How tall is Will Smith - Page 18

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Average Guess (385 Votes)
6ft 1.35in (186.3cm)
dmeyer said on 25/Dec/05
i think he is in the 6'1.5" to 6'2" range
argghhh said on 24/Dec/05
i think smith is pushing a weak 6'2" (6'2" in the morning maybe 6'1.5" - 6'1.75" towards the end of the day).. thats the best explanation!

Editor Rob
I am letting Smith hold his 6ft 2 for as long as possible ;)
Josh said on 18/Dec/05
He´s not 6'2 i saw a tv program when he went to spain , Fernando Torres of Atletico de Madrid was standing next to him Torres is a solid 6'0 Will was just 1 inch taller even Will looked surprised when he saw Torres wasn´t that much shorter than him , so i would say 6'1 barefoot 6'2 with shoes on .

Editor Rob
If you go to his official site, under personal->fact-file you'll see he is 'officially' 186cm and 78kg. Torres burst into the Atletico team aged 17, so I think the 6ft listing at that time was accurate. It is conceivable he did grow an inch after...if this was 2002 the program then its possible he was 6ft then?
Denzel said on 15/Dec/05
Perhaps Isiah Thomas wanted to look taller because of NBA upgrades so he wears high shoes or something. Otherwise it would make him a clown.
CoolJ said on 28/Nov/05
I think its safe to say Will Smith is a weak 6'2" .. probably 187cm
Ball-A-Hallic said on 27/Nov/05
Viper452 Isiah Thomas was never really 6'1 though my High School B-ball coach said all B-Ball teams rosters r added 2 inches 2 their height, so if I played(barefoot-5'8.5, wit shoes 5'9, then another 2 inches added on i'd be listed at 5'11) he said that's wat alotta Coaches do, but so if Isiah like 5'10.5 or 5'11 I kno Will could'nt b smaller than 6'1 he's diffently a solid 6'2 i think if not then atleast 6'1 or 6'1.5.
EJ said on 23/Nov/05
Yeah, I put it up as a joke, I've never met the Fresh Prince.
Brett said on 23/Nov/05
hahaha EJ 31/32 good one , your atleast funny, the rest are just lame, im suprised your comment got through as its clearly not factual.
EJ said on 22/Nov/05
J-Dog, I met Will and he's definitely, absolutely, positively, 6'1 31/32". No more, no less.
Mario Nariano said on 22/Nov/05
Strange al those 6 ft and 6 ft 1 comments.
To me he looks a strong 6 ft 2.
Viper652 said on 23/Oct/05
I just saw the Fresh Prince episode the other night where he looks shorter then 6-1 Isaih Thomas in every scene.
TheMan said on 22/Oct/05
IMO will has never looked shorter than 6,2 personally if i did think will was possibly shorter i would say like i did with mariah carey but i actually think will is 6,2. You only have to watch the fresh prince of belah heto see he towers over everyone he meets.
John said on 29/Sep/05
Lots of guys claim they are 6'2", Donald trump reckons hes 6'3", I mean you can claim what you want, but when a 6ft guy comes up to you and looks bigger, then youll look like a clown.
Mr. R said on 26/Sep/05
John, it looked like to me that Will was almost an inch taller than Kevin Kilne.
Mr. R said on 26/Sep/05
Viper, you're killing me! You are usually my only ally! I worked with Will on Ali, up close and personal for two days. My scene was directly with him, and without a doubt, he was 6-2. HOWEVER, I cannot deny that they may have done something to give him a boost in height, since Ali was listed at 6-3. Will showed me how they had made an attachment to his ears, to pin them back like Ali's, so anything is possible!
Mario Nariano said on 25/Sep/05
Will Smith can't be shorter than 6 ft 2 because he is 6 ft 2 since his 13 years.
Viper652 said on 25/Sep/05
One of the few times where MR. R was dead wrong in his estimate. Now I think hes overestimating with Will, Romano, Javy Lopez.
sam said on 23/Sep/05
Ive seen him, hes barely 6ft on a good day, he is nowhere near 6'2"
CoolJ said on 12/Sep/05

Not sure he's a full 6'2
longrob said on 6/Aug/05
Will is surely not 6'2. In the movie Ali and the premeire pics that I have seen he looks a good 2'' shorter than Charles Shufford( George Foreman in the movie)who is only 6'2.5''and I know Charles'height for a fact because I train with him at Tocco's gym in vegas almost daily!
Scotty Boy said on 1/Jul/05
I recently saw some old clips of T.F.I. Friday which was hosted by chris evans. When he came on to meet chris evans they shake hands and sit down. Then Chris Evans says Will you're a huge big buy guy you must be 6'4 to which Will Smith replies no like 6'2 Evans then says let's stand up and see who is the biggest and Smith is clearly an inch taller than Evans. Evans then comments saying oh he's still the biggest I have always seen Evans listed as 6'2 himself and he certainly looks it so based on this i would say Smith is definitley 6'2.
Mr. R said on 28/Jun/05
J, thanks for the support! I too believe that eyewitness accounts are the best measure, in place of pics. However, as we have seen, even eyewitness accounts can differ significantly, dependent upon footware, slopes, angles, expectation, etc. On the Ali set, Will Smith stood head and shoulders above everyone else, including the tech guys. It is very rare for someone who is 6-1 to be taller than everyone else. But it definitely happens more with 6-2 guys. (Besides, I have to give love to you my fellow Jet Magazine reader!)
Mr. R said on 28/Jun/05
Viper to answer your question, OF COURSE I CAN'T BE WRONG...I AM MR. R! (I'll wait for the laughter to subside.) Certainly, I could be wrong, and I have admitted as such on a few (okay one) occassion - Jimmy Kimmel anyone! Working in the movie business, when you work with someone everyday, its hard to hear someone dispute you. When I meet a celeb, I truly try to give my honest opinion, and usually, I am on the side of downgrading folks from what they say. Will Smith is one of the few times that I have agreed with the given height.
Viper652 said on 28/Jun/05
Mr.R, could it be you got your estimation on Will Smith wrong?? Surely you cant ger every height right.
Mr. R said on 27/Jun/05
J my man, you know I love ya. But I worked closely with Will in the film Ali, and he was definitely 6-2. I had several scenes with him, checked out his shoes, and saw no other aids to make him taller. Normally I see eye to eye with you, but this time I have to go with my eyewitness opinion.
J. said on 27/Jun/05
At first I was actually believing that Will was a solid 6'2" man but you know the more and more reruns of The Fresh Prince of Bel Air I caught at night, the more I'm believe that my man's fudging his height a bit. I'm sorry but he's doesn't look this height compared to 6'4" James Avery and 5'5"-5'6"-ish Alfonso Riberio in many scenes. Also with 4'11" Jada, he's doesn't look quite this height. In fact, I think he's more of a 6'0"- 6'1.5" guy. He defintely rounds up. But he in Hollywood he has an advantage in that he's a guy who's at least 6'0" in a industry where most of the prized stars are way below that mark so he can easily make a person who knows no better believe that he is 6'2". (also, next to 5'11"[I met him, so this is his height] Jazzy Jeff, he's not exactly 3 inches taller).
Viper652 said on 19/Jun/05
Its the same with Tiger Woods. Both of those guys are struggling with 6 feet, but can sometimes look taller
CasperUK said on 18/Jun/05
i think the small head, long neck and slim body account for Smith looking tall. Next to Lennox Lewis, Smith looks a full 4-5" shorter than the big guy.
Mr. Awesome said on 13/Jun/05
There's no question...he's definitely rounding up. I met Will at NBA Jam Session in Philly a few years back. I was with 2 friends; one who was exaclty 6'2'' at the time, was taller than Will. My other friend who was and still is 5'11'' was about 1.5-2 inches shorter, definitely no more than 2. Even tho this was a while ago, I remember it vividly, cause I was surprised that Will is not nearly as tall in person as he appears on screen. My estimation from my encounter with him; 6'0.5'' - 6'1''
EJ said on 11/Jun/05
Considering he stood next to 6'4"-6'5" James Avery a lot in the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, I have hard time believing Smith is a solid 6'2". Do you think he's rounding up?
Smoke said on 3/May/05
Interesting shots, and I'm glad you brought this up. My 6'4" for Lennox was a very vague estimate, whenever Lennox is in public he is surrounded by an entire entourage of people and it's not always easy to judge. Next to Vitali Klitschko he certainly looked 6'5", in person I just don't recall him being a particularly towering guy, needless to say, if I could have taken a picture with him I would have, I don't recall the guy towering over me. It honestly doesn't look as though they are on even ground, but I will say that Smith often times looks marginally shorter than 6'2" on Fresh Prince. He looked shorter than Isaiah Thomas on this show as well, Will Smith only a 6 footer? Still, I think not, but Lennox could of course be marginally taller than the 6'4" I gave him. One thing I will say, Evander Holyfield often looks his 6'2" on photos, but he is clearly shorter than this in person.
Lennox said on 2/May/05
Smoke, if Lewis is 6'4" as you said, Will can`t be 6'2"
Smoke said on 1/May/05
Mr. R, we do know the NBA to upgrade heights nowadays, but my friend, how do we know the NBA to have upgraded in the past as well? Yes Jordan's height is a little bit false, but my experience is that many of the players, particularly past players is that they do indeed look close to their listed heights. Isaiah Thomas is indeed one of the former or current players who do indeed look their height. What I was implying was that Isaiah actually looked 2 inches taller in that Fresh Prince episode, but that I believe that to be the work of camera angles rather than anything else. I'm not quite sure what ice7 was implying, but I'm assuming it was the same thing I noticed, and that was Isaiah being visably, and considerably taller than Will. I agree with you though, Will truely does look a 6'2" on the nose guy.
Mr. R said on 1/May/05
As I've said, I worked with Will on Ali, and he is truly 6-2. When Isiah was playing, he was listed at 6-1. If this was an upgrade as we know the NBA does, then Isaiah might be closer to 6-0, and the two inch difference would make sense.
Smoke said on 30/Apr/05
Yeah, it's awesome that somebody else noticed that! I've never met "The Fresh Prince" himself, but I have met Isaiah, and he really did seem just about 6'1". Now when Isaiah was on Fresh Prince, it honestly looked like he was taller than Will, however, I'm sure camera angles had something to do with this. When I met Isaiah, he looked to be a tad shorter than me, I'm a little over 6'1", so he's probably just about this height as well, so what sense would it make with Isaiah being 2 inches taller than Will? I wish they had better footage of them together, but on Fresh Prince they really did look same height. I still think Will is a solid 6'2' guy, but that show has exposed many a height to me, namely Vivica A. Fox looking barely the same height as Alfonso Ribeiro. Looks like someone has learned to wear her heals since her star has grown! (after all, she knows what it takes to be a starlet!) It still amazes me that this woman gets listed as being as tall as 5'8" or 5'9" in some places, when in reality she is struggling with 5'7".
ice7 said on 28/Apr/05
When on fresh prince he was playing isiah thomas it look like he was 2 inches taller them him
CasperUK said on 18/Apr/05
When Smith was filming Ali, and he squared upto Charles Shufford (who played George Foreman) Smith looked a good 2-3" shorter than Shufford who is 6'3 exactly becase the directors wanted someone who could play George Foreman perfectly in terms of height and weight and Foreman is 6'3 and so is Shufford and Will Smith looked a good few inches shorter than him, I would say Smith is around 6foot tall without shoes (ie his real height) but around 6'2 with them on so that claim is pretty valid enough to me.
Smoke said on 8/Apr/05
Don't we all wish that the average civilian was 6'2" and 200lbs.? I really think Smith is 6'2" on the dot, none of this 6'1.75" nonsense. It's amazing how much he's filled out his frame from the rather scrawny guy he was on Fresh Prince in his early 20s. Really he's perfect height, I wish I had the extra inch.
Ball-A-Hallic said on 7/Apr/05
Will's 6'2 b-cause if u ever seen I,Robot he tells some dude that"I'm jus your average 6-foot-2 200lb civillian."
Jason said on 30/Mar/05
Cherie I sincerely doubt your friend, it seems that there is always one person on the short side who sees a fairly tall celebrity and then proclaims how they are no taller then themselves...which most of the time is just flat out B/S.
Mr. R said on 18/Mar/05
Actually Sean, Will looked just a little taller than Kline in Wild Wild West. He was also more than an inch taller than Tommy Lee Jones in the MIB movies.
Mr. R said on 16/Mar/05
I am certain about this one. Will is for sure 6'2". I spent 3 days working with him directly on the set of ALI, and he actually told me that he was this height, and I can confirm after working with him, he really is 6'2". By the way, Kevin James is NOT 5'10". I saw him on the SONY lot where he tapes King of Queens, and he is 5'8" at best.
Smoke said on 16/Mar/05
This guy towers over 5'10" Kevin James, is easily 2 inches taller than 6'0.5" Ricky Martin, and only about 2-3 inches shorter than 6'4"-6'5" James Avery. This guy is easily 6'2", he doesn't look any smaller than this, and now that he's actually got a fairly good build on him he looks even more his height.
sean t said on 16/Mar/05
smith is 6'1.75" max.. prob only 6'1.5"...
cherie said on 28/Feb/05
when will smith came to brum my friend who works as a security gaurd said he was shocked to see how short he was as he was only the same height as him and he is 5'8!

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.