the literature, go to the numerous sites on the Duke, and watch the movies he made, the proof is overwhelming that he was at least 6'4" peak. I have yet to read more than one article where someone states he was 6'2" or less (except the one article adam feels is proof enough). In all the biographies/magazines where people are quoted (I've listed three books a number of times)they all use adjectives/descriptions such as huge, a man mountain, a towering giant, and in all three biographies, his 6'4" height is mentioned countless times. I guess all three authors, plus all the people interviewed for the biographies are part of a conspiracy that began when the Duke played football. Yes, even John Ford, who loved to poke fun at the Duke, was in on the gag. Now, one article from among 100's stated he was 6'2". Could the author have erred? Where did the author get that measurement? It could not have come from the Duke nor his followers because, if there were a conspiracy, the cat would have been out of the bag! The 1000's of words written about the man, the numerous people that met him (our own Frank 2 met him and shook his hand) and knew him, they are all mistaken. According to some on this site, Wayne wore 3-4" lifts because he had an ego problem and was afraid appear shorter than his co-stars! Patrick, I know, hit the nail on the head. In the Duke's later years, after very serious surgeries, and countless lost battles with the ground and gravity, he started to wear lifts .He just didn't want to disappoint his followers and wanted to look as he always had looked before...TALL! I think he was still 6'2.5"-6'3" at death. He was a tad taller than Stewart in his last movie. So, Scott B, when one looks at all the "stuff" out there for the reading and viewing, no one can say with any degree of certainty that the Duke was 6'1"/2" tall. Considering the "proof" out there, one can state that the Duke was at least 6'2
adam said on 30/Dec/08
6-4 is better than 6-2. They wanted to make John Wayne a perfect hero. He had to be 6-4 and he had wear a toupee. If John Wayne had really been that honest as he claimed, he wouldn`t have wore lifts or toupee. And he would have mentioned himself among draft dodgers! I think it`s kind of sick to adore film stars that way like many do. Mike c being a great example.
Jane Doe, you are of course exactly right: Height isn`t everything for Christ`s sake! But for Wayne and for America it sure mentioned a lot! Cagney and Garfield by the way were both excellent actors. They were what 5-5, 5-6.. -but still a lot bigger than Wayne!
Jane Doe said on 30/Dec/08
What I don't understand is why anyone over 6 foot tall (as certainly Wayne was) would feel it necessary to wear lifts and/or high-heel cowboy boots... unless they were so insecure that being tall wasn't good enough for them, they quite literately had to be taller than anyone else they acted alongside. Height isn't the only way to project a powerful masculinity... James Cagney and John Garfield are proof of that.
adam said on 30/Dec/08
Mike c, I respect you and your posts but one there`s one thing I hate -when someone doesn`t foresee FACTS. And a fact is that John Wayne DID wore lifts for sure in his later career. I understand that you dont believe that the man nececcarily wore lifts in the 40s or 50s but in the 70s he sure wore them! In The Shootist he wore lifts and that`s a fact.
Yes, in my opinions John Wayne was around 6-2 or a bit taller. I dont buy 6-4. And I`ve already said the reason quite a few times: The other actors who worked with Wayne said that he wore lifts and that he wasn`t that tall, the article where Wayne was described as "6`2"". Then of course Robert Atwater there in Clint Walker`s page. I think those are good proofs.
Like I`ve said: It is not very hard to make a solid 6-2 man look 2-3 inches taller. Invisible lifts and elevator shoes... these are all possible.
mike c said on 29/Dec/08
Guys, in correcting what I had written, I inadvertently hit send. I didn't complete the correction. I apologize. If Rob posts it, I'll rewrite the corrections and resend. Again, Happy New Year.
mike c said on 29/Dec/08
Thank you, Scott B. If one takes the time to read the literature, go to the numerous sites on the Duke, and watch the movies he made, the proof is overwhelming that he was at least 6'4" peak. I have yet to read more than one article where someone states he was 6'2" or less (except the one article adam feels is proof enough). In all the biographies/magazines where people are quoted (I've listed three books a number of times)they all use adjectives/descriptions such as huge, a man mountain, a towering giant, and in all three biographies, his 6'4" height is mentioned countless times. I guess all three authors, plus all the people interviewed for the biographies are part of a conspiracy that began when the Duke played football. Yes, even John Ford, who loved to poke fun at the Duke, was in on the gag. Now, one article from among 100's stated he was 6'2". Could the author have erred? Where did the author get that measurement? It could not have come from the Duke nor his followers because, if there were a conspiracy,the cat would have been out of the bag! The 1000's of words written about the man, the numerous people that met him (our own Frank 2 met him and shook his hand) and knew him, they are all mistaken. According to some on this site, Wayne wore 3-4" lifts because he had an ego problem and was afraid appear shorter than his co-stars! Patrick, I know, hit the nail on the head. In the Duke's later years, after very serious surgeries, and countless lost battles with the ground and gravity, he started to wear lift.He just didn't want to disappoint his followers and wanted to look as he always had looked before...TALL! I think he was still 6'2.5"-6'3" at death. He was a tad taller than Stewart in his last movie. So, Scott B, when one looks at all the "stuff" out there for the reading and viewing, no one can say with any degree of certainty that the Duke was 6'1"/2" tall. Considering the "proof" out there, one can state that the Duke was at least 6'3" an But, adam is entitled to his opinion and I welcome his comments; they make for good debate;it's all in fun and certainly a lot better than most of the crap on the net today. Happy New Year, guys.
Scott B. said on 28/Dec/08
ADAM! I read an Artical where Mitchum said Wayne was 6'4 Prime. Mike C. makes the most sense on this site. Ron howard is 5'8, 5'10 in boots standing next to Wayne Barefoot. Wayne had him by at least 5 inches.
adam said on 28/Dec/08
GeneP, very interesting. And I`ve heard something like that myself! I`ve heard that Mitchum said on TV that Wayne was around 6-1 and big lifts. Bob Mitchum 6-2? I`d say he wasn`t that tall, he was around 6-1. But Wayne was definitely around 6-2 in my opinion. And yes -he definitely wore lifts.
Too bad Jay S has left the site. He had interesting photos. GeneP, like my buddy mike c would say: Welcome on board!
GeneP said on 28/Dec/08
In a TV interview years ago, Robert Mitchum (listed here at 6'1") said he and John Wayne were both 6'2". He claimed that Wayne wore 2-inch lifts.
Outlaw said on 28/Dec/08
Aye yi yi, still arguing about the Duke's, huh? For Heaven's sake, let it rest. He was 6'4"! I've even read in one of his biographies, a man claming 6'6," but he was possibly saying that when he had his boots on.
Barefoot, 6'4" before declining in health. He possibly got down to 6'3" in his bad health and age, and the very most, 6'2".
Well, take care and may the Lord be with y'all. Happy New Years!
adam said on 27/Dec/08
In that pic with Ron Howard (who was what, 5-6?) Wayne is barefoot but standing on a higher ground. It doesn`t look like Wayne is standing on a higher ground but he sure is! Wayne doesn`t give the impression of being very tall there. Believe me, they used all kinds of things to make Wayne look taller. Believe me, believe JW`s article, believe Bob Atwater, believe Rock Hudson, belive Bob Mitchum. Wayne was 6-2 peak. Wayne wore lifts 24 hours a day for 45 years.
mike c said on 26/Dec/08
Thanks, Kugar. I think Wayne pretty much dwarfed most of the extras and fellow actors he had in his movies. Just finished seeing The one disputes Stewart's 6'3" height, yet Wayne is definitely taller..but, he was was wearing those famous lifts of his! Sure, give me a break! Enjoy the holidays. mike c
Kugar said on 26/Dec/08
In the bio, "Duke", there is a full body shot of John Wayne standing next to director, John Huston. Huston is supposed to be 6'2". Wayne appears to be slouching a little, but is clearly taller than Huston.
Kugar said on 25/Dec/08
In an ad asking for extras in Ridgway, Colorado, for John Wayne's "True Grit", the ad said men must be at least 5'10" so as to not look like dwarfs if standing next to John Wayne in any scene. This implies something about Wayne's height.
Tony G. said on 25/Dec/08
I added the John Wayne/Ron Howard photos to the link I posted below. I forgot that I put those photos on another photo-hosting website.
So just click the link on my Dec. 23 post and you will see the two photos of John Wayne (barefoot)/Ron Howard.
Scott B said on 24/Dec/08
Bob Mitchum never said wayne was 6'1. I read where Mitchum said Wayne was 6'4.
I think Wayne was either 6'3 or 6'4 Barefoot.
mike c said on 24/Dec/08
Adam, please tell us when and where Mitchum and Hudson stated that Wayne was 6'1". From what I've read, Mitchum was a kidder and loved to bust balls. Hudson was indebted to Wayne for giving him a job when all in Hollywood didn't want anything to do with him because of his sexual orientation. Please read the biographies I mentioned a while back. Thank you Tony G for the photos. The wedding pic, if I'm not mistaken, is from The Duke, A Life in Pictures. I sent Gonzalo a copy a while back. Gonzalo can verify. Adam, Barnes and Noble sells the book for under $10.00. Give yourself a Christmas present. Take care, guys, and enjoy the holidays. mike c ps, Merry Christmas, Patrick. Hope you're well!
adam said on 24/Dec/08
Well that fellow seems to admire Wayne and other old celebrities but he doesn`t believe in their listed heights. What do you say about that? Bob Atwater. That photo where he (supposedly 6-4) looks the same height as Clint Walker. Read his posts. The guy is lying? What about that name, the photo, everything he said? Bob Mitchum said that Wayne was only around 6-1. Then Rock Hudson confirmed his claim. Now there`s another guy who seems to know what he is talking about.
Wayne 6-2. Yes, he looks taller in pretty much every pic but it sure isn`t impossible to make a solid 6-2 guy look about 2-3 inches taller.
Tony G. said on 23/Dec/08
Just to recap, here are the photos I posted of John Wayne a few months ago. Next to Desi Arnaz with and without shoes. Also next to Ron Howard without shoes.
You are right, Gonzalo, Adam keeps changing his mind on Wayne's height!
Hey Adam, was John Wayne wearing lifts at his first wedding? See first batch of photos, lower left. And if he wasn't, why is he so tall in that pic?!?
Click Here
adam said on 23/Dec/08
Gonzalo: You are right. It is kind of dumb to have Wayne and Moore the same height. But otherwise he seems to know what he is talking about. Have you seen the picture where he is with Clint Walker and looks taller? And he is supposedly "only" an even 6-4. What do you say about that? The fellow just found the picture and thought that "no one knows who the hell is Robert Atwater, I can pretend being him!"
mike c: Wayne looked taller than Stewart, Marvin, Ryan, Mitchum, Hudson and so many others. Why? He wore lifts. "No evidence." Again: Mitchum said that Wayne wore lifts. Mitchum said that Wayne was around 6-1 in the 60s. Rock Hudson said that John Wayne wore lifts and a corset. Robert Atwater said that he RESPECTS Wayne and Wayne is like a HERO to him but STILL he said that the man liked to wear lifts. Pure honesty, right?
They all lied? I dont think so.
mike c said on 22/Dec/08
Hi Adam. Desperate? I've been contributing to this wonderful site for almost 2 years now and I have provided quite a bit of proof, I think, regarding the Duke. And, many contributors agree with me. Some don't. Some are foolish and have made no effort to follow through on what they think. A few have met him and that encounter is better than 1000 pictues or movies.
I've seen Romero listed as anywhere between 6'2" to 6'4"...I'll go with the middle, 6'3", at peak. I think maybe Gonzalo and Patrick will agree with me. Wayne, I thilnk, was 6'4.5" at his peak and about 6'2"-3" towards the end. I judge that by the way he measures up to Stewart in the Shootist-the scenes in the dr's office and the barefoot scene next to Howard in the hotel. I stand corrected with Price and Romero. I hope you and the other contributors have a great Christmas and a wonderful new year. Take care, Mike C
Gonzalo said on 22/Dec/08
Adam, that guy put John Wayne and Roger Moore at the same height which is nuts. John Wayne looked as tall as Rock Hudson in that famous pic that we have seen a millon times. Let
Gonzalo said on 22/Dec/08
Yes, Adam, that pic with Stewart isn
adam said on 22/Dec/08
"Again regarding heights, all of those other folks have heights that are overblown by Hollywood also with the exception of probably James Arness and Fess Parker who are 6'7" and 6'5.5" respectively" -Bob Atwater, check Clint Walker -page
So this fellow seems to downgrade pretty much everyone in the film business. Very interesting.
adam said on 19/Dec/08
John Payne was 183cm or six feet.
That pic with Jimmy Stewart isn`t the best there is, is it?
But it`s possible that Romero was around 190cm, Gonzalo. A strong 6-2, possibly half an inch to an inch more. Wayne wore lifts in every film he appeared.
Gonzalo said on 19/Dec/08
Romero next to a, how do you call it? mugshot?
Click HereRomero next to John Payne, who I read once was 1,90. Romero looks taller
Click HereTricky pic but Romero looks similar in height to James Stewart
Click HereRomero towering over Kurt Russell and everybody else
Click HereRomero looks taller than 6`2 to me. I have said that in his page. And I think it is a very reasonable statement
adam said on 19/Dec/08
Ed is right. Mike c, you are a desperate man. Romeo was never 6-4. Like Ed T. said: Romero could have been a little more than 6-2 but nowhere near 6-4.
In Hondo Wayne just doesnt look 6-4. He looks taller than almost everyone (except Arness) but his whole body just doesnt look as tall as let`s say Price`s.
The fellow there is an interesting chap, wouldn`t you say, old friend?
Gonzalo said on 19/Dec/08
Romero looks taller than 1`88 to me. He was as tall as Gary Cooper and John Wayne. And taller than Lorenzo Lamas when Romero was in his late sixties. He looks minimum 1`91-92 to me
Ed T. said on 18/Dec/08
Mike, Romero may have been taller than 6'2", but he is listed as 6'2" on this Site, not 6'4".
mike c said on 18/Dec/08
Gonzalo corrected me: in Donovan's Reef it's Cesar Romero who stars with Wayne and not Price. I've seen Romero listed at 6'4" also. mike c
mike c said on 17/Dec/08
Adam, there are 100's of reality pics (not from movies) of Wayne, e.g. the Primo Carnera/Red Skelton pic, Wayne and Martin cooking sphagetti pic, etc. on the WEB. I've been submitting comments for at least 2 years and I can say that we've had numerous people (not just the same few)provide what they consider testimony/proof of the Duke's height. I would say at least 3-40 people or even more. Only Rob would know for sure. If you believe Price was 6'4" then watch Donovan's Reef. There's a scene where Price and Wayne are face to face and you can see the shoes..use the pause button. That was 1963 and they look the same height to me. Of course the Duke had lost about .5" by then. Also,Gonzalo/Patrick and I have stated before that in the same movie, Wayne is at least 2-3" taller than Marvin..and Wayne is wearing sneakers! If this were a trial, the evidence would point to a taller Wayne than 6'2". Let's keep up the great debate. mike c
Scott B said on 17/Dec/08
Adam: Are you refering to Vincent Price? If so, I met him back in the 70's. Price was 6'4. He was 2 inches taller than my friend who is 6'2. Wayne was 2 inches taller than Fonda who was listed at 6'1.
adam said on 17/Dec/08
Ed T! Glad to see you posting here, my friend. Yes, did you read all his posts? Some things that he said are sure VERY hard to buy. He says that Walker was only 6-4
mike c said on 16/Dec/08
adam, you'll enjoy this:
Click Here I sent you a list of the movies I've seen, but either Rob deleted it or it was "lost in space". Adam, do yourself a favor and reread all the Wayne posts if your computer allows you to do it. I have no idea who this gentleman is and I have no reason to doubt his sincerity, but I think you have to decide if the "tons" of pictures, statements, and evidence are nullified by one man..hey, maybe he'll post a picture of himself next to some heavy hitters..of course we would love to see his footwear as well as the stars.Take care,
mike c. ps. Wayne was much taller than his son, Patrick.
Click Here
Ed T. said on 16/Dec/08
Adam, Anonymous/Bob A.'s posts are very intersting. Your right, he doesn't seem to be a crazy man. I don't know if it is still on the Clint Walker page, but there was a Site mentioned for a Winery owned by some celebrity where Anonymous/Bob A. is pictured with Clint. In that picture, Clint does look very slightly taller or the same height as Anonymous/Bob A. As Anonymous/Bob A. claims to be 6'4" flat, Clint could be 6'4.5". Maybe he lost a little height from his peak. Maybe he was 6'5" peak and is now 6'4.5"?
As for Wayne , it does seem hard to believe that Wayne was only 6'2". However, maybe Anonymous Bob A. is onto something and maybe some of the big/tough guy actors were benefitted by lifts and very favorable camera angles.
I do agree , however, that it is also hard to believe that Roger Moore was 6'2.5". Personally, I don't think Moore was ever over 6'1" barefoot. But in viewing the picture of Clint and Anonymous/Bob A. on that Winery Web Site and in viewing his posts ( assuming he knows Clint as well as he claims to), it is not inconceivable that Clint Walker was 6'4.5 to 6'5" peak.
adam said on 16/Dec/08
Please everyone go tot the Clint Walker`s height page. There is a fellow who pretty much destroyes 99% of celebs` heights. Read the whole conversation and all posts the fellow, Anonymous, has made.
He seems to be a very smart fellow, not a
troll or anything. He says he has known a great number of old school celebs, including Walker, Heston and others. He says that Clint Walker was 6-4
adam said on 14/Dec/08
mike c: please be my guest. Hondo isn`t my favourite film by no means but it has it`s moments. But Wayne has made great pictures. I`ve seen only handful of them but I`ll have to get some more soon. Liberty Valance and McQ... gotta get those in the first place.
Mike c by the way: How many Wayne pictures have you seen?
mike c said on 13/Dec/08
Merry Christmas to you, too, Adam. Remember, don't drink and drive. I hope everyone has a safe holiday season. This still is the best site on the NET. Take care, Mike, will try to see Hondo again and see how the Duke measures up to Gordon.
adam said on 12/Dec/08
Lenad, Wayne was a tall fellow. He obivously was more than 6-1
Scott B said on 12/Dec/08
Adam. You went off into the deep end again. Wayne was 6'3 peak and NEVER below 6'2 barefoot.
Lenad said on 12/Dec/08
I could buy 189cm at the lowest. I have to disagree Adam he wasnt under 6ft2 but yes he wasnt a legit 6ft4
adam said on 10/Dec/08
In HONDO Wayne didnt look quite 6-4. He was about the same size as Leo Gordon who was 6-2.
Lenad said on 10/Dec/08
Adam I dont think he was legit 6'4 but I dont think he was less than 6'2. Overall, probably a strong 190cm guy.
mike c said on 9/Dec/08
Now Adam, stop playing with Lenad. You and I know he was at least 6'4"....
mike c ps., Isaac, the foot print discussion has been driven into the ground. Too bad you can't scroll down and read the explanation. Trust me, Wayne had big feet.
Isaac Hnamte said on 9/Dec/08
I was amazed to see Wayne's foot-print so small in a ratio to his standing figure! His foot-print is smaller than my little feet, I am standing only 5 foot 3 inches.
adam said on 9/Dec/08
Lenad: naughty, naughty naughty. Wayne was 6-1
Lenad said on 9/Dec/08
People who think Wayne was 6ft1 tops can **** off.
adam said on 1/Dec/08
Billy Wilder was a great director, no doubts. Sunset Boulevard and especially Double Indemnity are pure perfection. Ford did very good films too. From Hawks I`ve seen only Rio Bravo and El Dorado. I have to watch Red River soon.
My all-time favourite director is still Alfred Hitchcock.
Gonzalo said on 1/Dec/08
Here is my list: Stagecoach, The quiet man, She wore a yellow ribbon, The searchers, The Wings of the eagles (specially the second half ot the movie), The horse soldiers, Rio Bravo, The man who shot Liberty Valance, Hatari!, El Dorado. R
mike c said on 30/Nov/08
adam, my two favorite movies are The Quiet Man and The Shootist....I have enjoyed all of the Duke's films, but the aforementioned two "make my day!" The Irish setting in The Quiet Man is spectacular....I've had a crush on Maureen since I first saw the movie about 20 years ago. The interaction and chemistry between Maureen, Victor, and Wayne are very believable. Needless to say, the action is fantastic and the humor adds the perfect touch. In my opinion, The Shootist is Wayne's second best film. He's so realistic and believable as the dying ex-gunfighter. His acting is effortless;I guess it was his swan song. I can watch these movies over and over again, and not get bored. I can't say the same for the current movies. The Man Who Shot Iiberty Valance and McQ are also high on my list. mike c PS...Ed.T...great minds think alike!
Ed T. said on 29/Nov/08
Adam, in addition to the Quiet Man and El Dorado ( good performance by Mitchum), I would list The Comancheros,The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance ( both directed by John Ford with excellent performances by Lee Marvin in both films), The Sons of Katie Elder , The Cowboys and McQ as my favorites.
Wayne is at his heroic best in the fight scene with Bruce Dern's character in "The Cowboys". I found "McQ" to be surprisingly entertaining and helped by the presence of the always excellent Eddie Albert.
"Donovan's Reef", although certainly not a "great movie", is fun to watch and I would think that was probably even more fun for the actors to make, especially with the hard-drinking Wayne and Marvin in the cast.
Scott B said on 29/Nov/08
My favourite Wayne films are the same as Adam's.
Rio Bravo, The Searchers, El Dorado, The Quiet Man and Hondo.
adam said on 29/Nov/08
I think we could broaden our conversation a little bit. What are your favourite films mike c, Patrick, Ed, Gonzalo, Scott and others?
I have seen only these: Rio Bravo, The Searchers, El Dorado, The Quiet Man, Hondo and The Green Berets. I think the first four are all more or less great films while the last one is pure junk! Rio Bravo is my favourite one.
mike c. said on 28/Nov/08
Ed T., I know that Tucker was always billed at 6'4"...I don't have the movie The Sands of Iwo Jima and haven't seen it in years. But, I will obtain a copy and view it again. If I'm not mistaken, my buddy Patrick made reference to the fact that, depending on the scene, he and the Duke take turns being taller. Maybe Patrick can add. mike c.
Ed T. said on 28/Nov/08
Mike C., I did take a look at a couple of short clips of the old Wayne films. He does look quite tall, although the clips I viewed had only a few actors in them , so it was tough to gauge his height. I am curious to know who was taller , John Wayne or Forrest Tucker. I remember seeing bits of " The Sands of Iwo Jima" on television in which Tucker's and Waynes' characters are at odds . I don't remember which of the two appeared to have the edge in height.
mike c said on 26/Nov/08
Of course, I meant to write "your" instead of you're....
mike c said on 26/Nov/08
Happy Thanksgiving, guys! Patrick, glad you're surgery went well. mike c
mike c said on 21/Nov/08
Ed.T, did you get a chance to visit my Nov. 3rd and 4th posts and visit the sites of vintage Wayne? He was in his 20's then and, I think, was one very tall fellow. Sorry, Adam, my heart belongs to the Duke. You're too late!!
Outlaw, Bond does appear to go up and down in height in his films...I still think he was at least 6'1.5-2"...he certainly looked it in the Quiet Man.
mike c
Outlaw said on 21/Nov/08
Henry Fonda was 6'1 1/2". I've read his biographies. Some sources say 6'2," others say 6'1". Do your math and you'll come out with the in-between answer that is told in his biographies, "I am 6'1" and a half". I see no reason to to lie. And he very clearly always appeared the height.
I also have no doubt Ward Bond was 6'2 1/2". You could see it when he was standing with Wayne and McLaglen, surely. And it's quite obvious in other movies.
Mysteriously enough, people can appear a good amount taller than they really are, as well as shorter. I was looking around the site and I saw the picture with Gary Cooper and Clint Walker -- they looked nearly the same height, but we all know that ain't so.
Oh, well...
Take care all and may the Lord be with y'all.
Ed T. said on 20/Nov/08
Adam and Mike C., although Wayne looks a possible 6'4" in the Quiet Man, there were some films in the early 1960's ( I know this has already been discussed on this Page before)where he looked like he could have been slightly less than a full 6'4", such as "Liberty Valence" , where there are some scenes where he looks the same height or a hair taller than 6'3" Jimmy Stewart; as well as "The Longest Day" where he possibly does not look a legitimate 6'4". Maybe the Duke lost a half inch or so from the time "The Quiet Man " was made to the early 1960's , which was about a 10 year time span. Either way, he was most likely no less than 6'3.5" in his mid-fifties.
adam said on 20/Nov/08
Quiet Man is a great film, no doubts. I`ve seen it and Wayne looks very tall. He is indeed around 2 inches taller than McLaglen.
We won`t be taking long showers??? You`re telling me that I`ve been visiting this site for NOTHING then! You should`ve said that earlier...
Yes well... Wayne looks tall!
adam said on 20/Nov/08
Hank Fonda was 6-1.
adam said on 19/Nov/08
Ward Bond wasn`t 6-2
Scott B. said on 19/Nov/08
Mike C. How tall was Henrey Fonda? Wayne had him by two inches in the movie Fort Apache.
mike c said on 19/Nov/08
Nice reply Ed.T. I can live with a .5" difference. McLaglen was 73 when he died. Stewart was 89 and still 6'3". Some men just don't lose height as they get older. Then again, quite a few do, e.g. Clint Eastwood's is the most dramatic, I think. I'm glad you saw The Quiet Man. Many contributors have not and base their comments on Wayne during his 60's. If you get a chance scroll down to my Nov. 3rd and 4th posts and visit the sites of vintage Wayne. He was in his 20's then and, I think, was one tall fellow. mike c
Outlaw said on 18/Nov/08
Thank you once again, mike c. It sure is one of his best, and possibly his greatest, in my opinion. No doubt he could could have been 6'4 1/2" there. Yeah, that fight scene is hilarious and most certainly, Maureen O'Hara is wonderful. She's my favorite actress. Most definitely is a classic... I agree with ya a 100%.
Take care and may the Lord be with ya.
Ed T. said on 18/Nov/08
Outlaw and Mike C., I agree that the Quiet Man is a great film and it is one of the Duke's best performances.
Wayne does look tall, but I don't know about 6'4.5". Victor McLaglen was in his mid 60's as Outlaw has indicated. He's usually listed at 6'3" in his boxing statistics. However, from what I have seen on this Site and from what I have read ( I am not an expert on shrinking height, but I have seen people on this Site comment on their knowledge of height loss ), most men are supposed to lose at least one inch or very close to it by their mid sixties (although I realize some men shrink less, others more). So , In the Quiet Man, Wayne may have been playing opposite a 6'2" Victor McLaglen.
Also, Outlaw, I don't think Ward Bond was 6'2 1/2". I believe Bond to be closer to 6'1".
In any event, the Duke help makes the Quiet Man a classic. Very possibly 6'4" in the Quiet Man. 6'4.5" may be stretching his height a little bit.
mike c said on 17/Nov/08
Outlaw, you're right on the money with the Quiet Man. I've been saying it for a long while now. It's one of the Duke's best and clearly shows his great height....6'4.5" at the time. I love the fight scene and Maureen is fantastic! Great movie and I watch at least 2-3 times a's classic and any Wayne fan would do well to see it in the uncut version. Take care. Mike C. ps. Patrick, I hope your surgery went well.
Outlaw said on 16/Nov/08
Thank you very much, mike c. Happy to be aboard.
Take care and may the Lord be with y'all.
mike c said on 13/Nov/08
adam, give Outlaw a break. He's right on!! Did you forget what you wrote just 2 short months ago?....
adam says on 10/Sep/08:
"My height opinions about that photo Gonzalo talks about:
Lee Marvin: 6-2
Clint Eastwood: 6-4
Rock Hudson: 6-5 at that time, 6-6 peak.
John Wayne: 6-3 at that time, 6-4 peak
Fred MacMurray: 6 feet at that time, 6-3 peak
Jimmy Stewart: 6-3
Michael Caine: 6-2 (though looking clearly more than an inch shorter than Stewart... hmmm..)
Ernest Borgnine: 5-10"...Or, is this a totally different, albeit enlightened adam? Welcome aboard, Outlaw! mike c
mike c said on 12/Nov/08
Good posts Outlaw and's amazing how much proof is out there regarding his 6.4+ height and how little we've seen contradicting it....But, I guess, people see what they want to see. This is why we have a great sight, ed. Rob! Adam, do you realize that we've come within an inch of agreeing with each other!...Keep your comments coming, guys! mike c ps, take another look at the vintage video's I posted a few days ago...he as a tall man!!
Russ said on 12/Nov/08
I used to work in Newport Beach, California. As you may know, John Wayne used to live in Newport Beach. He enjoyed sailing. Anyway, many of the older "locals" in the area remember seeing John Wayne around town. More than once, I heard it said that John Wayne was a very large man. I once overheard an elderly gentlemen, who was about 6'2", say that "he (Wayne) was taller than me and half again my size". Does that convince any skeptics out there...that John Wayne truly was tall? In his movies, he "towers over" just about every other man on the set. John Wayne was tall and big. Believe it.
adam said on 11/Nov/08
the Lord is inside of me and he`s saying "Duke Wayne wasn`t 6-4, he was an inch shorter."
Outlaw said on 11/Nov/08
John Wayne was no doubt 6'4". Up until probably the early '60s, the Duke never wore lifts, and even if he did lose height near his death, it wasn't much. He pretty much towered over everyone. The only 4 actors I have seen starring with him, taller, were: James Arness (6'7" or more), Rock Hudson (6'5"), Mike Mizaruki (6'5"), and Jim Hutton (6'5"). If you noticed, John Wayne always slouched, positioning one of his legs out, bending it slighty, lowering him possibly 2 inches or so.
James Stewart was 6'3.5," Gary Cooper 6'3"-6'3.75," Gregory Peck 6'3," Kirk Douglas 5'9," Dean Martin 5'10," Lee Marvin 6'2," Clint Eastwood 6'4," Lee Van Cleef 6'2," Woody Strode 6'4,". You could clearly see when Wayne stood straight, he towered over Douglas and Dean Martin, as well as 5'10," Montgomery Clift in "Red River".
I have no clue why people are trying to undermine John Wayne's height. He was a legend... No, the largest presence to ever grace Hollywood -- he stood above all else.
That is that.
Take care all, may the Lord be with you all, and please stop hatin' on the Duke's height, for Heaven's sake.
mike c said on 9/Nov/08
An interesting USC article the caption on the right side for the fourth picture...great pictures of the Duke...mike c
Click Here
Lenad said on 9/Nov/08
The guy was in a hell of a lot of movies.
Hugh said on 8/Nov/08
Wayne was overall a huge guy. 194-195cm peak.
mike c said on 7/Nov/08
Guys, Johnny Carson was between 5'10" and 5'11" he is with the Duke during 11979 Academy Awards...Wayne would die soon after....I see at least 4-5" difference in height. I heard Carson also wore lifts. who knows, but Wayne is a "lot" taller don't you agree? Both in formal wear...let's see, 4" lifts in dress shoes......??
Click Here
Patrick said on 6/Nov/08
MikeC, Gonzalo, I leave for weeks (surgery) but I was set on saying that I just watched Circus World, a not that bad movie if you forget the terrible Claudia Cardinal acting.
That lady is listed about 5
mike c said on 5/Nov/08
Wayne with George Brancroft (Stagecoach)..he's listed as 6'2"...scroll down to the picture. Wayne towers over him. mike c
Click Here
mike c said on 5/Nov/08
adam, another vintage movie starring the Duke..enjoy. mike c
Click Here
Patrick said on 5/Nov/08
Hello Mike C and Gonzalo and all of you who render that site possible and allow great passed away stars memory so lively!
Thanks to you, they live forever and are not swept away by current stars or supposedly so.
I enjoyed a lot your pics and other you
mike c said on 4/Nov/08
Guys, for your viewing pleasure. I see a very, very tall John Wayne. Enjoy. mike c
Click Here
adam said on 4/Nov/08
Thank you mike c for that. I appreciate it, like all the others also. If you have some more rare stuff, please share them with us, sir.
I think Wayne was at least 190cm (6-2 and 3/4), Gonzalo. After watching Rio Bravo, El Dorado and Searchers again... well, he sure looks tall.
mike c said on 3/Nov/08
Guys, for your viewing pleasure. A short clip of John Wayne in a 1934 movie. He sure doesn't look small/short to me. mike c
Click Here
Gonzalo said on 3/Nov/08
I disagree with Adam. There aren
LT said on 1/Nov/08
i remember seeing an interview with a stage hand who worked with him, he said somthing along the lines of "he walked through the door and looked like he was seven feet tall in his cowboy boots, of course he was really six four"
adam said on 1/Nov/08
In "The Longest Day" Wayne didnt wear lifts. It would have been too vicible, so many stars. In a scene where Robert Ryan talks with Wayne in an office, Wayne looks shorter no doubts. Ryan is looking clearly DOWN at Wayne. I think this is also one good proof..
mike c said on 31/Oct/08
Happy Halloween! A funny video with Dean Martin, Don Rickles and Roy Rogers. Dean and Roy were at least 5'10.5-11". Check out their sites. Now, watch Dark Command with Wayne and Rogers (1940)..there are several scenes with Wayne and Rogers face to face or side by side...Wayne is 6'4+ all the way. ps. Watch the movies with Wayne and Martin..exactly the same height difference.
Click Here mike c
mike c said on 31/Oct/08
Gonzalo, if I'm not mistaken, in the photo with Forest, Wayne is not standing up straight. I think he's leaning on something. Did you see the movie? mike c
Anonymous said on 31/Oct/08
I only saw a 3 inch difference between Wayne and Arness. Wayne WAS 6'4 Prime and 6'2 at the end.
adam said on 31/Oct/08
Wayne as tall as Arness? Seeing him as tall as a legit 6-7 man only proves that he wore lifts, mike c. James Arness was 6-7 and nothing under. In Big Jim Mclain Arness looked at least 4 inches taller than Wayne. So that`s it, man...
Then about the Texas Terror film where Wayne looks tall. I certainly agree with you -he looks very tall. But I found a strange thing while go: Im 6-2 and in a filmed dancing show where I was (happened in a high school time) I looked surprisingly towering! I walked as tall as I could and with a gut-in chest-out style posture. I could`ve sworn I looked like a 6-4 man if not more! And all the others who watched that thought the same. Besides those facts I said I also have pretty broad shoulders so that might add the illusion.
So I`d say that I`ve got some similarities with Wayne. More or less a similar build and also: Wayne always walked in a tall way, he had a good posture and broad shoulders. Then he kept his belt in a very high level and he had also pretty "high" shoulders if you know what I mean. All those things make you look taller.
All in all: Yes, in that film he looks very tall, taller than 6-2. But a solid 6-2 man with those features I just mentioned could look 6-4 or even more! I`ll guarantee that. Im 6-2 and some say Im 6-4 which Im not. Height is a strange thing..
Now again, Im not saying that "Wayne was no way 6-4" because he sure might have been! But again, maybe he was only about 6-2
mike c said on 29/Oct/08
Another interesting site about the Duke..even mentions his height...
Click Here
mike c said on 29/Oct/08
Here's a list of John Wayne's movies...Maybe someone out there has seen most of them and can comment on his height. mike c
1925 - Brown of Harvard
1926 - The Great K&A; Train Robbery
1926 - Bardelays The Magnificent
1927 - The Drop Kick
1927 - Annie Laurie
1928 - Mother Machree
1928 - Hangman's House
1928 - Four Sons
1929 - Words and Music (Silent)
1929 - Speakeasy
1929 - Salute
1929 - Noah's Ark
1929 - The Forward Pass
1929 - The Black Watch
1929 - Words and Music (Sound)
1930 - Men Without Women
1930 - A Rough Romance
1930 - Born Reckless
1930 - Cheer Up and Smile
1930 - The Big Trail
1931 - Girls Demand Excitement
1931 - Three Girls Lost
1931 - Arizona, aka Men Are Like That
1931 - The Deceiver
1931 - Range Feud
1931 - Maker of Men
1932 - Shadow of the Eagle (12-part serial)
1932 - Texas Cyclone
1932 - Two Fisted Law
1932 - That's My Boy
1932 - Lady and Gent, aka The Challenger
1932 - The Hurricane Express (12-part serial)
1932 - The Hollywood Handicap
1932 - Ride Him Cowboy
1932 - The Big Stampede
1932 - Haunted Gold
1933 - The Telegraph Trail
1933 - The Three Musketeers (12-part serial)
1933 - Central Airport
1933 - Somewhere in Sonora
1933 - His Private Secretary
1933 - The Life of Jimmy Dolan, aka The Kid's Last Fight
1933 - Baby Face
1933 - The Man from Monterey
1933 - Riders of Destiny
1933 - College Coach
1933 - Sagebrush Trail
1934 - West of the Divide
1934 - The Lucky Texan
1934 - Blue Steel
1934 - The Man from Utah
1934 - Randy Rides Alone
1934 - The Star Packer
1934 - The Trail Beyond
1934 - The Lawless Frontier
1934 - 'Neath Arizona Skies
1935 - Texas Terror
1935 - Rainbow Valley
1935 - The Desert Trail
1935 - The Dawn Rider
1935 - Paradise Canyon
1935 - Westward Ho
1935 - The Lawless Range
1935 - The New Frontier
1936 - The Oregon Trail
1936 - The Lawless Nineties
1936 - King of the Pecos
1936 - Winds of the Wasteland
1936 - The Lonely Trail
1936 - The Sea Spoilers
1936 - Conflict
1937 - California Straight Ahead
1937 - I Cover the War
1937 - Idol of the Crowds
1937 - Adventure's End
1937 - Born to the West aka Hell Town
1938 - Pals of the Saddle
1938 - Overland Stage Raiders
1938 - Santa Fe Stampede
1938 - Red River Range
1939 - The Night Riders
1939 - Three Texas Steers
1939 - Wyoming Outlaw
1939 - New Frontier, aka - Frontier Horizon
1939 - Stagecoach
1939 - Allegheny Uprising, aka The First Rebel
1940 - Dark Command
1940 - Three Faces West
1940 - The Long Voyage Home
1940 - Seven Sinners
1941 - Stars Past and Present
1941 - A Man Betrayed, aka - Wheel of Fortune
1941 - Lady From Louisiana
1941 - The Shepherd of the Hills
1942 - Lady for a Night
1942 - Reap the Wild Wind
1942 - The Spoilers
1942 - In Old California
1942 - Flying Tigers
1942 - Reunion in France
1942 - Pittsburg
1943 - A Lady Takes a Chance
1943 - In Old Oklahoma aka War of the Wildcats
1944 - The Fighting Seabees
1944 - Tall in the Saddle
1945 - Flame of the Barbary Coast
1945 - Back to Bataan
1945 - They Were Expendable
1945 - Dakota
1946 - Desert Command (re-cut of serial The Three Musketeers)
1946 - Without Reservations
1947 - Angel and the Badman
1947 - Tycoon
1948 - Fort Apache
1948 - Red River
1949 - 3 Godfathers
1949 - Wake of the Red Witch
1949 - The Fighting Kentuckian
1949 - She Wore a Yellow Ribbon
1949 - The Sands of Iwo Jima
1950 - Rio Grande
1951 - Operation Pacific
1951 - Flying Leathernecks
1952 - Big Jim McLain
1952 - The Quiet Man
1953 - Trouble Along the Way
1953 - Island in the Sky
1953 - Hondo (released in 3-D)
1954 - The High and the Mighty
1955 - Rookie of the Year (TV movie)
1955 - The Sea Chase
1955 - Blood Alley
1956 - The Conqueror
1956 - The Searchers
1957 - The Wings of Eagles
1957 - Jet Pilot
1957 - Legend of the Lost
1958 - I Married a Woman
1958 - The Barbarian and the Geisha
1959 - Rio Bravo
1959 - The Horse Soldiers
1960 - The Alamo
1960 - North to Alaska
1961 - The Commancheros
1962 - The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance
1962 - Hatari
1962 - The Longest Day
1962 - Flashing Spikes (TV movie)
1962 - How the West Was Won
1963 - Donovan's Reef
1963 - McLintock
1964 - Circus World, aka The Magnificent Showman
1965 - The Greatest Story Ever Told
1965 - In Harm's Way
1965 - The Sons of Katie Elder
1966 - Cast a Giant Shadow
1967 - The War Wagon
1967 - El Dorado
1968 - The Green Berets
1969 - Hellfighters
1969 - True Grit
1969 - The Undefeated
1970 - Chisum
1970 - Rio Lobo
1970 - Raquel! (TV movie)
1971 - Big Jake
1972 - The Cowboys
1972 - Cancel My Reservation
1973 - The Train Robbers
1973 - Cahill, United States Marshal
1974 - McQ
1975 - Brannigan
1975 - Rooster Cogburn
mike c said on 29/Oct/08
Gonzalo, I think one of your pics. is when Wayne got out of the hospital after his first shot with cancer...look at the book I sent you..he's dressed the same way...mike c
mike c said on 29/Oct/08're the man! Great find and yes, they're beautiful pictures. Of special interest are the pics with Arness and Wayne..I don't see a huge difference. I may be wrong, but the difference between Joe and Wayne/Arness is almost the same...and,Ward sure looks tall...but, who knows, the guy probably wore lifts just like the Duke...Anyway, this is what makes this site special. Don't you agree, adam? mike c
mike c said on 29/Oct/08
adam, you're very welcome. I appreciate your comments and your logic. I guess we can safely say that we're narrowing the're beginning to believe that Wayne was more than 6'2" peak and I, of course, strongly feel that he was minimum 6'4" perhaps even taller. I love a good debate without anyone disrespecting another when he/she runs out of things to say. I must agree that the 6'2" article is a very good find. But, I respectfully offer that countless subsequent articles describe him at 6'4". Hey, this is all in fun. You, Gonzalo, Patrick, Frank 2 and a few others make this an enjoyable few minutes from our ( I think) very hectic lives. The fun is researching and trying to provide evidence that will "hold up in court". I loath statements that have no merit and are based on hearsay or just plain nonsense. So, adam, I know Gonzalo, Patrick, are up for the challenge. Let's hope we can keep on debating in good taste and friendship...hopefully better than our present presidential candidates...take care, adam. mike c
mike c said on 29/Oct/08
An interesting many authors of books and articles listing the Duke at 6'4" or more and people still insist he was shorter. Watch my last post if you can, the first 6 minutes are very interesting. This is Wayne in 1933...Oh, I forgot, he had 4" lift on...and how about the other man? mike c
Click Here
Gonzalo said on 29/Oct/08
Wayne looking very tall
Click HereWayne looking shorter than Steve Forrest
Click HereThat page has interesting pics. Check it out
Gonzalo said on 29/Oct/08
Wayne looking very tall
Click HereThat page has interesting pics. Check it out
Gonzalo said on 29/Oct/08
Hi, Adam. I was thinking the other day that Wayne has appeared in many movies next to Ward Bond: westerns and non-westerns, in the early fories and in the late fifties. The difference between them is always around the same: 5-7 cms. If Wayne really wore lifts it could be very possible that the difference between them varied depending on the film. That didn
adam said on 29/Oct/08
mike c, great find, thank you for that. Wayne looks tall, taller than 6-2 but there are obvious things that make him look even taller. First, he holds his belt about 4 inches higher than most men. That gives the illusion of having longer legs and that way, an illusion of being taller. He also walks very tall and has a good posture and so on... All in all, yes he looks more than 6-2 but I wouldn`t count the possible camera angles and lifts off. And early film, no doubts but maybe some member of the staff said "this is a real man, let`s make him look as imposing as we could to make him a star!" and so on...
That might sound foolish but it`s a possibility. But... Im beginning to believe that Wayne really was more than 6-2 peak... he looks that. JW`s article though is an excellent proof that perharps he wasn`t more than 6-2! I`m not sure..
Gonzalo, thanks a lot, great photos. Again we can`t see anything about footwear and so on so not very good pics to compare height but still great page. Thank you both.
Gonzalo said on 29/Oct/08
Great find, Mike. Wayne looks definitely taller than 6`2 in that movie.
I have found this page of a man who has pics taken with a lot of celebrities. You can check his height next to tall guys such as Heston, Hackman, Glover and Wayne. Wayne towers over him
Click Here
mike c said on 27/Oct/08
Guys, here's a 1933 movie with Wayne. My computer freezes after the first 6 minutes because I have dial-up internet. Let me know what you think. I see a very tall Wayne during the first 6 minutes.and he sure looks taller than 6'2.... ..mike c
Click Here
adam said on 26/Oct/08
Both Martin and Wayne wore lifts. Life isn
Mike C said on 21/Oct/08
This is an interesting video that has Wayne and Martin. Wayne looks huge next to Martin. They're both in formal wear.
Click Here
adam said on 20/Oct/08
And I`ll repeat: In The Big Trail Wayne doesn`t look 6-4. He is only about 3-4 inches taller than David Rollins who was like 5-10 or just slightly more. Wayne looks tall and with his tall walk, good posture and boots he looks even taller -just not barefoot 6-4.
adam said on 20/Oct/08
Let`s put my estimates again about those guys you mentioned there Gonzalo:
Marvin: 6-2 (even though can look mysteriously a lot shorter)
Stewart: 6-3 - 6-3
adam said on 20/Oct/08
Yes, I dont believe myself that Robbins is only 6-4
Gonzalo said on 20/Oct/08
HI, Adam. I am a bit confused lately about WAYNE
adam said on 19/Oct/08
Gonzalo, great mysteries in the end of your post. I agree: height can be a mystery, no doubts.
Gonzalo, I think I
Lenad said on 18/Oct/08
I'd give him 190/191cm. He never looked quite 6'4
adam said on 18/Oct/08
"The Longest Day" was an all-star movie. There were lots of actors, lots of international actors from different countries and so on... That wasn`t "Wayne`s own movie" like pretty much all the others (espacially from his later career). That was the reason why he didnt wear lifts in that movie - it wasn`t HIS movie, he wasn`t the only king there. That`s why he looked his true height in that film -about 6-2 or less.
Anonymous said on 17/Oct/08
I've watched nearly all of Wayne's films and consider him as one of my favourite actors but I find it hard to believe he was ever a legit 6'4 barefoot. Even in his early films I just couldn't see that this was accurate. I think Wayne was never anything more than 6 ft 2 barefoot, evidently wore lifts. I'm usually an excellent judge for height and I reckon Wayne was a solid 6 ft 2 in his prime, 6 ft 1 by the late 60s and 1970s.
mike c said on 16/Oct/08
Call me silly, but sometimes you have to go into the den to meet the bear face to face. Now, adam and JW are very convinced that the 1930 Photoplay article is excellent proof of Wayne's height in his prime. I agree with them on one level; it's an excellent find! And, I respect their opinion and their tenacity. I thank them for their latest posts because it makes this site exciting and I look forward to reading what the contributors have to say. Thanks, Rob, for a great site!
Now, using their source, I found an article in Photoplay, no less, referring to a 1977 biography written by George Carpozi. This, I think, is the same Photoplay magazine that adam and JW espoused. I hope they let us know if it
mike c said on 16/Oct/08
Patrick, you took the words right out of my mouth! Keep on posting! Gonzalo, good job!! I appreciated your comments. More to follow. Mike C.
Patrick said on 16/Oct/08
Gonzalo, i have no words to qualify your written work but
Lenad said on 16/Oct/08
Thanks for agreeing with me Adam.
JW said on 14/Oct/08
Adam: John Wayne was never more than 6'2". By the early 1960s he was only 6'1". That is why he looked 2 inches shorter than Steve Forrest in THE LONGEST DAY. He had to be wearing lifts in those publicity photos with Rock Hudson, Clint Eastwood, Lee Marvin, etc. I got the 6'4" height from Hudson's biography. Rock may have been 6'5" at one time. He certainly looked that tall next to Desi Arnaz. By the time the UNDEFEATED was made, I don't think Hudson was at his peak height anymore. I recently saw some episodes of McMillan & Wife from the early 1970s and Hudson did not look 6'5".
Gonzalo said on 14/Oct/08
Rakino made one of the most surrealistic posts in celebheights: compare the height of Wayne and Eastwood when they are on different steps. Why not compare Wayne and Hudson who are standing side by side? Maybe this Rakimo is one of those guys that contribute to this page downgrading Wayne and now uses a different name. Maybe editor Rob can help us on that one.
Well, where do I start? Ward Bond wasn
Lenad said on 13/Oct/08
Wayne looked a flat 6 ft 3 to me.
adam said on 13/Oct/08
In The Undefeated Wayne wore lifs. Hudson said that himself. And Hudson was at least 6-5 peak, not just 6-4.
But I do agree with you JW: Wayne wasn`t quite 6-4.
mike c said on 13/Oct/08
Guys, here's another early article from Time 1952. Interesting because it talks about Wayne's height as well as Ward Bond's and John Ford's. Enjoy.Mike C
Click Here
Patrick said on 13/Oct/08
JW, the only film you quote I grant you is "the longest day".
I already said here that I just did not understand. If wearing lifts, why not wearing them "all the time"? That makes no sense.
James Arness was definitely 6'7 or else Clint Walker was not 6'6 what he surely was because he himself said "James is one inch taller than I am".
In the shootist, if you see Jimmy Stewart taller, sorry but you need glasses.
JW said on 12/Oct/08
Rock Hudson and John Wayne:
Click HereMike c: You wanted to know in which movies John Wayne looks less than 6'4". Try these:
BIG JIM McLAIN-completely dwarfed by James Arness (6'6" or 6'7").
HONDO-the same height as Leo Gordon (6'2").
THE LONGEST DAY-clearly two inches shorter than Steve Forrest (6'3").
THE UNDEFEATED-at least two inches shorter than Rock Hudson (6'4") and a mere five or six inches taller than Paul Fix, an actor who was almost a foot shorter than Chuck Connors.
CHISUM-only slightly taller than Ray Teal (5'11").
THE SHOOTIST-shorter than Jimmy Stewart (6'3").
I used to believe that John Wayne was 6'4" until I saw the movie Big Jim McLain. There is no way that a person 6'4" could look so small next to James Arness. After that, I noticed in other movies that Wayne didn't seem tall enough compared to other actors to have been 6'4".
adam said on 12/Oct/08
Rakino, possibly true. But Wayne looks only barely shorter than Rock Hudson which I dont buy. Wayne is wearing lifts, my friends.
Rakino said on 12/Oct/08
Click HereWayne's two steps higher than Eastwood, who would no doubt have at least an inch, inch and a half on him, if he stood next to him.
adam said on 12/Oct/08
Ok, sorry mike c for my arrogance. Fine article, no doubts. Thank you for that.
mike c said on 11/Oct/08
adam, who put you in charge of these posts? Now, you've decided that anthing we provide as proof of Wayne's height has to be from the 30's or 40's. If so, adam, how about the picture with Wayne, Scott, and the boxer Stein or have you decided that only magazine articles will be allowed. Please clarify, because I thought I was contributing to the Wayne page, not yours. mike c
adam said on 9/Oct/08
I was Anonymous.
Patrick said on 9/Oct/08
Ok, guys, sorry for David instead of John Caradine! I still see him a bit more than 6 foot tall anyway. I just saw him in a wonderful episode of "Twilight zone" and he is more than 183 cm.
Thanks for these pics Gonzalo and mike C!
That fulfils me with joy! You know, John Wayne was anyhow, the greatest. He definitely had something unique, magical and God knows how I love
Gonzalo said on 9/Oct/08
Great job, as always, Mike C.
Posted a long time ago. Wayne in lifts looking barely taller than this short guy
Click Here
adam said on 9/Oct/08
And Anonymous was me.
Anonymous said on 9/Oct/08
Tony G, touche.
Mike c, 1950 doesnt mean jack
Tony G. said on 8/Oct/08
Adam, David Carradine was alive in 1939 when "Stagecoach" was made. David was born in Dec., 1936 (the same year as Michael Landon).
mike c said on 8/Oct/08
adam, a current article..just for arguments, look at the picture of 23 year old Wayne...He's not even standing up straight next to the girl. Sure looks 6'4" to me..If the girl is at least 5'4", he's more than a foot taller!
Click Here
mike c said on 8/Oct/08
adam, how about 1950, January, Time Magazine. Good reading.
Click Heremike, Patrick, Gonzalo, nice to read you my friends!
Gonzalo said on 8/Oct/08
I agree with Adam, Carradine wasn
adam said on 8/Oct/08
Wayne really was something wasn`t he -he towered a man who wasn`t even born yet!
Ok, so John Carradine was in the movie, not Dave. John Carradine wasn`t ever more than 6`0". He was rake thin and looked taller.
Patrick said on 8/Oct/08
Once more Gonzalo, you hit the nail on the head!
Sure Stage coach is an old movie and sure again, "he" looks clearly above 6'2.5!
He towers over young at least 6'1 David Caradine and moreover 6'Andy Devine.
Adam, I wish i'd send any document but I just don't know how to do! I am an old man now (joke) and if anyone can tell me the way to process, I should be much obliged!
adam said on 7/Oct/08
Anonymous 7/Oct/08 was me. Why did the name change? Well it doesnt matter.
Gonzalo, could you then show us some old articles where the man is described as being 6-4? Not articles from 1997 telling "already the 6-4 hulking actor in the 30s..." but a real old article. I`d be glad to read one, my friend.
Gonzalo said on 7/Oct/08
For one article saying Wayne was 6`2 there are five saying Wayne was taller. I don
Anonymous said on 7/Oct/08
I just saw The Big Trail. Wayne looks tall but not 6-4. I would say 6-2 is on the money. Possibly just a little bit more. Well Patrick and mike c, if you have some other OLD articles too (early 1930s..), please share them with us, fellows. I think JW scored a big one with this article.
Patrick said on 7/Oct/08
Ah Mike C, what a delight to read those articles! It
mike c said on 6/Oct/08
JW, I also think that this author had no reason to lie or allow a false impression to be given to the readers of the New York Times. There are more articles like this one out there.
From the New York Times, May 20, 2007
Building the Duke, Film by Film
Editor Rob
mike, I can't allow the article to appear on here, so I linked it.
mike c said on 6/Oct/08
JW, you're right, the author had no reason to lie, but perhaps got the facts wrong. Who knows. But,in my opinion, when an ex-president is part of a biography, I would think the author would want to ensure that all his/her facts are correct. I present the following from one of three biographies I have on the Duke. I'll provide more quotes in time. JW, I don't agree with you, but respect your opinion. At least you're trying to come up with proof instead of just repeating the babble of some of our contributors. Keep up the good debate.
From the Duke, We
adam said on 6/Oct/08
JW, YOU HIT THE JACKPOT HERE! I sure can buy that! He isnt under 6-2 but I never saw him as a real 6-4. 1930 article describing 6-2. JW, congratulations.
Gonzalo said on 6/Oct/08
Good research, JW. Interesting article. However, there are other sources that say Wayne was taller, for instance when he played football in USC. Or Raoul Walsh
JW said on 6/Oct/08
A 1930 issue of Photoplay magazine states that "John Wayne is six feet and two inches tall and weighs 198 pounds."
Click HereThis was written before he became a celebrity so there was no reason to lie. Until someone can furnish some real evidence that he was 6'4", I am going to go with the magazine article. John Wayne's peak height was 6'2".
Bobbie said on 5/Oct/08
I met the Duke (John Wayne) he was over 6'4. I even had my picture taken with him. I promise,he was tall.
mike c said on 4/Oct/08
JW, I met Henry Winklar in Reno, Nevado about 5 years ago at a Reading First Conference where he was a guest speaker. He spoke about learning problems, the difficulties he endured as a student, and his life in general. He wowed the audience. I'm 5'6" and he was a little bit taller than I. Look at the photo of Ron with Henry. I see at least a three inch difference in their respective heights. Now, what is Brenda wearing with that dress......flats? I don't think so. Maybe I'm wrong,but Ron is at least 5'9" and he looks like a little boy next to the Duke, who, by the way is barefoot. As for he not looking 6'4" in his movies, which ones are you talking about? Scroll down to my Aug 14 post and try to get a copy of the older Duke movies I'll change your mind. Gonzalo, Patrick, Frank 2, keep your post to read common sense for a change. mike c
mike c said on 3/Oct/08
Great photos, Gonzalo. You're on a roll! Wish my computer would allow me to save them. Cuidate, mike c
Patrick said on 2/Oct/08
Dear Gonzalo, how true are your words! The same with Brunobrowne! Nothing to add for once, for the time being.
Gonzalo said on 2/Oct/08
These aren
Brunobrowne said on 1/Oct/08
JW did not look at the photos you posted. Howard is standing furthest away from the camera in all of them. Henry Winkler is 5'6'' approx but going by your pic and estimation of Howard being 5'7'' poor Henry must be only 5'3''
JW said on 1/Oct/08
Ron Howard is not a good comparison to John Wayne. He is probably 5'7" or less. Tom Bosley is only 5'6" according to his biography and may be even smaller.
Ron Howard with 5'11" Brenda Strong:
Click HereRon Howard with 5'11" Jay Leno:
Click HereRon Howard with 5'9"
Mel Gibson:
Click HereI don't believe that John Wayne wore lifts except for some publicity photos. He never looked 6'4" in any of his movies or TV appearances. He once made a cameo appearance on the Beverly Hillbillies but there was no way of determining his height. However, there was a picture of him taken on the set with Irene Ryan (5'2"). The top of her head was about even with Wayne's shoulder. He looked about a foot taller than her. Ted Cassidy (6'9") also appeared on an episode of the Beverly Hillbillies. Irene Ryan was well below his shoulder. Was John Wayne a mere 5 inches shorter than Ted Cassidy? Not likely.
Gonzalo said on 1/Oct/08
Adam, Wayne looking taller than Corrigan. Wayne isn
bored said on 30/Sep/08
et over it short people it obvious john wayne was the height suggested 6'4" look at him against Frank sinatra, reaga, martin, hope in the photo they shared he was much taller than all-no optical illusion just fact
Patrick said on 30/Sep/08
Gonzalo, my friend, Bob Mitchum was a story-teller and joking all the time. I invite everybody to read how he (as Dean Martin) surprisingly read what he reportedly had said by an interview.
In a word, Bob
David said on 29/Sep/08
He was clearly a huge man, particularly for his time. I've never seen a movie where he looked short or even normal tall (say someone who's 6' or 6'1). He always towered over his costars and the only actors I saw that were close to his height were tall men themselves. 6'3 1/2 peak might be possible, but that's the lowest I'd consider. I was just watching the Shootist, and although his health was failing, he still absolutely towered over Ron Howard. Now Ron Howard is hardly a big man, but still, the way Wayne made Howard look like a kid, he had to be at least 6'1 and likely taller. I'm sure he had shrunk an inch or more by the time this film had been made.
Brunobrowne said on 29/Sep/08
Adam make up your mind, I thought at last you admitted Wayne was 6'4'' peak.
You and the Captain should take a look at the picture of 5'9'' Ron Howard with footwear and barefoot 68 year old Wayne. Thats all the evidence you will ever need.
adam said on 29/Sep/08
156cm is a shade under 5-2 I think.
Both Rock and Mitchum said that Wayne wore lifts. Two very different actors who didnt have any kind of connection, so it sure wasnt any inside joke... They both lied? I dont think so. Why would there be rumors about lifts if those rumors dont have a leg to stand? Wayne is pretty much the only tall man who has got these kinds of rumors. Hudson, Stewart, Peck, Price, Goldblum, Vaughn, you name it, etc.. there`s no discussion that one of those men would wear lifts. It`s not the same thing with Wayne here. And Frank2, you have a one big ego let me tell you. You seem to convince everyone that you know everything but is it really so?
Anyway. There are obviously a great number of people who dont believe that Wayne was a solid 6-4 really. Im one of those. He was over six feet (of course) but I dont buy 6-4 yet. Those cowboy boots photos are nothing. There`s Jay S` gallery where Wayne doesn`t look anywhere near 6-4. That`s from some early Wayne movie so....
Gonzalo said on 29/Sep/08
Rob, I sent a good post with several pics in which Wayne was taller than Corrigan, didn
Captain Spaulding said on 26/Sep/08
After seein lots of photos im thinkin the only way John Wayne was 6'4" would be in lifts, and that his real height was around 6'2". Because if he was really 6'4" then hed appear 6'6" since he always wore lifts, and he never ever looked that tall.
In some old movie with him and James Arness who was 6'7"+, Arness had at least 3 inches over Wayne and Wayne was probably wearing lifts. So id say 6'2" was his real height, and 6'4" max in lifts.
Captain Spaulding said on 26/Sep/08
Gonzalo says on 25/Sep/08
"Wayne looking 4-5 cms taller than Katharine Hepburn, who was around 1`56"
How tall is Katharine Hepburn in terms of feet/inches?
Gonzalo said on 26/Sep/08
In which pic, Adam? In this one?
Click HereC
Anonymous said on 25/Sep/08
John was 6'3 Prime and 6'2 at the end. Wayne was never below 6'2.
adam said on 25/Sep/08
John Wayne looks shorter than the 6-2 Ray Corrigan.
Gonzalo said on 25/Sep/08
John Wayne looking short in these pics
Click HereClick HereJohn Wayne without lifts is shorter than this girl
Click HereA picture from a very old movie, one of those according to Adam in which Wayne didn
Gonzalo said on 25/Sep/08
Wow, JW, what a great pic you have! The best we
JW said on 23/Sep/08
Yes. I have seen the picture of Wayne and Scott. John Wayne does look taller, but he is also closer to the camera. However, Scott's claim of being 6'3" could be a publicity height just like Wayne being 6'4".
In the picture with Gary Cooper, I don't believe that John Wayne or Cooper is on a step. That would create 6 or 8 inches difference in their height. The set is supposed to be a submarine which should have a level deck.
In this picture with Broderick Crawford, John Wayne doesn't look 6'4":
Click HereCrawford is supposed to be 6 feet but that could be a publicity height for someone 5'11" or 5'10". Even though no one in the picture is standing straight, Wayne still doesn't look particularly tall.
mike c said on 23/Sep/08
Brunobrowne, which pic. are you referring to? mike c
Brunobrowne said on 22/Sep/08
JW did you see the full pic of Wayne and Scott (6'3''), footwear similar and Wayne has at least an inch on him. Scroll down.
Patrick said on 22/Sep/08
Mike C: Thanks a lot!
So Frank2 and Julian: that's some post! Ed. Rob, you can be proud of your site! Reading so many clever comments, so deep and rare in our world, frankly you can be proud. Besides, there are so many others pics who show the Duke towering over everybody. I have a pic of Gary Cooper as atll as Clint Walker with no doubt. One picture does not really mean something. That is an element to take into consideration but what really counts is the number of testimonies and the general impression you finally get all along watching movies and photos.
Halb said on 22/Sep/08
I would say Wayne prolly weighed around 250 if he was the genuine 6'4 that many say.
adam said on 21/Sep/08
You cant see their footwear, Wayne might be standing one step lower or something... So not the best way to judge height, JW.
But JW, Im with you -maybe Wayne wasn`t 6-4. Get more evidence. Watch his old movies.
JW said on 21/Sep/08
Gary Cooper (6'3") with John Wayne:
Click Here
adam said on 21/Sep/08
Are you being sarcastic here? Obviously you are, friend...
John Wayne was a great actor in westerns. He was a big man - standing 6-3
Julian said on 19/Sep/08
Actors like John Wayne (6ft 4in.) and Charlton Heston (6ft 3in.) were very much products of their time, especially Wayne. In those days casting people wanted to put people in pictures that distracted the general public from the poverty, privation and want that they saw each day in the Depression and then Post-War period. Going to the movies was the only escapism you could get for your money and when you saw Wayne tackling Mt Surabachi or leading the cattle drive from Texas to Montana you forgot all that. To me, that's why Wayne is the greatest star of them all. A limited actor,sure,but I'll never forget Sir Ralph Richardson on the Russell Harty show being asked who he liked to watch in the movies. He snapped back, "John Wayne". Harty laughs with his audience knowing Sir Ralph has a wicked sense of humour. Then the Knight says, "Great presence, marvellous timing. Without doubt a great film star....". You know he WAS great. I defy anyone to watch The Searchers and not be moved. Of course,he made a lot of dross too. I really like that comparison of 60's Cape Fear and the 90's version I saw lower down. It's this thing of size again. De Niro and Nolte ARE great actors, wonderful. But diminutive men. When you see Mitchum and Peck next to them the latter look like giants and act them off the screen. The point being that studios literally sought out the biggest and best-looking people to be in pictures in the 40's. That was important. Later it was who wowed them on Broadway and who takes the most Viagra. Who is the next BIG THING...even if he is only up to your armpit....
Frank2 said on 19/Sep/08
My proof is what I saw in person. I saw the Duke wearing regular shoes towering above most everyone. I also met Jimmy Stewart and Wayne was just as tall, if not taller. And when I met Stewart which was when he was in his seventies, he hadn't lost height. He was still 6'3".
adam said on 19/Sep/08
JW, you have any proof? He looked tall in all of his movies. The big question is if he wore lifts. You have proof?