berta said on 26/Jan/23
always looked like a 6 foot guy but i cant understand hw brosnan could look 6ยด2 with him.theres is no way brosnan was over 187 and never under 185. 186 like he is listed is probably hie true height at peak but what does that make this guy?. only 3 cm beetween them? I guess shoes and posure must have playeed a part.
Broccoli Lesnar said on 13/Dec/22
People take this height guessing thing way too seriously. When you're confident in guessing someone's height down to half a centimetre, you know you're completely full of it. There's no way anyone could possibly eyeball that. The slightest difference in perspective, footwear, posture or terrain would make you incorrect.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 5/Nov/21
If this guy is the full 6ft then Brosnan was roughly 6ft2....
slim 6'1 said on 18/Jan/21
182 likelier than the full 6โ from what I remember in lost ๐
the name's Sam said on 2/Jul/20
Looked 182.5 cm in 1985 Silverado he can pass for a 6 footer
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 26/Jun/18
Click Here: Camera angle deceiving. Brosnan closer to camera. Both peak were right on Rob listed them but not sure about now.
Jafarss said on 22/Apr/18
I'm not sure about this listing. He always looks at least 2 inches shorter than Matthew Fox on LOST, and that is not supposed to be a testament to Fox's 6'2 self-claim.
Terry O'Quinn is listed the same as Fahey yet he matches up much better to Fox.
Slim 181 cm said on 12/Jul/17
Strong 6'0. one of the best lost actors.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 22/May/17
Brosnan looks 187/188cm with Fahey
berta said on 7/Feb/17
wait a little he cant really be 183??!! Pierce brosnan was 5 cm taller than him. i can believe 182 and 187 for brosnan but there was not 3 cm beetween them.
Sandy Cowell said on 30/Jan/17
I'm sorry people! Jeff Fahey is a character in 'Psycho III' and not 'Psycho II' as I stated previously!
I have now seen him in 'Cold Heart' and I still agree with the 6ft!
Sandy Cowell said on 31/Dec/16
So Jeff Fahey's a six-footer!
Next to Pierce Brosnan in 'Lawnmower Man' and Anthony Perkins in 'Psycho II', I think one can be forgiven for thinking he's 5ft11!
I also have a film called 'Terror Trap', which is worth checking out, especially if you are a fan.
This afternoon, I checked out his films on Amazon. I ended up buying 'Cold Heart', which should be interesting as he's starring with Nastassja Kinski, and a couple of other films of his for 'pocket money prices'! They are called 'Maniacts', which seems like a lot of fun! It is the tale of a couple of psychopaths who fall in love in a mental institution! Of course they're going to get out somehow or there wouldn't be much of a plot!
Finally, I ordered a film called 'To Kill For' and is '18' rated so it should be meaty!
With all these films heading my way, there won't be any excuse to not fully take in Jeff's height and stature!
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 18/May/16
Either way, Brosnan doesn't look less than 187cm in those pictures
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 17/May/16
Rob, do you think Brosnan can pull off looking 6ft2 in these photos or is it more likely that Jeff is a bit under 6ft?
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Editor Rob
it's possible he's 182 there...I remember in White Hunter Black Heart he could look maybe 3 inches shorter than Clint...who at that time might have still been near 6ft 3.
at 63 fahey certainly can look more 5ft 11
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 28/Dec/14
Looked 2in below Brosnan in The Lawnmower Man
onrey96 said on 27/Dec/14
He's 6 foot
LT said on 15/Nov/14
I'm a weak 6ft, he had a hair over me, but otherwise eye to eye. I used to work at a Sam Goody in Honolulu, he had just flown in from overseas to start shooting Lost. I didn't recognize him at first, and asked if he had seen Planet Terror (which had just been released on DVD a few days before). I felt like an idiot, when he told me he was in it. Very chill and laid back, he bought a copy.
Arch Stanton said on 15/Jun/14
Rob can you add White Hunter, Black Heart too?
Arch Stanton said on 12/Jun/14
Eastwood had between 3 and 4 inches on him in White Hunter.
Peyman said on 2/Dec/12
the more you look at this guy the more you realize he is not short .
I know I'm not god in guessing height but at least I think I'm not that bad ( I guessed the height of the chalengers on this site & i had an acceptable estimation . Sometimes even spot on) ,but at first in lost I assumed him a 5ft 9.5in guy , then 5ft 10in , then 5ft 11in !!!!
But know I'd say 182 end of the story . a ful 6ft is a bit generous IMOl
Alex2401 said on 23/Jun/11
Looks like 5'11
B-lab said on 14/Dec/10
Literally my favorite actor in the world.
Oh and he looks right around 6ft next to pierce brosnan. Maybe 5'11.5" now
little one said on 14/Nov/08
yeah, this guy is really good in Lost. really stands out. my girlfriend loves his eyes. ( i do too but didnt want to admit it pubicly)
Mr. R said on 6/Aug/08
Brian are you in the entertainment industry? What do you do?
Brian said on 4/Aug/08
Met him last night at a show in Hollywood. Very friendly guy...striking blue eyes. 6 foot is accurate indeed.
EB said on 29/Jun/08
He looked a bit shorter than 6ft Michael Biehn in Planet Terror so I'd say 5'11".
Aleks said on 1/Jun/08
Great actor. One of the best things that happened on Lost season 4.
BTW. Looks like a solid 6 footer.
Pete said on 17/Aug/06
Wow, rock`n`roll crazy nights!!! :D
Glenn said on 9/Apr/06
The name is Takasaki.