DaMan said on 6/Apr/07
What's up with this pic? Keep in mind I'm not posting this in some lame attempt to downgrade Welling I just thought it was really odd.
Click Here
DaMan said on 6/Apr/07
Welling also did not have more than 2.5 - 3" on Steve Martin in CBTZ. You can find many scenes with them with both in shoes with which to compare heights. The scene where Welling is getting dressed and Martin walks into "Charlie's" room you can see Welling has tennis shoes on - no more than 3" absolute max there. There are some questionable scenes in that movie though, there is one pic where Welling, Hunt and Martin are standing shoulder-to-shoulder and Welling looks barely an inch taller than Martin. There is obviously something off there, probably a combo of angle and barefeet on Welling's part. All of the evidence still adds up to Welling being between 6-2 and 6-3 not 6-3+.
AAAA said on 6/Apr/07
Yeah, Here is a direct link to Daman's posts, the one I thought looked the best at least. The other pic is on a slanted beach, with welling on the low portion, barefoot, in the background, and beenet in the back, up high, with shoes
But notice how much thicker welling is, or how thin Bennett is
Click Here
DaMan said on 6/Apr/07
In my opinion, Welling looked virtually identical in height to Bennett throughout CBTD2. In the hospital scene (carrying Piper Perabo -- Welling in sandals Bennet in Sperry or similar boat shoes) he actually looked shorter a couple of times. I do think Welling is a bit taller than Bennett, but I think they are within .5".
Some pretty good shots between the two can be found here.
Click Here
AAAA said on 6/Apr/07
Bennet confuses me. He looks tall but he is really thin. Not only was tom taller, but he looked like he could have snapped him in half. bennet is really thin.
patrick said on 6/Apr/07
Sorry Viper but he had much more; i have CBTD ONE in DVD and, as usual, searched these scenes that even you, would agree to qualify as unusable as a proof, at least i guess, in either way. In the lamentable sequelwhere, fortunately, Tom didn't waste time to act in, he looks really tall all the time especially in front of S Martin ("what did "he" go into this galley" too?); Yet, they did their best to minimize it in avoiding confrontations. Even Jonathan Bennett who replaces more or less Ashton Kutcher, and is 6'2 listed, seems small next to Tom though being the tallest of the crew (besides Tom Welling of course).
You sure will tell me that this guy seen in a 4th season SV episode, is not 6'2 ! What could i retort? Will come a day "we", Ben, AAAA, "anonymous", J.dog, Nikky and I will "make you eat the dust" ah, ah ,ah!! I am joking and find this exercice very enjoyable! I really hope so do you!
Viper said on 5/Apr/07
Didnt Welling have 2 inches max on 5-11 Steve Martin in Cheaper by the Dozen. I thought thats what it looked like to me.
patrick said on 5/Apr/07
Da Man: i agree with you about CBTD one; he was shown evidently barefoot; in the second, it's different and they manage not to qhow him like every director does in any other show; for instance, in law & order CI, in season 5th, Chris Noth and V.D'Onofrio are several times next to each other as in normal life; easy to evaluate the diference between them; That rarely happens in SV or CBTD.
I have not watched the fog but photos seem proving what you say.
DaMan said on 4/Apr/07
I thought Welling appeared shorter in the Cheaper by the Dozen, CBTD 2 and the Fog than he does on Smallville. Especially the Fog.
patrick said on 4/Apr/07
DaMan: about the SV episode: he's not in a hospital but all dressed in Lewcorp where he took students hostage.
AAAA: as i say in the Todd page, i am sure they do what you say, downgrading his height; agree with you about what could appear Tom (thumb) Cruise next to Todd and remember that, having rewatched the episode especially many times, thoroughly, slowly, Tom Welling this time, never looks smaller; But it is true that the angles used are not convincing at all; camera on the ground always is tricky and gives you the impression that all are alike!
About shoes: do not forget what say many times SV proudcers, directors and co stars: Tom is with slippers on very often when indoors shooting;
What is funny is how tall he appears in the very bad movie he made (barely in fact since he's on screen only few minutes)"cheaper by the dozen two"; Tom literally towers everybody BY FAR! It is so visible that it makes the thing funny! Unless being in the midst of very small people (5'6 or 7 range), you definitely cannot look so under if under 6'3;
Luke 987 said on 3/Apr/07
Well if he says 'almost 6'3' he's probably 6'2 in the evening.
Still big.
DaMan said on 2/Apr/07
It's been years since I've seen that episode, but wasn't Todd in a hospital gown and barefoot for most of his scenes with Welling?
Viper said on 2/Apr/07
Tony Todd is a legit 6-5, but hes also looked a good deal shorter in many movies hes been in.
patrick said on 2/Apr/07
Ben, ...you're right!
AAAA, precisely about Tony Todd who is really huge and tall: i have been watching this episode until getting red my eyes! angles used, once more, do not allow to get a good comparison BUT, at a moment while Tom is slouching because of Kryptonite, he is very close to Todd and seems the same with any doubt;
Besides, where did you get that Tom was the same as Hartley "green arrow"???
I finally watched the episodes and it appears that Tom is a bit taller; exactly the same thing that with John Schneider;
We must have different eyes because that is clearly visible;
DaMan said on 1/Apr/07
Tony Todd is definitely tall. He was clearly taller than 6-3 Sorbo on Hercules, which was pretty rare for that show. Of course, there were some pretty decent shots with which to compare height on that show, I doubt Smallville gave us that although I could be wrong.
AAAA said on 31/Mar/07
Anyone got or know of any stills of the episode with Tony Todd from season 1. The levl 3 fertilizer episode where Todd has krypto induced shakes. I just saw the pic of Tony Todd that Rob add and was shocked to see how tall he was. He has gotta be at least 6'5. The man is huge. He would be perfect for a comparison with Welling.
Viper said on 30/Mar/07
I could maybe buy 6-2 for Welling If I had to say the absolute, absolute max, but thats it. Remember his modeling card said 6-2 for him as well. Wouldnt be shocked at all If hes really in the 6-1 range though.
DaMan said on 30/Mar/07
I wasn't aware that Viper had ever given his estimate of Welling, I know he's thrown out some numbers in the 6-1 range but must have missed his actual estimate. I just got some pics from a friends wedding of my 5-8.5" girlfriend in 1.5 - 2" heels (I'm in typical dress shoes) and she doesn't even come up to my eye level. I've also been clearly taller than several guys who claim to be 6-3 and I'm exactly 6-2.5 barefoot mid-day, maybe slightly taller first thing in the morning. There are alot of 6-2 guys who claim 6-3, which is true if they are in trainers. People tend to exaggerate their height -- or at least give their in-shoe height, that's just a fact of life.
patrick said on 30/Mar/07
DaMan, Viper said it many times: from 6'1 to 6'1 and a half maximum;
I keep on finding that ridiculous and such the Horaces and the Curiaces, we could fight until death without being convinced each other.
Yesterday, i had lunch with people who were from 5'8 to 6'3 & 1/2; many 6'1 and 6'2 and 6'2.5. That is amazing how the difference appears from then on being over 6'3 ! The almost 6'4 (192cm) guy looked clearly taller than the others though being just separated from them by barely an inch even less!
I don't want to seem "wanting being right at ALL COST" but frankly, i can swaer that he EXACTLY looked as Tom does beside everybody; I got the same impression in seeing all of them; the "only" 6'2 guys (i wisch i'd be so !) appeared like Aquaman did. There is a notable difference between 6'2, even 6'3 and "more" than that. The fact is that being over 6'1 makes you a real tall man anyway! Besides, there was a 5'9, no more, 175 cm, girl wearing not huge but "elegant" heel shoes; i can assure you she looked almost the same height (if not the same) than many tall men bet 6'1 and 2! Amazing!
food fo thought...
DaMan said on 29/Mar/07
Viper, how tall do you think Welling is?
AAAA said on 29/Mar/07
He has a kinda slouch, like heis sticking his head foward to hear better I initially thought I had like 2 inches on the guy, but when he actually straightned up it was a little less than an inch diff in my favor
Viper said on 28/Mar/07
Yes, Nash is 6-1. Actually Nash looks more 6-0 half the time, but hes 6-1.
AAAA said on 27/Mar/07
Ohhhhhh....Yeah I see what you mean viper. Yeah, cause I was gonna say, I've seen Steve Nash up close once or twice, a friend of my dad works as a TV guy for the Nets and such. Anyway, he was supposed to be 6'3 and when I saw him I was withn 10 feet and i was marginally taller than him,. He was no more than 6'1 but they claim he is 6'3
Viper said on 27/Mar/07
No AAAA, what I meant was we need a recent NBA player who's barefoot measurements are listed on the internet.
AAAA said on 27/Mar/07
Kane is offically listed here at 6'7.5. Tom was wearing a black Timbrland style boot. gives about 1.5 in to height. I have a pair of Tim's that are relatively new, and i measuered. These are normal Tim's. BUT, and I stress this a only a POSSIBILITY. THE ONLY SHOTS WE HAD TO MEASUE HEIGHT BY WERE WAIST UP. now theses could have been normal, and kane does physically seem capable of tossing a guy like welling around. Maybe, just maybe, those shots before the punch were shot san's shoes on Welling's part. lets say that kane has 4.5 inches barefoots on Tom. Lose the shoes on the lose up and VOILA, there are those 6 inches. AND they were both moving way too fast to, and were shot at strange angles, so no other shot is that great for comparsion.
patrick said on 27/Mar/07
AAAA thanks for having tried out! the ground doesn't matter in fact; what does is this wonderful vertical axis; trust me; i never never lie even for such trivial topics; i have a lot of these photos printed and some of them show such an angle that Aquaman looks only 1.5 inch shorter than Tom and considering he is barefoot and Tom not...food for our "contradictors".
But then, straighting it up and taking into consideration shoes (not visible on the picture), that put him at more than one inch taller.
I rewatched the episode and, thanks Mr DVD !, it was much more obvious so.
Anonymous said on 27/Mar/07
i actually thoght kane wasnt that much taller than welling despite of the "frankenstein" boots he was wearing...
Viper said on 27/Mar/07
Well, Tom looks nowhere near 6-3 with 6-7 Kane. I havnt seen enough definitive proof to say hes 6-3 or even 6-2.5
AAAA said on 26/Mar/07
Yeah....I think we all needto respect that we have all formulated our own opinions, and it is hard to change someone's perspective when they are set on it. We all do need to relax a bit. Respect is key, as aggression leads to putting people on defense, and makes them less open to any new suggestions. And using sarcasam and wit as a segue to an explaination causes the listener to percieve th speaker a slick and conniving.
BTW Patrick....I was fooling around in paint tracing out the lines and I can see what you mean. The camera has a slight tilt in Acquamans favor, but the backgound is out of focus, making it hard to percieve with the naked eye....nice oberservation. Tom looks taller when you adjust for this slanted camera work
patrick said on 26/Mar/07
OK guys, i think that all of that stuff is growing a little bit "much too" important; What do you think AAAA ?
Watching the four heroes photo, Tom seems at least 6'3 as usual and Aquaman a solid 6'2;
DaMan, i wish i'd agree with your arguments but, sincerely, i can't because, actually they rely on (always) the same thing : if ever a guy is presumably as tall as Tom being more than 6'2, you deny the information and i would be ready to get it IF you were bringing a real proof;
Frankly, "green arrow" is visibly, once more, very tall; not a 6'2 guy; he looks really tall as only a legit 6'3 can appear; That is so obvious! My friends, my wife and so many others, without needing asking them about, though not "maniacs" as we (all of us ah ah!) nor interested in actors height, have always been telling me how tall Tom was and and so were J.Kent, green arrow and even less, aquaman inSV.
I wish i'd be able to figure out WHY you, not "you" DaMan, but...all of you who think "he" is bet 6'2 and 2&1/2, are soooo insisting on it as if it were a bet; By the way, watched for the first time the jared's show and i feel him as being exactly tom's range actor; no more nor less;
So, i will add my thanks to J-DOG in turn.
AAAA: i explained a year ago or more, right here (erased now) why aquaman looked not that much smaller than Tom even if it means "tilting" the shot: look carefully and it's much easier to do it by enlarging the picture;
Th shot is obviously as if the ground was sloping in the left; the proof? all the vertical axes like the pillar; I had fun in studying that photo (two actually) as i would have done if i had been a detective looking for a evidence! Believe me AAAA, that phot show finally Tom at lesast two inches taller than Aquaman!
I nor AAAA, John or "the others" do not want Tom being 6'3 or even more; we just SEE HIM SO ; you don't!
DaMan said on 26/Mar/07
Ben, Welling said he was **ABOUT** 6-3 on Regis. You don't like the way I keep writing? What does that mean exactly? If my posting style is aggressive, it is only towards you as your "hahahahahaha"s and sarcasm just bring it out in me. I did not say that I believe the actor who portrays Aquaman is 6-1, I said if he's listed as 6-2 "everywhere" then he is probably 6-1 (or thereabouts) in a doctors office, that's just the likelyhood. Aquaman doesn't look like a notably tall guy to me, and if he towers 5-7 Erica Durance that hardly makes him a legit, barefoot 6-2. Ben, why are so determined to have Welling listed at 6-3 when he's flat out stated that he isn't? Do you realize that .5" is a rather insignificant difference, it would be extremely easy for a person on the street to mistake 6-2.5" for 6-3. Come on man.
J-Dog said on 25/Mar/07
How much more proof is needed, the guy is 6'3" if not then right above or below it.
You guys are willing to claim the heights of everyone else but Tom Welling as legit and beyond a burden of proof (like Aquaman) but still question Welling's height.
He looked the same height as the characters of Green Arrow, Johnathan Kent both 6'3".
AAAA said on 25/Mar/07
Well Viper we would need a 6'5 NBA player, because their heightsare all bumped 2 inches
Viper said on 25/Mar/07
Only If that 6-3 guy is a measured NFL player. Or a young NBA player.
Viper said on 24/Mar/07
Kane is 6 inches taller than Welling.
AAAA said on 23/Mar/07
here are closer shot(s) of those two.
Click Here
this one confuses me. The angle isn't great, and to top it off Acquaman is supposedly barefoot
Click Here

Editor Rob
not seen this season smallville but does aquaman look identical to welling?
AAAA said on 23/Mar/07
Daman....the boots are actually called redback.
Again, not a great shot, but at least the footwear is in the pic
Click Here
DaMan said on 23/Mar/07
Ben, how can you sit there and claim Aquaman is a legit 6-2 like it's fact? Have you seen the man measured, have you seen him next to a measured athlete or even another actor who's height has been pretty well nailed down? As far as Welling looking taller than Hartley, in some photos he does, others have him looking a bit shorter. Still, is Hartley a legit 6-3? Who knows, I doubt it. One things for sure, Welling's usual Timberland/Redwings are helping him out a little bit in the height department. Aren't you the guy who pegged Batista at 6-5?
Ben, I find it humorous that you so readily dismiss the fact that Welling himself has stated on several occaions that he is shy of 6-3, that is more evidence than your unsupported opinion ANYday.
AAAA said on 23/Mar/07
Not great, but here it is.
Click Here
DaMan said on 23/Mar/07
Something I just caught on the Regis and Kelly interview with Welling, when asked about his height he says he is "about 6-3" not that he *is* 6-3. Pretty interesting since he has in the past stated that he is "almost 6-3" or "6-2 or 6-3". Seems to me when he said "about 6-3" on Regis & Kelly it in no way contradicts his previous statements but rather seems to jive with them exactly. I think it is interesting that people on this site think he is downplaying his height. Last night in the episode with Kane, Welling had on larger than normal boots, so they clearly were not trying to downplay Welling's height here. Kane looked to have a 6 inch advantage in my opinion, just like the early pics indicated -- with no apparent footwear advantage.
DaMan said on 23/Mar/07
Welling had on boots with comparable heels to Kane's, even though we never saw any shots to compare heights, it was obvious one guy was much, much smaller/shorter than the than the other.
Green Arrow appears to be almost exactly the same height as Welling. Now, is the Green Arrow guy the typical 6-3 or a legit 6-3, that is the question. As for Aquaman - if he's listed 6-2 everywhere that means he's probably 6-1 in a doctor's office.
patrick said on 23/Mar/07
Very funny Ben :"they are tired of digging holes for tom welling" which i agree with of course! You're right aboute under 6'3 people not needing platforms or holes or stiltlike heels (sometimes i laugh in seeing Chloe or Lana walking beside Tom! My wife finds that even more fun); you never see that in other shows, not even in Law &order CI with V.D'Onofrio!
AAAA: I didn't see that episode with Kane yet but guess what...I am not surprised at all with what you say and also by Kane wearing ONCE MORE with Tom, big boots (if i understand well)
After all, 6'3 is tall but not that tall; i admit that 6'4 is much rarer!
TFA, ah, ta, a newcomer: wlecome and thanks for saying what IMMEDIATELY several of us will deny: they will ask you WHERE green arrow gave this interview;
But i'm sure Mr Viper and Mr DaMan won't buy it or will say that after all, "green arrow" is under 6'3 ; No offense guys, it's a play just a play!
tfa said on 23/Mar/07
the actor who plays green arrow is listed at 6'3 and mentioned in an interview that welling was 1" taller than him. fwiw.
AAAA said on 22/Mar/07
Heightwise kane didn't dwarf him that bad at all. I'd say 4 inches difference factoring in Kanes frankenstein boots
DaMan said on 22/Mar/07
Ben, what is the evidence than the guy who plays Aquaman is a "legit" 6-2.
patrick said on 22/Mar/07
Good posted AAAA and Ben. Just one thing: on these two pic she is wearing 1,5 inch heels according to my wife, my female friends and myself considering the way her foot is put on the ground.
I wish i'd see that famous photo of Tom and Lee Sobieski (who i don't know !) but i agree with Mrs Welling height Dee's supposition.
Hey guys, did you notice how massive Tom really is on these pictures? Look at his arms and hands! Don't need to mention his feet! This guy would have been a fabulous bodybuilder if had been interested in!
Dee said on 22/Mar/07
When they're both in flat heeled sandals, the difference is about 4 inches. In the photo at the formal event with Spacey, her eyes are about level with his mouth so that's a three inch difference. If he was wearing normal one-inch heels, then she was wearing heels about 2" in height. The one picture where you can see her shoes (but not the heel itself) that looks to be about right, from the angle that the shoe is slanting upwards towards the back -- not too low, not too steep. My guess is that Tom Welling is around 6'3" and his wife is around 5'10" or 5'11".
The photo of Tom Welling with Lee Sobieski shows her almost as tall as him. She's not that tall is she? My guess is that he was maybe leaning back or slouching against something. Really, if you can't see their feet it's hard to guess just what's going on.
Anonymous said on 21/Mar/07
He's a centimeter shorter than the other superman, that is Brandon Routh of 6'2.75. And four centimeters shorter than 6'4 Christopher Reeve. I wonder how the three generations would look if they standed together (though Christopher Reeve could have shrunk a bit).
DaMan said on 21/Mar/07
Now that's really odd. The difference only looks to be about 4" there with both in sandals, she must have been wearing really small heels at that event with Spacey or Tom had a little extra help in his shoes. I just assumed she was wearing ~3" heels at the event, apparently that wasn't the case.
AAAA said on 21/Mar/07
Tom and his wife in similar foot wear
Click Here
AAAA said on 21/Mar/07
Daman....where did you see her with 5'10 LeeLee Sobieski. would you be so kind as to post a link. Or are you using multiple photos as reference
Daman said on 21/Mar/07
I don't think it's likely that Tom's wife is 5-10. Compare her with 5-10 Lee Lee Sobieski, she just doesn't look that tall whether in relation to Tom or not. As for the Spacey/Welling pic -- I didn't post that pic to make Welling look short but rather to get a basic reference on Spacey and Tom's wife, it's impossible to gather anything between Spacey and Welling in that pic due to angle and distance. We do have some excellent pics with Welling and his wife, with Welling looking about 4" taller than his wife when she is in heels.
Daman said on 21/Mar/07
Sid, Aaron Ashmore is 5-11 - 6-0. He's only about 2.5" shorter than Welling on the show, he towers 5-7 Erica Durance and he is a bit taller than his 5-11 twin brother Shawn. Aaron isn't under 5-11.
patrick said on 21/Mar/07
I agree AAAA but i can't find anywhere her height! I think as said someone here, she is 6'1 or more with heels; I know a girl being barely 5'8 barefoot and reaching 6' as easily as wearing high heels shoes; If you meet a woman in "soirée" she will wear, always, VERY high heels: 4 inche ones; It is huge and i am sure that that is the kind of shoes Mrs Welling wears just not to appear a dwarf even though being herself pretty tall (5'10 probably as many other models who are that size MINIMUM !); We cannot prove anything of course but that is a very rational argument; Erica Durance is evidently taller that the "here-supposed" 5'6; Open one's eye is enough if only in the "aquaman episode"; She is presumably 5'8 or so and though it's not small she had to be shot standing upon a "mole hill" while Tom was foot-buried just to allow her to look not ridiculous;
OK Viper, my friend, waste your "ink": "Erica is 5'5 maximum and Mrs Welling barely taller, SO, that doesn't prove anything" am i wrong in assuming you will tell that?
By the way, ask yourself why Erica Durance towers any other girl in the show if only 5'6 or even 7! She looks MINIMUM how does Mariska Hargitay in SVU and for me, one inch more.
AAAA said on 20/Mar/07
Oh patrick I still think he is at least a solid 6'3, I am just saying that he could look tall no matter what. And yeah those pics are strange. there is no way to tell anything from that. But I have to say, there are some pics of Tom and his wife on A street together, and she is tall. But I think she was a former model, so that would lead me to believe she is around the 5'10 height mark
patrick said on 20/Mar/07
May i say you, guys, (Viper, dmeyer) know "special people" for lying so much about what finally is so insignificant!
I personaly as so many others, 5'8 or 10 people claiming theyr are...gues! 5'8 or 10! What often happens on the other hand, that's people being UNDER 5'7 claiming, almost all, being 5'7; that's all!
AAAA what you say about proportions is once more, very relevant; However, i don't think that can be enough to argue Tom is just "looking" taller than he is; I admit for long that contributes to give that "impression" and i gave many times the example of David Morse or, in an other way, Steven Seagal.
A guy with a long neck and a short or narrow head, if, in addition, he has high shoulders, he will look taller; We already talked about that question of "heroe proprtions"; Superman is drawn according to this and not so is Spiderman for example; It is a fact that if only knew Tom through the photos posted here with his wife, i would not think he is that tall;
I have no argument other what i claim for months; I just would back up Ben saying the positions are VERY and typically deceptive in these photos. Look Kevin Spacy looking almost as tall as Tom, exactly as he did in some photos with Brandon Routh! I myself got fun in taking photos which do not seem tricky and where my 5' wife looks as tall as me (5'8), even taller! All depends on few quarter of an inch angles on the left or the right. Remember 5'6 Alan Ladd looking almost Ben Johnson-like thanks above all, to angles : these same angles used in SV: taken from the ground. Put a "small" person on the left and the taller on the right, you being on the left, and "squat": both will seem similar though there is even 1 foot difference between them! Put anybody 5 inches farther than another and lower your camera just to be in the shoulder line: whatever size the back guy is, he always will look smaller unless being 7 more!
SID said on 19/Mar/07
Daman jimmy olsen aka aaron ashmore ain't 6'0, h e's 5'7 5'7
dmeyer said on 18/Mar/07
i agree guys under 6 ft lie about their height thats whi all my friends under 6 ft think iam 6 or 6'1 because they have a wrong idea about theyr own height
DaMan said on 18/Mar/07
AAAA, I am 8.28 heads tall. I've never actually bothered to figure that out until just now, pretty interesting. I was kind of surprised to see my head only measured out to be 9" long/tall.
DaMan said on 18/Mar/07
Ben, I posted the Spacey pic as a reference point with Welling's wife since they are on a comparable plane in the pic. We know Spacey is about 5-9.5. Taking into acount that Welling's wife is in heels I think Tom's wife is probably in the 5-7 to 5-8 range. 5-10 Lee Lee Sobieski is clearly taller than Welling's wife.
Viper said on 18/Mar/07
Tom's wife looks to be in the 5-7 range I think. AAAA, its usually the 5-10 guys saying they are 6-0. Or 5-9 guys saying they are 5-11. Guys over 6-0 dont exagerrate as much on average, but they do sometimes like you said.
glenn said on 17/Mar/07
thanks patrick.your words were true and with class.you had a right and made sense with your comments.
AAAA said on 16/Mar/07
Daman, do you have the proportions patrick and I discussed. The 8 heads tall hero proportion we discussed. I'll tell you, anyone with those proportions will look tall and anyone with those proportions over 6' ft will look very tall, and when you are in the Tom Welling bracket of 6'3 ish you are going to look majestically tall, like so kinda God.
BTW Daman and Viper, i thought you guys were exagerating how much people try to increase their heights. I have always been honest about my hair over 6'2 fresh out of bed, to about 6'1 at nights end. I shrink about 3 m on average so i say 6'1.5 which I am for the most part. i caught someone my height today at the gym claiming to be 6'4!!!!!! and people believed him. granted he has a lean build and i have big shoulders, chest and legs, but COME ON. I can't believe how bad it actualy is. i was wrong for doubt you guys in that respect
Daman said on 16/Mar/07
Judging by Batista's appearance, I'm wondering if Kane sees more than a couple minutes of screen time. If so, I doubt we'll see any decent photos/shots with the two.
Daman said on 16/Mar/07
Found a few interesting pics. Welling's certainly not looking a solid 6-3 in these.
Here's a pic of Welling, Kevin Spacey and Welling's wife. Interestingly enough, Welling's better half looks to be of similar height to 5-9.5 Spacey here in her heels.
Click Here
A good comparison of the Wellings on the same night as the previous pic with Spacey. 1.
Click Here 2.
Click Here 3.
Click Here I'd say Tom appears to be about 4 inches taller than his wife here. If his wife is standing 5-11 in heels here that means Tom is 6-3 **in dress shoes**.
Just another photo, Welling with 5-10 Lee Lee Sobieski. She definitely appears to be taller than Tom Welling's wife.
Click Here
I'm sticking with 6-2.5".
Viper said on 16/Mar/07
Actually I think Schneider is closer to 6-2, and he has looked taller than Welling before.
AAAA said on 16/Mar/07
I'm really hoping for a good shot of Tom and Kane in the next episode. A landscape shot where we can see shoes and all, hopefully standing tall too. hopefully Kane isn't wearing frankenstein boots, like Batista.
Daman said on 16/Mar/07
I doubt I will ever meet Welling, seeing as how I live in the South and I'm not the type to chase down a celebrity just to get a pic with them...unless it's Kate Beckinsale! I would probably chase her down only to get slammed by her security. j/k I would honestly expect Welling to be almost exactly my height (6'2.5"), +/- about .25". It's just how he has always looked to me, even in clips from Regis & Kelly and Carson Daly's show not to mention most of Smallville. Even look how he compares to 6-0 Aaron Ashmore (Jimmy Olsen), there is no more than a 2 - 2.5" difference between the two on the show. Is Welling ditching the Redwings in his scenes with Olsen? Possible, but highly unlikely. Keep in mind, it's pretty normal for me at a legit 6-2.5" to get 6-3 and 6-4 estimates from ~6-0 guys, it's not a rarity either. So yes, it is entirely possible for a 6-2.5" guy to be mis-guessed at 6-3 and 6-4, especially if they have a "longish" neck like Welling. I can tell you that from personal experience.
patrick said on 16/Mar/07
Yes Glenn and WE all thank you for that! I wish i'd be able to do the same, above all because at 54 i could have meet my favorite stars: the Duke, R.Mitchum, H.Fonda and so many others!
What i told about your photos was ABSOLUTELY not to downgrade them; i was just telling that, as they appear, they are not sufficient to serve at proof, except in some case! I am well aware that you cannot ask these celebrities to "pose" as they would do in a studio! You do a VERY VERY GOOD K+JOB Glenn, be sure of that; anybody recognizes it for sure!
Yes also Ben, about "we never got to see them - Tom & Batista) next to each other" ; that's what i am killing myself to say but...in vain for some ones.
"welling looks taller (John Schneider)in most of the pictures" : YES again Ben!
AND ALWAYS on an even ground like a street's one. Outdoors, i repeat, Tom ALWAYS looks taller than anyone else; not from time to time but always! It is so much that they rarely shoot him walking beside other people and when they do it, the use so weird angles that reminds me old 60ies series (english type);
All the rest of your very interesting note is so smart: how a 6'3 is considered as really tal (like you are) when a 6'2 is not; the importance of that long and passionate debate would NEVER exist about a 6'2 man;
The same for your memory regarding the testimonies and also for reminding "everyone says that welling looks a lot taller in real life".
YES, i read all what is written on SV and they, aLL, say that, without the least exception! It is often told by 6' or more range actors or by girls who have to use furniture to raise up to his cheek to kiss him!
HEY! that is true! We NEVER heard about "someone who have met tom welling that have said that tom is 6'2" ; Always just the contrary "the first thing is how talkler he is in relation to what they thought in just watching the show on TV.
I am sure DaMan won't get upset with your funny joke (my type of jokes) Ben;
These guys are clever and the others have disappeared for long, ah ah ah!
BY THE WAY: welcome to another "our 6'3 or more Tom club" in the person of Nikki. Stay with us Nikki, you'll see how fun it is and even very interesting!
have a good week end and for me a good name-day...my name is Patrick, my real one!
glenn said on 16/Mar/07
these pictures are for me.i kindly contribute and want them posted.ive been doing this for 17 years.long,long before the site.any photo, isnt always the best way to gauge height.
Nikki said on 15/Mar/07
Come on people...Tom is like taller than John Schneider on the show, there's no way he can only be 6'2"and a bit when John is listed as being 6'3"!
patrick said on 15/Mar/07
I agree with both of you; That is precisely "the problem"; I still wonder as do Ben, AAAA and few others, why it seems alwayshard to really define his height; never in a "normal shot" or with feet clearly visible; angles, perspective which can make anyone taller or much shorter than another in a "jiffy"! Either it is because he is "too" tall (what "we" think) or for the opposite reason, what will back up Viper and DaMan;
DaMan, whatever photo of him and an athlete whose height is undoubtly known, displayed here, i won't trut it at 100% unless it is like an anthropometric one ! I remind you what i noticed many times, notably in "alien" site where photos of the crew seemed to show them all at the same level and wher, on one, Dallas Tom Skerrit seemed taller and the other much shorter than Sigourney Weaver. You all have seen that kind of photos; That is why i prefer street shots where Tom always seems taller, even much taller than the others.
But everyone sees what he sees, no?
Viper said on 14/Mar/07
Yeah, Welling just doesnt get out much. Thats the problem. Though I dont blame him.
DaMan said on 14/Mar/07
Patrick, *nearly* indisputable proof certainly exists somewhere. It's up to us to find it and I'm sure someone eventually will. We need a poster who can verify his/her height to take a photo with Welling and hopefully verify his footwear. A photo with Welling and a measured athlete would be nice. Welling and Glenn would work. A photo with Welling and another actor whose height has been pretty well nailed down would be great also. I would really, really like to see a photo with Welling and another person like we got on the Brandon Routh page with the Rock and Routh. Welling must not attend alot of events or something.
patrick said on 14/Mar/07
GUYS, i thank you first for replying about all my endless questions and i appreciate those who back my opinion up and the others like DaMan; Thanks;
The fact is if we had proofs, indisputably ones, i think that this site would notsimply exist!
The interest of it lies in precisely, we discuss that trivial topic and allows us to share ideas which often, lead us into something else.
I repeat that shows also how subjective is our vision about anything; IF WE ARE NOT ABLE TO GET US AGREED ABOUT SOMETHING AS SILLY AS AN ACTOR'S HEIGHT...how do you want that we do for important subjects? That is what life is made of after all and that is why i keep on visiting this site and writing on it.
Thanks for saying"that" about me DaMan: you read what is written very carefully and do not distort the words, the "spirit" which animates them.
It is like in politics: we need left and right, democrats and republicans as water and fire; You DaMan see like this and "us", Ben and AAAA like that. That doesn't make of us "ennemies", am i right?
Thanks to all of you who keep on writing and reading on this site, you too Viper!
You know what would be VERY interesting? that we finally GET THE PROOF, a bit like in police stories where each of "us" try to guess "who" "did it"! I hope to live long enough to see that..."episode"!
By the way...Tom is 6'3 or more ! (JOKE...even i am serious!)SEE YOU SOON FELLOWS!
DaMan said on 14/Mar/07
Ben, no offense intended, but you never proved anything -- in fact you are all too willing to disregard evidence that contradicts your belief. I provided you with a behind-the-scenes video that clearly depicted Welling looking over an inch shorter than Batista in his "zoner-boots", you all-too-willingly just disregarded the evidence and then resorted to the argument that Batista is 6-5 to help salvage your argument. You can post Smallville screen caps that show Welling looking taller than Schneider -- we all can -- while myself and others can and have posted non-publicity photos from parties that have Schneider looking taller than Welling. What is more likely to be reality, Smallville or non-publicity photos? You say Welling is 6-3, he have Welling himself stating that he is ALMOST 6-3. Ben, you are free to say that ''YOU BELIEVE'' Welling is a solid 6-3, but don't act like you have proven the case because, quite frankly, you haven't. The fact that Editor Rob HASN'T bumped Welling up above 189cm proves your case hasn't been made. Patrick, who is obviously an intelligent fellow, doesn't even try to claim he has "proven" that Welling is 6-3; only that he honestly believes Welling is 6-3+ which I DO respect.
Viper said on 13/Mar/07
I think Kane is 6-7 Patrick.
DaMan said on 13/Mar/07
I was Anonymous below. Patrick, Dave Batista (another WWE wrestler) already played one of the "Zoners" on Smallville, and he is in reality anywhere from 6-2 and 6-3. With his "Zoner-boots" Batista was easily over an inch taller than Welling. Before anyone begins to argue that Batista is really 6-5 keep in mind that is his WWE "kayfabe" height. 6-8 Kane (Glen Jacobs) is officially billed as 7 ft. by the WWE, although Jim Ross (a WWE commentator) usually refers to him as 6-10.5 or "near 7 ft." despite his listing.
AAAA said on 13/Mar/07
Kane is a pro wrestler from the WWF I think. heis on this site. They have him at 6'7.5 Raw height, so there is no telling how tall he is when the decked him out in the phantom zoner outfit. Smallville is fond of using the pro wrestler's to portray the zoners, because they are sooo Large they manage to look like someone who could Toss tom around like a rag doll. Apparently space criminals are all monsterous 6'7 humans that weigh over 300 pounds.
And I totally agree with your idea of the eurpoean complex in american movies. Being a big, strong, handsome guy is a problem because people love to make "everyman" heros. Guys you see everyday are no hero's in movies. Tom is not an everyman. He has a big screen presence, and is one of those guys you would notie in a crowded room
patrick said on 13/Mar/07
I just looked for and found about Kane who actually is Glen Jacobs and is listed 6'8 (2,03 meters !)
I suppose that Viper will say he's between 6'3 and 4, if "he" (Kane) is particularly lucky (it's a joke Viper, no offense!)
Hey guys, don't you find interesting that they use more and more very big guys" to confront Tom, sorry, Clark?
Why going to such a lot of trouble if Tom was just what so many think he is?
Useless to make looking dangerous an adversary in front of a 6'1 or 2 guy, no?
6'4 David Morse looks terribly dangerous when facing even strong guy like Russel Crowe but if this one were if only two inches taller, the impact would be much weaker. Tom always appeared tall all along the show and now he is becoming step by step, superman, he needs freaking ennemies who make you feel "wow, this time, Clark is really in danger!"
Anonymous said on 13/Mar/07
Kane is a WWE wrestler who is going to make an appearance on Smallville this month. Big guy, he's listed at 6-7.5 on this site and 6-8 is probable in my opinion. I still say Welling is between 6-2 and 6-3, he has looked this height in every single interview I have seen him in including that Regis & Kelly clip once he moved to a similar distance from the camera and he looked it with Carson Daly.
patrick said on 13/Mar/07
Good posted Ben; I am sorry but i do not know this Kane (!!!).
I f i understand well, they may have done the platform trick even with a huge guy; Even a6'6 J. O Halloran had to wear "platform shoes" to make visible an enough significant difference with the others including (the late) 6'4 Chris Reeve! Remember 6'5 M.C Duncan in the "green mile" ; i know it's not the same here (i already hear Viper!) but Ben is perfectly right in noticing that all that "Kane stuff" is pointless as long as we do not see them face to face, on an equal footing, entirely visible, with no "angles"...but that won't happen, ever! Always that kind of "mystery" about Tom's appearance in SV. The only one case of that ilk to my knowledge.
patrick said on 13/Mar/07
AAAA: ONCE MORE, nothing to add; just "my" words; i agree 100% each word you choose to define Tom's personality (very well seen) as well as about any tall actor nowadays; i say "nowadays" because, concerning the height factor, it was not the case before the 70ies (J.Wayne, R.Hudson etc.).
Tom is INDEED imposing when alone; He loks tall because he is and has "something" in his proportions, very "special";
About the cause of being tall is not an advantage any more, may i say that that is what i call the "european complex"?
What i mean here, it is that when Americans began to "doubt about themselves", to change their values (partially), since the mid 6ies in a word, they loook towards Europe to find there, the source of the "real culture": STUPID and dangerous for any culture all the more reason when this culture is a civilisation as American one is.
So, ended "strong men" sure of their values, of themselves and long live to "tortured people", "macadam cowboy" and others (sometimes very good movies as yet)and all the legion of "De Niro, Pacino and Hoffmanlike" actors; these guys are very good but, try to fancy one of them in the Mitchum or Wayne boots, just a second! Over laughing? OK. All of that (too briefly exposed) in order to say AAAA, how just is your remark about versatile roles.
PLEASE.... tel me "who is Kane". Thanks a lot.
On the photos, i can't see his shoes neither and mays i say it could be the same thing as with Batista upon his "stilts"?
OK SID, i admit the veracity of your testimony i do not doubt about; At least that would proof he is not less than 6'3; Already something to take into consideration, isn't it?
Viper said on 12/Mar/07
In that one picture of Tom and Kane facing each other, Tom looks to be roughly 6 inches short than Kane. If Kane is 6-7, Tom looks to be 6-1. If Kane is 6-8, Tom is 6-2. If Kane is 6-9, Tom is 6-3.
AAAA said on 12/Mar/07
Couldn't see the shoe boots Tom was wearing well, didn't see kanes boots at all. Do they have the already Massive 6'7.5 Kane i the Frankenstein boots Batista was wearing. He would stand close to 7 foot if the do
AAAA said on 12/Mar/07
He does seem really shy, or at least modest and humble about his height. I think he realizes that he is tall, and people always notice it and always point it out, without him ever bringing it up. I'm sure it becomes annoying to a point when a physical characteristics starts to become a main defing point of who you are. Especially as an actor. As we said, short guys claim the are taller, but Truly big guys are encouraged to lie about their heights, so to get more versitle roles. Plus he just looks majestically tall, because of how well proportioned he is. The guy is imposing
Viper said on 12/Mar/07
I just dont see Tom at 6-3 at all. 6-2 maybe, but not 6-3.
patrick said on 12/Mar/07
SID, sorry, i didn't see anything of that! At least in these photos.
Why would Tom "degrade" himself? I invite you to refer to "myt" explanations (for what they are worth of course!)
I approve Ben in his legitimate askik to upgrade Tom as being 6'3 officially; After all, others are listed here as more debatedly having the height mentioned. One thing is sure: if (the great) Vince D'Onofrio is still listed as being 6'4, so Tom CANNOT BE LESS THAN 6'3! I am sure theyr minimum alike, sure and certain!
Good posted Ben about Tom's shyness: i once more, agree with you Ben.
What do you think AAAA ?
AAAA said on 9/Mar/07
well that clip explains why the shoot him and mrs. Kruek so carefully. She is close in height to kelly Ripa and kelly looked like a child by Tom. That much of a differene would detract from a show. It is just kinda freakish
kal-el said on 9/Mar/07
Click Here This is the link to the interview on regis when tom stated being 6-3. I believe him. I vote for upgrade him to 6-3.
patrick said on 9/Mar/07
AAAA, that is EXACTLY as i "heard" your question: never took it differently than being an honor since it showed how my opinion got you interested; Don't scare mt friend, i figure out what you asked me without the least ambiguity!
If only EVERYBODY could be like you! I don't speak especially in this site where most people are very correct and some much more than that and clever too; I mean "in the world"!
In this very site, people like John, Daman, Ben and others were very honest and that is what i try to be; I don't want to try to convince anybody; I repect the different opinions but i prefer those which are based on something very serious and not a simple "impression"; Intuition PLUS some real facts: that should give you an honest and correct idea of what truth is, at least "reality".
Thanks anyway for your very touching words; I really really appreciate them.
I wrote that JUST before reading Ben's comment !!! To think i have just mentioned him! THe proof i am not lying!
I enjoyed reading you too Ben; I still wonder and stay amazed for the same reason.
We both have, however, to admit that other people can see things "differently" even though we do not understand why they ALWAYS push away the evidences (photos or freezing images) of Tom being TALLER than 6'2.5 AND keep ONLY those which tend to prove "they" are right. It happens that the first case is , sorry, much more important, even by just folding what was sent by "members" in this very site.
I respect Viper's cluster, above all for a while as thay and mainly him, wrote things showing he was interested in our opinions too.
That is so that people can evolve, don't you think?
That is why i keep on writing here: that allows us, over some trivial point, after all, we do not really care of that stuff, to share, to express what we think and that displays numerous opinions corresponding with what the human world is made of: sometimes adversaries but never ennemies;
Tom is very tall and ONE DAY, that will appear obvious even to Viper, no offense Mr Snake; I am sure of that;
By the way: do you remember what was said about "small" difference between Steve Martin and Tom in "cheaper I" ? I just got the sequel and...Tom seems odd in the midst of these peolpe so much tall he appears, especially when meeting first Steve;
Either Steve is downright SMALL, not just smallER but, by himself, small (kind 5'7) OR Tom i far away from the 6'1 or 2 some would see him to be.
Of course Tom is not Dolph Lundgren but this one makes Steven Seagal looking "normal"! Hope to read ALL of you guys; that is very nice, even tjose who are not by my side; Remember the Voltaire's settlement:
"i don't like what you say but i would fight to make you tell it!"
Interesting to notice that John Wayne said exactly the same thing about Jane Fonda. See you!
AAAA said on 8/Mar/07
I think that was an outstanding explanation Patrick. I didn't mean to offend you when I asked, I was just curious of you opinion on an exact number. I hope I hven't insulted you, as I find debates and discussions with you very fun. You personally have produced multitudes of proof, better than most. And what we say is all factual based spec. I do like the fact that you use publicity shots, as those are the purest, unaltered points of reference, not cropped and reshot to make fit a specific shot. When I asked for a number, I wasn't tryig to be snotty, I was just curious. i always like to have specific numbers to asscoiate with visuals. I remeber you saying you have an "artistic eye" so you may be less inclined to need numbers. I was just curious if you had a number rolling around in you head. and you did, so thanks for your explanation.
patrick said on 7/Mar/07
AAAA: Frankly? You want to know what I "feel", because, admittedly all of that stuff is question of feeling more than ANYTHING else (as long as we won't see him, barefoot, IN FRONT OF A CHART), so, i feel first honored and i would say he is more than 6'3 and possibly 6'4. I know, i know i have no proof but what i wrote about him next to John Schneider, 6'1 John Glover and so many others.
That has no value other than my opinion; I am sure, ABSOLUTELY sure, he is AT LEAST 6'3. I am ready to bet money on this or else, ALL THE OTHER ACTORS are much much shorter than they are supposed to be and I don't think so because it is ridiculous and simply impossible.
What is interesting in all of that, lies in, precisely, the fact it is SUBJECTIVE. The way how we consider what is in front of us, reveals how we consider life. You know what? My conviction comes from Tom BEING ALONE. It is ridiculous, isn't it? I know and i'll never argue this to convince you, what i do not even try! You asked me and i try to be the more honest as possible;
Viper is sincere as well and his word is worth mine.
As for Tom claiming he is "almost three", i think it is due to what i tried to explain a thousand times: from now on, TALL ACTORS are not that well accepted ; Do not forget he was long listed as 6'2 because of needing to be in order to obtain a model job! He towers everybody as only guys like David Morse or, of course, Vince Vaughn do. Vincent D'Onofrio, a fantastic actor (much much better than so many pretended "great" ones) looks tall but nobody claims he is less than 6'3 while he is listed as 6'4. If him, who debatably should open a real discussion about his height...does not, so, Tom has even fewer reasons to do it. Unless everybody is "small" in "Smallville", Tom is very tal...what ALL his different costars claim; Do you really notice that often? People feeling the need to express how tall is their collegue? That happens ONLY with notably tall people.
I told you, i am like Henry Fonda in twelve angry men (super film): no proof but a real convintion and many FACTS. Just freeze the picture when you can on a DVD, especially ON STREET SCENES and you'll see what i mean;
On street scenes, they, the most often, use "looking up" "low camera angles" because that allows to make people almost at the same level. Why do they do that? Because it is much more difficult to make Tom walking in a street barefoot without it's visible and IMPOSSIBLE to operate with platform WHEN WALKING unless it is very very long! That has been done in back lots many times in many movies but not in SV: too expensive, not enough time.
PLEASE, check that out: Tom looks like a giant in that kind of scene where he is shot from far enough (entire body including feet). In that kind of scene when Johnathan is leaving hospital with Tom, WHATEVER ANGLE used so, TOM is ONE INCH taller. I do not even mention "the" photo so easy to find on Google (pictures) where Tom is more than one inch taller his "father" John and a head and half taller than his "mother" Annette O'Toole; That picture has been shown right here, in this site and Viper saw in it like a slope which has never existed elsewhere than within his mind, with all due respect (sincerely).
Do i have properly reply AAAA?
Anonymous said on 7/Mar/07
I'm 6-2.5 and when asked about my height I will almost always answer 6-3. I even have 6-3 listed on my driver's license. To be honest, it's just easier to answer with 6-3 than it is to answer with, "Oh, I'm six-foot-two and three quarter inches" or whatever the reality is. I think the fact that he has claimed to be "almost" 6-3 is the most telling piece of info we have.
I know Patrick thinks Welling is 6-3 or taller but I don't agree with that. I can honestly see anywhere from a hair over 6-2 flat to 6-2.75 for Welling. I do not believe Welling can be under 6-2 or over 6-3. Judging by the show and interviews he just seems like he is almost exactly my height -- he just doesn't come across as a 6-4 monster to me -- even on shows like Regis & Kelly. In my opinion guys like Vince Vaughn, Hasselhoff, Goldblum, etc do come across as legitmate 6-4 or more guys. Welling looks like he is more in the Affleck, Hartnett height bracket to me.
AAAA said on 6/Mar/07
Patrick... So what is your definiitve opinion of Tom's height. Do you have an exact number. He has said himself "almost 6'3" and now is saying 6'3 flat. I am inclined to believe him. He has enough going for him not to worry about his height, as he is already tall. Do you think he is as high as 6'4 or that he is over 6'3 but not 6'4?
patrick said on 6/Mar/07
O thanks a lot for trusting me AAAA.
Besides, that's why i don't understand what causes such a polemic about what is so accurately shown in so many shots and photos;
Guys like Sly Stallone or Tom Cruise can can bring you to wonder about their real height (mainly Sly) such different they appear according to that shot or this one. The same with Kirk Douglas and a few others. But, regarding Tom who towers everybody not only within the show but also on behind the scenes takes, including TV shows, i really sincerely wonder why some people want to see him 6'1 or 2;
Only a very TALL man looks really so and a 6'1 or even 2 will appear big and tall guy but nobody will remark it and no one will disscuss about that;
Why so many see him very tall, including co stars always mentioning that ("he sooo tall!") if it is "so obvious" he's not for the others? Why?
Did you ever heard such questioning about David Morse or Vince Vaughn; yet, this last one may be 6'5 or 6'4 only; if Tom is considered 6'2 Vince would have been seen as 6'3 or 4 maximum by these same guys! Think it over BEFORE answering!
AAAA said on 5/Mar/07
Patrick... I believe you but I don't own the seasons I just see reruns so it makes it hard to pause it as i just have basic cable. You are most likely right, but I can't check without the DVDs.
patrick said on 5/Mar/07
I know the shot you are refering AAAA in the first season; I noticed it too but i am sure that Tom was bare foot and thatpratically never happened again; Indeed, Clarks is supposed to be a real teenager and his father has to be taller, symbolically speaking; Probable reason;
For once i won't agree with you yet about Tom and John being alike; I told many times about thousands of shots, especially in season 3, 4 and 5 where Tom is downright an inch taller; You just have to check it out yourself in watching episodes; Many other photos show the same and even John admitted it in two interviews i cannot remember where they are available; sorry!
Anyway, Viper won't be convinced since he thinks the contrary and to boot, that John is at any rate, barely 6'2 !
I repeat: Tom is one these actor who change most of height in a show; I reda in SV sites, that many people noticed it; The difference lies in the "off shots" where i always saw Tom very very big and tall!
I repeat "my" theory about tall stars have to get or appear shorter than they really are; Vince Vaughn in breaking up doesn't tower his female costar as he should do in reality because they use the same tricks in order that she doesn't look ridiculous next to him. Thousands of examples of the same ilk;
Clint Walker whos is very very very tall, whould presumably have a better carrer if smaller a bit and yet, it was during the "giant stars" epoch! 50% of the stars were much taller at the time than since the 70ies!
When i see Johnny Depp or Colin Farrell playing tough guys, after having recuperated (from choking !) i don't know if i have to laugh or cry!
At least with guys like Tom or Brandon, we have nice "old fashioned" guys;
AAAA said on 4/Mar/07
I was wathing one of the early episodes from season 1 today and Tom seems smaller than John by about an inch, but he seems the same height or a wee bit taller in season 5. he has a noticbley bigger frame, but I wonder if they employed camera tricks to suit the situations. Remeber in the begining Tom is supposed to be Clark at age 14, granted Welling was 24. Talles, most jacked 14 year old I ever seen, but thats not the point. They may have tried to make him appear younger by shooting differnet, and as his character moved towards adulthood in the show, shot to show his true height, imply some type of maturation through the show. I think John and Tom are the same height, but there are funny little vaying differences depending on the season. Just a little thought I had.
Daman said on 2/Mar/07
Kane definitely towers Welling, even in a pose that clearly robs height from him. I genuinely believe Kane is 6'8" or thereabouts, I could buy anywhere from 6'7.5" to a hair over 6'8" for Kane. But OTOH, Kane towers the Rock as well. I still think Welling is 6'2.5" or somewhere in that vicinity, I agree that he would likely be marginally shorter than the Rock or Routh.
patrick said on 2/Mar/07
I agree you "all" but i think the reason of the choice is also somethingdue to the fact Tom was making SV and was at the time too famous as C.Kent to wear "the" suit. Brian Singer said it himself; The fact is Brandon looks a bit like C. Reeve but for me, not enough to justify the choice; I think Brandon had the qualities B. Singer was looking for: refer to what i wrote about it;
He is tall, well hult indeed but he loved the character and was anxious not to betray it. And do not forget the charism pecular to Brandon.
Brian Singer did not want a clone of C.Reeve, he wanted somebody in the same time able to be credible after Reeve AND a specific actor to embody Superman as He wanted to see him.
Just physical question ares really secondary; C.Reeve was just tall when hired, not broad shouldered enough but he had "the" thing the others had not.
I agree with chin AAAA "theory" AND do not know who is "kane" !!
AAAA said on 2/Mar/07
Viper...you are right about the resembalance. Aside from the slender neck and shoulders, he looked lke reeves long lost twin brother. He has a hero chin, thats my theory.
Viper said on 1/Mar/07
Daman, also a side by side shot of Welling and Kane would be interesting. I think Kane is 6-7 but some say 6-8 to 6-9. In that one action shot Kane had a lot of height over Tom.
Viper said on 1/Mar/07
Daman and AAAA, Id bet a lot of money that both Rock and Brandon Routh are taller than Welling. Patrick I think Routh did a pretty good job overall. I think they mostly casted him though because he looks like Christopher Reeves.
AAAA said on 1/Mar/07
Daman... I have been searching for it for a LONG time... I would love to see it like the pics of Routh and the Rock. They def haven't met in public, at a party or a premiere yet, b/c if they had.... I would have had that pic.
Daman said on 1/Mar/07
I'd like to see a Routh/Welling shot, it's got to happen eventually you would think. Routh is clearly at least 189 cm, if Welling looks the same height or a bit taller 6'2.75" or 6'3" would be plausible.
patrick said on 1/Mar/07
It's bizarre but when i wrote on 27 february, i didn't have the Viper's question, thus, i answer now;
It was about Tom instead of Brandon Routh.
Very interesting in fact because the answer is in two times:
1/ Before seeing the film and far before its shooting was off, while i din't only have some photos of Brandon i THOUGHT THIS CHOICE SIMPLY AWFUL !
Brandon looked too "malicious" and self proud on the first photos (in Tshirt);He reminded me Tom cruise and his "little smile", soooo shrewd;
In addition, i found he was Superman alike as well as Jimmy Durante would have been ! (i exagerate of course!)
2/ When seeing his photos done during filming, i changed my mind BUT, that was in SEEING the movi that i definitely did it!
Actually, i found him so good in his way of understanding the character, of embodying him that i would feel very uncomfortable to say anything against Brandon.
It is a dilemma if i have now to choose; I so much would like to see Tom in "the" outfit but i can't help thinking of how Brandon LOVES the character for always. And you can feel it; He was never reluctant to wear the suit with an S, on the contrary, he wanted to do it unlike Tom.
Even so, Tom would be great because he and Brandon have that little thing special, something of a "Buddha" you know and that is what Superman need and is made of; I HATE, positively, the "nex" supi drawings where "he" appears tenser than Batman himself! THAT IS STUPID because Superman is prior to A WISE "MAN"; Hi dimension is MORE in that capacity of mastering and controlling his infinite powers without hurting if only a fly, than in his powers themselves; Do you know what i mean?
So, to incarnate such a "god", you nedd to be not only the strongest man ever but above all, the WISEST ONE too!
Brandon with his Leonardo "joconda" imperceptible kindly smile, showing he forgives these ungrateful human beings he really loves to such an extent he's able to give his own life up for their safety, Brandon made pass something "magical"; Tom did in his way, the same with Clark who has not the same problematic because he has yet to choose whom to be: a man or a saint!
I am sorry for being long but, really Viper, thanks for asking that VERY interesting question; Why, or else, getting so much interested in that character and the actors having played him?
Actually, i thing BOTH were worthy of doing it; Too bad all of that stuff is a money point. If not, we would have two versions!
I just fear Brian Singer is compelled to change a bit his "mystical" way of tackling the topic into a more spectacular and, who knows, comic or parodic !
To be continued...
AAAA said on 28/Feb/07
we need Glen to run into him and get a good shot, notice the footwear, and confirm exactly what height he is.
Daman said on 28/Feb/07
I think we need some photos of Welling with people other than WB actors. Does he have any decent side-by-side shots with Kane yet?
patrick said on 27/Feb/07
Paul, i couldn't open the picture but i think it's the one with "supernatural" crew, isn't it? If so, that photo is UTTERLY defromed because of very very wide angle use; it is what is called anamorphosis; In that photo, Jared is at left with "huge" head, leaning forward when Tom is doing it backward and Jensen, ont the right seems also huge; Paul, that kind of photo is everything but an evidence! No need to see their respective feet!
If you carefully pay attention to it, you will see people notably known for being that tall, precisely taller than those everybody knows they are so (tall);
Now, if this is not the picture i refer to, i am sorry but if it is, no way this is there an element of truth;
AAAA, you should have been a detective to be able to recognize so well the type and brand of Tom's shoes! I am serious! That shows a remarkable sense of observation; I am impressed!
I watched a 5th season episode of SV (Lex conviced of murder)once more, Tom appears an inch taller John Schneider;
Viper said on 27/Feb/07
Patrick, do you think Tom deserved the Superman role over Brandon Routh?
Viper said on 27/Feb/07
In reality Jared has 1-2 inches on Tom.
AAAA said on 26/Feb/07
Kal EL... when was this.... Just curious
kal-el said on 26/Feb/07
He stated himself 6-3 on Regis.
AAAA said on 26/Feb/07
I agree with you patrick... and the specific brand of shoe boots he has been wearing for like the last 3+ seasons are redback boots, not sure of the specific model though. He wore actual Tims in the show early on like season 1&2, back when his character had a wardrobe, not just that red coat and blue shirt, like now.
patrick said on 26/Feb/07
AAAA: VERY interesting and almost "pro" speech about muscles; Th =e fact is that a real bodybuilder is a pro in that matter as yourself seem to be; and you are not as yet, boasting at all!
What i feel amusing is when i see guys like Colin Farrell playing tough guys; maybe he can be in his range but, how calling guys like James Cagney in that case! I only regret that, for once we have a new big guy, good actor, with good and solid physique, convincing because sincere and both strong and "quiet", a "old fashioned man" in a word, i regret that some people reduce him; May i be "crude"? I am fed up with so called tough guys with teenage faces though beyond 40! so called "cool" who do not even know what this word means; Sorry; They "missed out on" Chris Reeve: too tall, too handsome; They do the same with David Morse, one of the very rare men able to play a 40ties or 50ties roles without being ridiculous; Like in music, median taste has been tapering off (my opinion) and who would be able to tell me (please, do it!) who is the "new" Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Johnny Cash or Duke Ellington ?
When i see Tom Welling, i feel like being in my own passé, as if i saw a 30ties dude! Look at young Gary Cooper, Wayne or Fonda and i think you'll figure out what i mean. Thanks for reading me !
Aldo: nice to say that but Tom Welling does not wear "boots", EVER. He wears timberlandslike shoes which are not "boots" as you mean it; On the contrary, it is known that he very often act shoeless what is furthermore, clearly visible!
Aldo said on 24/Feb/07
Here it is:
Welling 191 cm
Lex 180-183 cm
Clark normally uses boots so he looks a lot taller than everyone else anyway he's tall
AAAA said on 23/Feb/07
Patrick... I agree with you about people being naturally chiseled. Bronson especially when he played and Indian in that western movie. RIPPED. They have well built muscles and low body fat.
But in terms of exercise VOCABULARY all that "toned" actually means is a muscle in a state of contration. I wasn't saying that no one was toned in the colliquial sense of the word, as toned is usually used interchangably with ripped and lean, but someone claiming to be a hardcore bodybuilder would not say toned. Bodybuilders are incredibly knowlegeable in all facets of the science of muscle building, as they need to be to achieve that measure of size. I was just kinda backhandly pointing out doubt in the statements validity of someone who desribes muscle in such laid back laymens terms. A real body builder would not use such a term.
patrick said on 22/Feb/07
I really feel writing here sometimes "for nothing" !
Anybody here to "carefully" read what the others (among myself) really write? I personnaly pay attention to each word written by any other person;
For the last time: comparing regular people even strapping ones, with bodybuilders is VAIN and stupid; As yet Tom Welling will never be small or skinny or i don't know what irrelevant adjective! SID, keep on writing so and you will confirm to "normal" guys all the stereotypes which make from bodybuilders, let's say, "non intellectual people"!
patrick said on 19/Feb/07
I am sorry for my bad writing! Awful! I was in a hurry and...OK, i insist thus, to make the difference between people "Peter Lupus range" as seems to be SID and good strapping guys like Tom; I repeat: they do not play in the same category; Sid, you are an athlete, undoubtedly but that is not a resaon to minimize those who are "the norm"!And, frankly, i have difficulty to qualify a guy like Tom as "normal"; If everybody were like him, and a fortiori like you, i think that would be known, isn't it?
I got some photos of him taken "off shooting" and he is a "normal" huge person; Of course, next to "super boys", like in this episode where he involuntarly hurts a guy "one hundred heaver than him", he looks thinner and nobody contests it; That doesn't prevent him to have good arms and broad shouders; Let's say that "you" have bigers ones and Arnold perhaps, bigger in turn! So what? You always will fin somebody stronger and taller than him and you, always!
Strength is something natural and volume is a different thing; I was considered as strong but i met people much stronger than i was: biggers bones, some muscles bigger too or simply more efficient in their way of being arranged.
Some guys are made for powerlifting and are not well built and other are magnificent and more or less strong. Is a guy like Jacky Chan "skinny" under the pretext he's 5'8 and probably less than 170 lbs? So, please, STOP COMPARING actors and "giants" like wrestlers or power lifters and bodybuilders!
In doing that, you are boasting and that is the objective of a real big and strong man, on the contrary!
patrick said on 19/Feb/07
Sirs, first I mentioned Dean Martin's HANDS AND WRISTS, as i did with Bob Conrad! Thay have NATURAL big articulates; taht's all!
Besides, do not mix up BODYBUILDERS who do almost nothing else than working out and NATURAL well exercised men as are many actors (and others like me) just in order to stay in good shape!
Who would compare Tom Welling to Arnold for example? That would be stupid!
The most not bodybuilder actor ever is indisputably Clint Walker! But he was an exception;
There are two kinds of people: the "pro" of the body sculpting and ...the others; The pros cannot be not pro but you know what i mean!
AAAA said on 18/Feb/07
SID, I didn't metion anything about Dean Martin, that was patrick. And most bodybuilders are only so big because they have stubby little arms and legs. They don't need to move the weight as great of a distance, so they can lift more and get bigger. Also, 10 pounds of muscle added to a 5'9 frame looks like a hell of a lot more than 10 lbs of muscle added to a 6'3 frame like Wellings. And most muscle men look grotesque, unhealthy, and comical. A neighbor of mine was a 5'6 bodybuilder and he was huge. Yet he had no functional strength. He was just built for show. HE TORE HIS BICEP AND CHEST trying to throw a punch in a karate class, because his body wasn't built to fuction like an athelete
Jason said on 13/Feb/07
I remember reading they used to use guys who worked in quarries as models for those Renaissance statues.
AAAA said on 13/Feb/07
Patrick: What I meant about the ideal Greacian whasthat thereisa ration based ont the mathematics behind the composition of the ideal looking male. Look up the Doryophous physique, the Michelango David( whichwas built slightly out of proportion because it was so tall ,17ft, that when veiwed from the base, it would appear ideally proportioned to the naked eye. Also check out the measurements on Davinci's Virtuivan man. Eight heads tall. 3 heads wide at shoulders Waist to feet is 4 heads tall , etc. The calculator takes proportions based on the heights of the statues and corresponding measurements of these statues to create ratios, then applies them to the height of the real person. Since no one is 17 fett tall, ratios are need. The closest thing to life size is the Doryophus statue, which is 6'5.75. That is a BIG boy by any time periods standard. The basics are
All measures of circumfrence:
Chest: 65% of height
Neck: 24% of height
Arm: 23% of height
Forearm: 20% of height
Waist: 46% of height
Hips: 52% of height
Thighs: 34% of height
Calves: 24%of height
patrick said on 13/Feb/07
AAAA: i agree with you; i miss debate too; that was "vivid" and pushed us to go farther we could think;
the "Grecian model", i don't remember having refered to but i go very often at the museums where 15th to 19th century statues are displayed among those from ancient Greece and all of them show the same thing: solid articulates, ankles and wrists; the statues never show "weak" men even though they are "skinny"; It seems that the strength of character is always shown trough the look, the jaw and the hands and articulates; Rodin sculpted the "Bourgeois de Calais" as being almost slaves BUT dignified and so, strong in their souls; their hands and feet, wrists and ankles are like cables and full of density, like an tensed bow. Know what i mean?
Look at the Michelangelo "David" (no need to go to Firenze in Italy: the copy in the Las Vegas Caesar's Palace is just perfect!):it represents a young man just before meeting Goliath; he is "cool" but, pay attention to his articulates...HUGE ! They are huge like an oak rooted in marble! The proportion is modified on purpose; Michelangelo shows here what is giant in him who was supposed to be small next to the real giant Goliath;
Donatello made him light, like an angel but it is rare;
In modern time, Dean Martin has exactly the kind of statue hand and wrists: probably more than 8'';
SID: you are evidently a "super hero frame guy" and i envy you, sincerely!
It still remains that Tom Welling should not be as yet "skinny"!
If so, you should be judged as such next to super big strongest more than 300lbs men ...all in muscle too!
No, even next to them, you should stay a very strong guy;
I do have my eyes being judge and they tell me Tom is not like you but a very solid guy, what is said by everybody playing with him. No offense SID.
AAAA said on 12/Feb/07
Okay...those two are inhuman...nobody looks like that naturally. It is IMPOSSIBLE to be that big and that ripped without chemicals
AAAA said on 11/Feb/07
I am kinda disappointed this debate has ceased. Oh and the wrist size, where you guys refering to that "Ideal Grecian calculator"
AAAA said on 5/Feb/07
My wrist are right in between 7.75 and 8 inches. I can't figure out what the smallest markings mean.
DaMan said on 5/Feb/07
I have right at 7.5" wrists.
Viper said on 5/Feb/07
Its funny, My wrists are only 6.5 inches but I have a decent frame with pretty broad shoulders. I have small wrists. I have personally thought that maybe I will never put on excess fat with smaller bones? Yes I do agree that the bigger the wrists the probability that you are stronger on average.
patrick said on 5/Feb/07
Viper, i am myself with relatively thin wrists at 7 inches.
I am sure you and DaMan, since you are tall, have from 7,5' and 8 wrists, depending on your frame; i have a friend who is only 5'6 and being very bulky, has 8,2 inches wrists and huge and strong hands;
Look at 6'3 Jimmy Stewart hands and wrists and 5'8 Bob Conrad and 5'10 Dean Martin ones! The two last have "T-bone steaks" hands and more than 8 inches wrists when the taller has thins ones!
Tom has EXACTLY the young John Wayne's frame: i have many DVDs of his early carrier (30ties); Any apparel specialist will tell you Tom has large hands and good wrists, not like Bob Conrad or Dean Martin but "very solid ones" AND i am quite sure, Tom will grow up at this level; This guy will probably get thicker in getting on in age; Not only about his muscles but also, unfortunately, about his waist; He is NOT lik, for exemple, like John Glover or even Harrison Ford who do not make fat; Dean Cain is so even if still slim...but not like in Loïs and Clark!
So, to make a long story short, Tom has probably 7,5 to 8 inches wrists; more probably 8. He has thick bones and you'll see, he will turm massive later unless he "let himself go". He already di from 1rst season and now.
Do you think he is "thinner" than that?
AAAA said on 4/Feb/07
Why did you say 8 inches
Viper said on 2/Feb/07
So Patrick, are you saying Tom's wrist size is at least 8 inches?
DaMan said on 1/Feb/07
IMO stands for In My Opinion, IMHO stands for In My Honest Opinion
AAAA said on 31/Jan/07
Off topic and most likey sounds stupid but what the HELL does IMO stand for?????
DaMan said on 31/Jan/07
Without a doubt sizes fluctuate! The dress coat is probably the most consistent size of all IMO. There is one brand of T-shirts, I honestly forget if it's Pluma or Haynes, but an L is absolutely skin tight on me and an XL is still uncomfortably tight. I can attest to A&F sizes being ridiculously off. I bought a 3XL shirt from there, it was a polo style shirt and I honestly felt had I done the classic Hogan pose I could have split it down the back.
patrick said on 30/Jan/07
So am I DaMan! and i agree: Tyson is far beyond all of that! he's 20 inches necked and it is very known.
i am between Tom must be indeed45 ' and "inflated" 47 chested and 17 -17,5 (and IT IS XL and not XXL !) necked.
Tom must be 48 because i am absolutely sure he is wider than i am if only because his proportions are around the same but he is far taller!
Look at his elbows, by seing his arms from aside: he is thick there, between biceps and forearm; Any boduibuilder will tell you that is the mark of strong guys because that allows muscle to develop and becoming stronger;
His neck is not thin at all! Who can say that?
He is not Charles Bronson or Clint Walker but he is solid!
His hands are big and very thick; look when he is phoning for example; He has the kind of body with good bones and articulates taht could allow him to become a bodybuilder if interested in, what is not the case at all!
Even at 6'2 he would be a strong guy; in the pictures sent by KalEl on 01/02/07 he clearly appears broader than his "father" John Schneider.
That cannot be discussed and everybody can see how well built and strong John can be.
By the way he is also visibly taller than John there and i checked it out in watching the episode (4th season); No doubt possible!
Viper said on 29/Jan/07
Sizes must fluncuate then. I can wear many XL sizes that fit me and 41-42L fits me perfectly.
AAAA said on 29/Jan/07
Well I wear suits slimmer fitting, just because I like the way it looks. All I was saying through those rants is that I doubt Welling has a 50 INCH chest. He is Jacked, but That is huge.
DaMan said on 29/Jan/07
I'm not a tank at all IMO. 6'2.5" and 205 lbs., my chest measures 45 inches around, but I don't think I "appear" to have a 45 inch chest at all, certainly guys like Tyson and Lewis look MUCH larger than I do. I was told by the tailor ideally you want 1 inch hanging off of each shoulder, I could fit into a 46L comfortably but for the ideal "fit" I was recommended a 48L, the 44L was snug around my chest and arms. The tailor intially pegged me at a 42L so that just goes to show you even the pros can get it wrong based on initial impressions. I fluctuate between a L and XL in T-shirts, depending on brand and how I want it to fit. Depending on brand, a large is fairly snug though not "tight" and an XL is comfortable.
JohnGun said on 26/Jan/07
s***. Sorry DaMan. Too many hours in front of a computer. My eyes are crapping out. My bad
DaMan said on 26/Jan/07
Viper, I wear a 46L - 48L jacket--I was just recently fitted for a tux--and I do not weigh 220 lbs just 205. Welling could *easily* wear a jacket this size or even possibly larger since I think he looks bulkier than I do, at least on TV.
DaMan said on 26/Jan/07
Viper, I wear a 46L - 48L jacket and I do not weigh 220 lbs.
patrick said on 26/Jan/07
I agree J-Dog and, surprise! disagree Viper! 41 is ridiculous! I wore 41 when i was 15 !
Da Man i couldn't open your link and i regret it but you are honest andyour own measurments prove you are yourself a strapping guy! You're right, Tom is probably 48 and was 46 "before".
Just like that: Jerry Seinfeld is 42 and there is no comparison between him and Tom, though i "love" him;
All i want to say is that Tom cannot be 6'1 and even 6'2; Minimum - to please some- 6'2,5 but as J-Dog says, probably 6'3 or a bit more.That's all!
J-Dog said on 26/Jan/07
Did anyone watch last week's episode. Tom Welling looked clearly taller than 6'2" Aquaman. Tom was also the same height as 6'3" Justin Hartley who plays the Green Arrow.
John thanks for the reminder bro' your posts are always top notch. No one can take away real world experience with photos thanks for the details.
Viper said on 25/Jan/07
No way does Welling wear anywhere close to a 44L jacket, or 46 for that matter, lol. Now you guys are inflating his whole physique. At best probably a 42, but 41 seems the most realistic. Hes not a 220 pound guy.
DaMan said on 25/Jan/07
Click Here
That was the link posted by CD giving Tom's measurements. I thought that was rather small myself, but remember those stats were from the pre-Smallville days when he was much thinner. Welling was at his biggest in season 4, he slimmed down considerably in season 5 and appears to have bulked up a bit again in season 6.
I also thought the 41L jacket was WAY smaller than I expected, but he was much thinner in the past. I'm 6'2.5" (or just 6'2.5") weigh 205 lbs, size 14 shoe, 33-34" inseam, 34" waist, 16" neck and wear a 46L-48L jacket, I do not have a particularly "V shaped" torso either. (just fitted for a tux a week and a half ago) I doubt Welling wears a 50L jacket, though I suppose it is possible.
As for neck size, I don't think Welling has anywhere near an 18" neck, his neck is actually pretty small, I'd say he has nothing over 16.5 - 17 neck.
patrick said on 25/Jan/07
"we" missed you for sure and know that i back you up and also believe that your friend was in a better position to judge whether or not Tom is under or above such a size!
Besides, i'd like to precise that measurments quoted by DaMan as being Tom's are - sorry DaMan, it's not against you - RIDICULOUS !
I am myself around 5'9 and not fat at all and i wear shirts 17 and half and 46 jacket. I am not a bodybuilder but simply strongly built thus, Tom would make me look his little brother and thinking he can wear 41 and 16,5 shirts is funny.
My friend who sells sportswear for 35 years told me he's propbably closer to 50 and between 17,5 and 18 (collar). By the way, he's notably known for being 14 in shoes; By force of shrinking him all the time, Tom will soon be able to play in a remake of the 1958 Jack Arnold's movie "the incredible shrinking man" without needing special effects !
As for AAAA's suggestion of 42L-44L, i wonder how you get yourself dressed! Are you aware of how small size it is even though he was 6'2?
The "v" you allude to is extremely rare for a TALL man; nor very strong guys like John Wayne, Rock Hudson or David Morse were so; Only Clint Walker, a colossal giant (6'6) and Lou Ferrigno BECAUSE HE WORKED OUT FOR THIS 5 HOURS A DAY DURING 15 YEARS (!) were "V" shaped ;
And yet, if you looked Tom above all, from behind, you'll see how broad and "V"ed is his back!
I invite you to watch a 4th season episode where he is chained, arms up by three "witches" : he is really really thick and muscularly very well defined;
All the photos you propose to see actually allows to note how Tom really is.
DaMan said on 25/Jan/07
JohnGUn, re-read my reply. I said a 33" inseam IS consistent with a 6'2" guy.
JohnGUn said on 24/Jan/07
Why is the 33in inseam inconsistent? Thats my inseam and I am 6'2.
DaMan said on 24/Jan/07
The 41L jacket is surprisingly small. It does look like he has put on considerable bulk since the beginning of the show though, I figured he would wear 44L - 46L.
DaMan said on 24/Jan/07
I found some of his measurements in the link posted by CD on Jan. 18th pretty interesting. The stats listed him at 6'2", 33" inseam, 41L coat, 16.5 neck and a size 13 shoe. The inseam seems consistent with a 6'2" guy, although that isn't necessarily very reliable.
john said on 24/Jan/07
As I've said before, I worked with a guy that went to high school with Tom in Okemos MI. and he says tom is a solid 6'3. I know that eyewitness testimony can be flawed in a one time meeting but Geoge saw Tom 5 days a week for 4 years. He said by 12 grade Tom was easily 6'3. This is coming from a guy who is a solid 6'0 himself. Geoge is a smart guy and I doubt he would misjudge Tom's height by much. For those that think Tom is 6'1, Goerge has said that is crazy, he has stood next to Tom and says there was 3 maybe even 4 inches between them. None of the rest of us has met Tom so I'm going with George on this one since he's spent time with Tom. They both played sports together and George used to pick him up for practice so it's not like he was seeing Tom from a distance. Could Tom be just under 6'3, maybe, but no way is he under 6'2.5. I still think he is closer to 6'3 barefoot.
patrick said on 24/Jan/07
DaMan: it is not being 6'3 which makes you eventually shy but the fact of being shy orrather, MODEST and humble which prevents you to claim what could be heard as bragging.
It is true that Will Smith is a part those guys who look taller than they really are: long neck and not massive head, high and broad shoulders and a fluid sihouette.
Ben, you're right: that is an endless debate and in a way, that is why we keep on writting about and that is fun!
About subjectivity, i watched an episod of Law and order SUV with law and order actors like late Jerry Orbach and Jesse L.Martin; They are all supposedly of different height, Chris Meloni being 6'something, J.Orbach 6'1, J L Martin being (supposedly)6'2 which seems reasonable. SO, those who were supposed to be taller proved to be shorter and...conversely!
That was so "strange" ! And that happens often even in the same movie! H Ford appears in turn taller ans smaller than Sean Connery (Indy III), David Morse in turn towers Tom Hanks then, not that much, in the same movie!
Thus, if, in addition, producers play with angle to make all of that even more confusing, that makes things more and more difficult for "us".
Mr dmeyer: what do you mean in claiming "you are taller than 6' guys" while being 5'11 ? I think you mean "they" pretend to be 6' and only are less than 5'11; That happens all the time ! But, in the long run, who can be deceived ?
Tom is taller than John Schneider who is visibly very tall andobviously really taller than "Aquaman" who's big and very well built.
dmeyer said on 23/Jan/07
most guy fron 185 and up are honnest about theyr height because at 5'11 i am taller than a lot of 6 ft guys i know
DaMan said on 23/Jan/07
Ben, Will Smith isn't a legit 6'2". Welling at 189 cm would be noticeably taller than Smith.
DaMan said on 23/Jan/07
Sorry, but I don't anybody who is "shy" about being over 6'3". I've seen no evidence to suggest that he is a legit 6'3", what's the point of this debate since the guy had said he is *almost* 6'3".
Basically the only real debate is he 189 cm or 190 cm as far as I am concerned.
patrick said on 23/Jan/07
That is mine too Ben. I really do not figure out "why" we couldn't have "any evidence" of him being 6'3 ...or even a bit more; Your (and, mine) evidences displayed here are indeed, "enough", at least for me.
Tom is not shy, he is naturally "humble" and the contrary of a "showing off" man.
Super said on 22/Jan/07
it was the hair and forehead that deceived me I guess
Daman said on 22/Jan/07
Patrick, I don't know why there is such a debate over Welling's height. I think it may be due to fact that *most* actors inflate their heights considerably. How many times have people run into guys like Arnold or Stallone, who most just assumes are big guys, only to be disappointed by their size in real life. Arnold isn't 6'2" like he claims, never has been, the guy might be 6'2" in cowboy boots. Welling is clearly a big guy, in both height and build, and doesn't need to inflate his stats. I think that surprises alot of his fellow actors who DO expect exaggerations. Look at the above quotes; Sam Jones seemed to expect a 5'6" - 5'7" guy to play Superman and seemed surprised when Welling responded with "6-2 or 6-3". Despite what some on this board might think, a LEGIT, BAREFOOT 6'2" - 6'3" guy is a big guy in the real world and a BIGGER guy in the acting world. Most people who claim 6'2" are really only 6'1" or less, that's just the way things usually work. I think Welling is a legit 189cm guy, which in tennis shoes would be ~6'3.5" and in Timberlands he would be 6'4" or a little over.
Daman said on 22/Jan/07
Ben, I find it odd that you believe Smallville actively attempts to make Welling appear under 6'3". Welling is portraying Superman/Superboy on this show! Notice how they almost ALWAYS have him in Timberlands which offer sizeable lift and ALSO notice how the show almost always shoots him from a low angle to EMPHASIZE height/size. Smallville uses practical effects to get Welling into the same frame with many of his much shorter co-stars(Kruek, Mack, O'Toole, Durance, etc) --this is NOT unusual BTW-- and they do NOT try to make him appear smaller than he is. In fact it is painfully obvious in their choice of camera angles that they are EMPHASIZING his height and size! This is completely logical because he is playing the part of the most iconic superhero of all! Honestly, ask yourself this question: does it make ANY logical sense for the Smallville producers to DE-emphasize the height of the actor who is portraying SUPERMAN? Honestly. It's not like Welling is 6'8", he is pretty much Superman's ideal height of 6'3"-6'4".
Daman said on 22/Jan/07
Ben, actually there were 2 - 3 shots of Welling face-to-face and side-by-side with Batista in that video that clearly illustrated the height disparity. Welling may be the same height as Batista, HOWEVER, the lifts that ALDAR (Batista's character) wore made him obviously taller than Welling. Even so, Batista isn't over 6'3" either.
You have no evidence to support your claim, NONE, while these is loads of evidence to support Welling being UNDER 6'3".
Ben, it's rather simple, provide real, useable evidence that supports the fact that Welling is a solid 6'3". Good luck, because there isn't any. Smallville shots are all but useless because they DO manipulate heights. The producers have openly admitted they have gone back and forth between Welling being shorter than Schnieder and later in the series the opposite. Welling is 6'2.5" (189 cm)just like he is listed, get over it.
DaMan said on 21/Jan/07
Patrick, Batista was CLEARLY and VISIBLY taller than Welling in the behind the scenes footage. The difference isn't even debateable, Welling looked 1.5" shorter than Batista there in several shots, never did they appear to be the same height. In the actual episode the height difference wasn't illustrated, THUS sometimes the Smallville camera tricks can work in Welling's FAVOR.
DaMan said on 21/Jan/07
Everyone keeps mentioning the fact that Smallville producers have said they have had to use "camera tricks", play with footwear or even dig trenches to make Welling appear shorter as evidence that he is somehow OVER 6'3". I think what some here forget is that these tricks are not constant and are ONLY necessary in close ups with significantly shorter co-stars, and let's face it alot of the Smallville cast is VERY short. Annette O'Tool, Alison Mack, and Kristen Kruek are all under 5'5". Even Sam Jones was under 5'7". I hate to break it to you guys but even if Welling is only 6' 1 1/2" (I am not claiming that is the case) camera or footwear tricks would be needed for small frame close ups with a 5'2" - 5'4" co-stars. I think Welling is 6'2.5" and there is NO evidence that indicates Welling is over 6'3". He didn't look 6'3" next to Carson Daly (compare the gap between Jeter/Daly then the gap between Welling/Daly), he looked OVER an inch shorter than Batista (admittedly Batista had more lift than Welling's Timberlands), and he didn't look OVER 6'3" when he appeared on Regis & Kelly. The guy is likely 6'2.5" just like he has implied.
Super said on 19/Jan/07
He is absolutely 6'2.5 mabye 6'3 out of bed. He also looks so tall because he has a "superhero" proportioned head. He looks like he is about 7 to 8 of his heads tall. John S has a longer face so he doesn't seem as tall even when they look/are identical in height. I myself am 6'2 but most people think I am smaller because I had a larger head. I am only 6- 7 heads tall instead of 7-8. When you head is smaller you appear farther away/higher up, hence you are percieived as taller.
Naomi said on 19/Jan/07
Tom Welling is the best superman that ever walked the planet! And I love that he is so tall!! I'm tall myself 5'10 1/2 so almost every guy i know is shorter than me! But not tom! not that i know him personally or anything! I hope to be an actress/Singer (more of a singer) someday! I would love to meet him and alot of other people like Hilary Duff and natalie Portman and Hayden Christensen! Kelly Clarkson...etc.
patrick said on 19/Jan/07
BRAVO Ben and we finally will win because when Galileo said again and again "e pure, si muove" (and yet, "It" (earth) rotates" he finally did!
Thanks to you so and too bad, i couldn't open the CD's attached site;
Mr CD, could you sum it up at least about the essential points that site contains.
It is interesting to discuss about so futile topics BECAUSE that reveals how fragile and deceptive are our senses and how men can convey false datas while being very sincere;
the difference between a fact and an opinion just lies in it;
Interesting how men wanting not to see how the reality is because that obliges them to change their mind , can lead them to a sort of stubborness;
Regarding Tom's height, that's not important and, in all intents and purposes, Tom will not change his height according our different points of view !
I watched the Tom and John's photos proposed by Kal-El right here and, as usual, i enhanced them: as result in the "street" one, it is absolutely obvious that John is about an inch shorter than Tom and on the other one, where Tom is a little bit slouching when John is right on his heels, Tom is CLEARLY 1,5cm taller. However, that is not the first photo showing that, by far! Some will say again that John is only 6'2, what is ridiculous;
i watched a 1980 movie with Charlton Heston and John Glover; NEVER John Glover appears as he appears next to Tom; The same with Jesse Martin (more than 6'2) who never makes "the difference" with costars as Tom does with EVERYBODY.
I think that Tom is TOO tall for being "properly" shot; Remember how Clint Walker was confined in very special roles because of his height; Cecil B de Mille keeping him away from some scenes because he would have ridiculized the other (whose one was yet 6'4: Henry Wilcoxon!)
To finish, being too tall is now more than ever (where are actors like John Wayne or Robert Mitchum ?) a handicap: Vince Vaughn had to fight to reach the level he is now and yet: look how he is "diminished next to 5'4 J. Aniston and more, on the "wedding crashers" poster next to Owen Wison;
Big guys like the excellent David Morse or Jeff Goldblum know a lot of difficulties to become "stars" when "short or middele ones" like ...so many Colin Farrell, O. Wilson, Brad Pitt, Clooney, De Niro, Hoffmann, Pacino etc.
TO FINISH: wach if you can 1987 "extreme prejudice": in a long shot, M. Ironside, i am sure shorter than Nick Nolte, stands face to face on perfectly even ground (station): he seems EXACTLY the same size all along the scene!
Geena Davis looks often taller than Donald Sutherland (she wears high heels but...)and 2 inches shorter than her "husband" Kyle Secor (6'5); as for Harry J. Lennix, his supposedly 6'4 are invisible ! WHY ON EARTH, would it be so different with Tom who always, A L W A Y S is towering everybody, even actors known for being solid 6'3)! END OF MESSAGE !
CD said on 18/Jan/07
Yeah for sure... He always seems like a big, football-player-sized guy. Strikes me how tall he appears in person - pretty 'lofty'.
Found some interesting stats on this site:
Click Here
Not too sure on how official the source is? - the height might be questionable, but all other measurements seem correct (mine are the same) ... It could be used for commercial purposes though? - Post some feedback guys.
patrick said on 18/Jan/07
Happy new year fellows and Ben, i once more, agree with you at 100% !
About Batista, LOOK thoroughly the clpis and photos of his SV episode: despite his very very high shoes, he does not look taller than Tom!
All what you say is absolutely clever Ben, including your remark about the reason they wouldn't need to use boxes or "holes" for the costars if he was 6'2 and i'll say "even 6'3! Number of actors are tall and they don't do that.
It's known and visible on many "behind the scene" shots, that Tom plays barefoot or with "elevated people"; when in street scenes, either he looks very much taller than everybody or he is ALWAYS shot under such an angle that it's pratically impossible to determine the height of each character.
The ONLY real exception: John Schneider who, fro me, except in less than ten shots in the whole show, appears smaller because he is !
Ben, in the eisode "aquaman", when face to face, the camera is tilted so that Tom appears only one inch and half taller; Easy to check that out with the photo findable on Internet.Even J. Schneider admitted he was a bit shorter than Tom and, apart from some irreductible negative persons, John is very tall.
You are right in considering that VERY INTERESTING site yet full of reductive people.
The other day, i saw a photo of the "Alien" crew (1979): on the first one, Tom Skerrit apeared apparently on the same line as Sigourney Weaver but MUCH MUCH taller than her; 6'3 (minimum) Yaphet Koto was barely taller; T. Skerrit is about 5'11 or a bit more; On the second phot, he looks terribly shorter !!
Here is why you need a lot of shots and photos PLUS what you feel when watching a show to be "sure"; Take many photos or shots with undoubtably 6'5 and 4 Vince Vaughn and Jeff Goldblum or Liam Neeson and you will be surprised to see them as "elastic man" is ! At times giant and sometimes not that tall with the same people by them!
Tom is VISIBLY so tall that all the guest stars evoke it as a surprise; Read what they say, men or girls: "he's so tall and bulky".
Daman said on 16/Jan/07
Ben, here is a low quality shorter version of the behind the scenes video I was talking about.
Click Here
Ben, I don't get on this website to make stuff up for fulfill some secret agenda to downgrade celebrities. Batista is 6'2" - 6'3", there are pictures of Batista next to measures athletes that nail him down to this height. I suppose you think I am making this up too, correct? Batista's listed 6'5" - 6'6" is his "kayfabe" height, them man himself has even said he was 6'3" in interviews when out of character, explain that one Ben. Batista is also clearly shorter than Randy Orton who most certainly isn't over 6'4". You can see in the video above Welling is clearly shorter than Batista, although admittedly Batista had some rather large boots.
DaMan said on 14/Jan/07
I think Welling is roughly 189 cm. In regards to Batista, in the behind the scenes footage Batista was noticeably taller than Welling, (as seen on Batista's website around the time the episode aired) to the tune of roughly 1.5". Batista's costume did include Frankenstien boots which gave him more lift than a pair of Timberlands would, but Batista is only 6'2" - 6'3" himself.
Me said on 11/Jan/07
Dudes, you actually have to also realize that he looks taller in the show (6´3 or a little more)cause as part of his character of farmer boy he has to waer Timberlands... that gives you like 2-3 inches of height (more or less... also saw the pic in which Dave Batista (WWE) appeared as a villain and still with Timberlands y looked a big smaller then the wrestler who is like 6´6 or something...
CD said on 9/Jan/07
OK Ben, I'd be interested to know if, when you met Tom, you noticed what sort of footwear he was wearing compared to what you were wearing at the time. He also has particularly good posture, and stands very upright, which is something to consider as it can make a big difference. For example, I look eye to eye with my Uncle when wearing a pair of timberland boots. He also doesn't always stand very upright, but when he does stand up straight, he is taller than me, in fact he is almost 6'5" (1.95m). I know, I measured him! The term "idiots" is, in my opinion, a little harsh to describe other people who have their own reasons to believe what they believe. I personally have seen some photographic evidence that, in some cases, does suggest that Tom might very well be 'only' 6'2" (1.88m) when stood next to other people. Nevertheless he is certainly a pretty big dude. I would say well over 200lbs.
DaMan said on 6/Jan/07
I believe he is 6'2.5", some believe he is 6'3", but there are plenty others who think he is 6'1.5" - 6'2".
DaMan said on 6/Jan/07
I'm sure they have to employ many tricks to get 5'3" Kristen Kruek and 5'4" Allison Mack into the same frame as Welling, that to me isn't evidence of Welling being 6'3" at all. Welling was listed at 6'2" during his modelling days, or so I have read, so by claiming near 6'3" stature he is already admitting 6'2" wasn't exactly truthful so why not just go ahead and claim 6'4" instead of saying ALMOST 6'3"? I think the answer is clear, because the guy is ALMOST 6'3" and NOT 6'3".
DaMan said on 4/Jan/07
Because he has said on several occasions that he is 6'2" or 6'3" and has plainly stated that he is *almost* 6'3". Almost 6'3" isn't 6'3", I don't see how anyone can stick to the idea that Welling is a solid 6'3" or OVER when the man himself has stated that he is under 6'3" numerous times.
His website lists him at 6'3", sweet, too bad Welling has repeatedly stated "6'2" or 6'3" when asked about his height and has plainly stated that he is *ALMOST* 6'3". That evidence, to me, is much more telling that what some website designer or agent lists him as. Besides, Welling just doesn't look like a solid, legit 6'3" to me. He looks like a 6'2" - 6'2.5" guy physically to me.
DaMan said on 3/Jan/07
More than likely Welling just doesn't exaggerate his height as much as some actors do. 6'2 1/2"
DaMan said on 2/Jan/07
Yea, because there is a ton of evidence that supports a 6'3.5" Welling. Come on. The guy isn't 6'3 1/2", no way in hell.
kal-el said on 2/Jan/07
i also understand the skepticism of Viper652, because a lot of people doesnt say the height that they've really have, the people always put an inch or more to the real height.
kal-el said on 2/Jan/07
John Schneider and Tom Welling both of them are like 6-2 or 6-3.
Click Here
Click Here
And heres the transcript of an interview with john schneider on larry king (he stated he is 6'4)
DaMan said on 2/Jan/07
Welling is under 6'3", he has flat out stated that. How much under 6'3" is the only debate.
G-unit said on 2/Jan/07
in my opinion, a legit 6'3
Viper said on 2/Jan/07
"and physically there are many athletes and celebreties who look shorter than their real height."
I cant think of a single athlete that looks shorter than their measured height. Usually taller.
kal-el said on 1/Jan/07
i think minimum is 187cm maximum 192cm
Viper said on 30/Dec/06
Thats the thing, you guys are not getting anywhere measuring Welling to actors we have no idea If their listed heights are correct. 95 percent chance they are not, since this is Hollywood we are talking about. Comparing them to measured athletes is the best way to go. What I cant figure out is that Welling physically doesnt even look like a 6-2-6-3 guy. He has always looked 6-1-6-1 1/2 to me, even on his show.
DaMan said on 30/Dec/06
Rosenbaum is 5'11.5", check his listing on this site. 6' may be his "claimed" height but in Hollywood everyone almost always rounds up, and if the actor himself/herself doesn't the agent/press sure as hell will.
Also, models generally aren't taller than 6'2", or at least it isn't considered "desirable" to be taller than 6'2" so it *IS* possible that a 6'3" guy will round down to 6'2". The problem with Welling is that he has stated that that his height is "6-2 or 6-3" and that he is "*almost* 6-3" despite the fact that he is no longer a model who needs to be concerned about downplaying his height. You know the Smallville producers were dying to list Welling at 6'4" (Reeve's "billed" height) just like 6'2.5" Routh slowly creeped up from his personal claim of 6'2.5" up to 6'3" up to 6'4" due to his Superman ties.
I'm myself am a legit 6'2.5" but I claim 6'3" and that is what is on my DL. I often get 6'4" estimates from people who are themselves 6'+ but that's because most people round up by an inch or more. I guarantee if I was an actor I would be billed at 6'4" *IF* I didn't personally clarify the issue like Welling did. If I was a WWE wrestler I'd be billed at 6'5".
Keep in mind most don't doubt guys like Vince Vaughn are 6'5" or Jeff Goldblum is 6'4" because they are clearly that height or very close to it. And these guys really are at the height where their respective heights can become a hinderance to being cast in the "leading man" roles.
DaMan said on 29/Dec/06
Schneider looks .5" taller there IMO. But I've already seen this picture and numerous others. Some pictures make Schneider appear taller, others have Welling looking taller. I still think posture, footwear, and/or camera angle can give either one the edge, they are very close in height, there is definitely is not a full inch in Schneider's favor.
DaMan said on 28/Dec/06
I'm not convinced Welling is shorter than Schneider. Some pics has Welling looking taller, other pics has Schneider looking taller. They are definitely within 1/2" of one another if not the same height altogether. I just saw the SV pilot episode recently, and in it Welling stood face-to-face with Schneider on the Kent's front porch and Welling actually looked about 1/4" taller. I found this interesting since in the early episodes the producers supposedly wanted Welling to be shorter than Schneider. I will admit Schneider does look taller at times, but it isn't consistent. They are close enough in height that posture and footwear can give either one the edge. I have to disagree with those boosting Welling up to a solid 6'3", impossible IMO, OTOH I also belive 6'1.5" is short changing him by at least 1/2". The guy is 6'2", more likely 6'2" and change as he is listed.
patrick said on 28/Dec/06
Ben, I 100% agree with you; but some people ar so stubborn repeating that John Schneider is 6'2 what is ridiculous.
All of that stuff deserves OBJECTIVE people.
For "these" people, Ben, Jhon Glover is barely 5'11; You absolutely understand that even, you and I, find that so stupid that it is at the limit of a kind ofmental illness!
Viper said on 27/Dec/06
Its funny how people fail to realize that this guy is shorter than the 6-2-6-2 1/2 John Shneider. Hes no taller than 6-1 1/2 at the absolute max.
DaMan said on 27/Dec/06
I don't believe John Glover is a legit 6'1" for a second. Micheal Rosenbaum is only 5'11.5" and Glover never looks 1.5" taller than Rosenbaum. Welling's listing is spot on IMO.
DaMan said on 27/Dec/06
No way is Welling over 6'3". No way. When the man himself has repeatedly said "I'm almost 6'3"." or responded with "6'2" or 6'3" when asked about his height he isn't OVER 6'3". Just from watching him in interviews and on Smallville Welling looks like a 6'2" - 6'2.5" guy, this BTW WOULD make him over 6'3" with shoes/boots on.
ER. said on 27/Dec/06
I wonder what this is guy is doing right since he gets all this attention from other guys about his height.
bikagyura said on 27/Dec/06
Hey.. I really think Welling is 6' 3".. Makes the most sense
Viper said on 26/Dec/06
A true 6-3 1/2-6-4 person would have a good deal of height over Tom.
patrick said on 26/Dec/06
OF COURSE! Sure Tom IS between 6'3 and 1/2 and 6'4.
Anonymous said on 11/Dec/06
James, in that scene the character he was "fighting" with was on a step above him.
patrick said on 11/Dec/06
JAMES ! That "topic" is "an old story" in that that site!
I invite you to read the previous (numerous!) articles about that very subject;
Just for your information:
1/ the guy is Jared Padalecki who has his own show for almost three years now; he's 6'4 or 6'3 avvording to the sources (for me 6'4)
2/ Those who think Tom is 6'3 (or more) claim (what is so obvious!) that Jared is upon anot a box but a platform (because of his partners)
3/ Those who think Tom is only 6'1 disagree ; The problem is the difference between Tom and Jared in that scene would so prove Tom is 6' or less ! What is absolutely ridiculous!
4/An excerpt sent by one of us (thans to him), shows them together during a TV show with many other TV stars; In that shot, they appear the same height despite the teleobjective magnifying effect.
It's interesting to watch the numerous other excerpts sent by so many people in that website.
Welcome !
James said on 10/Dec/06
In cheaper by the dozen i remember a seen where Tom wellings character was about to get into a fight with some guy, i cant remember the guys name now but i looked up his height and he was listed at 6'4'' tom welling looked a lot shorter than him in that seen, but maybe it was uneven ground
patrick said on 7/Dec/06
Dear Kal-el, sure Tom is at least 6'2! I am one of those who claim he's 6'3 minimum; However, as it is said often here, please, do not trust photos to compare people; Even with yours or mine (photos), "we" never appear as we really are! I won't repeat what i say for so long in this site and that many wise guys back up: it depends on the posture, the angle, the shoes etc;
For example, a woman whith heels is very often 4 inche taller than barefoot;
Look at 6' Geena Davis in "Commander in chief" next to 6'4 or 3 "now", D. Sutherland: almost the same even the same! And next to 6'5 (solid) Kyle Secor; Indeed, there is a difference but it seems to be only two inches in many shots; Yet it is a 5 inches difference here !
Many many shots, many photos of Tom show him as being much taller than he appears in SV, though he already look very tall (street scenes for example!)
when seen from far, he always appears taller than everybody and when he walks (very very rarely) next to minimum5'11/2 Michael Rosenbaum, in the street, LOOK AT THE LOOKING UP ANGLE WHICH REDUCES the huge difference between them;
I don't understand why that causes so many questions! Nobody denies most of tall stars height; Why doing it about Tom, it's a mystery;
"see you!"
patrick said on 6/Dec/06
Thanks a lot Kal-el for the show: really great!
Yet, i am sorry but where, from it, did you dig up the supposedly Tom's 6'2?
It is never mentionned (orelse i missed something) and we never see them next to each other.
kal-el said on 2/Dec/06
check this video
Click Here Tom is 6ft2 maybe close to 6ft3
Daneil Harmon said on 30/Nov/06
I was always a huge fan of superman since I was a little boy. I thaught for the longest time that superman was pretty mutch obsolete. The suddenly, smallvile came out and I was happy about that and suprised at the same time. I mysef stand six feet two inches at 185 lbs. Ive been that height ever since freshmen highschool year.
patrick said on 24/Nov/06
PEOPLE WHO NEED TO RESORT TO IMPOLITENESS well protected by "the web" are so "small" that i neglict them because they are too mean to deserve any respect;
i address "the others" like Da Man now who stay correct as it is supposed to be in that interesting website: I admitted not knowing Dave Batista enough to know how tall he really is; i accept very well he is not 6'5 because i just mentionned he was listed so in 50 websites! Admit it is not that obvious for someone not familiar with that subject!
Mr Da Man, could you tell me why there is such a difference between that claimed height (6'5) and his real one (6'3 or 6'2 ?)
i can figure out that 6'5 makes him more "imposing" but, all the same, "3 inches", i feel that "too much"!
the fact remains, "for me", if Tom was so "short", they wouldn't need to meke Batista wear so huge boots ! Am i stupid in assuming that?
They did the same with Jack O'Halloran who was weraing very thick soled shoes in Superman 2 though being himself 6'6;
When visiting Warner Bros studios, i told some people meeting Tom, professionaly, very often, he was "6'1"; they laughed; one of the gently answered "if he is 6'1, i am 5'8, no more" (this guy was one head over me between 5'8 and 5'9)
Viper652 said on 23/Nov/06
haha, Jason couldnt hold back :) Batista truly did look just 6-2 flat next to a measured 6-4 1/2 basketball player. That is the truth. He is no more than 6-2.
Jason said on 23/Nov/06
Patrick, you are a royal f*uckwit. Batista is 6'2 1/2'' tops - do some research on the wrestler pages here to verify his height, not on freakin' google.
DaMan said on 23/Nov/06
Patrick, 6'5" is Batista's "billed" WWE height. Numerous photographs with measured athletes places him in the 6'2" - 6'3" range. Batista has also admitted - out of character - to being 6'3" tall. He isn't 6'5", it just isn't a possibility. You can go to Batista's webpage and watch behind the scenes Smallville footage of Batista and Welling face-to-face, while the height disparity wasn't visible on the actual episode it was on the behind the scenes footage. Batista appeared to have 1.5" on Welling there, due entirely to his Frankenstien boots IMO.
kal-el said on 23/Nov/06
with those boots batista is 2 inches taller so if he is 6ft3 with boots he can reach to the 6'5 easily(tom is actually 6 ft 2.5)so of course Batista looks a little taller than Tom.
patrick said on 23/Nov/06
Mr Viper, you are very lucky not to be in front of me: i never treated you as you dare doing it; you can disagree with me but staying correct as everybody does in this respectful website; after being an ignorant here is i am "crazy"! what else next! if saying that Batista is EVERYWHERE listed 6'5 while i NEVER found any testimony claiming he is less and above all, 6'2, is "crazy"! ok, what is not so?
who do you think you are to be so impolite and and square Mr Viper?
i rerpeat, in spite of your 6'3, you are very lucky not to be in front of me;
to say the truth i consider the way John judged your stubborn attitude as very very relevant and worthy of interest! there is no worst blind man than the one who refuses to see!
try to use for once what is in your skull and instead of insulting me, to understand why a guy supposedly already SO TALL needs to wear HUGE boots...without, besides, looking particularly taller than Tom;
i am not the only one to note that Batista NEVER clearly appeared taller or smaller than him;
(by the way: i don't hide my name behind a pseudo; i am really called Patrick)
Kiat said on 22/Nov/06
My estimation: Batista is taller than Tripe H by an inch, but shorter than Randy Orton by an inch. Tripe H is 6'2" and Batista is 6'3" and Randy is 6'4".
Viper652 said on 22/Nov/06
Patrick, you are crazy. I just saw the video, and Batista is wearing big boots. The big question is how many inches he has over Tom.
patrick said on 22/Nov/06
i happen to be very curious and obstinate as well so, i searched the web, trying to find if only "one" site mentionning Dave Batista 6'4: I FOUND NO ONE.
there are hundreds of international "ignorants" who yet write very accurate things about wrestling but do not know that here, "specialists" know, them, perfectly, namely he is not 6'5 but 6'2!
sincerely, i am amazed with so much culture and ability to determine what any other else dare to do!
hey John, "where are you?"; We need your cleverness! (it's not a joke)
anon said on 22/Nov/06
yeah batista is wearing big boots, and Tom is no less than 6'2.
DaMan said on 22/Nov/06
Viper, did you watch the video posted by kal-el? Batistas boots in Smallville aren't typical boots. These aren't Timberlands. They are far, far more exaggerated.
DaMan said on 22/Nov/06
Batista is between 6'2" and 6'3" legit, 6'2" flat is short changing him a bit IMO. However, as you can see in the video clip posted by kal-el, Batista is wearing massive soled boots. Massive. Note the scene where Batista throws Clark into the crane, you get a nice shot of Batista's footwear there. The boots Batista was wearing in Smallville were very clearly designed to provide a sizeable height boost, likely to give him a height advantage over Welling. Batista's boots were every bit as exaggerated as Kane's original 1997-1999 lifts, possibly moreso, if that gives you an idea. In the behind the scenes Smallville footage with Welling/Batista you can see Batista has a ~1.5" height advantage over Welling. I think this all adds up to Welling and Batista being very similar in legit height, 6'2" - 6'2.5".
Viper652 said on 21/Nov/06
Even If Batista is wearing boots, it still doesnt prove he was wearing lifts inside the boots though. Patrick, you are ignorant as hell. Batista didnt shrink to fit my opinion, LOL.
patrick said on 21/Nov/06
i am back fellows!
after three weeks i am happy to get in touch with all of you;
i was in the big West and saw once more how tall Americans are! Jesus! have you ever been in Europe?
The best way to recognize American people in an airport for example, is to just to see how their heads "emerge" from the crowd! 5'9 on average? LOL !
as for photos, i made some experience with a friend who is exactly 5'11: i am no more than 5'8 and according the way i stood next to him or the angle we were shot together (always very close, almost hugging) he or, often, I looked the same size and sometime, taller than him; and he IS 5'11: we checked that out ourselves!
as John and J.Dog and Anon said it: photos are really too subjective to stop at "one" and judge and decide for good about the height of any person!
i saw the photo with J Schneider and enlarged it as usual; i took a ruler and i am sorry but Tom is on that photo a bit taller than John and not the contrary! look at their eyes and their eyebrows: Tom's are icm higher than John's;
Batista is once more, like so many others, shrunk to fit the opinion of "certain people" ! I don't know him and didn't watched the episode he's in but i always read him as listed 6'5; that is strange he's now, "by accident", 6'2;
to finish about the first subject: i often travel in Holland and never, i say NEVER i meet as many gigantic people as in the United States! ne-ver !
a special "Hi" to John ! hey, by the way, "the" West is FANTASTIC ! for my maybe tenth travel there, Wow!
Viper652 said on 20/Nov/06
Nope. Batista has admitted in an interview that he is 6-3. And beside a 6-4 1/2 measured NBA basketball player he looked nothing more than 6-2 flat.
DaMan said on 20/Nov/06
If you watch the scene where Batista throws Clark into the crane/tower you get a glimpse of his boots. They were giving him massive lift which explains why Batista looked 1-2 inches taller in those behind the scenes shot. IMO, further evidence of Welling being 6'2.5"...
Viper652 said on 20/Nov/06
Batista gives off the impression that hes taller.
kal-el said on 18/Nov/06
Click Here he is the chapter with batista.(notice when aldar lift superman)they looked the same height maybe tom taller.
john said on 17/Nov/06
One scene looked that way but the first scene didn't. What I meant was there was no good evidence since you couldn't see their feet. In SV they will adjust height at times as talked about in the SV commentaries. If they wanted Batista to appear taller than Tom this would be easy to achieve. From what I saw this could very well be the case. In conclusion I don't think this episode proves anything.
Venus, it was noted in the Cheaper By The Dozen commetary that Jared stood on something to make the height difference appear greater.
Viper652 said on 17/Nov/06
Jesus, Batista "towered" over him? Batista might have been wearing lifts.
Anonymous said on 17/Nov/06
Batista towered over Tom...the difference was obvious, even if we didn't see too many scenes with them together...
john said on 17/Nov/06
Well, just watched the episode with Batista and I couldn't see any good evidence that he was taller than Tom.
anon said on 14/Nov/06
i just saw one picture who was posted before and he has to be at least 6ft2 no less than that which is a pretty good height. I am 6ft waiting to grow a little more i have 20 and i still think i can grow. By the way here's the picture full body because you just can't judge the height of a person from a picture with only the face and chest.
Click Here
Viper652 said on 12/Nov/06
Well, just saw a very small clip of Tom and wrestler Batista. Batista is nothing more than 6-2 and Tom did look shorter.
venus said on 11/Nov/06
Tom must have left his big boots home when he was in Cheaper By The Dozen, I think Tom is a gorgeous guy, but I give him 6'1.5 the most. Jared towers over him and Jared had on thin sole sneakers, I think it was converse!
Viper652 said on 8/Nov/06
Tom might have lost weight there aussie.
john said on 7/Nov/06
Who knows, like you said Fahey looked 6'2 next to the Rock and also appeared taller than Ashton Kutcher. One thing is for sure though, Fahey is not quite as tall as Welling. So whatever Fahey is, Tom is taller.
john said on 6/Nov/06
"We are perfectionists." That we are Viper652, that we are. Plus we seem to love to bicker. Oh, and one more thing, Tom is 6'3. ;)
Viper652 said on 6/Nov/06
"Holy smokes people..I have never seen so many folks bicker over a inch or half a inch."
We are perfectionists.
ER. said on 6/Nov/06
Viper: OK, I diden't know, couse I don't live in America myself. Surprising news to me. I've always figured the average in America was about the same as here in (northern) Europe.
TrevorH said on 5/Nov/06
Holy smokes people..I have never seen so many folks bicker over a inch or half a inch.. "well maybe hes 6'2 or maybe hes 6'2 1/2 oh no he may be 6'2 1/3!! I agree with what people say in this thread, guy says hes about 6'3 so what half a inch under that or so and probably just rounding it off since if you are 6'2 1/2 or a tad above that you wont round down obviously. And with that statment why discuss posture so much, does everyone always have to stand with their feet together and kness fully straight and spine and chest up and out? no..
Viper652 said on 4/Nov/06
Its 5-9. You can pretty much tell even If you didnt know that statistic. I agree John, though I think Rosenbaum looks 5-10 1/2 for the most part.
ER. said on 4/Nov/06
Viper,652: Is the average height in America really no more than 5-9? Man, that's a bit surprising. I thought it was possibly 1 - 1,5 inches more.
john said on 4/Nov/06
I just saw a post by Viper652 where he says Tom Arnold looks 6'1 to him. This is strange because there is a link on the Michael Rosenbaum page that shows Tom Arnold and Michael Rosenbaum standing next to each other and Tom Arnold is barley taller. On SV Tom Welling clearly towers over Michael Rosenbaum consistantly. So if Tom Arnold is indeed 6'1 than Michael Rosenbaum is easily 6'0 from the pic I saw. There is a much bigger difference in height between Rosenbaum and Welling than there is between Arnold and Rosenbaum. Check it out Viper652, more evidence to support a 6'3 Welling.
Viper652 said on 3/Nov/06
If Tom appears the same height or even marginally taller than Batista in different camera angles on Smallville. Then I will concede I was wrong on Tom's height.
Viper652 said on 3/Nov/06
J-dog, go over to Big Show's page and I linked a picture where Batista is 2 1/2 inches shorter standing next to a measured 6-4 1/2 NBA player.
john said on 3/Nov/06
J-Dog, I couldn't agree more. Viper652 seems to have a habit of downgrading countless celeb heights to make Tom fit into the 6'1 range. For example, Justin Hartley is listed at 6'3 and next to Tom looks to be of the same height. How can this be, Viper652? Simple, just downgrade Justins height to 6'1 and there you have it, Tom is 6'1. If an actor is listed at 6'1 like say, John Glover, just simply downgrade him to 5'11 to explain the height difference between him and Tom. The list goes on and on.
Viper652 will cling to one pic or one instance where Tom looks 6'1 and go with that. The problem is you have to go with the majority of the evidence which supports a taller than 6'1 Tom. In most scenes with Schneider Tom looks as tall or taller than him. So what does Viper652 do? He starts by downgrading Schneider than he will only accept the few scenes where Schneider appears taller. By doing this he can than conclude that Tom is 6'1. The problem with this is by most accounts Schneider is 6'3 and the fact that Tom is so clearly close to Schneider even by Schneiders own admition doesn't support Viper652 claim of a 6'1 Welling.
It's funny, Viper652 will ignore that the video with 6'2 Fahey clearly shows Welling to be the taller of the two. He will ignore eyewitness testimony like my friend George that knew Tom. He will ignore clear statements from John Schneider saying Tom is as tall as himself. He will also ignore any pic or video evidence where Tom appears taller than 6'2. That's a lot of evidence to ignore, Viper652.
DaMan said on 2/Nov/06
Where was Batista confirmed at 6'2"?
Viper652 said on 2/Nov/06
Its also possible we can compare Tom Welling's height when the wrestler Batista makes his appearance on Smallville. We have pretty much confirmed that Batista is a legit 6-2.
john said on 2/Nov/06
I agree, Anon. They both look about the same height to me as well.
DaMan said on 1/Nov/06
I think Welling's 6'2.5" listing is right on the money. He's not a full 6'3" and he isn't below 6'2" IMO.
DaMan said on 1/Nov/06
Sorry Viper, wo way is there 1.5" between Welling and Schneider in that pic. I do agree that Schnieder does look a shade taller but no more than 1/2" taller, and that could very well be posture.
anon said on 1/Nov/06
they both looks the same height in that pic
Viper652 said on 1/Nov/06
Tom looks 6-1 to me next to Schneider who I think is in the 188-189 range.
J-Dog said on 31/Oct/06
Good post Patrick.
Viper652 said on 27/Oct/06
I did not know that Tim. Routh still looks more 6-2 to me though.
tim said on 27/Oct/06
i have my doubts whether brandon routh is in fact 6'2 he started out at 6'1 before he got the role as superman..