anon said on 27/Oct/06
patrick is right"YOU really give your height with your shoes on? I don't! And do not know anybody doing it!"
Viper652 said on 27/Oct/06
Now is Tom Welling the same height as 6-2 Brandon Routh? Hmm, I have my doubts.
patrick said on 27/Oct/06
So am I about Viper's (and thus, John's) opinion regarding Tom's frame.
What Tim says proves to be very interesting but, wery objectively and honestly, i repeat that having travelling a lot through the world, i ASSURE you that having a walk in an American city as NYork for example, always made me feeling as almost short (i am precisely the supposed American average height); That "impression of walking among a forest" I not more that my 5'11 friends nor any more, my 5'3 wife, we never feel it elsewhere; Please, do me the favor to believe me!
By the way, i never told that american actors were 6'1 but that 6'1 is a very common height in the States and above all, much more than anywhere else (except European Northern countries)
"YOU" really give your height with your shoes on? I don't! And do not know anybody doing it! You'll get some rest: i leave on vacation three weeks in the "Far West"; hope to meet up with John Wayne ghost! Bye for a while !
john said on 26/Oct/06
For once I agree with you, Viper652. Tom does have a large frame and would have been physically the better choice. I think his large frame does lend to him looking bigger than other actors but I still think Tom is close to 6'3.
Viper652 said on 26/Oct/06
I agree with what you say Tim. Welling has a good size frame. He even appears "larger" than Brandon Routh. Physically he would have been a better choice for the new superman movie than Routh.
patrick said on 26/Oct/06
Of course not John ! By the way, American people are indeed officially 5'9 tall on average but that doesn't mean anything because that calculation includes the vast proportion of Latinos and other people coming from abroad. These people are much smaller than the "WASP" or African American and since the show is mainly composed with them...
A very fine and accurate University study shows that americans are still the world's tallest if taking into consideration white people (and i think, probably the black one) ; If not doing that specification, Dutch are the tallest with 6'1 average; I do not invent anything but i carefully study things; an average in many domains doesn't mean anything whereas "median" shows WHAT YOU ENCOUNTER MOST OFTEN.
I can assure you that anywhere else in the world, except in Holland, Germany, Swede and Norway, you come across so many tall people than in the USA.
Everybody knows that ABRAOD ! Whatever type of man you meet abroad, French or Italian or Spanish, he will almost be smaller than in America; Take the subway in New York and then, in Paris, Rome etc. You will see; Numbers and relevantly calculations are one things: objective and reported things are another.
Did you ever watched a film with American actors playing with european ones?
The guy you thought be "normal" according to american standards all of a sudden looks like a giant!
Of course, by now, things have too quickly changed: Europeans and even Asians are much taller than "yesterday" but...did you pay attention "how" they had grown? They look like a stretched chewing gum! the same weight for ten inches more ! Guys like John Schneider or Tom Welling are very high standard in Europe because even though average height has grown their frame are all but common over there!
LAST WORD: frankly, admit that 6'1 or 2 actors are not rare in American movies industry! In France, Gerard Depardieu looked very tall though he is barely 5'10 1/2 ! Jean Reno plays often in the States because he is the ONLY 6'1 1/2 tall french actor and appears gigantic in France!
Please, be reasonnable and forget deceptive statistics; TRUST what you live and see and experience by yourself!
tahnks J.Dog for what you say and your film: that proves how the previously showed photo extracted from it could be preciseley "deceptive" (Tom always swaying back and forth)
john said on 26/Oct/06
If Fahey is 6'2 than Tom is over 6'2. Tom was moving back and forward but when side by side with Fahey he was clearly taller. I saw a clip of Fahey with Ashton Kutcher and Fahey appeared taller than him. It's what I've been saying all along, Tom is taller than either Fahey or Kutcher. In light of that fact and eyewitness testomony I believe it's not unresonable that Tom could be nearly 6'3. Also if Schneider is 6'3 than Tom is close to that as well since they look really close in height. John Schneider mentioned in an interview that he is 6'3 and that Tom was as tall as himself and thus given to bumping his head on certain sets. John worked with Tom quite a bit and thought he was 6'3 as well. Could John be wrong?
Viper652 said on 25/Oct/06
Fahey is honestly anywhere from 6-0-6-2 from what Ive seen, mostly from comparing him to the Rock. I have no idea what his accurate height is.
J-Dog said on 25/Oct/06
"Yeah, but Wopat is nothing more than 6-0 flat, and could be marginally under that today." - Viper
That makes sense because in recent pictures John Schneider looks at least 3" inches taller than Wopat, and Wopat apparently as stated on this site also has lost an inch in height. John Schneider's height has never been questioned and he seriously looks all 6'3" I think Tom is a guy who is above average in height and has no reason to brag about such so will downplay is height a bit or not give people the most accurate measurement because he simply doesn't care. As a side note many male models will list their height as 6'2" because it is seen as the perfect modeling height, or someone else lists it for them. For example Marcus Schenkenberg (ask Glenn) model CV says 6'2" but he is clearly way bigger than that, and Tyr
As John said in the CW clip Jared is about 6 inches behind Tom, but if there was that huge of a height difference between them it would have been noticible and Jensen Ackles is to the left standing on the same plane as Tom,
John brings up another good point, Fahey from TRL is a solid 6'2" and Tom Welling is yet again taller than him, and it isn't by a mere .5" or .25" of an inch.
I am all about being honest, I don't care if a celebrity is taller than me or not, hell other men should be "scared" of Welling's good-looks more so than his height if that is the reason people want to downgrade him.
Click Here
john said on 25/Oct/06
I live in Grand Rapids MI. and thre are a lot of Dutch people here. They're pretty tall so 6'1 and above is fairly common for around here.
At any rate I would like to say that I'm 5'10 and Ackles from what I can tell appears to have more than a half in on me. I'm of course going on body proportions and actor comparisons which is certainly not definitive. My guess is he is closer to the 6'0 he claims to be. Plus I agree with Patrick about the "with or without shoes" comment. Although I belive footwear can make some difference it's nearly negligible since everyone is wearing shoes when out and about.
Viper652 said on 25/Oct/06
"In America, a 6'1 guy is absolutely normal,"
Umm, you totally lost me there Patrick. 6-1 is 4 inches above the average height in America. When I was 6-1 I felt taller than most, even around kids my age.
patrick said on 25/Oct/06
I love your (John's) "devils advocate" formula about Mr Viper whom i respect after all, for the extreme correctness he displays;
John, about your way of checking out DVDs using still pictures, measuring and evaluating, taking into account so many details people don't do, i find in you "my match"!
How strange it is actually, to read all that stuff and get involved in for such a trivial purpose! As you say "Then again this whole conversation is rather surpefluous yet I enjoy it anyway and keep coming back for more." : I utterly agree with you!
Even so, i still am amazed that the simple fact Tom, ALWAYS, proving being taller or even towering people yet visibly big and tall themselves, whether it is in SV or TV shows, funny thus, that doesn't ring a bell for "the other clan" who keep on seeing him quite short;
As result, American people would have been Spanish or Italian range !! Everybody knows that!
Since when an even 6'2 tall man causes such an impression ? Let alone the silly supposed 6'1 !
In America, a 6'1 guy is absolutely normal, not really "tall" but really common whatever shoes he wears BECAUSE EVERYBODY BUT SOME AFRICAN NATIVES maybe always wears shoes ! May i recall that puts all of us and "them" (celebrities) on an equal footing! STOP refering "they are such height bare foot of with shoes on";
When you mention your height, for getting a passport for example, you do not precise "with or without shoes?" ; best way to make the officer laugh at you!
HEY, John, what do you think ?
Viper652 said on 24/Oct/06
Im about 95 percent positive that Ackles is 5-10 1/2 at this point.
Viper652 said on 24/Oct/06
Also John, Fahey seems to be a real height engima ranging from 6-0-6-2. I noticed it when I was comparing the Rock next to him. In one event he looked close to Rock's height, then another event he looked closer to 2 inches shorter. Is it shoe related? Possibly.
john said on 24/Oct/06
I agree it's hard to definatively say for sure if Tom is over 6'2", I believe my friend George to be accurate though. This is to say that I have faith in what George has said which is really not concrete evidence to support my claims. I will also agree it is difficult to judge Tom's height when compared to actors of a supposed height. On the show camera angles as well as other tricks can skew our perception which adds to the difficulty. So my guess that Tom is over 6'2" is more of a gut based belief than one based on hard facts.
Your response to my post was reasonable so I wrote mine in kind, Viper652. Your're probably right to be incredulous of celebs heights but this time I think you're slightly off.
Viper652 said on 24/Oct/06
Pretty smart guys can still be off on height, John. Im incredibly meticulous when it comes to heights, especially celebrity and athlete's heights. Like I said, an NFL measured height from the combine is the absolute best evidence to judge an accurate celebrity height from pictures. Or a NBA player from the last 5 years measured in their pre-draft camp. Ive never seen Ashton with Tom before. I peg him at 6-1 1/2 bare minimum, close to 6-2. If he looked taller than Ashton then that is great evidence that Tom could very well be 6-2 bare minimum. On Triple H I peg him at 6-1 max or marginally under that. A lot of people on this site have the same estimates that I do though. If we can somehow get Welling out to hang around some measured NFL players that would be great.
john said on 24/Oct/06
Problem is Jensen is listed at 6'0" on this site and I've seen interviews where he mentions he's six feet tall. Viper652, why must you always downgrade other actors to make Tom fit into your hypothesis that he is 6'1"?
He was clearly taller than Fahey on TRL, I watched it. Ashton Kutcher wasn't taller than Fahey so how tall is Ashton, Viper652? Whatever you come up with Tom is taller. I've seen Ashton list at 6'2" as well as Fahey and Tom is taller than either of them. In order for Tom to be 6'1" they would have to be 6'0". So are you going with 6'0" for both Ashton and Fahey, Viper652? I think you would even agree they're both over 6'0" so Tom can't be only 6'1".
Ashton was taller than Triple H, how tall is Triple H, Viper652? Whatever he is it's shorter than Tom. Plus I hate to harp on this but I must mention the fact that a friend of mine that is a legit 6'0" knew Tom and says he is taller than 6'1". You mean to tell me that George can't tell if someone is more than an inch taller than himself, Viper652? George is a pretty smart guy, we're both cell system technicians and far from idiots. Your reluctance to capitulate on this matter seems a bit capricious to me. I think you like to play devils advocate when it comes to height, Viper652. Then again this whole conversation is rather surpefluous yet I enjoy it anyway and keep coming back for more.
patrick said on 24/Oct/06
WOW! in only two days! so many infos and opinions;
JOHN and J.Dog, you won't be surprised if i am in your clan!
Thnaks to "the truth" and J.Dog for getting us the film where it is OBVIOUS (hear Viper ?) obvious that Jared and Tom are alike;
as for Viper's photo...with Erica, too silly to be mentioned; the only evidence Mr Viper displays here is his bad faith! So evident that Erica stands upon a box as told John;
Do not forget that EVERYBODY but 6'3 John Schneider, either stands on a box (season 4 DVD bonus: both M Rosenbaum and "Pete" faling down from it) or Tom plays shoeless;
FRANKLY i am almost sure Tom is higher than 6'3 but i can't prove more than Viper his "incredible 6'1 or "1 and1/2" in good mood Viper's day !
I am happy that some guys show honesty and common sense like JOHN and J Dog;
That was not alwways the case !!! (i found "so lonely" and so sad then (sigh))
Viper652 said on 24/Oct/06
Welling looks 6-1ish next to 5-10 1/2 Jensen.
Viper652 said on 24/Oct/06
You are not to far off Mike.
Viper652 said on 23/Oct/06
"No, Schneider is a legitimate 6'3" and hasn't seemed to have lost any height. He was always at least 2" taller than his Dukes of Hazzard broham Tom Wopat."
Yeah, but Wopat is nothing more than 6-0 flat, and could be marginally under that today.
john said on 23/Oct/06
I had to watch the youtube CW cast post you made myself J-Dog. You're right, Jared doesn't tower over Tom like he did in Cheaper by the Dozen. Tom is a little closer to the camera but if Jared has a couple of inches on Tom it would show. Tom was right there with him, if Jared is taller, it's slight. Tom looked like a solid 6'3" to me.
john said on 23/Oct/06
All good points J-Dog, I couldn't agree more.
J-Dog said on 22/Oct/06
Tom Welling still looked 6'3"ish next to 6'3" Justin Hartley who plays the "Green Arrow" on Smallville.
Jared has been quoted at as 6'4" and I believe he is rated as 6'4" on this website I would take the expert eyes of Rob over a mere claim anyday.
Fantastic post john and great points I too am unsure why people feel the need to downgrade. I think Tom Welling is closer to 191cm than 189cm I don't see him much below 6'3" at all. In fact I would say he is 6'3".
Another time he was on Carson Daly's show and towered over him and Carson is listed as 6'1"
john said on 22/Oct/06
Viper652, as it has been mentioned in multiple SV commentaries when standing in close ups they often have actors stand on something to close the gap in height between them and Tom. Why do they do this, so their heads can be in the same shot. If you don't believe this just watch SV with the commentary on or they even mention this fact in some of the documentaries.
Also in an interview on one of the SV dvd's Erica talks about meeting Tom for the first time on set. She was worried because she had big heels on and on other shows she worked on this would have made he taller than the male lead. The director of the episode told her not to worry, "Tom's tall". She said when Tom walked in she said oh, I see and Erica goes on to talk about Tom being very tall.
Your pic with Erica doesn't show their feet so it isn't unlikely that she could be standing on something as they often do for female actors on the show. The producers of SV said they also dig ditches for Tom to stand in while outside to cut down on the height difference in close ups. They also build ramps for actors to walk on when walking next to Tom. Why do all this for a 6'1" actor, because he isn't 6'1", he's 6'3" Viper652.
Another thing, Sam Jones has joked about having to wear lifts when in scenes with Tom. Why do I mention this, comparing Tom to other actors is a bad way to judge his height. They use all kinds of tricks like angles, having people stand on boxes and in scenes with Lex having Tom take his shoes off. All of this is mentioned by the producers of SV. Do really think they made this up, Viper652? They explain that they do all this because of the amount of close ups they do every episode. Even with all this going on Tom still appears tall.
What is it going take to convince you of the fact that Tom is 6'3", Viper652. Tom has said it, cast members have said it, the producers of SV said it. My friend George that hung out with Tom said it. That's a lot of eyewitness accounts that you like to ignore. If it were just one person I could see you say that's not enough evidence, but it multiple people. They can't all be wrong. John Schneider said they are both 6'3", why would he say this? Why would John make this up? What would he have to gain? Face it Viper652, Tom is 6'3" end of story.
Tycox said on 21/Oct/06
6-3 with shoes.188 barefoot
ER. said on 21/Oct/06
No disrespect, but we dont really know Padalecki's real height. How do we know "for sure" he is 6-2 1/2? Couse in my opinion he looks no less than 6-3 1/2 and possibly even 6-4. Besides the photo with Welling and Padalecki doesn't show feet, thus it's inconclusive evidence. Besides if you're gonna go for a photo without feet and call it evidence woulden't the photo of him besides Schneider where he actually looks taller be better "evidence"?
Viper652 said on 21/Oct/06
Here is a photo of Tom face to face with Erica Durance on a football field. Doubtful she was wearing heels here. His eye level is right at the top of her head. If Erica is really 5-7, than Tom is no more than 6-1, assuming its 5 inches between Tom's eyes and the top of his head.
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Viper652 said on 21/Oct/06
Ive always thought Schneider was 6-2, MAYBE 6-2 1/2, even back during his Dukes of Hazard days.
john said on 20/Oct/06
Sam, I've watched every episode of Smallville and more often than not when standing right next to his dad in the show Tom appears taller. I have all the episodes on DVD and have even paused multiple scenes for comparison. I even saw an interview with John Schneider where he mentions he and Tom are both 6'3". I'd say Tom is between 6'2.5" and 6'3".
the truth said on 20/Oct/06
padalecki and welling together at the cw launch right at the start of the video.
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Viper652 said on 20/Oct/06
Yes, but we know for sure that Padalecki is that height. Where as comparing Welling to other actors where we have no idea what their true height is. It happens all the time on this site. The best way to compare is with a measured athlete, of course.
ER. said on 20/Oct/06
The thing is Tom looks 6-2 1/2 in nearly all photos except the one with Padalecki, where he looks about 6-1. That means theres a bigger theoretic chance he is 6-2 1/2, since the the amounts of pictures where he's looking 6-2 1/2 is far superior to the ones where he's looking 6-1, like next to Padalecki. The questions is WHY put more emphasis on the photos with Padalecki, when there is a larger mass of photos out there where he IS looking taller than 6-1?
john said on 19/Oct/06
Patick, I couldn't agree more. Tom is very near 6'3" shoeless, there's plenty of evidence to suggest this. I think Viper652 may have fallen off his rocker and broken a hip in light of the overwhelming evidence. ;)
James said on 19/Oct/06
I knew a guy that acted as a double for Tom in a football scene of Smallville. Now this guy is around 6'3", maybe a tad under, and he was specifically chosen because of his similar height. Tom's definitely not under 6'2.5".
patrick said on 19/Oct/06
a last word: i checked out once more the photo wiht j glover a o toole anf justin hartley by multiplicate it by 5 !
NO DOUBT even though justin definitely closer to the objective, tom still appears clearly (once more) taller: look at the mouth , the eyes and there is "no comment"; do it, it's fun !
patrick said on 19/Oct/06
he is clearly taller! and so is he regarding other guys all listed and visibly big and tall (6'2)
i think jared is very big too but i never saw (but the so controversial "cheaper..")a photo of him next to tom besides the one where everybody are so disformed by foolish angles!
John, about the phot with justin hartley, i repeat - observe it carefully - tom's face is smaller and not only his face but the ration between eyebrow line and nose and mouth; i got the picture enhanced to check that out and frankly, it is obvious; in fact, justin is slightly before tom, just enough to distort a bit the reality; besides, tom is ALWAYS behind or sitten or taken from up or under special angles so even reportedly short persons look the same height or so;
in law and order, "lenny" seemed in turn as tall as green and much samller depending...i don't know what !
the great jerry orbach was tall yet; facing 6'4 steven seagal he was not that smaller at all! so that means that we are easily cheated with movie and photo stuff!
john said on 18/Oct/06
Yet next to other supposedly 6'2" guys like Fahey and Eric Johnson Tom appears taller. If we are to take pics into consideration than we can't ignore that Tom was in a side by side pic with 6'3" Justin Hartley appeared around the same height.
I also believe the Jared Paledelki pics to be erroneous due to the fact there is evidence to support claims that Jared's height was augmented by standing on something.
Viper652 said on 18/Oct/06
Its not out of the realm of possibility John. Jared Paledelki is between 6-2 minimum to 6-3 Maximum, and Tom is shorter than him, even in other pics already posted.
john said on 17/Oct/06
Here's the thing, one of my main arguments has been that I know a person that went to school with Tom. He knew Tom for years. This means he stood next to Tom on a number of occasions. My friend George is 6'0" without shoe, I'm 5'10" without shoes and he has two inches on me. On top of that George has said he is six feet without shoes. He said that when he stood next to Tom he had to look up, and it was clear to him Tom had him by 3 inches or close to it. They were both wearing shoes so in shoes George is over 6'1" so if Tom were only 6'1" without shoes than he would be just over 6'2" with. The problem is George has stated emphatically there was more than an inch between them. I don't know how he could be mistaken on this. It's not that hard to tell if someone is more than in inch taller than yourself. So with this information I feel comfortable with a shoeless height of just under 6'3" for Tom, which by the way he has said himself.
I'm not sure why this is so hard to believe for Viper652, perhaps as J-Dog has sited Viper can be a bit delusional at times. I believe this is one of those times. Sorry Viper, maybe it's time you finally capitulate on this one because your arguments are seeming more myopic as time goes on.
Viper652 said on 17/Oct/06
Not really
J-Dog said on 17/Oct/06
Viper you can come off a bit delusional at times mate, sorry.
Viper652 said on 16/Oct/06
I think when Tom says he is just under 6-3 is his height in shoes. Just my opinion. He can be tricky I admit.
patrick said on 16/Oct/06
Just a word to Mr. Anonymous (oct.13rd): i resent you teling i "insulted" Viper! Nevre i did because i am respectful even though i disagree him or yourself;
Admittedly, i gently laugh at some opinions, finding in them something "narrow minded" but that's all; I am convinced of what he is wrong but that doesn't mean i am myself right! Check it out, you'll see i am not the one who insulted Mr. Viper!
I'll keep on trying to argue my speech as sincerely as possible.
Is it not what everybody has to do about any topic he believes in?
I am adept of Voltaire's world: "i do not like what you say but i'll fight in order that you can say it!"
james said on 15/Oct/06
if hes said hes 6'2 which is 187-8cm why would you guys be telling him he's taller, also something to think about his model stats say 6'2 and model stats are with shoes on.. in my opinion hes 6'2 barefoot or just under.. but you guys cant keep comparing him to other celebrities because other celebs provide wrong heights also.. that is why half the time you get confused when two celebs who supposedly have the same height stand together and are separated in height by inches..
john said on 15/Oct/06
I just wanted point out that Welling was clearly taller than Fahey when he was on TRL. Ashton kutcher was slightly shorter than Fahey, I watched both video closely. How can you explain this Viper652 if Welling is 6'1", that would make him shorter than either of them and yet somehow he was taller. You can check this out for yourself but it was pretty easy to see Welling was taller. I think 6'3" for Welling explains the height differences.
john said on 15/Oct/06
Tom said he is just under 6'3", is this with or without shoes, I suspect without. At any rate judging by the pic of Tom and Justin Hartley he looks to be of similar height. Hartley is listed at 6'3" and Tom looks to be the same.
I've seen pics of Hartley towering over other male actors and suspect he is around 6'3" and Tom is right there with him. Both are no less than 6'2" but I believe they are closer to 6'3". Just my opinion, no need for any berating. ;)
krypto again said on 14/Oct/06
no less than 6-2
Anonymous said on 13/Oct/06
patrick you are constantly saying viper has insecurities and insulting him but yet everytime someone disagrees with you you flip out and post a book-long response. Is it so bad if we don't agree with your opinion?
Tom Welling is around 6'2" (listed on his model card). Definitely under 6'3" (he publicly admitted it). He admitted as much and why would his model card say 6'2" if he was more?? That's just dumb. End of story.
Viper652 said on 13/Oct/06
Maybe close to 6-3 in shoes John, but not barefoot.
john said on 13/Oct/06
In the pics provided by Patrick Tom does indeed look to be around 6'3". As Sam said Tom himself has said he is almost 6'3". Why is this so hard to believe, Viper652? I think Tom knows how tall he is and I don't doubt his statements since they're backed up by people that work with him and know him.
anonymous said on 13/Oct/06
He looks like no less than 6'2.
patrick said on 13/Oct/06
You find? He's a head over everybody and mor!
Do you the size of a surfboard? Minimum 6'2 for a very very light surfer !
sam said on 12/Oct/06
tom has said he is almost 6'3 and you know what is that like 189cm.. there could be two angles to this arguement.. he may well be that 6'2.5 without shoes as he says.. but as you know your taller in the morning.. so if that it what his height is at its peak then he is 189cm.. but then at night you shrink one inch.. so he could be 186cm at night.. 6'2.5 in morning as everyone says and then 6'1 and a bit at night as viper says.. and the thing is this differnace is never noticed because his shoes give him an inch or more.. so even at when he is 6'1 at night he will never be seen at under 6'3, just the same as i am abit over 6'0 in the morning and around 6'0 at night my friends rarely see me at under 186cm cause i have shoes on.. what do u guys think.. it seems the be a pretty accurate thought???
john said on 12/Oct/06
Welling and Hartley look very close in height according to the provided pic. If Hartley is 6'3" than Welling is also.
Viper652 said on 12/Oct/06
I kinda agree with you Jake, I give Welling 186 cm and Hartley 187 cm in that pic.
patrick said on 12/Oct/06
Fortunately "you" are there to explain to me why this show is called "SMALLville";
It is so easy to estimate at about one inch or so, how tall is a man; question of proportions; A body is always a multiple of its head; Wether the person is 5'5 or 6 or 6'4, the head size won't chang and thus, the proportion will wary according to the height.
When you see Tom as you do with David Morse or other "big" guy, you easily can evaluate how tall he is thanks to that; Tom is even "bigger" and so taller, when alone;
Mr. Viper, what are you searching to argue your position: "wearing uppers in latest season and not in the beginning"!! But, that is simply crazy!
Who would do that and in what purpose?
To make hime look smaller than his father swhen no "supermaning" yet and taller when about to become the man of steel??? You really find that plausible ?
Who does apart from you?
Far fetched is just an euphemism; As for 6' 1 or 2 or 3 or so with or wothout shoes...EVERYBODY IS WEARING SHOES ! Thus, the comparison remains valid between people even though they were upon stilts!
LAST thing: about the photo (the truth): Hartley is CLOSER than Tom and if you do not believe me , get the picture bigger and measure the heads and parts of their respective faces; Hartley's one is BIGGER than Tom who is, as usual or so, in the bottom, backward; (when he is not, he is either sitten or under such angle that it's just impossible to compare him to the others)
Therefore, i am quite sure that Tom is taller by maybe one cm than Hartley but i cannot prove it;
He was already taller than the actor Rick Peters who is 6'3 in 1st season "hug"; Visibly taller, as he has always looked to so many open eyed people, regarding John Schneider (except for very few times).
In the Hartley photo, J Glover and even A O Toole look very big, just to say how that specific angle can be misleading!
jake said on 11/Oct/06
id say both 6'3 with shoes on.. both high 6'1's without.. theres only acouple of cm's between 6'0 and 6'1 and only 4cm's between 6'1 and 6'3 hence its easy to over estimate
Viper652 said on 10/Oct/06
Since Welling is supposedly taller than Schneider in the latest season, its possible hes wearing bigger footwear to look taller than Schneider. Because it doesnt make any sense that Schneider was taller in the earlier seasons. Either that or its total camra work and angles at play.
The Truth said on 10/Oct/06
welling and hartley, both 6'3"
Click Here
aussie said on 10/Oct/06
you guys are right schneider is 6'2 and tom is 6'3 that is with shoes on.. so just take an inch off both..
john said on 10/Oct/06
We'll see next week when Welling and Hartley are in the same scene together.
john said on 9/Oct/06
I disagree, more often than not Tom appears taller. I will say that Tom also appears to have better over all posture which may contribute to the disparity. Even so if John Schneider is indeed 6'2" I'd say Tom is at least that. I've also seen multiple sites and people that have met John Glover saying he is a solid 6'1". If this is to be believed then once again there is no way Tom is 6'1" since he always appears taller than Mr. Glover. What say you to dispute this, John Glover isn't the 6'1" he is claimed to be. Even if he were just 6'0" there is clearly more than an inch between Tom and Mr. Glover and this would still make Tom at least 6'2" although I believe Tom is closer to 6'3" as I've stated before.
As I've stated in the past I am friends with someone that is 6'0" tall and happend to have attended high school with Tom. He has stood right next to Tom many times and has said there is no way there was only an inch between them. In fact he has stated more than once the difference was closer to 3 inches. I've asked him if he is sure of this and he has stated unequivocally that he is. So let me ask you Viper652, have you met Tom Welling? Do you know anyone who has? I still believe your proof to be dubious at best. People that have met Tom all believe him to be taller than 6'1" and why is this, probably because he is.
You yourself has stated that half the time Scheider appears taller than Welling which means the other have of the time Tom looks taller. This seems like weak evidence to support your claim. Camera angles and so fourth can contribute to this perception which is by no means based in reality. I think that the hard fact that someone I know has been around Tom easily trumps this argument. I maintain vehemently that someone that is 6'0" can tell the difference between 6'1" and 6'3". My friend George has met my friend Jack who is most certainly 6'3" and says Tom is of a similar height. How could George be so far off the mark, simple, I don't think he is. Tom is 6'3" or very near it as he himself has stated and eyewitness testimony has corroborated.
Viper652 said on 9/Oct/06
Well Schneider appears talller than Welling half the time, and I peg John at 6-2 and Tom respectively at 6-1.
john said on 9/Oct/06
Patrick, I agree. I've seen interviews with John where he says he's 6'3" and I think that's about right. He also mentioned Tom being that height as well. In the SV documentary called "Hero's Behind the Camera" John says of the barn set that there are cutouts in the wood so he and 6'3" Tom won't hit their heads. Why would John refer to Tom and himself as 6'3" if Tom were 6'1". John Glover is 6'1" and you can clearly see in any scene with Tom and Mr. Glover that Tom is clearly the taller of the two. It cracks me up when Viper652 maintains that Tom is 6'1" when the majority of the evidence points otherwise.
patrick said on 9/Oct/06
OK, admittedly JS is probably not 6'4 but more than 6'2 that is obvious;
in many other series he played in, he generally towered over other actors; particularly in "diagnostic murder" episode he was in (bad guy);
SO, if you deign to get to J Schneider article in this, you'll see the photo where Tom towers over him, thus...
Viper652 said on 6/Oct/06
Schneider is not almost 6-4 in barefeet, ridiculous. Maybe in 1.5 shoes. That guy looks 188 cm.
john said on 6/Oct/06
SCHNEIDER: I did get too skinny. The other side of being overweight, once you've lost the weight. I got -- I'm almost 6'4" and my lightest, after my heaviest, was 175 pounds, and.. This is John in an interview with Larry King. If he is near 6'4" which he has also said on SV commentary than there is NO WAY Tom is 6'1".
patrick said on 6/Oct/06
May i invite you all to visit the John Schneider article on this very site?
That is worth taking z look at it!
Please, do it!
Viper652 said on 5/Oct/06
Tim, I agree with everything that you said there. Camera angles and the way a show or movie is shot can affect the perceived actors height big time sometimes. A clear example of that was Beverly Hills 90210.
krypto said on 4/Oct/06
my guess 6-2,6-3.
john said on 4/Oct/06
Just watched the episode of SV with Rutger Hauer which this site lists at 6'0" or 6'1". Once again Welling had him by more than a couple inches. How can this be if Welling is only 6'1" and don't give me the "they enhance his height for the show" bulls***. I watched all the commentary from every season and the directors and pruducers all say the same thing, they do a lot close ups in the show so they have people stand on boxes or have Tom take his shoes off so they can have their heads in the same shot. Give it up Viper652, there is NO WAY Tom is only 6'1".
tim said on 27/Sep/06
Im 184cm without shoes on and my best friend is 191cm without shoes.. 6'1 and 6'4 with shoes on respectively, now i can stand 1m away and we virtually talk eye to eye however there is no way that im towered over as i come past the eyeline, with tom his height isnt going to make him look way bigger than everyone else because i think hes around 6'2.5 with shoes on but i think that he has a very big frame which makes him seem so much bigger than everyone around him.. the other few things to remember are that he plays superman so there will be every effort as far as cameras and lighting to make him seem as invincible and big as possible, also you can take the comparison from an episode of smallville and the movie cheaper by the dozen, smallville he appears hulking and bigger than anybody you have probably ever seen, then short cut to cheaper by the dozen and you notice very little differance in stature from tom to steve martin... on a side note i do think jared was standing on a box otherwise he'd be around 6'7 tall and i actually think he is only cm's taller than tom.
john said on 23/Sep/06
Thank you ER, that's all I'm saying. I think George can tell the difference. I also want to say that I watched the last 2 episodes of season 5 SV in preparation for the new season. I paid close attention to Tom's height relative to the other cast members. Watch those episodes Viper652 and compare Tom with 6'1" John Glover and see if you notice a significant difference in their height. Tom is clearly taller in all their scenes together.
ER. said on 22/Sep/06
John, if you are on even ground and stand close to them, it really isen't a problem to tell such a difference just by looking at them and comparing. That's my experience at least. I'm 189 CM myself, if I see someone who is 6-4 and I'm standing up close to them I can easily tell they're taller, even though it's just by 4 CM.
john said on 21/Sep/06
"Easily, mainly because Im close to their heights. If I was shorter It would be harder."
Perhaps this is true however George is 6'0" and I think he can tell the difference between 6'1" and 6'3".
Viper652 said on 21/Sep/06
"Let me ask you, can you tell the difference between someone that is 6'4" and has an inch on you and a person who is 6'6" and has three inches on you?"
Easily, mainly because Im close to their heights. If I was shorter It would be harder.
john said on 21/Sep/06
Viper652,while it's fine to be incredulous about the heights of actors in fact it's probably prudent to be so,I still must disagree with you on this one. I'm 5'10" barefoot and have been measured at this height many times. I certainly can tell the difference between someone that is 5'11" and 6'1". Someone that is 5'11" is only slightly taller while someone that is 6'1" has 3 inches on me and this is a discernable difference from 1 inch. Let me ask you, can you tell the difference between someone that is 6'4" and has an inch on you and a person who is 6'6" and has three inches on you? So while I admit that quessing height can lead to erroneous numbers most people can tell the difference between 1 or 3 inches. Keep in mind that it's not as if George only met Tom once, if that were the case than your skepticism would be justified. He knew Tom over the course of 4 years. I think this gives him a reasonable perspective on this matter. I get the feeling though that you and I could go around and around on this and niether of us will change their mind. We may have to agree to disagree.
I want to finish with the fact that I think your most resent comment was resonable and well thought out. I must recant my earlier statements that eluded to a lack of intellect as I believe I may have been off base on that.
Viper652 said on 20/Sep/06
John, Im pretty skeptical when somebody guesses another person's height, because a lot of the time they can be wrong. Be it being a bad judge or seeing the person on an elevated or lower ground. On that scene in cheaper by the dozen I actually dont buy the platform, because the other guys actually do look shorter than Jared but the same size as Welling or slightly taller. Could he have been standing on something such as a sidewalk, its possible but I have my doubts.
john said on 20/Sep/06
Funny Viper652, you seem to like to ignore the facts.
1) I know a guy that is 6 feet tall that went to high school with Tom and says he's taller than 6'1". You mean to tell me if someone is only an inch taller than than yourself you can't tell if it's 1 or 3 inches. George says no way is Tom only one inch taller. He had to look up at Tom, something a 6 footer doesn't have to do with a person of 6'1". Besides, I work with a guy Anthony that is a solid 6'1" and George says Tom is taller than him for sure.
2) I said watch the pilot episode of SV with the commentary on, the producers mention how tall Tom is. They mention buiding ramps and boxes for people to stand on and using camera angles to make Jonathan Kent look as tall or taller than Clark. They also talk about digging ditches for him to stand in while next to other actors. If you don't believe me, watch it for yourself.
3) I went to utube last night and watched Tom on TRL with 6'2" Fahey and Tom sure the hell was taller.
4) The guys in Cheaper by the Dozen were on a platform, look it up!
5) Kutcher who you agree is 6'2" looked shorter than Fahey on TRL when I looked it up. Why does Tom appear taller than either of them at 6'1"? Seems a bit fishy to me.
Once again your reluctance to capitulate on this matter can only be attributed to your own personal insecurities or maybe you just like to play the Devils Advocate. Either way your arguments are dubious at best and you seem as though you would be out of depth in conversation with myself. So why do I continue to debate you may ask, it's amusing of course.
Viper652 said on 19/Sep/06
Height Revealer I agree all those guys such as The Rock, Duhammmel, and Kutcher are 6-2 guys, but Welling is slightly shorter than them. John, Tom doesnt tower over Grace in that picture like a 6-2-6-3 dude should, and not even in the whole movie the Fog. Sure Grace is closer to the camers but you can tell Tom only has 4 inches on her even with the angle. Its still not the best picture though.
john said on 19/Sep/06
I looked at that pic with Tom and Maggie Grace and the first thing I noticed is Maggie is closer to the camera. This will make a pearson look taller. In fact in my wedding pictures my best man was standing a bit behind me in one of the photos and I look almost as tall as he does. Even though that's the way the photo looks I'm only 5'10" and he is a solid 6'4". How could Ranard, my best man and I look the same height, simple, our postitions relative to the camera is how. The Tom/Maggie pic has Maggie closer to the camera for sure so this pic proves nothing. In fact this pic supports my claim that Tom is taller than 6'1"
john said on 19/Sep/06
They sure did,lol. I had to check it out, they did this to increase the difference in their height. This happens in movie making all the time. In fact on the SV season 1 dvd the producers talk about building ramps and putting people on boxes just so they wouldn't seem so short next to Welling. In fact they shot angles to make John look taller than Tom because he was the father. If you don't believe this Viper652 just listen to the commentary on the pilot episode. Patrick, I couldn't agree more. Tom is most certainly taller than 6'1" period. I also stated before that I have a friend/co-worker that went to high school with Tom that say's there is NO way Tom is only 6'1". My friend George is a solid 6'0" and has said there is no way there is only an inch between them. He knew Tom when he was 18 and said by then Tom was a solid 6'3". I watch SV all the time and if Tom is 6'1" then he is the tallest 6'1" I've ever seen. John Glover must wonder why it is that he is 6'1" and has to look up at Tom. BTW,the commentary clearly states as well as cast members that they build the ramps and boxes because Tom is so tall. All this for an actor that is only 6'1", I find that hard to believe. Once again the evidence points to a 6'3" Tom Welling not 6'1". I would like to finish with a question for Mr. Viper652, have you ever met the man? Well I know someone who has, and he has said Tom is taller than 6'1".
DaMan said on 19/Sep/06
Wasn't it said in the DVD commentaries for Cheaper by the Dozen that they put Padalecki on a box for his scene with Welling?
Viper652 said on 19/Sep/06
They are not all on a platform, lol.
patrick said on 19/Sep/06
Viper652 said on 18/Sep/06
Yeah, there is no way Jared is standing on anything since the guys around him appear about the same height as him as well. Tom looks barely 6-1 there.
Height-revealeR said on 18/Sep/06
ashton kutcher,josh duhamel and the rock was all 189ish dude.. no lower or taller.. although josh duhamel push up to 6ft2.5(192cm)was not true.
the rock was ever push like 6ft4(193cm)was ridiculars in wwe hulk hogan was like a real 6ft4 looks just 1inches half taller than rock.. by obvious the rock was at least only 6ft2.5this tall.. for ashton no comment.. his a tall leggy dude..189ish no prove for wrong..
patrick said on 18/Sep/06
I forgot: it is really visible that Jared AND his "pals" were not upon a box but surely upon a platform: all of them are taller than Tom which is sor rare that that come close to improbability; i checked out another thing: Tom is moving all the time and NO OTHER guy does it; they are simply stonelike; frankly that is visible;
I saw a photo of Jared, Tom and Michael Rosenbaum with Jensen Ackles (see Jared celebrity heights) : at first sight you tell yourself "wow, how Jared is taller than Tom and so BIGGER too !" then, seeing it over..."the photo is anamorphic due to a "wide angle focus" and indeed, in this photo, Michael appears TALLER THAN TOM!! As for Jensen, he looks HUGE AND GIANT !
Tom stands backwards and is slouching too;
So, i measured their head if Tom is let's say "4", Jared is "5" OR MORE§.
ALL OF THAT TO REPEAT: BE WARY OF pictures; in the same film two guys will apper in turn taller and smaller than the other;
patrick said on 18/Sep/06
BRAVO! to both Cliff and John; To Cliff who finally told what i claim for long about the impressive difference between 6'1 so talented John Glover and Tom Welling; Besides, if John proves to be 6'1 as he really looks in SV, that means that Michael Rosenbaum is well 6'; there is no more than an inch difference between them;
Bravo to John for having said to Mr Viper what i did not dare to say; that always sounds to me very strange how relentlessly Mr Viper pretends Tom is 6'1 what is obvioulsy stupid; the explanation of John seems perhaps "radical" but underlines something very interesting on a psychological level.
I hope you, John, are the same who paused in watching SV in DVD and found John Schneider definitely less tall than Tom;
In this case i found in you one of the most closest of "my position follower" here; If you read this, please, tell me;
Cliff said on 18/Sep/06
I had the opportunity to run into my second celebrity in a month (Amber Tamblyn being first). I went to a screening of "Black Dahila" in Old Pasadena, Ca Saturday night, and sitting in the row in front of me was John Glover from Smallville sitting with a guest. I was shocked becasue I assumed that he would be in Vancouver filming. Anyway, once the film ended, I hurried to the exit so I could make sure it was him on the way out, and it certainly was. I am 5-11 on the nose and Glover was at least two inches taller. So I do think he is a legit 6-1. This means that Tom must at least be 6-3, because he does look down at Glover in many scenes, though camera angles probably have more to do with this. What does this mean? That anything under 6-2 for Welling is pretty much improbable...I am sure of this now.
Viper652 said on 17/Sep/06
Also Tom is shorter than John Scheider, who I estimate to be 6-2.
Viper652 said on 17/Sep/06
Tom is shorter than Jared Paladelki who is 6-3. Tom is not 6-3. Could he be 6-2? Its possible but I think hes in the 6-1 range. There is some evidence to support that.
john said on 16/Sep/06
Your reluctance to capitulate on this matter is intriquing, Viper652. Why do you have this strong need to believe Tom is shorter than yourself. If Tom were taller than you would you feel less manly for it? Are your own personal insecurities factoring in on this discussion? These are some questions you may want to ask yourself. Up till now you arguments are weak and unsubstantiated. Perhaps you're ill suited to the task.
Viper652 said on 15/Sep/06
Well, Tom has been towered by 6-3-6-4 guys before. And he looks the same height as 6-1-6-2 Fahey. Welling still only looks around 6-1 to me.
john said on 15/Sep/06
The truth is out Viper652, there is no way Tom is only 6'1" as you've stated. I think it's time for you to capitulate.
Viper652 said on 15/Sep/06
Some people think Fahey is 6-1, and they look about the same height to me. I dont know, I think that is good evidence that Welling is around 6-1.
The Truth said on 14/Sep/06
welling looks like he has about an inch on 6-2 fahey.
Click Herekutcher with fahey
Click Herekutcher with 6-3 mayer
Jordan said on 13/Sep/06
Actaully when I met him not only was he taller then me( 5'10 1/2) by about 4 inches but he was pretty big to. Bigger then he looks in smallville.
hiroshi_ said on 12/Sep/06
this guy stand btw 189 190cm. no way hes shorter than 189cm or taller than 190cm..
john said on 11/Sep/06
Well, I'm 5'10" and George is 6'0" even and he says there is no way Tom was only an inch taller than himself.According to George there was at least 3 inches between them. I admit I've never met the guy myself but I know George to be a pretty solid guy who wouldn't make such a thing up. So by that rational I would tend to lean towards the opinion of someone that has spent time around Tom rather than the opinion of someone that has never met Tom.
Jordan said on 10/Sep/06
I met him in Manhattan and I have always been measured at 5'10 1/2 and Tom was 4 inches taller then me. My freind who is 6'1 was noticably shorter then tom. He really looks 6'2 1/2 to 6'3.
Viper652 said on 8/Sep/06
Ehh, Ive got friends who swear Im well over 6-4 to 6-5. Im really around 6-2 1/2-6-3. Doesnt make it reality though.
john said on 8/Sep/06
Tom is a solid 6'3". Cast mates say so, a person that I worked with that knew Tom says so and Tom himself says so. My co-worker George knew Tom when he lived in Okemos MI. and says there is no way Tom is under 6'3", in fact he says if anything Tom is a little over 6'3". He went to highschool with Tom and knew him well. I trust George and I know that Tom and him are the same age and were both living in Okemos at the same time. That fact that George says Tom is at least 6'3" is enough for me.
Viper652 said on 7/Sep/06
He cant be 6-3, Jared has 2-3 inches on him.
MD said on 6/Sep/06
They gave everyone extra height in that comment, as Ashmore has never been listed at 6'0". I can't believe how high the media often boosts celebrities heights, and very rarely take them down unless they really don't like the guy or girl.
The Truth said on 6/Sep/06
The guy has stated on national tv he is 6'3". You guys need your eyes checked, LOL!
Viper652 said on 6/Sep/06
Jimmy will look up to Clark in at least one way from Day 1, however. "When Tom and I did a scene together he was very welcoming," the 6-foot-tall Ashmore says of his 6-foot-5 cast mate. "He's really tall! I was like, 'Holy smokes!'"
Funny, Jared Paladelki must be 6-7 then.
patrick said on 6/Sep/06
By the way...i have just watched a "law & order" 10th season episode with A. O Toole and her husband, M. McKean.
I once more have been able to check this one's height since he was not that smaller than 6'2/5 J. Martin and barely less high than solid 6'1 S. Waterston.
Yet, in SV, M."Perry White" McKean was literally DWARFED by Tom Welling.
Easy to check it out.
As for A. "Martha Kent" O'Toole, usaully far below Tom's Adam apple, reached here between nose and eyes of McKean and S. Waterston's nose.
Even for me, it was so obvious that i was really surprised;
And do not say that J. Martin is 6 or so; that's simply ridiculous.
Tom is very big and as i written so many times, many actors big enough too, need to notice how tall Tom was when acting with him;
Nobody does that with a "simple" 6'3 tall guy; never;
patrick said on 6/Sep/06
Please MR. Editor Rob: WHO THE HELL IS "Jimmy" ???
Thanks for answering.
However, Shawn Ashmore is not 6' but i think 5'11 as claimed everywhere

Editor Rob
Jimmy Olsen. Shawn's got a twin brother Aaron, whom this article was talking about...
Anonymous said on 2/Sep/06
I disagree strongly, it's easier to see who's taller if the difference is 1-2 inches. Maybe you meant 1-2cm. Then it's harder. An inch is very noticeable.
mike said on 31/Aug/06
the thing is aswell if someone meets tom 1 inch here of or there is nothing cause the majority of people will be smaller than him, like im 6'1 and my best friend is 6'2 n a bit and unless we stand back to back nobody knows whos taller..
Gotxo said on 27/Aug/06
Yeah, that's cool a simple example of what can be achieved by simple means.
And as Frank has said, that kind of "editing" is related most of time to
get properly actors in the frame.
Viper652 said on 26/Aug/06
To tell you how camera angles can make yout taller, I was watching that celebrity fit club show on VH-1. Rapper bonecrusher is on it, and I thought he looked 6-4 easy. I was shocked when they said his height was only 6-0!! He also weighs over 400 pounds too. At the end of the show he did look no more than 6-0 in one short low camera shot. Tells you that TV can deceive you big time.
coolyo said on 25/Aug/06
He might look a littler smaller than he really is cause he's on tv but i think that 6'2 would be very accurate. Not less not more.
Gotxo said on 25/Aug/06
You're all puting into oblivion Frank2's lessons!
What are apple-boxes for?
Viper652 said on 25/Aug/06
I saw parts of a smallville episode last night and sure enough the guy only appears 6-1 to me in most scenes. I think the reason some people see him as taller his is his frame and long arms.
Cliff said on 24/Aug/06
When I first saw this guy on Smallville, I thought he was at least 6ft4. I was actually surprised that he admitted to being the height listed on celebheights. I also knew that there was no way that Kristin Kreuk was 5ft4 if Tom was just 6ft2.5in. She's 5ft4 ONLY if Tom is 6ft4 because there is definitely a foot between them (without heels, she barely comes to his shoulder). I think Kreuk is no taller than 5ft2/3 if Tom is just 6ft2.5. I agree with editor Rob that I am unsure if she is as low as 5ft1 since she doesn't look much shorter than the other 5ft4 women (Alison Mack & Annette O' Toole) on the show.
patrick said on 11/Aug/06
a tall guy, really tall i mean, APPEARS as much even alone; we do not need to see J.Wayne, Clint Eastwood or Walker, Vince Vaughn, or David Morse by anyone to notice they are big and very tall.
some seem taller than they actually are (or were)because of their own proportions: Ted Danson (long face) A. Perkins (high shoulders) David Morse (on the contrary short headed) and above all, Steven Seagal (endless torso!).
However, Tom is very well proportioned and naturally heavy built;
look at his elbows (joint) which are like his big hands and wrists: very very large and thick.
ask anybody knowing about anatomy and he will confimr that: a real strong guy is recognized thanks to that "details" ; actually, Tom is the only "not body buided" actor of the John Wayne or Clark Gable type;
i have many J.Wayne short 30ties films where he is 25 or so; he has exactly the same look as Tom has today.
besides, i agree the two previous comments even though i feel Tom looks more than 6'3''in shoes.
I repeat: take the other series; apart from Henry Simmons who dawerfs everybody in NYPD blue, you never find 6'2 or 6'2,5 llooking like Tom does;
everybody seems small in SV compared to Tom save for (late) J. Schneider;
you never never have the same impression in any other series (except Simmonns)
Even J. Glover who is solid 6'1'' (undoubtful) which is so common in the US, appears much smaller than Tom;
i bring you back again to the episode where he stand by Tom in the hospital where K.Kreuk stays (horse injury); Tom stands at the J.Glover's left and really towers over him BUT at a moment, Tom staigtens himself up and...HES IS ONE HALF HEAD TALLER than 6'1'' J.Glover.
I think on the contrary of so many people in this site, that Tom is not "enhanced" by the producer's will and favoured with angles to look taller; they try to make the others look ridiculous next to him (elevators, boxes, tom bare foot acting, etc.)
when walking in the streets, angles are always trying to favour not Tom but his co stars and yet, he always appears giantlike!
even this co stars say it; unless being oneself 6'5'', you'll never find even a 6'3'' guy so tall but "just tall"; all the actors playing in an episode of SV cannot help noticing it: "he's so tall!"
mark said on 10/Aug/06
the fact is that tom is easy 6'3 with shoes on and probably about 6'1-1.5 people who say otherwise are just jealous i think, and as far as jared goes i think hes not much taller than tom maybe half an inch..
john said on 31/Jul/06
I live and work in Grand Rapids MI. Tom grew up in Okemos MI. My co worker grew up in Okemos and was in Tom's class. He used to hang out with Tom and he say's Tom is about 6-3. I told George about the big debate on Tom's height and he laughed and said "I grew up with him and he is easily 6-3."
Viper652 said on 28/Jul/06
I saw thw movie the Fog and I thought Tom looked 6-1 in the whole thing.
patrick said on 28/Jul/06
OK, ok; I confess that on THIS photo, he seems 6'2'' (not 6'1'' all the same!)
BUT that happens all the time with people whose height is never questionned.
Who never wondered about a sudden too big OR TOO SMALL difference between 2 people we were supposed to undoubtly know tes respective height?
Some who is a giant appears all of a sudden as someone just big or like Liam Neeson or David Morse, looking more than 6'6''.
Photos are much less reliable than films which are already doubtful.
You can trust a photo ONLY when taken from opposite the lined up (same row)subjects and provided that their feet and shoes are visible.
Angles, shoulders and faces photos can show Chris Reeve smaller than Gen Hackmann or, more recently, Frank Langella at 6'1 then, in the same group of photos, at 6'3'' or even more WITHOUT BEING ABLE TO UNDERSTAND...W H Y !!
Fred Dalton Thomson, an ex-senator and lawyer, playing in "law & order" (the best police show ever) who is listed at 6'6'' (visibly, he IS mamothlike !) appears IN STREET SCENES, OFTEN, EXACTLY like Tom in relation to Maggie Grace. Everybody can notice that; you just need to watch that EXCELLENT show.
Yet, Elisabeth Röhm is listed 5'8'' vs 6'66'F.D Thomson. (Maggie is 5'9'' and towers over many others, sounding 6'2 Matthew Foxlike !) The same with many great actors like Richard Widmark playing with Jimmy Stewart or John Wayne.
As for me, there are anyway, MUCH more photos showing Tom towering over other people than the contrary!
Easy to find besides, plenty of other photos with Maggie much shorter tha Tom anyway !
ER. said on 28/Jul/06
He looks 6-2 to me. His body proportions scream that height.
Viper652 said on 28/Jul/06
Tom looks no more than 6-1 here with 5-9 Maggie Grace.
Click Here
patrick said on 26/Jul/06
I am not "the only one" to notice that except in some very rare scenes, John is smaller than Tom. But there is no better blind than whom doesn't want to see; as for 6'2'' claimed as "model height" it's because models are rarely taller than that... if they just want to find a job; exactly like about movie actors;
why on earth, NOBODY on this site wants to check out what i tell you: the photo with A. O'Toole, J. Schneider and, behind, Tom Welling easily findable on Google "pictures".
But Viper will say that is a fake shot or something like that!
The same about the numerous scenes where Tom towers over 6'1'' , oh, excuse me, 5'7'' probably, John Glover! I previously described exactly the scene in season three where it so obvious that John Glover really seems a child beside him.
And the so many interviews of supporting actors saying, all of them, HOW TOM IS MUCH TALLER in real life than he appears in the show!
What is wrong with so many people in this site?
I do not know how to technically convey it to you but i found thousand of web sites where it is said EXACTLY the contrary of what is said here and many photos proving my words!
As for Jared, where are you "bikagura" and "AKD"? I feel a bit alone claiming that Tom cannot possibly be smaller, and so much, than Jared in "cheaper..."
Thanks fellows and no hard feelings, OK?
Viper652 said on 25/Jul/06
That 189cm would be right on the money If Jared Paledelki was 6-5.
TheMan said on 22/Jul/06
Id say that 189cm rating is right on the money.
Anonymous said on 20/Jul/06
Acually, I'd say Glover looks 6', maybe a tad more, and Rosembaum is 5'11 (he's shorter then 6' Jensen Ackles by a bit - go figure).
John Schneider is TALLER than Tom Welling. Everyone except 'patrick' can see that. Tom is only taller when he's wearing shoes, as his shoes are bigger.
I mean, Tom is 6'2". His model cards said this, and that's a fact. Do you relaly think they would list him a sless than he is??? What more do you need?
patrick said on 18/Jul/06
OK, Tom is 6'2''? So John Glover is 5'9'', Michael Rosenbaum 5'8'' and all the cast probably from Portugal!
By the way, on a DVD bonus, it's clear that Michael has to get up upon a box to be how he usually appears facing Tom;
As for Sam Jones, he visibly falls from the box he standed on and that's really funny!
Nobody wants to check the photo of Tom along with his "parents", Annette O'Toole and John Schneider? You are not curious and yet, it's really easy!
tape "Tom Welling John Schneider" and click "image"; check them out and you'll find at least two times that photo where Tom is like John claims himself he is: clearly taller than him! Many shots prove Tom is MUCH TALLER than EVERYBODY including Jhon Schneider!
But "you can lead a horse to water ..."
Mary said on 16/Jul/06
I've never met Tom Welling but if you visit that page
Click Here you will see his official measurements from when he was a model. He's 6-2.
Glenn said on 19/Jun/06
Daly always looked at least 6-1 to me.I never met Welling.
Viper652 said on 17/Jun/06
Carson looks between 5-11-6-0 If you study all the pics of him between other people. Hell, I thought he was a big guy back in the early days of TRL, but TV can make you look a lot bigger and taller then you actually are. Welling looks a lot shorter next to a legit 6-3 guy like Jared Paladelki. He was also only 2 inches taller then 5-11 Steve Martin in both Cheaper by the Dozen movies. Saying hes 6-3 is whats crazy, hes not even close to that.
J-Dog said on 16/Jun/06
Viper, there is no way that Carson Daly is 5'11" that is perposterous, even this site, the most skepetical and technical of all celebrity and height related information lists Carson Daly at 6'1".
The facts are pretty evident, in all of the Smallville episodes Tom Welling looks almost the same height as John Schneider, who is a very solid 6'3", at times I can't tell which of the two of them are taller. The reason Welling's height hasn't changed is because it's solid it seems Welling's quote of "almost six-foot-three" rings true.
Click Here
Take a look at what Glenn says, he even measured Jeter at a legit 6'3" by having his 6'1.5" friend stand by Jeter. And in pictures with Carson Daly and Derek Jeter Carson is only 2" shorter. The facts don't lie.
Glenn have you ever met Welling in New York?
patrick said on 13/Jun/06
Carson Daly is notably known as 6'2'' !
why always dwarfing people !!!
Viper652 said on 12/Jun/06
Problem is Daly isnt 6-1. Ive said on his page he is between 5-11 and 6-0.
J-Dog said on 12/Jun/06
Tom really does look big near Carson Daly, take a look at the screen captures.
J-Dog said on 12/Jun/06
Viper I agree on some of your points about comparing him to other actors. What do you think of these pictures with Carson Daly Tom Welling definitely looks the near 6'3" listing he has given himself
Click Here
the truth said on 11/Jun/06
welling is a legit 6'3" here he towers over 6'1" daly
Click HereClick Here
bikagyura said on 11/Jun/06
OMG! Jared Padalecki is not standing on the ground like Welling in those pics... He was standing on a box or something for him to look bigger than Welling
Viper652 said on 6/Jun/06
Hard to tell from the angles of those pics. Tom certaintly is no taller then 6-1 though.
Kenshin said on 5/Jun/06
Tom is 6'1 or Jared is 6'6
Viper652 said on 18/May/06
Also J-dog, you are comparing Tom to other actors who are fudging their height as well. Just standard hollywood policy. On that Scott Paterson pic we have no idea whether or not he really is 6-0, plus Tom is much closer to the camera anyway.
Viper652 said on 17/May/06
J-dog, Jared has said he is no taller then 6-3 from his own mouth. He could be 6-2 1/2 and just rounding that up too.
J-Dog said on 16/May/06
Well, if Eric Johnson is 6'1.5" why is Tom Welling still clearly taller, especially if Tom Welling by some of the predictions here is suppose to be no more than 6'1"? Tom Welling to my recollection was also much taller than 6'1" Jason Ackles.
Here is Tom Welling by 6' Scott Patterson
Click Here He looks about 3" inches taller when you take in account camera angle.
Anonymous said on 16/May/06
'Eric Johnson is listed at 6'2"'
Actually he's said he's about 6'2", which in all likelihood means a bit over 6'1".
J-Dog said on 15/May/06
How come Jared is listed at 6'4" on this site, it seems people are bringing down Jared's height to make Tom seem smaller.
Around everyone else who has legitimate height listings like John Schneider and Michael Rosenbaum Tom always looks at least 6'2.5" or right under or at 6'3".
Eric Johnson is listed at 6'2" and I remember Tom being a bit taller.
TheJerk said on 15/May/06
Thanks Viper, I go through the trouble of proving that he is no more than 6-1 in a well articulated post with picture proof as evidence, and yet still people don't seem to understand that he is not that tall.
Viper652 said on 14/May/06
Those pics with Jared pretty much tell the true story. And I dont buy the Jared standing on a box BS either, because the other guys around him dont look much shorter. Tom looks 6-1 Max there If Jared is really 6-3.
Anonymous said on 14/May/06
This guy's probably 6'2". Compare him to other actors (Eric Johnson) and he's not that tall at all.
Viper652 said on 14/May/06
Tom only looked a couple of inches taller then 5-11 Steve Martin in Cheaper by the dozen as well.
patrick said on 12/May/06
toLeonari: YES ! But they are NOT "stars"; they are what french call "vedette", that's to say "very known actor" but used as "glorious background" OR staring in movies which do not need "a" star: Independance day, Jurassik park etc.
Vince Vaughn is a MUCH BETTER actor than Owen Wilson (no comparison) and he "supports" him, not "costars" him;
as for Jeff Goldblum, he IS a great and inventive actor able to be funny, violent, nice, evil; able to play westerns, sci fi, drama etc.
Indeed, they are with Will Ferrel, exceptions (that prove the rule);
it's interesting to note that the biggest current star is Tom Cruise !
He's a good actor but, please, make a effort and fancy him next to John Wayne or Robert Mitchum... I repeat, it's NOT a question of height or size; it's about their heart, the strength of their mind;
Yet, it happens that very often, the real dimension of a movie star is related to his height:
Bogey, Cagney, EG Robinson or, on TV, former Robert Conrad (from 60 to 68) prove with A. Ladd and some others that one can be tall "inside";
a friend of mine met Tom Welling; he is 6'1'' and he told me:
"I spoke to his upper lip" ;
reflect what AKD said: why the hell they put Jared on a soap box ?
Ask yourself why there is so much controversy about Tom; leaf through this site: no other actor raises so many questions!
Even in one his best own site, it is said : "he would be 6,2 and half but appears like a giant"
It is interesting beyond the fact itself and that is what really puzzles me after all!
Mr "the jerk": H. Duff is 5'5'': she is far under the Tom's chin (mid neck) and...mid plexus jARED : either she is a dwarf (4'7 or 8)or he is giant (more than SEVEN FOOT HIGH!)! Reflect: Tom CANNOT be six one unless standing on a pair of stilts all the SV shooting time !!! Moreover, I repeat that, as shown on the photo Tom would have been maximum six, CONSIDERING jARED AS 6'4 and 5,11 (barely) with a 6'3'' Jared! That's all for this time folks !
TheJerk said on 10/May/06
OK there is no way that Padalecki was on a box for this scene as that would mean the other kids who are nearly all about Padalecki's height (which I think is "only" 6-3) were also on box's as their height relative to Padalecki's does not change in Cheaper by the Dozen. Even if we give Padalecki a 6-4 that'd make Welling 6-1 at best
Click Here look at the other images on this page for a clearer view of what I mean.
leonari said on 10/May/06
Patrick: tall actors: How abot Jeff Goldblum(6'4") Vince Vaughn (6'5")...
patrick said on 9/May/06
Sometimes it's clear, sometimes hard; EACH time they lokk really "face to face", eye in's undoubtable that Tom is taller; I get you back to what i said about many episodes: with John in the "cave", with J. Glover in the hospital: half a head taller a six foot one man; as for "aquaman", unless being blind, the difference is clear; watching again Sup. III, "Lana" (A.O'TOOLE) appears EXACTLY in relation to the late C. Reeve, as she does with Tom.
Please, watch AGAIN the second episode of SV: Tom and Eric Jhonson ARE TALKING TO EACH OTHER FACE TO FACE: look at the nose, the mouth the shoulder: the difference is BIGGER than between Gene Hackman and C. Reeve.
Frankly, I don't understand why something so evident raises so many questions.
About "cheaper...": if Jared was on the floor, Tom would just be barely 6 foot, what is absolutely ridiculous! Being really TALL is not convenient for an actor now; even 6'3'' is considered as too tall; That's an interestinf sociological fact. Just name ONE current BIG actor, not a famous one but A STAR as John Wayne, Gary Cooper or Charlton Heston were at their time; Big ones are used at the best, as "second" or preferably, third background; Please think it over because behind a simple detail, after all, not important at all (talent is NOT function of height or weight) there is always something deeper, concealing revealing things.
J-Dog said on 8/May/06
John Schneider came back on a recent episode of Smallville once again it's hard to see any difference in the two's height.
AKD said on 6/May/06
Jared was standing on a box in cheaper by the dozen because they wanted jared to look a lot taller than Tom kenshin
harley said on 22/Apr/06
tom is acually 6-3 because in Cheaper by the dozen he is atleast one inch shorter then Jared Padalecki who is 6-4, Kristen is 5-4, exactly a foot shorter then tom, but i think ur right patrick, i think they do make him taller for the show, because he looks to much taller then he really is to kristen.
patrick said on 20/Apr/06
OK, (to Anonymous)sorry but my computer is very strange and taping proves to be difficult but i'll try to be more careful and accurate from now on; besides, i think i definitly don't have the same eyes than many of you! i always found obvious Tom Welling was a bit taller than "his father" (J. Schneider) and much taller than Eric Johnson.
As regards "aquaman episode", the scene i am talking about takes place in apool, not on a beach. I am a very good technical artist and i am used to drawing men as things without needing any measuring of them.
now, i speak about what i can in SV and he is possibly made taller for the part thanks to shooting angles or others tricks BUT, considering what is on the screen, Mr Welling is undoubtedly more than 6'3'' whatever he can be in the real life.
is that clear this time ?
J-Dog said on 19/Apr/06
Tom is probably a shade under 6'3". Anyone see Brandon Routh stand by Tom Welling, we have seen him by Hugh Jackman.
Anonymous said on 19/Apr/06
Just look at S1 with Eric Johnson and Welling. Welling is only marginally taller, and Eric Johnson has said he's 'about 6'2"', which in all likeliehood means less than that.
6'5"? LOL.
Link said on 18/Apr/06
Believe it or not ive seen an interview of the smallville cast where john schneider said "im nearly 6'4" and tom here stand a taller than me so he's around 6'5""
haha, obvious fake heights, aquaman episode where they properly stand with no shoes is on a beach, last i checked beaches arent exactly 100% level ground, meaning 6 inches or more can be taken from someone, some beaces can be very steep.
Id say tom is a good 6'2 if you look at doorframes and take into account theyre 6'6 (possibly 6'8 in some parts of america)
Anonymous said on 18/Apr/06
patrick, can you please proof-read and spellcheck your comments from now on. That was very hard to puzzle out what you meant to say.
Tom Welling is 6'2". The modelling agency stats are proof of this. Even if he is a bit more, he already stated he's under 6'3" publicly.
End of story.
patrick said on 11/Apr/06
Mr."CD": looking eye to eye with anybody is NEVER a proof of anything; how many times i felt being the same height someone else just because i looked him in the eyes and...checking it after on a phot i happened to be an inch shorter than him!
it's a very known phenomenon.
BESIDES, the 6'2'' actor who plays aquaman seems an inch shorter than Tom Welling; ok, but look at the photo showing them face to face, carefully: the shot is visibly crooked; look at the pillar behind them and all of the décor; everything is leaned! straitghten it and you will see the difference is at least 2 inches!
about Brandon the problem doesn't come from he is or not taller than Tom; the point lies in his absence of charisma; he's nice but comparing him to Cris Reeve or Tom Welling or even to Dean Cain shows how people now, are not able to recognize real stars anymore!
Anonymous said on 10/Apr/06
Who is taller, Tom Welling or Brandon Routh? Superboy or Superman? Look at these pictures with Brandon and Hugh Jackman and tell me...
Click Here
Viper652 said on 9/Apr/06
Lets be real here, Tom doesnt even look 6-2 or 6-3 on his own show. He looks 6-1 1/2 maximum next to other actors, probably just a flat 6-1 in real life since it is television after all. Hes kinda like Ashton Kutcher, a tall 6-1 lanky guy who can look 6-2 or 6-3 to some folks.
patrick said on 7/Apr/06
OK "BIKAGYURA" i don't want you to be rude with me!! (joke) Tom was so upon a box. Indeed, but the question is: WHY on earth ? I think that "big" people are not accepted as they used to being 50 years ago; if i refer to "editor Rob note about anonymous remark, so is it with modeling agencies; actually, it's more profound that it can first appear; Our modern society seems to prefer "average" people, at least as regards "appearance"; that really began with great actors like Dustin Hoffmann, Al Pacino and "average" Robert de Niro who appears smaller than Marlon Brando while he's taller; question of "charism" and stature; oF course, we had a lot of actors who proved to be 5'6 to 8 in the "good old days" but they could star because of their huge personality which imposed itself as trademark. James Cagney, E G Robinson, H. Bogart ( A Ladd was not supposed to short and they di a very good job in the excellent G Stevens western "Shane" where he never look small next to 6'2 or 3'' Ben Johnson.) I don't evoke M. Rooney either ! All what i notice from the 70ties sums up in the impossibility for a "big" actor to star whatever height he is;
Vince Vaughn, John Corbett, Craig T Nelson, Jeff Goldblum, the GREAT David Morse and so many others !
You will retort they do not deserve to be stars but just what they are. Not sure for Nelson, Vaughn and mainly, Morse;
very talented and gifted 5'5 Jason Alexander (seinfeld's Constanza) is much more successful than the GREAT 6'3'' M Richards and so forth.
Remember Cris Reeve who NEVER could find the place he really deserved after Superman not only because he was "marked" by the part !
Compare him to
Ben Affleck for instance... Not nice for Ben...
And what to say about Clint Walker who definitly was too tall and big to pretend other roles than those needing that idiosyncrasy; fortunately, Frank Sinatra gave him the leading part, before himself, in his own war movie: none but the brave in 65;
think it over fellows...
CD said on 3/Apr/06
I'm a shade under 6'3" and I look eye to eye with the guy. He is not short and he is not a giant, well above average though.
Anonymous said on 31/Mar/06
But his modelling agency put him at 6'2".
Explain that.

Editor Rob
some modelling agencies have upper limits...some use 6ft 2. Anybody over that just gets listed 6ft 2...
case in point. FordModels list Marcus Schenkenberg and Boris Kodjoe as 6ft 2...and a few other 6ft 3 guys get listed at the cut-off point.
bikagyura said on 29/Mar/06
but for the love of god patrick... As mentioned fifty-eleven times before, Padalecki stood on a box in that sequence... I don't mean to be rude by the way...
patrick said on 29/Mar/06
all that stuff about actor's height is subjective: Tom like J WAYNE, Liam Neeson, and many other tall men (Heston, Morse etc.) are ALWAYS changing height depending on the angle, how they are showed and, i think, the current social taste;
Tal people are "out of fashion" now; 6'5 Vince Vaugn has to bend over to be at the 5'11'' O Wilson's.
take Lee Marvin in Liberty Valence (a great movie!)and you'll see he is not dwarfed by Stewart not Wayne...supposedly MUCH taller and lokk at him in "paint your wagon": Clint towers him yet Clint was at the time Wayne and Stewart range!
Photos are the worst: click on image (Google) for Tom: you'll find several photos he is towering over J. Schneider notably one with AO'Toole; a famous one;
to finish, i am a fan of SV: DVD allow to stop easily and i found a thousand of shots Tom is clearly taller than J Schneider; sometimes he's towering over M Rosenbaum and others less; in a 3rd s episode, Lana is hospitalized andLionel Luthor is seen from about 12 feet next to Clark: John glover seems straight "small" in comparison! (easy to check it out)
a last thing: it's valid for everybody in films or real life; the real difference between people is visible from either closely or EVEN BETTER, from quite far, at at least 15 feet; i can assure you thatmost of these background shots reveal Tom as a very very tall guy always towering anybody else;
He is at least 6'3'' and maybe more. The Padalecki case is, i confess, a puzzle for me! I calculated the height Tom would have in "that" shot, considering P is 6'4'': just 6'1'' !! actually, the same difference as between J Glover and TOM; so, would you assume J Glover is also smaller than he's supposed to be?
Anonymous said on 28/Mar/06
JS is supposed to look taller bacause he is the father figure so they make him seem taller through various camera angles etc... I don't think the difference is that big... Welling is 6' 2½ M-I-N-I-mum!
anyon said on 20/Mar/06
They definitely don't look to be the same height on Smallville ... seen every episode ... got the first four seasons on DVD ... never seen Tom look the same height as JS
supes78 said on 20/Mar/06
Welling and John Schneider look exactly the same height on "Smallville" and in photos;
Click HereClick HereClick HereSo, I find it very hard to believe that Welling could be anything under 6'2" unless we downgrade Scneider with him.

Editor Rob
unfortunately you can't directly link to images on kryptonsite...
I think Welling looks near enough close to what he proclaims
J-Dog. said on 16/Mar/06
Schneider could be and probably is marginally taller, but the difference doesn't look quite like an inch, 6'2.5" seems spot on. I am not sure why that is "unbelievable" to many.
vermiform said on 16/Mar/06
The man has claimed in at least one interview, done before Smallville took off, that he is "almost 6 foot 3." That probably means 6'2 and a half or thereabouts. That should be the top limit of this speculation, since we can safely assume that he would not claim he is shorter than he is. On the show, he always looks to be about the same height as John Schneider, but Schneider often has a loose posture while Welling is always straight as a board, so JS could be marginally taller.
Now, if it's true that Padalecki was standing on something in the scene from Cheaper By The Dozen, then we have a problem here. There is a photo out there of John Schneider standing next to Padalecki at a WB party that shows Padalecki at least 2 solid inches taller than JS, which would make him a strong 6'4 at the very least. If he was on a box in Cheaper, that box would have had to be as thin as toilet paper, since the difference between Welling and Padalecki was no more than 2 or 3 inches. So, basically, there is a disturbance in the force. Either someone was smoking a rotten doobie when they made the standing on the box claim in the Cheaper DVD, or Padalecki was wearing lifts at the WB party. A man that tall who feels the need to wear lifts would be in dire need of psychotherapy, in my view, so I smell bad weed or some other hallucinogen.
anyon said on 15/Mar/06
SV directors have said 6'2 ... The Fog director said 6'4 ... DeRay has said 6'4 ... Selma Blair has said 6'3 ... these are people who have worked in close prox. with the guy and they can't seem to get it right. The only camera effects that play tricks on SV are those with shots of Kristin Kreuk - to make her look taller. Tom Welling is very much clearly an inch shorter that JS - straight ahead shots of them standing beside each other are pretty clear to that affect.
Ben said on 14/Mar/06
Tom Welling is at the least 6 1.5 and probably 6 2.5 in the mourning. He stands to far out of the crowd height wise to be just over 6". Try to find out just how serious modeling agencies are about the heights they list.
Steve said on 13/Mar/06
Plain and simple, Tom Welling is 6 3' I'm a tall person at 6 4' and I can tell a person's height from a mile me, and whoever says he's 5 10' or 5 11', thats just a joke.
Vicky said on 13/Mar/06
On the commentary for Cheaper By The Dozen, the director says that they deliberately shot the scene with Padalecki to make Welling look shorter, and on the kids commentary, they say that Padalecki stood on a box to get the right effect. The movie's director also says he's 6'3". Don't be fooled by SV shots where camera effects play tricks. Candid real life shots are the best indicator.
Gotxo said on 13/Mar/06
Lol you always in your line, but i agree. This guy is tall, to me easilly 6'2" or maybe a little more, but no over 6'3"
Viper652 said on 12/Mar/06
Adia, Tom would have to be in 3-4 inch lifts to look 6-4. Hes really 6-1, nothing more.
anyon said on 11/Mar/06
Adia, did you confuse Tom's height with John? I think it's more the other way around. John Schnieder is clearly at least an inch taller than Tom. I've seen every single episode of Smallville and Tom has never appeared to be taller than John ... standing side by side, with the same shoes on ... John has always had about an inch on him.
ADIA said on 8/Mar/06

Editor Rob
does Welling do some scenes without shoes, or at least closeups I wonder?
bikagyura said on 19/Feb/06
Kenshin: "These screenshots r from the eps exposed he looks more thgan an inch shorter than john any comments on these pix?"
Yeah, Kenshin, some good angles you've got there on your pictures... take a look at the perspectives... More like they show that they are equally tall if you try to visualize a more proper angle
CelebHeights Editor said on 17/Feb/06
Found it: In E!Online he stated:
"I'm almost six-foot-three"
Anonymous said on 10/Feb/06
All heights are inflated! Most likely Tom is 6'1 and 6'2 in shoes!!....actors/models usually give their height in shoes! technically, he is 6'2 , like the modelling agency have listed him at!
Everyone on the screen looks taller,also having a slim build, broad shoulders,etc makes you look taller!
Anonymous said on 7/Feb/06
'jordan duhon says on 4/Feb/06
Tom welling is 6'3'
More 6'2".
jordan duhon said on 4/Feb/06
Tom welling is 6'3
dan said on 30/Jan/06
tom really looks in the 189-90cm range,don't see him under that.
Kenshin said on 25/Jan/06 tom next to jared in cheaper by the dozen....
Anonymous said on 22/Jan/06
Michael Rosembaum is not 6', and Tom isn't 6'3". BTW, if you actually read this page, we've found plenty of people who dwarf Tom in height. Also remember they make him look big for the 'superman' effect.
mouldy said on 21/Jan/06
I think Tom IS 6'2" or 6'3" because in Smallville he stands out in all of the scenes, being clearly taller than everybody else. He must be absolutely HUGE!The only people that come near his height are John Schneider and Michael Rosenbaum, who's 6' but still shorter than Tom!
bleh said on 20/Jan/06
When Schneider was younger he was 6'2", I think he shrunk a bit, so Tom is about 6'2"
Kenshin said on 17/Jan/06
i also got a pic of wat kind of footwear were both of em wearing.
Kenshin said on 16/Jan/06
These screenshots r from the eps exposed he looks more thgan an inch shorter than john any comments on these pix?
Jerk said on 13/Jan/06
I am going to go out on a limb here and agree with Viper's 6-1 analysis. Why? Because if you ever watch the horrible movie Cheaper By the Dozen, there is a scene with the 5'11"ish Steve Martin and Tom has 2 inches on Steve - no more, no less. This would make him a MAX of 6' 1.5" and more likely 6' 1. Besides he doesn't tower over anyone other than Duff... and shorter than too many other males to be 6' 2 or more... Maybe take an inch or at least a half off this guy Rob?
Kenshin said on 11/Jan/06
he proably is cuz in front of Erica Durance he didn't look 7" taller than her it was about 6" when they were both standing barefoot after he saved her.
Anonymous said on 11/Jan/06
"6'2" Alan Ritchson (Aquaman)"
What makes you so sure this guy isn't adding an inch to his height also? Remember Tom's agency only gave him 6'2".
Kenshin said on 8/Jan/06
These are pix with him standing right next to him
Kenshin said on 8/Jan/06
the links not working and also keep in mind that Alan was wearing filpflops in that eps cuz i remember seeing him in flip flops standing next to Tom looking 1/2inch shorter than him.
MD said on 8/Jan/06
Actually, 6'2" Alan Ritchson (Aquaman) actually always looked .5-1" SHORTER than Tom. 6'2.5" really seems about right if you give Tom the height listed here. Regardless Alan is not taller than Tom. The only time he is is with tricky camera angles, and they really didn't try to make him look taller than Tom because there was no need. Here is a photo showing both on level ground with Tom clearning being the taller of the two:
Kenshin said on 7/Jan/06
more pix
Kenshin said on 7/Jan/06
look he looks shorter than Aquaman
kenshin said on 6/Jan/06
after seeing the aquaman episode it had me convinced tthat he's not taller than 6'2, maybe shorter but not taller.
Anonymous said on 4/Jan/06
Eric Johnson isn't quite 6'2", he most likely rounds up.
175cm16andgrowing said on 4/Jan/06
Yes, 220 and Schneider isn't that weight I guess. Mark Dacascos (someone you can trust for his height and weight) is 5'9'' and 155lbs (7-10lbs more or less for some movie roles), and Edge (wrestler) said himself he's 250lbs now and he's listed at 6'4'' which looks about right. Christian Cage (TNA) really is 6'1'' and weighs between 220 and 235lbs, so 220 seem to be the least for Tom. Remember him in SV Season 2? And now? In Season 3 he was very thin at the beginning but now he'S way heavier again and not that muscle anymore. Ah yes, Jean-Claude Van Damme says he's 185lbs and we know he's around 5'8'' or so.
And well, Tom's agency said he's 6'2'', now he's 6'3''. Paul Walker is 6'3'' he says, in 2F2F O'Connor was listed as 6'1'' on the computer screen. Tom looks at least 220lbs and I guess Tom is somewhere in between 6'2'' and 6'4''... 6'3'' should be right.
Gotxo said on 4/Jan/06
Well anonymous i agree that always Eric Johnson looks slightly smaller than Tom is it due to the filmic storytelling (the bad one can't look better than the hero).
The problem is that this guy is also listed at 6'2"...
Viper652 said on 3/Jan/06
And hes a lot shorter then 6-3 Jared Paladelki in cheaper by the dozen. This dude is no taller then 6-1.
Anonymous said on 3/Jan/06
220lbs? in one episode where schneider is arrested or whatever in season 2 the police describe schneider as 185 lbs. Tom looks pretty small compared to him.
he's not 6'4". remember eric johnson (whitney) from S1? he was 6'1" and nearly welling's height in every scene.
175cm16andgrowing said on 2/Jan/06
Does anyone know what he weighs? I guess 220lbs. He's 6'2'' (agency) and 6'3'' and 6'4'' at the same time... he's a lot taller than James Marsters.
Marc said on 1/Jan/06
I actually think he is around the 6'4" range. My friend who is the same height as me met him and came up right under his nose, making him at least 6 inches taller than my friend. (I am 5'10" and so is she.)
RobertJ said on 31/Dec/05
Sam Jones is taller than 5'7''.

Editor Rob
which is why he's joked about having to wear large shoes in a few scenes at conventions ;)
Sandy said on 28/Dec/05
I don't think anybody can really know. Its safe to say he's somewhere between 6'1"-6'3" since you don't really know for sure the others people's height next to him. Now, how did anybody find out about his girlfriend's or wife's height to be 5'7"?
Josh said on 18/Dec/05
He´s a solid 6'2 , 6'2.5 seems about right.
dd said on 1/Dec/05
this is one of those guys who really seems to be the height they claim.the guy really looks tall and yeah,he' not under 6'2.
Charles said on 29/Nov/05
wow man, I'm 6'2.5 and wear us size 14 shoes and people comment on them being to big for my height. You're only 5'11 and have the same size?
J2 said on 28/Nov/05
That shoe size to height thing is crazy i wear a size 14 U.S. and have a 9 inch hand span and im only 5'11" but im only 18 yrs old so maybe that'll change.
New_gal said on 28/Nov/05
i'm a huge fan of tom n have probably read every single website's info on him... his former modelling comp( Wilhemina ) has given him the 6'2" height. Kirsten admitted that she has to walk on ramps to look atleast as high as his chin. For a person who's 5'3" i guess that the ramps are pretty high. He is definately 6'2" at barefoot.
gotxo said on 23/Nov/05
Of course! Now i understand, the journalist remarked the smimilarities between welling and his role of young superman. If he worked as building worker he must be strong, if he has a 13/14 size shoe he's huge (as a superman should be). To be sincere he also seems to have thick bones and large frame, maybe is me who has been framed ! LOL. But nevertheles 6'2" doesn't sound absurd to me, unless a
good pic/sightment proves otherwise
Viper652 said on 23/Nov/05
Honestly, Tom only looks 6-0 next to his 5-7 wife in heels.
Mr. R said on 22/Nov/05
Actually, Welling's shoe size is mentioned all over the place, and he has given interviews talking about it, and growing up with big feet. Yet, hemay have exaggerated this like his height!
Kenshin said on 22/Nov/05 in this pic hilary duff is wearing sandles with no heals and tom is bare foot they don't have more than a foot diff probably like 6 to 7 in...
Jason said on 22/Nov/05
I dunno. I moved into size 15 shoes when I was 185cm ... he might just have proportionately big feet. My Dad wears size 13 shoes and he's only 178cm.
Gotxo said on 22/Nov/05
It was me who pointed the shoe size, it appeared on spanish media that it was 14 in US measures. If his agency has him at 13, that's we should belive. Always exist a light disagreance between sources, but he has been publicized 188cm-189cm-190cm it looks consistant variation too (i don't buy the 6'4"). Having not seem him directly in the street i mentioned that to show that he has chances to be a tall guy as he seems on the screen. Bigger shoe sizes are more frecuent on taller persons, yet it proves nothing. Who knows?
The End said on 21/Nov/05
""Some one hear pointed out that he wore a size 14 (assuming US sizes). Well He's 6'2" so that seems fine.""
Interestingly enough, his modelling information had his shoe size at 13 and height as 6'2".
Viper652 said on 15/Nov/05
Honestly, Tom looks no more then 6-1 tops next to his 5-7 girlfriend.
Gotxo said on 15/Nov/05
Yeah Xavier, there is no fixed relation between height and feet, hands, legs & arms. I'm 5'11" & have an arm span of 6'2", my best friend is 6'1" and has an exact 6'7" it doesn't match the height/arm relation. Also we have the same shoe size & the same hand length.
However this guy posseses huge feet, and thought it exist not direct relation in
the height/shoe duo, it is true that normally bigger shoe sizes are asociated to bigger heigts. You all can check a model agency web and see the sizes for their models, some of them post height,waist,inseam(:P) & shoe sizes. I've seen a pair of those tables, and normaly a 14 size does not go for anyone under 6'1" thought it indeed occurs (as also some tall guys with tiny shoe size).
I was stating this: We ignore his height, they use odd camera angles but his shoe size gives him more chances to be over 6'1" (at least statistically).
He could be smaller anyway (i've proved nothing), but he has nice chances point out in the other direction.
Xhavier said on 14/Nov/05
Just a comment about height & feet and hand size. There is supposed to be some form of correlation between these items, however it seems that it is not often the case.
Some one hear pointed out that he wore a size 14 (assuming US sizes). Well He's 6'2" so that seems fine.
Just to compare, when I was 5'4" I wore a 12. at 5'7" I wore a 13. At a little over 6'3" (191.5 cm) I wear a 15 and would be a 16 if they straightened my second toe. I also have the legs of someone 7ft and my hands are almost as long as Shaquille O'Neils (based on that basketball from a long time ago). It's just individual characteristics.
So to back up that person's point, it really doesn't match up, even though one would think it would.
Xhavier said on 14/Nov/05
I would think his 6ft 2in statistic from modelling is correct, also when the 6ft 3in John Schneider stands straight beside Welling, he is noticeably an inch taller.
areyouhigh said on 14/Nov/05
hes 6'2" flat ...
mercifullming said on 14/Nov/05
Tony Todd (candyman)appeared on smallville and seemed about 3" taller than Welling and Toddd's 6"5' on this site
kenshin said on 11/Nov/05
how come in front of sam jones he doesn't look 189 cm? he looks about 5.5 to 6inches taller...

Editor Rob
Sam Jones has talked about this in convention appearances - he wears elevator shoes for some scenes...he jokes about it
Viper652 said on 10/Nov/05
I agree Goxto, Its funny how people think we are crazy or have mental problems for downgrading everyone.

Editor Rob
well...I watched a smallville episode (ok, fast forwarded through it) and noted his scenes with erica my opinion the guy looks 189cm...unless the director was making him look taller
Gotxo said on 10/Nov/05
Viper they all are exaggerated, maybe i'm wrong but to me Rosenbaum looks about 5'11 no more. Welling is also trated in some way to look huge (let's not forget that he's superman). But anyway 6'2" is not an ashtounding height, and he looks it.
Viper652 said on 9/Nov/05
Schneider is probably exaggerated as well, as 95 percent of them anyway.
kenshin said on 9/Nov/05
maybe john has shrunk an inch...
J-Dog said on 8/Nov/05
He still remains to look about 1/2 an inch below John Schneider.
Viper652 said on 7/Nov/05
Im close to 6-3 and my shoe size is a 10. Has nothing to do with height. Regardless Tom looks 6-1 tops, could be 6-0 possibly.
kenshin said on 6/Nov/05
in front of Sam Jones he doesn't look really tall the diff between him and sam jones seem to be about 5.5 to 6 in no way he's 8 in taller than him...
Ak.ssf said on 5/Nov/05
There's an article in BRAVO, it says that Tom's more like 192cm, I think it's about 6'4''
The End said on 5/Nov/05
Clark Kent says on 2/Nov/05
Im 6"3 i Met him he the same height
Probably if you did see him you wouldn't be able to tell what height he was, going by your English skills.
I believe Tom Welling is 6'1" firmly. Michael Rosembaum is NOT near 6ft, he looks about 5ft 10. And the new guy who plays Professor Fine maybe 5'7" or 5'8" at most.
Why do people insist he's 6'3"? He isn't. Even his modelling cards had him at 6'2" max. He only looks 6'1" when compared to the people towering over him like richard gant and that doctor guy in thirst. Maybe even less.
Clark Kent said on 2/Nov/05
Im 6"3 i Met him he the same height
Viper652 said on 30/Oct/05
6-2 would be ridiculous for Tom. He's 6-1 MAX
Some Guy said on 30/Oct/05
Yes. In that movie cheaper by the dozen there are many scenes where Tom is standing next to Steve Martin. Steve Martin is like 5'11" and Tom did not look much taller. Only an inch taller I'd say. I honestly believe this guy is slightly under the height posted here. Closer to 6'0-6'1 for me.
Kenshin said on 29/Oct/05
even jared padalecki who is listed as 6'3 here towers over tom in cheaper by the dozen.
J-Dog said on 25/Oct/05
Tom Welling is obviously very close to 6'3", i'm not sure why many people insist on just downgrading all of the males, the more popular the males the more people wish to downgrade them to ridiculous levels.
Kenshin said on 24/Oct/05
in the aquaman eps the guy who plays aquaman is listed as 6'2 and he was wearing flip flops or no shoes at all and he looked about welling's height so he can't be 6'2.5
TheMan said on 23/Oct/05
Ive got to say i think welling is easily 6,2 probably 6,3 at times. In other words a very solid 6,2.