lillo thomas said on 8/Dec/08
Alex the funny thing is that why he slouches so much if he don't want people to guess him at 6-0 or 5-11 ? If he want to look taller he must stand straight to begin with it and should wear some lifts .
Lenad said on 8/Dec/08
Correct Clay there was 1.5 inches tops between Daniels and Carrey.
Clay said on 8/Dec/08
Daniels had an inch, 1.5 TOPS on Carrey in Dumb and Dumber.
Lenad said on 7/Dec/08
I'm surprised Viper thinks Jim Carrey is an easy 6'1. However I agree Alex Jim Carrey looks at least 6'1 if not 6'1 1/2.
the shredder said on 7/Dec/08
Sorry James , but Will NEVER looks around Avery's height ! On the first episode were Will is very tall and very slim looking he still looks 3 inches shorter ... really , you only see 1.5 inch ? Here is the episode ... btw , I don't think he ever looks near 6'3 on Fresh Prince !
Click Here
lillo thomas said on 7/Dec/08
Will looking close to James Avery in fresh prince days ? . Will looked looked about 3 inches shorter than James Avery most of the time.
Josh said on 6/Dec/08
I think Viper posted enough evidence to clearly tell hes 6'1 tops . (downgrade please)
Spence said on 6/Dec/08
Will was really 6ft2.. shoes he does look so.. haha.
Alex said on 5/Dec/08
Funny Will says he's tired of people think he's 6'0. It appears he gets a lot of 6'0 estimates but you can easily underestimate someone as well. Not often but a legit 6'1 can be guessed at 6'0.
Alex said on 5/Dec/08
I'd have to agree with Viper on Carey. He looks at least 6'1 if not 6'1 1/2.
Lillo, I agree with you on Will's height again. He doesn't look like he's more than 6'1 when standing alone.
Viper said on 5/Dec/08
Will hasnt lost anything. The 6-2 is huge fabrication. And hes not 6-1 either. Hes 6-0.
Viper said on 5/Dec/08
Carey an easy 6-2 Clay? LOL Try an easy 6-1 instead.
Anonymous said on 5/Dec/08
In Cry Freedom, I do remember Denzel admitted to wearing lifts in that movie to appear tall as the character he was playing.
glenn said on 5/Dec/08
i never scanned it to rob.didnt have it in the batch i sent him.sorry.ill try to do it today.will is leaning in alot in my photo.
Jon said on 4/Dec/08
6ft.2 max. today he may hav lost an inch or half due to spinal curviture, but even today he looks the same height as in his younger days. 6'1.5 to 6'2, and thts pretty tall anyway.
Clay said on 4/Dec/08
Well Jim Carrey is easily 6'2'' himself.
Mister Lennon said on 4/Dec/08
This guy is at least 6'1 and a half. Looks pretty tall in all his movies. And in public apparences, he looked the same than Jim Carrey, exactly the same. So, he is 6'1 and a half or maybe a little more.
lillo thomas said on 4/Dec/08
6-8 is very tall . The kid I saw the other day ( I say kid because he don't seem older than 17 0r 18 and I'm 27 years old ) 3 inches isn't much taller than me but he look taller than he is because he was skinny and he look very huge compared to most people around him .
lillo thomas said on 4/Dec/08
Will look 6-0 most of the time . Standing straight he could hit 6-1 . That's why I give 6-1 . In the morning he could be 6-1.5 , why not.
B-baller said on 4/Dec/08
Will: 6'2
Alfonso: 5'6 1/2
jazzy jeff: 5'9 1/2
james avery: 6'4
that's my guess from watching the fresh prince
the shredder said on 4/Dec/08
I see him looking 6'0 - 6'1 with Lebron James , but not sure about his posture ?
the shredder said on 4/Dec/08
Rob , do you think he can look as short as 5'11 with bad posture ?

Editor Rob
not that low, maybe 6ft with loose posture in some photos, sometimes you can tell he's pretty loose in the back and is dropping height. Jazzy I don't know, I never added him because I wasn't entirely sure.
Viper said on 3/Dec/08
Well, there goes the Will Smith is taller than Denzel stuff considering Reeves makes him look 5-10.
Blackray said on 3/Dec/08
Will is not 186 cm tall, I say 184 to 185 cm maximum though. Unlike most people on this thread, I've at least seen his waxwork in Madame Tussauds in London, where he stands approx 185 cm tall, I myself am 189 cm tall.
Viper said on 3/Dec/08
I think Reeves is 6-0 barefoot. He can look 6-1 at times for sure though.
Alex said on 3/Dec/08
6'8 is extremely tall but its not giant like in my book.
ed2 said on 3/Dec/08
Will Smith with 6ft7 Lebron James:
Click Here
TELLEM said on 3/Dec/08
James says on 3/Dec/08
That pic certainly has my head scratching Viper. if keanu is 6ft1 then Denzel is 181cm not 6ft. Unless Keanu Reeves is 6ft2! Steve Martin also looks around 6ft in that group photo as well. Funny Frank2 thought Denzel could be a legit 6ft2.
keanu reeves mugshot had him at 6'0 lol
Viper said on 3/Dec/08
James, thats interesting how Denzel is 2 inches shorter than Reeves there. I know some pictures can be deceiving but its interesting how many fluncuations there are with celebs. Makes me think more of them wear lifts then I originally thought. Wouldnt surprise me If Denzel wears lifts.
Viper said on 3/Dec/08
Turiaf is 6-8
Click HereAnd, you deny that 6-8 doesnt look gigantic at times? LOL Im right and that you are wrong again for the 1,000,000 time.
the shredder said on 3/Dec/08
Rob , are you sure on how tall Jazzy jeff is ? ... here is a video clip from Fresh Prince ... Is 5'10.5 possilbe ?
Click Here
the shredder said on 3/Dec/08
Rob , what do you think is the minimum between will and alfo ?

Editor Rob
a lot of time will doesn't stand at his tallest.
Clay said on 2/Dec/08
Where is the evidence that these athloetes were measured at those heights Viper? Or are you just making that up to prove your little downgrading points? Ronnie Turiaf looks like a giant there, certainly more than 6'8''.
Lenad said on 2/Dec/08
Blackray can you see Will Smith at 184cm at the lowest?
Blackray said on 2/Dec/08
Viper your underestimating Will Smith's height here, I would say 184cm to be precise. He and Johnathan Ross were the same height on his UK chat show.
TELLEM said on 1/Dec/08
James says on 1/Dec/08
Can I also add that throughout the course of the Fresh Prince in the 90's quite a few american atheletes (who are in the 6ft1 range) have made cameo apprearences on the show and Will Smith looked easily as taal a lot of them.
u do know that will smith was the star of the show right? i'm sure the producer of the show wouldn't want smith looking short next to the athletes
Viper said on 1/Dec/08
Well, he looked 5-11 on the basketball court on Fresh Prince.
Nicole said on 1/Dec/08
My cousin was also surprised, that will was not taller than him (184cm).So me.He is absolutely trustfully.
Viper said on 1/Dec/08
Shredder, shorter than 6-1 is very, very possible. Even a chance of under 6-0. Look at all the photos with other measured athletes. Will looked 5-11 on video just walking besides 6-0 Isiah Thomas!! I think Will is 6-0 and no more. He probably wears lifts to look taller at times.
the shredder said on 1/Dec/08
Rob , you think there is a minimum 8 inches between Will and Alfo ? ... So if Will is 6'1.5 , then Alfo is 5'5-ish ?

Editor Rob
I don't think there's more than 8, sometimes I struggle to see 7.5!
the shredder said on 1/Dec/08
Rob , what do you think Avery and Alfo are if Will really is 6'2.5 ?

Editor Rob
alfo struggling with 5ft 6 and avery nearer 6ft 5.5 maybe.
the shredder said on 1/Dec/08
this is too funny , 5'11 to 6'3 ! ... Anything shorter then 6'1 is not remotely possible , but yes 6'3 does seem exaggerated , but I respect Glenn's opinion ! ... 6'2.5 is possible , but he is very lucky to get away with it if he is that height , anything taller is not remotely possible , even if he starts claiming 6'3 , and if that starts , then he is REALLY going to far with his claims !
Lenad said on 30/Nov/08
Alright I admit it 5ft11 barefoot isnt that shocking for Will Smith since Mr R saw him at 6ft2 or a bit more and that lifts were possible.
Alex said on 30/Nov/08
Denzel looks to be 6'0ish at least. If he's under then its barely like 5'11.5-5'11.75.
glenn said on 30/Nov/08
nicole is like that downgrade themselves.after a certain height it would harder to get roles if your not known especially.i never said they were freakishly tall.i said boderline.meaning and inch or more on both of them would be the start of freakish.either way,your very tall.
Lenad said on 30/Nov/08
Viper 6'0 tops for Will Smith is too low! However I will admit 6'3 does seem a bit exaggerated for this guy
glenn said on 30/Nov/08
6ft for denzel wouldnt shock me.and viper is right,he can look lower.
Viper said on 30/Nov/08
Denzel is probably close to 6-0 but 5-11 wouldnt shock me.
Nicole said on 30/Nov/08
My cousin works behind the film in dressrooms.He helps dressing the actors he see them barefoot, so he said a lot of them are smaller in height, but height is important for the most of them.So a lot of them are rounding up their heights.It`s not forbidden and with shoes is each other taller.Glenn is absolutely right Tim Robbins and Goldblum are men who are really so tall and the have the tendence to downgrade their height.
Viper said on 30/Nov/08
There are 5-11 guys with the same proportions that he has.
And James I do believe that Clooney is 5-9 and Denzel could be as short as 5-11.
Alucard said on 29/Nov/08
He is 6ft 1.5 way you can have proportions like him and only being 6 ft...if so, he must have the worlds smallest head.
glenn said on 29/Nov/08
when your as tall as the goldblums and the tim robbins of the world,you dont get downgraded.they are boderline freakishly tall.will is just plain tall.not freakish.blends in with the 6-1s well.
Viper said on 29/Nov/08
Then Will has got to wear lifts. This is a guy that can look 5-11 at times. Hell, Charlize Theron is taller than the guy at times in heels. Will is around 6-0 barefoot.
Nicole said on 29/Nov/08
A friend of mine saw will after i robot premiere, and said will is strong 184cm not more like him.
the shredder said on 29/Nov/08
James , thats just what Im thinking if he is 5'11 ... that puts James Avery at 6'2 and Alfonso about 5'3 ! I think he is about 6'2 , Glenn sees 6'3 , 5'11 is not going to look 6'3 !
glenn said on 28/Nov/08
this lillo guy is ballsy.ive been meeting will since the fresh prince days and have 2 pics with him.looks 6-3 and he told me he was 6-2.5.and thats close enough.
Lenad said on 28/Nov/08
When this guy makes appearences on Ellen DeGenres show and Regis and Kelly he doesnt look 6'1 tops. More like 187cm at least.
Viper said on 28/Nov/08
I think Will looking 5-11 or 6-0 next to measured athletes has already shut up a lot of people.
Viper said on 28/Nov/08
Will being 5-11 wouldnt be too shocking since he was shorter than Isaih Thomas who looks 6-0 himself.
lillo thomas said on 28/Nov/08
6-2 for will is bull . He is around 6-1 . Guys that insist that he is 6-2 ( or even 6-3 that's insane ) don't really have a idea how tall legit 6-2 look . legit 6-2 guys never look that short with 6-4 and 6-5 guys like Will does . Will look 6-0 most of the time but I give him 6-1 at most.
Alex said on 28/Nov/08
Will can look shorter then taller in certain pictures. I wouldn't go as low as 5'11-6'0 for him though. Lowest I could see this guy at is 6'0 1/2 but I lean more toward 6'1. Hes not over 6'1 though, doesn't look over it either.
Viper said on 28/Nov/08
I think hes 6-0 1/2 more.
Lenad said on 28/Nov/08
Glenn do you have a photo with him you were going to post? You saw him as at least 6'2. That will shut up Vipers 6'0 tops BS.
Anonymous said on 27/Nov/08
JackDaRippa says on 21/Nov/08
Will Smith is 5-11.5 Bare Foot, Look at this pic with Bill O'Riely Whos 6'4" Click Here theres a 5 inch difference...
right and o'reilly has a 7-8 inch forehead too i suppose, its a 3 inch difference, the top of wills head is well above o'reillys eyebrows (which are 4 inches from the top of his head)
Viper says on 27/Nov/08
With 6-8 measured Ronny Turiaf. Click Here Great picture because both have very good posture.
how can both have great posture if one guy is bending both his legs
Viper said on 27/Nov/08
He also looks the same height or sometimes even shorter than Charlize Theron in heels in multiple pictures at different functions. And shes no tsller than 5-10.
Even barely taller than Cameron Diaz in heels.
Viper said on 27/Nov/08
Yeah, and that would also correspond with Will looking an inch shorter than 6-1 listed Isaih Thomas as well.
And to tell you the truth I think Thomas is actually 6-0 himself.
Here's Thomas next to 6-1 measured Stephon Marbury.
Click Here
Anonymous said on 27/Nov/08
I agree with Viper he is only a max 6'0 and can look as short as 5'11/11.5
It is possible he does wear lifts at showbiz events. What is clear that he is not 6'2/2.5 barefoot. His own friend said on this site a while back, that Will was only 6'0 also Will did admit to saying 6'1 on German TV in 2004.
Viper said on 27/Nov/08
Nah, hes not 6-2. 6-1 is the most you could give him and thats even looking like a real reach to me. Hell, he might be a lift wearer.
the shredder said on 27/Nov/08
Viper those pics are crazy , he really does have a strange way of looking that short barely 6'0 - 6'1 , but really he has got to be atleast close to 6'2 ... Glenn sees him at 6'3 , he claims 6'2-6'2.5 , and a minimum 6'2 next to a height chart !
Viper said on 27/Nov/08
Will looks 5-11 1/2 - 6-0 next to 6-7 Magic Johnson.
Click Here
Viper said on 27/Nov/08
Will looks 6-0 at best in all these pics with athletes.
Will with 6-3 Terrell Owens.
Click Here Hell, he only reached 6-2 3/4 technically in the morning.
With 6-8 measured Ronny Turiaf.
Click Here Great picture because both have very good posture.
With 6-4-6-5 Lennex Lewis.
Click Here He looks shorter here I think than he did with 6-4 Bill O'reilly.
With 6-6 measured Carmelo Anthony.
Click Here I think he looks 5-11 here actually.
Overall Will is somewhere around 6-0 or could be as high as 6-1. 6-2 is way out there. 6-3 makes me think the dude wears lifts or something. Thats insane.
the shredder said on 27/Nov/08
Rob , Do you think 6'1.75 or 6'2 is more possible ... btw , were would that put Avery ?

Editor Rob
I wouldn't rule rule it out except 6ft 3 and 6ft 1
the shredder said on 27/Nov/08
Rob , what do you think is the lowest possible for him ? Glenn sees him at 6'3 !

Editor Rob
well 6ft 1.5 I wouldn't estimate he was under it except with poor stance.
glenn said on 27/Nov/08
yes lenad.usually looks 6-3.and he told me he was 6-2.5.once he seemed 6-1.5.but that was probably posture.
the shredder said on 27/Nov/08
I think 6'2.5 is possible , but I think 6'1.5 or 6'1.75 is more like it ! ... I rented hancock , and honestly the height chart thing is not that good because they really don't show if he has shoes on or not , but the shoes he has on in the movie really is not that big and he looks tall ! ... I think he is atleast taller then just 6'1 flat for sure ! ... Still want to the Glenn pic !
Lenad said on 27/Nov/08
So Glenn do you seriously see him at a solid 6'2 if not a bit more?
Clay said on 26/Nov/08
I dont think I could James. It was during the Jada Pinkett Smith interview (his wife). If Will was 6'0.5-6'1 I dont think Conan would say that.
Jon said on 26/Nov/08
6ft 1.5 sounds about right. Easy to believe 6ft 2 though. In Hancock, he towers over almost everyone. Very much gives the impression of a tall guy. Id say 6ft2 with good posture but 6ft1.5 is about right.
glenn said on 26/Nov/08
and the very tall conan is right.will is close to 6-3.
Clay said on 25/Nov/08
Will was described by Conan O'Brien as a ''very tall guy''.
NATE said on 25/Nov/08
some of you guys need to get your heads out of your asses. he's not 5'11. he's at least 6'1.5.
TELLEM said on 24/Nov/08
martin lawrence could have been wearing lifts in bad boys 2...nothing to lose is a i doubt hed wear lifts there
the shredder said on 24/Nov/08
I don't get how he just started claiming 6'2.5 ... I think a guy that tall would claim 6'3 minmum !
the shredder said on 23/Nov/08
I don't think 6'2 1/2 is impossible , but it will be VERY SHOCKING ... 6'1 flat is not impossible , but it is the MINIMUM ! For example , if a guy gets measured at over 6'2 with shoes ... he is going to be atleast 6'1 barefooot , and if he is measured without shoes 6'2+ is what he is !
lillo thomas said on 21/Nov/08
James do you mean Will looking taller than 6-1 without some lifts ? Yea I would be very surprised. He always look kinda short next to legit 6-4 and 6-5 guys like the pic below with Bill O Riely for example.
Taylor said on 21/Nov/08
I was watching a season 1 episode and Will was practically dwarfed by 6'4.5" James Avery (Phil)... oddly enough, the difference lessened to only a couple inches as the seasons went on. How did Will continue to grow when he was about 22 years old at the start of the show?
JackDaRippa said on 21/Nov/08
Will Smith is 5-11.5 Bare Foot, Look at this pic with Bill O'Riely Whos 6'4"
Click Here theres a 5 inch difference...
lillo thomas said on 21/Nov/08
Sorry for the typo . I mean chance. Anyways the height above 6-1.5 that rob listed him must be Will morning height . I don't think that he is taller than 6-1 the rest of the day . He don't look tall to me . He always look in the above average height range . If he says to me in person that he is 6-2.5 I will laugh at his face , really.
the shredder said on 21/Nov/08
I always said that Josh ... true 6'1 , it is minimum though and 6'2 is possible !
Josh said on 21/Nov/08
Hes just a true 6'1 (185cm) guy.
Alex said on 20/Nov/08
I agree with Lillo. 6'1 barefoot he is.
lillo thomas said on 20/Nov/08
Nope The change of Will being 6-1 barefoot is like 99.99999999999 percent
The change that will is 6-2 barefoot is 0.0000001 percent at best.
Clay said on 20/Nov/08
Thats like Jim Careey in Dumb and dumber. ''one in a you're tellin me theres a chance?...YEAHHH!!''.
Ray said on 20/Nov/08
There's little cahnce Will being under 6'. I'd say he's about 6'1"....give or take a 1/4"
the shredder said on 20/Nov/08
Small chance that he is 6'1 flat , he has got to be atleast 6'1 to reach 6'2.5 in the height chart , in shoes ?
Viper said on 20/Nov/08
Small chance he is as low as 5-11, but it wouldnt be as ashocking to me considering the Thomas basketball video.
the shredder said on 20/Nov/08
5'11 is BS ... he is 6'1 minimum , though 6'2+ seems much !
Leung said on 19/Nov/08
Alex said on 19/Nov/08
Jason claimed 6'3 1/2 while Viper claimed 6'3 flat though he's more 6'3 1/2 based on his height throughout the day as he said.
Clay said on 19/Nov/08
I guess Glenn is 5'5.5.
The Horse of FUNK said on 19/Nov/08
5'11" for Will Smith? Are you even TRYING anymore, Viper? I just view you up as a
troll now.
Viper said on 19/Nov/08
Will being only 5-11 wouldnt be as surprising as I originally thought since he is an inch shorter than Isaih Thomas, who could be as short as 6-0 himself since the NBA usually fudges heights.
Lenad said on 19/Nov/08
Viper claims hes 6'3.5? No Viper anything over 6'2 for you is absurd. See how it feels Viper?
bam said on 18/Nov/08
i see 6'2.5 near ross.
Clay said on 18/Nov/08
The ironic thing is Viper claims he's 6'3.5. Thats funny because another chronic downgrader, Jason, claimed the same height. Hmmm....
NATE said on 17/Nov/08
looks a solid 6'2 to me
carl said on 17/Nov/08
viper is very good at downgrading heights,maybe he,s a short dude.anyway i,ll say will smith is 6,1 and 6,2 in shoes
Nicole said on 15/Nov/08
First, i thought will is 6ft 2inch or a bit over it. But probably he is in the 6ft 1inch range barefoot.
glenn said on 15/Nov/08
hopefully in the next week funk.
Lenad said on 15/Nov/08
Viper thinks Will Smith could be as low as 5'11. Then I guess Denzel Washington must really only be 5'9 then.
Viper said on 14/Nov/08
Well, Will is shorter than 6-1 listed Thomas. And its iffy If Isiah is even 6-1 to begin with.
The Horse of FUNK said on 14/Nov/08
Glenn, please submit your pics of Will Smith to shut up Viper's 6'0" jibbeh jabbah. Actually even if Will looks 6'6" in your pics he'll probably say he was standing on a curb, wearing lifts, or something. I think Viper's forgotten what a 6'0 guy looks like.
the shredder said on 14/Nov/08
Rob , do you think 6'2.5 is Impossible barefoot ? ... Glenn and Mr.R think he is that !

Editor Rob
I think it would be surprising, very.
Samuel said on 13/Nov/08
Well, 187 cm is 6'2" lol.
Your conversion in cm in bad.
Viper said on 13/Nov/08
CJ, other posters back me up that Will looks shorter than 6-1 Isiah in that video clip.
lillo thomas said on 13/Nov/08
CJ you are blind man . Will really look shorter than Isah Thomas in that clip.
I think that Will is 6-1 barefoot most of the day , 6-0 is somewhat low for him.
Big_E said on 13/Nov/08
he's 6ft 0.5
CJ said on 13/Nov/08
Your insane Viper, I dont know any other way to say it. Will looks TALLER then Isiah Thomas if anything in that video, saying he looks 1 inch shorter you are just being a
troll posting crap.
Clay said on 12/Nov/08
This will be put to rest when Glenn posts the picture.
leonari said on 12/Nov/08
5'8" for a tall guy like Will Smith is funny! 6 foot is too low for him. He is a tall man. He always looks at least 185 cm to me.
Viper said on 12/Nov/08
Will sure looks 6-0 walking next to 6-1 Isiah Thomas on video. 6-4 Bill Oreilly made him look 6-0 at best as well.
The Horse of FUNK said on 12/Nov/08
He looked every bit of 6'2" in 'I am Legend'. How some people are so convinced he's 6' is beyond me. RisingForce is right.
the shredder said on 12/Nov/08
James 5'11 is not the funniest , there was a guy on hear who thought 5'8 , and was not joking , lol ... Rob replyed to him saying " time to downgrade this guys , Avery 5'10 , Will 5'8 , Alfonso 5'1 " !
Well , Im starting to think he is more like 6'1.5 - 6'1.75 ... I think his claims is with shoes , and to be fair his shoes don't add that much !
anonymous said on 11/Nov/08
Compared to eva mendes in hitch, he looks 6 foot 2. Eva mendes is said to be 5 foot 5.
Clay said on 11/Nov/08
He has NEVER looked as low as 6'0. Ever.
Blackray said on 11/Nov/08
Can we all agree he is 6ft 1in (185cm) tall.
lillo thomas said on 11/Nov/08
6-2.5 for will smith is really pushing it . Even rob listed height is pushing it . 6-1.5 as morning height for will I can buy.
RisingForce said on 10/Nov/08
Once again posture. Will almost never stands up straight. Both in person estimates put Will at 6'2"-6'2.5". He looks tall even with poor posture and those things can't be ignored.
RisingForce said on 9/Nov/08
Yeah, his posture has been awful for the 18-20 years he's been famous and yet he still looks very tall. Glenn said he looke dthat in person and so did Mr. R.
RisingForce said on 9/Nov/08
With Will I think it's all about posture. Standing straight I think he's 6'2.5".
George said on 7/Nov/08
Click HereWill smith with Jonathon Ross, about 1min in they stand next to eachover. Ross is 6'1.5", and Smith Looks maybe 1/4" taller.
the shredder said on 7/Nov/08
James , I agree that he can sometimes look 6'2-ish , and yes he does not strike me as a legit 6'2.5 or even a legit 6'2 barefoot ! I say 6'1.5 is pretty fair !
the shredder said on 6/Nov/08
James , Im starting to think 6'1.5 barefoot is closer ! I think he is taller 6'1 , but not a legit 6'2 ! I agree with Rob , that his 6'2.5 claim is with shoes ! Also 6'1.5 evens out the 6ft and 6'3 that some say !
the shredder said on 6/Nov/08
I think this is legit ... 6'1.5 barefoot , 6'2.5 with shoes !
Denis said on 4/Nov/08
In my opinion he's at least a weak 6'2'' because in most of the pics and films he seems to be that tall. I can't buy 6ft2.5 but I can buy6ft1.75 to 6ft2 because he really does look tall. A 6ft-6ft1 guy wouldn't look that tall. I know it by myself as I'm 6ft1/2. Also most sites have him at 6ft2...
the shredder said on 3/Nov/08
I agree with Rob , 6'2.5 ... with shoes ! Before his 6'2.5 claim , Rob downgraded him because he did not think a legit 6'2 next to Alfo , then how a legit 6'2 Marcus Allen looked next to him !
lillo thomas said on 3/Nov/08
In both clips of season 1 and 2 will is looking 3 inches shorter than James Avery
lillo thomas said on 2/Nov/08
Will is a wannabe tall guy . He is 6-1 at best most of the day and 6-1.5 in the morning max. He claim now 6-2.5 because he want to be closer to 6-3.
Blackray said on 2/Nov/08
Viper is always the most accurate person on this site. Will Smith is 185 cm, 6ft 3/4in max.
Viper said on 1/Nov/08
I see 6-1 at most in front of that height chart. And who knows If hes barefoot or has shoes on.
the shredder said on 31/Oct/08
LOL , I wonder sometimes if Will Smith got taller doing The Fresh Prince ... In the first season he does look shorter ... and these videos are proof that he does have ILLUSIONS of looking taller and shorter , check this out ,
Season 6 ... standing with James Avery , he has a short hair cut and is a bit more filled out and he looks like a tall guy of easily 6'2+ what he claims ... go to 00:3 on video
Click Here !
LOL , check this out ...
Season 1 ... standing with James Avery , he is very slim with a high hair cut , which would make a person seem even taller then what they are , and he does not even look 6'1 ! ... go to 1:06 on video
Click Here !
I know its just illusions , but I think its funny that he has the shorter illusions when hes slim with hair that added more height !
Clay said on 31/Oct/08
Anyone watch Conan last night? Will's wife was a guest and they both described Will as a ''very tall man''. I dont think a 6'0.5-6'1 guy gets that type of notion.
ed2 said on 31/Oct/08
Another pic of him in front of the height chart.
Click Here
the shredder said on 31/Oct/08
Rob , you think 186cm is minimum ?
the shredder said on 31/Oct/08
Rob , you think 186cm if with shoes ? ... and if barefoot , 6'2 1/4 ?

Editor Rob
I think he's measured himself 6ft 2.5...I believe in footwear.
the shredder said on 30/Oct/08
Rob , Will is basicly a measured 6'2 1/4 ... If he is in shoes , then it is most likely in the shoes that he had on before that part , which are theses ...
Click Here I must ask , how much do you think them shoes are ? ....... and what height can you see him at minimum and maximum if he is in them ?
This is not a fact , but just saying as an exsample ... 6'2 1/4 , take off them shoes = what ?

Editor Rob
an inch.
Viper said on 30/Oct/08
"Anonymous says on 30/Oct/08
When Will Smith appeared on the Jonathan Ross Show, twice of which I seen, he looked EXACTLY the same height as Jonathan and he is listed as 6'1.5 on this website."
Even Hugh thinks Jnathan Ross is shorter, and he upgrades everyone!!!
glenn said on 30/Oct/08
thank you lillo thomas.i always thought it was disrespectful myself being i helped the site so much.who cares if im 5-7.5,5-7.75?.plus these celebs shrink with thing is for sure,im not 5-7.25 to 5-6.5.
lillo thomas said on 30/Oct/08
I think that Will at 6-1.5 at morning and 6-1 the rest of the day is closer to the truth.
the shredder said on 30/Oct/08
I NEVER EVER doubt Glenn's height and never will ! Saying that I think Will Smith is 6'1.5 max barefoot is just my opinion , I don't doubt what Glenn and Mr.R see him as , but I must say that He proved to me that he is a measured 6'2 1/4 , but is that with shoes or barefoot ? ...
Anonymous said on 30/Oct/08
When Will Smith appeared on the Jonathan Ross Show, twice of which I seen, he looked EXACTLY the same height as Jonathan and he is listed as 6'1.5 on this website.
glenn said on 30/Oct/08
of course james.he is 6-2.5.
Leung said on 30/Oct/08
Clay says on 28/Oct/08
According to Viper Will is 6'0.5???
According to Viper, Paul Walker is 6
Clay said on 29/Oct/08
Just dont let it get to you Glenn. Even when you show pictures proving what you've claimed all along there will always be some people who wont budge. But there will always be people like me backing you up.
RisingForce said on 29/Oct/08
Yes it is crazy Glenn. What do people expect you to do? Lie about what you saw to fit their estimates? If someone doesn't find Glenn to be a reliable judge of height or you still doubt his height then just keep quiet about it. Unfortunately some people find that too difficult, it would solve almost all the problems though.
I'd say the majority of the board, myself included appreciates you coming back and appreciates your pics and stories.
Viper said on 29/Oct/08
I doubt Will is even 6-1.
glenn said on 29/Oct/08
thanks clay.glad to be back for people like you.but the stress is crazy when people dont hear what they want.i still get subtle attacks here.i get upset and reply,but just dont go overboard anymore.
glenn said on 29/Oct/08
shredder-i thought you were aware by rob and i that he doesnt have the pic.sometimes,its not so much my time,its i dont have the means to send it to him.i plan on sending at least 30 new pics,if not more,for now.and of course there is at least 1000 pics nobody has ever seen,i plan to stick around this time.and not mess getting too involved in peoples posts,and thats causing friction.and im aware of least ive calm down in other ways,and maybe i wont get so involved in what others say.glad to hear your out and about.i miss those days a its all work,no money.and no a-list stars.when i do bump into them,i always,lately get turned down.the
Clay said on 28/Oct/08
According to Viper Will is 6'0.5???
the shredder said on 28/Oct/08
That was a fast reply Rob , LOL like 2 mins ... LOL ! ... oh I did not look that good at the video I posted , your right he does look about 6'2 1/4 , but who knows !
the shredder said on 28/Oct/08
Im great Glenn , been going out to clubs more ! Every weekend nearly ! ...
Yep , can't wait to see a 6'2.5 Will Smith ! ... How tall does he look in your pic Glenn ? ... btw Rob when is the photo coming ?

Editor Rob
when Glenn has the time.
glenn said on 28/Oct/08
shredder-how ya been? the will pic is great.however he is leaning in alot.
Clay said on 27/Oct/08
Thank god you're back Glenn.
the shredder said on 27/Oct/08
Will at 6'2.5 , makes James Avery a MINIMUM 6'5 !
lillo thomas said on 27/Oct/08
Will look a a little above 6-2 in that height shart and is sure without shoes . Barefoot he is 6-1 max for sure .
the shredder said on 27/Oct/08
Rob , check out the video at 6:41 ... What do you think of that ?
BTW , Glenn can't wait for the pic !

Editor Rob
he's still a little over 6ft 2 in the cap.
the shredder said on 27/Oct/08
Rob , Man You GOT to look at this !!! ... Its the HEIGHT CHART part ! ... There is a BETTER part/picture of him being closer next to the height chart , with " GOOD POSTURE " and he is HARDLY even looking 6'1.5 ! HECK and that might be with shoes ... Man is this proof that he REALLY might be closer to 186cm If That ... I REALLY do respect Glenn and Mr.R 's seeing him 6'2+ , but I think after seeing this that might be the illusion ! ... Well to get to the point , PLEASE GO to 6:41 on this video , and look at the other picture , It REALLY does show that 6'1.5 This THE MOST he can EVER EVER EVER get away with !
Really , He is just a strong 6'1-ish guy !
Click Here
lillo thomas said on 26/Oct/08
6-1 is the tallest Will could be maybe could be 6-1.5 In the morning max too.
glenn said on 26/Oct/08
he is 6-2.5.i asked him and have proof coming.i always said 6-3 for him,but i agree,even in person he can look 6-1ish at times.
Viper said on 25/Oct/08
Exactly Alex. He could be 6-1 but nothing over that.
George said on 25/Oct/08
I reckon he is 6'1.75", his 6'2.5" claim is probably a morning height of like 6'2.3" then rounded up.
Alex said on 25/Oct/08
6'1 is very possible for Will. Just nothing over that.
lillo thomas said on 24/Oct/08
NO NO No you guys are way off !!!!!!!!!!!!will smith is 6-1 at best I can bet my entire house that He hardly reach 6-1 barefoor .
the shredder said on 24/Oct/08
I do think he can be 6'1 NO SHORTER though , We all know that he is not 6'2.5 , he is hardly 6'2.25 and he is in front of the height chart making him at about 6'1.75 ! ... That said proves that even if he is barefoot he is only 6'1.75 , and if thats in shoes then he is 6'1 ! ... really , saying he is 6'1 1/2 is ok , but how can you guys buy 6'2.5 ???
CJ said on 24/Oct/08
I tried to edit my post and didn't send the right version it should have said, Will looks 1/2 inch taller then him, not 2.
Will is definitely 6'1+ anything under is silly, 6'1.5 seems like exactly right, he looked it with both Isiah Thomas and Bo Jackson who are both 6'1 and maybe a tad over.
Viper said on 24/Oct/08
We can throw the 6-1-6-2 stuff out the windows because he was shorter than 6-1 Isiah Thomas. We can play this game all day long.
the shredder said on 24/Oct/08
Agree a little James but on Joseph Marcell's page Rob said he did not even look 5'7 ! ... I say he is 5'6.5 !
I just watched the video and if you go to 8:40 he looks the same height as Bo Jackson almost exactly ! So , Thats not 1 but 2 , 6'1 guys to where he looks the same height or just a little taller ( might even be do to his slim frame ) ! ... I think Will Smith is a legit 6'1 , but really no shorter ! I still don't rule out him being close to 6'2 but only if he has no shoes in the height chart pic !
Also I agree that when he looks 6ft it is because he has VERY bad posture ! All Though I must say that the Vince Vaughn pic is CRAZY ... he does not even look 6ft ! I think its a CRAZY pic because even his body looks shorter then normal ! Like he is on a stool or something or on his nees ?
the shredder said on 23/Oct/08
I don't see 2 inches , but he is not shorter then Bo Jackson ! ... He might be a little taller ! ... Rob , If you look on that video at 10:30 The Butler who you have at 5'7 is no taller then Jones who you have at 5'6.5 ! ... Joesph Marcell is 5'6.5 more then 5'7 and this video proves he is no taller then 5'6.5 !
CJ said on 22/Oct/08
Here you go.
I just saw this and thankfully its on youtube, its Will smith with 6'1 measured phenom baseball/football player Bo Jackson on the Fresh Prince, Im sure most people know who he is.
Will looks 2 inches taller then him. That should throw any stupid 6'0 - 6'1 rumors out the window. He appears at 8:40
Click Here
the shredder said on 21/Oct/08
I must honestly say that no matter what his true height is , he really can give off illusions of being 6'0 - 6'0.5 range ! I can see where lillo Thomas and Viper comes from , he can look that short !
I always Thought 6'1 on Fresh Prince , but sometimes he looks 6'2 on Fresh Prince also ! ... Honestly I think he claimes he is 6'2.5 just to back up his 6'2 Claims ! I think if he is a real 6'2.5 He would have always claimed 6'3 !
glenn said on 21/Oct/08
me and my friend saw denzel as low as illusion my friend brought up first.denzel usually looks 6ft when i see him.6-1 isnt out of the equation either.
RisingForce said on 20/Oct/08
Keep in mind that Denzel could be 6'1" as well.
He claimed it here.
Click HereFrank2 insisted that Denzel was atleast 6'1" and Glenn says he could be 6'1" as well. I'm not saying he's without a doubt that tall but I think there's a good chance.
One thing that's strange about Will's height though is how 6'4.5" James Avery always had 3 or 4 inches on Will, even when Will stood up straight. I'm not saying he couldn't be 6'2.5" but if you compare him to Avery it seems doubtful.
Lenad said on 18/Oct/08
James Ashton is more 6'2 than 6'3 thats for sure. i still think Will is more 6'2 than 6'1 but i still find 6 ft 2.5 funny for some reason.
Hugh said on 18/Oct/08
I think Will is 6ft2 even.
lillo thomas said on 18/Oct/08
of course will is 6-2.5 . He is that height with some special shoes . Barefoot he is 6-1 at best .
Viper said on 18/Oct/08
5-10 is average for cornerback.
James he also looked 6-1 next to Sean William Scott.
Lenad said on 17/Oct/08
Makes me laugh when Will says he is 6ft2.5. For some strange reason it does. I always estimated 6'2 for Will but if I find it laughable when he says 6ft2.5 as his height then maybe he is more 6'1 than 6'2. I mean just look at the way he said he was 6'2 in an arrogrant way then a few years later he said 6ft2.5. What gives? Maybe no-body believed him when he said his height. 189cm I'm skeptical of.
Clay said on 17/Oct/08
A lot of the running backs now are around 6'0 look at Adrian Peterson, Marshawn Lynch, Ronnie Brown. 5'10'' is small OVERALL in football, period. Thats what I meant. You really know how to get on a guy nerves Viper...
Hugh said on 17/Oct/08
Ashton is 6ft2.5.
Hugh said on 17/Oct/08
If Ashton is 6ft3 then Costner is bang on 6ft2.
Alex said on 16/Oct/08
5'10 is short for positions like QB especially and also CB, linebackers, lineman and TE. But its perfect for a HB or FB though.
the shredder said on 16/Oct/08
Lenad , I agree , I really do think 6'2.5 is funny ! ... Even if he has no shoes on in the height chart he is only going to be 6'2-ish , and heck , If he has shoes then he is 6'1 on the mark . Well no matter what his true height is ? theres no doubt that his posture makes him look like a 6ft flat guy !
RisingForce said on 16/Oct/08
He slouches a lot which is why he looks shorter sometimes.
Viper said on 16/Oct/08
Ahston is really around 6-1 1/2.
Lenad said on 16/Oct/08
I'm not going to say Will is 6'1 but I laugh at when he says 6'2.5.
anonymous said on 16/Oct/08
he's 6 foot 2. In i robot he said he was 6 foot 2. he doesnt look that tall though. good actor though.
Clay said on 15/Oct/08
Alright fine, we have uncovered the Will Smith conspiracy then the man is 6'0 or barely over.
hs2008 said on 15/Oct/08
Will & Thomas have a face off here at 33 secs:
Click Here
Viper said on 15/Oct/08
Oh my god, Clay's stupidity knows no bounds at this point. NBA players are not underlisted. Though he thinks 5-10 is small in the NFL when its average at certain positions. Clay, just give up on the sports height at this point.
Vegas said on 15/Oct/08
if thomas is 6'2 then dennis rodman is close to 6'10
Click Here
Clay said on 15/Oct/08
He does look shorter than Thomas, but how tall is Isiah Thomas exactly? If he's taller than Will Smith, which he looks there easily, he must be 6'2'' barefoot easily.
Viper said on 15/Oct/08
6-1 Isiah Thomas is taller by a half inch at least.
the shredder said on 14/Oct/08
Rob , who looks taller ? Thomas or Smith ? to me they look around the same ! ... I must honestley say though , that If Thomas is a true 6'1 then 6'2.5 is IMPOSSIABLE for Will ! The most he is getting with Isiah Thomas is 6'1.5 !
Clay said on 14/Oct/08
Alex he did look 6'1 next to Avery but he just dwarfed Carlton. I dont think Will would have been picking on Carlton all the time with the short jokes if he was only 6'0.5-6'1 himself the guy must be at least 6'1''.
Ange said on 13/Oct/08
The only reason I'm not inclined to believe he's a legit 6'2 (more like 6'1 1/4) is because of the weird ID-4 scenes, which made it hard to gauge his or Goldblum's height. Also, anyone with a 4'11 wife is going to look tall. Just saying. I love Will, but 6'1.5 is me being generous.
Leung said on 13/Oct/08
Will Smith is taller than Isiah Thomas.
lillo thomas said on 13/Oct/08
In that video clip with Isaiah Thomas Will really look shorter . Like a inch shorter . Even If Will stand straight I doubt they would be the same height.
RisingForce said on 13/Oct/08
And Isiah is closer to the camera
Viper said on 13/Oct/08
Its not just the shoulders. The top of Isiah's head looks taller.
Viper said on 13/Oct/08
Isiah is blatantly taller in all of those shots.
Rising, Mr R. saw Clooney recently and said he looked 5-9 1/2. So it isnt ridiculous. Ive always thought Clooney looked 5-9ish anyway.
George H. said on 13/Oct/08
Ray says on 13/Oct/08
Check the shoulders though. Isiah is taller
So a person's neck and head don't count anymore? Not saying Smith is taller, but I know people's individual builds can make a lot of difference. Two guys I know, if you'd measure them purely by their legs, you'd think the guy with the long legs must be at least 2 inches taller than the other guy. But that guy's got a long upper body, longer neck and bigger head and is about 1 inch taller. Proportions can be deceiving.
Ray said on 13/Oct/08
Check the shoulders though. Isiah is taller
RisingForce said on 12/Oct/08
Viper, do you still believe Isiah is taller?
Click HereClick HereClick HereKeep in mind Isiah is closer to the camera and Will is slouching in 1 or 2 shots and Isiah still isn't taller!
RisingForce said on 12/Oct/08
Viper says on 11/Oct/08
Clooney - 5-9 1/2
Will Smith - 6-0 1/2
The Clooney estimate is ridiculous and the Will Smith estimate is low by atleast an inch.
leonari said on 11/Oct/08
can't imagine him being a lift wearer...don't know why. Well for starters: he is tall.
Viper said on 11/Oct/08
Clooney - 5-9 1/2
Will Smith - 6-0 1/2
the shredder said on 11/Oct/08
Mr.R , is 6'2.5 possiable in your opinion ?
Mr. R said on 11/Oct/08
When I worked with will doing the movie Ali, I spent two days straight working with him. He was definitely 6-2. However, I can't deny the possible presence of lifts.
Viper said on 10/Oct/08
First of all, Rock doesnt have 2 inches on Will Smith. Its like an inch between them, 1.5 AT MOST and Rock is 6'3'' or a shade over, so a strong 6'3'' Will is a weak 6'2'' IMO.
James says on 9/Oct/08
Then that would make Rock 6-2 1/2 - 6-3.
Viper said on 10/Oct/08
Isiah is clearly taller in that video. What are you guys smoking? Look at the clip especially the 35-39 second mark.
RisingForce said on 10/Oct/08
Viper says on 10/Oct/08
Then 6-1 Isiah Thomas must be 6-3.
Will looked slightly taller in that clip to me, maybe half an inch but NBA listings are often questionable so we don't know if Isiah truly is 6'1". From the Isiah clip Rob's current listing seems good assuming Isiah is actually 6'1".
Viper said on 10/Oct/08
Then 6-1 Isiah Thomas must be 6-3.
Alex said on 9/Oct/08
I was watching a bit of Fresh Prince a few days ago and Will looked 6'1. No way is he 6'2 though.
Clay said on 9/Oct/08
First of all, Rock doesnt have 2 inches on Will Smith. Its like an inch between them, 1.5 AT MOST and Rock is 6'3'' or a shade over, so a strong 6'3'' Will is a weak 6'2'' IMO.
Viper said on 9/Oct/08
More like Will at 6-0 1/2 at best and Rock at 6-2 1/2 at best.
Big King said on 9/Oct/08
Smith also seemed to be rather tall in the films. I always estimated him as at least 6'3" but then I was surprized that he's only 6'2" at his peak.
And about the photos with Will Smith and the Rock. It is clear that there are exactly two inches difference between them but keep in mind, Smith is a weak 6'2" and the Rock is a weak 6'4".
Viper said on 8/Oct/08
Thomas looks blatantly taller.
the shredder said on 8/Oct/08
Thomas and Smith look the same height !
Viper said on 8/Oct/08
Better chance Isaih is 6-0 or shorter since its the NBA. And Thomas looks taller than Will.
Anything over 6-1 for Will is absurd. Will is probably 6-0 1/2 at max.
CJ said on 8/Oct/08
Viper what in the World are you talking about shorter then Isiah Thomas? A horrible picture you saw maybe?
Well here ya go both wearing same type basketball shoes walking down the court side by side when they are done. Will stands at 6'1.5 exactly spot on like Rob usually is. If Isiah is 6'1 flat of course, Isiah could be a little over that mark also
Click Here
the shredder said on 8/Oct/08
I think we should argue if he is 6'1 or 6'2 ! ... If he has no shoes on near the height chart like my cusin said , then yes I buy 6'2 for sure , but if he had normal shoes , then he is really no more then 6'1.5 and more 6'1 ! ... He is 6'1 minimum though like Rob thinks , 6'2.5 Im not really sure on !
lillo thomas said on 7/Oct/08
After glenn height is confirmed barefoot with rob in a pic . The only way for sure to know will's height is with a pic with glenn . Until then I still say 6-1.5 for will morning's height and 6-1 at best the rest of the day.
Clay said on 7/Oct/08
Will did look 6'1'' a lot of the time next to James Avery. But I think Uncle Phil was closer to 6'5'' personaly, he was huge.
Hugh said on 7/Oct/08
And he has the right to claim that height. Even though he isn't. I know that sounds really stupid but Will is just fed up with people thinking he's shorter. I could claim 6ft4 (which I would if people started saying I'm 6ft1) If I wanted but I don't. I could easily get away with 6ft3 but I don't I say '6ft2.75' or 'almost 6ft3 as my height. It's just arrogant.
Hugh said on 7/Oct/08
And he has the right to claim that height. Even though he isn't. I know that sounds really stupid but Will is just fed up with people thinking he's shorter. I could claim 6ft4 (which I would if people started saying I'm 6ft1) If I wanted but I don't. I could easily get away with 6ft3 but I don't I say '6ft2.75' or 'almost 6ft3 as my height. It's just
the shredder said on 7/Oct/08
Rob , for respect to Glenn and Mr.R , can you put up on top of the page that they both saw him at 6'2 and that he claimed 6'2.5 to Glenn ???

Editor Rob
his new claim is 6ft 2.5, from last year he started using it...
truth said on 6/Oct/08
shredder, see the videos i posted.
the shredder said on 6/Oct/08
LOL guess what Rob , I was with my cusin 2 nights ago to rent some movies and I asked him if he saw Hancock , and he said yea , then I asked him about the part with the height chart , and what kinda shoes he had on , and he said ...
" You know , I don't think he had shoes on ! "
mmm , If that is true , then I can buy 6'2 !
truth said on 6/Oct/08
I mean will is 6 feet and half inch like jonathan
Viper said on 5/Oct/08
And anything above 6-1 for Will is absurd as well. Will Smith was shorter than 6-1 listed Isaih Thomas.
truth said on 5/Oct/08
I win win, sorry for the ego. BUt i AM happy achieved something.
This changes the equations, i like viper as his estimations are very close to perfection and reality like me. hurray bro.!
PLs dont delete my post becuz i told the truth. Now, we can prove jonathan can be 6 feet and a half half inch shorter than russel brand who is 6.1 here.
therefore will smith is 5 and a half, hip hip hurray, so if we compared any actor with will smith, and listed heights here all have to be revised hip hip hurray . sorry fr the ego just happy.
truth said on 5/Oct/08
U will find that even though russel brand is in slippers, still seems equal to jonathan ross not taking his hair into account, if we taken russel brands hair into account he is definitely taller than jonathan even though in slippers and ross is in dress shoes-
Click Here
truth said on 5/Oct/08
I am going to change history now. Guys pls examine the following video with great interest.
Click Here
Big King said on 5/Oct/08
I know, Hugh.
Hugh said on 4/Oct/08
Anything lower than 6ft1 is absurd for Will.
the shredder said on 4/Oct/08
It is hard to see him shorter then 6'1 though , but He does seem closer to 6'1 then 6'2 ! 6'1.25 might be the best fit !
Rob , can you see him at 6'1.25 going by that height chart and being closer to the camera ?

Editor Rob
It's too hard to tell, 187 fits him for me still.
Alex said on 3/Oct/08
James Avery is at least 6'4 too I believe.
the shredder said on 3/Oct/08
James Avery could be 6'3 , Will Smith even said so on an episode of Fresh Prince ! ... He did look a legit 6'2 next to that height chart for sure ! Im willing to bet that he really does look 6'2-ish in person , but 6'1 does seem to be closer !
lillo thomas said on 3/Oct/08
James Avery looked 3 inches taller than will most of the time .
Viper said on 2/Oct/08
Will looks shorter than Chris Tucker in that pic.
Shredder, I would say Will is 6-0 1/2 . Also we dont know If Thomas is even 6-1. He could be 6-0 as well.