Da Man said on 4/Jan/08
I haven't heard about Tom playing Superman in Miller's Justice League. Very interesting news, and I hope it comes to pass! There's been a lot of strange info about Singer's Superman sequel, seems like they weren't very happy with the box office, the execs might still be undecided on the sequel. I haven't been following it too much. I am very interested in this Justice League movie though.
patrick said on 4/Jan/08
I agree with you Da Man and, how not to be? Yet, I am inclined to believe in it while admitting it can
Da Man said on 2/Jan/08
I would have never made those comments if David gave us some hard evidence. Date, location (beyond Vancouver), etc or a photo. There are so many phony meetings on this site it's hard to tell who's telling the truth and who's making up an encounter. We've had a few suspect Welling encounters of the last couple of years as well.
patrick said on 2/Jan/08
Be that as it may...HAPPY NEW YEAR to all of you and, I wuld add once more, especially for AAAA, Da Man, Olivier and David.
It is a privilege to be able to talk to you, share opinions and doing so, enrich (at least what I feel) our lives!
What do you think?
As for David's report, I believe in it (it's a choice) becasue I feel it real, not because it rather could confirm my opinion.
AAAA, thanks for informing me about 8th season. I agree wiht you: "time for Tom to don "The" tights!
I nevertheless always, always will regret to find out new episodes of my favorite show, the only which is able to make me dream. That is quite rare nowadays, isn't it?
Hope to read if only a couple of words from those I mentioned. That would be be really great...
AAAA said on 31/Dec/07
I'll keep writing... I don't blame Da man's suspicion, there have been a few desperate people that claimed meetings under other names, and not just for Welling. People will go to any length to try and win an arguement.... Patrick, I think Smallville is close to finalizing an 8th season, not sure. There is more they can do, but I doubt they could go past 8 seasons. They've explored a lot already and the age of Clark is pushing time to don the tights. David, thanks for a rare 1st hand report. Tom seems hard to come by
patrick said on 31/Dec/07
Thanks David for your
David said on 29/Dec/07
Da Man-
You pose a good question about Welling sporting a beard, but I don't have an answer. I think it was probably late spring or early summer when I saw Welling, so maybe they were done shooting the series for the year? I dunno.
However, after seeing my 6'3" brother over the holidays, I have to reiterate that Welling is at least that height, but he's probably a bit taller than that.
Da Man said on 21/Dec/07
Why was Welling in lumberjack mode in Vancouver? I read Welling lives in LA when Smallville isn't shooting, and he certainly isn't going to sporting the grizzly beard when filming Smallville.
David said on 19/Dec/07
Guys, I met Tom Welling last year in Vancouver. I was walking from my car to my Aunt's house along the sidewalk and Tom was in jogging gear and was about to go running. At first I didn't recognize him because he was sporting a full bushy beard, but as our paths crossed it was apparent who he was. He was stretching his legs, but he stood up straight and gave a friendly "Hi!" when I said "Hello!"
My Opinion: The man is at least 6'3"
I know, I know, he was wearing running shoes which adds some height. However, my brother is exactly 6'3" tall (proven by years of us being measured back-to-back where I lost the height war at a measly 5'11") and my brother has been an avid runner for years, so I'm very familiar with that 6'3" height in running shoes.
Tom Welling was at least as tall as my brother, but in all honesty he looked slightly taller.
The pavement we were standing on was absolutely flat so there was nothing that artifically added height to Welling other than his running shoes.
I can understand TW being reticent about divulging his true height because it might affect his career. My brother is a pilot and he routinely states his height as being less than it is because tall pilots are not always looked upon favorably in that industry.
patrick said on 5/Dec/07
I watched yesterday, a Monk episode and that, once more -sorry- is amazing how people change and in this case, Monk, I am quite sure anybody from the cast is especially anxious to show himself taller or so.
Ted Levine is taller than Tony Shaloub: no doubt and it is known and often underlined in the show;
Usually, street scenes are better to really gauge actors, above all when walking: often shoes visible, flat sidewalks and let
patrick said on 5/Dec/07
AAAA and DaMan, very wise both...as usual!
AAAA said on 4/Dec/07
Well, when Da man did that height poll a few months ago I said 6'2.75(190)-6'3.25(191?). Just trying to nail it to a half inch, not that I cold possibly hope to see that with my eyes but. Daman has long stood by his 6'2.5 and has shown Tom looking that size as well. You stood by your 6'3 plus as well. Please correct me if I am putting words in either of your mouths, cause i don't want to do that. Anyway, looking foward to reading you all again. Maybe one day Rob or Glenn will get him, I hope as well a Rob got Routh. It would end a lot of debate, but I would really like to know
AAAA said on 4/Dec/07
I will admit that despite all the evidence I have put up for a 6'3 Tom, that masters pic is the best I have found so far, as it finally shows him looking what I claim, W/O hs Redbacks on, and the no boots is clearly visible. All the other stuff is great, but never such a good full body shot before with minimal angle distortion. And that Rob has seen Master and wouldn't put him under 5'9 is a solid piece of evidence IMO. .I was curious for opinions, especially Da Man, as you are 6'2.5 as well. It seems easier to judge someone that you are the same height as, for me at least. I guess maybe constantly seeing yourself in those same proportions to others helps, but who knows. Good to read you all again, Patrick thanks for the kind words, always a pleasure, and yes we are going at it over less than one inch, but I gues that is part of the fun
Da Man said on 4/Dec/07
I was able to view the pic of Marsters and Tom. Tom does look close to 6'3" there. That's probably the best piece of evidence I have seen yet for making an argument for Tom being anything over 6'2.5".
patrick said on 4/Dec/07
I agree with you AAAA and DaMan, I just insisted in saying that, "there are other pics showing "our" point of view"; that's all!
I never told you
AAAA said on 3/Dec/07
Da man, if you were in a pic like the masters one with a 5'9 guy in a standard shoe and you were in those brikenstocks, would you look that big. Cause that is just down right hulking if you can see it (not sure if you have).
I feel that big next to a similarly built 5'8 guy at flat 6'2, but a 5'9 min guy. It just looks like he would be at least 6'3 to me in that photo. Considering those brickenstocks give about the sam as cons, at least mine do. So Master has between a .4min-.75maz inch footwear advantage if I had to take a realm estimate. They could be as low as 1in loafers or as high as a standard 1.25 in heel. Anyone want to pick at the masters pic with me? Da Man, patrick....anyone
Da Man said on 3/Dec/07
Patrick, you must admit that the SV Kent family shot has Tom looking taller next to Annette than he does in AAAA's event pics. The chance of trickery is much less on the red-carpet than in Smallville pics. Smallville producers have openly admitted that they determine whether they want Tom taller than John S. or not (father-son dynamic). When a shows producers actually admit to considering such things, you can't base a legitmate argument on that evidence.
The only evidence admissable in my personal court are Smallville pics where footwear and ground are visible, event, party, or premiere photos, or "unofficial" pics, such as the Tom's pic with Rutger Hauer.
Do you recall a scene with Tom and John in a graveyard? I believe it happened just after Jonathan Kent's "death." We got to see John and Tom, head-to-toe (both in work boots), face to face and they looked exactly the same height, John maybe even a bit taller.
Anonymous said on 3/Dec/07
Tom says that he is 6'3 in this interview
Click Here
patrick said on 3/Dec/07
You guys are still keeping me amazed in being able to send so wonderful and well chosen pics!
AAAA said on 1/Dec/07
Click Here since we can see his shoes, check out all these pics from the aqua episode at your leisure
AAAA said on 1/Dec/07
Click Here with 6'-6'1 Boreanez. They must have had him in some serious Doc martins
AAAA said on 1/Dec/07
Click Here Not a perfect angle but check Toms footwear this time.
Tom with James Masters aka Milton Fine and Spike (lsited 5'9 here). Rob would you saw 5'8 min and 5'9 max for Masters? Just curious cause I think you once mrntioned you've seen him in person

Editor Rob
I wouldn't put marsters under 5ft 9.
AAAA said on 1/Dec/07
Whoa, great work again Olivier... Can't say more than that
Olivier said on 1/Dec/07
Hey Patrick, thanks for the welcome. Glad to see all of you guys. I can only add to AAAA's words; school can be a pain in the behind ( I haven't even watched one episode of the current season, I feel like in a dark tunnel when you guys talk about it! But I will eventually get around to doing it). Anyway, glad I could give a few pics, even if they are from Smallville.
Da Man, I have no idea why you can't view them; they are posted on Photobucket and they are working for me.
Here are a few more pics:
But first I have to apologize for the low quality, it was a combination of a rather average quality DVD and the software I used to capture the screenshots, but it's what was available to me at the time. Nevertheless, they still give you an idea.
Welling and Johnson. Both are at an equal distance from the camera, with good postures. Of course there is always the question of their footwear, but still, I see way more than half an inch (1.27cm!)difference between them there.
Click Here Jonathan & Clark & Martha. I have seen this picture here before, I think.
Click Here Jonathan & Clark. What gives it away (for me anyway), is the fact that Schneider is clearly looking up, you can also see it in the other pics I posted on 28/Nov/07. But bear in the angles, of course.
Click Here Again, these are not conclusive images (for others, I would say), but it's on the way there. Camera angles and all that come in, but using common sense, one can see the obvious.
And sometimes, using boxes slips from the Smallville crew's minds, and you get things like this...which is only natural, I would say.
Click Here I hope they open, have fun!
Da Man said on 30/Nov/07
I can't view Olivier pics, otherwise I would comment.
patrick said on 29/Nov/07
Oh yeah! Very nice pics and that's strange (isn't it AAAA ?) nobody says anything "positive" about them but "us"! Very curious, indeed. Those pics are at least, as convinsing as others but, no, they probably are not valid for the our so dear "critics"!
By the way, MANY HAPPY RETURNS Olivier!
Good to "hear" from you even if you just sent some very nice pics!
So, Tom really tall in them as I saw him sooo many times inthat kind of photo.
That you do not consider them as "conclusive", you could at least take them into consideration as "we" and specifically "I" did with the ones you proposed in the past.
Admit that unless they use tricks - and why on earth would they do that? - Tom looks over 6'2 there, no?
I am waiting for any answer but silly ones (does not concern you Da Man, never!).
AAAA said on 28/Nov/07
Nice pics oliver.
Da Man said on 28/Nov/07
IMHO, he looks between 6'2" in 6'3" in the pics AAAA provided. Kristen Kruek is 5'3", Allison Mack is 5'4", Annette O'Toole is 5'4", Sam Jones III is 5'7". There's a big difference between an honest 6'2" - 6'3" and your typical claimed 6'2" - 6'3".
patrick said on 28/Nov/07
Oh, DaMan, he looks more than 6'2, whatever shot it is but especially with the other SV cast members.
I don't say "he's more even I think so. I say that, here, includingJared's ones, he "looks" more than 6'2.
Da Man said on 26/Nov/07
AAAA, nice pics, he looks between 6'2" and 6'3" in every pic IMO. The Annette O'Toole pic for example is exactly how I look next to my 5'6" mom, my mom wearing a bit less heel than Annette has on there, maybe 1" less? While wearing dress shoes, my 5'8.5" girlfriend (in heels) came up to my eye level in pics, marginally under actually. Editor Rob is really good at these height estimations. I still think he is 1" off on
Sid Eudy though. :)
patrick said on 26/Nov/07
"It keeps old style hollywood spirit alive.", that could be my own words AAAA! And you know it! That and "the rest". I repeat, it's very rare to see a young man (or woman) talking as you do about "pass
AAAA said on 26/Nov/07
Click Herewith 5'4 annete O'toole in heels, granted she has an awkward stance in the first full body shot
Click Herethat new pic Rob posted with schneifer got me reallly going with Tom again
AAAA said on 26/Nov/07
And here is why they use boxes
Click Here
AAAA said on 23/Nov/07
He isn't into the whole limelight, constantly appearing in public and basking in his stardom. You never see pics of him in boxers, brushing his teeth and getting the paper(Matt McConnahey). Personally, I like that, not letting oneself be over exposed. It keeps old style hollywood spirit alive.
The great thing about the actors of classic hollywood was that when you saw them, they were always glamorus. Like Gregory peck, audrey hepburn, clark Gable, Bogart, Cary Grant,John Wayne,Ingrid Bergmen, Faye Wray. The papparazzi didn't over exploit them cause they weren't around hen.
I do believe stars are regular people like you and me, but I enjoy only seeing them at their best, at openings, and awards and such. It keeps that mystique of Hollywood alive. Seeing pics of John Wayne or Gregory Peck walking out of Starbucks after just rolling out of bed after a night of drinking would have crushed me.
That is why legends still are legends. They were larger than life because there was always a bit mysterious. They were almost off in their own worlds, and I love when people keep icon images. And Tom is 6'3
patrick said on 22/Nov/07
Dear AAAA..."what, exactly, do you mean with "recluse" about Tom"?
AAAA said on 21/Nov/07
Viper, I wish that pic existed, since now we have a good pic with routh. I have looked ALL OVER and for a LONG time. I think Tom is a bit of a recluse
patrick said on 21/Nov/07
But Viper, I am sorry...I really do not see over what you are basing your comparison between Brandon and Tom! It just can
Viper said on 21/Nov/07
Id say Tom is at least a half an inch shorter than Routh minimum. There has to be a picture of them somewhere.
Da Man said on 20/Nov/07
Back to Tom, the same height as Routh, 6'2.5". :) About the same height as Schneider, a bit taller than Hartley, 2+" taller than Glover and Ackles, 3" taller than Rosenbaum.
Viper said on 20/Nov/07
I totally forgot where I saw it actually.
AAAA said on 19/Nov/07
That makes sense I guess. I can't see him below 6'1, but has looked 6'2 before, and once or twice 6'3. I thought a solid 6'2 was a good guess for him
Da Man said on 19/Nov/07
Do you have a link to that clip, Viper?
patrick said on 19/Nov/07
We are far from Tom!
...who still is ...6'3!
Viper said on 18/Nov/07
I think Murray has always been 6-1 and has a penchant for big footwear. Makes sense. Hes been described from 6-0 to 6-5 just on this site alone
Viper said on 18/Nov/07
I saw an old clip of Murray from 1976 where he was interviewing 6-1 NFL player Johnny Unitas, and Murray looked an inch taller.
AAAA said on 17/Nov/07
That is why I said I don't get him
Assassin said on 17/Nov/07
I met him a year ago and he was an inch or so shorter than myself, which would put him about 6'2".
He looks very tall in Smallville and he is very tall compared to the rest of the cast.
Da Man said on 16/Nov/07
He certainly looked nothing over 6'1" in Ghostbusters. He's the same height as 6'1" Dan Aykroyd and Goldblum dwarfed him in the Life Aquatic.
patrick said on 16/Nov/07
Yes he is AAAA as Viper admits it himself in other pages! (which means something!)
Guys, I was that morning, in the subway and just next to a man who "visibly" was shorter than me by at least1.5 inch. OK, I was about to touch him and he was one half step before me. I saw "us" on the window (as a mirror) and I really felt "tall", thoug I'm not (5'7 to 8). At a moment, i passed him and was before him. He all of a sudden, looked as tall as I am, then, when in turn behind me, TALLER THAN ME! First he "slightly" was bending his head; after he did not and at last, when behind me, straightened up as militaries during a review! So, I had to admit it: he was taller; minimum two inches, 5'11 range but...he pssaed by me again and slouched again and again turned shorter: fellows, if I talk about it, it's because that was so strange!
I would have sworn he was shorter: I NEVER saw that and I imagined what could have been my testimony to the Police :
AAAA said on 15/Nov/07
I don't get Murray. I've seen 6'1 to even 6'3! depending on the movie. He is a strange one?
Da Man said on 15/Nov/07
I also agree that Murray has looked 6'2" in some films, the majority of the evidence points to him being about 6'1" though. Check out some of his Letterman appearances.
patrick said on 15/Nov/07
WOW! Viper! I can't get over it! You,agreeing with me!
My heart! I never could have imagine that occuring one day!
Thanks a lot!
Viper said on 14/Nov/07
Bill Murray is a guy who has looked taller than 6-1 in some films.
patrick said on 14/Nov/07
Thanks DaMan; very interesting scrolling down pics!
You know, I always thought Bill was a bit more than 6'1, depending the movies he's in!
He yet doesn't stand that right and has a "square" a bit "crushed" face! He looks as tall as Stephen Tobolowsky who is at least 6'2 for sure, in .
Anyway, John Glover looks shorter in the first "face to face" pic because he does not stand right at all even though he is clearly less tall than Bill. In the second one, he looks just a bit shorter, one inch tops.
As for Tom and John pic, I am sure and I mean "sure", it is a typical shot where Tom was probably bare foot (as said many times SV producers) or in slippers. You ar very honest and sooo clever DaMan and, hence, you know that there are MANY others shots where Tom is (not "looks"!) much taller than that.
If only in the 6th season's finale with Philip Morris or that famous scene, in the third one, at the hospital, before the Lana's bed (if I remember well!). Tom is a giant when he straightens up!
But there are many others showing that.
Da Man, I always saw Robert Mitchum as
Da Man said on 13/Nov/07
Ok, I don't get why I can't link Fortune City pics here.
Try this:
Click HereThere are two pics of John Glover and Bill Murray if the link works, you'll have to scroll down.
Da Man said on 13/Nov/07
John Glover is clearly shorter than 6'1" Bill Murray. Looks to be about an inch shorter in the face to face shot.
Click HereClick HereI think this is a legit shot with Tom and John Glover. Tom is a little closer to the camera though, not much.
Click Here
patrick said on 13/Nov/07
AAAA, I am 100% agreed. I think yet Jhon Glover does not have shrunk that much (as you imply) because just looking at him proves how in great shape he is, whatever his age!
This man "gains in showing himself with no clothes on"! His face would rather lead you to think he's is "intellectual type" only and quite lean. He's definitely not and has an energy clearly visible!
His fight in the third season with bulky Jhon Schneider, proves it!
About that precisely, I remember he got a serious punch from schneider and kept the mark along several episodes: it was not make up!
Anyway, I still think is more 184 as Michael Rosenbaum would be 182cm: sounds right.
Those guys do not look small at all but when seen next to Tom.
AAAA said on 13/Nov/07
I have read 6'1 listings for glover, but that seems a bit off now. The dude is into his 60's so he may have shrunk. Could have been a peak 6'1. He does strike me as an even 6' guy still. He also seems marginally taller than Rosenbaum who claims 6'ft, but I think Rob has him with 5'11.5... I could see 6 and a bit(183-184) for glover. I think some of his height variation has to do with his changing hairstyle. He looked looked like a 6'1er to me early on. He has rocked everything from a Jim Morrison-esque do' to a shave head. Anyone got and good lionel and Tom pics. full bodies and closeups. I'd like to search but college doesn't afford me the time. Nice to read you all again
patrick said on 12/Nov/07
Da Man, I heard of it too (about Kane) yet I feel difficult to believe he did so. I think that in fight scenes where they are visibly "face to face", even from far, it happens that it is Kane for sure.
Right about the size difference feeling in this season. John Glover, a really very athletic man, who, I repeat, always looked minimum 6 foot tall in his previous films, looked in turn quite tall then smaller and then again taller in the other seasons.
Maybe there is a wish from the SV authors: Lionel becomes more important and has to look so and Tom is about to become Superman. That perhaps explains a bit why they do not use as many angles as before. Be that as it may, I am positively sure Tom is far taller than him.
Besides, John talked about it many times: Tom is very handsome AND very tall and impressive.
That man is a great actor and a fantastic personality; the SV casting is definitely the best with few others as Monk, SUV etc.
Da Man said on 9/Nov/07
Patrick, I read an interview with Kane about the Smallville shooting. Apparently Kane didn't do all of his own stunts (like he did in "See No Evil") because of time constraints. That might explain why Kane looks so enormous in the stills with Tom and Erica but the difference was less visible in the actual episode.
Da Man said on 9/Nov/07
I don't know if anybody else has noticed this, but this season of Smallville seems to be using less height trickery than normal for this show. There's been a few close ups with Clark and Lana where Lana is visibly elevated, but other than that not too much going on. I've also noticed this season that Lionel seems a bit taller than normal when compared to Clark. Amazing that a man in his 60s would hit a growth spurt.
patrick said on 2/Nov/07
In a first season Lois & Clark episode (where CK forgets he is Supi because of amnesia) I remember Clark telling his parents:
Da Man said on 31/Oct/07
I thought that cape scene at the end of "Action" was imagery almost exactly portraying what you are two are saying about Clark's reluctance to accept his destiny. Notice Clark chooses to leave the cape on the fence as he walks towards the house/Lana. I thought that represented Clark, for the moment, choosing to postpone his destiny for the comfort and familiarity of his current life in Smallville. Maybe Lana going to the dark side will be the catalyst for moving towards becoming Superman.
AAAA, Tom definitely looks like he's been hitting the weights in his off time. His arms and chest look bigger, I think, than they ever have.
patrick said on 31/Oct/07
Thanks AAAA. I think all of that proves how clever and shrewd the SV producers really are since they used an
AAAA said on 30/Oct/07
Patrick.... i agree that the dean cain approach was a much more suave, charming clak than the "sterotypical" goofball that is classic to the series. I also like the idea of unconciously not wanting to fly. It adds an interesting dimension to the complexietes of accepting a larger than life destiny. And I guess it does depend which era you look at it from
patrick said on 30/Oct/07
AAAA, first, I am so happy, sincerely, to read you again! Too long and I wish I
AAAA said on 29/Oct/07
Whoa...haven't posted in a while, lots of stuff to read though. School has kept me busy, so I have only seen 2 episodes so far (sobs and whimpers) but it is very engaging.
I like how they brought dean cain into to it. He was the first, IMO, to make superman more "humanisticly complex", much like Tom is doing now, but Tom is more superman than him. In the lois and clark episode where HG wells first shows up and they go back in time and lois find out his secret he explains "Superman is what I can do, Clark Kent is who I am" I always loved that approach, and tom has displayed this wonderfully. What do you guys think...Patrick...Da man...
Da Man, with regards to flying, If i remeber correctly, Clark didn't firts fly in the comic backstories until he was late teens/early 20's. The creators of smallville said they wanted a "No suit, no flight" for this show, but I recently read it has been signed to an 8th season, and with Clark approaching 21 at the end of this season, they may need to adjust that concept. I think they have hinted at his late development of fying by stating over and over he is afraid of heights. Kinda of a get out of jail free card. I guess we'll see. I wonder if the series will end some day like the scene in he first Chirstopher reeves superman when he appears after his 12 year training, cloaked in the suit and flys from the fortress. Again, onl time will tell
On a side note, I thought, it looks like Tom may be hitting the weights more often again. His arms at the end of the 2nd episode of the season, up in the barn loft, looked MASSIVE...more so than usual. He is looking more ans more like superman
Da Man said on 26/Oct/07
Patrick, Idiocracy is movie a starring Luke Wilson. Luke Wilson plays a guy who is completely average by todays standards and is selected for a cryogenic experiment. Something goes awry and he doesn't awaken until 500 years in the future only to discover that cultural anti-intellectualism and overbreeding of the unintelligent have lead to a uniformly stupid human race. An average man ends up being the most intelligent person on the planet. It's a comedy with social commentary, sort of in the vein of South Park.
I've been enjoying this season of Smallville, the absence of Martha Kent is pretty obvious though. Lana is slipping to the dark side, this is probably the first time I've ever found her character even remotely interesting. I just want to know when Clark is going to learn how to fly, with Kara flying around everywhere (and only having her powers for what, a few weeks?) it is getting a bit obvious. When he caught Lana last night I though maybe he was going to float down or something, give us a hint of flight but nope. The cape scene last night was pretty cool though.
patrick said on 26/Oct/07
OK, so...let's say that the seventh season of Smallville is one of the best, at least as far as I can judge.
Tom becomes really more and more Superman and I love that.
DaMan, what about Idiocracy? I really wish i'd see it because I trust you and am sure it is interesting; so, if you could tell me more...
patrick said on 24/Oct/07
No answer? I am surprised...Anybody's here?
patrick said on 17/Oct/07
Thanks DaMan. I don't know the movie you mentioned. Could you tell me more about it?
Kara is "not bad"; sshe is just "another" nice blond girl among a thousand of others and does not have the charism needed for that role. Normaly, she should be teh female match of Clark. K.Kreuk is far much closer to that but she has not the requested physique! Take a lot of TV shws and you will see many "Karas" nad for such a good series as SV, that's not "enough". I expected much better. Search, you'll find several other current young actresses way worthier than "her". That aside, she indeed, is not "bad"...no more than a doll, a pretty one.
Da Man said on 16/Oct/07
I think I know what you mean, Patrick. The reverse of contemplation is something I see in our society as whole today, not just in movies. Have you seen the movie Idiocracy with Luke Wilson? It's far fetched, but in some ways I don't think it is too far from the truth.
I watched the most recent Smallville episode and I didn't find Kara too bad. Let me just say I didn't protest the pointless bikini scene. I also didn't find her acting too bad, based mainly on her alleyway interaction with Lex. I think the girl has potential.
patrick said on 15/Oct/07
Thank you DaMan! Sorry once more for having been so long but that site allows all of us to express opinions about things going far beyond just that simple matter of height!
We are in a time where speed and I'd say "the reverse of contemplation”, oblige directors to always move their camera, shake it, cut here and there to get an editing so frantic that the image is almost incomprehensible!
Proportions were the angular stone of an art become obsolete…I mean sculpture.
Between a sculpture and a following of short images, themselves moving with actors shifting from a place to another…there is “just middle”!
By sheer force of hating standing still, if only for a few seconds, “we” finally won’t be able to really “see” things as they are, deeply, beyond their appearance.
DaMan, do you know what I mean or do I cloud the issue, once more?
Sorry for those who find that kind of speech laborious and boring!
Da Man said on 12/Oct/07
Eva Longoria is a product of hair, makeup and alot of gym time. I've never found her overly attractive.
patrick said on 12/Oct/07
Viper, you are very probably right because all what I say about her (or her "clones")is done while I never saw her as you did, without makeup!
What I mean is that what is true for Eva is also for many others including, at least that is what "I" feel so strong, about the new Kara! My wife is a beautiful young lady, very very natural; sincerely; she is not jealous of anybody and she finds K.Kreuk not only beautiful, fro example, but adorable. She immediately felt Laura-Kara as sorry for her, "fake"! Know what I mean? Not ugly, of course! Just absolutely "fabricated" and many actresses, above all in movies, are so. Take for example, Mariska Hargitay: sure, she is oder than Laura but that is not essential: she "is" what she "is" as the great Jodie Foster or Sigourney Weaver in Alien (she was just around 20). I don't mention ancient glories as Maureen O'Hara or Ingrid Bergmann, Patricia Neal etc.
Now, those actresses (Cruz, Lopez etc.) are going out of the same cast! Finally, whether they are really beautiful, I don't say "pretty", or not, the way they are made up and shot make of them, male or female, "models" more than actors! Look at a guy like Tom BEFORE he was an actor: not the same BUT, in his eyes, unlike in many so called actors, he has "that glint" DaMan talked about months ago.
I don't find any glint in Laura but she is not the only one so! All the better if you find it! I write about what "I" feel as you do!
I repeat that so far, SV producers precisely would choose very strong personality actresses and actors and I feel watching (with Laura) one of these anonymous, "all looking alike", insipid "teen ager's series" or simply...MTV !
Supergirl deserved better, much better...she "is" as superman is and as Tom is: greater than in nature!
Viper said on 11/Oct/07
Patrick, Eva Longoria does not look good without makeup. I was shocked when I saw those pictures of her. Its utterly amazing what it does for her. Shes not a natural beauty for sure.
patrick said on 11/Oct/07
"Beauties" or so called are nowadays, for me, too "spectacular" and very much sophisticated, I mean "too much" in a word! Why I loved Teri Hatcher came from her "something else" and that is for me, so visible in "desperate housewives" (That I do not watch!)where she looks so much more natural (despite presumable "treatments"!)than Eva Longoria! I know, I know, by writing that I am definitely sorted as "old fashioned" but many other guys much younger than I am including my very young wife, agree with me...
What I see at Laura-Kara and I think, you maybe don't see is how artificail is her expression. That is definitely not the case of the marvelous (for me...) K. Kreuk or even, differently, Allison Mack! What I try to express without wanting in any way to influence you, it is that "we" all live in a virtual world which is probably even more obvious for me and people older than I am (yes! that exists!).
I never have been impressed with "dolls" and what was magical in a star as Marylin Monroe, that was she precisely could have been so (as Jane Mansfield) and yet WAS NOT at all!
Why I love Samllvile besides it is about my favorite modern myth, it is because of the perfect casting (until Erica who got improved a lot after).
Tom is perfect at any level ad Michael Rosenbaum or the fabulous Jhon Glover. Perfect actors with in addition, a perfect adequation with their respective roles.
Kristin always looks natural and has that glint so rare now, far from what suggest so many movie female actresses who, for me alway, seem going out of a CGI shot! I am not bitter at all and do not want to despise anybody, on the contrary: I just try to underline some point of viex it is not that common to hear or read today.
AAAA said on 10/Oct/07
Agreed 110% Viper. Have you seen her Maxium shoot yet. i think it was for sept or maybe Oct. whatever, she looked good
Viper said on 10/Oct/07
That Laura chick isnt too far off from gorgeous.
Da Man said on 10/Oct/07
I think Erica Durance is hot. Check out her exercise video on youtube for proof.
Viper said on 10/Oct/07
Erica Durance is $$$$
Da Man said on 10/Oct/07
Interesting, I thought she was attractive in the season premiere but she didn't exactly get much screen time. At this point I'm really too ignorant of the new Supergirl to agree or disagree with you.
I do think the original Smallville "Kara" (Adrianne Palicki) was just about a perfect choice physically. Many of the Supergirl comic depictions actually look quite a bit like her facially.
Click Here Click Here Click Here Click Here
Click Here Click Here Click Here
I would say Laura Vandervoort is very cute, though not drop dead gorgeous.
Click Here Click Here Click Here
patrick said on 10/Oct/07
SHE IS NOT PRETTY AT ALL! Sorry for her but I happen to have this opinion shared with many other people, starting my own wife!
Sincerely, she is not what kara is to be: young but strong, delicate but very mature and clever deep down. The 80ies Stacy Haiduk would have been perfect but Helen Slater did a good job (better than the screenplayer!) in 1984, all the more since she did not look like Kara and transformed herself enough to become "her".
Tha new one is furthermore, not a good enough actress to make up for "the rest"!
I am not evil at all, on the contrary but Superman is an important myth and usually, "they" did a good, even very very good, in cating right people if only for minor parts but there...I personnaly met several girls in my life (including one!!!)who would have been much closer to Supergirl than "her". Kara's actress has to convince you she "is" supergirl. I must say I am not fond of new ways of treating her as his famous cousin in the currrent comics (one thousand titles for the same hero!) but, at leats for the time being, they still respect the myth on TV as in the movies.
It is not already the case in the superman cartoon: the brand new one is simply more awful and terrible than the batman one! Not the 90ies ones, the 20something's ones! I did not think that possible but "they did it" and it's a shame, "for me".
Manga's style is now everywhere and frankly, I do not understand what it is to do with American super heroes!
Be careful youngism everywhere gets values empty and I don't say that because I cannot be considered as "young" anymore myself. I felt that when I was 15 but at the time, I could see Big Stars on screen who were a bit above my own age! I consider that there is enough room for those who love mangas, European style comics and myths, old American and new one characterization!
More precisely about "Kara": look at her profile...
Da Man said on 9/Oct/07
I think she looks like Kara, but I missed the last episode and thus haven't really formed an opinion on her. Of course any cute, semi-petite, in-shape, blonde hair and blue eyed girl can potentially look like Kara. What do find wrong with her exactly, Patrick?
patrick said on 9/Oct/07
By the way, how do you find the new Supergirl in SV? Frankly, for the first time, I find that they did a big mistake! She is definitely NOT Kara! Even much less than the "fake" one in the third season. I never found Erica Durance as being Loïs Lane but she was nice and pretty and did a better job episode after episode but "there"! I do not understand because the US are full of potential Karas! The worst mistake ever in SV, for me!
Rewatch "superboy" with Stacy Haidul and guess what such a girl would have bring to the show! Really too bad but, maybe you have another opinion!
patrick said on 8/Oct/07
DaMan, frankly I wouldn't counter you about Tony Bell's height! I indeed, suppose he is not as tall as listed. Thence telling he is under 6'...
Anyway, Collins cannot be 6'3 but 6'1...probably. It still remains that Jared clearly towers over him, even in slouching! You need to be very tall to do that, no?
Besides, it seems that some 6'4 men look taller than others! Peter Ronson, the "giant" of "journey to the center of the earth" (59) looks at times, 6'7 so much taller he is next to his costars, James Mason and Pat Boone!
The same with the huge "towering everybody" Simmons in NYPD blue. That is strange and even more when I see "people" (guess who in this site...) who look the latter at 6'3.
Anyway, Jared is very probably 6'4 or else, that means US actors have really dangerously been shrinking for ten years!
Where is Tom's height in all of that since one week or so?
Da Man said on 5/Oct/07
Patrick, 6'1.5" listed Tobin Bell is well under 6'0".
Olivier said on 5/Oct/07
[Editor Rob: stephen collins had a couple inches on "6ft 1" tobin bell in one film, so let's give him 6ft 3 + the 4 = 6ft 7 Jared. Beat that!]
Rob, I didn't know you are so funny. Is it against the site's rules (er, your own rules?) for you to post more often?
patrick said on 5/Oct/07
Stephen Collins is regularly listed at 6'1 and if he is taller, if only by 1 inch, than Tobin Bell...I just do not understand anymore!
He looks 6'1 in star trek the movie where he is at least as tall as L.Nimoy.
Guys, all of this should tend to prove how subjective photographs as I tried so many times to explain here.
Jared is very tall and I am sorry to repeat but “that is not good to get roles for long”!
I read articles about Chris Reeve was stuck in getting good parts because of his personalization Superman but also because of being to tall WHILE having a “nice face”.
I figure out that meant he could not get part as Vince Vaughn did thanks to the “Psycho’s maniac” he embodied first.
Besides, Chris tried to do the same even between his superman films: he played a psycho gay character in a Sidney Lumet’s thriller and had lost 30 lbs for that!
A good guy has to be “regular”; over the time of the tall stars as Cooper, Wayne, Peck and so forth!
Sorry for writing the same thing too many times but I insist on how “that” is real and how important is the impact of that notion nowadays.
Jared and even Tom will have difficulties to find “normal” parts later; I am sure of that despite their respective talent!
Da Man said on 4/Oct/07
Now Rob, are you saying Tobin Bell's 6'1.5" listing is bogus? ;)
Da Man said on 4/Oct/07
I would agree that Stephen Collins isn't under 6'0" Patrick. Jared looks to have about 4" on him there, at least he would if he stood tall.

Editor Rob
stephen collins had a couple inches on "6ft 1" tobin bell in one film, so let's give him 6ft 3 + the 4 = 6ft 7 Jared. Beat that!
patrick said on 4/Oct/07
PaulG, do you really deliberatley not want to understand what I write? In the FIRST pic, with J.Schneider, whether it is because of angle or...whatever(!), Jared "has", "on-THAT-photo", abnormal proportions he seems not have in the second one with Collins (I did not recognize him!).
Anyway, S.Collins is closer, I think, in both cases and more evidently in the second one AND looks more than 4 inches shorter than Jared (who is visibly slouching as usual). I never saw S.Collins shorter than 6' and he really looks samll here, not mentioned "the other guy"!
AAAA said on 3/Oct/07
Thanks, I think sometimes Jared appears to have a big head because of his hair cut, not only is it long but it is flat down. I think he and tom both have similar size heads, but Tom's head looks a lot smaller in propotyion to his body, especially in that barn door photo. I think that is beacause his hair was shorter and tamer then. I bet Jared would look different if it was for that teenage skater punk haircut he is always rocking.
Jareds eyes also look like they are only an 1-1.5 inches away from being over the top of Stephen Collins head, and that isn't even standing straight. His head and neck are slouching major.
Nice find as well Da Man
Viper said on 3/Oct/07
I still think Jared could be as short as 6-3.
PaulG said on 3/Oct/07
Da Man says on 3/Oct/07
Jared's head and left hand appear bigger than usual because they are closer to the camera. His head is very similar size to Tom's as seen in the CW video. Now Click Here Jared's head and hands are actually very similar in size to Stephen Collins here. Jared is no giant.
Patrick, i don't know how you see a huge head there, maybe cuz he's opening his mouth? his hands are by no means bigger than COllins...
Da Man said on 3/Oct/07
Patrick, I think the photo I provided right below your most recent post concretely proves that the difference in feature size is entirely explained by perspective. Once perspective is removed Jared's features compare pretty equally with Stephen Collins, just as they did with Tom Welling in the CW premiere video.
patrick said on 3/Oct/07
PaulG, I can assure you that several persons here gauged Jared at 6'3 and even less (rarely!). Ask Viper for example!
DaMan: sorry but he does not lean enough to explain the HUGE difference. That is NOT definitely not, a grand angle objective photo and the three of them are almost at the same level (more than in many others pcis showed in this site).
Fellows, Jared should have been much closer to the camera to create such an impression: as Olivier and I said, "his head is enormous".
Thats does not imply anything else but Jared has "special" proportions on MANY pics as I already wrote it.
The "left" person is theorically even closer to the camera (question of simple triangulation).
As very large he has become for a couple of years, I still do not think he is more "muscled" than Tom but he definitely gained weight and is naturally very broad shouldered.
I never saw him with a short cut hairdo and I find that a bit weird because he looks like people I met when I was young...ages ago!
Exact Olivier: Jared does not need to wear anything allowing him to look taller than he really is! On the contrary, I think he is more always, even more than Tom, slouching with a quite nice and cool "hippylike" attitude!
Anyway, his hands are abnormaly big with no special angle and anamorphoses!
Da Man said on 3/Oct/07
Jared's head and left hand appear bigger than usual because they are closer to the camera. His head is very similar size to Tom's as seen in the CW video. Now
Click Here Jared's head and hands are actually very similar in size to Stephen Collins here. Jared is no giant.
Olivier said on 3/Oct/07
I was amazed when I saw that Jared/Schneider picture on Jared's page. I can't open it right now but I'm sure that's the one we're talking about.
Excellent find, AAAA.
Despite Jared's closeness to the camera, I see a minimum of at least 2in there, most likely more, not simply 'closer to 2in'. The man is a giant, and his head appears bigger than usual. John's eye level is barely above Jared's upper lip, and that's pushing it. The top of John's head seems to be just above Jared's eyebrows. Now unless John has 'really' shrunk, 6'4 doesn't really explain it for Jared. And I guess their footwear could be questioned, but why on earth would Jared need to wear big heels?
PaulG, perhaps I need a new prescription for my eyes. Tom and John are 6'2? I would say that both are definitely above that.
PaulG said on 3/Oct/07
i agree with Da Man... patrick take a better look at the pic, and who said jared was 6ft3? the lowest we put him at was 6ft4...with a 2 inch difference shown in the pic it explains JS at 6ft2...
Anonymous said on 2/Oct/07
Da Man says on 2/Oct/07
Patrick, I don't think the difference is 3" in that photo. Jared's head and left hand/side are closer to the camera than Schneider's. Jared is leaning towards the camera a bit while John is leaning away from it. The difference looks closer to 2" there.
i second that.... 100%
Da Man said on 2/Oct/07
Patrick, I don't think the difference is 3" in that photo. Jared's head and left hand/side are closer to the camera than Schneider's. Jared is leaning towards the camera a bit while John is leaning away from it. The difference looks closer to 2" there.
Da Man said on 2/Oct/07
Jared is easily over 195 at 6'4" IMO. He's put on a lot of bulk over the last couple of years, I thought he looked a good bit bigger (not just taller) than Welling in the CW video. At least in the upper body.
patrick said on 2/Oct/07
Very interesting AAAA that J.S / Jared pic; That rather would confirm my opinion about Jared: PLEASE, look at his face. at first sight it is obvious Jared has an "enormous" head; Check it out and you will see that tere is no comparison between the width and length of his face compared to the John's (or even the other man's)one. Even taking into consideration the different angle and the position of his head, Jaredlooks like a giant. It is not the first time I felt that with him. I barely knew him and I remember how huge looked his face. I even wondered if his "60ies hairdo" was not partly determined because of "this".
It is just an observation which, I think, everybody can do.
You can look at his hand as well: it's a giantlike one compared to the others!
Something really seems always "strange" when concerning Jared!
Brandon's pic with Glenn is revealing about how tall he is but I don't "think" he is taller than Tom for that all; Maybe...who knows?
I back Olivier up when he writes "Jared is the only one who is kinda standing still" and all in all, even if we all admit Jared is taller, "this video is not exactly conclusive" if only because we do not really know the Jared height, not mentioned the rest once more.
In the AAAA photo, Jared looks MINIMUM 8 cm, that's to say more than 3 inches, taller than John Schneider. Admitting he is "only" 6'3, that puts J.S. at 6 foot, no more and perhaps less! Who think J.S.is that shorter?
I have no answer for all of that but you all must admit that it is not as clear as some would do!
PaulG said on 2/Oct/07
jared looks 1.5-2 inches taller than schneider, who is about the same height as tom welling... so if jared is 6ft4 welling would be 6ft2 (for the millionth time)!!!
AAAA said on 1/Oct/07
Thanks, I thought i actually posted that here. I was shocked to say the least when I saw that. Either John isn't eating, or jared is up to way more that the 195 I read for him.
Da Man said on 1/Oct/07
A photo provided by AAAA on the Padalecki page. Interesting to say the least.
Click Here
Jared is a bit closer to the camera, but that kind of gap is by no means accounted for by perspective. Interested to hear the opinions on this one. BTW, excellent find AAAA.
Da Man said on 1/Oct/07
Viper, you would think there would be a pic of the two current Super-dudes together somewhere.
Viper said on 1/Oct/07
Da Man, physically Tom doesnt even look as tall to me as Brandon Routh.
Da Man said on 1/Oct/07
Olivier, you have to pause the video frame by frame. There are several frames where the two adopt nearly identical postures.
Tom's hair is brushed off of his face and slicked back with gel, frankly his hair rises higher off of his head than Jared's does. That is precisely why I pointed out the disparity in facial features to better illustrate my point. Neither one of these guys have large heads or abnormal features, all of their relative facial measurements are going to be very close to one another.
I am eventually going to do a screencap of that video and draw horizontal lines between them to better illustrate my points, once I get the time.
As far as evidence goes, it really doesn't get any more concrete than this. You have two guys in comparable footwear standing on a perfectly level surface exactly the same distance from the camera. About the only way we could get more concrete evidence is to have photographs of both guys standing on a stadiometer. Even then some people will see -- or won't see -- what they want.
Da Man said on 1/Oct/07
You'll have to keep trying that Glover-Murray pic. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. I checked it yesterday and it worked but this morning it is down.
Olivier said on 1/Oct/07
DA Man:
Thanks for the video.
00:23, 00:24, and 00:27 marks. Perhaps we are seeing things differently, but in these marks you pointed out Tom doesn't stand still, he moves his head constantly and even leans forward. You can tell he is not exactly standing straight. Jared is the only one who is kinda standing still, but that's up only to the 00:26 mark. At that exact mark, the center of Tom's eyes is clearly above the base of Jared's nose.
00:44, 00:50, check out especially the 00:54-00:55 marks, then the 00:55 - 1:00 marks and tell me your thoughts. And I am interested in knowing why you use the 'center of the eye'. I am not sure their noses are the same length, and that could play into that (though I think their noses would have to be of noticeable difference for that to be seen). Why not use the top of their heads? (minus the hair, of course)
And another thing, because of his hair, it's hard to tell just how exactly taller Jared is in relation to Tom (the 00:34 - 00:35 marks, and Tom's legs seem to be spread apart, by the way). All in all, Jared is taller than Tom, but this video is not exactly conclusive, IMHO.
Da Man said on 1/Oct/07
AAAA, 190 cm is 6'2.75". See if you can view this, one or both should work:
Click Here and
Click Here
Also found these:
Click Here and
Click Here -- two slightly different angles from the same shoot. Those photos appear to be legit, Tom is closer to the camera though.
Da Man said on 1/Oct/07
AAAA, here you go:
6'4" - 193 cm
6'3.5" - 192 cm
6'3" - 191 cm
6'2.75" - 190 cm
6'2.5" - 189 cm
6'2" - 188 cm
6'1.5" - 187 cm
6'1.25" - 186 cm
6'1" - 185 cm
Viper said on 1/Oct/07
I thought Tom looked 6-1 in the Fog actually. You cant argue anything over 6-2 in that movie for him at all.
AAAA said on 30/Sep/07
What is the average space between the tip of the nose and the eyes, I don't see Tom or Jared as having particularly big heads, so I think we could base it on averages.

Editor Rob
it should on average be no less than 4cm and not much more than 5cm. Unless you have very small nose.
paulg said on 30/Sep/07
Da Man, the more pics of tom i see from you, the more i am certain he is a solid 6ft2, NOTHING More...and i challenge patrick or AAAA to explain those pics with that 5ft9 actress...(yes the shoes are not shown...but from the movie i don't think she wore heals)..how to explain that, other than tom is indeed a 6ft2 guy..? (camera angles look pretty legit this time).
AAAA said on 30/Sep/07
Does anyone know where to find the picture of Tom, John, and Annete O'toole in the barn. Tom is in a red sweater and jeans on the right. John is in plaid and Jeans on the left and Annete is in a denim shirt perhaps. I want to see it again, and can't find it anymore.
paulg said on 30/Sep/07
AAAA do a Yahoo search of conversion of cm to inch, that would give you a much more precise answer.
Da Man said on 29/Sep/07
Click Here
Pause the video frame by frame between the 00:19 and 00:29 marks. There are several places where Tom and Jared adopt near identicle postures. There is no camera favor here whatsoever. The center of Tom's eyes line up with the base of Jared's nose. This can be seen at points within the 00:23, 00:24, and 00:27 marks.
Also pay attention to the distant shot at 00:34-00:35, the height disparity is obvious.
Jared has every bit of 1.5" on Tom there, 2" is not out of the question.
Da Man said on 29/Sep/07
Olivier, see if you can open this.
Click Here
Less fishy as in it jives better with party/event/premiere photos of Welling and castmates. Do you deny that? Have you seen Cheaper by the Dozen, Cheaper by the Dozen 2 or The Fog?
Tom Welling and 5'9" Maggie Grace:
Click Here and
Click Here
AAAA said on 29/Sep/07
I REALLY doubt he is barely 6'2, but I guess anything is a possibility. I think it can be agrued that he is 6'2 to 6'3 barefoot, whichever extreme you want to put him at. It seems a point of nailing it between there. BTW, I am not too familiar with cm. What is 190cm. Is that 6'2.75 or 6'3. Just curious
Olivier said on 29/Sep/07
I never meant to go technical on anyone. Again, though, the mistake is mine, for not explaining my thoughts in a satisfying manner. I guess it comes down to perception. How you can see 2.25 is beyond my comprehension, so I will not try to address that before taking another look at the video.
Da Man:
For some reason I can't open your link to the Glover - Murray photo, so again I will not comment on it, other than asking whether that photo is the one that convinced you that Glover is under 6'0 or there are many others? You very well know that a person can look taller/shorter than they really are. I am interested in seeing what heights you would give the others, if Glover is below 6'0.
And in all seriousness, the first of those two shots of Tom an Glover looks more legit because it looks less 'fishy'? Is this really an explanation? All Smallville shots are to be taken carefully, in my opinion. Perhaps John was wearing lifts in the second shot? Or perhaps Tom was wearing bigger shoes in the first shot? I just find it amusing that you picked--incidentally? Nah--the shot in which Tom and Glover are closer in height as the closest to the truth, when other [flawed] shots from Smallville speak otherwise (to my eyes at least).
PaulG said on 28/Sep/07
nice pic Da Man, in the first one, with john glover tom looks barely 6ft2...
Da Man said on 28/Sep/07
Scene from the show:
Click Here
Da Man said on 28/Sep/07
Left this one out of my last post.
Adrian Grenier looking taller than his 5'11" with Entourage castmates.
Click Here Click Here Click Here
Da Man said on 28/Sep/07
Patrick, I disagree with your assertion that a 6'2" man (especially a strong 6'2") can't have a large "presence" on screen. Some 6'2" guys flat out look taller than other 6'2" guys. Indeed, I've seen ~6'2" guys look downright stumpy until standing right next to them, and vice versa. It's all in proportions.
You also have to keep in mind, by and large, the cast of Smallville is under 6'0". I believe that includes John Glover. Here's legit 6'1" Bill Murray with about 2 inches on Glover.
Click Here
Tom Welling and John Glover:
Click Here Amazing how height varies on Smallville. I'm willing to bet that shot is more legit than this one:
Click Here The previous shot just looks far less "fishy" somehow.
Patrick, I'm 6'2.5" and many people, including guys over 6'0" themselves, guess me at 6'3" or 6'4". I get far more 6'4" estimates than 6'2" estimates, in fact when people comment on my height they almost never guess me at 6'2". You don't find it possible that Welling experiences a similar phenomenon?
An example of how those around you can impact perception of height. The Rock (a strong 6'2" or weak 6'3") really could pass for well over 6'4" here.
Click Here
Even Adrian Grenier, a 5'11" guy on HBO's Entourage, can look much taller than his 5'11" when surrounded by his 5'9" - 5'4" co-stars. Yep, that's right, a 5'11" guy that looks tall on TV. That's the amazing thing about television, it can portray any image the director wants to convey.
Case in point:
Click Here
PaulG said on 28/Sep/07
Al asks that question in the "general height" section on the right of your screen.
Al said on 27/Sep/07
Hi all, I am new to this site. When I wake I am exactly 6.3", and when I go to sleep it's exactly 6.2". It is really 1 full inch difference! So what is my height? It's possible that Tom also shrinks up to 1 inch during the day. What should I say if someone asks you about my height?
PaulG said on 27/Sep/07
Olivier, don't get technical on us ;) "almost", "virtually" "nearly" means around 0.5 inch which is still kind of exaggerated when it comes to this video, if i want to be conservative i'll say at the very LEAST 1.5 inch, and as much as 2.25 inch.... so yeah take another look at the video and i USE frame by frame!!!!!
patrick said on 27/Sep/07
Olivier! So nice to hear from you again! Always wise Olivier. As AAAA is, and that is real pleasure to read calm and objective and accurate people like you.
All I read from you is accurately reckoned and that is EXACTLY what I personally feel; I mean EXACTLY. Thus, I won't repeat it! I am watching a Clint Walker western and, even though I admit Tom is not that tall, he gives me the same impression as Clint does next to his co-stars. Never ever a 6'2 guy can do this; even compared to short people (5'5 or less). They never allow short people looking as their real height should do in presence of tall actors unless it is made on purpose (giant role).
You also right in assuming Tom does not care of how tall he looks. It is “in him”, in his humble way of being. He does not need to be “upright” because he is not Superman yet. Look Brandon Routh: “he does” because he “is” Superman!
Tom rarely extends himself and when he does, he gains a lot of height. So was John Wayne, swaying his head, on the contrary of Burt Lancaster or Kirk Douglas for example.
I don’t try to convince our pals but I am here to display as well as possible my arguments.
Ben, WELCOME BACK too! I agree with you too. That is what I feel about this so severe site! That makes it very interesting even though we “annoy each other” now and then!
PaulG, what I meant is once more different than what you think: I just mean that removing an inch shows a real effort I wish I had seen other people do. That’s all. Being able to question oneself about one’s certainties is really important.
Besides, you see a two inch difference between both CW stars? Really? It’s as if neither Olivier, AAAA, Ben nor “I” were “out of” your “everybody” concept!
At any rate, I am! I am not even really absolutely sure of that inch difference even though I acknowledge it.
As for watching it frame by frame, I did it up to wear my poor eyes and get tears!
AAAA, right about “Bell’s stretching height” from a pic to another. Annette O’Toole never is up Tom’s neck base, way below his Adam’s apple.
We have a lot of other celebrities’ photos, indisputably tall who can appear much shorter than they really are while nothing seeming justify it.
Please, “everybody” knows that…
Olivier, again, I am backing you up. Love your style!
I talk here again about a Wayne / Ryan movie because it actually is the best example of how the adjective “obvious” means nothing when it about movie industry.
Whether you watch a scene or another, with perfectly comparable grounds, you see huge differences between! Those who claim (not to explain but to justify, at all cost) that is because John Wayne wore lifts, I’d say “why did he wear them “here” and not “there”? So stupid argument!
The interest remains is how height are NEVER evident!
In “Yuma” with the 6’6 Clint Walker, even him seems changing heights all the time. I suppose he also wore lifts and forgot them from time to time!
That is why, I am not at 100% convinced by this clip as I already wrote it BUT enough to acknowledge Tom being shorter than Jared.
Guys, have you REALLY, thoroughly ever made photos? Because I did and still do. Without boasting I can assure you that I am quite good and because of a former amateur artist, I always noticed that kind of thing directly linked to angles, perspective laws etc.
How a tiny angle change could completely transform everything, always kept me amazed!
That is why, even that good clip is not a 100% but a very good argument. I wish you had showed unto me that ability to recognize even which is against one’s own opinion.
Still all my respectable friends!
Olivier said on 27/Sep/07
Da Man says on 26/Sep/07
"It is absolutely flabbergasting that anyone can honestly say that they saw Tom and Jared as the same height in the CW Premier video. I could maybe see someone totally oblivious to height saying that, but even then that's hard to believe.
Did you see Tom and Jensen as the same height in the video? Seriously."
Is this aimed at me? If so, read my post again. What do the words 'at times' and 'virtually' mean to you? I said this not as evidence of Tom and Jared being the same height, rather it was to emphasize the fact they don't stand still or straight to be accurately judged. I've never denied that Jared is taller than Tom, just how much taller. As far as I can remember, in that video, it's hard to pin the two of them when they are standing straight. I remember Tom shifting his instance quite often from one leg to another, and this, combined with Jared's instance, caused an illusion of them looking to be 'almost' 'virtually' 'nearly' the same height. Not 'exactly' the same height. I guess I am the one who didn't explain this well, and it's very possible my memory is flawed. If I thought Jared and Tom were the same height, I would have said that Tom towered as much over Jensen as Jared did. That simple. But I don't think so. If anything, that video confirmed to me that Jared is taller, but I am sorry, I didn't see 2in between them. Again, this is from memory, and I could have missed something--the connection here is not the best, I think I had only one look at that video--so if you can, post it again, I would appreciate it.
Sorry, I had kinda of lost myself, I had not even checked this site in some time, much less post. But I hope I've found myself, nice talking to you, and all the others as well.
PaulG said on 26/Sep/07
Da Man says on 26/Sep/07
It is absolutely flabbergasting that anyone can honestly say that they saw Tom and Jared as the same height in the CW Premier video.
i like that word (flabbergasting), first time i hear it since taking the SAT, 5 years ago !!!! :D
AAAA said on 26/Sep/07
No jared's taller than tom. thats for sure. Jared is a REAL big guy. I think a picture like the one viper posted is GREAT, but as he said, Tom is closer to the camera, AND as I will say, Tom has his legs spread way beyond a normal stance. I also don't see much of any difference, as Tom has his shoulders level and John seems to be reaching for a wallet or something in his back pocket. They are both in boots, but that picture is hard to juge
Just reiterating my point that those two never stood up straight together.
I also think the proofs that he is 6'2 or 6'3 are subjective as they(everyone on the CW) never seem to be around other celebrities
That picture with bell does make Tom look about 6'1, but scroll down to the one with annete O'toole. Next to tom she looks about the same height as Bell, and she is closer to the camera. Now bell is 5'1 and she is 5'4. whats up with that.
Da Man said on 26/Sep/07
It is absolutely flabbergasting that anyone can honestly say that they saw Tom and Jared as the same height in the CW Premier video. I could maybe see someone totally oblivious to height saying that, but even then that's hard to believe.
Did you see Tom and Jensen as the same height in the video? Seriously.
I can't view the video at work (SonicWall), but this Friday I will post the exact mark at which you can compare the heights of Tom and Jared. I may even take a screen capture and draw lines to prove the point, Tom was at least 1.5" shorter than Jared. To steal a line from Patrick, *I* will eat my hat if you can prove they were within 1" of each other, much less the same height.
As for the footwear topic, keep in mind Tom had on dress shoes with fairly substantial heels. His shoes looked similar to these men's gucci shoes (as far as the soles go):
Click Here
PaulG said on 26/Sep/07
patrick says
"I removed one inch from my former Tom’s height evaluation!"
woohooo, one down a few more to convince.
Tom might be, in my opinion a solid 6ft2, meaning 6ft2.5 when he wakes, but i highly doubt anything more. people need to realise how tall a genuine 6ft2 guy is. a lot of time approximations are wrong since the height that we perceive are not the reality because when we ask a person how tall they are...and they're like "6ft3", when indeed they're "6ft1.5", the image sticks with us and we apply it when comparing celebs and other people.
if everybody on this page agreed that jared is 6ft4 (like you do), then everybody here will agree that tom is 6ft2 in that clip. Everybody here admits the 2 inch difference and try to upgrade padalecki to 6ft5 to convince themselves that welling is over 6ft3 (lol) ... watch it again and use frame by frame ...
Ben said on 26/Sep/07
I just can't see hem at the same height as other 189 cm tall actors...like for example ashton kutcher, samuel L jackson, ben affleck, bernie mac, eric bana etc. He has always given me the impression that he is quite a bit taller then those guys...to be honest i think that this site downgrades a lot of solid 6'3 celebs down to the "standard" 6'3. And in my opinion Tom Welling is one of them.
Da Man said on 26/Sep/07
Viper, you're right, he looks roughly 6'1" there. His posture is a bit more relaxed than Kristen's though so that has to be considered.
Olivier said on 26/Sep/07
I was watching the last episode of season 2 (Exodus) last night, and in the hospital scene Tom looks clearly taller than Schneider. Viper, in the photo you posted below, (Tom and Schneider), Tom's legs are spread apart, more so than John's, which would reduce his height. Moreover, John has his arm raised, which in turn raises his shoulder level.
At the risk of parroting other posters' words, Smallville's shots are just not the ideal pictures to compare people's heights--especially those very close.
Hartley and Ritchson appear to me as solid 6'2 dudes, and as much as one can be a bad judge of heights, I find it hard to dismiss Hartley's claim that Tom is an inch taller, which is clearly seen in Smallville (at least that Tom is noticeably taller than him).
The thing is, because Tom is so tall, he stands relaxed, without straining or standing very straight, that doesn't seem to bother him in the least. Why would he need to stretch his neck for those bits of an inch he might gain?
If Tom is 6'2, then a whole bunch of actors' heights need to be shot down. I've always seen at least a 2in difference between Tom and Glover, for instance. So Glover is down to the 5'11 - 6'0 range? And Michael to what, 5'9 - 5'10? Laughable, if you ask me.
Jared Padalecki is one guy I don't believe is just 6'3, and this is NOT out of a desire to see Tom at 6'3. I remember watching that video with Tom, Jared and Jensen. I am yet to understand how people saw a 1.5 - 2 inches difference between Tom and Jared. For one thing, they were constantly shifting, never standing still to allow an estimation to be made. Actually, at times, Tom looked to be virtually as above Jensen as Jared was. I contend Jared is no less than 6'4, and Tom around 6'3 (no less than 190cm, to use a system I am more comfortable with).
My Humble Opinion.
patrick said on 26/Sep/07
PaulG: I never said that Tom towered John Schneider; I expressed myself inappropriately. Sorry for I meant he towered everybody and was even taller than J.S., himself taller than all the others.
I nevertheless disagree about Tom and John: Tom ALWAYS looks taller OFF SET, in street shots for example and I read twice John himself saying Tom was “even” a bit taller than him.
Do not forget pics of TV shows where Tom is always distinctly taller. Theoretically, grounds are made of even concrete covered with fake wood, most often painted, in TV sets.
Adam’s apple: tip of it, “prominent” part. Some people have a very long neck while being very thick too as Chris Reeve. He was so before working out for Superman part. So Dean Cain was but with a shorter neck.
John Wayne, R. Ryan, C.Walker and many other very bulky men had long and thick necks: the impression of force is so reinforced.
I never watch Regis and Kelly but I did not see him that short!
Those men were all tall as J.S. and Tom Welling are, . It always will be very hard to determine a difference of only ½ inch between guys over 6’2.
The problem is that “I” admitted the “Jared Tom CW TV show” and thereby, recognized Tom was not as tall as I expected.
It seems that everybody here sticks to his guns and just keeps from pics or shots or whatever, only what is serving their cause, without taking into account all the rest.
Paul G “You” say there are more proofs Tom is 6’2 than more than that. I am really sorry but that is completely false. Let’s admit (I disagree but…) there are “fifty-fifty”.
It is exactly as if some “arguments” if not proofs, were deliberately pulled aside and simply turned down.
I removed one inch from my former Tom’s height evaluation!
I am still waiting for people acknowledging if only ½ inch “up” but that seems impossible!
DaMan is by far the most, not honest because you all are honest (!), but the most capable of seeing the reality as it is (AAAA is on “my” side, therefore…) and I am SURE, absolutely SURE that if Tom happened to be proved (I say “proved”) taller than he saw him, he would change his mind as I would (and already did) do.
Guys, we ought to take advantage of that site to trying improving us as I noticed it many times: look how courteous are all we despite our differences! Here is also, why I love to write here!
Tou all are real gentlemen and that is rare and precious!
I just regret that some of us seem having disappear as Olivier and some others.
Viper said on 26/Sep/07
Tom looks 6-1 with 5-1 Kristin Bell, even If shes wearing heels.
Click Here
Viper said on 26/Sep/07
This is interesting. Schneider physically looks taller than Tom here.
Click Here
His head, shoulders, everything looks taller. And even Welling is slightly closer to the camera no less. I see its an homage to the Dukes of Hazzard with the Dodge Charger and Tom Wopat appearing in that scene.
Viper said on 26/Sep/07
"and sorry patrick but Tom doesn't tower over schneider, they're about the same height"
Did Patrick just say Tom towers over Schneider? LOL. Hell Id say If anyone was the taller of the 2, its Schneider .
Viper said on 25/Sep/07
Tom needs to go to some event where NFL players are around.
AAAA said on 25/Sep/07
BTW, i finally realize your not necessarly saying flat 6'2, but a solid 6'2. I always asscoiate 6'2 or 6'3 as flat, ad strong usually having some fraction afterwards
PaulG said on 25/Sep/07
AAAA, Patrick, just like you two can find evidence that tom is over/about 6ft3, there's more pics of him around 6'2. i showed that pic with lex luthor where he looks 6ft2 at most. and sorry patrick but Tom doesn't tower over schneider, they're about the same height...(camera angles can NEVER be trusted...), AAAA, you have to take it easy bro, you were right about neck length, i was measuring it wrong...i'm 6ft1.25 in the morning and my neck is about 3 inches...but still, even in the Ripa clip, You can't 100% trust camera angles and as you said pic quality wasn't so great.
I wish a guy with a documented height will stand next to tom and share the pic with us...?
patrick said on 25/Sep/07
Wow! What a series of arguments in just one day! I'm beaten!
Scotland Yard as the FBI ought to hire both of you DaMan and AAAA! By the way, I am a dwarf compared to you with my 5'8 tops but my neck is only 2.2 inches between chin and Adam's apple.
So, I consider, me, it is not that hard to gauge Justin Hartley, Alan Ritchson and Tom in SV. As I wrote it here many times, it is easy to find several good shots where Tom appears clearly, not just a bit, taller than both of them, NEVER the contrary; Never. There is this shot where Justin passes by Tom and though that one stands legs wide apart, Justin does not look but "is" obviously shorter than Tom, as he besides, claims himself.
As for Alan, whatever shot it is, either the camera is tilted (first Tom and him meeting in season 4)in favor of Alan who nevertheless looks shorter or they both are aside each other, like in the justice league episode and Tom shows a difference of height only blind or bad faith people cannot admit the importance.
Anyway, when watching Tom, you do not have the same impression (that is very important even though not a proof)than lgit 6'2 other actors give you. Everybody says, including myself, that SV shots are not very good to really appreciate the respective actors height BUT, I repeat that in ALL the STREET SCENES, Tom TOWERS over everybody, including the never less than 6'2 John Schneider. You can have a right appreciation of how different people are about height, only in seeing them from a certain distance. That is the judge of peace and nothing else.
I rewatched on TCM the wonderful "soylent green"; I can assure you that it is VERY difficult to see a noteworthy difference between Chuck Heston and the late Chuck Connors yet taller than him by 2.5 inches! When a guy looks always tall, he is and 6'2 for very tall it is is not enough to cause that feeling on a screen.
I don't know why but I could not open the Tom - Regis -Kelly pics; anyway, I never saw Regis being shorter than Peter Falk for example. So...5'5 with shoes on...you sure? that is really actually very short! What do you think AAAA?
PaulG said on 24/Sep/07
6'3 with shoes/6'2 without(a solid 6'2)....
AAAA said on 24/Sep/07
P.S Guys
I STILL stress robs comments that Hartley and Alan Ritchson were legit 6'2 guys in person, both have stated Tom is taller than them. Unfortunaly smallville shots are terrible for straight height comparison, so I leave that alone
Da Man, your are right about him being very honest. and I respect your thoughts he is only 189, I still see 190 or so. I think 190 is 6'2.75? and the range i see for him has always been 6'2.75 to 6'3.25.
And since the CW stars never seem to leave Canada, it seem unlikey we will get better shots until they are all in moe high profile movies

Editor Rob
yes, they both looked 6ft 2-2.25 bfg's...big friendly guys. You could have a good argument for either as 189cm.
AAAA said on 24/Sep/07
PaulG there is no intended sarcasam here so if it come off abrasive, I didn't mean it.
Since you took the time to organize that argument PaulG I will answer your questions to me. BTW, I now have a lot of respect for you, since you came back and planned an argument. I am sorry I blew up before, I get annoyed when people don't back up asserations. They just say crap. there is a lot of that sometimes by posters that don't last.
And in my defense you started with the scarcasam and the snotty humor not me. But I shouldn't have jumed down you throat, regardless. So I hope we can move past this to new, engaging debates. That is why I post here. I have also never RETARTED ANY of my arguments, thought I will confess if I am wrong and there is undeniable evidence, and I respect Daman's opinions, hell we only squabble over about a half an inch don't we Daman. Its is in eveyones nature to assume they are right, so I think we all need to keep that in consideration.
I did actually hold a T square to my head top to be quite honest. I figured that since I am 6'2 I should have a realitivly similar head, neck, and shoulder measurments lenght wise to some one in the 6'1-6'3 range. Unless your Bill Clinton or John Mayer, I think most height difference has to do with legs and torso, not neck.
Neck length I measured bottom tip of the chin to the the bottom of my adams apple. That was 2.8in. 2 inches I still feel is really small for a neck, especially if some one is taller.
Look foward to hearing you all again
Da Man said on 24/Sep/07
He has also said "6-2 or 6-3". Could that be barefoot and in-shoe heights, or could that mean he is right in-between those heights and doesn't know which figure to claim?
I think he is a 189 cm guy, based more on photographic/video evidence than on statements. One thing seems apparent, Welling seems more honest about his height than most actors.
Ben said on 24/Sep/07
Since Tom Welling always says the "about 6'3" statement about himself... I absolutely think he is closer to 6'3 than he is to 6'2...so therefore i think he is a solid 190 cm guy...
Da Man said on 24/Sep/07
Accounting for posture I would say it is possible, even likely, that Tom is a bit over 6'3" (6'3.5"?) in footwear at the 00:43-00:44 mark. I do believe 6'4" in footwear is a bit outside the realm of likelihood (though not absolutely impossible) based on how he stacks up to Kelly.
Another Regis and Kelly photo --
Click Here -- they are in mid stride so it's hard to tell too much, but they look pretty close here. Within 1".
Da Man said on 24/Sep/07
Regis (in dress shoes) is usually just about one inch taller than Kelly (in heels) when there is no angle/distance/perspective favoring and when he adopts normal posture.
Click Here and
Click Here
Although at other times Regis looks to have more (lifts IMO)
Click Here
I think Regis is 5'5" minus shoes. I must say, Kelly is quite the hottie. ;)
AAAA said on 24/Sep/07
BTW, Daman, than you for pointing out evidence to you posts, Instead of just spewing out crap that you want to be taken as gospel
AAAA said on 24/Sep/07
ANother question. There she looks to be the same height as Regis in those heels. I find it crazy that regis is only 5'5 in shoes and under 5'4 flat foot. Was he ever actually his claimed 5'6, or was that in shoes in lifts?
Da Man said on 24/Sep/07
The only height comparison that can be drawn from the 2nd video provided by AAAA is at the 00:43 - 00:44 second mark between Tom and Kelly Ripa. Bear in mind that Tom is closer to the camera than Regis is throughout the clip, it is absolutely impossible to compare the heights of Tom and Regis with any semblance accuracy.
At the 00:43-0:44 second mark 5'2.5" Kelly Ripa -- assuming she is wearing her typical 3" heels which makes her 5'4.8" (5'5") in footwear -- reaches within 1" of Tom's chin.
Assuming Tom has a 9" head, Tom is essentially 6'3" in footwear -- give or take one half of an inch for posture variations -- in that video. Compared to Kelly Ripa, Tom is certainly not reaching 6'4" even in footwear.
patrick said on 24/Sep/07
By the way, PaulG, You were NOT skeptical about my words, you, sure unintentionaly, implied I lied; you said: "NO WAY". Be careful in choosing your comments, please.
patrick said on 24/Sep/07
Many happy returns AAAA. I hope DaMan will join us again soon!
So, first, thanks both of you to answer about "push-ups". A bit boring topic but I am not surprised in what I read. Actually, guys working out DO DEFINITELY NOT NEED push-ups! I do because it is my only way of exercising! I used to working out in the early 80ies and pushed 220 lbs three times and thats was all. I already had my shouldered damaged and my left elbow broken. On a secial device, I pushed without any training for years, 190 lbs but you know, inclined, not on a bench. I am about 170lbs now for 5'7 more than 8. I lost 15 lbs in two month just in renovating my home!
AAAA: yes, long arms are not in favor of pushing, whatever way you do it! I have long arms too and remember how a friend of mine, much less strong than I was push up more because of his so short arms (I called him the "chicken"!).
End of that boring subject: AAAA, once more you speak so perfectly I have nothing to add, including about the way to argue and your favorite debators.
Mine too because Viper improved a lot a year ago or so!
It is obvious Justin is tall; he looks about the same as a guy like Matthew Fox and is mre than certainly 6'2 MINIMUM.It is too certain he is an inch (or even a bit more) shorter than Tom.
AAAA, you keep me amazed in tackling the subject under a so professionnal angle as would do a detective of CSI! That is really very interesting and convincing too; To the effect that one can be young and very mature!
Hey, guys, you all are very tall and seem well built likewise!
Fortunately, I meet you thru Internet! (joke)
Jason said on 23/Sep/07
PaulG says on 20/Sep/07
''Patrick, in 5 mins ? do you go all the way down? how much do you weigh? (i'm counting on 150 ;) )...i work out regularly and can bench 225 20 times in a row, but i unfortunately can't do too many push up even though i weigh a mere 215.... it's not a matter or throwing judgements too early because i'm young, i'm just a bit skeptical and curious that's all... :)''
I don't think I can even do 30. I hate push-ups..... :)
AAAA said on 22/Sep/07
in 5 minutes I can do slighly over 300 pushups, but that is in sets, not in a row. In a row, My absloute max would probably be at or around 100, but I have no idea of the time limit
paulg said on 21/Sep/07
same here Da Man.
Da Man said on 21/Sep/07
Patrick, I've never done more than 50 - 60 pushups in one sitting. I'm not a big push-up guy, I prefer weights.
PaulG said on 20/Sep/07
Patrick, in 5 mins ? do you go all the way down? how much do you weigh? (i'm counting on 150 ;) )...i work out regularly and can bench 225 20 times in a row, but i unfortunately can't do too many push up even though i weigh a mere 215.... it's not a matter or throwing judgements too early because i'm young, i'm just a bit skeptical and curious that's all... :)
Patrick said on 20/Sep/07
AAAA and presumably you too DaMan, you work out regularly and may I ask you how many push-ups you are able to do, precising that I do between 500 and 700 (depending the time I have) in three times but the whole in five minutes MAX. My rule. I do them "right" and on my fingers (first series) and on my fist (two others); I prefer to do it "reversed", it's to say feet on a table. I do not use other stuff as you probably use yourself (bars, devices etc.). My broken shoulder and left elbow, my numerous wounds prevent me to do what I did so easily as I would and wish!
I saw guys sometimes right in the street, doing things simply surnatural without being built as these mountains of muscles too many actors want to look like "the time of movie".
We²are far from our precious topic, that is to say "Tom being ...6'3"!
Patrick said on 20/Sep/07
dmyer, no offense but I do not find your explanation that clear even though I think to see what you mean! Seems some letters and occasionaly, punctuation.
PaulG, you talk "too young" as I am used to saying. Because you judge too fast. There is nothing to do with medicine or anything else. Some people are in good shape up to 60 without doing anything special but feeding correctly and taking vitamins and others are "out" at 40 or even less while working out every day.
Peter Lupus is very old now but he still is able to do what you (and I) will never ever able to do in this life. Charles Bronson was unbielevable up to his past 60ies; Jacky Chan is far away from simply doing 700 push-ps and he is 55 or so. Tons of others examples! Question of routines. I do it and I never lie, ever. That being said I do not either in assuming Tom is 6'3 (joke)!
Patrick said on 19/Sep/07
I do yet, PaulG, and I met people, rare, able to push up to 1000!
dmeyer said on 19/Sep/07
if you wanna know if you realy are 5'11 stand by a 5'11 mesured girl i had a few demale friends whe were 5'11 i was the same sometimes 0.5 to 1 cm taller with military posture since i am 181 on a good day but i anm taller tham most guys who claim 5'11 since they are about 5'9.5 to 5'10.25
Viper said on 19/Sep/07
I think Schneider is 6-2-6-2 1/2 Patrick.
PaulG said on 19/Sep/07
Viper, dude we're pretty much on the same page when it comes to height estimation, you should tell me where you're posting so i can "support" your cause hehehe.
Patrick, i don't believe you can do 700 push ups, hehehe, no way ! i know that 50 is the new 30 with all the advances of medicine, and health...keep up the good work....and by the way .... welling is 6ft2 ;)
Viper said on 18/Sep/07
Da Man, Jared looks 6-3 at the very, very best with 6-1.5 Brian Van Holt in the House of Wax actually.
Patrick said on 18/Sep/07
Everything's OK with me PaulG! I am old fashioned in my way of reacting at once but NEVER "badly", never ever. After in the good old westernes and others, the two friends start in fighting, isn't it?
I just would like add I am 54 and have had a very well "full life"; There are right here, people I am proud of sharing time and ideas including AAAA, Olivier and DaMan but many others (they are just my favorites!).
So, what I meant is that however I appreciate and like Tom Welling, kinda "rarity" in the movie-TV industry, I can assure you, sincerely, that could not be a factor to bias me in either way. It proves to be very difficult to impress me in whatever way, and way harder to influence me.
No, if I always, perhaps being completely wrong, saw Tom as many people around me (including my wife and even those not being regular SV audience)and on many other sites, it is simply because I see him so, exactely as you saw him shorter while, I suppose, not despising or hating him for all of that! Am I "clear" because I am not sure of being it at times!
So, DaMan and Viper have a new guy on their side! All the better! The more the merrier!
I'll eat my hat only if I finally find out that he is LESS than 6'2. Otherwise, I'll keep "them" since I have a lot of hats.
Da Man said on 18/Sep/07
If Jared Padalecki is 6'4" Tom Welling is roughly 6'2.5" -- the CW premiere video proved that. That also means if Padalecki is 6'3" as he himself claims Welling is about 6'1.5", if Padalecki is 6'5" like Jensen Ackles claims he is Tom Welling is over 6'3". I'm pretty sure Tom Welling is as he says, 6'2" or 6'3".
Editor Rob personally places Welling between 6'2.25" and 6'2.75" based on pics with Tom Welling and Ian Somerhalder. I agree with that estimation 100%. Like I've said numerous times, I have yet to see a single shred of evidence that indicates Welling is a full or solid 6'3". I'd be interested to see it, but I've done tons of pic searching for this site and have yet to find it.
Tom Welling's personal statements regarding his height seems to jive with the hard evidence perfectly, I really don't see why so many dismiss Tom's own words.
Da Man said on 18/Sep/07
If Adrianne Palicki is indeed 5'11", then Tom Welling looks like a weak 6'2" next to her.
Click Here
But once again, these are Smallville-sourced shots that involve ridiculous height manipulations. Many of the times the shots are intended to emphasize Welling's height (note the numerous low angles shots the show uses to have the audience looking "up to" Clark), and at other times they degrade his height to fit him into frames with shorter actors for a practical effect.
myspace celebrity said on 17/Sep/07
i think tom looks more like 6'3.5 next to adrianne palicki (5'11)
Da Man said on 17/Sep/07
I have yet to see a non-Smallville sourced picture where Welling looks over 6'3". 6'3" in my view would the absolute maximum Tom could be, the more and more pics I see of Welling I'm seeing a solid trend of him looking between 6'2" and just short of 6'3". Actually, I've seen more pics where Welling looks under 6'2" than over 6'3". I think the 6'2.5" listing is still spot on for Welling, 6'3" is too high when the man himself claims to be under 6'3". This isn't a case of Welling under stating his height for potential parts, if that were really the case you would think he'd be claiming about 6'1" not "almost" or "about" 6'3". Welling in my opinion is visibly shorter than guys like Padalecki, Vince Vaughn, Adam Baldwin, Jeff Goldblum, etc. Welling IMO even comes across as a bit shorter on screen than Kevin Sorbo, I'd be very interested to see how those two stack up off set.
PaulG, bit of advice, lay off the witty sarcasm and stick to the points. All you achieve with the sarcasm is to put everyone on the defensive which rarely helps when making an argument. If you stick around I think you'll come to learn the regular posters on this board are intelligent people. Hopefully you will learn to recognize that whether they agree with you or not.
Patrick said on 17/Sep/07
I can't explain "your" so called "6'2 Tom pics" just because I never saw Tom on any photo at this height! The angles used in SV as it is explained not only by me but with the help of many others right here, are the most often in disfavor with him if only to allow others actors not to seem too short. Angles NEVER ever got him any height advantage! If you cannot see it, I am not able and don't feel like convince you. I will respect your view IF you do the same with "us", your opponents.
Aquaman is clearly on flat grounds, shorter by two inches than Tom and never angles are advantaging Tom; I repeat that unless you dwarf Jhon Glover and Philip Morris, you just cannot put Tom at only 6'2. That is simply impossible.
But let's admit we have not the same point of view.
But I repeat that if all that was so obvious, this page would have been closed for long!
AAAA, Olivier and DaMan and you too Viper, I wish I could talk to you again: a real pleasure!
pgv said on 16/Sep/07
In the picture that Paul posted on Aug 7th, they are standing on a flat surface. I have the large size pictures of this somewhere on my old computer. JS and TW are in dress shoes, I think and MR is in sneakers. For what it's worth, JS always looked slightly taller than TW in SV to me.
PaulG said on 15/Sep/07
Patrick, by getting a myspace account it's for the website MYSPACE.COM which i got the pics from buddy... and second if you can't explain all the pics where tom looks right about 6ft2 ( i never said less than that), i think you SHOULD eat your hat(s).;), i can explain all the pics where he looks 6ft3+ by implying a camera angle what can you say for the pics i showed previously, and the clip with jared where he OBVIOUSLY looks two inches shorter...huh?????
Patrick said on 15/Sep/07
Just one thing AAAA: "thank you" (once more!)
Tom definitely is 6'3.
AAAA said on 14/Sep/07
No need to be mean and disrespectful...this is supposed to be an engaging topic of conversation, not a chance to make insensitive remarks.
so, Tom is 6'3
Patrick said on 14/Sep/07
No, nobody is paying me and I find the allusion a bit disrespectful not to say insulting.
You take for granted, as if it was sooo obvious, the fact Tom is not even 6'2 while so many others, including the very respectful, him, DaMan is agreed to see him at 6'2.5. I never denied that clip with Jared and on the contrary, I always admitted since that Tom was shorter than I thought.
Better to show us pics everybody can open up and not mixing up people before treating potential opponent as if theyr were stupid; Everybody here, likes and wants good and valid arguments.
As for bragging through Internet...a bit too easy, don't you think?
If Tom is 6'2, I promise I'll eat my hat. I've got several!
What do you mean "get a myspace account..." I just do not get it!
I am not payed but
Da Man said on 14/Sep/07
I'm not saying Welling isn't over 6'2", but those off-set pics are a far better way to gauge height than the show itself is. Smallville is just about the worst when it comes to camera trickery.
PaulG said on 14/Sep/07
Patrick... hehehe i'm not a celebrity stalker so mixing people up does not necessarily makes me stupid, hahaha...coming back to that pic wtih "Lex", i don't think he was standing on a freaking sidewalk (otherwise he would have been the same height as tom) so a reasonable guess is that they are both wearing dress shoes, therefore tom is only 6ft2 at most.... which is not far from what he's listed here, but anyways... and concerning that clip of him with 6'4 jared, where he looks about 2 inches shorter, that's REALITY my friend...the one and only truth which you're in denial about...is somebody paying you to be that adamant that tom welling is over 6ft3 when he obviously looks shorter? concerning your main argument which is based on a TV series with changing camera angles.......................................LOL
oh and by the way, get a myspace account...
PaulG said on 13/Sep/07
i can't believe this guy is listed at more than 6ft2!!!! editor rob, please tell me that my eyes are cheating me, because if the guy who plays lex luthor is as listed 5ft11.5, Tom welling can't be more than 6ft2....
check this:
Click Here
PaulG said on 13/Sep/07
check this out ....with springer who's about 5'11.5
Click Here

Editor Rob
Springer? That's rutget hauer lol...
Patrick said on 10/Sep/07
Frankly AAAA, I have just returned from a nice trip (Boston, NYC etc.) and I find your comment and I...am really, deeply, sincerely "impressed"!
I am sure that DaMan, who is probably young too but perhaps not as you are, will agree with me about how mature your view of what life really is, can be!
Finding such a clirvoyance in such a young man, I ought to say "human being", that makes feel more sanguine regarding our future, really!
What you write is perfect and shows a profound intelligence of what is true in life, what is worth fighting for! I must admit I NEVER find that in Europe and above all, never in France!!!
On the John Wayne pages, there some very very nice people: Mike C and Gonzalo I invite you to discover; you will figure out why after reading them!
We are here far from the simpleidea of "how tall is Mr X" and reach what I ALWAYS considered this very site SO passionate! Thank you Editor Rob for all of that!
I have nothing to add to what you say about "my friends", all those so wonderful actors deserving the name of "stars" and about Tom: 100 % agree with all what is written.
I am sure that Viper will appreciate too because, beyond the fact of being agreed with you and me or no, "that" is really reflected, thought, so full of real human intelligence!
I DO love this site and I feel grateful to meet all of you thanks to it!
About, stars, we should not forget female ones as Katharine Hepburn, Lauren Bacall, Ingrid Bergman and perhaps my favorite: Barbara Stanwick!
Looking forward reading you again!
AAAA said on 5/Sep/07
Thanks patrick. I am young I guess, just 3 months shy of my 21st birthday, but I have always been a movie afficandio, and I will always have a special place in my heart for the classic actors like Bogart, Cagney, Wayne and Gable.
They had a heroic personality, and they conveyed it through thier nature and mannerisims. As you said, they didn't need to gain obscence amounts muscle to try and look like hero's. They had the nature of a hero, a rare quality nowaday's.
Tom is so impressive to me because he combines this nature with his imprssive physicality.
He a naturally big guy, like a John wayne, so his physique doesn't seem superfical, unlike say Tobey Maguire or Christian Bale (though I love Batman Begins). Tom wouldn't need his height and build to seem heroic, as he has the personality down. The fact that he is 6'3 ( in my opinion...or more or a little less depending on anyone's personal views) and built only serves to amplify his character.
And being as tall as he is, he fufills the classic mold of a hero: tall, strong, mysterious, handsome, and the perfect personality. and their is more to a hero than appearence.
I would like to see him in a movie as a knight, or some other warrior leader of sorts. Perhaps a king or prince. He just seem perfect for all kinds of larger than life role, which you ought to be at 6'3 or more.
Patrick said on 5/Sep/07
AAAA YOU ARE "WONDERFUL"! You are young (I think but let me know if I'm wrong!) In Europe, "intellectuals", pretending "knowing" about "cinema" claim "loving" John Ford, Hawks, Walsh and stars who embodied their view of what a movie had to be BUT, it is superficial. Actually they are not able to discern what differentiates "those ones" from "these ones": actually, all began with "the method" (actor's studio) and Brando, Dean, young Newman's way of acting. But at their time, they were "interesting" by themselves as human beings, even James Dean in sipte of his "non-John Wayne" behaviour! So, a guy like Brando was a tough guythough "many other things" less impressive...Now, I am sorry to repeat it, we have boys, students playing like at shcool during recess, tough parts, soldiers, spies, "righter of wrong"! (just compare the nice Banderas to Guy Willimas in Zorro!); To get "this", that hero touch, they do what? they work out as mad men, gaining muscles for a while, always of the same kind, morphology! They look like "models" and adopt a "severe look"! "the wrong emotional complexity" you talk about was in ANY Cagney, Wayne, Gable, Bogart eye glint: EVERYTHING was perceptible in the slightest inflection of their voice, head, eye or lips.
When I look at a Pitt's pic (funny) I see "the emptyness"; with Cruise I see ALWAYS but in eyes wide shut, the "showing off smart, malicious" eye of the guy seeming saying: "hey! I am shrewd! I figured out everything!"!
What is the most funny is our time is supposed to have "non heroes" characters (except super ones but it is different) showing the human complexity: did you EVER see Peter Graves saying as Jim Phelps n Mission Impossible "you never saw me angry" or so? Did you ever see Martin Landau playing acrobats as Batman just to show how well trained and brave the actor is?
RIDICULOUS: the heroes today are MUCH MORE incredible (I mean NOT credible) than EVER ! At least, guys like Douglas Fairbanks or more recently Robert Conrad in WWW, were real stuntmen. So were the "silent movies" stars like Charles Chaplin and Harold Loyd who would dare what NO one would want to if only "try"!
No, being "a man" is a different thing and needs a stuff of a different nature!
Too bad if I look "obsolete" but I know I am not!
AAAA you are once more perfectly right in assuming taht Tom "HAS" that "touch" I am talking about that "very sublte, stoic approach to his character, convy strength that most actors are missing out on"; Nothing to add. Perfect. Thanks.
AAAA said on 4/Sep/07
Well the old movie stars were "Man's men" and few guys portray that today. They try to incorparate too much of the wrong emotional complexity into roles that don't require it. The end result is they come out looking like whiny snots.
Tom has a very sublte, stoic approach to his character, convy strength that most actors are missing out on.
Olivier said on 2/Sep/07
Hey Patrick,
I've watched Judging Amy, but unfortunately after Tom's appearance in that series, I believe. I would have very much liked to see him there, maybe I will some day, who knows.
I've watched a few episodes of Becker and I like it, and I've never seen Ted Danson as just a 6'2 man. The guy is tall, at least 6'3, that's what I told myself when I watched Becker for the first time.
Lol, a 5'11 star is tall now? My head in the morning just reaches the 5'11 mark without my shoes, and I honestly have never seen myself as tall, just above the average height (though that could depend on my environment). If actors of that height are tall, then I can see a 6'3 actor starting to worry about his height, and opting to downgrade himself, for the sake of appearing 'really tall', but not 'very tall'.
patrick said on 31/Aug/07
Nice Olivier! Have you ever seen a "judg Amy" episode "he" was in?
I did not know him at the time but I remember how he already impressed me and not only because of his height.
Nevertheless, I recall telling myself: "wow, this guy i s very tall!" because it was so obvious; You know, it is like with Ted Danson who he is definitely NOT 6'2/5 and even less 6'2! I already wrote right here, why, for me, those actors would say they are shorter than they are: after 6'2, an actor sees his acting proposals proportionally decrease. Above all, "now" since a 5'11 star is "tall"!
I met Danson and I can assure you, because I had a lot of time beside him, he towered over anybody else as no one being 6'2 can do!
Olivier said on 31/Aug/07
Like Patrick, I see Tom as a 6'3, which is not to say that I exclude all the others, IMHO he's somewhere between #2 - #4, i.e. 6'2.75 - 6'3.5, though I put in 6'2.75 rather grudgingly.
I will always be puzzled by the difference between Tom and John, how one manages to look taller or shorter than the other. If Tom says he's almost six-foot-three, I will first consider the circumstances he is in. How many actors in Hollywood are his height? Not many, I would say. Height can be a factor in getting you a part in a movie, I believe, and I would not be surprised if he was not considered because he's 'too tall'. One reason I think in Smallville Tom's height is fine is because Superman is a tall man. I always say that Kristin, Allison and Anette have quite strong necks, having to stare up at men (Tom & John) who are not that far from a foot taller than them, lol.
patrick said on 29/Aug/07
Will not be surprised with my answer: 6'3 and range: between 6'3 and 6'4. Not less in any way.
May I add something always of the same nature of my usual comments?
I often warned people here against deceptive aspect our visual perception could give to anything.
I am watching (again) “flying leathernecks” where John Wayne appears first shorter than 6’4 Robert Ryan then, as the film goes along and not depending the angle, regularly taller than him. Unless the Duke was Mr Fantastic, I do not know how he (or Ryan) could change his height, switching from 6’2 to 6’5, admittedly Ryan was 6’4 (no doubt).
NO! It is not because of so-called lifts Wayne supposedly wore! Never in 1951 and furthermore, what he wears as shoes is clearly visible: regular USAF shoes like Ryan’s ones.
No, everything comes from “that” thing which led me astray so many times, that problem of perspective which does not exist with buildings because they are square and regular unlike human bodies!
Besides, in the first scenes Ryan seems at least as broad shouldered as Wayne, what he was not and that is clearly visible “after” all along the movie!
Frankly, not to look stubborn but really by curiosity, I really wish I could see Tom just beside any acknowledged 6’4 actor, camera being exactly in front of both of them.
Happy to read and write to you guys!
AAAA said on 23/Aug/07
okay sorry, I was the Anonymous below, right above Da man
Anonymous said on 22/Aug/07
Da Man... i think he is 6'3 even. I would accept 6-(2/3). What I mean is I think he is most likely an even 6'3, but I think there is a strong possibilty he may be down at 6'2.75 or as high as 6'3.25. I feel like he is right around 6'3, either a smidge over or under
Da Man said on 22/Aug/07
In addition to the specific answer I asked for in the original question, what do you see as the possible range for Welling?
For example, I think Welling is 6'2.5" (189 cm) (#5) tall and think numbers 3 - 7 are the range of possibilities I would accept barring irrefutable evidence to the contrary.
Da Man said on 22/Aug/07
Ok, since this page is pretty much dead I thought I'd like to see the results of a poll.
Do you think Tom Welling is:
1. 6'4" (193 cm)
2. 6'3.5" (192 cm)
3. 6'3" (191 cm)
4. 6'2.75" (190 cm)
5. 6'2.5" (189 cm)
6. 6'2" (188 cm)
7. 6'1.5" (187 cm)
8. 6'1.25" (186 cm)
9. 6'1" (185 cm)
Hope all the regulars answer.
patrick said on 21/Aug/07
Yes DaMan but they had "more" because "the world" was different; values were different and everybody knows that. Just take a look a second at faces of guys like H.Bogart, Cagney Mitchum Douglas and of course John Wayne. Sorry for repeating myself at the risk of looking old fashioned but heroes of today (at the movies), seem all just getting out of shool or university! Yet, almost every old time actors were also students BUT, it was not visible because "people" were different at the time and above all, "young" people had to prove their worth. Sorry again for seeming "obsessed" but when I see...Colin Farrell...I just imagine him beside those magic actors I mentioned. No, I prefer refraining from it.
Nevertheless, I repeat that some TV show actors are much more interesting.
You know, I am of the generation who saw things changing a lot and, for me, badly. Gene Hackman is an exception because become a star in the 70ies! Roy Sheider also is "the type of old fashioned" actorsHis face says all, all of him, all of the humanity! What the hell could I be able to see in Brad Pitt's one ? To think some dare to compare G.Clooney to Cary Grant! It is not question of bad taste, it is question of ability to "see", just "see" what real is. How many actors are starring today while they barely just would have been chosen as secondary ones "before"? I said exactly the same thing in the 70ies while I was around 23!
I am not of the generation of those actors I am talking about! G.Cooper, Bogart, Gable and so many others either were dead while I was between 6 and 10 or they already had quit like Cagney! But I had my yese wide open and had always been able to carefully look at the reality, above all the one "behind appearance". I just hope some of them will at least, figure out what I find so difficult to say, while it is yet actually so simple.
Da Man said on 20/Aug/07
Hollywood actors from the 40-60s did have a distinctive way of speaking. It was an accent/inflection style that was I believe was unique to Hollywood.
patrick said on 16/Aug/07
Dear Viper, would you mind being "more precise" ?
I think i get your thought but that can be read both ways: a bit cynical and "nice". I would add what I already said right here: I find actors and characters they embody, much more interesting and, in this way "old fashioned", on TV than in the movies where "youngism" is so obvious!
Actors I mentioned (TV) or series as "the shield", contain what I am referring to: deep and fundamental psychology IN acting.
In Europe we are "observers", better "contemplators" of reality and our series are and movies, except old ones - sorry- are simply boring and more when they try to "copy" American shows (awful!). In America, film or TV series makers are engaged in action. A guy like Michael Chiklis (the shield) is very representative of those actors who know how to combine psychology and strenght AND realism. J.Cagney, J.Stewart or Bogart knew perfectly how to show that on screen.
Now, tell me how all the Farrel, Cruise, Pitt or young, eternal teenagers-actors of today could do the same?
Tom Welling is one of the very rare actors having both handsomeness and "the touch", this magic ancient had. My opinion.
Viper said on 14/Aug/07
Patrick, what you said reminds me of how actors even spoke back in the day. From the 1930s all the way to the 60s.
patrick said on 13/Aug/07
AH, very interesting AAAA! That, once more about this very point, would prove I am right when I say that, today more than ever, being to tall is not good for getting parts. I noticed how American actors had changed in a few years. I mean, they look "more European" than before; not very tall but also not with those "faces" old time actors had, even secondary TV actors. Now they almost look like, above all in movies, you know, "just awaken", "got out of bed"! They are pale, not so clean, hair rare and undone.
I notice it more particularly because, BEFORE, Americans made really the difference with Europeans "bad looking" I was so fed up with.
A guy like Tobey Maguire is the best example: he "murmurs", looks like a teenager etc. Maybe "you" won't see what I try to express here but I am happy guys like Tom, Cris Meloni, Matthew Fox, Terry O'Quinn and some others exist BECAUSE, they have what I am expecting from an actor. Anyway, most of new series have a woman as hero-star, even when it is manifestly written for a male! I am already hearing critics! I loved (and still do) Emma Peel in the Avengers but she was a woman with fantastic stretched feminine qualities!
We live a very confusing time and I think that nobody has anything to gain from it. My opinion!
DaMan, happy to read you again !
AAAA said on 10/Aug/07
Mardsen is 5'10 and Jackman is 6'2.25. Hugh has said on numerous ocassions he was encouraged to lie about his height before he made it bid and say he was "about 6 ft" instead of 6'2.
Da Man said on 9/Aug/07
Patrick, that is precisely why I discount ALL Smallville episode screencaps OR Smallville promotional shots when comparing Welling to Schneider. They just couldn't be more useless.
The pictures I am referring to are photos of the two snapped at events/parties, etc. with no Smallville camera tricks or height manipulations. The photo Paul linked below is an example of one of those event photos which is devoid of such trickery.
patrick said on 9/Aug/07
I think as it seems, DaMan, that rather due to the way "they" wanted to present, at the beginning, the "young Clark" if only as tall as his father.
If you watch any picture of both him and JS, you know, since "we" discussed about it so many times, that Tom almost always looks taller as acknowledges JS.
Clark had to be shorter than Johnathan.
By the way, I am still interested in "until where and how much objective" we can stay regarding anything confronted with our senses.
For example, I of late had the occasion to see several photos of the same actor playing, you know, two roles.
It was notably, the case of M.Rosenbaum in one season 4 episode (or 5?).
I noticed this in many other cases: the actor, wearing the same shoes, standing on the same ground is NEVER EVER "as tall as ...himself"!!!
It is very funnny but more interesting in fact!
That proves how (sorry for repeating myself!) deceptive our senses are!
A last thing: I just watched "X men I": during the first Wolverine / Cyclops meeting, whatever angles being used, James Marsen looks TALLER than Hugh Jackman; yet, everybody knows that HJ is taller by at least one inch (I would say 2/5). So, however sure you can be, never trust pics and above all, never found your judgment on one or few "evidences". I prefer let my mind working along all what is suggested tommy eyes before stating this or that.
Illusion, cinema is just illusion!
Da Man said on 9/Aug/07
No idea on the surface, unlikely it was perfectly flat since in the other pics the difference between them looks less that that. There was one picture from that same event (I believe) with Schneider and Welling standing shoulder to shoulder indoors and Welling looked no more than .5" shorter.
Viper said on 6/Aug/07
Any idea If they are standing on a flat surface? Also one could argue that Shneider has a footwear advtantage If you beleive Welling isn really taller. Ive always thought Shcneider was 6-2-6-2 1/2. Not quite the 6-3 he states himself.
Da Man said on 5/Aug/07
Paul, there are several photos from that event (I believe it was the Smallville launch) and John S. looks a bit taller in all of them.
Paul said on 5/Aug/07
Ok, this picture just confused me on the entire matter on how much shorter Tom Welling appears.
Click Here
Da Man said on 5/Aug/07
angel, in the video they do not even remotely look the same height. Jared is an absolute minimum of 1.5" taller there. If you see Tom and Jared the same height there, how do you percieve the difference between Tom and Jensen? Tom almost exactly splits the difference Jared and Jensen in that video.
AAAA said on 5/Aug/07
No, padalecki is definitly an inch to an inch and a half taller. Tom is 6'2.75 to 6'3 and padalecki is a solid 6'4 guy
angel said on 4/Aug/07
da man..it seems that jared is 3 or 4 cms taller than tom welling , but in the video looks almost the same height...so if we quit jared hiking boots's, they are the same height...really?
Da Man said on 3/Aug/07
Found the video again:
Click Here
Da Man said on 3/Aug/07
There was at least 1.5" between Tom and Jared at the CW premiere video. Tom had on dress shoes, Jared appeared to be wearing some type of hiking boot IIRC. Whether Tom had a .5" footwear disadvantage is debatable at best, Tom shoes certainly appeared to have a more substantial heel than a loafer.
After some searching, Tom's footwear in the video seemed to look very much like these:
Click Here
Olivier said on 3/Aug/07
Da Man, I wish I could. I have the video on my comp, but I've no idea about how to upload it on the web. Plus it's kinda big. Some tips, maybe? I would most happy to share it with you.
I agree with AAAA, I see an inch between Tom and Jared, and I've never bought Jared being 6'3, the man appears to me to be a full 6'4
AAAA said on 31/Jul/07
Jared has always been taller then Tom, I never denied that. I also always said tom is 6'3 and Jared is 6'4. I just thought that the 1.5in was only about 1 in, and that was due to Jareds boot or chukka's and ToM beeing in those Gucci style loafers.
I also think Padalecki say's 6'3 because 6'4 sounds really tall, and 6'3 is not as daunting sounding as 6'4. Nice to talk to you again
Da Man said on 30/Jul/07
Olivier, most people have somehwere between 4" and 5" from their eyeline to the top of their heads. I'll say it again -- it's been a long time since I've seen CBTD and I honestly don't remember specifics of that sequence, I do remember Padalecki seemed to tower Welling in it however. There's no point arguing over this clip because 1. I don't have access to it. 2. It is not a useful tool in comparing Welling to Padalecki due to height manipulation. Like I said, I recalled the difference between them in CBTD being big, along the lines of 4" but I could very easily be wrong. Why don't you offer your estimation of the difference between them in CBTD since you apparently have easy access to the clip you brought up? Maybe host a pic and provide us with a link as well?
The video I am referencing that showed a 1.5" - possibly 2" difference between Welling and Padalecki has been taken off of Youtube. The regular posters here have all seen it and Patrick and AAAA also were also able to clearly see the difference between them. I'm sure they will admit to it if you ask them. I think Padalecki looks 6'4" (or very, very close to it), by the way, even if he himself maintains 6'3". If Padalecki is indeed only 6'3" then Welling is going to be roughly 6'1.5", which would be very surprising to me.
Olivier said on 29/Jul/07
Da Man, you realize that Jared at 4" taller than Tom is more or less half a head taller than him? I'm no expert, but I believe at that height Tom's head would barely reach Jared's eye level (in the video clip); but I certainly see no such difference, I have the video and I keep checking on it. The top of Tom's head (not his hair) reaches clearly way above Jared's eye level, DESPITE Jared's raised ground. It's a pity we will never be able to clearly determinate just how 'raised' the ground is, but by the way Hilary Duff steps down from it, I would judge it to be definitely more than inch. But I also guess it depends on one's forehead length or something like that, lol.
I apologize in advance because I never managed to see the video you posted, thus I can't simply concede that Jared is 'legitimately' 2" taller than Tom ,lol. However if it's no hussle you can post the link and I'll certainly study it.
If Jared is 6'4", then by your logic Tom is no more than 6'2", if he is 6'3" (as some claim, though I don't know your position on Jared), then Tom is a flat 6'1", and if Tom is 6'3", then Jared is 6'5". Strange, don't you think?
Da Man said on 27/Jul/07
I'd have to see a screen cap again to make a real judgement, but I recall the difference looking something like 4". I'm going on vague memory here so I could be totally off. Padalecki is legitimately about 2" taller than Welling IMO, and I linked a video a while back that I feel proved it.
Olivier said on 27/Jul/07
Ahem, I can hear crickets whistling. Where has everyone gone?
I ask you to indulge me since I'm bringing this back, but I'm new here, and I never managed to follow all of the discussions. To those who watched Cheaper by the dozen, what would be the difference between Tom and Jared, AS they appear on screen, taking in Jared's raised ground? One inch? Two? Three?
IMHO, there appear to be close to two inches, but I'm not sure.
Olivier said on 23/Jul/07
Out of curiosity, when did Tom say that he is almost six-foot-three?

Editor Rob
in an Eonline interview 6 years ago.
glenn said on 22/Jul/07
im not sure how often any of them ever come into the city.when a new tv show premiers,every actor shows up here.60-70 percent never show up again after.since the show is a sucsess,he might show up here,time to time.
lili said on 21/Jul/07
glenn , is it possible that someday you could take a photo with tom welling...and the rest of the actors of smallville?...unless a pair of the them
Da Man said on 20/Jul/07
Speaking of Tom's boots -- I've been through the Timberland, Redback websites and were unable to find the boot. I also went through every brand on the ShoeBuy website and have been unable to find any boots that match his. I found a few boots remotely similar, mainly the right color combo between shoe and sole but something (like tread or stitching) always didn't match up. AAAA, I know you said they are Redback boots, but do you have a link to the specific model or anything, because I have been unable to find them.
Patrick said on 20/Jul/07
Too funny! I have been interrupted by the PC! Too talkative indeed. I hope DaMan you nevertheless, appreciated my "old US car remark". European cars are generally so boring and expensive! I will delight in seeing what I call "cars" or rather, "automobiles"!
Absent for two days so, you will get some time out!
Have all a nice week end fellas!
Patrick said on 20/Jul/07
DaMan: thanks for the clip about "75MPG Diesel car". I heard about that all the time in Europe: that does in the European way "3 liters of gas every 100 km" which is nothing. The fact is I know people having such cars supposedly using 3.5/100 as it is said there. So, I can assure you that, even though those cars indeed use less fuel than "gas-cars", they NEVER are as economic as they or commercials claim to be, by far!
I do have the experience of those cars. As you said here, it will be valid in perhaps, ten years but not before even then, that is not sure!
Future is definitely NOT in gas or diesel fueling solutions but I appreciate your contribution as always DaMan, at any point of view.
As for Batista's admittedly, soooo primordial topic, I remains sure his foot sole is NOT where it is supposed to be: look carefully. I do not remember how is called this part of a shoe but, it is visible that the profile of Batista's is very high, a bit like, you know, for these special medical boots for "club-footed persons. Not as high, sure but not normal anyway.
That is the reason, even "you", DaMan, said that "Batista's boots don't look quite like I remember" and so did I. Because, when watching the show, that appears much more obvious than in the interesting pic posted by AAAA.
I can admit that Jared is taller than Tom but I am still quite sure Tom is taller than Batista.
What do you think AAAA ?
Anyway, all of that allows us to "talk" and THAT is the primary and essential purpose of that site, at least to me.
I really enjoy finding all of you, every day or so. Sincerely.
By the way DA MAN...I am about to go to a very LARGE old or "muscled" cars meeting and none of them are what we could call "economic" cars!
BUT WHAT cars ! You rarely see children staring at today's cars and certainly NEVER ever (I know what I am talking about) at European luxury cars as Mercedes or BMW. N E V E R! That does not get them interested in any way BUT, he gaze at "my old Chevy" as if it was a jewel and old people (
AAAA said on 19/Jul/07
Well in perspective toms boots look like nothing next to Batistas. And before I get jumped at, the foot sits below the rubber line of the sole in boots like those, so if the rubber is 1.7 in from bottom of heel to top, he is oly gettin 1.31-1.41in at the absolute most
Patrick said on 19/Jul/07
Vegas and Viper: I have just realize I mixed up your names! Really sorry!
The "long" (too) answer was thus for Vegas and not Viper!
Patrick said on 19/Jul/07
By the way: I forgot to answer your question about how tallI think Tom is: as I wrote it here several times, I formerly was sure he was 6'4 but, then, thinking it over after having carefully watch "the" Jared-Tom" clip, changed my mind.
Not that I am from now on sure he is "only" 6'3 but I am doubtful and think he could just be 6'3 but not less.
Da Man said on 19/Jul/07
Personally, I think Welling and Batista are fairly close barefoot, with Batista's additional height coming primarily from the footwear advantage in the Smallville video. I don't see how it is physically possible for Batista to get more than 2" to (maybe at a stretch) 2.25" of actual height boost from those boots. His boots didn't appear to incorporate any significant internal lift and they certainly aren't platform shoes, which would be necessary to boost actual height by 3+". If you want to learn why a 3" heel height doesn't boost actual height by 3" look to your right and read Celebheights Heel Height Truth article. It's a really great and informative article.
Patrick, not trying to change the subject from Batista/Welling but here's a video that kind of pertains to our old diesel discussion:
Click Here make note of what Jeremy Clarkson says at the 4:48 - 4:55 mark. Clarkson can be a real ass, but I agree with him on this one. BTW, Clarkson claims to be 6'5", since this is celebheights. I'm surprised Clarkson doesn't have a page here, being the British "celebrity" he is.
Patrick said on 19/Jul/07
Viper: your conclusions about "mine" are pretty accurate and "good" except for "how definitively certain I should be" according to these conclusions. That is precisely my dear Viper,what distinguish and differentiate us. I am not "positive" ad regards Toom or any other person height BECAUSE, I am always suspicious about my own eyes as I am about, as you know, about all of this is SO doubtful (voluntarily or not from directors, producers, whatever).
So, I admit your calculation should make lead me to the conclusion you put here but, I cannot, I just "moraly" can't! It should be pretentious to affirm that. All what I can say is Tom looks as tall as Batista in teh clip while that one wears stilt boots, hence I conclude Tom is taller but by how much, I could not say and frankly, NOBODY could do!
I never met Tom alas, I wish I had but no. Think that IF i had, you would have been the first to be informed!!!
That being said, I agree with AAAA about more than 2 inche advantage Batista's boots; (What I wrote concerning Bogart shoes is absolutely true!)
I just came out of a military navy store where super hiking-hunting etc. shoes are sold: THEY ARE LIKE COW BOY BOOTS and what I can be sure of is that NEVER ever Tom wore that kind of boots. Just freezing images needs to check that out.
So, I would be inclined to think like AAAA.
As for all of those boots, I also saw them (Batista's) thicker but because ...they actually are! Look very carefully: you will see and not only here but in others pics and even the show, that his foot is NOT at the sole level; I mean, WITHIN the shoes, there a "inside very thick soles"; I sometimes have to wear some of them because I had the Achilles tendon cut and it happens to be too sore; I wear them in my simple sneackers, basic ones without any kind of heel and I GAIN all of a sudden I could not say how many inches but I do! I am myself very surprised every time! Fortunately, I don't care how tall I am otherwise I would wear that all the time! (meaning I seem to match 5'11 guy). If I reckon, I am sure not to get that result but I know I look so, definitely!
Viper said on 19/Jul/07
Those are some sweet boots Da Man.
anna said on 19/Jul/07
oh ...i had the opportunity to meet tom welling last year...he was very kind with me when i asked for an autograph, and i had to say that he is very tall, and looks more handsome in person....he is about 6'3 . i swear...i am 5'5..and and he has the same height as my cousin ....besides this actor is very talent..he could work for hollywood
Da Man said on 19/Jul/07
Well, Batista's boots don't look quite like I remember. I also doubt he is getting more than 2" of actual boost from those boots unless they had internal lifts or massive arch supports. For what it's worth, Batista's boots do appear to have noticeably thicker soles than my Dr. Marten steel toe industrial boots (
Click Here ) which give me a 1.6" height boost in a size 14.
Vegas said on 19/Jul/07
those are big boots alrite AAAA but i doubt batista is getting more than 2"
here are a few boots that give 3, 4 and 5" to height
Click Here batistas boots in that photo are smaller than every one of those boots even the 3" one. 4" extra height with those boots he is wearing is absolutely out of the question.
AAAA said on 18/Jul/07
I found it here for all to see. The shoes of batista and Tom from static
Click Here
Vegas said on 18/Jul/07
Patrick how tall do you think Tom Welling is barefoot?? And have you ever met him face-to-face.
We had the same debate as this over on kane's page a while ago about glen jacobs towering over welling. I assumed (wrongly as it turned out) that it must have been due to jacobs' footwear. Then Rob posted a pic and what do you know both welling and jacobs were wearing the same type footwear.
BTW Tom IS shorter in the clip, i will post a screencap tomorrow.
However from reading this debate i have come to the conclusion that what you are saying is this:
1.Welling and batista are the same height in the video despite claims by you that batista is wearing much bigger footwear (4" stilt shoes i think you said)
2.In reality so you believe that Welling would be 2.5-3" taller barefoot than batista, yes or no???
Da Man said on 18/Jul/07
Since Batista's footwear is an unknown factor we'll never get anywhere comparing Welling to Batista, regardless of whether you see the height disparity or not.
Patrick said on 18/Jul/07
No way! I do not figure out how you got that dear Viper! Frankly, Batista wearing "outrageous" stilt shoes (notice how it is hard for him to keep his balance just after having projected upwards the poor Clark! You know what, that reminds me Michael Keaton when as Batman, beginning of the movie, lifts the bad above "nothing".)
So, for some of us, Batista looks as tall as Tom WITH his boats on, OK. I know you do not agree with us. Nevertheless, reckoning leads us to logically see Tom "obligatorily" taller. On the other hand, if you see Tom shorter in the clip, you eventually can arrive at the conclusion you suggest here.
Viper said on 18/Jul/07
So Patrick, are you saying Tom could be in 1.5 inch shoes possibly? So If Batista is getting at least a 2 inch advantange over his barefoot height, that would still make Batista taller by a half inch to an inch I reckon.
Patrick said on 18/Jul/07
Thanks Olivier. Tom's shoes are many times more visible in the off-shot clips, notably when he is hanged up with wires; However Batista is strong, he cannot lift a guy of the Tom's ilk as it supposed to happen in the show, as if he was a "pillow" or so!
By the way, on a very interesting report about Humphrey Bogart, I saw the "outrageous" "super-shoes" he sometimes had to wear when acting with too distinctly taller actors: that was as a high (at this level, "thick" is no more appropriate!)wooden sole and guess what...it looked like exactly the Batista's ones but much more roughly made. It was said that Bogey could gain thanks to them, at least 4 inches! I do not think yet, that Batista got benefited of its shoes to such an extent but not that far!
Olivier said on 18/Jul/07
I have watched the video, and in all honesty, I fail to see how Da Man is seeing a 1.5in difference between Tom and Batista, in the favor of the latter. I have paused the clip as well, and except when Tom's knees are bent, as Patrick pointed out so many times, they are exactly the same height, especially between 00:13-00:15.
Maybe I need to get my glasses changed, lol.
It appears to me that Tom is wearing his regular shoes, why would they give him monster-heels boots? I thought one of the thing they wanted to accomplish was to make Batista look as monstrous as possible (he is a guy coming from that zone, for Pete's sake), especially in regards to Tom/Clark Kent/Superman. Giving Tom those boots would have produced the reverse effect (that is, if my assumption is right). But on the other hand, Batista's shoes really look, well, 'special'.
Hartley strikes me as a full 6'2 man, if he sees an inch between him and Tom, well that obviously doesn't mean he is dead on it, but then again I see no reason why he may be wrong.
Patrick said on 17/Jul/07
About Tom's shoes, very simple: nothing but very regular ones!
If I hear about "special" shoes or lifts for Tom, I quit this site!
Too much in this case would be...just too much!
More seriously, Tom has on shoes in that episode he is used to wearing all the time. I think you guys know better than I do the exact type of "Timb" or so it is about. Nothing to be compared with clown'ish Batista's ones!
AAAA said on 17/Jul/07
I think I have mentioned nuemerous times before that Toms shoes since season 3 have been some kind of redback boot or another. Most of thes boots give about the same lift as a pair of shocks....about 1.4 in , not quite 1.5in.
Da Man said on 17/Jul/07
Welling was wearing his typical workboots, Batista appeared to be wearing a custom boot IIRC. I guess we'll never know how much boost Batista was getting.
Viper said on 17/Jul/07
The question is just how much is Batista getting from a shoe stand point. And what about Welling's shoes?
Brian said on 17/Jul/07
I just started watching Smallville and now I know how I measure up. Sam Jones and I are the same height - SHORT compared to Tom at 6'3".
Da Man said on 17/Jul/07
Vegas and Olivier have seen the video I believe.