Da Man said on 3/Nov/08
This is something I've been meaning to do for a while now...
Jared, Jensen, and Tom from the CW Premiere video. I see 1.5" between Jared and Tom at the absolute barest minimum, I would argue there's a Solid 2" between:
Click HereClick HereClick HereClick Here
Da Man said on 3/Nov/08
sid says on 3/Nov/08
"Heres Tom welling right next to jared padelaci.. they seem similar in height.. actually no diff.. freeze the frame when you see them. seems like no diff click here Click Here"
You do realize there is an extended video from that same event with the two standing shoulder-to-shoulder, correct? There Jared looked 1.5"-2" taller than Tom.
Just look at the difference between Jensen and Tom there, Jared never looks so close to Jensen!
Yaspaa said on 3/Nov/08
Look at the size of Ed Herrmann here with (listed on this site at 5'6.25) Corey Haim from 'The Lost Boys'. padalecki is around the same height as Herrmann as we have seen.
Click Here
Yaspaa said on 3/Nov/08
Jared is in the background thats why they look the same height,your judgement blows chunks man.
sid said on 3/Nov/08
Heres Tom welling right next to jared padelaci.. they seem similar in height.. actually no diff.. freeze the frame when you see them. seems like no diff click here
Click Here
sid said on 3/Nov/08
Yaspaa thats how similar how micheal looked closer in height to tom... without the box though.. seems like tom was a couple inches taller....6'2 or a shay over that. thats about it.. better put
Yaspaa said on 1/Nov/08
Dude,Michael is obviously standing on something.
Yanke said on 31/Oct/08
Please watch this movie on youtube... In my opinion is clear that Rosenbaum is 2 or 3 (1 inch)centimeter smaller than Welling. And you must consider thar Welling has hair wich makes him taller anyway.
Click Here
Yaspaa said on 31/Oct/08
Kelly in heels remember.
sid said on 31/Oct/08
Patrick Da Man shorter people are gonna think tall people look taller..I'm 5'10 she kelly gonna think im tall. Since I'm kinda closer to tom height im gonna think he's shorter.. i can reckon he's 6'2 to 6'2'5 pics cant prove diddly when, when you see them in person whole new world
Da Man said on 30/Oct/08
Elf says on 29/Oct/08
"English model Kelly Brooke who has met Welling claimed on TV that Tom was one of the tallest people she'd ever seen and said he's like "6'4". I've never thought he looked that tall probably because he is very young looking and it never occurred to me is was particularly tall. On seeing Smallville he is tall but not "very" tall. Height here is what I'd have estimated"
Kelly Brook is listed on this height as 5'6" (hottttt). Just curious where you heard this?
Da Man said on 30/Oct/08
Patrick, all I can say is after you suffer through season 7, prepare to watch probably the best Smallville season in the last 4-5 years with season 8. The show has shown a major quality improvement with the new producers, at least in my opinion.
Patrick said on 30/Oct/08
Ok, Elf. I think you didn
Yaspaa said on 30/Oct/08
ohhhhhh,kelly Brook.
Elf said on 29/Oct/08
English model Kelly Brooke who has met Welling claimed on TV that Tom was one of the tallest people she'd ever seen and said he's like "6'4". I've never thought he looked that tall probably because he is very young looking and it never occurred to me is was particularly tall. On seeing Smallville he is tall but not "very" tall. Height here is what I'd have estimated
sid said on 28/Oct/08
Yaspaa can't you read
Yaspaa said on 26/Oct/08
sid ,who are you talking to? Hi=D ??????
sid said on 25/Oct/08
Hi =D Jensen ackles isnt 6'2 he isn' barely 6ft... whats wrong with u. tom is 6'2
Yaspaa said on 25/Oct/08
I hope not mate Sorbo doesn't look as good too slim.
sid said on 25/Oct/08
Yaspaa you wern't there.?? your just judging on photo.. me in person...so don't assume... it's just guesses for you..Mines is more acurate.. you can't read what I just said not gonna explain about my friend again... you have eyes... read.. I read mines clear as day pal.
Da Man said on 24/Oct/08
Yaspaa says on 23/Oct/08
"Woh 35 lbs does seem a stretch then again he does put on beef off season. We have seen him relatively chunky and with quite a grizzly beard which leads me to believe that he is not the vanity merchant that sid proclaims."
Welling definitely bulks off season and cuts weight for filming. You can see it in some of the premiere photos, Welling's face even looked bloated in some of the red carpet photos taken off season.
It's almost interesting to see what will happen once Smallville is over. I bet he drops 20+ lbs. of muscle like Sorbo did.
Yaspaa said on 24/Oct/08
Dude his boots give him about 1.5" so 6'2.5 plus 1.5" you do the math. why are you talking about your size anyway. Do you mean your friend in reality is 6'1? I can read English fine,it's jibberish that stumps me.
sid said on 24/Oct/08
Yaspaa your make your estimates on pics.. I making my estimates in person to person.. I have a better view then you would... I know what I saw...they seemed shorter then there actual heights as people claim them to be, I seen welling here in B.c many times, couple of times. I saw him with my friend.. they looked the same height... he claims he's 6'2 6'3. in reality he's 6'1 maybe with shoes he looks 6'2, 6'3 is dragging it.. he looks around the same height as my friend Joe, maybe tom edged him by alittle... I'm still sticking with tom 6'2 6'2'7'5 6'2'7'5 does sound corny.. maybe 6'2'5 sounds better around that region. And no 6'4 in shoes you can throw that out the window...
sid said on 24/Oct/08
Yaspaa Tom didn't even look 6'4 in his boots.. Like I said I was suprise how short he looked. yes if you can't read english.. then hit the bricks... I really don't care for grammer nor to type.. my friend can understand.. and you can't... means your a dullard not to...I speak to people on msn here and there..I write the same way. they understand.. if you can't that means your dullard... so what if I miss a few words.. you can read think of the missing word...you people claim to be smart... with your high vocabs.. then fill in the blanks not that hard.. AAAA he isn't that big... I'm bigger then he is... he's more toned that big...there differnt kind of muscles out there...
Yaspaa said on 23/Oct/08
Woh 35 lbs does seem a stretch then again he does put on beef off season. We have seen him relatively chunky and with quite a grizzly beard which leads me to believe that he is not the vanity merchant that sid proclaims.
AAAA said on 23/Oct/08
Welling looked taller and thicker to me than ritchson and Hartley, who both look pretty huge near Rob. If Tom is really 35 lbs heavier than Hartley, as hartley stated in that interview, than he must be a bear in person
Yaspaa said on 23/Oct/08
It's just as hard for us natives Hugh.
Hugh said on 23/Oct/08
Sid, can you write correctly just for us non natives, please? You know,it's hard to understand you ... For me it's sure.. Thanks :)
Yaspaa said on 23/Oct/08
6'2.5 - 6'2.75 is the range I'm going for. sid ,you said that you were surprised at how short they were but Tom will have been 6'4 in his boots and 6'2.5 ain't short. (don't say diddly that you don't know..there guesses??,hilarious)
sid said on 22/Oct/08
Yaspaa Again your assumming.. I never shows from this era...don't say diddly that you dont know.. there guesses. there not even true....Only show i watch from the era is smallville.. rest is from the past..so stop counterdicting.. besides you think you know everything.. nope you don't.. look in the real world pal no ones perfect.. I seen Tom welling and Micheal R to judge.. your just judging on some unsung picture.. which most aren't accurate. Tom to me looked 6'2 maybe 6'2'5 no more then that... I said 6'2'5 and 6'2'2'5 before. of u resd my earlier post from before like last year. When I saw Tom and micheal I was suprise how short they really where...
Yaspaa said on 22/Oct/08
As usual sid I have have little idea of what you are talking about. You have seen all the Superman shows....so what! Smallville is a great show and calling it crap is lame at best....Flash Gordon,One Tree Hill now those are crappy shows,probably your faves.
sid said on 21/Oct/08
Yaspaa I said on ocasional times. he is 6'2 to 6'2'5 maybe. I HATE THE SHOW CAUSE I HATE IT. just cause i hate the show doesnt mean i will put the actors height down. I seen these actors here and they didnt look tall as I thought they would have... you stop assuming things. thats what u do assume. smallville didnt have much choice to at 18.. he keeps deyning it.. dont say anything that u dont know man. i seen superman in 78 along with george reeves... and kirk alyan. and the 1938 cartoon... dont assume man ok
Yaspaa said on 21/Oct/08
Again sid,I didn't say Jared was 6'4 I said he wasn't under 6'4.
If you have trouble even stringing a sentence together how are we supposed to trust your opinions. You once said 6'2 max for Tom and now it's 6'2.25 or maybe 6'2.5. Everyone knows the Superman story so they have done something a little different and for the most part it has worked and with the current season so far being very good it seems there is life in the old dog yet.
You dont like the show or the stars which is why you want to make them as small as possible,now I understand.
As for Reeve accepting his destiny at 18.....he didn't have much choice considering he only had the time frame of one movie compared with the equivalent of 70 movies or so for Smallville. P.S Grammar,accept,press,government. I loke forard to yur opinon,he he.
sid said on 21/Oct/08
Yaspaa I'm just canadian... I don't really care for grammer.. why should I have good grammer for low lives like you.. I'm not writing a letter to the pres.. nor primeminster or the goverment....I get my info from my view what I saw yaspaa... I'm in vancity your not.. so in reality you can't judge by pics. when I can judge by seeing them in person.. yes I'm not a fan of smallville. I'm a fan of superman.. smallville is a horrible incarnation of the superman myth... Tom welling can't act... the shows been dragged on too long.. how long can he not accpect his destiny.. and whine like a kid... for pete sakes he can't fly.. chris reeves superman accpect his destiny at 18.. others at 21.. the time is now to accpect it... become superman.. not super wimp who is too scared of what he is to become..
sid said on 21/Oct/08
Yaspaa I got the movie.. tom was on the ground.. and jared was on the very edge of the curb...If your saying jared is 6'4. he looked 2 inches taller then welling, that makes welling 6'2. 6'4 to 6'2 is 2inches.. tom said himself he's around 6'2 6'3. tom maybe 6'2'5 or 6'2'2'5
Yaspaa said on 21/Oct/08
Justin Hartley's pic has just been put up looking 6'2 and Tom's a bit taller so 6'2 max for Tom is bogus.
Patrick said on 20/Oct/08
Ed Rob: what's happening with this page? No comments any more? Including mine.
Yaspaa said on 20/Oct/08
Click Here I never said anything about 3" more like 2 and Jared is not under 6'4 no way,far too much evidence to soggest otherwise.
sid said on 19/Oct/08
Yaspaa no that would mean jated has 3 inches.. in realily there only 1'5 inches apart.. I have the movie... jared was on the curb. tom was on the ground.. I seen tom and jared.. jared didn look much taller then tom.. 6'2 to 6'2'5 for tom jared 6'3'5 jared doesnt have 3 inches on tom that i can tell u
Yaspaa said on 18/Oct/08
Another absolute winner of an episode!
Hugh said on 17/Oct/08
Where did you watch it, sid? Can you post a link, please?
Yaspaa said on 17/Oct/08
Totally wrong sid,you can see Tom get on the curb when he postures up to Jared.
Patrick said on 17/Oct/08
I wish I could have a "comment return" since by the time I write this, I still am reading the Yaspaa's one dated from october tenth (and it's now 17th!)
Thanks Rob!
sid said on 17/Oct/08
Ian L Do you have any spoilers. for season 8.??? is Clark gonna fly.?? season 8 looks ok.. still ps3 said which is the producers new producers said he would do his super hero role.. saving people rather then just his friends.. so far i havn't seen anything... all producers tease us don't give it.. why say something and lie about it.. they said that. a series rule would be broken. they said no tights. they said flight maybe.. its about time he flies man. can ya tell me anything.???
sid said on 17/Oct/08
MMM I watched this movie.. Jared was standing on the curb.. and tom was on the on flat ground.. thats why jared looked taller. in reaility jared would have 1 to 1.5 inches.. in that pic.. jared looked 3 inches.. cause he was on the curb. and wasnt
sid said on 17/Oct/08
Ian L Ya right bull you worked for smallville..?? You also live here in B.c..?? You said Tom is 6'3 thats funny he didnt even look 6'3 he looked 6'2. micheal rousenbuam looked 5'10 my height.?? tell me more about u working on smallille. was Tom welling a snob to work with.. I heard from a PA who know works at the comic store in north burnaby.. said Tom welling was a snob to work it.. when he doesn't like the scene he would use his fake english accent to acknowdge the director he doesnt like it.. I heard that Tom welling is conceit about his hair saying it's a 10 out 10 keeps looking in the mirror cause he's so full of himself.. and I heard he said if it wernt for him the show would be no where where it is today..?? answer me these Q please.. i wanna know your job on smallville and i wanna hear all your experience you had and the actors.
John said on 16/Oct/08
Welling is taller than Justin Hartley as Hartley has admitted this in 2 interviews. Justin is no shorter than 6'2.
Ian L said on 14/Oct/08
Well I did'nt just meet them randomly I used to work on the smallville set and was part of the production crew last year and I've gotta say it was great work experience too. By the way i also got to meet some of the other stars aswell!
I think micheal rosenbaum was around 5'10ish and I gotta tell you hes a really funny guy and always pranking on set too. Mike should be in a comedy film he'd be hilarious.
sid said on 14/Oct/08
Ian L Where did you meet Tom and justin.???? cause there heavily security there at the studio. I saw Tom and micheal at a church here in burrard at the side of a alley... Tom was talking on the phone.. micheal was just cracking jokes... they where just in the open..... there where lots of movie trucks and all. Tom didnt look that tall. I thought I would expect him being taller.. i would figure micheal around my height....
Patrick said on 13/Oct/08
DaMan, Yaspaa : thanks a lot for replying !
I appreciate all the more since my surgery is approaching! (4 weeks left).
So, what you say DaMan is well what I figured out and I
Ian L said on 13/Oct/08
Well I've met Tom Welling and he's 6'3 on the dot as he was definitly 3 inches taller then me and I'm 6 foot (183 cm). Also Justin Hartley was 6'2 max but he does look taller on screen as he's slimmer then welling. Both nice lads and I've gotta say this season of smallville is awesome so far!
Yaspaa said on 10/Oct/08
Patrick,that wasn't a fight,just a rambunctious debate which I hope we will have many more of (loved the "You have got to be s***ing me!" comment).
As for Erica,I didn't care for her when she first started on the show because I didn't want her interfering with Clark and Lana's on off relationship however she has gotten under my skin and now I think she's wonderful.
Regarding Tom's height in relation to Erica's,we are splitting hairs now all I know is he certainly ain't 6'1.
Da Man said on 9/Oct/08
Patrick says on 9/Oct/08
Da Man said on 9/Oct/08
Patrick says on 9/Oct/08
"As for tom
Patrick said on 9/Oct/08
Hey guys, you forget me?
Please, I
Yaspaa said on 2/Oct/08
By the way Dm I was stirring.
Hugh said on 2/Oct/08
oh sorry, I've read Da Man telling "is just about exactly at Tom's eyeline (maybe an 1/8" below?)" without the former "Erica in 3" heels"
Yaspaa said on 2/Oct/08
7" heels Hugh?
Hugh said on 2/Oct/08
Where do you find 7 inches heels, Da Man? Or maybe more, if you take count of tom shoes... If they really where almost eye to eye the difference could not be more than 4" or 5"...
Da Man said on 1/Oct/08
Erica in 3" heels (1"-1.3" footwear advantage in her favor vs. Tom depending on his wearing Redbacks or dress shoes) is just about exactly at Tom's eyeline (maybe an 1/8" below?), as seen in Ep. 2. No tricks either as we can see their feet and ground in the shots and Tom is standing normally (not feet wide apart). Best height comparison episode ever, IMO. They are somewhat moving away from those angled upward shots they always used in the past that made height comparisons next to impossible. I guess we are seeing things more from Lois'perspective instead of the much shorter Kristen's.
I agree that episode 2 was excellent. It was probably my favorite episode from the last 2 years. I think there was more positive character development in one episode than from the last two seasons.
I can see this Clark becoming Superman. Lois has been really good too, her comment to Clark about "Jimmy Olsen" cracked me up. I don't care what anyone says, Erica Durance is probably my favorite Lois yet. She's got that sharp sarcasm that makes her ability to bust Superman's balls believable. Not to mention I find her incredibly attractive.
I hear Kara is coming back for one episode. Hopefully they have enough money to bring Martha back for at least the same amount.
Yaspaa said on 30/Sep/08
Another corridor scene with Erica(about 26 mins) in heels this time and she still barely scrapes his eyeline .
Yaspaa said on 30/Sep/08
Episode 2 is great,it feels fresher and there is no reason barring **** episodes that this shouldn't get at least another season,I love Itttttt!
Da Man said on 30/Sep/08
Yaspaa, I pulled out the yard stick and put it on the TV screen to make sure I wasn't losing my mind.
Is there any place you can download these episodes. Already tried Youtube, no luck there.
Patrick said on 30/Sep/08
Guys! How I wish I could be able to comment about that scene with you ! Will you be there in about a year? Feel sorry for poor Frenchies who have to wait for so long to be entitled to watch Smallville (and so many others!) in time!
Yaspaa said on 29/Sep/08
D.M I've watched it numerous times (at 27 mins) She looks tiny and nowhere fxxxxxx near his eyeline,WTF. regards lol
Da Man said on 29/Sep/08
No, it's stone cold fact!
There is a MINIMUM of 10 frames in that sequence where Erica looks 5" shorter than Tom. There is no debating it, I have the episode right here on TiVo/DVR and can watch it in slow-mo and view it frame-by-frame to my heart's content on a 55" HD TV.
When Tom is at the lowest point in is stride and Erica is at her highest there is right at 5" between just as I originally said. The total height difference is closer to 7", but you're dead wrong when you said, "Here is the shot with the stride in Erica's favour,she's still under his nose."
Because that shot isn't even close to being the most extreme of example of Tom at his lowest and Erica at her highest. Somehow you're missing at least 10 examples that prove what I originally said on Sept. 25.
AS said on 26/Sep/08
Tom reminds me a little bit of the #1 ranked arm wrestler in the world, Devon Larratt. They seem to have a similar face and frame. Devon is just a bit taller and more muscular:
Click HereClick HereClick Here
Da Man said on 25/Sep/08
Tonight's episode was good, definitely a big departure from the old Smallville formula. Finally some character development!
And another bonus, tons of good full length shots to compare height.
Yaspaa said on 25/Sep/08
Instead of counting pay attention because at no point during that scene was there any less than 7". 5" and under is your own mild insecurity over Tom's real height showing through.
Sid. What are you talking about? I think Tom is 6'2.5. Is English your first language?
Da Man said on 25/Sep/08
Yaspaa, I just counted 10 times in that sequence where Erica is at or marginally under Tom's eye-line. And that's not including the ending or beginning of that sequence where they are not directly side-by-side, where Erica is closer to the camera.
Yaspaa said on 25/Sep/08
Here is the shot with the stride in Erica's favour,she's still under his nose.
Click Here
sid said on 25/Sep/08
yaspaa it's a cam angle, tom isn barely 6'3.. tom is shorter then jared padalacki, who is 6'4, he had maybe 2 inches to 1'5 on tom
Yaspaa said on 25/Sep/08
There is no point where the top of her head is above the bottom of Tom's nose.
Da Man said on 25/Sep/08
I have the episode recorded on DVR. In that particular sequence they are walking down the hallway with exactly opposite timing on their strides (Tom is mid-stride while Erica is at full height and vice versa). At some points Tom looks much taller than others and vice versa, that picture looks like the most extreme point where Tom looks his absolute tallest. Other points Tom looks barely 5" taller, but that's because he is mid-stride while Erica is at her peak height.
sid said on 24/Sep/08
Yaspaa Tom welling looks no more then 6'2, no way he looked 6'5 with lois
Da Man said on 23/Sep/08
Yaspaa, in the corridor I thought Tom looked about 7" taller than Erica. But yea, no way was she in heels there. I'm assuming she was probably in some type of combat boot considering she was dressed as military.
Patrick said on 22/Sep/08
Yaspaa, as usual you made my day! I love your common sense told with such a sense of humour! It's so funny! Besides, what you tell about the new season is for me, very important. I'l just have to wait for about a year to give my own point of view!
Yaspaa said on 21/Sep/08
Did you notice when Tom was walking down a corridor with Lois,he was huge next to her. She must have been in flats because he looked 6'5 next to her.
Da Man said on 20/Sep/08
Tom was still taller than most of the people around him at the beginning of the episode, he just didn't "tower" the extras like he normally does. At least not in my opinion. The "Russians" were probably a bunch of 5'11" - 6'2" guys.
Yaspaa said on 20/Sep/08
Since when is 6'2.5 not tall. Kane and Khali are both way shorter than Richard Wadlow so I suppose that makes them short aswell.
In the new Hulk movie Abomination is supposed to be eleven feet tall,now thats tall,shall I start on King Kong or do you get my point.
sid said on 19/Sep/08
Da Man When I saw Tom in person he didn't strike me as a tall guy, he looked 6'2'5 I was like not even 2 feet away, micheal rousenbuam is my height 5'10, so i agree with u, trust me he ain't that tall tom short, you wanna see tall, Kane is tall. big show is tall, khali is tall, i don' know why people say tom is tall when he isn't compare to guys like kane etc. kane is 6'8 thats a giant
Yaspaa said on 19/Sep/08
My doubt's have been put to rest ,I loved the new episode,it has a new freshness to it and like Da Man said the end scene stirs and reeks of future potential. I also had teenage banjo string sensations seeing Black Canary as a brunette,wowsers she is dreamy.
Da Man said on 19/Sep/08
I saw the season premiere last night. Business as usual, they did a decent job of trying to salvage that disaster that was the Season 7 finale. Gough & Millar really didn't give the season 8 premiere much to work with.
High point of the premiere, in my opinion, was the scene at the end of the episode with Lois and Clark at the Daily Planet. I thought the chair screeching was kinda funny for Smallville, no spoilers so you'll have to watch the episode to see what I'm talking about. Clark looks like he moving away from moping about Smallville, so that's one change for the better this season.
I guess Clark graduated College, we saw him in college classes but I don't recall the show ever saying he graduated. Not much of a problem there though.
It's going to be interesting to see how they deal with Doomsday.
Season 8 could be interesting, or it could be a disaster. It's still too early to tell.
Tom still looked 6'2.5", I actually thought he looked a bit shorter than normal at the beginning of the episode. I guess he wasn't wearing his boots, or he was just out among normal sized people.
Yaspaa said on 19/Sep/08
The first episode of season 8 aired last night,I will be watching it tonight. I must admit I'm a bit worried about the quality with all the recent drastic changes. All shows suffered last year with the writers strike (arseholes,if you want more money write better scripts) so who knows maybe the cast changes etc will bring an air of freshness to the show,fingers crossed.
Patrick said on 17/Sep/08
Thanks for your comments guys! I have just watched the 5th and 6th episodes which were much better especially in matter of
Yaspaa said on 9/Sep/08
I didn't know Milo was considered for the role,that would have been a catastrophe.
Sid said on 8/Sep/08
Patrick I argee that season 7 stunk espically the last 4 or 5 episodes, I can tell that when you missed the kent farm it's on zero road in cloverdale, talon is still in cloverdale, it's actually a movie theater, when you come down here to B.C the kent farm is on zero road, I seen it many times, it's the same, they don't use that anymore, they made a replca in of the barn loft and the house in all inside shot in the studio, cause it cost hell of alot of money to rent these places, That Laura vanderhoot chick isn't the right supergir, her face is funny looking, they picked the wrong supergirl, I'm not a fan of the show, I'm just a huge superman fan since the getgo, hopeyfully season 8 is a good one, i have doubts that season 8 will suck cause of the same directors who director season 7 will do the same job making it look not so good in season 8, lots of spoilers make it look good, we have to wait and see the product
Da Man said on 8/Sep/08
Patrick, I agree with you that Martha's absence is extremely obvious and takes something away from the show. In fact, I believe she was only even mentioned once or twice that I can recall during the whole season! Apparently, in the Smallville universe Kansas state senators are extremely busy... far too busy to ever visit home.
I hope she makes a some guest appearances this season, I find her unexplainable absence annoying.
Sid said on 8/Sep/08
Patrick Patrick this sound guy been there since day when the show started, he said he gets along with all the casts memember like there family, they always crack jokes, he said justin hartly is taller then tom by a inch, he works at besford studios i saw him walk in it, i'm gonna believe him over people who don't know diddly on here cause they never talked to any of the crew member, this guys is. Tom looked more 6'2 then 6'3 to me as well
Rocky said on 8/Sep/08
Hey I just talked to a crew member at besford studio where they film smallville, he told me lots of spoilers for this upcoming season, but he told me Tom ain't quite 6'3 just a shay under 6'3, he said him and Tom get along, he's the sound guy for them, he said tom was actually more 6'2 to 6'21/2 he said Justin hartly was taller by a inch, only reason why tom looked taller is cause of boots he wears, those timberland he said something like that, I asked him how tall is James marster, he said he didn't know, but he said he was a great actor and all, I asked about how tall was Micheal rosenbuam he said he and him got along, very well, those two cracked jokes alot, then he said he was around 5'10 to 5'11, with his shoes maybe 6ft, other then that I believe the guy cause he works for smallville there like family he said, then he scooted and went back to work. NoteI asked for a pic and autograph with Tom he said thats not up to him, it's up to the security and whether or not Tom wants to, most likey you won't get one he said so I said thats ok and booted out of therem all in all I believe the sound dude
Yaspaa said on 4/Sep/08
Nice one Rob.
Yaspaa said on 4/Sep/08
Ha ha,yes Andy Hallet. Men average 4.5 inches from top of head to centre eyeline and the top of Michael's head is well above Andy's eyeline. (No idea where I got Tony from.)

Editor Rob
Mamun has a photo with Rosenbaum - not seen it yet, Jenny has one with the 6ft 2 guy.
Hugh said on 4/Sep/08
Do you mean Andy Hallet, Yaspaa?
I would guess 3.5-4 inches difference... Strange insn't it?
Yaspaa said on 4/Sep/08
6'2 is his 'on TV' height,certainly not his real life height you plonker.
Hugh said on 4/Sep/08
This is a LOL, Hi = D!!!
Really funny :D
Jensen 6'2! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Yeah, funny opinion, but there are no evidences to think what you think...
You have to watch it carefully, "hi =D".
Hi =D said on 3/Sep/08
I just watched a video of Jared Padalecki, Tom Welling and Jensen Ackles, and I saw that Tom Welling is only about an inch or half an inch shorter than Jared, who is 6'4". Also, Tom cannot be 6'2.5" because Jensen is 6'2", and he is a good inch or two shorter than Jared and Tom.
Click Here
Yaspaa said on 3/Sep/08
Here's Michael with 6'2 Tony Hallet from 'Angel'.
Click Here
sid said on 31/Aug/08
Hugh Marster didn't look in short then me, who knows 3 people where in front of me, so maybe it's a bad estimate, or not.
Yaspaa said on 26/Aug/08
Yeah,we definitely need more pics.
Hugh said on 26/Aug/08
LOL Yaspaa! :)
But... Now, what about Welling new pictures? Nobody has nothing new? No more estimation?
Yaspaa said on 26/Aug/08
Do people look at you funny when you say opinion divergence?
Hugh said on 26/Aug/08
Yes Yaspaa, vanity can. I call it "opinion divergence"...You don't think what I think: we are here to discuss about it. Right? ;)
Yaspaa said on 25/Aug/08
He says 5'10 because that is his height in footwear,just like all americans they add an inch.
Hugh,according to you heights can not be accurately judged from photos yet vanity can.
Hugh said on 25/Aug/08
Dear Patrick, we are working on "if"s EVERY time and ALL the time because we just look to pictures. And I don't agree with you telling "Marsters obviously does not sound to be the type of guy interested in
Patrick said on 25/Aug/08
Yes Hugh, we don
Hugh said on 24/Aug/08
Yaspaa ed.rob words are out of any doubts to me,but we do not know what marsters had inside his shoes under his feet..So I take his statement as a max.
Yaspaa said on 23/Aug/08
Bad posture and posture problems are two different things,Rob says 5'9 and why not believe him...oh I forgot sid says so.
Hugh said on 22/Aug/08
xyzblast your analysis is missing ed.rob pictures.The Jenny bad posture in that picture is more than evident,and this is clear looking to ed.rob pictures:he is almost the masters height even though he is shorter than Jenny.
Yaspaa said on 21/Aug/08
6'2?? this is fun.
xyzblast said on 20/Aug/08
At any rate, I think Jared is real 6'4 and Welling is 6'2. The "almost 6-3" claim is most likely in shoes.
Yaspaa said on 20/Aug/08
2 inches taller??
xyzblast said on 20/Aug/08
Ok here is how I calculated. Jenny is 5'8.5+1/3=5'8.83". Marsters looks about 2inch taller. So, he'd be about 5'10.83" - 1.25= 5'9.5" give and take. Now the prblem is that Jenney is relaxed and if both of them straightens up the difference would most likely diminish. I could be wrong but this is how I see the pic of J&M.
Yaspaa said on 20/Aug/08
Serious posture problem??
xyzblast said on 19/Aug/08
I believe Jenny has serious posture problem in some pic. Marsters actually looked 5'9.5-5'10 next to her easily.

Editor Rob
she was wearing 1/3 of an inch sneakers that day whilst Marsters had on some 1.25 inch footwear. He still always looks around 5ft 9.
Yaspaa said on 18/Aug/08
Carry On Hugh.
Hugh said on 18/Aug/08
What's that picture Yaspaa?
Patrick said on 18/Aug/08
Sid, the point is that
Yaspaa said on 17/Aug/08
sid,how can we take you seriously?
Click Here
Hugh said on 16/Aug/08
Sid,I think you walking behind Marsters at subway is not enough to make an accurate measure..But Rob pictures are a very good evidence and you are telling us the same height we can see in those pictures.That's enough to me to tell 5'8 plus or minus 3/4 inch 80% confidence.IMHO it's hard to do it better without a feet/head picture with someone of us next him.But it's off topic here,we should talk about Tom Welling isn't it?
Yaspaa said on 16/Aug/08
Jenny is 5'8.5 and James is a bit taller.
Hugh said on 16/Aug/08
Guys i found that on Luisa models website circa 1999 Tom's statistics listed him as 6'2" and during his model career usually he was listed as the same.Somebody save me..
sid said on 16/Aug/08
Yaspaa Who is Adam I know what I saw, he looked 5'8 I was like 2 or maybe 3 person back of him at subway. pics aren't the greatest to judge for heights. Hugh he maybe is 5'8'5 he didn't look 5'9 I'm 5'10 he looked atleast 2inches to maybe 1'5 shorter then me
Hugh said on 15/Aug/08
Yaspaa you have to keep in mind that you have your personal view of those pictures like anyone else here.They make me think marsters 5'8.5 at most and i have serious doubts he is so tall..Because of probable lifts in his shoes.Try to take it easy...
Yaspaa said on 15/Aug/08
He looks 5'9 with Rob and Jenny and thats 4 pics or something so 5'8 is bogus making sid BOGUS! Sid we dont know you from Adam so why would we take your word for it when no picture backs you up. Eye to eye,where you kissing or something?
sid said on 15/Aug/08
Patrick You never seen them in person I did, I think I'm accurate then you then some mediorce pics I have a better esimate in person then I would if I where to see a photo of some celb, it doesn't happen everyday I check a site called North hollywood insider, for locations, other times I would see celbs stumble walking out and about in vancouver on robson or else where at a coffee shop etc you catch my drift, and at those time I'm not thinking about taking pics, cause thats my fortay, maybe if where tsking pic for this site then ya, when i'm out and about i'm just hanging out. I am 5'10 I used to wear lift to make me taller, there hard for my knees hard to walk, I can believe micheal is 5'10, we where eye to eye head to head we where literly in front of each other, he didn't look tall, nither did welling, he looked 6'2, tom could where lifted shoes to, he can buy them without question, you can't say tom shoes are flat, he can buy shoes with big heels cause it looks good, not for his height for the looks. I know what I saw, you wernt here I was, I can also believe marster is 5'8, the most 5'8'5, maybe something in his shoes to make look taller, maybe his shoes gave him a inch when he took a pic with rob, i was really close to marster he looked 2 inch shorter. Maybe if I where my hiking boots that would give me a 1.5 I can't wear them oh well old age is creeping in
Hugh said on 14/Aug/08
That's the answer Yaspaa:
Pie!...No it isn't..
I think actors and their sites ALWAYS add at least an inch or two on their height.The real proof would be a picture with one of us.We cannot trust any picture with a group of actors since we don't know any really affordable height of them and their shoes.In such a case we will always do a rough approximation with high probability of big errors.I can't buy any 0.25 inch error.Neither 0.5" without a real picture like Ed.Rob's.In his Marsters pictures we can tell they are same height with 3/4 inch of error due to shoes(0.5 with 80% confidence:who knows what he puts inside his shoes under his feet?),that's all to me.I think Sid is an affordable source,but that's only my opinion.
sid said on 14/Aug/08
Patrick Thats how he looked to me, 2 inches shorter then I was, I'm just saying how I saw it. cameras can add on inches and pounds. Hugh Micheal rosnbuam and I where eye to eye, maybe perhaps he has a inch on me making him 5'11 who knows, John Glover looks 5'11. Jensen ackles looks around my height and rosenbuam, I'm telling how I see it, maybe they where lifts in there shoes to make them taller, not a nonsense if you havn't seen them up close, like I said camera add inches, and you can't rely on photos and videos all the time, you don't know till you see it live. I am 5'10 maybe with my shoes 5'10'5 I have bad knees, so I need no heeled shoes thats light as a feather for me to walk,
Yaspaa said on 13/Aug/08
I prefer pics to trusting someone's opinion who I don't know,no offence to sid but that is probably most people's opinion,provide pics and I will eat a whole van load of humble pie otherwise..er...I won't.
Hugh said on 13/Aug/08
Patrick,I agree with you telling people is offen unable to tell others height,but usually it happens when they are not the same height.Sid is telling you that he was eye to eye.It's very hard to make a mistake in such a situation if you are accurate.Looking pictures or video to make a measure you must have an affordable height to compare with,and usually we do not have it because we have only other celebs which height we are not sure of..(i don't know how many grammatical errors i did..Sorry!!).I think we can trust sid about that.You at last can have doubts about his honesty and I could understand that.
Patrick said on 13/Aug/08
SID, if Masters is 5
sid said on 12/Aug/08
Hugh you don't wanna live here, we're heavily taxed, gas is a rip off here, it rains alot here, we're the rain forrest here, summers here are rain and sunshine werid werid weather,I been here since 1970, I was born in calgary in 69 I am sick and tired of it.
sid said on 12/Aug/08
Hugh These celbs aren't hard to find, people post it, On Northhollywood insider.com I found my info there and take a look see, like I said Vancity is a movie industry, 3rd next to L'A and NYC you see lots of celbs here very well common, there always in the news papers. I will try to find that pic that I took a Off tom wellings at the studiom he was wearing his jogging pants, and his blue t shirt
Hugh said on 12/Aug/08
I've read lots about Vancouver,I'd love to move there..But there are 9 time zones from here,it's a hard choice!
If you met them all,you make the difference to me..I'm waiting for your tom pictures!
sid said on 11/Aug/08
Hugh Yes I met them I live here in Vancouver where all of tc shows are shot, yes I do have site that tells me where the tv shows are shot, so it's hard to incounter these so called stars, Vancouver is 3rd for tv/movies, next to L'a. and NYC, not hard to see celbs here, most of the stars like guest stars there hotels are downtown there out and about like marster was at subway on robson street, I been the besford studios where Smallville shoot outside alot, they have the actors outside in the trailer I got a pic of tom welling from behind if I can find it I will post it
Hugh said on 8/Aug/08
Sid are you trying to say that you met them all??
Sid said on 7/Aug/08
Yaspaa I am 5'10 Marster looked 2 inches shorter then me so he could be 5'8'5 I did certainly tower over him, Micheal rousenbuam looked my height we where eye to eye, Micheal could be 5'11 max I still think he is 5'10. John glover is 5'11, Jensen ackles is around 5'10 to 5'11 same height as me and micheal, Jared looked pretty tall, taller then Tom only by alitle maybe 1.5 taller then tom
Hugh said on 7/Aug/08
Ok guys,everyone can tell an opinion.I just think that a set of pictures can never tell a height with a 0.25 inch approximation.. I don't know MY height with that approximation and this is not because i don't measure myself.Anyway I think it should be better if we add other pictures..
Da Man said on 7/Aug/08
Hugh, I am not basing my opinion on Tom's statements. Tom statements back up evidence and my personal estimation. His assertion simply cemented my opinion.
Yaspaa said on 7/Aug/08
1.5" is a bit far Hugh,we are down to 0.25",we aren't that far out.
Hugh said on 7/Aug/08
Yaspaa I was just telling Da man that he cannot base his opinion on tom assertion..My very opinion is that we cannot tell the exact height at all..We will always have 1.5 inch error more or less..
Yaspaa said on 7/Aug/08
Have you changed you mind again Hugh.
Hugh said on 6/Aug/08
Da Man i know what tom said about his height,but i asked lots of people about their height and 80% said about 1 inch more than real.I'm 6'1 and lots of people my height,says 6'2 or 6'3!Just last week a guy who is about 5'10,5'11 at most,said me he is 6'1 for sure!And everybody when I say I'm 6'1 says "no,you don't,you are at least 6'2".And I'm not thin at all so my body can't mislead them.You know,people is not good in measure height.
Patrick said on 5/Aug/08
Ed.Rob: please: what's happening? I henceforth appear as "anonymous" even though when ""my first name, a real one, is written above.
S saying, "I" am the previous anonymous!

Editor Rob
the last 2 comments seem to have Patrick as the name ok, and I think newer ones were ok too.
Da Man said on 4/Aug/08
Patrick says on 4/Aug/08:
"DaMan, about
Da Man said on 4/Aug/08
Patrick says on 4/Aug/08
Anonymous said on 4/Aug/08
First guys, Yaspaa, Da Man, AAAA THANKS once more and again for backing me up. That
Yaspaa said on 4/Aug/08
Rob's met Marsters and puts him at at least 5'9. I respect your opinion Sid but there are too many people who have met these people and all have a slightly different opinion on there heights,which leads me to disregard them.
Sid said on 4/Aug/08
Yaspaa He didnt look that much taller, marster looks around 5'8 5'9 the most, micheal and I where eye to eye, he looked the same height as me, from what I saw Micheal looked the same height, maybe he's 5'11 i cant judge myself thefe not excact heights maybe there taller who knows marster looked to me a 5.8 maybe a weak 5.9.
AAAA said on 2/Aug/08
Da man..."Videotaped stepping on a stadiometer" I almost spit my coffee all over my computer. That is hilarious. And yes, we need some new pics
Da Man said on 1/Aug/08
AAAA, yes I remember the pic of them in sandals. His wife is actually fairly tall.
AAAA said on 1/Aug/08
Da man, I remeber the pics of welling and spacey and his wife. I forgot where I got them. do you remeber the pic i found of the two of them in sandals. Tom is in the blue shirt, white shorts, and sunglasses. They are walking along. That was a good pic for comparison if we knew her height. The spacey one I saw but have no idea where to find it
Yaspaa said on 31/Jul/08
The nameless one has spoken.
Anonymous said on 31/Jul/08
In the Welling, Marsters sandle pic it wasn't just that Tom towered over him he also seemed much larger than him. Marsters came off as being very slight in build which I think added to the perceived size difference. As for me, I believe Welling to be right around 6'3". Most of the evidence supports this and you have to go with the bulk of evidence rather than the rare time he appears shorter than this.
Yaspaa said on 31/Jul/08
I think now that Jared has filled out, his height is less of an issue.. I read somewhere that he gets offered a lot of thug/bully/looming henchman kind of roles,maybe thats what he is trying to avoid.
I cant think of any guys at the moment well under 30 with the heartthrob thing going on who are 6'4ish,I'll have to have a think.
Da Man said on 30/Jul/08
Yea, a few people here said they thought Tom probably downplays his height so he'll be able to land more roles. But then you have a guy like
Ben Affleck, who's fairly similar in height to Tom (just to clarify, not necessarily the exact same height as I think Tom would likely edge him), who actually OVERstates his height. Affleck's height never seemed to hurt his career, now Gigli on the other hand...
Jared Padalecki really does come across as oddly tall on camera though, just watch House of Wax to see what I mean. I could see why this guy would try to downgrade himself, but then we have Vince Vaughn who doesn't really short-change himself and he's doing really well, as does Jeff Goldblum. Taller actors are just becoming more commonplace than they have been in the last 20 years or so, at least from what I've observed.
Yaspaa said on 30/Jul/08
Did someone say Tom may play down his height? I never thought that ,for Jared yes but Tom is probably around perfect height for movie love interest or whatever.
Some form of lift may have been sneakily worn in that CW vid even if only small lift.
Da Man said on 29/Jul/08
This is the same info and pics we've been rehashing for the last 2 years, nothing new here.
In the end, we know there is about 2" between Tom and Jared and about 2" between Tom and Jensen.
As far as I'm concerned, there is never going to be a less biased piece of evidence than the CW video unless these guys are videotaped stepping onto a stadiometer. In the video the camera angle isn't misleading, (ie there is no tilt or perspective advantage), we can see numerous posture variations, they are all on a perfectly flat and level surface with feet visible, and all are in dress shoes.
The video is golden evidence for a site like this.
You have to keep in mind with the Marsters/Welling sandal pic the entire pic is rotated a bit in Tom's favor. Take that tilt out of the pic and the height difference between them is lessened by about an inch. If you doubt that play with the pic in photoshop and see for yourself. It's obvious.
Tom himself says he is "almost" 6'3" or 6'2"-6'3". Tom doesn't come across as a giant on-camera like Jared does (see The Fog and CBTD vs. House of Wax for evidence) and so I honestly see NO reason for the guy to downplay his height. That's why I do not buy the reasoning that Tom downplays his height for future roles, there are many successful "leading men" who are somewhere around Tom's height.
Ben Affleck, Josh Hartnett, Morgan Freeman, Brendan Frasier, Eric Bana, etc. Tom is a big guy, I could have bought 6'3" (even though I thought he was roughly 6'2.5" before ever coming to this site) but the man himself always maintains "almost" 6'3" or "about" 6'3". I'm not sure what more you could want.
I'm really not trying to put an end to any debate as I know I am not capable of that on my own and this site would be boring without debate, but a few of ushave been analyzing this info for a long while.
Tom even looked a strong 6'2"-weak 6'3" (accounting for his Redbacks) next to his 2007 Tundra DoubleCab on Smallville. He measured up to the Tundra exactly like I do at 6'2.5".
Anyone willing to dig up the pics of Tom and his wife at a party with Kevin Spacey? :)
Yaspaa said on 29/Jul/08
I saw him here,I saw him there,we dont care about your "in the moment" fleeting impressions. Looking at the pic from a two dimensional perspective then yes 1-2",but use your loaf,think of the angle and what would happen if tilted to the correct angle. Not 1-2" but 2-3".
Hugh that is one giant u-turn there,it caught me right off guard,anyway back to Sid James. Marsters, according to you is 5'8 possibly 5'9 so that puts,according to you, Rosenbaum at 5'9-5'10.. I am wholly thunderstruck by your misguided logic which seems to stem from....I'm guessing..chicanery or lunacy.
sid said on 29/Jul/08
Yaspaa Judging from the pic with rosenbuam, and marster, who is 5'8 maybe 5'9, well micheal looked 5'10 if marster is 5'9, theres a inch and half diff there, micheal could be 5'11, he didn't look 6ft when i saw him. i saw marster here in vancouver on robson at subway, he was in line i was like maybe 2 or 3 people away in the line up, i was taller then he was, he looked around 5'8.5 to 5'9 i was cleary taller.
sid said on 29/Jul/08
Hugh You made no sense, your saying tom has a 2 inches on jensen, and jared has 3 inches, that would make Tom 6'2, and 6'3 for jared, you stated jared was 6'5 thats 4 inches. And Rosenbuam isn't 6ft he is around my height 5'10 we where eye to eye when I saw rosenbuam, i was like 2 ft away, he could be 5'11 who knows, tom didnt look more then 6'2, i saw them from 2ft way in march or april, there filming here in vancouver at a church, they where in the alley, tom was talking on his phone, micheal was being himself, just being immature, tom kept going back and forth on the phone then to micheal.
Hugh said on 29/Jul/08
If his shoes size really is 14 then with this (
Click Here) we can easily measure him. I obtain 6'3 - 6'3.5. He is not lesser then 6'3
Yaspaa said on 29/Jul/08
Hugh, the angle on that vid is no good.
Click Here No real comparison here but they look good mates.
Click Here
Yaspaa said on 29/Jul/08
I'm from europe.
Hugh said on 29/Jul/08
Hey guys, some of your links are not visible from Europe...I must tunnel them on american proxies!
Hugh said on 29/Jul/08
Oops... When i said "makes me think Jensen is 6'3" i was thinking about "makes me think Jared is 6'3"... Sorry!!
Hugh said on 28/Jul/08
This video (
Click Here) is really clarifying. Jensen, Jared and Tom, standing in front of camera, side by side...I didn't see their shoes, but there is one frame where the three are standing with straight back, and we can easily see that there are 2 inches from jensen to tom and other 3 inches from tom to jared...So if jensen is 6' then tom is 6'2 and jared is 6'5..
Hugh said on 28/Jul/08
This video (
Click Here) makes me think Jensen is 6'3... Maybe Rosenbaum and Ackles are on heels but there is too little difference between them..2 inches i guess...
Hugh said on 28/Jul/08
AAAA can you post a link of that sandals picture please?
Yaspaa said on 27/Jul/08
Click Here Michael is definitely close to 6'0 which is good for the Welling arguement.
Da Man said on 26/Jul/08
That pic was also tilted in Tom's favor though.
AAAA said on 26/Jul/08
The sandals pic is the best pic I ever found supporting Tom as at least 6'3. Masters is 5'9 and Tom absolutely dwarfs him in that pic.
Yaspaa said on 26/Jul/08
Rob pegs Milo at 5'8.5 anyway.
Yaspaa said on 26/Jul/08
8" with Jareds Lean a bit more without.
Yaspaa said on 25/Jul/08
Here he is being interviewed by 6'1 (listed 6'2) Carson Daly,it's lucidly clear that Tom is 1.5-2" taller
Click Here
Hugh said on 25/Jul/08
Yaspaa you say: "Milo is at Jareds bottom lip,thats 8" ".
Milo is 5'8 (did you see ed.rob picture?) + 8' is 6'4. 6'4 -2" makes tom welling 6'2.
Yaspaa said on 25/Jul/08
6.5" from top of head to tip of nose,Milo is at Jareds bottom lip,thats 8". I've no idea why you cant see the pic, there have been a few that I could not see also.
Hugh said on 25/Jul/08
can't see your "the fog" link yaspaa... why?
Hugh said on 25/Jul/08
Milo Ventimiglia is 5'8 or a bit less, we can see him in ed.rob picture...
But there is too much difference to compare Jared to Milo.. :(
Yaspaa said on 25/Jul/08
The Fog hhmmmm
Click Here Top of her SKULL is below Tom's eyeline indicating 5" + her 0.5 heel advantage.
Yaspaa said on 25/Jul/08
I know Hugh neither can I.
Hugh said on 25/Jul/08
I can't see cb "tom on sandals" picture.. D'oh!
Yaspaa said on 25/Jul/08
Pictured with Alexis Bledel and listed on this site at 5'8.75 Milo Ventimiglia,there are a lot of inches there.
Click Here
Yaspaa said on 25/Jul/08
I've never seen Jared look upto anyone in any pictures. Here he is with 5'11-6'0 Chad Michael Murray
Click Here
Yaspaa said on 25/Jul/08
Here is Jared with Tyra Banks who is 5'10 and is wearing a large heel and she is still only at his eyeline
Click Here
Hugh said on 25/Jul/08
Here (
Click Here) we can see something more... If she is really 5'9 (can we trust it?), welling is about 3 or 4 inches more... We can see the sequence..
Yaspaa said on 25/Jul/08
Here's Edward from the Lost Boys looking at least a foot taller than everyone else
Click Here Lauren Graham on the left is about 5'11 in heels,she's only up to the tip of his nose
Click Here
Hugh said on 25/Jul/08
Yaspaa I said he looks now as 6'3/6'4, because of bad posture. This means that he probably is 6'5 (and still i don't really know if it is right), but he seems to be beetween 6'4 and 6'3. Jared standing up having good posture is about a 1 cm lesser than that. I think he is no taller than 192.5 cm. This makes welling 187/188 cm. And I think we could not be more accurate than that because we are just looking some pictures... We will always have a
Hugh said on 24/Jul/08
Yaspaa I don't think you're right: herrmann has a very bad posture and is over 60. If he really was 6'5 in his youth while stretching his back, than I think he would look now as 6'3/6'4 or less and this, again, puts jared padalecki 6'3 max 6'3.5 and then tom welling 6'1.5/6'2.
Yaspaa said on 23/Jul/08
Dude ,where is the doubt in that picture?,John has him by 0.5" I think Jared is 6'4.5 and that height is not good if you want to play leading men. There are loads of very tall men who play their heights down to get more roles. Edward Herrmann is a 6'5 mountain of a man and Jared was right up there with him.
Hugh said on 23/Jul/08
Yaspaa that picture is still ambiguous to me.
Padalecki said he is 6'3 and sometimes 6'4. I've seen some Jared Padalecki/tom Welling pictures, and padalecki is about 2 inches taller than tom welling. This changed my mind.
This makes tom 6'2 or less (i think he is at least 6'1.5).
Yaspaa said on 22/Jul/08
Hugh,you have seen the pic with john Schneider and Mick Foley,John was taller 6'2.5 approximately. Tom is minimum 6'2.5.
Hugh said on 22/Jul/08
patrick i don't think you need all these assurances to keep writing on this site..You know you can't agree with everyone in everything and viceversa. And if someone is telling something you think is an insult, i think you are overstating a frase,because ed.rob is a good moderator and I think if he sees some insults he does not bring them out on this site.
In my fair (recent) opinion, tom is 6'1.5 - 6'2 max.
AAAA said on 20/Jul/08
Patrick, I believe you. I respect the opinions of almost all. I find you especially fun and informative to read. I say Tom is 6'2.75-6'3.25 (190-191cm)
Yaspaa said on 20/Jul/08
Rocky says on the Jared Padalecki page..."Jared looks 6'4 when I saw him, he looked 1'5 taller then tom wellings, if not 2 inches. Jensen ackes is my height or maybe a inch taller, i'm 5'10 he could be 5'11, i didnt see no diff in height. who knows can't judge myself".... The last few words say it all.
Yaspaa said on 20/Jul/08
Patrick,Rocky doesn't have anything good to say about the cast or the show,he's just not a fan and probably dislikes the show. He says Tom isn't that big at around 215lbs but who the hell wants a pumped up meat head to play Superman. I'm pretty sure security gets changed around also. His 5'10 estimate for Rosenbaum is lame also. You are no liar Patrick.
patrick said on 18/Jul/08
AAAA, DaMan, Yaspaa and others who read this, I just found out in the Erica Durance page that
patrick said on 18/Jul/08
Da Man and Yaspaa : thanks a lot for replying to me about finale !
I understand what you feel Yaspaa about how lucky I am to still have to discover the whole season! I felt so about series I all the time heard about when young and that I have to more or less recreate in my mind! Power of imagination!
Even so, I wish I could watch it sometime!
Da Man said on 15/Jul/08
I was disappointed in the 7th season finale. Smallville has consistently done two things well IMO, the season premiere and the season finale. It just didn't seem like the 7th season finale was a Smallville finale at all, more like one of their mid-season filler episodes with a nonsensical ending. The finale was all the more disappointing since it was supposedly Rosenbaum's last time on the show, and if that's the case they gave him a pathetic send-off.
IMO, the best episode of the season was the one where Clark followed Kara to Kryton. That actually seemed like a Smallville season finale.
patrick said on 15/Jul/08
Sorry Rocky, I just don't understand a word of your oddly built sentence!
Please, what do you mean? Nevertheless, I think I got your idea about Tom
Rocky said on 14/Jul/08
Tom welling said he said 6'2 6'3 didnt say which one in a interview cant remember which one, it was on here last year, anyone remember.
John said on 13/Jul/08
Yaspaa, I couldn't agree more.
Yaspaa said on 11/Jul/08
John,when I mentioned flats it was before I noticed the heels she was wearing. She wont get 3" from those though,I gain about 3.25" when on my tip toes and my feet are twice the size of hers. I'm sticking with what Tom said,almost 6'3.
John said on 11/Jul/08
Yaspaa, if you watch the Backstage Special closely you will notice Brook is wearing three inch heels. At one point they're sitting and there is a clear shot of them. I don't think she was wearing flats when she shook hands with Tom and then changed into heels for the seated interview.
Yaspaa said on 10/Jul/08
Daily stew,I like that.
patrick said on 10/Jul/08
Hugh : you said
Rocky said on 10/Jul/08
Tom is more like 6'2 to 6'2'5. I saw Tom welling, didn't look as tall as I thought he was.
Yaspaa said on 9/Jul/08
I guess I'm going to have to start being nicer,pretty boring though.
Yaspaa said on 8/Jul/08
Rob,what is with the missing posts?

Editor Rob
usually if it is getting off topic or I didn't like the tone. Or it's further down the list of comments yet to be approved.
Yaspaa said on 8/Jul/08
What's going on with the posts they are very hit and miss,i've lost several they may have had some sting in them towards somebody but so what,I can give it but I can also take it.
Tom has said almost 6'3 so say 6'2.75. Still over 6'4 in boots.
Hugh said on 8/Jul/08
Hey guys, where do you find those pictures?I can't google them...
Yaspaa said on 8/Jul/08
Here we go again.....NUGGET!
Rocky said on 8/Jul/08
Tom ain't 6'3 I'd say 6'2 to 6'2'5, my friend and I who was 6'3 saw tom welling last year they where shooting at a church here in Vancouver B.c. My friend stood side by side, Tom was talking on the phone, Micheal rousenbuam was cracking up some stupid joke, My friend edged Tom welling out by a inch or so, my friend had on reg nike sneakers, tom was wearing his smallville boots like he always does, we where about to take a pic, but the crew worker said no pics keep it moving, micheals said ya fellow keep it moving, can't you see we are working here, he said just joking, Tom is 6'2 maybe 6'2'5, this is the side of the church in the alley, Tom and micheal was in the open, I seen Tom wellings here many times, he is aways yacking on his stupid phone. This was on Burrard and nelson. We saw Tom again 4 years at the Sea but terminal, where they where shooting, again with my friend, my friend walked past him, he still edges him out. Tom doesn't strike me as a tall guy nor big, he only probaly ways 215, I'm much bigger then he is im 230 5'10.I see Tom all the time here.
Yaspaa said on 7/Jul/08
Pat and Hugh why dont you discuss this in french,it will be cool.
Hugh said on 7/Jul/08
Patrick, what do you mean writing "As for Hugh, I invite him not to be rude. It is not a
Hugh said on 7/Jul/08
Thank you Yaspaa, that is the video i was talking about, and you just notice what i said... :)
patrick said on 7/Jul/08
Ah Yaspaa, I am proud not being wrong about people! You definitely are a right and clever person. Thanks for standing up for me and reading correctly my comments! I had well understood your question but wasn
Yaspaa said on 5/Jul/08
I think I'm confusing things guys. This is the interview I saw (I'ts dubbed in spanish). I am starting to think that Brooke is smaller than we thought,probably 5'5 + 2" of heel = 5'7 Tom looks 9" taller taking him to 6'4 in footwear. At 27sec we see about a 9" difference between them,but at 34sec there is a glimpse of her footwear and she is indeed wearing heels.
Click Here
AAAA said on 5/Jul/08
Sorry, I meant to post that Tom is a big man, but over 6'5 barefoot would make him in clint walker territory. I stand by a solid 6'3 191cm guy
Da Man said on 5/Jul/08
Yaspaa says on 4/Jul/08
"I'm sorry,it appears after watching said interview for myself,9" would be my guess. My only explanation is that Brooke is in flats ( as you don't see her footwear)and Tom is in his boots. Taking this into account, he is still a 6'3 guy. He can't be anymore than that barefoot though. It's still 6'4.5 in his Timberlands."
So it was 9"? Where did these supposed 3" heels come from? Once again, we've seen Tom next to Kelly Ripa in heels a couple of times and Kristen Bell in heels, there's absolutely no way Tom has anything close to 9" on a 5'6" woman in 3" heels... unless he himself is in heels.
On the Foley/Schenider pic, as AAAA said, there is no footwear advantage either way there.
Nike Shox are a running shoe that provide one of the greatests height boosts around. I don't see 1.5" between Foley and Schneider at all.
Da Man said on 5/Jul/08
Firstly, 3" heels do not boost height by 3" barefoot, they in actuality boost height by about 2.25". Also, how do you know Brooke Burke was in 3" heels?
I too have seen the backstage Smallville video (it's been a while) and I do not recall Tom appearing anywhere near 9" taller than Brooke. 9" would put Tom at very nearly if not a full head taller than Brooke, and we've seen Tom looking almost 9" taller than 5'2.5" Kelly Ripa in heels and 9"-9.5" taller than 5'1" Kristen Bell in heels!
Click Here 2.
Click Here 3.
Click Here Patrick, I wholeheartedly believe your recount of your trip to the Smallville studios. I believe you 110%! But I absolutely do not believe Tom is significantly taller than John S. When it comes right down to it, I trust photographic evidence far more than 2nd hand personal accounts. I believe Tom's proportions lend themselves to possibly making him appear taller in person (when compared to John) than he really is. I would bet a VERY large sum of money that nothing more than 0.25"-0.5" seperates these guys in reality.
And finally, these studio people may tend to be a little biased in Tom's favor. After all, he is "their" Superman and the foundation upon which the televsion series that they derive their income from is built.
AAAA said on 4/Jul/08
Yeah, Tom is a big man, that would put him in Clint Walker territory.
Yaspaa said on 4/Jul/08
I'm sorry,it appears after watching said interview for myself,9" would be my guess. My only explanation is that Brooke is in flats ( as you don't see her footwear)and Tom is in his boots. Taking this into account, he is still a 6'3 guy. He can't be anymore than that barefoot though. It's still 6'4.5 in his Timberlands.
Yaspaa said on 4/Jul/08
It can't be 9" that would make him over 6'5 barefoot.
Hugh said on 4/Jul/08
John, u're still missing lots of inches....6'3-5'5.75-3''=6.25'' which is different from 9 in
patrick said on 4/Jul/08
John ! many happy returns ! it
John said on 3/Jul/08
I'm going with 6'3 with no shoes on bare minimum.This site has Brook at 5'5.75 however most agree she is taller than that.
Hugh said on 3/Jul/08
John: Or perhaps Burke is not so "tall"...
Yaspaa said on 2/Jul/08
What is your guesstimation John?
John said on 2/Jul/08
Thank you, Hugh. Something is wrong and it's that Tom is taller than 6'2.5.
Yaspaa said on 2/Jul/08
Ahh Jason a soupcon of passive aggression,I like it,this site is all about debate.
Hugh said on 1/Jul/08
I saw this video "Smallville Backstage Special with Tom Welling Pt. 1 of 6" (how can i link it??). Something is wrong on CelebHeights.com heights? Burke is listed at 5 ft 5.75 in, Welling 6 ft 2.5 in. In this video she wear very big heel (3 inches at least I think). Their difference is very big, almost 9 inches...
(6 ft 2.5 in) - (5 ft 5.75 in + 3 in) = 5.75 in
Something wrong?
Jason Goldberg said on 1/Jul/08
Dear Yaspaa and Patrick, I remember the studios were next an auto mechanic.
What is behind them you can see on google maps, and that's not a proof.
If you think my testimony is not good, you still can try to guess height from pictures...without any confirmation.
Yaspaa said on 1/Jul/08
Hugh have weird vision.
Yaspaa said on 1/Jul/08
Well Hugh,Jason hasn't answered so it appears it was a good question and Patrick also asked what was behind the studios?
Patrick, 'I was wondering when you would make an appearance Pad' this just means that I was expecting you to comment on Jason Goldberg's comment earlier than you did,Pad being short for Patrick.
Hugh said on 1/Jul/08
Yaspaa clearly in your Mick Foley/Schneider picture John is a little bit (1 cm i think)shorter than Mick: Mick is leaning to John.
It's sure their shoes are almost same thickness. Their feet are on the same line in front of the camera, their eyes are the same height from the feet. But Mick is leaning to John. --> Mick is taller than John. No doubt.

Editor Rob
I took the photo...John is slightly taller, both though with thick hair. They stood there for a bit, Mick was actually not that bad posture.
Hugh said on 30/Jun/08
Everybody knows the studios are BB Studios - 6228 Beresford Street, Burnaby, BC, V4G 1B5.
Stupid question patrick ...
AAAA said on 29/Jun/08
It is pretty much even footwear. The shocks new are 1.41 and the Timderlands don't give more than 1.5 in. Schnider looks marginally taller. IDK 189 190 could be right for Schneider, and well at 191 or 6'3. Hope everyone is well ,haven't been posting in a while
ottinger said on 29/Jun/08
Schneider looks maybe 1-1.5 cm taller,not sure about footwear advantage there. I think 189.5cm for Schneider and 190cm for Welling. 6'1 is total poo.
Yaspaa said on 27/Jun/08
OK for all the none believers,we know that Tom is at least as tall as John Schneider who is pictured here with 6'2 Mick Foley
Click Here
Yaspaa said on 26/Jun/08
I was wondering when you would make an appearance Pad.
John said on 26/Jun/08
I'm with you Patrick, I'm incredulous as well about Jason Goldberg's claims.
I watched an interview with Brook Burk listed on this site as 5'8 and she was wearing big heels, Tom still towered over her which would be impossible at 6'1.
patrick said on 26/Jun/08
Jason Goldberg if you really went to "the studios", so you are able to tell me where it is, exacly, and what it is just behind it. Sorry, I don't buy you met Tom in person.
Yaspaa, I don't have time to properly reply but I thank you anyway! I don't say Tom is as tall as Jared in reality, I just say that this video clip which leads me to believe Jared was taller is not a proof any longer.
Yaspaa, "a pair of had his"; once more an example of your sense of humour towards an unfortunate poster!
Yaspaa said on 25/Jun/08
It's not some pictures ,it is MANY.
Yaspaa said on 25/Jun/08
I knew mate,I was just messing.
John said on 25/Jun/08
No way is Tom only 6'1. I've seen too many interviews and pics that suggest otherwise. He is a solid 6'3 from everything I've ever seen.
I know I've said this before but it's been a while, I have a friend I work with that is 6' and went to school with Tom in Okemos MI. and he says Tom is a least 6'3. I have no reason to disbelieve George because he has other friends that back this claim up. I can't believe the 6'1 thing either, Yaspaa.
Jason Goldberg said on 25/Jun/08
Oh, i found in my first comment "tom was wearing had his...".
It was "tom was wearing his boots..."