How tall is Hulk Hogan - Page 13

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Average Guess (847 Votes)
Peak: 6ft 5.7in (197.4cm)
Current: 6ft 3.14in (190.9cm)
dicksock said on 16/Apr/18
Saturday said on 13/Apr/18
Hulk posted a pic on ig with Shaquem and Shaquill griffin who are listed at 6ft 1 and 6 ft. Hulk was barely taller than them.


There it is again! How can someone look 6'2" half the time and look 6'4" half the time??? The Hulkster is the hardest guy's height to judge by a mile.
RP said on 15/Apr/18
Shaquem Griffin measure 6'0-3/8" & 227 lbs at the combine. I saw the pic...Hogan only looked 6'1-1/2" with them. He has the oddest height EVER to judge!
Alan32080 said on 15/Apr/18
@Saturday that’s what everyone on here says. His height is so hard to pin point from photos. Like I said if I wouldn’t have met him I would think he would be shorter than me. (6’3”). But in person as everyone including myself who meets him face to face says. He’s taller, between 6’3.25” - 6’4”. I will say 6’3.5” as a all around the board guess taking into consideration all the other guys who post.
Saturday said on 13/Apr/18
Hulk posted a pic on ig with Shaquem and Shaquill griffin who are listed at 6ft 1 and 6 ft. Hulk was barely taller than them.
Alan32080 said on 12/Apr/18
@Canson his peak is a guess at Best but a strong 6’5” guy is more than acceptable for me. I personally think a 6’6” morning height in his early 20’s is very likely but nothing more. I just don’t see a 6’7” height for him unless in shoes a.m. measurement. But as of now if I didn’t meet him face to face I would guess a weak 6’3” maybe 6’2.5” but that being said I did meet him and knowing my height he was taller than me. At the time of our meeting I say 6’3.5” at low up to a 6’4.25” at the very maximum I would guess more like 6’4”. No way over that mark now. Anyone who says otherwise either is under 6’ or just a bad height estimator. My 2 cents.
RP said on 12/Apr/18
2" inches ?? LOL!! I only see 0.25" to 0.5" ...and the footwear advantage is very minimal there... 0.25" advantage at most.
Canson said on 11/Apr/18
@Alan32080: I could buy something like what you said but probably not over 6’6 out of bed and 6’5.25 at a low maybe best case 6’6 1/8 and 6’5 3/8
Idkman223 said on 11/Apr/18
i found a pic of hogan standing next to 6ft4 randy orton. hogan has a footwear advantage but appears 2 inches taller than orton. if hogan was barefoot he would probably be the same height as orton maybe slightly taller

Click Here
viper said on 9/Apr/18
And some people think Hearns is a bit under 6-1, though I think he's a solid 6-1
Undertaker Frank said on 8/Apr/18
Bret Hart was 5ft 11 he looked about 2 inches shorter than Tommy Hitman Hearns whos listed @ 6ft 1
Hart was never 6ft 1
John barrett said on 7/Apr/18
Check the link out it has Hogan teaming with Bret Hart and Iron Mark Sharp in the early 80's in Japan,Hogan at the start of the match stands right next to Bret and he does look 5 or 6 inches taller, Bret is listed on this site as 6 foot but in the early 80's Bret him self was in a lot better shape could have been 6'1? Making Hogan a legit 6'6 or 6'7 man...
Click Here
miko said on 5/Apr/18
Hogan is always a tricky one, I believe if he forced himself tall for a measurement he would measure a lot taller than some on here would expect. When he does stand in good posture, like with HHH last week, he looks over 6'3 and closer to 6'4.

In lazy posture he can look under 6'3 a lot, with all of his injuries it probably hurts and pops a few joints when he forces into military posture. I still think he'd be 6'3.25/6'3.5 if he gave it everything he's got, knees straight, chest out.
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 5/Apr/18
Danimal said on 2/Apr/18
Rare new video of Hogan teaming with Big John Studd in 1983 in Japan. They look to be the same height if not Hogan actually looking taller than Studd. Hogan was every bit 6'6" at that stage of his life. A good comparison is at 4:28 in the video:


Great find!
Shame Studd isn´t standing straight... He has a horrible neck posture but imo still looks same height as Hulk with good posture. Click Here
No doubt Studd is the taller man.
Alan32080 said on 4/Apr/18
@Danimal that’s a really good video and I can see 6’6” Hogan there. Or at least a 6’5.5”. My personal opinion is a 6’6” peak morning and a 6’5.75”-6’5.5” midday
dicksock said on 4/Apr/18
If Hogan has lost height since 2002, it appears HHH has as well.

Here they are in 2002: Click Here
Click Here

Here they are in 2018: Click Here

He looked about 1.5", maybe 2" taller in 2002 if he stood perfectly straight. He looks at least 1.5" taller in 2018.
RP said on 3/Apr/18
Wow! Great find Danimal! Definetly no more than a 0.5" difference (either way) between Hogan & Studd in that video in Japan. Studd was rumored to have started wearing lifts when he came to the WWF in 1984 to look as big as possibly vs Hogan & Andre. That being the reason he would sometimes look 6'7.5" to 6'8" & other times look 6'6.5" -ish ...but super cool find with this video!
dicksock said on 2/Apr/18
So we have Hogan looking around 6'4" next to HHH in 2018, but we have him looking 6'2" next to a 6'4" baseball player (and no, there was nothing wrong with his posture with the baseball player...). Hogan's current height may be the hardest to gauge on this site. He never looked above 6'6" or under 6'5" in his prime, so we can say pretty confidently he was 6'5"-6'6" in his prime. I will stick with 6'3" for his current height, although I wouldn't be shocked if he is 6'2" or 6'4", if that makes any sense. I lean more towards 6'4" though. I did ask 6'4" wrestler Devon Nicholson (Hannibal) about Hogan's current height as he has done recent videos with him. He told me he was 6'4", and he is legit 6'4" himself.
Danimal said on 2/Apr/18
Rare new video of Hogan teaming with Big John Studd in 1983 in Japan. They look to be the same height if not Hogan actually looking taller than Studd. Hogan was every bit 6'6" at that stage of his life. A good comparison is at 4:28 in the video: Click Here
RP said on 30/Mar/18
Has anyone scene the photo of Hogan & Big Show shaking hands @ The Andre HBO premier? Hogan only looked 5-1/2" shorter. Hogan also looked 2" taller than HHH 🤔
RP said on 30/Mar/18
Hulkster looking "over" 6'3" with HHH in that pic.
Canson said on 30/Mar/18
@Heightcrazyred6ft: definitely not 6’8 out of bed tho. My guesses for him would be similar to yours I doubt he’s under 6’3” today but peak I can’t see him as more than maybe 6’5-6’5.5. I think the case can be made for a strong 6’5 maybe mad weak 6’6” but definitely not 6’7”. I can see a 6’6” out of bed maybe at best

@Miko2: I can’t see Triple H that high today at least. Peak maybe was what you said but today 186cm flat imho
RONSTER said on 30/Mar/18
Hogan with Hunter yesterday. Hogan is over 2 inches taller, now don’t go and try to say Hunter is only 6 feet tall when we all know he is over 6’2” barefoot still. Hogan is over 6’4” still and this proves it, it’s jist a photo where he was standing straight.
Miko2 said on 30/Mar/18
Hogan with 6'1.75/6'2 range HHH

Click Here
ohmike said on 29/Mar/18
here is Hogan with Giant Baba , a solid 6'8
Click Here
berta said on 29/Mar/18
197 peak 196,5-198 is the possible range for him, i think.
RONSTER said on 28/Mar/18
I agree, Hogan once you take away Hoff’s Hair is slightly taller there. They would have the same footwear given they were racing cars together I believe. The other thing is that Hogan is slightly taller even though he is bending his knees and leaning down on his bad side like he always does. Hogan straightens up there and he would be 2 inches taller easily and Hoff still hits over 6’3”
RP said on 28/Mar/18
Nah, IMO Hoff is 1/4" taller.
OOFatman said on 28/Mar/18
I haven't posted on here in years. I would say about 6'3" today and 6'5.5" peak Brother! ;)
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 28/Mar/18
Click Here
Don´t know about footwear, but actually looks taller than the Hoff here
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 26/Mar/18
Canson said on 21/Mar/18
@Henry: Hulk being 6’6” out of bed is more likely than 6’8”. He was a 6’5 range guy at his peak. 6’6.5 out of bed is possible as is 6’5.75 meaning he could be a solid 6’5 up to a weak 6’6 guy perhaps (more likely a strong 6’5 though).


Exactly, 6´6.5"-6´5.5" morning - evening, no chance for 6´7" or 6´8"

He´s lost near 3inches today
Click Here
RONSTER said on 21/Mar/18
Hogan's posture and bent knees along with leaning to one side is obviously why he appears in the 6'2"-3" range often and I have been saying this for a long time. I even saw it for myself 3 years ago when I met him and took pictures with him in Montreal. Only the usual posters on every page of this website continue to use such pictures as their so called proof that Hogan was/is shorter than he really is. He still stands well over 6'4" when he straightens up, which you see whenever he starts to walk, then once he stops he bends his knees again and leans down on one side dropping himself 2 inches easily.
Alan32080 said on 21/Mar/18
I met Tony Atlas about 14 years ago at Ft. Bragg directly after returning from my 5th Deployment total and my 2nd in Iraq. He was there wrestling for a show that got moved from Ft Jackson due to us getting rolled for a month over there. He was 6’2” maybe 6’1.75” not much off me. His arms were huge. I can’t see anything more than 6’6” peak Hogan prime mid day. No way did he wake up at 6’8”. Maybe 6’6.5”
miko said on 21/Mar/18
A 6'8 prime Hogan puts Sid at 6'10 and Kevin Nash over 7 feet tall. All three heights are ridiculous.
Canson said on 21/Mar/18
@Henry: Hulk being 6’6” out of bed is more likely than 6’8”. He was a 6’5 range guy at his peak. 6’6.5 out of bed is possible as is 6’5.75 meaning he could be a solid 6’5 up to a weak 6’6 guy perhaps (more likely a strong 6’5 though).
RP said on 21/Mar/18
Henry, no 🤦‍♂️
RP said on 20/Mar/18
Hogan was never more than 4"-4.5" taller than Tony Atlas...EVER!!! 6" taller is ridiculous !
Henry said on 20/Mar/18
Rob, it's time to give a HUGE upgrade to Hogan's peak height. John John Matuszak also needs a height upgrade because he was measured 6.7.5" barefoot.
Hogan towered over Buster Douglas and Richard Beltzer like a giant despite having footwear disadvantages with both.
Hogan was 6'8 1/4" barefoot right out of bed after 12 hours of sleep just before he started his wrestling career.
Sal29 said on 20/Mar/18
Hulk Hogan had already lost a TREMENDOUS amount of height by the WCW days.
Hogan TOWERED about 6 inches above Tony Atlas in the 1980s.
In the WCW, Tony Atlas looked EYE TO EYE with Vader, and Hogan ALSO looked EYE TO EYE with Vader.
Vader vs Tony Atlas in WCW.
Click Here
Hogan vs Vader in WCW
Click Here
Hogan vs Tony Atlas in the 1980s
Click Here
I showed my chiropractor videos of Hulk Hogan's leg drops an talked about his height loss, surgeries, and his spine getting curved.
My chiropractor said that IN HIS EXPERT OPINION, that Hogan was losing height WITH EVERY SINGLE LEG DROP even if it was only 1/2000th of an inch per leg drop.
So Hogan's TRUE PEAK HEIGHT was ONLY before he did his FIRST leg drop.
Canson said on 18/Mar/18
@Viper: interesting! I think my style is a bit different tho than that guy
Canson said on 17/Mar/18
@Viper and Danimal: I can agree he looks 6’2” at times myself. But I can see his horrendous posture too. 6’3” is a safe estimate imho if he stands his best only because he may still hit they mark but I honestly can rule anything much higher than that out. His peak in undecided on. He can look 6’5 mostly and don’t think he was below that peak but at times he can look 6’5.5. My guess was somewhere around strong 6’5 peak maybe and the 6’6” could be out of bed meaning a morning measurement a couple hours out of bed he could likely still hold 197cm
Canson said on 17/Mar/18
@62B: Hogan’s height is tricky because of his poor posture. I can agree with Alan32080 on that he looks horrible even on tv. Maybe he gives the appearance of being sub 6’3” but at the same time Alan’s estimate is as high as he could conceivably be meaning 6’3.5-6’4 out of bed and 6’3ish at night is where I would’ve guessed him
Canson said on 17/Mar/18
@Alan32080: in 62B’s defense tho he may come down to a flat 6’3”. I remember you mentioned you met him in the AM. You said you come down to 6’2 2/3 tho too?
viper said on 17/Mar/18
Canson I think his posture looks fine there
Canson said on 16/Mar/18
@Viper: he’s got notoriously poor posture and doesn’t stand straight which is why he looks that short. I can buy 6’3” for him today (6’5” peak) but 6’2” looks too low
62B said on 16/Mar/18
@ Alan32080. This is all I said. "Do we know if Dusty is wearing cleats? If not it is for sure hard to put Hulk much above 6'2" today". And yes I was in the US Army.
62B said on 16/Mar/18
Alan32080 said on 14/Mar/18
@62B. I call BS. He may have gotten down to 6’3.25” but I doubt it. Pictures give illusions. He is taller than me! I’m 6’3” so explain how a man can be 1/2”-1” taller than a 6’3” man face to face in F-ing flip flops while I had tennis shoes on?? Please enlighten me!! I’m a proud member of the Law Enforcement community for 14 years and former combat paratrooper for the 82nd Airborne as well as a intelligence agent for the D.O.D. I have been trained to know height, weight, body mass, eye color, Hair color (original) and many other human habits to describe to a F-ing tee a person on paper for intelligence and monitoring. So again, explain to me how this man can be 6’2” tall when I’m 6’3”?? Have you been trained by the US Govt or US Army? Or LEO? I read these comments and see the pictures and all I can say is pictures are garbage for height comparison. Put your eyes on the man stand in front of him face to face then come back with your guess.

Relax. I was just giving my opinion based off of what seems to be his most recent pictures. I saw him in 1980 and he was about an inch taller than my 6'4" Grandfather. Today my guess is Hulk is between 6'2" and 6'3". Its just a guess. I know you are adamant with your guess based off of seeing him in person. I am the same way with Andre.
RP said on 16/Mar/18
One thing that does give your statements great credibility is this:
I also noticed in a recent interview with Ric Flair & the gentleman giving the interview... they were all standing up chatting before they took their seats for the interview. It's was for about 30 can see this scene in the full length video. Hulk is slouched, leaning a lot with a Severely bent left knee 98% of the time looking 5" taller than Flair & 3" taller than the interviewer. Then Hulk suddenly took a deep breath & actually stood completely straight & erect for about 3-5 seconds before laughing at a story Ric was telling. And BAM! He was suddenly, magically like 2" taller!! He looked 7" taller than Flair & 5" taller than the interviewer at that point for a brief 3-5 seconds. However, he only maintained that Perfect posture for like I said 3-5 seconds. Then he returned to his near crippling looking posture. I honestly believe after watching that last night on YouTube ...that we now have two versions of Hulkster. Perfect posture Hulkster...and the relaxed & broken down posture Hulkster. One looks 6'4"...the other looks 6'2". Its sad ...because with every passing day, it's getting more difficult and becoming progressively extremely rare that we get to see the Hulkster standing in perfect fully erect posture mode. Much like Andre in the last few years of his life.
Danimal said on 15/Mar/18
viper said on 14/Mar/18
Good chance Dusty isn't even 6-4.

Hogan has been 6-2 for a while now seeing him with Troy Aikman

Good to see you still around old friend. I think he's lost even more height since the Aikman pic. It baffles me that people look at the current pic I provided as well as the recent one of him with Lou Ferrigno yet still want to claim he is 6'3" or over.
viper said on 14/Mar/18
Good chance Dusty isn't even 6-4.

Hogan has been 6-2 for a while now seeing him with Troy Aikman
Alan32080 said on 14/Mar/18
@62B. I call BS. He may have gotten down to 6’3.25” but I doubt it. Pictures give illusions. He is taller than me! I’m 6’3” so explain how a man can be 1/2”-1” taller than a 6’3” man face to face in F-ing flip flops while I had tennis shoes on?? Please enlighten me!! I’m a proud member of the Law Enforcement community for 14 years and former combat paratrooper for the 82nd Airborne as well as a intelligence agent for the D.O.D. I have been trained to know height, weight, body mass, eye color, Hair color (original) and many other human habits to describe to a F-ing tee a person on paper for intelligence and monitoring. So again, explain to me how this man can be 6’2” tall when I’m 6’3”?? Have you been trained by the US Govt or US Army? Or LEO? I read these comments and see the pictures and all I can say is pictures are garbage for height comparison. Put your eyes on the man stand in front of him face to face then come back with your guess.
62B said on 13/Mar/18
Danimal said on 12/Mar/18
BRAND NEW PIC from 2 DAYS AGO of Hogan with 6'4" Dusty Wathan (baseball player for the Phillies):
Click Here

THE DEBATE IS OVER FOR HIS CURRENT HEIGHT!!!!! I've said it all along. He's around 6'2" today (AND he has a bigger heel than Dusty). A prime Hogan would have had about 2" on Dusty. Rob, you need to lower his current height.

Do we know if Dusty is wearing cleats? If not it is for sure hard to put Hulk much above 6'2" today
RP said on 13/Mar/18
Danimal, I'd go 6'2.5" & 255 lbs based on the Philly photos.
David Banner said on 12/Mar/18
@RP - someone finally making some sense! I wish people would realize he is under 6’3”
I think he’s around 6’2.5” tops now based on all the evidence and I still think not more than 6’4” peak.
Danimal said on 12/Mar/18
BRAND NEW PIC from 2 DAYS AGO of Hogan with 6'4" Dusty Wathan (baseball player for the Phillies):
Click Here

THE DEBATE IS OVER FOR HIS CURRENT HEIGHT!!!!! I've said it all along. He's around 6'2" today (AND he has a bigger heel than Dusty). A prime Hogan would have had about 2" on Dusty. Rob, you need to lower his current height.
Myself said on 11/Mar/18
Does anybody know what was the reason for his neck surgeries and if they could have contributed to his loss of height?
RP said on 11/Mar/18
Joey33... and with Pat Neschek listed @ 6'3". Charlie at his advanced age is more like 6'3" now too.
And the majority of MLB players tend to list their heights with shoes on. He's honestly looking 6'2.5" now =(
RONSTER said on 10/Mar/18
So the pictures with Brutus, Macho and Matuszak prove Hogan was at least 6’7” tall. The second photo with Brutus shows how Hogan has dropped a good 3” but they are nowhere near the same height, Hogan has him by 2” easily still.
RP said on 10/Mar/18
Hate to say it!...but, he only looked 6'2-1/2" with Some Philadelphia Phillies players at Sprimg Training a couple of days ago.
Danimal said on 9/Mar/18
Hulk Hogan next to legit 6'2" Ed Leslie (Brutus Beefcake) who was billed 6'4" in the late 70's:
Click Here
Click Here

Hogan with Ed Leslie a few years ago. If Ed stood straight they'd be the same height today:
Click Here
Danimal said on 9/Mar/18
Hogan in 1989 next face to face with Macho Man Randy Savage: Click Here
Danimal said on 9/Mar/18
Here you go kiddies. Hulk Hogan in the late 70's/early 80's with LEGIT 6'7" John Matuszak: Click Here
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 8/Mar/18
Out of bed: 200.4cm
Before bed: 197.7cm
miko said on 6/Mar/18
That statue is 7'4, not 6'10/11. Take 5 inches off that statue and it'd look the same as it did in 1987.
Canson said on 3/Mar/18
I still have a hard time seeing 6’6” let alone 6’7. 6’5 range easily at his peak and maybe he scraped 6’6” when he woke up
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 1/Mar/18
Danimal said on 28/Feb/18

Now are you ready for it kids? This is how Hogan of TODAY would stand up to Andre the Giant. Notice how much shorter his legs and upper body is compared to how it used to be. I would bet all my savings that he's lucky if he's 6'2" today:
Click Here


The Andre statue is build at the 7´4" billed height...
Danimal said on 28/Feb/18
How Hogan used to stand up next to Andre in the 1980's when Hogan was scraping that 6'6" mark barefoot. Some of the pics are pre back surgery for Andre and some are post. Pay attention not only to where the top of Hogan's head would come up to on Andre, but also look at how long Hogan's legs used to be. His femur bone/hips are nowhere as long as they were pre-hip surgery and his upper torso is compressed, as is his neck. His knees are also buckled :
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here

Now are you ready for it kids? This is how Hogan of TODAY would stand up to Andre the Giant. Notice how much shorter his legs and upper body is compared to how it used to be. I would bet all my savings that he's lucky if he's 6'2" today:
Click Here
Canson said on 27/Feb/18
@Alan32080: that was well said! My 6’3” guess would be an afternoon height for him whereas an out of bed to me looks maybe best 6’4” or 6’3.75 imho. But what You said he prob hovers around 6’3 at night still on a bad day
RP said on 27/Feb/18
Shouldn't a person's "true" height, be their daily mean (average) barefoot height through out the day?
If you're 5'11-1/2" in the morning fresh out of bed, and you are 5'11" late at night just before bedtime? Then your true height would be 5'11-1/4"? Since throughout the day, if you were to be measured every hour on the hour ...this is what you would average out at? Just getting your opinion? Because, this is the views & option of a physician friend of mine?
Canson said on 25/Feb/18
I agree with Heightcrazyred’s estimate
Alan32080 said on 25/Feb/18
@HeightcrazyRed6ft I can agree with your estimates as they are almost spot on with my opinion. As a 6’3” man when I met him he was taller.
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 24/Feb/18
possible ranges imo
out of bed 6´6"-6´6.25"
evening 6´5"-6´5.5"

out of bed 6´3.5"-6´4"
evening 6´2.75"-6´3.25"
Canson said on 24/Feb/18
@Ronster: yea he’s tough to pinpoint but in fairness because he has abysmal posture. Likely a lot of it stemming from the Vertebrae he had removed tho
Canson said on 24/Feb/18
@62B: I think out of all of the wrestlers he’s the hardest to actually pinpoint a height for. I would think today 6’3 max as he can even look 6’2” range at times like Christian said below. He had notoriously bad posture. I saw where Alan32080 met him and said he’s around 6’3.5 or so as well. I actually see a peak for him around the same as you had him tho about 6’5 maybe a strong 6’5”. He never looked as tall as the Undertaker or Kane etc imho
62B said on 23/Feb/18
RONSTER said on 22/Feb/18
Canson, I believe and it’s based on actually having seen him up close in 1987 and again meeting him in 2014 after his big back surgery that he was 6’7” barefoot in the 80’s, if not he was at least 6’6.5”, I agree his mom may have rounded up. Also he was for sure min 6’4-6’5” barefoot in 2014. Also, his weight fluctuates but he was easily 310-320 lbs in the 80’s and now is no less than 280-290lbs, he is massive in every way.

Any chance he was wearing lifts when you saw him in 1987? He just wasnt that much taller than my 6'4" and change Grandfather in the early 80's (80-81). 6'5.5" is the most I would give him
miko said on 22/Feb/18
I like Hogan, but he might not have even been 6'6 out of bed let alone 6'7 in the day.
RONSTER said on 22/Feb/18
Canson, I believe and it’s based on actually having seen him up close in 1987 and again meeting him in 2014 after his big back surgery that he was 6’7” barefoot in the 80’s, if not he was at least 6’6.5”, I agree his mom may have rounded up. Also he was for sure min 6’4-6’5” barefoot in 2014. Also, his weight fluctuates but he was easily 310-320 lbs in the 80’s and now is no less than 280-290lbs, he is massive in every way.
Undertaker Frank said on 21/Feb/18
I agree sometimes Hogan looks really tall I seen early Matches with Kamala whos 6ft 4 and fought barefoot Hogan with Wrestling Boots look like an inch taller And the Match with 6ft 3 Rick Rude Hogan looked about an inch taller Thats why i have trouble putting Hogan over 6ft 5
Canson said on 20/Feb/18
@Ronster: you believe he was a barefoot 6’7” at some point? Meaning close to or full-on 6’8” out of bed?
RP said on 20/Feb/18
Ronster, I truly believe Lloyd in his late prime years was 6'0.5" to 6'0.75" barefoot & a weak 6'2" in shoes. And Hogan truly only looks 5" taller than Lloyd in the scenes & still shots when they are both in Tux & dress shoes. I truly only see 5". That still gives you a 6'5.5" to 6'5.75" Hulk Hogan in 1990-91. And puts Hogan 6'7" in most foot wear.
Alan32080 said on 20/Feb/18
I don’t think he ever hit 6’7” barefoot. Maybe in shoes at 22 years old. At most 6’6” barefoot maybe 6’6.5” out of bed at 22. I still think he’s 6’3.5”-6’4” now morning height on good days and not under 6’3” on bad days. 6’7” could have been what he was measured by his mother since she was shorter and pencil was angled up.
RONSTER said on 19/Feb/18
RP, when you want to be serious then comment on something, saying there was only 5 inches between Hogan and Lloyd while also trying to make Christopher an inch shorter than he was is rediculous. Anyone can see Hogan is well over a half foot taller, in fact I noticed right after the pictures from that site proving Hogan was easily 6’7” barefoot minimum the usual posters immediately began their crusade to make everyone else in the pics out to be shorter lol.
Canson said on 19/Feb/18
@Red: that sucks! Hope all is well now. Yea I understand what you meant about Hogan. He was noticeably taller than today. Maybe his posture is very poor but looks as if he can barely clear 6’3” today imho. Other times can look 6’2” range like Christian said as well
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 18/Feb/18
Canson said on 17/Feb/18
@Heightcrazyred6ft: did you just have a microdisectomy or something a bit more invasive?

My lowest disc literally exploded during a judo tournament, surgery was rather big to remove the parts from the nerve, without fusion or replacement.
According to morning MRT its about 8mm less space laying down.

I was talking about 1990-1992 Hogan, he had no heightreducing surgery back then. Hulk still looked Scott Halls height during NWO. He started to look noticeable shorter at around 2000-2001
Canson said on 17/Feb/18
@Heightcrazyred6ft: did you just have a microdisectomy or something a bit more invasive? Hogan I saw where Alan32080 told me he had vertebrae removed which would surely cause loss but he had a fusion which would mitigate some of the loss he may have sustained from the disc deterororation
RP said on 16/Feb/18
Suburban Commando was filrned in Summer 1990 after Hulk Hogan had lost the WWF World Title to The Ultimate Warrior at Wrestlemania in April 1990. And was then released in theaters 1991.
1990 Hulk Hogan: 6'5.5"
1990 Christopher Lloyd: 6'0.5"
Canson said on 15/Feb/18
@Danimal: I’d def believe a peak hogan is 6’5” And much taller than Hackman but In that pic we can’t see the difference to a T due to footwear
Canson said on 15/Feb/18
I agree with Red max 6’5-6’5.5 peak. More likely isn’t over 6’5.25 max at a low back then
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 14/Feb/18
Danimal said on 13/Feb/18
With then 6'1" Christopher Lloyd (yes he has slight ground advantage, but I'm sorry, he's looking like a legit 6'6" man barefoot there: Click Here

Both in dressshoes
Click Here

Lloyd was already 52yrs and it´s questionable if he ever was a full 6´1".
The movie came out in 1991...

Sid (Rob listed 6´6.5") had 1.5" on Hogan the same year...

So doing the math from there, Sid 6´6.5", Hogan 6´5", Lloyd 6´0.25"
Sounds pretty good, I wouldn´t go under this...

I don´t think Hogan lost much height in 1991 age 38. He of course would´ve some kind of damaged discs, but IMO that wouldn´t cost him any noticeable eveningheight.

I did not lose anything regarding eveningheight after disc surgery, only right out of bed height went down about 6mm.

Peak Hogan was between 6´5" and 6´5.5" eveningheight, I think that could be called fact.
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 14/Feb/18
Danimal said on 14/Feb/18
Hulk Hogan with 6'2" Gene Hackman (Present day Hogan would be barely taller than Gene at that time): Click Here

Click Here

Smith is max 6´1.5" in 1998, could be 6´1-1.25", Hackmann is no less than 1.25" shorter at age 57-58...

I don´t think he already lost 2" in 1998 , max 6´1.5" peak evening for Hackman
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 14/Feb/18
Click Here

Smith is max 6´1.5" in 1998, could be 6´1-1.25", Hackmann is no less than 1.25" shorter at age 57-58...

I don´t think he already lost 2" in 1998 , max 6´1.5" peak evening for Hackman
Danimal said on 14/Feb/18
Hulk Hogan with 6'2" Gene Hackman (Present day Hogan would be barely taller than Gene at that time): Click Here
Danimal said on 13/Feb/18
Hulk pre-height loss with THEN minimum 6'2" Donald Trump (he's easily 6'6" barefoot there): Click Here
With then 6'1" Christopher Lloyd (yes he has slight ground advantage, but I'm sorry, he's looking like a legit 6'6" man barefoot there: Click Here
Agent Orange said on 13/Feb/18
Agree with Christian and Danimal 6’3 today tops.
Canson said on 13/Feb/18
@Christian: best case today imho is a hair over 6’3” at a low. I saw where Alan32080 guesses 6’3.5. To me looks classic 6’3” in pics but that’s prob a low. I think a peak is 6’5” range maybe a guy who woke up to 6’6” and 6’5.25 at a low or was 6’5 flat at a low
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 12/Feb/18

I don’t see Hogan being anything above 6’3” today in those pics.
Danimal said on 12/Feb/18
Hogan and LEGIT 6'5" men before Hogan's height loss:

With legit 6'5" Jake the Snake Roberts in his prime:
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
With minimum 6'5" (some say he was even taller) Hillbilly Jim:
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here (and 6'5" on his left Barry Windham)
Click Here
With legit 6'5" sports broadcaster Dick Graham:
Click Here
With legit 6'6" Akeem (One Man Gang):
Click Here
With 6'5.75" John Tenta (Earthquake):
Click Here
JT said on 11/Feb/18
Interesting find there, Miko. Assuming Hogan filled it out, he's no taller than 6'5", which is what I've always believed. Andre put 7'4" on his wrestling licenses Click Here Click Here so there's no requirement that the wrestler be honest when filling these out.
Danimal said on 11/Feb/18
Present day Hogan with
6'1" Tito Ortiz: Click Here
6'5" Peyton Manning: Click Here
6'3.5" Troy Aikman (6 years ago):
Click Here (look how short Hogan's thighs/hips are today)
Click Here
6'2" Bill Goldberg: Click Here
6'0.5" John Cena:
Click Here
Click Here
6'2" Rock and 6'0" Steve Austin (4 years ago): Click Here
6'2"-6'3" Lou Ferrigno: Click Here
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 11/Feb/18
max 6´5.5" peak evening and 6´5" flat early nineties. 6´4.5" late nineties, down to 6´3-3.5".

Full 6´6" peak evening is to high for him.
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 11/Feb/18

People who shrink usually still claim their peak height. Miko has a good point. No legit 6’6” man would ever list himself as 6’5” unless if there was a maximum height limit (like for a movie role or being a pilot) but in Hogan’s case there’s no height limit of being a wrestler. I really think you should give him at most a 6’5.75” listing. A lot of posters here don’t think he was ever a solid 6’6” either.
Danimal said on 11/Feb/18
LEGIT 6'5" journalist/broadcaster/commentator/reporter interviewing Hulk Hogan at his absolute prime in 1980. Even if Hogan had the footwear (we don't know if he did seeing he's in street clothes and this before he became larger than life) and camera angle advantage, he was easily 6'6" barefoot back then. Hogan would be looking up to that interviewer today as crazy as that sounds.
Click Here
RP said on 10/Feb/18
Rob, 1995 would Actually be 17 years of full time wrestling for Hulk Hogan. So, yes...minor height loss by the mid 90's is very possibly & likely. IMO...from 1985 to 1995 he lost about 0.5" to 0.75" inch of height. And 30-40 lbs of body weight.
Canson said on 10/Feb/18
@Miko: I believe that was his barefoot height all along. He mentioned before in the 90s in an interview when someone said he was 6’7” to him he corrected the interviewer and he said he was 6’5”. Maybe a strong 6’5 but doubt much higher than that
miko said on 9/Feb/18
Not drivers license, wrestlers license haha
miko said on 9/Feb/18
Rob, here is a signed drivers license by Hogan in 1995, stating his own height at the time as 6'5.

Click Here

Maybe a little more proof that he wasn't a full 6'6 in his prime.
Editor Rob
10 years of wrestling could easily knock height from Hogan, an early 80's versus early 90's may not have been the same height.
Canson said on 9/Feb/18
@Alan32080: you have an inversion table? I’ve heard some say that works well (not much height related but for back issues mainly severe disc compression say nerve impingement). I’ve never really tried it other than when my chiropractor but me on something similar once which was a machine. As far as me my back is actually pretty straight too. I measure 6’5-6’5 1/8 out of bed and hold around 6’4 1/4-3/8 for most of the day. I’ve noticed standing more for my back helps but I’d be 193.7 at night vs .9.
Alan32080 said on 8/Feb/18
@Canson honestly this might sound crazy but I get on my stretch table and bend around and stretch and I think that keeps me pretty straight.
Canson said on 7/Feb/18
@Alan32080: that’s actually not bad at all in terms of loss. From 6’3.5 out of bed. You lose yours relatively slowly
RP said on 6/Feb/18
@ Heightcrazyred...oh yes, he was much lighter than 267 lbs in 1993-1994...he was in the 245-255 lbs range then. He did a lot of movie & TV filming in 1993 & 1994. While wrestling during those 2 years he hung around 255-ish, maxing out @ 260. While filming his TV show & movies he'd be 245-ish ...he had even admitted once himself, that while filming Thunder In Paradise...he had dropped down as low as 239-240 lbs briefly.
Alan32080 said on 6/Feb/18
@Canson I measured myself yesterday morning and I’m 6’4 1/4” in my shoes and 6’3” barefoot. That was at 11 in the morning. I measured myself at 10 at night and I was 6’3.75” and 6’2.68”.
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 5/Feb/18
RP said on 28/Jan/18
He was 267 lbs with no shoes, but with clothes ...and sleeveless tee shirt at that, with the Fannie Pack...that's about 3 lbs, so, naked about 264 lbs. he have the 6'4-1/2" & 290 lbs statement before the 90 day diet & training regimen...if also clothed "let's say 286-287"...?? So, he basically lost from 13+% to 11.6% bodyfat & dropped from 286/287 lbs to 263/264 lbs in about 3 months.


But it reads 13.0% bodyfat with a Total mass of 121.2kg (267lbs)

He looked even less than 267lbs in 1993
Canson said on 5/Feb/18
@Alan32080: you do pretty well if that’s the case. I lose all of mine within about 7 hours. Typically no more than 8 if I’m on my feet at work. And between 7-8 it’s only the last 1-2mm. Otherwise if I got to the gym I lose it. But I’m losing a full 2cm a day or 1.9cm others
Alan32080 said on 2/Feb/18
@Canson I’m pretty fit and do a lot of cardio and a little lifting but not heavy weight. I may drop down to 6’2.75” at night or somewhere in that ballpark. He had bad posture but I noticed when he would get close to me and others on my team that are of close height he would adjust his posture to almost mimic us around him. When he stood next to my 6’5” team member he was standing straight as he could with his head looking straight and looked less than a inch shorter and when my guy relaxed a bit they looked pretty close in height. I will say even when both were standing straight they were eye to eye. Almost looked like Hogan’s neck was shorter. I say 6’.3.5” now and agree with you at the 6’5.5” to 6’6” prime. Never 6’7” or higher. That’s definitely a shoe and boot measurement.
Canson said on 2/Feb/18
@Alan32080: that’s believable when he said he may have gained back some height. He would lose from age and the vertebrae removed but would gain some of what he lost from the disc deterioration from the fusion of the discs. A relative of mine has a fusion (2 level) and gained 1.5” back after hers. When hogan mentioned he was 6’7 then down to 6’4 then back to 6’5 those could be related to the fusions he had but I bet the heights he claims are shoe heights. Maybe peak 6’7” means more 6’5-6’5.5 barefoot is what I’m thinking. And today could be closer to where you had him and be close to 6’5” with shoes. Do you drop below 6’3 at your low?
Canson said on 2/Feb/18
@Christian: I think 6’2 range may be with his poor posture but 6’3 is about where I had him from pics
Alan32080 said on 1/Feb/18
@Christian-6’5 3/8” Hogan was wearing flip flops at first then when he went on the range to shoot he had some low profile adidas. No way for lifts in those shoes and most of our interaction was before he put shoes on.
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 31/Jan/18

Did you pay attention to Hogan's footwear though? He might've had thicker footwear than you since he like to wear Jordan sneakers a lot.
Alan32080 said on 31/Jan/18
@Canson he told us he had 2 vertebrae removed and 3 fused. He has very nasty scaring on his back.
tree said on 31/Jan/18
Henry said on 30/Jan/18
So you're basically saying that John Matuszak was 6'5 1/2" tall because Hogan is clearly slightly taller than him?

[quote]tree:Mr T was 5ft10.5 and he comes up till hogan lips that makes Hogan 6ft6[/quote]

Matuszak is looking down with Mr t he is loosing a little height,if he would look straight ahead T would be around his mouth.
Alan32080 said on 30/Jan/18
6’6” peak 6’3.5 - 6’4” current. He’s not down to 6’3” yet. Rob I understand you haven’t met him but the guy is not that low now. Minimum 6’3.5”. I’m 6’3” barefoot. Measured by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement Physicians. That’s a 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. measurement and he was indeed taller that me. Please upgrade him to at least 6’3.25” but I stand firm on the 6’3.5”. It’s my job to size people up for profile log and I’m not wrong. They train us to accurately describe a person on paper when getting warrants. That’s weight, height, build, posture, eye color and hair etc..... he’s still a pretty big guy for mid 60’s.
Canson said on 30/Jan/18
@Alan32080: I agree not 6’4.5 barefoot. I surely could see 6’3.5 and maybe 6’4.5 with shoes as more possibility than 6’4.5 barefoot. But he can look 6’3” or less at times. I think under 6’3” appearance is due to his poor posture tho. I wonder what type of back surgery he’s had tho whether they fused or if he just had herniated discs that were reduced. I saw an episode of Walker Texas Ranger where he was on and he did look near what he did peak but that’s in the 90s. Maybe looked 6’4” there or more. His height is hard to pinpoint as was when he lost his height because he wore boots peak so many thought he was taller at a younger age than he was. I see some say 6’7” or more. I couldn’t see him over 6’5 range peak but a decent 6’5” would make him 6’7” in the boots he wore.
Canson said on 30/Jan/18
@Alan32080: I agree not 6’4.5 barefoot. I surely could see 6’3.5 and maybe 6’4.5 with shoes as more possibility than 6’4.5 barefoot. But he can look 6’3” or less at times. I think under appearance is due to his poor posture tho. I wonder what type of back surgery he’s had tho whether they fused or if he just had herniated discs that were reduced. I saw an episode of Walker Texas Ranger where he was on and he did look near what he did peak but that’s in the 90s. Maybe looked 6’4” there or more. His height is hard to pinpoint as was when he lost his height because he wore boots peak so many thought he was taller at a younger age than he was. I see some say 6’7” or more. I couldn’t see him over 6’5 range peak but a decent 6’5” would make him 6’7” in the boots he wore.
Henry said on 30/Jan/18
So you're basically saying that John Matuszak was 6'5 1/2" tall because Hogan is clearly slightly taller than him?

[quote]tree:Mr T was 5ft10.5 and he comes up till hogan lips that makes Hogan 6ft6[/quote]
Alan32080 said on 30/Jan/18
I agree he isn’t 6’4 1/2” tall. He didn’t look that tall when I met him. I would say 6’4” max and 6’3.5” at low.
RP said on 30/Jan/18
Belzer came up to the tip of Hogan's nose...not his eyes...but, also not his mouth/lips either. Belzer was also not a true barefoot 6'1". He was a weak 6'0" barefoot & 6'1" in shoes. But, again...that puts Hogan in that photo in the 6'6" range. Maybe 6'5-3/4" at the lowest there?? 6'8" is ridiculous! Not even in cowboy boots...only 6'7-1/2" to 6'7-3/4" in cowboy boots.
Canson said on 29/Jan/18
6’4.5 looks awfully high today to tell you the truth. I could almost buy that in shoes in the morning but barefoot that’s hard to believe. But he does have poor posture and looks terrible physically so I believe he doesn’t stand completely straight so maybe the 6’2+ he gives off is low and he’s 6’3 range
tree said on 29/Jan/18
Henry said on 29/Jan/18
A lot of great photos here showing that peak Hogan was MUCH MUCH taller than many minimizes claim.
Click Here
That article is BS Richard Belzer was 6ft1 and the top of his head comes up to Hogan eyes not his nose i think it pretty obvious,that makes Hogan 6ft6

Also Shaq is not 7t2 he is just over 7feet and Hulk was closer to the cam with him,Mr T was 5ft10.5 and he comes up till hogan lips that makes Hogan 6ft6
Also Hogan sad that he was 6ft7 when he was young,so you can forget about 6ft8.

In that article the height of a couple of people is also inflated,but i am not in the mood to get into more details i think its obvious Hulk was not 6ft8.
Henry said on 29/Jan/18
A lot of great photos here showing that peak Hogan was MUCH MUCH taller than many minimizes claim.
Click Here
RP said on 28/Jan/18
He was 267 lbs with no shoes, but with clothes ...and sleeveless tee shirt at that, with the Fannie Pack...that's about 3 lbs, so, naked about 264 lbs. he have the 6'4-1/2" & 290 lbs statement before the 90 day diet & training regimen...if also clothed "let's say 286-287"...?? So, he basically lost from 13+% to 11.6% bodyfat & dropped from 286/287 lbs to 263/264 lbs in about 3 months. He is definitely noticeably thinner in the after photos & video. IMO, Hulk Just gave his own height on the video of 6'4-1/2" (w/Shoes)....just my opinion though.
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 28/Jan/18
Alan32080 said on 27/Jan/18
@62B if you pause the video it shows it to the right of the weight in inches. In says 76.5”. Not a sneaker measurement. They scan your body not stand you up and measure. This is probably the absolute most accurate height, weight, body fat scan you can do. I’m sure a lot on here will say something negative but Ive personally been on one of these machines and they put your feet against a plate and scan bottom to top. It has to be accurate to get the accurate result.


Others just gave their height and weight and only got the bodyfat from the device...
As long as we don´t see him being measured the 6´4.5" there´s no proof

There´s no plate in the device as you claim...

The Data says he´s 6´4.5" and 290lbs... right?
That´s just what Hulk claimed...

The measured bodymass is 121,2kg so 267 pounds including some clothes... so he´s still kayfabing his stats as the business raised him to.
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 28/Jan/18
Alan32080 said on 27/Jan/18
@62B if you pause the video it shows it to the right of the weight in inches. In says 76.5”. Not a sneaker measurement. They scan your body not stand you up and measure. This is probably the absolute most accurate height, weight, body fat scan you can do. I’m sure a lot on here will say something negative but Ive personally been on one of these machines and they put your feet against a plate and scan bottom to top. It has to be accurate to get the accurate result.


Others just gave their height and weight and only got the bodyfat from the device...
As long as we don´t see him being measured the 6´4.5" there´s no proof
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 28/Jan/18

Hogan was never measured in that video. And I didn't see a stadiometer in the doctor's office so he probably just asked Hogan's height and he claimed 6'4.5" Also if you read the description here he claimed 6'5" in 2011 so that's probably where the 6'4.5" claim came from.
Alan32080 said on 27/Jan/18
@62B if you pause the video it shows it to the right of the weight in inches. In says 76.5”. Not a sneaker measurement. They scan your body not stand you up and measure. This is probably the absolute most accurate height, weight, body fat scan you can do. I’m sure a lot on here will say something negative but Ive personally been on one of these machines and they put your feet against a plate and scan bottom to top. It has to be accurate to get the accurate result.
RP said on 26/Jan/18
6'4-1/2" in sneakers, IMO.
62B said on 26/Jan/18
Henry said on 26/Jan/18
A doctor measures the Hulksters height, weight and bodyfat in 2012 here.
Go to about 2:50 into the code and you can pause it.
He was measured at 6'4 1/2" 290 lbs about 6 years ago.
Click Here

I didn't see anywhere when they showed Hogan being measured
Henry said on 26/Jan/18
A doctor measures the Hulksters height, weight and bodyfat in 2012 here.
Go to about 2:50 into the code and you can pause it.
He was measured at 6'4 1/2" 290 lbs about 6 years ago.
Click Here
62B said on 22/Jan/18
dicksock said on 19/Jan/18
62B said on 19/Jan/18

Another poster on here. I believe JoeyB has pictures with him. Sing looks maybe 6' with him, but Joey said he though he might be 6'1"


Sting was definitely about 6'2" in his prime. He may be down to 6'1.5" or something now. He was barely shorter than 6'3" guys like Vader and was very very close in height with 6'2.5" minimum Lex Luger. Click Here

Speaking of Luger, here is a video I had never seen of him in Memphis with Jerry Lawler. Click Here

Lawler actually asks him about his height and measures his arms and chest. When asked about his height, Luger says 6'5", and to be honest he is about 6" taller than Lawler when he stretches to his full height. Lawler was at least 5'10". Luger does have a little footwear advantage though. I think it's possible Luger was 6'3" and Sting was 6'2.5" in their primes. Sting usually wore big heels though, so it's hard to tell. By the way, I definitely think those were his legit measurements in that video. He was huge at that time.

Lex would not have been the full 6'3". I was the full 6'3" and he was visibly shorter than me to my friends. Max he was 6'2.75" min 6'2.25".
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 22/Jan/18
Hogan was on tape described by Carsten Schaefer(german wwf/wwe commentator)at " 6´6"-6´6.75" dependig on how thick his soles are".
Joeyb33 said on 22/Jan/18
@RP I would put Sting at just about 6 foot 1, Hulk straight at maybe 6 foot 3.25 and then Flair at 5 foot 9. My wife pictured in the pictures is 5 foot 6.

From the other guys I met (I have pics on many of their pages if you scroll through)... Orton 6 foot 4, Reigns 6 foot 2.25, Rollins just under 6 foot 1, Cena 6 foot flat and Daniel Bryan at 5 foot 7.5.
RP said on 22/Jan/18
Taking footwear into consideration...what would you tab Hogan & Sting at? Sting looks 6'1" at best with you? Hogan, if losing 0.5" in footwear, if we straighten out Hulkster's lean & straighten him out to equal your posture?...he appears to be "maybe" 6'3"?? But, more like 6'2.75" in that photo? I've met several pro wrestlers in my life. Never Hogan or Sting though. I've met Ric Flair twice ...1997 & 2012. 1997 Ric looked a strong 5'11" to me. In 2012 he looked 5'10"...give or take a 1/4" inch. What did Ric look in person to you now days?
Alan32080 said on 22/Jan/18
@Joeyb33 I met him in the beginning of 2017. Not at a event but at a private tactical and training firearm range in Tampa. As you I also know my exact height which is 6’3” flat. We talked to him and hung around him for over a hour and I had many up close interactions with him. He was taller than me but shorter than a 6’5” team member of mine. I put him in the lowest of 6’3.5 and the highest of 6’4 1/4”. With smaller members of my tac team he leaned in but with myself and Dan he stood straight. Noticeably taller than me and when he stretched up with Dan and Dan standing loose they looked the same.
Canson said on 21/Jan/18
Dicksock, you’re right Hulk was a peak 6’5 range guy and even said he was 6’5 in an interview once when a reporter called him 6’7 in the 90s. He prob wasn’t even that by then really. Maybe he was a stronger 6’5” like 6’5.25 at a low in the 80s like Lister said but he wasn’t a 6’6 or 6’7” at a low that’s a fantasy. Today it’s hard to tell but he looks right around 6’3 like Rob has him. His 6’7” claims are boot heights
RONSTER said on 21/Jan/18
Dicksock, why the personal attacks again? Saying my comments or I are idiotic? It’s irrelivant if Sammartino was any of those things before wresting, a hero? He was portraying a fake sport for years as if it was real, at least Hogan let us in that it is scripted. As for Hogan’s demons, don’t be so naive to think Sammartino was a bad dude himself in many ways, the difference is that there wasn’t cameras or internet to catch what he was doing all the time like Hogan. He also for your information has said many times he never liked the way Hogan portrays wrestling and made it entertainment, and yes Dicksock he like so many others are jealous of Hogan because he did what none of them before or since could which was to take Wrestling and make it popular with kids and took it out of the old dingy arenas to the world stage, that would have never happened without Hogan period. If you are a Bruno fan so be it, but make no doubt he doesn’t like Hogan and it’s because Terry was everything he wished he could have been to the WWE
Joeyb33 said on 21/Jan/18
2 years ago I met sting. I'm 6 foot 2.25. He was built like a brick house!

Click Here

3 years ago I met Hulk - but looks like he leaned in a bit for the pic. I had Timberlands on and he had his classic Jordan's.

Click Here
Alan32080 said on 21/Jan/18
I don’t see Bruno jealous of Hogan. I think he was just putting a number out there for people watching to get a idea of how big he was. In my opinion he was 6’6” prime there’s more out there that offers that conclusion from late 70’s early 80’s. Now he’s somewhere between 6’3.5” to 6’4” I guess depending on what time of day and what he’s done that day depends on which one it is.
62B said on 20/Jan/18
dicksock said on 19/Jan/18
62B said on 19/Jan/18

Another poster on here. I believe JoeyB has pictures with him. Sing looks maybe 6' with him, but Joey said he though he might be 6'1"


Sting was definitely about 6'2" in his prime. He may be down to 6'1.5" or something now. He was barely shorter than 6'3" guys like Vader and was very very close in height with 6'2.5" minimum Lex Luger. Click Here

Speaking of Luger, here is a video I had never seen of him in Memphis with Jerry Lawler. Click Here

Lawler actually asks him about his height and measures his arms and chest. When asked about his height, Luger says 6'5", and to be honest he is about 6" taller than Lawler when he stretches to his full height. Lawler was at least 5'10". Luger does have a little footwear advantage though. I think it's possible Luger was 6'3" and Sting was 6'2.5" in their primes. Sting usually wore big heels though, so it's hard to tell. By the way, I definitely think those were his legit measurements in that video. He was huge at that time.

Those arm and chest measurements are probably accurate. One of my friends in the group that was there when we saw Luger was a big weight lifter. He had 17" arms that were definitely smaller than Lugers.
RONSTER said on 20/Jan/18
Sammartino has always been jealous of Hogan, and he tries his best to belittle Hogan every chance he gets. So him saying Hogan was shorter than he really was is just typical of his envious and jealousy towards Hulk.
JT said on 20/Jan/18
Click Here
dicksock said on 19/Jan/18
62B said on 19/Jan/18

Another poster on here. I believe JoeyB has pictures with him. Sing looks maybe 6' with him, but Joey said he though he might be 6'1"


Sting was definitely about 6'2" in his prime. He may be down to 6'1.5" or something now. He was barely shorter than 6'3" guys like Vader and was very very close in height with 6'2.5" minimum Lex Luger. Click Here

Speaking of Luger, here is a video I had never seen of him in Memphis with Jerry Lawler. Click Here

Lawler actually asks him about his height and measures his arms and chest. When asked about his height, Luger says 6'5", and to be honest he is about 6" taller than Lawler when he stretches to his full height. Lawler was at least 5'10". Luger does have a little footwear advantage though. I think it's possible Luger was 6'3" and Sting was 6'2.5" in their primes. Sting usually wore big heels though, so it's hard to tell. By the way, I definitely think those were his legit measurements in that video. He was huge at that time.
62B said on 19/Jan/18
dicksock said on 18/Jan/18
62B said on 16/Jan/18
BorkLaser said on 16/Jan/18
So, either Sting isn't 6'2" or Hulk Hogan crept up a little in height Click Here

Sting is not 6'2".


I've never seen evidence that shows he wasn't.

Another poster on here. I believe JoeyB has pictures with him. Sing looks maybe 6' with him, but Joey said he though he might be 6'1"
rmg3red said on 19/Jan/18
I'm sure this has been mentioned, but if you search YouTube and watch Hogan's WWWF debut match in Hamburg, PA from 1979, commentator Bruno Sammartino clearly states that Hogan looks to be 6'5 to 6'6, even though Hulk was billed as being taller in other territories. I'm fairly certain Sammartino would know, so I would bet the farm that Hogan was no taller than around 6'5 1/2 peak or, even slightly shorter if Bruno was already applying a bit of the typical height inflating spin.
dicksock said on 18/Jan/18
62B said on 16/Jan/18
BorkLaser said on 16/Jan/18
So, either Sting isn't 6'2" or Hulk Hogan crept up a little in height Click Here

Sting is not 6'2".


I've never seen evidence that shows he wasn't.
RP said on 18/Jan/18
Otis Wilson & Roman Reigns is a perfect comparison! Both 6'2" to 6'2.5" & Reigns has been anywhere from 245 to 265 during his pro wrestling career. Ottis played in the 230's. 227-237 for most of his career.
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 18/Jan/18
Hogan looks no less than 6´5.5" next to Atlas, look when Atlas poses and how tall Vince comes out next to him,
if Atlas isn´t 6´2" Vince was max 6ft peak.

Reigns definitly looks shorter in dressshoes than he does in ring gear...
Young Hogan measures to Titus and his older self perfect.
Reigns also has only 4" on Jericho so 6´2" evening is out of question.
Vegas said on 17/Jan/18
Hogan doesn't look as tall next to Atlas as your comparison and Atlas didn't look full 6'2 with Rocky Johnson back in the 80s.

Reigns would look similar to how Otis Wilson did with Hogan.
Alan32080 said on 17/Jan/18
It’s crazy how big he looked agains Tony Atlas. Definitely not under 6’5.5” there more like 6’6”.
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 17/Jan/18
Rob would you be surprised if today he could, under max painkillers, stretch out to 6´3.5"-6´3.75" for a measurement?
Editor Rob
6ft 3.25 not a surprise under back-breaking conditions I suppose.
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 17/Jan/18
Vegas said on 16/Jan/18
Pretty confident Hogan would never have been that tall next to ... a guy as tall as Reigns either.


Really? 3 min onwards peak Hogan dwarfs 6´2" Tony Atlas in height and bodymass, Reigns wouldn´t have looked any better next to peak Hogan.

Click Here
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 16/Jan/18
Vegas said on 16/Jan/18
Pretty confident Hogan would never have been that tall next to Jericho (who is Ricky Steamboats height) or a guy as tall as Reigns either.

Click Here
Hogan has more height on 6´3"-6´3.5"Bundy than he has on slouching Titus in my comparison...
62B said on 16/Jan/18
BorkLaser said on 16/Jan/18
So, either Sting isn't 6'2" or Hulk Hogan crept up a little in height Click Here

Sting is not 6'2".
Vegas said on 16/Jan/18
Pretty confident Hogan would never have been that tall next to Jericho (who is Ricky Steamboats height) or a guy as tall as Reigns either.
BorkLaser said on 16/Jan/18
So, either Sting isn't 6'2" or Hulk Hogan crept up a little in height Click Here
Guanzo said on 14/Jan/18
Peak vs current Hogan

Click Here
Canson said on 10/Jan/18
@Christian: I agree Titus is about the same height as Vernon Davis. And seeing some of the data Checker posted on the 06 draft when Davis was drafted, like the Senior Bowl, the Combine, that was a morning combine based on the article I had everyone measured 3/8-1/2 higher. It didn’t have Davis’s senior bowl measurement which would be afternoon But Davis looked a decent 6’3” in person tho didn’t look any shorter next to me than my 6’3” friend does who is 190.3-190.4 at his lowest. Could be a case where Davis was down to 6’3.25 and doesn’t dip below 6’3” flat or maybe to 6’2 7/8 since that looks the same or could be a 6’3 1/8 guy honestly as that range looks essentially the same. He looked 1-1.5” shorter than me just like my buddy does (roughly 3cm)
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 8/Jan/18

While 6'5" peak can be argued, I wouldn't put him under 6'2.5" today.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 8/Jan/18
Click Here

Some nice pics for height comparison by ~5´10" JJDillon
Anonymous said on 7/Jan/18
No way I don’t think his peak height is 6’7” I say about 6’5” now I say about 6’1”.5 or 6’2”
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 4/Jan/18
Maybe Snoop Dogg is also max 6´3.5" Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
dicksock said on 3/Jan/18
Here's Titus O'Neil with 6'4" Snoop Dog: Click Here

Both men are the same height. Keep in mind, Titus is listed as 6'6" by WWE. I cannot buy anything under 6'4" for him. He's a huge guy that is taller than most wrestlers. He was also listed as 6'4" in football: Click Here
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 3/Jan/18

I disagree with Titus being 6'4". He's honestly 6'3" max next to a 6'03.2" combine measured Vernon Davis Click Here Click Here also Titus was listed 6'3" when he played college football Click Here and my opinion he's 6'2.75"
RP said on 2/Jan/18
Height Crazy Red could be right ...all we know is Lesnar measured @ 6'2.375" & Reigns @ 6'2.625" barefoot...both probably Morning physicals & measurements. And both measurements were severel years back.
Canson said on 2/Jan/18
@Dicksock: while Hogan’s height can look all over the place I have to disagree on Titus O’Neal. He was at most 6’3” he’s similar in height if not a tad shorter than Vernon Davis is. I can even see 6’2.75. As for Hogan Alan32080 saw him 6’3.5-6’4. I have a hard time seeing that today but have seen some evidence of a solid 6’3 as well and 6’5” peak. But even can see where Christian is coming from at the same time as weak 6’3”.
dicksock said on 1/Jan/18
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 29/Dec/17
Looks barely taller than 188cm Roman Reigns Click Here I'd give Hogan 6'2.5" especially because he tends to wear thick Jordans. Click Here


Am I missing something? Hogan is nearly 1" taller than Roman Reings. Reigns is a solid 6'2" guy. Hogan also only looks slightly shorter than 6'4" Titus O'neil. Maybe .5". I think 6'3" is a perfect listing for him. He may be slightly under or over. I'll just say he is 6'2.75"-6'3.5". He was probably 6'5"-6.5.5" in his prime.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 1/Jan/18
RP said on 31/Dec/17
Reigns is 6'2.5"...was once measured barefoot at 6'2-5/8" by the NFL

He didn´t look this height next to 6´2"listed Lesnar, who only looked 4cm than Cena at their peak.

So imo he lost 0.5" since the measurement or it was an early morning measurement, during the first 2h on feet.

Regarding eveningheight Idk what else to estimate than 6´2.75" Hogan and 6´1.75" Reigns.
Hulk has also only 5-5.5" on max 5´9,5" Jericho, 6´3.5" Titus is slouching and still 2cm taller than Hulk.
Reigns actually looks shorter than 6´2", he only has 4" on Jericho and is 2" shorter than Titus.

Hogan turns 65 this year and his body went through a lot, imagine a peak Hogan next to reigns,
no wait...:) Click Here
RP said on 31/Dec/17
Reigns is 6'2.5"...was once measured barefoot at 6'2-5/8" by the NFL. Both Hogan & Reigns have on 1-1/4" to 1-3/8" footwear there. A max difference of 1/8" either way. So, almost equal footwear. That being said. Line them up...look at the tops of their heads, eyes, brows & noses. Hogan is 3/4" taller. Hogan 6'3-1/4" & Reigns 6'2-1/2" ??? IMO? From this pic?? What are your thoughts, Rob...based on this photo.
Chris said on 31/Dec/17
If Hogan is 6’2.5 Martyn Ford is a hell of a liar, can’t be 6’8”
Alan32080 said on 29/Dec/17
He’s taller than me or was earlier this year. Minimum 6’3.75 at lowest but seems to have me by a inch maybe 3/4” at lowest estimate and I’m 6’3” no more no less. He could have lost something but I will say he has very horrible posture but when he stands straight and lifts his head I still think he could hit 6’4” out of bed to mid morning.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 29/Dec/17
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 29/Dec/17
Looks barely taller than 188cm Roman Reigns Click Here I'd give Hogan 6'2.5" especially because he tends to wear thick Jordans.


Nice find. See Reigns wearing 1.25"-1.4" there. I agree with 188cm for Reigns, could be 187 night.
I have the same Nikes as Hogan, brandnew 1.34", now worn down to 1.25-28"

Hogan looks 1,90m there, not taller.

Rob, is this enough for a downgrade to max 6´2.75" ?
RP said on 29/Dec/17
Canson, I totally agree...his posture is terrible & a wreck! With perfect posture he indeed looks bang on 6'3.5"...when tired & slouching looks 6'2" & slight change. IMO...he's lost exactly 2" from his peak height. Peak 6'5.5" to possibly 6'5.75" & current height since his mid 50's @ 6'3.5" with his best posture.
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 29/Dec/17
Looks barely taller than 188cm Roman Reigns Click Here I'd give Hogan 6'2.5" especially because he tends to wear thick Jordans. Click Here
Canson said on 28/Dec/17
@RP: his height is mysterious. Alan32080 says he’s closer to 6’4” 6’3.5” or so in person but you’re right other times he can look 6’2” range. My guess is he’s got very bad posture. I would’ve always guessed him around 6’3” today
Canson said on 27/Dec/17
Hulk was never 6’7 barefoot at most 6’5-6’5.5
alex953 said on 27/Dec/17
He still looks pretty tall. I remember them billing him to be 6'9 and they always bill a couple of inches more than real.
Maybe in his case because of his physique they added even more.
He was probably about 6'5-6'6 and now roughly 6'3
RP said on 26/Dec/17
Honestly, only looked 6'2" in his pics he tweeted out last weekend of him & 5'10" GSP.
62B. said on 25/Dec/17
RONSTER said on 23/Dec/17
LordHumongous, you are in serious error, Hogan was billed at 6’8-9” in the WWF his whole time there during Hulkamania, not 6’7”. So by your own calculations he was every bit 6’6-7” tall barefoot and yes indeed was inflated an inch or two like everyone else. Andre was 7’2-3”, billed at 7’4-5” and so on.

Hulk definitely wasn't 6'7". Not barefoot anyways. Even 6'6" seems too much. He just wasn't that much taller than my Grandfather in 1980. And Andre was never over 7'. If he was it would have only been by a small fraction and likely early morning.
Dustin M Williams said on 25/Dec/17
The only height I ever remember Hogan being billed at in the WWF since 1984 was 6’8” and 302lbs. Early AWA bulled him at 6’9” 340,and in his incredible Hulk esq vignette he was billed at 6’7”. I have seen early fliers of him being billed at 6’6”. I think he was between 6’5.5” and 6’6” prime.
David Banner said on 25/Dec/17
Merry Christmas to everyone - height opinion differences aside, I appreciate the civil arguments and the fun we have here in the height forum. Here’s to 2018!
RONSTER said on 23/Dec/17
LordHumongous, you are in serious error, Hogan was billed at 6’8-9” in the WWF his whole time there during Hulkamania, not 6’7”. So by your own calculations he was every bit 6’6-7” tall barefoot and yes indeed was inflated an inch or two like everyone else. Andre was 7’2-3”, billed at 7’4-5” and so on.
Anonymous said on 22/Dec/17
He is 6-3.75 and was 6-6 prime
LordHumongous said on 21/Dec/17
@62B Everyone knows stallone wears lifts but Hogan also probably had boots on that give him at least 2 inches...he looks near enough just a touch taller than Vince McMahon.

Now I still think he's a solid 6'2 (barefoot) and back in the peak height days there was no way he was 6'7, those are just WWF billed heights for the fans.
If a wrestler was 6'5 they made them 6'7 (Scott Hall).....or someone who was 6'9/10 a 7 footer (Diesel)...even with Giant Gonzalez who's real height was 7'7 - he was billed as 8 ft tall.
Jim Hopper said on 20/Dec/17
He was 6-5" prime and now around 6-2.5".
berta said on 16/Dec/17
197 peak and 190 cm today seems closer to the truth than 198
miko said on 16/Dec/17
It's pretty obvious when Hulk does stand near to his tallest these days he still hits 6'3. A few on here try and find pics of him hunched forwards or posing to try and prove more height loss, someone on here thinks he's lost over 4 inches. He was 6'5 and is 6'3 today.
Canson said on 16/Dec/17
Peak 6’5 guy maybe was 6’5-6’5 1/2 range barefoot 196 range. 6’7” or near 6’7” with boots only
Canson said on 15/Dec/17
@62B: well said peak Hogan no question a legit 6’5”. In the 1990s under probably tho. Prob was down to 6’4” flat if not lower sometime in the 90s
RP said on 15/Dec/17
Frank, best proof ever of Peak younger Hogan possibly being a legit 6'6"! Even if Belzer was 6'1" in shoes & only 6'0" to 5'11-3/4" barefoot..,Hogan still looks 6'6" there! 6'5-3/4" at the very lowest & 310 lbs !
frank864 said on 15/Dec/17
I would like to point out the infamous incident when Hogan put Richard Belzer to sleep on live TV. In an interview afterward, Belzer claimed he was 6'1 and said he believed Hogan to be 6'8 or 6'9 and that his presence "perverted what it meant to be human".
When you look at the clip Click Here Hogan is visibly quite a bit bigger than Belzer (not 6'8 or 6'9) so 6'6 isn't out of the question in my opinion.
Hogan was also not wearing cowboy boots, but regular sneakers.
62B. said on 15/Dec/17
LordHumongous said on 13/Dec/17
Sorry forgot to put my proof, look here:

Click Here

You don't think Stallone wears lifts? I thought he was known for having some of the biggest lifts in Hollywood. Either way, Hulkster was taller than my 6'4" Grandfather in 1980. Not by much though. I am thinking 6'5" is a better peak number for Hogan. Maybe even a fraction more. Today its hard to say. Probably at least 6'2", but realistically closer to 6'3"
Blake said on 14/Dec/17
That is no surprise to me! He uses plenty of celebheights lingo in his description
Logan said on 14/Dec/17
Hulk Hogan is a solid 6'4" maybe 6'3" with Brock but with Dywane maybe 6'5"
RP said on 14/Dec/17
Blake, IMO if the thin bald man is a legit 6'0" barefoot? Then the brown haired gentleman is 6'2" barefoot. Something doesn't add up? He's slightly leaning in & he's still 2" taller?? Hulkster is also leaning in a toward the bald chap. And he's slouching to lift & flex/pose his bicep...and for some reason, Hogan is terribly scrunching his neck & traps in this pick. Hogan, is losing aboit 1.5" in that pic...from slouching, leaning, flexing & scrunching. IMO, if the thin bald fella is a legit 6'0" barefoot? Then Hogan is a weak 6'3" & the brown haired lad is a strong 6'2"...what do you guys think? Rob???
Editor Rob
Hogan probably is losing 3cm
LordHumongous said on 13/Dec/17
Sorry forgot to put my proof, look here:

Click Here

6'3 with the heels, 6'2 barefoot..
LordHumongous said on 13/Dec/17
6'4 at peak and now 6'2. Even now he's fibbing about his height lol - there were some photos of him with Sly Stallone (with his lifts) and there wasn't that much of a big difference.
Blake said on 12/Dec/17
Rob, I found some height comparison some guy had with Hulk Hogan I just thought I would leave it here Click Here
Editor Rob
I believe it was posted on here around that time.
Undertaker Frank said on 11/Dec/17
Hogan was an inch taller than 6ft 4 barefoot Kamala also seen an old clip of Hogan vs Rick Rude Hogan looked about an inch taller
I believe Rude was about 6ft 3 so 6ft 6 or 6ft 7 seems out of the question
RONSTER said on 10/Dec/17
Littlebobby123, yes that is what Hogan had consistently said over the years regarding his height and more pecofically his loss of height. However, as much as I know he was right around 6’7” throughout the 80’s, I would allow for his Mother to have rounded up, meaning he may have been 6’6.5” which really isn’t much off 6’6”, it’s possible but I for one day he was really a bit over 6’7” before any height loss and everything not altered or biased points to that.
littlebobby123 said on 9/Dec/17
@RP Hogan was taller than John Tenta, its just Tenta's weight which made him appear so huge.
The story goes that Hogan's mother measured him bare foot pre Hiro Matsuda leg breakage and she measured him to be 6'7 and then when he was walking to one side in about 2000 she measured him again and he was 6'4 after being through the wringer with surgeries, age, wear and tear from wrestling and frankly baldness would've taken off a smidgen.

the reason I believe that story is because my own grandmother used to do the same thing to everyone and mark where everyone's height was on a door in the kitchen.
David Allen Patrick Maddox III said on 8/Dec/17
His max was 6’5.5-6’6 he looks about 6’2.5 now look at Brock Lesnar and hogan on his birthday
David Banner said on 8/Dec/17
@DAN I think you're about spot on. I'd even argue 6'4" peak.
DAN said on 7/Dec/17
6ft 4.5 inch Peak i think is fair. Never looked 6ft 6 inch to me
RP said on 7/Dec/17
John Tenta during his Sumo Wrestling days has officially listed measurements ranging anywhere from 6'5-1/4" to 6'5-7/8" & 400-440 lbs was his most common weight ranges.
Canson said on 6/Dec/17
@JT: tenta does look taller but can’t tell if that’s less footwear or not looks similar to me
RONSTER said on 5/Dec/17
RP, that’s fine I respect your right to your opinion, but my photos I posted do prove Hogan was taller than both of them by a good margin. JT, putting two photos together like that is useless and proved nothing, besides the fact that in those 2 pics they are closer to the camera in the one you try to use to say Tenta was taller. Being a few feet further from the camera makes anyone inches shorter to the camera, didn’t you know that? My picture is them toe to toe, exact same everything and Hogan is clearly taller. As for Tentas boots RP, they are the same just they are one colour so you don’t see the sole like you can with Hogan’s.
JT said on 4/Dec/17
Click Here They are standing at the same spot in the ring here. Tenta's clearly taller with less footwear.
RP said on 4/Dec/17
Ronster, I said a 1/2" inch ;^)
And going on all other matches I've seen with Hogan & well as other still photos ...I'd peg them as the exact same height from 1988-1991. Just my opinion ...I've got them both a peak barefoot at 6'5.5" to 6'5.75" range & 6'7" in their wrestling boots.
Canson said on 4/Dec/17
I am really not seeing him being over an inch taller than Tiny Lister. Lister if he was a solid 6’5” wouldn’t make Hogan anything more than Dicksock said 6’5-6’5.5 not to mention Hogan said during an interview once that he was 6’5. This was in the 90s and it was in response to someone saying he was 6’7”.
RONSTER said on 3/Dec/17
RP, that comment alone is reason enough to never take anything you post seriously! 1/4 of an inch, they are practically the same height you’d say lmao. Hogan’s eyes, shoulders and head are no less than an inch taller than Tenta and it is clear in this picture, they are standing in the ring together same posture, same footwear, same distance and angle to the camera. I find it hilarious how Danimal or any other height reducers haven’t said a thing since I put up the picture of Hogan and Lister proving Hogan was taller by more than an inch!
Sean said on 2/Dec/17
Rob, is it possible that Hogan woke up in the morning 6’7” at his peak, and then dropped below 6’6” in the evening?

I can see 6’5.5” - perhaps 6’5.75” peak evening height early on his wrestling career, but just can’t see 6’6”’evening height.
Editor Rob
6ft 6 is lowest I think I'd argue peak
RP said on 2/Dec/17
In that particular photo, Hogan looks 1/2" (0.5") inch taller than Tenta. Without seeing lower body & close ups of footwear, hard to tell. IMO...Peak Hogan & Peak Tenta were practically the exact same height.
RONSTER said on 2/Dec/17
Sorry Rob, this is the working link. Thanks
Click Here
Sean said on 1/Dec/17
Just can’t see 6’6” peak evening height for Hogan. Defintely 6’6” or 6’6.25” morning height at peak.
RONSTER said on 1/Dec/17
Straightahead, do you research anything before posting? John Tenta was measured brefoot for his Sumo at barely under 6’6” not 6’5”. And he was never taller than Hogan, why try to spread falsehoods? Here is again PROOF that Hogan was taller by a good inch at least. That again proves Hogan was still well above 6’6” barefoot at this time. Clock the link, whomever drew the line tried to make the difference seem less but anyone with a working set of eyes can see Hogan is an inch or more taller.
Click Here
MIncer said on 28/Nov/17
Rob, does it look like wrestlers lose more height and at earlier ages than average?
Editor Rob
the risk of height loss is increased greatly if you are a wrestler, though it might depend on the types of impact moves you are doing.
Erik said on 28/Nov/17
If I had to guess in him prime Hulk Hogan was possibly 6'6, maybe even 6'7 at one point. (though I think 6'7 is unlikely)Nowadays, because of old age, and sustaining injuries and getting leg, back, hip and multiple other surgeries, he's probably lost at least 3 inches. So he's probably currently either a very weak 6'3 due to poor posture from back injuries.
Boss said on 28/Nov/17
Hogan was taller than 6'5.5" Hillbilly Jim. He was same height as 6'6" Chet Coppock. He was taller than Zues barefoot because Zues had a footwear advantage over Hogan in ring.

Click Here
Boss said on 28/Nov/17
Hogan's head was about 10.5" long.
Click Here
berta said on 25/Nov/17
anyone knows how big head he has? intresting to see some guesses. i think it must be 26 cm maybe 26,5 cm he got the biggest head of all those big guys even little bigger than dolph i think-
Guanzo said on 23/Nov/17
Terry Gene Bollea is 6'3''

Hulk Hogan is 6'5''
RONSTER said on 22/Nov/17
Dicksock, you can have your opinion too, and seriously calling me fanboy simply because I say something you don’t like is real mature. Here is an unaltered full body shot of them in the ring and despite Lister wearing the thick heeled booster boots we can all see he has on Hogan is slightly taller! That is what is called PROOF!!
Click Here
Canson said on 22/Nov/17
@Jake: that’s been said by most that he was 6’5” range peak
Unertaker Frank said on 22/Nov/17
Look @ his match with Kamala Kamala himself said he's 6ft 4 And Hogan with 1 inch Wrestling Boots was alittle taller than a Barefoot Kamala so i cant say Hogan was 6ft 6 or 6ft 6.5
Alan32080 said on 22/Nov/17
I could see a 6’5.5” Hogan prime. But really think 6’6” was his mark.
dicksock said on 22/Nov/17
RONSTER said on 21/Nov/17
Lister saying that doesn’t mean much no and here is why, Hogan had been wrestling for over 10 years by the time Lister met him, so Hogan was closer to 6’6” by then and Lister was over 6’5”. So, do you really notice when your next to someone an inch taller or do you feel about the same height because I know I would. Besides that Lister was wearing those moon boots while Hogan had thin soled wrestling boots giving Lister a 2 inch advantage.


Hogan would not have lost any height by 1988. That is absurd. He was only 35 years old. Obviously Hogan and Lister were not in costume all the time. I'm sure he spent plenty of time with him in street clothes. The fact is that Lister would know if Hogan were his height or a couple inches taller. If he was about 6'5" in 1988, than he was never taller than that. You are free to think otherwise in your delusional fanboy mind. No evidence in this world points to Hogan ever being above 6'6", and most shows him to have been 6'5"/6'5.5".
Canson said on 22/Nov/17
For Tiny Lister, i don’t see anything other than him being listed 6’5” so no telling if he’s actually over or under really. I doubt under as he looked legit 6’5” but also hard to see him being much over the mark
Jake said on 21/Nov/17
I don’t buy the back surgery height loss excuse. My dad, at 6’1, broke his back when he was 50. Had a few spine surgeries. He’s 66 now and more hunched in his posture but when he does stand up straight, he is just about 6’1. I think Hogan’s peak height was 6’5 MAX.
Unertaker Frank said on 21/Nov/17
Alan32080 If Hogan is 6ft 4 now why why he shorter than David Hassellhoff Troy Aikman Snoop Dog who are all about 6ft 4 ??
RONSTER said on 21/Nov/17
Lister saying that doesn’t mean much no and here is why, Hogan had been wrestling for over 10 years by the time Lister met him, so Hogan was closer to 6’6” by then and Lister was over 6’5”. So, do you really notice when your next to someone an inch taller or do you feel about the same height because I know I would. Besides that Lister was wearing those moon boots while Hogan had thin soled wrestling boots giving Lister a 2 inch advantage.
Canson said on 20/Nov/17
@Dicksock: 6’5” is closer to his real height than 6’6/6’7.
dicksock said on 20/Nov/17
RONSTER said on 18/Nov/17
Jim Hopper; Hogan never said ever that he was 6’8”, that was his billed height, and he was 6’6-6’7” easily peak and there isn’t any real evidence to the contrary while there is plenty to support it. He also is still 6’4” or a little more today after significant height loss from injuries, age, and surgeries to his knees, hips and back.


There is fellow 6'5" Tiny Lister who said Hogan was 6'5" in 1988/1989. But I guess that doesn't count.
Canson said on 19/Nov/17
@Ronster: most people who have met him in his prime say he was 6’5-6’6. 6’6-6’7 would make him close with Undertaker as he himself was 6’7+ peak
RONSTER said on 18/Nov/17
Jim Hopper; Hogan never said ever that he was 6’8”, that was his billed height, and he was 6’6-6’7” easily peak and there isn’t any real evidence to the contrary while there is plenty to support it. He also is still 6’4” or a little more today after significant height loss from injuries, age, and surgeries to his knees, hips and back.
Anonymous said on 14/Nov/17
Both Hogan & Tenta were 6'5.5" to 6'5.75" @ their Peaks.
Dustin M Williams said on 13/Nov/17
Actually John Tenta was almost 6’6”. Sumo measurement. Well documented.
Alan32080 said on 13/Nov/17
@Jim Hopper as i respect opinions but Hogan is around 6’4” now. Prime 6’5.5” to 6’6.25”. I’m 6’3” and he’s taller than me.
Canson said on 2/Nov/17
@Alan32080: that’s awesome! Must have been a bit nervous? Or were you at all?
Jim Hopper said on 2/Nov/17
No where near 6-8" peak as he says. 6-5 peak defo. Now 6-2,5
Alan32080 said on 1/Nov/17
@Canson yes I met him at a wedding at a place called the ravine gardens. Michelle brought him to that wedding. Very big guy. At that time his arm was in a brace. I don’t recall for what though.
Canson said on 31/Oct/17
@alan32080: you met Taker? wow that’s interesting!!!. I figured cool dude too. Some celebs I’ve met are cool even Tyson was in person. I could see Taker the he can drink some beer too lol. Big dude. I’d have him as 6’7” range peak myself and 6’6 range today.
Alan32080 said on 24/Oct/17
@Canson I know Marks wife. I went to school with Michelle’s brother Jeff and I have only been around him once at a wedding and that was about 5 years ago and Mark seems huge. We were drinking so I really didn’t size him up but I would say a easy 6’7” maybe 6’8” back then. Real low key guy didn’t say a lot but could drink the **** out of some beer. When he did talk he has a southern accent
Canson said on 22/Oct/17
@Alan32080: guess that’s what we would have to look forward to if we were pro wrestlers. Undertaker looks the same to where people believe he’s 6’5” sometimes but I make no mistakes he’s easy 198 probably still 199 if he stood straight and was a peak 201-202

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.