RP said on 6/Dec/24
Thousands of people have been meeting and shaking hands and getting photos with Hogan over the last few months on his Real American Beer tour. And most are saying Thad he's 6'2" now.
Canson said on 29/Nov/24
@Rampage: yea biggest issue with hogan is nobody knows his true peak and how long it actually lasted. I don’t completely rule the 195.5-196 range out but sorta rule out more than 6’5.5 maybe a full 197 cm his afternoon. I think he would’ve fallen to 6’5.25-.5 range or maybe 6’5.25 worst case in his prime at his low. I think this tho
Maybe the catch all 6’5.5. Most can agree prob not 6’6 by lunch but prob not 6’5 by lunch. Prob in between and not so sure he dipped to 6’5 flat either at his evening but possible. Possible he was a few mm over half at his low?
Hicars said on 26/Nov/24
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 25/Nov/24
I think in peak condition, he was 6ft6 for some of the day but dropped a bit under it at his low. This listing is worst case. 6ft5-5¼ range looks a bit low for him.
That leg drop is brutal on the spine. Really unnatural amount of loss. There's other guys on here his age or older who were similar height who've pretty much kept all theirs!
juggernaut said on 1/Oct/24
He looked legit 6'5' with 6'10' Andre in his youth, today, he's around 6'3' and lost some height over the years. Even in 2002 and 2003, he had almost an inch on Brock Lesnar and The Rock. He was quite a big guy in his prime.
Return of G said on 26/Apr/24
I think and judging by what I've seen he was a little over 6'6 at his peak
James B 172cm said on 14/Sep/23
6’5.25 peak and maybe 6’4.5 by 1991
Darksol64 said on 9/Sep/23
I honestly think that's accurate. Peak height of 6'5 flat possibly a little change, at the most.
Like I said before his peak size he gives off that very tall impression and he would certainly dwarf 6'0 guys...but he never looked that extra huge 6'6+
Stood up pretty well to Andre, but at that point Andre was probably 6'10 so a legit 6'5 shouldn't be completely dwarfed by a 5 inch difference.
62B said on 8/Sep/23
Click Here Not sure if this link will work, if not YouTube Monte and the Pharaoh WWE Superstar Ken Patera on who is greater Hogan or Sammartino. 3 minutes in Patera casually says Hogan was 6'5". Now Patera has been known to tell tales, but this doesn't seem to be the case
Arch Stanton said on 8/Sep/23
I saw the first half of the Rogan interview after and Hogan said his mother measured him at 6 ft 7 and he was 340 lbs at the time. I know he claimed he was barefoot in the past but didn't say so this time. He said his mother was obsessed with people's heights and would measure all visitors against a wall and pencil in their heights! Here is Hulk with his parents:
Click Here No facial resemblance to either but looks like he got his height and build from his mother's side, she looks very tall and big framed there.
Canson said on 5/Sep/23
He isn’t as low as struggling at 6’2. Still near 6’3 If he isn’t the full thing
Hong said on 5/Sep/23
Click Here Here's Hogan back to back with 6ft.5 listed Martin Kove, it's from 99 and Hogan looks maybe a weak 6ft4 in comparison.
XAM3AT ?ETPOB said on 3/Sep/23
i dont even think sheamus tall as 6'2 1/2...
RP said on 2/Sep/23
@ Danimal …
Wish we could see the footwear. But, yeah…Sheamus is edging him out in both photos. Photo #1 Sheamus looks 0.75” taller & in photo #2 they look almost the same height, but it looks like Sheamus edges him out by 0.25” …from my point of view.
RP said on 2/Sep/23
@ Arch, yup…Terry told Rogan that he’s lost about 30 lbs of bloat from not drinking alcohol since January 01, 2023 & cleaning up his diet & is now down to 260 lbs. I actually would’ve guessed 250 myself. He looked 6’2.5” & 250 lbs when he stood up next to Joe IMO.
Darksol64 said on 2/Sep/23
Struggling with 6'2 nowadays? DAMN! I knew he had lost a lot of height but I didn't know he had lost that much that's crazy. Weird to think that someone who stood at 6'5 or over is now down near my height.
Does make you wonder if he was anywhere near the full 6'6 to begin with. Might of only been 6'5 or weak 6'5 or something. He always did give a very-tall impression but not quite the near-giant impression a legit 6'6 and up starts to give.
Still has pretty good sized arms though for his age. He would kick my ass in an arm wrestle.
Danimal said on 1/Sep/23
2 recent photos of 6'2.5" Sheamus next to Hulk Hogan. Hogan is struggling with a flat 6'2" today:
Click Here
Click Here
And yes, Stone Cold is not even 6'0" (maybe 5'11.5").
Arch Stanton said on 1/Sep/23
Saw a clip of him on Rogan. He looks good for a 70 year old guy I have to say and is still in very good shape. He hasn't changed much really in 25 years though doesn't look as heavy as he did now! He looks much better at 70 than his bloated looking son Nick who is half his age! They look nothing alike.
NCL said on 29/Aug/23
So glad Celebheights is back!
This is from 2008. I don’t know if it’s footwear and/or camera angles but Hogan looks a little taller than 6’4” Conan O’Brien to me.
Click Here
RP said on 28/Aug/23
Hogan @ 25: 6’5.5”
Hogan @ 35: 6’5”
Hogan @ 45: 6’4.5”
Hogan @ 55: 6’3.5”
Hogan @ 65: 6’3”
Hogan @ 70: 6’2.75” (max), probably 6’2.5”
Just my opinion & observations throughout the years & decades.
SeanR said on 25/Aug/23
Hi Rob,
Nice to see comments back up!
Hogan is struggling to look 6’2” nowadays as he looks barely 6 inches taller than 5’7” Joe Rogan:
Click Here
Maybe he is current 6’2 1/2”?

Editor Rob
Could be heading to weak 6ft 3, though do remember Hogan's head is quite big, so to end of his nose might be closer to 7 inches.
Regi1212 said on 8/Jun/23
Not sure if anyone has ever seen the pictures of Hulk with the Tooz or not. But, they were very close in height and the Tooz was between 6’7”-6’8”. He looks the full 6’6” and maybe a shade more.
Slamo said on 25/May/23
Wasn’t over 6-5 peak. Now struggling with 6-3
Canson said on 24/May/23
JT said on 23/May/23
I recall several articles like this one around the time of the 1992 Olympics, which referenced the “measured” heights of NBA players, including “6’7”” Larry Bird. Click Here It’s pointless to cite these supposed “measurements” when there is zero evidence they ever occurred, let alone any reason why the US players all of a sudden needed to be “measured.”
There’s the article where they knocked off 2” and then the one where Barkley and Magic were named specifically. They are not the same thing. The 6’4 5/8 is specific as was the 6’4.75 for Jordan and Magic it just said closer to 6’7” but I surmise 6’7.5” but that’s closer to 6’7 than 6’9”
As for Hogan,
It’s hard to determine what he was in his prime. But I think rob may have it close. At worst maybe he was just 6’5” flat and dipped to 6’4 range by the 90s. Today he still looks at least 6’3 at last check
Canson said on 23/May/23
Here is Peyton manning with bolt. Manning is 6’5.25 so I’m thinking bolt doesn’t stand straight in pics at times. He also looks shorter than 6’4.75 RIP Kobe Bryant although he stands better with Kobe than anyone else
Click Here
Click Here
Barkley with Kobe
Click Here
Click Here
Canson said on 23/May/23
@viper: look at the team photo from 95-96 that I posted. Take a picture of it and blow it up on your phone. Michael Finley is clearly at least an inch if not more taller and person is slightly taller than Barkley. Also look at the article from Kenny smith. I don’t think he really has 4” on Kenny. I think it’s 3”. Kenny was never a full 6’2”. He was about 6’1.5 perhaps. If Kenny is calling him 6’4 and he’s 4 inches taller it means Kenny is 6’0”.
Elliott perry who was always listed 6’0” (if he really was) is only 4-5” shorter than Barkley and the 5 is generous. KJ is listed 6’1 and that’s likely in shoes. Very few players are their listed heights Barefoot. Finley and Person are next to him and they’re taller. I see the pics next to EJ and Kenny but was camera tilt accounted for? Physically, i know what 6’6 looks like because I have a legit 6’6 friend and Barkley doesn’t look that tall. He can look up to 6’5 I agree but not 6’6”. But a well proportioned 6’5 looks taller than he is also
Click Here
Canson said on 23/May/23
@Viper: I can believe genuinely that he was a guy who lost 7/8” during the day because of his weight. Maybe 1” at times. He probably did wake to 6’5 3/8” but dipped to 6’4 5/8 maybe 6’4.5 and on a rare occasion a hair under it. I think all things said, 6’4 5/8 is probably the correct listing if we use afternoon or evening maybe even 6’4.5” I think 6’4.75 was a decent listing however because he did claim that measurement and if 6’4 5/8 was his afternoon, 6’4.75 was ok for lunchtime. I think rob should list him the same as Jordan and Kobe at 6’4.75 or go with 6’4 5/8 or 6’4.5” but not 6’4 7/8” then again I wouldn’t go under 6’4 1/2 either because I doubt he was a guy who got to 6’4 in his prime. Today maybe but then again he can look taller today than he did in his prime for some reason at least at times. Not sure if the hip replacement added but he looks similar so maybe it’s the case where he didn’t lose any height. To me 6’4 5/8 is good since it’s his Olympic measurement. Jordan is listed at his so… if just under it, 6’4 5/8” that’s closer to 6’4.5 than 6’5”. I could see Wes person being taller than him by a hair but then again both were listed 6’6”. Finley was listed 6’7” but he’s max 6’5.75 as measured at the combine. You can see the pic I got of the 95-96 team below and snap it and blow it up. There’s nothing wrong with Barkley posture as people here are claiming. He’s standing straight. But person is tilting his head up. That’s not considered standing as Straight as possible. Rob would condemn that. Finley is doing the same. The thing with both guys is that their necks are longer than Barkley’s and their shoulders are higher (person slightly) than his at the same time meaning both are taller. That leads me to believe that the 6’4 range claims are closer to the truth. Maybe he’s in the middle or 6’4 5/8” but for them to guess him 6’4 is odd if he’s really 6’5 or over.
To note
I know of two people personally who’ve met him. One said Barkley was 6’4-6’5” the other said he’s my size. I’ve heard antecdotes from others. One is a shorter guy at 5’6 and ge said 6’5ish the others 6’4/6’5 or 6’4 or 6’5”. One person said 6’6 but he’s nowher near our height
Canson said on 23/May/23
Duhon said on 21/May/23
@Canson do you trust Olympic measurements then? If Barkley was measured at 6-4 5/8 by the Olympics how can he tower Usain Bolt by so much who is listed at 6'5" himself by the Olympics?
@Duhon: I do trust them specifically because that’s how Barkley generally looks. Usain Bolt also has a pic with Michael Jordan and there is less difference and Barkley is no taller than Jordan if not a small fraction shorter or taller (I doubt it’s more than 1/8” between them maybe 1/4”). Bolt isn’t standing completely straight there but Jordan is taller than Bolt as well. Barkley for some odd reason gas that ability to look taller in pics and it’s frustrating but for him to be 6’6 it means 6’6 guys like Cedric Ceballos and even Dr J who was probably weak 6’6 are 6’7-6’8 because they were taller than he is Also Barkley next to 6’5.75 in the pic below looks at least an inch shorter. If not more. And his teammates all called him 6’4 or 6’4-6’5. Not just teammates but opposing players did. Kenny smith, Dan Majerle, Moses Malone, Danny Ainge. Barkley looks 6’4 range next to Cam Newton like Viper said. He looks 6’4 physically in the subway commercials especially the one with Peyton manning. He physically doesn’t look any taller than someone our height. Barkley looked 6’4 range next to Danny Manning and Moses Malone etc.
JT said on 23/May/23
I recall several articles like this one around the time of the 1992 Olympics, which referenced the “measured” heights of NBA players, including “6’7”” Larry Bird.
Click Here It’s pointless to cite these supposed “measurements” when there is zero evidence they ever occurred, let alone any reason why the US players all of a sudden needed to be “measured.”
Back to Hogan as this is his page, here’s a reminder of how he measured up in 1984 to a leaning Ben Davidson (who has 6’7” and 6’8” listings) and roughly how Davidson would have looked standing straight
Click Here I watched that pilot episode and recall being surprised that Davidson was noticeably taller than Hogan as I had bought into the 6’8” billing for Hogan.
Duhon said on 21/May/23
@Canson do you trust Olympic measurements then? If Barkley was measured at 6-4 5/8 by the Olympics how can he tower Usain Bolt by so much who is listed at 6'5" himself by the Olympics?
viper said on 21/May/23
Canson is right.
Chuck looks 6-4 max today on video with Cam Newton.
He generally looked a 6-5 guy on the court but he measured just under it
Canson said on 21/May/23
@184guy: he measured 6’4 5/8” and he’s the same height as Michael Jordan (five or take) in pics. He also admitted to being 6’4 1/2 so he’s not insulting himself.
Canson said on 20/May/23
Dan Majerle calling Barkley 6’4 range and maybe 6’5 the first time
Dan Patrick calling him under 6’5
Click Here
Click Here
Even here physically Barkley is not 6’6”. Physically looks 6’4”
Click Here
Canson said on 20/May/23
Smith may be a weak 6’2 as in 6’1.5 but he called Barkley 6’4” here so it means likely 6’4 range (likely closer to 6’4.5). Barkley had camera advantage with Kenny smith in that pic.
Click Here
Also here is Barkley with Magic. Magic gas camera advantage here but so does Barkley with Kenny and Ernie. Even taking this into account, Barkley is still at least 3” shorter physically than Magic. It’s 4 in that pic becahsd of the camera advantage
Click Here
Canson said on 20/May/23
Smith may be a weak 6’2 as in 6’1.5 but he called Barkley 6’4” here so it means likely 6’4 range (likely closer to 6’4.5). Barkley had camera advantage with Kenny smith in that pic
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Canson said on 20/May/23
@Viper: look at what Kenny smith said
Click Here
Canson said on 20/May/23
Duhon said on 17/May/23
@Viper where did Barkley measure under 6'5" the Olympics? Do you believe Usain Bolt is a legit 6'5" as he's listed as that by the Olympics? Click Here
It was in the run-up to the 1992 Olympics that the world finally learned what the cognoscenti had long suspected -- that Charles Barkley was more like 6-4 5/8 than 6-6, and Magic Johnson closer to 6-7 than 6-9.
- Sports Illustrated
184guy2 said on 19/May/23
Usain has scoliosis and bad posture
Still a 6'4.5 guy IMO
And Barkley is claerly taller than him
Saying 6'4.5 for Chuck is a insult
His 6'4.75ish listings suggests a lot of errors
viper said on 18/May/23
I can't explain the Usain Bolt pic
Very odd
Canson said on 18/May/23
Barkley is standing just fine in the Suns team photo. I’m not seeing where his posture is poor in that pic or any other one. 6’5.75 Michael Finley to his right is clearly taller.
184guy2 said on 17/May/23
I want you to explain the magic how a 6'4.5 guy looks barefoot 4 inches taller than a legit 6'2 Kenny Smith also barefoot ?
Chuch is 6'5.25 at least, I can certain believe in the 6'4.75 measurument but certainly wasn't an accurate one
Duhon said on 17/May/23
@Viper where did Barkley measure under 6'5" the Olympics? Do you believe Usain Bolt is a legit 6'5" as he's listed as that by the Olympics?
Click Here
Canson said on 17/May/23
@RP: I wasn’t aware of the measurements for Ewing Stockton and Malone. I wouldn’t put Ewing under 6’10 and Malone at 6’8 flat and Stockton not sure about. The only ones I remember were Magic “closer to 6’7 than 6’9” and Barkley 6’4 5/8” then Rob found Jordan’s through a source. I can buy 6’7.5 for magic tho
Canson said on 17/May/23
@Viper: Barkley measured 6’4 5/8”. Not sure what other measurement he got because I’ve always heard him claim 6’4 3/4 or 6’4 1/2” or 6’4”. He claimed “about” 6’4 3/4” to Chick Hearn here when Hearn said you’re not 6’6, you’re not even 6’5”. So the about 6’4 3/4 is likely 6’4 5/8” or else he would’ve said he was 6’5
Chick Hearn was 6’3 wasn’t he? Or close to it. So I doubt he’d call him 6’4 range or not even 6’5 if he was
Click Here
Canson said on 17/May/23
@JT: Kenny smith is not 6’2”. Maybe 6’1.5”. He was listed 6’2 and 6’3”. Ernie was 6’1 at least claimed 6’1 prime but was he? Ernie also called Barkley 6’4”. Why would he if he’s taller? So not sure. And Ernie may not be 6’1 today and he’s older than all of them. Remember Barkley is 60 and EJ is older than him. As for what you said, look at him next to 6’9 range Moses Malone. He looks 6’4 range. He looks that next to Finley as well. Finley only measured 6’5.75 and Barkley is standing straight there. He’s standing straight with Michael Jordan as well.
@Viper: I’m not seeing how Barkley is over 6’4 5/8 peak. The video with Cam Newton who rob lists under 6’5 clinches that. Newton is close to an inch taller. Maybe Barkley is 6’4 today and has lost half inch or so .Also the video with Clark Kellog who is 6’7” clinches it. Jordan, Ainge, Majerle, Mark West, Joe Klein, Moses Malone, bird etc calling him 6’4/6’5 and him somehow being taller is ridiculous. To JT’s point, Cedric Ceballos is 6’6 max barefoot (was listed 6’6 when he first came into the league and 6’7 when he went to the Lakers). He’s taller than Barkley. Richard Dumas is also taller than Barkley noticeably. Watch the bulls-suns series in 93 and it’s noticeable. Dumas measured 6’6” flat barefoot. And was listed 6’7. Also my pics with the suns team seal it along with the fact that he stood right next to Danny Ainge (who claims 6’4 and was listed that and later 6’5) Ainge said Barkley is 6’4 1/2 and only about half inch taller than him one time then claimed the same height as him. These theories about him downplaying his height are a bit odd. The only downplay is that he isn’t 6’4 flat but 6’4 5/8” maybe 6’4.5 and a guy who measures 6’4 5/8 has every right to claim 6’4 1/2”. And to be fair he can round down to 6’4 although I don’t advise it.
@Vegas: I snapped the picture and expanded it on my phone. Barkley is not taller than Person. At best they’re the same. Person looks marginally taller however. Even accounting for the head tilt. It’s likely a CM or they’re the same. Person definitely isn’t over 6’5 next to Finley if even. And We don’t have a pre draft for person but we do for Finley and he was measured 6’5.75”. I don’t see anything wrong with barkley’s posture there. The only thing that person is doing differently si that he is tilting his head. Barkley is standing straight if not tilting his head down a bit and with the pointed crown not sure how much difference that makes but if you look at neck and shoulders Barkley isn’t as tall as persons to me at least
Vegas' said on 17/May/23
Canson, Wes Person is actually slightly shorter in that photo. Look at top of their heads and that's despite Barkleys relaxed posture and Person standing as straight as possible
RP said on 17/May/23
@ JT…that was Magic Johnson…and not Larry Bird, that was measured at 6’7-1/2” barefoot for his Olympic team physical. Larry always measured a legit 6’9”. But yes, they all had to do a physical for the Olympic basketball team… the official measurements, and weights were never actually officially posted and listed in print or television. They were mostly just verbal leaks that came out to members of the press & media…who were reporting on what the guys were said to have officially measured barefoot on their Olympic physicals.
Magic Johnson: 6’7.5”
Larry Bird: 6’9”
Michael Jordan: 6’4.75”
Charles Barkley: 6’4.75” or 6’4.625”
Patrick Ewing: 6’9.75”
Karl Malone: 6’8.25”
John Stockton: 6’0.5”
Clyde Drexler: 6’5.75”
Were several pointed out & discussed.
Was this ever 100% confirmed…no, it wasn’t.
Slamo said on 17/May/23
He wasn’t taller in the WWF than Jake Roberts. 6-5. Peak.
viper said on 17/May/23
How could Barkley be over 6-5 when he measured under it twice
JT said on 17/May/23
Canson, Barkley appearing shorter than his actual height is due to a combination of his perpetual poor posture and probably the size of his head from the eyes up. There is no evidence any Olympic basketball player from 1992 was ever measured. I recall an article at the time saying that Bird "measured" close to 6'7", which is ridiculous.
Your lift theory with Barkley could make sense except we have him barefoot in 2008 with 4 inches on Kenny Smith, who’s no less than 6’2”, and 5 inches on Ernie Johnson, who’s no less than 6’1”
Click Here
Click Here
Same difference when all are in shoes
Click Here
Smith looking as tall or even taller than legit 6’2” Tim Tebow so no point downgrading Smith's height
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Canson said on 16/May/23
@Miko and JT: Barkley with LJ who is 6’5-6’5.5 in person
Not great pics but it’s obvious LJ is taller than Barkley
Click Here
Click Here
Also see this pic. Michael Finley is right next to Barkley (right) and measured 6’5.75”. He’s taller by at least a full inch if not more. Barkley is no more than 6’4 5/8 that he measured in 1992
Click Here
Barkley and MJ who rob lists 6’4.75
Click Here
Canson said on 15/May/23
@JT: it’s the other way around. Barkley was about an inch shorter than Hogan in his prime if Hogan was really 6’5.5 but Hogan was nowhere near his prime when they were in that pic in 1995. Look at my pics below of 6’5.75 measured Michael Finley and 6’5ish Wes Person next to Barkley. Barkley looks about what he measured 6’4 5/8”. Finley is clearly taller and Person is slightly taller. Joe Klein even called Barkley 6’4 as did Majerle and Ainge said that Barklet was 6’4 1/2” at most. Majerle to be fair called him maybe 6’5 probably 6’4 so that means 6’4-6’5 more than likely as I doubt Barkley was a flat 6’4”. I think what he measured 6’4 5/8 is about right. Maybe that’s his low or maybe 6’4.5 is. I think the previous 6’4.75 listing was ok being that may have been his lunchtime. Even in the pic with Hogan, Hogan is leaning in and they’re likely similar. Now Hogan is wearing boots there so that may add. But Usually on the court, Barkley was always 6’4-6’5 range so maybe he wears altered footwear off of it. Barkley was around the same height Michael Jordan was on the court.
Click Here
Also look at Elliott Perry who is a few down from Barkley. Perry was listed 6’0 his entire career meaning he may have been shorter than that and likely was and Barkley only looks about 4” or so taller than him. Kevin Johnson was listed 6’1” but is more likely 6’0” barefoot and that’s 4 or so inches. Perry is #2 and KJ is #7
The only conclusion is that Barkley likely wears altered footwear off the court at times because too many people say he’s 6’4”. Even Larry bird says 6’4 or 6’5” and Jordan has called him 6’4 or 6’5”. Truthfully he looks closer to 6’4” in that pic than 6’5 with those guys but angle etc may alter so I’ll give him around 6’4 1/2” which 6’4 5/8” is since it’s just over it. In game, he’s several inches shorter than other guys who are legit 6’6 such as Cedric Ceballos who was his teammate and he’s shorter than Dan Majerle on the court but taller off it in pics. That’s odd. Then again I don’t think Majerle was that much taller. I think he was also around 6’5” or maybe a hair over at most because he didn’t look any taller than Jordan at times. Majerle like Jordan in 1984, was listed 6’5” at the 1988 Olympics instead of 6’6”.
Click Here
miko said on 15/May/23
I have to agree JT, Hulk was clearly shorter than Barkley, when you take into account Hulks cowboy boots around that time too, that makes the difference even bigger.
If Barkley was 6'4.75 or 6'4.5 as some believe, then a prime/or early 90's Hulk was sub-6'4.
Personally I've got Hulk at a flat 6'5 range peak, I'm not too sure of Barkley, but I've always had him over 6'5.
JT said on 13/May/23
Here are a few screenshots of Barkley and Smith barefoot from 2008
Click Here
Getting back to Hogan, here again is the combined screenshots of Hogan in cowboy boots and Barkley in casual shoes standing in the same spot in the same Nitro ring on 12/4/1995.
Click Here
Sting and Big Show/Giant were at that same Nitro – here’s how they measured up to Barkley
Click Here
Click Here
Another comparison of Hogan and Barkley with Mean Gene Okerlund
~1989 vs 1995
Click Here
1983 (in cowboy boots) vs 1995
Click Here
I recall Vegas or RoelC posting a picture years ago of Barkley with JBL and Ron Simmons, and Barkley was taller than JBL.
Bottom line – IMO peak height Hogan was never as tall as Barkley and was probably around one inch shorter
Canson said on 13/May/23
Person looks max 6’5 with Finley meaning Barkley is even shorter than that. Also Elliott perry was listed 6’ and that’s his listed height. Barkley doesn’t look but 4-5” taller max. So this 6’5.5 stuff Is ludicrous. Finley only measured 6’5.75 and that’s over an inch more than likely. He needs a 6’4 5:8 listing
Canson said on 9/May/23
Here’s the link again to the 95-96 Suns team photo. Wes person was listed 6’6 and clearly is not next to Michael Finley. Person is 6’5 range. Barkley is shorter than Person which means he’s likely not 6’5 (he’s not 6’5). I don’t get why teammates who played with him describe him 6’4 or 6’4-6’5 (more accurate) if he was taller. They’ve seen him measured before I’m sure. He must wear altered footwear at times which makes him appear taller. Frustrating? Yes because it’s hard to gauge his height but he has 6’4 5/8 recorded at the Olympics so that’s a good gauge there
Click Here
Canson said on 9/May/23
Barkley next to Wes person who was about 6’5 or 6’5.5 and 6’5.75 measured Michael Finley. We don’t know if Finley was measured at an afternoon but generally I wouldn’t hVe guessed below 6’5.5. Barkley is not 6’5.5. Finley is clearly 1” taller minimum. 6’4 5/8 looks right
Click Here
Regi1212 said on 9/May/23
Barkley I do believe is under listed on his height. I think he’s in the 6’5.5” - 6’5” range. To many pictures and comparisons to show he is larger then listed. Just my opinion tho. I still think Hulk hit 6’6” or a tad over out of bed as a younger man and 6’5.5” walking around height in his younger days.
Canson said on 8/May/23
smith does look taller now that I see more.
@184guy: Barkley is slightly overlisfed. He measured 6’4 5/8 but not 6’4 flat
184guy2 said on 6/May/23
Barkley is definitely underlisted
Looks 6'5.5
2 inches taller than 6'3.5 Jon Jones
3-4 inches on 6'2ish Kenny Smith
JT said on 5/May/23
There seems to be some confusion as to which one is Kenny Smith and which one is Chris Tucker... Smith looks to have around 2 inches on Tucker
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Click Here
Ernie Johnson looks around 6’1” as he was a good inch taller than 6’0” Tiger Woods a few years back and is not much shorter than Smith
Click Here
viper said on 4/May/23
I thought Kenny Smith looked over an inch taller than Tucker
Jtm said on 4/May/23
adam sandler is under 5'7 if kenny smith is under 6'0!
Canson said on 3/May/23
@Vegas: if they’re barefoot it means Kenny smith is under 6’0”. I’ve seen plenty of pics where Barkley is noticeably shorter than his own 6’6 teammates and people all over the internet say he’s 6’4-6’5 (many just say he’s 6’4). Ive mentioned this before that I know of people who’ve met him and say the same 6’4-6’5”. He also has the 6’4 5/8 measurement. That’s likely near his afternoon height or right at it however. I know with cedric ceballos who is 6’6 legit barefoot there was over an inch. Same with Michael Finley when I posted that pic before. Finley measured 6’5.75 at the combine (I’d say Finley is around 6’5.5-.75 range max next to other players. Finley was about an inch taller than Barkley
Also Rick mahorn in that pic next to barley has 4” and mahorn admitted to being 6’8-6’8.5”
Vegas' said on 2/May/23
Canson those are not the barefoot shots. They were barefoot on video and the difference was minimum 4 inches (one long term poster here who physically measures people in photos thought 5 inches)
I will try find it
Canson said on 29/Apr/23
Watching the Suns-Nuggets game and Inside the NBA and Chris Tucker is on next and stood next to Kenny Smith. Tucker is taller but it’s not likely by that much. Not sure if Kenny the Jet has shrunken? Maybe.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 27/Apr/23
Hogan was starting to dip under 6ft5 by the mid-90's
Ben Bell said on 25/Apr/23
Interesting pic of Jesse and Hogan. I met Hogan in 2015 and he was a huge guy, massive arms. I’d have said just over 6’3.
I met Jesse in 2019 and I expected him to be 6’1 tops but he was a hair taller than my friend who was 6’2.5.
I’d guess Hogan and Jesse are similar today.
Meeting Jesse was shock. Made me realise how large some of those 80’s guys were because Jesse was still a very tall man even today. Can’t imagine what would have looked like in 82.
Canson said on 24/Apr/23
@Vegas: that’s not a solid 4” between them. Not 3 I doubt but between 3-4 maybe. Smith has called Barkley 6’4 and 6’4 1/2 before as well.
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
viper said on 20/Apr/23
Jones is a physically short looking 6-3 3/4
RP said on 19/Apr/23
Barkley in that video, at the VERY LEAST looks 2.25” taller than Jon Jones! I could even be convinced that it’s more like 2.75”
Vegas' said on 18/Apr/23
Canson the difference was at least 4 inches between the two barefoot
Rob has Jon Jones at 6'3 3/4
Click Here
SeanR said on 16/Apr/23
Hogan and Jesse Ventura from 1986:
Click Here
Looks like 2 inch difference so Rob’s estimates of peaks for both Ventura (6’3 1/2”) and Hogan (6’5 1/2”) are spot on.
Canson said on 16/Apr/23
@Vegas: Barkley wasn’t 4” taller than Kenny Smith. It’s probably 3” between them. Maybe 3.5”
Undertaker Frank said on 13/Apr/23
Vegas i believe Flair was 5ft 10 peak but i believe he wore lifts in his boots to make him look 6ft to 6ft 1 I met Paul Bearer he was about 5ft 10
James B 172cm said on 13/Apr/23
Was Scott Hall taller than Hogan in the mid 90s?
Canson said on 13/Apr/23
@Viper: Barkley may have been 6’4.5. He was often referred to as 6’4”
Vegas' said on 13/Apr/23
184guy2, there is video of barefoot Barkley having ~4 inches on Kenny Smith so no
Flair is taller next to 91 Hogan than Barkley too
Click Here
viper said on 12/Apr/23
Where is the evidence Goldberg measured
viper said on 12/Apr/23
No evidence Brock ever measured 6-2 3/8
RP said on 12/Apr/23
Back around 2002-2004…Hogan, IMO…always looked 0.5” to 1.0” taller than the Rock, HHH & Brock. Note: Brock wore a much chunkier wrestling boot back then, than he does now. HHH also wore are very thick heeled wrestling boot.
And we all know Brock in his prime was a confirmed 6’2-3/8” & 286 lbs by the NFL & Minnesota Vikings.
Note #2….Goldberg , who was of very similar height to Brock, Rock & HHH…always looked 1.5” shorter than Hogan in the late 1990’s WCW days (19997-1999) coming out of college @ his pro day, Goldberg was 6’2.5” barefoot & 266 lbs. Goldberg played his first season with the Atlanta Falcons (1992) at 271 lbs.
viper said on 12/Apr/23
Barkley is closer to 6-5 peak than just 6-4
That would make Hogan max 6-3 there and he was taller than thst
NCL said on 12/Apr/23
@Jordan87 and 184guy2
This is really interesting. Look at this photo
Click Here
At first glance, it appears Brock is actually taller than Hogan. However, if you look at the top of their heads, Hogan is the one taller. I’m not sure how much but I’d say more than an inch maybe even an inch and a half because his head is so much larger but Brock’s eyeliner is higher.
I think it’s also a clear indicator that Hogan shrank.
184guy2 said on 11/Apr/23
Charles Barkley ALWAYS had big shoes with big soles. He was never over 6'4, then or now.
Flair looks 5'10 beside him.
Jtm said on 11/Apr/23
Vegas' said on 10/Apr/23
Hogan was never as tall as Barkley or Sid Eudy
He doesn't even look 6'5 in this 1979 clip next to Lance Russell Click Here
you could be right. maybe barkley was 6'5.5 peak(sorry 184guy2) and hogan 6'5 flat.
Vegas' said on 11/Apr/23
184guy2 so what height Flair and Gene Okerlund so
Click Here
James B 5ft8 said on 10/Apr/23
Rob do you think there’s a chance Hogan was 6’4 max in 1991?

Editor Rob
I think he still cleared it at that stage.
Jordan87 said on 10/Apr/23
@ 184guy2
"It's impossible to Hogan been only 6'3.25 back in 1995
He still looked 6'3.25 back in 2014"
Click Here
You see a 6'3.25" guy besides Lesnar here? He was barely taller than 6'2" Brock. 6'3.25" in 2014? This was in 2004....so NO! lol
Jordan87 said on 10/Apr/23
@ Canson
"@Jordan87: I agree with your estimates but maybe the 6’5+ was late 70s to early 80s and mid 80s he was a flat 6’5 at most."
I agree here, albeit the case of Hogan I think is rare to loose height by that age but all the pics point to it.
Hogan Looked Huge next to Buster Douglas who we know was a solid 6'3", William Perry who was combine measured at 6'1.5", but then with Sid he looked around 6'4, then even later he looked 3" under Rodman who was 6'6 in 1997. Hogan was def busted up, surgeries and ring beatings took its toll.
Personally as Important as Hulk Hogan was, I found guys like Bret Hart ( 6'0/225) HBK ( 6'0/205) and Kurt Angle ( 5'10/220) alot more entertaining in the ring.
184guy2 said on 10/Apr/23
Barkley was never over 6'4 flat
Vegas' said on 10/Apr/23
Hogan was never as tall as Barkley or Sid Eudy
He doesn't even look 6'5 in this 1979 clip next to Lance Russell
Click Here
James B 5ft8 172.7cm said on 9/Apr/23
Canson- those here who say Sid looked 6'7/wore lifts well i think people underestimate how huge a 6'6-6'6.5 man can look with great posture and with tall proportions.
I mean loads of guys his height slouch but Sid was one of the few that always stood with impecable posture. Not to mention his monstourous build general air of demenour he could easily come across as a bigger guy.
But yeah also i would not rule out lifts since Hogan i would imagine was 6'5 flat in early 90s?
Canson said on 9/Apr/23
@Jordan: only issue with that pic is that Sid is tilting his head up. That’s not over 2 and maybe not even. Other pics it does look like 2” however or just over 2 meaning Hogan had clearly lost height by then
Canson said on 9/Apr/23
@Jordan87: I agree with your estimates but maybe the 6’5+ was late 70s to early 80s and mid 80s he was a flat 6’5 at most. He did look sub 6’4 by the 90s next to 6’4 5/8 measured Charles Barkley. It’s hard to pinpoint when he started losing height. His peak height is close to what Rob lists it however because I can believe in his early years that he woke up to 6’6 or just over and dipped to 6’5.25 or 6’5.25-.5 range. He did look 1.5-2” shorter than Taker in his prime or shortly after
Canson said on 9/Apr/23
@James B: I could give Sid 6’6.5 at lunch and 6’6 .25 or 6’6 3/8 at his low in the afternoon but I wonder if he wore lifts or something in his shoes because he did look 6’7 or near it at times. Rob used to list him at 6’6 3/4” I think until he came out with 6’6”
RP said on 9/Apr/23
@ Viper…yes.
Canson said on 9/Apr/23
@Viper: he has to have at times. He looked as tall as Taker who was a legit 6’7 range guy peak
viper said on 8/Apr/23
Did Sid wear something in his boots to make him a little taller?
He really did look "taller" than 6-6-6-6.25 physically
Johan 185 cm said on 8/Apr/23
Ah finally peak is down from 6'6" to 6'5.5". This is a good listing. Although today could be slightly under 6'3"
miko said on 7/Apr/23
Hulk looked on average around 4.5/5 inches shorter than Andre in the ring/ringside from the late 70's up until the late 80's. He tended to come up to around his eyeline/eyebrow area. Remember Andres head from the eyes up wasn't very big considering his size, but from the eyes down it was huge.
If Andre was in his cowboy boots outside the ring the difference could look 5.5/6 inches.
Hulk at 6'5.25/6'5.5 and Andre at around 6'10.5 peak would make sense. If Andre was 7'0 as some believe then in the late 70's/1980 when both were at their absolute peaks it would put Hulk at 6'7 range, which we all know isn't true.
In WCW the difference between Hulk and Big Show/The Giant often looked between 6.5 to 7 inches, which if Hulk had lost a fraction of height by that point would make sense. Hulk at 6'4.75/6'5 at best in the mid-90's and Show being around 7 inches taller would put him just under 7'0.
Jordan87 said on 7/Apr/23
Click Here
Sid SAID HE WAS 6'6"....Hogan looks more than 2" shorter in these. By 1995 Hogan was not over 6'4" b/c with Sid in 1992 he wasn't over 6'4" lol
Sid Said he was 6'6, Hogan is most Def 2" shorter in 1992.
In 1985 I would bank every cent in my bank account he was over 6'5".
1985 Hulk Hogan=6'5+
1992 Hogan= Sub 6'4"
Thank you Sid Eudy.
Canson said on 6/Apr/23
@James B: I can believe he was max 6’4 by then only because he was shorter than Charles Barkley who measured 6’4 5/8”. 6’5.5 was the max he would’ve measured imho and that’s possible nearer lunch than afternoon
@Jordan87: that’s possible he was sub 6’4 by then
Duhon said on 5/Apr/23
They really did use every trick in the book to make him look like a 7 footer in Rocky III
Click Here
James B 5ft8 said on 5/Apr/23
Canson- What’s your opinion of Hogan looking near 2 inches shorter than 6’6ish Sid Eudy in 1991? I find it unlikely Hogan would have gone from 6’5.5 in the 80s to 6’4.5 in the early 90s when he was only in his late 30s.
There is still a chance Eudy was 6’6.5 also
RP said on 4/Apr/23
@ Vegas…yeah, man…if Hogan were to mimic Paul Wight’s perfect posture in that 1995 barefoot photo, it would likely be a 7” inch difference.
I’ve always said Peak Paul Wight was 6’11.5” to 6’11.75” barefoot & was 7’1” in his basketball sneakers. Hence the 7’1” Wichita State basketball roster listing.
Jordan87 said on 3/Apr/23
Hogan was 3" Shorter than Rodman by 1998....Rodman is 6'6 asper Rob, So maybe Hogan was 6'3.5", but he was not more than 1.5" On 6'2" Vader.
I'm not saying Hogan wasn't at peak what Robs lists him at, I'm saying he wasn't even 6'4 in 1995.
Canson said on 3/Apr/23
@184guy: Hogan’s height is tricky as far as estimating when he began to lose it. 6’5.5” is a very good estimate for his peak being rob tries to Gauge near lunchtime. Now some guys are listed ar morning heights but not sure hogan is the case. Id see this being closer to lunchtime and maybe he dipped to 6’5.25 afternoon. 6’5 is possible but that’s the lowest I’d ever argue. As for Barkley, I disagree with his listing here. It should be 6’4 5/8 or max 6’4.75”. And I don’t agree with Vegas as far as him being as tall as Peyton Manning because cam newton was taller than Barkley in their pic together. Maybe he’s 6’4 today or a hair over it (around my height) but his peak height I doubt was as low as 6’4” flat. I could see 194 cm for his peak but likely was similar to Michael Jordan in the 194-195 range. 193 looked too low for Barkley
Canson said on 3/Apr/23
viper said on 10/Jun/20
Just looking at Barkley on the basketball court physically you can tell he wasn't 6-6.
Every 6-6 player looks taller. If hes
6-6 he's certainly the shortest I've ever seen play basketball
Barkley is shorter than Ced Ceballos in pics and Ceballos was a legit 6’6”. He’s also shorter than Tony Dumas who measured 6’6 at the combine. I also linked a pic previously of Barkley with Michael Finley. Finley measured 6’5.75 at the draft and was a good inch taller than Barkley. Combine measurements aren’t afternoon. And Barkley measured 6’4 5/8”. That’s the most he is, not the least. He could look shorter than Jordan at times
James B 5ft8 said on 2/Apr/23
Bash of the beach 1996 next to Scott Scall I thought hogan still looked 6’5….unless Hall was more 6’4.5
Matt1990 said on 1/Apr/23
Hogan is losing height pretty quick these days and is looking around 6ft2 flat with ddp there is one bloke on the internet claiming to be 6ft1.5 barefoot standing next to a person who was photographed with hulk hogan now if this bloke isn’t trolling the public hogan doesn’t look more than 6ft1 but no footwear is seen in the photo so hard to judge or if hogans knees wear bent which they probably were and still are these days I say hulk is in the 6ft2 range stood up to full height he’s no longer a full 6ft3 mabye time for a down grade since he’s turning 70 this year and looking shorter
184guy2 said on 31/Mar/23
It's impossible to Hogan been only 6'3.25 back in 1995
He still looked 6'3.25 back in 2014
There's no way he passed 20 years with the same height
He looked 6'4.5 in NWO and around 6'4 in WWE back in 02'
Nowdays you can say that 6'3 is the very most he could be and may be only 6'2.5-6'2.75
Definitely 2.5 inches loss from thousands of legdrops since 1977
Vegas' said on 31/Mar/23
Hogan and Douglas was 1990, this is 1991 and Hogan does not look ~6'6 with Sid Eudy
Click Here unless you are suggesting he lost significant height between 1990 and 1991...
RP what height difference do you see between Wight and Hogan there? I personally see more than ~7 inches
Duhon but Hogan has major footwear advantage and almost 30 years Peppards junior in that photo so it evens out.
Canson said on 30/Mar/23
@Vegas: I can see 6’7-6’7.5 in cowboy boots for him in his prime
RP said on 30/Mar/23
Go to football archives.com & search Leon Allen White, LA Rams. His rookie year with the Rams he was listed at 6’3” & 261 lbs.
Jordan87 said on 30/Mar/23
@ 184guy2,
I think we both agree on Hogan's peak height but his 90's height I still don't agree on only b/c I can't see 2" between Hogan and Vader, I see more 1" to be honest. There are different angles in that face off by I see only 1", and that's why I got Hogan Sub 6'4 to your 6'4.5" in 1995.
For me, Height loss is greatly exaggerated on this site when it comes to aging but I think Hogan and Dave Prowse are the rare exceptions.
I feel Hogan was about 6'3.5 with Vader in 1995. I Don't have the rock at a full 6'3 either but Vader had 6'2 Measurements for Football so I got Vader at maybe 6'2.25. Hogan 6'3.25 in 1995.
Mind you, I agree Hogan looked 6'5.5 in his hey dey now. With Refrigerator Perry ( who was a Measured 6'1.5" and with 6'3" buster, so I'm not doubting Hogan's peak height.
RP said on 30/Mar/23
@ 184guy2…
Yes sir, mid 90’s Hogan was 2” taller than Leon White. Tons of pics & videos that prove it. Leon was supposedly indeed 6’2.5” without shoes during his football days. He is listed multiple times as 6’3” & also a few at 6’2” on rosters during his football playing days. The pics of Leon White & Sid Eudy on the beach back in the early 90’s, also proves that Sid was just a fraction over 6’6” barefoot. When you accept the fact that Leon (Vader) was only 6’2.5” barefoot.
184guy2 said on 29/Mar/23
Hogan had 2in on Vader in 95.
Vader was a bit shorter than The Rock in 96-97
Let's say Vader was 6'2.5 and Hogan 6'4.5 in 1995
in a 5 years span Hogan lost about 1 inch
Jordan87 said on 28/Mar/23
I mean I think Hogan has Buster by 2.5" , so if Buster is 6'3.5 as you say there, then Hogan would be 6'6", not 6'5.5. But either way Hogan by 1995 was barely taller than Vader who had 6'2" football listings so the man Shrunk at an early age. Him and Dave Prowse on some of the worst on here as far as height loss.
Jordan87 said on 27/Mar/23
Hogan was def not 6'4.75" in 1995.
here he is with Vader who had a 6'2" football measurement. Hogan barely looks 6'3".
he def shrank by this point.
Click Here
Public Enemy said on 26/Mar/23
6’5.5 peak for Hogan i can see. A 21 year old Hogan could have been very close to 6’6 peak
miko said on 26/Mar/23
I think Hulk in 1995 was probably in the 6'4.75/6'5 range, he'd probably lost a small fraction by that point. It was around that period when his posture started to deteriorate and he'd rarely stand completely straight, and he cut back on the cowboy boots.
It's hard to know for sure when he started losing height but I doubt he lost anything noticeable before he went to WCW in 1994, maybe 0.25. He started looking shorter in the late 90's, I do think in his WWF return in 2002, he could still stretch to the 6'4 range.
RP said on 24/Mar/23
@ Vegas….Ed Leslie was 6’2” then. And has on 1” flip flops vs Hogan’s bare feet. Beefcake (Ed) also has the posture advantage. Hogan IMO, looks 6’4.75” there in 1995. Barefoot Macho Man is looking a strong 6’0” there. Which is what I judged him at when I met him in 1997.
Duhon said on 23/Mar/23
@Vegas Hogan has a very relaxed posture in that photo and is tilting his head down.
Vegas' said on 23/Mar/23
Circa 1995
Click Here
Thats only 5 years or so after Douglas. It's better to actually focus on full length shots...
Vegas' said on 23/Mar/23
@Jordan87, that would him put him at ~6'7 in cowboys, Rob has Peppard at 6 foot..
Click Here
184guy2 said on 22/Mar/23
Buster looked 6'3 with Rob 30 years after meting Hogan
In 1990 he was definitely around 6'3.5
Hogan looks 6'5.5 by then
Jordan87 said on 21/Mar/23
Click Here
Hogan has 6'2.5-6'3ish " ( With Rob) Buster Douglas beat by 2.5" Easily.
6'5.5" Prime Hogan is a possibility more I look at it. I can tell you by the time of the late 90's with Rodman he was def under 6'4. Lost height already by that point which is CRAZY b.c he was only mid 40's or so by then.
Jordan87 said on 21/Mar/23
Click Here
Guys, Also regarding this Picture posted in an earlier post, Figure 6'1.5" is a combine measurement for Perry and They are usually early morning, so the man was likely a Solid 6'1". Hogan with His Cowboy boots looks 5" taller, would be maybe 4"-4.5" with Equal Footwear making Hogan an easy 6'5 or 6'5.5".
Dude lost alot of height b/c he really doesn't look much over 6'2 now. I think Hogan at 6'5.5 down to 6'2" gives Dave Prowse ( 6'5 down to 6'1") a Good Run in the " Height Loss Department.
Jordan87 said on 21/Mar/23
@ Matt C,
Ali was not 6'2.5", more 6'2" in his heyday. Nevertheless Hogan looks 4" taller but likely has some boots that would give him some kind of Advantage based on what the man usually wore HOWEVER Hogan would have a good 3.5" On Ali I think if we take into account some Football Advantage for Hulk. With that being said I think you are correct about Mr. Hogan being 6'5.5".
For Reference to Anybody here , Below is Hogan with MEASURED 6'1.5" William Perry. Angles and likely some cowboys boots aside, I still think Hogan would look around 5" taller there.
Click Here
Ares_02 said on 20/Mar/23
I believe he was 2.01 m in his prime standing face to face against Andre who was at least 2.14 m. Hogan doesn't seem to have more than 12-13 cm height difference with Andre. Now he's around 1.91 m.
Canson said on 9/Mar/23
@Viper: meant to say not sure if it was before or after but I highly doubt it was early morning. He could be that height at a low or just 1/8” or 1/4” less. Any lower than 6’6 at a low in his prime is too low. Better chance he was over 6’6 by a hair than under. He looked too tall with hogan or Taker to be a morning measurement. Maybe the morning measurement is 6’6.5 and maybe it’s after 2 hours and he dips to 6’6-6.25
Canson said on 9/Mar/23
@Viper: meant to say not sure if it was before or after. He could be that height at a low or just 1/8” or 1/4” less. Any lower than 6’6 at a low in his prime is too low. Better chance he was over 6’6 by a hair than under. He looked too tall with hogan or Taker to be a morning measurement. Maybe the morning measurement is 6’6.5 and maybe it’s after 2 hours and he dips to 6’6-6.25
Matt C said on 5/Mar/23
Can't see the footwear but knowing how Hogan dressed he is probably wearing cowboy boots so I'm sure he had the advantage there but still absolutely dwarfs a 6'2-6'2.5 Ali in 1985.No way do I believe he was anything below a peak 6'5'1/2 and probably more likely in the 6'6 range.
Click Here
Canson said on 4/Mar/23
@Viper: maybe not after a workout but I find it hard to believe Sid measures 6’6.25 early in the morning. Maybe that’s his peak height around lunchtime or after a few hours. Hard to imagine sub 6’6. I’d argue he was a hair over and that 6’6-6.25 is his afternoon. 6’6 worst case
Slamo said on 3/Mar/23
6-5 peak. Now looks 6-3 weak or under.
miko said on 1/Mar/23
If Hulk was 6'2, then Andre the Giant was 6'7, and Andre wore the bigger boots!
Wrestling in anything over 2 inches would've been a one way ticket to a broken ankle.
The average wrestling boot gave around 1 to 1.25 inches, the biggest ones (for the ones wanting a little extra height like Kane/Matt Bloom etc) looked to be around the 2 inch mark, not a chance on this earth was any wrestler ever in the ring in 3 to 4 inch footwear.
Out of the ring is a different story, Andre regularly used cowboy boots and boxes in backstage segments, but you cant do that in front of a live audience in the middle of a ring.
ScottySports said on 28/Feb/23
Everyone should try to wrap their heads around Hogans peak height being 6’2”-3”. Slap his lifted wrestling or cowboy boots
on and maybe he could scrape 6’5”. That’s it. Nothing else really makes sense.
christopher.mooney said on 27/Feb/23
Hulk is an easy target for the "he's not as tall as he says he is" arguments. But not a lot of these comments don't make sense. I saw a picture of him recently with Snoop Dogg (almost 6'4) and they were about the same height. He's obviously at least 6'3 today. At his peak? Go and watch him against Andre the Giant (7 feet tall) in Wrestlemania 3 - the height disparity isn't huge. The top of Hulk's head is level with Andre's eyes. So, 6'7 is totally realistic at his peak. Or, in the early 1990s when he fought the Undertaker (6'7) - they were also around the same height. Hulk is complicated, because he's had lots of surgery, and their were several eras - I think it's perfectly plausible to say he was 6'7 in the 1980s, 6'6 in the early 1990s, and 6'3.5 today
berta said on 26/Feb/23
scary to see that photo of him and diamond dallas paige today. It must be just that photo but he doesnt look a mm over 188 cm in it. Could he have gone from just over 197 down to 189 now? Almost 4 icnhes at 70 years. I tihnk hogan can measure mutch taller than he walks and stands in photos. If we go by the photos then 6´3 start to look to mutch but if you measure him then he could probably still manage a fraction over 6´3.
Matt1990 said on 25/Feb/23
His peak was a shade under 6ft5 it was in fact 6ft4.75 he was never a full barefoot 6ft5 now he’s around 6ft2
James.B 172cm said on 22/Feb/23
Rampage like I said before Hogan was nearly 2 inches shorter than Sid in early 90s so I think a peak of 6ft6 is unlikely
Slamo said on 20/Feb/23
DDP is taller than hogan now. So peak hogan wasn’t 6-6.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 19/Feb/23
I still feel the full 6ft6 was ok as a peak, 6ft5½ bare minimum I'd argue. The billed heights in wrestling were always so cringe and pointless. 6ft5+, 290lbs jacked is a massive dude who'd turn heads just about anywhere, don't know why you'd want to push that to 6ft7, 6ft8 or Christ 6ft11 which I heard at one point!
James.B 172cm said on 9/Feb/23
DDP could even be just 6ft3 flat these days
SeanR said on 9/Feb/23
That’s correct Rob, that is the pic I was referring to.
You can see DDP isn’t standing fully straight and still looks taller than Hogan.
I’d say Hogan is max 6’2.5” today
Hong said on 8/Feb/23
76.5 inches is 6ft4.5 not 6ft3.75 Nick Cantan.
SeanR said on 7/Feb/23
Hi Rob,
Recent picture of Hogan, DDP and Ted Dibiase:
Click Here
Looks like Hogan is close to an inch shorter than DDP (current 6’3 1/4”) and barely taller than current 6’0 1/2” Dibiase. I heard Hogan had another back surgery recently so maybe he has lost even more height.
Can Hogan be more in the 6’2”’range these days, perhaps 6’2 1/2” max?

Editor Rob
link didn't seem to work, I take it
This photo is what suggests he's struggling with 6ft 3 now.
RP said on 6/Feb/23
It would appear that Kurt Angle was greatly exaggerating, or just flat out talking out of his rear end, when he was telling the world that Hulk Hogan had suffered severed nerves during his last back surgery.
viper said on 5/Feb/23
I don't see how he was as short as 6-4 peak
184guy2 said on 3/Feb/23
Hogan peak was 6'4, simillar to Charles Barkley
Today around 6'1.75
The leg drop certainly make him famous, but also took his health
Undertaker Frank said on 1/Feb/23
Berta, i seen him in Street clothes wearing sneakers not ring gear with possible lifts Sid himself said hes 6ft6 Im just saying he was no 6ft 8 or 6ft 9 thats for sure !!
NCL said on 1/Feb/23
(Responding from Jan 10)
Interesting! Someone screwed up stuff on an official document!
Sid is brought up a lot on all of these boards. I’m wondering if all this time he’s been an internal lift wearer. His height seemed to fluctuate around ‘Taker and it could explain why his eyeline was higher but if you measured the top of the heads, ‘Taker was usually taller.
James.B 172cm said on 1/Feb/23
Undertaker Frank said on 30/Jan/23
Berta i seen Sid in Street clothes back in 1994 & he didnt look that tall too me ! I was expecting to see a 6ft 8 or a 6ft 9 inch guy he looked 6ft 5ish to 6ft 6 Dont get me wrong he was a Big Dude but i was expecting him to look taller
6ft5ish does not add up when you see him next to hulk hogan and Kevin nash.
viper said on 31/Jan/23
Mikelson is definitely no 6-2
Seen him up close a few times and he's 6-1
viper said on 31/Jan/23
I really doubt Sid was measured after any workout
Probably in the morning. It was a USFL team
Undertaker Frank said on 30/Jan/23
Berta i seen Sid in Street clothes back in 1994 & he didnt look that tall too me ! I was expecting to see a 6ft 8 or a 6ft 9 inch guy he looked 6ft 5ish to 6ft 6 Dont get me wrong he was a Big Dude but i was expecting him to look taller
Sandy Cowell said on 30/Jan/23
@ RP - That is terribly sad and unfortunate for Hulk Hogan to be undergoing such painful surgery.
I hope he feels better soon and that the surgery is successful.
6ft5.5 peak and 6ft3 today.
RP said on 30/Jan/23
Sad news on Hulk Hogan revealed over the weekend. He had yet, ANOTHER!…back surgery. The latest surgery cut some nerves in his back. And he now has “almost” No feeling in his legs.
James.B 172cm said on 26/Jan/23
Sid looked taller than 6’6 guys like Baron Corbin and even Braun strowman
berta said on 26/Jan/23
yeqah sid always looked taller than his claim. I can believe he was 6´6 1/4 after a really hard workout but measured just before or couple hours after the workout i cant see him mutch under 6´6 1/2. He really looked pretty mutch bang on 2 meter. But if he really telling the truth then all the other wrestlers are shorter than we think. Wasnt hogan like 5 cm shorter around 1990? Was hogan only weak 194 cm at 1990? 3 cm loss ata age of 38 or whatever he was back then. It sounds alot. I am 95 preocent sure he had lost height even back then but maybe 1 cm. Something is off here. In the movie suburban commando with weak 185 cm he could pull of 6´6 and that was filmed around 1990. Hogan peak did look right around 197, sometimes 198 ( but probablyh because everyone lied about their height ) Sid at worst looked 199 and sometimes magically could look 6´7. There must be more than a fraction beetween them at peak. If i was rob then i would give sid 6´6 1/2 peak and could pull of 6´6 3/4 alot. But who knows maybe he had a little lift to make him seem bigger like they do with many wrestlers.
berta said on 25/Jan/23
if chris hemsworth is doing that movie about hulk hogan and we will see them together, then i think hemsworth will look taller. half inch. but hogan cant stand tall anymore. he probably measure taller than he look still.
Vegas' said on 18/Jan/23
Lol at 6'3 range for Barkley. He is similar height to Peyton Manning these days despite being old and fat
Phil Mickelson 6'2 Rob?
Click Here
184guy2 said on 14/Jan/23
Agreed. Barkley should be downgraded to 6'4 (he always was that height). Multiple "eyewitness" have described being that height, he even claimed that. There's no way he is around 6'5 or a stretching 6'6. Today he might be 6'3.75
miko said on 14/Jan/23
I agree with JT on the Hogan/Sid stuff.
Personally I think Hulk was around 6'5.25 at his biggest and Sid was 6'6.75. Sid's perfect posture probably helped him look a fraction taller at times in staredowns. But no way on this earth was Sid just a 6'6 guy, or it throws off all the other heights.
SmR1212 said on 13/Jan/23
Hulks birthday is August 11th 1953. He was born in Augusta GA. I don’t think that’s accurate.
NCL said on 10/Jan/23
Am I reading this correctly - this document has Hogan’s Birthday posted as February 9, 1954. Is that right?
Click Here
According to all other sources I read, Hogan’s birthday is August 21, 1953.
Also, Hogan was born in Augusta Georgia, not Florida.
With total respect, how do we know this document is (1) authentic and (2) Hogan even filled it out?
Could it be possible someone filled out this form for him and made some mistakes?

Editor Rob
It's authentic because a government archive published the applications.
Canson said on 9/Jan/23
@JT: I think Barkley needs a downgrade to what he actually measured. Hogan is ok here because it could be near his lunchtime height in his prime. Maybe 6’5” flat is possible tho
JT said on 7/Jan/23
Hogan in cowboy boots with ~ 5’8” Mean Gene from 1983; Charles Barkley in casual shoes with Gene from 1995
Click Here There’s no reason why Gene would have experienced any material height loss in the interim (from age 40 to age 52).
Sid had Hogan at age 38 by around 2 inches.
Click Here Click Here There’s no reason for any material height loss for Hogan by this time either. IMO Hogan needs a further downgrade in height and Sid an upgrade as well as Barkley.
A comparison of Sid/Gene (1992) and Andre/Gene (1976).
Click Here Andre had the big cowboy boots on with Gene.
Sid does not come across as the brightest bulb so I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s mistaken about what height he was actually measured at.
Nick cantan said on 7/Jan/23
This was 10 years ago but when Hulk Hogan did this fat loss challenge he got weighed and measured, when pausing the video at 2:56 you can see the height was 76.5inches (6’3.75).
It looks like this height may have been taken whilst he was lying down too so a more accurate result?
Again this was 10 years ago though!
So have a look, pause around 2:56:
Click here:
Click Here

Editor Rob
At that time we weren't sure about whether this was a scan measurement or just a standing measurement and entered into the computer, but in any case 6ft 4.5 was what they listed him that day.
Duhon said on 6/Jan/23
How tall would Hogan have been here with Brock Lesnar?
Click Here

Editor Rob
With the camera on Brock's side, it made them seem close in height, though I still think Hogan was 6ft 3 range there.
SmR1212 said on 5/Jan/23
I’m not so sure that the photo comparison can be used. Different times and technology used. I’ve looked at older pictures of family then ones 10/15 years later and they are deceiving when it comes to trying to compare height from a 1970’s picture versus a 1990’s picture.
RP said on 3/Jan/23
@ Vegas, but that’s assuming that Mean Gene didn’t lose any height from 1981 to 1995 in those ‘81 Hogan & ‘95 Barkley pic comparisons. But, I’ll be fair & point out that Hogan also had on cowboy boots. But, Barkley also had a chunky heel on his footwear in ‘95. Hogan maybe had a 0.5” footwear advantage. The biggest question is, “was Mean Gene the same height in 1981 & 1995” ??
Vegas' said on 1/Jan/23
Canson, Hogan from 1981-82 comes out shorter than Barkley next to the same person in a full length video..
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover, Hogan did not look weak 6'6 side by side Seiji Sakaguchi in 1982.
Michael Vardy said on 28/Dec/22
I think Hulk was 6'3.5/6'3.75 when he came back in 2002, when he stood tall (which was rare) he did clear the other 6'3 guys with ease. He stood in staredowns hunched down quite often though.
He was taller than Edge, had 1.5' on Lesnar and HHH and was about 3/3.5' inches shorter than 6'7 Taker.
Canson said on 28/Dec/22
@Public Enemy: I think he was 6’4 in the 90s and maybe he was 6’3.5-6’4 20 years ago
Public Enemy said on 27/Dec/22
If Hogan was a solid 6’3 in 2002 and today let’s say he’s 6’2.75 that would mean he’s only lost 0.5 inches in 20 years and now aged 70+. It’s certainly possible.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 26/Dec/22
Wow, wasn’t expecting this quite so soon. Absolute lowest I’d argue peak. Weak 6ft6 would be better, IMO…
Canson said on 26/Dec/22
@Henrik: if I had to guess, 6’1 7/8 is probably your low normally in the afternoon/evening. That makes the most sense meaning you’re 6’2 at lunchtime since you’re only 1/8” under. You’re pretty much a textbook/solid enough 6’2”. I don’t rule out 6’1 5/8 being your extreme low though. Best case 6’1 3/4”
Henrik said on 25/Dec/22
I meant to say 6ft 1 7/8.
Henrik said on 25/Dec/22
Actually, it may have been about posture. I noticed now that I slouched a bit when I measured 6ft 1.4 compared to when I measure 6ft 1 5/8. So it was perhaps not so that I had in fact shrunk more.
Canson said on 23/Dec/22
@Public Enemy: there’s the possibility of 6’5-6’5.5”. But this listing is ok given it’s a major improvement over what it was before
Canson said on 23/Dec/22
@RP: I’m not so sure Hogan was 6’5 in 91/92. But in the 80s hands down he was. I only suspect 6’4 in the 90s because he was shorter than Charles Barkley
berta said on 23/Dec/22
great dfowngrade. Peak was at worst 196 and up to 198. 197 is the best listing. I see on the document that he put down 305 pounds also, it could be true he was at his heqavisest at around 1986. It would be interesting to have him measured today. he could measure more than he looks with his back. went from strong 6´3 to strong 6´3 seems more realisitc than 3 inches. Alos check this
Click Here. Its funny he claims to weight 290 pounds ( 131 kg) but didnt think bout how the pappers show that his real weight was 121kg. Its like that with almost every wrestler they claim 10 kg more than they realy weight and is 1-3 icnhes shorter.
berta said on 23/Dec/22
great dfowngrade. Peak was at worst 196 and up to 198. 197 is the best listing. I see on the document that he put down 305 pounds also, it could be true he was at his heqavisest at around 1986. It would be interesting to have him measured today. he could measure more than he looks with his back. went from strong 6´3 to strong 6´3 seems more realisitc than 3 inches. Alos check this
Click Here. Its funny he claims to weight 290 pounds ( 131 kg) but didnt think bout how the pappers show that his real weight was 121kg. Its like that with almost every wrestler they claim 10 kg more than they realy weight and is 1-3 icnhes shorter.
Daniel Lee 173 cm said on 22/Dec/22
A-Train/Albert and Corbin were/are half giants and taller than Hulk Hogan's peak, he was just a too tall guy because he wasn't above 6'5.5"
But there are good news for him because he has lost 2.5 inch and not more.
RP said on 22/Dec/22
@ Viper… 100% 1991-1992 Hulk Hogan was only 6’5” flat (max). But, Rob has said many times that Hogan’s peak height was the late 1970’s through the late 1980’s. By 1990 he seemed to begin his slow fractional loss of height. 1978-1988 Hogan 6’5.5”…1989-1990 Hogan 6’5.25”….1991-1993 Hogan 6’5”…1994-1996 Hogan 6’4.75” seems to be the theory. And I tend to agree with this. Give or take 1/4”.
viper said on 21/Dec/22
With Sid he looks just 6-5 max
Canson said on 21/Dec/22
@Henrik: yea it can vary. I lose 3/4” to 2 cm per day and am 2 or so inches taller than you at 6’4”. My guess is your low would be in the 6’1.8-.9 range if you didn’t lose the extra. So essentially I’d consider you 6’2 if you only fell 1/8” or mm more under 6’2” at night/afternoon. I think at 6’1 3/4” is where you get to weak. Odd because my extreme low is 6’4 flat and never gone below that. and my out of bed is 6’5 flat with a normal afternoon/evening of 6’4.25 unless I do strenuous activity so id consider it strong 6’4”
Public Enemy said on 20/Dec/22
I would not go lower than this for his peak
Henrik said on 18/Dec/22
You can lose a whole inch if your spine takes a lot of pressure throughout the day. I'm 6ft 2.6 in the morning and on a bad day of back pain, I measure 6ft 1.4-6 at my lowest, so that's a loss of 1" to 1.2". On a better day, I might be nearer to 6ft 2.
Alex 6'0 said on 16/Dec/22
Hogan didn't look over solid 6'3 in 02 with Rock who was 6'2.5 if that.
Canson said on 15/Dec/22
He was over 6’4” barefoot
viper said on 14/Dec/22
He was taller than just 6-4
Canson said on 13/Dec/22
@Alex: I agree with everything you said
Canson said on 13/Dec/22
@SMR1212: that’s probably your sons extreme low though. I’d bet his normal low on a day where he doesn’t have the pads etc he’s probably 6’2 flat or 6’1 7/8”. I know my extreme low is 6’4 flat but it’s rare that I’m that low. Usually my normal low is 6’4.25” (6’5 flat out of bed). I’d consider the 6’4.25 my normal walking height but I still claim 6’4 since I’m closer to that than 6’5 in the afternoon and even by lunch since I’d be 6’4 3/8 at lunch. Hogan could he much of what you said 6’5.5 lunch maybe 6’5 3/8” and could maybe dip to what you said at an extreme low. I can accept this listing here more than a 6’6 listing
David Banner said on 13/Dec/22
@viper - agreed it’s hard to believe, because he was 6’4” peak barefoot
viper said on 12/Dec/22
6-5.5 is even a bit hard to believe with Sid
SmR1212 said on 12/Dec/22
@Canson, I respect your opinion and I agree with your height listing for Hulk but as for losing 1” to 1 1/4” in a 16 hour time frame during the day is absolutely possible. My son is 23 years old and he is 6’ 2 3/4” out of bed. He plays football for a college locally here where we live. His weight fluctuates between 295 and 320 depending on time of year and his season routine. Point being when he is lifting heavy weight and carrying around that 320 pounds he goes from a 6’ 2 3/4” measurement out of bed to a 6’1 5/8” measurement around 7:30 at night. The physical trainer for the team told him it’s normal with someone that has his too heavy muscled frame.
SmR1212 said on 12/Dec/22
@Canson, I respect your opinion and I agree with your height listing for Hulk but as for losing 1” to 1 1/4” in a 16 hour time frame during the day is absolutely possible. My son is 23 years old and he is 6’ 2 3/4” out of bed. He plays football for a college locally here where we live. His weight fluctuates between 295 and 320 depending on time of year and his season routine. Point being when he is lifting heavy weight and carrying around that 320 pounds he goes from a 6’ 2 3/4” measurement out of bed to a 6’1 5/8” measurement around 7:30 at night. The physical trainer for the team told him it’s normal with someone that has his too heavy muscled frame.
Alex 6'0 said on 11/Dec/22
Canson, I'm not saying hes legitimately 6'5.5 but its more than 6 6. Likely strong 6'5 peak aka 6'5.25. Today could he dip below 6'3? Possible. In 02 he didn't look more than solid 6'3 with Rock who was 6'2.5 maybe
Canson said on 11/Dec/22
@Editor Rob: have you found any good pics of he and Tiny Lister in their primes? I wonder who was really taller as Lister was a very good example of a solid 6’5” guy at his low (meaning by this sites lunchtime standards), he was a strong 6’5” since he was probably 6’5 1/8 at lunchtime. I know Tiny said they were the same height. Same height could mean either guy was 1/4” taller or shorter so maybe Hogan would be near this listing and the following
6’6 or so out of bed 6’5.25 afternoon/evening and Tiny 6’5.75 to 6’6 out of bed 6’5 afternoon/evening
Look at what you said in the caption above. In 2014 he believes he was 6’5 again. That was likely peak range for his height being he’s claimed it so many times

Editor Rob
A question with Hogan is always whether he'd lost height earlier than other wrestlers.
Canson said on 11/Dec/22
This aligns with Taker’s peak height listing since seemingly there really were 1.5-2” between them. So if Rob is going to keep Taker at 6’7.25, this fits Hogan’s peak. The monkey wrench is Sid’s admission to being only a hair over 6’6”. Maybe Sid dipped to 6’6.25 and looked taller via footwear next to Hogan or Taker. Who knows? But if we are truly aligning them, Hogan 6’5.25, Taker 6’7 or 6’7.25 and Sid where he is now.
Canson said on 11/Dec/22
This aligns with Taker’s peak height listing since seemingly there really was 1.5-2” between them. So if Rob is going to keep Taker at 6’7.25, this fits Hogan’s peak. The monkey wrench is Sid’s admission to being only a hair over 6’6”. Maybe Sid dipped to 6’6.25 and looked taller via footwear next to Hogan or Taker. Who knows? But if we are truly aligning them, Hogan 6’5.25, Taker 6’7 or 6’7.25 and Sid where he is now.
Canson said on 11/Dec/22
SmR1212 said on 10/Dec/22
I believe he was 6’6” out of bed. Possibly 6’6 1/4”. Then dropped down as the day progressed. Remember he carried a ton of weight on him so a 6’5.5” lunch time height is pretty accurate. I could see him dipping down to a 6’5” flat height by end of the day. His mass is more then most so his loss would be more then most. As for that picture I don’t think that’s legit. His birthday is wrong. Hulk was born 8/11/53. I don’t put much faith in that.
You don’t lose half inch between lunch and afternoon or evening and a guy that size won’t lose 1.25”. If 6’5.5 is his lunch then the worst case (barring the occasional extreme low) is 6’5.25 but more likely 6’5 3/8”.
SmR1212 said on 10/Dec/22
I believe he was 6’6” out of bed. Possibly 6’6 1/4”. Then dropped down as the day progressed. Remember he carried a ton of weight on him so a 6’5.5” lunch time height is pretty accurate. I could see him dipping down to a 6’5” flat height by end of the day. His mass is more then most so his loss would be more then most. As for that picture I don’t think that’s legit. His birthday is wrong. Hulk was born 8/11/53. I don’t put much faith in that.
Canson said on 10/Dec/22
@Duhon: it’s a possibility 6’5.5 for peak lunchtime I think but it’s harder to see 6’5.75” especially now. I would guess this was more lunchtime than afternoon but possibly even 6’5 3/8 lunch and that he’s 6’5.25 afternoon/evening peak. But this is the best of both worlds 6’5.5”
Canson said on 10/Dec/22
@Alex: that absolute most. But with his admissions of 6’5”, possible he was even lower at lunchtime. But this is better than 6’6
Alex 6'0 said on 9/Dec/22
The 6'5.5 listing now is fair. Its the most he'd been peak but maybe a lunchtime height.
Canson said on 9/Dec/22
viper said on 9/Dec/22
So its possible Hogan has only shrunk 2 inches and not 3
Maybe less if he’s still a hair over 6’3”
viper said on 9/Dec/22
So its possible Hogan has only shrunk 2 inches and not 3
184guy2 said on 8/Dec/22
I think this is a good listing
IMO he was a little shorther than John Tenta and One Man Gang
Studd had a bit more height on him than these 2 guys
Canson said on 8/Dec/22
@Viper: given his claim, I would have dropped him to 6’5.25” had i Been Rob. However, this is a good start here. This is much better than what it was listed and like I said the catch all. You will see a lot of people who had him at 6’5.75” and 6’6” that would throw a tantrum if Rob had lowered him to 6’5 or 6’5.25” but then the people who thought he should be 6’5 or 6’5.25 would take this listing over 6’6” especially being rob bases the site on lunchtime heights. So that’s why it’s the catch all especially being we can’t determine when he began to lose height. But He may have been 6’5 if the pic with Sid was in his prime. Maybe he was right. I don’t see Rob lowering him much without more persuasive evidence but 6’5.25” I think Rob hasn’t ruled out just yet either being Tiny Lister was 6’5” and being he’s claimed 6’5” as well. I can’t ever see Rob lowering him to 6’5 flat though although 6’5 flat is probably his low on the day and 6’5 1/8 may have been his lunchtime height
Duhon said on 8/Dec/22
I think 6'5.5" is the correct height for peak Hogan. Maybe 6'5.75" very briefly in his life.
RP said on 8/Dec/22
@ James B
There’s a good chance the 25-26 year old 1978-1979 Hogan was 6’5.5” and 38-39 year old 1991-1992 Hogan was 6’5” flat ..perhaps even 6’4.75”. Now, keep in mind that back then Sid wore thicker boots than Hogan & the Undertaker. That’s why he looked pretty much the exact same height as the Undertaker in their face to face stare downs. When in fact, barefoot Sid was about a 1/2” inch shorter than barefoot Undertaker. This would also obviously explain why Sid would look a 1/2” taller than Hogan in ring gear…than he actually was.
Early 1990’s
Hogan 6’5” flat
Sid 6’6.25”
Taker 6’6.75”
RP said on 8/Dec/22
Bam! There it is. Finally, LOL!
viper said on 8/Dec/22
Good downgrade, and could have been just
6-5 seeing him with Sid
Canson said on 7/Dec/22
That’s still interesting he wrote his height in as 6’5”.
Maybe that’s all he ever really was in his prime which explains why he looked so short next to Barkley and Rodman later because he was no longer 6’5 by then. He may have already been in the upper 6’3” range by then
Canson said on 7/Dec/22
Rob reduced his peak to 6’5 1/2”. That’s a great start. Chance he was a bit lower being he claimed 6’5” but like I’ve said all along, this is the catch all or the happy medium being it is what people who feel he is 6’6 would pursue being he’s all but admitted he wasn’t and it puts him into the 6’5 range after his claim for the people who feel he was 6’5”. This also aligns with him possibly dipping to 6’5 1/4” or 6’5 3/8 post lunch
James B 172cm said on 7/Dec/22
It’s interesting that Sid looked 1.5-2inches taller.
Maybe Hogan shrunk from 6’5.5 to 6’4.75 from the 1980s-early 90s?
SeanR said on 7/Dec/22
Thank you Rob!
6’5 1/2” peak
Canson said on 6/Dec/22
@Viper: tiny lister also said he was 6’5”. Since Rob believes he looked taller but has his own questions as to 6’6”, I’d say he should get 6’5.5” peak. That’s the catch all on Celebheights
viper said on 6/Dec/22
6-5 admitted Hulk from the 80s standing with the 6-5 claims of Dwayne Johnson and Shawne Merriman lol
RP said on 6/Dec/22
The most over due down grade in the history of this site!
“Max” peak height: 6’5.5”
And 6’5” is a very, very good possibility.
Canson said on 4/Dec/22
@Viper: he’s admitted to 6’5 more than once. I posted that here once as well a ways back
viper said on 4/Dec/22
I can believe Hogan was 6-5-6-5.25 peak.
That wrestling book stated Hogan's height was 6-5
Canson said on 4/Dec/22
@Editor Rob: no but that’s what he wrote in. Like Daniel Lee said he isn’t a guy who would claim lower. I also found an interview where he claimed 6’5 years back and posted here years back. If he claimed lower than actual, it’s simply a matter of him having rounded his height down from 6’5 1/4 or 6’5 1/2 to 6’5”. My guess is 6’5 1/4 was more than likely his low meaning he’s closer to 6’5 than 6
Daniel Lee 173 cm said on 3/Dec/22
Hogan isn't a guy who is going to claim a shorter height for him than the real one.
SeanR said on 3/Dec/22
Finally we may be seeing the 6’5 1/2” peak come to fruition. Rob hopefully will see the light and see what Hulk’s true height is at peak.
There is no way that Hogan was near peak with Sid Eudy.

Editor Rob
the 5.5 may well be Hogan's final resting height.
viper said on 3/Dec/22
Wow, Hogan admitting he was 6-5
Canson said on 3/Dec/22
RP said on 3/Dec/22
@ Rob … I’m gonna hypothesize he was 6’5.5” -ish barefoot & 6’7” in ring gear. Based off those documents. (Peak)
Editor Rob
Here is the form: Click Here, wrote dodgy birthday too.
@Editor Rob: but why would he lie down 2” when he’s a wrestler and he is in character as Hulk Hogan and not Terry Bollea? If anything he’s telling the truth there regardless of the birthday. He seems like a Dennis Rodman where his true peak height 6’6 and change comes out on occasion but then he says 6’8” on other occasions but we all know he wasn’t 6’8” and that he was 6’6” range. That’s the same with Hogan. He was 6’5 range peak and 6’7 was in his boots like RP said

Editor Rob
Was Hogan billed 6ft 5 in 1986?
Canson said on 3/Dec/22
@Editor Rob and RP: I actually posted here on the site somewhere an interview where he claimed 6’5”. With that said, that’s as tall as he’s ever been (6’5-6’5.5) never a full 6’6 let alone 6’7” especially being the admission came when he was in character as Hulk Hogan and not as terry himself. Common sense says that terry the person would claim 6’5” like Sid claimed to be 6’6 as opposed to Hill the wrestler who would try to sound more imposing. With that said, I think 6’5.5” is a good start but who knows maybe he was 6’5 flat but nothing less. I know that Tiny Lister said himself that Hulk was 6’5” as well. My personal guess is
6’6 out of bed
6’5 5/8 after an hour
6’5 1/2 after 2
6’5 3/8 after 5
6’5 1/4 afternoon/evening
There’s a chance he was a hair over 6’6 out of bed and lost more like 7/8” as well but the stats I provided are inline with how I lose my height. I’d effectively only be an inch shorter than him since I’m 6’4.25 at my afternoon/evening low and only lose 3/4” on a normal day. But I guess on extended sleep I may lose 7/8” as well even barring my extreme low of 6’4 flat since I’d wake up to about 6’5 1/8 at my extreme high out of bed.
Since Rob estimates heights here near lunch, 6’5 3/8 or 6’5 1/2” is fair. Being Rob isn’t sure that’s he’s closer to 5 than 6, I think the fairest listing is 6’5 1/2” which is why I call it the catch all. You have your fanboy inflators here who swear he was 6’6 or higher than some who think 6’5”. Since we aren’t 100% certain when he began losing his height 6’5.5 is fair. Also, I think the 6’5 admission on his part is enough evidence that he wasn’t 6’6” especially given what I mentioned above abojt it coming when he was in character. I’d lean toward 6’5.25 or 6’5.5” in reality, either of them would be a lunchtime height for him and maybe he really did dip as low as 6’5 or maybe 196 cm at his evening/afternoon low
RP said on 3/Dec/22
@ Rob … I’m gonna hypothesize he was 6’5.5” -ish barefoot & 6’7” in ring gear. Based off those documents. (Peak)

Editor Rob
Here is the form:
Click Here, wrote dodgy birthday too.
RP said on 3/Dec/22
@ Rob, sounds like 6’5” to 6’5” & change barefoot & 6’7” in boots (ring gear) situation??
RP said on 2/Dec/22
@ Canson…I agree. Now Rob seems to have some solid proof that Young Terry Bollea-Hulk Hogan himself, early on in his career claimed 6’5” or 6’5” & change?? Sid was quickly down graded when needed, not sure why Hogan hasn’t been??

Editor Rob
Looking again, it was in 86 he'd written his height as 6ft 5 as the character Hulk Hogan, then the following year writing his details as Terry he put down 6ft 7!
Canson said on 2/Dec/22
@RP: I have long said that 6’5.5” is the catch all for Hogan. Most agree he’s not the full 6’6” but most also feel he’s over 6’5”. 6’5.5” could be his afternoon/evening low (best case) but also his lunchtime and he could dup to 6’5 3/8 or even 6’5 1/4”
RP said on 29/Nov/22
Rob, considering your response to James B…why has Hogan not been down graded to 6’5” or at least down to 6’5.5” ?
95% of everyone on here at this point, knows that Hogan was actually a peak 6’5” ….perhaps an absolute max of 6’5.5”??

Editor Rob
the 5.5 figure has never been dismissed.
James B 172cm said on 27/Nov/22
Rob found an interesting quote from regarding his height
The Hulkster talked about his height, saying, “One thing that my mother used to love to do was measure people…. when I first started wrestling, and when I started working out with Hiro Matsuda, she measured me on the wall barefooted and I was six foot seven.” He revealed that after his dad passed away, his mom measured him again as per tradition, and his height stood at 6’4″.

Editor Rob
I have it on good authority that Hogan in his early wrestling career actually wrote his height down as 6ft 5! He later updated it to 6ft 7.
Emil said on 26/Nov/22
Doesn't strike me as someone who's lost as much height as Clint Eastwood. He still holds up well. But surely a big man.
6'5 peak and a fraction over 6'3 these days imo.
1984here said on 23/Nov/22
It’s a tricky one. My friend recently met HH at LA airport got a piccy with him. My friend is maybe just over 6-0. HH looks like 2” on him??? Seriously shocked to see it. He’s a big guy looks 240 maybe range. 6-2 range 240lbs isn’t particularly huge for a man now. Peak I’d say no more 6-6 maybe under,290lbs peak.
SeanR said on 15/Nov/22
Peak: 6’5 1/2”
Current: 6’2 3/4”
James B 172cm said on 13/Nov/22
Canson said on 17/Oct/22
@RP: excellent insights!
RP said on 15/Oct/22
@ Canson…Sid also wore a very chunky & thick heeled rasslin boot. I think Sid’s boots wore about 3/8” thicker than Hogan’s.
Early 90’ s Hogan barefoot 6’5” & with his rasslin boots on 6’6-1/4”…early 90’s Sid barefoot 6’6-1/4” and with his rasslin boots on 6’7-7/8”
Giving you a height difference of 1 & 5/8” …which is right at the 1 & 3/4” height difference most people see for Hogan & Sid in the early 90’s. Sid’s 3/8” footwear advantage also explains why him & the Undertaker looked the exact same height. While Everyone insist that The Undertaker was a 1/2” taller.
Early 90’s Taker barefoot 6’6-3/4” & 6’8” in his rasslin boots. Giving you a 6’7-7/8” Sid vs a 6’8” Taker in the ring & during their in-ring stare downs.
Canson said on 13/Oct/22
@Ice: I could see 6’5.5 for Hogan at his peak since he was older than Sid or maybe 6’5.25 worst case and 6’6.25 for Sid would be his low. Hogan was never a solid 6’6 though
MICHAEL MOHRLE said on 12/Oct/22
He looked massive at least 6'7" in the first wrestlemania. Muhammed Ali was the referee in his match and Ali was always listed at 6'3", Hogan dwarfs him !
IceCold1 said on 11/Oct/22
Could have been nearer 6'2 today, or 6'2 1/2
IceCold1 said on 11/Oct/22
There's no way Hogan was only 1/4 shorter than Sid.
Hogan: 6'5 1/2
Sid: 6'6 1/2
Canson said on 6/Oct/22
@Duhon: maybe 6’5.25” but he can look 6’5.5 with trump
Duhon said on 5/Oct/22
See no reason to give Hogan under 6'5" at his peak. I think 6'5.5" at the high end 6'5" at low estimate.
Iceman1990 said on 4/Oct/22
6ft4.75 peak in his early 20s and 6ft2 today