How tall is Hulk Hogan - Page 18

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Average Guess (847 Votes)
Peak: 6ft 5.7in (197.4cm)
Current: 6ft 3.14in (190.9cm)
RoelC said on 30/Aug/12
Danimal says on 29/Aug/12
Take off the hat and they are the same height.

No they're not, Barry is clearly taller than Studd. Studd's poofy hair doesn't count either. Just look at their eye-levels. Studd's eyelevel is an inch below Barry's. Click Here
Stone said on 30/Aug/12
Hulk Hogan nephew Horus was built at 6'3". Hulk was just a tad taller. So given that Hulk Hogan would have been 6'4" in his WCW days . When he went up against Kevin Nash there he only appeared to be three inches shorter . But take a look at his boots they appear to be puffed up around the ankle area. Which indicates he's probably wearing shoe lifts. He probably realized at that point that the crowd simply wasn't buying he was 6'7".
JT said on 30/Aug/12
Hogan and Roger Staubach from 1984 and a more recent Staubach with Troy Aikman. Click Here Staubach had 6’2” and 6’3” listings but was usually listed at 6’3” in the NFL. Hogan’s footwear is the big unknown.

RoelC says on 29/Aug/12
Here's a pic of John Studd next to NBA's Rick Barry. Barry was listed at 6'7"
Click Here

Roel, that pic is from a 1988 celebrity harness racing event hosted by author George Plimpton (so Barry is 44 and Studd 40).

I watched Barry play b-ball on TV back in the 1970s. He was always referred to as 6’7” Barry and 6’10” George Mikan, who of course is the same height as The Giant Studd.... Click Here (~2 degree camera tilt in favor of Mikan).

Studd reportedly played in a few celebrity golf tournaments with Kevin McHale and Michael Jordan. Assuming they exist, pics from those events would probably prove quite revealing as well.
Danimal said on 29/Aug/12
Ronster says on 29/Aug/12
Hogan's father was 5'11" and his mother was a larger taller woman as well, where do you get 5'8" for his Dad?? Both of his brothers were over 6'6", that didn't come from small parents.

Incredible how you are just making up these figures. SHOW US the proof to back up your claims.
RP said on 29/Aug/12
Gotta go a max 6'6.75" on Studd! John Studd 6'6.75" & Hogan in his physical prime 6.5.5"
Duhon said on 29/Aug/12
@roelc Rick barry played during a time when NBA players were all listed by their sock height's. So he'd be a legit 6'7".
Danimal said on 29/Aug/12
Duhon says on 25/Aug/12
Hogan being listed at 6'6" on this likely early 80's wrestling poster with andre.

Click Here

Which was his TRUE height before he began to lose height.
Danimal said on 29/Aug/12
Ronster says on 28/Aug/12
Savage was over 6'1" and you can verify that from his baseball stats, Studd was 6'9" and so was Sid. Poor examples to use, the only site that lists these men at the lower heights out of the hundreds is this one lol

Savage was 5'11".
Danimal said on 29/Aug/12
RoelC says on 29/Aug/12
Here's a pic of John Studd next to NBA's Rick Barry. Barry was listed at 6'7"
Click Here

Take off the hat and they are the same height.
Chris said on 29/Aug/12
I ran into Randy Savage and Sting at a gym in Bloomington, MN back around 1995 or 1996. I'm 5'10", and to be honest, I thought he looked like he could have been an inch or so shorter than me, even. Not as big as I was expecting. Didn't even recognize Sting out of his makeup. "Who was that guy w/ Randy Savage?" "Duh, that was Sting." My estimates were 5'9"-5'10", 205bs for Savage, 6'3" or 6'4", 240lbs for Sting.
miko said on 29/Aug/12
I just can't buy Hulk at anything over 6'5/6.5.5 at his tallest. Studd was barely over 6'6 and looked to have an inch on the guy, Sid and Taker both had an easy 2 inches on him and they were never over 6'7. He never had the full head required on Mene Gene either. Don't get me wrong I really like Hogan, but I'm not buying him being closer to 7 foot than 6.

He's still 6'4 today though after his recent back surgeries which have corrected his spine. He has 2' on Sting, and is barely shorter than 6'5 Abyss.
dicksock said on 29/Aug/12
RoelC says on 29/Aug/12
Here's a pic of John Studd next to NBA's Rick Barry. Barry was listed at 6'7"
Click Here


Great find. It shows that Studd really was about 6'7".
Stone said on 29/Aug/12
no matter which way you cut it Sid is a larger man than Hulk Hogan . At 6'7" his father was approximately 2 inches taller. Then mean Gene who at the very best is 5'8" Hulk Hogan was approximately 7 inches taller than his father. Which once again brings us right back to 6'5". There is absolutely no way on gods green earth that Hulk Hogan was ever any more at least not barefoot .
Ronster said on 29/Aug/12
Hogan's father was 5'11" and his mother was a larger taller woman as well, where do you get 5'8" for his Dad?? Both of his brothers were over 6'6", that didn't come from small parents.
RoelC said on 29/Aug/12
Here's a pic of John Studd next to NBA's Rick Barry. Barry was listed at 6'7"
Click Here
Ronster said on 28/Aug/12
Savage was over 6'1" and you can verify that from his baseball stats, Studd was 6'9" and so was Sid. Poor examples to use, the only site that lists these men at the lower heights out of the hundreds is this one lol
JT said on 28/Aug/12
Hogan with his parents in the early 1980s. Click Here Hogan’s parents were no more than Mean Gene’s height (~ 5’8"). Click Here I’m sure that’s exactly how a 6’8” (or 6’7” or 6’6”) NBA player would have looked standing next to his folks....
Stone said on 28/Aug/12
well Ronster . The facts are simply the facts Hulk Hogan stood 6'5" 295 pounds just look at the picture that Vegas has posted each and every time Hulk Hogan has come up against anybody who is a legitimate 6'7" He's come up with the short end of the stick by an absolute minimum of 1.5 inches . Not only that he simply doesn't have the frame of a big John Studd or Sid. sure his arms were at least 22 inches in diameter if not more . His matches with wrestlers such as Randy Savage who was billed at 6'2" in reality is only 5'11" so of course going by that allusion Hulk Hogan would have been 6'8" I don't think many people realize just how massive 295 pounds of solid muscle on a 6'5" frame would be.
Ronster said on 27/Aug/12
Stone, you just showed that you do not read well! You go on to say I said he was 6'9" ad 340lbs, I said he was billed at 6'9" and stood that tall in his boots, and yes he was intue 330-340lb range in the 70's into the early 80's and anyone can see that looking at pics of him with Freddie Blassie! His legs were huge and noticeably larger than even in te late eighties. Stop trying to confuse or manipulate my posts to try and legitify your baseless crap!
JT said on 27/Aug/12
Doesn’t even look 6’5” here although I’ll give him at least that for peak height. Click Here Click Here

Click Here Masked Superstar is no more than 6’1”, Atlas 6’2” and Sheik 5’11” and Hogan’s closer to the camera than at least Atlas and Sheik.

Hogan in cowboy boots from 1989 with 6’3” (per Rob) Kurt Fuller Click Here

This gives a rough idea how a peak Hogan and Taker would have measured up Click Here

Gorilla Monsoon was no 6’6” either. He looked in the 6’3” range in the mid to late 1980s (around age 50) and was probably a little taller in his younger days. Dave Winfield here Click Here was listed at 6’6” in baseball but looked around 6’5” with ~ 6’7.5” Magic Johnson
dicksock said on 27/Aug/12
Vegas says on 27/Aug/12
ronster can i ask how old you are, because i find it incredible an adult still believes in kayfabe


I don't think he's young. I think he's either a troll who gets off on our reactions to his bs or he's an adult who is just very dumb and stubborn.
Ronster said on 27/Aug/12
Go to the impact wrestling web site and look at the photo of Stinger ad Hogan standing side by side, you can see both footwear which is equal and stance which shows Hogan even bending and leaning slightly. Hogan has minimum 3-4 inches on the 6'3"( I know you all say he's 6'2") Sting. Forget all your rent a center ads, Spivey or Sid BS and explain how Hogan after loosing at least 2 inches of height still stands at least 6'5" which this picture clearly shows and somehow you claim he was never more than 6'5"??? You Stone an others are living in a dream world, of course now you will all gang up on Sting and say he must only be 6' max now!!! LMFAO
Stone said on 27/Aug/12
Ronster you're living in a little dream world first of all. Who ever listed Hulk Hogan at 6'6". Was the most closest to being correct Zeus was actually slightly larger than Hulk Hogan in the muscle department . Now as far as the heights as the others you mentioned the undertaker was 6 feet 7 1/2 inches in his prime Sid was 6'7" in his prime and Kevin Nash was 6'9" in his prime for you to be saying Hulk Hogan was 6'9" 340 pounds IS SIMPLY RIDICULOUS!
Ronster said on 26/Aug/12
Duhon says; Hogan being listed at 6'6" on this likely early 80's wrestling poster with andre. That poster, and it's the only one with him listed at 6'6" has been used by all the doubters and haters on here forever. It is just a poster, obviously the person who made it made a mistake which does happen! I see they got his weight right though at 330lbs. For that one and only poster there are 1000 others that have him anywhere from 6'7" to 6'9", and by far most until he went to WCW had him at 6'8" tall. Another fact, look at any picture or video of Sid Eugey and Undertaker or Nash when he was diesel and Sid is equal in height to the undisputed 6'9" minimum Taker and within 2 inches of the 6'11" Nash. So all the 6'7" or lower claims for him are totally proven wrong right there. As for Sid's height today i am not sure, he is over 50 and tall men especially one's nearly 7' like him do loose at least an inch by their 50's to 60's but he was undoubtebly 6'9" or just a hair under in his prime when he faced Hogan and the other big guys.
Ronster said on 26/Aug/12
Hogan was billed at 158KG in England in a match he hyad where Miss Elizabeth was his manager. Do the math folks, thats just over 347lbs! Hogan dwarfed 6'3-6'5 men who weighed 250-300lbs in the 70's and 80's when he was still on the juice. His arms were measured in his early days at 26", and he was commonly referred to as 340lbs back then. Look at pictures of him with Tony Lister (Zues) and see how he was bigger in mass than Lister by a bit who was a legit 300lb man, and who wore huge lifts in his boots with thicker heels to get him an extra 3-4 inches so he would look slightly taller than Hogan at the time - Lister was 6'5" and Hogan 6'7" and they had to make him look bigger than Hogan if possible, Mcmahon said it in an interview i watched years ago.
Stone said on 26/Aug/12
I have been in obsessive wrestling fan since 1983. Which was the first time I saw him although I was just a little kid. My cousin who is 6'2" always used to be able to obtain, front row seats. He had been a Hulk Hogan fan since the first day he was made public. And each and every time he told me he stood 6'5" . When I seen him in his absolute prime he was 6'5" 295 pounds there is a possibility at times he was 6 feet 5 1/2 inch depending on his footwear BAREFOOT Hulk Hogan wasn't the thickness of a hair over 6'5
dicksock said on 25/Aug/12
Stone says on 24/Aug/12
I saw that video several months ago, Scott Hall was simply going with the build hight of Hulk Hogan at the time which was 6'8" 303 pounds and the ultimate warrior is 6 feet 1 1/2 inches.


No he wasn't. He and Hogan worked together closely for years in WWF, WCW, WWF (early 2000s) and TNA. Why would he be going off the billing of a man who he knows so well? Plus, he claimed Hogan was 320lbs-330lbs in that video. That wasn't his billing in 1990. Warrior was billed at 6'3" in the WWF and that's the height he claims for himself. Lastly, there is no way Hogan lost an inch of height by 1992. He was 37 years old and had no serious injuries that would've caused him to shrink. He was still a very solid 6'5" by 1992.
Duhon said on 25/Aug/12
Hogan being listed at 6'6" on this likely early 80's wrestling poster with andre.

Click Here
Ronster said on 25/Aug/12
For the young "kids" on here who obviously never really watched wrestling in the eighties when Hogan was over 6'7" tall and well over 300lbs i will enlighten you. Gorilla Monsoon who was a legit 6'6" man was 2-3" shorter than Hogan in every interview they did and he referred to Hogan as 6'9" tall consistently throughout the years of Hulkamania, that is why Nash thought Hogan was 6'9", where he getas 6'4" is beyond me, he was 6'11" in WCW days and hogan was within 4 inches of him easily. Scott Hall said in a shoot interview when they came back to the WWE in 2001 that Hogan was 6'6" so there goes any reliability in what these guys say. Until one of you doubters gets Hogan himself and a tape measure nothing you say to try and belittle his height and until you get him on a scale his weight will ever be believable. Hogan dwarfed 250-300lb and 6'3-6'5" men all the time in his prime in and outside of the ring, so how anyone can even say with a straight face let alone expect to be taken seriously when they try and say he was never over 6'5" or 295lbs is beyond me. I guess a lot of you are like some kids, you think if you just keep saying it long enough people will believe it LOL.
Stone said on 24/Aug/12
I saw that video several months ago, Scott Hall was simply going with the build hight of Hulk Hogan at the time which was 6'8" 303 pounds and the ultimate warrior is 6 feet 1 1/2 inches. in 1990 Hulk Hogan was still 6'5" about 285 pounds from that point on he probably lost an inch by 1992 today Hulk Hogan is about 6'3" or a little more depending on what type of footwear he has on
dicksock said on 23/Aug/12
Vegas says on 22/Aug/12
anybody watch kevin nash new shoot video "Timeline: The History of WWE: 1995"??

i haven't seen it yet but from reading reviews there is a part where he apparently talks about hogans height and how he believed hogan was 6'9 until he met him at a show and realized he was really 6'4 and that was one of the reasons he decided to become a wrestler himself!!


So Nash thinks Hogan was 6'4", while Hall thinks Hogan was 6'8"?
Click Here

Also, according to Nash, Shawn Michaels was 6'1". So how could he think that a prime Hogan was only 3" taller than Shawn?
Danimal said on 23/Aug/12
RoelC says on 22/Aug/12

And then there are people like you, who want their idols to be larger than life and even exagerrate their already exagerrated physical stats. You claim Hogan was 6'8", 340lbs, even though he got 6'6" and 6'7" billings in the late 70's and never has he been billed as high as 340lbs in his entire career.

Oh YES HE HAS. He has been billed at 339 pounds in other promotions in his earlier days, as well as many 305, 310, 320, 325 and 330 pounds billings.
Danimal said on 23/Aug/12
Henry says on 22/Aug/12
I remember Hulk Hogan being billed at 6'9" when I was a kid, and he was billed at 6'11 3/4" in Rocky 3. Also, here's a video that will make you eat crow about the weight comment. Click Here

He was never billed at 6'9" and they never said he was 6'11 3/4" in Rocky III. They said "at almost 7'0" tall".
Vegas said on 22/Aug/12
anybody watch kevin nash new shoot video "Timeline: The History of WWE: 1995"??

i haven't seen it yet but from reading reviews there is a part where he apparently talks about hogans height and how he believed hogan was 6'9 until he met him at a show and realized he was really 6'4 and that was one of the reasons he decided to become a wrestler himself!!
Mark said on 22/Aug/12
...I really don't know what to say about this guy. If he really did start out at 6'7, man...he's lost alot of height because he looks nowhere near that, at least not for decades. All I know is, younger fans of wrestling may be used to all the gimmicks and intros now...but nobody has ever rocked the house like Hogan did, when he'd come out back in the mid to late 80's. Love him or hate him, at his peak, he got crowds going like no one has ever done before or since. In fact, I actually laugh out loud when I see guys like Cena come out with that ridiculous music...saluting, doing that frantic little "you can't see me" gesture and stomping in dressed like some insecure kid from the ghetto trying to be cool. Sure, Hogan became a caricature. But in those peak years, he ran the show like no one else.
Henry said on 22/Aug/12
I remember Hulk Hogan being billed at 6'9" when I was a kid, and he was billed at 6'11 3/4" in Rocky 3. Also, here's a video that will make you eat crow about the weight comment. Click Here
RoelC said on 22/Aug/12
Henry says on 21/Aug/12
It's sad that so many people on this site use height cutting as a way to get back at tall/big guys they hated in highschool. I've read height cutters on here claim that Jorge Gonzalez was 7'5" when he was measured at 7'7 1/4" by the Guiness Book of World Records in 2000. I went to my library to verify it to myself. There are people on here that claim that Shaq was 6'10" peak when he was measured at 7'1" BAREFOOT in pre draft measurement. Guiness would have measured him @ 7'1 2/3" because they do it after a good night sleep.

And then there are people like you, who want their idols to be larger than life and even exagerrate their already exagerrated physical stats. You claim Hogan was 6'8", 340lbs, even though he got 6'6" and 6'7" billings in the late 70's and never has he been billed as high as 340lbs in his entire career. Even the pic you posted that should proof Hogan was this 6'8", 340lbs Mountain of a Man, was from a match where he was billed 295lbs in a promotion that billed him as 6'7".

And why don't you go back to your library and make a copy of Jorge Gonzalez 7'7 1/4" listing in Guinness, as for 6 years I've been waiting for someone to post that proof. I have a copy of Gonzalez listing in a Dutch Guinness Book of Records from the late 90's and they list him as 229cm.
Stone said on 21/Aug/12
Sid was 6'7" and he had an absolute minimum of 2 inches possibly 2 1/2 inches on Hulk Hogan in 1992 at wrestlemania8 although I do believe Hulk Hogan had shrunk about an inch by 1992 if this match had happened in 1987 rather than 1992 Sid will probably edged Hulk Hogan out by 1 1/2 inch. Since Sid boots are slightly thicker than Hulk Hogans
Henry said on 21/Aug/12
It's sad that so many people on this site use height cutting as a way to get back at tall/big guys they hated in highschool. I've read height cutters on here claim that Jorge Gonzalez was 7'5" when he was measured at 7'7 1/4" by the Guiness Book of World Records in 2000. I went to my library to verify it to myself. There are people on here that claim that Shaq was 6'10" peak when he was measured at 7'1" BAREFOOT in pre draft measurement. Guiness would have measured him @ 7'1 2/3" because they do it after a good night sleep.
Danimal said on 21/Aug/12
Shaun says on 20/Aug/12
6 ft 7 and a quarter in shoes maybe peak. I doubt he was anything over 6'6" barefoot.

If his boots only gave him 1 1/4". When he was 6'6" flat and he wore his cowboy boots, he was easily 6'8".
Danimal said on 21/Aug/12
truthman says on 20/Aug/12
6'5.5 at peak, 6'4 in wcw times, 6'3 now

6'6" peak, 6'4" 3/4" WCW, 6'4" NWO, 6'3" now.
dicksock said on 21/Aug/12
Ronster says on 21/Aug/12
Sid Eugey's son who is on big brother stated while talking to one of the other contestants stated his Dad is 6'9", which is what he was commonly listed at and clearly stood as he equalled the Undertaker in height when they squared off in the 90's.


A mugshot of Sid from the mid 2000s that was recently posted proved that Sid is currently 6'6" barefoot. That is a fact. He was billed at 6'7" in WCW and other companies. That is a fact. Sid was never over 6'7" and was clearly taller than Hogan by at least an inch. So you are the one denying the truth. It's obvious that Hogan was a solid 6'5", like 6'5.5" and Sid was ~6'7" in his prime.
Ronster said on 21/Aug/12
Sid Eugey's son who is on big brother stated while talking to one of the other contestants stated his Dad is 6'9", which is what he was commonly listed at and clearly stood as he equalled the Undertaker in height when they squared off in the 90's. All the crap saying he is or was only 6'7" is just B.S. to justify your low height claims for others like Hogan. Hogan was over 6'7" and is now 6'5" and there is no amount of falshoods or speculation that will ever change that truth!
JT said on 21/Aug/12
1994 Click Here I assume this is Hogan’s footwear. Click Here

1986 Click Here Rob has George Peppard at 6’0”. Peppard is 57 here.

RP says on 11/Aug/12
….I've actually been told by my friend B.Duncan who works with WWE medical & nutrition dept in Tampa, FL since 2004. And he said that Terry's is actually almost a full inch taller on one leg than the other now due to the hip replacement & later on scar tissue removals. He claims Terry "Hulk" is about 6'4.5" on his good leg/hip. And just a little over 6'3" on the bad leg/hip. And I believe this after whatching Hogan closely over the past couple years. He looks barely 6'3" when leaning on that bad hip...but, when he shifts his weight to his good leg/hip & stands completely straight, he looks well over 6'4" & looks as tall as the 6'5" guys in the biz & other celebs

Sorry, not buying it. Click Here Click Here The hip prosthetic is carefully measured so the patient does not end up with a leg length discrepancy. If Hogan’s affected leg ended up that much shorter, he would have sued his orthopedic surgeon for malpractice and he definitely would not be wearing flip-flops. Even if you want to believe this story, Hogan would have shoes with a special insert or an extra large sole so as to equate the leg length or he would have already undergone a revision surgery to correct the discrepancy. If you want to know what someone with a one inch leg length discrepancy would actually look like, try walking around with a dress shoe on one foot only and see how long you last.
Shaun said on 20/Aug/12
6 ft 7 and a quarter in shoes maybe peak. I doubt he was anything over 6'6" barefoot.
truthman said on 20/Aug/12
6'5.5 at peak, 6'4 in wcw times, 6'3 now
Michael Raja said on 19/Aug/12
can hogan stand upto 6 ft 11 (atleast)andre's eyebrow even if he is no more 6 ft 3. i think his peak height is approximately 6 ft 7 as he have said in an interview with michael schiavello (voice versus)
Stone said on 18/Aug/12
Ronster says on 16/Aug/12
Henry points out the obvious truth easily again, how do you explain away all the pictutres of Hogan from the 80's having 4-5 inches on Douglas, 6 inches on Ali, so on and so forth Vegas? As for Hogan being 6'3" at 17, he easily could grow another 4-5 inches in the next 4 years. Medical fact; humans contuinue to grow into their early 20's and he obviously had another spurt. Teens of all different ages grow 3-6 inches or more sometimes in a single year! So enough estimates Stone, Hogan was over 6'7", dropped down between 6'4-5" and is now a little over 6'5" after his latest corrective back surgery. It is easy to sit around now that he really is 6'5" and say he was never any taller without a shred of proof, all the pictures which outnumber the davidson one's 100-1 show how he clearly was 6'7" minimum before the bumps took their toll on his back, hips and legs. Every reliable and unbiased source including google on the internet list his height at 6'7", only here does this site's administrator try and lower practically every single celebrities height by anywhere from 2-4 inches. Hulk Hogan a giant of a man!
Trash!!! . There is no way he could have grown any more than 2 inches if he was only 6'3" at the age of 17 Hulk Hogan stood 6'5" in his prime. Which should be good enough for anybody . I've seen him several times during the 1980s and I can tell you for a fact he stood no more than 6'5" .
RP said on 17/Aug/12
Terry has an August birthday. Meaning, he was 16 his entire JR of HS...17 his entire SR year. And would have turned 18 about two months after June graduation. So, very believable Terry went from 6'3" at 16 to a weak 6'6" or 6'5.5" at 18. It's rare... But does happen more often then you think. My cousin Seth was only 5'7" at 16 and he shot up to 5'9" by the time he was 18. And actually keep growing til about 19. He topped out at 5'10" by age 20. We had a few guys in HS who grew 2-3 inches from age 16-18.
Stone said on 17/Aug/12
dicksock says on 16/Aug/12
Stone says on 15/Aug/12
OK if Hulk Hogan was only 6'3" at 17 there's no way in hell he was ever any more than 6'5" which was my original estimate. And quite frankly the right estimate. Big John stud was 6'7" and he had 2 inches on Hulk Hogan Sid is 6'7" and he also had a minimum of 2 inches on him the truth is clearer than ever Hulk Hogan was 6'5" TOPS!!!!!


Studd was not 2" taller than Hogan. He was 1" taller at best.------------so basically we have established that Hulk Hogan in his prime was either 6'5" 6 feet 5 1/2 inch or a maximum 6'6" these estimates are basically the same so case closed
Danimal said on 16/Aug/12
Stone says on 15/Aug/12
OK if Hulk Hogan was only 6'3" at 17 there's no way in hell he was ever any more than 6'5" which was my original estimate. And quite frankly the right estimate. Big John stud was 6'7" and he had 2 inches on Hulk Hogan Sid is 6'7" and he also had a minimum of 2 inches on him the truth is clearer than ever Hulk Hogan was 6'5" TOPS!!!!!

John Studd did not have 2" on Hogan. MAX 1"...
Ronster said on 16/Aug/12
Henry points out the obvious truth easily again, how do you explain away all the pictutres of Hogan from the 80's having 4-5 inches on Douglas, 6 inches on Ali, so on and so forth Vegas? As for Hogan being 6'3" at 17, he easily could grow another 4-5 inches in the next 4 years. Medical fact; humans contuinue to grow into their early 20's and he obviously had another spurt. Teens of all different ages grow 3-6 inches or more sometimes in a single year! So enough estimates Stone, Hogan was over 6'7", dropped down between 6'4-5" and is now a little over 6'5" after his latest corrective back surgery. It is easy to sit around now that he really is 6'5" and say he was never any taller without a shred of proof, all the pictures which outnumber the davidson one's 100-1 show how he clearly was 6'7" minimum before the bumps took their toll on his back, hips and legs. Every reliable and unbiased source including google on the internet list his height at 6'7", only here does this site's administrator try and lower practically every single celebrities height by anywhere from 2-4 inches. Hulk Hogan a giant of a man!
dicksock said on 16/Aug/12
Stone says on 15/Aug/12
OK if Hulk Hogan was only 6'3" at 17 there's no way in hell he was ever any more than 6'5" which was my original estimate. And quite frankly the right estimate. Big John stud was 6'7" and he had 2 inches on Hulk Hogan Sid is 6'7" and he also had a minimum of 2 inches on him the truth is clearer than ever Hulk Hogan was 6'5" TOPS!!!!!


Studd was not 2" taller than Hogan. He was 1" taller at best.
Stone said on 15/Aug/12
OK if Hulk Hogan was only 6'3" at 17 there's no way in hell he was ever any more than 6'5" which was my original estimate. And quite frankly the right estimate. Big John stud was 6'7" and he had 2 inches on Hulk Hogan Sid is 6'7" and he also had a minimum of 2 inches on him the truth is clearer than ever Hulk Hogan was 6'5" TOPS!!!!!
Vegas said on 15/Aug/12
Ronster says on 14/Aug/12
Ok, for the people on here who don't know the difference Hogan either talks kayfabe or shoot. When Hogan spoke about his height loss he was in shoot meaning not in character

well he claims here he was 6'3 in 11th grade (age 17) 6mins 20 to 7mins mark Click Here so you think he grew over 4 inches from that age
Danimal said on 14/Aug/12
Larc-186.7cm-188.6cm says on 13/Aug/12
The man was a beast, he was for sure 6'5.5 or even 6'6 at his peak.
In 2006 however, he was already an hair shorter than David Hasselhoff (who is 193cm).

Looks 6'3 today, maybe 192cm if he's lucky, he seriously lost a lot of height.

He sure did. Not over a flat 6'3" though today. Was barely taller than the Rock who we have at 6'2.5" and that was 10 years ago!! 3" height loss since 1990...
Ronster said on 14/Aug/12
Ok, for the people on here who don't know the difference Hogan either talks kayfabe or shoot. When Hogan spoke about his height loss he was in shoot meaning not in character. He said he was over 6'7" at 28 and was down to just over 6'4" in 2003, why not believe him?
Bolt9.58 said on 13/Aug/12
Looking at all the pics, it looks like he was 6'7 1/4" just like he claimed.
Larc-186.7cm-188.6cm said on 13/Aug/12
The man was a beast, he was for sure 6'5.5 or even 6'6 at his peak.
In 2006 however, he was already an hair shorter than David Hasselhoff (who is 193cm).

Looks 6'3 today, maybe 192cm if he's lucky, he seriously lost a lot of height.
Danimal said on 12/Aug/12
Red says on 12/Aug/12
Nice story RP, having a shorter leg could be a reason for Hogans suspect footwear in the ring over the last years - but who knows...

Hogans evening peak was 6´5" flat imo, he was a little bit shorter than 6´5.75" John Tenta - don´t care about the biased comparisons showing Hogan taller.
6´3" at his lowest today

I don´t think Hillbilly Jim was a legit 6´5" regarding evening height- more like 6´4.25"-6´4.5" - He cared always about looking as tall as possible.

Whatever Hillbilly was, Hogan had 1" on him. Fast forward to the early 2000's, we have proof that Hillbilly had 2" on Hogan (the pics are for all to see on Hibilly's site) and that was before Hogan's multiple and hip replacements. We also have a pic of Hillbilly and John Tenta side by side (also on Hilbilly's site), where Hillbilly edges John out. We never did see a 1980 Hogan fight John Tenta, did we?
Stone said on 12/Aug/12
Ok Hulk Hogan was 6'5 1/2 . but absolutely no more!I"ve seen him serve times in his prone Back in the 1980's.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 12/Aug/12
Coming from you Danimal. You practically live on this site and take everything that people say literally. You have no reason to call me bizarre. I was simply implying how dramatic Hogan's height loss is. Your just a messed up keyboard warrior with nothing better to do than insult people

Get a bloody life
Danimal said on 12/Aug/12
Alex says on 12/Aug/12
Hogan looked every bit of 6'6 or at least 6'5 1/2 back in the day. Today he looks no more than 6'3 if even that

Red said on 12/Aug/12
Nice story RP, having a shorter leg could be a reason for Hogans suspect footwear in the ring over the last years - but who knows...

Hogans evening peak was 6´5" flat imo, he was a little bit shorter than 6´5.75" John Tenta - don´t care about the biased comparisons showing Hogan taller.
6´3" at his lowest today

I don´t think Hillbilly Jim was a legit 6´5" regarding evening height- more like 6´4.25"-6´4.5" - He cared always about looking as tall as possible.

Peak Andre looks about 6´11" evening height (7´0.5"-7´1" right out of bed).
old Andre always looked 6´10" - had more height over Tyler Mane than a peak Nash.
Alex said on 12/Aug/12
Hogan looked every bit of 6'6 or at least 6'5 1/2 back in the day. Today he looks no more than 6'3 if even that
dicksock said on 11/Aug/12
Danimal says on 10/Aug/12
Stone says on 9/Aug/12
Hulk Hogan was never anymore then 6'5

He had 1" on 6'5"+ Hilbilly Jim. Was 2" shorter than 6'8" Ben Davidson (exact same footwear). Had 4" on 6'2" Ed Leslie.


So Leslie and Vince McMahon were both 6'2"? This video proves that Vince was a couple inches shorter than Leslie. It's obvious.

Click Here

Pause at 3:02

Pause at 4:06 and see Vince standing with reaching for the stars posture and Beefcake has his head tilted down looking DOWN at Vince. Guess that's because they're the same height...

Pause at 4:39 for the ultimate proof that Leslie was about 2" taller than your supposedly 6'2" Vince McMahon.

Let me repeat that both men had virtually the same footware and yet Beefcake was clearly a few inches taller. My personal opinion is that Vince was 6'1" at the most and Beefcake was ~6'3". But this video should show that you can't have it both ways. You can't have McMahon and Beefcake both at 6'2". It's ridiculous.
Danimal said on 10/Aug/12
Stone says on 9/Aug/12
Hulk Hogan was never anymore then 6'5

He had 1" on 6'5"+ Hilbilly Jim. Was 2" shorter than 6'8" Ben Davidson (exact same footwear). Had 4" on 6'2" Ed Leslie. Had 5" on 6'1" Richard Meltzer who was wearing dress shoes, while Hogan had on ballet shoes. He had 2" minimum on supposed 6'5" sports broadcaster in 1980. He even had 3" on 6'3" Lex Luger who was wearing cowboy boots on and this was 1995 (past Hogan's prime) and the list goes on and on. He was every bit 6'6" up until 1990 or so. Is under 6'3" today. 3" height loss for Hogan.
Vegas said on 10/Aug/12
Ali Baba says on 9/Aug/12
Yep, Hogan is obviously as tall as they claim. Look at how he towers over The Rock.

we know how tall you think nash is ali, so how tall is hogan next to him in 1997?? 4mins 30secs till end of video Click Here
Witchdoctor said on 10/Aug/12
just to confirm that wrestlers will claim any b*llsh*t they can come up with,here is Shad gaspard(6'5) claiming to be 6'8! Click Here hulk hogan disease
Danimal said on 9/Aug/12
Ali Baba says on 9/Aug/12
Yep, Hogan is obviously as tall as they claim. Look at how he towers over The Rock. Click Here

Nice. Choose an already shrunken 2002 Hogan to prove that he was never taller in the 1980's, which we all know he was.
Danimal said on 9/Aug/12
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover says on 8/Aug/12
Seeing Hulk Hogan and other former greats wither away
over the years has been a truly unbearable sight...

6ft6 down to 6ft3. Like wow! It's like hes turned into a little boy again.

You really are and always have been quite a bizarre individual. I know you like people to be as tall as possible and for some reason, tall heights impress you, but how is 6'3" a little boy in "your world"?
Stone said on 9/Aug/12
Hulk Hogan was never anymore then 6'5
Vegas said on 9/Aug/12
hogan and lloyd from 1990 Click Here
hogan and ed leslie from 2012 Click Here
Tuga said on 9/Aug/12
You´ve got to be impressed how big hulk looks next to christopher loyd who himself is a tall men, its really one of the examples of how big he was, still close to 6'6 IMO at the time.
Ali Baba said on 9/Aug/12
Yep, Hogan is obviously as tall as they claim. Look at how he towers over The Rock. Click Here
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 8/Aug/12
Seeing Hulk Hogan and other former greats wither away
over the years has been a truly unbearable sight...

6ft6 down to 6ft3. Like wow! It's like hes turned into a little boy again.
Ronster said on 8/Aug/12
All o the posters on here who claim with no proo or even a reasonable argument that Hogan was never over 6'6" and is not over 6'4" now are the same people who try and lower every other tall celebrities heights on this site. What amuses me most is how they all gang up on anyone who writes or posts photos that clearly show the truth, Hogan was well over 6'7" barefoot until he was around 40-45. There are 10 photos clearly showing how he was consistently 4-6" taller than 6'3 plus men, and all you can do then is claim he had lits on or you then start trying to lower the height o the person he was with LOL. His wrestling boots were no better than any pair of sneakers for added height and he was then over 6'9" with those on. A true giant of a man who has lost 2-3 inches o height and now ater some corrective surgeries is standing 6'5". As or the Aikman pics, anyone with a working set of eyes and no bias can see that Troy stands straight as an arrow while Hogan is always leaning to his one side due to a bad hip and has his knees bent slightly at all times, this along with the fact that Troy wears big thick soled sneakers which give him a bit more than Hogan's shoes would. And Aikman has lost no height, he is a solid 6'4.5" man. There are a few scenes where i you watch Hogan straightens up and has an inch on Troy, but the nay sayers will never admit to that!
Witchdoctor said on 7/Aug/12
It as if this guy lives in a world where even wrestling billed heights are downgrades,he said Scott hall(who looks around 1.95m) was "6 feet 8" I mean what kind of jusk is that? Hall would n't have been near that tall even in wrestling boots!
Danimal said on 7/Aug/12
Henry says on 7/Aug/12
It's been proven time and time again that Hogan was over 6'8" peak.
Click Here

Oh we go again.. Henry, wrestlers are not their billed heights. Hogan was never over 6'6" barefoot (maybe first thing in the morning). If he was a legit 6'8" barefoot, he would have had at least 1" on 6'7" (max) Big John Studd and he didn't. Studd actually slightly edged him out and that was PEAK Hogan.
Henry said on 7/Aug/12
It's been proven time and time again that Hogan was over 6'8" peak.
Click Here
Danimal said on 7/Aug/12
Overwhelmed says on 4/Aug/12
Just saw him in a commercial with 6'4 Troy Aikman...definitely looked shorter than him!

Yup. He's not over 6'3" today (probably 6'2" and change today). Was every bit 6'6" in his prime. Had 2" on 6'4" men in his prime.
FLbeachboy said on 5/Aug/12
Known Terry (Hulk Hogan) for about 35yrs and he was every bit of 6'7". He had a Lincoln Town car that he had to customize to get the seat to go back an extra foot or so. The seat actually laid-up against the back seat. I haven't seen him, in person, in years now and I had no idea he shrunk to such a extent. I wish him well.because the wrestlers around here (which are many) are dying at too fast a rate. They were tough on themselves.
Overwhelmed said on 4/Aug/12
Just saw him in a commercial with 6'4 Troy Aikman...definitely looked shorter than him!
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 2/Aug/12
Rob, do you believe that Hogan might have gained back a bit of height
after those surgeries?
RP said on 27/Jul/12
Is'nt Wendy Williams 5'10" barefoot?? Making her about 6'1" in those heels??? Making Hogan about 6'4.5" in those sneakers???
Danimal said on 25/Jul/12
Ras says on 17/Jun/12
Hogan is 6'3 right now, he's just using boots+lifts there with 5'11 Bobby Roode.

I agree. 6'6" peak. 6'3" today (at best). A cool 3" height loss due to multiple surgeries, crippling arthritis/scoliosis and and age.
dicksock said on 25/Jul/12
Ras says on 17/Jun/12
Hogan is 6'3 right now, he's just using boots+lifts there with 5'11 Bobby Roode.

Got any proof of that?
Ras said on 17/Jun/12
Hogan is 6'3 right now, he's just using boots+lifts there with 5'11 Bobby Roode.
dicksock said on 17/Jun/12
Vegas says on 15/Jun/12
Ras says on 14/Jun/12
Bobby Roode is more like 5'10.5, maybe 5'10 flats.

i met him and a number of the tna roster two days after mania, roode is roughly my height, al snow surprised me i thought he was taller but he is also my height, abyss solid 6'5 out of gear, very big guy, jeff hardy as expected around 6ft, james storms a fraction taller than me


How tall are you, Vegas?
Aaronious said on 16/Jun/12
Repost of Boss's:

Hogan & 6'3.5 James Buster Douglas
Click Here

Hogan with Jake Roberts. Roberts has footware advantage
Click Here

Hogan and 6'1 Richard Beltzer. Hogan has footware advantage but Beltzer has better posture.
Click Here

based on these, Hogan was a minimum 6'6" for his peak height..

now, Hogan has been reported by guys in the back lockeroom to be a lift wearer early in his career...and I don't doubt it.
John said on 15/Jun/12
Here's Kevin Nash's mugshot from a recent arrest. He seems to be about 6'10 (with shoes on).

Click Here

Hogan is about 5-6 inches shorter, right? That would put him at 6'4-6'5.
dicksock said on 15/Jun/12
Here's Hogan looking 5" taller than 5'11" Bobby Roode:
Click Here
dicksock said on 15/Jun/12
Danimal says on 15/Jun/12
dicksock says on 8/Jun/12
Hogan looked at least 4" taller than 6' Robert Roode on Impact this week.

Hogan peak - 6'6"
Hogan now - 6'4"

Hogan is shorter than Aikman. What do you not comprehend about that? BTW, Vince McMahon was 6'2".

You might be right about Hogan being shorter than Aikman. I would love to see them in a staredown. I bet they would be eye to eye if Hogan stood as absolutely straight as he can. The bottom line is, Hogan at your 6'2.5" is too low. That would put Bobby Roode at ~5'9.5".Hogan was actually about 5" taller. I'm pretty sure Aikman was measured at 6'4.25" in his prime. I doubt he's under 6'4" now. The shortest I would give Hogan is 6'3.5".

As for VM having been 6'2" in his way Jose. I could go ahead and re-post a mountain of evidence to prove this, but I really don't feel like it.
Vegas said on 15/Jun/12
Ras says on 14/Jun/12
Bobby Roode is more like 5'10.5, maybe 5'10 flats.

i met him and a number of the tna roster two days after mania, roode is roughly my height, al snow surprised me i thought he was taller but he is also my height, abyss solid 6'5 out of gear, very big guy, jeff hardy as expected around 6ft, james storms a fraction taller than me

hogan i saw in person for the first time ever (at the show, not standing next to)
Danimal said on 15/Jun/12
dicksock says on 8/Jun/12
Hogan looked at least 4" taller than 6' Robert Roode on Impact this week.

Hogan peak - 6'6"
Hogan now - 6'4"

Hogan is shorter than Aikman. What do you not comprehend about that? BTW, Vince McMahon was 6'2".
Danimal said on 15/Jun/12
JT says on 12/Jun/12
Click Here Camera advantage to Kareem, who’s probably down to around 7’1” now, but it still looks like he’d have close to a full head size on Hogan.

Hogan still looks shorter than 6’4” Troy Aikman in a recent Rent-A-Center commercial. Click Here There's little difference in head size either.

There's no proof that even Aikman is a full 6'4" anymore. Hogan is under 6'3" these days and has been for a while. Peak height, he was pushing 6'6" out of bed.
Ras said on 14/Jun/12
Bobby Roode is more like 5'10.5, maybe 5'10 flats.
JT said on 12/Jun/12
Click Here Camera advantage to Kareem, who’s probably down to around 7’1” now, but it still looks like he’d have close to a full head size on Hogan.

Hogan still looks shorter than 6’4” Troy Aikman in a recent Rent-A-Center commercial. Click Here There's little difference in head size either.

Both links are post-Hogan’s back procedure.
Ronster said on 9/Jun/12
He was 6 inches taller, Roode barely came up to the bottom of his nose and Hogan as I always have to remind people has a massive head which is almost twice the size and height of the average mans!
dicksock said on 8/Jun/12
Hogan looked at least 4" taller than 6' Robert Roode on Impact this week.

Hogan peak - 6'6"
Hogan now - 6'4"
Boss said on 13/Feb/12
Hogan & Ali.
Click Here

Hogan & 6'5.75 John Tenta. Tenta is closer to camera.
Click Here

Ultimate Bad Guy claims 6`10 but is closer to 6`8 in reality & Killer Kowalski who was referred to as 6'7 but was no less than 6'6.
Click Here

Kowalski & Studd.
Click Here
Click Here

Ultimate Bad Guy and Big Show.
Click Here

Studd was 6`7 and that`s the lowest I`ve seen for anywhere. You constantly refer to 6`5 Fralic standing on his tip toes to look as tall as Studd as proof well it`s not. Some people will take photoshop crap that is altered to the editors views aka JT and the Meltzer trolls over straight on side by side photos. It`s alot easier to make someone look shorter than it is to make them look taller.
denali said on 13/Feb/12
he was 6-7 now 6-4.5 what is so bad about 6-4,really let it go ,he was a true life superhero!HULKAMANIA WILL LIVE FOREVER!
Kobe24 said on 13/Feb/12
Those photoshopped photos are not as good as if 2 people are really in the photo. The ones from different decaded like Barkley vs Hogan with mean gene are laughable at best. Hogan was at least 6'7 1/4".
miko said on 13/Feb/12
6'4.75 listed Barkley would have been be over 6'7 for Hulk to be anywhere near 6'6.

Barkley in reality was closer to 6'6, but that in itself still puts Hulk at MAX 6'5.
JT said on 12/Feb/12
With 6’2” Bruce Jenner:
Click Here

With ~ 6’1” Curt Hennig:
Click Here
So people don't try to inflate Hennig's height - with 6’3” NFL listed Steve Jordan Click Here

Click Here Rob has George Peppard at 6’0” peak height. Hogan’s in cowboy boots.

Hogan in cowboy boots, 6’7.5” Magic Johnson, 6’9”-6’10” Tom Chambers (in cowboy boots), 6’5” Michael Jordan and 6’6” Charles Barkley all appeared on the Arsenio Hall show
Click Here
Fortunately for Hogan, MJ and Barkley were slouching
Click Here
Click Here

In more normal footwear...
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here

Hogan was shorter than John Studd (and was billed by WWF as being 2 inches shorter), and we don’t need a reminder how Studd measured up to ~ 6’5” Bill Fralic
Stone said on 12/Feb/12
The fact of the matter cannot be changed. Hulk Hogan stood 6'5" in his prime and furthermor what's wrong with 6'5"?
Boss said on 11/Feb/12
Hogan with 6'8 Davidson and & and 6'5 Carey. Hogan is slightly behind both Davidson and Carey are closer to the camera and Hogan still looks every bit of 6'6. Carey has smaller soles than Hogan and Davidson but is the closest man to the camera followed by Davidson than Hogan.
Click Here
Henry said on 11/Feb/12
Davidson is wearing 4" thick boots(the thickest heels I've seen in my life on boots) and we can't see the heels on Hogan's boots so that photo is useless.
Chuck said on 11/Feb/12
Boss says on 10/Feb/12
Hogan & 6'4 Thor.
Click Here

Hogan & HBJ who Rob has at 6'5.5.
Click Here

Hogan and Christopher Lloyd who rob has at 6'1 peak.
Click Here

Good evidence of a 6' 6.5 ~ 6' 7" peak Hogan, curent height though is was 6'4" on the very morning of his back surgery last year, I met him that morning, and I'd estimate 6' 5" after surgery with good posture
Sam said on 10/Feb/12
In his boots and at his peak, Hulk could have plausibly hit the 6'8" mark. I've seen Richard Beltzer in person and even in his sixties he still looks a bit over the 6 foot mark.
dicksock said on 10/Feb/12
Henry: Hulk Hogan stated in a video interview that he was measured by his mother in his prime at 6'7" barefoot. Yet you insist that he is lying to make himself seem shorter. We all know Hulk is such a humble guy... Mean Gene, Jim Ross, and Eric Bischoff claim him to be this height 6'7". He was billed as low as 6'6" in his prime and was clearly at least 1" shorter than 6'7" billed Sid Justice. He was several inches shorter than legit 6'8" Ben Davidson.
Click Here

Hulk was ~6'6" and 290-300lbs(295lbs)
Now he is ~6'4" and 250-265lbs(260lbs) with the majority of weight loss resulting from the deterioration of his lower body.
Boss said on 10/Feb/12
Hogan & 6'4 Thor.
Click Here

Hogan & HBJ who Rob has at 6'5.5.
Click Here

Hogan and Christopher Lloyd who rob has at 6'1 peak.
Click Here
RP said on 10/Feb/12
Just watched some YouTube clips of the Match That Buster Douglas ref'd...Hogan easily looks 6'6.5" & 310 lbs that night. However, must reliable sources swear Hogan was just 6'5.5" barefoot in his prime...and 290 to 305 lbs.
RP said on 10/Feb/12
Yes Henry, James Douglas was avery big man! Atleast 6'3"....pushing 6'4" I've heard 6'3.5" barefoot. And he fighting weight was 240 to 250. His offseason weight was 260 plus, before he became diabetic & baloon'd over 300lbs after his career ended. He looked to be right at 250 when he ref'd the Hulkster's match in 1989.
Boss said on 10/Feb/12
kobe24 says on 9/Feb/12
Hogan looks like a borderline giant in that Beltzer photo. He was an an absolute collosus. It's funny how Beltzer is standing straight as an maybe even on his tiptoes, buy Hogan still towers 7 or 8 inches over him. Btw Hogan's wearing thin soled sneakerd in that photo and Beltzer has the footwear advantage.

Good eye. I thought he wearing cowboy boots.
Henry said on 9/Feb/12
As the Boss photos once again prove, The Hulkster was 6'8 1/6" peak.
kobe24 said on 9/Feb/12
Hogan looks like a borderline giant in that Beltzer photo. He was an an absolute collosus. It's funny how Beltzer is standing straight as an maybe even on his tiptoes, buy Hogan still towers 7 or 8 inches over him. Btw Hogan's wearing thin soled sneakerd in that photo and Beltzer has the footwear advantage.
Chuck said on 9/Feb/12
Hulk is one of those weird ones to place his height accurately both during his prime and now. The problem is that he rarely, especially today, stands straight. He's always has bent knees and hips, neck slightly forward, slouching even. On the rare occasion that he does stand straight, it's obvious how tall the man truly is, such as during matches while in his prime he would stand completely straight, point a finger at his opponent, it was then that it was best to estimate his peak height. As for today, His height varies between just under 6'4" to 6'5" depending on his posture, peak height was 6' 6"
dicksock said on 9/Feb/12
Danimal says on 8/Feb/12
dicksock says on 2/Feb/12
Here's another Hogan/Aikman comparison:
Click Here

They are clearly very similar in height. There is no 2" difference. That is absurd.

Vince McMahon was 6'2".


Whatever troll. Have fun under your bridge.
Danimal said on 8/Feb/12
dicksock says on 2/Feb/12
Here's another Hogan/Aikman comparison:
Click Here

They are clearly very similar in height. There is no 2" difference. That is absurd.

Vince McMahon was 6'2".
Danimal said on 8/Feb/12
Mike says on 3/Feb/12
Current height fully streched 6"3.5 and peak 6"5.5.

Not even a FLAT 6'3" today.
Danimal said on 8/Feb/12
Mike says on 7/Feb/12
Hulk was pretty much the same height as John Tenta "Eartquake" 6'5.75. Hogan was a bit taller than Tiny "Zeus" Lister who is 6'5 on this site. Hogan was the same height as him in the ring even thou Lister had a big footware advantage. Rob has him pretty right on spot. He was between 6'5.25 and 6'5.75 in his prime. 2 inches height loss duo to injuries, age and surgeries.

He was also taller than 6'5"+ Hilbilly Jim.. 6'6" right on the nose for a PEAK (pre-surgery Hogan).
RP said on 7/Feb/12
Hogan did tower over Buster Douglas in that 1989 match when Buster guest referred on Friday Night's Main Event. Hogan had him by 3" & at least 60 plus pounds. And Douglas was a legit 6'3" & 240 lbs at the time...probably 250 at that point.
Mike said on 7/Feb/12
Hulk was pretty much the same height as John Tenta "Eartquake" 6'5.75. Hogan was a bit taller than Tiny "Zeus" Lister who is 6'5 on this site. Hogan was the same height as him in the ring even thou Lister had a big footware advantage. Rob has him pretty right on spot. He was between 6'5.25 and 6'5.75 in his prime. 2 inches height loss duo to injuries, age and surgeries.
Boss said on 6/Feb/12
Hogan & 6'3.5 James Buster Douglas.
Click Here

Hogan with Jake Roberts. Roberts has footware advantage.
Click Here

Hogan and 6'1 Richard Beltzer. Hogan has footware advantage but Beltzer has better posture.
Click Here
Mike said on 3/Feb/12
Current height fully streched 6"3.5 and peak 6"5.5.
denali said on 2/Feb/12
a friend of mine saw hogan at grocey store swears the hulk is 6.5.
Red said on 2/Feb/12
They look the same height, Aikman looks taller because he is skinnyer, has higher shoulders and a smaller head.
And don´t forget the hair advantage.
Halb said on 2/Feb/12
dicksock says on 2/Feb/12
Halb says on 1/Feb/12
Hogan has large features. He's not a basketball player type. He obviosuly has noticeably chunkier footwear from the presenter for it to be mentioned.


Obvious to you maybe. I pretty sure he was just wearing sneakers, like he always does. -----
Obvious to users of English. For his footwear to be considered 'cheating'.
dicksock said on 2/Feb/12
Here's another Hogan/Aikman comparison:
Click Here

They are clearly very similar in height. There is no 2" difference. That is absurd.
dicksock said on 2/Feb/12
Halb says on 1/Feb/12
Hogan has large features. He's not a basketball player type. He obviosuly has noticeably chunkier footwear from the presenter for it to be mentioned.


Obvious to you maybe. I pretty sure he was just wearing sneakers, like he always does.

Anyone check out the Aikman/Hogan links I posted? It's pretty clear they're about the same height when both have the same posture. I would bet if Hogan were measured today with perfect posture, he would be in the 6'4" range. He just comes across as being 6'3" or so because his posture is usually really bad. In his prime, he was about 6'6".

Here is the Aikman/Hogan clip again:
Click Here

They are lined up with each, have similar posture, and are the same height.
dicksock said on 1/Feb/12
Vegas: Just because edge has to have another surgery, that doesn't mean he'll end up anywhere near as bad as Hogan. Only time will tell, but if he stays out of the ring, I'd bet the house that Edge will be just fine. He may be limited physically, but he went be walking around like an 90 year old man and unable to straighten his legs. Edge's problems were caused by wrestling. I think Hogan's were caused by steroid abuse.
Danimal said on 1/Feb/12
kobe24 says on 31/Jan/12
Hulkster seems to be the same heiggt as Aikman now. 6'4 1/4" now. 6'7 1/4" then.

Shorter than Aikman today. In his prime, probably would have had 2" on him.
Danimal said on 1/Feb/12
dave says on 31/Jan/12
6 3 peak 6 5.5 hogan got messed up

Danimal said on 1/Feb/12
Boss says on 31/Jan/12
Hogan is taller than Matthew Stadlen who claims 6'4. They go back to back so you don't get any better than that. Hogan says he is wearing tennis shoes. Also, Hogan's head and hands are much larger than Stadlen's in comparison.
Click Here

If a 1978-1989 Hogan stood next to this same guy, he would be looking down at him GUARANTEED. Stadlen is probably 6'3" and change and Hogan probably had the footwear advantage. I don't see Hogan at any taller than a FLAT 6'3" today. Was close to 6'6" in his prime (hence the HUGE hands)..
Halb said on 1/Feb/12
Hogan has large features. He's not a basketball player type. He obviosuly has noticeably chunkier footwear from the presenter for it to be mentioned.
dicksock said on 1/Feb/12
Here is fan footage of Hogan from Wembley Arena:
Click Here

He looks in terrible shape and danimal is right about how short his legs are.
Boss said on 31/Jan/12
Hogan is taller than Matthew Stadlen who claims 6'4. They go back to back so you don't get any better than that. Hogan says he is wearing tennis shoes. Also, Hogan's head and hands are much larger than Stadlen's in comparison.
Click Here
Henry said on 31/Jan/12
As it has been proven many times, peak Hogan was 6'8 1/16" and at least 340 lbs.
Click Here
dave said on 31/Jan/12
6 3 peak 6 5.5 hogan got messed up
kobe24 said on 31/Jan/12
Hulkster seems to be the same heiggt as Aikman now. 6'4 1/4" now. 6'7 1/4" then.
Eric said on 31/Jan/12
Tom Lister, at 6'3, certainly appeared taller than Hulk due to his big boots, but they were about the same height at the time of No Holds Barred. Hulk was 6'3 or so 20 plus years ago and is 6'2 today.
dicksock said on 30/Jan/12
Here's another one where Hogan and 6'4" Aikman look the same height:
Click Here
dicksock said on 30/Jan/12
Hogan is looking the same height as 6'4" Troy Aikman here:
Click Here
The Ben said on 30/Jan/12
The reason I say 6'3 is because he had an inch or so on Sting, I've stood right next to sting ringside (in 03) and he looked a solid 6'2, Still looks it today.
Hogan was taller than sting, Bully ray, James storm and bobby rood, If he could stand tall he may reach 6'4 but I dont think he physically can, He could be as low as 6'2 like Danimal says.
He was leaning slightly to one side and seemed to have very tilted pelvis, When he took his shirt off it was a sad sight.
I totally agree with Danimal about his slim hips.
I dont think I've ever seen a person walking without a cane or crutches in such a bad physical state, I have no problems seeing MASSIVE height loss from Hogan.
There is no way he's over 6'4 today, Its sad to say but I cant see the man walking for much longer, with his hair and strange proportions he had the Michael Jackson way to much surgery not quite human look to him.
Seeing the younger guys in great shape in the ring next to him only made it seem worse, as a 25yr wrestling fan I couldn't help but look at the younger guys with a sense of sadness seeing what the future holds for most old wrestlers.
dicksock said on 30/Jan/12
Bill Compton says on 28/Jan/12
I don't think Hogan wears cowboy boots anymore. Haven't seen them since the mid nineties. I think he sticks to wearing Nikes because of his back issues. I think it safe to say Hogan is curently 6'4. Anything under this is out of the question. I think Hogan gets asked about his shoe advantage because Matthew Stadlen Claims to be 6'4 and Hogan is taller.


That guy he went back to back with claims to be 6'4"? Hogan was clearly at least an inch taller. Then again he's at least 2" taller than 6'2" Sting so it doesn't surprise me.
Bill Compton said on 28/Jan/12
I don't think Hogan wears cowboy boots anymore. Haven't seen them since the mid nineties. I think he sticks to wearing Nikes because of his back issues. I think it safe to say Hogan is curently 6'4. Anything under this is out of the question. I think Hogan gets asked about his shoe advantage because Matthew Stadlen Claims to be 6'4 and Hogan is taller.
miko said on 28/Jan/12
He is a wreck, but at still close to 6'4 and 260lbs he's still a huge man.

I saw him up close (for the first time ever) at the Nottingham FM Arena as he went in, he was NOT short. He is somewhere between 6'3 and 6'4. Rob has him bang on.
Halb said on 28/Jan/12
5 minute chat with Hulk, there is mention of footwear, bet he is wearing cowboy boots:D
Click Here
Sting said on 27/Jan/12
Hogan is only 6 ft 3 in ......FACT
dicksock said on 27/Jan/12
NeonCthulhuCult says on 25/Jan/12
Yea but the Mr.T hogan pic is from the Richard Belzer late night Incident? ok what belzer is 6 even? 6'1'' tops ( bein generous )?? watch that on youtube where hogan pulls Belzers punk card for mocking Rasslin... they r only a few inches apart and hogan is wearing huge old nike lifts


Only a few inches apart...If by a few, you mean ~5" then yes a few. Hogan didn't have a footware advantage either.

Hogan was 6'5.5"-6'6" in his prime and is ~6'4" now.
Bill Compton said on 26/Jan/12
This is the best photo I can find of Tiny Listers boots. The same boots he wore every time he wrestled Hogan. Click Here
Bill Compton said on 26/Jan/12
Hogan and 6'5 Tiny Lister in a staredown. YouTube:

Click Here
Lister has huge lifts on. Ill try to find a photo.
NeonCthulhuCult said on 25/Jan/12
Yea but the Mr.T hogan pic is from the Richard Belzer late night Incident? ok what belzer is 6 even? 6'1'' tops ( bein generous )?? watch that on youtube where hogan pulls Belzers punk card for mocking Rasslin... they r only a few inches apart and hogan is wearing huge old nike lifts like plus 2 and a half inches. To me hogan IS a giant yea, but never over 6'4'' a day in his life
JT said on 24/Jan/12
The True says on 23/Jan/12
One question to JT. You are very active her and posting a lot, but what was Hogans peak height right out of bed according to you?

Right out of bed? Maybe 6'5.5" or so and then around 6'5" at midday. I'd never bet against Hogan at one time hitting 6'6" at midday but just don't believe he was ever that tall.

There are plenty of pics out there of 6'6" basketball players with guys of known height and Hogan never came across as a legit 6'6" to me. Compare how Hogan measured up to mean gene with 6'4.5"/6'5" Bill Fralic and gene Click Here and charles barkley and gene Click Here Rob has Barkley at 6'4 3/4", which is too low. He is around 6'6" but no taller.
Kobe24 said on 23/Jan/12
Hulk Hogan was 6'7 1/4" on that love oat episode. Bruce Jenner a little over 6'2"
The True said on 23/Jan/12
One question to JT. You are very active her and posting a lot, but what was Hogans peak height right out of bed according to you?

just curious :)
sid said on 22/Jan/12
JT agreed hogan looks a inch shorter making him 6'3
Bill Compton said on 22/Jan/12
Here is Hogan with 5'9 Sam worthington. Ad you can see the height range changes depending on the angle of photo. Also is Worthington with 6'1 Jon Favreau. Worthington and Favreau don't look 4 inches apart. I said this before and I will say it again. I live in Tampa and have met Hogan numerous times. I am 6'2 and he is taller than me. I don't know exactly how much taller but I would guess 2 to 3 inches. You can not judge people's height of photos.san-diego-comic-con/page/2
JT said on 21/Jan/12
There could be around a 3 degree camera tilt in mcginley’s favor, which I corrected here Click Here mcginley looked a few inches shorter than ~ 6'1" ed o'neill

Click Here Jenner was around 6’2” as Rob has listed him.
Bill Compton said on 21/Jan/12
Something is odd with all these heights. Here is 6'5 Howie Long and 6'4 Troy Aikman. Long is clearly has over 2 inches on him. That makes Troy 6'3 or shorter. Hogan must be 6'1 or shorter which I know is not true. I think unless you personally measure these guys bare foot you will never know there true heights. emmy06sports/portraits/pages/2126_0983.htm
Big Show said on 21/Jan/12
Big Show says on 21/Jan/12
At 12:15 and onwards you see Hogan stand with Bruce Jenner. Hogan calls Jenner a little man and has ~4 inches on him

Forgot to mention that this segment is from Part 3.
Witchdoctor said on 21/Jan/12
1.94-5m at peak 1.91-2m now
Eric said on 21/Jan/12
Troy Aikman is 6'4. Not 6'5 or 6'6. That simply means that Hulk Hogan is clearly shorter than 6'4.
Big Show said on 21/Jan/12
Vegas says on 20/Jan/12
mcginley looks more than 5'11.5 next to hogan there, on that loveboat episode filmed in 1985 i suspect (as it broadcast feb 1986) tim rossovich (nfl listed 6'4) and bruce jenner (rob has him at 6'2) also starred, thats the only shot of the 3 i have seen Click Here

The entire episode is on Youtube
Part 1: Click Here
Part 2: Click Here
Part 3: Click Here

In part 1 at 3:47 onwards you can see Hogan stand close to Tom Rossovich. Hogan's in white cowboy boots and a little closer to the camera.

At 12:15 and onwards you see Hogan stand with Bruce Jenner. Hogan calls Jenner a little man and has ~4 inches on him.

The shot you posted seems to have been cut out of the original episode though.

Hogan looks kinda short next to McGinley. McGinley is ~5'11" judging from Married with Children. I think the photo gives a skewed result. McGinley was 1-2 inches shorter than Ed O'Neill. O'Neill looked around 2-3 inches shorter than King Kong Bundy and Bundy was around 1-2 inches shorter than Hogan.
Eric said on 20/Jan/12
Why wouldn't Troy call himself 6'5 if that were the case?
RP said on 20/Jan/12
To Bill Compton...Troy Aikman was measured at 6'4.25" barefoot at his 1989 NFL Rookie Combine.
RP said on 20/Jan/12
If McCloud is 5'9.5"?...Then McGinley is 6'0.5", looks 6'1" with the "Big" hair. Also, I've always heard that a Peak Iron Shiek was 6'0" even.
miko said on 20/Jan/12
Rob do you really think Hulk was a legitimate flat 6'6 in his prime?

He did regularly claim 6'7, but maybe that was in his wrestling boots?

Every photo/video I've seen posted on here over the last 5 years points to him being closer to 6'5 than 6'6 and most likely bang down the middle at 6'5.5.

Next to Sid who you have listed at 6'7 on here, he looked a solid 2 inches shorter in 1991, and he was only 38 years old at that time.

I think you have his present height bang on by the way, just not sure on that 6'6 peak.
JT said on 19/Jan/12
With Gavin McCloud and Ted McGinley from the mid-1980s
Click Here Rob has McCloud at 5’9.5” and McGinley at 5’11.5”.

With Iron Sheik Click Here who looked in the 5’11” range to me.
Bill Compton said on 19/Jan/12
Did it ever occur to anybody that maybe Aikman is taller than 6'4? He looks taller than that next a lot of football players.
miko said on 17/Jan/12
Can't imagine Nash ever being 6'10.

Maybe in his prime he might have hit 6'10 out of bed, but he has always looked 6'9 from his early WCW days all the way to late 11'.
dicksock said on 16/Jan/12
Here is Kevin Nash claiming he's 6'10" barefoot in 2011:

Click Here
dicksock said on 16/Jan/12
Eric says on 15/Jan/12
What is so hard to believe about a 6'4 and a half inch man losing 2 inches in his old age? Hulk Hogan is 6'2. Accept it!


I've accepted that you're a troll.
Eric said on 15/Jan/12
What is so hard to believe about a 6'4 and a half inch man losing 2 inches in his old age? Hulk Hogan is 6'2. Accept it!
JT said on 14/Jan/12
Bill Compton says on 13/Jan/12
The new Rent a center commercials are out. Hulk Hogan is as tall as Troy Aikman. Could even be a little taller.

Click Here Hogan does not look any taller than Aikman. We also don't know the footwear here.
dicksock said on 13/Jan/12
Here is Eric Bischoff claiming Hulk was 6'6"-6'7" and 260lbs:

Click Here
Bill Compton said on 13/Jan/12
The new Rent a center commercials are out. Hulk Hogan is as tall as Troy Aikman. Could even be a little taller.
miko said on 11/Jan/12
Nash went face to face with Big Show in December 11' and was well over 2 inches shorter.

Nash is 6'9 and Show is 6'11.5 range.
Ronster said on 11/Jan/12
Go to this link and stop at 16 seconds, Nash and Big Show stand on level floor with no footwear advantage either way and Nash is no more than one inch shorter than Show! I think the administrator for this site needs to up Nash's height considerably from his delusional 6'9" guesstimate lol. Click Here
Barrythetiler said on 10/Jan/12
Hulks page if I wanted to debate Andres height 7'1" by the way Id go to Andres page Brother!!!
Boss said on 5/Jan/12
RP says on 4/Jan/12
Want to make a follow up to Chuck Whepner's claim. Chuck has a grudge against Stallone & has said a lot of things vs Sly in the past. And, actually about 5 years ago in 2006 when Rocky Balboa was released Chuck was talking about his match with Andre in an interview and refered to Andre as being 7'ft tall & 430 lbs. So, who knows with this guy?
RP says on 4/Jan/12
Just heard an interesting claim from Chuck Whepner in a radio interview. He claims that Andre The Giant was 6'11.5" & 390 lbs when they had their boxer vs wrestler match in the mid-70's. And that's why Stallone use those measurements in the script for Rocky 3.

Could you post this interview.
dicksock said on 5/Jan/12
RP says on 4/Jan/12
Just heard an interesting claim from Chuck Whepner in a radio interview. He claims that Andre The Giant was 6'11.5" & 390 lbs when they had their boxer vs wrestler match in the mid-70's. And that's why Stallone use those measurements in the script for Rocky 3.Chuck has a grudge against Stallone & has said a lot of things vs Sly in the past. And, actually about 5 years ago in 2006 when Rocky Balboa was released Chuck was talking about his match with Andre in an interview and refered to Andre as being 7'ft tall & 430 lbs. So, who knows with this guy?


Where did you hear this most recent interview?
Barrythetiler said on 5/Jan/12
For Rocky 3 He was standing on a box. Either that or his legs are like 5 feet long
Kobe24 said on 5/Jan/12
Hulk Hogan was about a Bit over 6'7" and Radix 325 LBS in his youth.
big todd said on 4/Jan/12
HUlk was filming a movie at a cal.state university about 1998 ish .I always thought he was 7 foot or taller from the rocky movie . But when i met him he was like 6 foot 4 because i am 6 foot 5 and i was an inch taller than him ! I got my picture taken next to him for proof but have since lost the picture but i know his actual hieght but he did have like 22 inch arms which were impressive.
Boss said on 4/Jan/12
Hogan with 5'10 Stallone and Mr.t.

Click Here

Hogan at his peak with Stallone.

Click Here

Click Here

Stallone and Mr.T both at their peak heights.

Click Here

Stallone with 6'4.25 Lungren. Lungren claimed 6'5 peak.

Click Here
RP said on 4/Jan/12
Want to make a follow up to Chuck Whepner's claim. Chuck has a grudge against Stallone & has said a lot of things vs Sly in the past. And, actually about 5 years ago in 2006 when Rocky Balboa was released Chuck was talking about his match with Andre in an interview and refered to Andre as being 7'ft tall & 430 lbs. So, who knows with this guy?
RP said on 4/Jan/12
Just heard an interesting claim from Chuck Whepner in a radio interview. He claims that Andre The Giant was 6'11.5" & 390 lbs when they had their boxer vs wrestler match in the mid-70's. And that's why Stallone use those measurements in the script for Rocky 3.
Big Al said on 3/Jan/12
I've met him. He's a big dude. No doubt about 6-5 and about 3 bills. However, I've also met several basketball players, other wrestlers and football players. The biggest, not fat dudes that I've ever been around were Paul Wight (The Big Show) and Jahidi White (former Hoya center and Washington Wizard).
Valdor said on 1/Jan/12
Have to go with 6'6" 320-330 for Samuelsson in 2007. He was realitevly skinny when he started in thew mid 90'ies but man he filled out.
The Ben said on 1/Jan/12
6'6 and 380 LBS, Doesn't look a million miles away from a peak weight hogan, I can easily see him being within 50 pounds.
Click Here
Eric said on 1/Jan/12
Lol at Nash being eye to eye with 6'11 Wight. Wight made Nash look 6'8 in that old WCW clip.
Shaun said on 30/Dec/11
330 pound + is as exaggerated as the 7 foot tall monster billing he had. Ferrigno was never 330 pounds or more in reality.
Shaun said on 30/Dec/11
Ferrigno over 330 pounds?? Even Magnus Samuelsson at his heaviest isn't much more than that. He was usually around 285 during competition. The heaviest I ever read for him in off season was 318. Generally he was around 280 which is still enormous.
Silent d said on 29/Dec/11
He looked really tall next to andre the giant. He is my favourite wrestler of all time. I grew up with him. I liked it when he ripped his singlet. That was awesome. He is ripped. I think after all the surgery he would lose a couple of inches. I hope to meet him one day. 192cm is about right.
dicksock said on 29/Dec/11
The Ben says on 28/Dec/11
Its really hard to tell weights, I could see hogan up over 260, I just know to many guys who are around 6'2 and 250 who don't look big at all, They don't workout and you wouldn't give them a second look and Hogan looks far bigger than they are.


Exactly. Having never met Hulk, I can't really pin point his weight. I would say he weighs anywhere between 250lbs and 280lbs. If I had to guess his exact stats, I would say ~6'4" 265lbs. At his biggest, he was probably ~6'5.5" ~300lbs.
Eric said on 29/Dec/11
That's correct, yaspa. Kurt is 6'3 and he was wearing dress shoes in the movie while Hulk was wearing thick heeled boots. Hulk looked less than 2 inches taller than Kurt.
Yaspaa said on 28/Dec/11
Never looked more than 6'5, didn't have more than 2" on 6'3 Kurt Fuller in No Holds Barred.
The Ben said on 28/Dec/11
Its really hard to tell weights, I could see hogan up over 260, I just know to many guys who are around 6'2 and 250 who don't look big at all, They don't workout and you wouldn't give them a second look and Hogan looks far bigger than they are.
Two guys next to each other in T-shirts are hard to judge as well.
If hogan was 280 I wouldn't be surprised.
At his lightest I think 230, I had a copy of impact magazine from 1993 and in an interview in that he said 230, The interview wasn't about wrestling at all and it just focused on thunder in paradise and acting. As far as height goes I'm with Danimal and davey although I think he could maybe be over 6'3 today.
RP said on 27/Dec/11
yeah Danimal...I'm going 255 on Hogan. With him going from 248-258/260 tops.
Stone said on 27/Dec/11
The true says on 23/Dec/11
It's time to put an end to this discussion! Hogan is a legend and a wrestling icon. He is/was and will always be the greatest and most famous wrestler of all time. here in Sweden people only recognise Hogan and the rock. names like steve austin, flair, bret hart, undertaker, cena doesn't say a ****.

Let's face the true abou hogan real stats

PRIME 6'4.5 - 6'5.25 (nothing less and nothing over )

Current: i don't realy care about his current height but his height loss is a maximum of 1.5 inches. so if he was 6'5 peak then he is 6'3.5 now and if he was 6'5 peak then he is 6'3 now.

this is celebheights and not celebweights or celebbiceps!
NOW THIS IS SOOO RIGHT . !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Danimal said on 26/Dec/11
davey says on 23/Dec/11
He claims he was 6'7 when he was young and first started in wrestling, he must have been measured somewhere that gave him that idea but knowing most people he was probably really about 6'6 and a little bit and rounded himself up to 6'7.
These days when I see him standing next to people he used to be way taller than like sting and vince mcmahon and looking practically the same height as them now (especially vince he used to do interviews next to him in the middle of the ring and tower over him then in 2003 he was practically the same size) I'd go as far as to say he's lost at least 3 inches in height through age plus surgeries so he'd have to be 6'3 max, I wouldn't really be surprised if he was even 6'2 after all he's been through.

I 100% agree with everything you wrote.
Danimal said on 26/Dec/11
RP says on 22/Dec/11
Really Ronster!...280 plus! Troy Aikman weighs 232 lbs "This is what he told NFL serious radio last week when they were discussing the size of modern day QB's".....Troy said, "I'm 6'4" and weight 232 & I played at 227-230 & these guys make me look small sometimes" Now, does Hogan look 50 lbs heavier than Troy in RAC commercials?...No! 15 lbs tops! Troy's shoulders are actually broader than Hogan's now.

Considering his height loss and loss of overall size, I'd give him still 250+ pounds easily.
drummer777 said on 26/Dec/11
That would still mean Tyler and Kevin are both a little over 6'9 in there shoes. If a flat 6'foot 8 barefoot for each man.
eric 1 said on 26/Dec/11
Hogan in his prime was 6ft5. Today 6ft3 and change. 6ft6 is ridiculous.
dicksock said on 25/Dec/11
drummer777 says on 24/Dec/11
Tyler mane and Kevin Nash are the same Height, If Tyler Mane is a flat 6'8 like he says he is then that means kevin nash is in the 6'8 range.


I would bet a lot of money that Nash is at least 6'9".
Rikashiku said on 25/Dec/11
Height now mustbe about 6'3", his peak looked about 6'5" or slightly more. He was obviously not 6'7" next to Rodman but this was later in his career. Its funn y how wwf tried to give him a 6'8" billing.
drummer777 said on 24/Dec/11
Tyler mane and Kevin Nash are the same Height, If Tyler Mane is a flat 6'8 like he says he is then that means kevin nash is in the 6'8 range.
Eric said on 24/Dec/11
Vince was 6'1 peak and 6' today.
Vegas said on 24/Dec/11
dicksock says on 23/Dec/11
Got any proof? Oh that's right, no you don't. Still think Vince was 6'2" and Bret was 5'11"? LMAO

the other day on batistas page danimal claimed waltman was 5'9, waltman in flat asics amateur wrestling shoes next to vince in 1994 Click Here
dicksock said on 23/Dec/11
Danimal says on 22/Dec/11
dicksock says on 14/Dec/11
Henry says on 13/Dec/11
Shadow my %**. You're just drinking so much hateraid that you can't think straight. You're just jealous that The Hulkster had 24 1/2" arms and was over 6'8" 340lbs peak. You don't get billed as "An Incredible Sight Standing Nearly 7 feet tall weight 390lbs" without at least being close enough to get away with it.


Rob, can you just block this guy already? He's obviously a troll.

Vince McMahon was 6'2".


Got any proof? Oh that's right, no you don't. Still think Vince was 6'2" and Bret was 5'11"? LMAO
The true said on 23/Dec/11
It's time to put an end to this discussion! Hogan is a legend and a wrestling icon. He is/was and will always be the greatest and most famous wrestler of all time. here in Sweden people only recognise Hogan and the rock. names like steve austin, flair, bret hart, undertaker, cena doesn't say a ****.

Let's face the true abou hogan real stats

PRIME 6'4.5 - 6'5.25 (nothing less and nothing over )

Current: i don't realy care about his current height but his height loss is a maximum of 1.5 inches. so if he was 6'5 peak then he is 6'3.5 now and if he was 6'5 peak then he is 6'3 now.

this is celebheights and not celebweights or celebbiceps!
davey said on 23/Dec/11
He claims he was 6'7 when he was young and first started in wrestling, he must have been measured somewhere that gave him that idea but knowing most people he was probably really about 6'6 and a little bit and rounded himself up to 6'7.
These days when I see him standing next to people he used to be way taller than like sting and vince mcmahon and looking practically the same height as them now (especially vince he used to do interviews next to him in the middle of the ring and tower over him then in 2003 he was practically the same size) I'd go as far as to say he's lost at least 3 inches in height through age plus surgeries so he'd have to be 6'3 max, I wouldn't really be surprised if he was even 6'2 after all he's been through.
Danimal said on 22/Dec/11
dicksock says on 14/Dec/11
Henry says on 13/Dec/11
Shadow my %**. You're just drinking so much hateraid that you can't think straight. You're just jealous that The Hulkster had 24 1/2" arms and was over 6'8" 340lbs peak. You don't get billed as "An Incredible Sight Standing Nearly 7 feet tall weight 390lbs" without at least being close enough to get away with it.


Rob, can you just block this guy already? He's obviously a troll.

Vince McMahon was 6'2".
RP said on 22/Dec/11
Really Ronster!...280 plus! Troy Aikman weighs 232 lbs "This is what he told NFL serious radio last week when they were discussing the size of modern day QB's".....Troy said, "I'm 6'4" and weight 232 & I played at 227-230 & these guys make me look small sometimes" Now, does Hogan look 50 lbs heavier than Troy in RAC commercials?...No! 15 lbs tops! Troy's shoulders are actually broader than Hogan's now.
dicksock said on 22/Dec/11
Ronster says on 22/Dec/11
RP - Did you weigh Hogan on your scale at home or something??? You must be god or something to know better than Hogan himself what he weighs in at today. He has stated recently that he hovers around 285 to 290lbs and was well over 300lbs in the Hulkamania days. And Miko, Nash is 6'11" not 6'9", his basketball stats show that as does when he stands toe to toe with the legit 7' plus Big Show nearly eye to eye. Stop posting ridiculous opinions and stick with whats real people.


Nash was never eye to eye with 7', not 7' plus, Big Show. He looked 2"-3" shorter in WCW. Where are his basketball stats? Hogan also said Andre weighed close to 700lbs at Wrestlemania III...I guess you believe that as well?

Here is Nash "eye to eye" with Paul Wight...

Click Here
Vegas said on 22/Dec/11
Ronster says on 22/Dec/11
Nash is 6'11"

i bet you think tyler mane was close to 6'11 as well, forward to 6mins 30secs Click Here
Ronster said on 22/Dec/11
RP - Did you weigh Hogan on your scale at home or something??? You must be god or something to know better than Hogan himself what he weighs in at today. He has stated recently that he hovers around 285 to 290lbs and was well over 300lbs in the Hulkamania days. And Miko, Nash is 6'11" not 6'9", his basketball stats show that as does when he stands toe to toe with the legit 7' plus Big Show nearly eye to eye. Stop posting ridiculous opinions and stick with whats real people.
RP said on 21/Dec/11
Yep...peak Hogan 6'5.5" & 300 lbs....Studd in his prime 6'7" & 325.
miko said on 21/Dec/11
I can not imagine Hogan ever standing close to 6'9 in cowboy boots, that is ridiculous, he'd be eye to eye with a barefoot Nash!
Stone said on 21/Dec/11
In 1985 Hulk Hogan in several matches with big John stud . Who is 6'7" Hulk Hogan was clearly between an inch and a half or two full inches shorter. Which once again brings us to his Peak Height of 6'5" is weight very between 285 pounds to 300 pounds
RP said on 20/Dec/11
Ronster, Do you seriously, honestly believe that Hogan at is currently close to 300 lbs? Fella, he's 260 tops at the moment! I'd say his current naked body weight is in the 248-253 his current height of 6'3.75"...Saw him on ESPN last week, Terry is 6'3.75" and in the low 250's right now. He could maybe pigout & hit 260 fully clothed & with shoes on right now? But, barefoot: 6'3.75" & naked: 248-253 lbs. This nonsense of you claiming he is close to 300 is just silly! Even to say 280 would be rediculous!
madmacs said on 18/Dec/11
5'8" sounds right. I am almost 6'8" and was walking thru an airport and my 5'11" wife when she says there's Hulk Hogan! I looked around and around and said to her where is he? She said he's right in front of you! I looked down and there he was. 5'8" sounds about right!!
Vegas said on 15/Dec/11
Henry says on 13/Dec/11
You don't get billed as "An Incredible Sight Standing Nearly 7 feet tall weight 390lbs" without at least being close enough to get away with it.

kurt zehe was billed 8ft 4 and 50 stone (700lb) when he wrestled as gargantua, he was legit around 7'2 and 400-450lb Click Here

here are decent videos, its hogan barefoot and 5'8 listed maria menounos (in shoes) from about 2009 i believe
Click Here Click Here

maria looks to have a footwear advantage with stacy keibler Click Here
Eric said on 15/Dec/11
Why ban Henry/Ronster? He provides comic relief to this site and nobody takes him seriously anyway.
dicksock said on 14/Dec/11
Henry says on 13/Dec/11
Shadow my %**. You're just drinking so much hateraid that you can't think straight. You're just jealous that The Hulkster had 24 1/2" arms and was over 6'8" 340lbs peak. You don't get billed as "An Incredible Sight Standing Nearly 7 feet tall weight 390lbs" without at least being close enough to get away with it.


Rob, can you just block this guy already? He's obviously a troll.
Duhon said on 14/Dec/11
Henry says on 13/Dec/11
Shadow my %**. You're just drinking so much hateraid that you can't think straight. You're just jealous that The Hulkster had 24 1/2" arms and was over 6'8" 340lbs peak. You don't get billed as "An Incredible Sight Standing Nearly 7 feet tall weight 390lbs" without at least being close enough to get away with it.

Are you talking about him when he was billed that in rocky 3? where they used camera angles to make him look even bigger next to a relatively tiny at the time 5'8"-9" Stallone?

He was nowhere near 6'8". The biggest he even said he was 6'7".
Henry said on 13/Dec/11
Shadow my %**. You're just drinking so much hateraid that you can't think straight. You're just jealous that The Hulkster had 24 1/2" arms and was over 6'8" 340lbs peak. You don't get billed as "An Incredible Sight Standing Nearly 7 feet tall weight 390lbs" without at least being close enough to get away with it.
RP said on 13/Dec/11
Danimal is correct on several accounts....Lou at 42 in The Masters Olympia was 6'4.25" & 308 lbs with 23" arms...Lou said they hit 23.5" cold during the offseason when he hit 320. Peak Lou was 6'4.75"! His arms where mostly 22" cold when he was training properly & not taking weeks off to film The Hulk & movies. Peak Hogan was 6'5.5"....his weight from the late 70's to the late 80's was 300-305....once in a while he'd bloat up to 310. And a few times he dipped down to about 290. And Terry's "Hulk" largest his arms where 22" cold. This is fact! And please!. Stop showing that 1978/79 pic of Terry with the hairy chest as your proof of his arms being 24"! Jeez! Can you not tell that the photo was taken with the shadow technique? That placed a shadow behind his arm to make it appear larger. Take out the shadow, and Terry's arms only look 21" there.
Kobe24 said on 13/Dec/11
That Beltzer photo seals the deal for me. Hogan was at least a strong 6'7" in his younger days. Admin, we need an upgrade.
Danimal said on 12/Dec/11
Henry says on 9/Dec/11
Lou Ferrigno has PROVEN 24 1/2" arms and weighed over 330 lbs.
Even Hogan at his SHORTEST was taller than Ferrigno PEAK.
Peak Hogan towered over 3 1/2" above Ferrigno though and Ferrigno had MUCH shorter arms than Hogan making them appear bigger than they really are.
Even after all that, Ferrigno's arms look smaller than Hogan's, just more defined.
Click Here

Wrong.. Lou's arms ranged between 21-23" (Depending on his bodyweight).. FACT.. Your 24.5" is made up.
miko said on 12/Dec/11
Grow up Danimal, for once in your life.

Unless Hogan is jumping straight out of bed into his cowboy boots, he NEVER saw 6'7 in them.

PRIME: 6'5.75/6'6 out of bed. 6'5 daytime, 6'6.5/6.6.75 in his cowboy boots.
dicksock said on 12/Dec/11
drummer777 says on 8/Dec/11
man DDP is 6'4 and Scott Hall is slightly shorter,


So Scott Hall is under 6'4"
I have nothing else to say.

Henry says on 9/Dec/11
Lou Ferrigno has PROVEN 24 1/2" arms and weighed over 330 lbs.
Even Hogan at his SHORTEST was taller than Ferrigno PEAK.
Peak Hogan towered over 3 1/2" above Ferrigno though and Ferrigno had MUCH shorter arms than Hogan making them appear bigger than they really are.
Even after all that, Ferrigno's arms look smaller than Hogan's, just more defined.
Click Here
Click Here


This may be the most ridiculous post of all time.
Vegas said on 12/Dec/11
couple of photos of hogan from the spike awards on saturday night
with, listed 5'9 range Click Here
with stacy keibler Click Here keiblers footwear Click Here hogans footwear, nicks looking more ~5'9 fully grown Click Here
Henry said on 9/Dec/11
Lou Ferrigno has PROVEN 24 1/2" arms and weighed over 330 lbs.
Even Hogan at his SHORTEST was taller than Ferrigno PEAK.
Peak Hogan towered over 3 1/2" above Ferrigno though and Ferrigno had MUCH shorter arms than Hogan making them appear bigger than they really are.
Even after all that, Ferrigno's arms look smaller than Hogan's, just more defined.
Click Here
Click Here
Danimal said on 8/Dec/11
Henry says on 24/Nov/11
Lou Ferrigno was measured @ 6'4 1/2" at age 50. He was over 6'5" peak.
Even after losing all that height, Hogan is still taller.
Peak Lou Ferrigno 6'5 1/4", Hulk Hogan 6'8 1/16".

WOW, you're insane, aren't you? Lou was never measured at the age of 50. In 1994 (at the age of 42/43) he was said to be just over 6'4" at this Master Olympia. So, now Hogan was 6'8 1/4" eh? WOW, Ronster, what color is the sky in your world?
Danimal said on 8/Dec/11
miko says on 26/Nov/11
Hogan probably never even saw 6'7 in his cowboy boots, let alone barefoot!

6'6 out of bed in the 80's I can live with.

So, according to your logic, cowboy boots are MAX 1"? hahahahaha
Danimal said on 8/Dec/11
lalll says on 4/Dec/11
eak height: 6'5.25 = 196,5 cm
peak weight (1978-1980) 287 = 130 kg
arms: 22 inch without a pump


6'4 (he had 6 inches on 5'10 bulldog)
280 lbs TOPS
20 inch arms top


6'5"-6'6" (peak)
305-310 pounds (averaged throughout the 1980's)
Arms - 22" (peak)
Henry said on 8/Dec/11
WRONG AS USUAL. Even after losing a lot of height, the Hulkster was still at least 2" taller than Jake the Snake even after Jake has a footwear advantage.
Click Here
drummer777 said on 8/Dec/11
man DDP is 6'4 and Scott Hall is slightly shorter, DDP is the same height as Troy Aikman and Scott Hall is the same height as Hulk Hogan. Sid wasn't even 6'7 more like 6'6 and Undertaker is slightly shorter than Sid like spivey is.
dicksock said on 8/Dec/11
Henry says on 6/Dec/11
Hulk Hogan's arms vary in size throughout the years just as his weight and height has. They were at least 24 1/2" peak, and about 20" at their thinnest.
Here is the Hulkster with MASSIVE 24 1/2" Pythons.
Click Here


Coming from a man who has similar looking arms, I would bet my life those arms were not 24 1/2". They were more like 21". I don't know why you're so obsessed with believing in Hogan's billed statistics. He was a huge man. Nobody here disputes that. He was at least 6'5" and around 300lbs with not all that much fat. By the way, even if I'm wrong and he had legit 24" "pythons", what does that have to do with his height? Ok, Hogan was 450lbs and had 32.5" arms. How tall was he? The FACT is, he wasn't taller than 6'5.75" Earthquake. He wasn't as tall as 6'7" Sid. He looked very similar in height with the self described 6'5" Jake Roberts, 6'5" Scott Hall, and 6'5" Barry Windham. He was about 3" shorter than 6'8"-6'9" Giant Baba. He was barely taller than 6'5" max Hillbilly Jim. He was a tad shorter than 6'7" max John Studd. I have never seen a situation where Hogan looked above 6'7". Most of the time, he looked 6'5"-6'6".
drummer777 said on 7/Dec/11
Well Naturally he get larger and taller hes the Hulk isn't he, When Hulk gets angry it causes him to grow into larger and taller Hulk and then he shrinks back down to 6'3, YOu see Andre made him really angry so he grew his largest and tallest to 6'8.

HULK smash Andre ;0
Tman said on 7/Dec/11
Around the same height as 1,94m Barry windham in the video posted by Vegas,what does that tell you about the 6'6 estimate?
Henry said on 6/Dec/11
Hulk Hogan's arms vary in size throughout the years just as his weight and height has. They were at least 24 1/2" peak, and about 20" at their thinnest.
Here is the Hulkster with MASSIVE 24 1/2" Pythons.
Click Here
Here's the Hulkster with Skinny 20" arms.
Click Here
dicksock said on 6/Dec/11
big papi says on 6/Dec/11
I stood next to Hogan at his gym in Largo, florida..i am 6'4, 300 lbs..and i had to look up at tiny i would give him 6'5 easy.


What year was this meeting?
Vegas said on 6/Dec/11
RP says on 5/Dec/11
a barefoot Charles Barkley was measured at 6'4.75"

well andre (who you say was 7'0.5) wasn't 8 inches taller than barkley comparing both men to mene gene
Click Here
gene enters at 6mins 20secs Click Here
big papi said on 6/Dec/11
I stood next to Hogan at his gym in Largo, florida..i am 6'4, 300 lbs..and i had to look up at tiny i would give him 6'5 easy.
RP said on 5/Dec/11
a barefoot Charles Barkley was measured at 6'4.75" as a rookie in the NBA rookie combine.
dicksock said on 5/Dec/11
lalll says on 4/Dec/11
eak height: 6'5.25 = 196,5 cm
peak weight (1978-1980) 287 = 130 kg
arms: 22 inch without a pump


6'4 (he had 6 inches on 5'10 bulldog)
280 lbs TOPS
20 inch arms top


(sigh) Trolls...Will they ever cease?

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.