How tall is Hulk Hogan - Page 3

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Average Guess (847 Votes)
Peak: 6ft 5.7in (197.4cm)
Current: 6ft 3.14in (190.9cm)
MJKoP said on 23/Oct/21
Canson said on 21/Oct/21
@MJKOP: Glenn did the opposite of what he accused Rob of. He inflated a lot of celebs’s heights and he himself wasn’t even what he claimed to be. Rob said Glenn was 5 6 5/8” when he claimed 5’8”

Rob didn't just 'say' Glenn was 5'6 and 5/8(actually 5'6.5, due to a discrepancy in the stadiometer as later discovered)...he PROVED it.

I was one of the few who stood by Glenn's side for many years after he was booted from the site. Believe it or not, there is actually a rather sweet, compassionate, relatable, and even somewhat humble hidden behind what must be a metric ton of pent up grief, trauma, and hostility. Unfortunately, I suffered from similar afflictions, and our personalities clashed to the point where I believe critical mistakes were made on both sides - and thus our friendship ended. Yes, he has rampant tendency to be unnecessarily rude, aggressive, and judgmental...but there are indeed redeeming qualities once you peel back the layers. Tragically, roughness embedded within simply can't be contained - so that side of him will inevitably reemerge, henceforth costing him numerous friendships and relationships(won't go into any personal details, but I actually have a great deal of pity for him).

Glenn claimed he didn't have one bit of interest in height and his involvement with this website was merely circumstantial, yet he'd frequently bring up celeb heights(the concept, not this website - although that too, from time to screenshotted by Rob), as well as his own.

Additionally, that inquiry on Sly's IG post seemed to stimulate him in full force - so the guy has a blatant and undying height obsession.

His baseless and easily disprovable statements about Rob's M.O. are projection 101. A guy who feels insufficient and lacking in stature(both figuratively and literally) feels the urge to upgrade himself, and, by proxy, upgrade celebs in order to pull off such a farce.

Like so many of his other world views(cryptozoology, astrology, conspiracy theories, etc.), his seems highly allergic to any rational counterpoints, such as pointing out that almost all of Rob's listing are contingent on the accuracy of his own height(which has been chronicled and documented meticulously).

If almost all of the height are too low, is Rob also under listing himself?
How is that possible, with the irrefutable video proof?
If so, how could Rob making himself shorter than he actually is be some demented ploy to boost his own ego?

And so forth.

You can try to reconcile Glenn's bizarre, fantastical, and oftentimes wildly contradictory musings...but don't even attempt to in his presence. He get defensive, resort to ad hominems, and rage until you are basically forced to concede - or just block him permanently.

Bottom line is that you simply can not reason with the unreasonable.
Canson said on 21/Oct/21
@MJKOP: Glenn did the opposite of what he accused Rob of. He inflated a lot of celebs’s heights and he himself wasn’t even what he claimed to be. Rob said Glenn was 5 6 5/8” when he claimed 5’8”
MJKoP said on 16/Oct/21
Editor Rob
The wisdom of Glenn from that thread:

""Celeb Heights is a site controlling by a man(if you can call him that) that literally carries around a measuring device daily- I knew him personally- and use to contribute to the page- he's disturbed like most of you are- and downplays celebrities height to feel better about themselves. Almost every height that site listed is wrong- and Liotta is 6ft""

Seems Glenn is still a little bit upset with that measurement. There is no hiding from it online...

Skimming that thread is like the old days of reading his arguments here on CelebHeights 😄

That man is about to turn 50.
I'll say it once more, because it bears repeating:
That man, Glenn Cunningham, IS ABOUT TO TURN FIFTY YEARS OF AGE.
Njp said on 15/Oct/21
Click Here

Next to Brutus Beefcake as Ed and Terry Boulder. Seems about 3 inches shorter than Hogan here.
Chaoscontrol 6'2.5 said on 14/Oct/21
Canson said on 12/Oct/21
@Slim: Chaos is joking. That’s a reference to Yao is 7-8 who thought Hogan was 6’3” peak height 😂 😂 .

Yeah you can tell I’m joking cause I’m typing very differently to how I normally type. But I’m gonna keep it up so Hulk Hogan is actually 7’8
Canson said on 13/Oct/21
Henry said on 12/Oct/21
No, Hulk Hogan did NOT always wear cowboy boots. He wore EXTREMELY THIN soled Nike sneakers while Beltzer had much thicker soled dress shoes giving Betlzer a MASSIVE footwear advantage. Beltzer was much closer to the camera and had great posture and the Hulkster had very poor posture as usual. I've seen Beltzer with 6'5 1/4" peak Howard Stern MANY times. The height difference between Hogan and Beltzer is literally DOUBLE the height difference between peak Howard Stern and Beltzer.
6'1" peak height people like Richard Beltzer who have a camera advantage, hair height advantage, footwear advantage, and posture only get towered over like this by TRUE GIANTS, not by just 6'5", 6'6" or 6'7" tall guys.
See pic below
Click Here

Hogan's sneakers had the thinnest soles I've ever seen on sneakers in my entire life and their soles were also probably squished into pancakes by his massive 341 lbs weight at the time.
See pic below
Click Here

@Henry: that is not a 6’8 guy let alone 6’8 9/16 in that pic. He looks around 6’5-6’6 there. He doesn’t look any taller physically than someone like Kawhi Leonard does. So you’re saying he was taller than Magic Johnson peak or as tall as Larry Bird???? He wasn’t noticeably taller than Stern. If anything, it was a marginal difference
Chaoscontrol 6'2.5 said on 13/Oct/21
Hogans a legit 7’8 Henry, your chiropractor is talking crap
Chaoscontrol 6'2.5 said on 13/Oct/21
recapa said on 12/Oct/21
@Chaos control , he is mocking a former user here in the site who used to go with the name yao is 7ft8 he got banned for trolling tendencies but it was pretty funny back then

Not mocking Hulk Hogan is a legit 7’8
SeanR said on 12/Oct/21
Rob just posted Matt Bloom (6’6” peak height) on this site. I find it hard to believe that a peak 1970’s Hogan was the same height.

6’5 1/2” is the most I could see. Maybe Rob will change Hogan’s peak one day. We’ll see.
Canson said on 12/Oct/21
@Slim: Chaos is joking. That’s a reference to Yao is 7-8 who thought Hogan was 6’3” peak height 😂 😂 . My guess is

198.1 out of bed
196.2 afternoon

Possible he could’ve lost an inch so maybe higher. I think 6’5.5 is a balance between the two since we don’t know for sure. We can at least justify him as a 6’5 3/8 midday or 6’5.5” two to four hours after waking. I don’t rule out 6’5 3/8 being his afternoon/evening either but nor do I rule out 196 flat
recapa said on 12/Oct/21
@Chaos control , he is mocking a former user here in the site who used to go with the name yao is 7ft8 he got banned for trolling tendencies but it was pretty funny back then.
Henry said on 12/Oct/21
No, Hulk Hogan did NOT always wear cowboy boots. He wore EXTREMELY THIN soled Nike sneakers while Beltzer had much thicker soled dress shoes giving Betlzer a MASSIVE footwear advantage. Beltzer was much closer to the camera and had great posture and the Hulkster had very poor posture as usual. I've seen Beltzer with 6'5 1/4" peak Howard Stern MANY times. The height difference between Hogan and Beltzer is literally DOUBLE the height difference between peak Howard Stern and Beltzer.
6'1" peak height people like Richard Beltzer who have a camera advantage, hair height advantage, footwear advantage, and posture only get towered over like this by TRUE GIANTS, not by just 6'5", 6'6" or 6'7" tall guys.
See pic below
Click Here

Hogan's sneakers had the thinnest soles I've ever seen on sneakers in my entire life and their soles were also probably squished into pancakes by his massive 341 lbs weight at the time.
See pic below
Click Here
ChaosControl 189.3cm said on 11/Oct/21
I’ve only been smoking the truth man, we all know how tall the Hulkster is really!
ChaosControl 189.3cm said on 11/Oct/21
Slim 6'1.75 said on 11/Oct/21
Agree with canson and rampage

197cm is a good guess

@Chaos control, 7’8?

What have you been smoking?

Smoking? Nah I only speak the truth he’s definitely 7’8 y’all are downgraders
ChaosControl 189.3cm said on 11/Oct/21
Henry I’ve been called 6’9 before by someone. He didn’t actually believe I am that tall he was just exaggerating because he was meaning to say that I’m tall and muscular
Slim 6'1.75 said on 11/Oct/21
Agree with canson and rampage

197cm is a good guess

@Chaos control, 7’8?

What have you been smoking?
Canson said on 9/Oct/21
Henry said on 4/Oct/21
Let's face it, a younger Hulk Hogan gave the appearance of a Seven Footer. If you told people that Hogan was 7 feet tall barefoot back then, you wouldn't get any arguments. Richard Beltzer and a Chiropractor thought that Hogan was 6'9" barefoot, but I think he was about 6'8 9/16" barefoot mid day from about August 1974 till he started lifting heavy weights and wrestling and losing height slowly.

@Henry: your chiropractor whether that story is made up or not, is not a credible source and Belzer was exaggerating. That’s no different than Kobe Bryant calling Tracy McGrady 6’10” once and McGrady was only 6’6/6’7 or Doug Collins or Phil Jackson calling Scottie Pippen 6’9”. All they are doing is saying the man is massively tall. And most celebs are referred to as their billed heights so if Hogan was billed 6’8” that’s what most people would refer to him as especially when they are talking him up which Belzer was doing when he called him 6’9”. If someone else were arguing that hogan wasn’t as tall as he is billed then they would’ve said he was 6’6 or 6’5”. Remember he did wear boots
Canson said on 9/Oct/21
@Duhon and Rampage: Yea I think that’s the best fit at this point. Rob won’t list him at 6’5 because he’s uncertain of when he began losing height and I’m not sure 6’5 flat was his true peak. I’ve long been a proponent of the 6’5.25 afternoon for him and 6’6 out of bed but a lot of that hinges upon Sid’s true height and when Hogan began to lose his peak height. Since we don’t know (especially the latter); 6’5.5” may be fair. If Sid was 6’6.25 and Hogan’s pic with him was a bit outside of his peak, I think 6’5 would’ve fit at that time. I don’t doubt that he was a flat 6’5 or even heading south in the late 80s though.
viper said on 8/Oct/21
What's Glenn doing saying Hogan is 6-7
ChaosControl 189.3cm said on 8/Oct/21
Hulk Hogan was obviously 7’8 in his prime, a chiropractor said so and everyone who’s ever met him has said he’s 7’8. People won’t read this cause it doesn’t fit their downgrades agendas, but 7’8 or at least 7’7.75 is a good call
Duhon said on 8/Oct/21
I think 6'5.5" is indeed the best fit. In wrestler and/or cowboy boots with his massive frame that would be enough for him to look ~6'7".
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 8/Oct/21
Canson that mark might be possible peak
Canson said on 7/Oct/21
Public Enemy said on 5/Oct/21
We know today that Hogan is 6’3 max today. I find it highly unlikely that he has lost 5’5/16 inches in height from his peak as you estimate.

I do think he could have been 6’5.75 in his early twenties but 6’5.5 is a safer bet.

@Public Enemy: I don’t believe Henry believes what he says. Like you said 6’5.75 is remotely possible. He’s not David Prowse. Anything in the 6’5-6’6 range fits. I can see the argument for 6’5 flat but maybe that wasn’t quite his peak height but maybe his height in his late 20s or so. 6’6 flat looks a bit high but it is within the realm. 6’5.5” I agree is the catch all. It fits a 6’5.75 measurement if going with near lunch since he’d be a little lower in the afternoon and 6’5.5” after 2-4 hours makes him 6’5.25 maybe in the afternoon. Depending on how tall trump was in his prime (I think 6’2 flat is ok based on how he stood with will smith but 6’1.75 May also be), he can look somewhere in the 196-197 range perhaps
UndertakerFrank said on 7/Oct/21
I heard Stallone can be anywhere from 5ft 7 to 5ft 9 He always wears Lifts i bet he has slippers & Sandels with lifts in them
Editor Rob
I seen Sly was at a 'con' in Birmingham last week, here with Dolph he holds up reasonably well. I do not know what footwear he has on, but it doesn't seem much different than Dolph.
viper said on 6/Oct/21
I still don't see the Glenn thread
Editor Rob
I never liked Instagram's comments, but if you scroll down (or keep clicking
more replies) you will eventually see 'How tall are you Mr. Stallone?' Click Here and Magickal_Warlock has about 20 replies.

Claimed 5ft 8 too, which is no surprise 😎
Slim 6'1.75 said on 6/Oct/21
Before wrestling he was skinny

Near 6’6 peak

189.7 current
Wayne Fan said on 6/Oct/21
He was 6'7 easily in his prime. Major back issues caused him to lose way more height than normal.
ChaosControl 189.3cm said on 5/Oct/21
The only way a young Hogan could possibly give the appearance of a 7’0 man was if your concept of feet and inches was disconnected from reality. But I’ll raise you a better guess, he’s 7’8 am I right?
Public Enemy said on 5/Oct/21
We know today that Hogan is 6’3 max today. I find it highly unlikely that he has lost 5’5/16 inches in height from his peak as you estimate.

I do think he could have been 6’5.75 in his early twenties but 6’5.5 is a safer bet.
viper said on 5/Oct/21
Where is that Glenn thread
Editor Rob
Click Here, the thread asking Stallone how tall he is in the comments
Henry said on 4/Oct/21
Let's face it, a younger Hulk Hogan gave the appearance of a Seven Footer. If you told people that Hogan was 7 feet tall barefoot back then, you wouldn't get any arguments. Richard Beltzer and a Chiropractor thought that Hogan was 6'9" barefoot, but I think he was about 6'8 9/16" barefoot mid day from about August 1974 till he started lifting heavy weights and wrestling and losing height slowly. Here's a younger but still shorter than peak Hogan with the top of the doorways barely coming up to his chin and 2 grown wrestlers hanging from his arms with their feet dangling in the air. The man was a TRUE GIANT in his younger days. Click Here
Johno said on 2/Oct/21
@I still cannot fathom why Glenn still chooses to state 5'8 as his height, it is extremely hard for me to justify. Is it some form of cognitive dissonance and as a result, he actually sees these inflated celeb heights as genuine and thus, his own in comparison? I don't know.

In the best case scenario, if Glenn was indeed at his lowest-of-low height when he met you and thus an insinuation that his out of bed height is his real height, he would still be hard pressed to measure beyond 5'7.5-5'7.75 and that's if we were indeed to believe he was actually had been awake and walking around for many hours before he met you and Jenny, which I hihhly doubt. If the man was indeed 5'8, don't you think he would have proved it by now to his social media followers? Come off it and the fact you exposed his inconsistency without any malicious intent, he deems it to fit to character assassinate you when are not the one not fabricating your own height measurement nor did you physically compress his body to a lower measurement that day. Nobody would care soo much but the fact he is sprouting the same rubbish all these years later, he opens himself to criticism.
Johno said on 1/Oct/21
@Rob, LOL, that thread is hilarious. Glenn is arguing with sceptic of Glenn's claim that Stallone is 5'10 and was 5'11 peak --- 5'11 peak !!!!!

I don't know if he actually believes his own statements. I think Rob is largely fair with his Celebheight estimates and far from being insecure, I believe Rob does not go down low enough for me, I see heights even lower so if anything, Rob gives more benefit-of-doubt than someone I like would give.

For me, I would not go above 5'8.5 for Stallone for his peak height and that is a morning measurement so no celebrity can complain that Rob isn't professionally fair and not impartial.

Calling Celebheight users as typically insecure is akin to stating that any social media follower of Kim K or forum contributors, which there are millions, that deny Kim K's prime asset as being natural, is insecure in themselves, everyone is allowed an opinion on physical attributes. We, as humans, are primed to judge aesthetics, it is how the world works. If a celebrity deems it to fit to deliberately inflate an attribute, you will often find scores of people, who will call you out on that attribute, with height being a physical attribute that is openly discussed on this site.

There is nothing insecure about our opinions.
Editor Rob

I couldn't read the thread fully as naturally he has me blocked, but from Jenny's account I saw the arguments 😀

Glenn's 5ft 8 barefoot height measurement only exists in a land of Unicorns and Height Pixies.
Hong said on 1/Oct/21
Click Here Here's Hulk with former 6ft4 listed Billy Graham,it goes to show that Hogan is not the only one to shrink significantly.
Duhon said on 30/Sep/21
How much did that platform boost Hogan's height in that Rocky pic? Let's assume was Hulk around 6'5.5" at that point, his character was introduced as "near 7 foot".
Editor Rob
could have been 4 inches
Johan 185 cm said on 29/Sep/21
Vegas' said on 26/Sep/21
Stallone probably happy to post this :)

Click Here


He also claimed 5'10" in that post ( Sly). Not really sure what it was meant to prove, they just wanted a huge difference to be even more gigantic. If you look in those comments, you will see Big G arguing with everyone that Sly is 5'11" peak.
Editor Rob

The wisdom of Glenn from that thread:

""Celeb Heights is a site controlling by a man(if you can call him that) that literally carries around a measuring device daily- I knew him personally- and use to contribute to the page- he's disturbed like most of you are- and downplays celebrities height to feel better about themselves. Almost every height that site listed is wrong- and Liotta is 6ft""

Seems Glenn is still a little bit upset with that measurement. There is no hiding from it online...

Skimming that thread is like the old days of reading his arguments here on CelebHeights 😄
Hong said on 27/Sep/21
@Vegas that's a great find, it all smoke and mirrors in Hollywood.
Vegas' said on 26/Sep/21
Stallone probably happy to post this :)

Click Here
Canson said on 26/Sep/21
@Viper: did you really expect him to? Lol. That was a bluff to make us take him seriously. He hasn’t posted since then, either. No tournament held at said place that weekend and even if he were there, it’s a golf course. If you look at the pic with Barkley and Manning etc, Barkley appears taller but then you see another where you can tell Barkley is on higher ground than the others and physically you see Curry, Barkley, and Manning and you can tell that Barkley isn’t as tall as Manning and maybe 3” taller than Curry who is more 6’1.5” afternoon height

AR312 said on 31/Jul/21
@Canson. My friend has 2 masters degrees and engineered this software hisself at FSU. The the US Military and The FBI have a leased contract with him to use it on areal photos or surveillance. If he said those measurements are exact then they are exact to the 1/10th of a inch. He can tell you which lens was used on a camera just by running the picture through his pattened software as well as live cameras and the distance from lens to focal point. So he says Barkley is 6’5.25” then that’s what he is. Same with Hogans height he said. I understand people on here guess one way or the other but he’s not guessing. You’re welcome to look him up. The is legit. Plus I personally know Hulk and he’s still 6’3.25”-6’3.5” today. That’s him standing up straight. I’ve seen his X-rays from his 8th surgery and the table they put you on has a scanner that goes over your whole body while you’re laying on it. That measurement on the X-ray said 6’4”. So I do believe when Hulk gets out of bed he is 6’4” until he walks around and then that 6’4” goes bye bye. My opinion is Hulk was 6’6.25” out of bed and dropped a inch during the day.

Well he may be 6’3.25-.5 today but he has probably heard other posters say that.

Viper, look up the tourneys at said place that weekend (this was posted on 8/16 which was a Monday.

AR312 said on 21/Aug/21
Rob, please walk me through how to upload pictures and videos to your site. I want to put the talkers trash talk to bed. I will upload pics of us at Hogans house. As well as the pics and videos from Golf tourney in Palm Beach Gardens. Love when people talk . Makes it that much better to prove them wrong. Thank you!

AR312 said on 16/Aug/21
@Canson, I actually met sir Charles Sunday at a golf tournament. I have photos but do not know how to upload to this forum. I am a shade over 6’2” 1/4”-3/8”. Evening measurement. My brother and his friend were with me. Danny (brother) is 6’4” and Todd (friend) is 6’6”. Charles was closer to Todd’s height than Danny.

Zero in on the portion of the statement below. This is where we were sure he was full of sh1t.

I flat out asked him how tall he was and he said a little over 6’5”. I asked him about the 6’4.75 stuff mentioned on here and he said none of that is accurate.

He (Barkley) is the one who said that he’s 6’4, 6’4.5, 6’4.75 and was officially measured 6’4 5/8” yet he said none of it is inaccurate? So Barkley lied about his height as did Dan Majerle, Danny Ainge, Joe Klein, and all others that said he’s 6’4”?
Westbound on Olympic said on 25/Sep/21
Seriously he wasn’t over 6-5 peak. Was dwarfed by Rodman etc. 6-5 peak absolutely. In his always on cowboy boots looks 6-7 weak.
viper said on 24/Sep/21
AR said he was gonna show pics, and he just disappeared
Canson said on 23/Sep/21
@Chaos: never mind. I answered my own question. Conan is listed at 6’4 which he would measure earlier in the day but not in the afternoon. This troll said he’s 6’5” 🤦‍♂️

Ronster said on 30/Jan/08
Hulk was on the Connan O'Brien show mid- january 2008 to promote Gladiators. Connan is a true 6'5" tall, and Hogan cleared him by at least two inches when standing side by side. Just watch the episode for yourself on Hogan is at least 6'7" to this day, you all are dillusioned and misinformed.

Henry said on 12/Sep/21
The Hulkster has already lost tons of height by this point and is wearing very thin soled wrestling boots and Trump has a Massive Footwear advantage and is much much closer to the camera yet The Hulkster still towers over him.
Click Here
Harry Sachs said on 23/Sep/21
The fact that Hulk Hogan is still listed at 6'6 at his peak when I have put up pictures of Hogan in the early 90's standing face to face with the listed 6'6 Sid Vicious and Hogan is at least 1.5 to 2 inches shorter cracks me up
ChaosControl 189.3cm said on 22/Sep/21
@Canson I can quote the passage from Sex Lies and Headlocks that says he’s 6’5 off the top of my head easily
Slim 6'1.75 said on 22/Sep/21
Canson said on 21/Sep/21
@Chaos Control: I wish I could find the interview when he said he was only 6’5 (corrected a reporter that said he was 6’7) and that was in the 90s I think
Canson said on 21/Sep/21
@Chaos Control: it’s funny that Ronster never calls Henry’s estimate of 6’9.25 and 6’8 9/16 at his peak out but he calls out the 6’5 range guesses at his peak when Hogan has admitted to being 6’5 before in his prime
recapa said on 19/Sep/21
196-196.5 peak ,190-190.5 today.
UntertakerFrank said on 14/Sep/21
I was talking about the Picture of Trump, Hogan & Andre !!!
ChaosControl said on 14/Sep/21
Hulk is in wrestling attire with Trump, there’s no way he’s in anything other than thick boots. And actually if Trump wasn’t slouching in Henry’s photo I’d almost struggle to believe he’s 6’5 there. Give Trump a full 6’2 and he looks maybe 6’5.25
Canson said on 13/Sep/21
@Chaos: maybe 6’1.75 for Trump but he did look slightly taller than Will Smith did
Henry said on 12/Sep/21
The Hulkster has already lost tons of height by this point and is wearing very thin soled wrestling boots and Trump has a Massive Footwear advantage and is much much closer to the camera yet The Hulkster still towers over him.
Click Here
ChaosControl said on 12/Sep/21
UndertakerFrank said on 9/Sep/21
Keep walking Tall.... The Reason he Towered Trump is because he was wearing Cowboy Boots with a Hugh Heel

And also because Trump was never a full 6’2 as listed
UndertakerFrank said on 9/Sep/21
Keep walking Tall.... The Reason he Towered Trump is because he was wearing Cowboy Boots with a Hugh Heel
MichaelMyers said on 9/Sep/21
6'6" peak, 6'3" or at least 6'2.75" current. Hogan's one of the best examples of extreme height loss for pro wrestlers, behind only guys like Roddy Piper and Billy Graham. Watch him wrestling in 1979, compared with the late 1980s, its already like 2 different people height wise. By his big match with Andre in 1987, I believe Hogan had already lost half an inch, down to 6'5.5". And that was before his back really started to break down on him. Besides countless injuries to his spine, another major reason for Hogan's height loss is Scoliosis. I know someone who was measured 5'6.5" in 2001. And 20 years later in 2021, they're only 5'2", a loss of 4.5 inches, so far. Scoliosis can do this to people.
Canson said on 7/Sep/21
@Public Enemy and Chaos Control: I think he was taller at 24 than 32. Question is how much height did he lose and what was he at his peak? He was shorter than Charles Barkley (6’4 5/8” measured) in the early 90s. I don’t know how much of that was posture related etc but he looked shorter by a bit. In his peak years he was easily at minimum 6’5” or a hair over more than likely but I don’t know when he hit 6’4 or 3. I do know that he did correct a writer once and told him that was actually 6’5 after the guy said he was 6’7”. I thought I posted that interview once but need to find it as it was many years ago. I’ll see if I can find it. But I don’t rule out a peak 6’5 1/2” for him just as I don’t rule 6’5 flat out like Chaos said. However, I’d take a 6’5 1/2” listing for him just as any of us more than likely would being the answer may lie in between the two and being it’s more likely than 6’6”. Even if we split the difference and said 6’5.25, the 6’5.5” is maybe 2 hours out of bed and he would be 6’6 out of bed and 6’5 3/8 around lunch. A 6’5 3/8 lunch can almost justify a 6’5 1/2” listing even though many of us here including Rob and me use our afternoon/evening height which is our normal low on the day. But most of us here have pushed for 6’5 1/2 being it’s fair for him and because we’re uncertain if he was less, especially knowing Rob currently has him at 6’6 and that he is going to always use what he thinks someone would potentially measure even if it’s not their normal low. But conventional wisdom says that is as high as it should be given the fact that he was 1.5-2” shorter than Undertaker and he was still shorter than Sid. There’s no way Sid was 1/4” taller than Hogan. It looked an inch at least but Rob has always maintained that he doesn’t know when Hogan began losing height so he leaves that window open. So even if Rob kicked Sid back to 6’6.5 maybe that still fits although if Sid says he was a hair over that he’s probably not quite 6’6.5. Of course certain people here (not mentioning names but Chaos knows who I’m talking about) have attempted to say he was at least 6’6.5 because people like that never argue that the listing is too high. Only that it’s too low because it makes their estimate for a different celeb such as (cough) Undertaker invalid
Alex 6'0 said on 7/Sep/21
Hogan could be 6'2.5 nowadays
Alex 6'0 said on 7/Sep/21
Hogan like all wrestlers when we see them its evening where they're at their low to extreme low. Hogan looked easily 6'5. 6'5.5 peak i could even go with but no higher.
ChaosControl said on 7/Sep/21
Hmm. 32 seems very young to be losing height, even as a 300lb pro wrestlet
Public Enemy said on 7/Sep/21
Point taken but could he have been taller at 24 before he faced Andre The Giant in 1983 when he was 32 after being in the ring for 8 years?
viper said on 7/Sep/21
Miko Sid was measured at 6-6

He wasn't 6-6.75
ChaosControl said on 6/Sep/21
@Public Enemy there is no way Hogan was losing height at 24
Canson said on 5/Sep/21
@Miko: it’s possible Hogan had lost height by then. Sid may have been 6’6.5 possibly but I lean toward 6’6.25 he’s listed. Hogan was definitely not more than 6’5 flat if not less. Hogan was already 6’4 or lower when he was next to Barkley who was peak 6’4 5/8”
Public Enemy said on 5/Sep/21
Fair enough and you are probably correct. Thing is Hogan made his wrestling debut in 1977 when he was 24. I don’t know how long he would have been training prior to his debut. It would be interesting to know if he was slightly taller at say 21-22 years of age.
James B 171.5cm said on 4/Sep/21
Rob do you think the 6’5 range estimates for a peak Hogan are to low?
miko said on 4/Sep/21
It's highly improbable that Hogan had lost any height by the time of his early staredowns with Sid, if so we are talking a tiny amount.

If Hulk was 6'6 then Sid could look 6'7.5/6'7.75. Both had normal looking footwear.

Personally I've got Hulk at 6'5.25 at his tallest and Sid was 6'6.75 range.
Canson said on 4/Sep/21
@Public Enemy: I think he would early morning. He was perhaps 6’6 out of bed and still 6’5 5/8 after an hour. I could see:

High end

6’6.25 out of bed
6’5 7/8 after an hour (maybe 6’6)
6’5.75 after two (maybe 6’5 7/8)
6’5 5/8 after 5
6’5.5 afternoon/evening


Low end

6’5.75 out of bed
6’5 3/8 after an hour (6’5.5 is possible)
6’5.25 after 2 hours (6’5 3/8 is possible)
6’5 1/8 after 5 (6’5.25 is possible)
6’5 flat afternoon/evening

IMHO he fell somewhere in between the two. My guess is right in the middle. I don’t rule out a 1” loss from morning to evening but it’s possible. Most guys who are 6’5” range wouldn’t lose the full inch but you’ll never know

At this stage, a reduction to 6’5.5” would be the catch all/fair compromise being a lot of people think he’s just south of 6’6 but many think he’s closer to 6’5”. Then some who thought he was 6’5.75 possibly. 6’3” is ok for his current although I doubt he’s any shorter. He could even be 6’3-6’3.5 range with 6’3.25” as a possibility. He is one of a very few who may actually be a tad underlisted. But just a tad if he actually is
Canson said on 4/Sep/21
@Public Enemy: I think he would early morning. He was perhaps 6’6 out of bed and still 6’5 5/8 after an hour.
Public Enemy said on 4/Sep/21
Won’t discount a 6’5.75 measurement for Hogan in his early twenties.
ChaosControl said on 3/Sep/21
I still think he was 6’5 peak hence the “on a good day” part
Canson said on 3/Sep/21
@Chaos: yea in the 90s he was probably hovering near it or in the 6’4 range perhaps and late 90s even less. But a peak Hogan you described perfectly. Strong 6’5 is the most he was imho. 6’5.25-.5 range tops or 6’5-6’5.25. 6’5 flat is still possible. Only way I see 6’6 is out of bed
ChaosControl said on 3/Sep/21
Harry Sachs said on 2/Sep/21
It is so funny how so many of these guys heights keep getting inflated by you people. According to this site Sid Vicious was 6'6. Here is a picture of Sid and Hulk Hogan from the early 90's. Clearly Sid is a few inches taller than Hogan. So how was Hogan 6'6 peak? Click Here

Hogan’s leaning forward a bit there but even so there’s loads of good evidence he was strong 6’5 on a good day
Harry Sachs said on 2/Sep/21
It is so funny how so many of these guys heights keep getting inflated by you people. According to this site Sid Vicious was 6'6. Here is a picture of Sid and Hulk Hogan from the early 90's. Clearly Sid is a few inches taller than Hogan. So how was Hogan 6'6 peak? Click Here
Canson said on 2/Sep/21
@Viper: lol I wonder who they was
viper said on 2/Sep/21
I remember a poster on here saying Triple H was 6-4
Canson said on 1/Sep/21
@Slim: 6’5.5 is much better. He never looked a textbook 6’6” but could look a little over 6’5 at his peak although he did wear boots. Anywhere between 6’5 and 6’6 fits but 6’5-6’5.5 range is the better fit. Key is he was never as tall as Sid, who admitted to being just a hair over 6’6” in his prime. But of course some people here will inflate Sid or accuse him of downplaying his height such as a poster Chaos and I are both calling out right now
Slim 6'1.5" said on 31/Aug/21
Downgrade to 197 for peak

Great build

I think Chris Hemsworth is gonna play him in a movie

He was skinny before he became a wrestler
Canson said on 31/Aug/21
@Chaos Control: another diatribe here about someone “downgrading”. Lol this makes for humorous reading material. How does someone like this continue to post?

Ronster said on 14/Oct/12
Dicksock says; Ok, I stopped reading your comment after this remark. If you really think this way then you don't know what you're talking about. NO ONE on this site admits his mistakes more than me; NO ONE. I once had Sheamus at 6'1"-6'2" when I first saw him. Vegas quickly corrected me and I admitted my error. But I guess that doesn't count. I once had Andre at 7'-7'1", but I after review more evidence, my estimate for Andre has changed to closer to 6'11". I used to think Andre lost a lot of height by the late 80s. After studying the subject more for myself and seeing evidence presented by other posters, I admitted my mistake. I used to think Vince McMahon was 6'2", but after seeing endless amounts of evidence I now think he was around 6'1". All the evidence in the world points to Vince being 6'1" at the most. If you are too stubborn to admit that, that is your problem. As I said in a recent post on Hulk Hogan's page; Trolls...Will they ever cease?
Dicksock, you and Vegas are the two biggest bashers on here, you two live on this site and are notorious for trying to lower just about every single big mans heights, especially wrestlers as you both have some exreme and disturbing fetish need to lower heights to satisfy some sort of envey. You study photos to find the few ones with either bad posture, camera angles or distance that alter things to make someone look a few inches shorter to try and support your ludicrous claims. HHH was easily accepted as 6'4" minimum for years until you true trolls came along and started saying he is only 6'2" which is equally rediculous. To all the people on here without bias and some maturity, ignore the trolls like Dicksock and Vegas who literally live on these pages simply to try to belittle great men.
Canson said on 31/Aug/21
@Viper: where’s the other pic with Davis? I think I know which one you’re referring to though
Canson said on 31/Aug/21
@Viper: AR knows he doesn’t. He asked Rob that as a bluff. Either way I’ve seen pics of Barkley up close next to others who I can verify what they are. Barkley was no more than his Olympic measurement. I mean really. How many excuses have we heard about Barkley’s measurement? “They knocked two inches off”. No that’s specific for him and for Magic just like Jordan’s 6’4.75 was. One guy even said “6’4 5/8” is more like 195 cm. No that’s 6’4 3/4”. 6’4 5/8 is 194.6. Why would they say 6’4 5/8 and not 6’4 3/4”? “The measurement didn’t occur”. I bet if Barkley measured in shoes at 6’5 1/2” or 6’6” and they listed it as barefoot, nobody would question it which is ridiculous. But the old trusty pre drafts lol. The same ones that list JJ Redick at 6’4 barefoot but now he’s been reduced to 6’3”? Lol. The same ones that measured Shawne Merrimack 6’4 3/8? Hmm. And why would Barkley say “the information on this “site” is wrong? That’s where I knew immediately (along with the absence of a tournament at said course”) that he was falsifying it. But Ronster wouldn’t be saying that in his defense if he said Barkley was 6’4 or Hogan was 6’3”. He’d be saying the same thing we’re saying about AR and he knows it
Canson said on 31/Aug/21
@Chaos Control: so Ronster just lied again in his response to me which was obvious being Rob cleansed the site of many of his posts (easy to tell when all you see are replies to his silliness but no post itself). He’s saying he wasn’t banned but Rob outed him. Too bad! Yikes. Feels like another one is coming.

@Viper: you were here then so you can attest to what I’m saying about him

if I was to embellish I would claim taller, and for the record I have people constantly say I’ve eggs years that they thought I was taller she.

What does this even mean?

Lol he doesn’t look as tall as Rob yet he claims 5’8.5? That’s why he doesn’t claim taller than he is because it’s likely he’s not even what he claims
viper said on 31/Aug/21
Canson, there is another pic with Vernon where Titus looks shorter. He only looks 6-2. Titus only looks 6-2 next to 6-3.5 Jameis Winston

He's a 6-3 guy but he can look shorter than that at times.
viper said on 31/Aug/21
Titus was upgraded to 6-4 later on in college.

They will do that sometimes with college football players. List them at their real height then later on over list them by an inch.
viper said on 31/Aug/21
Titus was listed 6-3 in college

Click Here
viper said on 31/Aug/21
Ronster, others have seen Hogan stand up straight and they say he's 6-3-6-3.5, not over 6-4.

You don't even say you might be wrong
viper said on 31/Aug/21
AR hasn't posted since

Those were some wild made up lies
Canson said on 31/Aug/21
@Ronster: you can ask any of the older posters. You were banned and the way to tell is look at some of the older posts I posted such as the one Vegas replied to. Do you not notice that Rob removed your post that he replied to? He removed several of those and everyone here knows you were. He does that when he bans people. Notice how Battery and Willes’s posts are gone too? That’s called troll cleansing which he needs to do to eradicate you once again. So who’s spreading lies here? Surely ain’t me. And you also accused Chaos Viper RP and me of being the same person? You know we are not. But I bet if Chaos or Viper or I posted a pic with Hogan in his prime or proving Barkley was only 6’4.5-6’5 or Hogan being only 6’5” that you would accuse us of wearing lifts just like you did for Ali Baba or say that we are taller than we are (just like you did for Ali Baba). It would of been any excuse in the book.
Canson said on 31/Aug/21
RONSTER said on 30/Aug/21
Wow! Thank you all so much for just proving me 100% correct! The fact that you all actually saved or spend your time searching for old posts of mine proves you are exactly what you call me and others. You immediately hanged up, called me names, and do your best to make it as though my points, thoughts, and opinions don’t matter because they are not yours. You are the problem with not just the internet but the world today, cancel culture, social justice warriors gone wild. You spread lies, such as my being banned, I simply come in here and post once in a while and then don’t even come to look here for weeks or months, you guys live in here like I said. Also, if anyone should be banned, and I’m not saying anyone should be but you guys check all the boxes And reasons to do it. I’ve simply stood up to you all many times, presented constant unaltered excellent pictures showing Hogan’s real height and you don’t like it so out comes the attack.
Hogan was over 6’6” and was over 6’4” when I met him again 6 years ago “when he stood straight”. As for my height, why would I say I’m 5’8” and not be, if I was to embellish I would claim taller, and for the record I have people constantly say I’ve eggs years that they thought I was taller she. They find out my true height, they think I’m actually 5’10”, and no I don’t wear lifts or boots.
AR, I look forward to seeing the pictures you mentioned

Not much else to say Ronster. I didn’t save anything. The posts are there and there are so many that I didn’t need to do much searching. I didn’t begin here until 2015 so no way I would’ve “saved it”. But I love how you attack me about bringing the old stuff up but you don’t take responsibility for anything you say to anyone else here (including in those posts) to others. Listen to how stupid and retarded you sound (no offense if you actually are) but you said Kane is 6’11 and he has admitted to being 6’9 or 6’10” and you inflate everyone else without proof. You know you do but it Sounds like you’re very embarrassed because you are aware that you’re a f*ckup and you were banned before. You even called Rob out below. So nobody is going to back you at this stage. Maybe stop behaving that way. And again, why is it that you don’t say anything to anyone who estimates above Rob@/ listings? Only those below it? Or would you like me to resurrect those posts too? Your fabricated elaborate excuse was that the inflators always get heat so you feel you need to go at the ones who don’t when In reality it’s the other way around. We know you’re you met Hogan (if that really is you) but either you are bad at estimating height or you lie about yours. Maybe both and probably both. Lol and AR, post the pics? Lol you know I just called you out which is why you said that to him.
ChaosControl said on 31/Aug/21
RONSTER said on 30/Aug/21
Wow! Thank you all so much for just proving me 100% correct! The fact that you all actually saved or spend your time searching for old posts of mine proves you are exactly what you call me and others. You immediately hanged up, called me names, and do your best to make it as though my points, thoughts, and opinions don’t matter because they are not yours.

The reason they don’t matter, is because not only are they opinions and not facts, but they have been discredited

You are the problem with not just the internet but the world today, cancel culture, social justice warriors gone wild.

What does social justice and cancel culture have to do with how tall Hulk Hogan is?

You spread lies, such as my being banned,

Okay I’ll settle this. Hey big Rob, did Ronster get banned?

I simply come in here and post once in a while and then don’t even come to look here for weeks or months, you guys live in here like I said.

It takes mere minutes to type out a comment at most

Also, if anyone should be banned, and I’m not saying anyone should be but you guys check all the boxes And reasons to do it. I’ve simply stood up to you all many times, presented constant unaltered excellent pictures showing Hogan’s real height and you don’t like it so out comes the attack.

Like the one where he looks 6” taller than you at 5’8.5? I think you need to bust out a calculator

Hogan was over 6’6” and was over 6’4” when I met him again 6 years ago “when he stood straight”. As for my height, why would I say I’m 5’8” and not be,

Yeah cause this site totally hasn’t had any posters who lied about their height to upgrade people

if I was to embellish I would claim taller, and for the record I have people constantly say I’ve eggs years that they thought I was taller she.

What does this even mean?

They find out my true height, they think I’m actually 5’10”, and no I don’t wear lifts or boots.

Your credibility is really falling off. You tell people you’re 5’8.5 and they insist on you being 5’10?

AR, I look forward to seeing the pictures you mentioned

Same here, shame they probably don’t exist
Editor Rob
Folk can come back and try again posting, I let many many people back to post again and hope they can try to stick to the rules.
Alex 6'0 said on 31/Aug/21
Kane claiming 6'8 is modest too because he could have easily claimed his billed height 6'10 at least. I truly feel Kane was close to 6'8 peak. I met him 11 years ago in nyc. He was sitting but i seen him from around 20 feet away come through the door. Looked easily 6'7
RONSTER said on 30/Aug/21
Wow! Thank you all so much for just proving me 100% correct! The fact that you all actually saved or spend your time searching for old posts of mine proves you are exactly what you call me and others. You immediately hanged up, called me names, and do your best to make it as though my points, thoughts, and opinions don’t matter because they are not yours. You are the problem with not just the internet but the world today, cancel culture, social justice warriors gone wild. You spread lies, such as my being banned, I simply come in here and post once in a while and then don’t even come to look here for weeks or months, you guys live in here like I said. Also, if anyone should be banned, and I’m not saying anyone should be but you guys check all the boxes And reasons to do it. I’ve simply stood up to you all many times, presented constant unaltered excellent pictures showing Hogan’s real height and you don’t like it so out comes the attack.
Hogan was over 6’6” and was over 6’4” when I met him again 6 years ago “when he stood straight”. As for my height, why would I say I’m 5’8” and not be, if I was to embellish I would claim taller, and for the record I have people constantly say I’ve eggs years that they thought I was taller she. They find out my true height, they think I’m actually 5’10”, and no I don’t wear lifts or boots.
AR, I look forward to seeing the pictures you mentioned
ChaosControl said on 30/Aug/21
@Ronster do you want proof that we’re different people? I’ve have many examples of proof. Here’s my top 5 proofs
1. I post from Derbyshire, Canson posts from Washington DC, I know Viper is in America and I’m not sure about RP. Rob can confirm this if the need arises
2. I’m a 6’2.5 white-passing half Syrian guy, Canson is a 6’4 black/white mixed race guy, Viper is a 6’3 (I think) white guy and I have no idea about RP
3. If you actually visited other pages you’d know that we disagree on various heights (in fact I estimated Hulk hogan differently to those guys)
4. You accuse me and Canson if being alts, so did Willes, so who’s the REAL alt? Hmmm
5. You claim 5’8.5 and might not even be that, yet supposedly Hogan is 6’4.5 next to you. I’ll tell you what he looks with you. 6’2.5. How do I know this? My stepdad’s 5’8.5, I’m 6’2.5, even you can connect the dots
Canson said on 30/Aug/21
Titus O’Neil with 6’5.25 listed and measured Peyton Manning. Man what a classic

Click Here
Canson said on 30/Aug/21
ChaosControl said on 29/Aug/21
Ronster your own photo with him proves he’s 6’2.5 nowadays

Yep because Ronster doesn’t look 5’8”. My wife is weak 5’8 and I’d guess her taller. And I find it funny that Ronster is egging on Henry and AR312. If it were us saying Hogan was 6’3” peak height (let alone current) and that we met Barkley or Hogan and that both were 6’4” peak etc, he’d be not only asking us for pictures but also calling us downgraders. Funny he neglected to ask AR312 for one. Instead, he accepted it because he upgraded Barkley and he’s going against us. Hypocritical? Yes. And You notice how everything I posted is him laying into someone about downgrading or complaining about it? Even Rob? I guess he makes straw man arguments as well because some people here are saying Hogan looks 6’1 or 6’2 and that Fury is 6’6” such as Pierre and both of us are saying they look taller. And he’s insinuating that you, RP, Viper, you and me are the same person? Sounds like he’s accusing us really but oh well. You see below he posted under an alt username as Josh when he was going in attacking Ali Baba. Funny part is he was certainly banned. He was gone for years and many of his comments were removed. Some of the ones I posted were replies to him because Rob removed them just as he did for Battery and Willes. Common theme here? It’s always the height inflators who cause issues.
Canson said on 29/Aug/21
Ronster said on 14/Sep/12
Shaq is 7'2", notice how Larry Bird is not listed on this site? Because he is a legit 6'9" guy and Majic was taller than him and Rob has Majic listed at the rediculously low height of 6'7" here! Always takes their heights and chops off an inch or two with no real proof aside from the odd photo to justify.
Canson said on 29/Aug/21
Classics, eh?

Ronster said on 12/May/11
Again as usual this site lists someone's height 2 inches lower than it actually is. Nash's height was MEASURED in college basketball at 6'11" period. You cannot debunk it with some guestimate from pictures for gods sake LOL. I would love to see these guys drivers licences in which their true measured height should be listed. The 5'8" guy above (I am the same height) only comes up to the bottom of Nash's neck with Kevin slouching slightly, that would make him easily 15-16 inches taller, in fact just looking at the amount of space between their heights in this picture looks like closer to 2' but that is not possible.

Ronster said on 21/Jan/13
people on this site are Obsessed With Height. They post every day (Sometimes multiple times a day) for years on end (never stopping).
And that pretty much sums it up Kate! I am one of the few people that come on here and look at these celeb heights for what they are, posters like Danimal, Vegas, Ali Baba, and a list that is too long to write here i am sure are just obsessed not only with height, but they are obsessed with trying to disprove what celebs are listed at and use altered or biased photos that make them look shorter, they are relentless in their warped persuit to somehow attempt to diminish celebs heights. You never ever see one of them claim one of these celebs, especially the tall ones are actually taller than what Rob gives them on here, if heights are wrong on here by inches then it would be impossible to always be erring on the low side and just as many would have to be taller than what they are given on here.

Ronster says on 21/Jan/13
You never ever see one of them claim one of these celebs, especially the tall ones are actually taller than what Rob gives them on here, if heights are wrong on here by inches then it would be impossible to always be erring on the low side and just as many would have to be taller than what they are given on here.
Canson said on 29/Aug/21
RONSTER said on 29/Aug/21

Hmmm the troll has reappeared. Rob did ban you before? Correct? Bad move Ronster. You are the last one to go in on anyone here with the complete turd you are and the lack of credibility in your statements and your estimates. And why is it that you want everyone to be taller than they are? Is it because you’re a short insecure guy who wishes he were taller? You claim 5’8” but don’t look it in the pics you post and you once said your son was listed 6’0 but is really 6’2? Very convenient fodder right? Well anyway. This sums you up below. The only one you have on your side is Henry who is claiming Hogan was 6’9 but you’ll believe that over him being under 6’6”? 🤔 🤔? Wonder why?

Josh said on 10/May/13
Ali Baba has put his usual lifts with Rob to make him look shorter

Ali Baba said on 12/May/13
And out of no where Ronster comes back and posts as Josh. Give it up.

Ronster said on 28/Jan/13
Ali Baba, i will just consider where it comes from when it comes to your comments towards me. See, i have got your number and guys just like you. What bothers you most and why you go out of your way to attempt to make people think guys like Lou are shorter than they are is simply because you are ordinary, you are common and you cannot stand it. You think standing beside an older and much trimmed down Lou at 60 and being a few inches taller in your lifts makes you somehow look cool or bigger than him. Guess what, height alone doesn't make you big, and his physique which is much less than in his prime still makes you look puny next to him. I at least do not have any such chip on my big shoulders, so you go on with your quest to somehow make yourself the man you could only wish you were by trying to put down others. As for your "I am here in butF%$#k Texas anytime" remark, LOL why would i waste time to go pick on you? My comment about chopping you down was to push your button and it worked! My arms are bigger and stronger than your legs, so go hit the gym put on about 30 lbs of muscle and maybe you'll make a great before picture! Then we can meet at Hogan's beach shop and after i drop the big leg on you maybe the Hulkster will take a photo with you LOL. P.S. He does appear at his shop regularly, and they even post times he will be there daily almost. I really get a kick out of someone who posts a picture of himself unshaven with his little pot belly hanging out calling someone else ignorant!!

Ronster says on 22/Jan/13
All pictures of him with countless other people of known height show he is still 6'4" and was 6'5"

Vegas said on 23/Jan/13
well he doesn't look 6'4-6'5 with rob a man whose measured height we know exactly and that shot was taken 7 years ago (lous now in his 60s)

Ronster said on 22/Jan/13
Ali Baba says on 29/Oct/12
Taken this weekend. Click Here

I have looked at this picture a few times, it is obvious if you look at Ali's posture and the way he is standing that he had lifts in those shoes to make himself 2 inches taller than he would be otherwise next to Lou. I was right the first time i looked at this, you purposly wore shoes that boosted you up to try and make Lou look shorter than he is, just because they are black shoes doesn't hide what anyone can see. All pictures of him with countless other people of known height show he is still 6'4" and was 6'5", only way i would ever believe you Ali is if you get one with him and stand barefoot next to him.

Ronster said on 15/Jan/13
In the video with Isis those heels add minimum 3 inches, my lady has dozens of pairs and many just like those so I know which makes her then 7' with them on, there isn't any more than 5 inches difference between that and him coming up to Lou's chin if he had lifted his head up, and JBL is 6'6", and has the 6'2" animal by at least 4 inches with those runners on, so that makes Lou 6'4". Thanks again Vegas!
ChaosControl said on 29/Aug/21
Ronster your own photo with him proves he’s 6’2.5 nowadays
RONSTER said on 29/Aug/21
Viper, RP, Canson, and Chaos. These are the people (or one person maybe) who literally live on the celebheiggts pages working collectively to gang up on any poster who isn’t within a half inch of their height estimates which usually go to the low side for anyone not just Hogan. So AR, Henry and whomever else my advice is to ignore them all, they make fun of and put down people but as soon as you do something similar to them they react by being internet bullies and call you troll or fanboy( that one is their go to).
Rob has Hogan in the correct range, he was 6’6” peak, the only thing up for debate is whether he was closer to 6’7” or not. Curved spine, bone removed from joints, knees and hips replaced along with all the bumps he took over the years have lowered His height a few inches.
Canson said on 29/Aug/21
@Alex: some 2-3
Alex 6'0 said on 28/Aug/21
Chaos, yea the billed heights back then were easily 2 inches inflated as nowadays its near the truth. Guys like cena and orton
Henry said on 28/Aug/21
The Hulk Hogan curved spine X-ray was on news articles in multiple web sites around the time when he sued the laser spine institute.
I found it at this site below and saved it years ago. Unfortunately website linked no longer works but somehow the x-ray is back up after being missing for many years.
Chris Masters Curved Spine X-Ray is still up on many sites, but unfortunately finding Hulk Hogan's X-ray is getting as tough as hen's teeth these days. It's just a miracle that I found it again after many years and saved it on my computer so that I'll be able to post it in the future if needed.
Click Here
ChaosControl said on 26/Aug/21
@Ian as a wrestling fan who knows about Hogan, I feel able to tell you your theory has some holes in it. Hogan’s wrestling bills were 6’7 and 6’8. Professional wrestler almost always get billed taller than they are. Nowadays it’s more roundups and one-inch inflations but in the 80s and 90s you’d be hard pressed to find a guy who wasn’t billed two inches over. So Hogan, a 6’5 man, was exaggerated like most wrestlers and made false height claims like most wrestlers do
Ian C. said on 25/Aug/21
I have a theory (and those can go sideways in a hurry) about Hogan's original claims for his height. He first came to wide fame in Rocky III, with Sylvester Stallone. I believe (after reading William Goldman's story about standing next to a barefoot Stallone) that Stallone is really right around five foot seven or eight. So, in order to corroborate Stallone's claim that he's five foot ten, everybody in a Rocky movie gets a two inch boost in his official height, so that people extrapolating from their heights to figure out Stallone's add two inches to their estimates of Stallone's height. (For example, I remember that Dolph Lundgren, whose first movie was Rocky 1V, claimed six foot six, which was almost certainly a two inch exaggeration.) Proceeding from this theory, when Hulk originally claimed six foot seven, he was really six foot five. (That midget.)

Well, it's a theory. Since it' my theory, there is a very good chance that it's wrong.
Canson said on 24/Aug/21
@Chaos Control: well said!
Jimbo Lee said on 24/Aug/21
No disrespect to the guys on this site, but It's never that serious to begin name-calling or arguing even if it is a reaction to an action.

Hogan Peak: 6'6, 6'6.25 in Wrestling Boots.

Hogan Current: 6'3, 6'4.5
ChaosControl said on 24/Aug/21
@Canson I’m assuming it’s bluff cause of what you said about there being no tournament as well as the nonsensical calculations saying people are taller than they are. At least my stepdad’s method using the Pythagorean theorem with angles and camera distance yields accurate results
Canson said on 23/Aug/21
@Chaos Control: I’d like to see if the post to Rob is a bluff to make us believe it. He lost me with the statement I responded to below
ChaosControl said on 22/Aug/21
AR312 said on 21/Aug/21
Love when people talk . Makes it that much better to prove them wrong. Thank you

We got a cocky one boys! Tell me AR, if Hogan wasn’t 6’5 why was he described as such? And if Barkley is 6’5.25, why did he never measure over even 6’5? Surely if your mate is so credible and you met him and thought he was 6’5.25 with such concrete evidence he’d make it with a tape measure no?
Canson said on 22/Aug/21
Lol I would love to see these pics. There was no tournament there last weekend and Barkley has claimed himself to be 6’4 1/2 and 6’4 3/4” Several times. This statement has been proven wrong:

AR312 said on 16/Aug/21
I flat out asked him how tall he was and he said a little over 6’5”. I asked him about the 6’4.75 stuff mentioned on here and he said none of that is accurate.

So are you saying Barkley lied previously?
Canson said on 22/Aug/21
viper said on 19/Aug/21
AR saying he's seen Hulk's x-ray, lol

His whole story is made up. Can't believe I fell for it even for a second

AR312 didn’t say he did. That was Henry
AR312 said on 21/Aug/21
Rob, please walk me through how to upload pictures and videos to your site. I want to put the talkers trash talk to bed. I will upload pics of us at Hogans house. As well as the pics and videos from Golf tourney in Palm Beach Gardens. Love when people talk . Makes it that much better to prove them wrong. Thank you!
Editor Rob
if you can't figure out using to upload and include a link in a comment, then just email them to and I'll do it.
Vegas' said on 21/Aug/21
Barkley slightly closer to camera there but no way does he look 6'4 flat with Peyton Manning Click Here

Thats only few months ago too
viper said on 20/Aug/21
Merriman is struggling with 6-2 here If Barkley is 6-4

Click Here
viper said on 20/Aug/21
AR's lying story is something
Canson said on 19/Aug/21
Canson said on 19/Aug/21
@Editor Rob: Barkley needs a current height. He’s 6’4 next to Kellogg. That’s at least 3” between them. Kellogg is listed at 6’7”. And I doubt Barkley has lost that much height. He was likely max 6’4 5/8 that he measured. I think the confusion is with his footwear. That’s why he was guessed 6’4” by so many people because he really was that range.

Click Here
Editor Rob
man, I'm not convinced Barkley has really shrunk to a flat 6ft 4, maybe a fraction but 3/4 or so?

It wasn’t 3/4” or so. He only measured 6’4 5/8 lol. That would put him under 6’4” which he definitely isn’t.
viper said on 19/Aug/21
AR saying he's seen Hulk's x-ray, lol

His whole story is made up. Can't believe I fell for it even for a second
Canson said on 19/Aug/21
@Editor Rob: 6’4.25 perhaps? He’s not close to 6’5 now. Kellog clearly has a significant advantage on him. And he’s 6’7”. Looks the first :15 of the video and it’s evident. They’re right next to each other. And I doubt he was ever 6’4 7/8 at a low to begin with. How could he be when he measured 6’4 5/8” and 6’4.75”? That 6’4 7/8” is a typo. He was officially measured 6’4 5/8” just like Jordan was officially measured 6’4 3/4” at the Olympics
Canson said on 19/Aug/21
Same thing here with Shaq

Click Here
Canson said on 19/Aug/21
@Editor Rob: Barkley needs a current height. He’s 6’4 next to Kellogg. That’s at least 3” between them. Kellogg is listed at 6’7”. And I doubt Barkley has lost that much height. He was likely max 6’4 5/8 that he measured. I think the confusion is with his footwear. That’s why he was guessed 6’4” by so many people because he really was that range.

Click Here
Editor Rob
man, I'm not convinced Barkley has really shrunk to a flat 6ft 4, maybe a fraction but 3/4 or so?
Canson said on 19/Aug/21
@Viper: not sure if Barkley isn’t standing straight but Kellogg has close to 4” on him at the beginning. If you go to :08-:14. Even if Kellogg were 6’7.5 that still puts him at 6’4”. I think it’s less than 4” but Barkley at 6’4 today is realistic and 6’4.5 or 6’4 5/8 peak. Kellogg is listed 6’7” and he’s older so I doubt he’s 6’8 or ever was

Click Here
Canson said on 18/Aug/21
@Chaos: exactly. And I don’t see where the 6’4 7/8 is even official. That sounds like a typo and it should be 6’4 5/8”. Barkley didn’t look tall on the court. I got a taller impression from Draymond or Zion than from him. And I don’t get why he would claim 6’4.75 like he did all those times and now say it’s incorrect. That’s where AR312 didn’t make sense. It’s not this site. That’s barkley’s own words. So he lied all those times? Barkley has claimed 6’4, 6’4 1/2, 6’4.75, 6’5 and 6’5.25 6’5.5 at one point I think but that’s in shoes. I posted the one article where he said it again 6’4.75 barefoot 6’5.25 in shoes and with chick Hearn in the Yourube video. He measured 6’4 5/8 too. Fair to say he looked over 6’4” but not over 6’5”. 6’4.5-.75 tho looks right. I don’t wanna knock AR312 but I’m not even sure the “sighting” would’ve occurred had he not been challenged on his friend’s assessment. But that’s mild (maybe not) speculation on my part. I have my own first hand encounters to go off of where my former coach has met him several times being a scout then my 6’3 friend, then my former colleague who is my size. I have a friend who’s shorter who met him and said about 6’5 but he’s under 6’. He didn’t see footwear either. 6’5 is reasonable for a guess but one other person at 6’2 said he was closer to 6’4”. Then there’s Chris Cooley who said Barkley was about an inch taller than him and Cooley is 6’3”. If he’s 6’5-6’5.5 then how is 6’6 Cedric Ceballos that much taller than him? Ceballos had over an inch on him.he wasn’t 6’4 flat peak and I’d bet money he was a tiny hair taller than me peak but not 6’5 either
viper said on 18/Aug/21
AR, what golf tournament was this
ChaosControl said on 18/Aug/21
@AR312 if your mate is so credible at guessing height then why do all the official measurements have him under 6’5 but your mate has him over it
Canson said on 17/Aug/21
@Viper: I won’t go there but it’s a “convenient” story to say the least. As for Hulk’s x-ray and Henry that’s even more convenient. AR at least has pics (at least he claims it). But Barkley was guessed under 6’5 by his own organization so that should say something. Clark Kellogg towered him at 6’7”. I doubt Barkley is even 6’4 5/8 today. He is probably hovering just over 6’4 now if so. Barkley’s measurements are consistent 6’4 5/8 6’4 3/4” etc. likely the 5/8 or even 1/2” are his low. Everyone I know who’s met him said he’s somewhere between 6’4 and 6’5 or 6’4 or 6’4 1/2”. one person much shorter said 6’5 and someone else said he could be 6’5 max
Canson said on 17/Aug/21
@Viper: I won’t go there but it’s a “convenient” story to say the least. As for Hulk’s x-ray and Henry that’s even more convenient.
Canson said on 17/Aug/21
AR312 said on 16/Aug/21
@Canson, I actually met sir Charles Sunday at a golf tournament. I have photos but do not know how to upload to this forum. I am a shade over 6’2” 1/4”-3/8”. Evening measurement. My brother and his friend were with me. Danny (brother) is 6’4” and Todd (friend) is 6’6”. Charles was closer to Todd’s height than Danny. I flat out asked him how tall he was and he said a little over 6’5”. I asked him about the 6’4.75 stuff mentioned on here and he said none of that is accurate. He said Jordan was 6’5” also. Pippen 6’6”. I asked him if he ever met Hulk and he said yes.

@AR312: he himself has claimed 6’4 before so not sure how it’s not accurate. He would be lying. He is a little over 6’5 in shoes yes but not barefoot. He’s claimed 6’4, 6’4 1/2 and 6’4 3/4 along with 6’5”. I also know people who’ve met him and said 6’4 1/2 is what he claimed and looked. He’s not 6’5 next to 6’8-6’9 Chris Webber. Webber was under 6’9”. Jordan is more than just an inch shorter than Pippen. Pippen was taller than Penny Hardaway and Reggie Miller. Pippen may be nearer 6’6 today but 6’6 and change maybe. Pippen was taller than Rodman in his prime. Jordan was measured 6’4.5” in his prime and 6’4.75 and supposedly 6’4 7/8”. He is not a full 6’5”. He likely wears thick shoes as I’ve heard most who’ve met him say he looked less than 6’5”. This is even people who’ve posted here

Click Here

Click Here

For good measure Ainge is 6’4”

Click Here

He says “I’d stand right between Russell and James

Click Here

Click Here

Then here Barkley is with Chick Hearn in the 80s

6’3” Chick Hearn says himself you’re not 6’6 you’re not even 6’5”. He admits to 6’4.75” here which he has claimed several other times. Keep in mind that I have met Larry Johnson and he’s an inch taller than me. He’s the height you’re claiming Barkley to be. LJ is about 6’5.25” and he’s taller than Barkley

Click Here

LJ admits to being 6’5

Click Here

LJ with Barkley

Barkley with 6’7” Clark Kellogg

Click Here

I’ve also posted where Moses Malone Danny Ainge and Dan Majerle called him 6’4”. I’m not buying that he’s over 6’5” or even 6’5 when he has no measurements above 6’4.75”. He really just looks the height he measured at the Olympics in 92 6’4 5/8”

Barkley admitting again to 6’4.75 (which he also claimed in his book)

Click Here

Click Here

Click Here

He’s admitted to being under 6’5 too
Many times for it to be “inaccurate”. Over 6’5 is in shoes which he admitted to in the last article (6’5.25).
viper said on 17/Aug/21
How in the world did you see Hulk's x-ray
viper said on 17/Aug/21
Is AR the least bit credible or not
AR312 said on 16/Aug/21
@Canson, I actually met sir Charles Sunday at a golf tournament. I have photos but do not know how to upload to this forum. I am a shade over 6’2” 1/4”-3/8”. Evening measurement. My brother and his friend were with me. Danny (brother) is 6’4” and Todd (friend) is 6’6”. Charles was closer to Todd’s height than Danny. I flat out asked him how tall he was and he said a little over 6’5”. I asked him about the 6’4.75 stuff mentioned on here and he said none of that is accurate. He said Jordan was 6’5” also. Pippen 6’6”. I asked him if he ever met Hulk and he said yes.
Canson said on 15/Aug/21
AR312 said on 6/Aug/21
@Canson, the degrees don’t make him credible. You are absolutely correct. But the Government, Military, Federal Law Enforcement contracts he has for his patterned software for sizing and identifying people does! Not another soul on this planet has that. There’s a reason for that. Because his is dead nuts and exact. Opinions on a chat forum are great but scientific analysis from someone that is responsible for providing a software that is identifying terrorists, criminals, government officials including our Presidents of the US past and present says everything. And again, he’s even said it’s at the most 1/10 of a inch off. Regardless. So I will go with his picks and take away 1/10 just to go low. Still has Hogan at 6’6” and 6’3.5” now.

@Ar312: but we have an actual measurement for Barkley. He measured 6’4 5/8 in 1992. So he isn’t 6’5.25” he’s also measured 6’4.75 before. He does wear thick footwear so he can look taller. I wouldn’t be surprised with a thick shoe and an orthotic if he didn’t get over 6’6” on occasion. That’s one thing is that I don’t take some software that someone “alledgedly” created when you have the measurement, Moses Malone, Dr J, Jordan, Majerle, Ainge, etc saying he is only 6’4-6’5 range and knowing people who have met him, he’s only that. I know of several people at least who’ve stood right next to him and I’ve seen him from a distance. I don’t count my sighting not being close enough but a 6’2 guy said he looked similar to me at 6’4.25. He’s seen him several times having been a scout in the NBA so he knows, and a 6’3 friend said he was about 6’4.5 and was about 1.5” taller. Then someone who was 6’6 said he was shorter than he was. He said 1-2”. I’d lean toward he was fractionally taller than me and stick with 6’4 5/8” maybe 6’4.5” worst case. One person said he looked 6’5” ish but that was it
miko said on 13/Aug/21
Back in 2005 time with 6'0.5 Cena, when Hulk was a weaker 6'4 guy he looked an easy 3/3.25 inches taller, but today 16 years later it seems 2.5' inches at very best and with Hulks up and down posture it can look more 2'.

I really would love to see Hulk have a proper in ring staredown with someone today and stand straight so we can get a proper judgement of his height, rather than a backstage segment.

The best we've had in recent times was with 6'4.5 Drew McIntyre a year or 2 back when he didn't actually look that much shorter, which was weird.
Alex 6'0 said on 12/Aug/21
With 6'0 cena hogan looking 6'2 range but obviously can't see where they're standing

Click Here
Alex 6'0 said on 11/Aug/21
Street picture of Hogan with Andre. Early to mid 1980s it looks. 5 inches there prob?

Click Here
Barry Fagan said on 9/Aug/21
I'm a big mark for Hogan but 6,5.5" peak height for the Hulkster, flat 6,5" by 1990 and 6,4"by 2000.I think now that he is almost 70 6,3" when standing straight, but can look as low as 6,1". The man has been through multiple surgeries.
miko said on 8/Aug/21
Vince in his prime was likely over 6'1 but didn't seem to ever look a full 6'2 guy. Prime Vince was somewhere in the 6'1.25/6'1.5 range and today is probably closer to 5'11.

He tended to look similar to Steve Austin in the late 90's, both 6'1 range so by that stage he probably had lost a fraction by that stage. Today he's considerably shorter than the likes of Cena/Austin etc.
AR312 said on 6/Aug/21
@Canson, the degrees don’t make him credible. You are absolutely correct. But the Government, Military, Federal Law Enforcement contracts he has for his patterned software for sizing and identifying people does! Not another soul on this planet has that. There’s a reason for that. Because his is dead nuts and exact. Opinions on a chat forum are great but scientific analysis from someone that is responsible for providing a software that is identifying terrorists, criminals, government officials including our Presidents of the US past and present says everything. And again, he’s even said it’s at the most 1/10 of a inch off. Regardless. So I will go with his picks and take away 1/10 just to go low. Still has Hogan at 6’6” and 6’3.5” now.
RP said on 5/Aug/21
@ Harry Sachs... Yep! When in equal footwear, peak Hogan was only 4” inches taller than peak McMahon. Another question is, was peak McMahon 6’1.5” or just 6’1” ??
Undertaker Frank said on 5/Aug/21
Vince was about 6ft 1 .5 in his Prime I met him in 1994 maybe he was wearing Lifts ?? Hogan looks about 6ft 4 @ best in that picture Harry Sachs posted
Harry Sachs said on 5/Aug/21
Here is a picture of Hulk Hogan and Vince McMahon. This picture looks to be in the late 80's early 90's. Hulk Hogan was never 6'6 Click Here
Canson said on 3/Aug/21
@RP: yea that’s the absolute highest I’d ever argue for Barkley and that’s due to his weight so maybe he dips to 6’4.5”. I really stick to 6’4 5/8 that he measured. I think the 6’4.75 was probably more a lunchtime measurement and 5/8 the afternoon norm. Maybe he lost the extra 1/8 some days to be 6’4.5
Canson said on 3/Aug/21
@Chaos Control: yea they typically add 1.25”
ChaosControl said on 2/Aug/21
@RP basketball shoes I believe have thicker soles because it adds upward reach and they can have springy soles to aid jumping higher
Canson said on 2/Aug/21
@AR312: FYI I also have a MBA and know people with two degrees who’ve done very little with their lives. Not discounting your friend but him having two masters doesn’t make him more credible
RP said on 2/Aug/21
@ Canson,
Correct...there is far too much documentation of Charles Barkley being 6’4.75” to not call him a 6’4.75” man. It is most likely Barkley’s footwear was actually closer to 1.5” instead of 1.0” ...which gives you a 6’4.75” Barkley. People don’t realize that most Big men’s footwear including sneakers have a closer to a 1.5” sole, instead of a 1.0” sole. Just look at all the modern day NBA players sneaker heights vs barefoot height measurements. It proves that the average Big/tall, large foot man’s sneakers are now averaging 1.25” to 1.375”. So, I’m sure the same can be assumed for regular casual shoes & dress shoes.
Canson said on 1/Aug/21
AR312 said on 31/Jul/21
@Canson. My friend has 2 masters degrees and engineered this software hisself at FSU. The the US Military and The FBI have a leased contract with him to use it on areal photos or surveillance. If he said those measurements are exact then they are exact to the 1/10th of a inch. He can tell you which lens was used on a camera just by running the picture through his pattened software as well as live cameras and the distance from lens to focal point. So he says Barkley is 6’5.25” then that’s what he is.

I don’t get the last sentence. Barkley measured 6’4 3/4 and 6’4 5/8”. His teammates also call him 6’4” range so no he’s not 6’5.25” I can post videos here and quotes of Moses Malone, Dan Majerle, Danny Ainge, Mo Cheeks and Larry Bird. So no disrespect but I don’t care about some software that was developed by someone versus an actual measurement. I’m not discrediting your friend but tape is always more proven than someone using software. Remember Barkley had padding in his shoes
AR312 said on 31/Jul/21
@Canson. My friend has 2 masters degrees and engineered this software hisself at FSU. The the US Military and The FBI have a leased contract with him to use it on areal photos or surveillance. If he said those measurements are exact then they are exact to the 1/10th of a inch. He can tell you which lens was used on a camera just by running the picture through his pattened software as well as live cameras and the distance from lens to focal point. So he says Barkley is 6’5.25” then that’s what he is. Same with Hogans height he said. I understand people on here guess one way or the other but he’s not guessing. You’re welcome to look him up. The is legit. Plus I personally know Hulk and he’s still 6’3.25”-6’3.5” today. That’s him standing up straight. I’ve seen his X-rays from his 8th surgery and the table they put you on has a scanner that goes over your whole body while you’re laying on it. That measurement on the X-ray said 6’4”. So I do believe when Hulk gets out of bed he is 6’4” until he walks around and then that 6’4” goes bye bye. My opinion is Hulk was 6’6.25” out of bed and dropped a inch during the day.
Undertaker Frank said on 29/Jul/21
Studd was Taller than hogan atleast 1.5
Canson said on 29/Jul/21
AR312 said on 28/Jul/21
So from what my buddy told me and had his lab analyze those pictures with the software being exact as he said it is. That puts Hulk around 6’5.75-6’6” and Barkley at 6’5.25” without either wearing boots or shoes. Hulks heal was 1.75” and Barkley’s is 1”. That’s what he said the software measured. So Rob is dead on the money with this peak listing.

@AR312: Barkley measured 6’4 5/8. Hogan was probably a strong 6’5 peak maybe up to 6’5.5” pending how thick the shoe was
Big ed said on 29/Jul/21
One man gang was slightly taller than hogan and studd was slightly taller than akeem same wrestler so studd was definitely taller than hogan
AR312 said on 28/Jul/21
So from what my buddy told me and had his lab analyze those pictures with the software being exact as he said it is. That puts Hulk around 6’5.75-6’6” and Barkley at 6’5.25” without either wearing boots or shoes. Hulks heal was 1.75” and Barkley’s is 1”. That’s what he said the software measured. So Rob is dead on the money with this peak listing.
viper said on 28/Jul/21
He needs to be downgraded to 6-5.5
Alex 6'0 said on 27/Jul/21
6'4 peak? Lmao. Hogan easily 6'5 peak if not 6'5.5.
Canson said on 27/Jul/21
@Viper: Barkley has no measurement even at 6’5”. I don’t even believe the 6’4 7/8 although he would measure it at some point in the early part of the day. My guess

6’5 3/8 out of bed (best case)
6’4.5 or 6’4 5/8”. I may go with 6’4.5 because he’s a heavier guy. Maybe that explains why he can look taller to some and shorter to others
Matt logan said on 27/Jul/21
6'1.5" now 6'4ish peak I don't buy the 6'7" build
Big ed said on 27/Jul/21
Giant baba was 2.5" to 3" taller than hogan
ChaosControl said on 26/Jul/21
Canson said on 25/Jul/22
So what about the people who claim Hogan was only 6’3 peak?

We don’t talk about Yao is 7-8 here
viper said on 26/Jul/21
Studd looks taller than Hogan in that pic
viper said on 26/Jul/21
I've got Barkley at 6'5.5 range peak,

Barkley wasn't any taller than 6-5
Canson said on 25/Jul/21
Henry said on 25/Jul/21
Peak Hulk Hogan would TOWER over peak Barkley. Peak Barefoot Hogan was at least 4.25" taller than Peak Barefoot Barkley. Don't believe the lies from the haters and height minimizers. Big John Studd with thin soled shoes TOWERED over Charles Barkely despite Barkley's massive footwear advantage and better posture. Hulk Hogan TOWERED over Big John Studd the day Studd only wore his 1.5" lifts instead of his usual 3" lifts.
Click Here
Click Here

Hater and height minimizer? I guess you are the opposite then. A fan boy and an inflator. And cut the nonsense. Hogan wouldn’t have towered over Barkley. Even if Hogan were 6’6 flat in the afternoon he would be about 1..25-1.5” taller than Barkley who was 6’4 5/8 peak. Your conspiracy theory of 6’8 or 6’9 is ludicrous. It’s more than likely that Hogan had .5” or .75” on Barkley or more specifically. You are outlandish pedaling this 6’9 bs just because your chiropractor claims he was. So what about the people who claim Hogan was only 6’3 peak? You don’t consider that do you?
Canson said on 25/Jul/21
Henry said on 25/Jul/21
Peak Hulk Hogan would TOWER over peak Barkley. Peak Barefoot Hogan was at least 4.25" taller than Peak Barefoot Barkley. Don't believe the lies from the haters and height minimizers. Big John Studd with thin soled shoes TOWERED over Charles Barkely despite Barkley's massive footwear advantage and better posture. Hulk Hogan TOWERED over Big John Studd the day Studd only wore his 1.5" lifts instead of his usual 3" lifts.
Click Here
Click Here

Hater and height minimizer? I guess you are the opposite then. A fan boy and an inflator. And cut the nonsense. Hogan wouldn’t have towered over Barkley. Even if Hogan were 6’6 flat in the afternoon he would be about 1..25-1.5” taller than Barkley. Your conspiracy theory of 6’8 or 6’9 is ludicrous. It’s more than likely that Hogan had .5” or .75” on Barkley or more specifically. You are outlandish pedaling this 6’9 bs just because your chiropractor claims he was. So what about the people who claim Hogan was only 6’3 peak? You don’t consider that do you?
Alex 6'0 said on 25/Jul/21
Andre peak 6'11 range. At wm 3 vs Hogan looked 6'10 with Hogan 6'5.5
ChaosControl said on 25/Jul/21
@Henry are posture and camera angles just not a thing in your world? Hogan was 6’5. Don’t believe the lies from fanboys and Height maximisers. Andre the Giant was 6’11 and TOWERED over Hulk Hogan
Henry said on 25/Jul/21
Peak Hulk Hogan would TOWER over peak Barkley. Peak Barefoot Hogan was at least 4.25" taller than Peak Barefoot Barkley. Don't believe the lies from the haters and height minimizers. Big John Studd with thin soled shoes TOWERED over Charles Barkely despite Barkley's massive footwear advantage and better posture. Hulk Hogan TOWERED over Big John Studd the day Studd only wore his 1.5" lifts instead of his usual 3" lifts.
Click Here
Click Here
AR312 said on 25/Jul/21
I sent the picture of Barkley with Gene and Hulk with Gene side by side comparison to a friend of mine that works at FSU in the forensic Science department to see if that even made sense on the height and his response is below.
(The picture on the left of Hogan needs to be enlarged by a fraction to equal out the picture on the right with Barkley. Using the software here at the lab and resizing the photo and making them equal in size and mass Hulk is taller by 1.65” taller.) let me add also that the height of each guy starting with Gene in the Hulk photo is Gene 5’8.24” exact. Hulk 6’7.86” exact. Second photo is Gene 5’8.05” and Barkley 6’6.21” exact to the 100 of a inch. This software is exact. Hope that helps bud.
miko said on 25/Jul/21
I do think from everything we've seen that Barkley would've been taller than Hogan. I've got Barkley at 6'5.5 range peak, so Hogan at 6'5 or just over would add up.
Canson said on 24/Jul/21
@Vegas: They look to have similar footwear. I know in the pic of both together Barkley was taller. Don’t know when it was

Here is Barkley with a 6’7.75 measured Calais Campbell which is likely not his low

Click Here
Njp said on 24/Jul/21
I think like Dave Prowse, his height is exaggerated by a good 1.5 to 2 inches. The fact that he thinks he’s 6’5” again speaks volumes. I would say he’s closer to 6’3” now, 6’5.5” peak.
Vegas' said on 22/Jul/21
Canson that is 1983 Hogan in cowboy boots Click Here
Big ed said on 21/Jul/21
I think he was taller than 6'4 lets not forget he was 3.5"-4" taller than warrior at wm6 he was taller than jake Roberts who in the 6'5 range he was taller than luger vader by a couple of inches too so 6'6 not out of the question but id say 6'5.5" barefoot
Alex 6'0 said on 21/Jul/21
I wouldn't rule out 6'5.5 but nothing over for peak. 90s he was 6'4-6'4.5. By 2000s under 6'4. Today 6'3 max
Canson said on 20/Jul/21
@Big Ed: while he did lose height early, that would mean he’s lost 6” lol. Next to Donald Trump who is debatably a peak 6’2” he looked around what you said. Maybe he’s a hair under that mark if footwear was in his favor. But remember Charles Barkley at 6’4 5/8” was also taller than he was in the early 90s. Barkley may have had more footwear but not sure. Hogan wouldn’t have been over 6’4” by that point or he didn’t stand straight
AR312 said on 20/Jul/21
Seen Hulk last Saturday. Every bit of 6’3.5” when standing straight. Had a 6’2” guy stand next to him and there was easily a inch and a half.
ChaosControl 6'2.50 said on 20/Jul/21
Hogan was just 6’5. Maybe there’s a tiny chance he was 6’5.25 and Sex Lies and Headlocks rounded down but he always inflated his height so it’s most likely that the writers either measured him or got the quote from somebody who measured him
Canson said on 20/Jul/21
@Big Ed: well said! I used to think Sid was 6’6.5 which I don’t completely rule out but 6’6.25 seems closer given his claim. Then again, when was he last measured? Was it after his peak. Some wrestlers lose earlier and Hogan was an example of that. He wasn’t at his peak beyond maybe the early 80s or so. He may have been 6’5.5” or near that mark and 6’5 flat by mid80s. But I agree. I’d believe 197-198 if he measured it but nothing higher. I’d also believe he was a peak 6’5” guy or 6’5.25 if he measured it
Dr Decker said on 20/Jul/21
6-5.5 peak. Now 6-3 maybe just.
Big ed said on 19/Jul/21
Henry you make some good points but so does canson 1 thing that is totally wrong henry is the part u say was taller than studd and studd wore 3" lifts studd always looked taller than hogan and that 3" lifts is total myth john studd was 6'7 barefoot or a tad under plus hogan was shorter than taker and sid he may have been close to 6'7 peak but i think 6'5.5 barefoot is more realistic
Canson said on 19/Jul/21
I doubt he was ever 198 except straight out of bed. But probably a legit 196 range guy if not a strong one. 190-191 today is a good fit
UndertakerFrank said on 18/Jul/21
Hogan towered Trump because in that picture with him & Andre Hogan Had Cowboy Boots on with a Big Heel
viper said on 17/Jul/21
In the 90s he was maybe 195cm, having already lost height - I do believe he was LEGITIMATE 198cm Peak, today a good 191

Interestingly the mentors list from 1996 had Hogan at 195cm
Canson said on 16/Jul/21
@Chaos Control: it’s even funnier because Hulk looks that same range in virtually every picture. The most he can ever look is 6’6” with someone like Trump and that’s only at times. But was Trump really 6’2 flat? Hmmm? Not sure. Maybe and I’d give him that at a tip top peak but that still means 6’5.5” imho. 3.5” but 6’5.5” is believable for him. Lol 6’6 or 6’7 let alone 6’9”? Hmmmmm 🤔
ChaosControl 6'2.50 said on 16/Jul/21
@Henry I trust that book because it is an unbiased written history of pro wrestling, not a diary of a Hulk Hogan stan. Surely a person would be more prone to exaggeration right?
Canson said on 16/Jul/21
Henry said on 15/Jul/21
ChaosControl 6'2.50 wrote on 14/Jul/21

"Okay then why was Hogan described as 6’5 in Sex Lies and Headlocks. I can quote this section word for word “a six-foot-five gentle giant of a man with twenty-two inch arms and a comic book cleft chin”. What 6’9-7’0 man gets billed as 6’7-8, let alone described as 6’5? If anything it’s normally the other way around and a 6’5 guy would get overbilled. Wait a sec, that’s exactly what happened with Hogan"[/b]

Then how do you explain that Richard Beltzer said that Hulk Hogan was 6'9" barefoot and that Richard Beltzer has stood eye to chest with Hulk Hogan and eye to nose with 6'5.25" Howard Stern?
How do you explain that the height difference between Beltzer and Hogan was TWICE the height difference between Beltzer and Hogan despite Beltzer having a MASSIVE footwear advantage over Hogan and the Hulkster wearing the thinnest soled sneakers in history? How do you explain that Hogan towered at least 5 1/2" above Buster Douglas when Douglas raised the Hulkster's arm despite Douglas having a massive footwear advantage? How do you explain Hogan having

The Rock claims 6’5 yet he’s shorter than 6’4 5/8” Charles Barkley and 6’3 Vernon Davis who I’ve met and can confirm that’s what he is. Do you believe the Rock’s claim simply because he says he’s 6’5? Your physical therapist or chiropractor saying he’s 6’9” means nothing. You hold onto that for dear life. How do you explain Taker and Sid who were 6’7 and 6’6 and change peak being taller than Hogan? How do we explain Tiny Lister and Hogan being similar? And how do we explain 6’6.5” (Max) Dennis Rodman being taller? Are you saying that Rodman was 6’10 or 6’11? No. Look at him with Shaq or Bill Laimbeer He’s clearly not.
Henry said on 15/Jul/21
ChaosControl 6'2.50 wrote on 14/Jul/21

"Okay then why was Hogan described as 6’5 in Sex Lies and Headlocks. I can quote this section word for word “a six-foot-five gentle giant of a man with twenty-two inch arms and a comic book cleft chin”. What 6’9-7’0 man gets billed as 6’7-8, let alone described as 6’5? If anything it’s normally the other way around and a 6’5 guy would get overbilled. Wait a sec, that’s exactly what happened with Hogan"[/b]

Then how do you explain that Richard Beltzer said that Hulk Hogan was 6'9" barefoot and that Richard Beltzer has stood eye to chest with Hulk Hogan and eye to nose with 6'5.25" Howard Stern?
How do you explain that the height difference between Beltzer and Hogan was TWICE the height difference between Beltzer and Hogan despite Beltzer having a MASSIVE footwear advantage over Hogan and the Hulkster wearing the thinnest soled sneakers in history? How do you explain that Hogan towered at least 5 1/2" above Buster Douglas when Douglas raised the Hulkster's arm despite Douglas having a massive footwear advantage? How do you explain Hogan having at least a 10 1/2" height advantage over Mr. T when Hogan was wearing thin soled sneakers and Mr. T was wearing thicker soled Chuck Taylor All Stars. How do you explain that the Height difference between Hogan and Mr. T was far greater than the height difference between John Mutazak and Mr. T?
How do you explain that there's X-RAY PROOF that Hogan was losing height the instant he started wrestling in the mid 1970s from his curved spine xray? How do you explain that Hulk Hogan was taller than Big John Studd despite Studd wearing 3" lifts and Hogan wearing boots with only 1/2" soles? How do yo explain that Hogan Towered 2 feet above Cyndi Lauper.
How do you explain that the distance from below my adam's apple to the top of my head is 13" yet Freddie Blassie doesn't come up even close to Hogan's Adam's Apple and Hogan has a Gigantic head, very long face, and very long neck. How do you explain that Hogan Towers over Jake the Snake Roberts even after Hogan lost significant height by the late 1980s?
How do you explain that even mid 1990s shrunken Hogan was at least as tall if not taller than peak height Lebron James when comparing them both to Shaq?
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Lorne??? said on 15/Jul/21
A few years ago when he claimed he thought he was 6'5 again, he really did appear 191-192 cm though through aging he may have lost that by now (although he ducked under a couple of doors)

In the 90s he was maybe 195cm, having already lost height - I do believe he was LEGITIMATE 198cm Peak, today a good 191
Alex 6'0 said on 14/Jul/21
Hogan as a 6'5-6'5.5 guy could easily gave a taller impression in his young days. Boots plus posture he could passed 6'7 on tv
Canson said on 14/Jul/21
That is a terrible picture to use to prove Hogan is 6’9”. Not to mention he is in boots. That isn’t a 12” advantage either
viper said on 14/Jul/21
As a little kid I believed his 6-8 billing and yet thought he looked like a short 6-8

Not even the most gullible little kids thought he was near 7-0
ChaosControl 6'2.50 said on 14/Jul/21
Henry said on 13/Jul/21
Rob, it's time for a height upgrade for Hogan. He's looking at least 6'9" barefoot here with an older 5'7 1/2" Freddy Blassie who was 5'9" peak barefoot. Hogan isn't even at his peak height as wrestling, squats, leg presses, deadlifts, calf raises, etc have already taken some toll on his height. Freddy clearly has the footwear advantage as well.
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Hogan’s busting a gut and has thick boots on. Freddy’s hunched over

Hogan at certain times gave the impression of a 7 footer as well.
If you told anyone in the audience that Hogan was 7 foot tall in his boots, no one would be surprised at the MTV Video Music Awards when seeing him tower nearly 2 feet above Cyndi Lauper.

He could pass for 7’0? What, is that if André was a strong 7’6?

Young Hogan was so freakishly tall that the camera operator couldn't even get his head in the shot. Hogan's freakish height would have required the camera operator actually change lenses and get a wider angle lens on his camera to get both Cyndi Lauper and Hogan's faces in the shot at the same time.
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Okay then why was Hogan described as 6’5 in Sex Lies and Headlocks. I can quote this section word for word “a six-foot-five gentle giant of a man with twenty-two inch arms and a comic book cleft chin”. What 6’9-7’0 man gets billed as 6’7-8, let alone described as 6’5? If anything it’s normally the other way around and a 6’5 guy would get overbilled. Wait a sec, that’s exactly what happened with Hogan
Henry said on 13/Jul/21
Rob, it's time for a height upgrade for Hogan. He's looking at least 6'9" barefoot here with an older 5'7 1/2" Freddy Blassie who was 5'9" peak barefoot. Hogan isn't even at his peak height as wrestling, squats, leg presses, deadlifts, calf raises, etc have already taken some toll on his height. Freddy clearly has the footwear advantage as well.
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Hogan at certain times gave the impression of a 7 footer as well.
If you told anyone in the audience that Hogan was 7 foot tall in his boots, no one would be surprised at the MTV Video Music Awards when seeing him tower nearly 2 feet above Cyndi Lauper.
Young Hogan was so freakishly tall that the camera operator couldn't even get his head in the shot. Hogan's freakish height would have required the camera operator actually change lenses and get a wider angle lens on his camera to get both Cyndi Lauper and Hogan's faces in the shot at the same time.
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David Banner said on 11/Jul/21
Peak 6’4” now 6’2”
Dr Decker said on 10/Jul/21
Peak 6-5. Now 6-3
Big ed said on 8/Jul/21
If tiny lister was 6'5 then hogan would struggle being 6'6 when lister was zeus he wore huge boots so id say hogan was 6'6 in wrestling boots and zeus 6'7 barefoot both around 6'5 that was 1989
AR312 said on 6/Jul/21
Hulks 6’3” now. 6’6” out of bed and 6’5” plus during the day peak. Simple.
ChaosControl 6'2.50 said on 6/Jul/21
Hogan looks 6’2.5 with him, the bottom of the nose is where 174 guys come up to on me, but given Hogan could have a bigger head I can see max 6’3, probably 6’2.75. Regardless 6’4+ is a distant pipe dream for Hogan
Henry said on 5/Jul/21
I finally found the X-Ray of Hulk Hogan's curved spine again. This was posted on some news site when Hogan sued some spine institute or something.
Click Here
This clearly shows that LEG DROPS DO CURVE SPINES AND CAUSE HEIGHT LOSS. I have also talked too my chiropractor about this many times.
He says Hogan lost an incredibly small fraction of an inch of height with every leg drop and it accelerated the older he got. This is why Hogan's peak height was between August 1974 and August 1977. When talking about Hogan's peak height, ONLY THIS TIME PERIOD should be used.
Using any time period after this is NOT Hogan's true peak height.
Alex 6'0 said on 5/Jul/21
Hogan looks near 6'3 with 5'8.5 Ronster
RP said on 4/Jul/21
@viper ....ain’t that the truth, LOL! It’s a dang crime that we moved to the Big 12 and no longer play you guys, VT & Pitt annually now...makes me!
viper said on 3/Jul/21
Phil Ford is 5-11 at most and was listed 6-2
viper said on 3/Jul/21
Hogan looks 6-2 range in the last pic with 5-8 Ronster
Canson said on 2/Jul/21
@Alex: some guys just get an extra inch on top of footwear. I’ve seen 6’2 guys listed 6’5 before and 6’1 listed 6’4”. Delonte West is 6’1.5” at most maybe 6’1.25 and he’s been listed 6’4 in all levels of the sport and now 6’3”. I’ve played against West before
Canson said on 2/Jul/21
If Rob believed in his heart that Hulk was over 6’4 he would’ve changed his height long ago
Canson said on 2/Jul/21
RONSTER said on 2/Jul/21
Here is a picture just posted of Chris Jericho with Tom Brady. Side by side full length pic showing equal posture and a slight footwear advantage to Chris. Rob has Jericho at 5’9.5” and Brady just over 6’4”. I am also re-posting with this my pic with Hogan where his knees are bent lowering him an inch, Jericho being an inch taller than me would have come up to the same point on Hogan’s larger head which means Hogan was at this point well over 6’4” with his knees bent.
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Click Here

Choose a pic where the guy isn’t favored with Brady. That explains why the difference looks the way it does. Brady is taller next to Him than Hogan is next to you. That’s not the same Ronster. As far as usual gang, Viper said it best. Nobody takes anything you say seriously which is why Rob banned you previously
RONSTER said on 2/Jul/21
Hi, here is another pic since now I know the usual gang with get together and day I must be 5’4” or something equally rediculous showing Hogan with Jericho in recent years take away Chris’s spiked hair and you have Hogan not even standing tall towering over Chris by the exact same amount as Brady!
This must be what you mean by rediculous posts right?? Lol

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RONSTER said on 2/Jul/21
Here is a picture just posted of Chris Jericho with Tom Brady. Side by side full length pic showing equal posture and a slight footwear advantage to Chris. Rob has Jericho at 5’9.5” and Brady just over 6’4”. I am also re-posting with this my pic with Hogan where his knees are bent lowering him an inch, Jericho being an inch taller than me would have come up to the same point on Hogan’s larger head which means Hogan was at this point well over 6’4” with his knees bent.
Click Here
Click Here
Canson said on 30/Jun/21
@RP: yea to be fair Viper is right that he has been listed 6’6” at times. The old Bulls Teams listed the following (on 2nd 3 peat)
Luc longley 7’2, Dennis Rodman 6’8 Scottie Pippen 6’7 MJ 6’6 Rob Harper 6’6

Then later Longley stayed the same Rodman 6’6 Pippen Jordan and Harper were the same as listed before.

Rodman to my knowledge was never listed 6’7 on the Bulls but he has that listing in other places. I agree with most of what you said though. Peak Rodman was probably for CH standards a 6’6.5 guy maybe 6’6 3/8”. He was probably pushing 6’7.5 in his sneaks assuming 1”
Alex 6'0 said on 30/Jun/21
Canson lol amazing. Id get listed 6'2 I'm sure. I clear 6'1 in footwear then rounded up
Canson said on 30/Jun/21
@Alex: the most he is is 6’0” flat. I would’ve guessed weak 6’0” though. Yes on his college team he was listed 6’2”. He was listed 6’2 in college and 6’3” at points in high school, 6’2” at other points. He used to claim 6’1” and I would crack up. I was billed 6’5 in high school even when I was 6’3 and change my sophomore year. I believe I hit 6’4 my junior year. They bumped me to 6’6” or billed me 6’6 on recruiting paperwork. I was listed 6’5 though through most of my senior year. when my teammate was making a point about how dominant he was it would be 6 feet. I could give him 6’ and even if not, 6’0” is fair for his claim if he did. But not surprising because I’ve mentioned a college teammate of mine who was always listed 6’7” in high school then into college. At one point it may have been 6’8”. Then back to 6’7”. The guy is a weak 6’6” and was roommates with me and my 6’7 friend I’ve mentioned in college and he’s almost directly in between the two of us. He’s stood next to my 6’6 friend and he’s a tad shorter. It’s about a cm between them at most and maybe a cm between he and my 6’5 and change friend. He still claims 6’7” today and inflates everyone else when he comes to visit. We call him on it and then it becomes well I claim my shoes and I’m really 6’6”. So at least he knows and to be fair, he may get the early AM appt and get 6’6 and a hair but not enough for 6’7”. He may wake up to around 6’6.5 but wouldn’t be near it at the doctor even after an hour. But I also had a friend who played football on our varsity team and he was listed 6’4” at times 6’3 at times and 6’2”. He’s 6’1” by his own admission barefoot and he has always looked it. He was billed 6’4” in the papers pretty often
RP said on 30/Jun/21
I’m 45 years old and was a sports fanatic from 1984 through about 2010 (when it started becoming political BS) I also played major college football 1994-1997 @ West Virginia University. And then went on to play a couple of years of Arena League, I know what I’m talking about.. and I have never EVER seen Dennis Rodman listed any less than 6’7” on any type of roster. And I challenge anyone to provide proof that he was. 80% of the time the NBA listed him at 6’8”...because he was 6’6.75” to 6.6.5” barefoot & 6’7.75” to right at 6’8” in his basketball sneakers. Which was how the NBA typically would list all its players (sneaker height) with a few exceptions through the years.
aphonix said on 30/Jun/21
I don’t believe for a minute hogan was ever 6’6”. In his PRIME he didn’t clear 6’5”. Look at him with Rick flair. There something like a four or five inch difference even with the big boots. Nope.

Also back surgeries (speaking as someone who has had 2) decompress. If anything they return a fraction of height. I don’t see it. WWE/f over listed him by 3-4 inches easily.
ChaosControl 6'2.50 said on 30/Jun/21
@Canson I’m 6’4.5 at least in my rugby boots....
Alex 6'0 said on 30/Jun/21
5'11.5 listed 6'2 or 6'3 wow lol
Alex 6'0 said on 29/Jun/21
I forgot the difference between Hogan and undertaker in 1991-1992? In 2002 undertaker looked 3 inches taller maybe
Canson said on 29/Jun/21
@Viper: Rodman was listed 6’8” when he first came In the league and 6’7” other times. He was occasionally listed 6’6 with the Bulls after he admitted he was that short. I think they rounded down tho as I don’t see him as just a solid 6’6 peak. He may have been 6’6.25 at his normal low or 6’6.25.-5
Canson said on 29/Jun/21
@Alex 6’0: they do all sorts of things. One of my teammates in high school was listed 6’3 then he went and played college ball and was listed 6’2”. He is lucky if he’s 6’1” in shoes in the afternoon. It wouldn’t surprise me if he’s 5’11.5 honestly. I’ve seen him since we’ve graduated high school.
viper said on 29/Jun/21
Rodman was never taller than 6-6.5

He was listed at 6-6

Undertaker was nowhere close to 6-9
Alex 6'0 said on 28/Jun/21
Canson, high school and college lists in sneakers then rounded up or down right?
Easyrider said on 28/Jun/21
Hulk Hogan was probably about 6'5-6'6 in his Prime. But with him getting bumps and back surgeries over time, I think he's shrunk to about 6'2 & 1/2 to a little over 6'3 upon getting up in the morning. He looks A Lot Shorter since about 1993 Onward. Undertaker is a legitimate 6-9 at his Peak in 1991 and he looked to be about three to four inches taller than Hogan during their match up in 1991. And Taker very seldom looks up or tries to straighten himself up all the way usually, too. Dennis Rodman, who I always saw as 6'8 in his Peak Height, was about three to four inches taller than Hogan, during Hogan's 1995-1998 NWO run. So... Peak Hogan, I'm guessing was about 6'5-6'6 or so, depending on the time of day.
Canson said on 28/Jun/21
@RP: yea his features are bigger in person I’m sure. I’ve never met him but I will say that it sounds consistent. But keep in mind that we are talking about a guy who was 6’5+ more than likely in his prime. Therefore, his features aside from the areas that have been affected from surgery and curvature/shrinkage, will all still be in line with those of a 6’5 range guy maybe even 6’6 guy to some while only being 6’3 today
Dr Decker said on 28/Jun/21
I saw him in MSG in the 87 iirc. Watching a game. He stood with a lot of ballers. Bird was there and looked a lot taller. I’d put him at 6.5-5 peak prime
Canson said on 27/Jun/21
@Chaos: I used to get listed 6’5 when I played in high school. Maybe once or twice 6’6’x then In college 6’6”. Maybe a game or two 6’5
Canson said on 27/Jun/21
@Viper: to be fair, Alan32080 met hogan a couple times. First time he said he believed Hogan was 6’4 when he stood straight. But that was years ago. Then he met him again and said around 6’3.5”. Alan also used more of an average height and not an afternoon so when I mentioned 6’3.25 he said that’s a good possibility being Alan dips to 6’2.67. He’s surely not 6’4 or 6’5 and likely wasn’t when he met him from what he said in his post. Wouldn’t surprise me if Hogan was 6’3.5-.75 when he met him the first time since it was earlier in the day
RP said on 27/Jun/21
Almost everyone who meets “Terry” Hulk Hogan for the first time in person, all say the same thing. That “in-person” his features are bigger than they expected (head, hands, feet, arm length...etc) even those who met him in his prime (1980-1990) all say he was actually bigger & thicker in person, than what he looked on TV & in pictures. Not taller!!!...but bigger & thicker. They always say “he was slightly shorter than I expected, but standing next to him he was bigger & thicker than what he looks in pictures & on TV.
Alex 6'0 said on 26/Jun/21
In 2002 the famous Rock Hogan faceoff. Hogan looked an inch taller maybe slightly less. If we have Rock 6'2.5 then Hogan was 6'3.5 max in 2002.
Alex 6'0 said on 26/Jun/21
Chaos we can definitely x out 6'6 peak but he still could be 6'5.5. 6'5.5 to 6'3 or slightly less still a good 2.5 inch loss. Also in 2002 looked barely taller than 6'2.5 max Rock
ChaosControl 6'2.50 said on 26/Jun/21
@Alex yeah he compares similarly to myself with a 174 guy but because his head could’ve be around 10” or just over I don’t rule out 190-191
Alex 6'0 said on 26/Jun/21
Undertaker Frank, morning measurement i can be 6'0.5 but afternoon to evening 6'0 or maybe hair over.
Alex 6'0 said on 26/Jun/21
Hogan looks 6'2.5-6'2.75 with ronster
ChaosControl 6'2.50 said on 26/Jun/21
@Ronster maybe with the big head he’s 6’3 but nothing more. His head is probably 10” ish, he was 6’5 peak, not 7’5.
viper said on 25/Jun/21
Hogan is built different with a big head no doubt.

And yet, he looks no taller than 6-3 even with good posture, no knees bent.

Ronster, RP has seen Hogan more than you and says he's 6-3 1/4 at most. Rob has him at 6-3.

We can't take your word on your height because of your past posts which are a bit cartoonish to put it nicely.

And you say with his knees unbent he's

Rob has never underlisted anyone like that.
ChaosControl 6'2.50 said on 25/Jun/21
@Ronster built different? Is that really the excuse you’re gonna use?
ChaosControl 6'2.50 said on 25/Jun/21
@Canson I think my rugby team probably has me down as 6’3 or 1.90, that’s what I told the coach and that’s really just rounding up
Arch Stanton said on 25/Jun/21
I used to think it was Glenn's website, Rob did the right thing!!
Editor Rob
in a way he became a meme, a kind of Height Bogeyman who roams the streets of NY, jumping out from the shadows and telling everybody within earshot "I'm Five Foot F****G EIGHT".
RONSTER said on 24/Jun/21
RP, good estimate. He was looking right around 6’3” with his knees bent, so please keep that in mind. IMO and from seeing him up close then he hit over 6’4” if he stood straight. I would have to meet him again now to see how much he has lost since then. Also, Chaos you should keep in mind that Hogan is built very different from yourself and most tall people I am sure, he has a massive frame and head. I will look for and post soon a picture of me next to my 6’2” son, I am up to his eyes, but he has a very large head also.
Canson said on 24/Jun/21
@Chaos: it’s hard to take him seriously. He always estimates over what the actual difference is. He mentioned his son being listed 6’0” in his sport but is really 6’2? It’s the opposite. I played college basketball and was listed 6’6” and everyone else on my team was given minimum an inch or at least 3/4”. No one is listed shorter. He likely is what he claims but isn’t a good estimator or height

@Viper: I don’t want to sound mean but I agree with what you said to him.
Undertaker Frank said on 24/Jun/21
Alex is right i met Glenn along time ago we took a Picture with him i had the heel advantage & i towered over him He appeared 5ft 7 to 5ft 8 Rob Measured him & if im not mistaken the tallest measurement he got was 5ft 7 or alittle below Mamun i believe was 5ft 8 & Alex was appeared 6 ft .5
Gman42 said on 24/Jun/21
I would like to see peak Hogan go face-to-face with Wlad Klitschko - I believe they would be about the same height - 6'5.5.
ChaosControl 6'2.50 said on 24/Jun/21
@Everyone the pic with Ronster proves he’s under 6’3 cause the bottom of the nose is where 5’8.5 come up to on a 6’2.5 guy. My stepdad is that level with me. Even if Ronster is closer to 5’9 that makes him 6’3 max
Alex 6'0 said on 24/Jun/21
I never had got to meet G yet we're both in ny, but frank another poster who's 5'11.5 or very close he had a pic with G
Alex 6'0 said on 24/Jun/21
Glenn did swear he was 5'8 and we estimated pics based on his height and then to finally know he was almost 1.5 inches shorter

This guy assuming hes 5'8.5 Hogan looks 6'2.5 there
Riccardo89 said on 23/Jun/21
Alex 6'0 said on 21/Jun/21
We all could agree Hogan should be downgraded to 6'5.5.

At least. But we saw every single pictures or video of him next to almost everyone looking max 6'4.5 to 5 and, even if a few times he did look strong 6'5"( never 6'6 btw in my opinion ), he still listed 6'6"peak so i doubt he will be downgraded since there are now other evidences left.
Undertaker Frank said on 23/Jun/21
Wow Hogan looks 6ft 2ish next to Ronster
viper said on 23/Jun/21
Glenn swore on his life he was 5-8 and yet measured only 5-6.5

Canson, Hogan imo looks about 6-3 in both pics I think, If Ronster is what he claims
viper said on 23/Jun/21
Hogan looks maybe, maybe 6-3 with great posture today.

I'm sorry Roster but it's even hard to take your claim seriously with your other outlandish ones.
RP said on 23/Jun/21
At Ronster. Great pics of you & Terry. I’ve studied over both photos, and IMO it shows that Terry was EXACTLY 7” inches taller than you in 2014. Giving us this: Ronster: 5’8.25” & Hulk Hogan: 6’3.25” in 2014.
ChaosControl 6'2.50 said on 23/Jun/21
@Ronster funny how you claim 174cm being up to Hogan’s nose while saying he’s 6’4.5 considering that that’s how my stepdad (who is 174 in the afternoon/evening) looks with me and I’m far from 6’4.5. If anything this makes me think he’s under 6’3 today and closer to even with my height
Arch Stanton said on 23/Jun/21
Maybe 197 at his lowest is possible for peak, but around 6'6 is arguable.
Arch Stanton said on 23/Jun/21
Alex 6'0 said on 8/Jun/21
Hogan's arms weren't 24 either. They were really 22 which is huge. 21 plus is pro bodybuilding arms.

I would have estimated 21-22 inch range. Brian Shaw is almost 24 and a 59 chest, bigger than Hogan ever was. Brian Shaw's forearms are bigger than most guys legs LOL.
Canson said on 22/Jun/21
@Ronster: my wife is 5’7 3/4 approximately and I am 6’4.25”. I look taller than that next to her than Hogan does next to you if you are, in fact, 5’8” or “higher”. Not sure when that pic was taken with Hogan.
Canson said on 22/Jun/21
I’ll reserve judgment on the pictures or about certain people claiming certain heights. Need to consider the source that it is coming from

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.