runt said on 29/Jun/07
13th Annual Screen Actors guild pics of Will Smith, Eva Longoria and Tony Parker. If Tony Parker's 6-2 NBA listing is with shoes, he's 6-0.75 and judging from the above mentioned pictures Will Smith is 5-11 to 5-11.5. If Tony Parker is 6-2 barefoot, Smith is 6-0.25 to 6-0.75. All assuming Parker isn't wearing lifts.
James said on 29/Jun/07
Saga have you seen Forest Whitaker in the Crying Game. In that movie he looked a true 6ft2.
saga said on 29/Jun/07
Forest was a legit 6'2 but now he's 6'0 IMO. It's seems he has lost 2's strange because in old pics Forest is 6'2 for sure but today he is noticeably shorter.
James said on 29/Jun/07
Ok saga fair enough Forest Whitaker doesen't look 6ft2 in those pics. Although he is listed as 6ft2 on this website and all the heights on here are very accurate. So how tall do you think forest might be then?
saga said on 29/Jun/07
@ James
It's quite simple..because Whitaker isn't (more??)6'2.
Morgan Freeman is a real 6'2.
Click Here
Click Here
This is how a fair 6'2 man looks near Whitaker, so Will is 6'0.5!
Anonymous Rex said on 29/Jun/07
James Avery is not truthful. I think he has downgraded himself from early in his career to help get roles.
the shredder said on 29/Jun/07
He might not be 6'0.5 , but he sure ain't 6'2.5 ! ... He is most likely 6'1 ... maybe maybe MAYBE 6'1.5 !
James said on 28/Jun/07
Saga those pictures are hard to judge since neither of them are standing up straight. I am sure Will Smith is very close to his 6ft2.5 claim I mean just look at the pictures with 6f2 Forest Whitaker that ed has below. HOW DO YOU EXPLAIN THOSE?
saga said on 28/Jun/07
Look at these!
Will Smith with Paolo Bonolis (5'10.5)
Click Here
Click Here
Postures in these pics aren't good for accurate estimation but i'm almost sure that you won't see that 4 inches differential.
Will is 185 (a flat 6'1).
No way near 6'3, it's just ridiculous.
saga said on 26/Jun/07
@ Anonymous
I estimate that 6'0.5 watching the photos/video you posted here.
I'm talking about Ato Essandoh, Isiah Thomas, Denzel Washington , Warren Beatty and Jeff Goldblum...Come on, there's no way a 189 cm guy looks that short!
Moreover i'm from Italy, and i remember the Festival of Sanremo of the last year where Will was the guest star! So he stands right beside the Italian showman Paolo Bonolis who always has claimed "i'm 180 cm" (5'10.5). I noticed max 2 inches between them. I was surprised because i've always thought that Will was a strong 6'1. Well since 2 inches are not 4 inches Will is clearly 184-185 (barefoot)! End of story.
James said on 26/Jun/07
Saga I have to disagree with your 6ft.05 estimates. Belive me Will Smith is a solid 6ft2 guy just watch Independence Day, in the scenes with him and Bill Pullman who is 6ft1.5 Will is like an inch taller. Or infact just look at the pictures ed has posted with him and Forest Whitaker. Seriously man get real 6ft.05 that's a joke.
the shredder said on 26/Jun/07
Sure Willy Will Smith is 6'2 to 6'2.5 ! ... So then Alfonso Ribiero is 5'8 and James Avery is 6'6 ! ... Time to upgrade them ROB !
Will Smith must be the shortest ... nearly 6'3 guy I ever saw , he is more like a 6'1-ish guy .
LittleBadass said on 26/Jun/07
Willy is 6'2 no doubt! I'M 6'1 & stood next to him in new york city back in 03...he was slightly,but clearly taller then me...also...look at donald trump...he's 6'3 so they say...I am not sure of this,I've never met the guy...but if donald is 6'3 then will smith would be 6'4....& that is just not happening! Clearly will was taller then donald on the set of fresh prince...I know for certain that vince mcmahon is 6'1 no less...maybe 6'1 1/2...donald does not appear a full inch taller then vince! So I would knock mr. Donald down to 6'1 1/2 & mr. Mcmahon down to 6'1...that way willy will appear his rightful height at 6'2 possibly 6'2 1/2!
the shredder said on 26/Jun/07
I agree saga ... 6'2 or more is too much for him in barefeet ... he just does not look that tall , COME ON ROB , please downgrade his height to 6'1 max !!! ... He really does look in the 6'0.5 , 6'1 range ... plus he makes Martin Lawrence look 5'9 when he only claims " 5'7 , 5'8 " and somebody said that James Avery claimed 6'4 , and Will Smith is atleast 3 inches shorter !
Anonymous said on 25/Jun/07
build has a lot do with looking average
You say he doesn't look your height when he might have a bigger head than you or a shorter neck, or a longer torso or shorter torso, etc.
ed said on 25/Jun/07
Will Smith looks the same height as 6'2'' Forest Whitaker:
Click Here
Click Here
saga said on 24/Jun/07
Watching all the photos i say barefoot 6'1 max IMO! maybe 6'0.5.
But i'm definitely 100% sure that he's not in 6'2 range or even more..
I'm a real 6'2.5 barefoot and i'm taller than most of people...will seems to be a bit more of an average man in photos or films. Period.
vandal said on 9/Jun/07
In fact, if Will Smith is 6-1 flat, then I Robot would have been similar to "The Empire Stikes Back" where a 5-10 Bill Dee Williams looked the same height as 6-1 Harrison Ford. Brigette Moynahan could have been the new Billy Dee.
vandal said on 8/Jun/07
he wore Converse All-Stars in I Robot so Brigette Moynahan 5-10 could have easily looked his height In I Robot with minimal heels if he's only 6-1 flat.
runt said on 5/Jun/07
I'm a full inch taller in the morning
Fox said on 4/Jun/07
i think barefoot 6.1.75 in the morning and barefoot at night 6'1 so i'd say 6.1.25-5 barefoot during the day. and with shoes on, of course he looks about 6'2.5. so i'd say 6'1.5 is good
hannah said on 2/Jun/07
Next to 6'2" Warren Beatty he looks the same height considering Warren is closer to the camera.
Click Here
runt said on 30/May/07
looked 6'2" against the ghost of James Cromwell in I Robot
the shredder said on 28/May/07
Yea , I say Jazzy Jeff is NOT 5'11 , but more like 5'8 or 5'9 ! ... I agree with James that Will Smith was still a good few inches shorter then James Avery with the high hair and James with no hair ! ... Will " about " 6'1 , Alfonso 5'5.75 -5'6 , James 6'4-ish !
B-baller said on 28/May/07
he looks 4 1/2 inches taller than jazz in the fresh prince and jazzy jeff is listed as being 5'11. That's rubbish he is more like 5'9 1/2 and will is a little over 6'1
James said on 27/May/07
Back in the days when he was in the Fresh Prince even when he had that crazy hair he still looked several inches shorter than James Avery taking into account he had no hair.
the shredder said on 26/May/07
Well , Alfonso and Tate are pretty much the same height ! ... I have a photo to prove that if I can ever put it on a good site ! ... Sorry , but I find it hard to see Will being 6'1.5 sometimes . I think he is around the 6'1 mark for sure , but I find it hard to see him past that ! ... Smith being 6'2 or 6'2.5 puts James Avery at about 6'5+ , when he only claims 6'4 ! ... Maybe Smith is 6'1.5 in the morning and 6'0.5 at night ? ... If Smith was 6'2.5 barefoot , that would put him at nearly 6'4 in shoes ! ... Glenn saw Smith at 6'2 , Frank 2 saw Smith at 6'1 , and Mr.R saw Smith 6'2 ! ... No body saw 6'3-6'4 which is what he would have looked in shoes if he was a legit 6'2 guy ! ... I personally think Will is just a 6'1er , which is still pretty tall !
B-baller said on 25/May/07
Will is 6'1.5, Alfonso ribeiro is 5'6.5 does anyone know how tall jazzy jeff is ? On he's listed at 5'11 but in the fresh prince he looks more like 5'9
the shredder said on 25/May/07
Sure he is going to look same height or taller then LL COOL J ! .... LL COOL J is NOT the 6'3 he claims , he is like 6'0 , 6'1 max ! .... Which still puts Will at about 6'1 range ! Will just took his height in shoes , that is the tooth !
runt said on 24/May/07
When I first heard of the Fresh Prince, it was in '87 and what I noticed about him was that he was so tall and lanky. There are some early photographs with him and LL COOL J and others. I didn't like him as a rapper back in '87-'88. All I noted him for was that he was taller and just as lanky as LL COOL J in photos
the shredder said on 24/May/07
Even if Denzel is the 6'1 he claims , it still does NOT put Will in the 6'2/6'2.5 range . I agree 100 % with Viper that Will is over the 6 foot mark , but could be as low as 6'0.5 , but is more closer then ANYTHING a flat 6'1 !
He looks and has the body of a 6'1 guy , more then he does 6'2/6'2.5 or 6'0 ! ... 6'1 is good for him ! ... Think about it ! ... A barefoot 6'1 guy would be what in shoes ? ... 6'2 , 6'2.5 range ?
runt said on 24/May/07
JohnP: I don't agree that Denzel is only 6' flat. Lou Diamond Philips is 6' flat, and he was noticeably shorter than Denzel in "Courage Under Fire"
the shredder said on 19/May/07
Frank2 says on 5/Jun/06
Yep! O'Reilly towers over almost everyone. Will Smith is about 6'1". I saw him at the premier of Independence Day.
You know , this is one time I 100 % agree with him ! ... Will Smith just took his claim with shoes and hair lol !
Viper said on 18/May/07
It puts him at 6-1.
the shredder said on 18/May/07
Rob , judging by the new Denzel photo ... where does that put Smith ?
lillo thomas said on 18/May/07
with denzel washington pic will look barely taller than him half inch taller max
the shredder said on 18/May/07
Looks like he can be as low as Denzel's height ! ... Really people , he is around or just about 6 ft 1 ! ... Theres no doubt he is not a tall guy of over 6 foot , but 6'1 really looks his range . ... Take 6'4ish James and 5'6ish Alfonso ! Put them together and it looks like a 5'6 guy next to a 6'4 guy ... BUT add 6'2 , 6'2.5 Will Smith and those heights just don't add up , because James has too much height over Will and Will does not have enough height over Alfonso ! ... Will being 6'2 , 6'2.5 barefoot would put Alfonso at 5'7 or 5'8 and James at 6'5 or 6'6 . If it is a mm under or over , 6'1 really is the best range for him ... Although many would disagree !
JohnP said on 17/May/07
Doesn't look much taller than 6-0 Denzel Washington.
Click Here
I don't know if that picture has been posted before.
the shredder said on 14/May/07
Near or just about 6 ft 1 barefoot ! ... He must be the weakest 6'2+ guy in the world !
Jason said on 14/May/07
I found it crazy that you guys keep refering to will smith under 6 feet tall. He is cleary near or at 6ft 2 inch tall. The movie ali he was around the same size as the real ali
George H. said on 14/May/07
Since Warren Beatty is the only celebrity I saw up close "in the wild" twice, I am confident to say he is a true 6'2". In Smith's defense I have to say that in the picture of him with Beatty, both have their heads at an angle a bit and Beatty seems to stand closer to the camera. Still, I was surprised to see how close in height they are, because I always believed Smith would easily have an inch on Beatty. Maybe he looks taller because he hasn't filled out as much as Beatty has at this point. Before this picture, I'd always figured Smith to be a solid 6'2", perhaps even 6'3"!
the shredder said on 11/May/07
Really ... What is so hard to see this guy as just 6'1 ? ... I agree with The Jerk ... He looks on an * average * around the 6'1 mark ! At the minimum a hair under 6'1 but at the max nothing more then 6'1 ! I say he just took his 6'2 , 6'2.5 claims in shoes ... Which add up to what guys ? ... bang on or near the 6'1 mark barefoot ?
Viper said on 11/May/07
There is only one piece of evidence that shows Will as short as 5-11. Hes shorter than Isaiah Thomas, and Thomas could be just 6-0.
berta said on 11/May/07
187.5 that´s his height
the shredder said on 11/May/07
Theres no doubt that Will Smith is over the 6 foot mark , but 6'1 really is max ! ... Look at the photo with Warren Beatty , Beatty clearly has about 1.5 inch over Smith ! ... Also I posted a video of 5'6 Alfo and Will both BAREFOOT and Will hardly looked 6'1 ! ... I use to think 6'2 myself untill you really compare his height to people ! Sh!t ... 6'0.75 could be it !!!!!!!!!!!
TheJerk said on 10/May/07
I'd be very surprised if Will was "only" my height. I always thought 6-2 was true growing up to Fresh Prince. Now with a more discerning eye he looks 6-1 on an *average*. He tends to favor boots/bball shoes on that show.
mad3 said on 10/May/07
After reading all the comments, i need to stress that it doesn't matter how tall an actor appears on camera or on screen, it's all an illusion. Will Smith is considered an "Action Hero" and in order to be a good "Action Hero", one must be "larger than life". He is purposely shot to create the illusion of greater height.
mad3 said on 10/May/07
I worked on "Enemy of the State" and stood next to Will Smith on a couple of occasions. I am 6'1". Will smith is 5'11" at best. Regarding heights in film, sctors stand on small wooden boxes to appear taller. As an extra in "Fight Club", Meatloaf portayed a former weightlifter who was diagnosed with testicular cancer. He was supposed to be this towering guy so, being a short man, he stood atop the wooden apple box and the camera shot from a somewhat lower angle to achieve the illusion of height.
the shredder said on 8/May/07
Will is 6'1 max , but I do think he is in that range , but it really REALLY is max ! ... Look at the photo with 6'2ish Warren Beatty ! ... Will is about 1.5 inch shorter !
ed said on 7/May/07
Here he is with 6'3'' Ato Essandoh and he looks more than 1' shorter.
Click Here
Christian said on 24/Apr/07
In "I, robot" it is said that the robots are "slightly lower than 6 foot". However, in the scene where he's face to face to the robots he's not 2.5 inches taller than the robots.
I found this on a page concerning movie goofs and I think it's somehow intreaguing, although I don't think it's a reliable comparison...
the shredder said on 24/Apr/07
I some what Agree Dmeyer ! ... 6'2 with shoes , 6'1 without is REALLY the closest you can get with him ... I was watching I,Robot a few hours ago and I see him nothing but 6'1-ish ! ....... Thats just my opinion though ! Some will think 5'11 , others 6'2.5
dmeyer said on 23/Apr/07
after looking at pics he is minimum 186 cm max 188
the shredder said on 23/Apr/07
He said 6'2 just as much as I use " Rob " at the begining of my Sentences ... LOL ! ... I have heard that around the time of Men In Black that he pushed it up to 6'3 ? ... I also heard that before Fresh Prince days that he was giving 6'1 and sometimes 6'2 ? ... 6'1.5 is at very best IMO ( In my opinion ) ! ... 6'2.5 , 6'3 is redickuless ... lol ... ridiculous
hello said on 18/Apr/07
In irobot he said he was 6'2 200 pounds.
the shredder said on 8/Apr/07
6'1 , 6'1.5 is best for him ! 187cm really is max though ! ... I still say a legit 6'1er !!
Blackmax said on 7/Apr/07
I saw a pic of him with 188-189cm Hugh Jackman, hardly any difference, I think 187 cm for Will is acurrate.
Guy with no name said on 5/Apr/07
Not necessarily conclusive but Smith was in a movie with Jason Lee (Enemy of the State)in which I would say Smith was fractionally taller, although on Lee's page you say they are pretty much the same height. Lee was also in a movie with 6ft 1 in David Schwimmer (don't remember the name) in which Lee appeared fractionally taller than Schwimmer.
anonymous said on 31/Mar/07
he looks 6`4 next to "6`1" terrence howard. Terry is not 6`1.
Viper said on 31/Mar/07
He cant be 6-2. He looked shorter than 6-1 Isiah Thomas.
Anonymous said on 29/Mar/07
I don't see anything under 6'1" either. His 6'2" claim is very shaky, and I don't really buy it, but I seriously doubt he's only 6'. There are only a FEW instances where he doesn't look at least 6'1, unlike tom cruise, brad pitt, stallone, and so forth (They are so variable, it's not even funny). This leads me to believe the people he's standing next to are the lift wearers. There really is only a few cases of him looking shorter than normal. It makes sense to me.
Brad said on 29/Mar/07
6' 2". He carries bad posture a lot of the time.
The Horse of FUNK said on 29/Mar/07
Hmmmmmm, I dunno, it's still highly debatable. I think 6'1.5" is fine for now, but I wouldn't rule out a full 6'2" as a possibility. If only he adopted better posture more often then it wouldn't be such a guessing game.
ed said on 29/Mar/07
He looks 6'2'' next to 6' Ricky Martin and next to 6'1'' Terrence Howard:
Click Here
Click Here
Viper said on 28/Mar/07
Hes a flat 6-1 at best.
The Horse of FUNK said on 26/Mar/07
Having watched I, Robot recently, the idea of this guy being below 6'1" like some believe is not realistic. Granted in I, Robot he looks 6' - 6'1, you have to remember he's wearing converse the whole film and even comments on the hot actress' good posture (forgot her name) and how he has bad posture.
He looks nothing short of 6'1" and at the same time nothing higher than 6'2". Rob has him right at 6'1.5" because I was thinking a weak 6'2" (like a full 6'1.75" on a good day) while watching the film. I have a hard time buying his 6'2.5" claim.
the shredder said on 9/Mar/07
So Rob , do you think 6'2.5 is too high ??? I know you use to think 6'2 , but have you ever thought just 6'1 ? ... I don't think 6'1 is low for him at all !Now people thinking 5'11 is just crazy !

Editor Rob
yes it is too high. This guy has one of the worst photo postures around, the complete opposite of guys like cruise or pitt.
dmeyer said on 8/Mar/07
he might be 6'2.5 out of bed and 6'1.5 before bed or he calls it in 1 inch shoes

Editor Rob
the thing is, with some actors you wonder listening to them in interviews etc 'why would they lie' about something like height.
in some cases its bizarre and seems out of character. Maybe its just a whole lot more trying to call in shoes, which is strange considering no sane doctor as far as I know would measure you with footwear on, well, unless he looked like the doctor from the cannonball run
the shredder said on 8/Mar/07
Im glad somebody eles agrees 6'1 is as close as your going to get to this guy ! He makes Alfo ... a 5'6 guy look 5'7 -5'8 because of his 6'2 -6'2.5 claims ! James Avery being 6'4 and Alfo bing 5'6 ... Really does put Will in the 6'1 range ! Theres no doubt that hes atleast a 6 footer , but 6'1 barefoot is pretty realistic !
Robert said on 7/Mar/07
Bam, he never could be under 6', because he was not much shorter than Thomas Gottschalk, who is at least 190 cm.
I would say that 6-1 for him sounds realistic.
Viper, even if he would be shorter than 6-1 Isiah Thomas, it certainly would not be much, or maybe Isiah Thomas was wearing lifts.
Viper said on 7/Mar/07
Will wasnt close to 6-2 on that show. He was shorter than 6-1 listed Isiah Thomas!!!
Ball-A-Hallic said on 6/Mar/07
wil is defently 6'1 probally now but like durin fresh prince he defently seemed 6'1.5 or 6'2
bam said on 6/Mar/07
the guy next to him warren beaty is 6'2 or at least he claims it
Click Here
taking into account a 2' boost from lifts, he really is under 6'
the shredder said on 6/Mar/07
What makes it so hard to see that 6'1 is pretty much his true height ? ... I think 6'1 is legit ! No 6'2 , REALLY no 6'2.5 , 5'10 -5'11 is crazy , 6'1.5 ? hardly ! 6'1 ? BINGO !
Robert said on 5/Mar/07
Will Smith really looks like being a tall man. In case he is not a full 6-2, then he is certainly around 6-1.
But issuing his wax figure at only 5-10 is nonsense.I don't know why they did that.
Viper said on 5/Mar/07
Its possible he wears lifts too.
Robert said on 4/Mar/07
It is stupid to issue someone shorter than he is.
He absolutely looks 6-2, as stated.
I also saw him besides Thomas Gottschalk, a German showmaster, who is 6-3 or even 6-4, and Smith was nearly as tall as him.
bam said on 4/Mar/07
This is bizarre. Will Smith's waxwork is about 5'10 but accounting for a slouch, no taller than 5'11. This is me (181cm) standing next to him. I had my height measured by a machine, and I'm exactly 181cm. Even if his slouch deducts over 2 inches, smith does not seem to have the body type of somebody over 6' tall
Click Here
the shredder said on 26/Feb/07
Rob , look at the video I posted ! ... Will is not looking near 6'2 with Martin ! Btw , can you add Martin claim of " 5'7-5'8 " ... PLEASE !!!!!!!!!
Viper said on 26/Feb/07
Thomas still looks taller to me, no matter how many times I see it. If anything no way is Will above 6-1 there.
the shredder said on 26/Feb/07
Here is " Im 6'2.5 " Will Smith standing next to " Im 5'7 -5'8 " Martin Lawrence ! ... The height claims just don't seem right ! Somebody is not telling the truth ... Still Will is 6'1 max !
Click Here
the shredder said on 25/Feb/07
Viper , I too think he could be as low as that ! NO shorter though ! I say legit 6'1 standing tall ! with bad posture slighly shorter !
ed said on 25/Feb/07
Another video of Will Smith and James Avery where you can see the height difference:
Click Here
Viper said on 25/Feb/07
Shredder, I think Will could be as low as 6-0 1/2.
the shredder said on 25/Feb/07
Ha , not much between them at all ! Thomas is 6'0 ??? 187cm is too high for Will if Thomas is 6'0 ? Like I said ... Will is flat out 6'1 and no taller !
sean said on 24/Feb/07
hmm i might have been mistaken about will smith being taller than isiah..i'd say they are roughly the same height. here's the clip of that fresh prince episode for thsoe who are interested...
Click Here
sean said on 24/Feb/07
keegan, i've seen the fresh prince episode with isiah thomas many times as well (huge fan of the show), and i could have sworn will was an inch taller. when they were talking while walking side by side after 1 on 1, will was facing down a bit i believe. that got me to believe will was 6'2 or at least 6'1 (assuming thomas is 6'0 barefoot)
the shredder said on 23/Feb/07
Yes TheJerk , 6'1 barefoot is max ! Go to the Alfonso page ! Alfonso is roughly around 5'6 ( although claims 5'7 ) and there a pic where hes next to a 6'2 guy and looks 5'6ish , then look at a pic with Alfonso and Will and you you wonder why Alfo looks 5'7+ , simply because Will is not past 6'1 and then James Avery only claims 6'4 ? Im in agreement that Will is flat out 6'1 !
Derek said on 16/Feb/07
Rob, although i do prefer to remain critical over generous about height claims, i really think he could be a true 6`2.
mr.olympia said on 1/Feb/07
ice : will smith pressed on his peak when i did the movie i-robot 175 kg benchpress. no way he could have done that without being over 200 pounds. i guess he weighed in at least 220. and i guess he is at least 186 cm
Austrian said on 27/Jan/07
i think 6'2 for Will Smith is basically legit, so why not rate him at 6'2?
Derek said on 26/Jan/07
Viper, Isiah is 6'. They probably used a certain angle to make him look taller. That, or he had lifts in that episode. In real life, Will would be about 2" taller.
daver said on 25/Jan/07
will always looks taller on the fresh prince than everyone except his uncle (who was mentioned by will as being 6'3"!). he could just be really lanky but he also looks very tall in comparison w/ everyone else in pursuit of happyness
i would not be surprised at 6'2" or 6'2.5"
Viper said on 25/Jan/07
And who knows If Isiah is even a legit 6-1 barefoot.
Keegan said on 25/Jan/07
I JUST wastched an episode of Fresh Prince of Bel-Air where Will joins the basketball team, well in his dream he plays against Isiah Thomas. After they walk away side by side and Isiah is taller! And Isiah was listed at 6'1" so Will is about 6'0".
Anonymous said on 24/Jan/07
Will barefoot is 6-0 flat and with shoes 6-1 and with lifts 6-2. I am absolute certain he does wear lifts to appear taller at showbiz events!
dmeyer said on 23/Jan/07
anything under 186 cm dosnt make sens for him to me he looks 186 to 188 cm rance i am 5'11 possibly a hair over and i met chi mcbride he towerd over me like i was 5'2 and will smith didnt look more than 3 in shorter and will had converse on so 187 and even thaugh hanks can look over 183 in pics he looks shorter than chi 194 195 cm by more like 5 inches
dmeyer said on 23/Jan/07
anything under 186 cm dosnt make sens for him to me he looks 186 to 188 cm rance
Anonymous said on 22/Jan/07
Will is clearly no more than 6-0 barefoot. I have never accepted the 6'2 or the new 6'2.5 listing! That barefoot video clip with 5'6 Alf proves that Will is at the most 6-0 barefoot.
Glenn said on 19/Jan/07
I would lose at guessing celebweights.
aussie bloke said on 16/Jan/07
He's hardly taller than Tommy Lee Jones, so he can't be more than 6ft2, case closed
sleuth said on 9/Jan/07
Will Farell is maybe a half inch shorter than Conan O'brien. So the picture of Will Smith and Will Farell is important. To downgrade Will Smith you have to downgrade alot of people! I'd say 6'3.5" for Conan, 6'3" for Farell, no less than 6'2" for Smith.
james said on 5/Jan/07
Will smith use to look tall, like 6ft 2 tall before in his fresh prince days since he was thin and it gave the ellusion that he was taller then he really is. but i've noticed that the older he gets and since he's started pumping the weights and become more buff and wider he doesnt look as tall anymore, so yea i agree with 6 to 6'1, it sounds reasonable, i mean it's still tall but really not that tall, just a nice tallness that completes a good actor personality. no one wants to be a 6'4+ giant, inless your a basketball player where the height is usefull, so yea 6 to 6'2 is the ideal height for any actor, modle
dmeyer said on 31/Dec/06
6'2.5 in shoes maybe but i dont think he is under 6'1.5 possibly 6'1.75 since he looked close to ferrell height and wasnt very dwarfed by mcbride
Viper said on 30/Dec/06
Will looks as short as 6-0 too. I personally peg him at 6-0 1/2.
DaMan said on 30/Dec/06
Will is not a solid 6'2". He's never has he looked it and he *does* look 6'1" next to Hasselhoff.
ice said on 29/Dec/06
My guess for Will is 186, which is 6'1.25" He is not shorter than that. This will match the 6'4 1/2 Jeff Goldblum. This will also make him the magic 6'2 in shoes. I don't see anything shorter than this. I think some of you guys would like to see him listed at 5'11. LOL
Viper said on 22/Dec/06
Looks 6-1 tops with the Hoff.
the shredder said on 21/Dec/06
does not even look 6'2 next to hasselhoff !
Alex said on 21/Dec/06
Ice, also if he were happen to get a different measurement it doesn't mean at all that he shrunk. He could have just got measured at a different time of the day, morning, afternoono or night as you can lose an inch by night from your early morning height. Will has claimed 6'2 before though.
ed said on 21/Dec/06
There are some pictures of Will Smith together with David Hasselhoff.
Click Here
Viper said on 21/Dec/06
6-2 1/2 in dress shoes maybe.
the shredder said on 21/Dec/06
IM willing to bet that WILL just looked up this website and others and saw that he lost his " FOREVER 6-foot-2 CLAIM " and just gave himself an extra 0.5 inch just make people think hes really atleast 6'2 barefoot !
the shredder said on 20/Dec/06
"I'm 6-foot-2 1/2" .... LOL LOL LOL !!! ROB , time to put Alfonso up to 5-foot-8 and James up to 6-foot-6 !!!
WILL , ALFONSO IS 5 ft 6.nothing , YOU ARE 6 ft 1 !
Editor Rob said on 20/Dec/06
Will is fighting back hard this month...
In SF Newspaper: "I'm 6-foot-2 1/2"
ice said on 15/Dec/06
I meant to say fourties on the last post.
ice said on 15/Dec/06
Alex: Agreed. I don't think he lost any height either. At the ABSOLUTE MOST 1 cm. People like to use that arguement a lot when in reality you normally don't start to shrink until you're in your mid to late thirties, and even that's minimal. When I hear about major shrinkage, I'm thinking 50s and 60s.
Alex said on 14/Dec/06
He hasn't lost any height. I do agree some of these guys have lost height, mostly the wrestlers are the ones but they are over 40 something years old though. Smith isn't even old. He may be rounding up. 6'1.5 I'd give him.
ice said on 13/Dec/06
Older? LOL he's in his late thirties (38). I seriously doubt he has lost substantial height, at the most 1/2 inch. As for his height, I don't think he's a full 6'2. I think 6'1.25-6'1.5" is good.
dmeyer said on 13/Dec/06
from the pic with ferrel he might be a full 6'2 188 cm
dmeyer said on 10/Dec/06
he could be a 6'2 morning but he is not mush under 6'2
Ball-A-Hallic said on 10/Dec/06
after seeing soem films of hm he can look 6'2 but probally nowadays he is 6'1 since hes older but i bet inhis prime he did stand 6'2.
the shredder said on 10/Dec/06
i think sometimes Smith can look 6'2 , but i don't think he truly is ...
like i said before , Alfo is NO TALLER then 5'6ish ( as rob agrees ) , and theres NOT an legit 8 inch difference !
if Smith is a minimum 6'2 , then Alfo is a minimum 5'7 and James is a minimum 6'5 ... and Josepth is a minimum 5'7.5
Smith is about 6'1 - 6'1.25 with bad posture .
Alex said on 9/Dec/06
He could get away with 6'2. He looks 6'1 minimum I think and he did write 6'3 down in his profile in a magazine years ago.
the shredder said on 8/Dec/06
guys look at the * BAREFOOT * video that i posted like 3 times ! Alf is scrapping 5'6 and Will is hardly looking 6'1.5 !!!
Viper652 said on 8/Dec/06
Well, how do you explain Will looking 6-0 next to 6-4 Bill O'reilly? Either Bill is taller than 6-4 or Ferrel is under 6-3. And I thought they were standing straight too.
the shredder said on 8/Dec/06
yea , i can agree ! maybe more weak 187cm/6'1.25 ??? btw, i really think Will Ferrel is 6'3 ! ... i think im just a tad hard on Smith because the other Fresh Prince guys heights , just don't match when standing next to Smith ! ... but every other time ... it does !
the shredder said on 8/Dec/06
if you guys say 6'2 minimum ... then ROB , i guess you gotta give Alfo back 5'7 , James 6'5 , and Joseph 5'8 ... LOL ... NOT !
i wonder if Glennjamin met this guy ???

Editor Rob
187cm can fit him, 6ft 1 appearance with loose said, all that slouching with wife maybe take some toll on the old stance
the shredder said on 8/Dec/06
maybe he grow to 6'1.5 -6'2 ??? ... but Fresh Prince days , he does not look over 6'1 flat !!!
barefoot with 5'6ish Alf
Click Here
and here with 6'4 James
Click Here
if Will was 6'2 minimum Fresh prince days ... then Alf is 5'7.5 - 5'8ish and James is 6'5+
dmeyer said on 7/Dec/06
i saw him but i was too far 187 fits him good he has a very long body so no less also

Editor Rob
really isn't much different from ferrell, who really looks 6ft 3
dmeyer said on 7/Dec/06
1 inch differance with ferrel possibly 6'1.5 but no shorter or 6'1.75
Anthony said on 7/Dec/06
I really do think Smith is 6'2. As stated many times, photos don't always determine height properly. Plus, if Smith is really 6'-6'1, then Ferrell is only 6'1-6'2, which seems pretty far out there. Especially since Will often comes across as bigger than 6'3.
And for the record, James Avery is more 6'5 than 6'4.
the shredder said on 7/Dec/06
Viper , legit 6'1 is more like it . you do have to think about his bad posture sometimes . still though even counting bad posture , 6'1.5 is pushing it ( meaning maximum ) . i say 6'1 flat and a good 6'2 in shoes . Alf did the same by just saying what his height is in shoes . they did not really lie if you think about it . alot of people ( mostly males ) claim there height in shoes .
on the other hand ... James Avery really does same easily 6'4 .
Viper652 said on 7/Dec/06
Id still say Will is 6-0 1/2 Max.
the shredder said on 7/Dec/06
Rob , what do you have to say about the video i posted with Will and Alfo barefoot ??? will is not even looking 6'1.5 ! also check out this other video with him and 6'4 James ... i can't see how Mr R thought James was 6'3 and will 6'2 plus
Click Here

Editor Rob
he's not looking more than 187 for sure...although its hard to say exactly
the shredder said on 6/Dec/06
lol ... check out this video ! both Will and Alfonso in barefeet . mmm , Will is not past 6'1 . he just took his claim in shoes ... so did Alfonso ! also watch the whole video !!!
Click Here
the shredder said on 6/Dec/06
will smith is a legit 6'1 ! he is a good 3 inches shorter then james avery who is a soild 6'4 guy . a few people see him appear as 6'2-6'3 in person because he is legit 6'1 ( which legit 6'1ers sometimes appear ) . also there is a lot of prove pics and video wise that Alfo is no taller then 5'6ish , and even though there is a big gap between them ... will just does not look 6'2 next to him or james .
well, i think he can appear as low as 6'0 , but it is do to his bad posture . altough i do think he definitely is a minimum 6'0.5-6'1 !
6'2 really is a bit much , 6'1.5 is pushing it ! the guy is a legit 6'1 and i don't care who disagrees !!!
Viper652 said on 6/Dec/06
Will Smith looks barely 6-1 next to Jason Taylor. There is no way Will is 6-2. He looked 6-0 next to 6-4 Bill O'reilly also.
VAVAVOOM said on 6/Dec/06
everyone keeps underestimating Will Smith's height but he definitely is 6ft2 (1.88m). I met him when I was 16 and 1.87m, and he was definitely slightly taller than me. Now I'm 6ft3.5 though! HA!
Derek said on 5/Dec/06
Saw him in the Vegas episode in Fresh Prince. Same height as Wayne Newton. I'm pretty sure Newton is 6'2".
sleuth said on 4/Dec/06
5'9" Bridgette Moynahan in the elevator next to Will in "I, Robot" he struggles to tower.
James said on 2/Dec/06
Growing up watching French Prince, I always just assumed Will was really tall because of his gawkiness, at least 6'4". But then years later when I saw Independance Day, I noticed that Goldblum had a solid 3 inches on him. I'd give him 6'1.5", no more.
Kenny said on 17/Nov/06
He looks taller than 6-2, next to Letterman who is 6-1 1/2, he looked to be about 6-3 maybe a tad taller.
dmeyer said on 9/Nov/06
i think will is 188 cm at the very least 187 cm he looks it
Anonymous said on 26/Sep/06
Will looked 6-0 at the most next to Bill 0'relly. he could be a tad under at 5-11.5
Anonymous said on 26/Sep/06
I also saw that picture with Bill O' Reilly, and I think he looks about 6' 0.5" to 6' 1", considering he had a slight slouch.
Viper652 said on 26/Sep/06
Will looked 6-0 1/2 Max to me in that picture with Bill O'relly.
ed said on 25/Sep/06
Will Smith is 6'2''. He looks 6'2'' next to 5'8'' Ludacris even taller.
Click Here
Viper652 said on 14/Sep/06
You could be right Kenny. 6-1 Max maybe.
kenny said on 13/Sep/06
nowadys he looks more like 186..187..
JK said on 5/Sep/06
Even glenn says Will Smith is 6'2'' which i think is correct
C said on 5/Sep/06
Yeah, Viper. It was on Conan's show.
Glenn said on 5/Sep/06
Smith is 6-2 looking 6-3 when I was younger.
Viper652 said on 4/Sep/06
Was that on Conan's show C? Almost every actor looks closer to Conan's height on his show because I read where the stage is actually tilted to the actors favor when they come out. Pretty funny stuff but true nontheless. Also his show has weird camera angles as well. Seen many actors even below 6-0 who looks closer to Conan's height when they shake his hand.
C said on 4/Sep/06
I remember Will Smith being nearly the same height as Conan O'Brien when he was promoting the first Bad Boys movie (yes, I remember that long ago). The height difference was only about an inch at most (I can't remember the footwear). Conan O'Brien is reportedly 6'4'' (I've heard he was taller by people who met him). Unless Smith shrunk (which I doubt since he's not even 40), he has to be at least 6'2''.
Viper652 said on 4/Sep/06
Yeah mous, Id say 6-1 Max or slightly shorter looks right for Will.
mous said on 4/Sep/06
dang willis smith was the same height he was in 8th grade that he is now? that means he stopped growing at around 14-15...
Anonymous said on 4/Sep/06
i have a friend who 183 cm and told me will was his height will might be 6 ft 1.5
anonymous2 said on 4/Sep/06
If Jesper Parnevik is truly 183/184cm then so is Smith going by that pic. (btw, Viper is listed at 6ft 2.5 (189cm) under user heights.)
JK said on 3/Sep/06
Exactly, i was wondering the same thing C.
C said on 2/Sep/06
I think Viper is a short guy trying to drag everyone else down with him (pun intended)
Viper652 said on 1/Sep/06
Not really, just being realistic with evidence to back up my claims.
Leung said on 30/Aug/06
Will Smith is a geniune tall guy, I don’t know why some are suggesting less than 6’2”. Quick question for Viper652, how tall are you? I’m curious because I have noticed the trend that you downsize a lot of people.
Viper652 said on 29/Aug/06
Will doesnt even look 6-1 next to 6-4 Bill o'reilly. He also appears around the same height or slightly shorter than 6-0 golfer Jesper Parnevik.
Click Here
I dont know. I think 6-2 is really a huge stretch. Could possibly be 6-1 but Id say he is 6-0 1/2 exactly.
Gotxo said on 27/Aug/06
In that of Will Smith-Torres:
Torres is officialy listed 184cm by his club (Atletico Madrid), the thing is that he was listed once 186cm in the most influential media in Spain (Marca, an sport news paper whic is sold in bigger numbers than regular press, SAD :/ )
The thing is that this guy grew since he was in the Atletico, 1cm, but better than nothing. Could he have grown more? I hope i can meet him in Madrid.
cam hawkins said on 27/Aug/06
I would say will smith is actually 6'2 and a half. Anyone who says under 6'2 does not know what they are talking about
supes78 said on 26/Aug/06
Well, according to this site, Ali is shorter these days at 6'1.5" so that would explain why Smith looks taller.
JK said on 25/Aug/06
he looks taller than 6'2'' in that pic.
supes78 said on 18/Aug/06
Will Smith with 6'3" Muhammed Ali;
Click HereWill Smith as 6 foot is preposterous. He's easily 6'2".
JK said on 17/Aug/06
he really does look 6'2''
Viper652 said on 16/Aug/06
He is 6-0 1/2 at best. That also makes sense to your sighting James.
James said on 15/Aug/06
I saw him at Ellis island when he was filming Hitch and he was cool and took pictures with us. I saw him standing next to a freind of mine who was 5'8 at the time. Smith seemed about 4 or 5 inches taller. I'd say he's 6'1.
Ball-A-Hallic said on 29/Jul/06
Click Herehere is will with bruce willis whom i think is a solid 5'11, u can tell if will wasnt on a little slouch he would look to have 3 maybe 4 inches on bruce.
dmeyer said on 26/Jul/06
i was standing a few feet away from him he looked 6 feet 1 to 6 feet 2 but i wasnt close enaugh
MD said on 25/Jul/06
Well, Glenn, you're always talking about how someone can "look" a certain height without certainly being it. I was just making one of those same type of posts. I know we can't always go by pictures.
Glenn said on 25/Jul/06
You cant always go by pics.he is truly 6-2.
Viper652 said on 25/Jul/06
That picture is bad. Fat Joe is slouching even more than Will.
MD said on 24/Jul/06
Here he is next to 6'0" Fat Joe:
Click HereNot the best picture, but he could be 6'1"
Josh said on 24/Jul/06
In ESPN Torres gets listed as 184cm will wasnt more than 2 3 cm taller 187cm is posible but hes not a solid 6'2 (188cm)
Jake said on 17/Jul/06
I think 6'1" - 6'1.5" is more realistic, he just looks too short to be the full 6'2". I don't think he is under 6'1" though.
john charles said on 13/Jul/06
will smith looks at most 6'1 when he says he is 6'2 maybe he is talking about his height in shoes.
Ball-A-Hallic said on 7/Jul/06
I saw I,Robot and will standing next to chi mcbride(whom is 6'4 or 6'5) well he made will look 6'1 maybe 6'0, although james avery was around the same 6'4 6'5 he didnt seem he towered smith as much as mcbride did.
J-Dog said on 11/Jun/06
I'm not sure if they are on even ground but a 6'2" guy usually doesn't look that short near a 6'4" guy unless Oreilly is more 6'4.5" or in that general area. I looks like about 3" of difference.
jkidd22 said on 11/Jun/06
Ok....first of all there is a difference of on average 1 inch between somebodies height with shoes on rather than them barefoot. So if Will says he's 6'2 he could possibly mean 6'2 with shoes on. And if he is about 6.5 without shoes than he would be about 6-1.5. With that said he could possibly just be rounding up because it would just sound weird if everytime he said how tall he was he said 6-1.5 the average person would just round up.
bart said on 9/Jun/06
He could be 6'1 1/2''
Click Here
Midget08 said on 6/Jun/06
I believe Will is 6'2, but he might only be 6'1. Even then he is still a very tall man compared to me because Im 5'4. All in all he is one sexy actor.
Frank2 said on 5/Jun/06
Yep! O'Reilly towers over almost everyone. Will Smith is about 6'1". I saw him at the premier of Independence Day.
Viper652 said on 4/Jun/06
Wow, I had no idea Bill O'reilly was 6-4. Will looks no taller then 6-0 1/2 there.
J-Dog said on 31/May/06
Will Smith 5'11" barefoot, now that is going a bit overboard, hahahaha.
Its A Punjabi Ting (UK) said on 31/May/06
Link what if it was Bruce Lee who chucked you out the shop? Id like to see if u laugh then as Bruce is 5ft 7.
Alex said on 28/May/06
I remember in a magazine he wrote down he was 6'3. Use to believe that but now hes def under 6'3. He could very well by 6'2, but hes NOTHING under 6'1 though.
capricon 17 said on 12/May/06
hes definitely 6'2 or more... check this pic out with fardeen khan whos around 5'10 -6'0
Click Here
dmeyer said on 11/May/06
even that he look 187 sometime but 188 is very possible
Glenn said on 11/May/06
He is 6-2.
Luis_Garcia said on 10/May/06
It seems that Torres is 186cm, Josh do you have a pic of Torres and Smith standing next to each other?
Blues said on 10/May/06
He looks 6ft to me, maybe 5'11.5 barefoot, what's the difference anyway...
TheJerk said on 5/May/06
My thought was 6-1 or a quarter inch under. 6-2 is too high. Although maybe he was wearing his trusty boots when meeting the 6-2 wayne newton he was the same height, incidentally so was damon wayan.
J. said on 2/May/06
Whitney and Maria are of similar height in that clip posted below but Whitney is still easily a bit taller. Maybe she's wearing a bigger heel than Mariah?

Editor Rob
shhh, don't tell anybody about the 1/2 inch extra heels, they'll be wanting mariah downgraded more!!! they are identical, case closed ;-)
Demon smoke said on 27/Apr/06
Will Smith is 6'2. He was about 2" shorter then the dad in fresh Prince.Full stop.
Viper652 said on 26/Apr/06
I cant see Will being as short as 5-11. He looks taller then that.He looks more like a solid 6-0 to 6-0.5 guy to me.
Maverick said on 25/Apr/06
I agree with John and ben and say that Will is about 5'11 barefoot, 6' in shoes!
John said on 23/Apr/06
Isiah Thomas is said to be 6'1 6 barefoot probably. Ben is right there is no way will is taller then Isiah Thomas, i've seen the episode and near the end they walk out togehter and he is about 1 inch shorter. That puts Will at 5'11 barefoot. It also depends on a person's perception on height, i see height by the measuring tape and 6 feet to me is tall most people in the regular world of daily life are under that mark but many may seem they are 6 but really aren't. Besides Will does not seem tall in his movies like a 6'2 morgan freeman who seems the tallest in his scenes like a 6'2 person should. Will seems tall for a regular person but not tall like a model. I think 5'11 - 5'11.5 is accurate standing barefoot.
Ben said on 23/Apr/06
all i have to say is that i am convinced that Will Smith is no more then 511.5 - 6 barefoot maybe less who knows. But if you remember the fresh prince episode where they had Isiah Thomas in and him a Will were walking togehter in the jym, Will was at least 1 inch or maybe even 1.5 inch shorter than Isiah. Isiah is said to be barely over 6 feet himself, look:
Click Here
NBA heights are usually accurate.
Ujane, Moscow said on 13/Apr/06
Hey Rob, you say you =>HAVE BEEN LETTING<= Will have 6ft 2in ... then I can`t understand why is it still 6ft 2in? Or you `re still let him be that clown?)))
Ujane, Moscow said on 12/Apr/06
no no no..not 5ft 8in Imagine you have to wear 10cm elevators for `bout e`day durin` 10 years to look, well, perhaps not that 188cm barefoot))))) but 184-5 in shoes - it`s impossible! Think not less than 180cm.
Link said on 12/Apr/06
cherie says on 28/Feb/05
when will smith came to brum my friend who works as a security gaurd said he was shocked to see how short he was as he was only the same height as him and he is 5'8!
actually another post, what shop hires a 5'8 guy as a security guard? if security 5'8 tried chucking my 6'1 body out of a shop id laugh and do sweet FA and do whatever.
Ujane, Moscow said on 11/Apr/06
besides in one of the interviews about half a year ago he claimed he is 6ft why is he still that 1 inch taller in this list! Or e`body think it was the fake Will Smith who told the above mentioned thing?))) Well, then it is not the matter to put the finger on.) Peace!
Ujane, Moscow said on 31/Mar/06
think even under those 6ft1
Glenn said on 24/Mar/06
Will is at least 6-1 in person.
Maverick said on 23/Mar/06
Fardeen Khan is more likely 5'7 to 5'8!...all indian actors inflate their height! Indian men tend to be fairly short!(average height is around 5'6 to 5'7) He is not very tall! In the pictures with Will Smith, he probably is wearing boots!..this puts will at around 5'11
barefoot! shoes 6' to 6'1. His height has been inflated! To me he only looked around 5'11 to 6'in shoes in The Fresh Prince! Most likely he wears lifts/chunky the rest of them!!
DJLiquid said on 20/Mar/06
Will is 6''1 tops!!!
Monu said on 19/Mar/06
Wow! in the pics of Monty Will and Fardeen Khan seem the same height and he is listed at 5'9 at,
Click Here and,
Click Here Wow must be the camera angles or something.
Michael Jordan 23 said on 18/Mar/06
Maybe the shoes did make him taller if you payed attention
M1ghty said on 14/Mar/06
What's weird bout Will is that he looks a strong 6'2 but in some of his films ( Hitch ) many other men are taller then him or about the same height...
And I don't think american's average male is about 6'2 ...
DJLiquid said on 8/Mar/06
Will could've been wearing lifts.No one would check your shoes at that kind of time.
Anonymous said on 5/Mar/06
Will and Jada was interviewed on the Oscars a moment ago and WIll Ferrell was seen right next to him for a moment to get interviewed next. They seemed to be very close in height.
DJLiquid said on 27/Feb/06
Will had to be atleast 6'1.Look at how his height compares to a 6'4 JAmes Avery(Uncle Phil) on Fresh Prince.And that indian actor must be like 6'2 or 6'3
Monty said on 24/Feb/06
I always thought Will Smith was 6'2 but after seeing these pics with an Indian actor Fardeen Khan who is around 5'11-6'. I am not soo sure about Big Willie.
R.J Goodwill said on 22/Feb/06
I'm a friend of Willard and I thought it would be fun to post on this site,I'm 6 feet and I can look Will In the eyes straight.
2row said on 10/Feb/06
CelebHeights Editor, that picture(" ) that you linked shows Will Smith just a little bent over, almost the same height as Les Ferdinand. But if you think of those kind of shoes that men were with tuxedos, they probably boost them up a inch, sometimes even more(not too sure though). So you cant really tell with that picture because of the shoes that they are wearing. Will smith probably measures himself with shoes on too, I said "probably". This is my opinion. It makes sense to me, what about you?
Jason said on 9/Feb/06
I still think he's 6'1 1/2''. I used to think he was like 6'3''! Maybe they just made Isaih Thomas appear taller in that episode of Fresh Prince of Bel Air.
Alex said on 8/Feb/06
Hes at least 6'1.
CoolJ said on 7/Feb/06
Still convinced he's not a full 6'2. I think that pic with Ferdinand proves it.. Although I think he's at least 6'1.
dmeyer said on 6/Feb/06
will smith is tall because in i robots he is not that mush shorter than chi 6 feet 5 in mcbride and smith is wearing chuck taylor
Viper652 said on 6/Feb/06
Well, Will certaintly looked 6-0 on the Fresh Prince show.
316 said on 6/Feb/06
No way Will smith is less than 6'1 barefeet. Goldblum looks more like 6'4.5 to me than 6'4. No wonder, Smith looks so short in front of him.
Brett said on 31/Jan/06
Ive seen him Smokeblower, he is 6'2", despite appearing an inch shorter due to his crappy posture and inability to stand up straight.
smokeblower said on 30/Jan/06
IT's not about what Will said. It's about how tall he actually is.
Brett said on 29/Jan/06
In I robots he says hes 6'2" 200lbs in the movie haha, how many times more should he say his height
175cm16andgrowing said on 29/Jan/06
@Anonymous Exactly, that's what I've been talking about all the time. And in I, ROBOT he looks 6'1''. But then, on WETTEN DASS...?!, a german TV-show, he looked 6'2''. That was in January or February 2005.
Brett said on 29/Jan/06
hes said hes 6'2" so many times, Its a waste of time changing his height
Brett said on 27/Jan/06
Thanks Jay, his height still says 6'2" doesnt it mate? and seeing youve never met the guy, and I have, why would I listen to you over my own pair of eyes.
Brett said on 25/Jan/06
Another thing, In Hitch he looked noticably taller then Alan Arkin who is meant to be between 6'1" and 6'2", so I now do belive that if he bothers to stand upright, Will Smith is 6'2"
Brett said on 22/Jan/06
A couple years back when I saw Will Smith in person,I initially questioned whether he actually was 6'2" at the time ( I thought he was more my height which is 6'1"), and then deciding that he probably would have been had he bothered to stand up properly because he really does slouch and lean on all and sundry. I just watched Hitch on Satelitte, and noticed in one seen with Michael Rappaport ( if thats how you spell it) they were the same height, and I know Rappaport is meant to be 6'3" or more. In that movie Smith looked pretty tall the whole way through, so I am pretty sure that Smith is 6'2" or close to it, but the 6'0" and 5'11", get real guys!

Editor Rob
He can look 6ft 1, even 6ft in a ton of photos...but I always wonder about his I say, so often he is bending down to jada pinkett that it's kind of second nature to him!
unnamed said on 19/Jan/06
Check this photo!
Will Smith- Tom Hanks - Morgan Freeman - Jeff Goldblum

Editor Rob
Goldblum looks rather tall there!
The Judge said on 14/Jan/06
he's stand up in front of CAUET in a TV SHOW. For sure he's a good 186-187cm, if CAUET is really 180 cm like he said once before...
Viper652 said on 12/Jan/06
dmeyer, your body can appear long at 6-0.
dmeyer said on 12/Jan/06
you dont even hae to compare him to other people is body look long around 6'1.5 to 6'2"
Javin said on 11/Jan/06
Will Smith is 6 foot 2 inches! You guys don't know what you are talking about. I know for a fact, because we are the same height, we play basketball together.
ali said on 11/Jan/06
yes you are right
the real raw truth said on 4/Jan/06
ujane, so u mean he wears lifts at that show? so what is he then? 5-9???
viper, thats so true...i remember that one with I Thomas playing a one2one
Ujane,Moscow said on 4/Jan/06
2 real raw truth
Do u know that there`s a great popularity of elevator-shoes and shoe-lifts among the celebs? You know that almost e`one wanna be taller than he or she is so do celebs! They Do, Do, Do wanna e`bidy around think them taller cuz their bread, their career is the SHOW! And I can understand them in spite of I think it`s simply rediculous!
175cm16andgrowing said on 3/Jan/06
So...2004, august, German tv-channel, RTL "Smith said he'd be 6'1'' and 210lbs".
Viper652 said on 3/Jan/06
Well truth, he didnt look so tall when he was an inch shorter then 6-1 Iasaih Thomas playing basketball against him.
the real raw truth said on 3/Jan/06
he looks so tall on prince of bel air show and its hard 2 beleive him being only 6 feet.
so anyone knows how tall the big fat guy of the show is? 6-5?
Ujane,Moscow said on 2/Jan/06
My best congratulations 2 e`body 'bout New Year! I know that in USA xmas is much more important date than 31st of December, but in Russia it`s vice versa awesome, you know! So let`s proceed all our business better in 2006 times)))) Salut!)))
Now for Viper:
I mean smth between 5'11'' and 6' Definetly not more than 6'0''!
P.S. Sorry if threre`s any mistake in the "letter"))))
Best regards, Moskva!
Viper652 said on 29/Dec/05
I dont think he is 5-11, but prety much in the 6-0 range Ujane.
Ujane,Moscow said on 29/Dec/05
2 Viper652
I am absolutely sure that`s true! Think even 5'11 or 6 ft. Have a look at those Bad Boys and Bad Boys 2! You see Lawrence is about 170-172cm and Smith is half a head taller him which put him on 182-183 range at the best! And in Bad Boys part 1 there was a shoot of lawrence, smith and another guy. That another guy was, think about 194-195 and was a head taller smith! those 2 facts is more than enough for downgrading smith-lier!
Viper652 said on 25/Dec/05
Will is 6-0.5 at best in the morning.
Rut said on 25/Dec/05
Rob, where did the picture of Will go..?
I'll be back soon..