adams1818 said on 28/Aug/11
Click Here just see ;d there is a very little difference between Jared and Tom. Definitively 191-192 for him. Beside Tom is one of this guy who really dont need to overestimate his height he still be huge. When he says that he is almost 6'3" it doesnt exlude the fact that he is bigger. I'm 6'1.75" (187cm) but when people ask me about height i always say that i'm 6'1.25 (186cm) ;)
sry for my bad english.
ANDREA[ITA] said on 28/Aug/11
Adams is bang on!
adams1818 said on 27/Aug/11
If Aubry is 6'2" then Tom must be min 6'3" if not more. In Smallville he was exactly the same height as John Schneider if not slightly taller. Min 191 and probably close to 192cm.
ANDREA[ITA] said on 27/Aug/11
I just saw a backstage video of smallville where a guy said yhey had to cut the ceiling because tom is too tall and he hit it! I also saw a scene with tom and john schneider where tom looked at least 2 cms taller, so since rob listed john at 6ft3, tom must be upgraded to 6ft3.75!
ANDREA[ITA] said on 27/Aug/11
Yeah! 6'2 max ahahaha
If he's 6'2 max: first) Jared Padalecki is no more than a strong 6ft3; second) Bruce Willis is max 5'8 :) right! it's really alright! ;)
Legend said on 26/Aug/11
And also now that we have seen John Schneider next to Rob, we know Welling is not taller. He's 6'2 max.
Legend said on 25/Aug/11
He doesn't even look over 6'2 next to Steve Martin.
Truth said on 24/Aug/11
I also think Tom has a higher/thicker heel then Padalecki when you look at their footwear in other videos from the same event.
Da Man said on 23/Aug/11
The camera advantage for Welling is obvious in the clip. Ackles stacks up to Welling just like he did when they were all in line (in the other clip), but Ackles only looks ~3" shorter than Padalecki there when the difference is an easy 4.5".
ANDREA[ITA] said on 23/Aug/11
in the video of domex, tom welling looks a bit taller than Jared Padalecki but he's also closer to the camera... But they are very close in height anyways!
Legend said on 23/Aug/11
He's not more than this listed height. But he is a big guy. No doubt about it. I still think he's 6'2 max.
Truth said on 21/Aug/11
I think it's obvious he's 6.2"+ However he is nowhere near 6'4. He has a very similar height to Justin Hartley in the candid pictures where they stand side by side. You can barely tell a difference between their heights. He maybe has a quarter or more height to him then Hartley does at the most. As to the girls and their apple boxes a 7 or more inch height difference is enough to ruin a shot in film. That 70's show's producers usually had Mila Kunis and Laura Prepon shoot sitting down during their personal scenes because the height difference was too vast between the two actresses and you couldn't fit both of them in one shot if they were standing next to each other. Kristen Kreuk and Allison Mack are 5'5 and below. They would need to stand 5'10 just to be chest level with a 6'2 height actor. Let's remember these actresses are tiny.
ANDREA[ITA] said on 21/Aug/11
yeah John! You're absolutely right but if Aubrey is 6'1.5 first bruce willis gotta be no more than 177 today and second tom must be at least 6'3.5! I dunno but Tom's gotta be at least 190!
John said on 21/Aug/11
I don't think the ground is uneven and I also don't see where Tom is on the tips of his toes. Tom is taller than Aubrey, period. Aubrey is over 6 feet, I would say 6'1.5 and Tom is right around 6'3.
Tom isn't shorter than John Schneider, I've seen very little evidence to support that claim. If anything Tom is a little taller than John. In Smallville behind the scenes they talked about how Tom wear slippers, not the Timberlands everyone sees on the show. You often don't see their feet, in those shots Tom isn't waering height augmenting Timberlands. They also talk about digging ditches for him to walk in , ramps for the girls to walk on and apple boxes for them to stand on. Heck, in one behind the scene where Allison Mack gets to direct you get to see her walking on a ramp in high heels in the Kent home and Tom is wearing slippers and towers over her. You can't use the perceived heights on the show because they use all kinds of tricks to make sure everyone's heads are in the shot. In fact right in the bloopers they show a scene with Lex having to stand up on something when face to face with Clark. that's a 5'11 guy having to stand on something to even up their height difference. All this for a 6'1.75 guy, I don't think so.
ANDREA[ITA] said on 20/Aug/11
I dunno, rob! You should really meet him to solve the problem, imo anything between 6ft3 and 6ft4 wouldnt surprise me!
Truth said on 20/Aug/11
I agree Rob. I think Tom and Hartley are the same height. They are very close together in candid pictures as well as on the show.
mr medium said on 20/Aug/11
yeah, thats because camera tricks rob. they made tom n justin looks like similar in height so they are perfect match of superhero. i think, tom is a little bit taller than justin. look, justin said that tom is taller than him. n this pic proof something. i thing, u must make a different centimetres between them. not only 0.25 inch. 190cm is a true height for tom welling.because, 190cm is also 'almost 6"3'
mr medium said on 20/Aug/11
wow. what about this pic rob. is tom wear lift in this photo?
Click Here

Editor Rob
from what I've seen on smallville I think welling and hartley are so close that it could be hard to tell them apart.
ANDREA[ITA] said on 20/Aug/11
He doesnt look even 6 foot? So if hes 6 ft max, bruce willis is no more than 173! Right? And halle berry is 160 tops!
Joely said on 20/Aug/11
Good eye, Rob. But it looks Aubry stepped on Welling's left foot, and since Tom is only wearing only socks and sandals, he lifted that foot. His right foot is not elevated, so he's not really on his tiptoes.

Editor Rob
I think his right foot is off the ground aswell, but maybe because the left foot is at an angle and the right foot more straight to the camera, it's not quite as obvious.
Legend said on 20/Aug/11
He's standing on his tiptoes and it could also be uneven ground they are standing on as well as any kind of shoe advantage Tom might have. This guy is 6'2 max in real life and he's a little shorter than John Schneider as well...That Aubrey guy doesn't even look over 6 feet to me.
ANDREA[ITA] said on 19/Aug/11
Mwhy should he stay on his taptoes? In my opinion he's really 2-2.5 inches taller than gabriel! Other photos proof that!
mr. medium said on 19/Aug/11
Click Here see rob. he was not gone up on his toes. let we see at his left foot. he was rise up right? but let see at his right foot, he doesn't rite? because, i think, tom maybe want to take something from his pocket. with rising his left foot, its become more easier to take out something from his pocket. but not for his roght foot.sorry for my poor english. :)
Joely said on 18/Aug/11
Found the original source for the pic:
Click Here first guy on the left is Vinnie Jones, who's listed on this site as being 6'2", and he looks just a tad shorter than Aubry but that might be due to his posture. And Welling looks 3" taller, so -- hmmmm.
Joely said on 18/Aug/11
A new pic of Tom Welling and Gabriel Aubry at another golf tourney. Looks like at least 3" difference to me. No camera angle excuses here.
Click Here

Editor Rob
if the feet weren't seen in this photo I'd agree Welling looks a 6ft 5 guy. He makes Gabriel and Vinnie look small!
but I look at his feet and he's gone up on his tip toes!
Why is a guy who claims almost 6ft 3 have to rise up on his toes like that?
vtec said on 18/Aug/11
new one with aubrey
Click Here
Truth said on 18/Aug/11
I'm actually not convinced he is that much taller then Justin Hartley. Whenever they are in direct photos with one another there doesn't seem to be that much difference. Surely not a difference of 2" inches. Tom is not 6'4, the man himself says that he isn't even 6'3 and Tom has also been known to wear boots with a 1+ inch heel, whenever you watch him on Smallville he usually always has his farm boots on in the earlier seasons so that could further the height difference between him and a 5 foot person enough to give a greater size difference impression. I keep hearing him being compared to James Masters who is known to not be within Tom's height range so why compare the two at all? It's better to compare Tom to people within the range of his height and see where he fairs.
Click Here opinion, if Harley is 6'2.25 then Tom is probably 6'2.5 at the most. He doesn't seem to be that much taller then Hartley in most pictures. I don't think he is 6'3 let alone 6'4 as he has already admitted.
Legend said on 18/Aug/11
He's not taller than Schneider...
mr medium said on 18/Aug/11
rob, try focus on this picture.
Click Here . may u draw a line of tom's eye level. let see where the line touch on jared.this picture is the best proof for u rob to decide his height. look, they spread their legs about same area.i dont think they wear lift except jensen. im assume, it is 3 cm difference between their eyes.this pic i guess 190 for tom.hows that rob? try focus on this picture . what ever ur answer, i accept that. :)

Editor Rob
sometimes videos are harder to tell height because there's more distortion with the lense than a good camera. He could be 1.5-2 inches shorter in the original clip.
ANDREA[ITA] said on 17/Aug/11
Ahahah right he's max 188 but hes taller than justin hartley by 1-2 cm, than john schneider, here listed 191, and much taller than gabriel aubry that is solid 4 inches taller than bruce willis!
John said on 17/Aug/11
Legend, I guess you didn't see Tom next to Gabriel Aubrey who is 6'2 and Tom is taller. The pic with the 5'11 guy was clearly in his favor as he was closer to the camera. You can't base all your proof on one pic when the preponderance of the evidence suggests otherwise.
Legend said on 17/Aug/11
I guess you guys didn't see him in that picture next to a 5'11 guy and he only looked 2 or 3 inches taller. He's 6'2 max.
Patrick said on 17/Aug/11
Legend, and You, you did it for sure...I mean walking alongside Tom, didn't you? You still base your conclusion on just no real thing and certainly not as solid as the others as John and Andrea do. You are just "convinced" that he is 6'1.5 or so and that's it. So, "I" am convinced that John is absolutely right. People systematically downgrading celebrities are always suspect to me because it is precisely "question of belittling" people while the contrary just can't be accused of anything but "emphasizing".
That you don't believe Tom is 6'4 or even 6'3, that's ok but putting him under 6'é as Viper used to do it, it is simply not realistic and proofs, reliable testimonies are numerous enough for years to at least make anyone "not that sure" of himself.
I cannot affirm nor prove Tom is taller than 6'3 but I have enough elements as anyone else, just by watching the show, to admit he cannot be simply 6'2.
I swear that all the people I met at the studio near Vancouver, each one told me first and foremost, prior to any other consideration "ho tall Tom is".
At the time, they all had worked for years with him and J. Schneider and even Justin Hartley (in spring 2008).
As for the "famous" pic with Jared, even if I admit it shows him taller than Tom, I won't be as sure as many regarding how important the difference really is.
I can't help being amazed how people, actors, in the same scene, on the same even ground, with an apparently not tilting camera can change according to the position they have one next to the other.
There is a scene in full metal jacket where Vincent D'Onofrio looks, walking at his left, two inches taller than Matthew Modine while in a similar scene, it is one inch in favor of the latter!
Perspective is the biggest tricker ever. John is right too regarding "slouching" even if by one degree; that changes everything.
John Wayne was always swaying for example and lost about two inches all the time. Tom has not the best posture without slouching for all that.
I remember a scene in the perhaps third or fourth season where he stands up straight: all of a sudden, John Glover seems to be a dwarf and I don't exaggerate!
It's striking! Modine always stands up straight while never D'Onofrio does.
I wish I could see Adam Baldwin – who, sorry, is clearly 6'4 but naturally as broad as mountain – next to Tom.
Lenad said on 17/Aug/11
i wouldnt rule out solid 190cm either. the people saying hes 6'2 at best really have no idea how to tell height
Legend said on 17/Aug/11
Tom is 6'2 max on a good day. You people couldn't tell someone's height if you walked up to them with a tape measure.
ANDREA[ITA] said on 16/Aug/11
Yeah! That doesnt surprise me! Its so obvious tom is at least 191! jared is a bit taller, like 192-193!
John said on 15/Aug/11
Okay guys, just went to the Chicago comic con yesterday and met Alaina Huffman (Black Canary) and I asked her how tall she thought Tom was, of course she replied with 6'4. The interesting thing about this is my friend Jack was with me and he is a strong 6'3 and she felt Tom was taller than him. This is of course no real proof since we couldn't compare Tom directly with Jack. One thing's for sure though, Tom must be taller than 6'2 to seem to Alaina as taller than my friend.
One other thing, James Marsters was also there and walked right by me, I'm around 5'10 and James seems to be easily 5'9 to me. For Tom to make Marsters look as short as he does it seems to me he'd have to be a strong 6'3. The other thing that struck me is I expected Marsters to be more slight of build then he was due to how small he looks next to Tom. Tom has to be a big guy to dwarf Marsters like he does.
stoodnext2 said on 14/Aug/11
I agree with John. I'd say 6'3 for Tom Welling Easily.
ANDREA[ITA] said on 14/Aug/11
Well if he isnt below 189 at any part of the day, you mean hes 189 in tge night so 190 is his real height!
John said on 13/Aug/11
ANDREA[ITA], I certainly won't rule out 190 cm for Tom and I also don't believe he is below 189 cm at any part of the day.
ANDREA[ITA] said on 13/Aug/11
I just say this: the difference between zachary levi and adam baldwin is clearly more than tge one between tom and jared! See the photos: zachary sometimes looks even 6 cms shorter but rob listed him at 191! And adam, in my opinion, is not even a full 6'4 man but more like 192! Treat your own conclusion! I dont care if you think tom is 189 because in my opinion he's a strong 190! :)
John said on 13/Aug/11
In that pic, Truth it looks to me as though Tom is a little bit loose with his posture as well. He seems to be leaning ever so slightly and not standing tall. I do agree that Jared has at least 2 inches on Tom and may be pushing 6'4.5 where Tom is closer to 6'2.5.
Truth said on 12/Aug/11
There is more then a 1.25' inch difference between Tom and Jared. In all of the pictures between Tom and Jared, Jared has a clear forehead above Tom when they are side by side. Tom reaches to around Jared's eyebrows/eyeline area in most of their candid pictures. If that's not enough look at how they fair against Scott Patterson. Jared is at least a full head above Scott Patterson who he worked with on Gilmore Girls. Scott comes up to around Tom's eye level in candid pictures. Patterson is claimed to be 6' and Tom has a clear 2" advantage on him. Jared towers over Scott. Tom is not near Padalecki's height. Tom is not as close to Jared as Jared is to Mears and Hermann for instance both of whom are listed as being 6'5. If you look in this picture even when Jared is in a slouch Tom still comes up to just around his eye brow area and Jared still has a few inches on him.
Click Here
Da Man said on 12/Aug/11
ANDREA[ITA] says, "yeah! if for you that is 4 cms, then the difference between jensen ackles and jared padalecki must be at least 15 cms, always in your point of view. :)"
I'm not sure how you jump to that wildly inaccurate conclusion based on those pics:
Click Here
Jared has roughly 4.5" on Jensen in that pic, and pretty often on Supernatural as well, which is just a hair over 11 cm...not "at least" 15 cm.
ANDREA[ITA] said on 12/Aug/11
I dunno where you see these two inches -.- He's a little taller! The pics with aubry showed that too. In fact aubry's gotta be at least 6'2 (remember he's solid 4 inches taller than bruce willis). Tom welling is about two inches taller! Everybody said Tom is very tall. 189 is a big height but i never heard anyone commenting someone's height this way. Jaime King, that is listed 5'9, said he's so tall and that she has to til her head up to talk to him. That's very strange because 14 cms is a quite a big difference but not so much! Justin Hartley, that worked with him everyday for 4 years and that is listed at 6'2.25, said they use camera tricks to make him look less smaller next to Tom Welling and that Tom is about half an inch taller so 6'2.75 at least is my guess.
Truth said on 11/Aug/11
I don't buy Jared being less then 6'4 at all. He is way too tall to be a 6'3 and change. I would say his minimum height has to be around 6'4 and a half especially considering he rivals both Mears and Hermann who are cited as being 6'5. There is no way Jared could rival 6'5 actors with a 6'3 frame/height unless both Hermann and Mears are lying. Tom is also noticeably smaller then Jared is by at least two inches. Tom is a little taller then Justin Hartley who is billed as being 6'2. I could buy Tom being 6'2 and a half and Jared being 6'4 and a half or somewhere in the vicinity of those estimates.
ANDREA[ITA] said on 11/Aug/11
yeah! if for you that is 4 cms, then the difference between jensen ackles and jared padalecki must be at least 15 cms, always in your point of view. :)
John said on 11/Aug/11
I can buy 189 cm for Tom but what about Aubrey? If Tom's 6'2.5 there's no way Aubrey is 6'2.
Da Man said on 10/Aug/11
That's where we disagree. I'd say Jared is absolutely no less than 3cm taller that Tom, and roughly 4cm is much more likely and easily supported by the CW premiere video.
Welling - 189 cm mid-day height
Padalecki - 193 cm mid-day height
ANDREA[ITA] said on 9/Aug/11
Hey nobody said Tom is as tall as Jared Padalecki! I just said the difference is very small! I thought there were at least 2 inches too because i saw the pic in of CBTD but they said they just made Jared look bigger than he is because Tom is a big guy! The real difference is 2-3 cms no more! Tom is nothing less than 190 in my opinion! 189 could be his lowest height in the night but during the day is a solid 190!
Da Man said on 9/Aug/11
Regarding the CBTD pics, I think most of the "height augmentation" came from the fact that Welling was in Chuck Taylors. Between those two frames, when Welling gets in Jared's face you can tell he steps up onto something and the height disparity becomes a touch less.
Da Man said on 9/Aug/11
ANDREA[ITA], the first pic shows 1.5"-1.6" on the money, which is 3.8-4.1 cm.
Truth said on 9/Aug/11
Yeah I always thought it was obvious that Jared had at least two inches on him (Tom). Tom is probably about the same size as Justin Hartley around a 6'2 with a stretch maybe a 6'3. Tom may have an inch or so maybe on Hartley but Jared is noticeably taller then Tom is which makes me think Jared is in the range for a 6'5 candidacy.
Tom has even admitted he asked the directors of Cheaper By The Dozen to cast Jared as his bully because he was taller then Tom and could believably intimidate him for the intended scene.
John said on 8/Aug/11
Your last pick isn't worth noting because in the CBTD behind the scenes they talked about augmenting the height difference between Padalecki and Welling. The other pics show 6'4 Padalecki with 6'2.5 Welling IMO. I suspect lifts were involved with Ackles as he seems to love thick footwear.
Da Man said on 8/Aug/11
ANDREA[ITA], where's your evidence for Padalecki only having 2cm on Welling? There's plenty of evidence that supports Padalecki having closer to 4cm on Welling.
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
And yes I know there are issues with this pic, but it is worth noting regardless:
Click Here
ANDREA[ITA] said on 8/Aug/11
Ahaha padalecki is not 6'5, come on! He's just a legit 6'4! Maybe you dont have the idea of how tall a legit 6'4 is! Take a meter and see it! If he's more than 6'4, tom welling must be at least more than 6'3! In my opinion it could be: Tom 190-191, Jared 193-194!
Patrick said on 8/Aug/11
J. Alba on top of that is probably wearing heels (as a rule) and besides, I would say and repeat that height is definitely not any advantage for a current actor: the era of the Wayne, Hudson, Heston, Stewart, Cooper and Eastwood is over for long. Fine and very interesting actors as David Morse or Matthew Modine, Vince Vaughn and even Adam Baldwin are reduced to secondary or even worse, roles.
Take a fine actor as Vincent D'Onofrio who never ever could really - but on TV – became a star while much more mediocre actors did it.
Read what said so many of those tall actors: they all say the same thing about it!
Let's say that what was true for 6'6 or 6'7 actors 50 years ago is now the rule for 6'3 men.
Of I were Padalecki, I certainly wouldn't claim 6'5!
ANDREA[ITA] said on 8/Aug/11
Yeah! But not only that! He's only 2 cms shorter than jared padalecki! I saw people saying jared is 194 and tom 188! They clearly have some problems with their eyes since the difference is cery small!
Truth said on 8/Aug/11
I think a legit 6'2 maybe a little over.
John said on 7/Aug/11
ANDREA[ITA], I agree Tom is taller than John Schneider. So many people on this site believe the contrary but more often than not he appears this way on Smallville. I've paused multiple scenes where it is evident Tom is taller even ones where their feet are in the shot. There are occasional shots otherwise, some due to angles but more often Tom appears about 2 cms taller to me as well. It's good to see that I'm not the only one who perceives it that way.
ANDREA[ITA] said on 6/Aug/11
Tom is also taller by 2 cms than John Schneider that Rob has listed at 6ft3! Well first i think John is not 6ft3 but is more like 188-189! So 6ft3 at least is right! Rob i would like to be present when you will meet Tom and you will think: "I thought he was shorter" ahaahah
ANDREA[ITA] said on 6/Aug/11
still welling's favor?
Click Herestill welling's favor?
Click Herecome on! he looks a giant next to him! in smallville, there's not much difference between them! this shows that camera tricks can do much things :)
John said on 6/Aug/11
Jensen Ackles claims Padalecki is 6'5 but won't admit it. If this is true than it could support a near 6'4 Welling. I think it's more likely that Ackles claims this to make himself seem taller by comparison to a 6'5 guy rather than 6'4. With that said I've often wondered if Padalecki might not be 6'4.5 or so.
ANDREA[ITA] said on 6/Aug/11
Yeah i wouldnt put him too! Hes clearly shorter than6'4 padalecki but only by max 3cms!
ANDREA[ITA] said on 6/Aug/11
and what about this pic with jessica alba?
Click Here
he's almost 20 cms taller than her! she's listed 168 and she certainly wears big heels as always! if you see pics of her with ashton kutcher, who's listed at the same height of tom but i think he's no more than 6ft2, he never is so much taller! Come on! Why should people say he's 6ft5? He's clearly not that height but he's very close to 6ft4! Look at video with Jared Padalecki on Youtube and there no more than 2 cms of difference!
John said on 5/Aug/11
I wouldn't put Welling at 6'4 but I think he is at least 6'2.5 and maybe as high as 6'3. Most other pics of Aubry support a 6'2 guy but Welling has an easy inch if not more on him. Even if the angles favor Tom in the Aubrey pics he is still undeniably taller. This guy is close to 6'3.
therealjenny said on 5/Aug/11
i don't know why i haven't seen my comments posted in here... once and for all, this guy is 6 foot 3! like i said before! maybe over if you gonna ask me.
Da Man said on 5/Aug/11
ANDREA[ITA], very much like the Aubry video, yes.
Click Here
Take that pic, rotate by 2 degrees in Aubry's favor, which will eliminate much of Welling's perspective advantage, and suddenly the listed heights pretty much add up. I would rotate the photo myself but my Office Picture Manager is on the fritz.
ANDREA[ITA] said on 5/Aug/11
yeah... like the one with Gabriel Aubry, right? In the last episode of smallville, there's a brief scene where Erica Durance is barefoot and Tom is with shoes on! He looks a giant! He has like 25 cms on her! Now lets take off 3 cms of shoes... I think he really is 191-192!
Da Man said on 5/Aug/11
That pic with Marsters has been floating around for years, the picture is tilted in Welling's favor by 1 or 2 degrees.
ANDREA[ITA] said on 5/Aug/11
ok! let alone the pics with kane, what about the one i posted with james marsters? he makes him look a dwarf and james is 175! he's also wearing sandals, while james has shoes! in smallville you never see this difference because they use camera tricks but here tom looks a giant!
Patrick said on 5/Aug/11
ANDREA[ITA] I just congratulate you and not because you finally adhere, give or take an inch, to my opinion but for it shows integrity and intelligence; the one consisting in changing one's mind and the other one that is to publicly admit it.
Da Man said on 4/Aug/11
ANDREA[ITA] says, "the pic from backstage with kane shows there are no more than 10 cms between them!"
Nah, it's pretty clear even from that one shot with Kane hunched over that Kane would have a solid 5" on Welling with comparable posture.
ANDREA[ITA] said on 3/Aug/11
yeah he's shorter than padalecki but like 1-2 cm! See on youtube! Also see the pic i posted with James Marsters! James is also wearing thicker shoes and there are for sure more than 14 cms of difference! there are at least 16 cms... In smallville they clearly use camera tricks! I was the first one saying he was no more than 6ft2 but all these comments and photos of backstage made me change idea!
moe said on 3/Aug/11
in almost all interviews written or on video, he has said that he is 6'3". the quote above is the only i've seen where he's said to have said 'almost 6'3".' does anyone have an original source for the quote above and know when it was taken?
Truthman said on 3/Aug/11
He is 6'2.5. He is shorter than Padalecki, so all this "6'4-6'5" stuff is stupid.
mr medium said on 3/Aug/11
yes. rob, i think u should try to meet tom to make this thing clearly.
ANDREA[ITA] said on 2/Aug/11
rob, is it a good proof? I think he's definitely over 6'3!

Editor Rob
I still believe Welling is almost 6ft 3 like he claims, whether he is more 6ft 2.75 than2.5 it is possible.
ANDREA[ITA] said on 2/Aug/11
Click Hereif james marsters is really 175, tom welling is close to 6'4 if not 6'4! :)
ANDREA[ITA] said on 2/Aug/11
Yeah! Im just wondering why he says almost 6ft3. Just say 6ft3. Whats the problem? And im also wondering why they also hide his height in the show... I mean, he should be superman so they should show his big height... Watching the show, and not knowing they use camera tricks, tom looks no more than 6ft1! But in real life hes no less than 6ft3. Rob, what do you think? Im sure you did list 6ft3 people here that would look clearly shorter than tom that you listed at 189! All these questions would be answered if you just meet him! Is there a possibility?
ANDREA[ITA] said on 2/Aug/11
-.- if height doesnt matter for you, i think you would just say 6ft3. not almost 6ft3! Maybe 189 is his lowest height and he's a strong 6ft3!
Patrick said on 2/Aug/11
mr. Medium, I find your comment very intelligent !
lordrandall91, I confirm your opinion and report; when in Canada, I met people working with him and they all said the same thing first and foremost: "one thing about Tom: how tall he is!" I mean "all" of them! They didn't mention Justin and told me that J. Schneider was clearly shorter than him. They told me he was always playing in slippers when in soundstages and even "6' M. Rosenbaum had often to stand over an apple box – which is also mentioned by many co-stars - during close-ups".
I am sorry but I am just out of a new big surgery and may seem a bit "late" in relation to your comments guys, but Bruce Willis was always taller than 5'11 (when I told you I was "late"!);
If you reckon all the facts and testimonies, you have to admit that Tom is at least 6'3 and not less.
But the name of the game compels us to toy with details, which I love in this site.
Still, no use uttering nonsense as Tom being "tops" 6'1.5!
mr. medium said on 2/Aug/11
he always look like 6 ft 3 to me. if i am welling, i would said almost 6ft 3 too becuse height doesnt matter for me.
ANDREA[ITA] said on 1/Aug/11
Yeah he's shorter but not as much as you see in cheaper by the dozen, in the parking scene! He's like 1-2 cms shorter! So he's gotta be at least 6ft3! Im wobdering why he says he's almost 6ft3! Maybe he measured himself in the night! He could be strong 6ft3.5 out of bed!
ANDREA[ITA] said on 31/Jul/11
the pic from backstage with kane shows there are no more than 10 cms between them! I think he's at least 191! :)
ANDREA[ITA] said on 31/Jul/11
Click HereJaime King, that you Rob listed at 5'9, says he's very tall and she always has to look up! :) All these comments, would really make me think he's 6'4! Have you ever met him, rob?

Editor Rob
i never saw him, but he's shorter than Jared Padalecki who does look 6ft 4 in person.
lordrandall91 said on 30/Jul/11
The pics with gabriel aubry, a legit 6'2, proofed that too! Tom is much bigger and taller than gabriel!
lordrandall91 said on 30/Jul/11
I saw a vid of people at bonnie hunt show! They all mention how big and tall tom is! Erica Durance says he's 6'5... Sam witwer said that too! Jared padalecki says he's a big guy ( and jared is 6'4)! Justin hartley, that worked a lot with him, claimed he's taller than him ( hes a better judge than photo of them; he also said they used camera tricks to make him look less smaller). A 6'2.5 guy is very tall but it wouldnt surprise people this way! I mean, a 6'2.5 guy is not too rare! From smallvillr, i thought too he wasnt more than 188 but these comments from his costars made me change idea! Im not saying he's 6'4 but if he were that ot wouldnt surprise me. What do you really think, rob? I mean, i never heard so many people commenting on someone's height!
thebad7 said on 28/Jul/11
He must be a very humble guy. Compared to other tall actors on the show, Welling looks to be an easy 6'3".
Hugh said on 25/Jul/11
I said almost. And that means there are about 11/12 cm height difference.
john said on 22/Jul/11
@ Hugh
I wouldn't say the middle of Alan's nose, seems closer to the bottom to me. I suppose we can just agree to disagree on this one.
ANDREA[ITA] said on 22/Jul/11
yeah! he's closer to 6'3! He said himself to be almost six-foot-three! he's just honest! strong 189-190 is his height!
Hugh said on 22/Jul/11
John says on 21/Jul/11
The reasoning is the top of Rob's head is at the bottom of Alan's nose when lined up. That's closer to 6 inches, not 4 even if you factor in the slight shoe advantage.
John you just have to look carefully that picture, because the top of Rob's head is almost at the middle of Alan's nose.
John said on 21/Jul/11
I've heard people estimating Tom from 6'3 to as high as 6'5. In all likelihood he is closer to 6'3.
jennyforreal said on 21/Jul/11
i'm kinda suprised tom wasn't that tall, i've seen him couple of times at L.A. i would say he's closer to 6/4!
my boyfriend is roughly 6/2 and tom is way taller at least an inch or two. It's sad i've lost their pics, my bad...
John said on 21/Jul/11
The reasoning is the top of Rob's head is at the bottom of Alan's nose when lined up. That's closer to 6 inches, not 4 even if you factor in the slight shoe advantage.
Hugh said on 20/Jul/11
Yaspaa says on 16/Jul/11
Hugh, he's not 184, come on, there's more thasn 4" between him and Rob. 187 is more realistic.
What's the base of your reasoning about his height estimation?
If you say 187cm, then you must think my reasoning was wrong: where exactly?
Joey said on 20/Jul/11
Hulk, both were wearing golf shoes. Both participated in the golf tournament. Aubry's were black, while Welling's were oxford types. There's no significant difference in shoe height.
hulk said on 20/Jul/11
In that pic you can easily tell Tom Welling is taller than Gabreil Aubry and the reason is because he's wearing GOLF shoes which usually have 1.5 inches on them copared to Aubry whos wearing normal shoes.
Gabriel Aubry ------ 6'2 FACT
Tom Welling -------- 6'3 FACT
Nils said on 19/Jul/11
Rob you think its possible tom is over 6'3? Even with wierd camera angles it's hard to make a 6'2 guy this small if you're only 6'2.5
From my own experience he is for sure 6'3+ ^^
ANDREA[ITA] said on 19/Jul/11
only one inch? rob, you know that also an inch would change some other heigths! i mean: like i said, bruce willis is solid 4 inches shorter than gabriel aubry! so you're saying he's only 177? so change his schedule :)
John said on 19/Jul/11
Rob, so 6'1.5 for Aubrey and 6'2.5 for Tom?

Editor Rob
it's possible, but if you look at aubrey with some other people he really does look 6ft 2, with Tom he certainly looks to be struggling with 6ft 2
Joey said on 19/Jul/11
Rob, there's more than a photo. There are several photos taken on two completely different days and also video of the SAG Golf Tournament.
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Video at the golf tournament:
Click Here
It does appear to me that Welling is about 3" taller than Aubry.

Editor Rob
the camera angles and even in the video favours Tom! Looking at the clip I would say there wasn't more than 1 inch knowing the position of the camera.
ANDREA[ITA] said on 19/Jul/11
yeah i thought that too! but there's no photo or video where there's less than 2.5 inch difference! do you think tom is really only 6ft2.5?
Eggsn said on 18/Jul/11
Guys, for how long this has been going on, legend will not concede and will stick to what he believes as proof. Either because he truly believes it based on 1 source or because he wants to
keep this going. Welling has been asked and there's been interviews all over and they are saying around 6'3" by people who worked and know him as well as himself.
ANDREA[ITA] said on 18/Jul/11
rob, you still havent said anything about the pics of him and gabriel aubry! from the pics he's at least 2.5 taller than aubry! i think tom is no more than 6ft3, so gabriel aubry is max 6'05! and if you remember, someone posted a pic of him and bruce willis! he looked solid 4 inches shorter! that would make bruce willis 5ft8! time of downgrade?

Editor Rob
I don't think there's as much difference as the photo with gabriel suggests.
John said on 18/Jul/11
Obviously rational debate has no effect on you so I tried a different approach, to throw your own words at you to show how ineffective your debating skills really are.
The picture you're referring to clearly favors the Father but your bias is clouding your judgement. You have yet to even comment on the Aubrey golf pics which show Aubrey and Welling side by side on even ground. Instead you dogmatically focus on one dubious pic to prove your case. As for your comment on my intellect, I believe my previous statements speak for themselves.
Legend said on 17/Jul/11
It shows a lack of intelligence when you copy my comment word for word just to impose your height estimation over mine, douche. The picture says it all. He's 6'1.75 Max.
Yaspaa said on 16/Jul/11
Hugh, he's not 184, come on, there's more thasn 4" between him and Rob. 187 is more realistic.
John said on 16/Jul/11
Do you think photos are 100 percent proof, there's something funny about the Father pic.
John said on 15/Jul/11
And when I say he's 6'3 that's his max...
Legend said on 12/Jul/11
And when I say he's 6'1.75 thats his max...
John said on 12/Jul/11
@Legend, have you looked at the golf pics with Aubrey and Welling. Are you willing to say Aubrey is under 6 feet which is what he'd have to be for a 6'1.75 Welling. In this pic you can see their feet and the ground and Welling is clearly taller. The Father pic as Hugh points out is not conclusive, you can't see their feet and the camera angle favors the Father.
Hugh said on 12/Jul/11
Well I read Rob's height on his page is 173cms, so my estimation is a 1 cm upgraded (Alan Ritchson height should be 184 cms). Let's leave it the 1 cm advantage just because it isn't a very precise measurement.
Hugh said on 12/Jul/11
John says on 11/Jul/11
I would also like to point out one other thing, Alan Ritchson is 6'2. He looks it in the pic with Rob. With that said he consistently looks an inch shorter than Tom. This is because Tom isn't under 6'2.5 and is probably closer to 6'3.
IMHO that Alan Ritchson-Rob's picture proves that Alan Ritchson is 6'1". Looking to Rob's measures (
Click Here) we can see from his eyeline to his head top line there are 10 cms, and we can see Alan has the same proportion. Alan eyeline is 2 cms over the top of Rob's head so about 176cms, and if we add 10 cms we have Alan height: 186cms. Finally, if we take in account Alan sole thickness advantage, we can argue he is a bit shorter than 6'1", let's say 185 cms.
Hugh said on 12/Jul/11
Legend that picture is not a proof. We do not see their shoes and the ground. It can just be a suggestion. The golf picture of Welling-Aubry is, indeed, a proof that shows there is something very wrong about their height difference estimation. I'll go with waiting for something clearer.
My opinion is affected by my personal impression: I think he actually is 6'1.5".
But I have to admit that we can see on those picture Tom really seems to be taller than 6'2", probably next to 6'3".
Yaspaa said on 11/Jul/11
@Legend, how on earth is that clearly? You're reaching dude, big style.
Legend said on 11/Jul/11
I gave you guys proof in the picture I posted below. It's up to you now whether you want to face reality or not. Tom is 6'1.75
John said on 11/Jul/11
I would also like to point out one other thing, Alan Ritchson is 6'2. He looks it in the pic with Rob. With that said he consistently looks an inch shorter than Tom. This is because Tom isn't under 6'2.5 and is probably closer to 6'3.
John said on 11/Jul/11
The father is closer to the camera which clearly favors him not Tom. This pic proves nothing. Camera angles can most certainly effect how height is perceived. The golf pic with Aubrey and Tom side by side is a much better gauge of their relative heights.
John said on 10/Jul/11
Who, Legend, Aubrey or Welling? If Aubrey is even 6'1 Tom has to be at least 2 inches taller. Even if Aubrey is only 6' that would still put Tom over 6'1.75 and more probably over 6'2. In the golf pic Tom is at least 2 inches taller on even ground with no apparent camera tilt. I think it might be time to throw in the towel Legend and admit Tom is probably over 6'2 as listed on this site.
Legend said on 10/Jul/11
Look for yourself. I'm going by a picture that someone put up here a while back. It was a picture of the guy's 5'11 father who was next to Tom and was clearly not over 3 inches taller than him.
Click Here
lordrandall91 said on 9/Jul/11
Yeah! I still cant explain those pictures! I think tom is about 190... Aubrey is at least 2 inches shorter! So he should me max 185 but i always thought he was a strong 6ft2! Look at him with bruce willis ( he looks 4 inches taller) and he's much taller than halle berry! That would make willis 175 and halle berry 160! I dont think that is true! What do you think rob?

Editor Rob
I think the photo might possibly favour Tom, I don't think gabriel ever looks shorter than 6ft 2 with most people.
Da Man said on 8/Jul/11
Patrick, I misunderstood.
Legend said on 8/Jul/11
No he's never seen 6'2 ion his life.
John said on 8/Jul/11
I agree, Willis was 5'11 in his prime. Legend, how do you explain the Aubrey pics if Tom is 6'1.75?
ANDREA[ITA] said on 8/Jul/11
willis is nowhere or was nowhere near 6'! he was a legit 5'11! no more!
John said on 8/Jul/11
Tom is 6'2.5 Min
Legend said on 7/Jul/11
Tom is 6'1.75 Max
Patrick said on 7/Jul/11
DaMan, I agree with you but i just say that Jared is presumably not that much taller and that's it. Willis is really or at least used to be 6'.
ANDREA[ITA] said on 7/Jul/11
ahhah Yaspaa! you're right! thats what i thought when i read his comments! I expected he gave tom at 6'5 too xD
Yaspaa said on 6/Jul/11
@Rampage(-_-_-)Clover - 188cm, you always give at least an inch over what they really are. Arnie, Stallone etc. I would expect you to peg Tom at 6'5.
Da Man said on 4/Jul/11
I'd be willing to put $100 on Jared being taller than Tom. Tom has admitted it and the CW vid proved it for me.
ANDREA[ITA] said on 4/Jul/11
yeah! he's not that shorter than Jared! Jared is 193, Tom must be only 3-4 cms shorter! I dont think he's taller than 190! Besides, Bruce Willis is nowhere 6'! If he were that, Aubrey would be 190 at least and tom welling 6'5 and jared 6'6.5! ahahah
Patrick said on 4/Jul/11
Wow! Tom Wow! Tom is not that shorter than Jared ; It's "my" opinion fo sure and isn't worth more.
Besides, Bruce Willis is definitely 6'. I'm rewaching the SV first episode...Tom looks as a giant. Everybody is just dwarfed around him and even John Schneider is clearly, very visibly taller by about between one to two inches, depending ond the shots.
Chloe is far below his neck-base, rather at his mid-chest level.
Even at 5'2 – and she's more than that – that puts Tom at 6'3 minimum.
Patrick said on 30/Jun/09
For once more, an obscure reason, 29 june Anonymous is just "me"!
Anonymous said on 29/Jun/09
I am too short in time just now to properly answer but DaMan, I am proud, VERY proud of reading you about me. I don't know where to hide as we say in French!
I feel also so close to Yaspaa while so different in character but isn'it what is so interesting in meeting people?
My car was my old frined's one: a simple Chevy Caprice 1977 and the engine got the renovation it deserved. A very good and so American car ! I loved it an di have to simply give up on it"! This is not the place to explain why but that makes me feel sad. I really hope to be able to settle down in America. Who knows, we possibly will met and I wish Yaspaa could do the same! What a party around Tom who still is...6'3! (ha ha ha!)
Da Man said on 28/Jun/09
4'3" Camaro? haha
I'm not dogging econoboxes as daily drivers, but as "hot rods". I don't mind them as appliances, even though the American manufacturers are building appliances just as well as anybody these days.
An "appliance" I would drive anyday:
Click Here
Yaspaa said on 28/Jun/09
1968 Z28,300 gross hp,4'3 and gorgeous.
Click Here 2005 Mazda 3 2.0 sport (my asian box lol),148 bhp,not what you would call gorgeous but taller at 4'9.5 :D
Click Here
Da Man said on 28/Jun/09
What was that 350 in, Patrick? Yea, I remember most of your posts. I always find your opinions and view of the U.S. to be insightful, a different take than most. I believe you and I share a similar view of this country, and that opinion seems to be in the minority these days.
I love V8 American muscle and pony cars, no 4-banger, big-wing, Fast and the Furious, bumblebee sounding, no style, glorified econobox Asian cars for me.
sid said on 27/Jun/09
Hugh Tom can look 6'2 when I saw him square in person, he didn't seem that tall to me..we where on even ground as well as Micheal R..I esitmated tom at 6'2, max he can look 6'2'5. Micheal R look the same height at me maybe perhaps a inch taller.. 5'11, 6ft in probably shoes..I know what I saw and estimation are mostly right..for heights..I usually narrow people height other I'm right on the money or slighty off..
Patrick said on 22/Jun/09
DaMan and Yaspaa (alphabetical order): I
Yaspaa said on 19/Jun/09
You may be right.
Da Man said on 19/Jun/09
Oh, I thought he was just a fan of the V8.
Yaspaa said on 19/Jun/09
I think I read patrick say he has a V8.
Hugh said on 19/Jun/09
Patrick says on 17/Jun/09
If Tom is 6
Da Man said on 18/Jun/09
Now you'll be able to own a real car, Patrick! :)
sid said on 18/Jun/09
Patrick He looks like a 6'2 max 6'2'5 to me when i saw him..maybe he is almost 6'3, so 6'2'5 the max
Yaspaa said on 17/Jun/09
Lost in translation,nuances and idiosyncrasies of different people and cultures is what makes the human race so interesting and unpredictable as well as being downright difficult to fully convey intent via the written word without being a literary virtuoso,also Tom looks around 189.5
Clay said on 17/Jun/09
Tom is nothign under 6'2.5.
Patrick said on 17/Jun/09
Yaspaa, my friend, I didn
sid said on 15/Jun/09
Tom is 6'2 to 6'2.5
Yaspaa said on 15/Jun/09
patrick you misunderstand me,I pretty much said this shot is also not very good but that Tom looks taller than in the other picture. 6'2 in the first shot and 6'3 in the second. Chad looks small and Jensen looks oddly taller than he should,footwear as usual is an issue so..... cry havoc and release these pics into the shredder.
Patrick said on 15/Jun/09
Yaspaa, not only he is leaning but above all, that is decptive distorted wide angle shot. Definitely kind of picture just unusable! Come on that is obvious!
Yaspaa said on 15/Jun/09
An even ropier shot,if Tom wasn't leaning back it appears he would be close in height to jared.
Click Here The elusive Tom.
Da Man said on 14/Jun/09
There is definitely a camera distortion. What is clear (once again) though is that Jared is notably taller than Tom.
Josh.J said on 14/Jun/09
Yeah the shot isnt perfect. while the angle is decent, the actors have loose posture and jared especially is bending his head. straightened up he'll probably have another inch. plus we cant see the shoes (and its hard to guess to casual clothing). the only thing i can surmise is tom welling looks smaller than i thought he would be and he certainly doesnt look 6'3 barefoot as alot of his fans claim.
Yaspaa said on 14/Jun/09
That shot is ropey.
sid said on 14/Jun/09
Josh.J I knew it, he looks more 6'2 there that picture, jared is putting his arms around. looks more 1'5 with his arms down. he would look more 2...6'2 barefeet for tom, in boots he wears 6'3... max tom can be 6'2'5. min 6'2
Da Man said on 14/Jun/09
1.5" until you account for Jared's lax posture. Jared's roughly 2" taller, this is just another pic from a multitude that show this.
kali from me said on 13/Jun/09
there seems to be about 1.5 inch between welling and padalecki.. as for jenson he looks 6feet and a little taller than chad but somehow i dont believe hes taller than chad i think they both the same height actually
Da Man said on 13/Jun/09
Nice find Josh.J
Josh.J said on 12/Jun/09
tom looks more like 6'2 here. ackles looks an 1~2 inches shorter than welling and welling looks 2 inches shorter than jared padalecki. i'd say ackles-6'0, welling-6'2, padalecki-6'4.
Click Here
Clay said on 12/Jun/09
His head is on the smaller side, doesn't look more than 8.5 inches, possibly 9. What's the average size of a guys head Rob ?

Editor Rob
9.5 is a good figure to use in photos.
but 8.5-10 inch covers most head lengths.
Yaspaa said on 12/Jun/09
Good luck to the lad.
Da Man said on 10/Jun/09
Belcher is a weakish 6'1"
Patrick said on 9/Jun/09
Sorry sid but that doesn't answer my question: "where did you see please, the two inch difference ". I am very accurate here and people around me saw exactly what i did myself. Do you have the DVD?
Yaspaa, i am sorry too because i am not fluent enough in "casual English" to figure out what you meant!
Yaspaa said on 9/Jun/09
I thought heyerdahl was taller than 6'4.
sid said on 9/Jun/09
Patrick Chris is 6'4 he was also on supernatural.. he looked the exact same height has jared..tom being 6'2'5 so chis is 6'4 so 1'5 inches min.. max 3 if toms is 6'2
Patrick said on 8/Jun/09
sid, where did you see please, the two inch difference because i didn't see them in the face to face scene, just before Clark is tossed as a pillow against a car. He looks taller, but about 4 inches so, just at the begining of the scene because it is obvious Zor-El is still floating after his short flight.
Hugh said on 8/Jun/09
Click Here and read the notes: Allison Mack confirmed in a interview that Tom Welling has signed on for Season 9 and Season 10. It depends now if the CW ratings is good enough for a tenth season.
season 10?!?!
sid said on 6/Jun/09
Patrick Chris heyerdahl had 2 inches on tom welling..he was also on superman natural.. he looked the same height as jared padelecli
Patrick said on 5/Jun/09
In 2007 7th season
Anonymous said on 5/Jun/09
this 4/june "anonymous" is me "Patrick"!
Anonymous said on 4/Jun/09
Yaspaa, delighted to contribute to your good mood! You don
Yaspaa said on 3/Jun/09
May this page rest until the boring summer is over.
Da Man said on 28/May/09
That side walk was definitely tilted in Tom's favor:
Click HereI can see John being disadvantaged by an inch there without too much trouble.
Yaspaa said on 28/May/09
Ah mon ami I enjoyed your soap bubble analogy and I agree Supes is the quintessential hero whose powers in Smallville seem very dulled at times,that episode where his strength was fluctuating and he tossed the tractor...shouldn't he have been able to flick that tractor into dust?
Patrick said on 28/May/09
Yaspaa, I am yet depressed by now but you succeed in making laugh! You are unique, whatever page I go to! DaMan won
Yaspaa said on 28/May/09
190 or not 190? That is the question.
Hugh 190cm said on 28/May/09
I could edge towards maybe a weak 6ft3 for this guy. 190cm?
Da Man said on 25/May/09
Their shoes are nearly identical, Hugh! There's plenty good comparison shots of them. The slope of that sidewalk could make JS look up to 1-2" shorter than he really is in relation to Tom.
Hugh said on 25/May/09
DaMan that's not enough. We can see Tom wearing shoes with a higher heel.
Da Man said on 25/May/09
Welling looks a bit taller than JS there, but it looks like the sidewalk is angled down a bit towards the road and JS is walking around with James Dean posture.
vtec said on 23/May/09
schneider and welling looking equal from episode run around 1:40 mark.
Click Here
Yaspaa said on 23/May/09
Maybe the ground isn't level and it's just the angle of the camera.
Josh.J said on 23/May/09
hmm the only difference i can spot is the posture. the shoes are similar, the ground seems even and the angle of the shot seems to favor no one. so it must be the posture. if you look closely enough it seems like welling is bending his left knee, but that doesnt explain the gap.
Hugh said on 21/May/09
Yes, DaMan JS has posture advantage but it doesn't seem to explain the whole height difference.
Yaspaa said on 21/May/09
Woh thats a weird shot,their arses seem to be the same height and they kind of look like stand ins Wayne's World style.
I cant comment on the direction of the show as I've never read the comics but agreeing with sid doesn't sit well in the tummy.
Da Man said on 21/May/09
Just to stir up some controversy:
Click Here JS has the posture advantage, but dang.
Da Man said on 20/May/09
I actually agree with some of Sid's points, in a round of bout way.
I believe had the show's producers let go of the "Smallville tit"; as it were, and plunged head-first into the Superman/Superboy mythos, I think the show would have been better off for it.
As it stands now the show is stuck in a kind of limbo, with the creator's unwilling to make the drastic changes needed, unwilling to upset the status quo. I just hope these people realize killing off characters isn't the only way to upset the status quo.. I would be far more interested in seeing the early days of the "Smallville Superman" instead of an unassured Clark Kent who has been avoiding his destiny for the last 3 years. Smallville really seemed to be moving in the right direction for the first half of this season, but once Lana showed back up something changed for the worse... and they never got back on track.
Hopefully next season will be the last, the producer's will know it before going in. Hopefully this will FORCE them to progress this story in the way it needs to be.
Hugh said on 20/May/09
I'm not so negative about the whole show, Sid. It's not really perfect but it is nice.
Yaspaa said on 20/May/09
I get to see Smallville on Fridays Patrick which is my drinking night so when I watch it I'm tipsy,it keeps disappointment to a minimum and enjoyment to the max.
I think this season was supposed to be WAM BAM but because its been renewed again they must be saving it all for the next season including flight. I've still really enjoyed the season though,Jimmy Olsen could be Iceman lol.
Da Man said on 19/May/09
I wish I could explain why I was a bit disappointed Patrick, but I think I would spoil too much! I will just say that Jimmy Olsen isn't who you think he is, and never has been! The season started out really, really solid though. I guess this is to be expected when the producers don't even know the show's fate until mid-season.
sid said on 19/May/09
Hugh All smallville finales. are cramped into one..Rarely enough clark using his powers...mostly focus on love triangles which sucks. Cw/producers of the show where to put Love triangles in the Bplot action in the A it would be better,, runners of Cw is making it a chick show..Smallville is the worst incarntion of superman I ever's pathethic how they can drag him not to become superman and fly for this's gonna take him to season 10. which I heard they might have.. to drag his superman destiny snd to fly..cancell the show..get it over with.
Patrick said on 19/May/09
Yaspaa, thanks a lot. I don't know the character you refer to and I don
Hugh said on 19/May/09
sid says on 17/May/09
Da Man That was a super leap...finale sucked. The producers of the show who writes for smallville said the fight was gonna be wasn't epic.. all they showed is a super leap..Instead of trying think he is gonna fly.. not actually flying just a super leap, waste of money of cgi have a fight that recks metroplois like it did in the comics or cartoon..
I cannot disagree.
Yaspaa said on 18/May/09
I'd rather have the budget cuts than cancelations Rob,I've read Dollhouse is getting another season, albeit with budget cuts.

Editor Rob
yes that is true.
Steve198 said on 18/May/09
This guy is a strong 6'2 or a weak 6'3.
In both cases he's tall.
Yaspaa said on 18/May/09
They did the best they could with the time and money available,hello...recession.

Editor Rob
quite a few shows being given another season are getting budgets cut.
sid said on 17/May/09
Da Man That was a super leap...finale sucked. The producers of the show who writes for smallville said the fight was gonna be wasn't epic.. all they showed is a super leap..Instead of trying think he is gonna fly.. not actually flying just a super leap, waste of money of cgi have a fight that recks metroplois like it did in the comics or cartoon..
Da Man said on 16/May/09
I don't know what to think about the finale. That Kandor bit just seemed forced, just thrown in last episode. DD's fate was predictable, seeing where he showed up from in the original Death of Superman story (from underground). I'm little po'ed about the Jimmy revelation, and still trying to figure out how Chloe never met his little brother before. They did get married, after all. Clark was being a little too emo again at the end again. But the special effects were good, and did Clark finally fly or was that just a really long, remarkably accurate leap?
I think Superman should train in Krav, that will give him the best shot at dismantling DD in he rematch. He doesn't need to waste his time with armbars on DD. :)
Alex says on 16/May/09 said on 16/May/09
Is there any picture of Tom with his brother Mark Welling?
Anonymous says on 16/May/09 said on 16/May/09
In Smallville, Tom always looked 6,3 to me next to Eric Johnson (6,2) or Justin Hartley (6,2.5)but the only reason because i am not sure if Tom is really 6,3 is that John Schneider who is 6,3 sometimes looked taller than Tom,for example in the episode "Obsession" (season 3)there is one scene in which Tom is barefoot next to Schneider and he looks shorter than him but maybe Schneider was on shoes or boots but then in the episode "Run" (season 4)in the scene which they are in the street they both are on their boots and they look to be in similar height.
Yaspaa said on 14/May/09
Hi Patrick,The kid in the commentary's actual words were "They were standing on boxes though." He could have mean't the guys in the background because in the scene they do look tall especially as they are standing in the background. I've watched it again and it looks like Tom is stepping off something,nothing much but something. If someone else had noticed Tom stepping off something while watching the movie but hadn't watched the commentary they may have thought it was a curb.
One of the kids has obviously said something away from the microphone and another kid has answered her. You can't hear the question only the answer which is "They were standing on boxes though." I think one of the kids said "The guys in the background look really tall too,and thats where the boxes comment came from. Tom is definitely stepping off something though and losing about an inch in the process.
Yaspaa said on 14/May/09
Actually sid that kid says boxes,so they could all be on them.
Da Man said on 13/May/09
Hugh, the disparity could very well be because of posture, which I have maintained since the beginning; however, it COULD also be because of another variable (such as a small box). Frankly, you don't have the definitive answer here and neither do I.
Regarding the horizontal rotation, hardly notable considering the top of Tom's head in relation to Jared's is nearly static in both pictures (and that was the constant), the pictures were not resized according to eye level or to the level of Tom's right shoulder.
sid said on 13/May/09
Da man jared is on a box, Yaspaa bought the Dvd, if you look behind the scences of it. Some kid yells that Jared is on a box, Tom had requested..he wanted to somone to be taller then him to play a a bully....Jared is on the In reality it's 1'5 to 2 inches.
Hugh said on 12/May/09
DaMan, I repeat, that inch difference you say, is because of Tom and Jared different postures (on the right picture Tom lowered his eyes a lil bit, and Jared really straightened his posture). This is more than enough to explain that difference. But I want to be more accurate, and I want to point out that Tom in the first picture shows his back, in the second he is showing his profile, so the shot suffers of a horizontal rotation which can interfere with measuring.
Yaspaa said on 12/May/09
Nah,6'4 in his boots nugget.
Da Man said on 12/May/09
Patrick, keep in mind Tom more than likely has a notable footwear disadvantage here, seeing as how he was wearing Chuck Taylor's throughout the movie. Those shoes only provide a 0.5" height increase over barefoot. If Jared was in a boot, he could be seeing up to a 1" height advantage thanks to footwear.
But when they really get in each other's face, there is really only around 2" between them, 2.5" tops.
Da Man said on 12/May/09
Hugh, there is no notable rotation in either pic, and there is undoubtedly a 0.75" - 1" disparity there. Whether it is because Jared is standing on something or because of posture is debatable.
Anonymous says on 12/May/09 said on 12/May/09
Well,now i think that Tom is 6,2 barefoot and if he reachs 6,3 is only on his boots.
Alex says on 12/May/09 said on 12/May/09
Tom Welling is 6,3 or 191 cm because Justin Hartley has said that Tom was about 2 cm taller than him and Justin is 6,2.5 or 189 cm, and that makes wonder myself ,why should Justin lie about that? or if Tom is only 6,2 how so many people says, why should Tom lie about his real height? I think that a 6,2 guy is tall too.
Patrick said on 12/May/09
May I say I am puzzled in seeing how what is obvious for some ones turns out to reversely be evident for some others!
I honestly see a far too huge difference between Tom and Jared in those pics not to be satisfied just by
Hugh said on 12/May/09
DaMan, your lines comfirm my opinion, there isn't any height disparity between those two pictures. Tom and Jared just changed their postures and the camera angle is a bit tilted, and this explain your impression.
I still see at least a 2.5 in difference.
Da Man said on 11/May/09
Hugh says,
"Same height difference DaMan, in second picture Tom is just looking up making you think his eyes are on Jared nose line."
There is a larger height disparity in the first picture. Tom is already looking up a bit in the first pic.
Either Jared is standing on something just under an inch high, or he has a really loose posture in the 2nd pic.
Click Here
Yaspaa said on 11/May/09
The thing is Sid Tom is in converse and jared could have been in boots which could justify the extra inch.
Hugh said on 11/May/09
Da Man says on 8/May/09
Jared could have been standing on something here: Click Here
But I can't see it here: Click Here
Same height difference DaMan, in second picture Tom is just looking up making you think his eyes are on Jared nose line.
Sid said on 11/May/09
Da Man thats funny I recalled a curb.. someone said on the behind the scnes.. perhaps it would have been a box..jared isnt that much taller then tom in that picture below jared looks to have 2'25 to 3. in reality probably 1'5 to 2 inches. tom 6'2.5 jared 6'4
Sid said on 11/May/09
Da Man Jared was on the curb.. check out the behind the scenes..of cheaper by the dozen.
Yaspaa said on 9/May/09
Just after that first pic DM,Tom steps back and he could be stepping off something maybe an inch high but he does ever so slightly stutter stepping back. If that is the case why would they have him stepping on and off it? Well no answers just more questions lol.
Da Man said on 8/May/09
I agree, the "box" would have to be LESS than an inch even in that first pic. But I'm sure you could find one if you really wanted to.
So the director just said Tom wanted someone taller than himself to play the bully, and the only box mentions come from one of the kids in the cast?
Yaspaa said on 8/May/09
They refer to him as 6'3 though. It would need to be a box so small that it wouldn't even be a box anymore. Guys on boxes in the background makes more sense.
Da Man said on 8/May/09
Jared could have been standing on something here:
Click HereBut I can't see it here:
Click Here
Hugh said on 8/May/09
It could be Tom, Yaspaa.
Yaspaa said on 8/May/09
It could be the guys in the background standing on boxes.
Yaspaa said on 8/May/09
OK guys the dvd has arrived and we are no better off I'm afraid. There are two commentaries,one from the director who says "Tom wanted someone taller to play the bully to make him more intimidating and Tom is a big guy at 6'3",nothing more is said. The second commentary is by the kids and during that scene they said "look at how much taller Jared is than Tom" 10 seconds later another kid mentions something about standing on boxes,who he is referring to isn't clear. There is no mention of a curb. The special features are poor revolving around the same crap,food fight,bouncy castle and frogs,there is nothing on the easter egg either,4 quid well spent.
Da Man said on 6/May/09
There are shots like this where Jared looks almost an inch taller than I would expect him to look:
Click Here So this is probably the shot with Jared on the curb.
But when they get in each other's faces, everything looks right:
Click Here
sid said on 6/May/09
Da Man I agree Tom 6'2'5, jared 6'4 maybe a edge more.
Yaspaa said on 6/May/09
Well I have ordered this movie just to see for myself,when it comes I'll post exactly what is said.
Da Man said on 6/May/09
Patrick, and you should know that I respect you as well. However, the height disparity is undoubtedly almost *exactly* the same in CBTZ and the CW Premiere. We're talking about a disparity that amounts to just fractions of an inch.
Click Here - just to use as a rough gauge.
Jared is a bit further from the camera than Tom in the CW photo, standing a bit behind Jensen, that alone accounts for all the disparity.
I still see Tom at 6'2.5", but in both instances there is about a 2" difference between Tom and Jared. And we know beyond all doubt that the ground was very much level on that CW Premiere stage.
Tom - 6'2.5"
Jared - 6'4.5"
Patrick said on 5/May/09
DaMan, however I respect you I just can
Da Man said on 4/May/09
Can anyone post screen caps of this behind the scenes footage? I find it hard to believe because the difference looks nearly the same as it does on a perfectly flat stage, and I've never seen a 1/4" curb.
I can't seem to reconcile Jared being on a curb and these photos:
Click HereCW Premeire:
Click HereCW Premiere stage:
Click Here If Jared is indeed on a curb **in the actual shots that made it to film**, then why is their height difference almost exactly the same on a perfectly flat stage? Jared has made Tom look much smaller in comparison every time they have been photographed or filmed together.
john said on 4/May/09
I saw the same thing, Jared was not on even ground with Tom. I checked it out in the behind the scenes to confirm it.
Patrick said on 4/May/09
I still continue to claim sid is right: Jared is on the curb. I would say that "it looks obvious". Nobody but sid agrees "that"? Curious. It was a time, a few years ago, people were numerous in assuming Tom on the gorund...
sid said on 1/May/09
Da man did you see the behind the scene, Jared is on the curb, tom is on the ground.
Da Man said on 30/Apr/09
Click Here - amazing the difference posture can make.
sid said on 30/Apr/09
Yaspaa Dude you need to watch the behind the scenes, it s hows Jared on a curb, and tom on the ground..
Da Man said on 29/Apr/09
If Jared is on a curb it's the smallest curb I have ever seen. I think the 1/4"-1/2" variation we see in the following pics is due to Welling's footwear disadvantage in CBTZ (Chuck Taylor's vs. a normal shoe; 1/2" increase over barefoot versus somewhere around 1")
Click HereCW Premiere:
Click Here (taken on a perfectly flat stage)
The biggest difference between those two shots is that the close-up makes you realize what a difference 2" really makes. When you pan out a bit it just doesn't look as extreme, never does.
Yaspaa said on 29/Apr/09
sid I have just watched the movie (well,just that bit) and you cant see the feet it doesn't show you. I think that scene is more Jared's 2" plus a footwear advantage.
sid said on 28/Apr/09
Yaspaa Jared was on the curb, Tom was standing on the cement ground.. thats why Jared look much the movie. it's 2 inches apart from them. Tom 6'2 jared 6'4 seems right to me.
Da Man said on 28/Apr/09
I believe Jared is more 194cm than 193cm, Tom could possibly be 190cm but I still think 189cm is pretty accurate. A factor to consider is that Jared seems to have a notably greater distance than Tom from the eye-line to top of the head. Going by features alone I'd say the difference looks roughly 1.5" between them (eye-level at another's nostrils usually indicates ~1.5"), but the actual difference looks closer to 2", IMO.
Alex says on 28/Apr/09 said on 28/Apr/09
In that picture with Jared he looks about 4 or 5 cm shorter.Could it be that Tom is 190 or 191 cm and Jared is 195 or 196 cm (and not 193 cm).Jared looks pretty tall in that picture.
Da Man said on 28/Apr/09
Actually Sid, Tom's eye level is just below Jared's nostrils in Yaspaa's pic. Just like here:
Click HereThe ground was as flat as it could be at that CW Premiere.
Patrick said on 28/Apr/09
I agree with sid regarding where both are standing. Old point I thought settled for long and once and for all!
Yaspaa said on 28/Apr/09
I dont know about Jared's footwear but Tom seems to wear these through most of the film,they look pretty flat.
Click Here