Arjun said on 11/May/07
For some reason, Shaq looks shorter in photos with certain wrestlers (Triple H, Hulk Hogan etc.) than he does on the court. He looks like he's barely scraping 7'0" when compared with 6'2" Triple H and (then) 6'5" max Hogan.
Anonymous said on 11/May/07
And to prove even more that Shaq isn't 6'11 1/2 here he is when he was 17-18 years old saying he was already 7 feet
Click Here
I back up my points with links...he also easily could have grown to 7'1 which is what he seems to be now.
Anonymous said on 11/May/07
LOL to all you clueless people who say 6'11 1/2 look at him with 6'11 1/4 Kevin Garnett
Click Here
Click Here
In case you haven't noticed it's not Shaq saying he's 6'11 1/2 it's "someone" saying Shaq said he was 6'11 1/2
Anonymous said on 11/May/07
Give me a link to Shaq saying he's 6'11 1/2...exactly! He is 7'1
someone said on 11/May/07
any time that shaq take a photo with yao ming. shaq try to straight up body(very very very very very very straight up) for make us look him not much shorter than yao ming. I believe(really believe) if shaq wear a common basketball shoes(means a common basketball shoes soles) and common stand(not much straight up). he is 6ft 11.5 barefoot. sometimes shorter than garnett on the court....I confirm.
someone said on 11/May/07
I believe that if kevin garnett wear big(tall) shoes soles and stand very straight up like shaq.both are same height.(sometimes garnett may be taller)
ps. shaq try anyway for extend his height to make us look him taller than other players....anyway(stand very straight up at the time he stand with others one , wear only big shoes soles)....anytime.
Lyndon said on 10/May/07
Come on editor you have enough evidence to round down Shaq down to 6' 11.5"
Jordan said on 10/May/07
Anonymous, I think we have enough evidence to establish Shaq as 6'11.5 Shaq has said this himself. You should believe what he says instead of basing your opinion on some ****y photographs which most people know aren't always acurate enough to judge from.
Anonymous said on 10/May/07
Shaq is 7'1 he towers over 6'10 Hakeem Olajuwon and Shaq also towers over 6'10 Tim Duncan
Click Here
Click Here
You can't tell me Shaq doesn't have atleast 3 inches on them.
Andy Turner said on 10/May/07
Duhon, I fully understand and appreciate what your saying, but it is very frustrating when I know for 110% definate what Shaq's height is but because I can't proove this to the rest of the world its getting ignored and overlooked time and time again. I am confident sooner or later the real truth will be provided for all the disputers out there. I rest my case!
Duhon said on 9/May/07
Andy, i by no means want to insult your credibility. but this is a site that works mainly on provided evidence and such. I am not calling you a liar but anyone can come here (which they often do) and post that so and so has told them this, or they met___ and they know their this tall. Without real evidence its hard to take alot of these claims seriously.
As for KG some of the pictures posted here earlier really do appear to indicate he is 6'11". look at garnett standing next to the pre draft measured barefoot height 6'8.5 amare stoudemire. he defently looks 6'11 here:
Click Here he looks taller than novitzky even.
Andy Turner said on 9/May/07
LV, with the greatest respect in the world to you, I aint disputing anything you have seen or heard but for some reason it has been cast on your mind that shaq is over 7ft and there doesn't seem to be any convincing you otherwise no matter how much real evidence is provided. Alright so Kevin said the 6'11 thing but I doubt very much that he said BAREFOOT in the same sentence. If you were to meet Shaquille in person and ask him how tall he was barefoot and he said " 6'11.5" would you turn round and say to him "no you aint you're over 7ft cos Kevin Garnett's over 6'11". If it means that every player pictured with Shaq in the NBA is 1.5 inches shorter than listed then this must be so but I swear on my brother's life SHAQUILLE O'NEAL IS 6FT 11.5 INCHES TALL. Please how much more convincing do you need? Take it easy man!
someone said on 9/May/07
in movie "steel" shaq is absolutely 6 ft 11.5 inches and in fact shaq try to straight up (very very straight up) make we look him so tall. and him shoe soles is very big that add him heights. any time that he take a photo or stand with others one. he will straight up(very stright up) to make us look him tall.
I conclusion that shaq try to make us look him tall.
- stand very very stright up to extend him height.
- wear only shoes have big soles(tall soles)...6.11.5 is ok.
LV said on 8/May/07
Andy, Craig Sager interviewed Kevin Garnett at this year's Allstar Game and when asked how tall he was he said "6'11" and some quarters". If he is self-admittedly over 6'11", then Shaq has to be over 7'.
Andy Turner said on 8/May/07
I can't believe after my last comment that people still haven't taken it in that Shaq isn 6'11.5 For Christ's sake the guy has told me himself so you can all put as much photographic evidence on here as you like cos all it means is that every other player is less than their stated height. Come on people what do I need to do to convince you? You should be using Shaq's height to calculate everyone else's cos he out of everyone has had all 3 measurements taken throughout the day to calculate his TRUE BAREFOOT HEIGHT. THis means morning, noon and night and finding the average which is 6FT 11.5INCHES!
weekly said on 8/May/07
Shane, I think you're right, but their barefoot heights are spoken here.
Arjun said on 7/May/07
Duhon, you can't compare shoulders for Yao and Shaq because Yao has a bigger head and a longer neck than Shaq. Yao clearly has 5 inches on Shaq all the same, but I don't think Yao is taller than 7'5" barefoot.
Shane said on 7/May/07
Shaquille O'Neal is 7'1 & 3/4 inches tall! Hakeem Olajumwon is 7'0" same as Patrick Ewing... Shaq is half an inch shorter than Dikembe Mutombo who is 7'2". In that picture of Shaq standing next to Yao, Shaq is atleast 4-5 inches shorter. Yao has been reportered to be 7'5" - 7'6" So either way Shaq is in between 7'1 & 7'2!!! I don't have pictures to prove my facts, but I have studied basketball & players of the NBA since i was 10! So I know abit about the players size & weight!
Anonymous said on 7/May/07
He is 7'1 and I have pictures to back this up. Here he is with 6'10 Hakeem Olajuwon
Click Here
He isn't even standing up straight and he has 3 inches on Hakeem! If he stood up straight he might even have 4 inches on Hakeem.
lillo thomas said on 7/May/07
i dont know what is the tragedy here to some people arguing to death that shaq is 7'1 instead 6'11.5 -7( his real barefoot height probably) Like being 6'11.5 or 7 would destroy him someway. Afterall i inch isnt notable most of the time anyways.
Andy Turner said on 7/May/07
LV, sorry but unfortunately I haven't got any pictures to 110% prove his height so if you don't believe me their is nothing I can do about that. I last met him personally in San Antonio in 1988 a few months after he came back from Germany for good when he was a 6'10 16yr old with a very bright future ahead of him. Five years ago I was fortunate enough to get his personal email address after so many years now I occasionally keep in touch with Shaq via email and he has told me this height himself. He also told me that first thing on a morning he is 7ft and around midnight he is bang on 6'11 as he loses an inch throughout the day. This gives an average of 6'11.5 The real point is the guy's a freaking giant whichever way you look at it. So LV I can't put it any plainer than this. If you and the rest of the world still believe he's 7'1 feel free but I can assure you if you were to talk to him on a one to one you'd certainly come away with a different opinion
Arjun said on 7/May/07
Duhon, my point is he could just as easily be 6'11.5" - 7'0" as well.
LV said on 6/May/07
So if Shaq is 6'11.5" barefoot then Jermaine O'Neal is 6'9.5" or 6'10" barefoot? No way, that makes everyone else in the NBA much smaller. I don't buy it. Andy, I'm sure you have some pictures. Please post away and the maybe we'll believe you.
Andy Turner said on 6/May/07
Its official Shaquille O'Neal is 212cm which is 6'11.5" in his barefeet around 1.10pm midday I know this because I know him personally and have done since the 1980's when we lived in Germany as our Dad's were in the army together. We were both in the same grade at age 13. Only difference was I was 5'6" barefoot he was 6'5". So editor you can finally change Shaquille O'neal's height to 6'11.5"
Duhon said on 6/May/07
I know some people are insistent that shaq is below 7'1" i would say there is as much photographic evidence pointing him out as 7'1" (Perhaps even more so) as for him to be 7 feet.
Photographs are tricky in one photo posted shaq apears only an inch taller than jermaine o'neal yet in this one he appears 2 inches taller:
Click Here
Shaq could very easily be 7'1".
Sean John said on 6/May/07
you guys are sorry, you're trying to limit Shaq's height? whatever you say he's still 7'1, way taller than you little people.
Arjun said on 2/May/07
Duhon , I can accept Shaq 7'0" even barefoot, with TD around 6'10". I think all of us can. I am sorry if I was a bit harsh with my last few posts on this matter. Let's keep the peaceful debates going :)
Anonymous said on 2/May/07
No one can tell me they don't see atleast 3 inches between Shaq and Hakeem and Shaq is leaning
Click Here
Shaq is 7'1
Anonymous said on 1/May/07
Jermaine O'Neal claims to be 7 feet. Shaq is 7'1 if Shaq is 7'0 than Duncan is 6'9.
Duhon said on 1/May/07
Arjun, i agree the shaq is not 3 inches taller than duncan however he is certainly more than 1. essentially the shortest picture of shaq you can find with angles favoring duncan, he still looks a good 1.5 inches taller. while the great majority of pics with him and duncan he appears at least 2 inches taller. I beleive that pic you posted of TD next to Yao is a bit misleading, TD appears taller than usuall, as is likely standing closer to the camera, his shoulders are clearly in front of yao's. he generally looks shorter than garnett:
Click Here
Click Here
In any case i believe shaq to be an, as legit a 7 footer as there is, regardeless if he's 7' straight or 7'1".
Arjun said on 1/May/07
Oh yeah, and Jermaine (who is listed at 6'11", so I highly doubt he is any taller than that) looks an inch shorter (an inch at best) than Shaq in the All Star pic. Once again, if that is a 2+ inch difference, then Shaq's forehead is 7 inches which it obviously is'nt. I would give Shaq 7'0" , but nothing over that.
Arjun said on 1/May/07
And please don't try to tell me that Duncan's HAIR is giving him any significant (more than a few mm) height in the All-Star pic where he is next to Yao. His hair is very short.
Compared to the same man (Yao), Duncan comes out nearly as tall as Shaq (only an inch shorter) hair or no hair. Where has the 3+ inches disappeared?
Arjun said on 1/May/07
Click Here
Yao looks only 6 inches taller than Duncan here. Duncan is just an inch shorter than the top of Yao's ears.
Click Here
Yao looks 5 inches taller than Shaq here. Shaq is exactly upto the top of Yao's ears.
Let's equate the two pics ..... 6 - 5 = A GRAND TOTAL OF ONE INCH.
.... now what if I say that Shaq is only an inch taller than Duncan? I could use the above two pics as evidence
that Shaq is only 6'11" if Duncan is 6'10". For every pic you post of Shaq looking 4 inches taller than Duncan, I can post an analysis showing him to be only an inch taller. My point is: There is clearly something wrong with all those pics of Shaq and Duncan.
There is NO WAY Shaq is that much taller than Duncan (3+ inches), just as Viper said. I would say he is 2 inches taller than Duncan, no more.
Arjun said on 1/May/07
Click Here
Shaq looks only 2 inches taller than Howard here. If he is 3 or more inches taller, then his top-of-head to eye level is like 7 inches ;)
Duhon said on 1/May/07
Great pic anonymous:
Click Here
TD is no less than 6'10 and shaq looks a good 2.5-3 inches taller. This is from a different angle (probably a better one) than the jaya pic and we still notice the big difference.
Anonymous said on 30/Apr/07
This should prove Shaq is atleast 7'1...Wilt was measured at 7'1.6
Click Here
Anonymous said on 30/Apr/07
Yeah Shaq has 3 inches on Duncan
Click Here
Viper said on 30/Apr/07
There is no way Shaq has that much height over Duncan in reality.
Crissy said on 29/Apr/07
Jaya is right, if TD is 6'10 then Shaq must be more then 7'1? 7'2 maybe?
Jason said on 24/Apr/07
I have an Australian basketball magazine from 1999 that describes Shaq as 213cm 149kg (7'0'' 328lbs).
Anonymous said on 24/Apr/07
Either way there is alot more photographic evidence to support shaq is at least 7 feet. Not all players are listed at 1.5 inches either. Dwyane wade was simply rounded up from 6.3.75 to 6'4". lebron james was listed at 6'8" from 6'7". shane batier is listed at his barefoot height so is richard jefferson.
Viper said on 23/Apr/07
Right Jeffers. Shaq at 6-11.5 and 7-1 in his shoes looks realistic to me.
LV said on 23/Apr/07
Players are measured barefoot and in shoes and can elect to be listed as either height. Typically, the taller players use their barefoot heights. Look at this link (
Click Here).
Jason Jeffers said on 23/Apr/07
Sorry LV but its a very well known fact that all NBA players are measured in trainers with average soles of 1.5 inches I am not disputing Shaq's height of 7' 1" inches but this measurement is with trainers so from now on next time you see a players height listed minus 1.5 inches and then you will be somewhere close to their barefoot height
LV said on 22/Apr/07
That's not how it works here, Jason. Do you have any proof? I've never seen him listed any shorter than 7'1" and he's taller than all other 7 footers. Supposedly, he said he was 6'11", but I've never seen any clips of it nor have I ever seen him officially measured at 6'11.5". Jermaine O'Neal is a legit 6'11" barefoot and Shaq is 2" taller.
Jason Jeffers said on 22/Apr/07
Shaq is 6' 11.5" end of story. There is proof from both him and the tape measure he was measured with
Anonymous said on 20/Apr/07
Shaq also is the same height as Mutombo and I see 2 inches max between Kobe and T-Mac probably 1. T-Mac and VC are very close in height Vince was measured at 6'5.5 and T-Mac was measured at 6'6.5 I heard Kobe told a kid he was 6'4 but I think Kobe is atleast 6'5.
NBA action said on 18/Apr/07
I agree with anonymous. Shaq definitely looks 7'1 barefoot (2,16 cm). He looks no more than 1 inch shorter than ilgauskas, 1'5 inches at most, and the lituanian is listed 7'3 (2,21 cm.) So Shaq would be 7'1 or 7'1.5 (2,16 or even 2,17 ). In the picture next to jermaine O'Neal, he is at least 2 inches taller, maybe more (5 or 6 cm.) So, if jermaine is 6'11 (2,11), Shaq is, again, no shorter than 7'1 (2,16). I ignore how Shaq's boots are, may be they have huge soles, but I guess the rest of players use exactly the same kind of boots.
NBA action said on 18/Apr/07
As you said, many NBA players heights are inflated. However i got a case where happens the opposite. Pau Gasol is officially 7 foot in the NBA site, but he is much taller compared to any other 7 footer (i.e. Duncan, Nowitzki, etc...)I would give him a legit 7'1 (2,16 cm) barefoot, 7'2 with boots.
LV said on 17/Apr/07
Wow anonymous. I can't believe you don't see a 3 inch height advantage in Duhon's pictures. Even the first picture you posted clearly shows T-mac being a couple of inches taller, the second picture cannot be used since they are both running. Those are arguably the best pictures I've seen on this site for comparison purposes. T-mac is no less than 6'7" based on those pictures.
Duhon said on 17/Apr/07
Anonymous, the pics i provided have kobe and t-mac back to back. you really can't get a better height comaprison than that. T-mac look every bit of 2 inches taller. In the VC pic t-mac is sloucing somewhat VC is straight up. if t-mac is 6'6 1/2 as you say, how tall is kobe than? becasue there is certainly more than an inch height difference.
Anonymous said on 16/Apr/07
Yao is at a different angle Shaq and T-Mac are standing next to eachother. Also T-Mac is not 2 inches taller than Kobe and look at him here with 6'5.5 Vince Carter
Click Here
Click Here
T-Mac looks taller than 6'6 1/2 because he is very lanky but in reality he isn't that much taller than Vince Carter or Kobe Bryant.
Arjun said on 16/Apr/07
Anonymous, since when was YAO shorter than Shaq????? Maybe when Yao was 15, but not now obviously.How do you know what kind of ground they are standing on?
Duhon said on 15/Apr/07
Are we sure t-mac is only 6'6.5"? we know lebron is 6'7.25" and in games t-mac looks pretty identical in height. not to mention has the 6'5" kobe by at least 2 inches.
Click Here Click Here
Anonymous said on 15/Apr/07
Shaq looks about 6-7 inches taller than 6'6.5 Tracy McGrady
Click Here
Arjun said on 12/Apr/07
Yeah Duhon, if the measurement begins at the bottom, then Shaq is very close to 7'2" in shoes, as I think he would have an inch on the top of the line, if he straightened up fully (he seems within a few mm at most of his tallest military posture to me) However, what if the camera moved up further? Less than an inch is very possible then.
However, to be realistic, it's a dubious , questionable max 7'2" in shoes . So Shaq is MAYBE ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM 7'1" barefoot if EVERYTHING is in his favour (measurement from bottom of line, him not standing completely straight, and only having 1" shoes). And you could even argue him being as low as 6'11" here if NOTHING is in his favour (measurement from top of line, low-ish camera angle and big shoes). . Though I think 6'11" is a little too low. Realistically I would say: Let's go between 6'11" and 7'1" - i.e. 7'0".
Arjun said on 11/Apr/07
Duhon, interesting question. The marking lines are indeed near an inch thick. There is no way to tell as such whether the measurement starts from the top or the bottom. By gut instinct, I say top, but this can't be proven. If the lines were scaled all the way down to 0'6", and IF there was a 0'0" line, the bottom of which was level with the floor, then the measurement would be from the bottom.If there was no 0'0" line, the floor itself would be the top of that line. Either that, or the gap between the 0'6" line or the floor would have to be 6 inches instead of 5 for it to be a bottom measurement chart. Since the lines don't go all the way down, we can neither count the lines nor scale the bottom gap. So it could be either top or bottom. My own personal, impossible-to-prove opinion is that top is more likely, as if it was bottom then Shaq would be very close to 7'2" in shoes. Which would be great for the 7'1" barefoot believers, but not for me and the other 7'0" or slightly less believers :). If it's from the top as I think, then Shaq is max 7'1" in shoes or max 7'0" barefoot.
Two factors in favor of Shaq:
1) He MAY be able to squeeze out another 1/2" by stretching his spine
2) The measurement may be from the bottom of the line.
Three factors which can downgrade him are:
1) The pic is taken from somewhat below Shaq's skull top level.
2) What does Shaq have in his shoes? Could he be getting more than 1" from them?
3) And of course, the measurement may be from the top of the line.
Go figure :)
Duhon said on 8/Apr/07
Those marking lines on the wall are pretty thick i'd say an inch, where does the measurement start at the top of the line or the bottom?
Anonymous said on 6/Apr/07
Shaq is 7'0 1/2 barefoot atleast. Probably a legit 7'1
Arjun said on 5/Apr/07
Mask, Shaq is MAX 7'1" in shoes or 7'0" barefoot according to the photos, and it's quite clear that he's not slouching much, if at all. Feet close together, head up, it seems as though he's standing tall.
I still give him 6'11.5" - 7'0" at best.
BTW, that's a TALL group of suspects, no? The shortest of them seem to be 6'1" - 6'2"!!!!! And the second guy from the left is very tall too - not that much shorter than Shaq. He looks about 6'9" in shoes when standing tall.
Oh yeah, and for all who still think that Shaq has a big head, it barely looks 10 inches in all of the photos.
mike m said on 5/Apr/07
shaq looks about 4-5 inches shorter than yao so 7 to 7'1"
Viper said on 5/Apr/07
Magic Johnson is nothing over 6-7.
Anonymous said on 5/Apr/07
magic looks 202 cm and Bird a legit 206cm (barefoot)
asfasf said on 5/Apr/07
mmm, magic looks like shorther than bird due to his tiny head ( bird got huge head) but the shoulder level is the same, i'dy say magic 204/205cm and bird 206 cm (at their peaks clearly). Bill Russel is a solid 208cm even nowaday. In shoes at his nba days was 6'11'. Same for wilt 7'1 barefoot 7'2 in shoes. In the past the height of nba players were more accurated.
mask said on 1/Apr/07
Bill Russell is 6'10"
Anonymous said on 30/Mar/07
Then how tall is bill rusell? he wa slisted at 6'9" but in a clip i saw of rusell interviewing bird in the 80's he looked taller?
edd said on 30/Mar/07
you are absolutely correct LV. Larry is 6-9. Magic and Worthy are both 6-7.5. Bird looked alot taller in the pic because of his hair. Anywayz. Shaq is a true 7-0 barefoot or not. Does anyone here know Chris Mihm? Mihm is listed at 7-0, but thats a joke. When he stood next to lamar(6-10), they are the same height.
LV said on 29/Mar/07
Larry Bird was a legit 6'9". I just saw him last week in person. My brother has season tickets to the Indiana Pacers and they are 8 rows behind where Bird sits. He was no taller than 6'9", but Magic was probably closer to 6'7", that's why Bird always looked taller even though Magic was listed at 6'9". Does anyone else see how dumb that is/was? They had the most popular rivalry in NBA history and have countless pictures together that clearly show a 2 inch difference even though they were listed at the same height. If you want some Larry Bird pictures, just Google them.
TheMan said on 29/Mar/07
Ahh thanks mask so he's ancestors were all quite tall 6 foot 9 etc. Obviously got that gene from them he's dad looks only about 6foot but he still got real tall from he's ancestors genes.
wolverinejoe80 said on 28/Mar/07
guys, how tall was larry bird? can you guys post some larry bird pics? he was so much taller than magic, and could larry be almost as tall as dirk? 6ft 11?
mask said on 28/Mar/07
Click Here
click on bio The Man
Anonymous said on 27/Mar/07
No Shaq is listed too short here. If KG is 6'11 than Shaq is atleast 7'1.
TheMan said on 27/Mar/07
I often wonder how people get this huge does anyone know how tall he's parents were?
Viper said on 27/Mar/07
Rob's got Shaq listed exactly right. Hes 7-0 at the very most.
Anonymous said on 26/Mar/07
Shaq was almost a full 7'1 at LSU I think he is a full 7'1 by now.
Mike1667 said on 26/Mar/07
He definitely looks 7'0". I think he has even said that himself. And as a general rule for NBA players, a good approximation is 1 inch shorter than their listed height, with some exceptions. And many times a players' listed height will increase in the middle of their career when they become more popular or when they go from college to the NBA, and then the first height is usually pretty close to the truth. Shaq has always been listed at 7'1", I think. If he was 7'1", he'd be listed at 7'2".
Alex said on 26/Mar/07
Shaq comes across as a larger than life guy. he is a large tall guy but even if he really is like 6'11.5 he gives people the impression of a 7'1-7'2 guy.
asfasf said on 26/Mar/07
why all u guys downgrades shaq height? never mind he is can be under 7 feet. He was 215cm barefoot, from the LSU time
Anonymous said on 25/Mar/07
Yeah but all of them have huge shoes! These aren't normal size men. All of there shoes give them a little extra height. I believe Shaq is 7'1 barefoot.
Arjun said on 25/Mar/07
I agree Viper, when you factor in his big shoes and still being 5" shorter than Yao, (Yao has size 18, small feet compared to Shaq in spite of being considerably taller) that makes Shaq 7'0" max, more likely 6'11.5" barefoot, since I think Yao is only 7'5" barefoot. Though is definitely 7'1" in shoes.
lillo thomas said on 24/Mar/07
yes shaq have a monster size feet even for his height.
most 6'11 guys wear shoes much smaller than shaq. his gigantic 23 size sneakers
could boost his height a little so the 6'11.5 barefoot claims could be true.
Viper said on 24/Mar/07
What you are forgetting is his large sneakers give him some extra height.
Anonymous said on 23/Mar/07
Yeah right Shaq is 7'1. He was atleast an inch taller than Bynum who's 7 feet. 7'0 1/2 at the very least.
Viper said on 22/Mar/07
Shaq is closer to 6-11 1/2 than 7-1. Hes 7-0 at most max.
Duhon said on 21/Mar/07
The last time zydrunas played for fiba he was still a teenager. he likely grew since that listing.
Anonymous said on 21/Mar/07
Hahah Shaq 6'11.5? He is what he's listed at 7'1.
Art said on 21/Mar/07
In that pic with the 2005 Allstars, you can see Jermaine about two inches shorter than Shaq, and about 2.5 inches taller than 6-7.25 Lebron. Either case points to about 6-10 height for him. Ilgauskas is listed at 2.18m (7'1 and 0.8 inches) by FIBA, and he has a around 2 inches on Shaq.
6-11.5 sounds about right.
Anonymous said on 17/Mar/07
Shaq is taller than 7'0 Andrew Bynum look here.
Click Here
Anonymous said on 16/Mar/07
Shaq is leaning a lot. Allen in 5'10-5'11, Lebron is 6'7 and Shaq looks atleast 6 inchs taller than Lebron.
Duhon said on 15/Mar/07
I don't see any bump under shaq at most its shadow and lebron was measured 6'7.25" in the pre-draft measurements. you can also tell both shaq and lebron are slightly leaning in, while AI is straight.
Anonymous said on 15/Mar/07
In that picture Shaq looks 7'1, Lebron 6'7 and Iverson 5'10. By the way here are some pre-draft measurements from 2001.
Tyson Chander 7'0 1/2 with shoes, 6'11 1/2 barefoot 18 years old
Eddy Curry 6'11 3/4 with shoes, 6'10 1/2 barefoot 18 years old
Kwame Brown 6'11 1/2 with shoes, 6'10 barefoot 18 years old
Jason Richardson 6'5 3/4 with shoes, 6'4 3/4 barefoot
Joe Johnson 6'8 1/2 with shoes, 6'6 3/4 barefoot
Richard Jefferson 6'8 1/2 with shoes, 6'7 1/4 barefoot
Gilbert Arenas 6'3 1/4 with shoes, 6'2 1/2 barefoot
Shane Battier 6'9 1/2 with shoes, 6'8 1/4 barefoot
Many of them are close to there listed height. Curry, Chandler and Brown may have grown a bit considering they were already gigantic and only 18 years old so I'll call Curry's 6'11 correct but Chandler at best is a legit 7'0 and Brown isnt 6'11.
Arjun said on 15/Mar/07
It looks as though Shaq is standing on a bump on the ground in that photo of him, Iverson, and LeBron.Lebron has just 7 inches on Iverson, so if Iverson is less than 6', Lebron is under 6'7". Shaq seems to have over a foot on Iverson.
Jim james said on 14/Mar/07
shaq with "6'0" allen iverson nd 6'7" lebron james
Click Here
Arjun said on 13/Mar/07
Burgos, yeah I would say that Yao has about 6.5" on Duncan, more evidence that Yao is'nt 7'6". He looks too short to be a full 7'6", although 7'5" looks accurate for him . And I believe that his so-called "growth" was just a rumor, he's a solid 7'5" now and has been so ever since he was 19 or 20.
Arjun said on 13/Mar/07
Wolverinejoe, how tall are you? If you're less than say 6'2", any 6'9"+ odd guy will "look huge" to you. You would'nt be able to tell a 6'10" from a 6'11" accurately.
OK, Duncan may be 6'10.5" max. That is the most I would give him. Still that makes Yao only 7'5" as he only has 6" on him in a recent (2007) photo of them right next to each other, Duncan reaches upto his eyelevel which would be very close to 6 inches in Yao's case although the angle favours Duncan ever so slightly. KG and Dirk are around 6'11" max as well, I would say.
wolverinejoe80 said on 13/Mar/07
also if you rewatch the yao and jimmy kimmel, and sun ming ming and jimmy kimmel,you can see sun ming ming as has about 3 inches on yao. and sun ming ming is a legit 7ft 8 3/4 because he was clearly taller than muresan by 1.5 inches. if sun ming ming had a big head like yao or muresan, he could've been the only 8fter in the world right now.
wolverinejoe80 said on 13/Mar/07
arjun, i don't think it is universally agreed that duncan is about 6ft 10. i think duncan is closer to 6ft 11 because he was clearly 1-1.5 taller than rasheed wallace when he came to palace and i sit very close to the bench. i've seen sheed in touching distance few times at the great lake crossings mall, and i would say he is at least 6ft 9 1/2. i don't know how tall sheed really is, but he really was huge. i've seen every pistons in person and sheed is definitely near 6ft 10 compared to other pistons near him.
if duncan is 6f 10, then KG and dirk would be around 6ft 10 as well because those 3 seems to be identical in heights.
Arjun said on 12/Mar/07
Duhon, Yao looks shorter than 7'6" in a lot of photos, even in recent ones. For example, it is universally agreed that Duncan is about 6'10" (not 7'0" as he is listed) and Yao does'nt look like he has 8 inches on him when they are right next to each other.
Anonymous said on 11/Mar/07
Give me a link to the 6'11.5 Shaq is 7'1. Shaq looks about an inch shorter than Ilgauskas.
dan said on 10/Mar/07
oneal was measured at 6'11".5 at his first nba camp i doubt very much if hes grown any,by the way most 7'0" in the nba are really 6'10",
weekly said on 10/Mar/07
Ilgauskas is 7'2", still listed that height at eurobasket. But look at Ben Wallace, who's listed at 6'9" at nba, what's the difference between him and Ilgauskas. Did I miss anything?
Duhon said on 9/Mar/07
Even though my opinion is that yao is now a legit 7'6" due to evidence of him having growing since the time of his first measurement. i beleive, in his pre-draft measurements he was still listed at 7'5.5" in height. so again it brings me to my conclusion of shaq being at least 7-0 1/2" if not slightly more.
shaquille between 7'3" zydrunas illguaskas and 6'11 jermaine o'neal:
Click Here
Arjun said on 9/Mar/07
Anonymous: That pic is'nt too good to judge heights, it's clearly a manipulated one, background blacked out, player's relative positions not clear etc. KG does'nt look that short compared to Shaq in any decent pic, neither does Duncan. If he (KG) is really 3 - 3.5 inches shorter than Shaq (because that's what it looks like in that pic, KG's struggling to reach more than an inch past Shaq's ear), then Shaq is 7'2"+ to KG's 6'11", which is ridiculous.
Arjun said on 9/Mar/07
Duhon - I don't mean that pic, and I agree there ain't 6 inches in this pic, only about 5 as Shaq reaches past Yao's eyeline , upto the top of his ear. There is another one with a lot of other players where Shaq is a good inch below Yao's ear top, and that is 6 inches on a head as big as Yao's. As for their shoulders not having that much difference,you have to remember that Yao has a bigger head and a longer neck than Shaq. I have never understood why people compare shoulders while comparing heights as not everybody on the planet has the same length head and neck, there can be considerable variation in head+neck length even in two people close in height. Even if there is only 5 inches difference and the 6 inch difference was only a bad angle or Shaq slouching, still that makes Shaq only 7'0" if Yao is only 7'5" which he could very well be.
I still say Shaq is max 7'0" barefoot , even though he can look taller at times.
Gramps said on 9/Mar/07
Both Garnett and Duncan get billed as either 6'11" or 7'0", but Shaq easily looks 2-3" taller than either one in the picture from Anonymous. 7'1" barefoot for Shaq is definitely possible.
asfasf said on 9/Mar/07
Jerry Sokoloski isn't tall as yao, atleast 1.5 inchs less... shaq looking his listed height 7'1 or more, when he wears monster shoes
Anonymous said on 8/Mar/07
Shaq has atleast 2 inches on 6'11 Dirk. Wilt and Shaq are pretty much the same height. This picture makes Shaq look even bigger than usual...he towers over KG and Duncan.
Click Here
lillo thomas said on 8/Mar/07
i see between yao and shaq about 4-5 inches. i dont think that yao is taller than 7'5 barefoot so shaq looks between 7-7'1 in the pic. maybe shaq is 7'1 barefoot but since most players are listed in their height with shoes im not sure about shaq after all we are all estimating . the only way to know from sure is measure them in person barefeet.
Arjun said on 7/Mar/07
Ok Duhon, perhaps 7'0", but like I said earlier MAX 7'0" barefoot, as I don't see him having anything close to 3 inches on Dirk, more like 1 inch or so. Dirk is himself max 6'11" and could be slightly less, like 6'10" and change.
As for wrestlers wearing lifts, even if Triple H and Hulk were wearing lifts in their pics with him (possible as they knew they were going to be around TALL Mr. Shaq) Shaq does'nt have flat shoes either. His basketball shoe soles look huge. And that movie chart shows him as about 7'0.5" in shoes, and I don't see why that chart should be fabricated, would'nt it just make sense to show a standard chart rather than a manipulated one? And he is'nt slouching much at all, his feet are close together, head up etc. If he straightened up completely he MIGHT get upto a 1/2" more, or 7'1". Still that makes him 7'0" max barefoot, probably 6'11" and change. Shaq's height fluctuates, he looks very close to 7'1" in some pics, and barely 7'0" in others. The most likely reason? Variable footwear. There are many pics which show Shaq as max 7'0", as many as those which show him to be over 7'0". I can't find the one where he looks only 1.5" taller than Duncan and 6" shorter than Ming, all in good posture.
Duhon said on 6/Mar/07
Arjun, the only problem i really have is when you bring out the 6'11.5" measurement, since that is obviously false. shaq obviously stands more than half an inch over dirk (we're assuming dirk himself is only 6'11") since .5 inches is barely noticable and shaq always looks noticably taller than dirk (they played a whole 6 game series against each other). regardless if that heigth is still taller than the average NBA player, its not so much more than average center height and shaq always looks bigger than the average center. i beleive he's at least an inch taller than that. if wilt was a legit 7'1" shaq is right about there just a little less maybe a few mm'S or at most.5". as for wilt shrinking that's just specualtion wilt had a very good posture and always kept in shape i doubt he even shrunk half an inch formt the time that pic was taken.
and as for your wrestling comparisons i'd take them with a grain of salt wrestlers alwaaays where lifts in and out of matches they're not very reliable measurment guides.
Beef said on 6/Mar/07
If you have seen the all star game dance off during practice on you tube you wioll see how tiny dwight howard is next to shaq, howard is 6'9" max in shoes, maybe even with shoes, shaq has to be a good healthy 7'1" with shoes or a bit more
Viper said on 6/Mar/07
Good old Patrick is looking his stated 6-9 there.
Arjun said on 6/Mar/07
Wilt could have shrunk a 1/2" from 7'1" though. He himself said he was 7'1 1/16" (so basically 7'1") at peak and I believe that, as he always looked it.
Arjun said on 6/Mar/07
Although Duhon, on closer observation, Wilt is hardly any taller than Shaq, perhaps not even a 1/2" as you say, more like some mm. Wilt LOOKS taller because his shoulders are higher , but Shaq's longer neck makes up that difference. Ewing looks about 4" shorter than both Wilt and Shaq, although he is slouching.
Arjun said on 6/Mar/07
Anonymous, Shaq is indeed leaning forward, but he is also closer to the camera, just compare head sizes, Shaq may be big , but his head sure ain't:)His being closer to the camera negates his leaning forward, and that gives him only an inch on Dirk, who himself is 6'11" max. For all the pics which show Shaq as atleast 7'1", there are plenty of pics to suggest otherwise. e.g the 1994 pic with Hogan, if he's 7'1" then Hogan was 6'6" even after his "shrinkage", since there is only 7 inches difference in that pic, even with Hogan leaning a bit???, Nope. He does'nt look like he has 11 inches on roughly 6'2" Triple H either in the pic of them two. And Yao who could very well be around 7'5" barefoot has an easy 5 inches on Shaq in all their pics together. Sorry guys, I just don't see Shaq as any taller than max 7'0" barefoot. So what if he may be 6'11.5", he's still taller than like 95% of the NBA???
Duhon said on 5/Mar/07
arjun my correction, i mis-read you're post you did say half an inch not an inch and a half. my bad. however i stand by the fact there is very little noticable difference in the shaq-wilt pic and wilt is wearing a healed not flat soled shoes. so my measure of 7'0 1/2" i believe is quite accurate. especially in regards to how shaq appears next to players like dirk and duncan.
Duhon said on 5/Mar/07
Arjun how do you see an inch and half difference in the wilt-shaq pick?
Click Here it looks at most a half-inch difference. at first galnce at the pic most people would prbably not even notice any difference let alone an inch and a half like you say. in adittion wilt is wearing a heeled shoe its not like he's barefoot. i dont get where your 6'11 and half measurment comes from. if that was the case dirk must be 6'9" and alozo mourning 6'7". shaq in my estimation is the very least 7'0 1/2". since wilt being a legit 7'1" appears at most half an inch taller.
Anonymous said on 5/Mar/07
Are you kidding me?! Shaq is leaning forward and still taller than Dirk. He's atleast 2 inches taller. Wilt was also said to be like 7'1 1/4 or 7'1 1/2 or something. Wilt might have a 1/4 inch on Shaq in that picture but I doubt his shoes are flatter.
Gonzalo said on 5/Mar/07
O`Neal is more than 1`5 inches taller than Duncan. In fact, he is more than two inches taller. Duncan must be 2`08 barefoot, so Shaq must be at least 2`14 barefoot.
Arjun said on 5/Mar/07
supes78, how tall are you?? If you're less than 6'3" or so then I don't think you could tell a 7 footer from a 6'10" or 6'11". I don't think too many people alive could judge Yao to the cm after meeting him LOL :)
Arjun said on 5/Mar/07
supes78, I think that Shaq may be 7'0" barefoot, but not any more. Actually I think 6'11.5" barefoot is spot on.
shaq said on 5/Mar/07
mmm i remember stanley roberts listed at 7'0' in the nba, in that photo with shaq looking like the same height. I'd say shaq at least in cm 214cm barefoot maximum with shoes 217 cm... 215cm is quite accurate as height for him imo
turn on 7'1 listing is right for him ;)
supes78 said on 4/Mar/07
Seeing Dirk next to Shaq convinces me that Shaq can't be anything less than 7 feet barefoot. I've seen Dirk up close on a couple of occasions at Dallas Mavericks games and I would give him very close to his official 7 foot NBA listing.
Arjun said on 4/Mar/07
3 inches on Dirk in the second pic??? Shaq is closer to the camera (compare head sizes, Shaq's head is'nt that big compared to Dirk's) and even without Dirk's hair, he only looks an inch shorter than Shaq. 3 inches????? There is no way in hell that Shaq could have 3 inches on Dirk even if he straightens up, Dirk's hair does'nt give him more than a cm, it is'nt spikes or an Afro. Shaq has probably 1.5 inches on Dirk , no way 3 inches. How about a certain All-Star NBA photo where Shaq is right next to Yao and looks 6 inches shorter (he is well below the top of Yao's ear)??? Is Yao 7'7" or more? Surely not!
Arjun said on 4/Mar/07
There is one All-Star NBA photo of Shaq standing right nex to Duncan and looking only 1.5" taller. Also, Shaq usually looks within 5 inches of Yao, but he looks more like 6" shorter in that photo (he comes well under Yao's ear top). Maybe Shaq forgot to wear his big sneakers that day, because there sure ain't any deceiving angles there.
Arjun said on 4/Mar/07
Duhon: Wilt had 1/2" on Shaq in that pic of them together, but he also most likely had flatter soles. Also consider that Wilt is mid-50's in that pic, so he could be down to 7'0 1/2" from his peak 7'1". I think that while Shaq can "LOOK" 7'1" compared to other players (many of whose heights are inflated ) he is not 7'1" barefoot. I think he's 6'11" at the absolute least, but 7'0" at the most.
Duhon said on 4/Mar/07
Shaq between garnett and duncan:
Click Here
Anonymous said on 3/Mar/07
Shaq might have 3 inches on Dirk when you consider he's leaning forward and still taller despite Dirk having hair and Shaq being bald. I think this proves Dirk is not 7 feet like he's listed but probably 6'10-6'10.5.
Duhon said on 3/Mar/07
Look how much taller shaq looks than dirk in the second pick even though he's clearly leaning. dirk is himself at least 6'11" w/o shoes. and if you say its the angle show me a pic when novitzky doesn't look shorter than shaq.
Duhon said on 2/Mar/07
I dont' belive shaq is exactly 7'1 w/o shoes i'd say 7-0 1/2" barefoot and 7'1 1/2" in shoes. shaq always looks closer in height to 7'3 7-'2 listed players ala sabonis, zydrunas than compared to 6'11" players. i've seen shaq playing against andrew bogut who is 6'11 w/o shoes he's bigger. andrew bynum listed 7-0 (possible 6'11 possibly taller) he looks taller, dirk novitzky. the list goes on. nobody can seem find a picture of shaq standing next to a player listed at 7'1 or 7 feet and he looks shorter than that. the closest was the wilt pic who probably has at most a half inch on shaq if that.
lillo thomas said on 2/Mar/07
to determine if shaq is really 7'1 barefoot is comparing him with legit 6'11 and legit 7 foot barefoot player. the problem is that in basquetball like in many sports listed heights are usually way of. most of them are listed height
with shoes. most nba players are usually 1 inch shorter in reality .
some heights are inflated by 2 inches or more. for example patrick erwing
was always listed at 7 but in reality he is closer to 6'9 . charles barckey is closer to 6'4 than 6'6 etc . players that are listed in their real height exist but are rare.
Gonzalo said on 2/Mar/07
lillo Thomas, the question is not that Shaq is 6 inches taller than the average NBA height, but the fact that Shaq is always taller the other 7`1 players, more than an inch taller than the 7`0 guys, more than two inches taller than the 6`11 guys, and so on. He looks too big to be just 2`11 or 2`12. I have seen basketball for years and Shaq looks taller than the 2`13 guys I have seen playing in europe.
Burgos said on 1/Mar/07
Chris Bosh is 6'10" 1/4 without shoes and 6'11" 1/2 with shoes. This is a link to the pre-draft measurements.
Click Here
lillo thomas said on 1/Mar/07
i dont get it why many people here can't accept that shaq isnt 7'1 barefoot.
at 7 or 6'11.5 he is already in the gigantic range even to nba standars.
medium height in nba is about 6ยด5.5 6'6 barefoot, about 6 inches shorter than shaq. 6 inches to me is a big difference . at 6'11.5 shaq is over a foot taller
than average height man 5'9-5'10.
Arjun said on 1/Mar/07
Shaq is only 2" taller than Bosh in that pic, even without Bosh's hair. Possibly as low as 1.5" taller.
Anonymous said on 28/Feb/07
Shaq is a lot taller than Bosh. Howard's knees are bent and Bosh is tilting his head up aswell so that picture isn't that accurate. Bosh's hair gives him an advantage over Howard aswell.
Anonymous said on 28/Feb/07
Mask there's a pretty big difference betwen him and bosh compare shoulder heights. the top of shaq's shoulder is almost at bosh's chin. also bosh has a mini fro shaq is bald, the appearance of hair gives the illusion of bosh's head being higher. if they were both bald you'd see at least a 2 inch difference.
mask said on 28/Feb/07
I believe this is a good pic to say that if Chris Bosh is 6'10" then Howard could never ever be 6'11" barefoot as someone said:
Click Here
so let me tell you that according to me Bosh is a legit 6'10" or 208 cm and Howard is 6'9" or 206-7 cm while Shaq could be at best 214 cm or 7'0.25" but he could be also 6'11.5" cause there's no much differential between him and Bosh (I'd just say 1.5")
Click Here
Anonymous said on 26/Feb/07
Exactly Shaq is atleast 7 foot 1.
Duhon said on 23/Feb/07
look at shaq next to any 6'11 player and he always dwarfs them. there's a video of him dancing with dwight howard a huge guy himsel,f he makes him look undersized.
Gonzalo said on 22/Feb/07
Well, not a great pic to judge but Shaq looks clearly taller. Shaq is at least two inches taller than Jermaine. I have seen them playing together many times.
allen4 said on 21/Feb/07
shaq whith jermaine o'neal.....
Click Here
Anonymous said on 20/Feb/07
6'7 3/4 is 6'8 there is no point even saying 6'7 3/4 and yes Carmelo is only about 6'6. I actually think Garnett is no more than 6'11 now. I still think Shaq is atleast 7'1.
Arjun said on 20/Feb/07
Even if the angle favours Duncan, Yao looks only 6" taller than him with the angle, so maybe 7" taller with an impartial angle. Kg seems a solid 7" shorter than Yao, maybe only 6" if he stepped forward???
Arjun said on 20/Feb/07
Vegas, eyeline is 5" for a normal man, so maybe 6" for Yao considering his huge forehead? Then Yao is only 7'4" if Duncan is 6'10", the angle must be favouring Duncan.
Viper652 said on 20/Feb/07
Carmello sure is looking no taller than 6-6 right next to 6-8, or technically 6-7 3/4 Carlos boozer.
Anonymous said on 19/Feb/07
Wow Jermaine O'Neal who has claimed he is 7'0 looks about the same height as Shaq! Shaq is about 2 inches taller than 6'11 Dwight Howard.
JT said on 19/Feb/07
Nice pics Mask. If you look carefully, both photos are taken from an angle to the players' right, thereby favoring those on the right (or the left side of pics). This is why Duncan looks taller than KG and Dirk. Garnett has a tiny head compared to Yao or even Dirk. It seriously might be around 8 inches tall.
Vegas said on 19/Feb/07
Duncan is up to Yao's eyeline in that photo and he is taller than dirk nowitzki who is comparable to kg.
lillo thomas said on 19/Feb/07
i have seen actual shaq shoes and comparing them to my shoes are about 4 inches bigger .my shoe size is 14 but isnt mean that my feet is 14 inches long
is actually about 12 inches long.
Arjun said on 19/Feb/07
Ah mask, cool photos. Yao is still about 7'5" in comparison to 6'10" - 6'10.5" Duncan. And kg looks shorter than he should be.
Vegas said on 19/Feb/07
wolverinejoe80 Shaq is clearly taller on the court/publicity photos compared to other guys listed around his height because of his "shoes" otherwise we need to seriously downgrade everyone else in the NBA as Shaq is clearly not above 7ft barefoot
Anonymous said on 18/Feb/07
I really don't see why Shaq is listed at 7'0 here he is one of the few centers who uses his real height. He use to be listed at 7'2.
Arjun said on 18/Feb/07
Vegas, Yao wears a size 18, small for his height. Shaq has HUGE feet and hands even for his height.
Vegas said on 18/Feb/07
6'11.5"-7ft barefoot is not underestimating a huge guy like Shaq. The soles on his shoes are huge i will get a picture the next time i am in that sports shop in dublin. I would say most of the 6'10-7ft centers in the nba probably wear between size 15 and size 17 boots, nothing more. Shaq's feet are obviously much bigger than the normal nba center, what size shoe does Yao Ming take as he is clearly 5" taller than Shaq in shoes. I bet it is under size 23
Duhon said on 18/Feb/07
Vegas i beleive you are severely exagerating the thickness of shaq's shoes. 2 and half inches really? my thickest boots are at 1 1/5 inches themselves. just becuase his shoes are size 22 that doesn't necesrilly make them abnormally thick soled. you forget the average 6'10-7 foot center in the nba themselves wear around size 19-20 shoes so shaq does not have a huge advantage with his shoes. the fact that he wears size 22 shoes in the first place should give an idea not to underestimate his size.
i stick to my guns i feel he is 7 -1/2 inches barefoot 7'1 1/2-3/4" in shoes.
Vegas said on 16/Feb/07
Also Shaq looks far closer to guys listed at 7'2 and 7'3(Ilgauskas, Sabonis, Mutombo than he does to guys listed at 6'11 and 7'0(Duncan, Dirk, Garnett, Rasheed)
Only in his gigantic size 23 boots with the 2.5" soles he does. He is not 7'1 according to that height chart anonymous........
Anonymous said on 16/Feb/07
Rob you should change Shaq back to 7'1 because that is what he's listed at and it's not like anyone has a picture of him looking the same height as a legit 7 foot guy or shorter than a legit 7'1 guy. Also Shaq looks far closer to guys listed at 7'2 and 7'3(Ilgauskas, Sabonis, Mutombo than he does to guys listed at 6'11 and 7'0(Duncan, Dirk, Garnett, Rasheed)
Vegas said on 16/Feb/07
Evidence suggests that Show and Shaq are the exact same height Arjun, especially those two Hogan photos with both Show and Shaq. By the way Shaq didn't look much more than 8" taller than Triple H as Hunter was not a full head smaller than Shaq but up to his mouth in fact. Unless Trips was wearing Munster boots any lifts would be negated by Shaq's giant basketball boot soles
Arjun said on 16/Feb/07
Vegas, Triple H was probably wearing huge lifts too when he met Shaq, because Shaq looks max 7'0" (10 inches taller than him) in the photo of them.
Anyhow, Shaq has MAX an inch on Big Show, that' s pretty clear. In all probability, they are the same height.
Vegas said on 15/Feb/07
oh and shaq will appear 7'2+ at times on the court/events because his basketball boots are just so huge. I have seen a pair he donated to a sports shop in dublin here in ireland and the soles are massive - 2.5" i would suspect easy
Duhon said on 15/Feb/07
Vegas, as for the steel photo its was agreed upon that that the measurment chart there was a esssentially a movie prop and it may not be 100% accurate. it may have been on part of the movie makers to convey to the audiences that shaq's character was exactly 7 feet tall with that chart. because i beleive in the movie his character was supposed to be exactly 7 feet.
Arjun said on 15/Feb/07
Duhon, Shaq has relatively longer limbs than Yao, and a smaller head, so perhaps that evens out the fact that he is more built.
Arjun said on 15/Feb/07
Duhon, however if Shaq is 7'1" barefoot, then he surely was the same in 1994 (he's too old to grow, but too young to shrink) then Hogan was 6'6". I think right around 7'0" is fair enough for him.
Arjun said on 15/Feb/07
Ok Duhon, I think it's most reasonable to say that Hogan is 6'5" and Shaq 7'0" in that 1994 pic, as the height difference looks like 7 inches. Hogan could very well have had lifts in his boots, although Shaq is known to wear big boots too (I wonder why , at his height??)
Vegas said on 14/Feb/07
Pic from the movie "Steel"
Click Here shaq is max 7'1 in shoes there or 6'11 3/4-7ft barefoot. The 7'1 barefoot claims for Shaq are surely dead based on this single photo???
Me (5'11) and my friend (6'4) with a tip-toed Madame Tussauds wax work (using real life measurements) of Shaq taken in January
Click Here The length of Shaq's arms are incredible..........
Duhon said on 14/Feb/07
As well arjun one more thing to back up my claim that hulk hogan in that pic stood taller than 6'4" (legitimatly or not), we've seen many pictures of shaquille standing next to dwyane wade who is a legit 6'4" and shaq towers over him more so than he does hulk in that picture.
Duhon said on 14/Feb/07
Arjun, its a know fact all wwf wrestles wear lifts in their boots. hogan was in costume in that pic, he was always wearing wrestling boots in matches as most pro-wrestlers do. as well it is possible he was taller in '94. if you've read hogans comments about his surgeries affecting his height.
Arjun said on 14/Feb/07
Duhon - Check out the new pics of Andre, Big Show and Shaq with Hogan. If Hogan was only 6'4" in 1994 as some say, Shaq ain't looking even 7'0" beside him. Either Hogan was taller than 6'4" in 1994, or Shaq was shorter than 7'0" then (and now too if then, since he was already 22 and being a normal genetic giant, would'nt have grown) In fact he only looks 6'10.5" or so if Hogan was 6'4". So obviously Hogan was taller or was wearing some major lifts, or Shaq was barefoot in that pic (which I doubt).
Duhon said on 13/Feb/07
To call it even i say he's at least 7' 1/2" barefoot and 7'1" 1/2 in shoes. He still always appears to have an edge in height against other players listed at aroung his height.
On a sidenote does the fact that shaq is quite stocky as opposed to the lankier yao ming, give him the perception of being shorter or taller in your opinion?
Anonymous said on 12/Feb/07
I still say he's a legit 7'1 especially when you see him next to Ilgauskas and Sabonis. Ilgauskas has no more than an inch on Shaq maybe only a half inch.
Arjun said on 10/Feb/07
Anonymous, it IS possible to tell the difference between 8 or 9 inches - the difference is not that large that we cannot estimate it accurately. Wade is'nt more than a couple cm below the bottom of Shaq's ears - and given Shaq's small cranium for his height, there can't be more than 7.5 inches from his skull top to the bottom of his ears, as his head height is around 10 inches or a tad more. The photo of Shaq against the chart in the movie "Steel" may not be conclusive of his height, but it sure shows that his head is only around 10 inches long - it's much smaller than two six inch blocks (i.e. a foot) Shaq does'nt have a big head at all, a guy with a big head would be Yao Ming, whose head is actually closer to a foot long. Anyhow, back to topic, Shaq does tower Wade.
But the difference just does'nt look like 9 inches to me, in either photo. A solid 8 inches, but not 9 or more. 8 inches is a big difference.
OK, since Wade is actually "only" 6'3.75, maybe 8.25 inches at best. Shaq is around 7'0" barefoot, give or take a few mm. At 7'0", he's a tall man even by NBA standards, and gigantic compared to normal people.
Anonymous said on 10/Feb/07
Honestly how can you tell the difference between 8 and 9 inches on 2 people that huge? Shaq is 7'1 barefoot.
mask said on 10/Feb/07
I agree with you Arjun
Arjun said on 10/Feb/07
I see only 8 inches between Wade and Shaq in both the pics , not 9 or more. And both are standing straight enough. Wade is not much lower than the bottom of Shaq's ears, maybe a couple cm at best.And Shaq's head is no more than 10.5 inches long, many other pics prove that. So Shaq IS around 7'0" barefoot , not 7'1" or more.
Arjun said on 10/Feb/07
I see only 8 inches between Wade and Shaq in both their pics , not 9 or more. And both are standing straight enough. Wade is not much lower than the bottom of Shaq's ears, maybe a couple cm at best.And Shaq's head is no more than 10.5 inches long, many other pics prove that.
Anonymous said on 9/Feb/07
Yeah Shaq isn't even standing straight in the picture with Lebron. Shaq is maybe closer to 7'2.
Anonymous said on 8/Feb/07
Ok well if Anotine Walker is 6'9 than Shaq is 7'4. Antoine Walker obviously is closer to 6'6 than the 6'9 he's listed at. Shaq's almost a head bigger than 6'4 Dwayne Wade. Shaq seems atleast 7'1 to me maybe taller. Shaq is one of the few players who's height is listed correctly.
Anonymous said on 7/Feb/07
Its funny about people complaining about shaq's shoes he has size 22 feet what do you expect his shoes to look like? at the very least based on the fact shaq continually dwarfs almost every nba player he is compared to. i would list him at 7' 1/2" without shoes and 7'1" 1/2 in shoes.
JT said on 7/Feb/07
Arjun, the floor in the pic with Shaq and LeBron is not level. Shaq's feet look to be at a higher level. I think LeBron was measured at just over 6'7" and Shaq is probably an even 7 feet.
Masato said on 6/Feb/07
look at the size of shaq's shoes...the soles on it look huge...maybe adding 2 inches...for his if lebron is 6'7''...maybe shaq is around 7 feet??
i dunno...but shaq is 7 feet at the very least.
Arjun said on 6/Feb/07
supes78: That pic is odd. Shaq looks even taller than 7'1" there, there seems to be more like 7 inches difference instead of 6. Lebron looks like he would'nt even make the bottom of Shaq's ears if Shaq straightened his head.
Arjun said on 6/Feb/07
Good news for Arnie! Wilt has a tiny head for his gigantic height, this pic proves it. Maybe 10 inches maximum, his head is no bigger than Shaq's, who himself has a small head for his height.
Arjun said on 6/Feb/07
Wilt and Shaq look basically the same height, Wilt maybe 1/2 inch maximum taller. Shaq probably has bigger shoes though. Also, I read somewhere that Wilt shrunk a cm by the time this pic was taken, he was measured at 7'0.5" in the early 90's.
Anonymous said on 6/Feb/07
look the "enormous" shaq shoes (gain=4,5 cm?),lebron have normal basketball shoes......
supes78 said on 5/Feb/07
If Lebron James is around 6'7", then Shaq looks every bit of 7'1" tall;
Click Here
Anonymous said on 5/Feb/07
look the picture:shaq in basketball shoes,gain=3-4 cm.......wilt in city shoes,gain=1-2 cm max.......ewing in biggest basketball shoes (patrick ewing),gain=3,5/4 cm......
shaq 2m14 with shoes=2m17
wilt chamberlain 2m16 with city shoes =2m18
ewing 2m07 whith basketball shoes =2m11
asfasf said on 5/Feb/07
the only diffence is: shaq is 7'1 with shoes, and wilt 7'1 barefoot and in that photo is quite clear, pat is not 6'9' prolly not a solid 7'0 but atleast 6'11, so mourning would be 6'7? c'mon guys
Anonymous said on 3/Feb/07
Shaq and Wilt look the same height(7'1) and patrick looks about 6'9 there. Yes but in the All Star picture Shaq might not even be an inch shorter than inch max. If Ilgauskas is 7'2 than Shaq is atleast 7'1.
allen4 said on 3/Feb/07
hello,look this hot picture to shaquille o'neal,will chamberlain,patrick ewing in my french book :"les super-champions du basket u.s 1993",shaq is 22 old guy.....
Click Here
Click Here
Arjun said on 2/Feb/07
Duhon - I agree with the last bit, Shaq is'nt really that much shorter than Yao. If you can't see over the top of someone's head, they are'nt that much shorter than you. Shaq is one of the few guys in the NBA (or otherwise, lol:) who comes past Yao's eyes. But I still think he's around 7'0" flat barefoot.
Anonymous said on 1/Feb/07
I'm tired of hearing he claimed 6'11.5 without seeing a link to it. Also as someone else pointed out he might have just been joking. Shaq is atleast 7'1.
Duhon said on 1/Feb/07
Arjun that mugshot scene is highly suspect, A) its a movie so its esentially a prop not an official height chart. I haven't seen the movie but its possible his character was simply supposed be exactly 7 feet tall and they wanted to show the audience that b) shaq has always looked bigger against almost every 7 footer he's played against not to mention he always dwarfs players in the 6'10" 6'11" range. Even against yao who is a a legitimate 7'6" shaq manages to hold his own height wise. Some people used to even refer to shaq as 7'3" obviously false, but proving the fact that he is never taken as a small 7 footer as opposed to the the hakeems and ewings.
Arjun said on 31/Jan/07
What we would like is some tall dude
among us who is around 6'8" or so (close enough in height to Shaq to gauge accurately, a 5'8" guy could'nt tell a 6'11" from a 7'1", a 6'8" guy definitely could) to meet Shaq and offer his estimate.
Arjun said on 31/Jan/07
Mutombo is 7'1" max. If he was really 7'2", then Yao would be a good 7'7", which he is'nt. Yao himself is 7'6" max, so Mutombo is a good 5" shorter, so 7'1" max for him.
Arjun said on 31/Jan/07
But anonymous, Shaq is'nt 7'1" even in shoes in the shot of his movie Steel. And the camera angle is'nt high enough to make him look any shorter, and he's right against the wall. He seems about 7'0.5" in shoes, and he seems to be standing straight enough (head up, feet close together). I would say he's 7'0" barefoot, max. Even he claims only 6'11.5". If Shaq is almost as tall as Sabonis, remember that he has size 22 basketball shoes which are quite chunky, and Sabonis may not be full 7'3".
Anonymous said on 28/Jan/07
Yeah I have NBA Dynasty series laker DVD and Shaq is almost as big as Sabonis. I think Shaq is 7'1 barefoot. He looks the same height as Mutombo and very close to Ilgauskas and Sabonis.
asfasf said on 27/Jan/07
i remember blazers vs lakers about some years ago, and shaq compared with legit 7'3' arvidas sabonis doesn't looked so small. I think he is 217cm with shoes and 215cm barefoot
Danimal said on 25/Jan/07
Jordan is not taller than Barkley. He just isn't.
Anonymous said on 24/Jan/07
Looks like 4 there. But I don't think 5 inches. Some pictures look like 3 inches. In that picture Yao looks 7'5 there compared to 7'1 Shaq. What I don't get is why Shaq is listed here at 7 feet when there is no picture of Shaq looking shorter than a guy we know is a legit 7'1 or the same height as a guy we know is a legit 7'0. Editor Rob can you change Shaq to 7'1? One of the pictures(the second one I posted of just there heads looks only 3 inch difference.
Arjun said on 24/Jan/07
Anonymous, Shaq is'nt only 3 inches shorter than Yao. More than that, a solid 5 inches, I would say. Shaq comes just over Yao's eye level (a fraction of an inch over), and Yao's eye level can't be only 4.5" down from the top of his head, his head is MUCH bigger than Orlando Bloom's, his head is almost a foot high. I would say his eye level is a good 5.5" - 5.75" down from the top of his head. So 5.75" - say 0.75" = 5"
Viper said on 22/Jan/07
Mask, Yao was measured at 7-5 so hes not under that. Overall that list looks correct.
Anonymous said on 22/Jan/07
If Kobe is under 6'5 than Magic Johnson is under 6'7.
Alex said on 22/Jan/07
Mask, I'd put Yao at 7'5 and Kobe at 6'5. Kobe doesn't look under 6'5 to me. I'd also put Jordan closer to 6'5. The rest I agree on mostly.
gna said on 19/Jan/07
david robinson is a bit shorther than shaq (about 1cm). I'd say shaq 216cm and robinson 215cm. Shaq is not 7'0'. Then downgrade andrea the giant's height to 6'9 6'10 max he is not in shaq height's range, compared both with arnie
Anonymous said on 17/Jan/07
I think Shaq's height should be changed to 7'1. he is quite a bit taller than othert guys around the 6'10-7 foot range such as Garnett(7 foot), Nowitski(6'11), Duncan(6'10), Jermaine O'Neal( 7 foot) ect. Also his height is listed at 7'1 and he is one of the guys who I think has an accurate listed height.
Arjun said on 15/Jan/07
Vegas, I agree Kareem does'nt look 10 inches taller as such in this pic, he MIGHT have Rock by a full head if he stands up straight, but it's doubtful (I would say 10 - 10.25 inches for Kareem's head, his head is a bit longer than Rock's)
I was referring another pic where Kareem seems to have a full head PLUS a good few cm on Rock, when both are standing pretty straight. However, Kareem is closer to the camera. So if you move Rock closer to the camera in that pic, Kareem would be just over a head size taller than him. So assuming Kareem is 7'1.5" now, that would make Rock about 6'3", which I believe Rock is.
Anonymous said on 14/Jan/07
I am almost sure Shaq is 7'1. He looks 3 inches taller than Duncan.
JT said on 14/Jan/07
Vegas, if Kareem stood up straight, it looks like he would have Rock by at least a head size, which would be at least 10 inches in Kareem's case. If 60-year old Kareem is 7'1.5" now, that would put Rock at no more than 6'3.5", assuming the footwear is the same. Editor Rob has Rock at 6'3", which is close enough for me. I wouldn't go below that.
It's good that you now have that Rock-Singh picture saved since it can be hard to find. I've compared this pic with the one with Kareem and there is very little difference in height between Kareem and Singh. I assume Singh is wearing tennis shoes like Rock, so Singh should be at least 7'1", which Editor Rob has him at.
I remember the WWF video of Nash and Kareem from 1995. Vince McMahon referred to Kareem as 7'4", since there was a 4-inch height difference and WWF billed Nash/Diesel at 7'0" at the time.
Kareem is now helping coach LA Laker center Andrew Bynum. There should be a 2005 NBA draft height for Bynum, who's listed at 7'0" and quite frankly looks it now as he may still be growing (he's 19). I haven't found any photos of the two standing side by side yet to gauge how tall Kareem is now.
Anonymous said on 13/Jan/07
Shaq is 7'1 atleast. He was 7 foot even in college at about 19 years old. Shaq also is one of the taller players in the NBA. He should be changed to 7'1 He towers over Duncan and Dirk.
Vegas said on 13/Jan/07
Not sure Duhon; Kareem only had 4" on Kevin Nash who was 6'10 in 1995, Kareem nearly always wears cowboy boots, that is why he is looking a few inches taller than Shaq, I would give Kareem and Shaq the same height barefoot, maybe Kareem 1" taller
I have heard a few mention this before about the NBA measuring players from the past in socks and today in boots, are we 100% sure about this people?????
Duhon said on 12/Jan/07
Kareem may be taller than listed. In the past players were measure in sock size. wilt,rusell,oscar all of them. kareem entered the league in '69 probably were still doing it then. Wilt would be 7'2" if playing today kareem 7'3".
Arjun said on 12/Jan/07
JT: Yeah, I'd say Shaq's head is small for his great height, it looks about 10 inches, not as small as 9 inches though. Look at the photo from his movie "Steel", you'll see that his skull top is about 7'0.5", and his chin level about 6'2.5", so about 10 or 10.25 inches at the most. Calvin does have a huge head though, even for his 7'5" - 7'6" height. His would probably be around 12 inches.
Kareem still seems a solid 7'1" or a tad above compared to Shaq and others. You must have seen how he towers above the Rock by at least 10 inches even now. I agree with you that he's not lost any more than a 1/2" from his peak height. He's rather skinny, so his spine does'nt have to lug around a lot of weight.
Alex said on 12/Jan/07
I told him that I'm 6'0 so you can't be my height if you're 3-4 inches shorter but he then said that I was 6'3-6'4. LOL
Vegas said on 11/Jan/07
6'7 is crazy estimate for Shaq alrite, still looks a true 7ft to me
Vegas said on 11/Jan/07
There are loads of people who think they are taller than they actually are. Guy back on Diana page said he was 5'10 and Diana wax work had 3-4" on him, but i was still taller than the "same" wax work and i am 5'11, figures
Arjun said on 10/Jan/07
Legend Stopper: That pic may be tilted, also we can't see what they are standing on. And both Kareem and Shaq are leaning. But still Kareem looks a good inch taller, which he most likely is. Kareem was most likely around 7'2" in his prime (he was taller than Wilt). He may have lost a 1/2" by now, but still he would be slightly taller than Shaq, by about 3-4cm.
Jason, you've said that Kareem has a somewhat small head for his height, but that Shaq has a big ass head for his height. Well, look here, their heads are virtually the same length! Shaq does have a heavy-ass chin though.
Alex said on 8/Jan/07
Arjun, we all know Shaq is a legit 7'0 guy. The guy who said he was 6'7 was insane, drunk or didn't know what he was talking about. I told him you're crazy to even think Shaq is 6'7 and he was like we all have our opinions but thats just a crazy estimate.
Arjun said on 8/Jan/07
Shaq at 6'7"???? The guy who said that is just insane. The absolute shortest Shaq could be is 6'11.5" (which he has claimed once), but I think he's pretty much 7'0".
Alex said on 7/Jan/07
Well this guy could have been 5'9, it was either 5'8 or 5'9 but still thats 3 inches off if he was 5'9 which is possible but no more than that. The reason I feel he thought he was 6'0 is because the guy was well into his 60's and was probably close to or at 6'0 when he was young and still thought he was so a reasonably explanation. And I don't meet freaks, haha. The person who said he thought Shaq was 6'7 I didn't even know, just was talking to him one day.
leonari said on 7/Jan/07
Alex: whatrs up with you man? Do you meet "freaks" on a constant basis? Do you live near a crazy house?
A 5'8" guy who thinks he is 6'0" has serious issues... why post this here? The guy was a lunatic. Same goes for the guy who saw Shaq at 6'7"...I have seen Shaq in the flesh: nothing below o very very close to 7 feet
Viper said on 7/Jan/07
A 5-8 guy thinking hes 6-0? Something is not right in that guys head.
Alex said on 6/Jan/07
I was guessed at 6'4 once by a guy who was 5'8 who thought he was 6'0. This was over 4 years ago.
Viper said on 6/Jan/07
Alex, Ive been pegged at 6-8 once. So in some bizarre world Im taller than Shaq :)
Alex said on 5/Jan/07
Believe it or not I've heard of a 6'7 sighting of Shaq. Obviously not true but just thought I'd bring it up.
Viper652 said on 18/Oct/06
Shaq would be taller than Big Show now. I swear Big Show looks a good deal shorter now then when he was in the WCW.
mask said on 18/Oct/06
Hello guys this is the site I have spoken about a while ago about Shaq's family "height" tree:
Click Hereif you go there and click the voice "about shaq" you can read how tall was Shaq grandfather and even his great grandfather it's interesting anyway to me Shaq is always around 7'0"
Alex said on 17/Oct/06
Big Show and Shaq could be the same height or Shaq just a bit taller like maybe an inch. Its the fact that Big Show is carrying at least 150lbs more than Shaq which will make him look not as tall because of that size he has while Shaq who is still a very big guy is leaner compared to Big Show which will make Shaq seem more taller until you put the 2 next to each other.
Jason said on 17/Oct/06
Glenn, actually I would put Andre's height at 6'8'' in 1987. I'm of a different opinion to Danimal there. Man, if Shaq and Big Show are the same height I'll eat the bumper off a car.
Viper652 said on 16/Oct/06
Shaq as a full time wrestler would be amazing.
Danimal said on 15/Oct/06
It wouldn't surprise me that The Big Show and Shaq are in fact the same height, or WERE when Big Show was in the WCW. The Big Show has definitely lost an inch in the last 7-8 years after having left the WCW.
Dkko said on 11/Oct/06
Remember when Shaq was in Hogan's corner in his debut match with WCW? he certainly looked that he had more height on Hogan than Kevin Nash did, the Big Show also was taller than Dennis Rodman in WCW, so maybe Big Show and Big Shaq
are about the same height
weekly said on 5/Oct/06
Alex - funny idea with hockeyplayers.
I think some of their heights are right, but some totally not. I'm Slovak and there is no way like Bondra 6'1 (I'd say he isn't 6'0 even), or Satan 6'3 (max 6'1) or Stumpel 6'3 (the same like Satan). Also the tallest in NHL ever - Zdeno Chara listed at 6'9 (206 cm), in Slovakia he's always been said to be 204 cm (6'8.5)
Glenn said on 4/Oct/06
So Im not crazy that he can give this illusion of being shorter Danimal?
Danimal said on 4/Oct/06
Being a Canadian myself, I would have to admit that their heights are pretty accurate ;).
Alex said on 3/Oct/06
Anyone know about NHL heights? How much are those inflated? Would be funny if they gave their height in ice skates then everyone would be inflated 4 inches.
Danimal said on 3/Oct/06
He may have looked 6'8" Glenn in 1987, but he wasn't. Hogan was at least 6'5"-6'6" in 1987 and Andre had Hogan by about 5".
Glenn said on 2/Oct/06
Just watched The Princess Bride for the first time.Andre looked shorter than I thought.around 6-8.what happened to 6-11 to 7-4?
Viper652 said on 2/Oct/06
6-5 for Andre's death is really far out there. As much as Tupac being 6-0 at his death.
Danimal said on 29/Sep/06
We've confirmed that Andre was in NO WAY 6'5" at death. We have pics that confirm he was still at least 6'9" in the early 90's.
Massimo said on 29/Sep/06
I don't accept Shaq under (or below) 6'11" 1/2. It would be too painful. Like Andre only 6'5" at death. ;-)
Jason said on 28/Sep/06
I think Shaq is 7'0'' though I remember a guy on this site who claimed to be 6'9'' once said he stood in an elevator with Shaq and he was only 6'10''ish.