How tall is Stone Cold Steve Austin

Stone Cold Steve Austin's Height

6ft ½ in (184.2 cm)

Peak height was 6ft 1 ¼ (186.1 cm)
American wrestler and actor best known for roles in films such as The Condemned and The Expendables. He has claimed: "I'm 6' 1" and also "6-2, 250 [pounds]."

How tall is Stone Cold Steve Austin
Photo by PR Photos
I got measured the other day. I thought I was about Six-One...I used to be Six-Two, but I got dropped on my head so many times I figured I was Six-One. I clocked in at Six-One and a half...I'm officially Six-One and a half and 272 [pounds].

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Average Guess (320 Votes)
Peak: 6ft 1.11in (185.7cm)
Current: 6ft 0.48in (184.1cm)
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 25/Nov/24
I've said this before - a lot of these guys with DDP yoga I think could regain height. We've seen it with Mick Foley whose done equal damage to his body as Austin....
Cold Water said on 27/Sep/24
182.7 cm now and 184 cm peak
Myers said on 25/Apr/24
6-1 max peak.
Awesomeness said on 24/Apr/24
I think he’s either 6 foot or 5’11 now and his peak was like 6’1 or 6’2 maybe
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 23/Apr/24
Austin is easily flirting with 6ft2 in this photo, especially if Regal was 6ft3 in the 90's (questionable still) whilst Vader I think is losing a bit of height...

Click Here
Viking90 said on 11/Sep/23
Frank R
Probably doing the stunner all those years caused him to shrink a bit too. Dude was landing straight on his bottom. Similar to Hogan.
?????? ????? said on 1/Sep/23
frank r: yeah maybe that explains why
Frank R said on 31/Aug/23
Steve Austin was a solid 6'1" before taking the botched piledriver at SummerSlam '97. Today, he's probably in the 6'0" to 6'0.5" range.
Viking90 said on 16/May/23
Weak 6’1 in his prime.
Probably 6’0 on the dot today.
Darksol64 said on 15/May/23
This guy must have some short legs or the pic Rob is using is funny with the angles, because from his upper body and wide shoulders in this shot he looks like he should be a 6'7 guy or something huge!
5'7 and a fraction said on 27/Mar/23
185 peak.
183 now.
QM6'1.5"QM said on 20/Jan/23
Weak 6'1" Steve Austin in "The Expendables" was towering over Eric Roberts.
Rockaway said on 19/Jan/23
Has at least half an inch on weak 6 foot Baker Mayfield… looks closer to the full inch in some pics…would be shocked if he dips under 6’0.5” at night today… peak was a solid 6’1” lunch time height…
Mickie said on 11/Jan/23
I think prime Stone Cold is somewhere in the 184 - 186 cm range. Prime Rock 189 - 190 cm range maybe.
berta said on 23/Dec/22
during his career he did look at worst 185 and at best 187. 186 is good listing.
Alex 6'0 said on 18/Dec/22
Viper, yea 6'0.5 peak is likely but i wouldn't go less. Always looked about 2 inches between him and Rock. Could Austin be nearer 5'11.5 i wonder these days?
viper said on 14/Dec/22
I think 6-0.5 peak is more realistic.

Mentors list had him at 183cm
Alex 6'0 said on 4/Dec/22
Austin peak i doubt was even 6'1. Peak 6'2.5 Rock had 2 inches on him in most face offs. Today he could be a bit under 6'0
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 26/Aug/22
I think he could still make 6ft0¾ if measured today. Peak was an indisputable strong 6ft1
Widebutte said on 25/Aug/22
Prime Austin 6-1 Today Austin 6-0
5'7 and a fraction said on 24/Aug/22
I think 6'0.25 today is likely under the stadiometer.
Most Legit 6'3 said on 4/Aug/22
I always thought he looked shorter than most of his fellow attitude era wrestlers, but still pretty tall. He was probably a strong 6’1 in his prime so it makes sense why they billed him at 6’2. He’s probably lost at least an inch considering his age and I wonder if he lost any due to neck injuries.
Uday Singh said on 25/Jul/22
184 cm 😎
Steve Stinton said on 23/Jul/22
I am 53 years young, 6 foot 245lbs ,and have a 184 reach.
I am a Novice Boxer Don't look my age at all so they say!
I always thought that Steve Austin was 6"9 295 lbs untill I saw this post.
I've always liked Steve and the show BROKEN SKULL!
Thanks Steve S
universalstar said on 16/Jul/22
With jeff jarret ( 5'9 now) he looked 2.5 to 3 inches taller, jn the latest podcast. May be a weak 6'0 currently. Could have been a weak 6'1 in his prime
Iceman1990 said on 11/Jun/22
In the photo with Muhammad ali he looked 1.5 inches shorter which would put him at a legit 6ft1 in his prime making him 6ft2 in shoes steve now claims to have been measured at 6ft1.5 which will definitely be in shoes making around 6ft .05 barefoot
Space said on 7/Jun/22
6’0.75” peak

6’0.5” today or maybe a hair less
Sam Donovan said on 6/Jun/22
Definitely shorter than vinnie jones when they did condemned together... Vinnie claims 6'1
Rsingh said on 25/May/22
186cm peak,currently 184cm.
Jaime Faye said on 1/May/22
Stone Cold compared to other wrestlers posted here suggest he's 6'1-6'2 range. He appears 1-2 inches taller than Vince in the video posted in this thread with Shane before he stuns them. Vince appears roughly 1-2 inches shorter than Donald Trump at "6'2" in other photos. Donald T and Austin are close in height. Shane McMahon is taller than Vince, shorter than Donald Trump but roughly same height as Austin. Arguably, he is 6'1-6'1.75. He is shorter than 6'4 billy Gunn by 2, 2.25 inches.
Jaime Faye said on 1/May/22
Stone Cold compared to other wrestlers posted here suggest he's 6'1-6'2 ranged. He appears 1-2 inches taller than Vince in the video posted in this thread with Shane before he stuns them. Vince appears roughly 1-2 inches shorter than Donald Trump at "6'2" in other photos. Donald T and Austin are close in height. Shane McMahon is taller than Vince, shorter than Donald Trump but roughly same height as Austin. Arguably, he is 6'1-6'1.75.
Liam charlesworth said on 18/Apr/22
I meet stone cold at Dallas airport I’m 192 cm he was about 2 inch shorter
Mmm Hmmm said on 16/Apr/22
Austin has always looked on the short side for wrestlers but I’m not willing to say he’s under 6’0
ChristianPerkins said on 12/Mar/22
@Axe Murderer
What's your ring name?
Axe Murderer said on 21/Feb/22
Stone Colds my favorite wrestler all time. I met him @ a Dallas convention , and I’m 6 ft with boots(and being a wrestler myself), I’m always in boots. When I met Steve he was also in boots and we were eye to eye. I give him 6 foot on the dot with boots, as I am. I’m 220, and he was a little bigger, so I’ll give him 235/240.
Editor Rob
I hope you don't live up to your name!
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 31/Dec/21
Austin didn't look much shorter than Regal in the 90's, 1in tops maybe but then was Regal quite a full 6ft3 guy or more 6ft2½ range?
Syracuse Glenn said on 19/Dec/21
I stood next to Steve and Vince McMahon in the mid 90s for about 10 minutes. At the time I was 6’2”. They both appeared to be all of 6’1”. I spoke with Sargent Slaughter and he was close to 6’4”. He was wearing big boots.
Podric said on 9/Dec/21
Any guess under 6’1 peak is laughable.
Monkey knees said on 28/Nov/21
Peak 6ft 0.75in early/mid 90s. Had 0.5in on peak 5ft 11.75in Bret Hart around 1997 etc...
Mickie said on 15/Sep/21
@ Alex - Personally I think prime Stone Cold 6'1" and prime Rock 6'2.75" could be right.
Artsy Fartsy said on 14/Jul/21
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 11/Jul/21
Bret was a 6ft in his prime...

Then you don't know what 6' is. I stood and talked to Bret and Stu in 1993 at Caesar's Palace, we were staying on the same floor. Bret was wearing cowboy boots, and I was wearing Reebok's. I'm 5'11¾" and I was the same height as Bret with his extra inch from his boots. I ran into him at LAX in 2009 and we both had on sneakers, I had him by an inch.
Alex 6'0 said on 12/Jul/21
Mickie ok lets say 2 inches. Depends what you have Rock at back then? I have Rock 6'2.5 peak today a fraction less. Austin 6'0.5 peak
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 11/Jul/21
Bret was a 6ft in his prime...
ChaosControl 6'2.50 said on 10/Jul/21
Artsy Fartsy said on 8/Jul/21
Austin's height has always been way overstated. Here he is with 5'10 billed Nick Bockwinkel.
Click Here
Whenever I see him with 5'11 peak Bret Hart, they're pretty much the same height.

That’ll be cause Bret was 6’0 or at worst 5’11.75 peak not 5’11 flat
Artsy Fartsy said on 8/Jul/21
Austin's height has always been way overstated. Here he is with 5'10 billed Nick Bockwinkel.
Click Here
Whenever I see him with 5'11 peak Bret Hart, they're pretty much the same height.
Mickie said on 8/Jul/21
@ Alex - I didn't see quite that big a difference. I saw more like 1.75" - 2".
Alex 6'0 said on 11/Jun/21
Austin looked 2-2.5 inches shorter than Rock kn their peaks
ChaosControl 6'2.5/189.2cm said on 1/Jun/21
@Rampage for the time of his death a very strong 5’11 is a reasonable guess
Alex 6'0 said on 30/May/21
Peak at least 6'0.5. Today 6'0 or even bit less
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 30/May/21
Ultimate Warrior at 5ft11 range is a joke....
ChaosControl 6'2.5/189.2cm said on 24/May/21
@Sashank IYER
Steve Austin peak 6’1, now 6’0
Triple H peak 6’2.25, now 6’1.25
Goldberg peak 6’2.5, now 6’1.75
Rock peak 6’2.75, now 6’2.25
Brock Lesnar peak 6’2, now 6’2
Hogan peak 6’5, now 6’2.75
Razor Ramon peak 6’4.75, now 6’4
Kevin Nash peak 6’9.25, now 6’8.5
Undertaker peak 6’7.25, now 6’5.75
Kane peak 6’7.75, now 6’6.75
Sid Eudy peak 6’6.25, now 6’5.25
Big Show peak 7’0, now 6’9.75
Andre the Giant peak 6’11, death 6’9.75
Randy Orton peak 6’4, now 6’4
Batista peak 6’2.75 now 6’2
Ultimate Warrior peak 6’1.5, death 5’11.5
Big John Studd peak 6’6.25, death 6’4.75
Sashank IYER said on 23/May/21
Steve Austin peak 6'2 , now 6'1
Triple H peak 6'3 , now 6'2
Goldberg peak 6'3 , now 6'2
Brock Lesnar peak 6'3 , now 6'2
Rock peak 6'4 , now 6'3
Hogan peak 6'5 , now 6'4
Razor ramon peak 6'5 , now 6'4
Kevin nash peak 6'10 , now 6'9
Undertaker peak 6'7 , now 6'6
Kane peak 6'8 , now 6'7
Sid eudy peak 6'7 , now 6'6
Big show peak 7'0 , now 6'11
Andre the giant peak 7'1 , death 6'11
Randy Orton peak 6'5 , now 6'5
Batista peak 6'4 , now 6'3
Ultimate Warrior peak 6'3 , death 6'2
Big John studd peak 6'7 , death 6'5
Undertaker Frank said on 4/May/21
CM Punk is about 5ft 11 so Austin is about 6ft to 6ft.5 @ Best He looked shorter than Vince most of the time
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 23/Apr/21
Edges Cena
A.Lawrence said on 8/Apr/21
Taller than Cena by a mile.
viper said on 6/Apr/21
Mentors list had him at 183cm

Certainly at the end of the day peak that's extremely believable
viper said on 4/Apr/21
He's never been taller than 6-0 in his life
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 1/Apr/21
I think he's 6'0" max today.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 24/Mar/21
Today I think he'd still hit minimum 6ft0½ if measured
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 24/Mar/21
Rob, is 6ft1½ peak arguable?

I can see the argument for him losing an inch due to injuries in wrestling. The neck etc. Really did put himself through the ringer. He's gone between claiming 6ft1 and 6ft2
Editor Rob
I mean on a good day earlier in the day? You would not be surprised if he got near it
miko said on 22/Feb/21
Pretty obvious that he was around 6'1 peak, today is more questionable but he's still over 6 foot.

Would be interesting to see how he'd hold up in a staredown with someone like 6'0.5 Cena today.
Mickie said on 16/Feb/21
I don't know about Stone Cold's peak height being as low as some are saying. In my opinion the difference between Stone Cold and the Rock at their peaks wasn't even a full 2". Maybe 1.5" - 1.75" range max, but I think they were closer than 2". Meaning if Stone Cold was really 6'0" peak I think the Rock was no more than a weak 6'2" peak. Is it possible? Maybe, but I kind of doubt it.

I think Stone Cold's peak height had to be closer to 6'1" give or take than it was to 6'0". Today, I'd say there's a greater chance of him being near 6'0" than 6'1" of course.
Mikester said on 9/Feb/21
Click Here
Pat m said on 5/Feb/21
Seeing him in picture with John cena and CM punk he can't be over 6ft1, I'd say his peak was 6ft3/4 and now he's at an even 6ft tall, one of the greatest wrestlers of all time too!
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 1/Feb/21
184.5-185cm now is possible
Ben Bell said on 30/Jan/21
No reason to lie about his weight.
When he said he got up to 270 he was saying he’s fat not muscular. He was putting himself down.
He keeps trying to get down to 250 but is generally around 260.

I recall reading interviews with Taker and Dibiase who both hit 350 at one time in their life’s.
Both we’re stating how fat they were not how big and muscular.
Taker was in the ministry days when he kept his full body covered up.
The interview was in the mid 2000’s. He quoted the weight saying he managed to lose 70lbs and was helping Shaq with witty loss at the time.

Have a look at Steve Austin high school photos. He was HUGE with insane legs.
He’s naturally a very thick guy. 6’1 today for me. 6’2 peak.
Annonymous said on 26/Jan/21
225 and even 240 is too small. He isn't lying when he says he was between 250-260 and still is.
Public Enemy said on 5/Jan/21
Still looks big and muscular in his recent podcast with the Undertaker. Would say today about 184 cm and peak 186 cm. I don’t think he’s lost more than an inch max.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 29/Dec/20
Likely gained a few extra pounds, but not anything drastic.
ChaosControl 6'2.5 said on 26/Dec/20
@Christian yeah that’s why I guessed him around that weight. He may have gained or lost weight nowadays I don’t know
Vegas' said on 24/Dec/20
Margen Settles said on 14/Dec/20
Toady: 5ft 10 1/2
Peak: 6'0

He is LITERALLY shorter than Stephanie McMahon in heels these days. No way taller than 5ft 10 1/2.


So Vince is what then? 5'8? Click Here

Post video of Austin and Stephanie together in recent years..
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 24/Dec/20
He was never really the prototypical "ripped" wrestler, although he wasn't fat or out of shape either.
ChaosControl 6'2.5 said on 24/Dec/20
He’s pretty stocky and muscular but he doesn’t look roided, could be around 240lbs
Roby Italy said on 19/Dec/20
Rob, he is listed at 250 pounds, i think he is on the 225/230, do you know?
Margen Settles said on 14/Dec/20
Toady: 5ft 10 1/2
Peak: 6'0

He is LITERALLY shorter than Stephanie McMahon in heels these days. No way taller than 5ft 10 1/2.
Vincent Caleb said on 1/Dec/20
He is like 5’11.75” today
Leonardo Stracci said on 27/Nov/20
He's definitelly 6'0.75 peak and 6'0 today
He was the same heigh as John Cena
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 27/Sep/20
I agree with the peak, but he may only be as low as 5'11.5" today.
TheDon1528 said on 25/Sep/20
6'0.75" peak and just a tad over 6 feet these days.
6'3 Julian said on 22/Sep/20
Austin’s height is tricky. He looked taller than Foley at times but shorter than Vince
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 20/Sep/20
I don't think Annonymous meant that way. He was just agreeing with my estimate.
RR said on 19/Sep/20
@6'3 Julian
So if Vince McMahon's Peak height was 6ft 1 ½ (186.7 cm) and you told us Austin's height was 1 inch below that, that would mean this: 186.7−2.54=184.16
6'3 Julian said on 17/Sep/20
@Annnymous why are you agreeing with Christian, how do you know he’s never incorrectly guessed a height
Annonymous said on 14/Sep/20
The point is if you know the mentor was off on some of them why would you put Faith in his Stone Cold estimate. Christian is correct...184.5 CM peak.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 13/Sep/20
The 186 peak listing here is off, but so is 183. I'd go with the middle of the road of 184.5 peak.
6'3 Julian said on 12/Sep/20
Viper I agree with you
Annonymous said on 11/Sep/20
I will say he didn't look more than 183 CM in front of Mike Tyson and that was in 1997.
viper said on 10/Sep/20
The mentor was right on Austin
6'3 Julian said on 10/Sep/20
@Anonymous I think he meant it was right for Austin, not necessarily the others
Annonymous said on 9/Sep/20
No it wasn't Viper, not all of it. Unless you believe Andre was 7'4'' and Owen was taller than Bret lol. The Mentor was making guesses as well.
6'3 Julian said on 8/Sep/20
Flat 6’1 or 6’0.75 peak. 1 inch above Hart and1 inch below McMahon
RR said on 7/Sep/20
Not quite as tall as Vince McMahon but more in line with Bret Hart's height. Just a little taller than Brett. The peak and current height are way off on here.
viper said on 5/Jul/20
183cm peak.

Mexican Mentors list was right
Estim8r said on 2/Jul/20
Same as the Rock in the 90s minus the hair
Mickie said on 30/Jun/20
4 cm range less than the Rock for peak height.
Riky said on 23/Jun/20
As many times i said he is 184 today, max 186 peak.
Jam Cherry said on 10/Jun/20
An honest claim Peak was about 186 cm now he’s more like 184-184.5 cm
RR said on 7/Jun/20
Austin is and always has been 6ft 0 ½. Today he measures 5ft 11 ½.
Roderick said on 4/May/20
@viper I can't see over 6'0" at all, can you? He looks way too short.

@Christian I personally can't see over 6'0".
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 24/Apr/20
He said he got measured 6ft1½. I don't know why he'd lie about that..chances are it was early in the day. So with that, I think 6ft0¾ is a better current listing with 6ft1¼ peak.

Easily 6ft2 out of bed in the 90's
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 23/Apr/20
I hope you're talking about his peak height, and not his current, when you say "stretch to 185cm".
Ben Bell said on 22/Apr/20
He’s a slouched with terrible posture. He rarely stands tall.
If he stood as tall as possible I could see him scraping the 6’1.5 he claims.
With his regular stance he does look just over 6ft.
viper said on 20/Apr/20
He looked 6-0 with 6-2 Rock
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 19/Apr/20
I think he can stretch up to 185cm
viper said on 19/Apr/20
Absolutely agree Roderick
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 18/Apr/20
I think he was over 6'0" peak for sure, but nowhere near 187cm, I'll agree with you on that part.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 18/Apr/20
Berta, he could look like a 6ft1-2 range guy with The Rock
Roderick said on 17/Apr/20
187cm is way too high for Stone Colds peak. He was never taller than 6'0"
Mickie said on 1/Apr/20
I think about 4 cm between peak heights of Austin and the Rock.
berta said on 30/Mar/20
average seems low. i dont think he ever looked under 186 there was 5 cm beetween him and the rock and sometimes it only looked 4 and the rock was 191 cm peak. that measnt that very legit 186 is posbbile for austin i can believe 186,3-4 ish if you measured him at peak in afternoon. at the time he started doing movies maybe 2005 or when it was he was probably not over 186 and today i think he still is 185 and was measrued 6`1 1/2 like he sad but in the morning. i dont see only 184 cm he still is edging out guys like cena and cena is never under 184.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 27/Mar/20
184-185cm currently and 186-187cm peak
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 19/Mar/20
They looked very similar in height, although I highly doubt Saxton is the 6'1" he's billed at. Click Here
Lyle said on 17/Mar/20
Shorter than 6'1 listed Byron Saxton on RAW and SCSA had the footwear advantage, I can't see him over 6ft personally
Leon Evans said on 13/Mar/20
He’s well into his 50s now.
Peak height 182-183cm
Current height 180cm
Riccardo5'7 said on 23/Feb/20
6 feet 1 peak and today he can look 183cm
edwards said on 19/Feb/20
@ christian

agreed with everything you said.
miko said on 1/Feb/20
Very easily 6'1 range peak. 5'11 is laughable even today.
Jtm said on 16/Jan/20
Vegas' said on 11/Jan/20
Zero chance Austin was 5'11 range peak. He was solid 6 foot range when I met him just over a decade ago and he wasn't peak physical wise then given he broke his neck way back in 1997.

He was noticeably taller than my 5'11.5 brother

how you could you say that he was 6'0 when you met him then claimed he was noticeably taller than your 5'11.5 brother? half inch is not noticeably at all.
Roderick said on 14/Jan/20
@Vegas He could be wearing lifts, you never know. Maybe he was 6'0" peak instead of 5'11.5"
Vegas' said on 11/Jan/20
Zero chance Austin was 5'11 range peak. He was solid 6 foot range when I met him just over a decade ago and he wasn't peak physical wise then given he broke his neck way back in 1997.

He was noticeably taller than my 5'11.5 brother
Roderick said on 6/Jan/20
5'11.5" peak IMO.

He might start shrinking more as he approaches his 60s. Could see 5'10" range maybe
Ema said on 27/Dec/19
He looks very close to a 5ft 11 bad bunny.
Roderick said on 23/Dec/19
@Christian I can see 5'11.5"-6'0" peak and 5'11" now. I don't think he's lost much
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 21/Dec/19
It's ridiculous how some here really believe that he was only 5'11" at his peak. I can kind of understand a 5'11" guess for him today, but he's obviously lost some height.
Tall guy at 6'4"-6'5" said on 14/Dec/19
All you gotta do is look at the dude in a crowd, he was only ever about 5’11-5’11.25”
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 14/Dec/19
He looks 6.5" taller next to Lynch. Unless Lynch's only 5'4.5" (which is too low IMO), he doesn't look 5'11". Click Here As for Merriman, he does look 5'11", but that's assuming Merriman's max 6'2". Click Here
Roderick said on 21/Nov/19
@viper He frequently looks 5'11" range
viper said on 19/Nov/19
He's always been 6-0
RR said on 17/Nov/19
- Peak: 6'0.5"

- Now: 5.11.5"
Roderick said on 16/Nov/19
Maybe 6'0" peak and 5'11.5" now. Austin was never 6'1"
184guy2 said on 7/Nov/19
viper he abandonned the wrestler due a neck issue , so I'm pretty sure by 1997 when Owen broke his neck , he wasn't anymore at his peak height
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 7/Oct/19
People who get neck, back or hip surgeries usually lose height. Everytime you have your bone or disc fused, it becomes slightly shorter. I'm not an expert on this topic, but just ask Sandy Cowell and she'll tell you.
TheBat said on 5/Oct/19
6'1" at his prime, now 6'0.5"
viper said on 28/Sep/19
I don't think Rock has shrunk at all.
viper said on 28/Sep/19
Sorry Rampage, Rock being 187cm at night is very,very believable today
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 26/Sep/19
187cm at night for The Rock is laughable today forget in the 90's
Bazza said on 24/Sep/19
6'1 peak max and probably 6'0 flat today.
viper said on 23/Sep/19
Rock at 187cm late at night in 1996 is believable imo
Roderick said on 22/Sep/19
@Christian That doesn't mean he's "lost" height, IMO.

I'm not an expert on the human body or sciences really, but if he injured his neck, and they fix it, why would he lose height? He looks the same anyway. I think he's always been just 6'0"
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 20/Sep/19
@Viper and Roderick
It's obvious that he's lost at least a bit of height. He once broke his neck so bad that it almost ended his career. In fact, there's a better chance of him losing more height than the Rock did. BTW, Rock at 187 peak is too low. Nothing less than 189 IMO.
Importer said on 20/Sep/19
Click Here Steve Austin in grownups 2
Roderick said on 19/Sep/19
@viper He could have always just been 6'0". Kane was 7" taller than Austin and Kane was never taller than 6'7.25". Austin was never 6'1" though, I agree on that.
tree said on 19/Sep/19
Peak looked 185 Click Here
viper said on 18/Sep/19
Christian, that 1996 height list had Rock at 187cm and Austin at 183cm.

You would agree that's accurate late at night.
viper said on 18/Sep/19
Am I the only one who thinks he hasn't lost any height
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 17/Sep/19
184-185 peak, 182 today
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 15/Sep/19
@Viper and Roderick
6'0" peak is a bit too low. I think 6'0.5" peak at least.
Roderick said on 14/Sep/19
I think he was 6'0" and shrunk to 5'11.5". I agree, he's never looked 6'1".
viper said on 14/Sep/19
Think he's always been 6-0.

The 1996 Mexican mentors height list had him at 183cm
heightchecker34 said on 13/Sep/19
I don't see where all the 6'1 + peak comments are coming from. He always looked like a 184 cm guy in his prime, even with his wrestling lifts. He barely looked taller than peak 182cm Michaels in their stare downs, and looked pretty even with 6 ft Bret Hart. I am including the fact that he was bald, even at that time, otherwise I would have him at a flat 183cm. He still maintains good posture, despite a few surgeries by 54, so today I would have him at 6 ft, or 5'11.75.
Canson said on 12/Sep/19
@Christian: yea 5’11.5 is possible today
Roderick said on 12/Sep/19
Thank you Rob! Good work dude, :D

This is a lot more reasonable, and is much more arguable. I don't mean to sound bossy so I'm saying that this was a good move on all our parts in a team effort 👍 It took all of us to realise Austin wasn't this tall
Roderick said on 11/Sep/19
Now we also have Canson, Sotiris, Edwards, and Mickie to add as well. Rob, WHERE IS THIS DOWNGRADE?

We now also have Rawdshaq who seen him in person and said he was shorter than Seth Rollins (who is max 6'0.5"). Rob there seriously isn't a single chance he's 6'1.25". I don't know why you are ignoring all this recent evidence to suggest he's around 6'0" now, maybe even 5'11.5". We could all be wrong and maybe he's over 6'0"... but NOT by 1.25".

I have no clue what makes you suggest he's this height in 2019.
Editor Rob
I think today he could be 184, though I am not sure he is only 183cm...some height loss seems likely for him by now.
Johan 185 cm said on 11/Sep/19
He does look to edge out Mayfield so if 6'0 3/8's is legit then Steve could still be near 6'0.5-6'0.75"

The problem i have with him being any higher is Merriman looked easily 2.5 inches taller than him not long ago.
Riccardo 5'7" said on 11/Sep/19
With Titus and The Rock he looks 5'11" range
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 11/Sep/19
I didn't say it was a 6" difference. That's around 6.5" though, not 7". Austin's head is slightly tilted up.
rawdshaq said on 10/Sep/19
Becky Lynch looks a tad over 5'5" to me
Mickie said on 10/Sep/19
I'm in agreement in the present day he generally looks closer to 6'0" than 6'1.25".

Peak height for Stone Cold though, I really think 6'1" - 6'1.25" is a possibility. I believe a peak height for the Rock of 6'2.75" (he's currently 6'2" flat imo) looks about right and Stone Cold in my estimation was 1.5" shorter, perhaps 1.75" at most. I don't believe the Rock had him by a full 2".
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 10/Sep/19
5'11.5" is just as possible.
Sotiris Gravas said on 10/Sep/19
Definitely not looking Rob's listing next to max 6'2" The Rock and 6'3" Titus O'Neil (2014):
Click Here
edwards said on 10/Sep/19
yes,count me too.i agree with all of y'all .the current listed height is too insane and unbelievable honestly.
rawdshaq said on 10/Sep/19
He looked about 3 inches taller than Aj Styles but Aj had a footwear advantage, so maybe 4.
rawdshaq said on 10/Sep/19
Stone Cold looked a little bit shorter than Seth Rollins in person. Don't be fooled by the camera angles that were showed on TV. He looked 6'0" to me, I suppose he could measure 6'0.25" at the most.
Riccardo 5'7" said on 9/Sep/19
Cm punk is listed here at 5'11.75 but I always thought he was 180cm. Btwthey look same height. But Probably i give Austin 183cm now against 182 cm listed punk.
Click Here
Back in the days
Click Here

He is slightly shorter then Jhon Cena who is 6'0" max. Jhon Cena did always look to me an inch or at least 3/4 taller then CmPunk.

Maybe 185.5 cm peak 183cm today
Vegas' said on 9/Sep/19
Christian he isn't 6'1+ but there is more than 6 inches in your photo Click Here

That looks over 7. Not sure how tall Lynch is though
Canson said on 8/Sep/19
Roderick said on 6/Sep/19
@Christian, Rawdshaq, Ricardo, and Creeper who are all pretty okay posters to me all agree that Stone Cold needs a downgrade. It is insane that he is still listed as 6'1 1/4" (CURRENT!) on here. It's impossible!!!

Count me as another. I mentioned last month that he can look 183 now. 186 is too high
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 7/Sep/19
Yeah, I don't get why he's not lowered yet. If Rob lowered Triple H, what's stopping him from lowering Austin?
Roderick said on 6/Sep/19
@Christian, Rawdshaq, Ricardo, and Creeper who are all pretty okay posters to me all agree that Stone Cold needs a downgrade. It is insane that he is still listed as 6'1 1/4" (CURRENT!) on here. It's impossible!!!
Riccardo 5'7" said on 5/Sep/19
I'm looking at some pictures around and I think his current height would fit better with triple h currents height.

In his prime I agree he was 6'1.5 or something but now he looks same height if not slightly shorter than Jhon Cena who we all agree is around 6'0".
Roderick said on 5/Sep/19
@Creeper Completely agree!
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 5/Sep/19
He desperately needs a downgrade. Looking max 6'0" with 5'5.5" listed Becky Lynch, and that's assuming she's even that tall (I have her at just 5'5" which means Austin's max 5'11.5") Click Here
rawdshaq said on 4/Sep/19
I can see 6'1" peak for him and 6'0" now. An inch loss at 54 for a wrestler with neck problems is possible.

I used to mention a lot how he got measured at 6'1.5" (supposedly) but perhaps that was a shoe measurement. So my apologies
Creeper said on 4/Sep/19
@Christian I know, I think he'd be lucky to measure 6'0" today, but I know Rob won't go all the way down to 6'0" so I suggested 6'0.75". He is just no way in hell as listed
Roderick said on 4/Sep/19
@Christian I know, I think he's 5'11.5"-6'0" now, but I just want to at least see Rob head in the right direction. We can all agree that there is zero chance he's 6'1.25" barefoot in 2019
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 4/Sep/19
Even 6'0 3/4" today is too high for him.
viper said on 3/Sep/19
Mayfield was 6-0 3/8 at the senior bowl
Mickie said on 3/Sep/19
Stone Cold also held up too well with Goldberg to be 6'0" flat back in the day. Unless Goldberg was never more than a strong 6'1" guy. There couldn't have been more than 1.25" - 1.5" difference between them, at the very most.
Mickie said on 2/Sep/19
Anything under 6'0.5" peak height for him is ridiculous imo. He wasn't even a full 2" shorter than the Rock, who was at least a strong 6'2" guy in his prime. Stone Cold was also obviously more than just 2" taller than Kurt Angel, anyone with eyes can see that. I could definitely see arguing 6'0.5" - 6'0.75" range for peak height and 6'0" today. But I don't agree with 6'0" flat peak.
miko said on 2/Sep/19
Vegas, Austin looked a bit taller than Mayfield, same footwear.

Quite a few photos floating around

Click Here
Click Here
Roderick said on 31/Aug/19
Rob, I don't wanna sound bossy or anything or tell you to do something, but do you maybe consider a current listing of at least 6'0.5"?

Click Here This is him with Sal Vulcano who is MAX 5'8", probably shorter than that at like 5'7" or something, but claims 5'10" (lmao). Stone Cold is barely looking 5'11" in those pics. Maybe Stone Cold is someone you should give a current listing to.

Maybe make it

6'1 1/4" peak

6'0 3/4" now?
Vegas' said on 27/Aug/19
Baker Mayfield was on Steve Austins show last night. Should be good compared as Mayfield I believe measured 6 foot 7/8 barefoot.
viper said on 11/Aug/19
Could be down in the 5-11 range today.

He's probably still 6-0 and hasn't shrunk at all
viper said on 11/Aug/19
He's not struggling with 6-0 with 6-5.5 Tommy Kelley.

He looks 5-10
viper said on 11/Aug/19
Austin was never taller than 6-0.

Rock was never taller than 6-2.

Funny how the Mexican mentors height list was accurate for them
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 9/Aug/19
Austin needs a downgrade to his current height. He's obviously shorter than he's listed.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 9/Aug/19
If Austin was 6'0" at his peak, then The Rock would have to been around 6'2" peak.
Canson said on 8/Aug/19
@Christian: I think 6’1” range peak maybe just 185cm but today yea could be 183
Roderick said on 7/Aug/19
@Christian He didn't look any taller than 6'0" next to the Rock or next to Kane.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 4/Aug/19
Austin's peak was taller than just 6'0". I'm not denying that 6'0" could be his current height though.
Importer said on 3/Aug/19
@viper In the movie grownups 2 I'd say he looks this listing of 186cm. However in that particular photo he's struggling to look 6ft next to the supposedly 6'5" 1/2 individual. I know another actor Jeffrey Dean Morgon who is atleast 6'1" and has looked below 6ft with bad posture on an occasion. I guess Stone Cold wasn't standing at his best in that photo, he looks 6inch shorter than the other man.
viper said on 1/Aug/19
He could still be his peak height of 6-0 today.

He looks so short with 6-5.5 Tommy Kelley
Johan 185 cm said on 1/Aug/19
Roderick said on 26/Jul/19
@Johan Idk how tall Kurt Angle at his peak was Tbh. He looks 5'9.5" max from my little observations I've made around him, but I could be wrong.

That photo Steve does look 6'1" but remember that is wrestling. Stone Cold was max 6'0.5" peak height and got a good boost with lifts. Never 6'1". On RAW, he was clearly 2" shorter than Mark Henry who is 6'1.25" max today.


The pic of Alex and Kurt is on Angle's page....yes he looked somewhere 5'9" range in that pic but Alex said that he dropped height and looked around 5'10" when straight.

Steve Austin has lost some height but I doubt very much he is under 6'.
John barrett said on 29/Jul/19
Seen Steve with Hulk Hogan just recent and Steve is a lot shorter he was looking around 6 foot as its reported that Hogan is 6'3 but he might have lost more height where does this put Steve?
Importer said on 26/Jul/19
@viper 5'10 you say....
Roderick said on 26/Jul/19
@Johan Idk how tall Kurt Angle at his peak was Tbh. He looks 5'9.5" max from my little observations I've made around him, but I could be wrong.

That photo Steve does look 6'1" but remember that is wrestling. Stone Cold was max 6'0.5" peak height and got a good boost with lifts. Never 6'1". On RAW, he was clearly 2" shorter than Mark Henry who is 6'1.25" max today.
tree said on 26/Jul/19
Nowdays he is shorter wth 5ft11 rvd Click Here
Johan 185 cm said on 25/Jul/19
Click Here

Steve Austin at peak with Kurt Angle also at peak of 5'10".

We know Angle was 5'10" because Alex 6'0" met him in person and has a pic on the site. Alex was measured in person by Rob. Steve was all of 6'1" at his peak and now down to 6'0.5" today as shown when next to 6'3" Shawne Merriman.
Roderick said on 24/Jul/19
Even last RAW he looked every inch of 5'11". Mad respect for the man, but 6'1.25" today? Seriously?
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 23/Jul/19
He’s a good inch below Roman Reigns
viper said on 21/Jul/19
6-2 Merriman with a real 6-3 Vernon Davis.

Click Here
viper said on 21/Jul/19
Merriman is 6-2, not 6-3.

He was measured at 6-2.4 Click Here
Roderick said on 21/Jul/19
@Johan Dolph is only 188cm max, not 189.

Stone Cold looks 2 inches shorter than him IMO, making Stone Cold 6'0" max.
Johan 185 cm said on 20/Jul/19
Roderick said on 18/Jul/19
@Johan I don't see a 3" difference there. I spot a 1.5"-2" difference, meaning Stone Cold was never taller than 6'0".


Wasn't really that great a pic though, in some he had 4" on tyson but bad angles. I see you don't comment on him with Lundgren who Rob has also met. He doesn't look any more than 3-4cm shorter and Lundgren is a solid 189 cm.
Roderick said on 18/Jul/19
@Johan I don't see a 3" difference there. I spot a 1.5"-2" difference, meaning Stone Cold was never taller than 6'0".
Johan 185 cm said on 18/Jul/19
Had 3" on a peak Mike Tyson so I do think he was 6'1" peak. Hence his 6'2" shoe claim. However the man himself admits that he has lost height and so I believe he is now under.

Click Here

Certianly didn't look over 6'0.5" with 6'3" Shawne Merriman.

Click Here

Could still look 6'1" with Lundgren a few years back.
Shane Gray said on 16/Jul/19
@Christian sounds like an early morning shoe height.
Shane Gray said on 16/Jul/19
Rob, he had to be claiming an in shoe height. This seems off my friend.
Alex 6'3.25 said on 7/Jul/19
Strong 185, weak 186 cm
Roderick said on 4/Jul/19
This listing is probably one of the most off on the site to be honest. 6'1 1/4 for him today is absolute madness let alone his peak. He is 5'11" and he was never any taller than 6'0, probably honestly just 5'11". Rob, you are good at what you do 100% but please explain how you got 6'1 1/4 for Austin... That is absurd.
RR said on 13/Jun/19
Why would anyone take anyting pro wrestlers say at face value? 272? That's laughable. Bit of a stretch don't you think? 6'0.5" should be the absolute maximum given to Austin because he was able to hold his own quite well with other taller wrestlers like 6'2" Goldberg.

Click Here
K.A 188 said on 4/Jun/19
186.7 peak
185 flat today
Johan 185 cm said on 16/May/19
Steve still being 6'1" ( peak) would mean that Shawne is over 6'4" but he has been downgraded to 6'3.5".
Really can't see him being over 6'0.5" now.
Sotiris Gravas said on 11/May/19
6'3.5" Brandon Molale and Stone Cold... Click Here from "The Longest Yard" (2005)

Molale and 6'2.5" Brandon Routh (2007)... Click Here
Sotiris Gravas said on 9/May/19
Maybe 5'8.25" Eric Roberts and you-know-who... Click Here Roberts is usually on his tiptoes when taking selfies w/ fans. Terry Crews is definitely on his tippy toes, way in the back there.
Bradley said on 9/May/19
Weak 6 foot.
RR said on 9/May/19
Only times Stone Cold ever looked taller was when he stood next to guys who were in the five foot range.
Johan 185 cm said on 8/May/19
viper said on 4/Feb/19
Stone Cold looks 5-11 with 6-2 measured Shawne Merriman.


Viper being useful :)

I agree with the height difference but what I want to point out is that Merriman was measured at 6'4 1/2 by that nurse in what we assume is footwear. Now Austin claims 6'1.5" I just find it logical that he was also measured in shoes and is really at most 6'0.5".
Canson said on 6/May/19
@Sotiris: I have doubts that Butler is even that. He really just looks a solid 6’5” on the court especially seeing him with Kawhi Leonard. Leonard I could see being a legit 6’5.5 or even 197cm guy (6’6 in the morning). Butler doesn’t look that tall physically either. Honestly everyone talks about Undertaker being shorter than listed today but Butler really can look 6’4” at times
Ironman092289 said on 4/May/19
Stone Cold 6'0 peak, honestly I can't see 6'1" for him
Sotiris Gravas said on 4/May/19
Here's maybe 6'5.5" Jimmy Butler w/ Luke Bryan (who Editor Rob lists as 6'0.75") in sneakers, not cowboy boots (2015)... Click Here , Click Here

Butler w/ max 5'11" Jimmy Kimmel (2017)... Click Here

Luke Bryan and Stone Cold (2017)... Click Here Bryan looks to be wearing sneakers, not cowboy boots.

Here's some video footage where Bryan looks taller than Stone Cold when he stands more straight:
Click Here
viper said on 7/Apr/19
Stone Cold looked shorter than 6-1 1/4 measured Brian Bosworth.
Vegas' said on 15/Mar/19
5'10 would mean he has shrunk over 2 inches in the decade or so since I last met him..

Shane is taller than Cena in person for sure. Deceptively much bigger in person than I expected. Well over 200lb too
Canson said on 14/Mar/19
I doubt Stone Cold is less than 6’0”
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 5/Mar/19
I've never heard of Austin being called short before. Even 20+ years ago, where wrestlers back then were bigger than today's, he was never considered as a "small" wrestler. That was more for guys like Shawn Michaels.
Space said on 4/Mar/19
Yes he’s 6’0.25” still today. He looks taller than a lot of the people on broken skull ranch. He’s a legit 6’0.25” nothing more nothing less. There’s no way he’s shrunk to 5’11”. He was a legit 6’0.75” back in the day and 6’0.25” today. I could see maybe 5’11.75” in the evening on a bad day for him, but that’s the lowest he’d ever be in his life. He hasn’t lost height like Batista has for instance. Batista was a solid 6’3.25” and was like 2.5” taller than Austin back in the day, they’re probably similar height now around 6’0.25” Batista maybe 6’1” still. There’s no under 6’0” for Austin even today.
SnerhagAip777 said on 3/Mar/19
Guys like him are considered short in wrestling. Holy .
viper said on 8/Feb/19
He's not 6-0 today
viper said on 6/Feb/19
Stone Cold looks 5-11 next to 2 measured NFL players
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 5/Feb/19

I'm not seeing Shane looking taller than Cena. They're around the same height, give or take 1/4". Click Here
Canson said on 5/Feb/19
@Viper: 5’10” is way too low. He’s probably up around 6’0” still maybe what Christian mentioned or 5’11” and a bit
Canson said on 5/Feb/19
@Christian: that’s also assuming Merriman’s 6’2 3/8 is a low for him. I have doubts seeing him in that video we saw next to Martellus Bennett who measured 6’5.75 at a different time and 6’6 1/8 combine which add up since the combine is in the morning
184guy2 said on 5/Feb/19
lol c'mon @viper
You can't be really serious claiming that Austin could be 5'10 today
viper said on 5/Feb/19
Kelly measured 6-5.75.

Even If you give him a full 6-6 Stone Cold looks 5-11 MAX with him.
miko said on 5/Feb/19
Cena is 6'0.5, Shane McMahon is around 6'1.

Austin is still 6'0.5/6'0.75 range, down from a 6'1 peak.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 4/Feb/19

I highly doubt he's low as 5'11", but I can see 6'0" as a worst case. He claimed to have measured 6'1.5", but chances are that it was a shoe height. Next to 6'2.4" measured Merriman, he only looks max 5'11.5"-6'0" though.
viper said on 4/Feb/19
He would only measure 6-1.5 in lifts
viper said on 4/Feb/19
Stone Cold shrunk an inch from 6-0 to
5-11 max today.

He was never 6-1. Always 2 inches shorter than 6-2 Rock.
Canson said on 4/Feb/19
@Viper: what was Kelly’s actual measurement at the Pro Day or Senior Bowl and Combine? I don’t see it. I’ve seen a lot of 6’5.5 measured guys that measure that in the AM and get listed 6’6”. As for Merriman, I thought you said he was 6’1.5-6’2” in person although I heard 6’2 from the person I know who met him
viper said on 4/Feb/19
Stone Cold looks 5-11 with 6-2 measured Shawne Merriman.

Click Here
rawdshaq said on 4/Feb/19
@Christian Yeah, maybe it was. So what that means he is 6 feet 3/4 inch evening?
viper said on 4/Feb/19
6-0 peak, maybe as low as 5-10 range today.
viper said on 4/Feb/19
Austin looks 5-10 there
viper said on 3/Feb/19
6-5.5 Tommy Kelly with Austin.

Click Here

Austin is 5-11 today.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 2/Feb/19
Shane's not taller than 6'0" John Cena. I would put him at 6'0", but not 6'1" or 5'11".
184guy2 said on 1/Feb/19
Shane is 6'1-6'1.5
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 31/Jan/19

I doubt he would fabricate a story like that too, but maybe the 6'1.5" was an early morning measurement or even a shoe measurement. Just my speculation.
Vegas' said on 31/Jan/19
No way he is 5'11 today given how tall he looked in January 2018 Click Here

Shane I walked past in Newark airport in 2017 and he is at least 6'1
Canson said on 31/Jan/19
I think he was 6’1 peak or very close to it. But not 6’1.5 the more I see
RR said on 30/Jan/19
@ viper Very Spot On!
Mickie said on 29/Jan/19
He wasn't just 6'0" peak. Lowest I could possibly buy is 6'0.5" peak. And that would put the Rock 6'2.25" range peak, at best. I don't think the Rock had Austin buy a full 2"+

Personally I'd say he's about 6'1" peak, give or take a little, and creeping down a bit these days.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.