How tall is Shaquille O'Neal - Page 15

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Average Guess (589 Votes)
7ft 0.85in (215.5cm)
Gonzalo said on 26/Sep/06
This is getting crazy. So Shaq is 6`10. C`mon guys! 6`10 is not enormous for a Basketball player and Shaq is taller than 95% of basketball players. He was only a couple of inches shorter than Sabonis, listed 7`3 in the NBA and 2`20 cm in Europe. In some cases it could be true but why should a player be listed three inches above his real height? It makes no sense. O`
big_guy said on 25/Sep/06
I agree with massimo and alex : shaq can't be 6'10 and is at the very least 6'11. Shaq is taller than 6'10 dirk nowitzki and shaq is measured at 7 ft 1 in NBA and I have never met a baketball player that can run with 3 inches shoes !!! I still think that shaq is 7 ft 1 in NBA shoes , a tad over 7 ft with standard shoes (as in the screenshot of one of his film) and 6 ft 11.5 or 7 ft barefoot.
weekly said on 25/Sep/06
It seems so, that someone has to meet him and ask or just assess. It's maybe silly, but I'd like to know the truth.
Viper652 said on 24/Sep/06
Shaq is, at the very least 6-11 1/2.
Viper652 said on 24/Sep/06
Over the weekend I met a bunch of Baltimore Orioles baseball players, and let me tell you, baseball heights are so flat bogus they are almost as laughable as wrestler heights. Only a couple guys their listed heights, but the rest were anywhere from 2-4 inches below their billed heights. It was insane. There was one guy who I knew wasnt their listed height, but looked even shorter in person even!!
Alex said on 24/Sep/06
Massimo, true if Shaq is only 6'10 it would dissapoint me too.
Massimo said on 24/Sep/06
O' Neal only 6'10" ? What a disappointment, what a tragedy. The end of a legend ! But if Shaq is that short, I wonder how tall are Duncan, Garnett and Nowitzy... 6'1" ?
Meathead320 said on 23/Sep/06
I tend to see most of the sports height stats as exaggerated. If you measure a guy in shoes, basketball high tops, then you will easily get 2" taller, then round up or even pad that by another inch, and NO ONE will be able to tell, even if they too are close in height. Also keep in mind that most people cannot tell their head height, because they self compare based on their "eye height", which is 3-4" bellow eye level, then a really tall person can seem that much taller.

I tend to believe, after seeing some very tall famous people in person they are all 2-3" shorter than billed.

If I had a dime for every time I hear a person met a celeb "he/she was shorter than I expected".

I think Arnold Schwarzenegger is only 5'10", Michael Jordan is only 6'4" barefoot, but Shaq is another thing all together. His fame is based off his freakish size.

He is much taller than average for the NBA, all the stats in the NBA are with shoes on, but even if Shaq is 2" shorter than his listed height, he is STILL taller than most other basketball players, because they too would be shorter than billed.

Shaq IS HUGE, even if he is only 6'11", or even as short (relative term) as 6'10", my god, I know a 6'10" guy who has met O'neal and said he was eye to eye with him, and this 6'10" guy is OFTEN mistaken for 7'+, he is gigantic. 300 pounds too, played football in collage, tore a knee ligiment his senior year. Lucky he had good grades too.

Even if Shaq is under 7 foot he is still in the collosal catergory of height, in my book, anything over 6'6" is gigantic, and 6'10"+ is collosal, and after this point a couple inches is splitting hair when it comes to % of total height.

I think the real question is, HOW heavy is Shaq? I peg him around 300-320. He may have been over 370 for a while, and that was not al muscle, but now he looks like he lost a lot of fat, and I put him any where from 300-320. 310 would be about right in my book. Much heavier than normal for a basketball player. Is he the heaviest in the NBA? I would not doubt it.
Austrian said on 23/Sep/06

that pic of Arnold + Shaq is hilarious

hahaha cant stop laughing
Gonzalo said on 22/Sep/06
Well, I still don
Viper652 said on 20/Sep/06
Gonzalo, Ewing admitted to being 6-9.
Gonzalo said on 20/Sep/06
Ewing was listed 7 feet tall. He was taller than Olajuwon. Ewing was never 6`9. It makes no sense. He was taller than other 6`9ers (Bird, Malone, etc). The pic with Chamberlain doesn`t mean anything: he is behind, walking and slouching.
Viper652 said on 19/Sep/06
That is unreal. Back in the day I thought he was his listed 7-0. When he admitted to being 6-9 that floored me.
Brad said on 19/Sep/06
I was 6' 7" in boots when I met Ewing his first year. He's 6' 9".
big_guy said on 17/Sep/06
jason I can tell you ewing can't be taller because I met him 7 years ago and I can confirm that he is 6 ft 9. I am 6 ft 8 and he was my height but I wore basketball shoes.I find it strange cause I always thought he was 7 ft 0. however I think he used to wear biggest shoes than shaq. as for me ewing's NBA shoes are the biggest I've never seen.
Jason said on 16/Sep/06
Ewing does look taller. I think it's because he's so long and lanky (even for his gigantic height), look how long his arms are.
kene6ft3 said on 15/Sep/06
hi wow, 7foot(213cm)is too short?? did i heard wrong? haha im 190cm..i guess im a dworf beside shaq.. anyway shaq looks this height 213 no wrong..
Viper652 said on 15/Sep/06
Its surprising that Ewing is only in the 6-9 range. Looked at least 6-10 1/2 6-11 back in the day to me.
Jason said on 14/Sep/06
That Ewing-Wilt-Shaq pic is awesome. Looking at Shaq, I'd say it's from his rookie season. There was a pre-1993 wrestling pic and caption someone posted on here once which said Wilt was recently measured (at the time!) at 7'0 1/2''. If Wilt was 7'0 1/2'' in the Shaq pic, then Shaq looks about 6'11 1/2'', which makes sense since that was his pre-draft measurement. Ewing only looks the 6'9'' and change he claimed to be. I would say Shaq grew another half inch after 1992, though. Shaq was 6'7'' at 16 according to his published growth chart. His biological father (not his 6'5'' adopted one), incidentally, is only 6'1''.
ralph said on 8/Sep/06
I always thought shaq was 7'1"
Danimal said on 23/Aug/06
B-Ball player's aren't wearing lifts when playing. I doubt shaq is as concerned about his height as you are WOW. After all, he's taller than like 80% of the NBA, if not more.
Viper652 said on 18/Aug/06
The Shaq wears lifts because he hates being only 7-0 is hilarious.
wow said on 16/Aug/06
Shaq wears lifts so he can be 7-3. He hates being too short at 7-0.
Luis_Garcia said on 16/Aug/06
Check out this pic near Snoop Dogg, might be deceiving Click Here
Alex said on 12/Aug/06
Mask, Shaq looks a little over 7'0 in that picture with shoes so 7'0 barefoot looks right to me.
someguy said on 3/Aug/06
The NBA list Shaq as 7'1'', but they usually add an inch to each player's height because they might take their heights while they're wearing shoes, so Shaq is probably 7 feet flat.
allen4 said on 2/Aug/06
yes; i'think ewing vs chamberlain vs shaq(21 years old)=chamberlain win!
ewing probably (209cm whitout(big pat ewing-shoes) 212 cm whit )
chamberlain really 216 cm whithout shoes ( city shoes)
shaq 214 cm/212,5 cm whitout shoes (whit(big)shoes 216/17)
Massimo said on 2/Aug/06
Great pic Allen 4, Wilt vs Shaq...Legendary! Wilt was 2.16, so Shaq is almost the same height, about 2.14. Bravo Allen 4, I had never seen Shaq beside Wilt before!
allen4 said on 2/Aug/06
others scans......
[URL=Click Here][IMG]Click Here[/IMG][/URL]

Click Here

Click Here

allen4 said on 1/Aug/06
the french touch' :-)
i'm scan a 1993/94 pics of "super champions us 1993".......ewing,chamberlain,o'neal.......i think shaq is really 214cm on this pics......

Click Here
mask said on 23/Jul/06
D is right Shaq was already 6'6" when he was 13 but now he is no more than 7'0"
please take a look everybody to the link I've previously posted:
Click Here
Click Here
(from the movie "steel" 1997 Shaq was 25)!
and if you want I'm also able to say you shaq's family "height tree" that I read once in a site I can't find now(but I read it once I swear):

Shaq's father:6'5"
Shaq's mother 6'2"
Shaq's grandfather(dad's side):6'9"
Shaq's grandfather(mom's side):6'4"
Shaq's great grandfather(mom's side):6'9"
and Shaq is almost 7'0" w/out shoes
Alex said on 23/Jul/06
Shaq 6'6 at 13 I never read but I read he was 5'10 at 12 and 6'10 at 16 so its possible he could have grown 6 inches in a year with a man that tall.
D said on 22/Jul/06
He was shag was 6 feet 6 inches when he was 13
ER. said on 21/Jul/06
Check out this video clip from 1989: Click Here . At the end he mentions his height as "Seven foot even"
Larry said on 21/Jul/06
There was a special about the New World giants & it showed some skeletons from South America. The thing is, the bones were disarticulated. When put back together they WERE tall, but only in the 184-194 cm range. Early Spanish explorers saw some survivors who wore very heavy, long animal skins that made them look even larger. Still they were MUCH taller than most other indigeous people.
ancient Aztec Guy said on 21/Jul/06
Thank for straitening me out on that Jimmy Strouse.But also When Cortez arrived in Mexico and reached Tlaxcala the people there told Cortez of an ancient race of Giant who once inhabited the area.They showed him a legbone and it was about the same height of an average sized man.I also heard somewhere that Montezuma or Montecuzoma the Aztec emperor was really short.I personally believe Ahuizcotl was the greatest Aztec empreor.I presume I spelled the emporer`s name wrong.Shaquille O`Neal was tall.
Jimmy Strouse said on 20/Jul/06
ancient Aztec guy: Actually NY Times & WA Post in 1925-26 did report that gold miners found skeletons of ancient men 9-10ft long near burial mounds SW ofTepic, (Nayarit) and even in western Chihuahua. There probably were a few elite ancient warriors 7-8 ft tall, but perhaps the skeletons elongated in situ, and got bigger as the story was re-told.
ancient Aztec Guy said on 16/Jul/06
If you guy/fellas thought Shaq O`neal was tall or Andre the Giant was tall did you know that some people believe there may have been an ancient race of human beings that were said to have built some of the Mexican monuments.They were said to be 9 to 12 feet tall.
Alex said on 14/Jul/06
Shaq got up to 350lbs for a while then 2 years ago he cut down to 325lbs.
Viper652 said on 14/Jul/06
Yeah, Shaq has to duck under those door frames
Danimal said on 14/Jul/06
I remember him in a commercial on TV in the 90's where he was walking through a house and his head kept crashing through the low ceilings and the narrarator was saying something like it's hard for a guy who is 7'2".
Viper652 said on 13/Jul/06
Never 7-3, but he would be billed at 7-2 sometimes back then. Normally 7-1 though.
Danimal said on 12/Jul/06
I remember Shaq in his rookie year in the NBA (1992), he was barely over 300 pounds. Man did he put on weight. Hard to see muscles on a guy who is 7'0". I used to read he was 7'2"-7'3". Where did those heights come from?
ancient Aztec Guy said on 11/Jul/06
I saw the picture of Arnold/Andre the Giant/and Wilt. This my personal opinion but I think Andre would be a slightly taller than Wilt.You have to take angles and distances and stuff into consideration.That Fella Giant Angus Macaskill was 7`9`` and weighed 425lbs.He was said to be the strongest man that ever lived. he once lifted a 2700 pound anchor. He also had the broadest shoulders of any non obese man in History.He lived in Cape Breton N.S Canada
Viper652 said on 29/Jun/06
Alex, is Dirk the same height as Shaq?? I always figured Dirk to be a legit 7-0.
Jordan said on 28/Jun/06
Shaq's last year on the lakers he weighed in at 370. Now he is 325 or so.
Alex said on 27/Jun/06
Where does Shaq's head come up to on Yao? Looks to be up to Yao's eye level or a little under if Yao's head was more straight so at least 5 inches, maybe 6 inches. Yao is at least 7'5, maybe 7'6.
Alex said on 27/Jun/06
Viper, Shaq was 340-350lbs but lost some weight and was listed at 325lbs then.
Viper652 said on 19/Jun/06
Shaq looks about 7-0 350 pounds to me.
CoolJ said on 19/Jun/06
I think Shaq is a shade over 7'0... not quite 7'1 barefoot.

I do believe Yao is a shade under 7'6.

So that equates to a 5.5 - 5.75" difference.. I think the picture recently posted is evidence of that.
Jason said on 19/Jun/06
Actually, the size difference in their heads normally isn't that much. I think it just looks like more in that pic because Shaq is slightly further back.
Jason said on 19/Jun/06
I completely agree Shaq is 7'0''. Marty, Shaq actually weighs -- last I read anyway -- 340lbs, 20lbs more than you guessed even!
Gramps said on 19/Jun/06
If you just focus on their heads, Yao's is MUCH larger. I would bet there's 50% more "volume" in Yao's head than Shaq's!
Jason said on 18/Jun/06
Shaq isn't 7'1'' in bare feet. If anything, Yao's just not quite as tall as some would have you believe.
Gramps said on 18/Jun/06
Great pic, Duhon. Also, Yao's hair adds at least an inch to his perceived height here. Note that their waists are almost the same height, and Yao's shoulders are not much higher.
Duhon said on 17/Jun/06
I believe shaq is a legit 7'1" here's a pic of him back to back with yao:
Click Here I'd say that's about a 5 inch height difference as listed. It should be noted however yao chooses to be listed by his sock height in shoe's he actually 7'7".
Marty said on 14/Jun/06
Robert Pershing Wadlow was stated in the Guiness book of world records as being 272cm or 8'9" tall...
Now that's a freakin' giant !!! Back to business, I really don't think that Shak is any shorter than 6'11"
the kid's huge for Christ's sake !!!! He must be what? 320lbs?
weekly said on 31/May/06
big_guy: you say 6'9" for Duncan is strange for a dominant center as he is. Take for an example Patrick Ewing, who was dominant too, and is 6'9". There was a conversation between Ewing, Mutombo and Yao in Yao's restaurant in Houston, where Mutombo said: This restaurant is for 7 footer and guys like Patrick, who is really 6'9". Patrick's response: Yeah, but I'm a strong 6'9" (which means for me he is perhaps about 6'9.5") Link for the whole conversation is somewhere in this site, but I don't remember where (perhaps under Yao).
bismarck said on 31/May/06
I really do think Shaq has to be around 7'0" tall. I mean common , look at him in kazzam, , he's huge. Compared to other men around 5'9" to 6'0".
Alex said on 30/May/06
So basically he's 6'4.
J. said on 30/May/06
Dwanye Wade's offically 6'3.75".
Alex said on 29/May/06
How tall is Dwayne Wade again? 6'3 or 6'4?
Gonzalo said on 24/May/06
Garnett is at least 6`10 and I think 6`11. He was a couple of inches taller than 6`9 Kirilenko. And in Europe basketball players are measured barefoot.
O`Neal in never ever under 7`0. It`s a no-brainer
Almost 40 and no girlfriend said on 22/May/06
6-11 without shoes for kg, you are certainly crazy.
CoolJ said on 22/May/06
"Almost 40" - Garnett is not under 6'10... no chance. go back to the Garnett thread... I think that Ozzy's post is proof Garnett is right around 6'11 (no shoes)
almost 40 and no girlfriend said on 16/May/06
both duncan and garnett are around 6-9 to 6-9.5. i don't think you guys realize how big a legit 6-9 is but a guy like duncan or garnett will reach over 9 feet with their wingspan, thus making dunking look really easy.

i once saw a guy who's 6-9 and totally unathletic and overweight and yet he could still baby reverse dunk a basketball (he couldn't slam it thru cause he could only jump like a foot off the ground). dude, 6-9 is huge. 6-11.5 is just phenomenally tall. someone like Yao Ming who's 7-6 is just "a freak of nature", as chris kaman once said when yao dropped 30 points on him
Jason said on 13/May/06
He said 6'11 1/2'' but I think the 7'0'' here is spot on.
big_guy said on 12/May/06
I don 't believe that fact he said that because he wanted to be less impressive . What makes me sure that he is 213 cm at least is that he is a bit taller than vlade divac (although they are listed at the same height)and divac was listed at 212 cm in europe (barefoot) . so 213 cm seems accurate for shaq.
I have nothing against the fact that shaq could be 6'11" but then how tall are duncan and garnett listed at 6'11" by the nba. according to these pics if shaq is 6'11" then duncan is 6'8"1/2 or 6'9" which sounds very strange for a dominant center as duncan.
Click Here
Click Here
I remember (but I am not sure ) that shaq was listed at 214 cm during the olympic games in 1996.
Anonymous said on 11/May/06
rob, downgrade immediatly to 6'11. he admitted on howard stern that he is actually under seven feet.
blake see said on 10/May/06
sun ming ming will be the next shaq because of his size and power to the basket and the Legend should give him more playing time and he will play in the nba soon...
guayuvin olivo said on 5/May/06
most if not all nba players height are shoes .Usually shoes add 1 to 1.5 inches.7'1 minus 1 to 1.5 inches is between 7'0 and 6'11.5 . anywho shaquille oneal is a very huge guy and doesn't matter if he 6'11.5 or 7 because he is well taller than average guys. Anyway he is over one foot taller than average people. My brother is alegit 6'6 guy and looks very tall compare to most people imagine a guy who is about 6 inches taller than my brother.
Azarea said on 3/May/06
U know i swear i've read that this is average height......for the average grizzly bear.
deepestvoice said on 1/May/06
Shaq is most likely 6'11 or 7'0 on the dot. I would say 80-90% of basketball heights are exaggerated. Whatever their listed height is, basketball high tops will make them at least an inch or two taller. So if someone's listed at 6'5, he should be 6'6.5 or more. So really that person is probably 6'3.5 or less.
big_guy said on 28/Apr/06
I think he is more 7 ft 1 according to the screenshot from one of his movie
wow bigmoeegypt I did not know a 9ft man has ever exist . you are very tall ? can you add a photo
bigmoeegypt said on 27/Apr/06
hahahaha if shaq is 7ft than i am 9ft 5 shaq is very tall,6ft8.4 to be exact i remeber it beng mensiond in a tv programme!!! why do all celebs wanna be soo tall??
Lone said on 26/Apr/06
agreed JT that nba has some of the best athletes in the world, but you can't compare Lane to giant gonzalez. why was muresan in the nba? there are no words to describe how slow he was yet he did average 12 points and 9 boards 1 season. Shaq is not particularly quick either, most of the time he just uses brute strength to muscle people out of the way and then dunk, as he did to Sabonis and Mutombo, not to mention the wild elbows.

lane, at least on the surface, looks to be competent and athletic, why he never went into basketball with that 7-6 frame is mind boggling. on his site it mentions he knows martial arts etc. which shows he has some coordination, why he never picked up a basketball?
JT said on 25/Apr/06
Lone, there is so much more to the NBA than just height, weight and strength. There's quickness, stamina, hand-eye coordination, etc., which I assume Lane does not possess or he would have been in the NBA (unless he has bad knees, etc.) I bet it would be really painful to watch Lane out there struggling to run up and down the court in such a fast-paced game. Any center could draw Lane out to the free throw line, give a head fake, and blow right past him for an easy hoop. Giant Gonzalez was a bit bigger than Lane (7'7, 410 lbs.) and couldn't cut it for the same reason - he was way too slow. NBA players are arguably the best athletes out there.
Lone said on 25/Apr/06
well viper in yao vs. shaq series, yao beat out shaq pretty good on each occasion except the last game: 30+ points 10+ boards average for Yao vs. 18 pts and 8 boards for shaq.

well if you are Calvin Lane you don't need game. All you need is run over whoever is guarding you and slam it down. So again, why ain't Calvin in the NBA? He's gotta be better than Manute Bol or Muresan or Shawn Bradley!
Viper652 said on 25/Apr/06
I doubt Calvin Lane would tear up the NBA even If he could play a little basketball. People forget that, even though he's got a frame unlike any player ever, Shaq has GAME. He has no right to have the moves he has, being as big as he is. Its sick. Shaq would absolutely destroy Calvin with his moves and quickness. The only guy where I have seen take Shaq legitimately was Hakeem Olajuwon. Hes the only guy who ever had the right combo of enough size so that Shaq couldnt punish him, plus the speed and quickness to beat him on the floor
Viper652 said on 25/Apr/06
Calvin Lane is my role model. Jason, can you imagine being that gigantic in height and frame?? I mean, he freaking dwarfs Shaq in overall frame size!! And Shaq is an amazing freak in his own right. Calvin could kick anyone's ass.
Lone said on 24/Apr/06
yeh if the heights nowadays are exaggerated, imagine how exaggerated they were back in the 1800's. aboout the only thing that this MacAskew guy can't do is grow wings and fly or leap tall buildings in a single bound, lol.

the heaviest human ever measured was 1400lbs in guinness book, but the lad was a normal 6-1 in stature. imagine fitting 3 andre the giant's inside a 6-1 frame. WOW!!!!!!
Lone said on 24/Apr/06
again, why is this guy a bouncer or a model, and not an NBA center??? can somebody explain this or has someone read a story. i mean, he hung out with Shaq, you would figure at some point Shaq would say, "calvin, you are 7-6 and 400 lbs, you make me look short and small, have you thought about trying out for the NBA and make millions the easy way?"

There must be something wrong with this guy, a bad knee? some kind of handicap, or else he will be tearing up the NBA (or NFL for that matter), anybody know?
Alex said on 23/Apr/06
JT you are right, when you wear big bulky cloths it can make you appear bigger. Get some more fit or tighter stuff on then you'd appeared your normal size.
Alex said on 23/Apr/06
Singh is 380-400lbs though so he'd be in the same range as Calvin. 46 inch waist is big no matter what, lol.
Alex said on 23/Apr/06
34 inch biceps? Yea right. They must mean both arms combined.
Jason said on 23/Apr/06
I've changed my mind on Shaq, I now think he really is the full 7'0''. 6'11 1/2'' was his pre-draft measurement yeah, but that was when he was only 20 years old and it's quite likely someone like him grew another half inch. He may not have been measured bare foot since then and so still just says 6'11 1/2''. I don't believe he's over 7'0'', though.

JT, about Calvin Lane, he is one b-i-g mofo as well as tall. He has a 46'' waist and isn't fat, having an enormously wide frame like that is gonna make him appear less bulky than he actually is sometimes, too.

Click Here

Check out the size of his upper arms there. They've got as much top to bottom height as those guys' heads! Being about 5 inches taller, I reckon he'd easily outweigh Dalip Singh, though not Big Show. I don't know if he has acromegaly, he doesn't appear to apart from his height and huge bone structure. If you read his site, he actually models. He could just be a naturally gigantic guy.
Lone said on 21/Apr/06
JT, i think you are referring to Ming Ming, not Ming (as in Ming Yao), yeh he didn't jump in that video, but that's the point, he didn't have to in order to slam dunk, this is the first time I saw anyone who can actually reach up and slam a ball through without leaving the ground, and you notice he wasn't right under the hoop either, he was like a few feet away, which gives you an idea of how long his reach is!!

Ri Myong Hun was featured on Ripley's believe it or not hosted by Dean Cain one time and they showed some footages, especially one game where he scored 50points in like 35 minutes, supposedly he is really good, but again, they didn't allow him to play in the nba and now i think he's like 36 so he probably won't get a chance.

Ming ming will probably be in the NBA next year, so you will see him soon enough. The kid weighs like 350 lbs, would be interesting to see him against Shaq...
JT said on 21/Apr/06
Lone, you can barely slide a credit card under Ming's shoes when he jumps. It looks like he has about a 2 inch vertical leap (not that he really needs to jump that much). As overweight as Shaq is, he could probably still do a spin move and leave Ming nailed to the floor every time. You could theoretically speculate how awesome Big Show would be in the NBA, but we all know how that experiment would turn out.

I'm curious, have you seen any video of Ri or Ming playing b-ball (coordination, speed, endurance, etc.)? I hope they're not another Muresan.
Lone said on 20/Apr/06
well again, nba has had its share of slow guys, lead-footed mark eaton (7-4) was a car mechanic, gheorge muresan, who was so slow he slowed his team's entire offense down, and Pavel Podlokozin, currently on the roster of Mavericks but hasn't seen too much action, is painfully slow and lumbering. but still these guys probably make $1 million a year, why not calvin? very strange...

there are 2 guys. michael ri (ri myong hun) was 7-8 and was actually heavily recruited by the nba but US gov't wouldn't give him a visa because he was north korean. there is a chinese kid named Sun Ming Ming who is 7-8 3/4 who just had surgery to remove a tumor and is up for nba draft next year, he is currently playing for USBL, united states basketball league, and is listed as 7-8, though he's closer to 7-9 (barefeet!). here's a vid of this kid dunking without jumping, it's wild.

Click Here
JT said on 20/Apr/06
Sing, the operative word is not "move" but "move fast enough." I suspect Calvin is very slow and probably not too coordinated. By the time he'd lumber his way down the court, the ball would already be headed in the other direction. Is he barred from trying out with the WNBA?? Now if the NBA were half-court, it may be a different story.

sing said on 19/Apr/06
editor Rob, he said it on the Howard Stern show that he is 6-11 1/2.

again, why didn't calvin lane play basketball? if you are over 7-4, you can get into the NBA if you can move, or even if you can't, look at Pavel Podlokozine for the Mavericks (who's really 7-3). Calvin looks like he works out a lot and is pretty athletic, why is that guy not in the NBA then and now and make millions of dollars??? Isn't that better than working as a bouncer and appearing on the Maury Povich show to make money???
JT said on 19/Apr/06
Jason, I was shocked to see Calvin dwarf Shaq in that photo. Look at the head size as well (Calvin looks to have acromegaly too but Shaq has a tiny cranium). However, I think Calvin's bulky clothing made him look much larger in that photo. Here are some pictures where Calvin just looks tall:
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
There's no doubt the guy is still huge though. I think he appeared in a Chuck Norris/Walker Texas Ranger show, where Chuck said he fought some "8 foot guy."

Remember, Jeep Swenson weighed the same as Calvin and was over one foot shorter. Dalip Singh and Big Show both weigh more but are shorter than Calvin.

Jason said on 16/Apr/06
I first saw that pic years ago, Mask. It's from the late 90s I think, Shaq only weighed about 315lbs there. These days he'd more be able to hold his own against Calvin in terms of bulk. I've never seen Shaq dwarfed like that, though. Calvin looks more 7'4''ish but look at the size of that man's hand. It's funny how he's doing Shaq's signature pose with his hand (that Shaq often does with one of his enormous paws) and Shaq is meekly keeping his hand down lol. By the look on his face it's probably because Calvin's is bigger and so much thicker.
sing said on 15/Apr/06
he's bigger than Shaq for sure, but so was Muresan and to see him play against Shaq was comical...

I wonder why this Calvin Lane guy didn't try out for basketball, I mean if Shawn Bradley, Muresan, or Mark Eaton can do it, I am sure he can too. He worked as a bouncer etc. etc. but never became a celebrity. There must be something physically wronng with him (bad knee?) that prevented him from going to the NBA and make millions of dollars...
Alex said on 14/Apr/06
Wow, Shaq at 7'0 325lbs looks like a normal size man next to Calvin. Calvin does look about 7'6.
sing said on 13/Apr/06
this jerry sokoloski looks more like 7-3 to me.
sing said on 12/Apr/06
he will be a bit shorter but obviously stockier than yao is calvin lane.
Massimo said on 10/Apr/06
Calvin Lane is 7'5" 1/2 (227 cm). He is not only much taller than Shaq, but much bigger also. Calvin is a black belt in karate and has won all his fights as an amateur boxer (ehm, in the heavyweight division) by ko. I think nobody in the wordl can whip Calvin Lane in a street braw . I'd like to see Calvin next to Yao!
mask said on 10/Apr/06
Jason what about this photo of Shaquille next to Calvin Lane,the world tallest bouncer at 7'6"(I don't know if it's true)?
Click Here
here you are another guy who makes Shaq look like a child!Forgive me Shaq you are the best!
You can also visit Calvin's site and discover that his father was 7'8" and his mother 5'3"!
Jason said on 7/Apr/06
Oh right. Thanks, mask. I've heard of him before, just forgot the name. He looks too fat to be a basketball player, way over 311lbs.
mask said on 6/Apr/06
Jerry Sokoloski is the tallest canadian basketball player and is listed at 227 cm/7'6" and 311 pounds
Jason said on 6/Apr/06
Who's Jerry Sokoloski?
J-Dog said on 5/Apr/06
Shaq isn't dwarfed by that guy at all, and 7'1" seems very plausible.
CoolJ said on 5/Apr/06
Wow that guy is ugly. Not the best pic with Shaq either there buddy.

Next to Wade Jerry doesn't look 7'6" - But Shaq isn't dwarfed by any means.

I'm still convinced he's 214cm.
mask said on 5/Apr/06
Excuse me Rob go to this site and look:
Click Here
mask said on 5/Apr/06
For all those who still believe that Shaq is a legit 7'1" look at this photo of
227 cm/7'6" Jerry Sokoloski next to him:
Click Here
and Dwayne Wade:
Click Here
What do think Rob?Is Shaq a legit 7'1"?
Anonymous said on 3/Apr/06
He's 6 foot 11, as he admited on the steven smith to be frank show.
minneapolis said on 26/Mar/06
I saw him at a cinema and it seems like he is a solid 7'3"
Jason said on 26/Mar/06
Yeah, but Wilt has a really wide stance in the Wilt/Arnold/Andre pic and is looking down, so that pretty much evens things out.
topdweeb26 said on 26/Mar/06
Jason I think that's because in the pic with Shaq and Arnold, Shaq is leaning towards Arnold. Look how much lower his right should is in comparison to his left. He is obviously tilting himself. In the pic with Wilt, Wilt is standing straight and not tilting himself. By the way, that's the first time I have ever seen anyone taller than Andre the Giant in the same pic with him.
ice said on 23/Mar/06
How tall is his wife shaunie o'neal. they say she's 5'5, but she always seemed smaller. I admit that anyone would look short next to him, but just wondering.
Lauture Purdie said on 23/Mar/06
Shaq is not 7ft tall, He's about at least 7ft 1in tall and topping out at more than 0ver 330 pounds. Even so, He's a talented Basketball player cause i'm one of his number one fans.
Jason said on 22/Mar/06
Click Here

7'1'' Wilt and Arnold for comparison.
Jason said on 22/Mar/06
Shaq doesn't tower above Arnold as much as legit 7'1'' Wilt Chamberlain did. There's a noticeable discrepancy in how they compare to Arnold - at least 1 1/2''.
Gonzalo said on 15/Mar/06
In the NBA, players heights are listed with shoes on. However, I think Shaq is 7`1 barefoot. He is taller than other 7`1 players, such as Vlade Divac and David Robinson. He is huge. And he is so good....
Alex said on 5/Mar/06
Mask, nice picture of Shaq during the mug shot from the movie Steel. He looks to be about 7'1 in shoes so 7'0 would be his barefoot height.
mask said on 3/Mar/06
Excuse me Rob here you are:

yes this is the mugshot shots from the film.

Editor Rob
thanks, I remembered you saying try to watch the film, but I never saw it over her. Assuming they've measured this height chart correctly that matches up with what he is supposed to have said about 6ft 11.5. His stance seems reasonable...
mask said on 3/Mar/06
To me these photos are enough to say that Shaq is a tad over 7'(7'1/2" or 215 cm) in shoes and a tad under (212 cm) barefoot:

what you say people? that's enough?
(from 1997 film "Steel")

Editor Rob
please upload them to or something, the links didn't work - this is the mugshot shots from the film?
Alex said on 24/Feb/06
Shaq says 6'11.5, you know he could be downgrading himself on purpose. Some guys do that, not often but you'll get it here and there. I think he looks to be a solid 7'0 then 7'1 is in sneakers.
CoolJ said on 21/Feb/06
Shaq's posture is very poor in that pic.. I still think he's 214cm though. Says he's 7'6" Btw.
sal said on 18/Feb/06
here is a pic of shaq standing next to the 7'5.5" world's tallest bouncer, even looks like the bouncer is slouchin a lil...

there is also a pic of the giant standing next to the 6'1" maury povich... so u can accutately gage his height to compare em...
Mr. R said on 15/Feb/06
Paul - where did you get your height genes from? Are your siblings as tall as you?
paul said on 14/Feb/06
Commenting on the photo of Shaq and Arnie I know for a fact that Arnie is 5 foot 11.5 tall as his wax work dumby in Madam 2 swords London was the same height as my Dad. Now I'm 6 foot 8 and my Dad doesn't come much higher than my shoulder. Looking at the photo I would say Shaq is possibly 2 maybe 3 inches taller than myself so I can quite believe his admission of 6 foot 11. At the end of the day a man (especially a man in Shaq's position who makes his living from being incredibly tall) is not going to underplay his height. So the claims of 7 foot 1 and 2 are showbiss exaggeration.
Anonymous said on 13/Feb/06
It's different based on the shape of your head. Duh.
Alex said on 13/Feb/06
So if me and you went face to face basically we'd almost be eye to eye even though you have me by 2.5 inches.
Viper652 said on 11/Feb/06
Yes Alex, around the 5-9 range.
Alex said on 10/Feb/06
So Viper basically a guy who is 5'9 comes up to your eye level?
Viper652 said on 8/Feb/06
Its over 5 inches for me, between 5 and 6 inches.
Alex said on 7/Feb/06
CoolJ, I am 6'0 and the middle of my eye is 4 inches from the top of my head. I could see just over the head of someone who is 5'8.
CoolJ said on 3/Feb/06
Actually I just measured.. 68" tall... about 4.3-4.4" between top of my head and center of my eyeball.

CoolJ said on 3/Feb/06
My eyes to the top of my head is about 4" ... but I'm 5'8... So for a person over 6' that might be closer to 5" or more .. especially a person with a large head.
ice said on 30/Jan/06
I've seen everything for this man 7'3, 7'1, 7'0 and now I some people say 6'11.5 I don't even know if I want to know anymore
starwars23 said on 29/Jan/06
"Keep in mind eyes are four inches down (on average) from the top of your head"

actually its 5" beanpole
Bean Pole said on 25/Jan/06
Keep in mind eyes are four inches down (on average) from the top of your head, and people use head height to judge the height of other people, so it is easy to guess some one as taller. Most NBA height are exaggerated to sound more intimidating. It is possible you could take 1.5"-2" off of almost every NBA player.
6 foot 1, 16, still growing said on 17/Jan/06
shaq is 6 foot 11.5. He said it in an interview, and makes sense. Players boost their height about an inch. In this case, it is an inch and a half. He's about 7 foot 2.5 inches tall in shoes, making him 3 inches taller than what he is. I've always heard he wears shoes with tons of padding.
Danimal said on 10/Jan/06
Sneakers give anywhere from 1 1/4" to 2" of extra height, however, that is with a size 11 (My size). I would imagine a size 22 would give more? Lets say it didn't, well, then 6'11 1/2" + 1 1/2" = 7'1". Sounds about right to me...
Anonymous said on 7/Jan/06
i remember the howard stern comment... he also talked about how he cheats on his wife, and how he loves her, but she knows, Shaq gotta be Shaq... My friend was recently on an NBA team for the preseason... He is a legitimate 6'10" and he said he was an inch taller than guys who were listed at 6'11", so go figure, unsigned free agents or scrubs for that matter don't get their heights listed up... Super Stars do... I have to believe that Shaq is 7'1" in his Sneakers, or maybee a lil over 7' barefoot and rounded up to 7'1"... i don't have a problem with rounding up... the English system was designed to be approximate... but Tennis shoes and rounding up... come on now...
CoolJ said on 6/Jan/06
Well if Shaq were to be 6'11.5" .. then guys like Duncan are only 6'8.. which is impossible..
Jason said on 6/Jan/06
He's said it before on radio interviews, too. It's not an old measurement; on Howard Stern he commented that 7'1'' just sounded more intimidating than 6'11 1/2''.
Mr. R said on 5/Jan/06
I believe that Shaq made his 6'11.5" comment on an interview with Howard Stern. Maybe someone can find the transcript.
lolomama said on 5/Jan/06
ok i say this guy is probably abit more than 7'1 (in shoes)i mean he slouches a bit not trying to be offensive i think u should do the measuring in the metric system therefore u can get a better guesstimation of a character such as shaq lets see well in the picture above arnie comes to the shoulder shaq is slouching and that can take some centimtres of of him that aint good u should see them standing straight i say shaq is 7'1 alright but those shoes are pretty big size 22 wow so please pu this on i hop i can see it on tommorow.
CoolJ said on 2/Jan/06
The guy is roughly 1.5-2" taller than Garnett who has about 1-1.5" on Tim Duncan who is listed at 6'11" .. Do the math and you'll realize Shaq is over 7' because Duncan is at least 6'10 barefoot.

CoolJ said on 2/Jan/06
I've done various measurements with pictures. I always get his height at a shade over 7'0 - Although not quite 7'1"

Richard said on 2/Jan/06
In the pic above he looks about the same hight as Andre the giant next to Arnie. He reaches up to Shaqs shoulder.. and to about the same place next to Andre. Of course Andre has a bigger head, but again look at the shoulders. 6'11.5 sounds about right to me.
mask said on 2/Jan/06
Hey Rob please look at the film "Steel" that Shaq made in 1997 when he was 25,there is a scene in which he get arrested and brought to the police department.He was suspected to have attacked an old man who was called to the central to recognize his aggressor.Shaq and other 5 guys enter in a room and they put themselves in a frontal single file in front of a wide mirror. They are in contact with the wall and this wall behind them has also the 6',6'6" and 7'line and Shaq in shoes is a shade over the 7' mark.I saw this film last year but I remember perfectly the scene.Please Rob watch it you too and tell me what you think.To me Shaq is 212-4 cm tall.
Viper652 said on 2/Jan/06
Funny how Shaq is 6-11.5, but people still think he is 7-1. He comes across as larger then life even in the 6-11 range.
I7 said on 1/Jan/06
According to NBA 2006 his height is 7ft1 so I guess thats right.
Petter said on 1/Jan/06
Seems like a great guy, and huge!
Doesn't seem all that clumsy either, saw some videofootage of him some time ago, where he (almost) did a backflip into a swimmingpool. He didn't quite manage to get all the way around, but surprisingly agile for someone of his size! :)
Cycklops said on 31/Dec/05
If Shaq was 6'11.5" in his socks, he'd be 7'0.5"-7'0.75" in his shoes, which would account for the 7'1" listing.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.