How tall is Hulk Hogan - Page 15

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Average Guess (847 Votes)
Peak: 6ft 5.7in (197.4cm)
Current: 6ft 3.14in (190.9cm)
miko said on 22/Jun/17
I agree ****sock, Hogan has lost just under 2 inches from his prime of just over 6'5. He's above 6'3 today in good posture but by how much is debatable.

Some on here believe he'd already lost 2 inches by the early 90's!
dicksock said on 22/Jun/17
Here is Hogan from 2013 with legit 6'5" Joseph Park/Abyss: Click Here

He looks at least 6'3.5" to me.

Here he is with 6'2" Brock Lesnar in 2014: Click Here

Both guys were in sneakers and Lesnar was even tip toeing to try to look taller. Once again Hogan looked 6'3.5".
My guess is that he is legit 6'4" or a tad more out of bed and is about 6'3.5" by the evening. He was probably 6'6" out of bed at his tallest and 6'5/6'5.5" evening. So he's lost a good 1.5-2".
Alan32080 said on 21/Jun/17
@ David Banner well I met him within the past year and I'm 6'3" dead flat and I know this because my job requires us to take physical and mental exams every 90 days and they measure us barefoot in a hospital gown.
He was taller than me by 1/2" minimum and the impression I got was 1".
Another guy on our SWAT Team is 6'5" and Hogan was from perception only a tad shorter not to visible so 6'2" is not even a option. We asked him his height and he said a little over 6'4" and maybe in shoes he's pretty close to 6'5"
Canson said on 21/Jun/17
@David Banner: 6'2" seems a bit Low for him even today but I can buy maybe an inch higher and 6'5-6'5.25 peak as he did admit to being 6'5" before and another wrestler once said he is the same height as him at 6'5". He wore boots a lot when he was at his peak so a 6'5" and change guy ESP if that's his lowest height would easily be 6'6.5-6'7 looking in cowboy boots
David Banner said on 21/Jun/17
@Ronster - still a hole of an opinion dude. Show pics. Also, he was clearly never 6'6.5"-6'7" barefoot. So your opinion hole got even deeper once you said that. I know two people that have met him on different occassions in the past 2 years and both said he is nothing over 6'2" now.
RONSTER said on 20/Jun/17
Opinions are like but holes, everyone has one lol. However, when it comes to something like this only people who have met and stood next to Hogan can give one that matters, photos are useless and mean nothing. I can look a half foot taller or shorter in pictures as can anyone. I for that matter have met and stood with Hogan both when he was in his early 30's and just two years ago post back surgery. The man lost a lot of height from his youth, and most of these photos that show him shorter are due to bent knees and poor posture. I can say for sure he was at least 6'6.5"-6'7" barefoot the first time and was still at least 6'4" barefoot the last time. He had identical type runners to mine but was standing with his knees bent a lot and leaning to one side and still was 6'4" next to me in shoes, so that meant he was barefoot over 6'4" easily. And he also has maintained most of his upper body size aside from his arms being a few inches smaller (still over 20" though at 63!), so he easily tops the scales at 290-300lbs. His legs are smaller now yes but they are still big as well.
Canson said on 19/Jun/17
Yea I agree Christian he isn't less than 6'5 peak maybe even your height or near it.
Christian-196.5cm (6ft5 3/8) said on 18/Jun/17

Anything under 6'5" is low for Hogan, if you're talking about his peak height. I thought 6'5.25" or somewhere around that.
Logan said on 17/Jun/17
He is 6,5 maybe 6,4.75 he is about 1 inch or so taller than orton which is about 6,4 so I will stick with 6,4.5-6,5
Canson said on 15/Jun/17
Full 6'5 minimum at peak 196cm tops but no higher
Guanzo said on 14/Jun/17
Peak Physical Prime:
Barefoot: 6'4.5" to 6'4.75"
Wrestling boots: 6'5.75" to 6'6"
Cowboy Boots: 6'6.25" to 6'6.5"-ish

Barefoot: 6'2.25" to 6'2.5"(max)
Sneakers:6'3.25" to 6'3.5"-ish

James said on 13/Jun/17
Hogan was at Least 6'5 during his peak since he was at the same height as John Tenta and Tiny "Zeus" Lister. Give or take 0.25 Inches. Remember Hogan was billed as low as 6'6. He was mentioned as 6'5 - 6'6. Sid justice Always had a Good 2 inch on Hogan.

Peak 6'5
Wrestling boots 6'6 - 6'6.25
Cowboy boots 6'7

Of course Hogan wan't break kayfabe. He Will always claim 6'7 peak.
RP said on 11/Jun/17
Peak Physical Prime:
Barefoot: 6'5.5" to 6'5.75"
Wrestling boots: 6'6.75" to 6'7"
Cowboy Boits: 6'7.25" to 6'7.5"-ish

Barefoot: 6'3.25" to 6'3.5"(max)
Sneakers:6'4.25" to 6'4.5"-ish
The Ben said on 9/Jun/17
Interestingly Hogan has just put a photo on his Instagram today saying he'll get under 300lbs this weekend.
He's not saying he's all muscle he's saying he's overweight. I still say a strong 6'3 today.
62B said on 8/Jun/17
David Banner said on 7/Jun/17
Hulk is no more than 6'2" now
Also, Hogan was never over 6'4"
Andre was never over 6'9"
Studd was never over 6'5"
Why is it so hard for people to comprehend that they wore lifts and played on the camera angles and stood on boxes and stood next to short refs and interviewers?

Its doubtful Andre was wearing lifts when I bumped into him at the air port, He was huge and looked 7' but was probably somewhere between 6'10" and 6'11". Hogan in 1980 pre WWF and probably not wearing lifts was slightly taller than my Grandfather when we saw him, who at the time was a little over 6'4" and normally wore shoes with a heel. Peak Andre was probably very close to 7' and a peak Hogan was 6'5" to 6'5 1/2".
The Ben said on 8/Jun/17
Another thing I would say is when I was stood near Hogan I would have said 6'3 tops due to his bizarre body proportions and obviously shrunken legs, hips and lower back.
It was only when I saw my photo of Hulk and I and my friends photo of them together that I could see the full height difference.
Hogan has a huge and this I believe makes him appears shorter.
He's still a very big guy.
The Ben said on 8/Jun/17
Meeting him 2 years ago I would have said a strong 6'3, touching 6'4.
I think he's only lost 1.5"-2.0" max.
I'd say 6'5.5 peak.
I've met lots of wrestlers over the years and Hulk was still an enormous man.
I met him with a friend who's 6'2, fat and 310lbs. Even though my friend was fatter you could see Hogan had a far larger frame. He was a very big thick guy, the type of size you very rarely see, somebody who would definitely make you take a second look.
His hips and legs looked very crooked and you could see he had no ass. His upper body and arms were huge, giant hands and head.

There are lots of wrestlers I've met who were smaller than I expected (Steiner, Shamrock, Piper, Flair) but there are also some bigger. I can easily see a peak Hulk between 290 and 320.

They don't always put wrestlers weights up, I know taker was billed at 328 in the ministry of darkness days, at one point with eating and drinking on the road he hit 350 and tried to cover up with a baggy shirt.
There was an interview with Shaq talking about it.
Taker was basically fat.
Austin openly struggles with weight has been up to 280 in recent years, Ted Dibiase also openly talks about weight problems and hitting 330lbs.
David Banner said on 7/Jun/17
Hulk is no more than 6'2" now
Also, Hogan was never over 6'4"
Andre was never over 6'9"
Studd was never over 6'5"
Why is it so hard for people to comprehend that they wore lifts and played on the camera angles and stood on boxes and stood next to short refs and interviewers?
RP said on 6/Jun/17
I agree with Rob!
Vegas said on 3/Jun/17
Action figure being sold in his own store Click Here
Editor Rob
the guy who made that datasheet has to have been trolling there...he'd have been given the data to enter, must have changed it just before it went to a full print run.
RP said on 1/Jun/17
Hmmmm? Vegas?...I need to see pics of that action figure for confirmation? Chances are it says 6'7" & 302 lbs & not 6'2" & 302 lbs...otherwise that 6'2" is a major typo. I've never, ever seen a listing lower than a 6'5" billing or claim for Hogan from his physical prime. Almost all wrestling merchandise has or had him at 6'7" & 302 lbs from that era. With a few 6'8" listings ...maybe a random fluke 6'6" listing once in a blue moon...and almost all weight billings being 302, 303 or 305. With a random few going up to 320 to 325 & a random few going as low as 294 & 295.
Vegas said on 31/May/17
What I found interesting is that in his own store in Orlando he is selling an action figure of himself and the stats on it read..height 6'2, weight 302lb
Logan said on 29/May/17
Hulk hogan is 6,4 he is a little bit taller than the Rock.
Lol said on 25/May/17
I'm 6'4. Met him 2 years ago.

He's about 6'2.

Was probably 6'6 before all the surgeries on his back and knees.
dicksock said on 22/May/17
RisingForce said on 19/May/17
Hulk seems to have gotten the 6'7" peak and 6'4.5" recent from his mother measuring him, but he never says she had them take their shoes off.


In the interview with "The Voice", I'm about 99% sure he said he would be interviewed barefoot. I can't find the interview anymore, but I'm almost positive that's what he said.
Edge said on 20/May/17
An easy 6'5 back in the 70s and 80s and more likely 6'3 today.
RisingForce said on 19/May/17
Hulk seems to have gotten the 6'7" peak and 6'4.5" recent from his mother measuring him, but he never says she had them take their shoes off. Btw, Hulk's mother died when he was 57. 6'4.5" would have to be in shoes since he's been shorter than Troy Aikman and David Hasselhoff for a while and I still say 6'5.5" peak so 6'7" or within would be easy in a lot of footwear, or I'm almost any footwear early in the day. Seems most of his height loss came from surgeries.

Canson, I thought you were a bit over 6'4"??
Bazza said on 18/May/17
@****sock - your stats make sense. i have watched some WWF footage from circa 1990 recently and i can see 6'5 flat around that time but no more. i think early 80s he may have hit 6'5.5 and that was his peak height. He walks around about strong 6'2 with his bad posture these days but i could buy him being around a strong 6'3 when standing up straight today.
Alan32080 said on 18/May/17
@Ryan11 possibly weighs 270 - 280 high end.
RYAN11 said on 17/May/17
To Arby and Canson, one if he wS eye level with you he was at least an inch taller because I seriously doubt your head is nearly as large as his, and to the other, was he standing straight and tall like I'm sure you were? I bet anything he was bent knees and slouching like always.
Canson said on 17/May/17
Alan32080: he for sure isn't 6'4" or 6'5". We were eye level. I'm between 6'3-6'3.25 so maybe he's 6'3.25-.5 that's the most he is
RYAN11 said on 16/May/17
Alan32080, I also met him a couple years ago post back surgery and he was easily 6'4" barefoot. How much would you estimate he weighs? Muscle weighs a lot more than fat and he is still really built especially upper body wise so I estimate him around 280-290lbs still
Alan32080 said on 14/May/17
@Arby I only met him once but we both had flops on and I'm 6'3" on the nose and he was taller. Not like inches but visibly taller. One of the swat guys is 6'5" and Hogan was pretty close to him obviously my guy was taller but not by much maybe 1.5" max but more like a inch. This was around 8:30 to 9:00 in the morning at a private shooting range in Tampa where swat and national guard shoot as well as some private members.
Bazza said on 13/May/17
peak 80's max - 6'5

today - 6'2.5 / 6'3 tops.
Arby said on 13/May/17
Alan32080: I'm actually a hair over 6'3. I haven't been measured in a while but I've always been between 6'3-6'3.25. I've met Hogan more than once and he looked me dead in the eye with similar footwear.
day day said on 12/May/17
I was a wrestling talent scout for 9 years 83-92 in the us canada and japan i had a breif stint in wwf in 1989 wrestlers are measured in their wrestlig attire and boots then given an extra inch i seen hogan on 2 ocassions my estamation for hulk barefoot would be shy of 6'6 300lbs i was 6'4 272lbs back then id say hes 6'3.5 250lbs today
Alan32080 said on 11/May/17
@Arby I am also 6'3" barefoot flat and I have good posture and he was taller than me. The lowest he could be is 6'3.5" and probably wakes up at 6'4" which is what I thought when I met him which was around 9 a.m. maybe a little earlier.
Mayfield said on 11/May/17
That 6'4.5 listing he claims nowadays could be a listing in shoes, ergo 6'3 1/2 or at least a bit below it
Arby said on 10/May/17
He and I are the same height 6'3. I've met him
dicksock said on 8/May/17
Here is an interesting clip of Stone Cold answering a fan's question on whether he suffered any of the same back problems from doing the stunner night after night that Hogan did from doing his leg drop:
Click Here

He claims that Hogan was...and this is truly shocking...6'5-6'6 and 300-320lbs. This is what I have been saying for many years. This is also consistent with what the 6'6" ring announcer said and with what 6'5" 300lb Tiny Lister said. Hogan was about 6'5.5" and at least 300lbs at his biggest. Now, he is still around 6'3/6'3.5" and maybe 260lbs.
Canson said on 6/May/17
Bobby speaks the truth as always! 6'5" barefoot and his father met him peak
Chiresecheckles said on 6/May/17
He still claims to be 6'4 1/2:
Click Here
zaq said on 2/May/17
yes 6'3 sounds spot on !!
62B said on 2/May/17
zaq said on 30/Apr/17
Click Here

im 5'8
angle a little sideways

Cool you got to meet Hulk and get a picture with him, but its not really that good of a picture to guess his height. You appear to be standing straight, while Hogan is obviously leaning forward with his head tilted down. Then we can't tell if he is, what seems to be normal, bending at the knees, or the shoes he is wearing. If I had to guess off of that picture. I'd say standing straight with same footwear and you being 5'8" that Hulk would indeed be around 6'3" Today. What is your guess?
dicksock said on 1/May/17
zaq said on 30/Apr/17
Click Here

im 5'8
angle a little sideways


I can see Hogan being 7" taller if he stood straight. He definitely looks 6'3/6'3.5" most of time. Maybe he wakes up at 6'4".
zaq said on 30/Apr/17
Click Here

im 5'8
angle a little sideways
Nik said on 29/Apr/17
He's got a very distinctive moustache!
Canson said on 29/Apr/17
@Straightahead: nope definitely not 6'5 3/4 but I can see a peak hogan as 6'5". That was his true height
Alan32080 said on 28/Apr/17
@straightahead no disrespect but are you trying to be a comedian with your comments? Or have you never met Hogan and just use assumptions? I can tell you right now for a 100% fact he's not under 6'3.5" right now and I would venture to say still hits 6'4".
aaronious said on 26/Apr/17
Vegas, what was their footwear like at Hogan's shop? maybe your friend is taller than 6'4". some people like to underplay their height, others overplay it. if Hogan wakes up in the morning, 6'3.5"- 6'4" is certainly possible and within reason

example: my father told people for years he was 6'4". his actual height barefoot: 6'4 5/8" ... he preferred to round down instead of up
aaronious said on 26/Apr/17
Tito, that is about right, hes around 6'3" these days, and weighs aout 250-260

Vegas, what was their footwear like at Hogan's shop? maybe your friend is taller than 6'4". some people like to underplay their height, others overplay it.

example: my father told people for years he was 6'4". his actual height barefoot: 6'4 5/8" ... he prefered to round down instead of up
aaronious said on 26/Apr/17
Tito, that is about right, hes around 6'3" these days, and weighs aout 250-260
James B said on 25/Apr/17
He seems to be holding onto 6'3 very well unlike Dolph lundgren who is losing a cm by each passing year
Undertaker Frank said on 24/Apr/17
Tito, most people agree that he is about 6ft 3 now since he looked shorter than 6ft 4 Troy Aikman & David Hasselhoff but the Question is was he ever 6ft 5 to 6ft 6 @ his Peak ??
Tito S said on 23/Apr/17
I am 6'5" and 265 lbs and I dwarf hulk Hogan. I live 1 mile from him. I been around him many times and I have 2" on him and I seem heavier with muscle mass. Terry is really 6'3" and probably 250 lbs.
Johan said on 22/Apr/17
Some really good listings there Sean but I disagree strongly with a couple of them.

Shawn Michaels at 5'11.5" ? He lived in cowboyboots and now he finally conceded himself that he is 5'10". He was also described in the past as 5'10", I think he was max 5'11" at peak but I lean more towards 5'10.5".

Davy Boy Smith is the same looked mostly 5'10.5"-5'11" tops.
184guy said on 21/Apr/17
The problem guessing Hogan's height is that he looked barely 6'5 with the shorter guys like Mean Gene,Piper,Randy but with another very tall guys he looked very near the 6'6 listing. I personally would go with 6'5.75 MAX since he looked a tad shorter than John Tenta,who was measured at 6'5.75 but could have been the full 6'6.
shiva 181 cms said on 21/Apr/17
Sean ,your estimates are perfect
GS1981 said on 21/Apr/17
no way could he have lost 3" he was noticeably shorter than the undertaker who was 6ft 7 in his prime

I think he is a strong 6ft 3 now and a weak 6ft 5 in his prime 6ft 6 with lifts.
62B said on 21/Apr/17
Sean said on 20/Apr/17
Peak Heights for some past wrestling stars from 80's and 90's:
Hulk Hogan 6'5.5"
Randy Savage 6'0.5"
Sting 6'2.25"
Lex Luger 6'3"
Sid Vicious 6'7"
Undertaker 6'7.5"
Earthquake 6'5.75"
Jake Roberts 6'5"
Rick Rude 6'3"
Curt Hennig 6'2"
Bret Hart 6'0"
Shawn Michaels 5'11.5"
Crush/Brian Adams 6'5.25"
Andre the Giant 7'0"
British Bulldog 5'11.25"
Diesel/Kevin Nash 6'9.25"
Isaac Yankem/Kane 6'7.75"
Faarooq/Rob Simmons 6'1"
Vader 6'3.25"
Ric Flair 5'11.5"
Arn Anderson 6'0"
Ultimate Warrior 6'2.5"
Hawk 6'2.5"
Animal 6'1"
Ted Dibiase 6'3"
Virgil 6'1"
Dustin Rhodes/Goldust 6'4.25"
Scott Hall 6'5"
Mick Foley 6'2.5"
Big Bossman 6'4.5"
One Man Gang 6'6"
Jim Neidhart 6'0"
Roddy Piper 6'1"
Jesse Ventura 6'3.25"
Kevin Sullivan 5'8"
Chris Benoit 5'9"
Eddie Guerrero 5'8"
Dean Malenko 5'7.5"
Tugboat 6'4.75"
Brutus Beefcake 6'2"
Jim Duggan 6'2"
William Regal 6'2"
Steve Austin 6'1.25"
Bam Bam Bigelow 6'1.5"
Godfather/Papa Shongo 6'3.5"
Tatanka: 6'0"
Billy Gunn 6'3.75"
Bart Gunn 6'2.75"
Yokozuna 6'1.5"
DDP 6'4"
Mabel/Viscera 6'6.5"
Bob Holly 6'0"
Al Snow 6'0"

Pretty extensive list. In person Dibiase was taller than Lugar. Video doesn't always show that though.
Sean said on 20/Apr/17
Peak Heights for some past wrestling stars from 80's and 90's:
Hulk Hogan 6'5.5"
Randy Savage 6'0.5"
Sting 6'2.25"
Lex Luger 6'3"
Sid Vicious 6'7"
Undertaker 6'7.5"
Earthquake 6'5.75"
Jake Roberts 6'5"
Rick Rude 6'3"
Curt Hennig 6'2"
Bret Hart 6'0"
Shawn Michaels 5'11.5"
Crush/Brian Adams 6'5.25"
Andre the Giant 7'0"
British Bulldog 5'11.25"
Diesel/Kevin Nash 6'9.25"
Isaac Yankem/Kane 6'7.75"
Faarooq/Rob Simmons 6'1"
Vader 6'3.25"
Ric Flair 5'11.5"
Arn Anderson 6'0"
Ultimate Warrior 6'2.5"
Hawk 6'2.5"
Animal 6'1"
Ted Dibiase 6'3"
Virgil 6'1"
Dustin Rhodes/Goldust 6'4.25"
Scott Hall 6'5"
Mick Foley 6'2.5"
Big Bossman 6'4.5"
One Man Gang 6'6"
Jim Neidhart 6'0"
Roddy Piper 6'1"
Jesse Ventura 6'3.25"
Kevin Sullivan 5'8"
Chris Benoit 5'9"
Eddie Guerrero 5'8"
Dean Malenko 5'7.5"
Tugboat 6'4.75"
Brutus Beefcake 6'2"
Jim Duggan 6'2"
William Regal 6'2"
Steve Austin 6'1.25"
Bam Bam Bigelow 6'1.5"
Godfather/Papa Shongo 6'3.5"
Tatanka: 6'0"
Billy Gunn 6'3.75"
Bart Gunn 6'2.75"
Yokozuna 6'1.5"
DDP 6'4"
Mabel/Viscera 6'6.5"
Bob Holly 6'0"
Al Snow 6'0"

I'm sure I am missing some more but here are just a handful...
RYAN11 said on 20/Apr/17
The most interesting thing I see in here is the total ignorance about Hogans posture. In every picture he stands with his surgically replaced knees bent a lot and usually is leaning to one side because of his replaced hips and surgically repaired back! He is easily over 6'4" today but is always standing in a way that drops him 2-3 inches. He rarely ever stood straight up anyway, but when he did you see how he was well over 6'7" in his younger days barefoot, heck he was within 4-5 inches of the by the time due to excessive weight 7 foot Andre at WM3.
Alan32080 said on 20/Apr/17
@shiva181 I met Hulk earlier this year in Tampa at a private gun range that my SWAT team was doing firearm qualifiers. He was there with his wife and another guy.
day day said on 19/Apr/17
Oh please hogan was billed 6'8 because he measured 6'7 in his wrestling boots so he may have been 6'5.5-6" prime thats how it works period! andre was billed 7'4 because with his 2" afro and in his wrestling boots he measured 7'3 so in his prime he would have been about 7ft or 7'0.5" guys who wrestled barefoot like kamala haku yoko would get a 3" boost as i said before they get measured in their wrestling gear then given a extra inch, in some cases like kane they might give an extra 2" because hed be 6'10 in his boots give the extra inch which is 6'11 so in that case they just give him 7ft to round it off, kanes boots were 2 or 2.5" in 1997 so hed be around 6'7.5 or 6'8 prime
Christian-196.5cm (6ft5 3/8) said on 19/Apr/17
197cm peak. Today he could be anywhere from 189-191. Hard to tell because of poor posture and knee bending when standing.
Alan32080 said on 19/Apr/17
@Canson believe it or not my height stays the same through out the day unless I do PT then by evening measurement I may be a shade under 6'3" but not more than a 1/8" if that. I wake up at 6'3" but I do have a heavy frame. I personally believe he was between 6'5.5" to 6'6" at peak hell he could have hit his claimed 6'7" right out of bed but I doubt it.
shiva 181 cms said on 18/Apr/17
@Alan32080 when did you meet hulk Hogan
Canson (194 cm) 6'4 3/8 said on 18/Apr/17
If he's taller than you Alan means he must have very poor posture that he hides very well. Or that the 6'2.5 isn't your low. Most others that have met him say he's 6'3-6'3.5 range tops today but I do believe he was taller than I am prime and was a legit 196 or strong 196
opus said on 18/Apr/17
Hogan was about 6'4-3/4'' to 6'5'' peak. Looking at him with Dennis Rodman, I don't think he would have ever been the same height as him or taller as some on here may believe.
Alan32080 said on 18/Apr/17
@shiva 181 no way possible 6'2.5" barefoot. I'm 6'3" and in flip flops he was taller than me the lowest that could be humanly possible is 6'3.5".
shiva 181 cms said on 18/Apr/17
6'6 is too much for peak Hogan he barely looked over 6'5 and today no more than 6'2.5
Johan said on 18/Apr/17
Thats an interesting clip Vegas. So his mother would measure people who came to visit, I bet this was with shoes.

9 back surgeries, hip replacements a couple of inches is pretty much a certainty.

6'5.5" at peak and 6'3" today.
RP said on 17/Apr/17
Yep! Hulkster is pretty much straight up giving us his legit heights in shoes.
Peak sneakers/shoes: 6'6.75" to 6'7" 6'5.5" to 6'5.75"
Current sneakers/shoes: 6'4.5" 6'3" to 6'3.5"
dicksock said on 17/Apr/17
I think it's clear that he was about 6'5.5" tops in his prime and is maybe a little over 6'3" today; maybe 6'3.5". I don't think he lost more than around 2". It's possible he wakes up at 6'4" and has been measured at that height.
miko said on 17/Apr/17
6'4.5 in footwear is possible today I guess. Still 6'3/6'3.25 barefoot.

As was 6'7 in his boots back in the day, obviously he never ever hit 6'7 barefoot though, 6'5.5 at the absolute maximum.
Alan32080 said on 16/Apr/17
@vegas I'm 6'3" barefoot and he was taller than me. Visibly taller no more than a inch though. I know my true height and weight down to the tee and pound because of my job. Hulk can't be no lower than 6'3.5" but could be 6'4" also.
Vegas said on 15/Apr/17
I was at the shop during mania 33 weekend and my friend (who is 6'4) met him and Hogan was shorter, hopefully i can get the photo off him to post as it's a really good one.

We were talking to a guy working there the previous night and he was trying to convince us that Hogan once stood 6'7 and is now 6'4.

In this video just before shop opened Hogan claims he was measured 6'7 by his mother and now stands 6'4.5 so maybe Rob can use this in the quotes as it's the most recent example of him talking about his height Click Here
aaronious said on 14/Apr/17
i think Hogan may have had another surgery or something and perhaps another spinal fusion with an artificial disc to help correct some of his height loss...he was a very STRONG 6'3.5", 'maybe' even close to 6'4" over Wrestlemania 33 weekend In Orlando at Hogan's beach shop. he posed with hundreds of Fans, including a friend of mien who is a full legit 6'2", and Hogan was 2 inches taller
day day said on 14/Apr/17
Think referee joey marella was 5'9-10"he looked like a child next to hogan and andre at wm 3 anyway used to be involved in pro wrestling and the way it works is your measured in your wrestling boots then given an extra inch for your billed height so you could be anything from 1.5-3.5" taller depending on the boots
Old Conservative Hippie said on 8/Apr/17
Back in my prime in 1977 I was 6'4.5" tall, needless to say no thanks to father time I'm no longer that tall. I met Hogan in '77 and he was every bit of 6'7" and my guess around 315 pounds. As someone who got very fast at high levels in sports, I can understand what surgery does to a person, especially with the back and neck
Junior31 said on 8/Apr/17
doggw said on 6/Apr/17
Trump is OWNED by 6'2 measured athletes. The dude may not even be a full 6'0.

And I find it hard to believe you only look 2 inches shorter than your 6'2 son in multiple pics, lol. Absurd

Do yourself a favor and look up a segment with Donakd Trump and stone cold steve Austin. Austin who is listed at 6'1.25 on this site is a full inch and noticiby shorter then Donald Trump. Check it out
doggw said on 6/Apr/17
Trump is OWNED by 6'2 measured athletes. The dude may not even be a full 6'0.

And I find it hard to believe you only look 2 inches shorter than your 6'2 son in multiple pics, lol. Absurd
Free said on 7/Apr/17
Tyson looks 5-9 with measured athletes, so worse news for Trump and Hogan
Free said on 7/Apr/17
Hogan may just be 6-1. 2 inches shorter than Aikman
RYAN11 said on 5/Apr/17
Firecracker, that photo is useless to gauge any of their heights as they are all staggered and at different distance and angles to the camera. I have a son who is 6'2" and I'm a little over 5'8" but in some photos I can look no more than 2 inches shorter than him. And it is a weak attempt to lower Hogans height by lowering everyone else's around him. Trump was 6'3" all day long and is still 6'2" easily. Atlas was over 6'2" and Hogan had 5-6" on him. FYI Hogan was announced at 337lbs and 6'8" for his match against Andre at Shea!
Alan32080 said on 4/Apr/17
@Firecracker. Tony Atlas was indeed 6'2" barefoot height most likely 6'3 1/8" in wrestling gear. Not sure about the other 2 guys but Atlas I have met and chit chatted with numerous times. He was married to a white woman who owned a restaurant in Melbourne, FL that I frequently went to years ago when I went through the academy. He was always in there. I haven't seen him in many years but then 6'2" all day long. Trump I have also met when he was campaigning and did a event in Saint Augustine, FL that we worked Security on. He was my height in shoes (6'3") probably a lift wearer.
No disrespect meant in my comments just stating what I have seen first hand. God Bless.
RP said on 4/Apr/17
Peak Tony Atlas: 6'1.75"
Current 63 year old Tony Atlas: 6'0"
Don Muraco is on his tip toes in that pic, BTW.
There are about 10-12 photos from that day in the gym. With multiple angles, guys slouching, other guys standing perfectly straight...Don on his tip toes...etc..Look at the pics that Don isn't tip Toeing, Tony is 1" taller. Also, there is one pic from this photo shoot that is perfect for comparing heights. In that pic Hogan looks 3.5" taller than Atlas & 4.5" taller than Muraco.
RYAN11 said on 3/Apr/17
Straight ahead, many tall and large men loose 3-4 inches by their 60's without all the surgeries and injuries Hogan has had. They loose it mostly in their necks and legs, unable to keep their legs straight and leaning over too much over years. My Grandpa was 6'3", but in his 70's was barely over 6 feet. Hogan if you care to look stands with his knees bent a lot and he leans to one side, if not for the hip replacements, knee replacements and major back surgery he would be in a wheelchair for sure right now.
firecracker said on 3/Apr/17
young hogan with tony atlas (black guy), the iron sheik close to hogan, and don muraco behind:
Click Here

First of all, stop joking about atlas. Stop saying tony atlas was 6'2".

Here atlas with 6'0.5"(184cm) donald trump last year:Click Here

atlas looks 5'11"-6ft (180-183cm) with trump, so when he was young he was max 6'1" to be generous.

Considering the young atlas max 6'1", don muraco a full 6'2", hogan looks 6'3"-6'4". i don't see him a legit 6'5". So anything over 6'5" is overestimated.
Sandy Cowell said on 3/Apr/17
@ straightahead - I did see a programme once on people with osteoporosis. Two of the men featured had shrunk from 5ft10 to 5ft3, but they were still walking.
I do see what you mean though; their prognosis for the future was glum and fairly inevitable that they would end up in wheelchairs, the poor things. So I do agree with what you said generally. Perhaps that might teach us all to up our intake of calcium - before it's too late. πŸ‘πŸΆπŸ„
Gman said on 2/Apr/17
My two cents is 6 feet 5 inches flat at peak height in his prime, max. He very frequently had on cowboy boots, or in my opinion, wresting boots w/boost. Also, most of the wrestlers we compared him to (back in the day) were not quite as tall as we believed them to be. And of course, if you were a kid in the 80's and a WWF fan like me, you worshiped Hulk and believed every word he said. And I do believe him, he was about 6 feet 7 when wearing those big cowboy boots. I visualize a guy like Wlad Klitchko and Hulk Hogan back-to-back barefoot in there primes, and I'd bet the farm Wlad edges out Hulk.
Sandy Cowell said on 2/Apr/17
@ RP
Re: Your comment on the destructive behaviour of your iPhone autocorrect! (😀😀😀)


@ Alan32080
Re: Your comment from 1st April directed at RP and David Banner.

Quote from the above comment, 'His legs look very frail and I remember him always bending his knees not on purpose but as if it was a comfort thing.'
I found that very interesting! You would never think that of someone like Hulk Hogan, would you?
62B said on 1/Apr/17
RYAN11 said on 31/Mar/17
Alan32080, thank you at last someone with a truthful and accurate post on Hogans current height. I also met him a couple years ago in person and took photos with him later in the day after he had been standing most of the time and he was well over 6'4" still barefoot. He says 6'4.5" now and that is the truth. He was said to be 6'8- 6'9" by announcers in the 80's, Hogan himself never went around claiming anything but 24"arms. He was well over 6'6" back then and everything not only points to but proves it. Again, nice post!

I have no idea as to how tall Hogan is today. However, he was not ever the full 6'6" in my opinion, he really wasn't that much taller than my Grandfather who was slightly over 6'4" at the time in 1980. I can see 6'5.5" at most.
RP said on 1/Apr/17
I just re-watched both Hulk Hogan vs Undertaker matches from late 1991...The Survivor Series match & the re-match at Tuesday in Texas. There is seriously only a 1.5" difference in height between them, when they both stood up good & straight! Peak Hogan: 6'5.5" to 6'5.75" & Peak Undertaker 6'7" to 6'7.25" !!! Undertaker also switched to a thicker footwear in the ring around 1994/95. Also in those matches Undertaker looks 293-298 to me! Not 328 by no means!! And Hogan looked 287-292 & not 302-303! Peak Hogan 1982-1990: 295-310 lbs ...1991 Hogan: 290...early 1992 Hogan: 285...late 1992: Hogan 280...IMO.
RYAN11 said on 31/Mar/17
Alan32080, thank you at last someone with a truthful and accurate post on Hogans current height. I also met him a couple years ago in person and took photos with him later in the day after he had been standing most of the time and he was well over 6'4" still barefoot. He says 6'4.5" now and that is the truth. He was said to be 6'8- 6'9" by announcers in the 80's, Hogan himself never went around claiming anything but 24"arms. He was well over 6'6" back then and everything not only points to but proves it. Again, nice post!
Alan32080 said on 31/Mar/17
I won't name call or argue I will just agree to disagree. My opinion based on my barefoot height and other people's barefoot height that was there when we met him that I know he's 6'3.5" to 6'4" and I'm leaning between the 6'4" morning height.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 31/Mar/17
Undertaker Frank said on 27/Mar/17
Straightahead I had the picture of me & Vince up on this site years ago Im 5 ft 11.5 and he had about 2 inches on me again he could have been wearing lifts ? Rob can verify

I remember the pic, he nearly towered you - lifts very possible
David Banner said on 31/Mar/17
I can dig it man. I would love to meet him in person. By the way, thank you for your service - some of us in this country truly appreciate it and respect the heck out of our Law Enforcement!
RP said on 31/Mar/17
***Henry Godwinn !
Stupid iPhone autocorrect 😀😀😀
RP said on 31/Mar/17
Alan32080...thank you for your Sevice to your community, stay safe out there BrothA! Can you post your pics with the Hulkster? Would be great to see him with some legit 6'3" to 6'5" men..without bad & misleading angles with Terry (Hulk) standing fully straight with good posture. May good friend Brian Duncan who works in PT & nutrition designs with the WWE in Orlando, FL said that Hogan was about 6'3" to 6'3.5" & 265-270 lbs when he wither with him 2 yeas ago. Also, as I've said before ...My 2nd cousin from Lindside, WV (Mark Canterbury) aka Henry Goblin worked with Hulk & the WWF in the very late 1980's to early 1990's....he swears Hulk was a strong 6'5" to 6'5.5" & fluctuated anywhere from 290-305 lbs before he dropped 20 lbs in 1992. Mark was 6'4" & 285-290 lbs in his prime back then. Mark had a great pic of him & Hogan from 1991..Hulk was a solid 2" taller than Mark. However, Hulk had on Cowboy boots & Mark was in basic 1.25" wrestling boots. So...probably Hulk was 1.5" taller ...that why I'll stand by a peak barefoot Hogan as 6'5.5" until 100% proven otherwise.
Alan32080 said on 31/Mar/17
@David Banner those photos you are talking about are not good for judging height. Meet him in person and be honest and you will know what I'm saying is truth. I get weighed and measured every 3 months and that's barefoot with underwear on they require it on swat. He's no less than 6'3.5" middle afternoon and no doubt in my mind 6'4" out of bed.
David Banner said on 30/Mar/17
If he's 6'3.5"-6'4" today then why do 6'5" Peyton Manning and Joe Manganiello dwarf him?? Why is his 5'9.5" daughter nearly as tall him in heels? Why is 5'11" John Cena close in height? I can go on
Alan32080 said on 29/Mar/17
@bazza I can 100% accurately say he is above 6'3" today barefoot. I'm 6'3" and in my reefs which are flip flops in the U.S. if your not from here I'm 6'4" maybe a shade over because they have a bottle opener on the bottom meaning a hard sole I was shorter than him. He had on quick silver thin soled flip flops maybe giving 3/4". He is no less than 6'3.5" to 6'4" now. He had me by 3/4" to 1" so possibly 1" barefoot. With that observation I would say 6'4" on the money. I'm a deputy sheriff in Jacksonville FL and we were in Tampa training on a tactical swat team and he was at the shooting range we were training at. We have pictures with him and one of our guys who is 6'5" took a pic with him and there wasn't much of a gap with Jon (my team member) a shade taller.
bazza said on 28/Mar/17

I don't dispute Hogan has lost a fair bit through the surgeries, that said that Maybe he once did hit around 6' 5" mark.

Whatever, i think we can all agree he is a bit under his 6' 3" listing on here though as it stands today.
bazza said on 28/Mar/17

I don't dispute Hogan has lost a fair bit through the surgeries, i said that Maybe he once did hit around 6' 5" mark.

Whatever, i think we can all agree he is a bit under his 6' 3" listing on here though as it stands today.
Danimal said on 27/Mar/17
bazza said on 27/Mar/17
there is no way he could have lost more than a couple of inches even with the injuries and age. I would go with people saying 6' 4" ish peak (wearing huge lifts in the ring to appear taller) and now stands around 6' 2" at best, the evidence is there for all to see.

The sheer ignorance of this post MADE ME have to post here after a long time of not having posted on Hogans page. Hogan stood somewhere between 6'5" and 6'6" at his peak. He has lost tremendous height, not due to only age and injuries, but due to MULTIPLE height SHORTENING SURGERIES (neck fusion, fused discs in his spinal chord shortening his upper torso, hip replacements leaving him with a shorter femur and hips, knee replacements, etc, etc, etc. He's around 6'2" today. It wouldn't even surprise me if he's 1/4" under that today. He's lost 3-4" in the last 25-30 years. FACT.
Undertaker Frank said on 27/Mar/17
Straightahead I had the picture of me & Vince up on this site years ago Im 5 ft 11.5 and he had about 2 inches on me again he could have been wearing lifts ? Rob can verify
er4smiths said on 27/Mar/17
@bazza - I couldn't agree more. Hulk Hogan is a larger than life figure that people grew up with and we all want him to be tall and large.
It's hard to accept the reality that he was never as tall and large as the WWF portrayed him as in the Kayfabe world of wrestling.
6'4" is very tall and especially with lifted wrestling boots and custom cowboy boots. Even in those lifts and boots he was never taller than people that were legit 6'6"
bazza said on 27/Mar/17
there is no way he could have lost more than a couple of inches even with the injuries and age. I would go with people saying 6' 4" ish peak (wearing huge lifts in the ring to appear taller) and now stands around 6' 2" at best, the evidence is there for all to see.
Sean said on 24/Mar/17
Rob, a lot of comments here believe Hogan was not quite 6'6" peak. Any possibility he was 6'5.5"? That may be a more indicator of his true height.
Editor Rob
Sean, I'd say the lowest I'd try to argue was 6ft 5.5...but I feel there is still enough out there to say he could in his 20's have measured near 6ft 6 flat
RisingForce said on 19/Mar/17
straightahead, that's because Vince was at least an inch taller than Bret until he got old. See the March 21st 1994 interview on YouTube for an example. Nowadays, it's a different story, though. As for Johnny Carson, apparently he claimed 5'10.5", but maybe he claimed 5'11" as well, he wouldn't be the first guy to claim 2 different heights.
Guanzo said on 17/Mar/17
Downgrade peak 6'5''
RP said on 17/Mar/17
Johnny Carson actually claimed 5'11"...not 5'10"...and comparIng Carson through out the years to other known celeb's heights...he's a pretty much confirmed 5'10.5" peak ...5'10" by the mid 1980's...Hogan does indeed have a 1" footwear advantage over 5'10" to 5'10.5" Carson & legit 6'2" Ed McMahon (who was closer to 6'3" peak)...that being said...once again, peak barefoot Hulk Hogan would come out to be approximately 6'5.5" to 6'5.75" !!!!
er4smiths said on 17/Mar/17

You're exactly right.
Undertaker Frank said on 16/Mar/17
I met Vince in 1993 and he looked close to 6ft 2 but he could have been wearing Lifts
firecracker said on 16/Mar/17
young hogan, peak height:Click Here

a 29 y.o. hogan with american television host Johnny Carson. Hogan wears cowboy boots, 2 inches heels. Carson claimed to be 5'10", many had doubts about it. Probably he was 5'9". Anyway, hogan doesn't look a legit 6'5"-6'6". Absolutely. i would say more 6'3"-6'4" max.
RP said on 14/Mar/17
RisingForce: Spot on! 6'5.5" & 5'9" peak barefoot heights for Hulkster & Sly in their primes.
62B said on 14/Mar/17
david banner said on 12/Mar/17
@Jim hopper nice to see someone who is way closer to the truth than most on here. I'd take it a step further myself and say 6'4" peak barefoot
and 6'2" now. The people that say that he's 6'4" now are nuts.
No. 6'5" maybe a tick over is more accurate.
RisingForce said on 13/Mar/17
Hogan had written earlier in his book that Sly was 5'8", which is a much more realistic guess than the silly 5'6" or 7" stuff. They obviously made Hulk taller for Rocky 3 by standing him on a box and using angles as "Thunderlips" was supposed to be an Andre the Giant type nearly 7' tall With Hulk no more than 2" down from his peak at still a good 6'3.5" in 2005, Sly could appear 5'10.5" or 5'11" with him: Click Here Vince McMahon is a good reference in that series of photos as he was still probably near 6'1". Ironically, the shoes Sly is wearing there are called Hogan shoes, a thick sneaker, which Sly liked to put big lifts in. Sly was likely 5'8.75" or a weak 5'9" peak so he and Hulk were not in great positions to pinpoint each other's height as I've long been convinced Hulk was 6'5.5" peak, a good 8.5"+ taller than Stallone at his peak, so nearly a head.
Canson said on 13/Mar/17
6'5" peak height
david banner said on 12/Mar/17
@Jim hopper nice to see someone who is way closer to the truth than most on here. I'd take it a step further myself and say 6'4" peak barefoot
and 6'2" now. The people that say that he's 6'4" now are nuts.
Jim hopper said on 11/Mar/17
6.5 peak. Now between 6-2 - 3"
Canson said on 8/Mar/17
He was a strong 6'5" prime not 6'6. Maybe out of bed and got down to 6'5/6'5 1/4 or 1/8. Today may only be 6'3.
Telamon said on 8/Mar/17
According to Stallone Hogan was 6'7:
Click Here
I have no personal opinion
RP said on 7/Mar/17
FM: Randy Poffo aka Randy Savage was listed at 6'1" & 195 lbs while playing Minor League Baseball in the 1970's...probably his height in shoes/cleats. Most have said Randy Savage was 6'0" to 6'0.5" during his physical prime. Actually stood in vacinity of him in 1997 at the Charleston Civic Center. He was about 45 years old then. I'm 5'11" barefoot ...I had on 1.75" Skechers Logger boots. He had on what looked to be 2" cowboy boots. He was approximately 20 feet from me...he looked a strong 6'0" to me. Maybe 6'0.5"??? But, too hard to really judge from 20'ft away. He also had that darn big ass cowboy hat on too! Which can give you the appearance of being an inch taller than what you really are.
FM said on 5/Mar/17
Rob, how tall would you say Savage was? DDP said in an interview that he didn't think Savage cracked 6 feet. Most picture of Hogan and Savage, Hogan looks to be heavily slouching down to make them look closer in height.
Editor Rob
I'm sure Hulk did crouch and stand poor with Randy at times, at least from what I've seen it looks that way. 6ft max for Randy? I'm not so sure of that.
Undertaker Frank said on 1/Mar/17
According to Hogan he said Sly was about 5ft 6 to 5ft 7 I heard some people say the he was very short dont forget Sly wears lifts in his shoes to make him appear about 5ft 10
Guanzo said on 26/Feb/17
He looked 6'7'' next to Rocky Balboa in Rocky III Sly is 5'9''
RP said on 19/Feb/17
There isn't a level street or sidewalk in all of San Fransisco! LOL!!! Yes, Hogan is losing at least 1" to maybe 2" on that street incline.
RR12 said on 18/Feb/17
@firecracker. You do realize that the picture of Hogan and Reigns is on a enclined road with Hogan on the downside of it. Look at the road and the trolley behind them. 6'3.5 to 6'4 is accurate for him no lower that 6'3.5 though.
The Ben said on 17/Feb/17
Firecracker you've picked the worst photos of Hogan ever.
Peak 6'5- 6'6 max seems okay.
Currently 6'3-6'4.
It's obvious when you meet him in person that he's unable to straighten his legs and his body is drastically tilted one way.
If you look at photos of him from even the late 80's doing his double bicep pose you can see his back is already tilting to one side.
mrtguy said on 16/Feb/17
Vegas said on 15/Feb/17
Big show looks shorter next to Mabel than giant titan did which certainly rules out him being 7'1 in the 1990s ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************

I disagree with you Vegas, Big Show's head and long torso can give the illusion of looking shorter just like with Andre, if your head is at least 12 to 13 it will appear so.
Baks89 said on 16/Feb/17
Firecracker, Hogan has terrible posture that pic with Roman Reigns. You can even see he knees are bent because he cant straighten them as well. Hogan still 6'3.5 straighten out. So 2.5 inch loss which is believable consider the amount of back and hip surgeries hes had.
Vegas said on 15/Feb/17
Big show looks shorter next to Mabel than giant titan did which certainly rules out him being 7'1 in the 1990s
berta said on 13/Feb/17
well i think guesses on hogan that lies in the range from 6`5 `1/4 - 6`6 1/8 is is pretty fair. i still go with the one in the middle. 197 is what he genereally looked. and i can say he doesnt look taller than me. i think he could have been shorter by 2-3 mm even. today really hard to say with that back and knees. who knows if he measures 2-3 cm taller than he looks. its hard to tell becuase he is like one of the few in the world with a back broken as his. today he looks about 190 but measured i think 191,5
firecracker said on 11/Feb/17
many of you think human body is like a puzzle. you can shrink if you have serious back problems and if you gain a lot of weight (fat) year by year. donald trump is and was in the 6ft range, he is 70 in good shape, he has always had a slim body, and he didn't have any back problem. he didn't shrink, maybe he lost a weak inch, he was max 6'0.75"(185cm), never been taller than that.

trump in his 40ies with an old ronald reagan who struggled with 6ft even when he was young. reagan was never taller than 5'11" in my opinion:Click Here. trump was as tall as an old reagan. no way trump was 6'2"(188cm) barefoot. don't joke.

hogan nowdays with roman reigns who claims to be 6'2"(188cm):Click Here

hogan at his peak with roddy piper (who was in the 6ft range, don't joke even with piper!):Click Here

hogan is as tall as roman reigns. So hogan nowdays is 6'2"(188cm). Hogan had serious back problems of course. how much did he shrink? i think a realistic shrinking can be 2-3 inches. So i think hogan was max 6'4.75"(195cm), peak barefoot. He was tall no doubt. You can't shrink 4-5-6 inches from 20 to 60!!! human body is not a puzzle!!!
Jj said on 10/Feb/17
Looked 1.25 iches taller than Brock a couple of years ago. So 6'3.25 now and 6'5.25 peak seems about right I think. So hard so call because his eye line is often the same as shorter guys but looks like he has quite a long head.
Undertaker Frank said on 8/Feb/17
The picture with Trump , Andre & Hogan Hogan had on White cowboy boots with a Big Heel look @ the contact signing between Hogan & Andre those boots have a hefty heel
Johan said on 8/Feb/17
firecracker said on 6/Feb/17
A young hogan with president donald trump, in the 80ies:Click Here

trump is (was) in the 6ft(183cm) range. Hogan looks 6'4-6'5" (193-195cm) with trump. We don't see the ground, probably hogan wears wrestling boots, 2 inches heels. We could say hogan peak barefoot was a full 6'4"(193cm).

nowdays he is in the 6'2" (188cm) range.

Trump was himself 6'2" (188cm) at that time...the man is 70 years old now ffs. Hogan looks as I would have imagined a good 3 inches taller but not quite 4 inches. Leaving him again in the strong 6'5" range. Just like "Tiny" Lister said, the same as 6'9.5"-6'10" Kevin Nash claiming that he could see the top of his head so at least 4.5-4.75 inches taller. Hogan was 6'5" peak. Max 6'5.5".
Junior31 said on 8/Feb/17
LOL at 6'4 PEAK. what Are you smoking and where can I buy some??
RP said on 7/Feb/17
That pic is from April 1989 at Wrestlemania V.. in 1989 Trump was a legit 6'2" barefoot & 6'3" in shoes !!! Trump was 42 years old in that pic & Hogan was 35 (April 1989) !! Hogan had Trump by exactly 4" there! Hogan was indeed In his standard yellow wrestling boots! My cousin Who I've already named on here in the past, was briefly a professional wrestler & also worked in the WWF/WWE ...he said standard issued wrestling boots, that do not have lifts in them only increase your height by 1.25" Just like basketball sneakers!..not 2"!!! Hogan is right @ 6'7" in wrestling boots there in '89...making him the 6'5.75" to 6'5.5" barefoot that most of us already knew he was up until his late 30's...Again !! Donald Trump was 6'2" peak!! Not 6'0"!!! Hell, he's 6'0.5" to 6'0.75" now at age 70!!!
Boss said on 7/Feb/17
firecracker said on 6/Feb/17
A young hogan with president donald trump, in the 80ies:Click Here

trump is (was) in the 6ft(183cm) range. Hogan looks 6'4-6'5" (193-195cm) with trump. We don't see the ground, probably hogan wears wrestling boots, 2 inches heels. We could say hogan peak barefoot was a full 6'4"(193cm).

nowdays he is in the 6'2" (188cm) range.

Trump is 6'2" peak not 6'. So add 2" to your estimates.
62B said on 7/Feb/17
straightahead said on 7/Feb/17

Ask yourself whats wrong with all the fankids who believe Hogan was 6'6? both andre and firecracker has his peak height right on at 6'4 (193 cm)


I agree with you that Hogan wasn't 6'6". 6'4" peak though is just a bit too short. I don't need to analyze any pictures or video, trying to make guesses off how tall another person is supposed to be, or how close they are to the camera, or what shoes they are wearing. Hogan was a legit 6'5" guy
62B said on 7/Feb/17
@ sraightahead, another guy I saw in person and talked to briefly was the late great Reggie White. Granted the time between seeing the two was 16 years, but Hulk was definitely much bigger upper body wise than 290lb Reggie and easily the same height.
firecracker said on 6/Feb/17
A young hogan with president donald trump, in the 80ies:Click Here

trump is (was) in the 6ft(183cm) range. Hogan looks 6'4-6'5" (193-195cm) with trump. We don't see the ground, probably hogan wears wrestling boots, 2 inches heels. We could say hogan peak barefoot was a full 6'4"(193cm).

nowdays he is in the 6'2" (188cm) range.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 6/Feb/17
andre said on 5/Feb/17
193cm barefoot prime
188cm barefoot today

way off...what is wrong with everyone?
62B said on 5/Feb/17
straightahead said on 4/Feb/17

62B, i think its the other way around! Hogan was in better shape and more muscular in late 70's / early 80's but got bulkier around his belly in mid/late 80's and became heavier, still being billed "only" 297-303.

In 1980, in person, Hogan was slightly taller and much larger muscle wise than my Grandfather who was at the time a little over 6'-4" and in the 280Lb range. I just can't see a peak Hogan under 6'5" and weight wise probably really close to the 300 lb mark. Today from pictures only, to me Hogan looks to be barely 6'3". He may even be under 6'3" by a fraction an inch. I would really like to meet him now as I bet He and I are very close in height.
andre said on 5/Feb/17
193cm barefoot prime
188cm barefoot today
berta said on 5/Feb/17
i think hogan if he reallly stand in measruring pose would take a guy like ferrigno with almost 1 inch. he cant hardly stand up straight. when he does i think he could still be 191-192. but can look 190. ferrigno i think is down to maybe 189 today
day day said on 4/Feb/17
He was easily 295 lbs in the 80s im 6'3 281lbs so i can judge a bit better hogan was close to 6'6 id say 305lbs his biggest
RP said on 3/Feb/17
Bill Fralic did NOT look heavier than Hulk Hogan in 1986!! Not at all...Hogan look easily 15-20 lbs heavier! They actually looked almost the exact same height! Hogan had a thicker/fatter neck...a thicker/fatter waist & stomach...his overall torso & chest was thicker ...not necessarily wider than Fralic...but, definitely thicker!! And his arms we a lot bigger than Fralic's! Their thighs looked to be about the same size! 1986 Fralic 6'5" & 280-285...1986 Hogan 6'5.5" & 300-305 doubt!!' Hogan looked just as heavy and more muscular than 6'4.25" & 302 lbs Jim Covert in 1986 as well !!!
62B said on 3/Feb/17
straightahead said on 3/Feb/17

Try late 80's / 1990. He was at his very biggest back then and being billed 297-303, what does that tell you? Legit 6'5 / 280 lbs Bill Fralic looked both taller and more massive than what Hogan ever did, so 275 for Hogan when he was at his biggest seems about right. Before wwf and when he made his debut in 1979, he looked barely 260.

Whats insane is to believe that the biggest star in wwf/e was being billed smaller than he really was...


Hogan may have been more muscular in the late 80's early 90's, but he was for sure bigger in the late 70's early 80's when he as billed in around 330lbs
berta said on 3/Feb/17
hm people genereally think he was almost 198 at peak. maybe he was that tall. when over 100 people guess its a proven fact that it will almost everytime be correct. well of course thats not really true but according to the guesses its safe to say he was strong 197 ore weak 198 guy at peak
Junior31 said on 2/Feb/17
straightahead said on 1/Feb/17
Gerry said on 30/Jan/17
He's not 295lbs by a long shot now he looks no more than 230lbs

He has never even been 295 lbs, MAYBE 275 at his biggest

275lbs peak??? When he was 13? This guy pre wwf alone was 310+. If you want to argue he wasn't a full 6'6 fine but to say that hulk hogan was never more then 275lbs is insane.

For me he was a hair under 6'6 ( 6'6 out of bed) and weighed 305-320 at his peak.

I believe he is 6'2.5 today
miko said on 2/Feb/17
If Hogan did lose anything by the mid 90's it was 0.25 at best. He might have gone down from 6'5.25 to a flat 6'5 by the time he joined WCW.

He started to look under 6'5 towards the late 90's as that's when he started breaking down physically. He was likely a flat 6'4 by the time of his WWE return in 2002.
Junior31 said on 31/Jan/17
Gerry said on 30/Jan/17
He's not 295lbs by a long shot now he looks no more than 230lbs

230!!! No way. I think your devaluing just how big of a guy he is, was , and structurally is supposed to be. While far from his peak he still has the bone structure of a big man even through joint degeneration and loss. He's nothing below 260 today.
dicksock said on 31/Jan/17
The Ben said on 31/Jan/17
In my opinion he'd lost height by 93, he was completely different person to 5 years earlier.
He'd been running hard on the road wrestling hundreds of times a year.
At 40 I'm not as tall as I was at 20 due to injury, it's easily possible the same would apply to Hogan.


He didn't have any severe injuries by that point. Plus, he looked identical next to Mean Gene in 1993 as he did in 1983. He looked the same next to Randy Savage and numerous other people as well. I've seen zero proof that he lost height by the mid 90s and lots of proof that he didn't. That fact combined with the fact that most men don't start losing height until their 40s (and even then it's minimal) makes me think that he didn't lose any height. He was never more than a solid 6'5" guy, maybe 6'5.5". He still looked about 6'5" by the time he got to WCW.
Oanh said on 31/Jan/17
David said on 7/Dec/16
Hulk Hogan was billed at 303 lbs because Rocky was billed at 202 lbs and because they wanted to make the difference between him and monster heels seem bigger than it really was.
Here's Hogan billed at 6'8"+ 341 lbs.
Hogan isn't even at his peak size here.
Hogan on Johnny Carson and other peak weight appearances could easily been billed at 375 lbs+.
Click Here
Hogan was WELL over 300 lbs at real peak weight.
He could have been anywhere between 325 and 350 lbs, but I don't know the exact figure.

Hogan was never 350lbs or close to it. He looked low 300's at his peak...maybe 310lbs.
berta said on 31/Jan/17
he weight atleast still 270 i think he could weight almost his claim
The Ben said on 31/Jan/17
Gerry said on 30/Jan/17
He's not 295lbs by a long shot now he looks no more than 230lbs

He's WAY over that, when I met I was with a 6'2 out of shape 300lb guy who you wouldn't give a second look at.
Just a regular but not overly big fat guy.
Hogan had a way bigger frame, the length and size of his hands and arms was surprising.
I could see him being anywhere from 260 to 290.
I imagine back in the mid 80's he was an incredible sight.
I know there are much bigger guys today but if you threw a 1988 Hulk Hogan in the WWE today he'd still be the most charismatic guy and I bet the red and yellow along with his size would make him a huge attraction.
The Ben said on 31/Jan/17
In my opinion he'd lost height by 93, he was completely different person to 5 years earlier.
He'd been running hard on the road wrestling hundreds of times a year.
At 40 I'm not as tall as I was at 20 due to injury, it's easily possible the same would apply to Hogan.
Gerry said on 30/Jan/17
He's not 295lbs by a long shot now he looks no more than 230lbs
62B said on 30/Jan/17
dicksock said on 29/Jan/17


No way in the world did he lose any height by 39 (1993). He was in great shape at that point and suffered zero loss in posture or agility. The average man doesn't lose an inch in height until their 80s. Plus, he looked identical in height next to everyone, including Mean Gene. Just like 6'5" Tiny Lister said, "Me and Hulk are both 6'5" in real life." Hogan was a solid 6'5" guy in his prime, may have dipped down to 6'4" by the early 2000s, and is a solid 6'3" now. His weight probably peaked at about 300lbs at various points in his career, and he probably did get down to 230-240lbs by 1994/1995.


I wouldn't say its impossible that Hogan hadn't lost any height by 39. I first noticed that I had lost a fraction of an inch in my later 30's. Now at 48 I have lost a little over 1/2".
RP said on 29/Jan/17
The Ben on! Nailed it!
Boss said on 28/Jan/17
Hulk with 6'6" Chet Coppock. Coppock is closer to camera.

Click Here

Hulk with many people of known height and he looks 6'6" range in all of them.
Click Here
Boss said on 28/Jan/17
Ernie Ladd talks of the tallest he ever measured.
Click Here
day day said on 27/Jan/17
what the problem with wrestlers is, particularry in the kayfabe era is billings of heights weight and origin on these pages, but in my view people posting on here for wrestlers see the minuim height posted somewhere on the internet and therefore presume they cant be, or ever have been taller than that height, instead of having there own opinon, so because john tenta at 22 was a sumo wrestler and it was published that he was 6'5 and 3/4 it must be true but ernie ladd being published at 6'9 in pro football cant be true because someone else on the web gives him 6'7 so i would say always give your own honest opinion and if posters here agree with you or not thats there choice and t hell with it so my estimation of heights would be these are peaks hogan just about 6'6 sid 6'7.5 taker 6'8 ernie ladd 6'9 kevin nash 6'10 big show 7'1 andre 7'1.5 and now hogan 6'3 sid 6'6 taker 6'6.5 old ladd 6'7 nash 6'9 show 6'10.75 old andre 6'11
Pal said on 26/Jan/17
He has a vacation home near where I grew up, so it is not uncommon to see him around. I walked past him once in a parking lot (flat surface) and he had at least 2 inches on me. I am 6'2.25 (barefoot) and was wearing flip flops so maybe stood 6'2.5 tall at the moment. I would've guess around 6'4 barefoot based off my assessment. He was wearing just regular sneakers. This was two years ago.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 26/Jan/17
In his debut match in 1979 against Ted Dibiase, he looked minimum 3in taller.
RP said on 25/Jan/17
John Tenta 6'5-7/8" peak height measurement in his 20's...6'5" to 6'4-3/4" by the end of his career....fluctuated from 400-450 lbs from age 25-40.
Mayfield said on 21/Jan/17
If you had considered adding John Tenta the Earthquake on the site, who everyone thinks could be a weak 6'6, here's a quote from a year before his death on a site he posted on. He claims 6'7 and he says his wife is 5', a claim she went with

Click Here
Editor Rob
he does deserve a page, I wouldn't have thought any shorter than an almost 6ft 6 for him.
62B said on 17/Jan/17
John B said on 16/Jan/17
Hulk Hogan's leg drop never - ever affected his height he never lost any size due to his leg drop


You must be Hulks doctor to make statements like that
Big King said on 16/Jan/17
I would say that Hogan's peak height was 6'5 1/2" because he was 2 inches shorter than Tommy Lister Jr. who was listed as 6'7" in good days.
Noshenanigans said on 15/Jan/17
Most of the evidence does point to Hogan's peak actually being 6'5.
I think the fact he was billed as high as 6'9 greatly distorts everything cause you say to yourself how could a guy be billed THAT big without being close to it?

I think 6'6 is a bit of benefit of the doubt.
Maybe he was 6'6 before his first ever leg drop - the move which caused his spine to actually bend back in on itself which is how he has lost so much height now. Along with hip and knee surgeries, the Hulk is a shell of what he was but 6'6 is asking a bit too much of how tall he actually was if you ask me.
Johan said on 13/Jan/17
Around 8 inches on Mr T there BUT he has footwear advantage of at least 0.5 inch maybe more with those cowboy boots.

So maybe 7-7.5 inches on a 5'10-5'10.5" Mr T.

So again he was minimum a decent 6'5" guy. Maximum 6'6".
dicksock said on 12/Jan/17
I still don't understand how anyone can think he was over 6'5" when fellow 6'5" Tiny Lister said they were the same height in 1989. The 6'6" announcer from Wrestlemania 2 said Hogan was his height or a little shorter. He was over an inch shorter than 6'7" billed Sid in 1992 when he was only 38. He was virtually the same height as 6'5" Jake Roberts. All the evidence in the world points to Hogan having been no more than a solid 6'5" guy in his prime. Anything over 6'6" is just ridiculous. Now we have clowns trying to say Hogan was over 6'7" when even he claimed to only be 6'7" in his prime.
RYAN11 said on 12/Jan/17
Thank you David, all full length pictures with zero tilt, distance to camera or footwear advantages aside from one where Hogan had his cowboy boots on with T. He was slightly taller than the confirmed 6'7.5" Matuszack at his peak. But now watch what always happens, the usual suspects will go all out to try and diminish Matuszack's height and will say things like "he was never over 6'5" and will use photos taken that are half body or head shots with unknown ground, footwear or angles because they cannot admit the truth that is staring them right in the face with your pictures and others like the ones on that web page, that Hogan was well over 6'7" peak height.
Arch Stanton said on 12/Jan/17
@David, Mr T is 5'10..5, in comparison Hogan looks about 6 ft 6, no more.
David said on 11/Jan/17
Rob, Hogan needs a major height upgrade. The man was a giant. Look at how he stacks up to John Matuszak.

Click Here

Click Here

This site below has atremendous amount of information about Hogan's peak height.
It's a goldmine.

Click Here
dicksock said on 9/Jan/17
Vegas said on 8/Jan/17
Clearly more than 2 inches between trump and o'reilly there


Vegas, you have to take into consideration the fact the O'Reilly was standing a bit in front of Trump for most of that segment. The best part to compare heights is at the 10 second mark. It is at this point that they are truly side-by-side. Trump comes up to the upper-middle part of O'Reilly's forehead. Bill's hair makes him seem a little taller than he really is next to Trump. I think Bill is 6'4" and Trump is 6'1.5" barefoot and may measure 6'3" in the right shoes; especially in his prime. There is about 2.5" between them, although it looks like more at first glance.
Vegas said on 8/Jan/17
Clearly more than 2 inches between trump and o'reilly there
truth17 said on 7/Jan/17
I remember watching his biography on the biography channel years ago. At the start, the narrator stated that he was almost 6'5'' tall. I don't think he was any taller than this at peak. I am also very friendly with old school British wrestler Rollerball Rocco who I can confirm at 5'8''. I have seen a photo of the 2 together from around the 80s and Hogan look at very best 6'3'' in it.
dicksock said on 6/Jan/17
Vegas said on 5/Jan/17
RYAN11 said on 4/Jan/17
Dicksock, Trump is 6'3" right now. He did a complete physical before the election and the results were shared on Dr. Oz show. Trump is 6'3" and 230lbs now, so 6'2" is way too low, he was clearly closer to 6'4" peak.

So what height is Bill O'Reilly if Trump is 6'3 today...6'7?


There is not 4" between them. O'Reilly is 6'4" and Trump is a solid 2" shorter. Trump is probably 6'1.5"-6'2" now and would measure 6'3" in decently heeled dress shoes or sneakers; especially in the morning. Not all nurses make patients take off their shoes when gathering height and weight info. They may not have even measured him at all. I've had that happen to me. His specific height is inconsequential to his health. There is no way Trump is 6'3" barefoot now. Even his own drivers license from his prime lists him at 6'2", and obviously he provided the license bureau with that height when he got the card.
RP said on 5/Jan/17
Both Terry Bradshaw & Roger Staubach have lost about 2" off their peak heights.
RP said on 5/Jan/17
Roger Staubach once said he was measured at 6'2-3/4" on his US Navel Physical...he had lost a lot of height the last 10-12 yrs As he is advancing into his elderly years.
RYAN11 said on 5/Jan/17
Anonymous, one problem with your last post. Hogan was no where near his largest when he shot Rocky 3, he had just come back from a long stint in Japan where he dropped about 20 lbs from their diet. He was his largest a few years earlier when he was managed by Fred Blassie, there is a picture and video of Hogan all beefed up with 26" biceps at the time and he weighed 340lbs, throughout the 80's he hovered around 310lbs.
Vegas said on 5/Jan/17
RYAN11 said on 4/Jan/17
Dicksock, Trump is 6'3" right now. He did a complete physical before the election and the results were shared on Dr. Oz show. Trump is 6'3" and 230lbs now, so 6'2" is way too low, he was clearly closer to 6'4" peak.

So what height is Bill O'Reilly if Trump is 6'3 today...6'7?

Click Here

Hogan was billed 6'6 in the late 70s/early 80s so that's the absolute peak he could have been but he was circa Barry windhams peak height in truth
RYAN11 said on 4/Jan/17
Dicksock, Trump is 6'3" right now. He did a complete physical before the election and the results were shared on Dr. Oz show. Trump is 6'3" and 230lbs now, so 6'2" is way too low, he was clearly closer to 6'4" peak. Medical records are the absolute proof of someone's size. And Hogan was no more than 1-2 inches shorter than Davidson, which is correct since he was right between 6'6"-6'7" at the time. There are much better pictures of a young Hogan, full body shots side by side with Christopher Lloyd who was 6'1" minimum and Hogan was over a half foot taller with little to no shoe advantage, he was 3-4 inches taller with no advantage over 6'4" men like Buster Douglas in the 80's. Anything under 6'6.5-6'7.5" is way too low for a peak Hogan.
RP said on 4/Jan/17
Anonymous...was John Matuszak barefoot in the pic with Hogan? No! You said he had old school 0.875" aka 7/8" converse sneakers! Hogan's cowboy boots were 2" heels! 2.75" is total non sense !! If That means Hogan would've had a 1" to 1.25"footwear advantage...I do recall this pic, John looked 0.5" to 0.75" taller. Factor in the footwear advantage...makes a barefoot John 1.75" taller than a Hogan. Which gives you what 95% of us all have always assumed on both men at their peaks!
John Matuszak: 6'7.25" to 6'7.5"
Hulk Hogan: 6'5.5" to 6'5.75"
Anonymous said on 3/Jan/17
There's a pic that floats around here of John Matuszak and Hogan. It's from 1982, Hogan is at his biggest(right before Rocky 3 came out) its when Hogan was in Verne Gagne's organization and was being billed at 6'8-6'9 340-350 at the time(even 6'8.5 346 in a Mean Gene interview) Hogan has those giant brown cowboy boots on that must have a 2.75 inch heel. Matuszak has converse all star tennis shoes on that have no heel, almost flats and he has a haircut, so is out his customary mini Afro from that time and is on the injured reserved list from having herniated disk back surgery that ended his career.
Matuszak is about the exact same height as Hogan, so if Matuszak was 6'8 then Hogan was about 2.5 inches shorter and thus 6'5.5.(unless Matuszak was 6'10.5-6'11+
Also Hogan looked a little heavier but not much, so I'm thinking at best, a 315 give or take Hogan, to a 300 give or take Matuszak. Unless Matuszak was 325-335.
This Jives with the 6'8 Ben Davidson picture where Davidson is about a big cowboy heel amount taller than Hogan also.(Hogan looked about 50 pounds heavier than a 260ish elder Davidson)
62B said on 23/Dec/16
Yeah, in HeightcrazyRed6ft's video Jake does look about the same height my Grandfather was compared to Hogan.
dicksock said on 23/Dec/16
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 22/Dec/16
dicksock said on 20/Dec/16

Here is a video from 1989 of Hogan on Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous with Robin Leach:
Click Here

Leach claims to be 5'11" 190 lbs and Hogan dwarfs him in size and height.


hate these heightliers, LOL, hate real deep hate serious :(

Look at 1:57 Hogan has flat footwear
Look at 2:01 and 2:04, Leach is about 1 inch taller than 5ft7.5in Meane Gene next to Hogan.


I would say Leach was closer to 5'10" at his peak. He was only about 4" shorter than 6'2" peak Donald Trump. Click Here
At the time of that picture, I think Trump was still around 6'1.5" and Leach was around 5'9.5". He was probably about 5'10" in his prime and 5'11" in shoes.
RP said on 23/Dec/16
Heughcrazyred6ft...Hogan & Jake are the exact same height in the Brother Love Video...I agree...almost spot on exact ......but, zoom in on Jake's footwear ...hmmm? They are at least 0.5" thicker than Hogan's if not 0.75"...that being said ...Peak Hogan was 0.5" to 0.75" taller than Jake...I'll go Hogan: 6'5.5" & Jake: 6'4.75" barefoot heights! Rob...How about a page for Jake Roberts & Randy Savage?
day day said on 22/Dec/16
Hogan does edge roberts i always belive jake to be 6'5 peak hes father grizzly smith was a huge man still think hogan was in the 6'6 range but jake maybe 6'4 and hogan 6'5 sid looked 2" taller in 1992 and id put sid at an easy 6'7 peak
62B said on 22/Dec/16
Mayfield said on 21/Dec/16
RP, have to disagree with Jake being 6'4 range peak, since he had a bit more that 5 inches on the Honky Tonk Man and held his own with Hogan. I say 6.5 or maybe he was a weak 6'6. He could be 6'4 range today though

I am dying to know what Rob thinks

I can tell you that there was less of a gap between my Grandfather and Hogan than Jake Roberts and Hogan in Rampage's picture.
RP said on 22/Dec/16
Mayfield, Jake did give the impression of being a strong 6'5" to 6'5.5" many times...however, Jake LOoooooved him some cowboy boots & ultra thick healed wrestling boots. In normal footwear with other 6'4" to 6'6" men...Jake was proven to be 6'4.5" to 6'4.75" ...
James B said on 22/Dec/16
I'd guess Jake Roberts was legit 6'5 peak
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 22/Dec/16
dicksock said on 20/Dec/16

Here is a video from 1989 of Hogan on Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous with Robin Leach:
Click Here

Leach claims to be 5'11" 190 lbs and Hogan dwarfs him in size and height.


hate these heightliers, LOL, hate real deep hate serious :(

Look at 1:57 Hogan has flat footwear
Look at 2:01 and 2:04, Leach is about 1 inch taller than 5ft7.5in Meane Gene next to Hogan.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 22/Dec/16
RP said on 21/Dec/16
Peak Hogan: 6'5.5" to 6'5.75"
Peak Roberts: 6'4.5" to 6'4.75"


Hogan was not an inch taller than Roberts... maybe a fraction if at all...
Click Here
dicksock said on 21/Dec/16
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 20/Dec/16
Click Here

He does look 6ft7 w/h Jake Roberts. Don't know about the shoes though...


I'm not seeing 2" between them there. The line appears to be going through the top of Roberts's head and Hogan's hair is exaggerating the difference. I'm seeing less than 1" between them. There are several other videos of them where they looked the same height; especially when Jake was in his ring gear. I think it's pretty clear based on all the evidence that Hogan was about 6'5"/6'5.5" at his tallest.
RP said on 21/Dec/16
I'm basing my 5'10.5" guess on a younger near peak 1980's Robin Leach, on Don King having him by 3.5" & Leach being 1.25" to 1.5" taller than 5'9"-ish Michael Jackson (Jackson was in a big healed boot too) Don King's 1959 arrest record has him @ 6'2" & 230 lbs.
RP said on 21/Dec/16
Google images Robin Leach & Toby Keith! Great comparison to Hulk & Robin! Hulk was about 2" taller on Leach than Toby Keith was. Toby Keith claims 6'4"...but, more like 6'3" & change...6'3.5" Max had always been my guess on him, Leach was much older in the pic with Keith & had probably lost some height. Also, Just looked at a bunch of pics of Leach with random celebs from the 1980's & 1990's ...and he really does look a legit 5'10.5",,, to possibly 5'11" at his ultimate peak. I'll go 5'10.5" on Leach.
Mayfield said on 21/Dec/16
RP, have to disagree with Jake being 6'4 range peak, since he had a bit more that 5 inches on the Honky Tonk Man and held his own with Hogan. I say 6.5 or maybe he was a weak 6'6. He could be 6'4 range today though

I am dying to know what Rob thinks
RP said on 21/Dec/16
Peak Hogan: 6'5.5" to 6'5.75"
Peak Roberts: 6'4.5" to 6'4.75"
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 20/Dec/16
Click Here

He does look 6ft7 w/h Jake Roberts. Don't know about the shoes though...
Wrs567 said on 19/Dec/16
Still a good 6'3'' even today
day day said on 14/Dec/16
I think this one is nailed spot on 6'6 peak 6'3 now
62B said on 12/Dec/16
Well straightahead all I can tell you is that in 1980 Hogan was about 6'5" maybe a tick taller. If Hogan had been 6'4" flat then my Grandfather would have been the taller of the two.
er4smiths said on 12/Dec/16
Yeah I see what you mean with the height difference.
Sometimes I think cause my hair is spiked up high and he's bald, that it gives the illusion of more height difference than is really there or maybe he isn't 6ft tall - guess I'll never know for sure. He did tell me he thought he was was 6'1" - maybe I'm taller than I think lol
Vegas said on 12/Dec/16
Well there is more than an inch and a half between the supposed 6ft and 6'1.5 guy at least in that photo. We would have to see footwear, ground and stance to make a more of an informed observation.

Rob is 5'8.25 barefoot and woman in first photo is 5'5.88 barefoot and the gap looks similar Click Here
er4smiths said on 12/Dec/16
@RP thanks for your thoughts. I can actually see that being possible. I will also admit, that when talking to the guy (who is in both pics)
and I when I asked who he thought was taller out of me or Hulk - he said Hulk.
I am ready to move my guesstimation of Hulk to at least 6'3" today. Which would lead me to believe he had to be at least 6'5" peak.
So I apologize to all I argued against in the past.
RP said on 12/Dec/16
Er4Smith...he looks hunched & is he doing his classic bent knee/hip stance impression of 6'2" there...perfectly erect posture puts him @ 6'3"...
er4smiths said on 9/Dec/16
Hey guys, been awhile. I'm sure you missed me.
Well, maybe some of you didn't. Anyway - check this
pic out and tell me what you think.

Click Here
Jj said on 9/Dec/16
Current height 6'3.25 and peak 6'5.5 looks about right I think
dicksock said on 8/Dec/16
David said on 7/Dec/16
Hulk Hogan was billed at 303 lbs because Rocky was billed at 202 lbs and because they wanted to make the difference between him and monster heels seem bigger than it really was.


Hogan was "billed" as nearly 7' and 390 lbs in Rocky III. But as Tiny Lister said, he and Hulk were really both 6'5" 300 lbs.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 8/Dec/16
Pre-WWF (late 70's) he was 300-350lbs easy and could look near 6ft7
62B said on 7/Dec/16
Straightahead, I just don't see what you see. Hogan was not fatter in the late 80's than he was in the late 70's early 80's when they were billing him 320lbs plus. I have not seen one picture that makes me believe Fralic was overall as big as Hogan either. 6'5" to 6'5.5" and about 300lb is good for a peak Hogan
62B said on 7/Dec/16
straightahead said on 6/Dec/16
62B said on 6/Dec/16
Yeah, no he didn't.

Yes he did Click Here


Sorry, But Fralic certainly does not look any bigger than Hogan even in that picture, which happens to be the picture that Fraclic looks his biggest with Studd. All the other pictures of the two together Fralic looks smaller. Hogan was frequently billed at 320lbs or over in the late 70's early 80's.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 7/Dec/16
IMO peak evening:
30% - 6ft5.5in
50% - 6ft5.25in
20% - 6ft5in flat

I doubt Hogan was ever 330-350lbs range. CanΒ΄t see that.

Usually 290-295lbs through the eighties and 305-310lbs at his heaviest.

With all these kayfabe billings people seem to forget, how big a well trained 6ft5in 300lbs guy in reality is...
David said on 7/Dec/16
Hulk Hogan was billed at 303 lbs because Rocky was billed at 202 lbs and because they wanted to make the difference between him and monster heels seem bigger than it really was.
Here's Hogan billed at 6'8"+ 341 lbs.
Hogan isn't even at his peak size here.
Hogan on Johnny Carson and other peak weight appearances could easily been billed at 375 lbs+.
Click Here
Hogan was WELL over 300 lbs at real peak weight.
He could have been anywhere between 325 and 350 lbs, but I don't know the exact figure.
dicksock said on 6/Dec/16
Vegas said on 5/Dec/16
Hogan was billed 295lb in that first photo dicksock posted Click Here


Yes, and I promise you he was at least 290 lbs. He probably drifted between 285 lbs and 305 lbs in his prime during the 70s and 80s. Even in 1990, Hogan looked at least 30 lbs heavier than legit 260 lb Ultimate Warrior. Actually, I almost forgot that Tiny Lister went spoke in detail about Hogan's height and weight in 1988/1989.
Click Here

At 3:56, Lister comments on Hogan accidentally breaking his nose during "No Holds Barred". He said, "when a 300 lb man hits another 300 lb man, something gives, and it was my nose."

He also said he was 287 before filming and got up to 305 and that he and Hogan were both 6'5". Hogan was 6'5"/6'5.5" and AROUND 300 lbs. Game over.
day day said on 6/Dec/16
Hogan was heavier than fralic by a good bit at his prime id say fralic was 6'5 260 hogan 6'5.5" 295lbs studd 6'7 320lbs
62B said on 6/Dec/16
straightahead said on 5/Dec/16
Legit 6'5 280 lbs Bill Fralic is a good comparison, and he looked both taller and more massive next to John Studd than what Hogan ever did.

Yeah, no he didn't.
62B said on 5/Dec/16
Honestly I don't think Fralic ever looked as big as Hogan. Especially a late 70's Hogan Click Here
Vegas said on 5/Dec/16
Hogan was billed 295lb in that first photo dicksock posted Click Here
dicksock said on 5/Dec/16
straightahead said on 5/Dec/16
dicksock, you're the one not knowing what you are talking about. If Hogan was "well over 300 lbs" irl then he would had been billed 350+ to say atleast, more likely 400+. Thats math for kids... Legit 6'5 280 lbs Bill Fralic is a good comparison, and he looked both taller and more massive next to John Studd than what Hogan ever did.

So can we end this crap now?


Once again, you are clueless. Bill Fralic was known more massive than Hogan as his biggest?! What a joke. You are just making a complete assumption about what Hogan would have been billed at. I live in the real world. I've been friends/acquaintances with dozens of big tall guys. I myself am a big heavy muscular guy. I know what I'm talking about when I tell you Hogan was at least 290 lbs at his heaviest and probably was over 300 lbs at certain points. Just look at him on Johnny Carson. He was easily around 6'5" 300 lbs. He was huge. By the way Hogan was billed at nearly 340 lbs in 1980 at Shea Stadium against Andre.
dicksock said on 4/Dec/16
straightahead said on 3/Dec/16
Steve, Samuelsson was a legit 6'6 and usually weighed 144-148 kg (316-325 lbs) during his competition, often rounded up to 150 kg (330 lbs) and he had legit 24 inch arms.

This is getting ridiculous... the fankids in here believe that the biggest name in wrestling was bigger(!) than his BILLED(!) stats. LOL! Fact is that Hogan was not even CLOSE to Magnus size, even when he was bigger than usually (fatter) in late 80's and in 1990 he was billed 303 lbs but in reality he was 280 tops and his arms were nothing more than 20. And how could he been 330 lbs at some point?! in late 70's when he was making his debut he didnt look to be over 260 lbs, especially considering that he was tops 6'4


You have no clue what you're talking about. I have known dozens of people in my life above 6'4". My best friend at one time was, for a fact, just a shade below 6'5" and about 245 lbs. He was not a huge guy by any means. Hogan was easily 6'5" or more and well above 300 lbs at his heaviest. He was an extremely muscular man. His arms very well could have been 24". I doubt they were above 22", but that is still huge. Look at him at his biggest:
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
day day said on 4/Dec/16
Im 6'3 280lbs so hogan prime could easily be over 300lbs prime some1 has to put up the pic of the87 survivor series a youtube video of ken patera shoot interview hogan looks a legit 6'7
Undertaker Frank said on 4/Dec/16
Steve i know what your saying These are Nash's words and he knows Hogan pretty good... Hogan could have worn lifts @ times to appear
6ft 6
Darth Vader said on 4/Dec/16
Hogan had exactly one inch on The Rock. I would give Hogan 6'5" nowadays.
62B said on 2/Dec/16
Undertaker Frank said on 1/Dec/16
Kevin Nash said before he became a Wrestler was @ a Wrestling show and he said he was surprised Hogan was 6ft 4 not 6ft 9 like they had billed him and this was probably in the early 80's And he knows hogan good now so i assume the 6ft 4 guess was right ??

I've told the story many times here. In 1980 Hogan stopped right next to my family on his way to the ring. He was slightly taller than my 6'4 1/2"ish at the time Grandfather. The more I talk to my Mother about my Grandfathers height the more I believe Hogan was at least 6'5" but no more than 6'5.5"
Steve said on 2/Dec/16
Undertaker Frank there is no way Hogan was only 6ft 4 at his peak, he was an absolute minimum 6ft 5 and a solid 6ft 5 at that. I have no trouble believing he was 6ft 5.5 when he was younger (late 70's early 80s). He never looked over 6ft 6 though. His arms may have been 23 - 24 inches at their largest, remember Hogan was 330lbs at one point in the early 80s. He was a similar size (height and weight) to Magnus Samuelsson (strongman) who had 24 inch arms.
Undertaker Frank said on 1/Dec/16
Kevin Nash said before he became a Wrestler was @ a Wrestling show and he said he was surprised Hogan was 6ft 4 not 6ft 9 like they had billed him and this was probably in the early 80's And he knows hogan good now so i assume the 6ft 4 guess was right ??
Takerfan said on 29/Nov/16
dicksock said on 20/Nov/16
I just came across this video of Hogan that I haven't seen in many years. It's his appearance on the Rachel Ray show from 2008. During this appearance, she measured Hogan's arms, and they were still 20". Clearly if they were 20" in 2008, they would have been at least 22" at his absolute biggest. Click Here

This has no relationship to his height, but I think Hogan's arms were about 22" at their biggest. I have no reason to believe that Rachel Ray was kayfabing her audience, and Hogan's arms still looked pretty impressive. But if you look at him on the Johnny Carson show, I think his arms were much bulkier their and probably not too far from the 24" billing. Again, probably around 22".

Just YouTube Hogan arm measure, they measure his arm on Vinces show.. They come out to 24 inches and they even do a close up of it, I'm guessing everyone will say it's fake lol
berta said on 29/Nov/16
i think 196-198 is all believeble heights for him peak but strong 196 guy ore weak 197 guy is my best guess ( andre the giant never looked 7 foot to me) today he looks 191 but i think if he managed to get measured agains a wall he could still be 192 ore couple milimeters over. he can hardly walk
cobra said on 29/Nov/16
Hogan and Vader face to face in 1995:

Click Here

Eye level looks even, Hogan's large forehead gives him an advantage.
RP said on 28/Nov/16
Boss is right! Most charismatic & biggest crossover star in Pro Wrestling History! Hulk & The Rock are 1A & 1B...Too close to call. If Hulk would've had all the TV coverage & Social Media in the 1980's that excist today & throughout the 2000's ??...this debate wouldn't even be close....IMO?? Rock is awesome ...but, Hulk changed the game forever!
Boss said on 27/Nov/16
Hulk may of had a tired routine in the ring after seeing it over and over but he was actually a pretty good worker much better than he gets credit for. Hogan had more charisma in his pinky finger than Sammartino had in his whole body. The Hulk Hogan character was easily the greatest of all time and it's not even close. You can argue over 2nd to 10th but Hulk will always be #1. Andre, Stone Cold, Piper, Savage, Rock, Taker were all the biggest draws of their time at some point but Hulk is biggest draw of all-time. Hulk and Vince built sports entertainment as we know it.
dicksock said on 27/Nov/16
RP said on 26/Nov/16
Leonardo, yes sir...Bruno definitely momentarily went off script and Let us all know that Hogan was actually 6'5" & change likely (6'5.5")...since he also said possibly 6'6"...and.... (not 6'7") , about 320 lbs with 22" inch arms (not 24")...even though being obviously set up by Vince to boast about how big the Incredible Hulk Hogan was...who Vince SR was billing at the time @ 6'8" & 320-325 lbs with 24" arms & 60" chest. I think Bruno gave Hogan's real measurements on purpose. Do to the fact that he did not like Hulk Hogan & couldn't stand the fact that the McMahon's were giving such a strong push from day one on a man who had next to zero real wrestling skills...LOL!


Wow, you are reading WAY too much in to his comments. There were no scripts back then for him to go off of. He was probably just honestly estimating Hogan's height and measurements. He had nothing against Hogan. In case you don't know, Hogan had about as much technical wrestling skills as Bruno. Bruno was like the Hogan of his day. He was never a Dory Funk or Jack Brisco in the ring. He was a punch/kick power guy who did a little bit of "scientific" wrestling. I've heard Lord Alfred Hayes estimate the Undertaker's height at 6'6" or 6'7" in 1991. It wasn't because he didn't like Taker, he was probably just guessing. But yes, Hogan was very obviously more like 6'5"/6'5.5" than 6'7".
RP said on 26/Nov/16
Leonardo, yes sir...Bruno definitely momentarily went off script and Let us all know that Hogan was actually 6'5" & change likely (6'5.5")...since he also said possibly 6'6"...and.... (not 6'7") , about 320 lbs with 22" inch arms (not 24")...even though being obviously set up by Vince to boast about how big the Incredible Hulk Hogan was...who Vince SR was billing at the time @ 6'8" & 320-325 lbs with 24" arms & 60" chest. I think Bruno gave Hogan's real measurements on purpose. Do to the fact that he did not like Hulk Hogan & couldn't stand the fact that the McMahon's were giving such a strong push from day one on a man who had next to zero real wrestling skills...LOL!
Junior31 said on 26/Nov/16
Leonardo 1.73m said on 25/Nov/16
Click Here

Listed about 6'5 in his debut in 1979 (minute 1:50)
6'6 is unreasonable.

Sammartino said 6'5-6'6. How is 6'6 unreasonable when he mentioned that as possibly his height?
Johan said on 25/Nov/16
Thats also an interesting show you linked dicksock, Dwayne Johnson also appeared on it apparently in 08' and he looks the same next to her as Hogan.

So Hogan was the same height as Peak "The Rock" in 08'.
Johan said on 25/Nov/16
Hogan's arms were measured on live TV at 24 inches ( peak ofc). I remember that Vince Mcmahon was the host at the time.
David Banner said on 24/Nov/16
@Junior31 - I think your real close on his height of 6'2.5" today.
He may even be down to 6'2". A friend of mine took a pic with
him side by side at a signing a couple years ago. I took a pic
with my friend in a similar side by side position and I am the same
height as Hulk in comparison. I'm 6'1.75" barefoot.
There's no doubt he's lost height since his 20's but I don't think
he's lost 3".
62B said on 24/Nov/16
Frank R said on 24/Nov/16
Hulk Hogan was definitely 6'7" for several decades of his life. He has shrunk a few inches, but he's probably between 6'3" and 6'5" today.

Not a chance Hogan was ever 6'7" barefoot
Junior31 said on 24/Nov/16
6'5.5-6'6 peak

6'2.5 today.
Frank R said on 24/Nov/16
Hulk Hogan was definitely 6'7" for several decades of his life. He has shrunk a few inches, but he's probably between 6'3" and 6'5" today.
dicksock said on 20/Nov/16
I just came across this video of Hogan that I haven't seen in many years. It's his appearance on the Rachel Ray show from 2008. During this appearance, she measured Hogan's arms, and they were still 20". Clearly if they were 20" in 2008, they would have been at least 22" at his absolute biggest. Click Here

This has no relationship to his height, but I think Hogan's arms were about 22" at their biggest. I have no reason to believe that Rachel Ray was kayfabing her audience, and Hogan's arms still looked pretty impressive. But if you look at him on the Johnny Carson show, I think his arms were much bulkier their and probably not too far from the 24" billing. Again, probably around 22".
dicksock said on 12/Nov/16
cobra said on 11/Nov/16
How could Hogan be 6-6 if Undertaker and Psycho Sid who are both listed at that height on this site had at least an inch each(closer to 2) on him in the early 90's?


Undertaker's peak height is listed at 6'7.5" on this site bro. Sid's peak height is listed as 6'6.75". Honestly, Taker and Sid were both about 6'7" peak and Hogan was about 6'5.5". Both Sid and Taker are about 6'5.5"-6'6" today and Hogan is roughly 6'3" or a tad more.
RYAN11 said on 12/Nov/16
Cobra; answer to that is easy, Sid was over 6'7"and wore big lifts to make him over 6'9" in his boots, and Taker was over 6'8" barefoot. Taker never looked any more than an inch taller than Hogan in the early 90's. Hogan despite what some try to purport on here as truth has lost over 3" of height he can't get back. He was down to 6'4", then had his spins fixed finally which gets him closer to 6'5" if he bothers to stand straight and tall which he seldom does. I've personally seen him and met him both when he was young in his 30's and when he was 61 years young and he lost a tremendous amount of height. Hip replacements and knee replacements along with bone being shaved down and removed from his joints combined with the big curve at the bottom of his spine is the reason and anyone who says different is in denial.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.