Avg M: 5ft 10.9in (180.2cm) , F: 5ft 5.3in (165.8cm)
Martin Keamy
Tom Friendly
Matthew Abaddon
Goodwin Stanhope
Dr. Jack Shephard
Charles Widmore
Mr. Eko
Mikhail Bakunin
James "Sawyer" Ford
Liam Pace
Dr. Ethan Rom
Anthony Cooper
John Locke
Captain Gault
Dr. Leslie Arzt
Frank Lapidus
Hugo "Hurley" Reyes
Man in Black
Desmond Hume
Stuart Radzinsky
Michael Dawson
Richard Alpert
Boone Carlyle
Danny Pickett
Shannon Rutherford
Marshal Edward Mars
Benjamin Linus
Dr. Juliet Burke
Dr. Pierre Chang
Karl Martin
Diane Janssen
Dr. Daniel Faraday
Jin-Soo Kwon
Sayid Jarrah
Dr. Charlotte Lewis
Charlie Pace
Naomi Dorrit
Elizabeth 'Libby' Smith
Ilana Verdansky
George Minkowski
Miles Straume
Danielle Rousseau
Penelope "Penny" Widmore
Sun-Hwa Kwon
Horace Goodspeed
Alex Rousseau
Sarah Shepherd
Cindy Chandler
Kate Austen
Ana Lucia Cortez
Nikki Fernandez
Nadia Jazeem
Claire Littleton
Rose Nadler
Heights are barefeet estimates , derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.
Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.
Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.