Patrick said on 4/Aug/11
Mon says on 3/Aug/11: "Robert Ryan was at least 1/2 an inch taller in "Flying Leathernecks" the most telling scene shows them full length and outdoors standing together beside a tent." Wrong! He often looks – I mean “looks”, not “is” - shorter by an inch while I definitely think they were about the same height.
In that scene in particular, the ground is obviously uneven as in many movies, as it is in Liberty Valence but it seems that people love downgrade the ones being at the top.
I naively thought until now, it was a French idiosyncrasy but it turns out it’s not!
“Wayne's job was to play his image for all it was worth; he wore cowboy boots to look taller”.
That you minimize his size is a thing but that you “reduce” him as man is just mediocre and mean.
Who are you to say such kind of nasty comment? Because that implies you knew him very well personally which is untrue.
It is not here a question of “opinion”; opinion must is based on facts.
As for his voice…that borders on incredible stupidity! Now John Wayne has “high” voice, as if he were gay or sissy!
I wish I could meet all of those people having the courage of writing such things behind their keyboard and about dead celebrities!
Mon said on 3/Aug/11
His records suggest he was between 6'3 1/2 and 6'4'' in late teens. Saying he stood a full 6'4'' forty years later is really saying he was significantly taller that at one point. (Which is quite possibly true.)
Robert Ryan was at least 1/2 an inch taller in "Flying Leathernecks" the most telling scene shows them full length and outdoors standing together beside a tent.
Wayne's job was to play his image for all it was worth, he wore cowboy boots to look taller. In the early B-movies his voice is surprisingly high, someone obviously advised him to lower it.
Jack said on 3/Aug/11
medical records say 6-4, college records say 6-4, he himself says 6-4,
end of.
BlueSky said on 2/Aug/11
A quick question? Precisely how many opinions does it take to change the actual recorded height of a human being?
Patrick said on 2/Aug/11
thebad7, I agree with you and consider that Lee Van Cleef yet a strapping tall man, looked definitely way weaker than the Duke in Liberty Valence, fabulously intelligent and Fordian western.
As for Jimmy Stewart, apart from a couple of scenes, he looks and appears as such, one inch shorter than Wayne in the same movie.
I froze the picture a few days ago at multiple occasions and that no one tell me that Stewart stands taller! In front of the Tom Doniphon’s house – the gun-paint scene – the land is visibly very sloping.
John Wayne didn’t look anything but a mountain even beside a giant man as the late James -Matt Dillon- Arness.
The latter did not “tower” him but was simply taller as 6’è are related to 6’4!
3 inches, it’s not nothing! BTW, Wayne never, ever, even there, tries to look taller than he was. He is always swaying, lowering aside his head, his torso, bending a leg as in many movies, casually akimbo.
thebad7 said on 28/Jul/11
I had to laugh at some of the posters claiming The Duke being 6'2" or less. I hope they're kidding. Marion Morrison--a.k.a., John Wayne--was a big guy, as a young man and as an old man. 6'4" for his peak is spot on, and he didn't look to me like he lost height, even by his final film, 1976's THE SHOOTIST.
I always like to cite 1962's THE MAN WHO SHOT LIBERTY VALANCE whenever the issue of Duke's height arises. It's a film loaded with tall stars. A breakdown:
Jimmy Stewart: strong 6'3", weak 6'4".
John Wayne: approximately 6'4"
Lee Marvin: strong 6'1", weak 6'2".
Lee Van Cleef: 6'2" - 6'2 1/2".
In all instances, Wayne looked very close to Stewart in height, with a slight advantage to Wayne. Likewise, both Stewart and Wayne had a noticeable 1" and a bit of change on legit 6'2" Lee Van Cleef.
I don't think, by the end of his life, that Wayne was any shorter than 6'3 1/2" or at the most, 6'3".
adam 2 said on 26/Jul/11
There is a book about Wayne in which there is a quote.
"Wayne often gave an impression of great size but the endlessly reported figure of 6`4 is false. Wayne stood around six foot three."
Then later in the same book he is being described as a "beefy six foot three".
JD, I believe you.
JD said on 24/Jul/11
John Wayne has always been one of my favorite actors. But, I can tell you this fact. Just a few months before he passed away, I saw him in a grocery store in Los Angeles. Many people were buzzing about him being there. As I left the store, I passed by him no more than eight feet away, as he was speaking to another person with his very recognizable voice. It was undeniably him. I am 6'5" and he was obviously shorter than me; in fact, I was surprised at his height, which was considerably less than I expected. That is all that I can add that I can swear is true.
Boydie said on 21/Jul/11
Watch the movie "Big Jim McClain". James Arness at 6'7 towers over John Wayne.
Wayne was about 6 feet in real life. Watch him walk - then wear boots and add 3 inch lift. Then film yourself walking.
Sam said on 19/Jul/11
In the first scene of The Quiet Man he's asked his height and states "six foot four and a half"
Carl said on 15/Jul/11
John Wayne 'The Duke', given stated height was 6ft.4.5ins. FACT!
Jack said on 15/Jul/11
I have no doubt that John Waynes stood 6-4 in his prime, their is far too much evidence to suggest otherwise, medical records , college records for example, later in life like many people he probably did lose some height,
in many films that Wayne appeared in he rarely stood straight, I have just watched the film Donovans reef where he towered over the 6-1 Lee Marvin,
and was wearing flat shoes,
Mr. Kaplan said on 14/Jul/11
Arness didn't have four inches on Hudson.
Carl said on 14/Jul/11
Allan 100% true; finally somebody with common sense and who strangely enough excepts 'FACTS'. Does everybody on this sight have to be so rude to one another in difference of opinion and what is very amusing to me most of the time is I strongely suspect that most people on here either wan't their celebraties to be giants and then if they are judged on their height and are not 12feet hight as they appear on the movie screen when we see them in the flesh, we automatically assume they must all be below average height. What I would love to see on this height is a debate with two people talking about their hero being taller than they expected. Everybody judges very harshly on this site which can get little bit too rude and border on insulting and bad behaviour. I suspect the real issues are not with the celebrity they are debating in height but their own low esteem, whatever the case may be, over the last four years of being an observe of comments here of this site I can truly and honestly say that there is no need to be rude and insult one another over a person they admire in the public domain. Let's stick with reality and decency and respect to one another, it costs nothing to demonstrate and show maturity whilst having a debate in a subject. Thankyou and I ask Rob the owner and editor of this site to post this comment without judgement perhaps on all forums. Carl B
Allan said on 12/Jul/11
The Duke - - 6'4"
Jim Arness - 6'8"
Rock Hudson - 6'4"
brunobrowne said on 12/Jul/11
Wayne stood in excess of 6'4'' peak, was one huge man 100% all American
TRIPLE HHH said on 11/Jul/11
Richard your a clown. Wayne did not wear lifts. There was only a 3 inch difference. I think Rock Hudson's walk made you crazy.
Mon said on 9/Jul/11
I think some are forgetting he was born in 1907. As any sane person would have to acknowledge, Wayne was a good 6'3 in late middle age. Hence the PEAK height must have been very close to 6'4, it's quite possible he was over 6'4'' in his youth.
Tony G. said on 9/Jul/11
Richard... are you trying to say that John Wayne was only 3 inches taller than 5'9" Ron Howard? Now that's funny!
Shaun said on 9/Jul/11
Richard says on 8/Jul/11
See the movie "Big Jim McLain" and you will see James Arness (6'7") towers over John Wayne. That tells me that John Wayne was about 6 feet tall. Since Wayne wore western cowboy boots which normally gives you 2 1/2 inches in height and with lifts he could get another 2 inches. Where do you think he got that famous John Wayne walk or gait? That much lift makes your gait/walk unstable and shakes your behind. Ask or watch any woman with pumps? Wayne's walk must have driven Rock Hudson crazy.
7 inches difference are you crazy? 3 inches max. However legit 6'6" Alan Napier did look about 4 inches taller than Wayne.
Richard said on 8/Jul/11
See the movie "Big Jim McLain" and you will see James Arness (6'7") towers over John Wayne. That tells me that John Wayne was about 6 feet tall. Since Wayne wore western cowboy boots which normally gives you 2 1/2 inches in height and with lifts he could get another 2 inches. Where do you think he got that famous John Wayne walk or gait? That much lift makes your gait/walk unstable and shakes your behind. Ask or watch any woman with pumps? Wayne's walk must have driven Rock Hudson crazy.
TRIPLE HHH said on 8/Jul/11
Watched Big Jim Mclain the other day. He was asked in the Movie how tall he was. He said 6'4. 6'6 Arness had Wayne by three inches which puts wayne at 6'3. Anything below 6'3 for Wayne is Laughable.
Patrick said on 7/Jul/11
Doreen,it's easy to claim anything even stupidities. Why not 6 inches or more!
where the heck did you ever dig that up? I already had the opportunity to say heere how quite impossible it is to know from outside whteher you wear lifts or not and even more to walk and run with such lifts. Proofs, evidence: here what we all need. This is a serious site; don't waste it.
Curtboy said on 7/Jul/11
His granddaughter is a friend of my family, he was 6'4
Kaye said on 7/Jul/11
Look at John Wayne sitting next to Jim Hutton in Hellfighters almost the same. I'm sure he didn't have lifts in his britches so that's the end of the height question. I'll watch anything with John Wayne in it!
Mr. Kaplan said on 5/Jul/11
Wayne liked acting alongside tall actors like him. That's why he requested Rock for the part.
Doreen said on 27/Jun/11
He wore 4 inch lifts in his shoes...
Carl B said on 26/Jun/11
The Duke 6ft4.5ins.
TRIPLE HHH said on 24/Jun/11
Arness 6'6 Hudson 6'5, Blocker 6'3, Wayne 6'3.
Carl B said on 24/Jun/11
The Duke was and always will be larger than life period! 6ft 4.5ins was the given fact! Too much evidence to dispute otherwise.
Billy G said on 22/Jun/11
John Wayne liked Hudson, getting him a job in "The Undefeated", helping him when he was down in his career.
Shaun said on 19/Jun/11
Hudson didn't like Wayne because he was the straightest man that ever lived LOL. I read somewhere Wayne teased him for being a nancy.. Hudson was 6'5", Wayne weak 6'4".
Tony1kenobe said on 17/Jun/11
In "Big Jim McLain" Veda Ann Borg asks Wayne how big he is. His reply was "6-4". This happens at about the 3:02 in this clip:
Click Here Of course, he IS an actor and could be reading his lines, but I suspect he was stating a fact. It was more in his character.
Patrick said on 14/Jun/11
TonyG. yes and in the movie in question, he was very ill and not that young though actually still very "young". And BTW, 8 size is just ridiculous! I saw some of his shoes and boots a few years ago at WB studios...Not "big" but at least 11 as it seems in many pictures he appears in boat-shoes or so. In the Longest Day, his broken ankle shows a very strong calf, ankle and solidly thick foot but not an especially small one.
adam 2 said on 14/Jun/11
Duke Wayne was 6-3 260 pounds in the mid-sixties. He was a big fat, slow-moving man. Reminds me of Seagal in The Glimmer Man.
Mr. Kaplan said on 13/Jun/11
6'2" is five inches over average height.
Tony G. said on 11/Jun/11
Patrick, true it is hard to judge John Wayne's height when he was wearing shoes. But there are a few instances when he wasn't. That scene in "The Shootist," for instance.
Windmill, he was definitely taller than 6'2 1/2" and he wore size 11 shoes.
Patrick said on 10/Jun/11
You know what: I wear - as previously said here - lifts for medical reasons and nobody, I mean NOBODY knows it or even suspects it; I know that because everyone I talked about was surprised. I am 5’7 and looks much taller and that’s why I have to “justify” my relative shortness.
Why saying that? Because it is just IMPOSSIBLE to know whether someone is wearing lifts unless being Superman with his X ray-vision!
All the more so people like stars have the ways and means to use invisible lifts, which is definitely not my case and I am gaining about two inches as easy as pie.
So, could anyone tell me the hell could others know what the Duke was or not wearing?
If as a star, I were wearing lifts, either I wouldn’t care (why doing it then?) and I would have confessed it for long or, I wouldn’t give any way to anyone to guess I wear them!
How? Jut in not showing myself putting them in my boots which is very, very easy!
I don’t think Bob Mitchum, renowned joker if any, nor even Capucine – I never heard about that by the way – or Rock Hudson had ever invaded Wayne’s privacy to see what “he” wore inside his shoes!
Besides, J. Wayne’s body proportion do not show any loss of balance between his legs and his torso as for Steven Seagal for example.
Sorry Triple HHH but Rock Hudson didn’t like the Duke, he just LOVED him and that even more after having been – according to his own words – literally saved by him who chose and imposed him in The Undefeated.
I forget more about Wayne and notably accounts given by co-stars or people having met him whatever circumstances and I can affirm that.
If there is amongst those who are reading this page who could confirm what I say, I would appreciate.
Adam2, the pictures with Cooper are not decisive and in the Longest Day, he weirdly looks shorter than Steve Forrest – who looks even much taller than Tom Tryon a legit – for me – 6’3 and shorter than Wayne in turn (!!!) – only in the first scene.
After that, he looks as tall as R. Ryan and then taller than Forrest!
As used to say my friend Gonzalo “height is a mystery”!
Thanks a lot for your compliment Adam2; I am very touched.
One thing is sure: I never, ever lie by fundamental principle and though French, I just love Americans and America – the reason I watched the Longest Day as I do it every year the 6th of July!
Windmill said on 10/Jun/11
6' - 2 1/2 " But If You Notice Size 8 Shoes .
adam 2 said on 9/Jun/11
When did Mitchum say that? THEY were? Yeah right...
TRIPLE HHH said on 9/Jun/11
Adam: You are a clown. Robert Mitchum said they were joking about Wayne wearing lifts. And as for Hudson, he did not like Wayne. I think Wayne was a solid 6'3 in his socks. Hudson was 6'5.
adam2 said on 8/Jun/11
In the Cooper pics we can see their feet and judge their postures - Wayne doesnt look taller.
In Longest day Wayne looks 6-2. In Big Trail Wayne doesnt look 6-4.
I would also liked to remind the quotes of various people who claim Wayne wore lifts: Rock Hudson, Capucine and Robert Mitchum. It would be very interesting to know who claimed that first!
Theres also Michael Munns biography where Waynes height is stated as 6-3.
I remember that those quotes were slammed here. What for? They lied? I remember someone talking about Capucine being a mani depressive - I wonder what does that have to do with lifts! Maybe they were all in the same plot.
Granted, Wayne does look 6-4 in many many films. He was a big man and could pull of looking very tall and very large all by himself and exacerbated with Hollywood gigs.
Id like to remind folks, that one can look taller or shorter than ones frame via posture, build etc. Im again 6-2 and many people comment on my height, yet Im supposedly only 2-3 inches taller than an average fellow.
Patrick, I love reading your posts. Lot of info, lot of heart. Keep on posting.
Patrick said on 7/Jun/11
Adam2 : I know other pictures of the same kind and always with the great Gary. I cannot say anything else about them. He even looked a stall as the giant Clint Walker.
I have no more explanation than in the Longest Day for the first scene he appears in.
All what I know is that in other cases, he looks much taller. Angles? Rob explained us very accurately how they could be deceptive but anyway, I don’t discard those pics which show us two of the most important American people and actors of all time!
I am just sure he was far above 6’2 anyway.
Jess.k: thanks for the story and, yes, the Duke seemed wearing gloves when just bare hands!
Sam, even if I agree with you, I couldn’t take into consideration those pics as for most of them. Angles, distance, uneven soil…
Gonzalo, dear friend, I couldn’t open it but I know many of those pictures and guess what…I agree with you!
Rampage, you are free to believe what you want for sure! I don’t “believe” or think he was 6’4: that’s what I can see from all the films he starred in as says Lucio about Hellfighters.
Rampage, if John Wayne had so badly wanted to “look” taller than he really was, why would have he been swaying his body and hips all the time, the best way to look shorter, above all because he always did so before legit super tall actor as Robert Ryan.
So did he in the longest day while Steve Forrest – for me taller than claimed 6’3 – stands right up.
I often said that the Duke looked most often as mounted on ball-bearings, his head nodding, and the neck rarely up.
When younger he stands a bit stiffer and looks a tad less cool and relax than he became in Rio Bravo for example.
That is just even the contrary Rampage; “others” around him either wanted not to look too short or “were asked” to stand so that not being that small.
If never slouching, John Wayne was most often resting on his right leg, his head gently leaning with a smile and looking benevolently.
You barely see Gary Cooper doing this but Cary Grant, yes.
James Stewart was often slouching but finally less than the Duke was leaning his body.
A man who is attached to look tall and above all, taller than he is never acts that way, never, ever. That is just contradictory.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 6/Jun/11
I think was barely over 6ft3 and wore boots to look close to 6ft5
Gonzalo said on 6/Jun/11
John Wayne barefoot next to Desi Arnaz. Arnaz is listed here 1`77 and is wearing suspicious shoes. Check it around 2:40. Wayne looks much taller than Arnaz.
Click Here
slope said on 4/Jun/11
I read in one of the biographies of John Wayne that there was some question of his height, the debate being between 6'3" or 6'4". The clincher for me is that the biography stated that the USC football team listed him at 6'4" . Since this listing was long before Wayne became a movie star (he was still known as Morrison) and nobody at that time could have known he would become so famous, I'm inclined to believe the USC football stat. It was also the height Wayne said of himself.
Sam said on 1/Jun/11
Good comparison shots with William Holden and Rock Hudson where the Duke looks about 6'4":
Click HereClick Here
brunobrowne said on 31/May/11
6'2'', 6'3''. 6'4'' make your bloody mind up Adam2 or just go away
Jess K. said on 30/May/11
I met John Wayne approx. 1 1/2 years before he passed away. I am 6'2" and he was 2-3 inches taller than I was. He was wearing medium heel height cowboy boots. My best guess is he was 6'4" without his boots. What I thought was most amazing about him was the size of his hands. When I shook his hand, they swallowed up my hands like an adult would with a child. What a MAN!!
Lucio said on 28/May/11
Look at him in the movie "Hellfighters". He looks nothing less than 6'4" next to legit 6'5" (1.96 m) Jim Hutton. During throughout the film, he looks consistently 6'4", just 1 inch max difference shorter than Jim Hutton.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 27/May/11
Rob is 6ft4.5 possible?

Editor Rob
I keep buying and giving my dad john wayne movies, he must have most of them buy now, but I have so many movies/shows I watch I can never get round to looking again at his early movie, I have seen one a few years ago and he looked very tall in it, he stood out amongst all the fellows.
adam 2 said on 27/May/11
Patrick, have you seen those pictures with Gary Cooper? If you havent, type in their names to google and see. Wayne looks a tad shorter.
Wayne was a big-boned 6-2 man who wore big suits and big shoes. He was no Marlon Brando but I like him anyway.
Patrick said on 26/May/11
Very well posted Mark. If you've read my last comment, you won't doubt it!
6'4 and perhaps 6'3 at the end, if that...
I agree with Andy too; the hardwearing Quiet Man is one of those movie where the Duke's height is just indubitable!
Mr. Kaplan said on 26/May/11
A good actor can play many different roles. Brando could do it. Wayne played.. himself. All the time. He was good at it, but couldn't play any part - he probably knew it himself.
Andy said on 25/May/11
Watch the film The Quiet Man, Victor Mclaglen was 6ft3 and Wayne looked a good inch taller and was wearing flat shoes, he well may have lost some height in his later years,but at his peak he was a tall man,
Mark said on 24/May/11
Mr Kaplan...
Not that I search for semi-derogatory comments about Wayne's acting, so I can defend him, but what IS good acting? If a guy's believable in a role, and doesn't appear to be reciting lines he memorized, then he's a good actor. Especially in his later films, I found Wayne totally believable in his roles, even if it was a similar persona. I guess I get sick of the "can't act" label stuck to actors who are not in Turner Classic Movie's elite crowd. Just to satisfy the height subject, 6'4 peak, 6'3 by age 72.
Patrick said on 24/May/11
My pleasure Richard! I agree with you.
Mr Kaplan, John Wayne was as good actor as Spencer was Tracy and I love I just LOVE Spencer Tracy!
I know it is here a very subjective topic and I won’t try to influence anyone but that is what I think and feel.
Both were very “human” and deeply realistic, true in their way of tackling any role.
I think the Duke was not necessarily interested in playing any role but I am just sure he could have done it.
For sure, The Duke gave the best of himself once very well directed by someone he utterly trusted as Ford, Hawks, Hathaway, what Spencer didn’t need. He always gave the best and so, was the best.
But you know, at such a level of men, we do not speak of actors but certainly of personalities and even “beyond”.
John Wayne was just terrific in many roles as for sure the Tom Doniphon (Liberty Valence) or Ethan Edwards (the Searchers), one of the most powerful role ever and yet so ambiguous until the terrible – for him – end.
He was just excellent in many others whose the last one was definitely not the least.
For all that, whatever part he embodied, he was true, real, credible so any man could recognize himself in him about his own flaws as well as, in the same time – here is what’s incredible – what he would have dreamt of being, becoming.
The part of Myth, of dream he carried in any of his appearances has no match for me however great and talented were “the others” and God knows how many they were then.
Both Spencer Tracy and he had in common to be in the same time tough and funny without ever having to play as a comedian.
Sometimes as in Rio Bravo – the scene he says just “Good evening” or so to the bad guy in the street while doing his watch with Dean Martin. He doesn’t do anything but looking at “him” in his back making the latter very uncomfortable and finally leaving.
I can assure that only Wayne could give that dual impression of strength, tranquility, threat and…fun because that scene is as fun as the one he tells “I said I’d arrest you” to Angie Dickinson.
Think to it very thoroughly and you’ll see how impossible to anyone including the best as Jeff Bridges to give us that “dual” feeling, with no purposely effort dedicated to “make us laugh”.
The last and only one having been able to almost the same was Clint Eastwood.
I hope there are “amateurs” in this very nice site capable of understanding what I mean; actually, I am sure of that!
RICHARD said on 22/May/11
Thanks everyone that agrees with me.My boss is a fair and truthful guy so he wouldn't lie about the Duke.
Mr. Kaplan said on 22/May/11
Seagal couldn't act to save his life. Wayne was no Spencer Tracy, that's for sure, but he was clearly a better actor than Seagal.
Patrick said on 22/May/11
Ash, with all doe respect...even a father can be wrong; sorry but in such a case it is just obvious. Why people want to downgrade some guys and never others, that is just a mystery for me.
TRIPLE HHH said on 20/May/11
There is no way Wayne was below 6'2. Wayne was 6'3 in his socks.
Ash said on 19/May/11
My father in law saw John Wayne in the officers club in Saigon during the war. My father in law is 6'2" and said that John Wayne was shorter. Very broad but shorter.
Patrick said on 16/May/11
Sorry adam2: Seagal is a very interesting guy and i do like him but he is not an icon. Being an icon needs to have a dimension going far beyond celebrity or even actor talent. It requires to be "universal".
What John Wayne stands for is something which cannot age and that’s why anyone can find tons of DVDs, books about him today and perhaps, more than ever because “we” all need true people as he was and still is.
People can disagree about his political or other opinions but there is here nothing to do with that.
He represents a man, a “human being” and from the US to China, anyone recognizes it. Toshiro Mifune once talked about him saying “he” Toshiro, was NO what the Duke was and he was sincere while being an icon in Japan and far beyond.
Steven Seagal, as fascinating he really is, doesn’t have that, that dimension.
No one has it and certainly not today’s actors!
John Wayne today would not be recognized and very presumably wouldn’t act.
Even Steven Seagal doesn’t do what he used to no matter how old he was and is now.
Even very talented and fabulous actors have been almost forgotten at least by most of the people.
John Wayne is more known today than even James Dean was; just Marylyn Monroe and Elvis can claim such iconic notoriety.
Take politicians and you will find only a handful of them as acknowledged: Washington, Lincoln, Roosevelt (both) and Churchill.
In France, it is Charles de Gaulle and that is not related to what he really did…
Do you know what I mean?
That’s why so many people want to reduce him without ever succeeding in doing it.
Others try to minimize his height and belittle him for that.
adam2 said on 15/May/11
Seagal is an icon too. And they were both a bit paunchy.
Patrick said on 13/May/11
Comparing the acting abilities of Seagal - that I like anyway - and the Duke just proves having no abilities in knowing what an actor really is and what cinema is made of. John Wayne was not only an icon, a living symbol but also a fantastic actor. Probably the most natural actor ever which is now just a "new" actors dream. He was capable of being always (but as Tom Doniphon even that...) funny without playing as a comedian (Clint Eastwood was somewhat likewise) and a very tough and always so relaxed man.
He was stately in his way of walking and turning on himself as if he were a dancer!
John Wayne, surprisingly, was always underestimated as an actor just because he “was what he was”.
People forget that there only one John Wayne and that nobody had his presence.
James Cagney was perhaps the most notable presence though being short and Kirk Douglas, Charlton Heston and Cary Grant too.
Despite the enormous talent and impact of Robert Mitchum and even Bogart or Fonda, they have “not” what Wayne had.
All of those who worked with him, who met or lived with him, whether it is once or hundred of times, whether they were democrat or not acknowledged that.
I love James Stewart but even him could not “be” a film in himself; watch any of the after his 1965 movies and you will have confirmation of that.
In his last film the Duke is just deeply moving and so “right”.
The best from-the-back-acting man ever too.
Being an actor doesn’t mean being capable of play everything.
Even the great James Mason couldn’t play everything.
As for Robert de Niro…I am sorry but…if one reproaches the Duke to always play the same character, which is wrong, what to say about De Niro who plays tens of them, all different, but exactly with the same expression, gestures and…”funny-face”.
But “it said that De Niro (or Hofflman, Pacino and Hopkins) AND the semi God Brando CAN play”…
Brando could have been great IF he had had the tenth of what Wayne had: a balanced mind.
The colossus Duke was someone we won’t see gain; the same with those I quoted above.
Derek Jacobi or Laurence Oliver were great actors as Sanders and Mason but they never would have been able to embody what the Duke used to do.
The fragility of strength, inherent in human nature. Watch Tom Doniphon, Ethan Edwards played by him and if you don’t know what I mean, too bad, really too bad.
You know what? America and as result, the world, suffer from the disappearance of such actors, the last one being Clint but now not an actor anymore due to his age.
Now young or not so young, ageless actors as the insipid Pitt or the so affected Cruise, the empty Clooney, the ridiculous Depp or worse, the Fast and Furious or Bad Trip “stars” took over and that is really sad.
As for those who deserve doing it, they play only on TV shows Lost, Law and Order (ended) or even Monk.
By the way, the Duke was obviously 6’4!
Tony G. said on 12/May/11
Thanks for the info Richard. I also believe what your boss told you.
adam2 said on 12/May/11
About the same height as Steven Seagal. Their acting skills are equal as well.
Patrick said on 10/May/11
I doubt not your veracity JMac11 but the fact in itself: I saw many Duke's hats notably at Warner Brothers Studios and that really didn't look small at all. I am more than that and way shorter without any disproportion in my whole body...I don't buy it.
JMac11 said on 8/May/11
Hat Size... Antiques Roadshow had someone bring in a Stetson from a prophouse, Marked as John Wayne's, with supporting provenance..... Hat was a 7 1/4. Surprising to say the least
Patrick said on 3/May/11
Thanks Richard. I buy it 100% too.
RICHARD said on 30/Apr/11
My boss told me he was 11 when he met The Duke in '75 in Arizona,and he said he was a BIG guy.He took a pic with him and the rest of the crew and Wayne was a head taller;he said he came up to Wayne's leg and that Wayne was 6'4 solid.He didn't wear boots,either.I believe him 100%.
Patrick said on 19/Apr/11
He did not wear lifts. What are "lifts"...kind of thin soles or so and the Duke "was" gigantic. Look any of his 40ies movies and tell me he's not very tall; even beside the real gigantic James Arness, he looks very tal even though shorter, just "shorter".
The duke was tall and didn't care about looking tall or more tall. A guy wishing appearing taller than he is stands up, straight and doesn't sway his head, body as Wayne did all the time. He often looks a tad shorter than people supposedly smaller than him. I love Chuck Heston but he NEVER did the same though tall himself. That John Wayne was wearing lifts AFTER his terrible surgery which forced him to wear a corset (missing ribs), that is possible, what! He looked so tall and massive, with thicky fleshy hands, arms and neck and a still very wide torso and powerful legs depsite his lethal and degenaritve illness that finally "got him" away. Watch Him...carefully, as the man he was...because he was "the" man not as a macho but as Human being...peer at him and you won't wonder who he really was and why those stories about height or lifts are superfluous.
thomas said on 19/Apr/11
john wayne was the best damb actor ever so suck on that
rafa said on 13/Apr/11
John Wayne was 6'4" but if he wore lifts, maybe it was because he wanted to appear gigantic on the screen
Patrick said on 5/Apr/11
I sustain your point of view Mike. By the way, do you, jerseyguy60, think that American soldiers, and above all officers would have chosen the Duke to stand for them as a patriotic symbol as they did in particular with Iwo Jima which has been (and maybe still is) the movie Marines watch when inducted.
A “coward” as you suggest the Duke finally was, would never have been admitted if only to be associated with any US Army corps whose many vets said they served for having watched War Wayne's movies
He officially repeatedly despised his failure of being enlisted and tried to atone for staying home during WWII, considering he had not done all what he could to by-pass his family deferment status, classified as 3-A forbidding him to serve as 34 year old four children father.
It sounds that as for his height people have a grudge, a personal score to settle with the Duke.
Many just do NOT want him 6’4 or really as brave as he reportedly was, according to even his political adversaries as Kirk Douglas, Robert Aldrich, Mark Rydell etc.
I personally despise disdain; it’s mean and very, very small.
MaguirePhD said on 4/Apr/11
Tall people do shrink with age and noriceably. My father was 6'5" but was about 6'3" when he died.
I was 6'8" and am now, at 61, am a hair under 6'7".
Tony G. said on 24/Mar/11
jerseyguy, at the time of WWII, John Wayne was married and had children.
Mike... said on 23/Mar/11
...I'm all for praising those in military, except when it's claimed that you can not be "all American", unless you actually served. I'm no more a fan of Wayne than any other actor. I could care less whether he served in WWII, as I've read up on the reasons. Did you fight for us in WWII, Jerseyguy60? Did you fight in any war and, if so, did you volunteer or were you drafted? Did you talk to Wayne about your concerns that he didn't fight in WWII? What, exactly, were his reasons, according to "him"? All rhetorical questions, as I really don't care what your answers are. 6'4 for Wayne, and as all American as you can get.
jerseyguy60 said on 23/Mar/11
John Wayne might have been 6'4 or whatever,but when it came time for All-american/country loving"the. Duke"to defend his country during ww2....he came up very very short,he let James Sewart,Tyrone Power fight for him...all american my ass!
Patrick said on 15/Mar/11
Anonymous said on 3/Feb/11 :
Ted Cassidy 6'9" James Arness 6'7" Clint Walker 6'6" Rock Hudson 6'5" Fess Parker 6'5" Chuck Connors 6'5" Ed Gwynne 6'5" Clint Eastwood 6'4" George Kennedy 6'4" Vincent Price 6'4" Randolph Scott 6'4" Forrest Tucker 6'4" Gary Cooper 6'3" Dan Blocker 6'3" Gregory Peck 6'3" Peter Graves 6'3" James Stewart 6'3" Lee Marvin 6'2" AND JOHN WAYNE!!! (THE DUKE) 6'4". Who said all the old time actors are short? And there are any more."
Such are my own estimates too and also how I see "old time stars". Bravo!
Alan said on 14/Mar/11
Hello I am 6'2 and wear size 10 shoes depending on the make sometimes 9 or 9 1/2
Big El said on 12/Mar/11
The Duke was large as a mountain in spirit and his love for our USA. Nothing more needs to be said.........
DMan said on 5/Mar/11
Hard to tell with Wayne, frequent sloucher and always seemed to be wearing lifts, cowboy boots. Strong 6'3 seems correct, he never exactly towered over people like you'd expect a 6'4 guy with cowboy boots to do so.
anony said on 4/Mar/11
I also have small feet for my height 6'3. Size 12. It's strange because both my dad and grandfather have size 14 feet. They also have bigger hands than me while I have smaller hands.
TallTexan said on 2/Mar/11
I'm 6'-4" and wear anywhere between size 11 and 12 shoes/boots depending on brand and style. I also happen to have large palms but short-ish (for my height) fingers. I have a 6'-6" arm span and long torso with shorter, relatively speaking, legs for someone my height. The point being that hands, feet, arm length and leg length are not absolute indicators of height. A person can look tall and still be short and vice versa. The only way to know height is by true measurement.
upshot said on 1/Mar/11
all i am going to say is... "Nope".
Matt said on 1/Mar/11
I am watching the big trail now. Wayne wears flat shoes, not boots and is still taller than everyone else. Also, his feet sure as hell don't look small.
Newbie said on 13/Feb/11
On the foot size issue, when it was snowing a while back I was walking around in the snow wearing a pair of boot shoes not dissimilar in shape to cowboy boots. Thinking about some of the stuff on here about how small his footprints are I had a look at the prints I left by just standing there. Interesting thing was a good bit of the toe end of the boot was missing from the imprints I left. Now I don't know if that's how Wayne did his, stand on, step back off, but it's quite possible if you're wearing those kind of boots to leave a much smaller print because the end part of the boot lifts up and you have to walk forwards to leave a print with it.
Brad said on 5/Feb/11
You hit every height dead on correct. This A needs to get a prize.
Anonymous said on 3/Feb/11
Ted Cassidy 6'9" James Arness 6'7" Clint Walker 6'6" Rock Hudson 6'5" Fess Parker 6'5" Chuck Connors 6'5" Ed Gwynne 6'5" Clint Eastwood 6'4" George Kennedy 6'4" Vincent Price 6'4" Randolph Scott 6'4" Forrest Tucker 6'4" Gary Cooper 6'3" Dan Blocker 6'3" Gregory Peck 6'3" Peter Graves 6'3" James Stewart 6'3" Lee Marvin 6'2" AND JOHN WAYNE!!! (THE DUKE) 6'4". Who said all the old time actors are short? And there are any more.
Anonymous said on 3/Feb/11
In the movie THE QUIET MAN
John Wayne is asked how tall he is and he answers 6ft 4 and 1 half
Kim said on 30/Jan/11
Has anyone seen the boots john wayne was wearing when he made his foot prints in the cement? I know that cowboy boots have a few different heels on them if his boots had a riding heel its a 2 1/2 heel and it slants in about 2 inches that would make his foot print look smaller.
Patrick said on 21/Jan/11
About losing height with age, it depends on people. Some do and other don't!
Some tall people shrink while others don't and also short ones get even shorter.
It is here an issue due to genes and as result, quality of tissues.
Some degenerate and others don't.
Some athletic people, living a healthy life have their cells degenerating while some not healthy don't. So, i find useless to fight about "I am such age and i don't shrink" or the contrary because there is no rule determinimg how it will happen for you along your life.
Shaun said on 1/Jan/11
Looked 6'2" tops in The Big Trail.
Mon said on 17/Dec/10
OK Anonymous of 16/Dec/10, you haven't lost ,but my point was that very tall men do lose height I'm certain Wayne lost some ( maybe only a fraction of an inch) by time he was fifty. You say he was a full 6'4'' in 1973, OK growth often continues into a persons early twenties. If he really was 6'4'' in the 1973 it I think it likely John Wayne's peak height was 6'5''.
Wayne was not just tall ( like James Stewart or Gregory Peck) he was overwhelmingly BIG which no doubt accounts for the number of people who met him and are saying he could not have been under 6'4'' .
Sorry, but unless you are Rob and are consciously assessing height there is no way to know what he was barefoot from meeting him, the heel of a pair of shoes could easily give him one inch.
Anonymous said on 16/Dec/10
I am 59 years old I am 5'11" tall, at 18 years old I was 5'11" tall I dod not lose any height in 41 years not every body looses height when they get old. Back in the 60s and 70s I wock for NBC and I wired John Wayne for his mic for an interview and he was 6'4". I talked to this man for about 45 minutes about a lot of things and he was just a nice man no B.S to him. In 1973 John Wayne was 6'4" I know this as a facT I seen it with my own eyes. I can't help some of you uot there who think he was shorter and did not meet he like I did but the FACT is he was 6 foot 4 inches tall in 1973 making him 66 years old at that time.
Mon said on 15/Dec/10
I've reconsidered as result of meeting a 50 year old athlete who'd lost at least a couple of inches from his peak of 6'6'' which he'd reached by 17.
At eighteen John Wayne was 6'4'' barefoot and probably a fraction of an inch over that.
Anonymous said on 15/Dec/10
I read an interview with Robert Mitchum saying the Lifts thing was a joke. Wayne never wore lifts. My Aunt met Robert Mitchum years ago. She asked him how tall Wayne was. He told her a little over 6'3 barefoot.
Anonymous said on 14/Dec/10
Hudson 6'5, Connors 6'5, Wayne 6'3.
Jimbo said on 12/Dec/10
I have to agree that Jimmy Stewart did look slightly taller than John Wayne in The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance. John was in his fifties when he made this film and may have lost some height. I would say in the movies that I have seen John Wayne in that his peak height was 190.5- 191cm 6'3 barefoot he was a tall man and built like a Kenworth.
Tony G. said on 12/Dec/10
Norma, I am a John Wayne fan and admit he was not the tallest guy to ever be on a screen. Rock Hudson, James Arness, Chuck Connors and Chad Everett were all taller.
And Jimmy Stewart was not taller than John Wayne (I am also a Jimmy Stewart fan.)
Norma said on 11/Dec/10
john wayne fans don't want to amit he was not the tallest guy to ever be on a screen. just got through watching the man who shot liberty valance with a friend. he and i had discussed this matter before. he shared with me how he heard ricky nelson say that john wayne rode a much taller horse than everyone else. they had to look up to him. this, of course, was to make him look much taller than everyone else. james stewart did not have really good posture (such a great actor and likable guy). john wayne also wore a tall white had while jimmy wore none. when the proper angle was used, it was pretty obvious jimmy was taller. woody strode was 6'4". lee marvin was pretty tall. robert ryan was a definite 6'4". look at him beside john when you get the opportunity. i've never been a john wayne fan, but what does it matter exactly how tall he was. he was a nice height. i did notice his feet were on the small size for his height. he had healty legs and feet. that's what matters. (you'll never convince me spencer tracy was 5'8"). he looked about 5'6". look how tiny he was compared to everyone else in bad day at black rock.
Tony G. said on 5/Dec/10
Mr. R, I don't have to come to Hollywood; I already live in the Los Angeles area.
His feet look quite large in this photo:
Click Here
Mr. R said on 30/Nov/10
Tony G., I am telling you what I saw. I have been to The Chinese Theater in Hwood many times, and his may be the smallest of any of the men. I still believe he is over 6-3, but as someone said, there are times when height does not correlate to foot size.
Tony G. said on 29/Nov/10
Mr. R, you can't go by a bootprint. Did you see the photo of him (barefoot) with Ron Howard? If not I will gladly post it again.
KaRRL said on 29/Nov/10
Look i don't know what you guys are talking husband is 6'4" and he wears a size 10 US...his father that is 6'2" wears a I guess if you are thinking shoe size equates somehow to height you may be mislead.
Anonymous said on 29/Nov/10
Hay Guy's I don't know where any of you live but if someone lives in Hollywood or in the area, maybe someone and use a ruler put it next to Waynes foot print take some pictures a put them on this site. That way we can see how big or small his feet are for real. Just thinking!
Mr. R said on 27/Nov/10
Tony G, you are wrong. Come to Hwood and I will prove it. I have stood at his cement bootprints many times, and tourists are always talking about how small his feet are. They look like girl's feet.
Shaun said on 26/Nov/10
If Gordon Ramsay's height matched his shoe size he'd be 6'10"-7'..
Shaun said on 26/Nov/10
There are exceptions to the rule but generally growth hormone spreads throughout the body so taller guys naturally have bigger feet. But 5'11.5" David Beckham wears a US 9 and 6'1.5" Gordon Ramsay a US 16 so there is a lot of variation.
Shaun said on 26/Nov/10
Rubbish. Wayne wore a Size 11 US. Which yes is more usual for a 6"-6'2" guy. Most genine 6'4" guys would wear a Size 12-13 US, Size 13 would be average for a 6'4" I'd say.
Tony G. said on 25/Nov/10
Mr. R, his shoe size was 11. Look at the photo of him barefoot with Ron Howard. Claiming that his size was 7 is beyond ridiculous!
Anonymous, you are correct. Earlier this year George Kennedy was at an autograph show. I asked him if John Wayne was really 6'4" tall. He said, "Yes."
Mr. R said on 25/Nov/10
If yall ever come to Hollywood, and I hope that you do, you will have to come to Grauman's Chinese Theater, where the celebs put their feet and hands in cement. The Duke may have been one of the tallest actors in movies, but he also had some of the smallest feet. At best he may be a size 7 US. People always remark how small his bootprints are.
Shaun said on 25/Nov/10
Wayne looked 6'2" tops in the Big Trail in mocassins.
Anonymous said on 24/Nov/10
Ron Howard said in an interview that John Wayne and James Stewart was the tallest actors he worked with and that he was 6 feet 4 inchs tall. Remember there are still people out there alive that knew Wayne and all say he was 6'4".
Anonymous said on 22/Nov/10
Ron Howard was in 2" healed boots in the Shootist whitch would have made him about 5'11" and still 4 or 5 inchs shorter then bare foot Wayne. Wayne was defintely 6'4" tall.
Shaun said on 18/Nov/10
I agree with those below. A legit 6'4" barefoot John Wayne who was known to wear big lifts in his later years to appear "larger than life" would have appeared 6'6"-6'7". He NEVER looked anywhere near 6'7". Sorry. He was also somehow about four inches shorter than legit 6'6" Alan Napier. Quite right. Something doesn't add up. Wayne never in his life looked anything about 6'5" even in his biggest boots. Sorry. The best evidence we do have though as Clooney's mother says is that barefoot in the Shootist he did look a legit 6'3"-6'4" barefoot and he was quite old then as well. But it doesn;t add up. The boots should have given him loads of height, you would think he would be 6'6"-6'7" in the boots but most of the time he looked about 6'4" IN boots.
georgeclooneysmum said on 7/Nov/10
I think the shootist movie is the best source. Where you have a bare foot duke with Ron Howard in shoes. the top of ron's head is about an inch below the dukes eyeline may be more. Ron Howard is listed 5'9 here and was 21 at the time. I get 5 1/2 to 6 inches plus ron's shoes. that is 6'3 1/2 to 6'4 at 76 assuming Ron has 1 inch shoes.
Anonymous said on 26/Oct/10
In the picture of Wayne and Cooper, Wayne has a hat on, Cooper is looking down, Wayne is turned to the left, the picture was taken for there left from a lower level and you can really tell there height just by that picture. NOW! Your good.
Frank2 said on 8/Jul/09
Sanders was over 6'3". Plus in movies, all sorts of tricks are played. In the film THE AGONY AND THE ECTASY, Rex Harrison who claimed to be 6'1", but in reality was about 6', hated the fact that Charlton Heston at 6'3" towered over him so Harrison instructed the wardrobe person to provide him lifts so he could eye Heston at the same level. Harrison still looks shorter than Heston in the film, depending on the angle. But there are a few shots where both men appear the same height. The funny thing about the story is, Harrison stated in his autobiography that once he wore lifts, he did reach Heston's height, but that Heston suddenly appeared to grow and was once again towering over Harrison! When Rex looked at Heston's feet, he saw no sign of lifts. According to Harrison, Heston had grown taller out of sheer tenacity!
adam said on 7/Jul/09
In ALLEGHENY UPRISING Wayne was the same height as George Sanders who stood 6-3. Sanders led a tragic life as well, Frank. Could you tell something about him?
Patrick said on 7/Jul/09
Gonzalo, I miss him too as I miss you!
I have read tens of comments from early July and I am impressed: I always believed in Frank2 and I am happy to see him.
I think Errol Flynn was about 6
Frank2 said on 7/Jul/09
"adam says on 5/Jul/09
Errol Flynn said that Wayne was his height. Errol was 6-2."
I never read that remark by Flynn plus it wasn't true. Wayne was taller than Flynn by two inches.
Why not give it a rest Adam. You're sounding like you have an agenda that's steering you.
adam said on 7/Jul/09
where has mike gone, Gonzalo?
Gonzalo said on 7/Jul/09
I miss Mike C. I hope he will be back soon
Gonzalo said on 6/Jul/09
I do not like to talk about another actor in Wayne
adam said on 6/Jul/09
Frank, tell me something about Lon Chaney? He was an alcoholic, wasnt he?
Mark D. said on 6/Jul/09
Reagan is farther from the camera, and of coruse - being older - shorter than peak height, which likely was 6'1". As far as John Wayne though, given both he and Glen Campbell had similar footwear on in 'True Grit' and Campbell was 6'1" at his peak, I'd say John was 6'4", as he looked three inches taller.
adam said on 5/Jul/09
Errol Flynn said that Wayne was his height. Errol was 6-2.
Frank2 said on 4/Jul/09
By the time he served as president, Reagan was a solid 6'. Here he is looking two inches shorter than 6'2" George H.W. Bush:
Click HereAnd here standing next to 5'10" Richard Nixon:
Click HereI met Nixon too. He was definitely 5'10".
Here's a shot of the former presidents standing in a row. (L to R) 6'2" Bush, 6' Reagan, 5'9" Carter, 6' Ford and 5'10" Nixon:
Click Here
adam said on 4/Jul/09
Just kidding, fellas. THE SEARCHERS, RIO BRAVO and THE QUITE MAN are great, great films.
adam said on 4/Jul/09
Frank. Tell me something about Lon ChEney Jr. What kind of a man he was?
Also I heard that Robert Ryan and Wayne did not get along while filming that crap movie, FLYING LEATHERNECKS. Wayne apparently ran away when he heard that Bob was furious and threatened to kick The Duke`s ass!
Frank2 says on 3/Jul/09
"adam says on 3/Jul/09
Like Hudson stated, Wayne wore lifts. In that pic he wears cowboys boots with lifts and is still about an inch shorter than Hudson."
Tell me Adam, were you there? I mean how do you know he wore lifts in that picture?
Magic shoes? Come on. You're starting to sound like you have an axe to grind.
I dont have anything against Wayne, my boy. But seems to me that a lot of people had. Wayne supposedly said some very nasty things about Hudson while filming that piece of s*** THE UNDEFEATED and that the friendship between the two was just a publicity trick. The same thing as Douglas and Lancaster had.
Wayne wore cowboy boots with 4-inch lifts, corset, toupee, false teeth and a cucumber in his pants to make his... Whatd ya say about that, Frankenstein?
Frank2 said on 4/Jul/09
Doug, Wayne is clearly five inches taller than Ford. If that's now towering, I don't know what is. So let's say Ford is wearing shoes with an inch high heel and Wayne has cowboy boots with 2" heels. If Wayne was 6'4" he'd be four inches taller than Ford. Add an inch for his heels and he's five inches taller.
Frank2 said on 4/Jul/09
I met Reagan when he left office. He was definitely an inch taller than me so he was 6' even.
You must be kidding thinking Reagan only looks an inch taller than 5'10" Prince Charles. Look at it again. Look at how much higher his shoulders are. And look how much taller he is next to Princess Diana.
Doug said on 3/Jul/09
Reagan barely looks 5'11" next to Reeve. The 6'1" ,must be a joke in office at least.
Doug said on 3/Jul/09
Frank2. How tall would you say Reagan was? To me he always looks 5'11". I think he was 6'0 in his prime and 5'11" in office. Stallone appears taller than him in some pics in his munsters. I can't see 6'12 for Reagan. The Prince Charles photo also shows Reagan looking the 5'11"
Doug said on 3/Jul/09
The John Ford photo is not a good example. Wayne is wearing 2 inch cowby boots and you can't see Ford's footwear, I doubt his footwear is a big as Wayne's/ +he is wearing a cowboy hat. Evne then I don't think Wayne exactly towers above Ford and makes him look short.
adam said on 3/Jul/09
Frank2 says on 3/Jul/09
Just to show you how tall Rock Hudson was, here he is with Reagan who was later in life 6' tall. I know since I met him after he left office. Hudson is five inches taller. Some people who worked at Universal felt Hudson was almost 6'6".
There is more likely a six-inch difference. Hudson could have been 6-6 prime.
Frank2 said on 3/Jul/09
One more time. Here's Wayne looking a lot taller than the next tallest man which is 6' Ronald Reagan seen next to 5'10: Dean Martin. Also in the shot are Bob Hope who was 5'10" prime and Frank Sinatra who was 5'7" and wore huge lifts:
Click HereAnd over on the right of the next photo, Wayne looks to be about an inch taller than 6'3" Jimmy Stewart:
Click HereHere's Wayne making 6' John Ford look short:
Click HereWayne towering over 5'11" Walter Brennan:
Click HereBrennan and 6'3" Gary Cooper:
Click Here
Frank2 said on 3/Jul/09
Just to show you how tall Rock Hudson was, here he is with Reagan who was later in life 6' tall. I know since I met him after he left office. Hudson is five inches taller. Some people who worked at Universal felt Hudson was almost 6'6".
Click HereReagan with two other six footers, Cary Grant and Douglas Fairbanks Jr, both who I met and can attest to the fact they were six feet even.
Click HereReagan with 6' Frank Gifford and 6'4" Christopher Reeve:
Click HereReagan and 6'2" Arnold Schwarzenegger who I also met and can say without reservation was 6'2":
Click HereReagan with Prince Charles and Princess Diana, both 5'10". I met Prince Charles when he visited Universal Studios:
Click HereHere's Rock with 6'3" Richard Benjamin:
Click Here6'1" Tony Perkins with Benjamin:
Click Here
Doug said on 3/Jul/09
Looks more like a 1.5 inch difference to me. Hudson at 6'5", Wayne at 6'3.5" at that time.
Doug said on 3/Jul/09
I'm kidding Gonzalo. But Wayne does look 1-2 inches shorter than Hudson.
Frank2 said on 3/Jul/09
"adam says on 3/Jul/09
Marvin could have been less than 6-2."
Nope. Trust me. Marvin was 6'2". I met him outside a theater that was showing a retrospect of his films. Back then he was with live-in girlfriend Michelle Triola who later sued him for palimony.
Frank2 said on 3/Jul/09
"adam says on 3/Jul/09
Like Hudson stated, Wayne wore lifts. In that pic he wears cowboys boots with lifts and is still about an inch shorter than Hudson."
Tell me Adam, were you there? I mean how do you know he wore lifts in that picture?
Magic shoes? Come on. You're starting to sound like you have an axe to grind.
Ed(1) said on 3/Jul/09
Wow, Eastwood looks like a giant in that pic, nice find Frank2!
Maybe he was 6ft4 after all? As for Wayne, he does look close to 3" taller then Marvin, so he too looks to have been in the 6ft4 range.
RisingForce said on 3/Jul/09
I already said that I believe Wayne could have been 6'3" or 6'4" Tony G. I believe that he must have worn lifts at some point though since atleast 4 different celebrities said that he did.
Gonzalo said on 3/Jul/09
It amazes me how someone can see Hudson two inches taller than Wayne in that pic with Montand. I see an inch max. By the way Montand was 1`87 or 6.1`5 as my friend Patrick can confirm. He is clearly shorter than Wayne and Hudson.
Adam, in Donovan
Doug said on 3/Jul/09
Wayne looks 2.5 to 3 inches taller than Marvin. Marvin looks more 6'1" in Donovan's Reef. Either way that places Wayne at a minimum 6'4"
Doug said on 3/Jul/09
Hudson looks nearly 2 inches taller than Wayne.
Doug said on 3/Jul/09
Easily 2 inches. Wayne looks 6'4.5" in comparison to Marvin. Was Marvin really a legit 6'2"?
adam said on 3/Jul/09
Like Hudson stated, Wayne wore lifts. In that pic he wears cowboys boots with lifts and is still about an inch shorter than Hudson.
Marvin could have been less than 6-2. He was more than two inches shorter than Eastwood and dwarfed by Clint Walker. Wayne is also wearing his magic shoes.
Frank2 said on 2/Jul/09
6'4" John Wayne with 6'2" Lee Marvin:
Click HereIn DONAVON'S REEF, both me wear deck shoes. No lifts in that movie.
Frank2 said on 2/Jul/09
Look what I found!
Click HereBack row left to right: 6'5" Rock Hudson, 6'4" John Wayne, 6'1" Yves Montand
Front row: left to right: 6'2" Lee Marvin, 5'9" Robert Evans, 5'4" Barbra Streisand, 6' Bernard Donnenfeld (Paramount VP Production) and 6'4" Clint Eastwood.
Tony G. said on 2/Jul/09
RisingForce: Was John Wayne wearing lifts when he was standing barefoot next to Ron Howard in "The Shootist?"
adam said on 2/Jul/09
Anonymous is Frank2 if Im not mistaken!
Errol was at least 6-1, possibly 6-2. And he was a true lifer. Frank, he was a true womanizer. Flynn was a true gentleman, as was Wayne also.
Frank2 said on 2/Jul/09
That was me posting. Somehow it switched to anonymous.
adam said on 2/Jul/09
"Wayne is a big man! Not taller than me but a lot bigger, sure -I wouldnt want to fight with that guy -or maybe I would!" -Errol Flynn on Wayne
Doug said on 2/Jul/09
Frank2, maybe it was because I know that Hollywood is an industry full of lies, fakes and illusions that I found it hard to accept that Wayne, a guy who's image was to be larger than life and a man mountain that he would claim his exact height barefoot in Hollywood that's all. Is that really making an a** out of myself? Not really Tellem, I have a right to be cautious. It does seem though that a lot of celebs claim 1-2inches above their actual height, if Wayne was different and didn't add "Hollywood inches" which is usually their height in shoes then I believe you. Can you understand Frank why I find it hard to take Hollywood listed heights as exact?
Doug said on 2/Jul/09
Frank2 do you know anything about a rift between Eastwood and Wayne. I heard that Wayne sent Eastwood a letter after the release of High Plains Drifter telling him how bad it was and how it gave an unrealistic portrayal of the old west.
Doug said on 2/Jul/09
Frank2 at peak would you say Eastwood and Wayne were the same height. Most of us here have thought they were very similar in height. It was just a case of believing whether these men were 6'3" barefoot or the full 6'4".
Doug said on 2/Jul/09
Wayne did look 2 inches taller than Marvin, granted.
Frank2 said on 1/Jul/09
Thank Doug.
In the shot with me and Jeff Kramer, you can see I'm quite a bit taller than him. He's 5'8", claimed to be 5'10". In the movie JAWS he played Roy Schieder's deputy. Later when I knew him, like me he was an exec at Fox. That was taken at a party held at the studio. The photo of me with Segal was taken during the wrap party for ROLLERCOASTER. Segal appeared to be 5'10" when he stood up straight. Also there were photos taken of me with Richard Widmark who was 5'10" peak and by then was about 5'9" and with Henry Fonda who was 6'1" peak and by the time of the film had lost about an inch. With Widmark you see almost the same height difference as when I'm standing next to Kramer. With Fonda he appears to be about an inch taller. Both those photos are sadly lost. I've searched my home looking for them. I guess if I contact Universal publicity they might still have them.
If you watch films like NORTH TO ALASKA and THE COMANCHAROS you'll see that Wayne is clearly taller than both Stewart Granger and Lee Marvin, both who were 6'2". I know since I met both of them.
peteyork said on 1/Jul/09
Franks2 thanks
TELLEM said on 1/Jul/09
nice pics frank2. i thought u said u had a big head?
TELLEM said on 1/Jul/09
doug made an a** out of himself. its ok doug, we all knew frank2 is no liar. he knows heights
Doug said on 1/Jul/09
OK sorry I didn't believe you Frank. I'm not ignorant or rude but there are a lot of frauds online who like to intentionally claim lower or higher for some celebs, you know the ones I mean. OK Wayne was 6'4" I believe you.
adam said on 1/Jul/09
Wow! So there is Frank2! Nice to see you, sir.
You have a pic where you are next to Henry Fonda? Could you share that?
Frank2 said on 1/Jul/09
"adam says on 1/Jul/09
Risingforce, correct. They all lied? No way."
Obviously neither of you have worked in showbiz. It's filled with lies. Almost as many as we get from politicians!
Doug said on 1/Jul/09
Thanks for letting me know Rob. Oh, OK, sorry I doubted you Frank some of the people you claimed to have met seemed sus that's all. OK if you say Wayne was a legit 6'4" I believe you. I am not ignorant or rude I just don't take things for granted that's all.
Frank2 said on 1/Jul/09
I did have photos of me posted here, but when I was forced to leave back when Glenn hijacked the site, I asked Rob to take them all down. In fact, I recently sent Rob some photos saying it was OK to post them, but he didn't.
Doug said on 1/Jul/09
Frank2, give me some proof as to your identity and I'll start believing you. Post a pic of yourself working in Hollywood studios or something.

Editor Rob
Frank2 has shown photos before, and he's sent some to me aswell. If you work in the industry for as many years as Frank2 did, you'll bump into a lot of actors!
Patrick said on 1/Jul/09
RisingForce, I can grant those great people claim the Duke wore lifts but, how the hell could they know that? Had they Superman's X vision because, agreeing Frank2 and many others as my friends Gonzalo and Mike C, I never ever have been able to "guess" those alleged lifts just in looking at his feet and boots! Whether it is in movies as in pictures or documentaries. I believe in Frank2 words anyway even though I just don't need them to convince myself of the John Wayne right height: 6'4 + and about 6'4 later.
Patrick said on 1/Jul/09
Sorry adam but R. Scott was more than 6'2. I for sure can't prove it but that is obvious.
adam said on 1/Jul/09
Risingforce, correct. They all lied? No way.
Frank, Doug is not rude to my mind. And he has a good point. Frank, a fellow here said that "my dad met Wayne and said that Wayne was 6-3 in socks" or something like that. So a guy met him and did not think he was 6-4. So what do you say about that?
Just watched THE SEARCHERS. A great film!
adam said on 1/Jul/09
Yes, Wayne does look about an inch taller than Scott who was 6-2.
Frank2 said on 1/Jul/09
Doug, you're rude. Plus you're ignorant. Did you ever meet Wayne? I did. He was a lot taller than me and he didn't wear lifts when I saw him either.
Such a silly thread.
RisingForce said on 1/Jul/09
I don't really have a problem with 6'3" or 6'4" for Wayne, but I find it highly unlikely that Robert Mitchum, Capucine, Bobby Darin and Rock Hudson all lied about Wayne wearing lifts. It just doesn't seem like the first thing to make up about a tall man because you don't like them. After all Wayne was tall regardless of whether he was 6'2" or 6'4" so I doubt anyone would make up the lifts thing to bother him. Nobody would assume a tall man easily over 6 feet is sensitive about his height.
Doug said on 30/Jun/09
A 1978 Dallas Times article described Scott as a "Rangy 6ft 2 185 pounder". Wayne was not more than an inch taller than Scott. Scott has been described as 6'2" many times. Only in Hollywood inches was he 6'3" or 6'3.5". Either way that makes Wayne at least 6'3". Frank2, not even Adam and myself have claimed Wayne was well below his advertised height. I just think it was a little inflated.
Mel John said on 30/Jun/09
This is a useful comparison - an old 'Tonight' show where Wayne, Bob Hope and Bing Crosby are standing up together in a full body shot.
Click Here
Doug said on 30/Jun/09
Shut up Gonzalo. That's because people just assume Wayne was exactly as tall as he claims and there is a great deal that has been said or how he has looked that doesn't always add up.
Frank2 said on 30/Jun/09
Great photo Gonzalo! Bravo. That should put to rest the silly claims Wayne was well under his advertised height.
Gonzalo said on 30/Jun/09
In The quiet man Wayne says 6.4`5 as his height.
Adam, remember the pic in which Wayne was taller than Scott, about an inch.
Click Here
guyfrommars said on 30/Jun/09
In The Quiet Man Wayne's character states his height as 6ft4. He is wearing normal footwear throughout the film, and even appears barefoot in some scenes. I think the "lifts" theory originates from the many westerns he did, wearing cowboy boots.
Frank2 said on 30/Jun/09
Hudson hated Wayne. Trust me on that. Hudson didn't care for several famous people. He detested Julie Andrews and Blake Edwards. I heard him badmouth both of them when at one point they joked about him being gay. He said, "That's like the pot calling the kettle black!"
At one point towards the end of his life, Hudson wanted to write his memoirs, but do it mentioning all the famous male stars he bedded down. His manager talked him out out of it.
Hudson had a serious drinking problem. When he drank, his bitterness came out. To his credit he was one of the nicest people in showbiz to everyone who treated him well. I'll bet Wayne must have made remarks about Hudson being gay which got back to him when the two appeared in THE UNDEFEATED.
A lot goes on behind the camera that never gets reported. Stars say how much they love and respect each other when in public, when in actuality, they hate each other with a passion.
adam said on 30/Jun/09
And Wayne was about the same height as Randolph Scott who was about 6-2. Scott was two inches taller than Cary Grant who was six feet.
adam said on 30/Jun/09
It is obvious that in THE UNDEFEATED (horrible film!) Wayne wore big lifts and was still two inches shorter than Rock Hudson. Gonzalo, you are right: they didnt hate each other. Hudson did not lie.
And Caine lied too, Frank? Come on, now... We can see that you are a number one Wayne fan (which is alright, of course) and you will do everything to make us believe that the fellow was as mighty as his films show. But Frank: films and real life are two different things.
Gonzalo said on 30/Jun/09
Doug, you repeat the same argument over and over. Wayne with shoes, Wayne in boots, Wayne barefoot, 6`3 barefoot, 6`3 in shoes, 6`4. Try something new for a change.
I disagree with Frank2. Hudson said good things about Wayne and Wayne said good things about Hudson. I don
Doug said on 29/Jun/09
The best way to judge Wayne's real height is those barefoot scenes I remember seeing a while back. It is evident he was legitametly very tall and I would estimate his barefoot height to be 6'3". All I know is that cowboy boots give massive height gains which is why I find the legit 6'4" claims difficult to believe. Wayne never looked 6'6" or 6'7" to me. Watch him walk through doors which I vaguely recall some Hollywood insder saying not too long ago were always shorter on western sets to make the me appear more towering. Wayne was nowhere near door height. I think the cowboy boots helped boost his short legs and give a legit 6'4" impression. I've sene Wayne in dress shoes and agian I thought 6'3" without them. He was 6'4.5" in cowboy boots, 6'5" MAX. That still places Wayne at a legit 6'2.5"-6'3" which always seems to make more sense.
adam said on 29/Jun/09
Doug, you have a great point, definitely.
Frank2. Michael Caine said that when he first met Anthony Quinn that he towered over Quinn. Most Hollywood stars are and were shorter than their listed heights.
And remember what Rock Hudson said: "I did a movie with Duke Wayne and was very surprised to find out he had small feet, wore lifts, and a corset. Hollywood is seldom what it seems."
Bob Mitchum said that Wayne wore lifts. So did Capucine. So did many other Wayne co-stars. Frank, you can always make up something like "it was just a big inside joke" but come on...
I think it is very obvious that Wayne DID wore lifts in the latter part of his career. But early on? Probably not. In his early films he didnt look as tall as he did later on.
Doug said on 29/Jun/09
There are too many rumors around Wayne's height to believe he was exactly as he claimed barefoot. Remember in one interview Wayne apparently confessed that the one thing he doesn't tell the truth about his real height. He was listed as 6'2" or 6'3" on college books, he was rumored to wear lifts and (walked very oddly much of his career) etc, had short legs and relatively small feet for a legit 6'4" guy. Not to mention that Wayne's whole career was based around making the man larger than life at a time when Hollywood was obsessed with the macho leading man. It was Hollywood folks!! Why would anything be real?
Doug said on 29/Jun/09
6'4.5"-6'5" in boots is how Wayne has often looked to me which is very tall. If Wayne was really a legit 6'4"-6'4.5" he would have been between 6'6 and 6'7" in cowboy boots. Now watch the Big Trail and many other films with Wayne in etc and this will seem ridiculous. Wayne to me has always looked the way a real 6'3" guy does in shoes, very tall. As I said my uncle is very much like Wayne was in stature and he is now 6'3" and weighs around 240. In his prime my uncle was 6'4" and 205 pounds. Maybe Wayne was 6'4" in his prime but the 6'3" barefoot add boots combo seems to make more sense. Adam did Wayne ever look as high as betwene 6'6" and 6'7" in cowboy boots? Personally I saw 6'4.5-6'5" MAX in boots.
Frank2 said on 29/Jun/09
Yes, I did meet Quayle one day when he was lunching at Musso and Frank in Hollyweird. It turned out he was in the booth behind me. I first heard his distinct voice. Then, later when he was leaving, I got up and said hello. He was about my height or 5'11". I was surprised since he had been listed at over 6'. But then, watching LAWRENCE OF ARABIA I noticed he wasn't any taller than Jack Hawkins who was about 5'11". And he was shorter than Peter O'Toole who was at his peak about 6'1".
peteyork said on 28/Jun/09
Frank2 did you ever meet Anthony Quayle?
adam said on 27/Jun/09
Thank you Outlaw.
Frank, come to Orson Welles` page and tell me your opinion about my post and give me your own opinion about the fellow.
Outlaw said on 27/Jun/09
It's been a few days since I've visited. Man, there sure is a lot of speculation about Wayne's real height. By the way, you're welcome adam (your previous post stared thank you) and I'm happy to hear you've found God, very happy, indeed.
But whoa, back it up! I don't see how you say Wayne couldn't act. You're crazy. People who can't act don't win Oscars, anyway. And that fact right there proves you wrong. Boy, do you ever change your mind around frequently, adam! For Heaven's sake.
Anyway, Frank says he met him and he's claimed that for a very long time now. Why not believe him? I do. I'll also say Anthony Quinn was anywhere between 6'1" and 6'2". Just watch the movie "Warlock" to see him and Fonda (6'1.5") staying next to each other in plenty of scenes. I don't why, though, but I couldn't really confirm Quinn's height, even when he was standing next to Fonda.
I'll go on believing Wayne was 6'4" and possibly 6'4.5" in his prime. And the absolute, ASBOLUTE lowest possibly that he could have been 6'3" at the least, near the end of his life is seen in "The Shootist". It's undeniable, him standing barefoot next to Ron Howard, who was definitely 5'9" at the time with at least one inch boots on, having him stand at 5'10" or so, and Wayne still looked at least 5 inches taller.
Take care and may the Lord be with y'all. Again, I'm happy you've the Lord, adam.
Frank2 said on 26/Jun/09
Wayne was two inches taller than 6'2" Lee Marvin in THE COMANCHAROS. Plus he was two inches taller than 6'2" Stewart Granger in NORTH TO ALASKA. I met both Mavin and Granger and both men were definitely 6'2".
Tony G. said on 26/Jun/09
Adam, you sure change your mind a lot!
As for me, after looking at photos of Wayne (including the ones I posted), 6'4" is not only possible, but probable.
adam said on 26/Jun/09
So would I, my homie.
Gonzalo said on 26/Jun/09
Adam, if I had to choose between 6`3 and 6`4 I would probably go for 6`3.
adam said on 26/Jun/09
Yes. Wayne was near 6-4.
And may God bless you all! I`ve now found God and Im very proud of it!
Frank2 said on 25/Jun/09
You must remember that a lot of camera tricks are played. Over my long career in Hollywood, I saw many situations where actors and actresses were placed on boxes to get them to be within the camera frame in close-ups with taller actors. It was more aesthetic than just trying to make a shorter person appear taller. I was once on a set where in a medium shot, the director had several actors on boxes so they'd all appear to be around the same height. I can't remember for which film or TV series that was.
adam said on 25/Jun/09
Yes, Frank, it is nonsense. I`ve always believed that Wayne was at least 6-2, possibly 6-3 but not 6-4. Now after your posts Im starting to believe that the man was near 6-4...
Frank2 said on 24/Jun/09
Bottom line is, Wayne wasn't 6'1". That's nonsense.
Freddyd said on 24/Jun/09
Wayne was easily 6-4. I could even buy the 6-4.5 for him as well.
adam said on 24/Jun/09
And remember that the early 1930 article described Wayne as 6-2.
Doug said on 24/Jun/09
I share exactly the same doubt as Adam I must admit. There are many, many examples of where it is hard to see Wayne anywhere near a legit 6'4". I've watched a number of his films and been struggling to see a legit 6'4". To me Wayne certainly never looked 6'6" in boots. Watch him walk through doors, the most he reached in boots was 6'5" I'm certain. All I know is that cowboy boots give 2 inches and Wayne himself acknowledged this. A legit 6'3" as with Eastwood seems to make more sense which might I add is just in the "very tall range", add the two inch cowboy boots and you get two huge men.
Doug said on 24/Jun/09
Quinn was close to 6'2" in his prime, 6'1" in later years. Michael Caine was taller so maybe Quinn was 6'1" max.
Doug said on 24/Jun/09
Quinn was close to 6'2" in his prime, 6'1" in later years.
adam said on 24/Jun/09
What do you think now, Gonzalo? Do you buy 6-4? There`s so much speculation about his height. LONGEST DAY was an all-star film, not Wayne`s "own" film, that`s the reason he didnt wore lifts!
Alright, alright. There
Gonzalo said on 24/Jun/09
Frank2, if I am not mistaken the man on the left is George O`Brien, an important actor in silent movies (he starred in "Sunrise, the masterpiece made by Murnau) who didn
adam said on 24/Jun/09
Alright there Frank. You made your point. Wayne was at least 6-3.
Frank2 said on 24/Jun/09
In this photo, the second man over to the right of Wayne is Chuck Roberson who worked as a stunt man and actor in many Wayne films. Roberson was 6'4". I know since I met him too.
Click HereIn the next shot we see Wayne with 6'Harry Carey Jr. (I've met him), 6'1" Ben Johnson, 6' John Agar (met him) and unidentified man:
Click Here
RisingForce said on 24/Jun/09
If Anthony Quinn is 6'1" then Wayne looks no more than 6'3" in the picture below even considering his poor posture. He also looks 2 inches taller than Henry Fonda to me and Fonda is listed here at 6'1.5".
I've always thought that Wayne was 6'4", but I'm starting to wonder.
Frank2 said on 23/Jun/09
Wayne and Dean Martin:
Click HereMartin was 5'10", wore lifts that boosted him to over six feet. Think if Wayne was only six feet one he'd still tower over Dean? Come on!
Frank2 said on 23/Jun/09
How many men who are 6'1" appear to tower over most other men?
Click Here
Frank2 said on 23/Jun/09
Another ace in the ol' hole:
Click HereLong shots don't lie. Wayne is obviously taller than 6'1" Henry Fonda.
Frank2 said on 23/Jun/09
My ace in the hole. I met Wayne. Did you? I stood next to him at Universal speaking with him along with two friends of mine, one who's 5'10" and Wayne could clearly look over the top of his head.
Go to approximately 3:28 into the film and then tell me Ray Milland wasn't 6'1". He several inches shorter than Wayne. And I met Milland and he was definitely 6'1":
Click HereThen at 7:50 into this section you'll notice that Raymond Massey is the same height as Ray Milland.
Later in the film, you'll notice that Massey is slightly shorter than Wayne. Plus they put Massey on a box for scenes with Wayne which was normal. Massey played the villain so he needed to look nearly as tall as Wayne.
adam said on 23/Jun/09
Ah, now I remember. Frank, my ace in the hole:
In REAP THE WILD WIND Wayne was about the same height (or maybe slightly taller) as Raymond Massey. Massey was 6-1. Wayne certainly didnt look three inches taller!
adam said on 23/Jun/09
Frank, please:
adam says on 23/Jun/09
Michael Caine was taller than Quinn. Caine was 6-1
Frank2 said on 23/Jun/09
I'm not lying. Listen up pilgrim! John Wayne was 6'4". I know since I met him. Did you?
Michael Caine taller than Wayne? Where in dreamland? I've seen production stills from THE LONGEST DAY and Wayne is not shorter than Steve Forrest.
And yes, they all lied. Many people in Hollywood on the left hated Wayne. Plus Mitchum loved to put people on so anything he said I'd take with a grain of salt.
adam said on 23/Jun/09
Like I said in the Victor Mature page, in my opinion Vic Mature, Sterl Hayden and Duke Wayne were all very charismatic presences on screen. Not great actors -but great presences.
And about their heights:
Hayden I believe was at least 6-5. He did look clearly taller than Timothy Carey in THE KILLING who is listed as 6-5 himself in many places! And he certainly looked huge in ALL of his films as well.
Victor Mature was probably only around 6-1 like Frank stated.
Wayne... He could easily look 6-4. But all those rumors... I dont know.
adam said on 23/Jun/09
Michael Caine was taller than Quinn. Caine was 6-1
Frank2 said on 22/Jun/09
Wayne and Quinn taken probably in the 1960s:
Click HereI see a two inch difference. I always assumed Quinn was around six-one in his youth since an uncle of mine roomed with him way back in the 1930s. My uncle told me that Quinn was about an inch taller than him and my uncle who was exactly 6', but now I suspect that Quinn was 6'2" as he claimed to be.
Frank2 said on 22/Jun/09
Also, in BACK TO BATAAN, Wayne is at least seven inches taller than Paul Fix. I've seen all ranges of heights listed for this fine character actor. I suspect he was about 5'8", but the Internet Movie Data Base list his as being 6'.
Frank2 said on 22/Jun/09
Watching BACK TO BATAAN I noticed that Wayne was at least two inches taller than Anthony Quinn. In some scenes Wayne looks to be three inches taller. The Internet Movie Data Base lists Quinn as being 6'2". In the film A WALK IN THE CLOUDS, Quinn was the same height as 6'1" Keanu Reeves and I'm sure by then Quinn had lost some height since he was 80. In an interview aired on TCM, Quinn said he was hired to appear in a movie with Gary Cooper because Cecil B. DeMille wanted an actor close to Cooper's height to play an indian.
Frank2 said on 22/Jun/09
Like I said, I met Wayne. Stood beside him when he was wearing street shoes and he was every inch six feet four.
Patrick said on 22/Jun/09
Outlaw, I am one of the most fervent supporter of 6
adam said on 22/Jun/09
Alright, alright. Im buying the 6-4. And Outlaw, thanks.
Wayne is one of my favourite actors who couldnt act, along with Sterling Hayden.
Gonzalo said on 22/Jun/09
Forrest was taller than Wayne in The longest day, about 2-3 cms. Ryan looked the same height.
It is true what Adam says that Hayden towered over Bond in Johnny Guitar, 10 cms at least. But Ryan also towered over Bond in "On dangerous ground" and in the movies they made together Wayne and he were basically identical in height.
Anyway, height is a mistery
Outlaw said on 22/Jun/09
Adam, I believe you're once again seeing things. Seriously, do you just Wayne shorter than he really was that bad? Come on... Forrest had 2 inches on Wayne in The Longest Day? What version are you watching by chance? I've paused the scene with him and Ryan many times, and most of the time Wayne was the same height, if not a hair taller. Sometimes, though, he do his leg inwards, like he always did, which took away an inch or two. You gotta watch something else besides their heads. Look at their posture.
You are right, though Wayne did have around 2.5-3 inches on Bond, but Bond was 6'1.5," lets not forget. SO it really doesn't matter why Hayden towered over Bond more than Wayne, if he really even did. I haven't personally seen Johnny Guitar. However, you add 6'1.5" + 2.5-3 inches and you've got 6'4"-6'4.5".
And if you think Ward Bond was any less than 6'1.5," you're crazy. In Mister Roberts, he looks the same exact height as 6'1.5" Henry Fonda.
Anyhow, welcome back, adam.
Take care and may the Lord be with y'all.
adam said on 22/Jun/09
And just one thing that makes me wonder:
In JOHNNY GUITAR Sterling Hayden (6-5) towers over Ward Bond in a way that Wayne never did. Usually Wayne had about 2-3 inches on Bond. Well Hayden looked to be at least FIVE inches taller. This raises some questions again...
adam said on 22/Jun/09
All Im saying is that Steve Forrest towered over Wayne and in LONGEST DAY Wayne didnt look 6-4. That`s what I see. I believe that he could have been 6-4, definitely.
Frank2 said on 21/Jun/09
In the is photo, left to right, 5'10" Bob Hope, 6'4" Wayne, 6' Ronald Reagan, 5'10" Dean Martin, 5'7" Frank Sinatra:
Click Here
Frank2 said on 21/Jun/09
John Wayne with 6'1" Henry Fonda and 5'2" Shirley Temple:
Click HereWayne is definitely three inches taller than Fonda.
John Wayne and 6'1" Ward Bond:
Click HereI see at least a three-inch difference.
Frank2 said on 21/Jun/09
In the LONGEST DAY, Wayne's character is injured through most of his scenes. He still towers over most everyone. I've seen Wayne in person wearing street shoes and no way was he 6'2". But believe whatever you want.
Click Here
adam said on 21/Jun/09
In LONGEST DAY Wayne was two inches shorter than Steve Forrest and shorter than Robert Ryan. Wayne did not look over 6-2.
adam said on 21/Jun/09
Thanks Frank!
Rock Hudson at 6-5 or possibly even 6-6 supposedly wore a size 16 shoe.
Frank, how many Wayne films have you seen? And I mean those made in the 30s. Early in his career. I know most of those B-westerns and others are very rare and quite forgettable. But since you`ve been in the business and you seem to be a fan of the Duke so have you seen a lot of his underground films?
Those films of course can prove a lot!
peteyork said on 20/Jun/09
Has anybody out there got bigger feet?
Doug said on 20/Jun/09
Gordon Ramsay is almost identical in height and weight/build to me and he wears a Size 16 US shoe!!
Doug said on 20/Jun/09
Well Ed T. we have about the same size feet and I'm about 6'2" and you're 6'5". Normally guys your height would have US 13+ feet. Actually there are a lot of tallish-tall athletes with small feet. David Beckham wears a UK 8/US 9 and he is close to 6'.
Frank2 said on 19/Jun/09
Welcome back adam.
Anonymous said on 19/Jun/09
I say the duke was about 6ft 3 in half barefoot making him near 6ft 5 in cowboy boots. So really he was more or less in the 6ft 4 range on whatever footwear he was in.
adam said on 18/Jun/09
Im back too!
Wayne was at least 6-3.
Ed T. said on 18/Jun/09
Doug, I'm just about 6'5" barefoot and usually wear a size 11.5 US( sometimes size 12)dress shoe. Although a size 11 boot for Wayne at 6'4" is on the small side, as Patrick said it is in the "normal" range and often men with slightly smaller feet are good athletes, like Wayne who was a former University of Southern California American Football player
Doug said on 18/Jun/09
Size 11 US? I wear a Size 11 UK which is equivalent to Size 12 US and I'm barely 6'2". In the UK a Size 10 (US Size 11) is normal for a guy around 6' flat, it is quite small for a legit 6'4" guy who tend to have Size 12 or 13 feet. An uncle of mine in his late 60s is built a bit like Wayne was in the late 60s and is 6'3" and 240 and wears Size 13 (US) feet UK Size 12. I am very surpised Wayne didn't have bigger feet, you would expect him to have enormous feet.
Patrick said on 17/Jun/09
I saw at WB studios a pair of his boots and I confirm your words Frank2. I read many times he was "11" which is not huge for a man of such a stature but absolutely normal anyway. It sounds that "people" want at all cost "find something" to "reduce" stars as the Duke, so bigger than life". That probably gets upset some ones
Frank2 said on 15/Jun/09
Last week I was at the Gene Autry Western Heritage Museum and noticed they have John Wayne's cowboy boots. It Looked to me like he wore at least a size 11. And besides the customary two inch heel, I couldn't detect any lifts. They looked like regular cowboy boots to me.
Patrick said on 15/Jun/09
What a pleasure to read wise and intelligent, out of any prejudice comments!
Thanks to Rising Force and Frank2! I wish I could meet those you reportedly met Frank2! Boots and shoes including lifts are never shot in close-up. That simply is just too visible. Sometimes it
RisingForce said on 15/Jun/09
I don't doubt that Wayne was 6'4", I saw a photo of him barefoot next to Ron Howard(in shoes) and Wayne even in his late 60's still looked 6'4" barefoot.
I've heard the lifts rumor so many times that I think there could be something to it. It seems like an odd thing for so many people to make up just because they don't like him.
I believe he was 6'4", but at the same time I believe it's possible that he wore lifts. So I'm not disagreeing with you about Wayne's height.