How tall is Shaquille O'Neal - Page 12

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Average Guess (589 Votes)
7ft 0.85in (215.5cm)
Vegas said on 30/Dec/07
not getting involved in this debate but here is a photo of shaq in high school aged 16, maybe 17 Click Here if shaq is 6'7 there those other two dudes are about 5'6, maybe 5'7, as shaq is well over a head taller than both
Shaq is 7'1" said on 30/Dec/07
Shaq himself claims to have been 6'6" at 13. The growth chart also says he is 7'1" Jason and you don't believe that. From research I've done I think Shaq was 6'6" at 13, 6'11" at 16, 7'0" at 17 and 7'1" at 20. I base that on Shaq claiming to be 6'6" at 13, 7'0" at 17, 7'1" now and also the fact that we was listed 6'11" when he was 16. I am also convinced that 7'1" was his barefoot measurement at 20.
Jason said on 30/Dec/07
You're not talking about a normal guy here. & David Robinson was only 6'6''-6'7'' when he entered college. Dennis Rodman was 5'11'' at 18. It happens, mate...
lillothomas said on 30/Dec/07
This chart is very way off . It says that Shaq was only 6-7 and 16 !!!!! That means that he grow 5 inches after 16 that's hard to believe. Most guys at 16 are close to their final height. For example if he were 6-10 at 16 that's is more realistic . Many guys grow 1 inch and even 2 inches after 16.
Jason said on 30/Dec/07
Who says he actually was 6'6'' at 13? His own growth chart doesn't. He was probably exaggerating his height at that age. Though, 8'' in a year is possible for someone like that. Brad Doherty grew 7'' when he was 12.
Jason said on 29/Dec/07
There you go, weekly. 6'7'' 265lbs, and a size 15 shoe, at 16 y/o on his site.
Jason said on 29/Dec/07
I don't think it looks like there's an angle in there, Shaq is 7'1''. There's other pics from that shoot, BTW.

Granted the third guy in this one's been superimposed in, but - Click Here
Shaq is 7'1 said on 29/Dec/07
I don't believe that growth chart. No way Shaq grew from 5'10"-6'6" in a year.
Nik said on 29/Dec/07
Shaq is my favorite center of all time and I'm pretty sure he's 7-1.
weekly said on 29/Dec/07
Tis' here Click Here what Jason says about Shaq being 6'7" at 16. Shaq is 7'1" read he said he was 6'6" at 13, I think the real Shaq's making fun of us.
Shaq is 7'1" said on 29/Dec/07
Yes I'm sure Shaq was 7'0" at 17. Dick Vitale asked him how tall he was in a March 1989 video and he says "7 foot even". So he was barely 17 at the time. Shaq has said he was already 6'6" at 13 so i doubt he was just 6'7" at 16.
shaq is 6ft11 said on 29/Dec/07
his 7ft in shoes.. barely 211cm.. trust me.. so many nba player had add on their height with shoes.. commonly known for michael jordan 6ft6 peak but 6ft5true height and dennis rodman 6ft8 peak but only 6ft6.5in real fact..
JT said on 29/Dec/07
Click Here I thought Motumbo was measured barefoot at 7
Jason said on 29/Dec/07
You sure Shaq was 7'0'' at 17? On the growth chart on his official site, it has him at 6'7'' 265lbs at 16.
Shaq is 7'1" said on 29/Dec/07
That is on an angle. You want a good picture look at the back to back pic of Shaq and Yao. btw do an archive search and you will find out Mutombo measured 7'1" and 228 pounds at the 1991 pre-draft camp while Alonzo Mourning was 206 cm at the 2000 Olympics. There is no way Ewing is shorter than 6'10.25" Hakeem Olajuwon. Shaq is 7'1", Mutombo is 7'1", Zo is 6'9" and Ewing is 6'11"(about give or take a cm).
Jason said on 29/Dec/07
Click Here

Yao's got about 4.75'' on Shaq here and he doesn't even have his head and shoulders fully up.
Jason said on 29/Dec/07
The two pics with of Ewing with Mutombo and Mourning aren't good for comparison because of the ground (look at Mourning's right foot in one of them). They're taken in the same place, or setting, that the one of Shaq with LeBron was, where Shaq looked 7 or 8'' taller due to the floor not being level. I would indeed put Ewing at probably 6'9 3/4'', Mourning 6'8 1/2'' tops, and Mutombo 7'0 1/2''.
Shaq is 7'1" said on 28/Dec/07
allen 4 that pic of Yao is on a terrible angle. Also what is the point of comparing a 7 footer to someone 6'3"? i won't argue lsu alum that there is some evidence to back up your points but I feel there is more pointing to Shaq being 7'1". Shaq contradicts the 6'11.5" claim twice. Once at the 1989 All American Game when he was 17 yrs old saying he was 7 foot even. Now many people grow after that age much less a 7 footer. Shaq also then in that recent video contradicts the 6'11.5" claim saying he is 7'1".

Come on Jason...Ewing 6'9.5"? What is Greg Oden 6'9.5" and Alonzo Mourning 6'7"-6'8" while Mutombo is 6'11"-6'11.5"?
Jason said on 28/Dec/07
I don't think Patrick Ewing was joking. I would say he is 6'9 1/2'' or 6'9 3/4''.
Leung said on 27/Dec/07
why are we argueing Shaq's height? The dude is clearly 7 foot plus. I don't know where this 6'11" nonsense is coming from.
allen 4 said on 27/Dec/07
news pictures :
Click Here
Click Here
lsu alum said on 27/Dec/07
im taking time out from the issue to say after looking at two other celeb heights web sites this one is by far the most accurate i won't mention the sites by name,but if you want a good laugh,google celeb heights
Shaq is 7'1 said on 27/Dec/07
"hi" that was the worst example possible. I say ewing must have been joking because Ewing looks atleast 6'11" in every possible picture. I posted pictures of ewing with 6'9" alonzo mourning and 7'1" Mutombo. Ewing looked every bit of 6'11" next to them aswell as next to 7'1" Shaq and 6'11" Greg Oden. I never heard prior to that anything of Ewing being much shorter than he was listed either. Hakeem Olajuwon who was listed 7'0" was well known to be closer to 6'10"(6'10.25"). Shaq saying he is 7'1" actually makes sense because he looks every bit that tall. Shaq also was already 7'0" at age you honestly think he didn't grow at all after that? People with big feet usually grow late anyway nevermind Shaq who has size 22 shoes and was 7'0" even at 17.
lillo thomas said on 27/Dec/07
Shaq is 7-1 I think that shaq look a legit 7-1 because his shoes that add almost 2 inches height . So Rob have Shaq right. The most accurate way to compare Shaq with other big guys is with all big guys standing barefoot next to each others.
hi said on 27/Dec/07
Patrick Ewing says he's 6-9 but you (Shaq is 7-1) say he must be joking and in fact he must be taller. Shaq says he's 7-1 but to you guys he's clearly saying the truth. Why is it that you just consider truth what fits your own belief? What if Ewing was saying the truth? Shaq could no longer be 7-1, right?
Shaq is 7'1" said on 26/Dec/07
Shaq's shoes add 1.75" inches so yes nearly two. That is why Shaq gives the illusion of a legit 7'2" guy.
Mr_6'5 said on 26/Dec/07
look at the 3rd pic down below me posted by shaq is 7'1'' look at the third pic with ben wallace, look at the huge sole shoes shaq wears. at least 2 inches maybe even 3, maybe this is wear shaq gets his 7'1''
Shaq is 7'1 said on 26/Dec/07
I wouldn't say a lot of evidence. Shaq claiming he is 6'11.5" could be evidence but then again Patrick Ewing claimed he was 6'9" and he was clearly joking and Shaq could have been too. Shaq also claimed 7'0" at 17 yrs old and now a few years ago claimed 7'1". I think the main evidence against Shaq being 7'1" would be the 6'11.5" claim I can't think of any other evidence really against him being 7'1". Shaq often seems bigger than 7'1" like when he stood back to back with Yao. Shaq has also been listed as 7'2" and often described as 7'2" by Fox Sports,, Sports Illustrated and ESPN. He was listed 7'2" around 2002-2003 I believe.
lsu alum said on 26/Dec/07
again pictures can be misleading,are those platform sneakers shaqs wearing in the pictures with wallace.editor has it right theres also a lot of evidence thats he's not 7'1"
Shaq is 7'1" said on 25/Dec/07
Shaq with 6'7" Ben Wallace
Click Here
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Shaq with 6'11.25" Kevin Garnett
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Shaq in 1989 at 17 years old saying he is "7 foot even"
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Shaq in his 30's around 2005-2007 saying he is "7-1, 365"
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Editor Rob if you upgrade Yngwie to 6'3" despite a lot of doubt why not upgrade Shaq to his current claimed height of 7'1"? Certainly there is nothing weird about upgrading a man to the height he has been listed at for the past 20 years or so with the exception of when he was listed 7'2". Add that to the fact he claims he is 7'1" and usually looks that tall.
allen4 said on 24/Dec/07
new picture:
Click Here
Shaq is 7'1 said on 24/Dec/07
LMFAO! If Shaq is 6'10" then Kevin Garnett is like 6'8" and Duncan is only what 6'7"? Mourning would be only like 6'6" then.
Gonzalo said on 23/Dec/07
Shaq is wearing lifts. In fact he is 2`08
Shaq is 7'1 said on 23/Dec/07
I think that the picture with Ilgauskas backs up Shaq at 7'1". Ilgauskas is 7'2" barefoot I believe if Ilgauskas wasn't closer to the camera and Shaq wasn't leaning a bit they might look the same height. As far as the 6'11.5" claim if he did claim that it could have been like Patrick Ewing claiming he is 6'9".

MUTOMBO: [Sipping a virgin strawberry daiquiri] I like your restaurant, Yao. It's made for 7-footers and guys like Patrick Ewing, who is really 6'9". [Ewing has always been listed as 7 feet.]

EWING: Hey, I may be 6'9", but I'm a bad 6'9". And what about you? When I first met you, you told me you were from Zaire.

Click Here

Of course now if you see Patrick with 6'9" Zo and 7'1" Mutombo then you can see he is about 6'11"
Click Here
Click Here
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Patrick with 6'11" Greg Oden
Click Here

6'11" Patrick Ewing and 7'1" Shaq
Click Here
LV said on 21/Dec/07
Ilgauskas is listed at 7'3" in shoes and Shaq isn't much shorter. I think that proves that Shaq is 7'2" in shoes so easily over 7' barefoot. Look how much taller he is than legit 6'11" Jermaine O'Neal (Click Here).
mask said on 21/Dec/07
The best I give to Shaq is 214 cm
Shaq is 7'1" said on 21/Dec/07
Shaq looks about the same height as Ilgauskas who is 7'2(Ilgauskas is closer to the camera and Shaq is leaning a bit)
Click Here

Shaq looking down at 6'10.5" Eddy Curry
Click Here

Some more pictures with Shaq and 6'9" Alonzo Mourning
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here

Looks like a strong 7'1". What do you think Editor Rob?
lillo thomas said on 21/Dec/07
Shaq at 6-10 is a joke , the guy is for sure around 7-0 /
LV said on 20/Dec/07
Pre-draft measurements are taken by NBA officials, just like it says, prior to the draft. That's why alot of guys lose height when the NBA measures them. Sometimes they can compensate with a thicked-soled shoes if they choose to be listed in shoes.
Anonymous said on 20/Dec/07
It is very true that NBA heights are off by one to two inches. I heard NBA pre-Draft measurements are just taken from the players previous coaches and affiliation, so naturally the coach would want his player to have a better chance and list him taller. But heres the thing about ppl meeting NBA players after a ball game, after playing an Nba intenstity game there entire body is fatigued they spent the entire game curved down dribbling the ball which adds alot of stress, its very likely they are slouching. usually the more accurate heights are when you meet them outside a ball game.
Shaq is 7'1 said on 20/Dec/07
btw if you do post a video of him saying 6'11.5" how would Rob decide which time Shaq was telling the truth?
Shaq is 7'1 said on 20/Dec/07
lol sure tim we believe you especially since you can't even spell Shack!
lsu alum said on 20/Dec/07
as far as i can tell stern reruns are no longer on tv,however i have a friend who has them all taped,and as soon as i can fiqure out have to post them(the episodes are on vhs tapes)i will post the one where he says he's 6'11.5"
tim said on 20/Dec/07
NO Shack is not 7 foot he is about 6'10 i stood next to him Im 6'5 he only had 5 inches on me at the most. With basketball players they add inches of height on players idk y but they just do
Shaq is 7'1 said on 19/Dec/07
lillo thomas if you think Shaq's shoes only add about an inch you don't know what you are talking about. lsu alum what channel is the Howard Stern re-runs on now? I use to watch that show on E but it hasn't been on in a while. I have searched all over the internet with keywords like "Shaq 6'11.5" and "Shaq 6'11 1/2" and I haven't found anything.
lillo thomas said on 19/Dec/07
Shaq is 7-1 with shoes and about 7-0 barefoot . End of story. I cant believe some guys here fighting to death because an inch !!! If you guys see a 7-1 guy standing next to a 7-0 guy you would hardly see a difference !! 1 inch is hardy notable most of the time.
JT said on 19/Dec/07
It may be an illusion, but Lebron's left foot sure looks lower than the right.
Duhon said on 19/Dec/07
I really doubt shaq is on a higher level, i think the fold in the carpet and the way lebrons left foot is sticking out is creating an illusion.
LV said on 18/Dec/07
JT, look again. That's a shadow from Lebron left leg, not another level. They are on equal ground. Lebron is even favored in that picture because he's closer to the camera (Click Here).
JT said on 17/Dec/07
Vegas, Shaq is on a higher level in the pic with Lebron. Not sure why they did that.
lsu alum said on 17/Dec/07
if you want a link to oneal claiming 6'11,5" just watch the howard stern show that he was on anyway none of the evidence presented here is conclusive,so shaq is 7'1"FIQURE IT OUT ALSO IM AN NBA fan,so i must know what im talking about
Vegas said on 17/Dec/07
shaq is like 7" taller than 6'7.5" Lebron james in that photo and is leaning!!! thats incredible, truly amazing how some photos come out

shaq only looks about 8-8.5" taller than 6'2.5-6'3ish batista standing up fully straight
Shaq is 7'1 said on 17/Dec/07
Yeah Leung especially since Shaq has also claimed 7'1" on video.
Leung said on 16/Dec/07
I think you should remove the mention of 6
Shaq is 7'1 said on 16/Dec/07
Hey lsu alum in case you haven't figured it out yet. Nobody has a link of that supposed video. Second of all Shaq could have just been being a smartass saying 6'11.5" because everyone calls him a 7 footer. 3rd of all those pics with Mourning don't even show Shaq's knees. Here are some better ones with Zo.

Click Here
Click Here

BTW Chris I spend maybe 15-20 minutes per day on this site. The reason I am trying to prove he is 7'1" is because it seems so obvious to me. Especially next to 6'11" guys like Brad Miller and Kevin Garnett. here is Shaq with 6'8.75" Antoine Walker

Click Here
Click Here

lsu alum I can see where you would think 6'11.5" is possible but I thinkt he video of Shaq claiming 7'1" and his real weight of 365 is more accurate. Saq and 6'7.25" Lebron

Click Here

Now some people will believe the measurements I posted were pre-draft and some won't but Shaq has for the record on video claimed 7'1". Maybe he has claimed 6'11.5" too. I don't know but based on how he looks 7'1" seems way more accurate.
Chris said on 16/Dec/07
'Shaq is 7' 1" no disrespect to you but why are you going to such great lengths to try and prove shaq's height when the only real way any of us could no 100% for sure is to measure him personally! Do you get out much?
lsu alum said on 15/Dec/07
no post dont seem to make the cut anymore,but shaq also said he was 6'11.5'so i wouldn't upgrade him to 7;1"no matter what so called proof shaq is 7'1" has,besides the new pics of him next to mourning seems proof he is now down to 6'11"
Shaq is 7'1 said on 12/Dec/07
Viper. Shaq obviously just chose his barefoot listing. Many players do that. I'll give examples

Kevin Durant- 6'9" barefoot, 6'10.25" in shoes, listed 6'9"
Vince Carter- 6'5.5" barefoot, 6'6.75" in shoes, listed 6'6"
Kevin Garnett- 6'11.25" barefoot, 7'0.5"-7'0.75" in shoes, listed 6'11"

I could list many more examples but I don't need to. Legit Brad Miller's head comes up to Shaq's eye brows meaning Shaq has him by 2.5" inches atleast. Of course Shaq's 1.75" shoes give him an advantage. I'll point to the evidence pointing to him being 7'1"

1.HE CLAIMS TO BE 7'1"!!
2.I found quite a few articles that appeared to be pre-draft measurements that had him at 7'1"
3.He looks atleast that tall making legit 6'10"-6'11" guys look small
4.He was already 7'0" at 17 years old
5.He was listed at 7'2" at one point

All of that points to him being 7'1". That is why I think he really needs an upgrade on this site. Especially since Rob wasn't so sure about upgrading Yngwie Malmsteen but did so because Yngwie claimed 6'3". He doesn't seem sure on Shaq but Shaq claims 7'1" in a video. So you can't say it is a misquote because we have video evidence.
hi said on 12/Dec/07
right Viper, why would he be listed at his barefoot height? doesn't make too much sense...Kareem is listed at 7-2, even though his official barefoot height is 7-1.625
Viper said on 12/Dec/07
Shaq should be listed at 7-3 then If thats the case.
LV said on 11/Dec/07
Shaq is 7'1, great find! As I've said many times on this page, I'm from Indiana and I went to college with Brad Miller. There is no question about his height. I've seen him up close and personal on several occasions and he is a legit 6'11" barefoot which makes him 7'0" in shoes and Shaq has him by 1"+.
Shaq is 7'1 said on 11/Dec/07
Shaq's shoes add 1.75". He is 7'1" barefoot and 7'2.75" in shoes. Most NBA player's shoes add atleast 1.25" inches nevermind Shaq's shoes.
Shaq is 7'1 said on 11/Dec/07
Alright not only does Shaq claim to be 7'1" but he also looks it. Shaq and 6'11" Brad Miller

Click Here
Click Here

Shaq looks 2.5" inches taller. I also provided a link to pre-draft measurements from 1998 stating Miller is 6'11" barefoot. Lsu if you are going to try to argue atleast provide links but you have clearly come unarmed. Shaq is 7'1" get over it. Players shorter than the heights they are listed were almost always listed below that in the past example(Duncan, Jordan, David Robinson, Kevin Willis ect.)
Anonymous said on 11/Dec/07
Isn't a video of Shaq himself saying 7'1" good enough to upgrade?
Paul R. said on 10/Dec/07
I am 6'6 1/2" and I weighed in at 330 back at my peak, now at 250
Shaq is 7'1 said on 10/Dec/07
If Shaq was 214 cm barefoot he'd be over 218 cm in shoes anyway so I am pretty sure he meant barefoot. Also most of the time when people mention their height they mean barefoot unless they state otherwise. That video is good evidence. It also backs up that Shaq was as much as 365 lbs at one point.
allen 4 said on 10/Dec/07
the question in the video is:he say 7'1" barefoot or with shoes? but after all shaq said the true because is really 7'1" in shoes;is her nba size,in life shaq is probably a strong/full 214 cm.......
Kevin Durant said on 10/Dec/07
I think that Shaq is a legit 7'1 based on the video link that allen 4 provided, and it's time to at least upgrade him into a minimum of 7'0.5" or a full 7'1".
Shaq is 7'1 said on 10/Dec/07
Great video allen 4. Well there you have it. The man himself says 7'1". Hahahah so lsu alum are you going to disagree with Shaq? Shaq himself says on video 7'1" and 365. And we know he isn't just repeating his listed height/weight because he was never listed 365. Shaq is 7'1". End of story. The man says it himself on video. He would know better than any of us. Now it is time for an upgrade now because we have video proof of Shaq saying 7'1".
Jason said on 10/Dec/07
''Shaq is 7'1 says on 9/Dec/07
Another 1992 quote...this time from the new york times "JUST how big is Shaquille O'Neal? Seven feet one inch and 301 pounds only begin to measure and weigh The immediate impact of this enormous....."

Editor Rob Don't you think that is enough evidence?''

I think it's time for a downgrade of your IQ.
allen 4 said on 10/Dec/07
i'm post a video,shaq say himself is 7'1"......look the link:
Click Here
Leung said on 9/Dec/07
lsu alum, we know that's you posting under numerous names, you ain't fooling anyone but yourself.
shaq said on 9/Dec/07
all you people that are so worried about my 6'11.5"barefoot,Mr.shaq is 7'1",your a no class loser,probably never been an athlete yourself,and im sure your dont measure up sexually either
Shaq is 7'1 said on 9/Dec/07
Another 1992 quote...this time from the new york times "JUST how big is Shaquille O'Neal? Seven feet one inch and 301 pounds only begin to measure and weigh The immediate impact of this enormous....."

Editor Rob Don't you think that is enough evidence?
Shaq is 7'1 said on 9/Dec/07
From 1992 draft articles

"7-1, 303, 12% body fat, only 20 years old"

"Shaquille O'Neal, all 7-1 and 303 pounds"

Sources: Miami Herald, Charlotte Observer

Time for an upgrade to 7'1"
Shaq is 7'1 said on 8/Dec/07
If that height chart is accurate then it does rule out anything below 7'0.5" barefoot. Shaq isn't even wearing basketball shoes either. Those shoes may only add an inch or an inch 1.25" If Shaq had military posture he could probably squeeze out an extra half inch too.
JT said on 6/Dec/07
As Vegas said, I start the ruler at the heel area. I do this since the head is located directly over the heel, not over the front of the foot.
Shaq is 7'1 said on 6/Dec/07
Actually to be exact Wade is 6'4.75" in shoes based on the 2003 pre-draft measurements. Second of all those type of height charts aren't 100% accurate. The line starts about an inch above the bottom of Shaq's shoes. Look at the picture.
Kevin Durant said on 6/Dec/07
Shaq is definitely 7'1, and Editor Rob must upgrade his listing in this site.
Vegas said on 5/Dec/07
no, JT is an expert in these types of photos, shaq is 7'2 in shoes there "assuming" wade is 6'5 in his shoes which seems correct seeing as his basketball boots would give him approx 1.25" in height.

the line starts at the heel of the shoe if you look again
Shaq is 7'1 said on 5/Dec/07
Vegas that picture near the height chart starts higher than the bottom of Shaq's shoes. If that height chart is accurate then it shows Shaq as about 7'2" barefoot.
Shaq is 7'1 said on 5/Dec/07
All Star pictures aren't good to judge. That makes Jermaine look nearly as tall as Shaq but if you look at them up close Shaq is much taller.

Click Here

Jermaine is 6'11" btw look how he towers over 6'6" Reggie Miller.

Click Here

That All Star picture makes Dwight look a little taller than Bosh but in reality Chris is 6'10.25" and Dwight is 6'9". Look at them in better pictures. Chris is taller.

Click Here
Click Here

If All Star pictures were accurate then Shaq would have atleast 5 inches on 6'10.5" Tim Duncan and atleast 3-4 on 6'11.25"-7'0" KG

Click Here

I've saved the best for last. These next points will prove without a reasonable doubt that Shaq is 7'1".

This is what a 6'11" barefoot guy looks like with Yao

Click Here
Click Here

This is what a 7'1.5" barefoot guy looks like with Yao(Shaq is 7'1" barefoot but he appears 7'1.5" because of his .5 inch shoe advantage) He also has about 2 inches on Kevin Garnett who is 6'11.25"-7'0".

Click Here
Click Here

This is what a 7'1.5" guy looks like with Duncan(remember the shoe advantage)

Click Here

This is what a 7'0" guy looks like with Duncan

Click Here

Those pictures prove we need an upgrade to 7'1" Editor Rob. He has never been listed as less than 7'1" since he has been in college. I'd say 7'1" is a better way to list him..especially since you list Kevin garnett at 6'11".
Vegas said on 5/Dec/07
Viper says on 4/Dec/07
The 7-1 stuff must be his height in shoes

JT posted two photos which show shaq at 7'2 in shoes next to 6'3.75" dwayne wade who is 6'5 in shoes, that photo pretty much confirms shaq at just over 7'0.5" barefoot Click Here if shaq is really 6'11.5" barefoot those shoes would need to give him nearly an inch more than cowboy boots.........
Kevin Durant said on 5/Dec/07
Shaquille O'Neal is a legit 7'1', and Rony Seikaly has been listed at 6'11" in but look closer to 6'10" with Shaq.

Click Here
allen 4 said on 5/Dec/07
ok guys new pictures :
shaq and ronny seikaly :
Click Here
Click Here
all-star game east team :
Click Here
shaquille o'neal said on 4/Dec/07
I just took some time out of my busy schedule to get on this board and let everyone know that I really am 7'1" barefoot. Go Heat!

(The preceeding was a dramatization by LV...anybody can change their screen name and make stuff up, get a life lsu alum)
Leung said on 4/Dec/07
lsu alum, I have never seen or heard Shaq quoting 6
Viper said on 4/Dec/07
The 7-1 stuff must be his height in shoes.
Shaq is 7'1 said on 4/Dec/07
I thought I'd embarrass lsu alum once more. Hahhaha if he has said it MANY times then why can't you find a link?! btw Jamal is obviously lsu alum trying to prove his point. Editor Rob ban this troll all he does is insult other posters and post BS. The funny thing is lsu alum you call our links BS but you don't even post a link!!!
Evanna said on 4/Dec/07
Say hiya to your bro' Jamal! However the debate doesn't end here. I posted a photo of my 6'2" husband next to Vlade Divac on Jabbar's page. Divac's been measured at 6'11.5", in person he looks a legit 7' guy, and Shaq has always been slightly taller than him. In my opinion, anything under 7' for Shaq is laughable.
lsu alum said on 4/Dec/07
jamal is 100% right oneal is 6'11.5"barefoot,don't know about some of the other players people here use to try and prove their case.shaq has said many times that he's 6'11.5",but some of the people here beleive they know more about oneal than the man himself
Shaq is 7'1" said on 3/Dec/07
If Shaq is 6'11.5" then Garnett is under 6'10", Yao is under 7'4" and Duncan is barely 6'9". Shaq is 7'1". Look he is taller than 7'0" David Robinson.

Click Here

If you actually think he is 6'11.5" then you are mentally retarted.
Kevin Durant said on 1/Dec/07
I think Shaquille O'Neal is a minimum 7'0.5", and possibly a full 7'1 Because he was looks 2.5- 3 inches taller than 6'10" Tim Duncan

Here are some basketball fanatic discussing about Robinson and Shaq in the Real GM Forum.

Click Here

I think Editor Rob need to upgrade Shaq to 7'0.5"
Jason said on 1/Dec/07
Well, when the majority think he's 7'0'' (including myself), I don't think you can rule out half an inch less...
Gonzalo said on 30/Nov/07
Well, lsu alum. If Shaq is 6.11`5, how tall are other players like Garnett, Duncan, Bryant...?
O`Neal is taller than Pau Gasol, who was measured at 2.14`4, which is about 7.0`5. No way O
Shaq is 7'1 said on 30/Nov/07
lol no my last picture proves he is 7'1"...unless Yao is just 7'3.5". Shaq is so much bigger than wade that there is no use comparing
lsu alum said on 30/Nov/07
vegas makes up a lot of his so called facts,you can read a number of different so called articals,and none of them ever measured oneal,just repeating what they heard
lsu alum said on 30/Nov/07
JTs pictures prove that oneal is only 6'11.5",your not blind are you vegas
Shaq is 7'1 said on 29/Nov/07
Look at Shaq back to back with Yao again. Everyone knows back to back pictures are the best to judge. Look at this pic.

Click Here

7'1" barefoot, 7'2.75" w/ shoes Shaq and 7'5" barefoot, 7'6.25" in shoes Yao. The difference looks 3.5" inches at most. The reason Shaq's Standing Reach is as high as Yao's is because his wingspan is an 1.25" inches longer.
Anonymous said on 29/Nov/07
That pic of shaq, yao and christina agulera is on an angle. That isn't a good picture to judge.
JT said on 29/Nov/07
Assuming 6
Duhon said on 28/Nov/07
Yao ming is at least 7'5" and his Standing Reach was measured at 9'8" himself. 9'8" for a Standing Reach is actually quite high for someone 7'1". look at draft measurements, few players have reaches abouve 9'5".
Vegas said on 28/Nov/07
yes even 7'9ish sun ming ming has to jump slightly to dunk Click Here
Leung said on 28/Nov/07
Vegas, you seem like a guy that knows his stuff when it comes to basketball. We need more people like you posting here, rather than those people that try to find the dumbest possible excuses to try and downsize Shaq.
LV said on 28/Nov/07
Anonymous, haven't we asked that you stop posting ridiculous comments here? Exactly what kind of reach do you want a 7'1" guy to have, 10 feet?! Even some 7'6"-7'7" guys have to jump slightly to dunk. Also, arm length can vary greatly. Oliver Miller is 6'8" or 6'9" and he has a 7'7" wingspan. Ben Wallace is another example of a guy with very long arms for his height, as well.
allen 4 said on 27/Nov/07
new pictures :
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Vegas said on 27/Nov/07
Anonymous says on 26/Nov/07
honestly a Standing Reach of only 9'8 at 7'1 sounds a bit low, there are players who are 6'7 and have Standing Reaches of 9'1 i tihnk it's very possible that shaq isn't a legit 7 footer

Aaron Gray is a legit 7 foot barefoot and his Standing Reach is 9 foot, the average Standing Reach for an legit 6'7 nba player is about 8'6 or 8'7, there are exceptions though
Shaq is 7'1 said on 27/Nov/07
lol wtf are you talking about? A 9'8" Standing Reach is actually rare. Many footers don't have that kind of Standing Reach. That comment made no sense.
Shaq is 7'1 said on 26/Nov/07
Of course I'm not making it up. I can provide a link to everyone of those measurements with the exception of wingspan and height with shoes...I can't remember where I saw those measurements.
Leung said on 25/Nov/07
Shaq is 7'1 is not making up those stats.
I read a lot of basketball magazines in the early 90's and I remember reading those stats on numerous occasions.
Shaq is 7'1 said on 24/Nov/07
I got Shaq's 7'1" barefoot, 303 lbs, 12% body fat from 2 different newspaper articles from 1992 in an archive search...I believe the Charlotte Observer and the Miami Herald. As far as highest touch, vertical and Standing Reach i got that from a vertical leap site. And i got the wingspan and height with shoes from a site a long time ago...that is the only one I can't remember but I know they are accurate.
Mr.Bubbles said on 24/Nov/07
"Shaq is 7'1", where did you get the measurements from? It sounds right but if you can back it up, it would be great.
Vegas said on 24/Nov/07
lsu alum thats your proof, thought so [rolleyes]

rob; please remove the troll from this board as he offers nothing
dwight-howard said on 24/Nov/07
yo if you think shaq is 7'0 and your talkin he's 6'11 ..
ay just go to you tube look for shaqullie o,neal labron james dwight howard and look at shaq and dwight stand up next to each other
lsu alum said on 24/Nov/07
vegas saw a picture of you on this site,im sorry really sorry,but take heart their doing wonderful things in the medical profession now
Shaq is 7'1 said on 23/Nov/07
Shaq in June 1992

Height w/o shoes: 7'1"
Height w/ shoes: 7'2.75"
Weight: 303
Wingspan: 7'6"
Body Fat: 12%
Standing Reach: 9'8"
Highest Touch: 12'4"
Vertical: 32 Inches

Shaq is often called 7'2". If he was 6'11 1/2" do you really think he'd be called 7'2" that often? Especially considering he doesn't have a slim frame to make him appear taller than he is. This is from a recent fox sports article

"Even when his age and health issues are considered, O'Neal
lsu alum said on 23/Nov/07
vegas your links prove nothing again. find someone else to worship instead of oneal
mask said on 23/Nov/07
Click Here
Vegas said on 23/Nov/07
lsu alum i bet my iq is higher than yours :)

you claim shaq is only 1.5" taller than mourning, even closer to the camera mourning is still not just 1.5" shorter Click Here

so far you have offered nothing, just insults on this page. for me mourning is 6'9 barefoot and shaq 7'0-7'0.5 barefoot, btw shaq was listed at 7'1 in college and mourning at 6'10 as reported by the NY Times no less Click Here talk is cheap, i want to see this 6'11 college listing for shaq and i guess so does rob, enough talk......
Gonzalo said on 23/Nov/07
In Europe players are listed barefoot.
Anonymous said on 23/Nov/07
LMFAO. I can prove not all heights are listed with shoes. Look at pre-draft heights. You have the option of being listed barefoot or with shoes and in Steve Nash's case neither. Nash is 6'1" barefoot and 6'2" shoes.
lsu alum said on 22/Nov/07
shaq 6'11.5",vegas;s iq 65
7' is correct... said on 22/Nov/07
Noone ever played basketball in a club? You
Vegas said on 21/Nov/07
tim duncan was listed at 6'10 in college
Shaq is 7'1 said on 20/Nov/07
Kevin Garnett is 6'11.25" and Tim Duncan is 6'10.5". I think Sabonis is 7'2.75" too. Hakeem is 6'10.25". Where did you get the measurement for Sampson Kevin Durant?
Viper said on 20/Nov/07
Ralph Sampson is a legit 7-4 Im pretty sure.
Kevin Durant said on 20/Nov/07
Shaquille O'Neal is 7'1"
Alonzo Mourning is 6'9"
Kevin Garnett is 6'10.5"
Tim Duncan is 6'10"
Hakeem Olajuwon is 6'10"
Yao Ming is 7'5"
Arvydas Sabonis is 7'2"
Dikembe Mutombo is 7'1"
Ralph Samson is 7'3"
Shaq is 7'1 said on 20/Nov/07
LMFAO. You are a fraud lsu alum. If Shaq is 6'11.5" then Garnett is under 6'10" and Duncan might not be 6'9". Provide a link or shut up!
Leung said on 19/Nov/07
lsu alum, we ain't worshippers, you're an idiot. Comparison NBA centers makes it very clear that Shaq is a strong 7 footer and he could very well be the 7
Vegas said on 19/Nov/07
lsu alum; do you believe that there is only 1.5" between shaq and mourning???
Silverwolf said on 18/Nov/07
survivor series is in Miami. Shaq will be present at the event. Hopefully they can get some backstage pictures of him and khali.
lsu alum said on 18/Nov/07
the so called pre draft measurment is bs mourning was listed at that 6'10"then and everyone here says he's 6"9",regardless oneal is 6'11.5" barefoot.maybe a little shorter now due to his weight.he said it,and lsu sports info stated it when he turned pro,all you onesl worshipers get over it
Shaq is 7'1 said on 15/Nov/07
Alright so 2'20 for Sabonis makes him 7'2.75"? 7'1" for Shaq makes sense then.
Gonzalo said on 15/Nov/07
I have just read a funny sentence Sabonis said. When asked how tall he was he answered "2`20 right out of bed in the morning and 2`19 going to bed at night". There you have it. According to that O
Gonzalo said on 15/Nov/07
Sabonis was listed 2`18 in his early days in Europe. But in the 90s he was listed 2`21. Probably the best European center ever. He looked taller than O
Shaq is 7'1 said on 14/Nov/07
barefoot Shaq is 7'1"(2,16 M) and Sabonis is 7'2"(2,18 M)
Leung said on 14/Nov/07
allen 4, I know what you are talking about but when you are comparing Shaq
allen 4 said on 14/Nov/07
ok Leung,I'm talk about shoes sole (in basketball shoes you gain 1 or 2 inch (3-5 cm);not feet size.....for you if shaq is 7'1 (216cm) barefoot,is 7'2/7'3 (219-221 cm) in shoes,it's your conclusion?the sabonis height? is not true for 213,5/214cm barefoot and 217-218 with her basketball shoes.....myself i'm 1m89,5 in morning and 187,5 the night barefoot,and 1m90-91 in basketball shoes..........
Gonzalo said on 14/Nov/07
I have always thought Horry was taller than 6`8. He looks taller than that to me
Anonymous said on 14/Nov/07
Horry measured 6'8" at the 1992 pre-draft camp. Shaq towers over Horry and looks every bit of 7'1". Malone measured 6'8" at the 92' Olympics and the angle favors Karl. Here is a pic of Shaq with Karl on a better angle. The Mourning picture isn't a good one either. BTW Zo measured 6'9" at the 2000 Olympics.

Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Leung said on 14/Nov/07
allen 4,
What is it about Shaq
allen 4 said on 12/Nov/07
ok!new pictures:
shaq(city shoes)and 6'9?;mourning :
Click Here
shaq(look shoes) and 6'7?6'8? malone:
Click Here
shaq and 6'7?6'8? horry:
Click Here
Shaq is 7'1 said on 12/Nov/07
lol it is not that 6'11.5" isn't big enough it is that it is BS. I provided a link to 17 yr old Shaq in march of 1989 saying he had already grown to 7'0". I have also provided links showing Shaq's draft height at 7'1". You have NO links. If what you were saying was true you would have links.
lsu alu said on 12/Nov/07
for some reaso 6'11".5s not enough,and certain people want onealto be bigger that he really is but this is his height so get over it
Shaq is 7'1 said on 12/Nov/07
I did a search for 6'11.5" barefoot and found NOTHING. You are lying.
Shaq is 7'1 said on 11/Nov/07
lol give me a link to it or you get over it. I would bet any amount of money in the morning Shaq is atleast 7'1" barefoot
lsu alu said on 11/Nov/07
6'11".5 in bare feet he says it LSU sports information says it get over it
Shaq is 7'1 said on 9/Nov/07
Garnett claims he is 6'11.25" making Shaq atleast 7'1". Patrick Ewing also said he is 6'9" but he was joking too.
Alex said on 9/Nov/07
Man, Shaq was much lighter when he first came to the NBA.
LV said on 9/Nov/07
This 6'11.5" stuff has yet to be proven. Supposedly, he said it on Howard Stern, but he was just joking. If he's 6'11.5" barefoot, Garnett is 6'9" barefoot and Duncan is 6'8" thus making everyone else in the league considerably shorter. Please someone show me a 6'11.5" listing. Also, he was drafted at age 20 (and looked very young and skinny) and adult males typically grow well into their early 20's, so even if he was 7'0" barefoot when he was drafted he could've grown some by 23 or 24. Also, in Vegas' draft video, the announcer says clearly says "7'1", 300 lbs".
Anonymous said on 8/Nov/07
And no the 7'1" wasn't in shoes...the article was listing players barefoot heights which is why Horry was listed 6'8" while Sprewell was listed 6'4". I know most of the old draft barefoot heights/weights

Shaq 7'1", 303
Sprewell 6'4", 195
Horry 6'8", 220
Mutombo 7'1", 228
Larry Johnson 6'5 1/2" 250
C-Webb 6'9", 263
Penny Hardaway 6'6", 200
JR Rider 6'4 1/2" 218
Harold Miner 6'3 1/2", 222
Tom Gugliotta, 6'9 1/2"
Anonymous said on 8/Nov/07
See Serg knows Shaq was 7'1" at the pre-draft. I tried archive searchs for 6'11 1/2" and 7'0" NOTHING came up. Shaq admitted he was already 7'0" at 17 years old! You can't trust that graphic either because the graphic had Kobe at 6'6" in the 1996 draft. Go search for the old pre-draft measurements will find 7'1" only. Yao does not look5 inches taller either. The back to back picture is a better pic to judge and Yao looks 4 inches taller at most in that pic
Vegas said on 8/Nov/07
7 foot, 303lb in 1992 draft Click Here

most of the photos posted there are poor e.g Click Here 6'11 garnett is behind both yao and shaq and is leaning badly, yao also looks a clear 5" taller than shaq there

much better full length shots of duncan, garnett, yao and shaq Click Here
when yao stands up fully straight he is 5" taller than shaq, he is not standing up straight in the back-to-back shot and that is very clear.
Viper said on 8/Nov/07
That 7-1 could be in shoes.
lsu alu said on 7/Nov/07
shaq 6'11.5",no more no less get over it,and this was what he really measured in the pre draft.L.S.U.information site.again get over it
Serg said on 7/Nov/07
I was actually a writer myself during the 92 draft and shaq's pre-draft listings were 7'1" 295 pounds. I have never seen 6'11.5" listed in any print for shaq.
Shaq is 7'1 said on 7/Nov/07
I have links to back up he was 7'1" at the pre-draft camp. Shaq joked he was 6'11.5" on Howard Stern probably to be a smartass. Shaq jokes about everything..he said Yao was 7'8" I'll prove the 6'11.5" claim wrong.

Click Here

Shaq and 7'5" Yao back to back. That is not 5 1/2 inches. It looks 3 1/2 inche sbut that is because of Shaq's bigger shoes so 7'1" barefoot for Shaq and 7'5" barefoot for Yao.

Click Here
Click Here
Click Here

Shaq looks 2 inches taller than Garnett who claism he is 6'11.25" but others have claimed KG is 7'1" so Garnett probably isn't exaggerating when he says he is 6'11.25".

Click Here

Shaq TOWERS over 6'10"-6'10.5" Tim Duncan.

Click Here
Click Here

Shaq and Mutombo BOTH 7'1"

Click Here
Click Here

Shaq towers over 6'10.25" Hakeem

Click Here

Shaq says he is "7 foot even" already at 17 yrs old that rules out that bs 6'11.5" claim. He grew to 7'1" by the time he was 20 at the 1992 pre-draft camp

Some 1992 draft barefoot heights and weights

Shaquille O'Neal- 7'1" and 303 lbs
Robert Horry- 6'8" and 220 lbs
Latrell Sprewell 6'4" and 190 lbs
Harold Miner 6'3" and 222 lbs
lsu alu said on 7/Nov/07
one last time i was at the 1992 pre draft shaq was measured at 6'11.5"in his bare feet,it was reported her in baton rouge when the measurement was taken,and shaq himself said the measurement was accurate
Shaq is 7'1 said on 6/Nov/07
T-Mac is 6'6.25". No more no less.
Duhon said on 6/Nov/07
He's basing that on how tall he would be if yao was less than 7'5". however yao was measured at above that.
Ozzy said on 5/Nov/07
Vegas: How is T-Mac 6-5 in your photo when the photo AND YOUR estimates have him at 6-8?... the marks on the tape at the left are not for each inch...
Shaq is 7'1" said on 4/Nov/07
That backs up my point. Shaq and Dikembe are both 7'1"
allen 4 said on 4/Nov/07
shaq and mutombo in match........
Click Here
Click Here
Anonymous said on 31/Oct/07
Mutombo is 7'1" barefoot just like Shaq. T-Mac is 6'6.25", Jordan I believe is 6'4 7/8" and Hakeem is 6'10.25"
weekly said on 31/Oct/07
Btw. Walker vs. Shaq picture, look on their shoes. To me it seems like Shaq's shoes have like 1.5'' bigger heels.
Kevin Durant said on 31/Oct/07
Dikembe Mutombo was measured at 7'1"
Tracy Mcgrady is a legit 6'6.25"
Yao Ming is 7'5"
Michael Jordan was measured at 6'4 7/8" in the 1984 NBA Pre Draft Measurement, so technically he can also be perceive as a legit 6'5".
Duhon said on 31/Oct/07
yao was measured 7'5" flat barefoot.
Vegas said on 30/Oct/07
ming is no shorter than 7'5 and probably close to 7'5.5 barefoot otherwise you can start to downgrade everyone in the nba

MJ is about 12"+ shorter so becomes 6'4 max Click Here

7'2 listed Motumbo looks close to 5" shorter Click Here

tmac becomes 6'5 Click Here

Hakeem becomes 6'9 max Click Here
dave said on 30/Oct/07
Yao Ming is like 7'4 - 7'5.5 in sneakers and gets the round up from the NBA
Kevin Durant said on 30/Oct/07
Antoine Walker was measured at 6'8 3/4" in the 1996 NBA Pre Draft Measurement, while wearing his shoes he is a solid 6'10"

Check this link and after seeing Allen 4's picture i think Editor Rob need to upgrade Shaq to a full 7'1".

Click Here
allen 4 said on 30/Oct/07
shaq and antoine walker 6'7 3/4 ?
Click Here
ghorges muresan train sun ming ming :
Click Here
Gonzalo said on 29/Oct/07
Anonymous, Sabonis was taller than Shaq, about 5 cms. I believe Shaq is taller than 2`13 but he wasn`t as tall as the great Sabonis
Anonymous said on 26/Oct/07
Just means Shaq has a big forehead. Jermaine O'Neal's forehead is HUGE too. I'm convinced it makes him a legit 6'11"

Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here

Jermaine looks atleast 6'11" next to 6'6" Reggie Miller, 6'7" Stephen Jackson and 6'8" Al Harrington. Jermaine O'Neal claims he is 7'0" but I don't believe that. As for Shaq he is 7'1" barefoot and 7'2.75" in shoes. He towers over 6'10.25" barefoot Hakeem Olajuwon.

Click Here

Bad angle but look at the difference between Shaq and Jermaine's shoulders.

Shaq always looked about the same height as legit 7'2" Arvydas Sabonis, legit 7'2" Zydrunas Ilgauskas and 7'4" listed Rik Smits(In reality probably 7'2"-7'3")
Vegas said on 24/Oct/07
Duhon says on 24/Oct/07
while i agree shaq is at least 7"-7'1" the wilt-shaq pic is misleading. in the full pic you can see shaq is closer to the camera than wilt

yet wilts shoulders and eyes are higher!!!
Duhon said on 24/Oct/07
while i agree shaq is at least 7"-7'1" the wilt-shaq pic is misleading. in the full pic you can see shaq is closer to the camera than wilt.
Anonymous said on 22/Oct/07
Here is an enlarged picture of Shaq and Wilt. Shaq is a tiny bit taller athough Wilt was 57 at the time

Click Here
Anonymous said on 22/Oct/07
Editor Rob it is time for an upgrade I'd say the The Miami Herald and the Rocky Mountain News are legit sources. According to them his measurements at the 1992 draft were. "7-1, 303, 12% body fat" "all 7-1 and 303 pounds" Draft heights are the most accurate. Those sources are more legit than any source saying he is 7'0"
Anonymous said on 21/Oct/07
Shaq was measured a legit 7'1" here is descriptions of Shaq from 1992 draft articles.

1992 NBA Pre-Draft Measurements
Shaquille O'Neal 7'1"
Robert Horry 6'8"
Latrell Sprewell 6'4"

5th article

"7-1, 303, 12% body fat, only 20 years old"

Another description from the first article

"Shaquille O'Neal, all 7-1 and 303 pounds"

Click Here

ROBERT HORRY, 6-8, 220, Alabama. Projection: mid-first round. Comment: athletic.

but Miner checked in at 6-3, 222



Kareem- 7'1 5/8"
Wilt- 7'1 1/16"(Prime), 7'0.5"(later years)
Shaq- 7'1"
Bill Russell- 6'9.5"(Prime)
Anonymous said on 21/Oct/07
Then why does it say he is 7'1" in 2 draft articles from 1992? They measure players at the pre-draft camp without shoes. Shaq is 7'1" barefoot and probably 7'2.75"-7'3" in shoes.
Justin said on 21/Oct/07
CXTman If shaq is 7'0.25 is listed height of 7'1" WOULD HAVE BEEN WITH 0.75" SOLES. Do you know what time of day this 7' 0.25inch height was taken?
CXTman said on 20/Oct/07
You gentlemen might wanna know this fact: without shoes, Shaq isn't 7-1; he's actually 7-0.25 -- around the same height as David Robinson (7-0.25), Tsakalidis (7-0.5), and a little shorter than Mutombo (7-1).

So why does Shaq look bigger than these guys in pictures? Well, Shaq likes to wear thick socks with bouncy insoles and shoes with thick rubber soles (you wouldn't catch Shaq wearing those thin-soled Air Huarache-type shoes), which makes him 7-2.5, to 7-2.75 with shoes on. I can understand why a lot of people think he's 7-1 barefoot, because, with those big shoes on (see pictures), Shaq is about the same height as -- or probably even taller than -- many legit 7-1-footers in shoes.

I won't tell you why I know this, but just trust me -- the information I gave is factual. I hope I can settle the other arguments here, but unfortunately this is the only area where I can guarantee a factual statement. Anyway,I hope this little info helps in any way. Good day gentlemen.
Anonymous said on 20/Oct/07
Shaq is 7'1", Kareem is 7'1 3/4", Wilt was 7'1 1/16" in his prime and he shrunk to 7'0 1/2"
Kevin Durant said on 18/Oct/07
Alex says on 18/Oct/07
He's 7'2, this listing for him is close enough. Pretty much 7'2 it is. Whats this in fractions, like 7'1 3/4?
Shaq is more 7'0 flat and puts Kareem at 7'2 there.

Alex i beg to disagree because Shaq lowest possibly height is 7'0.5" but i cannot see him under that because he is least 3" taller than Tim Duncan, who is officially measured at 6'10" in the 1997 Draft Camp.

Click Here
Click Here

Shaquille O'Neal 7'1, Tim Duncan 6'10

Click Here

6'10 Tim Duncan and 6'10" Dirk Nowitzki

Click Here
Click Here

Shaquille O'Neal 7'1" and 6'9" Alonzo Mourning

Click Here

Shaquille O'Neal and 6'11 Patrick Ewing, who is at least the same height as 2007 no.1 overall pick Greg Oden.

Click Here
Click Here
Click Here

6'11" Patrick Ewing and 7'1" Dikembe Mutombo, 6'9" Alonzo Mourning

Click Here

6'9" Bill Russell, 6'11" Greg Oden and 6'11" Patrick Ewing

Hakeem has said he is 6'10" barefoot and 6'11" in shoes and he was even listed at 6'10" sometimes He is struggling at 6'10" here with 7'1" Shaq but 6'10" sounds right.

Click Here
Click Here

I posted this one in the Kareem Abdul Jabbar message board
Anonymous said on 14/Oct/07
My average height? I am 5'7 5/8" at night and like 5'8"-5'8 1/4" out of bed. I'm pretty much 5'8".
Justin said on 13/Oct/07
Annonymous, the only way to truly discover how tall Shaq is would be to measure him first thing at morning then last thing at night then take an average of the two measurements. Disregard all the other players heights because you never know if they are measured at morning which could mean difference on average height or true height. I personally believe that it is not totally impossible for Shaq to be close to 7'0.5-7'1" barefoot out of bed and 6'11-6'11.5" last thing at night! Either way he would probably dwarf me and you. Just as a matter of interest Annonymous what is your average height?
Anonymous said on 12/Oct/07
Shaq is more than a head bigger than Triple H. The problem with judging Shaq's height is he has to look down to talk to everyone so he often looks shorter. He was looking straight ahead in the picture with Hill which is why he towered over him. Shaq is 7'1" barefoot no more no less. He has big shoes which make him almost 7'3" though. Shaq looks to have 2.5"-3 inches on 6'10.5" Eddy Curry.

Click Here

Shaq with 6'7" Glen Rice and Kobe who measured 6'5" at 17 but might be like 6'5.5" now.

Click Here

Shaq with 6'7.25" Magic Johnson and 6'5.5" Kobe Bryant

Shaq towers over Magic and Glen Rice just as much as he does Grant Hill

The Man is 7'1" barefoot.
Vegas said on 10/Oct/07
shaq has nowhere near that much height on charles barkley as he does on hill there. he has 8-9" easy on hill (roughly same he had on 6'2 triple h Click Here )

that photo with hill is bogus, shaq is tall at least 7 foot but he ain't 7'3-7'4 like that photo says he is
Anonymous said on 10/Oct/07
Yeah Shaq looks huge next to Grant because he is a full 6 inches taller.
Gonzalo said on 9/Oct/07
Wow, Shaq looks huge next to Grant Hill
CRYSTAL C. said on 8/Oct/07
Viper said on 5/Oct/07
Correct on Hill being 6-7. Thats what he looked to me in person.
Anonymous said on 4/Oct/07
Grant Hill is maybe 6'8" in shoes but he is no more than the 6'7" he was listed in college. These 2 pictures should prove Shaq is a legit 7'1" like the measurement from 1992 says.

Shaq towers over 6'7" Grant Hill
Click Here

Shaq looks about 3 inches taller than Eddy Curry who measured 6'10.5" straight out of highschool
Click Here
Kevin Durant said on 4/Oct/07
1994 NBA Pre Draft Measurement

Click Here


Glenn Robinson 6-7 240 Purdue


Jason Kidd 6-3 215 Cal


Grant Hill 6-8 230 Duke


Donyell Marshall 6-8 1/2 218 Connecticut


Juwan Howard 6-8 1/2 253 Michigan


Sharone Wright 6-10 279 Clemson


Lamond Murray 6-6 1/2 235 California


Brian Grant 6-8 1/2 247 Xavier


Eric Montross 7-0 1/2 275 North Carolina

allen4 said on 1/Oct/07
other pictures :
shaq all-star :
Click Here
kicks cover :
Click Here
shaq shoes? :
Click Here
Anonymous said on 26/Sep/07
Ewing is a solid 6'11" he looks closer to 6'10" next to Shaq because Shaq probably wears big shoes but trust me he is a legit 6'11"

Click Here

Click Here

Ewing looks every bit of 6'11" Alonzo Mourning who measured 6'9" at the 2000 Olympics and Dikembe Mutombo who measured 7'1" at the 1991 pre-draft camp.

Click Here

Patrick is as tall as 6'11" measured Greg Oden

Click Here

Patrick looks atleast 3 inches taller than 6'8" Charles oakley.

Ewing was clearly joking about being 6'9" because he is a solid 6'11"
lillo thomas said on 26/Sep/07
patrick erwing is 6-10 atleast he can't be 6-9 . he always look taller than that
Anonymous said on 24/Sep/07
Ewing is 6'11"(2 inches on 6'9" Mourning), Mutombo is 7'1", Mourning is 6'9", T-Mac is 6'6.25" and Shaq is 7'1"
Kevin Durant said on 24/Sep/07
Dirk Nowitzki is no taller than 6'10 to me he looks like a flat 6'10. I have watch some of the games in the NBA and he certainly not a legit 7 footer.

just look at this set of pictures

6'10 Dirk Nowitzki and 6'7 Ben Wallace ( Looks taller with his Afro)

Click Here

7'6 Shawn Bradley, 6'11 Erick Dampier, 6'10 Dirk Nowitzki and 6'11 Calvin Booth

Click Here
Click Here

Dirk Nowitzki 6'10, Tim Duncan 6'10, Shaquille O'Neal 7'1, Kevin Garnett 6'11 1/4 and 7'5 Yao Ming.

Click Here
Click Here
Click Here

Click Here

Dirk 6'10" and Josh Howard 6'5 1/4"

Click Here
allen4 said on 24/Sep/07
NEWS PICTURES ;look this :
Click Here
shaq huges shoes :
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Gonzalo said on 24/Sep/07
Nowitzki is taller than 6`10 (2`08). Watch him play in FIBA basketball and you will see he is clearly taller than guys who are listed 2`05. Nowitzki could be aroun 2`1'-11 barefoot. I saw him next to Papaloukas ane he towered over him. Papaloukas is 2`00.
Anonymous said on 23/Sep/07
Gasol is not as tall as Shaq. Shaq is 7'1" barefoot. He was measured 7'1" and 303 pounds witha 7'6" wingspan in the 1992 pre-draft camp. Shaq is every bit as tall as Mutombo. Ewing looks a solid 6'11".

Click Here

Shaq is 2-3 inches taller than Ewing

Click Here
Click Here

Every bit as tall as 7'1" Mutombo(Looks taller than Mutombo because of his shoes)

Click Here

Way taller than 6'10" Duncan

Click Here
Click Here

Shaq towers over 6'10" Hakeem by a good 3-4 inches

Click Here

7'1" Shaq, 7'0" Robinson and 6'10" Hakeem

Click Here

Clearly taller than 7'0.5" Pau Gasol even though the angle isn't great.

How tall do you guys think Dirk is? Dirk was 6'10" when he entered the league and sometimes looks taller although at other times doesn't look anything over 6'10"
Vegas said on 23/Sep/07
ewing is just 2" (2.5" max) shorter than 7'1 barefoot Dikembe Mutumbo there. I never bought Ewing at 6'9
someone who know said on 23/Sep/07
I believed David.
Alex said on 22/Sep/07
Duncan I think is 6'10 and Robinson is about 7'0. I always remember him having about 2 inches on Duncan.
David said on 22/Sep/07
Believe me I was in Miami in a shopping center in the summer of 2005 and I saw his game shoes, his shoes are different from the ones of the other nba players, I've heard this is because of his weight so he need some centimeters of an elastic gel linig to absorb impact of his steps to not bother his knees, he is 213 barefoot (anyway no more than 214), and 217 or more with his shoes. Gasol is about the same height without shoes and garnett is and inch shorter believe me!
Gonzalo said on 21/Sep/07
Patrick Ewing 6`9? We can see in that pic that he is taller than that. The latest great big men from Georgetown. Will we see Roy Hibbert join them soon?
Robinson is taller than Duncan, in that pic he is leaning.
allen4 said on 20/Sep/07
ok guys,very hot pictures again,look that :
Click Here
Click Here
Anonymous said on 19/Sep/07
Shaq could be 215 but I still have him at 216. he is every bit of 7'1".
weekly said on 18/Sep/07
I remember a book about basketball from 1997, that had him on 215 cm.
Shaq vs. LeBron Click Here
Anonymous said on 18/Sep/07
Alright so Shaq's shoes add 3 cm or 1.5"...have you ever seen pre-draft measurements? Most centers have 1.25"-1.5" shoes. Shaq is taller than 214 cm Pau Gasol(7'0.5")

Click Here

6'10" Tim Duncan, 7'5.5" Yao Ming, 7'1" Shaq, 6'11.25" Kevin Garnett and 7'0.5" Pau Gasol.

The Lakers young center Andrew Bynum was measured 7'0.25" at 17 yrs old and has grown to 7'1" now. Shaq is no doubt 7'1" and 7'2.5" in shoes.
Gonzalo said on 18/Sep/07
Davi, if you say Garnett is 212 I don`t understand how you say Shaq is 213, since he looks 4 or 5 cms taller. Talking about Gasol, I attended the Eurobasket final game and I can tell you he is 214 as he is listed in Europe. He even looked taller to me than Savrasenko, listed 217. Gasol was much taller than Kirilenko, who is listed normally 206 but for this championship I laso read 209. If O`Neal is taller than Gasol, O`Neal must be around 216 and he should be upgraded in this site
David said on 15/Sep/07
Shaq is 213 cm tall barefoot, he wears shoes that have at least 3 cm of elevation (I've seen them in Miami two years ago)
Kevin Garnett is taller than I expected, indeed is more than his nba listing, I think he is around 212 cm, anyway very close to 7 foot.
Another nba player I was impressed with, is Pau Gasol, Gasol is truly tall, clearly edges 213cm I think he is more about 215cm as he is listed in european championships.
Anonymous said on 11/Sep/07
Shaq was already 7'0" in 1989 at 17 years old so the 7'1" measurement from 1992 must be barefoot because even if he was still 7'0" in 1992(which he wasn't) he'd be 7'1.25"-7'1.75" in shoes. Shaq is 7'1" barefoot today.

Click Here
Anonymous said on 11/Sep/07
Come on be realistic. If Shaq is 7'0" then David Robinson is no more than 6'11", Tim Duncan is no more than 6'9", Hakeem Olajuwon is no more than 6'9", Mutombo is no more than 7'1", Kevin Garnett is no more than 6'10"
Anonymous said on 9/Sep/07
I'm pretty sure the measurements from the 1992 article weren't in shoes. Here they are

Shaquille O'Neal 7'1", 303
Robert Horry 6'8", 220
Harold Miner 6'3", 222
Latrell Sprewell 6'4" 190

Here are some others from the early 90's

Dikembe Mutombo 7'1", 228
Larry Johnson 6'5.5" 250

Chris Webber 6'9", 263
Penny Hardaway 6'6", 200
J.R. Rider 6'4.5", 218

Glenn Robinson 6'7", 240
Jason Kidd 6'3", 215
Donyell Marshall 6'8.5", 218
Juwan Howard 6'8.5", 253
Brian Grant 6'8.5", 247
Anonymous said on 9/Sep/07
Garnett doesn't have better posture and Duncan himself has even said KG is taller. KG is leaning quite a bit.
Viper said on 8/Sep/07
There isnt any evidence that says Shaq was measured at 7-1 in socks. And after looking at the Duncan garnett picture, Id say Garnett looks the same height as Duncan considering Garnett has much better posture and is standing closer to the camera.
Anonymous said on 7/Sep/07
KG isn't standing up that straight. KG usually looks atleast an inch taller.
Jason said on 7/Sep/07
I mean early in the morning. They aren't your 100% legit measurement. Robinson has 1.5-2'' on Duncan? You just told us KG had 1.25'' on Duncan and it looks like 0.5''.
Anonymous said on 7/Sep/07
Yeah and? Most people go by morning measurements. Also Robinson is not 6'11" because he has about 1.5" to 2 inches on Duncan
Jason said on 7/Sep/07
6'11.25'' could just be a morning measurement...
Anonymous said on 7/Sep/07
Also I've heard from many people that Duncan is actually 6'10.5"
Anonymous said on 7/Sep/07
I doubt KG would lie about his height considering he supposedly never wanted to be seen as that tall so he wouldn't start at center. KG also looks no shorter than 6'11.25" next to 7'5"-7'5.5" Yao
Jason said on 7/Sep/07
Anonymous says on 6/Sep/07

''Click Here

Kevin Garnett appears his stated 6'11.25" with 6'10" Tim Duncan''

Only looks ~ half an inch to me. KG just has a smaller head and long neck, while Duncan has a longer head and short neck, which is making KG look taller against Duncan than he is. Look at where the tops of their heads come up to, not anything else. If Duncan is 6-10, then KG looks 6-10 1/2ish and David Robinson 6-11.
Steve said on 7/Sep/07
You want to see something really amazing?

Click Here
Anonymous said on 6/Sep/07
David Robinson is not 6'11" he is a legit 7'0" Nothing more nothing less. He is not 7'1" like many people said but his 1988 measurement of 7'0" sounds very accurate.

Click Here

Not the best picture but The Admiral and KG appear to be standing next to eachother and Robinson looks slightly taller than 6'11.25" Kevin Garnett

Click Here

Robinson appears atleast 2 inches taller than 6'10" Tim Duncan

Click Here

Kevin Garnett appears his stated 6'11.25" with 6'10" Tim Duncan

It makes sense. Shaq is 7'1" and Robinson is 7'0"
Jason said on 6/Sep/07
Shaq's said his weight ranged to a maximum of 360lbs. I can easily believe that - he has *huge* back around 2001. Many people thought he was 400.
asdasd said on 6/Sep/07
shaq is one of (few) players of the nba listed with correct height. I think he is exactly 215 cm barefoot, so could be 216/217 in shoes.
liilo thomas said on 6/Sep/07
shaq look indeed taller than david robinson maybe david robinson is 6-11 if he is a legit 7-0 then maybe shaq could be a legit 7-1 barefoot
Duhon said on 6/Sep/07
Vegas, if you think kobe's arms have ever been close to as big as shaq's you are very mistaken. it was stated by laker trainers that shaq did for a brief period tip in at 370 in his final season for the lakers. read more here:Click Here this is not something shaq was bragging about, he was quite overweight for a basketball player.
Anonymous said on 6/Sep/07
Alright to prove Shaq is 7'1" I'll compare him to players 6'11" or taller.

Click Here

Shaq is taller than David Robinson who measured 7'0" in the 1988 Olympics

Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here

He has about 2 inches on Kevin Garnett who has admitted he is 6'11.25" and is losted 6'11" on this site.

Click Here
Click Here

Shaq doesn't look any more than 4 inches shorter than Yao who is around 7'5"

Click Here

Shaq is taller than Wilt who was 7'0 1/2" at the time of this picture(7'1" 1/16" in his peak)

Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here

Shaq is every bit as tall as 7'1" Mutombo who was measured 7'1" in 1991

Click Here

Once again Shaq is 2 inches taller than 6'11.25" KG and about 4 inches shorter than Yao who is around 7'5".

Shaq is clearly 7'1". Time for an upgrade Editor Rob especially since he has never been listed anything else.
Anonymous said on 6/Sep/07
Kobe's arms have never been close to as big as Shaq's.
Anonymous said on 5/Sep/07
Shaq was 303 on draft neight, probably slightly less after he worked out for the season and was in the low 300's most of his Magic career. Shaq weighed 315 in the 1999-2000 season but gained weight over the offseason and came to camp around 330. He eventually reached 370 in 02'-03' when he was injured at the start of the season and he was around 350 his las season in Los Angeles.
vegas said on 5/Sep/07
Duhon; kobe is about 210lb thereabouts. Shaq doesn't look 150-160lb heavier to me. Kobe's arms are as big as shaq's in that photo and he is turned sideways making him look smaller.
Gonzalo said on 5/Sep/07
PAu Gasol is listed to be 2`14 (they even said 2.14`4) and why should he be listed taller than he really is? Shaq is taller so he should be upgraded. 2`16 for him
Duhon said on 4/Sep/07
Its relatively well recorded, it came out in the media after shaq decided to trim down when he came to miami. shaq struggled with weight in his later laker days: Click Here

he looks massive here.
vegas said on 4/Sep/07
370lb seems an incredible weight for shaq. Paul Wight weighed 335lb in college in 1991 and about 370lb or so in WCW in 1995-96; i seriously doubt Shaq was ever as heavy as 370lb. Dont forget Dalip Singh's bodybuilding weight was 380lb (probably his current correct weight at present too), Shaq never looked to be within 40lb of Singh imo
Anonymous said on 3/Sep/07
Shaq is 7"1" not the 7"0" as list above.
Alex said on 2/Sep/07
Yea I heard about Shaq weight 370lbs at his heaviest too but was still listed at 325lbs. A few seasons ago he was listed at 350lbs but lost weight and was listed at 325lbs again. At 7'0 the guy is easily 325lbs.
Duhon said on 31/Aug/07
If anything for likely 80% of shaq's career his weight has been underlisted. in his peak heaviest years he weighed around 370 yet he was still listed at 315.
machine89 said on 31/Aug/07
Ive seen a picture of shaq with dikembe mutombo and shaq looks like an inch taller and mutombo is supposedly 7-2
Jason said on 28/Aug/07
I wouldn't if his Lakers trainer hadn't said he was 285 when he first came in the league. Exaggerating weight happens in sport - 303 sounds even more intimidating than 285. If you compare the NFL-listed weights of random football players with googling various sources for them, you'll find they add 5-10lbs to the average player and some are inflated by 20. The same thing would happen in the NBA to an extent.
Anonymous said on 28/Aug/07
Why would you doubt Shaq weighed 303 when he was drafted? Chris Webber was 6'9" and 263 pounds.
liilo thomas said on 28/Aug/07
his foot is about 15 inches long
Anonymous said on 27/Aug/07
does anyone know shaquille o'neal's foot size IN INCHES if he wears a size 21 shoe?
Anonymous said on 26/Aug/07
if pau gasol is 7'05, o'neal is 7'1
Jason said on 25/Aug/07
It doesn't say anywhere that's a barefoot measurement, mate. You're positive he was 303lbs then just because he's described/listed at that? They inflate weight in sports sometimes too, ya know?
Anonymous said on 23/Aug/07
I posted a link to his 7'1" 303 12% body fat measurement. LOL 285? No he was 303. He may have dropped to 285-290 later in the season but not when he was drafted.
Air Attacker said on 23/Aug/07
Shaquille O'Neal is 7'1
Dirk Nowitzki 6'10
Pau Gasol 7'0
Yao Ming 7'5
Tim Duncan 6'10
Hakeem Olajuwon 6'10
Alonzo Mourning 6'9
Patrick Ewing 6'11
David Robinson 7'0
Greg Oden 6'11
Kevin Durant 6'9
Lebron James 6'8
Dwight Howard 6'9
Amare Stoudemire 6'8 1/2
Rasheed Wallace 6'9 3/4
Joe Smith - 6'9 1/2
Keith Van Horn 6'9 1/2
Jason said on 23/Aug/07
You gonna show us where it says he was measured 7-1 sans shoes? His trainer said he was about 285lbs when he entered the league, in the September 1999 issue of Muscle and Fitness magazine.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.