How tall is Will Smith - Page 16

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Average Guess (385 Votes)
6ft 1.35in (186.3cm)
Mike said on 9/Jan/08
I just watched an episode of Fresh Prince where Will refers to Uncle Phil as "a 6 foot 3 black man"... Will is clearly at least two inches shorter than Uncle Phil, however in other episodes of Fresh Prince Will also refers to himself as being 6 foot 3. Also, I'd like to add that I find it hilarious how all of you debate in half inch increments. For example, by saying "Will Smith could be 6 ft 1.5 in, but there's no way he's 6 foot two!!" A half inch is nearly undetectable, and could easily fluctuate depending on his shoes or posture in that particular photo.
the shredder said on 7/Jan/08
Well he sure does have a short body for being tall ! ... Here with Hugh Jackman ... both look around the same height , but Will Smith has a shorter body ! Funny how 6'2 guys come ! lol !

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Erik22224 said on 7/Jan/08
the shredder will smith sure doesnt have short legs i mean look at his film were he has that kid
fe44r90n said on 4/Jan/08
hes a big guy, 6.2 easily. I saw him in San Diego in La Jolla. My dad is 6 foot 2 mebe a tiny bit under nowadays cuz hes 50. Will smith was like a half inch taller.
Gago said on 3/Jan/08
Will is 188/6'2, i know him, very nice guy, better person now, more mature and very hard working, he hunches, like Glenn said and nowadays his mascular body makes him look shorter than he is.
the shredder said on 3/Jan/08
Rob , has Will Smith claimed any new height lately ? Hes been in a few interviews ! .. LOL , maybe in 2008 he will start saying " 6'2 and 3/4 " lol !

Editor Rob
he's still racking up big money at the box office, maybe he'll just round up this year...
Guy With No Name said on 2/Jan/08
My mistake for saying 'Washington' instead of 'Thomas'.
anonymous said on 2/Jan/08
he does seem a little taller than ross. but still, not a great angle.
Guy With No Name said on 2/Jan/08
Talking about that YouTube clip of Will Smith and Isaiah Washington, well you can see that they aren't walking exactly side to side. I couldn't find the clip to confirm, but I believe that Washington is 'closer' (in other words Smith is slightly in front of him). I believe it's a case of perspective effect.
Anthony said on 27/Dec/07
He's about 6'1. Look on youtube and watch the video of him playing against Isiah Thomas... In then endthey're walking side by side and are about the same height. Thomas if 6'1.... and Smith is about the same.
the shredder said on 21/Dec/07
Glenn , what was his posture like in person ? Footwear too ? You and Mr.R say 6'2 barefoot , so I guess he is near it ! Even Frank2 said 6'1 for him and Frank2 was a 2 inch downgrader !
glenn said on 21/Dec/07
thank you lillo.i really do believe you guys that will can look short.i see it in pics too.but maybe he never was the 6-3 i saw or some claim he is.but he is a weak 6-2 at least.thats from the heart.
lillo thomas said on 20/Dec/07
Glenn if you saw the guy as 6-2 or even 6-3 I believe you. Weak 6-1 guys can look 6-2 or more to a lot of people. Sometimes our perception isnt the most accurate when we encounter a guy several inches taller than ourselves . For example 2 days ago I encounter a legit 6-10 basketball player and when I see the guy I tought that he was 6-11 to 7-0 because he look so huge next to me and next to others . When I stand next to him my friend told me that I reach his under eye level.
He was 5 inches taller than me but when I first met him the difference seems more than 5 inches to me.
the shredder said on 20/Dec/07
Here is the video with Ross ! .. Go to 1:50-ish , Smith is taller !

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TJ said on 20/Dec/07
James is right about the Jonathon Ross appearance. He did look a little taller, although the angle wasn't perfect.
moondog said on 20/Dec/07
I saw Will Smith on Leno and Leno claims to be 5'11" and Will didn't look like he was more than an inch or so taller than Jay. I'd say 6'0.5 tops.
glenn said on 19/Dec/07
lilo if you never met the guy,i wouldnt be so sure.
glenn said on 19/Dec/07
i agree in certain photos he can look a weak 6-1.barely 1990 he looked 6-3 to me.and i have a pic lost possibly forever from that period.
lillo thomas said on 19/Dec/07
leonari what are you ? the president of will smith fan club?
Will Smith isnt a legit 6-2 guy , simply as that , his 6-2 claimed height is his height in shoes. Will isnt the only guy that claimed his height in shoes , many people actually do that. I could claim 6-6 ( or more depending of my shoes ) but I dont want to be taller really, so I stick with my barefoot height of 6-5.
the shredder said on 19/Dec/07
rob , just give smith back 6'2 ! Its pointless trying to downgrade because too many disagree plus Glenn and Mr.R say 6'2 !

i give up .. Just give it back to him !
leonari said on 19/Dec/07
liloo Thomas: yeah you don#t care--- what is wrong with you? Anything below the Robs listing is a joke and so are you
bob said on 19/Dec/07
anyone one over 5'11 is a tall guy i am 6'2 and love it!!
the shredder said on 19/Dec/07
True Glenn , we have to see him in person ! Maybe he is like a jack in the box and becomes 6'2+ when he puts his neck up LOL !
lillo thomas said on 19/Dec/07
I dont care what others said , I still see will at 6-0.5 tall. He dont give me
a really tall guy impression. He look short next to really tall guys in pics and videos . In fresh prince he look 3 inches shorter than James Avery in many shots. SO I WILL BE GENEROUS , I will give Will a weak 6-1 ( he look not more than 6-0.5 tall to me).
glenn said on 19/Dec/07
shredder and viper.all due havnt seen him in person.he can still look 6-2.anything shorter could be due to dmx like posture.
Viper said on 18/Dec/07
He looks 5-11 with that 6-1 guy. Im with you Shredder. I see Will around 6-0-6-1 now.
the shredder said on 18/Dec/07
Mighty J .. Smith looks no more then 6'0.5 with decent posture next to that 186cm guy ! I can't see how some see him 6'2 - 6'3 ? .. He is most likely in the 6'1 range and no more !
Big-T said on 17/Dec/07
yeah i agree with No Name, on Jonathan Ross on Friday 14th December, Smith was clearly 0.5-1.5 inches taller than Ross
the shredder said on 17/Dec/07
No WAY is Will Smith passed a weak 6'2 ! I think he is 6'1 flat ! If Smith is 6'3 then Avery is 6'5.5 and Alfonso is 5'8 !
Guy With No Name said on 17/Dec/07
Well he was on Jonathan Ross a few days ago. He was taller than Ross. Also there was a kind of 'low angle' shot where they were just messing around 'blowing kisses'. They both had heeled shoes with Ross having the thicker heels. Smith was noticeably taller.
saga said on 17/Dec/07
There's a lot of confusion here, Will is several inches shorter than Goldblum and Baldwin in Independence Day, at least 3". He can't be 6'3, he can't be 6'2, he might be 6'1..maybe..just watch the pic with 6'5 Vaughn and 6'3 Ferrell. And by the way, there are 3" between Will and Avery.
glenn said on 16/Dec/07
like i was saying,i saw him a few days ago.seemed friend swears 6-3.he did seem 6-3 to me in 1991.then barely 6-2 in i could understand the shorter sightings.
supes78 said on 16/Dec/07
I don't see him being under 6'2" tall. There was only a 2 inch difference between him and James Avery on the Fresh Prince. They shared so many scenes together in 100+ episodes that a 3 inch difference would have been obvious.
Lennox fan said on 15/Dec/07
Yeah I always thought Will Smith was 6"3 but maybe hes shrunk a little as hes got older (it does happen lol).
dmeyer said on 12/Dec/07
i agree with glenn will is a tall men easy over 6 ft
the shredder said on 12/Dec/07
Glenn , would you agree 6'2.5 barefoot for him ? .. James Avery must be atleast 6'5 ! You met him ?

btw Rob , what about that Vincent Cook guy ? .. Mr.R might know !
glenn said on 11/Dec/07
seemed 6-2,6-3 to me in the early 2001 he seemed 6-2.maybe he has weird posture that makes him appear shorter.
saga said on 11/Dec/07
I agree Ray, i already said that movie he looked no more than 184-185cm.
the shredder said on 11/Dec/07
Rob , how tall is this guy Vincent Cook ? .. He looks to have a good inch on Will Smith ! .. Btw , how come some of my post won't show up ?

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Ray said on 11/Dec/07
In I, Robot I must say he looked quite short. I know he was wearing Chuck's but he didn't look any more than 6'. Does anyone agree with that ? I'd say he's a very strong 6' (184 cm).
dmeyer said on 9/Dec/07
after looking at a pic of him beside bruce willis and morgan freeman will is defenetly 6'1.5 no less
lokote said on 5/Dec/07
i like girls with big nalgas i dont care about height
C. said on 5/Dec/07
Well, he still doesn't have a 6'2" listing on this site. It clearly says 6'1 1/2". Regardless of whether or not he's 6'1" or 6'2", only Will knows that himself. Personally, I don't care. He's a great actor who also happens to be tall. The end.
the shredder said on 5/Dec/07
Yes he is 6 ft plus , but NOT 6'2 ! Most likely 6'1 flat ! Rob needs to give him that listing !
Anthony said on 4/Dec/07
I just read an Entertainment Weekly issue that describes Will as being "six-foot plus". Now that quote does imply Will is over 6', but I think that if Will was a legit 6'2, they would've wrote down "6'2". Writing "six-fott plus" seemed to imply in my mind that he's in the 184-185 cm range. I think Will is 6'1.5 max, though no lower than 6'1 flat.
the shredder said on 4/Dec/07
Rob , can you give James Avery a peak height ?
soob said on 3/Dec/07
will is slouching a bit in the photo with vaughn, certainly looks at least 6 ft if he stands up straight
the shredder said on 2/Dec/07
Rob Rob Rob , when your doing give Smith 6 ft 1 flat ? .. I'll mail you a dollar if you do ! LOL !
Chris said on 2/Dec/07
Uncle Phil aka James Avery is 6'4.5 He drawfed Will in some episodes like the one I just finished watching.
Pete said on 28/Nov/07
Will Smith looks like 6-1 max. how tall was uncle Phil in Prince on bel air show? he was at least 1 inch taller than Will.
the shredder said on 28/Nov/07
Alfonso is NOT 5'8 Richy .. He is 5'6 ! Will Smith is 6'1 -6'1.25 !
Richy said on 27/Nov/07
Smith is One Head over Alfonso(5'8)
Rusty james said on 27/Nov/07
Will smith does not look 14 stone.
Kevin said on 27/Nov/07
Ive always thought someones height was when they were barefoot.. maybe I should start going by my height in shoes.. I have been guessed to be up to 6'5 but my height barefoot is 75.25 inches which is just scratching 6'3. Ive always thought Will was the same height as me.. I swore Will claimed to be 6 foot 3 inches and 240 pounds in I, Robot. but the only script I could find appeared his line was 6-2 200 pound civilian.. I dont know if I heard wrong or if the Script I found was wrong.. someone should watch it and check. but I originally thought that 240 pounds for Will was a little much. but then I thought about the fact that he had a robotic arm in the movie which could account for some weight he claims in that line.. no doubt he is jacked but my goal is to get that type of body.. I dont know when he said the quote above but I think he is prolly 215 right now.. while doing a training regimen for I robot he was benching I guess 385 which is crazy.. Im 6'3 about 200 pounds and my max is my body weight.. I can only bench 200 like once.. but I also have long arms which makes it slightly more difficult. Maybe he can bench almost 400 but that is alot. I have no doubt in my mind he is atleast 6'1.25 barefoot. by the way his new movie "I am Legend" looks pretty good.. I am crazy for Zombie movies.. and it appears the antagonists in this movie are slightly different then Zombies.. but still very scary and interesting. Cant wait to see..
XxX said on 26/Nov/07
definially ... 6'1 :p look at him and vince vaaghn standing beside each other. vinc towers over him. ya 6'1 for sure.
Alex said on 26/Nov/07
Saga, I agree.
the shredder said on 25/Nov/07
Will Smith is anywhere from 6'0.75 to 6'1.5-6'2 ! He is in this range .. 6'1 flat most likely !

6'1.25 would be a pretty cool listing !
saga said on 25/Nov/07
He's 6'1 flat, that's because he can look as tall as 6'2 and as short as 6'0. If he was really a legit 6'2 he would be guessed often at 6'3 or even 6'4..
Alex said on 24/Nov/07
I'd be pretty suprised if Will was only 6'0 or even 6'0.5. And you can be 6'0 and claim 6'2 and get away with it too. I'm 6'0 and I could claim 6'2 and get away with it if I wanted to. Hard for me to see him under 6'1 though.
tennebesky said on 24/Nov/07
he cant be 6ft1.5 .. his lower.. he looks a good 6ft0.5(184cm).. watch his latest movie he looks even worse like 183..
Alex said on 24/Nov/07
Viper, yea 6'2 sometimes but 6'1 almost all the time and even 6'3-6'4 twice believe it or not!
I'd say Will is a legit 6'1-6'1 1/2.
the shredder said on 23/Nov/07
Looks to be exactly 7 inches ! 5'6 flat for Alfonso and 6'1 flat for Will seems very accurate ! .. they just gave themself an extra inch or took there height in shoes !

8 inches is a BIG diffrents , but could be possible ?
dmeyer said on 23/Nov/07
there is 7.5 to 8 in between will and alfonso, thats is exactly 6'1.5 great job rob
the shredder said on 23/Nov/07
Guys lets just forget about the 6'2.5 , theres really no prove it come from his own mouth . 6'2 has though .. alot ! .. Well , I must say that he can look 6 ft to 6'2 ! In pics he can look more 6 ft then 6'2 and more 6'2 then 6 ft !

Rob and guys should look at this video .. its the longer part of Fresh Prince when legit 5 ft 6 Alfonso and Will Smith are barefoot .. Go between 3:40 to 3:55 on the video they for once show both Will and Alfonso side by side both with THE BEST POSTURE EVER .. MOSTLY BY WILL SMITH !


ROB can decide if he is more 6 ft , 6 ft 1 , or 6 ft 2 ?????????????

btw 3:52-3:53 is the best shot on the video !!!!!!!!!!

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AAAA said on 23/Nov/07
Viper, did you ever check out the Fresh prince episode with Bo Jackson. Not perfect shots, but they looked real close in height. And Bo is 6'1. I also agree with the lean frame distortion of height
dmeyer said on 22/Nov/07
he walked by me 12 feet away and i thaught 6'1 for his height ,but i wasnt close enaugh 6'1 to 6'2
hi said on 22/Nov/07
viper : maybe, but his name says it all about his ability to judge height...
dmeyer said on 22/Nov/07
there is no hard eveidence that will is under 6'1 but he can look 186 187 in many pics ,look at getty images will is 2.5 to 3 in aller than beckam ,even thaugh will is wearing converse ,to me will is 6'2 in the morning
lillo thomas said on 22/Nov/07
When people here will accept that will height barefoot is 6-0.5
Viper said on 22/Nov/07
There ae a lot of people out there who would mistake 6-0 for 6-2, usually on a leaner frame. 6-0 Alex on here says he gets mistaken for 6-2.
dmeyer said on 21/Nov/07
im some pics he can look 3 in over beckam
C. said on 21/Nov/07
I'm going to go with Glenn nonetheless. 6'1"-6'2"...there isn't much difference. I do think he's over 6' though. And I really don't see how you'd mistake a 6' man as 6'2", because I myself can differentiate based on my own height, and for Glenn, I seriously doubt it. He's been doing this for how long? Of course he may not be the end all to be all, but he has seen these celebs in person-- and if this was in the 90s and he said he looked 6'2"-3", I think it's time to re-eval. the situation. He either 'shrunk' or Glenn was off 2-3 inches which is quite far off, and I really find that hard to believe.

Will clearly looks over an inch taller than Beckham in that photo (not to mention he's leaning a bit), and if Beckham is a listed 5'11" 1/2 as stated on this site, the 6'1" is very possible. Not to mention Will is the only one with tennis shoes while the others' footwear is questionable as they might have small lifts in them being dress shoes (well, def. for Cruise, and the women are in heels). After all, it seems that guys in the media under 6' regardless have some sort of issue to be 6' and wear lifts often, although I don't really see Beckham sporting those.

Also, I don't get why some get so riled up about an inch here-- or in this case a half an inch. I and can def. not see this whole 1/4 and sometimes 1/2 difference's just too minuscule to see. Especially since media photos always have some sort of bias to them.
leonari said on 20/Nov/07
anything below 187 cm for Smith is a joke. The man is tall. And what you dear IAN refer to as a touch is more than an inch my friend...
Viper said on 20/Nov/07
Glenn isnt the end all be all though, even though hes right most of the time. The absolute tallest I could give Will is 6-1 1/2. I think hes 6-1 1/4 personally. Could be in the 6-0 range as well. Could be as low as 6-0 or as high as 6-2. Most evidence points towards the 6-1 range.
the shredder said on 20/Nov/07
Dmeyer and C. did you guys even look at the photos I posted ??? .. he looks 6 ft MAX with bad posture ! ... Smith is 6'1 barefoot and a chance of being under !

Some times I wonder if he even really claimed 6'2.5 ? .. He never said it in his own words .. only 6'2 .. even in movies like I,Robot !

Maybe the writer wrote 6'2.5 because he/she liked Smith or it was just a missprint ? Smith could have said just 6'2 or 6'1.5 ?

Also if he is ( with shoes ) the 6'2 he always claimed , that would make him what ? .. 6'0.75 - 6'1 barefoot ?

Maybe Mr.R saw Smith in lifts when doing Ali to make Smith seem Ali's height , and maybe Smith had bigger shoes then Glenn ? btw Glenn , how many times have you seen Smith ? I know in 1991 , but when eles ? .. I know your gonna bite my head , but I myself how guessed 6 ft as being 6'1,6'2,6'3 men !
Ian said on 20/Nov/07
Everytime I see this man. He looks 6ft to me. No taller than that. He looks a touch taller than David Beckham who around the 5ft 11 mark.
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dmeyer said on 20/Nov/07
will is nothing under 6'1 and i think he is 6'1.5 his loose posture can make him look 6 ft to 6'0.5 but when he fuly stand straight he looks nearly 6'2
C. said on 20/Nov/07
I think he's 6'1" and/or possibly 6'2". I'm sure he didn't intentionally lie about his height-- he just guessed around the ballpark area (prob. added on a half and inch b/c he may have thought he grew a little bit after 8th grade). After all, if you're 6'+ tall and male, I DOUBT you'd have some sort of height 'issue'.

If Glenn says he's 6'2", he's 6'2". He's seen virtually everyone and is very consistent with his estimates. After seeing so many celebs in person (in all of their footwear glory) I don't think he's going to state a 6' man as a 6'2" man. There IS a difference to be seen. And it's not as if 6'2" is freakishly tall. It's not hard to come by guys that height. I think many people have created in their minds what 6'2" is, when in actuality it comes out to being 6'4" or 6'5" due to the media's obsession over this whole tall business. Seriously now, Will Smith is so self conscious about that half-inch or inch or whatever that he has to lie? Even though he's already taller than most men in Hollywood (as well as the general US population)? Not everyone's like Mel Gibson or Tom Cruise guys. [And why would you be if you're already that tall?]
the shredder said on 20/Nov/07
Saga I agree with you on being shorter then somebody by inches and overguessing there height ! I have a friend who is much taller then me and I always guessed him at 6'1 - 6'2 and he only ever claimed 6'0 ! .. Its because he has long legs and weights about 160 lbs !

Glenn knows I really never disagree with him at all ! Im one of the few that think Stallone could be 5'11 lol ! .. Well , After I recently saw photos of Will Smith next guys like Tony Parker , Chris Tucker , Quddus 6'1 , Carson daily , jay-Z and even Vaugh .. in all these photos Will Smith ( with bad posture ) looks NO TALLER THEN 6 FT !

Even with good posture , I still don't seem him taller then these guys !

I really think Smith's true height is roughly around being a Legit 6 ft and 3/4 !

1 . Tony Parker .. This is not how a strong 6'2-er looks next to a legit 6'1-er .. Click Here

2. Quddus .. This is how a 6'1er and a roughly 6'1er should look .. Click Here

3. Brad Pitt .. 5'11 ? .. 6'2.5 ? ... Click Here

4. Chris Tucker .. 6'0.75 ? .. Same height ? .. Click Here

5. Josh Hartnett .. lol this is funny .. 6'2.5 next to 6'2.5 ? lol .. Click Here

6. Carson Daily .. 6'1 max .. I give Smith this one .. Click Here

7.Ryan Goslin .. could Ryan be 6'2 ? Not ! .. Click Here

8.Michael J. Fox .. ok , he is like 5'4 and stood next to other tall guys and made them look HUGE .. and Smith has better posture then Fox .. Click Here

9. Alfonso Rib-whatever .. Ok ..he looked 5'6 next to Marcus Allen , but HE HAD BOOTS ON .. puts him closer to 5'5 then 5'6 ! .. which makes Smith only look 6 ft ! .. Click Here

10 . Alfo in boots the day of the Marcus Allen photo ! .. Click Here

After all these pics , and Smith is a strong 6'2 , then I need glasses !
saga said on 20/Nov/07
@Amazing grace: he was about 2 inches shorter than Will Ferrell who is 190cm, a bit shorter than Isaiah Thomas who is 6'1 and several inches shorter than 6'4 Goldblum, 6'5 Vaughn and 6'4 Hasselhoff...Will Smith looked also no more than 2 inches taller than 5'11 Paolo Bonolis during the Festival of Sanremo here in Italy therefore he's definitely between 185 and 186cm, 6'1 is pretty much accurate, otherwise provide us some evidence of Will being 188-189cm please, although it sounds ludicrous.

@the shredder: Glenn is 5'8, couldn't be so accurate in guessing someone's height who's 5-6 inches taller. Other factors like proportions or lankyness may come into play in these instances..
the shredder said on 19/Nov/07
What is so hard to comprehend that its just an opinion ? .. Others would agree that he is 6'1 tops , and others would think he is 6'2-6'2.5 ! .. I hardly EVER disagree with Glenn .. I respect his opinion of seeing Smith 6'2-6'3 ! .. I 100 % agree with him on Sly being 5'10 + and Bruce Willis being 6 ft !

Yes He does not have good posture , but by me looking at the photo with Morgan Freeman who is a real 6'2-6'3 puts Smith at about 6'1 in that photo ! .. Also the photo with Tony Parker who claims 6'1.25 .. though bad posture .. SMITH HARDLY LOOKS 6 FT ! ... I'd say if he had good posture with Tony Parker he would still be a flat 6'1 ! IMO Tony Parker is taller then Will Smith for sure ! Are Tony Parker is 6'3.25 ?

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amazing grace said on 19/Nov/07
He does not know his height sure seems reasonable.
Are you insane a modern movie star not knowing their height unlikely.
I think he made the 6.25 comment because he had heard all the crap like he is 5 10 in life.
He looks 188 or on closer inspection against the baldwin pic to be 189 which would make him 6.225.
What is so difficult to comprehend about some one being this tall he is not in supermutant status at 6 2.
the shredder said on 19/Nov/07
He was Shorter then Tony Parker Who Rob has at 186cm or 6'1.25 !

If Will Smith's height was taking at 6'2.5 .. Then I'd like to know what footwear he was in ? 6'2 - 6'2.5 just seems a crazy BAREFOOT height for him ! .. I also think its funny that he said he was 6'2 since his 13 .. then waited till 2006 at 38 to say he is 6'2.5 ! lol

To me it seems like he does not know his true height !
OutBenchThis said on 17/Nov/07
From the photos with him and Will Ferrell (190cm) and considering in most photos of Smith he has a terrible posture, I'd say 186-187 cm would be on the money. I would lean toward 187cm if he stood up straight. Plus Glenn's sighting of 6'2"-6'3" would suggest the guy isn't the 6ft or under many have claimed, assuming he doesn't wear lifts.
amazing grace said on 17/Nov/07
Will smith is 188cm exactly which makes him 6 2.5 which he says
sadly to all you tall haters just because enough people say it doesn't make it true.
the shredder said on 17/Nov/07
Rob , how come Smith only looks about 6 ft with Alfonso , but then looks taller .. like 6'2 with Tom Criuse ?

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the shredder said on 16/Nov/07
Its really time to downgrade Will Smith !!! ... Look at how Alfonso looks next to him , then look at him next to Joey Fatone who Rob has listed 5 ft 11 , and Its funny how it looks like Alfonso is an easy 5'8 with Will Smith and with Joey Fat-one it is how a true 5'6 and true 5'11 guy should look ! ..

6 FT 1 IS TOPS for WIll .... Or he is THE SHORTEST 6 ft 2.5 .... EVER !

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G said on 16/Nov/07
just some info guys, i have a science book from 2000 and it says the average height of a man in the US is 5'9", and the average height 4 women is between 5'2 n 5'4, sorry i dont remember the exact 4 that one. im 5'7 btw and b4 i hurt my knees i was nearly dunkin on 10 feet so it doesnt mean i cant play ball. Im black and i heard the black male average height i the US is 5'8 and white is like 5'10.
the shredder said on 14/Nov/07
Just saw a bit of Fresh Prince last night . Malcolm-Jamal Warner is listed on the internet as 5 ft 11 , and Will Smith was hardly ANY taller ! .. Like 1.5 inch max ...... IM NOT KIDDING !
dmeyer said on 12/Nov/07
richy pics provves he is aleast 6'1 and he has flat shoes he is over 6 ft barefeet height 6'0.75 to 6'1.5 185 to 187 cm men
saga said on 12/Nov/07
Richy in your pic Will is much closer to the camera than Becks.
In every movie Will looks fairly above average but not tall like 6'2. Just watch Independence Day to see that he's about 3 inch shorter than both Goldblum (6'4) and Baldwin (6'4).
the shredder said on 12/Nov/07
Maybe he is a " WEAK " 6'2 ?
Richy said on 11/Nov/07
Case closed? Any convincing proof? Maybe this Photo with 'Becks'?:
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the shredder said on 10/Nov/07
Will Smith is 6'1 case close !
saga said on 10/Nov/07
No, the case is not closed at all. Will is not 1" shorter than Avery, no way..he's 2-3" shorter for sure.
Watch the whole video:
Click Here

And by the way, Richy, the difference in the pic with Jackman is about 1.25-1.5" but Jackman is not standing fully straight as well, thus it's hard to estimate, especially if we can't see the footwear...Jackman usually wears flat sneakers like converse all star while Will might me in Timberland or something like that.
Whenever people say that Will is 6'2 i feel compelled to post again these pics:
6'5 Vince Vaughn
Click Here
6'4 Adam Baldwin and Jeff Goldblum
Click Here
6'3 Ato Essandoh
Click Here
Anonymous said on 9/Nov/07
Will Smith is 6'2" case closed, he is not any shorter than that--"Uncle Phil" aka James Avery is 6'3" he was always clearly an inch taller but that was it, so whoever said there was 3 inches between them is ludicrious, its obvious Will is every bit 6'2" at the very minimum folks...upgrade his height asap...!
Richy said on 9/Nov/07
Considering the Jackman - Smith Backstage photo (link from Saga):
Jackman straight position, Smith leaning a bit forward, and not much difference! So how could one say Smith is less then 6'2!-Jackman 6'2.5/Smith 6'2.
the shredder said on 8/Nov/07
Jackman looks taller to me ! .. sorry guys I just can't see Smith being a legit 6'2 .. 6'1 range for sure though !!!
saga said on 7/Nov/07
Are you talking about this Jackman (who is a legit 6'2)?
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Richy said on 7/Nov/07
Saw a Backstagefoto with Smith and Jackman, they looked about the same height. (maybe Jackman is half inch taller)
the shredder said on 7/Nov/07
Well , you got to remember that Will Smith is 6'2.5 , so that puts James Avery at around 6'6 !
brother_h said on 5/Nov/07
james avery is 6'3.
oh yea i can clearly see 3 inches between them(sarcasticly)
Big T said on 4/Nov/07
I just saw a number of extended shots of Smith and Tom Cruise on the red carpet with Cruise clearly coming past Smith's eyes and looking no more than 4 inches shorter. On the other hand, by pure coincidence I also watched Bad Boys II last night, which gives you basically 2 hours worth of opportunities to compare Smith and Lawrence, full body shots and everything, and I saw 6 inches difference.

I think Smith is 6'1'', Lawrence is a legit 5'7'' (maybe 5'6 1/2"?), and Cruise....well, Cruise is 5'9'' when he appears in public. Whether or not he is actually 5'9'' or whether he wears lifts is another matter. But he consistently steps out on the red carpet at 5'9''.
sam said on 30/Oct/07
Surely you must be kidding, shredder.
the shredder said on 29/Oct/07
Will Smith is only 5'7 .. he looks not much taller then 5'4 Alfonso in this video !

Click Here
B1 said on 29/Oct/07
i think will is 6'2. considering he is only 2 inches shorter than james avery.
anthony d said on 29/Oct/07
i think he his 6'0 or 6'1 cause he not that taller than dj jazzy jeff,and jeff is 5'11
the shredder said on 21/Oct/07
saga , I agree , he looks nothing over a strong 6'0 in the photos you posted ! Ive tried so hard to see him 6'2 like most people , but just can't . No way his barefoot height !
saga said on 20/Oct/07
Just found this pic on the Jeff Goldblum page.
Click Here
Both Adam Baldwin and Jeff Goldblum are 6'4.
Now draw your conclusions, i still think Will is just 6'1.
Valeri said on 12/Oct/07
I think the guy is 6'1,just slightly taller than Brosnan,who I think is 6'0.5. On here 6'1.25 for Brosnan and 6'1.5 for Smith,respectively.So a bti taller than Brosnan anyway.
Cpt Crunch said on 11/Oct/07
Barely beats Tom Cruise in this photo
Click Here
the shredder said on 10/Oct/07
I was watching Fresh Prince last night ep.1.3 , In some shots Will and Alfonso shockingly looked close in height ! So , maybe cause that fact , Will could be alot more taller then Alfonso then what we might think ? .. Also I would like to point out that He was taller then 6'1.5 Jason Lee , but shorter then 6'2 Gene Hackman .. CRAZY ?
silver said on 8/Oct/07
lillo, do you consider "short" a 6-0 height person, so that he should "dream" (?!)to be...6.3???? do you have a complex or what??
lillo thomas said on 6/Oct/07
will is 6-3 in his dreams , he isnt even 6-1 barefoot
the shredder said on 6/Oct/07
Yep I agree 100 % with 6 foot 3 ....... IN PLATFORMS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous said on 4/Oct/07
Will is 6 3. He's leanin with t. howard.
Jason said on 3/Oct/07
I really miss 1993, too. :( I was 12. And had a Super NES! :)
the shredder said on 3/Oct/07
I was 4 years old in 1991 .. don't remember much at all , but I do remember summer of 1993 .. MAN I MISS THAT TIME .. I got my first Super Nintendo and me and my friends played it everyday ! I also miss the NES where I would play Adventure Island 2 all the time !
glenn said on 2/Oct/07
i was 19 in 1991 old were you then?.
saga said on 2/Oct/07
The shredder, in my opinion he looked 185cm on the dot in that movie.
186cm is as possible as 184cm i guess.
Both 183cm and 187cm are pretty unlikely.

186cm Jim Carrey (slouching) with 190cm Will Ferrell:
Click Here

18?cm Will Smith with 190cm Will Ferrell (slouching):
Click Here
And about the same height on a sloped ground (look at the position of the feet):
Click Here

I can see less difference between Carrey and Ferrell than Smith and Ferrell whilst Ferrell has a better posture in the pic with Carrey.
the shredder said on 1/Oct/07
1991 was so LONG ago for me .. I was just starting Pre-K and hardly remember anything in my life at that time ! Atleast you remember that time Glenn .. what were you ? 18 or 19 years old ?

Smith could have a jack in the box neck .. 5'11 one min , 6'3 the next !

Saga , 186cm can fit him too ! .. that would make him like 6'2.25 in shoes !
saga said on 1/Oct/07
I've just seen "I, ROBOT". He looks barely 185cm barefoot or even fractionally shorter. Too many people near his height and taller.
Will is absolutely not taller than 186cm barefoot, i'm 99% sure.
dmeyer said on 1/Oct/07
if mr r say 6'2 i believe him so aleast 6'1.5 for will
glenn said on 1/Oct/07
he seemed 6-3 in 1991 when i was 5-7.i couldve been around 6-2.
the shredder said on 30/Sep/07
Glenn and Mr. R , Have you seen Smith at 6'2.5 ? .. I know you both seen him 6'2 !

Well , IMO ( not fact ) .. I don't think he is under 6'0.75 ! most likely 185cm-186cm is the most acurate with 187cm being pretty much MAX !
dmeyer said on 30/Sep/07
smith is pretty tall since i have seen pics were the feet can be seen and he looks 3 in taller than becks in dress shoes while will has converse
saga said on 30/Sep/07
Here is that pic (scroll down):
Click Here
He looks about 5'11.25 (181cm) in my opinion, with about 1.25-2" (3-5cm) of slouch. Hard to believe he's shorter than 6'0.5 (184cm) and taller than 6'1.5 (186.5-187cm).
6'1 flat (185cm) seems the most accurate though.
the shredder said on 30/Sep/07
The funny thing is that I thought Will Smith looked 5'11 in that photo .. I would agree that he is dropping about 2 inches of posture .. know Mr. R and Glenn saw 6'2 + , but really 6'1.5 the highest he can ever past for !

BTW , Rob did you see the new Brando/Dean photo ?

Editor Rob
the one on that page looked a few inches between them
sam said on 28/Sep/07
Yeah, I think Smith is losing a good deal more height than Vaughn. There maybe almost 6 inches difference, but Smith is posturely dropping up to 2 inches, I think.
the shredder said on 28/Sep/07
Rob , you should look at the photo ! .. Theres like a 6 inch diffrents in that Smith / Vaughn photo ! .. Can you photoshop that Photo with Will really looking 6'2 ? .. What I mean is how he should look next to a 6'5er If he is really the height he claims !

Editor Rob
I've no time to do that but I though he looked close to the 6ft mark with a lean.
the shredder said on 28/Sep/07
Rob , man whats up with the Vince Vaughn photo ??? REALLY .. that is the shortest I EVER saw Will Smith look ! How do you explain that photo .. Vince Vaughn can't be over 6'5 ? .. Does posture really take that much height away for you ? .. Is Will Smith sitting on a bar stool ?

Editor Rob
he was leaning into vaughn from what I remember. So he was losing something.
the shredder said on 26/Sep/07
Rob , if Will Smith is 6'1.5 and Alfonso is 5'6 , then what would this big guy in the video be ? .. 6'10 + ?

Click Here

Editor Rob
looks near to6ft-10
the shredder said on 18/Sep/07
Im starting to give up on Smith . 187cm is mm " ok " I guess .

ps , I gave up on Sly a long time ago . I could not say the last time I posted on his page .
lillo thomas said on 17/Sep/07
nah dont go only by videos ,videos can be decieving . i think will is 6-1 max
more likely 6-0.5
the shredder said on 17/Sep/07
Really does look about 6'1.5 in that video ! Maybe Rob has him right ?

So Will Smith 6'1.5 ? , Then Alfonso has to be 5'6.5 !
ed said on 16/Sep/07
Here is a video of Will Smith with Harald Schmidt who is listed at 6'4.5'' and Will Smith looks 6'2'' next to him. Watch the last 1 minute of the video.
Click Here
AAAA said on 11/Sep/07
Whoa Viper.... Bo looks like 6'3 if that guy is 5'11. And as I said, if you've seen any of his pro's vs joes appearence's, he looks absolutely massive.
lillo thomas said on 8/Sep/07
the difference between will and james avery is more like 3 inches in reality.
in some shot the difference look smaller like 2 inches but that is because camera angles tricks. in some shots if you watch carefully the difference is more like 3. if james avery is onyl 6-3 then will is 6-0 flat.
lillo thomas said on 8/Sep/07
viper 6-1 and 6-2 can look tall in pics depending og the height of the others
persons in the pics but in person they dont look tall to me just above average.
Viper said on 8/Sep/07
AAAA, I think Bo Jackson has done the unthinkable and has grown since his hip replacement!! He utterly dwarfs 5-11 listed Harold Reynolds here. Click Here

Its funny how I thought Bo could be as short as 5-11. It must be the way he was built and his huge legs. He just never looked as tall as 6-1 in a baseball uniform to me. He actually looked taller in football pads. He actually did look 6-1 in a football uniform.
Viper said on 8/Sep/07
I can see how 6-1 is not tall to 6-5 guy. But look at 6-1 Bo Jackson in that photo. Or 6-1 Barry Bonds with those other golfers. They look tall.
Kevin a.k.a Blazon (K) said on 7/Sep/07
and yeah he can't say he's 6-2.5 because in another episode of the fresh prince he refers to James Avery "uncle Phil" being a 6'3" black man, and Avery is atleast 2 solid inches taller than Smith possibly a little bit more, so i think he says he's 6'2" 1/2 probably with shoes on, but since i'm an exact 6'0" 1/2 barefoot, that would be like me saying i'm 6'1" 1/2 with shoes on, so he might be refering to that
lillo thomas said on 7/Sep/07
and i forgot to say in my point that will is a wanna be tall guy because now he claims 6-2.5 that is close to 6-3 .
AAAA said on 7/Sep/07
yeah, he looks 6'1 there....and huge. Similar to a pic of barry bonds at a golf outing with juan Marchial. I think you showed it to me Viper. It proved he was 6'1, even though I only ever thought he was 5'11 or so
Viper said on 7/Sep/07
Heres that Bo Jackson picture I was talking about AAAA. He gives me a 6-1 impression here. Click Here
liilo thomas said on 6/Sep/07
a weak 6-1 isnt tall to me . to me tall is 6-3 and over. the guy isnt tall just above average.
the shredder said on 6/Sep/07
Will Smith can't be a wanna be tall guy because he IS a tall guy , but I would agree that he is a wanna be 6 ft 2 .. REALLY its right in everybodies face .. he is a weak 6 ft 1 . No more , No less .
AAAA said on 5/Sep/07
I agree with you Viper. I thought maybe bo was shorter than 6'1, maybe only 6', but I've seen too many picture of him looking tall. The funny thing is that injury doesn't seem to have effected his height at all.
I just searched for a half hour and couldn't get a link but check out the episodes. "Could you take a Bill Romanowski Tackle" andd" COuld you out Homer Bo Jackson". Bo loooks huge in both. He Actually looks even bigger to me now then when he was younger. He has got to weigh over 230 now
Kevin a.k.a Blazon (K) said on 4/Sep/07
if you see the episode of the fresh prince when he dreams that he's playing against isiah thomas who's listed at 6'1" NBA height, thomas had an inch on smith when they were both wearing sneakers and had the same hair style and isiah thomas might be 6'0" barefoot since the NBA bumps most people an inch
Viper said on 4/Sep/07
Ive always thought that Bo could be shorter than 6-1, but I once saw a picture of him standing with a group of golfers on the golf course and he towered over all of them.
lillo thomas said on 4/Sep/07
will smith is closer to me to 6-.5 than 6-1 to me. he is a wanna be tall guy
the shredder said on 4/Sep/07
Will Smith is a good bit taller then Bruce Willis . So 6'0 for Smith is B.S.

Dante Basco is like 5'6 and was on Fresh Prince , and when they stood up together Will Smith looked 6'1 .
AAAA said on 3/Sep/07
Danimal the Piolt of the show debuted on Sept 10, 1990. The first 15 shows were released between Sept 10-Dec 10, of 1990. The episode I was refering to was the 9th in the series, and the 9th of season 1.
It aired on Oct 29, 1990. And it was most likely filmed prior to that day, so that leads me to believe it was most likely filmed in the summer of 1990 or the early fall. Bo Jackson's hip injury occured in a playoff game aganist the bangles in 1990, only a month or 2 after the episode aired. The result of a shoe string tackle by the linebacker.
So as I CORRECTLY stated all along, the show with jackson aired in 1990 BEFORE jackson's hip injury and subsequent surgery. My whole point being, Jackson was a combine measured 6'1 and smith was at least the same height, if not taller by a half inch than Jackson. So jakson was still his height, as an injury would not have altered his posture or ability to stand tall.
EVEN Assuming the combine height isn't jacksons night height, then even if he was only 6'.75, that still makes will at least 6'1.25.

Please check your facts before you challenge my statements. Unlike some, I give proof for my positions, and research them throughly before I retort on others. I ask that you at least be somewhat sure before you try to tell me I am wrong in the future. It doesn't bode well
Danimal said on 3/Sep/07
Saga, it's been said that both Goldblum and Hasselholf are actually over 6'4". Where do you get 6'3" from?
Danimal said on 3/Sep/07
That episode could not have aired in 1990 AAAA, seeing the show only begam in 1991!!
the shredder said on 3/Sep/07
I don't see Will Smith under a weak 6'1 which is 6'0.75 , I think he is 6'1 flat , and 6'2 with shoes and 6'2.5 in boots .
AAAA said on 2/Sep/07
Just saw (The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air" Someday Your Prince Will Be in Effect: Part 2) episode now where Bo Jackson makes an appearence. A young will smith looks the same height maybe a .5 than NFL measured 6'1 Bo Jackson. The episode aired in 1990, prior to jacksons hip injury, but I recently saw him on Pro's vs Joes and he still looked to be his original strong 6'1. He was a clear inch over Jenny Finch.

So seeing will with jackson makesmebelieve Will is really 6'1.5, i.e. a strong 6'1, really weak 6'2, but his thin frame helped create the illusion.

I couldn't find any pics, but if someone knows where to download old TV shows, you should all go see.
the shredder said on 30/Aug/07
Here is the barefoot video that I posted like 10 times with Alfonso Riberio ..

Click Here

Even If Alfonso is near 5 ft 7 , I still don't see 6 ft 2 for Will .

Also I'd like to point out that the photos with Smith and 6'5 Lennox Lewis .. that 6'2 guy Idris Elba top of his head goes a little over Lennox lewis eyes which looks a true 3 inches . NOW look at Will Smith next to Lennox Lewis . Smith's head indeed goes under Lennox eyes and with a little better posture STILL goes under his eyes .

I think that this barefoot video Im posting and the Lennox photos tell me that Will Smith ( even with good posture ) barefoot would just hit the 6 ft 1 mark !
saga said on 29/Aug/07
Yet again, Will is a full 6'1 barefoot on a lucky day IMO.
The pics with Vaughn and other legit 6'3-6'4 guy like Goldblum and Hasselhoff put him at 6'1 max.
For me a legit 6'1.5 barefoot can look even 6'3 in some occasion but Will never gave me that impression. Sometimes he can look 6'0-6'0.5 and sometimes 6'1.5-6'2. Most of times he looks a flat 6'1.
the shredder said on 29/Aug/07
Rob , so if you think his 6 ft 2.5 claim is in shoes , do you think that would make him 6'1 flat or 6'1.25 - 186cm ?

Editor Rob
depends which shoes :) it is strange how he came out with the 1/2 inch after all the 6ft 2 claiming. Sometimes I wonder...

it's been mentioned a million times though that he drops his shoulders in so many photos. I want to see this guy with his shoulders back standing like Pitt beside someone known 6ft.
the shredder said on 29/Aug/07
Just because he said hes 6'2 , does not mean he is . Well Glenn and Mr.R both say he is no shorter then 6'2 , but to me he looks like a 6'1 guy .

Rob , has he ever claimed a full 6'3 ? .. I have seen site that list him that height ! ... Also somebody on this site said that he use to claim 6'1 in the 80's .

Editor Rob
never seen that, but 6ft 2.5 in shoes is very feasible, that's what he is basically claiming I think.
colton said on 28/Aug/07
yeh wills a full 6 2 he may be 6 2 n a half i donno but i know hes a full 6 2 hes said so on many occasions n in movies such as i robot he says im a 6 foot 2 200 pound civilian.
Viper said on 26/Aug/07
Will should be downgraded to a flat 6-1 at least.
liilo thomas said on 25/Aug/07
i think that the shortest bob think that will is is the above height 6-1.5
i dont understand why he put will at this height . Will cant be taller than 6-1 his 6-2 claimed height is his height in shoes. barefoot is closer to 6-0.5 than 6-1 to me.
the shredder said on 25/Aug/07
Rob , what is the SHORTEST you think Will Smith can be , and what is the shortest you would ever put him ?
lillo thomas said on 21/Aug/07
no i think that will look shorter than 6-1 next to legit 6-4 and 6-5 guys because he is in reality shorter than 6-1.
James said on 20/Aug/07
When Will stands next to tall people he always has bad posture?
James said on 18/Aug/07
Yeah I agree he does look no more than 6ft when stood next to guys in the middle of the 6ft range.
lillo thomas said on 17/Aug/07
will look under 6-1 next to legit 6-4 and 6-5 guys.
James said on 16/Aug/07
Shredder Will Smith is a very tricky guy I cant decide wheather he is 6ft, 6ft1 or 6ft2. When stood next to George Clooney he really does look a full 3 inches taller. He looked a few inches taller than David Beckham plus Will was slouching as well. I do agree that when he stands next to 6ft4 to 6ft5 guys like Jeff Goldblum, Bill O rely, James Avery and Vince he does look quiet a bit shorter.
the shredder said on 16/Aug/07
All fairness .. bad posture does not make a 6'2-2.5 guy look as small as 5'11-6'0 . I respect Glenn and Mr. R seeing him at 6'2 , but I just can't see him over 6'1 ! I must also point out that the Vince Vaughn pic is THE SHORTEST I EVER SAW SMITH ! ...
Dave said on 16/Aug/07
in all fairness will is nowhere near standing straight in thst pic with big vince vaughn, id give him about a 6'1 in that pic if he stood straight.
the shredder said on 15/Aug/07
Damm , that pic with 6'5 Vince Vaughn is the only pic where Will Smith looks 5 ft 11 ! ... Theres NO MORE Excuse ! ... He is 6'1 AT BEST ! ... Smith being 6'2.5 puts 6'5 Vince Vaughn at what ??? 6'8 ? ... LOL !
Anonymous said on 7/Aug/07
i dont buy that 6'2 claim, he probabably 6 foot w/o shoes and 6'1 with shoes, cause I saw pics of him david beckham, and katie holmes and she was almost as tall as he was, and she like 5'6 + 4 inch heels so 5-10, so I dont think soo, stars lie too much.
Viper said on 4/Aug/07
Evander is no taller than 6-0. I mean, Will Smith look blantantly shorter than 6-1 Isaih Thomas, and Thomas doesnt even look his listed 6-1 to me. If you take EVERYTHING into account, Will is no taller than 6-1, and probably a half an inch shorter for his real barefoot height of 6-0 1/2. Im just about convinced hes marginally under 6-1.
dmeyer said on 3/Aug/07
if you guys look at star or us weekly there are pics were smith looks 3 in on beckam
saga said on 3/Aug/07
Ok sorry, here is Will Smith with 6'5 Vince Vaughn (you have to scroll down a bit):
Click Here
saga said on 3/Aug/07
the shredder?? tell me just a point in that video where you can see clearly Will taller than Letterman and then we talk about it.

DibDab2 haha..yes Will is 6'3..maybe 6'4! Come on, it's ridiculous!!

Will always looked shorter than 6'2 people..and is noticeably shorter near 6'3 like Will Ferrell and Morgan Freeman. He's also towered by 6'4 people like Billy O'Riley and check out these pics:
With 6'4 Hasselhoff:
Click Here
Click Here
With 6'4.5 Goldblum:
Click Here
Ok Vince Vaughn is 6'5 but how do u explain that? he's literally dwarfed:
Click Here
He's 6'1 at best and TV series/movie aren't good for accurate height estimation unless you can see a full body shot and see actual footwear and ground advantage.
And remember he's 38 therefore he can't have lost height ok? nowadays he's as tall as in the 90's..he's not a 68 years old grandpa!
So please stop writing nonsense comment overstimating him at 6'2 or 6' lillo thomas says "giving Will 6'1 is being very generous".
the shredder said on 3/Aug/07
WOW , he looks taller then David Letterman , who also claims 6 ft 2 !

Click Here
DibDab2 said on 3/Aug/07
Will smith looked a half an inch taller than evander holyfiel in the fresh prince episode "deck the halls". im trying to print the screen than paste the frame where will and evander are both standing opposite eachother. it's impossible to import the image into paint because when you stop the video's playback, the image goes away. will smith looks about a half an inch taller than evander. evander's addams apple bump is about an inch lower than will smiths. the bottom of his chin is more than a half an inch lower than wills. evander's eyes are slightly lower than wills but ive noted that will smith's eyes/nose/mouth are closer to together than evanders. will smiths heads bigger but his features are all sort of a bit more together. with evander his head is smaller and his eyes/nose/mouth are a bit more spread out. i know this sounds weird but here's proof that you can't just compare heights by one factor. evander looks a inch smaller than will. but it would of been easier to compare thier heights if will wasnt wearing a santa hat!!!. i think will smith is closer to 6-2 than 6-1.5 if evander is really 6-1. the deck the halls episode aired in 1990 so will might have lost half an inch. this would make him presently 6-1.5. the bbc give evander 6-2. if this is true, that would make will 6-3 which i think is a bit of a exxagaration. at most is he 6-1.5 which would make will smith 6-2.5 in the 1990's which i am comfortable with
James said on 2/Aug/07
What, Will Smith is at least 6ft1. Everybody knows Will is around 6ft2 I mean 185cm is too low for him.
lillo thomas said on 1/Aug/07
giving will 6-1 is being very generous to him
Pete said on 30/Jul/07
Backs is 180 at the most. I have met him many times. I dont know how tall can be will smith as i never met him but hes taller than beckham for sure LOL
Anonymous said on 29/Jul/07
dmeyer in the photo below Will is about the same height of david beckham..david has some footwear advantage,about 1"-1.5" inch.
I'm generous and i give beckham 1'5" of footwear advantage so 5'11.5"+1.5"=6'1".
More likely his range is 6'0.75-6'1 but definitely 6'1 at best.
dmeyer said on 29/Jul/07
with be=ad posture and low heeled footwear can seem 184 185 cm but with good posture and nomal footwear looks to be 186 187 cm
dmeyer said on 29/Jul/07
for the people who want to bring down will look at the tabloids this week and david becks and will on normal floor and will is about 3 in taller than beck will is no less than 186 cm and becks is very mush shorter than him he just have better posture footwear and pavement
runt said on 28/Jul/07
But then again, Tony Parker also puts Maria Sharapova's so-called 6-2 in doubt
Click Here
007 said on 28/Jul/07
Ive never met Will in real life, and i dont know whether the madame tussauds wax statue in NY has the correct size or not. But what i do know is, that the statue, jurged by my own height, is very near 6'1".
runt said on 28/Jul/07
In this collection of photos there is a shot of Will Smith with Simon and Garfunkel and STEVE MARTIN. Is the camera angle favoring Will Smith over Steve Martin?
Click Here
18,181 said on 26/Jul/07
my money is on 6'1 for Smith,thats close enough to 186cm,but he doesnt look 6'1.5 next to legit 6'2-6'3 guys.Hugh Jackman was at least 1.5 inches taller than Smith.
the shredder said on 26/Jul/07
6'1 barefoot , 6'2 with shoes ... thats the best bet ... Martin is for sure a lift wearer no matter what his true height is , and Alfonso is 5'5.75 !
dmeyer said on 25/Jul/07
he is taller than 6 ft hanks and 6 ft denzel i was 4 in taller than martin lawrence he is more thaan that i think will is about 6'2 morning and shrinks 6'1 to 6'1.25 at night this guy is clearly in the 185 to 187 zone nothing less nothing more
dmeyer said on 25/Jul/07
i dont think will is under 185 cm even before bed
saga said on 25/Jul/07
Will has never been a good 187cm 'cause he was shorter than 6'1 Isiah Thomas back in the Fresh Prince he has always been a flat 6'1 (185cm) pushing 6'2 in dress shoes.
18,181 said on 25/Jul/07
well,the floor is actually even,i posted the pic where it shows.but the carpet is a bit of a boost,but nothing more than 0'5-1cm. And I agree,becham has 2cm of shoe advantage. So if becham is 182+3/3.5cm+1cm carpet =186.5cm and will is 185+1cm 186cm. so I dont see 187cm for will.
tall peter said on 25/Jul/07
i realise will smith looks lightly shorter nowadays.. in men in black,I-ROBOT he looks a good 187cm tall.. back to now looks only like 185~186cm, def not a
solid 187cm..
dmeyer said on 24/Jul/07
i agree will has pavement disadvantage plus shoe disadvantge thats whi it is alwais important to see the floor
dmeyer said on 24/Jul/07
will is nothing under 6'1 and likely 6'1.5
lillo thomas said on 24/Jul/07
until somebody absolutely prove me otherwise i think that is very evident that will is 6-0.5 at best.
Jason Jeffers said on 24/Jul/07
There is enough photographic evidence to satisfy that will smith is 6ft 0.5in barefoot. Come on Rob what more do you need man!
saga said on 23/Jul/07
James i told you, Will Smith is 185cm..nothing more! ..Check out the pics with 6'3 Will Ferrell on Wireimage..Will Smith is about 2 inches shorter. I've seen also a pic with Will Ferrell and 6'1.5 Jim Carrey (very bad posture there) and there was no more than 1 inch between them so i guess Will Ferrell is not a full 6'3..more likely 189.5-190 barefoot.
That put Will exactly at a flat 6'1.
Case closed.
18,181 said on 23/Jul/07
james,for all we know Clooney could be as low as 5'9.5,but probably 5'10.just showing you that there is no end of argument here.
18,181 said on 23/Jul/07
rob,this should have you cahnge him to 6'1 i think.Click Here
he has good posture,same level,becham at 5'11.5 is getting half inch of advantage via footwear,making him 6'0.5 in footwear and will is not taller for sure,on all the different shots. Si will is either 6'0.5 or 6'1,but okay,6'1 seems okay for him.
18,181 said on 23/Jul/07
appeared about 1'5 inches udner jackman and same as chris i think 6'1 flat.
18,181 said on 23/Jul/07
Click Here
my bad,will isnt on a different pavement level.same,just a few mm of carpet there. so 6'1 flat for smith and 6ft flat for beckham.
18,181 said on 23/Jul/07
The guy is more 6'1 flat I think.
Click Here
Click Here
now either beckham is wearing lifts or will is 6'1,because even though will has half inch less footwear advantage,I dont think that pavement takes away much the way will is standing. now if David is 5'11.5+0.5shoe advantage + another inch from shoes makes him 6'1,Smith looks 6ft flat,but the pavement takes away 1-2inches. oh well.

Editor Rob
looks pavement advantage there, angling towards street on dual direction. - or the picture is tilted, just looked at top ;)
James said on 18/Jul/07
Waait on second thought's I was looking on and Will really does look at least 6ft1/2 esspecially when stood next to George Clooney who he towers over by 3 inches so I think he is actually bang on 6f1.5 end of argument.
James said on 18/Jul/07
He looks about 4 inches shorter or 3 and a half than Bill O Riley in one pic and we all know he is a legit 6ft4 so that would make Will Smith around 6.05 to 6ft1 so please Rob listen to what we are telling you and downgrade this guy to 6ft1. If you dont belive what we are trying to tell you just go on wire image or and see for yourself.
dmeyer said on 18/Jul/07
even thaugh will smith dosnt force posture he looks aleast 1 in over hanks it meanns with good posture 1.5 in but hanks is looking awfully shorter than freeman that prove hanks aint 6'1 if he was he would have looked closer to will
the shredder said on 18/Jul/07
I agree with Rob that Will Smith is taller then 6'0 Tom Hanks ! ... Next to Morgan Freeman who is the height range that Smith wants to be really does put Smith at 6'1.5 or under ! ... I do agree with most of you guys that Will Smith is about a flat 6'1 !
lillo thomas said on 17/Jul/07
even giving will 6-1 is very generous .he is 6-0.5 max maybe even less
James said on 17/Jul/07
The only reason Will looked a little bit taller than Tommy Lee Jones in Men in Black is because he was wearing those big mountain stlye boots so that would explain a lot.
saga said on 17/Jul/07
Yes James...i don't know why Will is still listed at 6'1.5 when he's barely above 6'0.5!! Too evidence...Rob bring down Will at least at 6'1.
James said on 17/Jul/07
Jesus christ I just saw a picture on wire image of Will Smith and 5ft11 Brad Pitt standing next to each other at the 2003 kids choice awards and they both look exactley the same size. Infact Will is slightly leaning forward making Brad appeare slightly taller than him. I agree with what Saga was saying about Will Smith being closer to 6ft.I think he should be downgraded to 6ft1 immediatly.
mofo said on 15/Jul/07
I think this guy is between 6ft-6ft1 thats just a guess but when he stands next to tom cruise who can look anywhere from 5ft6.5 to 5ft10 (with lifts) will does'nt look THAT much taller so I defenitely say 6ft1 at max although this guy can really does look 6ft no more. In I Robot he looks significantly shorter than Chi McBride(6ft4.5)who in gone in sixty seconds does'nt look all that taller than 6ft nicholas cage or 6ft1.5 vinnie jones. And if will is meant to be the same height as vinnie then he should not be that much shorter when compared to Chi in I Robot (he really dwarfs him in that film).
lillo thomas said on 14/Jul/07
viper in that time i give will 6-1 at best based in what i see in other episodes .that episode that he looked shorter than isiah thomas i only see very few times so i dont remember that episode very well/
Viper said on 14/Jul/07
Lillo, how do you explain Will looking shorter than 6-1 Isiah Thomas? If anything its the opposite of what you said.
saga said on 14/Jul/07
lillo i totally agree..6'2.5 is crazy for his real height! That's sure but even 6'1.5 is not fair..he should have been at the same height of Freeman but just 2cm under.
But what i see are about 5-6cm (and Freeman is leaning!).
6'0.75 would be fair!!!
I'm sure..i've seen him on Italian TV and he was only 4-5cm taller than Paolo Bonolis who claims himself 180cm (and they wore the same type of shoes).
I was surprised 'cause i've always thought he was kinda 187-188cm but he was no taller than 185cm.
lillo thomas said on 14/Jul/07
Saga in your pics the only tall looking guys are Morgan Freeman and Jeff Goldblum Will and Hank arent really tall guys , are just above average height guys . Will is a above average height guy that delute himself thinking that he is a really tall guy( towering tall guy) yet he is darf by really tall guys ( 6-3 and over guys) in pics and videos. Will never look like a legit 6-2 guy to me when i saw the fresh prince episodes in the earlys 90s in that time i give him 6-1 at best now i give him 6-0.5 at very best.
saga said on 14/Jul/07
Ok Rob but i said that Will "LOOKS" even shorter 'cause he is closer to the camera and could have a little of advantage.
We don't know exactly how tall is Hanks, we only know that he is in the 6'0 range..which means that he could be from 5'11.75 to 6'0.25 though!
But if you pay attention to that pic..even if Freeman (6'2.5") is leaning Will still looks at least 2 inches way only 2 cm!!
Rob 6'1 is more realistic..i really can't see him above that!
lillo thomas said on 14/Jul/07
saga in the pic you post Will look a bit taller than Tom Hanks , about .5 inch . Made sense will is 6-0.5 and Hanks 6-0 but Hanks could be at short as 5-11.5 so Will could be even shorter than 6-0.5.
saga said on 14/Jul/07
the shredder yes but it's seems like Hanks is even taller than Will if you focus your attention to the perspective, 'cause Will is closer to the camera!
Please Rob downgrade this man at least at 6'1 (185cm), 'cause we have seen that he is not only 2cm shorter than Freeman..he's more in the Hanks range (6'0).
Although i'm still convinced that Will's real height (barefoot) is more likely 6'0.5-6'0.75.
Downgrade him!

Editor Rob
Will shorter than Hanks? Smith met hanks in 1994 aswell and was at least 1 inch taller. His posture is all over the place in photos.
the shredder said on 13/Jul/07
That photo with 6'0 Tom Hanks and a " REAL " 6'2.5 Morgan Freeman really does put Will between the 2 of them ! ... Will Smith is looking NOTHING but 6'1 in that photo ! ... he is most likely around 6'2 with shoes on !
christian said on 13/Jul/07
Dead right lillo thomas. 6' 0.5" barefoot midday. There is a pic of smith with eddie murphy who is 5' 9.25" and comes up to just above eyebrows
lillo thomas said on 13/Jul/07
will smith height is about 6-0.5 plus 1.5 inch shoes = 6-2 . his claimed 6-2 height is clearly his height in shoes.
saga said on 13/Jul/07
Dow Jones, in you pic Jay-z is leaning.
What about here:
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Jay-z is clearly an inch cannot deny that afer watchin' the photos i've just posted (just keep in your mind that Denzel might have the advantage of 0.25-0.5 for his hair 'cause jay-z's head is completely shaved).
dmeyer said on 13/Jul/07
i f will is 6'1 to 6'1.5 hanks is nothing over 6 ft finaly a pic were hanks looks not 1 mm over 6 ft and looks 3 in under freeman
Dow Jones said on 12/Jul/07
Obviously there is a camera angle/posture issue with this photo set. And no, I didn't mean Denzel is 6-3!!! I meant that I don't know how tall any of them are. But it is a safe bet that there is no full inch differnce between Denzel and Jay Z!

Click Here
saga said on 12/Jul/07
Take a look here:
Click Here
1)Will is as tall as 6'0 Tom Hanks.
2)Will is at least 2 inches shorter than 6'2.5 Morgan Freeman.
3)Freeman probably is leaning to drink because he looks 3 inches shorter than 6'4.5 Jeff Goldblum.
4)Goldblum is freaking tall here!!...more like a 6'5-6'6...but i'm sure he's 194cm.
5)Will is not even close to 6'2.5 Freeman.
Will is nothing more than 6'1 (185cm), very likely 6'0.75...end of story!
Time to downgrade him!!
saga said on 12/Jul/07
Ahah Dow Jones are u serious?? So Denzel is 6'3???
The truth is that Denzel is not taller than jay-z!
Click Here
Jay-z is clearly an inch taller.
Jay-z is 6'1.
Denzel Washington is 6'0.
Will is 6'1 in a good day.
James the second said on 12/Jul/07
Shredder if their is one thing I do agree on it is that there is no way in hell big Willy is 6ft2.5 I mean looking at picures of him today that is silly although I can understand his fustration with people thinking he is 6feet. And by the way in the Fresh Prince days James Avery was 6ft4.5 most likely 6ft5 not 6ft4 which would explain why his height dosent add up.
Dow Jones said on 11/Jul/07
will the real lift wearer please stand up? We've just found out on the Denzel Washington page that Jay Z is shorter than Denzel, even while they are sitting. Jay Z is listed at 6'1"-6'2" everywhere. We also know that Will Smith is taller than Denzel, even when they are sitting. Sitting height demonstrates a longer torso and neck but not necessarily legs. But if a guy is taller standing and sitting by the same amount, that's a strong case that the taller guy is wearing NO lifts.
Mr. R said on 11/Jul/07
Shredder, you raise good points. When we did Ali, i worked closely with Will and he showed me parts that were added to make him resemble Ali. They added a piece behind his ears, so his ears would resemble Ali. It is possible that he also had built up shoes to approach Ali's height. However, I just met Bill Pullman, who was a little shorter than Will in Independence Day, and Bill was 6'-6'1. Also, James Avery has lost a few inches in height since the Fresh Prince Days, especially due to his girth!
the shredder said on 9/Jul/07
I agree saga ! ... Will is taking his height in shoes ... or James and Alfonso need a upgrade ! Mr.R , maybe Will had lifts for " Ali " ?
saga said on 9/Jul/07
Runt real height is barefoot height.
So if you want to describe someone who is not barefoot you have to estimate his height about an inch shorter.
For example with shoes i'm 6'3.5 but i always say that i'm 6'2.5, which is my real height barefoot.
So Will is 185cm...with shoes probably he reaches 187-188cm so almost 6'2...but in this case he can't say "i'm 6'2". He's 6'1 at best.
the shredder said on 9/Jul/07
Maybe he really is James the second ! ... my 6'1 guess is not a fact ! ... Something that is a fact though is that the 3 heights giving by Alfonso just don't add up ! ... He ( Will Smith ) is 6'2 , I am 5'7 , and James is 6'4 ? ... That just does not add up when looking at all 3 together !
James the second said on 9/Jul/07
Shredder belive me Will Smith is at least 6ft1.5 more likely 6ft2.
the shredder said on 9/Jul/07
Mr.R , how come you thought Will Smith is no shorter then 6'2 but also thought James Avery was 6'3 max ? ... Also how come you have no photos with actors when you met so many ? ... Sorry buddy , but if Will Smith is 6'2 - 6'2.5 then James Avery must be around 6'6 and Alfonso really must be a true 5'7 ! ... Will Smith in my eyes is about 6'1 !
Mr. R said on 9/Jul/07
Again, I worked closely with Will on "Ali". He was definitely 6-2. By the way, I met Bill Pulman a few months ago, and he is at a little over 6-1.
runt said on 8/Jul/07
It does make sense to give your height in shoes. Seldom are people barefoot, and if you want to describe somebody you describe what they actually look like which is height in shoes. If a guy wears 3" munsters every day and he looks 6', he's 6'. If you act like a celebheights fan and analyze his ankles and tell folks your looking for "this 5'9" guy who seems like he wears lifts", noone but a celebheights fan will know how to find the guy.
the shredder said on 5/Jul/07
Rob , do you think he could be 6'1 flat and took his height in shoes ? ... which would make him 6'2 , 6'2.5 in shoes ! ... I just can't see him being a true 6'2 in barefeet ! ... In the barefoot video with Alfonso , I would not argue anything but 6'1 - ish ... even if Alfonso was near 5'7 !
James said on 5/Jul/07
Saga in Men in Black as well he always looked 1 inch or 1.5 inches taller than Tommy Lee Jones who is 6ft.05 inches so that alone is enough evidence to suggest that he is over 6ft1. I mean who knows Men in Black came out in 1997 so Will might have shrunk since then, although not.

Editor Rob
I wouldn't look much into that Lennox shot because he also done some Tiptoes, which would make 6ft - 6ft 0.5 a bit dodgy.
saga said on 5/Jul/07
James, are you blind?? In every pic or video posted here near 6'2+ people he looks no more than 185cm. Come on..i remember the Festival of Sanremo and the whole show with 180cm Paolo Bonolis he was 4-5cm's impossible that a 188-189cm man looks that short. How do u explain that?
Moreover you talk about independence day but haven't you seen that Will is about 3-4 inches shorter than 6'4 Jeff Goldblum? Bill Pullman is not that tall..probably he's 6'0. Will is 185! End of discussion.
James said on 4/Jul/07
Saga you dont know what you are talking about saying Will Smth is 6ft.05 man. Do me a favour watch the scenes in Independence day with him and Bill Pullman and you will see that Will Smith is taller. This guy has never looked anything less than 188cm in all of his films and TV work. So he is at the very least his stated height above.
dmeyer said on 4/Jul/07
it is funny a friend of mine who is 5'8 to 5'8.25 claims 5'9 and told me he worked out with vandamme ,sly and will smith he told me jean clude is a bit shorter than him like 5'8 it means likely under 5'8 and he said sly was closer to 5'10 and that will smith was the same height as him 5'9 and not that muscular i think he is right on sly and i agree vandamme is no more than 174 cm but i can see will under 186 cm
George H. said on 4/Jul/07
I can't see ed's pics. I get the getty front page.
saga said on 3/Jul/07
ed in your pics will looks like a 6'0ish man. As i estimated, Will is probably 6'0.5 or a weak 6'1 (185 cm).
ed said on 3/Jul/07
Will Smith with 6'5'' Lennox Lewis:
Click Here
Click Here
To compare Lennox with another 6'2'' person (Idris Elba):
Click Here
Jackie said on 30/Jun/07
I've made a collage of people who have posed with each other so that it might make it easier to compare.
Using Will's photo with Warren Beatty, I used the (estimated) heights of others who posed with either of them, or sometimes both of them, for a comparison.
I think he is at least 6'1", personally.

Click Here
the shredder said on 30/Jun/07
I agree Runt ! ... Will Smith is nothing over a barefoot 6'1 ! ... I doubt James Avery downgraded his own height ... If Will Smith 6'2.5 , then James is 6'6 and Alfonso is no smaller then 5'8 ! ...

Click Here

Click Here

I would not argue ANYTHING but 6'1-ish !

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.