Jdubbz 6'6 1/4" said on 6/Sep/22
Looks a half inch taller than you here. 5'8 5/8"
Almost 180cm guy said on 31/Dec/21
Today Michael is 67 years old. Rob, don't you think it's time to peak height for him? I would have guessed Emerson as peak height 5ft 8.75 and current height 5ft 8.25. Here are his photos alongside Carrie Preston from 2001:
Click Here Click Here
Of course, Carrie was wearing very high heels. In my opinion, Emerson looked taller 20 years ago than he is now. Rob, what's your opinion?

Editor Rob
He's now at an age where half inch could be lost. It may very well be just over 5ft 8.5 to just shy in 2022.
Andrea said on 20/Aug/21
From rewatching Lost, I actually thought 173 was a better figure for him at times, but no less.
Probably not much different than Kiefer:
Click Here
Rem said on 28/Mar/21
Rob you both are equal in height and you are even slouching while he is standing at his tallest. No more than 5'8 for this guy (172.5 cm)
slim 6'1 said on 18/Jan/21
This is why he looked taller, it’s the hair that does the trick:
Click Here
slim 6'1 said on 18/Jan/21
Needs a peak and current
174 peak
172-173 current
Slim 6'1" said on 20/Sep/20
176 out of bed
Slim 6'1" said on 20/Sep/20
174 range
Slim 6'1" said on 8/Aug/20
5 8 but closer to 5 9, 174.5 is a goer if not keep him at 174.0
Nik Ashton said on 17/May/20
5’8..625” is possible!
khaled taban said on 19/Jun/19
5'8.5" is perfect for this man.
Nik said on 4/Aug/18
I like your scarf Rob! Michael does look said height and I can buy the average vote!
Gracian said on 5/Jul/18
He is over 60 years old. I suggest to give him a peak height of 5'8.75" and the current height 5'8.25". Rob, do you see these numbers as possible?

Editor Rob
I am not sure if he is a man who has lost half inch by 60. A few mm maybe.
JJL29 said on 13/Jun/18
Is 5ft 8 ¾ a possibility for him?

Editor Rob
That would be the upmost range I'd estimate him.
Vexacus said on 16/Jan/18
Yes the guy from Saw , I thought he was smaller , but 5'8.5 seems fine.
Psychedelic Earth 187 said on 9/Jan/18
Needs a peak and current.
berta said on 25/Oct/17
i think he and rob are about same height i would think he is taller than 174 cm
Joe said on 29/Jul/17
Could he pass for 5ft 9in?
Average height and slim said on 29/May/17
The photo proves just how big a 1- 1.5 cm difference is.
Robs estimation was spot on cause he looked 10 cm shorter than terry O Quinn through out LOST.

Editor Rob
I think it helps to show that having thicker hairstyle and smaller head helps look taller, because if his hair was flat, I am not sure he would seem much taller:
Click Here.
World Citizen said on 28/May/17
Perfect listing. 174 and no less.
Giorgi said on 18/Dec/16
Rob, kinda gossipy question. What is he like in person? I totally enjoyed him in Lost. ;)

Editor Rob
Giorgi, I didn't see him enough to say beyond simply that he seemed quite pleasant and friendly with people.
Sarah said on 23/Oct/16
Cool, Benjamin Linus was awesome. I'd say he is 5'8.5 or so.
Also, is that a fourth Doctor scarf?

Editor Rob
yes it's the Tom baker scarf!
Mark said on 17/Sep/16
Rob, my mom measured me to be 5'9.25" at night and 5'9.4" in the morning max. Both barefoot. I had to adjust my posture and the ruler exactly to stand straight. My hair is usually flat, but sometimes, certain hats make my hair go up.
I could still buy a full 5'9" for this guy, rob.

Editor Rob
hairstyles I do think can add to height confusions because I really don't know whether if you
Flattened his hair how much taller he could look.
dpp said on 16/Sep/16
Rob ,why your head so long, How long your head?

Editor Rob
his head looks a little bit shorter than normal because he raised his eyes slightly.
my own head is roughly in 9.5 inch range to the chin bone.
Mark said on 15/Sep/16
Would I edge out this guy or would we look similar rob? I haven't met him in person, so I'm open for answers.

Editor Rob
if you measured yourself at 5ft 9 you'd be taller, if you had flat hair you might not look taller though since he has a 1 inch hairstyle.
Truth said on 13/Sep/16
He looks here 5ft 8in... same height
Tall Sam said on 2/Sep/16
Good posture for him, that and his outfit makes me think he'd play an excellent butler...maybe he could play a dodgy American Alfred in the inevitable Batman Part 13.
Roger said on 29/Aug/16
I'm surprised to see he edges out Rob. He has the frame of someone just under 5'8, not over!
Ed said on 20/Aug/16
Finch is always in character.
Dmeyer said on 20/Aug/16
174cm seems right but whi his nose is 4-5cm higher

Editor Rob
he is raising his eyelevel slightly, mine is slightly looking down, plus his nose is a cm shorter than mine.
Christian-196cm (6ft5.25in) said on 20/Aug/16
174cm is generous for Michael. He has a more upright posture than Rob, and even then he's the same height. And also there is no mention of footwear, so I'm assuming both had similar shoe thickness.
5ft8 (173cm) for Michael. The very most I would give him is 5ft8.25in (173.5cm), although the former is more likely.
Shredder said on 19/Aug/16
Rob , what would you give his weight? 140?

Editor Rob
wouldn't go that low, probably near 145-150
184guy said on 17/Aug/16
Andrea said on 17/Aug/16
Yeah, 174 is a good listing! If you go on Google, he's basically listed at 5'8 on all sites but i think that 5'8 flat would undercut him a bit... The lowest i'd argue is 5'8.25! I did think he could have been 5'9 at some point but remember you had Terry at a crazy 6'1.75 back then... You also had Jim at 6'1.75! To be fair to Jim though, he can look more 186 with him at times on POI (if Mike is 174), but generally 6'1 fits him perfectly!

Editor Rob
the thing is Terry on Star Trek could look over 6ft 1, but then Frakes for a time I thought 6ft 4 was possible.
James c said on 16/Aug/16
Does he have an smaller forehead?

Editor Rob
he has a
high hairlevel, although 20 years ago it was probably 2cm lower.
Guts said on 16/Aug/16
I'm sorry but am i blind? Rob looks like the same height if not 0.5-1cm taller than him. His Hairline is receded so the top of his head is probably only a smidgen away from his hairline.
I'm only seeing 173cm here.
GP said on 16/Aug/16
It looks to me that he has better posture, does he Rob? I'm not too convinced on 174, maybe mid morning, but I bet if you measured him then, he would be 5'8.25".

Editor Rob
a small fraction maybe as I remember leaning to my left/back slightly.
I wouldn't always go by eyelevels at times because you can get bigger discrepancies with a slight downtilt and the other guy having a slight uptilt.
For instance, here is Jenny and myself, she is standing in boots bang on 5ft 9 on the stadiometer (which means 5ft 8 7/8th).
With a 3/4 inch height difference at that moment, my eyeline is at the end of her nose because she has a bit of uptilt and a smaller eyelevel to begin with.
Johno said on 16/Aug/16
Rob i think it's the tilt of his head coupled with his elevated eyeline and his relatively high hairline that is giving a taller impression. The distance between his hairline and the top of his skull is not as high as i initially assumed although, i still can see a 0.25-inches differences and thus can put him at an average of 5'8.75.
Andrea said on 16/Aug/16
Well Rob, if his hair add so much, i stick to my original 173-174 guess...
174 is certainly not a bad listing because he very likely would measure over 173 flat but there's a chance he'd be a hair under 174! As i said, 173-174 range is exactly what he looks on POI!
Again, how was he in person? :P

Editor Rob
I mentioned before, he was pleasant in this photoshoot, greeting people and thanking them, but it was the only interaction I had with him. From other people who spent time getting his auto, I heard good words, he was willing to do photos at his table 'for free' with autograph of course...something many actors don't do nowadays. I think a lot at events want to charge for a selfie on your phone/camera as well at some US events.
I think if you look at him with other cast from Lost, and knowing a bit more of their height, 174 is a reasonable mark for him, I'm happy put give him it, but I wouldn't have guessed as tall as 5ft 9.
Shredder said on 16/Aug/16
He has much longer legs than Rob does lol

Editor Rob
it's quite black around his crotch, I don't know where his inseam would be...
hairstyles can help height...Michael has a small hairline, at most 1cm from hairline to skull, my hairline is more 4cm range from top of skull.
If I spiked mine vertically (and I cut mine at 25mm on top a few days ago), I'm not sure his hair would look
any different.
Danimal said on 15/Aug/16
Sorry Rob, but like Ralph Macchio, he looks taller than you (a 5'9" guy).

Editor Rob
I suppose if you count 3cm of hairstyle he would be 5ft 9, but I wouldn't include that ;)
Hairstyles can fool people, because if the chap had a
flatter style, he'd look not much different.
Shredder said on 15/Aug/16
I see 5'8.75
177-178 cm guy said on 15/Aug/16
What was his footwear like Rob?

Editor Rob
pretty much both about inch
TJE said on 15/Aug/16
Rob what did you have him listed at previously?

Editor Rob
years ago 5ft 8 then 5ft 8.5 for last several years.
Josh b said on 15/Aug/16
Here is my photo with Michael, similar footwear, was lovely to meet him as Person of Interest is one of my fav shows.
Click Here
Andrea said on 15/Aug/16
Fantastic photo, Rob! You finally met Harold Finch!!!
You guys have similar footwear here? I'd say he looks slightly taller than you (unless i'm underestimating his hair), so 174 seems a very good shout for this great actor! How was he in person?
Johno said on 15/Aug/16
Nice scarf by the way Rob.

Editor Rob
Emerson in person looked very similar to Renner I thought, I couldn't tell them apart.
Johno said on 15/Aug/16
I mean at his lowest 5'8.5 is possible.
Johno said on 15/Aug/16
At his lowest 5'8 is possible.
Johno said on 15/Aug/16
Looks taller than Renner next to you, about 0.5 inches taller. Probably average around 5'9.
Andrea said on 3/Aug/16
I do remember when i watched Lost and came on this site... You had Michael at 5'8 flat and Terry at 6'1.75!!!
I was really surprised to see them listed that way 'cause Terry really never looked near 6 inches taller than Michael on the show and in photos!
I think you can say Terry looked 3.5-4 inches taller than him, though! It took you a few years to give them a much more realistic listing (at least in Terry's case) :)
I do think their heights are pretty much spot on, now!
Michael can look right around 174 with Jim too (other times you can argue he can look more 173 but certainly no less than that)!

Editor Rob
the 183/174 range certainly can look more sensible.
Andrea said on 2/Aug/16
He does look a genuine 173-174 guy... I still have to see Rob's photo with him but i guess they would be quite similar! :)
Is he nice in person, Rob? Josh told me he's a gent!
Can't believe he's 61, i did think he was much younger!!!

Editor Rob
I think he is in the 174 zone.
Andrea said on 14/Nov/15
Rob, it seems you put him at 5'7.5 at some point? That's a bit surprising because i really wouldn't guess him under 5'8! He generally can look anywhere between 5'8 and 5'9...
Has he ever done any comic con? I bet he'd be very similar to you, if you ever get him in a photo!

Editor Rob
he was never that low, I am sure he went 174-3-4, he was once scheduled as a guest but cancelled, another never to be seen over here for an event!
Patrick 1.75m said on 25/Feb/15
I really don´t think he is small. Yea, 1.74m are small too, but he looks average height. So 1.74m is the start of what i can believe for him.
Maybe Caviziel isn´t that tall and make Emerson look taller. But i believe in Emerson. I´m sure he is 1.75 or 1.76m
Dmeyer said on 27/Jan/15
Standing by himself looks 170cm but when standing with people nearer 175cm
patrick said on 20/Jan/15
Remember him not looking short like 1.72m. (he was it befour here)
And on Person of Interest, he can look average height. Especially, if you watch him alone. And not next to tall people.
He is taller then 1.74m for sure. I´m 1.75. And he not looking smaller than me.
Andrea said on 22/May/14
You had that look, Rob? Btw, have you ever watched Person of Interest? Great show ;) Jim Caviezel looks the typical tall guy, 185-187 and he looks average, maybe 4-4.5 inches shorter...

Editor Rob
3 episodes but too many shows and wasn't as much a fan, like agents of shield I gave up on that, I've had a glance and 8.75 is a possible change
Andrea said on 20/May/14
Rob, what stops you from giving him 5'9? I remember you said he doesnt look it with some losties, which ones? He for sure can look 5'8.5 sometimes, but i don't think 5'9 is impossible... And you always go with the top. I wonder from where the 5'8 listings on the net come. He never looks under this listing and he could in fact be taller.

Editor Rob
yeah he can look 5ft 9, maybe an almost 5ft 9 listing is nearer the mark, I will have a look again
Sam said on 1/Mar/14
174 is a good guess, about 5 in shorter than 6'1.5" Caviezel
Peyman said on 23/Feb/14
173 for him & 174 for Nestor Carbonell
no way he is taller/shorter than Rob!
hair style plays a big role when it comes to tall impression
& no need to say that Carbonell is way shorter than Henry Ian Cusick who you've recently met. around two inches I think
Patrick 1.75.5m said on 6/Dec/13
In Person of Interest, Episode 11, he was described as 1.75m, in the german version. Maybe you can watch the englisch version, Rob. Think, he is that height.
Sarah said on 8/Oct/13
He's probably about 5'9"
Bakel said on 7/Jul/13
I don't think he is just 5ft8. To be honest, he always looks around 5ft10 next to other actors. However he gives a smallish impression.
Look at him next to 5ft10 Nestor Carbonell and 6ft1/6ft1.5 Terry O'Quinn:
Click Here
Here he looks a bit taller than Carbonell and only 3.5 inches shorter than Terry O'Quinn.
rob89 said on 6/Mar/13
Agreed, he looks a strong 5'8" guy rather than 5'8" flat, 173-174 cm is his range most likely. In Person of Interest he only appears at most 4 inches shorter than the supposedly weak 6'2" Jim Caviezel, never almost 6. I actually thought Caviezel was just 6' flat before checking his listing here, since he really doesn't seem to tower over Emerson on that show.
In Lost as well, the trio Matthew Fox, Josh Holloway and Terry O'Quinn (again supposedly 6'1"-6'2" guys) weren't that much taller than him either, they had maybe 3"-4" on him; certainly not 5"-6".
I just think it's strange how he can give a 5'9"-5'10" illusion a lot and not get towered by guys who're supposed to be way taller than him. Hmmm... makes me question if those guys are really as tall as their claims/listings.
Hullywood said on 9/Sep/12
Yes, he isnt tall, but never looked short to me in lost. I´m 1.75m and i really think he looks that height, but 1.73m ist not enough.
Sam said on 31/Aug/12
On the Season 1 episode "Super", the dialog of the guest star who plays the title role describes Emerson's character as approximately 5'9".
ANDREA[ITA] said on 31/Jul/12
Rob, could you explain me how he can look not short next to guys like Matthew Fox or Terry O'Quinn, who are supposed to be about 6 inches taller than him? I just saw all Lost and the scene where he looks "shortest", it was like max 5 inches difference! Could he be 5'9?

Editor Rob
a chance 174 maybe
Austrian said on 9/May/09
comes across 5'6 at best
kinda ironic hes the same height as "big man" sayid
Chris said on 26/Apr/09
How tall do you think his wife Carrie Preston is? She's hot :-).
Caesar said on 15/Jun/07
5'8 seems right, though I could go as low as 5'7 and 1/2 if Mitchell is only 5'8.5. Fairly tall cast of characters, with Matthew Fox, Terry O'Quinn, Josh Holloway and Elizabeth Mitchell, so Emerson looks especially short despite being just a little below average.

Editor Rob
its probably fairer yeah.
Caesar said on 15/Jun/07
Thanks for putting him up. I love his acting and his character, but he looks more than half an inch shorter than 5'9 Elizabeth Mitchell...
Glenn said on 19/Jul/06
I dont drink.its called taking a pic to fast.I guess you havnt taken to many pictures in your lifetime.he did appear tall.near 6-1.
Stiffelio said on 18/Jul/06
in that picture Cuomo looks a lot more than 2 1/2 inches taller than 5ft 8in Glenn. More like 4 inches. Something is not right.
Michael said on 18/Jul/06
Yo Glenn, is it just me or are you, how shall I say, a tad less than sober in that pic with Mario?