How tall is Hulk Hogan - Page 17

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Average Guess (847 Votes)
Peak: 6ft 5.7in (197.4cm)
Current: 6ft 3.14in (190.9cm)
Boss said on 20/Apr/16
Here Hulk Hogan and Big Bill Anderson.
Click Here
JT said on 20/Apr/16
RP said on 19/Apr/16
Yep, Brody aka Goodish had a true barefoot height of 6'4"...possibly 6'4.5" at his absolute peak & prime. A peak Hogan was taller. Best comparison is the pics with Bill Anderson who was a legit 6'2"...absolutely no less than 6'1.5" to 6'1.75",,,There are two great pics of Hogan wit Bill Anderson & Brody with Bill Anderson. Back in the early 80's...'80-'83 time frame. Hogan is a solid 4" taller than Bill Anderson ...maybe even 4.5" inches. While Brody was only 2" to 2.5" taller. Just google this pics. Sorry, I couldn't get them to post on this page...Hogan was most likely in his 1.5" wrestling boots when he was with, I'll give him a 0.5" footwear advsantage over Bill Anderson. Those two pics show the following: Bill Anderson: 6'1.75", Hogan: 6'5.75" to 6'5.5" & Brody; 6'4" to 6'4.25" ???

Bill Anderson was 6’0” TOPS.
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here (on his toes in the left pic)

Why do you always feel compelled to make things up and act like you have the inside scoop on wrestlers and can pinpoint their heights down to a fraction of an inch? You’re proven wrong so often, including in the past on Brody’s height, so at least knock off the fraction estimates.
Boss said on 20/Apr/16
I think those estimates are very close Red. I enjoy some of your comparison pics as well. Anywhere from 6'5"- 6'6.5" peak for Hogan is a legit guessing range. We can go as high as 6'6.5" because that's what he stated under oath and "maybe" he measured right out of bed. In Brody's book it said he was 6'4 and 240 in high school and then he is reffered to as 6'5 in most cases so 6'5" seemed realistic but 6'4 range is fine for Brody.
bigmike74 said on 19/Apr/16
@HeightcrazyRed6ft i seen Brody and Bugsy Mcgraw in the early 80s at a Wrestling show in Jacksonville at the shriners hall back then you could meet them and get autographs unlike now how the wrestling shows have become a huge event anyways i knew of Bugsy from CWF in Tampa which came on at 2 Saturday afternoon but not Brody. I was around 15 or 16 years old and not done growing so i was around 6' to 6'05" and Bugsy in Cowboy boots was taller than then probably 6'1" maybe 6'2" and Brody was a big guy but a few years before that i seen Hogan in Tampa wrestling at a show at the armory and Hogan was younger, bigger in mass and taller than both Brody and Busgy. Peak Hogan was every bit a 6'7" to 6'7.5" guy then in gear and Brody had to be 6'5" in gear.
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 19/Apr/16
Boss said on 18/Apr/16
So what Red your saying Brody is 6'4 and would be taller than a peak Hogan. That's ridiculous if that's what your trying to say.


No I was saying that because of 6´4" Brody would be taller if standing straight, the pic must be a composite. Footwear is pretty equal.

Peak Hogan was imo 6´5.25-6´5.5" evening height.
JT said on 19/Apr/16
Click Here
Click Here
Looks like a composite photo as Hogan had a larger body mass than brody.
RP said on 19/Apr/16
Yep, Brody aka Goodish had a true barefoot height of 6'4"...possibly 6'4.5" at his absolute peak & prime. A peak Hogan was taller. Best comparison is the pics with Bill Anderson who was a legit 6'2"...absolutely no less than 6'1.5" to 6'1.75",,,There are two great pics of Hogan wit Bill Anderson & Brody with Bill Anderson. Back in the early 80's...'80-'83 time frame. Hogan is a solid 4" taller than Bill Anderson ...maybe even 4.5" inches. While Brody was only 2" to 2.5" taller. Just google this pics. Sorry, I couldn't get them to post on this page...Hogan was most likely in his 1.5" wrestling boots when he was with, I'll give him a 0.5" footwear advsantage over Bill Anderson. Those two pics show the following: Bill Anderson: 6'1.75", Hogan: 6'5.75" to 6'5.5" & Brody; 6'4" to 6'4.25" ???
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 18/Apr/16
Boss said on 18/Apr/16
I don't make anything up there Red. Brody is listed 6'5" from almost everywhere I can find and was billed at 6'8". Brody has what looks like cowboy boots on so why are you talking about Hogan's boots. The pic could be composite but gives us an idea.

:) That was my point... listed everywhere...but brought up at celebheights as a legit 6´4" - Hope Rob lets more old comments stay here in the future :)
Thought as a longtime visitor you should´ve known about Brodys legit height of 6´4". Even his good friend Stan Hansen described him as 6´4".
And Brody isn´t in cowboyboots he is in wrestlingboots with about the same sole as Hogans.
RP said on 18/Apr/16
It is without question a composite photo. Frank Goodish was 6'4" to 6'4.5" barefoot...abut 6'5.5" in his wrestling boots. his 6'8" billing was ridiculous ! Right up there with Andre's 7'4" or Kane's 7'0" billings.
James B said on 18/Apr/16
Yeah so the reason why maybe sid had so much height on hogan in 1991 is because he might have been no taller than 6'5 (196cm) by that point.
Boss said on 18/Apr/16
So what Red your saying Brody is 6'4 and would be taller than a peak Hogan. That's ridiculous if that's what your trying to say.
Boss said on 18/Apr/16
I don't make anything up there Red. Brody is listed 6'5" from almost everywhere I can find and was billed at 6'8". Brody has what looks like cowboy boots on so why are you talking about Hogan's boots. The pic could be composite but gives us an idea.
Kunoichi said on 17/Apr/16
Boss said on 16/Apr/16
Hulk with 6'5" Bruiser Brody. Hogan has slightly better posture but Brody has a footware advantage. He looks 6'6" with Brody.
Click Here

Unfortunately, it is a composite photograph.
James B said on 17/Apr/16
Rob do you think it's impossible that hogan could have shrunk to 6'5 in 1991 due to surgeries?
Editor Rob
not impossible to have lost some height. The amount of impacts some wrestlers take over a few years might cause disc problems earlier than we expect.
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 17/Apr/16
Looking again at the Brody Hogan pic this time on the big screen, I doubt they really stood together, Hulk has pretty big soles and Brody standing straight would easily be taller than Hulk
heightcrazyred6ft said on 17/Apr/16
Boss, its well known on this site for years that Brody was 6'4" so stop making things up.
Brody is slouching big time he would need more massive footwear to egalize that.
Hogan barely looks taller and noway 6'6"
Johan said on 17/Apr/16
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 16/Apr/16
James B said on 14/Apr/16

You forget as well Sid had significant hair advantage over hogan to which can distort things.

Nonsense, counting Sids hair would make a 3" difference, Sid didn´t have noticeable footwear advantage.
Click Here

Great pics HeightcrazyRed6ft, a solid 2 in between Hogan and Sid. He is also looking a 6'7.5" peak Taker in the eye, I wonder what excuses will be used for that. He could have been slightly less but under 6'7" for Sid just seems beyond ridiculous now.

6'6.5" peak Sid means the serious downgraders here are right. Hogan must have been 6'4.5" peak.
Boss said on 16/Apr/16
Hulk with 6'5" Bruiser Brody. Hogan has slightly better posture but Brody has a footware advantage. He looks 6'6" with Brody.
Click Here
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 16/Apr/16
James B said on 14/Apr/16

You forget as well Sid had significant hair advantage over hogan to which can distort things.

Nonsense, counting Sids hair would make a 3" difference, Sid didn´t have noticeable footwear advantage.
Click Here
James B said on 16/Apr/16
johan- you forget sids hair advantage
Damian said on 16/Apr/16
Odd, his legs seem to look shorter than the rest of his body.
bigmike74 said on 15/Apr/16
@er4smiths glad you met someone. But Hogan is not under 6'3.5 with bad posture there's just no way i am a tad over 6'3" in shoes 6'4" in boots and Hogan is taller than me with equal footwear so there is absolutely no way! He is taller than me. With equal footwear i with cross trainers on am exactly 6'3 5/8" tall without shoes I'm 6'2.75" 6'3" out of bed. He had me by atleast a inch and a quarter maybe 1 and a half is more accurate. So at 6'3.5/8" at bare minimum 1" he's 6'4.5/8" with shoes your math don't line up. Try again buddy.
Johan said on 15/Apr/16
@James B

I tried photobucket and what i saw was someone's guess on the footwear. He was also incorrect on the height difference, it was 2 inches not 1.5 inches so even with a 0.5 inch advantage which i highly doubt that still puts Sid at 6'7" if Hogan was 6'5.5" as i think.

If he was the 6'6" that many think then Sid was 6'7.5" at peak which i think is too much.
62B said on 15/Apr/16
er4smiths said on 14/Apr/16
hey guys - sorry I was away. I know you all missed me...well at least bigmike74 did!
Anyway - @62B little late to give you my answer as you won't believe me but my guess in 2 seconds was 6'6" and that's before JT fixed the angle. That's the God's honest truth. That's not to say I couldn't guess wrong other times as nobody is perfect - well except ryan11 and Boss! This weekend I actually got to see a great pic a guy showed me of he and Hogan at an autograph signing. I measured up to the guy in the exact same pose he and hogan are in. We asked 4 random people nearby to look at the photo and then compare the pic to he and I standing in the same way and they all said myself and Hulk looked the same height next to the guy. So all that being said - and before the chosen 3 lambaste me with the name calling this actually was huge because it's proving my very logical obvious theory more and more. Hulk Hogan can not be over 6'2.5" today period. Again, to all my hateslaves out there - I will eat BIG CROW publicly if someone can prove me wrong. I won't mind as I really just want us all to agree. Like that will ever happen! This is America land of the divided. Also, Rob - I think I need a step by step tutorial on how to post a pic on here. I'm having a tough time with posting pics. Man it feels good to be back! Unless you all want me to leave forever... :(

Sorry bud, you are right. I don't believe you. Mainly because you did exactly what I thought you would do and wait for me to post Sams height. The other interesting result about my photo test ,that I figured would happen, is the only people to take a guess were the people that don't seem to have the agenda of downgrading people they have never seen in person. Hogan was easily 6'5" and in my opinion probably some change peak. 6'6" peak for me is pushing it, but not out of the realm of possibility. Today he could be 6'2 1/2" like you say, as I do believe he is about my height, but people who have seen him recently suggest he is probably still at least 6'3". Maybe taller.
er4smiths said on 14/Apr/16
hey guys - sorry I was away. I know you all missed me...well at least bigmike74 did!
Anyway - @62B little late to give you my answer as you won't believe me but my guess in 2 seconds was 6'6" and that's before JT fixed the angle. That's the God's honest truth. That's not to say I couldn't guess wrong other times as nobody is perfect - well except ryan11 and Boss! This weekend I actually got to see a great pic a guy showed me of he and Hogan at an autograph signing. I measured up to the guy in the exact same pose he and hogan are in. We asked 4 random people nearby to look at the photo and then compare the pic to he and I standing in the same way and they all said myself and Hulk looked the same height next to the guy. So all that being said - and before the chosen 3 lambaste me with the name calling this actually was huge because it's proving my very logical obvious theory more and more. Hulk Hogan can not be over 6'2.5" today period. Again, to all my hateslaves out there - I will eat BIG CROW publicly if someone can prove me wrong. I won't mind as I really just want us all to agree. Like that will ever happen! This is America land of the divided. Also, Rob - I think I need a step by step tutorial on how to post a pic on here. I'm having a tough time with posting pics. Man it feels good to be back! Unless you all want me to leave forever... :(
James B said on 14/Apr/16
Johan - type in Sid and hulk hogan on It mentions on the descriptions in some of the pictures of the 2 men how much height advantage sids boots gave him.

You forget as well Sid had significant hair advantage over hogan to which can distort things. A lot of the photos of Sid justice and hogan are from the early 90s and I think by that stage hogan was half an inch shorter than his peak of 6'6.
Johan said on 14/Apr/16
How do you know that Sid wore thicker boots James B??

I mean Hogan was usually in solid 2 inch cowboyboots so what do you think Sid was wearing?

62B said on 11/Apr/16

Not sure if anyone else was wanting to take a guess on the kids height I posted with Shaq so 184.3cm, you win. Sam is 6'6"

Shaq comes out at his listing then as well. Between 7' and 7'1" considering his footwear. Also explains why Big Show was 2in smaller.

(Formerly 184.3cmNight)
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 13/Apr/16
James B said on 12/Apr/16

Uh your forgetting Sid wore thicker wrestling boots then hogan

I´m pretty sure they weren´t noticable higher, watch WM8 again and you even see Hogan on his tiptoes still near 2inches shorter during their staredown.
RP said on 13/Apr/16
62B...yeah, when you adjust the camera tilt he did look more 6'6.5" to me. Great example on how hard it is to truly judge someone's height from random photos.
RP said on 13/Apr/16
Sean nailed it!
James B said on 13/Apr/16
Boss said on 12/Apr/16
Sid was Undertakers height in his wrestling gear. Sid's boots may be why he comes out taller than his barefoot height. He looks a .5" taller than Taker in some pics and .5" shorter in some pics. Undertaker is 6'7.5" barefoot and around 6'8.5" in his boots with Sid. So Sid could look 6'8" range or better in boots.

It says here taker had 1 inch on Sid at mania 97

Click Here
Sean said on 12/Apr/16
Hulk Hogan - 6'5.5" peak barefoot. 6'7" with wrestling boots
James B said on 12/Apr/16
James B said on 11/Apr/16
I think it's fair to say that by 1992 hogan was no taller than 6'5 1/2

If Hogan was 6´5.5" in 1992, Sid was 6´7.25-6´7.5" Fact

I think Rob has Sid a tad to low, 6´6.75"-6´7" imo
Wich makes Hogan a maximum 6´5" flat in 1992, he already wrestled 15 yrs so losing a tad or two isn´t impossible

Uh your forgetting Sid wore thicker wrestling boots then hogan
62B said on 12/Apr/16
RP said on 11/Apr/16
@62B...I'm settling on 6'7.5" with the young man with Shaq. I have looked at the pic 3 times...I'm sticking with 6'7.5" ???

Thought I had posted that he is 6'6". Maybe it just hasn't shown up yet in the comments
Boss said on 12/Apr/16
Sid was Undertakers height in his wrestling gear. Sid's boots may be why he comes out taller than his barefoot height. He looks a .5" taller than Taker in some pics and .5" shorter in some pics. Undertaker is 6'7.5" barefoot and around 6'8.5" in his boots with Sid. So Sid could look 6'8" range or better in boots.
RP said on 12/Apr/16
With JT's corrected camera angle...the young lad with Shag now looks 6'6.5" tops.
Johno said on 11/Apr/16
Has upto 5-inches on 5'10 listed St. Pierre so 6'3, 6'2.5-6'3.
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 11/Apr/16
James B said on 11/Apr/16
I think it's fair to say that by 1992 hogan was no taller than 6'5 1/2

If Hogan was 6´5.5" in 1992, Sid was 6´7.25-6´7.5" Fact

I think Rob has Sid a tad to low, 6´6.75"-6´7" imo
Wich makes Hogan a maximum 6´5" flat in 1992, he already wrestled 15 yrs so losing a tad or two isn´t impossible
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 11/Apr/16
JT said on 11/Apr/16
62B said on 6/Apr/16
Not sure why my link did not work, but here it is again for those who want to test their ability to guess someones height from a picture

I agree with the 6´6" estimations, but Shaq isn´t standing straight, so we can only guess how much height he would gain.
RP said on 11/Apr/16
@62B...I'm settling on 6'7.5" with the young man with Shaq. I have looked at the pic 3 times...I'm sticking with 6'7.5" ???
JT said on 11/Apr/16
62B said on 6/Apr/16
Not sure why my link did not work, but here it is again for those who want to test their ability to guess someones height from a picture

Click Here

Not a good pic to estimate heights since there is about a 4 degree camera tilt in favor of the other guy (corrected here) Click Here Plus, the camera angle is on his side as well just like it favors Yao Ming over Dikembe Motumbo here Click Here
James B said on 11/Apr/16
I think it's fair to say that by 1992 hogan was no taller than 6'5 1/2
62B said on 11/Apr/16
Not sure if anyone else was wanting to take a guess on the kids height I posted with Shaq so 184.3cm, you win. Sam is 6'6"
James B said on 10/Apr/16
straightahead said on 9/Apr/16
The "freak of nature" Studd was only a tad taller than the 6'4 1/2 Fralic, but who knows? maybe Studd had some amazing peak we never saw?

I think studd was 6'6?
RP said on 10/Apr/16
Adam Scherr aka Braun Strowman: 6'7.75" & 370-380 lbs "legit"!!! &
John Minton aka Big John Studd: 6'6.75" & 330-350 lbs in his prime.
bigmike74 said on 10/Apr/16
@62B i don't think he's gonna comment so please tell us the young fellas height? The angles are funky but the guy has to be 6'4.5" - 6'6.5" I'm sure the idiot will have something stupid to say but never the less ignore him so please spill it already.
62B said on 10/Apr/16
straightahead said on 9/Apr/16
The "freak of nature" Studd was only a tad taller than the 6'4 1/2 Fralic, but who knows? maybe Studd had some amazing peak we never saw?

Eh, Studd overall from the interview video with Fralic to the wm2 battle royal looks at least 6'6". Personally I don't think Studd had Hogan by more than an inch in the mid/late 80's.
Boss said on 10/Apr/16
6'7.5 " for the guy with Shaq.
Vegas said on 9/Apr/16
bigmike74 said on 7/Apr/16
@62B pic has a funky angle but i would guess 6'3.5" to 6'4.5".


well there is shaq standing beside hogan (in cowboys) back in 1994 Click Here

that chap is easily a couple of inches taller than hogan "funky angle" or not
bigmike74 said on 9/Apr/16
@62B if shaq is 7'1" then that young fella is in the 6'5 1/2" to 6'6 1/2" Range barefoot. It looks like shaq is leaning and relaxed as if he didn't want to take the pic but if he's 7' then i say 6'4.5" to 6'5.5" with the funky angle. Really hard to say.
62B said on 9/Apr/16
@ 184.3cm and RP. I am kind of waiting for er4smiths to take a guess before I say
James B said on 8/Apr/16
Big John studd was a freak of nature though. Made hogan look small in terms of sheer body mass.

In fact I think a prime stud was more of a monster than Braun strowman.
184.3cm (Night) said on 8/Apr/16

I would have said around 6'6" for the kid next to Shaq but im not sure about the footwear. I think Shaq has less shoes there and the kid has volume in his hair. Removing the hair i thought around 6'6".
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 7/Apr/16
I actually think he was a solid 6ft6 guy in his prime (and 6ft7 out of bed). Watch him in the late 70's. Just a mountain of a man and at his heaviest was well over 300lbs...and very agile for his size.
RP said on 7/Apr/16
62B...if Shaq is 7'1"..???...then I'd guess the young man in the pic is 6'8" ?? ...if Shaq is 7'0" barefoot? Then I'd say that fella is 6'7" barefoot. Maybe 6'7" & change ???
bigmike74 said on 7/Apr/16
@62B pic has a funky angle but i would guess 6'3.5" to 6'4.5".
bigmike74 said on 7/Apr/16
One Man Gang was a big guy. 6'6" - 6'7" easy. Ben Davidson was a extremely tall guy for NFL back then 6'8 1/4" was his barefoot measurement when he tried out for the NFL and also documented on his physical clearence form that they did every year start of season. His last 1 says 6'8" which i assume is just minor height loss from getting hit in the NFL for so long. That picture shows alot of things. 1. A prime 6'3" Hogan as some of the idiots say just can't be possible. 2. A prime 6'4" Hogan just can't be possible.
3. A prime 6'6" Hogan fact. Just to appease the idiots even if he had lifts in his boots it still puts him at 6'6" if no lifts are there which i would bet there weren't he could have been a shade over 6'6". So now all that is out there let the dumb a$$ ignorant Moran try to figure a way out to side step it. Ben Davidson was around 6'9 1/2 - 3/4" and change with boots so a 6'3" Hogan would have to have blocks under his feet to get to the mark he is in that pic.
62B said on 6/Apr/16
Not sure why my link did not work, but here it is again for those who want to test their ability to guess someones height from a picture

Click Here
RYAN11 said on 4/Apr/16
Boss, that photo has been on here many times. Hogan is no more than 1 inch shorter than Davidson. Hogan is bald while they have full heads of hair. Carey has unknown footwear while Hogan and Bens are the same. Carey is a foot closer to the camera which is why he looks 6'6" there. Hogan is 6'7" there easily barefoot, but if you want to say 6'6.5" I'm not arguing over a half inch lol. Hogan is further back as you pointed out, so that alone makes him within an inch or less of big Ben.
6'2 said on 4/Apr/16
first of all straighthead if you want to put george gray omg akeem at 6'1 or 2"' thats fine but in a recent pic of him with slick he appears a few inches shorter seems to be the same event as the one ottman was at now slick is about 6'3 or 4 when you compare him to 6'4 kamala but when we look at slick when he managed akeem he was 3"' shorter putting him in 6'7 bracket. basically what im saying theres something very wrong with the pictures of omg and ottman trust me on this george gray is not under 6'3 and i stand by all my estimations i belive im about the best on this page if not im certainly in the top 1
John said on 4/Apr/16
He was listed 6ft 4 and 1/2 during his college baseball career
62B said on 4/Apr/16
Lets have a test to see how good you guys are guestimating heights from pics. How tall is this kid with Shaq? Click Here He is the son of one of my high school classmates
RYAN11 said on 3/Apr/16
Straightahead, do you even know who the One Man Gang is or was?? He was even in height with Studd, so now Studd was only 6'3"?? You must be confused, as for 6'2" list, it's reasonable and if anything estimating on the low side for some of them.
bigmike74 said on 3/Apr/16
@6'2 Ingnore the idiot. Good listing. That's not even Ottman. Like i have said if we all just ignore that idiot maybe he will just finally get the hint that his BS has come to a end.
James B said on 3/Apr/16
I must say in the 1980s hogan looked like a very big man indeed. Held his own against 6'11 Andre.

Today hogan still looks like a really big guy but obviously he will keep losing height in the upcoming years.

Have a gut feeling though hogan ain't going to be alive for a great deal longer.
Boss said on 1/Apr/16
Here Hogan with NFL's Ben Davidson 6'8" and Julius J Carrey 6'5". Carey and Davidson are both standing closer to the camera with Carey being the closest. Hogan comes out looking around 6'6-6'6.5" range.
Click Here
Johno said on 1/Apr/16
Probably could still measure 6'3.
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 1/Apr/16
Dub said on 30/Mar/16
Kevin Nash clearly stated Hogan was 6ft 4in when he first saw him in action in the 1980s so why are people still saying Hogan was 6ft 7in?

Because Nash´s 6´4" was a rough guess from a distance, not a measurement.
Anyway it´s quite as wrong as the 6´7". Right around the middle of them is the truth.

This is how I see the chances of his peak evening height:

198cm - 3%
197cm - 25%
196cm - 55%
195cm - 15%
194cm - 2%

Rob, nailing it to evening height would you agree with this?
Editor Rob
I'd weight it a bit higher towards 197-8
bigmike74 said on 1/Apr/16
I have met many tall athletes and just tall people in general in the business I'm in. I don't claim to be a height expert but i know a 6'2" person compared to a 6'4" person. Hogan was bigger than me and my brother we are both considered tall guys. He was taller than both of us in low top shoes maybe giving 1" tops of lift more like .75". He was 2" taller than my 6'2" brother. My brother had regular shoes on giving about 1" so footwear was equal. There's not that much of a noticeable difference with 1" but 2" + you can see. When he was standing around limp posture he still had Troy by almost 2" so 6'3.5" at low and straightened up 6'4" maybe even 6'4 1/4" that's barefeet. My statement towards straightahead was just so everyone can see what most of us already know that he is just stirring the pot with BS. The Rocks page shows that read down it a bit in bold letters he says he could see Hogan over 6'5" peak but on here he spouts 6'4" I'm sure if you went to other wrestlers sites on here he would be all over the place to push his agenda for his fanboy fantasy. I won't respond to his trolling but the prople who met Hogan know what I'm talking about.
6'2 said on 31/Mar/16
peak height hogan 6'6,. 1991 6'5 today 6'3 or so.sid peak 6'7.5 now 6'6. big show peak7'1 2006 7ft now 6'11. undertaker peak 6'8 2003 6'7.5 today 6'6.5-7"'. john studd peak 6'7 1989 6'6.5 1993 6'6. andre the giant peak 7'1.5" 1983 7ft 1987 6'11. kevin nash peak 6'10 now 6'9. kane peak 6'8.5 now 6'7. one man gang 6'7 maybe 6'6 now. john tenta 6'6
Dub said on 30/Mar/16
Kevin Nash clearly stated Hogan was 6ft 4in when he first saw him in action in the 1980s so why are people still saying Hogan was 6ft 7in?
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 30/Mar/16
6ft7-6ft8 in wrestling boots peak.
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 29/Mar/16
Longtime german WWE commentator Carsten Schäfer described Hogans inring height as 1,98m-2m depending on how thick the soles of his shoes are. Pretty interesting he mentioned the footwear, he met him personally backstage so I don´t think he is making things up.

The comment was on a german dvd when Hogan fought Big John Studd.

1,98m-2m / 6´6"-6´6.75" in ringgear sounds pretty legit and points to a 6´5"-6´5.5" barefootheight, hard to get closer than this.
miko said on 29/Mar/16
I'm still of the opinion that if he stands up as tall as physically possible he'd still clear 6'3.
James B said on 28/Mar/16
Sid would often wear thicker wrestling boots than hogan in the early 90s boosting him to 6'7 legit and add to that hogan probably was between 6'5-6'6 at that point.
Old conservative hippy said on 27/Mar/16
Back in my prime I was 6'4.5" tall and 245 pounds. Those days are long gone. I got to meet Hogan in 1977, trust me, he was he was every bit of 6'7" and 290 to 310 pounds then. Never met him again.
bigmike74 said on 27/Mar/16
If you want to see a troll in action visit the rocks page here stroll down the comments and you will see @straightahead saying a totally different tune. Rob please block that person he is a troll just trying to work up people on the internet. You own the site look yourself and see what i mean about his BS on the rocks page. Hes on there saying Hogan was 6'5" plus and the rock is 6'4" but on here he's saying different just to piss people off. People like that cause others to stop participating which in tern hurts the site.
To all don't take my word for it look yourself. Once you see then ignore that idiot.
bigmike74 said on 27/Mar/16
@rampage (-_-_-)clover that interview was years ago where he said 6'5". He's not that tall barefoot. At the most out of bed maybe 6'4 1/2" but he walks around at 6'3.5". If he stands straight he is 6'4" barefeet.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 25/Mar/16
He's said 6ft4½, 6ft5 and "a little over" 6ft5 recently.
62B said on 24/Mar/16
RYAN11 said on 22/Mar/16
Big Mike, you are on the money about that troll. I have met and seen him up close twice. Once in 87 pre height loss and just over a year ago. He was truly 6'9" in his wrestling boots back then so 6'7" or within a half inch barefoot easily. He was over 6'4" barefoot the last time I met him, one guy there who was 6'4" thought for a second he was taller taking a picture with him until Hogan straightened his knees and stood tall, suddenly Hogan was taller and their footwear was the same


I saw him in 1980, He was 6'51/2" at most in my opinion.
bigmike74 said on 24/Mar/16
@straightahead Blah Blah Blah! I won't resond to complete ignorance. I'm done with arguing with you about you incompetence, ignorance and complete utter stupidity. You can keep saying your ignorant crap but at this point no one here acknowledges you as a competent judge of anything. In this world you have the smart and the stupid and you are on the dump end of stupid a special kind at that. I won't acknowledge anything further you say because then i would be allowing your stupidity to carry on to me.
Alex said on 24/Mar/16
Jesus, how can be possible lose almost 10 cm of height? There's any other case in the wrestling world? Losing a solid 7 cm is tremendous, it is never possible for anyone in nature.
6'2 said on 24/Mar/16
no way he was 6'4 peak that would make sid 6'5.5 peak which in turn would make harvey whippleman 4'11
bigmike74 said on 23/Mar/16
@rampage (-_-_-)clover i could see him at 6'5" in those jordans he wears but he's not over 6'4" barefoot.
RYAN11 said on 22/Mar/16
Big Mike, you are on the money about that troll. I have met and seen him up close twice. Once in 87 pre height loss and just over a year ago. He was truly 6'9" in his wrestling boots back then so 6'7" or within a half inch barefoot easily. He was over 6'4" barefoot the last time I met him, one guy there who was 6'4" thought for a second he was taller taking a picture with him until Hogan straightened his knees and stood tall, suddenly Hogan was taller and their footwear was the same.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 22/Mar/16
Rob, he claims to be a little over 6ft5 in his most recent interview!

Click Here

Pause at 4:18
Editor Rob
he's being a bit cheeky, but then out of bed with sneakers I'm sure he is that mark.
berta said on 22/Mar/16
same height as me when he was Young 196,5-197 and now 191-2
JD said on 22/Mar/16
Dears, all these discussions about a few centimeters back and forth, please see Hulk with singer James Blunt, James s round 5 feet 8 inches let us say 1,73 m and Hulk is more than a head bigger than him. As Celeb delivers nearly and realistic size measures let us accept that Terry Bollea now is abount 6 foot 3.5 inches which is 1,92 cm and used to have about 6.6 inches at he top. So we can also believe Terry that with his 6 foot 4 inches he is telling us the truth. As a big fan of Hulk Hogan and his way how he presents wrestling i am strongly convinced that he tells us the truth also here. But you all are right that the good Andre the Giant was in maximum round 6.11.5 seeing him also on the picture with Wilt Chamberlain and never was 7 feet 5 inches ever. Have a good time all of you fans of wrestling community.
Barrythetiler said on 21/Mar/16
Bigmike74 which part of the trial is that comparison ? I have tried to find it but to no avail.
6'2 said on 21/Mar/16
buster douglas wa 2-3" shorter than hogan in 1989 in his match against randy savage and buster was at least 6'3
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 20/Mar/16
He said in another interview that he's a little over 6ft5!
RP said on 20/Mar/16
Boss is correct...Danimal was very accurate & knowledgable with his height listings.
bigmike74 said on 19/Mar/16
@straightahead i take what i said back about er4smiths. You should be eating the 45 LCP. Aleast with er4smiths once he actually sees proof of something he will admit it i honestly think you are the troll. I don't care if you don't believe me about Hogans height it really doesn't matter. I met him stood 2 feet away from him for 15 minutes i sized him up and i had another person of known height to me to base my already known conclusion of where he hovers around and it's no less than 6'3.5 minimum and more like 6'4". You preach camera angles this and camera angles that. B.S. I don't get fanboy star struck so just like looking at a person in the grocery store who is taller than me i did the same with Hogan. You cant say that and until you can stfu! You are trolling with you complete nonsense. A taller man can adjust his height by stance and relaxed posture when taking photos with a shorter person Rob can tell you that he does it quite often with other celebs when he gets photos with them when they are slouching. If he stood straight at his height and takes a picture with say a 6'2" person who is leaning or slouching with relaxed posture the 6'2" person from the mid chest level up in the photo could look 5'11" so your garbage is not excepted as fact especially to the people on here who have met Hogan face to face.
I haven't read a post yet where a person who has met his says he's anything less than 6'3.5" but most say 6'4" plus the 6'5" assumptions are a little out there but i cant say it's a lie not knowing what his footwear is. But your picture measuring claims are garbage and should be looked at as garbage. All the people saying there face to face estimation can't be wrong.
RP said on 18/Mar/16
Well, he may be 6'8" now that he'll have $115 million of Gawker money to stand on 😂😂😂
Boss said on 18/Mar/16
I've posted here for years. You know nothing about posture or camera angles and just try to annoy people with your ignorant gargbage. I guess Rob is a troll since he has Hogan at 6'6 peak height. Straightahead reminds me of a troll who is blocked from this site. Danimal is not a troll and is actually way more credible than you will ever be.
bigmike74 said on 18/Mar/16
@er4smiths yes its name Hogan vs Gawker day 1 trial exerts 2 of 4.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 17/Mar/16
He's now being listed at 6ft8 on the four-letter website.
er4smiths said on 16/Mar/16
@bigmike74 - I've gone thru all 3 days of the Gawker trial and I seem to be missing the part you described down below "If you want stone evidence watch the 1st day of Hogans court case vs Gawker. They ask him under oath and the judge states her Deputy in the court room is 6'3' for reference what his starting weight and height were pre health issues and he states just over 6'6.5" and 310 pounds then they ask him after injuries what his weight and height is and he states 6'4" and his weight moves between 275 to 290 pounds. She has her deputy stand beside him for reference and he is taller than the deputy"
Can you provide the youtube link and at about what time point the part is at in the video? thanks
bigmike74 said on 16/Mar/16
@RP i don't think they were talking in shoes height. The judge made her bailiff stand next to Hogan and she said his height was 6'3" Hogan was in dress shoes and appeared 1.5" to 2" taller. He had the heel advantage and for once he stood straight up and was no less than 6"4" possibly .5" to .75" over.
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 16/Mar/16
Rob could he really edge Ralf Möller at peak?
Editor Rob
they probably would be so close that you might be pushed to tell...
Boss said on 15/Mar/16
Looks like Chet Coppock has more than an inch on 6'5 range Michael Jordan.
Click Here

Hulk Hogan and Chet Coppock. Chet is a little closer to the camera.
Click Here
RP said on 13/Mar/16
On what Big Mike74 posted on Hogan's trial testimony of being 6'6.5" peak & now 6'4" @ 62 yeas old....I can totally buy that with it being his height in shoes? Peak Hogan was about 6'6.5" in shoes...and current Hogan is indeed about 6'4" in shoes. And since 2/3rds of the general public give their heights as it is with shoes on...then this is accurate testimony.
bigmike74 said on 11/Mar/16
@er4smiths i don't know what photos you are looking at but Hogan looks equal in height with Hoff and possibly a bit taller if he straightened up and the Aikman pics are not even usable for the ones you are talking about because they were on a blue screen incline and Aikman was infront of Hogan same goes with the manning pic that is the worst for ignorant comparison because of the angles and how both men are standing. Try again you are still talking nonsense. You should eat a 45 LCP.
Shawn said on 9/Mar/16
Watch this shoot with Kevin Nash (listed on this site at 6'9"), and jump to exactly 2:54 in the interview:

Click Here

Nash mentions how the first time he ever saw Hulk from the 3rd row in the crowd(in the 80s), he was 6'4". And him and Hogan are friends. Make from that what you will.
RYAN11 said on 9/Mar/16
Hogan's weight fluxuated between 310-330 lbs while he was on the juice and that has been stated by many others not just Hogan. Listing Hogan at just over 300lbs was to make the Giants he wrestled seem overwhelming to beat. If you wee to announce him at 330lbs then the 360lb Studd doesn't seem so gigantic, and Bundy who.was 440lbs seems to big also. As for Andre, Noni would not say he was 700lbs, but his announced weight never changed for 10 years despite the FACT he kept growing at an accelerated rate and was noticeably much heavier, so 600lbs is easily possible. Big Show was just under 500lbs at one point, and was never as large as Andre was nor as tall. Like Big Mike pointed out, I also haveet and seen both Hogan and Andre up.close in person. I also know what a 250 or 300 lbs man looks like. Hogan was much bigger and taller than any 6'4" 280 lb guy in the 80's. And Andre was over 7 feet tall by a good amount and we'll over the 525lb mark they gave him when I saw him in 1987. But you go.on with your expert height guessing from pictures lol
bigmike74 said on 9/Mar/16
@straightahead do us all a favor and disappear the ignorance you spew is starting to make yourself look like a complete idiot. If you want people on here to start taking your ignorant crap seriously start stating realistic heights. Your perception is so far off that it makes you look like a fool.
Anonymous1 said on 9/Mar/16
...I don't claim to be certain of anything, regarding Hogan's height. But, in just watching his first appearance on The A Team (1985) today, on whatever oldies station, he was taller than Mr T, for sure. But, he did not seem to completely dwarf him, either. I've always read T was 5'11 or 5'11 and 1/2. If that's true, Hogan certainly didn't "look" 6 or 7 inches taller than him, in this 1985 episode. If Hogan was 6'7, or close to it, back then, it sure didn't seem so in this show. Looked more like 6'4 or "maybe" 6'5, barely. All I'm saying is that maybe this explains his huge height loss; Maybe he was never anywhere near 6'7 to begin with. I'm basing this solely on what I saw today.
6'2 said on 9/Mar/16
he had at least 2-3"' on buster douglas whowas 6'3-4"'
bigmike74 said on 9/Mar/16
@straightahead i don't care either way. If you want stone evidence watch the 1st day of Hogans court case vs Gawker. They ask him under oath and the judge states her Deputy in the court room is 6'3' for reference what his starting weight and height were pre health issues and he states just over 6'6.5" and 310 pounds then they ask him after injuries what his weight and height is and he states 6'4" and his weight moves between 275 to 290 pounds. She has her deputy stand beside him for reference and he is taller than the deputy. Point is the Attorney asking the questions was showing the jury and judge the physical aspect of what wrestling does to your body and how the Gawker people hurt his only way of making money since he can't be ring active. It's on youtube look it up.
RP said on 8/Mar/16
What we do know about Chet, is that Chet in dress shoes was exactly 1" taller than Michael Jordan in sneakers. Jordan has documented barefoot measurements raging anywhere from 6'4.75" to 6'5.25",,,meaning barefoot Chet was nothing less than a minimum 6'5.75" barefoot...and maybe as much as 6'6.25" ???
er4smiths said on 8/Mar/16
RYAN11 - how can he be 6'4" now, when he is dwarfed by 6'5" Joe Manganiello and Peyton Manning, noticeably shorter than 6'4" Troy Aikman and David Hasselhoff and 6'3" Snoop Dogg. This is where my issue is. These aren't speculations, they are backed up by photographic evidence. He is also barely taller than John Cena, same height has 6'2" Rock etc etc. I'd really like to have a grown up conversation on this and see where you're coming from.
me said on 8/Mar/16
No way Studd was only 6'5". He was the same height as Rick Barry. As far as Chet goes he and Hogan are close in height with Hogan edging him out. Hogan from the get go said Andre had at least 6" on him. Hogan always claimed 6'7" but even at 6'6" that puts Andre right where Rob has him and Hogan as well. For Chet to say 3" taller is ridiculous. That would mean the same difference between Hogan and Andre and we know that isn't even close. That is if Chet actually said that. Maybe he had an issue with Vince. Regardless he is way off.
Aaronious said on 6/Mar/16
Rob, check out this picture with the ring announcer from WM2, Chet Coppcock, who was a legit 6'6", and Hogan, as well as some other WM2 guys:

Click Here
Editor Rob
Hogan could look nearer 6ft 6 in the 80's, with that guy he does look more than 6ft 5
Boss said on 6/Mar/16
Well Chet says he and Hogan were same height as we already knew. Andre was more than 3" taller than Hogan at Wrestlemania more like 5" and more like 6" when they first met in the late 1970's. Also, Andre almost exclusively wrestled guys 6'6 range or more so some accounts just don't add up. We have Ernie Ladd, Killer Kowalski, Bobo Brazil, Don Leo, Big John Studd, Giant Baba, Rene DeLartesse, Buddy Baker, Blackjack Mulligan, Tyler Mane and his partner, One Man Gang, Giant Haystacks, Wilt Chamberlain and more around Chet's height or up to several inches taller.
62B said on 6/Mar/16
JT said on 3/Mar/16
Here’s Chet Coppock’s response to my email several years ago
Click Here We don’t know if Chet was a legit 6’6” either although if he claims he was a little taller than Michael Jordan, he’s not a flat 6’5”.

You also don't know that Chet Choppock wasn't a little over 6'6" and just rounded down.
RYAN11 said on 5/Mar/16
Er4smiths, you are either in desperate need of glasses or you just like stirring up stuff. If you ever really want to debate his height peak or now you need to start making somewhat realistic comments. He is around 6'4" now, saying that for a peak height is just foolish and cannot be taken seriously. Hogan was over 6'6" barefoot in his 20's, the only debatable subject is whether he was really 6'7" or was he just really close and rounded up. I personally ally saw him up close in 1986 and again met him in 2014. He was at least 320lbs and over 6'6" back then, he has lost size mostly in his legs and somewhat in his arms, chest and shoulders which is natural given his age and the fact he doesn't loft really heavy weight like he used to. He is easily still around 290 lbs now, I've been around many guys in the 6'2-3" range in the gym who are bulked up and he still is considerably larger. Straightahead, everyone should simply stop responding to anything you post as it is complete garbage.
Boss said on 4/Mar/16
The reason Chet's left shoulder looks higher is because he he closer to the camera.
dustin said on 4/Mar/16
er4smiths, you can clearly see the top of hogans bald head, Chet's head is harder to judge because he has puffy hair. if his head were shaved you could see that the top of his head is pretty even with Hogans. Chets shoulders may look higher, but Hogan has a large head. Footwear advantage cannot be assumed in any pic that you cannot clearly see footwear. I dont see 2 inches. In fact i do not see inches at all. I see a half inch difference at the most in that pic. Judging a prime 80's early 90's Hulk against Tenta, Zeus, Jake Roberts, Chet, Hillbilly Jim, One Man Gang, Muhammad Ali, Christopher Lloyd, Richard Belzar, King Kong Bundy and countless others, A 6'5"-6'6" Hulk Hogan is what we have in the his prime. Obviously he is alot shorter these days.
bigmike74 said on 4/Mar/16
Both pics with Chett show a 6'6" Hogan and Chett they both are leaning and camera angle is in favor of Chett. I showed the pics to my sister in law who does photography for a living and she confirmed that if that pic with just Chett and Hogan the angle is a 28 degree tilt in favor of Chett if you square it out Hogan would be taller not by much but taller none the least. More than likely footwear advantage goes to Hogan by just assuming but take the footwear away same height around the board. 6'6" peak Rob nailed it.
62B said on 4/Mar/16
er4smiths said on 2/Mar/16
I find that "most" people are not good judges of height. I pride myself in it, and have always been Obsessed With Height since I was a little boy. I would ask tall people there heights and so on.

I think its a little funny bud that you think you are any more qualified than anybody else to judge how tall a person is that you have never met or seen in person, just because you've been "Obsessed With Height since you were a kid." You can be proud of yourself all you want for your own perceived ability to guess height from pictures, but its not likely to ever convince someone like myself who has seen Hogan during his peak height days that he was 6'3.5". I saw with my own eyes that Hogan was taller than my 6'4"+ Grandfather.
JT said on 3/Mar/16
Here’s Chet Coppock’s response to my email several years ago
Click Here We don’t know if Chet was a legit 6’6” either although if he claims he was a little taller than Michael Jordan, he’s not a flat 6’5”.

The latest pic of Hogan and Chet is nice but pointless for estimating height, as we can’t see the footwear, stances, or level of the floor. Hogan very easily could have been wearing cowboy boots with Chet, just as he is here Click Here wearing that same American Made shirt. Rob has George Peppard at 6’0” although he’s around 57 here with Hogan and may have lost a little height. Regardless, Hogan's nowhere near 6'8" in cowboy boots with Peppard.
dustin said on 3/Mar/16
Studd had more than 2 inches on Superman. More like at least 3 or more, and his head is tilted forward sightly. Also Christopher Reeve is listed as 6'3.5" on this sight. He is that at the very least. I just dont see a 6'5" Studd. He was similar in height with Akeem. Maybe a bit taller. No way is Akeem only 6'5".
bigmike74 said on 2/Mar/16
Hogan has never been 6'8" as he was billed maybe in thick boots but more like 6'7.5 -.75" but barefeet prime he was every bit of 6'6" and more than likely hit 6'7" right out of bed but that we don't know. A 1980 Hogan was 6'6" a 2016 Hogan is in my opinion from seeing him and knowing my own height around 6'3.5 - 6'4". The people who haven't seen him should stfu! Your opinions are bs and you are simply put idiots and your measuring skills need working on.
dustin said on 2/Mar/16
Boss, that is the pic i was referring to. Also in regards to the picture er4smiths is referring to, you cannot see the footwear so how can you tell that he has thicker soles?
er4smiths said on 2/Mar/16
@Boss - that's a great pic, thanks for posting. When I look at that pic - my first thought is Chet looks at least 2" taller. Let me explain before you assume I'm crazy.
Chet looks leaned down into Hogan a bit (common pose lots of people do) and also if you look at Chet's shoulders (obviously his left) they are higher. I think we
can safely assume Hogan has the footwear advantage, and also since this photo is surrounded by a black frame, if you enlarge the pic and get the top of Chet's head to
touch the black frame line - you see a nearly 2" gap from the top of Hogan's head to the line. To me, Hogan looks around 6'4" tops in this pic. I am actually ok with a 6'4" peak Hogan. What do you all think?
er4smiths said on 2/Mar/16
bigmike74 - I'm not calling you a liar. I don't know you, and assume you're probably a good guy (even though you name the state I live in and call me an idiot). I can also assume, we are all here to find out the truth when it comes to Hogan's peak barefoot height and current barefoot height. As I have told ryan11 - you bring up a very valid point about seeing Hulk in person as opposed to having never. I don't disagree, I just think there is more to it than that. There are so many factors that can come into play, the least of which, is one person's observation skills compared to the next. Witnesses of a crime can have completely different accounts or descriptions of what happened or what the person looked like, how tall etc. Also, in a lot of pictures WWF/WWE were very calculating on how they stacked wrestlers up with each other. Having them stand on boxes, stand closer to the camera, film at certain angles to make it look like they were taller or larger, wear lifts, etc etc. I'm 6'2" but get told by people
all the time they thought I was 6'3" or 6'4" - I find that "most" people are not good judges of height. I pride myself in it, and have always been Obsessed With Height since I was a little boy. I would ask tall people there heights and so on.
I am basing my opinion on Hulk's peak and current barefoot height, on tons of pictures with many different people to compare with. I also have a good friend who has met him and shook his hand and spoke to him for over 5 minutes at an Army
event in GA. I have the picture to prove it. My friend is 5'10" and Hulk was no more than 4 inches taller. He described Hulk as seeming like a 6'1" guy. I've said it till I'm blue in the face - WWF/WWE are highly skilled at creating larger than life
figures with their superstars. For example billing 6'1" guys as 6'4" and by far embellishing weights too. They billed Kane up to 7ft tall at one point. In reality he is 6'4.5"-6'5" - look at the pic with Vince Vaughn - same height. So you can get angry
and name call etc - but that doesn't bode well for you proving your argument. We all really need to start being civil and acting like fellow height and wrestling fans. Not out to prove each other wrong but to come together and join forces and resources
and prove once and for all Hulk Hogan's barefoot peak and current height.
er4smiths - from TN
Boss said on 1/Mar/16
er4smiths said on 29/Feb/16
sorry Dustbin, not a chance. Chet was leaning and behind Hogan in the pics. PLUS Hogan was wearing much thicker soles. Why are you guys so dense when it comes to camera angles or footwear advantage??

Well here is Hulk Hogan and 6'6 Chet Coppock standing straight and side by side. Chet Coppock is actually a little closer to the camera.
Click Here
bigmike74 said on 29/Feb/16
So basically everyone on here who has met Hogan shook his hand and stood face to face with him weather in shoes or like some say flip flops all say 6'3.5 - 6'4.5 are liars if you go by what the 2 guys who haven't met him say. I met the guy he's taller than me. Er4smiths &straightahead have never met the guy and compare pictures which most of them show him as tall as Rod has him listed. I personally think those 2 are the same idiot guy from Tennessee who should have been pillowed. To all who have met him your opinions are valid for those who haven't yours are nothing more that BS.
dustin said on 29/Feb/16
Studd did tower over Christopher Reeve, and was as tall as Rick Barry after several years in wrestling and over 350lbs of bodyweight. The photo of Hogan and Chet i saw, they were side by side and their looked to be maybe a 1/4 of an inch difference.I guess Tenta, Zeus and Hillbilly jim were all 6'2" to 6"3 as well? Get outa here with all that. 6'9" Andre? keep dreaming dude.
er4smiths said on 29/Feb/16
sorry Dustbin, not a chance. Chet was leaning and behind Hogan in the pics. PLUS Hogan was wearing much thicker soles. Why are you guys so dense when it comes to camera angles or footwear advantage??
If John Studd was 6'7'-7.5" - he would tower over Bill Fralic and Christopher Reeve AND Rick Barry. Studd was 6'5" tops barefoot. Hogan was around 6'3.5" barefoot and Andre was 6'9" barefoot - obvious as snow.
Hogan is NOT anywhere close to 6'4" right now. I love the "he crouches down or stands with his knees bent" excuse. If he stood up he'd be 6'5"? lmao He was dwarfed by 6'5" Joe M. 6'6" Dennis Rodman 6'4" Troy Aikman
Now how about all the pics side by side with 5'8"-5'11" guys where he barely looks 6'2" at best?? RIGHT - that's because HE IS. I agree he has lost some height - everyone does with age and of course with certain surgeries etc.
So 6'3.5" to 6'2" is more than appropriate.
Dustin said on 27/Feb/16
The prime Hogan height discussion should be over after seeing the Chet Coppock pics. He was 6'5".5-6'6". Game over. Now all the Studd and Andre heights can have a definite starting point. Prime Studd was 6'7"-6'7.5" and Andre was never under 6'11" while still wrestling.
Justin said on 27/Feb/16
I never knew that Zeus wore platform shoes but makes sense now. Hogan must of been his billed height then
joe### said on 26/Feb/16
Click Here
denali said on 25/Feb/16
i met curt angel he is 5-9.75----5-10 spot on , use him to compare hogan. im 5.9 exact he was just barley taller than me.
Boss said on 24/Feb/16
Hey Rob, what's your opinion on Hogan and Chet Coppock?
Editor Rob
they may well have been pretty close, near 6ft 6
Boss said on 24/Feb/16
We have Hogan in his prime with 6'6 Chet Coppock in his prime and Hogan is in 6'6 range peak. Hogan was slightly taller than 6'5+ Hillbilly Jim , 6'5 Tiny Lister, and was as tall or slightly taller than 6'5 3/4 Earthquake John Tenta, 6'6 One man gang. I mean 6'5 Tiny Lister in 2" heels and has slightly better posture and is on his tip toes. Yet they are right around same height in their staredown.
Boss said on 23/Feb/16
Also, when in Zues character Lister would walk on around on his tip toes to appear as tall as possible. Lister was billed as 6'9" monster.
Boss said on 23/Feb/16
Lister wore 3" platforms in No Holds Barred. Lister wore 2" heels in WWF. So Lister was 6'7 in his boots in his WWF run.
RYAN11 said on 22/Feb/16
Zeus had a huge footwear advantage, those boots had huge heels giving Tiny a 3-4 inch boost. Hogan was taller barefoot by a good margin. The other thing nobody seems to notice or remember is how they listed Zues as 6'9" and 330 lbs, but Hogan was noticeably bigger and thicker. Hogan was 6'7", Lister was over 6'5" and with a 3 inch extra boost looked slightly taller than Hogan in ring. As for this Lister said they were the same height, the were close but Hogan had him by over an inch.
Dustin said on 18/Feb/16
Justin, Zeus wore boots with 2" soles on them in the movie No Holds Bared. He said he was 6'7" in his boots and that he and hulk were both 6'5".
Boss said on 18/Feb/16
Lister had a huge footware advantage over Hogan and they were in WWF both around the same height. Zues had huge heels on his ring boots. Hogan would have been taller than Lister barefoot. Zues would also stand on his tip toes to look as tall as possible and wore platform boots in the movie.
berta said on 17/Feb/16
I dont Think he was ever 6 foot 6 , Moore like my height. 6 foot five /6`5,5
Justin said on 17/Feb/16
Is it possible also that Andre the Giant was taller than 6ft11 when he was younger when he had better posture
Justin said on 17/Feb/16
What I can't work out is that back in the 1980s Hogan appeared shorter than Tony Lister aka Zeus by a inch or two and Tony Lister is listed at 6ft5. It's a head scratcher
Boss said on 16/Feb/16
Both Dan Spivey and Bill Fralic are closer to camera than Hillbilly Jim. 6'6 Dan Spivey is slightly taller than Jim an 6'5 Bill Fralic is slightly shorter than Jim. So Hillbilly Jim looks the 6'5.5 that Rob has him listed at.
Boss said on 16/Feb/16
Chet Coppock is 6'6 and he was taller than Michael Jordan. Here from some articles or scroll down an read yourself.
The flashy giant (he's six-six, and by his own admission has a generously proportioned backside) sadly draws the line at one ornament. "I'd love to wear a gold earring but I'm not sure how the companies I'm a spokesman for would react to it," he says.Click Here

He's the master of the jock cliche, the gladdest hand in Chicago radio. We're speaking, of course, of Chester William "Chet" Coppock, six feet six of pure midwestern ham, the first, the only--yes--postmodern sportscaster.Click Here

Again a prime Hulk Hogan with a prime 6'6" Chet Coppock. Here Hogan standing side by side at his peak with another legit 6'6" man. Let the excuses fly lol.
Click Here
Steve said on 16/Feb/16
Boss, those photos are pretty good, I always thought Hogan was between 6'5 and 6'6. If Chet Coppock was 6'6 then hogan certainly looks around the same height (from those photos). It's quite possible Hogan was 6'6' up until the mid to late 1980's. So Hogan at 6'6 looks to be quite accurate. He clearly wasn't over 6'6.
kurtz said on 15/Feb/16
weak 6'1" today

6'3" his days
total fake height 6 4 and over with magic shoes, boots etc.
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 15/Feb/16
Boss said on 14/Feb/16
HillbillyJim was taller than 6'5 Fralic as well.
Click Here


Never ever, hair doesn´t count to height!

looking at the real top of their heads shows HBJ shorter than Fralic and clearly way shorter than 6´6" Spivey.

noway is HBJ legit 6´5", let alone 6´5.5".
RYAN11 said on 15/Feb/16
There you go again Straightahead, you post that 6'5 3/4" was an error when it has been posted here numerous times and is the one true measurement of Earthquake barefoot. The photos show beyond any doubt that the then 35 year old Hulk still had over an inch on him. Hogan was 6'7" before starting to loose height, the pictures of him and Macho with the 6'4" Thor also prove it again. Look at the picture with Ben Davidson, Hogan had cowboy boots on but so did Davidson and Ben's were thicker heeled. Despite that Hogan was within an inch of the 6'8" Davidson. Anything claimed less than 6'6" and a strong one at that for peak Hogan is a joke. He still stands over 6'4" today when he strightens up. I have seen him up close in 1987 and again in late 2014, I can assure you he has lost a lot of height but is still a very tall and huge man easily weighing 290lbs or more still today.
RP said on 14/Feb/16
Hogan looks 6'4.75" with 6'4" Jim Covert & 6'2.5" Otis Wilson.
er4smiths said on 14/Feb/16
Would someone kindly tell me how to post pictures so I can end this silly argument?
Editor Rob
copy a link to where the picture is hosted into and then paste the shortened link into your comment.
Boss said on 14/Feb/16
John Tenta's 6'5 3/4 measured height at age 22 is a confirmed height and not a typo.
Click Here
Dustin said on 14/Feb/16
Actually HBJ was BILLED at 6'7" and is actually 6'5". Anything under 6'5" for Hogan is bunk. He is not that now, but peak hogan IMO was 6'6"
Boss said on 14/Feb/16
In this pic posted with Hogan and Jimbo Covert I noticed the guy in between them was leaning but still taller than 6'4 Jimbo Covert. It is 6'6 Chicago announcer Chet Coppock. Also, Hogan and Hillbilly Jim are both clearly taller than Jim Covert.
Click Here

HillbillyJim was taller than 6'5 Fralic as well.
Click Here

Chet Coppock and 6'5 Michael Jordan
Click Here

Chet Coppock and Hulk Hogan.
Click Here
james said on 12/Feb/16
I use to think he was 6'8 as a kid as the WWE listed him back then ..until he would cut promos with 6'7 Dennis Rodman in WCW he was about 2 inches shorter standing with rodman
Boss said on 12/Feb/16
Hulk Hogan and 6'4 Thor.
Click Here
Macho Man and Thor who looks 6'4 with Macho Man.
Click Here
Boss said on 12/Feb/16
Here Hogan and Ali over the years.
Click Here
bigmike74 said on 10/Feb/16
I have done internet searches of that photo shoot and there are pictures that show full body shots with Hogan and Ali as well as the others on the front row. Hogan was barefoot and in shorts standing on a box with Ali. Straightahead you are making yourself look very uneducated and like a height hater.
Boss said on 10/Feb/16
Hulk and measured 6'5 3/4" at age 22 Earthquake John Tenta.
Click Here

Hogan and 6'5.5" HillBilly Jim.
Click Here

Hogan and 6'3" James Buster Douglas.
Click Here

Anyone posting a peak Hogan anything under 6'5 is just trolling. Even at 6'5 he would have to be wearing internal lifts because he was taller than several 6'5" guys in his ring boots.
Boss said on 10/Feb/16
Hogan is wearing wrestling boots not cowboy boots and looks 6'6 even if Ali was down to 6'2 at this point.
Alex said on 9/Feb/16
Never thought Hogan was 203 cm, neither during his prime. Most probably he was 196-197 cm, he always looked shorter next to Kevin Nash (206 cm). Now, he should be 191 cm. His height lost is tremendous, he probably lost like a good 5 cm in all these years. Surely his back problems are the main cause.
bigmike74 said on 8/Feb/16
The Ali picture shows his peak height.
Nice picture.
James B said on 8/Feb/16
But is he wearing wrestling boots with Ali?
RYAN11 said on 8/Feb/16
Boss, that picture of Hogan with Ali is not useful except to say Hogan would have a couple more inches on him if both were standing straight. Ali is standing straight up, but anyone can easily see Hogan's legs in the back ground are spread wide and bent which would lower him considerably. When in the ring Hogan was over a half foot taller in his wrestling boots.
Vegas said on 7/Feb/16
kurtz said on 5/Feb/16
weak 6' 1'' today


he was noticeably (as in a couple of inches) taller than steve austin at mania 30. i met austin a number of times and he is for sure taller than i am and i was measured 180.5cm barefoot by my doctor last summer so the only way hogan is weak 6'1 is if he was wearing lifts with austin or on his tiptoes...
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 7/Feb/16
He claimed 6ft4½ recently on Chris Jericho's podcast and also said that he used to be 6ft7
Editor Rob
he's claiming to be literally almost the same height as joe manganiello. I think it is a bit of a stretch really. But then, if he was measured in sneakers he may well have got that mark.
Boss said on 6/Feb/16
Hogan with 6'2,5" Muhammad Ali. Peak Hogan looks 6'6 range with Ali.
Click Here
JT said on 5/Feb/16
Studd, One Man Gang and others from 1984 Click Here Studd looks to be in cowboy boots; One Man Gang’s in tennis shoes. I don’t think anyone here seriously believes that One Man Gang was more than 6’6”. Click Here

Rob has Christopher Reeve at 6’3.5’ Click Here I corrected the apparent camera tilt in the right image. Footwear unknown. Studd looks a little closer to the camera.
kurtz said on 5/Feb/16
weak 6' 1'' today

btwn 6' 2'' - 6'3'' his peak
bigmike74 said on 5/Feb/16
It makes a big difference comparing photos and television clips to a face to face meeting. Your statement in tegards to fusions is incorrect. I work as a life flight EMT and and compression or removal or even shaving of set bone will degrade your height that is a fact that any Surgeon or Orthopaedic Doctor will tell you. I play cards every other week with 2 specialists and both have said this to be true. Decompression of the spine or neck is the same as airing up a tire. Fully aired it is firm deflated it is smaller the Human body is no different. So again if you have access to the literature you would know I'm right. As for my height observation a 6-2 man in shoes would not look over me at 6-1 in shoes as he did. He was atleast 2.5 to 3 inches taller so 6-3.5 barefoot is the minimum he could be now I'm leaning towards 6-4. I strongly suggest you do your research before spouting non fact based opinions.
bigmike74 said on 3/Feb/16
To All.
My observation is based on my height. Not pictures or hearsay. He is absolutely not 6-2 anything under
6-3.5 now is just bad estimating skills or inappropriate ignorance on the posters behalf. I could see how a 6-3 listing could be observed due to how Hogan stands but he is taller. I thought 6-4 but nothing under 6-3.5 now and 6-6 prime.
Boss said on 3/Feb/16
Studd was 41 years old with Barry and Studd has his head tilted down. Studd, considering his size and 20 years of pro wrestling would not be at his peak height with Barry.
Click Here
62B said on 3/Feb/16
er4smiths said on 2/Feb/16
JT and straightahead seem to be the only people that have good sense and observation skills on this forum. I mean Rick Barry was probably 6'6" NBA listings are always inflated. Studd is OBVIOUSLY shorter - so if we are being generous we will give him 6'5" - so as Steve pointed out below - Hogan was 1.5" shorter than Studd so that's a 6'3.5" peak Hogan. Then add into the equation what bigmike74 said with his medical expertise about spinal surgery - you've got a 6'2" Hogan today!

Again buddy, you are making guesses and assumptions on people you have never seen. You may think my observation skills aren't very good, but I know I saw Hogan around 1980 when he was in the AWA standing 2 or 3 feet away, I could see he was taller than my Grandfather who was still over 6'4" at the time. No pictures or videos with weird angles, lighting or hocus pocus, or any other unknowns, to try to take into consideration, or guess about. Just plain old seeing two people in person standing close to each other and saying, yep that one is taller than the other. Peak Hogan was between 6'5" and 6'5.5" in my opinion. Studd to me never really appeared a whole lot taller than Hogan. My guess is Studd would have been 6'6" to 6'6.5", but that is just a guess as I have never seen Studd in person.
James B said on 2/Feb/16
Yeah 6'6 is fine for studd judging how he looks with rick
Dustin said on 2/Feb/16
In the Rick Barry pic, you can't see the footwear and his hat makes it hard to tell where the top of his head is. To many variables to make an accurate assessment. In the Fralic promo, a 6'4.75" Fralic with even 1/2 footwear looked almost a full inch shooter than Studd. 6'7" for studd seems right to me. He was bigger than a prime Hogan too by at least one inch
dustin said on 2/Feb/16
I have a question and a request... and i am sure this has already been brought up, but why is there not a Big John Studd page? there is so much discussion on the Hogan,Andre, Sid and every other wrestlers page. I think his height discussion would be one of the more debatable ones. I request a Big John Studd Celebheights page!!!!!!!!
er4smiths said on 2/Feb/16
JT and straightahead seem to be the only people that have good sense and observation skills on this forum. I mean Rick Barry was probably 6'6" NBA listings are always inflated. Studd is OBVIOUSLY shorter - so if we are being generous we will give him 6'5" - so as Steve pointed out below - Hogan was 1.5" shorter than Studd so that's a 6'3.5" peak Hogan. Then add into the equation what bigmike74 said with his medical expertise about spinal surgery - you've got a 6'2" Hogan today!
JT said on 1/Feb/16
just because said on 28/Jan/16
.... the pic i saw with studd and barry they where the same height

Can't be this pic Click Here Studd’s closer to the camera and a good inch shorter than 6’7” Rick Barry. Where’s the pic showing them to be the same height?
bigmike74 said on 1/Feb/16
@straightahead have you met Hogan? I have and it looks like from this thread others have as well. Hogan does not appear to be his tallest or prime height at this point. With that being said your 6-4 prime theory is complete nonsense he's 6-3.5 to 6-4 now and with the massive damage his body has undertook with back surgeries, hip surgeries and neck surgeries there is no way he is still prime the man has had fusions done if you are ignorant to what that is it's when they remove and fuse your spine. So removing vertebra 3 seperate times will drop you down a good 1 - 1.5 to 2 inches and then the poor posture that comes with hip replacement will drop you down to so minimum 2 inches more like 3 of list height. Please try again your statement is asinine. Cheers
Steve said on 31/Jan/16
Studd at 6'5 is impossible. Hogan was at least 6'5.25, that's an absolute minimum. Studd had at least 1.5 inches on Hogan. Studd would be at least 6'6 1/2 at his peak, if not 6'7. So those who put Studd at 6'5 peak are dreaming and need to wake up!
just because said on 28/Jan/16
er4smiths said on 23/Jan/16
weekly wake up call from dreamland guys - Studd was 6'5" tops. He was eye to eye with 6'4 Bill Fralic and noticeably shorter than 6'7" Rick Barry. NBA heights are inflated so Barry could be 6'6". Point is AGAIN that WWE inflates heights and weights. I read an article the other day where it talked about CM Punk losing 3" and 50lbs when joining UFC. The point is they didn't inflate his stats.
Hulk Hogan is MUCH shorter than Peyton Manning, Joe D. and stacks up like a 6'2" guy at best standing next to the likes of Barry Sanders, Todd Chrisley, John Cena, Roman Reigns, Arnold S. and the list goes on and on

Studd had an inch on fralic and that was with fralic standing at his tallest, the pic i saw with studd and barry they where the same height
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 28/Jan/16
Bossman looks solid 6´4" in JT´s comparison, wich is pretty spot on - no indication for chunky footwear there
Bossman also looked 6´4" next to 6´4" Tugboat
Maybe he lost a bit height later because he didn´t look much over 6´3" next to John Tenta in WCW

Studd always looked a solid 1" up to 1.5" taller than Hogan, about a half inch shorter than 6´6.75"-6´7" Sid Eudy
pablo77bar(184cm) said on 28/Jan/16
Studd was easily 6'6 and Probably 6'7 is nearer
JT said on 27/Jan/16
Click Here
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 27/Jan/16
Barry Windham for sure wasn´t 6´5", always shorter than his 6´5" range Dad Bob Windham. Click Here

If someone says now Bob was 6´6" legit , Andre comes out way taller than 6´10" next to Bob who has minimum 1inch footwear advantage
Click Here
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 27/Jan/16
James B said on 25/Jan/16
Oh yeah Vegas- lister was taller than Dolph lundgren

And just a shade shorter than 6´5.5" Ralf Möller
Click Here
denali said on 26/Jan/16
straighthead, my father worked with bills father at edgewatersteel in Oakmont. bill was almost 6-5. he was on his tip toes when he was face to face with stud, stud was no less than 6-7.
James B said on 26/Jan/16
Studd looked bigger than hogan
James B said on 25/Jan/16
Oh yeah Vegas- lister was taller than Dolph lundgren
James B said on 25/Jan/16
Vegas- Jake though still looks taller than DDP if you google pics of the 2 together and I doubt Diamond Dallas Page is under 6'3.5 today given how he measured up him next to editor rob.
RP said on 24/Jan/16
Studd may have been 6'7" ?
er4smiths said on 23/Jan/16
weekly wake up call from dreamland guys - Studd was 6'5" tops. He was eye to eye with 6'4 Bill Fralic and noticeably shorter than 6'7" Rick Barry. NBA heights are inflated so Barry could be 6'6". Point is AGAIN that WWE inflates heights and weights. I read an article the other day where it talked about CM Punk losing 3" and 50lbs when joining UFC. The point is they didn't inflate his stats.
Hulk Hogan is MUCH shorter than Peyton Manning, Joe D. and stacks up like a 6'2" guy at best standing next to the likes of Barry Sanders, Todd Chrisley, John Cena, Roman Reigns, Arnold S. and the list goes on and on
James B said on 23/Jan/16
Studd was 6'6
Vegas said on 23/Jan/16
Boss said on 21/Jan/16
Hogan in wrestling boots comes out taller than 6'5.5" HillBilly Jim and 6'5" Barry Windham.

4minutes 40seconds hogan, jim and windham on video Click Here and its questionable if windham was 6'5 considering he was same height as dustin rhodes.i met rhodes in person and he isn't 6'5. i also met mike rotunda btw a guy wcw billed 6'2 Click Here

james, meltzer has said many times that lister was actually 6'4. i didn't think it was important to bring that up but remember lister didn't look 6'5 next to 5'8 mamun a couple of years ago. regarding roberts, personally i don't think he was more than 6'4. he was shorter than 6'5 fan i met a decade ago and same height as randy orton despite having footwear advantage. jake didn't look 6'5 barefoot next to paul bearer in 1991 as el diablo either
denali said on 21/Jan/16
stud in his prime was 6.7.5. to 6-8he told me studd played basketball in high school in butler. my co worker lifted weights with him in butler pa.and was a mountain of a man in the 70's.that makes Hogan 6.6- 6.7. peak, now just under 6-4.
RP said on 21/Jan/16
Zeus "Tom Lister" is wearing 1.75" healed (X-Element) motorcycle logger boots in the pic from Survivor Series. Hogan & Lister were pretty much the exact same height. Lister there, is about a 1/2" inch taller...with a 1/2" footwear advantage.
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 21/Jan/16
correction-mixed something wrong
Hogan wasn´t in cowboyboots, he was in ~1inch trainers in the pic I posted, Listers boots have a close up when he walks towards Hogan in the movie

So Hogan at 6´5.25" peak is still pretty good, 6´6" out of bed
James B said on 21/Jan/16
Oh yeah Vegas off topic but I have Jake the snake at 6'4.5 peak

Would you agree? Or do you think he was a full 6'5?
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 21/Jan/16
Vegas said on 20/Jan/16

in the "no holds barred" movie lister was wearing platforms but he was noticeably taller than hogan in that


Lister in platformboots was noticable taller than Hogan in cowboyboots Click Here

Lister himself said he and Hogan were legit 6´5" filming the movie and that the bigboots they gave him boosted him to 6´7"

so Lister was probably 6´7"-6´7.5" in them, wich results in a 6´6"-6´6.5" Hogan in ~ 1.5" cowboyboots - they didn´t look like the big heeled
he wore during the eighties

Click Here 1:36 imo Hogans blue movie wrestlingboots don´t look as chunky as the yellow ones at Survivor Series....
Zeus looked 2 inches taller during the inring staredown in the movie...

Only way all adds up logical is either Lister didn´t stand as tall as he could at the Survivorseries staredown or Hogan had inside lift in his yellow boots.
bigmike74 said on 21/Jan/16
Met Hulk last week at a Japanese steak house in Clear Water Beach super nice guy and for a old guy hes swole. I am a little over 6, 1 and in dress shoes probably close to 6,3 which is what i had on that evening but from the look of him i would guess 6,5 in shoes maybe a hair taller i didn't get pictures because of all the people around but looking him eye to eye he can't be under 6,3 1/2 barefoot i was thinking probably closer to 6,4 he does slouch badly but still a huge man i definitely could see a 6,6 prime but 6,3 flat i just can't see because he had low top shoes on you can't hide lifts in them with shorts
Anonymous1 said on 21/Jan/16
@ John; My citing Hogan's leg length had nothing to do with proving he or anyone with long legs is tall, but that long legs can "look" less bulky than shorter legs even if they are the same or even more in diameter
James B said on 21/Jan/16
Vegas-hogan and lister look dead on the same in the pic you posted and hogan is slouching more.

I wonder if lister is under 6'5?
Boss said on 21/Jan/16
Hogan in wrestling boots comes out taller than 6'5.5" HillBilly Jim and 6'5" Barry Windham.
Click Here
Click Here

Hogan and Earthquake John Tenta.
Click Here
Click Here

Hogan and 6'3 James Buster Douglas.
Click Here

Hogan with 6'5" Tiny Zues Lister. Lister in the the process of standing on his tip toes and clearly has better posture and a footware advantage. Yet Hogan still would be the taller man with similar posture even with Lister's footware advantage.
Click Here
Vegas said on 20/Jan/16
RYAN11 said on 20/Jan/16
James B - He was slightly taller than the 6'5" Lister while Tiny was wearing boots with 4 inch soles to boost him up to Hogan height.

hogan was slightly shorter in his wrestling boots than lister in 1989 and lister is wearing what looks like ~1.5 inch doc-martin type boots Click Here

in the "no holds barred" movie lister was wearing platforms but he was noticeably taller than hogan in that
RYAN11 said on 20/Jan/16
James B - He was slightly taller than the 6'5" Lister while Tiny was wearing boots with 4 inch soles to boost him up to Hogan height. In other words if some if you couldnt follow, Lister had a 2 inch footwear advantage over Hogan at least, so that is the only reason a 6'5" Lister was eye to eye with the then 6'7" Hogan. It's not hard to figure out or easily explain, same as the 6'7" Sid looking 2 inches taller than men like Hogan who were the same height, Sid's boots had the extra thick heel which boosted him 2 inches more than normal wrestling boots. Just look back at him with the 6'8.5" Undertaker and Sid stood slightly taller in stare downs every time.
James B said on 18/Jan/16
Looked same height as tiny lister in 80s
John said on 18/Jan/16
@Anonymous Just because you have longer legs than a person, it doesn't always mean that you're taller. Not everyone has the same torso/leg length ratio.
Anonymous1 said on 17/Jan/16
...I disagree about Hogan's legs. In the mid 80's, it seems like his legs were absolutely massive. He was also taller than the Rock, so his legs would look longer, and "look" less massive than the Rock's.
er4smiths said on 17/Jan/16
@62B - hey there. I'm 40. I'm sure a 50 year old would have
better remembrance of peak Hogan - but that's what YouTube and Google is for right? Lol
Anyway - if someone will show me how to post pics on here - I'd love to post a bunch to back up my statements.
I don't make them lightly without very good proof.
62B said on 16/Jan/16
er4smiths said on 15/Jan/16
Terry Bollea was 6'4" (at best) peak. PERIOD He is now 6'2". END OF DISCUSSION
large heels, lifts, thick soles, custom boots. smoke and mirrors, kayfabe, larger than life persona.
kids perspective. All of those things are clouding MOST people on this forums judgement.
There are WAY too many pics that prove this. 6'4" barefoot is TALL guys!! Add normal soled shoes
in the mix and you are over 6'5" and thick soles, lifts etc and you're over 6'6" - then add in WWF kayfabe
"larger than life" exaggeration and you're magically 6'8"

You like to make these statements, yet you've never seen the guy in person, I doubt you were even alive in the 70's and early 80s when Hogan was at his peak. I respect your opinion, but for you to think that you are so right, that there is no reason to discuss Hogans Height any further is delusional.
James B said on 16/Jan/16
Dustin- 6'3 is crazy for peak hogan I agree but 6'5.5 is not impossible.

Remember Hogan might have still been at his peak in the early 90s and he did look 1.5 inches shorter than 6'6.5 Sid who big boots boosting him to 6'7.
dustin said on 15/Jan/16
I looked at alot of 1980's-1990 pictures of Hogan yesterday. In 1990 he looked as tall, if not a bit taller than 6'5" and some change John Tenta/Earthquake. He was considerably taller than guys that were in the 6'1'-6'3" range(Buster Douglas, Christopher Lloyd, Richard Belzar,) 6'6" peak height sounds about right to me. He was also about 1.5 shorter than Sid, which to me fits the 6'7" Sid with suspect boots. The talk of Hogan never being over 6'3" and never lost height is ridiculous.
er4smiths said on 15/Jan/16
Terry Bollea was 6'4" (at best) peak. PERIOD He is now 6'2". END OF DISCUSSION
large heels, lifts, thick soles, custom boots. smoke and mirrors, kayfabe, larger than life persona.
kids perspective. All of those things are clouding MOST people on this forums judgement.
There are WAY too many pics that prove this. 6'4" barefoot is TALL guys!! Add normal soled shoes
in the mix and you are over 6'5" and thick soles, lifts etc and you're over 6'6" - then add in WWF kayfabe
"larger than life" exaggeration and you're magically 6'8"
James B said on 15/Jan/16
I think a strong 6'5 peak makes more sense. I mean a full 3 inches is a lot to lose at only 62 cause even clint Eastwood did not lose that much when he was hogans age.

However if hogan really was 6'6 and he has indeed lost 3 inches then he is going to have serious problems with his health in the next 20 years (if he lives that long) if he keeps losing more height.

I think these are the problems that exceptionally tall people face as they age.
James B said on 14/Jan/16
I believe that Hogan was not a naturally large framed man. I think he worked very hard (or took substances) to get to the size he was back in the 1980s because if you look at him in wcw he actually looked quite slim. In the 2000s and today he looks heavier.
Canson said on 14/Jan/16
Was a solid 6'5" in the 80s. No more no less
Paul said on 14/Jan/16
6'5.5" in his younger days, 6'2.5" today. Looks no taller than Roman Reigns, (the guy who Hogan is standing next to) even when Hogan has those thick heeled sneakers, while Reigns has thin dress shoes.
Click Here
62B said on 13/Jan/16
straightahead said on 11/Jan/16
RP said on 7/Jan/16
Guys, Terry was indeed anywhere from 290-310 lbs from 1979-1989 !!! Fact!!! And was 6'5.5" in his physical prime. Just look how much larger Terry was in the ring beside of 6'3" & 250 lbs James "Buster" Douglas!! Buster in his prime fought @ 235-242 lbs...but in the off season was 250 plus...before he let himself go & eventually ended up well north of 300 lbs. Douglas who was a legit 6'3" was about 247-250 that night he reffed the Match With Hogan & Savage. Hogan had him by a solid 3" in, I know Hogan more than likely had a 1/2" footwear advantage, let's say it's 2.5" if both men were barefooted...he was also visibly an easy 50-60 lbs heavier than Douglas...just go back & look at the pics & youtubes of that match. This is by far the best judgement of Hogan's true Size in the late 80's...he was a legit 6'5" to 6'5.5" & 300 lbs that night next to the 6'3" & 250 lbs Douglas. And that was a 35, 36 year old Hogan...28-33 year old Hogan was even about 10-15 lbs heavier than He was at 34-37 years old. Fact! Fact! Fact!

So we are to believe that the biggest name in this business was billed lighter than his real weight? yeah good luck with that one! BTW Tyson was always listed 5'11 1/2 but his real height was 5'10 (according to himself) so i wouldnt use the listed 6'3 for Buster Douglas for a comparison... 6'1-6'2 is more likely. You clearly cant judge neither heights or weights.

6'4 and 270 lbs peak - EOD


For a while Hogan was billed at 6'8" and 320lbs. While weight can be hard to guess, I'd bet he was really in the 290-300 lb range during that time, and based on what I saw in 1980 he looked 6'5 to 6'5.5".
RYAN11 said on 12/Jan/16
So straightahead writes after his last post end of discussion, sorry pal but only the site moderator decides if a discussion ends and news flash, you are not him nor are you God as it would seem you believe lol. Why is it not possible they would bill Hogan lighter? He was 320 plus right up until the late eighties easily. As for your question why, think for a minute. If you want the guys like Bundy, Earthquake, Kamala etc to be the huge monsters that make Hogan seem superhuman defeating you cannot lost their actual weights. Hogan was 330, if you then announce Bundy at his true weight just above 400 the difference isn't so much. But when you have Bundy come out at 440, and then Gorilla tells you he must he almost 500 with them listing Hogan just above 300 it seems overwhelming! Hogan was 6'7" barefoot, I saw him back then and he was much taller then he is now. I met him in 2014, he was over 6'4" easily still then. He weighs just under 300 now, and his legs are way smaller than they were back then, and his arms are not nearly as bulky as well. As for the never had 24 inch arms stories, his arms are over 20 inches now, and he is over 60 years old so how can you not think he had 24 inch arms?? If some want to say he was closer to 6'6" like Rob then so be it, no point arguing over an inch. But these 6'3-4" peak and 260 lb posts are just plain ignorant and rediculous lol
er4smiths said on 12/Jan/16
@straightahead - BOOM 100% right! I completely agree.
and now 6'2-6'2.5" PERIOD
Why is it so difficult for people to see the obvious truth??
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 11/Jan/16
RP said on 11/Jan/16
Just watched the '92 Royal Rumble. Berzerker & Hogan looked pretty close to the same height & weight. They are within a 1/2" of each other assuming equal footwear. I did Notice that Sid looked about a 1/2" to 3/4" taller than The Undertaker


UUhhmmm WHAT?? Where can you compare Sid to Undertaker in 1992 Royal Rumble or is that a typo.

In the 1992 msg battle royal beginning Sid confronts the Undertaker and Taker looks taller but is closer to the camera, Sid had no full 1.5" heels
I doubt he had footwear-advantage over Taker.
RP said on 11/Jan/16
I meant to write: John Nord was a legit 6'5" !
6'6"-ish with shoes.
RP said on 11/Jan/16
Just watched the '92 Royal Rumble. Berzerker & Hogan looked pretty close to the same height & weight. They are within a 1/2" of each other assuming equal footwear. I did Notice that Sid looked about a 1/2" to 3/4" taller than The Undertaker ...but, Sid was in huge heeled boots. They looked to have a 1.5" thick lift on the back heel....which would make his total height boost 2.5" from barefoot height ... Taker's where the standard 1.25" back then. WWF/WWE was pushing Sid as the next new big Man back then tho! So, whenever they do that...that particular wrestler will always start wearing bigger healed footwear to be taller & give. Larger & more intimidating prescence in the ring & interviews. Heck, they even did that with Seth Rollins when he won the World Title. He wins the title, and the very next Monday Night RAW he's in footwear that give him an additional 1" boost in height from his former footwear.
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 11/Jan/16
John Nord was 6´5" max
There´s no point in the battle royal where Hogan is clearly taller.
RP said on 9/Jan/16
John Nord aka The Bezerker was a legit 6'6"
Edmeister said on 8/Jan/16
There's this video on YouTube regarding a battle Royal in msg in 1992. In this match you'll find hogan, taker, sid, bezeker and the warlord. Cleary shows hogan being bigger then the bezerker. Don't know what his size is.
RP said on 7/Jan/16
Guys, Terry was indeed anywhere from 290-310 lbs from 1979-1989 !!! Fact!!! And was 6'5.5" in his physical prime. Just look how much larger Terry was in the ring beside of 6'3" & 250 lbs James "Buster" Douglas!! Buster in his prime fought @ 235-242 lbs...but in the off season was 250 plus...before he let himself go & eventually ended up well north of 300 lbs. Douglas who was a legit 6'3" was about 247-250 that night he reffed the Match With Hogan & Savage. Hogan had him by a solid 3" in, I know Hogan more than likely had a 1/2" footwear advantage, let's say it's 2.5" if both men were barefooted...he was also visibly an easy 50-60 lbs heavier than Douglas...just go back & look at the pics & youtubes of that match. This is by far the best judgement of Hogan's true Size in the late 80's...he was a legit 6'5" to 6'5.5" & 300 lbs that night next to the 6'3" & 250 lbs Douglas. And that was a 35, 36 year old Hogan...28-33 year old Hogan was even about 10-15 lbs heavier than He was at 34-37 years old. Fact! Fact! Fact!
James B said on 7/Jan/16
Might said on 5/Jan/16
James B said on 11/Dec/15
With 6'3.25 Rock bossman does not look anything less than 6'5 here

Bossman was tops 1 inch taller than Sting(who claimed "almost 6'2" in a tv show) , and he was also a tad shorter than the 6'3 Ottman (Tugboat/Typhoon), add to this, that Bossman weared heeled boots, so he was about same height as the Rock - tops.

So you saying then bossman wore 3 inch heeled boots? I find that hard to believe.
James B said on 6/Jan/16
Rob do you think 6'5 range peak could be closer to the truth for hogan?
Editor Rob
it could be argued, but so could any fraction from 6ft 5 to 6ft 6 for a 25 year old Hulk.
Might said on 5/Jan/16
James B said on 11/Dec/15
With 6'3.25 Rock bossman does not look anything less than 6'5 here

Bossman was tops 1 inch taller than Sting(who claimed "almost 6'2" in a tv show) , and he was also a tad shorter than the 6'3 Ottman (Tugboat/Typhoon), add to this, that Bossman weared heeled boots, so he was about same height as the Rock - tops.
Might said on 5/Jan/16
er4smiths said on 30/Dec/15
@RP - you're living in an alternate kayfabe reality dude. Hulk was NEVER 6'5" and certainly never 300lbs.

Well, he might has been very close to 6'5 peak but indeed there was no way he was 300 lbs. A legit 300 lbs Hogan would had been billed to 330 or maybe even 350 but that wasnt the case like we all know, he was a legit 270 at the very most.
Shane70 said on 5/Jan/16
I'm 6'10" and I met Hogan in St.Louis many years ago, I can believe he was 6'6" to 6'7", I don't have much mass and look taller than I am......Hogan has mass so appears to be shorter than he really is at times.
Chaz said on 3/Jan/16
Hogan was never 6'6'' he was not much taller than a barefoot 6'4''Kamala, like he's 24'' Arms Crap,if he was 6'6'' it was in those think heel white boots.
Kyuss said on 3/Jan/16
6'5" in the 70/80s was looking like 6-7" then. He was never 6-7"
James B said on 2/Jan/16
RP said on 31/Dec/15
James B...peak 6'11.5" to 7'0.25" Andre had shrunk & spinal compressed down to about 6'10.5" to 6'10.75" by 1987-'88, '89... Peak Hogan was never a true 6'6"...6'5.5" to 6'5.75" max.

Hogan certainly did not look 6'6 compared to Sid justice in the early 90s. Sid though I think did wear thicker boots than hogan
RP said on 31/Dec/15
James B...peak 6'11.5" to 7'0.25" Andre had shrunk & spinal compressed down to about 6'10.5" to 6'10.75" by 1987-'88, '89... Peak Hogan was never a true 6'6"...6'5.5" to 6'5.75" max.
James B said on 30/Dec/15
He looked 6'6 compared to Andre the giant in the late 80s
er4smiths said on 30/Dec/15
@RP - you're living in an alternate kayfabe reality dude. Hulk was NEVER 6'5" and certainly never 300lbs.
RP said on 29/Dec/15
Well, he was...LOL! 1984-1988 Hulk Hogan was 6'5.5" & 300-310 lbs...1994-1998 Hulk Hogan was 6'4.5" & 260-275 lbs ...he was about 30-40 plus pound leaner...Duh!
Stone said on 2/Sep/12
I still think Sid had 2" on Hulk Hogan.
dicksock said on 1/Sep/12
Here is a great shot of Hogan next to legit 6'7" (in his prime) Sid Eudy:

Click Here

Here's another where Hogan looks less than 2" shorter than 6'7" Sid: (notice how Hogan's posture is worse than Sid's)

Click Here

Hogan looks less than 2" shorter. This fits in perfectly with all the ~6'5.5" arguments.
Mark said on 1/Sep/12
Wikepedia can be edited by anyone who wants to spend the time. I have a friend who has "corrected" many mistakes on a TV series listing. Back to Wayne's height. 6'2 is just too small for him. He just carries himself like a bigger guy, in my opinion.
dicksock said on 1/Sep/12
JT: To be fair, I said "about" 6'7". I guess I should have made myself more clear. He's at least a solid 6'6"(6'6.5"). I see less than an inch between them. The difference in eye level is exaggerated by the tilt of Studd's head. If he raised his head slightly, his eye's would be more level with Barry's. Also, Studd's hair wasn't as "poofy" as some people might think.

Peak Studd: 6'6.5"
Peak Hogan: 6'5.75"
Peak Andre: 6'11.5"
Peak Big Show: 7'
Peak Sid: 6'7"
Peak Nash: 6'9.5"
Peak Hall: 6'5"
Peak Undertaker: 6'7.25"
Peak Kane: 6'7.5"
Peak Giant Baba: 6'8.5"
Peak Giant Haystacks: 6'7.5"
dicksock said on 31/Aug/12
Mike says on 30/Aug/12
Wikepedia's information, on whoever or whatever, is almost entirely speculation...


That is not true at all. There have been numerous studies done on W's (can't mention their name apparently...) accuracy. I remember reading about a study that showed that it is very close to as accurate as the Encyclopedia Britannica when comes to history articles. The fact is that most of what one reads on that site is accurate, especially when it comes to more scholarly topics (i.e. WWII; not Hulk Hogan's true height...). I'm not saying it is 100% accurate or even quite as accurate as Encyclopedia Britannica, but to say all their info is almost entirely speculation is just not true at all.

Click Here
JT said on 30/Aug/12
dicksock says on 29/Aug/12
RoelC says on 29/Aug/12
Here's a pic of John Studd next to NBA's Rick Barry. Barry was listed at 6'7"
Click Here
Great find. It shows that Studd really was about 6'7".

How so? Studd’s eye level is well below Barry’s. Plus Studd is a little closer to the camera. Click Here

This is Studd and Stan Frazier (Uncle Elmer) from the same match:
Click Here Click Here
Elmer was never more than 6’8” and looks a solid 2” taller than Studd.
Danimal said on 30/Aug/12
T says on 30/Aug/12
Hogan and Roger Staubach from 1984 and a more recent Staubach with Troy Aikman. Click Here Staubach had 6’2” and 6’3” listings but was usually listed at 6’3” in the NFL. Hogan’s footwear is the big unknown.

As usual and as expected, Hogan towering a 6'2"-6'3" guy at his peak. Today he's about that height himself.
Mike said on 30/Aug/12
Wikepedia's information, on whoever or whatever, is almost entirely anyone can add what they think are facts. And who has ever been actually measured at a DMV, much less barefoot? It doesn't happen. You fill out your own height on a form.
Ali Baba said on 30/Aug/12
That site is based on facts? Hardly. It's edited by the general public, meaning anyone can put anything on there. The site will request that you post where you got the information sometimes, but it is not considered to be a very accurate source because of the way it gets it's information. And I've never heard of anyone being measured to get their driver's license. They put down what you tell them in every state I've lived in and that's quite a few.
Ronster said on 30/Aug/12
Funny thing Vegas, i checked and Wikapedia which finds and bases it's data on things like facts and not speculation have Kurt Fuller at 6'5" tall! So Hogan having him by 3 inches in cowboy boots would make him 6'7", wow go figure! And by facts i mean they get it fromk things like driver licenses where you get measured barefoot.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.