How tall was Robert Wadlow - Page 9

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Average Guess (291 Votes)
8ft 11.83in (273.9cm)
Kemble said on 4/Oct/07
Glad to see those Ewart Potgieter pics, Mask. The woman Potgieter is standing on (ouch!) is Joan Rhodes, not Jean. Anyone else old enough to remember her on TV? She was genuinely very strong. I had wondered who the guy was in that picture, which I already have. I'd toyed with the idea of a young Chris Greener, but now I know.
Johnny C said on 4/Oct/07
mask: Click Here
Ewart Potgieter,
7 ft 2 inches (218.44 cm)
December 28 1932 - fl. April 1957
Natal, South Africa
Alias “Pottie”, “Ed”
Click Here
mask said on 4/Oct/07
Excuse me Rob anyway it's easy to find these pics you must go to Click Here
and search for "tallest man" then go to page 7 and look at the second half of the page
Johnny C said on 4/Oct/07
Fernand Bachelard, 7 ft 8.25 inches (234.32 cm) Click Here
Ralph E. Madsen (Madison), 7 ft 6 inches (228.60 cm) Click Here
mask said on 4/Oct/07
[edir rob: mask, you'd need to put those big long links into tinyurl mate, they screw up the pages.
Poker Portal said on 4/Oct/07
Edouard Beaupre - Click Here
Edouard Beaupre - Click Here
Edouard Beaupre - Click Here
Unknown Giant - Click Here
sky\'s da limit said on 4/Oct/07
i know that george bell used to play for the harlem wizards basketball team .. i think in the early 90's,

some of the guys he played with still plays for the team .. the guy tojo

so if you guys could contact the good people at harlem wizards .. they might lead us to george bell

i have tried to contact them myself but never got a reply..

harlem wizards

Click Here

i think george bell lives in california .. i think he is in his late 40's or early 50.. years.
he is 7 feet 8 tall

i dont know how to track americans .. yellow pages--
but since im not living in america i cant really contact people other than by mail.

otherwise its too expensive or complicated..
Poker Portal said on 4/Oct/07
More on Fernand Bachelard -
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
mask said on 3/Oct/07
Click Here
Highman said on 3/Oct/07
Mask you are such a researcher!! Who the heck is R.E. Madsen and Captain Creech???!!?? They both look tall!!

Poker Portal I thought the man was Walter Staub who is on Johnny C's site...German guy....could be the belgian listed though..... if it is.... it would be the first I would have heard of Bachelard.....Anyone else hear of this fellow?
mytg8 said on 3/Oct/07
Poker Portal and mask- Great photos. The Shields bros were one of P.T.Barnum's greatest shams. A quadruple sham. The shortest, the guy on the left, was married to a "seven foot" woman, can't recall her name. She admitted that she was 6'7" and taller than her husband. Therefore, none of the brothers were even 7 foot tall. Big boots and tall hats were their stage gear.
Anonymous said on 3/Oct/07
That is Belgian giant Fernand Bachelard (1922-1976), who was 7' 8.5" and about 500 lbs.
Poker Portal said on 3/Oct/07
Thanks mask.
And do you know who the giant on the left picture is? - Click Here
sky's da limit said on 3/Oct/07
ohh its ok johnny c,

if anyone can find the videos posted on calvin lane's site .. they dont work on his site,

please post some links
mask said on 3/Oct/07
Poker Portal he is Ghulam Shabbir
Poker Portal said on 3/Oct/07
The Shields brothers - Click Here
Neil Fingleton - Click Here
Wadlow merchandise - Click Here
A giant woman - Click Here
Wadlow's 'other' shoe - Click Here
Kemble said on 3/Oct/07
Very interesting news item on the BBC site: the British Library is embarking on a huge project in association (inevitably with Microsoft) to digitalise vast numbers of old books, AND NEWSPAPERS. About 2 million pages of 19thC papers and 1 million pages of 18thC are set for the scheme. The 19thC material in particular is bound to include lots of stuff about giants, isn't it? It seems the digital archives will be searchable. Who knows what we may find?
Poker Portal said on 3/Oct/07
Who is this? - Click Here

You will have to scroll to the bottom of the page. He is listed as 7'7", which he obviously isn't.
wfs said on 1/Oct/07
Anyone remember the pic w/Al Tomaini and Jack Earle together? There was an average sized man between them. Earle appeared to be a couple of inches taller..
Johnny C said on 1/Oct/07
Poker Portal: Superb effort with those old postcards. And all those Jack Earle photos are new to me.
sky\'s da limit: Apologies for not appreciating your photograph contributions here.
mask: Hats off to you again! This time in recognition of the Liu Yu-Qing photograph.
sky\'s da limit said on 1/Oct/07
johnny c ? george bell photos or just photos of giants in general?

sadly i only have the george bell photos you have,

I have been contributing photos and youtube videos on this board
Poker Portal said on 1/Oct/07
Huge listing of 'Giants' postcards:
Click Here
Poker Portal said on 1/Oct/07
Some vintage postcards. I try to only post images when I think the images are not yet on Johnny c's website or if the image is of a better quality. Hope the links work!

Paul Herold - Click Here
The Fishers - Click Here
The Fishers - Click Here
The Fishers - Click Here
Jan van Albert - Click Here
Clifford Thompson? - Click Here
Princess Pontus - Click Here
Paolo Ugo & Battista Ugo - Click Here
Martin van Buren Bates - Click Here
P. O'Connor - Click Here
Carmelite Horn - Click Here
Poker Portal said on 1/Oct/07
Jack Earle - Click Here
Robert Wadlow - Click Here
Robert Wadlow - Click Here

The next photo got me puzzled for a while, I had no idea who this giant was. Upon re-reading the text I realised it wasn't a giant at all, it was Al Demaree wearing stilts - Click Here
LV said on 30/Sep/07
Liu Yu-Qing looks at 7'6", not 8'6". Kinda like the Stadnyk situation.
Johnny C said on 29/Sep/07
sky's da limit: Do you have any photos to share with us?
Johnny C said on 29/Sep/07
mask: My mistake there. Yes, that is Shagari Alleyne.
sky's da limit said on 29/Sep/07
oh so it is shagari, thought it might be him,


can anyone of you guys get a new photo of george bell 7 feet 8,
he lives in california i think..

would like to se some new photos
mask said on 29/Sep/07
Click Here
Click Here
mask said on 28/Sep/07
No Johnny C he isn't Priest Lauderdale he is 7'3" Shagari Alleyne:
Click Here
and then other two things:

1- In katsu's site the photo of Al Tomaini does not portray Tomaini because this is Cliff Thompson look carefully and modify your site also;

2- The photo of Grgo Kusic does not portray Kusic but Johann Petursson look carefully you can see it also in his site Click Here

thank you very much
Johnny C said on 28/Sep/07
sky's da limit: That "Webshots" photograph (Click Here) is 7 ft 4 inches (223.52 cm) Priest Lauderdale http://
mask: That Albert Brough photograph has made my day :) Thanks.
Poker Portal: I'll update my websites according to the great info. you kindly shared re: Peter Adelaar. Thanks.
Johnny C said on 28/Sep/07
Poker Portal: If you'd care to leave your name in a comment for one of my tallest folks websites, I'll happily credit your input to their compilation according to your first name (I'll delete the comment, rather than posting it).
sky's da limit said on 28/Sep/07
who is this ?

Click Here
Poker Portal said on 28/Sep/07
Jim Tarver - Click Here
Poker Portal said on 28/Sep/07
Johnny C: On your '7 ft 3 inches to 7 ft 4 inches' page you list Peter Adler as 7'3.8". His real name is Peter Adelaar and he was 'only' 7'. He died on 14 October 2004. Click Here
He was European Champion in 1978 in the super heavyweights division.

I remember him when he was competing in the Dutch version of the English TV progam Superstars. The best part was when he was doing the assault course where the athletes had to cross a few metres hanging on bars and move by only using their hands. The bars where far too high to hang on them and touch the ground, apart for Peter Adelaar who was touching the bars and still walked across!
Johnny C said on 27/Sep/07
mask & Poker Portal: Nice work fellas
mask said on 27/Sep/07
Click Here
Richard said on 27/Sep/07
Click Here
Poker Portal said on 27/Sep/07
Click Here
Poker Portal said on 27/Sep/07
Click Here
Poker Portal said on 27/Sep/07
Click Here
Poker Portal said on 25/Sep/07
Highman: That is Jack Earle, or Jacob Ehrlich as his birthname was.
Highman said on 24/Sep/07
Heard of this guy before???
Click Here
mask said on 23/Sep/07
Click Here
Philo said on 20/Sep/07
Poker Portal:

That's interesting. My edition is, from reading the very top banner of the book, "New Giant 1986 Edition!", whatever that means. It's undoubtedly an American edition, since that's where I live. I wonder if they caught the mistake in my edition and corrected it for any edition that might come out afterwards? If so, the fact that they corrected their mistake is hopefully promising news for the future...(Stadnyk...)
Poker Portal said on 20/Sep/07
Philo: the quote from your Guinness book is identical to the text in my 1986 De Luxe Edition (UK) apart from the ", reducing his height to 7 ft 5 3/4 in." part. That does not appear in my version.

Strange how different editions (assuming you have US edition, but just assuming here) have different texts.

One other point that bugs me from the 1986 edition is that they write:
"The tallest living humans are thus Monjane and Nashnush".

Monjane and Nashnush are not the same height! They should have quoted Monjane as the tallest living human.
Mikrobi said on 20/Sep/07
Hi I analysed this photo with Stadnyk.:
Click Here
The car height approximately 142 cm. I think Stadnyk approximately 235 cm tall in shoes.
hirise said on 20/Sep/07
Thanks for that bit of info Philo. My take on this is that Guinness is sloppy on a lot of their analysis. Obviously this went to print without anybody checking the calculation or proof reading the entry. The same botched buisness has been done with Stadnik. They have standards but they do not stick to them which leaves them in a predicament. They should offer to fly out and measure these fellows to confirm height OR have a separate entry below and make a notation that So and So has been claimed to be at such a height but verification is not possible at this time. The official tallest living man would be the guy they have ABSOLUTE PROOF on.
Philo said on 20/Sep/07
This may be redundant, but I remember there was a discussion a little while back about Alam Channa's record in the Guinness Book being 8 feet plus, and then being demoted to 7'8". I recently uncovered my 1986 Guinness book and I'll transcribe the entry I found concerning the tallest living man (forgive me if I make any typos), and I apologize if this has been covered already:

"Muhammad Aalam Channa (b Sehwan, Pakistan, 1956), who works as an attendant at the shrine of Lal Shahbaz Qalandar in Pakistan assumed the role of the world's tallest man in 1981 with the death of Don Koehler (see table). A height of 8 ft 2 3/4 in attributed to him by news agencies and the international press was proved in 1984 to be exaggerated by some 5.9 in, reducing his height to 7 ft 5 3/4 in. The tallest living humans are thus Monjane and Nashnush (see table)."

If you do the math, you'll see it doesn't add up. Reducing his height from 8'2.75" by (almost) 6" should put him at 7'8.75", not 7'5.75" as stated in the book. This is obviously a mistake. I'm not sure where their math error occurred, but it's there.

Any insights? If anyone would like a scan of this page, post a reply.
Johnny C said on 19/Sep/07
mask: You're a STAR and you have no reason to apologise to me. The intention of my previous comment here was to support your ratio method of height calculation.
Big Show: Ajaz Ahmed's in a sorry state these days, with a height-decreasing spinal condition adding to his mobility and financial problems.
Big Show said on 19/Sep/07
Click Here

Here's a video of Ajaz Ahmed. He doesn't look that tall next to people who are of average height. I don't think he's much taller than 7'4. He does have serious mobility problems though.

Mask, the type of analysation you used has been around for years, but is not totally watertight proof. The two persons you compare to one another have to stand on the exact same distance from the camera in order to make a reliable estimation. If one is standing 6 or 7 inches closer to the camera than the other one, this can already result into a height loss of a few inches to the one who's further behind. Plus the camera angle has to be straight forward with no trickeries.
Arj said on 18/Sep/07
Mask, I analysed the same photo of Stadnyk over on the Leonid Stadnyk board a month or so ago and, assuming Sperber is 5'10", calculated Leonid to be 7'9" to 7'10", very close to your result, which is good to know. Funnily enough, I did some analysis of Leonid about 18 months ago and I always pegged him at about 7'7". Maybe he has grown a couple of inches in the last few years? Wouldn't be a big surprise really. Of course, if Sperber is exaggerating his height by 2" to 3" then Leonid's height drops to 7'7" again.
mask said on 18/Sep/07
Excuse me I didn't know Johnny C what could I say? I haven't to teach you anything! I won't underestimate you anymore.
hirise said on 18/Sep/07
Hey Arj, that last photo of Mourir Fourar shows that he couldn't be taller than 7'1". As for Stadnik, How do we know his mother's height to be 152cm this makes her UNDER 5 ft in height. I don't believe she is that short but she isn't much taller than 5'0 or 5'1. Still mask your analysis is very good. Maybe Leonid is 7'9 or 7'10. Too bad an accurate measurement cannot really happen.

As for Ajaz Ahmed. He does look tall in the photos below, maybe 7'8 but with all the short people he seems to be standing beside it is hard to guage this fellow.
Highman said on 18/Sep/07
If Dr. Serber is 5-8.... then that Pic certainly puts Leonid in the high 7 foot range....good job Mask..... again no 8-4 though.... 232 - 236 CM
Johnny C said on 18/Sep/07
mask: I also calculate such ratios when estimating unconfirmed height entries in my websites.
Arj said on 18/Sep/07
More Mounir Fourar here:

Click Here

I have to agree with you Highman, this guy isn't within spitting distance of 8'0". Johnny C had him at 7'8" which I think is closer to the truth but still too tall. He doesn't look much over 7' in the linked photo. I cry shenanigans on this guy.
Eclipse said on 18/Sep/07
I believe Xi Shun and Zhang are the heights the claim...maybe a SLIGHT exaggeration by Xi Shun, but nothing of any consequence.
Highman said on 16/Sep/07
Mourn Faour and Mustaman are all no bigger than 7-1 or so...real joke IMHO.
Highman said on 15/Sep/07
Mask He is tall but like Leonid...nowhere near 8 feet. Why can't these clamaints do public, filmed measurements. I note that Xi Shun and Zhang don't make such exagerated claims!!
mask said on 15/Sep/07
Click Here
mask said on 15/Sep/07
Only to refresh the memory Ijaz Ahmed:
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
mask said on 14/Sep/07
Maria Feliciana dos Santos the tallest woman in Brasil at 7'4.5":

Click Here (4 pages)
mask said on 14/Sep/07
For Jhonny C Jaber Rouzbahani now 21 yo measured at 224 cm at 2007 fiba asia championship:
Click Here
mask said on 14/Sep/07
Poker Portal you can search for "tallest man" in that site and you'll find Cliff and the others...
LOOK UP TO THE TALL PEOPLE said on 13/Sep/07
how dp we know that stdnyk is not wearing 2-4 inch lifts inside of his shoes when he is walking? in all of his pictures hes wearing shoes. i think hes 7'3. also sturgess does so look 7'7 hes hge have him on my myspace hes got like 3 pages ful of pics hes a gtant stick though. he could be tsaking pictures next to 6'6 dors and sing his leaness to his advanage but based on all photographic evidece i doubt he is not 7''7
Eclipse said on 13/Sep/07
Mask is on a big time roll lately with contributions! Good job!
Poker Portal said on 13/Sep/07
Great find again mask!
All new images and video's to me.
Can't wait until you find the pictures of the meeting between Clifford Thompson and Wadlow.
mask said on 13/Sep/07
Watch but not touch!!!
Click Here
oneL said on 13/Sep/07
Jim Lanier and I were talking about Sturgess today and we agree with LV. He's 7'6. Then we laughed about how he could take Jim's hand me downs :-) all though they would be baggy on him :-) Jim has a larger waist and a much thicker chest.
Viper said on 13/Sep/07
LOL at Sturgess for thinking he will be the tallest man in the world.
hirise said on 13/Sep/07
I agree with all of you in Sturgess' height. At max 7'4". Why do they list him at 7'7". Oh wait, I know why. The same reason that most of the 7 foot heights in the NBA are faked to the max. There are comparatively very few LEGIT 7 footers in the NBA compared to how many claim in that league that they are 7 ft tall. This would give Sturgess or his coaches some marketing hype to give the guy 3 to 4 inches of height. The tallest Shaquile O'Neal stood according to him is 6'11.5" and he stood taller than virually any guy in that league who claimed to be 7'0". Now we know why Sturgess is being elevated to his phoney height.
LV said on 13/Sep/07
#1. I wouldn't call someone with a 44 inch inseam short-legged.
#2. His girlfriend measured him at 7'7.25" in tennis shoes, I doubt they give him a 3"-4" height advantage. They might give him an inch of height, so he's still 7'6" barefoot.
mask said on 12/Sep/07
The next Zeng Jinlian, Mari Doartes from Thailand,14 yo and 207 cm tall:
Click Here
Eclipse said on 11/Sep/07
This is one of the rare times I will say something pro-Stadnyk: There is no chance that Pual Sturgess is as tall or taller than Leonid Stadnyk. NONE whatsoever!
6'0 guy said on 10/Sep/07
Whatever his actual height, Sturgess doesn't look as tall as genuine 7'6-7'7 guys.
V.B said on 10/Sep/07
Sturgess is absolutely not 7'7 maybe 7'3-7'4 max barefoot however he must have the world's longest torso.Usually giants is like normal people with longer arms and legs but Paul seems to have a much longer spine and neck than average also.Chris has a short upper body.
Highman said on 9/Sep/07
I don't think he was 7-7 either. Maybe 7-4 / 7-5.
6'0 guy said on 9/Sep/07
From the looks of things, Paul Sturgess ain't 7'7. First, he was wearing shoes when measured. Second, his hand looks to be above his head when he "marks" his height.
mask said on 9/Sep/07
Paul Sturgess:
Click Here
ssx said on 8/Sep/07
It does look like Zhang has bad posture and he looks like his legs are bowed somewhat. If he had better posture etc, he looks like he may be a legitimate 8 footer. They did factor that for other giants like Rogan, Carroll and Patterson etc.
5'11.75 guy said on 7/Sep/07
Sun Ming Ming has extremely short arms for his height. The Iranian guy who could dunk barefooted had an 8 foot wingspan, while Sun Ming Ming has something like a 7'7 wingspan IMO.
Sanchez said on 6/Sep/07
Johnny C and Board: I have only seen one picture of Musutaman and that is the one on Johnny C's website, Musutaman is 7'11" if the guy standing next to him is 5'10" but that guy can also be 5'2" and is that 7' foot doorway behide him or is it a 7'6" and whenever a giant is wearing a hat that also makes me believe he is not as tall as he is telling us. Does anybody have any more pictures or information on Musutaman

Hirise: Interesting Sun Ming Ming has to jump a little to slamdunk but Igor Vovkovinskiy did it without jumping, the only way that can be possible is if Igor has really long arms or he is taller than he is saying. There is one Iranian basketball player who can grab the rim with one hand without jumping and he was about 7' 4 or 5 but he had very long long arms.
5'11.75 guy said on 6/Sep/07
Zhang seemed to have really bad posture when he was measured. I wonder how tall he would be, given normal spine curvature and posture?
mask said on 6/Sep/07
Johnny C as good italian as I am I provide the entire genealogy with photos of another famous italian like me who was a giant: I' am talking about Aurelio Tomaini:
Click Here
hirise said on 6/Sep/07
Hey people.. I'm sure many of you saw that discovery channel show about tall people and dwarfs. I'm impressed with the height of Igor Vovkovinskiy who stands 7'8.5" Sun Ming Ming at 7'9" stated he had to hop just a bit to stuff the ball. On the discovery show Vovkovinskiy walked up to the basket and stuffed the ball flat footed on BOTH feet wearing sneakers. I saw that scene over and over again.

My question, does anybody know if there are others in the world presently who could do what Vovkovinskiy did?

In response to Highman's question, I do believe that Juncai Zhang is alive unless we here otherwise. Zhang keeps a low profile and like many of you I believe that he is the true legit tallest man in the world that we know of. I'm so disappointed at Guinness for putting Stadnyk in at over 8 feet and calling him tallest man when they didn't even stick to their own standards for proof. I'm sure the truth will come out and Guinness will be forced to retract this obvious bumbling error they haphazardly allowed. What I like to see is Zhang, Xi Shun, Sun Ming Ming, and Vovkovinskiy all pay Stadnik a visit and email the photo to Guinness. Sanchez made a similar comment below.

For Musutaman, I simply do not buy his claimed height.
Mike said on 6/Sep/07
Mask and JT, that photo is not a fake, but it's deliberately deceptive. He's holding himself off the ground.
ssx said on 5/Sep/07
katsu, that is a great page. lots of interesting pics and Zhang is definately the tallest living person, Stadnik is probably not even in the top 5.
Highman said on 5/Sep/07
Katsu.... thanks I am corrected..... Nippu is right they are in their shoes....I wonder how well Zhang and Xi Shun get along.... two very tall guys must have their own perspective on things.
Eclipse said on 5/Sep/07
Katsu- Thanks a lot for posting those Xi Shun- Zhang photos. I had never seen them before and I am quite impressed.
Nippu said on 5/Sep/07
Btw: They are measured them with their shoes on.
Johnny C said on 5/Sep/07
JT: Great photograph of 12-year-old Robert Wadlow, now posted in my website Click Here I'd never seen that one before. Thanks.
Highman: I'd need further evidence to argue with the unconfirmed 7 ft 11.67 inches (243.00 cm) credited by Guinness for Musutaman. Height estimation's quite a tricky business, huh.
katsu said on 5/Sep/07
Highman:Japanese TV Show where Zhang and Xishun were measured was on May 2006.
Click Here
Highman said on 5/Sep/07
I don't believe there has been anything on Zhang since 2004. I believe the Japanese TV Show was in 2004.... or am I wrong? Is there a date on it?
mask said on 5/Sep/07
Yes JT you are right the photo on the left is a fake!
JT said on 5/Sep/07
Here’s how Wadlow compared with his father over the years (Click Here)

Some more food for thought about Stadnyk (Click Here)

(Click Here) It looks like Stadnyk is roughly as far behind Yushchenko as Andre the Giant is behind 4’11” Willie Shoemaker, so a decent comparison of the two can be made. Andre was around 6’10” barefoot and 7’0” in those big-heeled boots, which he favored outside of the ring.

You can make the same comparison with 7’7” Manute Bol and 5’3” Mugsy Bogues (Click Here). Bol would gain a little over one inch if he stood side by side with Bogues (to get him to ~7’8” in shoes). Same with Andre. Therefore add about this amount of height to Stadnyk in the photo with Yushchenko. Stadnyk would probably gain another 2 inches if he stood up straight and with a fairer camera angle though. That still probably puts him at no more than 7'6" or 7'7" in shoes.

I’m no photography expert but the pic on the left looks patently doctored (Click Here). Just zoom in on the shoes.
Arj said on 4/Sep/07
Eclipse - Zhang was on Japanese television last year and was measured next to Xi Shun. Pics are on Katsu's page.
Highman said on 4/Sep/07
Eclipse: I was wondering the same thing. It said he was getting treated for being "overweight" which I think is a wrong translation and they really meant he was being treated for his height.

We have two recorded sightings of Zhang with Xi Shun. One in a square in Chinese City walking briefly and the other on the Japanese Game Show? (Was it really Japanese as these are all Chinese Giants on the show).....

Well the video of those two walking in a crowd together was impressive.
Eclipse said on 4/Sep/07
Following up on the lack of press on Zhang- maybe he is no longer alive???
Highman said on 4/Sep/07
Johnny C: Musuftman has got to be downgraded... he is hardly the height claimed. Who is the new Chinese Giante Zhang Huang? Isn't that really Zhang JunCai?

Uppal's height can most easily deduced by getting the standard height next to the SUV he stood next to in the video of him before his surgery.

Stadnyk situation is unfortunate. He isn't as tall as being published at 8-5. Guinness should really do better.

No new pics of Zhang sine 2004... I believe...he must be reclusive. Maybe he told Xi Shun to take the record since he is more of an extrovert....
mytg8 said on 4/Sep/07
Regarding Nashnush- It's hard say when that photo was taken, ie how old he was. According to a paper I have, he was measured at 8' 3/4" at the age of 23 but 4 doctors from Hammersmith hospital in London. He had a lot of physical problems, mainly with walking and muscle atrophy. Maybe a big cause was a radioactive implant in his brain when he was 17.
JT said on 3/Sep/07
JohnnyC, didn’t see this pic on your Wadlow page (Click Here). The website said Wadlow is age 12 here (1930). He’s about 7’1” if that’s his 5’11” father to his right.

A few comparison pics involving the new World's Tallest Man (and assuming his mother is 5'0"):
Click Here Click Here Click Here
Johnny C said on 3/Sep/07
hirise: Appreciate your compliments of 21/Aug/07 (a 'phone line fault has kept me off the 'net since August 19, otherwise I'd have thanked you before now).
mask: If I may, I'll pass for now on your suggestion for renaming my tallest folks website "Tall of Fame", but your amusingly creative imagination, together with our relief here at 99's disappearance (completely up his own ass?), has prompted me to consider creating a new website along the lines "Curious Tall Folks Facts". Maybe together we can gather anectdotes (e.g. the meeting of Robert Wadlow and Clifford Thompson), bizarre characters, weird happenings, crazy exaggerations, the 18th-19th century O'Brien obsession, giants in the same family, myths and legends, etc.? All suggestions and contributions (including links to websites) gratefully received. Let's enjoy! :)
Highman: Re: Vikas Uppal, you know my thoughts Click Here
Andrew the Giant said on 3/Sep/07
I've looked at the photo of Nashnush a million times, and I swear he's nowhere near 8 feet in that picture! The photo was taken after his surgery to remove a pituitary tumor, so he shouldn't have grown considerably more since then. How tall do you all estimate him to be according to the picture on Johnny C's website?
Arj said on 2/Sep/07
Some nice pics of Bao XiShun and Zhang Jun Cai here:

Click Here
Sanchez said on 31/Aug/07
Eclipse: I agree with you Zhang Jun Cai is clearly the tallest, China seems to be producing some of the tallest men on earth right now Zhang,Xishun,Sun ming ming clearly all taller than Stadnik. Like I said before I would like one of these guys to knock on Stadniks door and let us all see the truth

Weekly,Nippu: it is sad that they measure these basketball players with shoes on, the standard should be no shoes on, and with Margo Dydek is it possible she may have grown a little ,she has been playing in the WNBA for nine years and back then she was in her early twenties.
Eclipse said on 31/Aug/07
I wonder why Zhang gets so little press. I have yet to see any picture of anyone alive that looks taller than him. As I've said before, to me, there is not even an issue as who the tallest man alive is. It's clearly Zhang Jun Cai.
5'11.75 guy said on 30/Aug/07
Zhang, IMO, looks to be the tallest man alive. Easily.
Sanchez said on 30/Aug/07
Bao Xishun or Zhang should travel to Ukraine to meet Stadnik face to face and see if he will come out for a meeting and pictures, I believe Stadnik will suddenly become ill. Both of them are definitely taller

Click Here
Click Here
Nippu said on 30/Aug/07
It´s because in europe people are mostly measured without shoes, NBA with shoes.
Sanchez said on 29/Aug/07
That was fast, yes Margo Dydek from the WNBA Connecticut Sun, 7' 2" minimum and very healthy

Click Here
Reza said on 29/Aug/07
Margo Dydek 7'2".
Neil said on 29/Aug/07
Its the Polish basketball player Margo Dydek, she's 7'2.
Sanchez said on 29/Aug/07
This is a picture of Michael Jordan taking a picture with three women, does anybody know who the women is to the far left. Question and answer if nobody knows

Click Here
Highman said on 29/Aug/07
JB: Look a Keyword search for Uppal and there is a link far below.
JB said on 29/Aug/07
How do you access the video you are referring to of Vikas Uppal?
ssx said on 28/Aug/07
Highman, I read it somewhere on the net. Not sure where as I have been to a ton of sites recently so it could be true or false. He really did appear to be taller than Stadnik.
Arj said on 28/Aug/07
Big Guy - I have tried a similar analysis of Leonid Stadnyk's height over on that message board, based on some photo's of a (claimed) 5'10" doctor standing next to Leonid. What I found was that the height of the giant is still very difficult to pin down.

The reason is that a 1" height variation in the shorter generally corresponds to say 1.5" variation in the giant when comparing heights in photo's. I put Stadnyk at 7'9" to 7'10" based on the photo I analysed, but if the doctor was 5'8" instead of 5'10", Stadnyk becomes about 7'7".

What I am saying I guess is that when analysing photo's of giants with people / objects of known height it can still be very difficult to get any sort of accuracy. As I said, I put Leonid in the 7'9" to 7'10" range based on the pics I measured out, but he could still very easily be a few inches less than that. Determining heights via photographic analysis is a veritable mine field!
Highman said on 28/Aug/07
Regarding the Uppal video and measurement...the better arbitor might be the SUV he is standing next to.... anyone know what make and model it is?
Highman said on 28/Aug/07
SSX: Where did you get the thought that Uppal was measured after death? Anyone else do measurements of Uppal???
Big Guy said on 28/Aug/07
As I have stated, I believe that Vikas Uppal was in the 8 foot range. Arj stated that he towers over the van in the video. This gave me an idea. If
you go the video and freeze the frame (in the begining) were he is resting his
elbow on the van. If you measure the man next to him, the man measures 1 and 14/16 inches. Vikas measures 2 and 14/16 inches. If you assume the man is 5'4" or 64 inches tall. You can divide 64 by 30 (1 and 14/16). This gives you 2.13
inches in height per 1/16 measurement. Take the 2 and 14/16 inches for Vikas
X .213 (46 X 2.13) and you get 97.98 inches or 8'.165". Of course the key is the actual hight of the man next to him. Without that the numbers mean nothing, but I believe 5'4" is a reasonable estimate.
Art said on 27/Aug/07
177cm is more than 5'9 2/3. That's higher than the average height of adult males of a lot of Western countries. I doubt that's the national average of Republic of Korea.
ssx said on 27/Aug/07
I do agree with BigGuy that Uppal does look at least close to 8 feet tall. He also looks taller than Stadnik. I thought they measured Uppal at 7'9" after death???
Arj said on 27/Aug/07
Vikas towers over the roof level of the van at the end of that video - I think he is/was 7'9"+, and definitely bigger than Stadnyk for my money.
Highman said on 27/Aug/07
Big Guy: What photo are you talking about? The one of him in the green shirt in the soccer stadium with the two guys next to him? That is a horrible picture for photographic evidence -- bad angles and you cant see their feet or anything..... I would say the video of Uppal gives more slides for analysis and he doesn't look that tall in the video which was taken just before his surgery as it discusses the impending surgery. Has anyone else analyzed it??? Johnny C? What your thoughts? Anyone else?
Eclipse said on 27/Aug/07
Well here's a start... why hasn't anyone commented on Guinness' unpublicized downgrade of Stadnyk's height from 8-5.5 to 8-3.6?
Sanchez said on 27/Aug/07
Philo,Chaos: Philo I agree with your post on 8/25 100% and Chaos nice post on 8/24 Wow what a reminder.
99mpv scared away potential posters from this site with his unprofessionalism and I am glad that we are having this conversation about 99 so everybody can see how unhappy everybody was with him and just as important he can see how unhappy everybody was with him because I know he is reading every word we are writing.

Now enough talk about 99 lets get back to the real subject Wadlow and giants.
Now that things are civilized lets step-up the amount of information to this post fellow board menbers
Big Guy said on 27/Aug/07
I know it is a moot point as he is deceased. But I really believe that Vikas
Uppal was an 8 footer. Look at the photos of him on Johnny C's site. Even if
you put the other people in the the photos at 5' MAX, he has to be in the 8'
range. I came up with 8'.09" if the tallest person was 5'. If they are taller
then 5', then he was taller then that. I think he could have been one of the few "real" 8 footers. Does everyone disagree?
Highman said on 26/Aug/07
Kemble: Let me know your thoughts on the Book... anyone interviewed about his last day and how he was during his death? Must have been horrible. We did have a niece of Robert's post on this site before.
mask said on 26/Aug/07
Johnny C I had an idea it may be wrong but what do you think about calling your site instead of "the tallest people who ever lived" the "TALL OF FAME" and the "HALL OF FAME"
hirise said on 26/Aug/07
If 99mvp comes in as someone elso we would know him from his ego.

Rob, don't let this clown in again. He was nothing but a distuber to this forum. You just saw how a few forumers quotes a montage of the nonsense he was spewing out. Nobody wants the guy. This guy is a living mistake himself.
KEMBLE said on 25/Aug/07
Here's a book we all should have: "Boy Giant", a biography of Wadlow by Dan Brannan, an Alton newspaper editor. I just got a copy online. It's a paperback and not expensive (USA price $19-95.)Brennan talked to many people who remembered Wadlow, a task which couldn't have been left much longer. Harold Jr, the cute baby brother who appears in many of the photos, sadly died in 2000. He was the last of the immediate family. Robert's other brother and both his sisters are gone. His father died in 1969, his mother in 1980.
When Robert was 9, Pathé News filmed him at the family home. I wonder what happened to that footage? Doesn't seem to be on the Pathé website.
LV said on 25/Aug/07
That is NOT a 10' rim. He's not tall enough to dunk two-handed & flat-footed.
Philo said on 25/Aug/07

I have only posted on this board a few times, and haven't contributed much, but I have to disagree with you about 99mvp. While he certainly provoked "lively" (my quotes) discourse, I didn't see the overall effect of him being here as beneficial.

Jim Lanier come onto this board and gave us some very valuable and interesting perspectives on being a giant, and provided all of us with an opportunity to ask him many questions. 99mvp's reaction to him was harsh, and it could have been dealt with much more intellectual professionalism (which, after constant citing of his credentials, he insinuated he had). Furthermore, when posters asked Jim questions about his life and how he deals with his stature, 99mvp attempted (successfully) to quell those conversations and steer the discussion of the entire board back to HIS main interest: debunking the claims of Leonid Stadnyk with Guinness.

While 99mvp's desire to debunk Stadnyk I certainly agree with (as does most of this board), I think everyone here will agree that multiple discussions are certainly possible on a message board forum. It seems that he was trying to control the discourse here to what he wanted. That in itself shows profound egocentrism and narcissism, which we can certainly do without here.

His comments about how brilliant he is and how he never makes mistakes are immaterial here. But his actions have definitely denigrated the board by quelling discussions and chasing valuable posters away. I think Editor Rob made the right decision. Skepticism is always good, and 99mvp certainly contributed to that. But he did it in such a way that the overall effect was to squander the full range of possibilities this message board has.

That's my $0.02.
Anonymous said on 25/Aug/07
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Mike said on 24/Aug/07
I am delighted that 99mvp is no longer on this board. It's now a pleasure to read. Please don't allow him to come back; he ruined it while he was here.
chaos said on 24/Aug/07
eclipse, are you nuts? maybe you need a little reminder of how 99mvp talks about himself:
-"You do not have half of my intelligence"
-"When you have valuable information for this message board (as all board contributors will attest to with regard to my contributions- I have shared with this board photos of giants as well as brilliant insights ), then by all means be a positive contributor. But start a war with me and you will be CRUSHED, as I have done to all interlopers in the past."
-"My views have been reinforced by years of being proven correct on all matters."
-"my writing style is intended to provoke and stimulate discussion and shake people from lazy thinking and complacency. Too often people are "allowed" to be sloppy and I force people to think, to sharpen their views. I provide a valuable public service! My posts raise the intelligence level of discussion here by a minimum of 25 IQ points"
-I insist that you late-comers use that grey matter which is between your ears and provide some intelligent discourse. The bar has been set high by the likes of Arjun and others and certainly me."
-"I am provocative but usually provide objectively-brilliant insight"
-"board members eventually see the wisdom of my words."
-"I will smugly accept whatever apologies I am due"
-"The next time I need to retract anything I write of import will be the first."
-"that you would follow my lead as being the master of factual statements."
-"But it has dawned on me that I provide you with undeserved publicity. Without me, you would be exposed as someone without anything of real substance to contribute to this message board. "
-"You are being foolish if you think you can outsmart me. It is simply not possible."
-"I am better able to dissect sloppy reasoning than anyone here on this board, as I have demonstrated time and again."
-"You are not my intellectual equal."
-"Is it because you cannot match the standards of never being factually incorrect?"
and, of course, everyone's favourite:
“Everybody (except for me) makes mistakes.”

Keep in mind I didn't even bother listing his insults because there are too many. The guy thinks he's God's gift to humanity. If ever someone was long overdue for an ass kicking it's him.
Highman said on 24/Aug/07
Eclipse are you out of your mind. 99MVP had such narcassism that it gave me a headache.

There are real contributors on the Board like Johnny C, Mask, Julio, etc.

KEMBLE: Agree with your statement...totally.
Eclipse said on 24/Aug/07

That is precisely why I would like to see 99mvp back in the forum- for his perpsective on giants. No matter if you like or dislike him, you have to admit he has a contributed a lot to this board.
KEMBLE said on 24/Aug/07
The discussion is boring if you are bored with giants, I suppose. Personally, I find egocentric abuse very boring. Giants are fascinating. If they aren't we might as well all pack it in and get a different hobby.
Big Guy said on 24/Aug/07

I am not bored without 99mvp. Please DO NOT let him back. I saw nothing positive about someone who attempts to belittle everyone else.
Eclipse said on 24/Aug/07
The discussion on this message board has become very dry and dull since 99mvp has been eliminated. While I agree with a lot of you in that he could be mean to people, he contributed a lot to this site and gave some unique perspectives.

People should not take things so hard when posted by someone from behind a computer screen. In the case of 99mvp, take the good contrubutions and ignore the idiotic statements like "everyone (except for me) makes mistakes." I'm surprised at the reaction of everyone to such a statement. When you see something that outrageous, it's best to simply ignore it (kind of like how this message board ignored the story about the 60 foot skeleton). A statement like that is the equivalent of someone stating that he or she is perfect. Why would you people even react to someone claiming perfection?

Rob, I suggest allowing 99mvp back in.
sky's da limit said on 24/Aug/07
- No matter how valuable somebody is they can always be replaced -

i dont agree on this one .. for examble take michael jordan ..
now there are a'lot of great basketball players .. but theres only one jordan ..

see what i mean ?

only the average are easy replace'able
not everyone can be replaced

just like all humans are unique cant replace a person... with the exception of cloning.

but yes most people in their positions/jobs etc. are replaceable.
Highman said on 24/Aug/07
He was rude to Jim Lanier and if I recall correctly he was rude to a niece of Robert Wadlow's that posted on here and has not posted since -- which is a real shame.

Let's keep the discussion respectful.
Arj said on 24/Aug/07
Nice post Sanchez - I imagine 99 is still licking his wounds after the dose Johnny C gave him. I agree that he was unnecessarily rude to Jim Lanier, who I feel should have been treated better here.

Speaking of tall folk from Algeria, does anyone know much about Mounir Fourar? I can't link to it, but his w***pedia article is interesting. It contains a pretty impressive photo, and also claims that Mounir at one point grew 84cm in one year. This seems highly unlikely, but I still think he is a pretty impressive giant.
Arj said on 23/Aug/07
"Wasn't Sun Ming Ming measured at 7'8 3/4" recently?"

I believe he was when he signed to the Nighthawks.
Rob C said on 23/Aug/07
There is a basketball player from Algeria who is 2,29 meters or 7'6" tall. His name is Saad Kaiche and he is 22 years old, he wants to play for a basketball team in Spain.
Akirum byn Anaq said on 23/Aug/07
Muresan is 7-ft-7.25-inches. MingMing is 7-ft-8.75-inches.
LV said on 23/Aug/07
This is crazy, Muresan is a legit 7'7"+. He's taller than Bradley and Bol. Also, he's 1.5"+ shorter than Ming Ming here (Click Here). Why are we arguing this? Wasn't Sun Ming Ming measured at 7'8 3/4" recently?
Jason said on 22/Aug/07
look up to the tall people says on 22/Aug/07
''thats b/c they think he was measured in shoes when in fact he was not''

Nah, it was from comparison with others.
Nippu said on 22/Aug/07
Muresan sure look like at least 7-6. If Muresan is 7-5 Sung ming ming is 7´6-7´7 tops.
Viper said on 22/Aug/07
They said Muresan was 7-6 originally.
look up to the tall people said on 22/Aug/07
thats b/c they think he was measured in shoes when in fact he was not
Jason said on 22/Aug/07
I don't know about that. The guys on the basketball threads always had him at 7'5'', 7'5 1/2'' legit.
Highman said on 21/Aug/07
I don't think Uppal was anywhere near 8 feet. If he was he would have been measured because India is fanatical about world records.

Maybe someone can do photographic analysis like what has previously been done with Stadnik.
Akirum byn Anaq said on 21/Aug/07
Muresan is 7 ft 7. He was 7 ft 7 and 1/4 back in the mid nineties, and that's barefoot. He was taller than Manute Bol, by roughly an half inch--and is considered the tallest NBA player in the leagues history.
hirise said on 21/Aug/07
Hey Jason, Muresan has elected to be measured barefoot and the NBA recorded that measurement to be 7'7.33 inches. Go to the Sun Ming Ming website and see him standing next to Sun. Sun is probably 7'9" by the time his operation was performed. When precisely measured 8 months earlier Sun was 7'8.75" and he is not a whole lot taller than Muresan in the two clear photos.

Also...Johnny are ALL Class with your stats and website. You really make this board a lot of fun. Keep up the superb work.

Jim Lanier....keep on writing here we love a fresh perspective from someone who has such incredible height to give us shorties some idea of what it is to be that tall. All the best brother.
Jason said on 21/Aug/07
I don't think Muresan is 7'7'' ... unless he's grown since he's played basketball. I'd say closer to 7'5 1/2'' otherwise.
Akirum byn Anaq said on 20/Aug/07
hirise, I also agree Uppal was an 8-footer. His shoulders came well above a standard doorway.
Highman said on 20/Aug/07
Click Here

Another article mixing up the Chinese Giants.... I believe its Sun Mingming in Rush Hour 3.....Not XiShun
Rob C said on 20/Aug/07
The University of California at Berkeley has signed a 7'3" Chinese basketball player. His name is Xu "Max" Zhang and he is about 18 or 19 years old. He graduated from high school in 2006.
Jori said on 20/Aug/07
I don`t ever seen picture of Salmivirta. But some people was saw him in hospital and they are told that he`s shoulder are same height as hospital doors upper part. Doors height hospitals in Finlans is usually 210-220cm.
Highman said on 20/Aug/07
Jori: Have you ever seen a picture of him? or in person? Does he look tall?
Jim Lanier said on 20/Aug/07
Jason: My playing weight was 325 my senior year of college.

Johnny C: Thank you for updating your web sites.

Editor Rob: Thanks for editing out 99mvp.

Great posts ... keep up the positive writing! cheers :)
Jori said on 20/Aug/07

I think, there is no pictures of Salmivirta. I think, he hide of publicity these days. It is very difficult get photo of him.
Highman said on 19/Aug/07

Any pictures of Jarne Salmirivita???

Editor Rob: Thank you for helping the Board on 99MVP his naracisism was killing this board.
Jori said on 19/Aug/07
Here in Finland lives at least two taller man than Sami Eerola. Another is Nakke Kuusajärvi 229cm and another is Jarne Salmivirta 244cm. (Salmivirta was measured 1989 for book of Guinness World Records Finnish version) Salmivirta is still alive. He was born 1968 in Lohja Finland. I am working in hospital and I know many people in Finland who are taller as 210cm. Propably these tall people are more. Sorry,that my english is not very good.
jamie said on 19/Aug/07
Thanks Katsu for the info on Zhang Huan - kemble, I'm sceptical of Chinese news reports of giants rather than sceptical that East Asians can reach great heights.

Thinking about the tallest European - Neil Fingleton seems to have inched out Muresan by a fraction, and Alain Delaunois by a bit more. But there are several young people on the horizon. Has anyone seen the reports that Samuel Deguara (16) is now 223cm? I wonder if he can catch Neil to become the tallest European born living person (for whom we have some kind of evidence)? I know these Finns are rumoured to be huge, but whilst Semi Eerola is routinely given as the tallest man in Finland on finnish websites, I'm a non-believer.

A french basketball player Vincent Pourchot, is between 216 and 218cm and only 15 - so he might also be a contender.
Click Here

Tom Whalley is 'rumoured' to be a 7ft 14 year old from England who plays basketball for the Manchester Youth Team, an inch shorter than Neil Fingleton at the same age. This article has him at 6ft11.
Click Here
katsu said on 19/Aug/07
jamie:This Chinese giant is Zhang Huan, and lives at Shandong Xue Chengren.
He is 238cm and 163kg and 21 years old.
When he was born, his weight was already 5.8kg.
His father is 1.80m and his mother is 1.67m and his younger brother is 1.8m. When he was 12 years old, he was 1.8m. He was 2.1m at the age of 16.
Johnny C said on 19/Aug/07
Hope you like my Robert Wadlow gallery website Click Here
If anyone's able to search the Internet for photographs of Robert Wadlow I haven't included (or better-quality images than the ones I've posted), it would be great if you could provide the website links here, and I'll update the website accordingly. Also, if you know when some of the undated photographs were taken or if you think some of the photographs there aren't in correct chronological order, please let me know.
The same idea of wider involvement applies for making all my tall people websites the most comprehensive resources of their kind ever compiled (a full listing appears here Click Here), with additions (new entries and/or new photographs) and corrections (such as we've achieved here this week with the Lanier twins) now increasingly relying upon readers' input. Thanks in advance for your help folks.
joe said on 19/Aug/07
i think 174cm for koreans are little too short. i'm korean, and i have been to korea gazillion times and i would say korean young male avg. about 176cm-177cm. a generation above me(1980) is probably avg 173-175cm. my young nephew's high school seniors avg. 177cm. and there are just too many 185cm+ guys in my old neighborhood alone. young teens are just growing and growing. my dad's brother was the tallest in his high school at 180cm 25 years ago, but my nephew's class of 43 alone has 14 guys who are taller than 180cm. i'm 183cm and i'm considered a slightly tall individual. 10 years ago, i would've been considered as a very tall man, but right now? i'm just a slightly tall dude.
Eclipse said on 18/Aug/07
Akirum byn Anaq- I haven't see anything that convinces me that Stadnyk is anything over 7-9 at best. In looking at the photochopped pictures comparing him to Xi Shun, it appears Xi Shun is taller- and there is no way that Xi Shun is over 8-0. I do realize, however, that photochopped pictures are not something one can totally go by. I am using them, as well as any other picture of Stadnyk that I have seen, to conclude that he is not over 7-9. I believe that he is in the 7-7 to 7-9 range.
LV said on 18/Aug/07
OneL, I'm familiar with Stuart Gray as I've been a HUGE Pacer fan for years. His heyday was alittle before my time, but he still attends their games and does some guest spots/broadcasting. Just wait for Rik Smits' (7'4") daughter to grow up, she's estimated to be 6'5"+ as an adult and I'm sure his son will be 7'0" or more. He stills lives in this area also. They are selling the new Guiness at Best Buy in the US now. I glanced at it briefly this week, what a joke.
Poker Portal said on 18/Aug/07
Big Guy: Guinness always stated that Angus MacAskill was the tallest 'true' giant. He was about 2 inches taller than neil Fingleton if we believe their story. Personally I think Angus was a lot shorter, and not a 'true' giant. There is one picture of him that I know of (taken around 1855)and if that really is Angus he is not 7'9" at all but about 6'11" at the most. Neil Fingleton might be the tallest 'true' giant.

Disclaimer: the word 'True' was used by Guinness and I just borrowed it.
Big Guy said on 18/Aug/07
I just watched the video on Neil Fingleton posted by Poker Portal. Neil
is the tallest person I have seen who seems to be "normal", without any of
the staggering medical issues that most people have when they seem to pass
the 7'6"-7'7" height. He appears to walk normal without a cane and his features
seem just like someone 5'10" only larger. Does anyone know of anyone his height
or taller who is lacking the medical issues we so often see? I have never seen anyone 7'7" or taller look this "normal".
KEMBLE said on 18/Aug/07
Jamie - there have always seemed to be a lot of Chinese giants, but then, China has the biggest population of any nation on Earth, so if giants make up x% of a population, in China that will represent the greatest number of individuals. On a Chinese forum (thankfully in English!) I found a set of Chinese government stats for 2004 which may be interesting when looking at Chinese giants:
Males born after 1978:
Northern Chinese average 175 cm
Central Chinese average 170 cm
Southern Chinese 164 cm
Average for whole country 170cm
They also listed:
Korean 174 cm
Mongolian 175 cm
Young Japanese 170 cm
Akirum byn Anaq said on 18/Aug/07
Regardless of Guinness publishing nonsense. They are unhappy because Stadnyk turned down their offer to measure him in July. I have recently come to the conclusion that Stadnyk is a legitimate 8-footer. I'd say he's about 2,48 meters barefoot, and 2,53 meters in his shoes. A six foot man comes to below his rib cage, and a 6-ft-8 inch door comes a couple inches below his shoulders. The man is enormous, on par with Väinö Myllyrinne in stature.
Johnny C said on 18/Aug/07
LV and oneL: Having now carefully studied the photograph of Jim Lanier and his fiancée, the twins' entries in seven of my websites now appear at a height of 7 ft 6 inches (228.60 cm). Thanks for prompting me with that.
oneL: Great info. re: Stuart and Christiana Gray. I've now included an entry for Christiana in the following website Click Here (though I've yet to discover her date of birth or locate on the 'net a reasonable photograph) and entries for Stuart in these three websites Click Here Click Here and Click Here
jamie: I couldn't see anything in the Chinese website - sounds fascinating.
Eclipse, mask and Poker Portal: I suspect Guinness's eventual discovery of Stadnyk's actual height will embarrass them into undertaking proper future research into this record.
jamie said on 18/Aug/07
Can anyone who can read Chinese, or at least understand more Chinese characters than me, figure out this article?

I believe the man in question is considered to be 238cm and 21 years old - although I am sceptical of the growing band of Chinese giants.

Click Here
Eclipse said on 18/Aug/07
Wow- did you guys notice from the link in Mask's post...Guinness has him at 8-3.6 there (stating he was measured at the height in 2006), instead of 8-5.5.

The problem is even with the 8-3.6 posting, Guinness themselves never measured him!!!!

Going by what Guinness has released over the past month or so, Stadnyk has managed to shrink almost 2 inches!! Amazing!!! (said with tongue and cheek for those who have trouble reading typed sarcasm)
Poker Portal said on 18/Aug/07
Here is a video about Neil Fingleton: Click Here

The video itself is not that interesting, but halfway into the video there is a shot an opened 2008 Guinness Book and you can see a picture of Leonid Stadnyk. It is sad, but true.
oneL said on 18/Aug/07
Johnny C with your definition of "giant" I actually know a father and daughter from the area I live in. Stuart Gray 7'0" played for the Indiana Pacers #55, New York Nicks and the Charlotte Hornets.

Click Here

His daughter is Christina Gray 6'.5" a junior in high school and up coming volleyball star.

Click Here

LV you may know who Stuart is....
mask said on 18/Aug/07
Guys it's true!
Click Here
Akirum byn Anaq said on 18/Aug/07
I think Wadlow would have about 10 inches on Stadnyk. Stadnyk's height of 2,54 I presume is including his shoes, (I conclude he's 2,48 m barefoot). Xishun would come to Stadnyk's eye level. Anyone who doubts Stadnyk is an 8-footer must explain how a 6-ft-8 inch doorway can fall below a 7 1/2 footer's shoulders. Also, Stadnik stoops several inches when standing up most of the time.
Johnny C said on 18/Aug/07
Eclipse: My understanding of the definition "giant" is anyone in the tallest one percentile of their gender/age/race group, which exact height changes through time. Currently, I believe respectively adult male and female Caucasian giants stand at least 6 ft 6.5 inches (199.39 cm) and 6 ft 1.5 inches (186.69 cm).
Apologies for the "Johnny C- 99mvp pissing contest". You witnessed these past few days yet another end-cycle phase of a couple of months of 99mvp gradually annoying more and more people here.
hirise said on 18/Aug/07
I read the last comment on my first post with 99mvp. What a joker. I'll be crushed? What a way to talk...........

Editor Rob
99 annoys too many people and potentially drives folk away from here, so the rest of your message has effectively not needed repeating.
LV said on 17/Aug/07
I assure you guys that he is taller than 7'3.9". I've seen him twice in person at a very close distance. I've seen 7'0"+ guys before and he would dwarf them.
Eclipse said on 17/Aug/07
In an effort to steer this message board back to discussion on giants (and away from the Johnny C- 99mvp pissing contest), I pose the following question- At what height is one considered a "giant"?
Johnny C said on 17/Aug/07
onel: Your persistence suggests I ought now to take an analytical look at Jim Lanier's photograph with his fiancée (99mvp, note the spelling there of the female to whom one is betrothed, not...... 99mvp says on 15/Aug/07 "Wow- That is quite a disparity in height between Jim Lanier and his fiance!!" - those mistakes really are so numerous [99mvp says on 3/Aug/07 “Everybody ( except for me ) makes mistakes.”]...... "the product of speedy typing rather than a lack of knowledge"? - draw your own conclusions folks), in heels and, according to Editor Rob, just shy of 5 ft 1 inch (154.94 cm).
oneL said on 17/Aug/07
Johnny C - What else do you need Jim Lanier to do for you to have their current height reflected on your WebPages? Do you need a different photo or to have someone specific measure him?
Johnny C said on 17/Aug/07
99mvp: by the way, THAT ("remember") is the correct spelling, not "rememeber"!
Johnny C said on 17/Aug/07
For those new to this message board, please allow me to illustrate (with one of countless examples) just how rude and factually incorrect is this forum’s real saboteur, 99mvp.
Just as we were enjoying a discussion on the subject of Finnish giants, such as Väinö Myllyrinne, Lauri Moilanen (Louis), Jarne Salmivirta, Reino Rutanen, Rauvan Jaakko, Daniel Mynheer Cajanus and Sami Eerola (Eeronen), 99mvp came in, inevitably, with his insults to spoil things:

99mvp says on 23/May/07
“Finlnad does not invent things. They do not travel into space, etc. So like almost every country in the world, it is.....inconsequential.”

Most of the world’s citizens would take vigorous issue with 99mvp’s condemnation of their homeland (indeed, I then exchanged e-mails with a very annoyed Finnish reader of this message board, advising her not to take 99mvp’s insults personally, as 99mvp is generally disposed to being insulting), but let’s examine the other of 99mvp’s “facts”: “Finlnad does not invent things.” (presumably, 99mvp means Finland? – yet another mistake! Remember this - 99mvp says on 3/Aug/07 “Everybody ( except for me ) makes mistakes.”) and “They do not travel into space”
Click Here and Click Here for information re: Finland’s heritage of invention and contemporary inventors, and consider Finland’s participation in the European Space Agency and their involvement in the Cassini/Huygens project.

Perhaps in particular respect of that disrespectful “inconsequential” assertion and the inventors of “Finlnad”, 99mvp will review this comment submitted here a few weeks ago:

99mvp says on 30/Jul/07
“Rememeber something- I am NEVER NEVER wrong about a factual matter.”
99mvp said on 17/Aug/07
Johnny C- Why do you persist in making a fool out of yourself with your unhealthy obsession with me? It is jealousy because your credentials do not match a CPA and JD? Is it because you cannot match the standards of never being factually incorrect? Believe me, that is a burden you would not want to have. But these are all rhetorical questions. Personal attacks against me will continue to result in your being CRUSHED you with the full force of my intellect. You have no chance whatsoever. And by the way, that was a very low blow to invoke the name of Wayne Gretzky, since I am the only one on this message board remotely qualified to comment on The Great One.

With that said, I offer a truce with Johnny C and anyone else who was "insulted" by me. Editor Rob deserves a higher degree of discourse and I have tried mightily to steer this message board back to the discussion of giants. I take no pleasure in verbal beatdowns because this is truly child's play for me and no challenge whatsoever.

So with a clean slate, I bid goodbye for now.
Neil said on 17/Aug/07
If there was not irrefutable evidence with correct measurements at the time of someone being measured then you will not get a definitive measurement.
Johnny C said on 17/Aug/07
Is anyone surprised I've come to my senses and blocked e-mail communication with 99mvp? Just imagine opening those "I'm never wrong about anything" e-mails...... And I'm accused of being immature to inform him a number of us really are not interested in that stuff!
Anyway, enough of that (shudders!).
99mvp said on 17/Aug/07
Eclipse and Chris- Thanks for getting this message board back on track, despite the efforts of Johnny C to sabotage the proceedings.

Is this not a source of frustration for everybody on this message board that there seems to be no way we will be able to get definitive measurements for all of the tallest living giants?? I am rather dismayed by that reality.
Johnny C said on 17/Aug/07
onel: Although I've included both Jim Lanier's new photographs in various of my websites, I couldn't gauge from them an accurate height.
99mvp: It's clear how desperate you are about something - and we hope you successfully address your delusions. You recently insulted just one too many of my friends here to let it pass again, and your style of self-appraising comment, including:
99mvp says on 30/Jul/07
“Rememeber something- I am NEVER NEVER wrong about a factual matter.”
serves to set yourself up as an object of ridicule.
Eclipse said on 17/Aug/07
99mvp- Oh, I know the list is bad.. I was just throwing it out there as yet another list.

And as far as hearing back from Guinness- no- and I don't plan on it either since it appears no one else has. I'm sure they deleted it 5 seconds after they received it.
oneL said on 17/Aug/07
Johnny C- Have you had a chance to review the photo's sent by Jim Lanier? Do you believe he and his brother are still the 7'3.9"?
99mvp said on 17/Aug/07
Johnny C has once again denied me personal e-mail access. I have never encountered a bigger baby in my entire life. He fools everybody on this message board into thinking he is this wonderful person when in fact he is incredibly immature. Which is such a shame. I am desperately trying to take the high road here.
chris said on 17/Aug/07
in this video clip Stadnyk looks taller than I've ever seen him

and check out the size of that hand !!!

Click Here

But, I still don't think he's over 8 foot.....
chris said on 17/Aug/07
now this guy looks way tall....

Click Here
Johnny C said on 17/Aug/07
Poker Portal: You'll soon discover it's the continued recurrence here of this sort of comment from 99mvp (normally accompanied by insults) that prompts our "get real" stuff:
99mvp says on 3/Aug/07
“Everybody ( except for me ) makes mistakes.”
99mvp said on 17/Aug/07
Highman- ARE YOU BLIND??? Can you not see for yourself that I am doing everything within my power to get this message board back on track??
Highman said on 17/Aug/07
99MVP: The tone of your input is hindering the discussion on the Board.
99mvp said on 17/Aug/07
Poker Portal- I agree 100%. How could someone as sweet and nice as me have come under such a vicious assault??? I think I'm about to cry.......
Johnny C said on 17/Aug/07
Poker Portal: I agree with you. However, in order to maintain a sense of perspective here, the delusions and insults of 99mvp (a relative newcomer here, Nov. 2006) have occasionally needed to be kept in check.
Johnny C said on 17/Aug/07
99mvp: Again I ask, please confirm which of the following of your contradictory statements is true:

99mvp says on 3/Aug/07
“Everybody ( except for me ) makes mistakes.”

99mvp says on 17/Aug/07
"......I get upset with myself when I make a spelling error on this message board......"

Your numerously infantile claim is that you never make errors of fact (also, consider how mature are you to state “Everybody ( except for me ) makes mistakes.”?), yet here you're stating opposing positions. You either do make errors or you don't - either way, one of your statements constitutes factual error.
99mvp said on 17/Aug/07
Johnny C drones on and on. How pathetic. Stick to your websites- That is clearly your strength and not construction of effective lucid arguments.

katsu- We haven't heard from you in a while. Any new info to share with us? I don't remember- Was it you that told us that Guinness was going to recognize Zhang in its next edition? Has that plan been abandoned due to this Stadnyk mess??

Bendy- Thanks for pointing out that Editor Rob has created a thread for Leonid Stadnyk and posted a height for him of 8-feet. It is my hope that Editor Rob will adjust that figure downwards as soon as he feels comfortable.
Johnny C said on 17/Aug/07
99mvp: As is your custom, you continue to apply dual standards: you believe you may use nasty tones to correct people's spelling, but you can't handle receiving it.
I suggest you quit your deluded self-praising - you do not merit it. Maybe ask yourself, did Wayne Gretzky achieve greatness because he wouldn't stop talking about how wonderful he thought he was, or did others acclaim his as such in recognition of what he actually did?
99mvp said on 17/Aug/07
Johnny C- You are being infantile. Of course I meant "English" and not "Engish". I am not even aware that I left off a letter, and feel no need to check since I will take you word on that. And I appreciate being corrected on any spelling errors I make, like the word "prerogative". But you did that in a nasty way that was simply disgraceful. Your lengthy post just now was foolish and unnecessary. You embarrassed yourself. It was boring and poorly constructed. You are not my intellectual equal. At the risk of being sexist, your post is reminiscent of when one argues with a woman and she brings up things long forgotten and your head is spinning and wondering what the heck she is talking about and she drones on and on. The guys on this message board will know what that feels like!! Ha ha. Maybe you were a woman in a former life, Johnny C!! Ha ha. No offense.

I held out an olive branch by properly declaring that this is growing tedious and does NOT further the discussion of GIANTS and you prompty took my magnanimous gesture and swatted me over the head. I will take the high road here and let your infantile post speak for itself.

May I remind you that the current attacks on me started from a rude post by a person named "hirise" who has NOT returned since? Big Show explained to this message board that he was out of line. So are you. Move on.

With that said, has anybody here gotten any official response from Guinness concerning Stadnyk?
Poker Portal said on 17/Aug/07
Can't we just all get along :-) and remember Editor Rob's last sentence on the frontpage:

"Please note, the site is meant to be light hearted in tone."
Johnny C said on 17/Aug/07
99mvp: Please confirm which of the following of your contradictory statements is true:

99mvp says on 3/Aug/07
“Everybody ( except for me ) makes mistakes.”

99mvp says on 17/Aug/07
"......I get upset with myself when I make a spelling error on this message board......"

You state both positions as fact, yet you either do make mistakes or you don't.

Maybe you'll reflect on your inconsistencies and errors, such that you'll spare us further of your deluded self-praise, and your insulting tone and attitude toward other contributors to this forum?
Johnny C said on 17/Aug/07
99mvp: Let me remind you of a message you submitted here earlier this month:
99mvp says on 3/Aug/07
“Everybody ( except for me ) makes mistakes.”

You claim your spelling errors on this message board (which errors number many dozens, and which I can reproduce here, should anyone wish) are the product of speedy typing rather than a lack of knowledge on your part. I would ask, therefore, why you repeatedly make exactly the same error with certain words?
For example, let’s consider your (attempted) use of the word “prerogative” here over the past few months:
99mvp says on 1/Jun/07
“……your list will NOT credit a giant with an assumed height based on normal spinal curvature. That is certainly your perogative. You choose not to……”
99mvp says on 10/May/07
“The fact that you think that my collection is lame is certainly your perogative since that is simply your opinion.”
99mvp says on 6/May/07
“This message board is about searching for the truth of very elusive heights of giants and to share the thoughts with others who are fascinated by this subject matter, not to cater to silly children like yourself or viger, who for instance states that it is anyone's perogative to believe that Stadnyk is 8-feet tall.”
99mvp says on 6/May/07
“viger- I am on vacation in Canada for the last four days and have written a few posts but have not had a chance to study the last flurry of postings by everybody here. I will do so this week sometime. But I liked this sentence by Richard when referring to himself: "I have noticed that my powers of internet research are fantastic along with my technical wizardry and lyrical waxing ability." Richard is indeed one-of-a-kind when it comes to self-love, putting even me to shame!! Ha ha.
But the one comment that struck me as particularly troubling was this one by viger: "Get a life man for real if someone wanted to believe Stadnyk is 8' that is his perogative and gives Richard no right to act like a jerkoff."
viger- That little sentence gives us all a window into the simpleton that you are- You employ a trite silly phrase ( "Get a life" ) which is beyond embarrassing and one used by teenagers. And to actually DEFEND someone who believes Stadnyk to be the 8-footer he cannot possibly be by stating that it is that person's "perogative" shows us all here on this message board that you truly DON'T GET IT. This message board is NOT about meekly deferring to someone's irrational conclusions and chalking it up to people having the right to believe whatever they want about heights, as wrong as they might be. A big part of this message board is to provide guidance as to the actual heights of giants, most of whom do not submit to official measurements and thus there is a lot of misinformation about their heights. I have NO respect for anybody who is not dedicated to finding out the TRUTH about these heights. You are a shameful example of one of those people. Why don't you write next time that it is someone's perogative to believe that Stadnyk is 9 feet tall?
This message board is not for the weak of heart. If you are unwillingly to support the quest of people who are digging for the truth of someone's actual height but would rather give support to those who believe the wrong height by saying that it is the person's perogative, I will continue to RIP YOU TO SHREDS. Here's another trite expression- GROW UP.” ……Four times in one comment.
99mvp says on 19/Apr/07
“The level of proof that has been offered to show that we have indeed been stating the correct fact that Stadnyk is nowhere near 8'4" is not persuasive to viger for some reason. That is his perogative of course.”

Using the tone you adopted for hirise: by the way, THAT (prerogative) is the correct spelling, not "perogative”.

99mvp says on 17/Aug/07
“……I get upset with myself when I make a spelling error on this message board in my haste in typing my thoughts, even though those are the product of speedy typing rather than a lack of knowledge on my part. Spelling mistakes have always irked me since they are the product of ignorance.”

Let me remind you again of the message you submitted here earlier this month:
99mvp says on 3/Aug/07
“Everybody ( except for me ) makes mistakes.”


B.T.W., maybe scroll down to your posting of 15/Aug/07 in which you refer to your not being a teacher – presumably, you mean “English” and not “Engish”?
Your mistakes go on and on…………

Once again:
99mvp says on 3/Aug/07
“Everybody ( except for me ) makes mistakes.”
99mvp said on 17/Aug/07
Eclipse- That Jeff Pyle list is obviously quite old since in his opening remarks that Sandy Allen is still growing at the height of 7'5 3/16". We know her final peak height was 7'7.25". And his list is VERY inaccurate since Johnny C lists Jan Van Albert ( alias Albert Kramer ) as being 7'8.25" rather than 9'5" and Fedor Machnow/Machnov as being 7'9.7" rather than 9'3". And while he lists Nashnush, where is Monjane?

The only positive thing about that list is that he ranks Don Koehler at 8'2" ahead of Vaino Myllyrinne at 8'1.2". Take THAT, Nippu!! Ha ha.
99mvp said on 17/Aug/07
Johnny C- I will be happy to reconcile for you. I am not an English teacher yet nevertheless I am always bothered when I see misspelled words. In fact, I get upset with myself when I make a spelling error on this message board in my haste in typing my thoughts, even though those are the product of speedy typing rather than a lack of knowledge on my part. Spelling mistakes have always irked me since they are the product of ignorance. One need not be a schoolteacher to be annoyed by spelling blunders. So that is not at all an inconsistency. One point down, one to go:
Furthermore, Johnny writes that "I have set myself up" when he informs this message board of kemble's contribution on July 27th. Yet I CLEARLY wrote that "I have scrolled down this entire page". That entry was NOT on this page. So I was NOT wrong with that statement, was I? You are being foolish if you think you can outsmart me. It is simply not possible.
With that said, I will concede that kemble's July 27th entry concerning the current whereabouts of the Jane Bunford skeleton was indeed valuable information.

Now that I have dealt with Johnny C, I turn to you, kemble. You just wrote that:" "Permit" synonymous with "prevent"? No, of course it isn't. When did I ever indicate that it was?"
Very simple- when you broached the subject in one of yesterday's posts. You wrote in reference to my usage of the word "suffer" this: "Used in this sense, "suffer" means "permit"...Sorry, old chum, but you can't prevent it." So you did indeed link the two words of permit and prevent. You are conveying the concept that my declaring that I not suffer your criticisms as being something that I could not prevent. Read your post again to refresh your memory as to the misguided concept ( suffer=permit=prevent ) that you tried to convey to me.
With that out of the way, I turn to your statement "There is a widespread and mistaken belief that lawyers are particularly qualified to search for truth. A lawyer is not concerned with objective truth, is he?"
You confuse "concern" with "ability". Law school trained my mind to be even sharper than it was. I am better able to dissect sloppy reasoning than anyone here on this board, as I have demonstrated time and again. So my ABILITY to get to the truth and to probe weaknesses in arguments is stronger than the average person's ability. But the lawyer's mandate/concern is to use that ability to serve the client and NOT reveal the truth.
However, it is MY particular nature that searches for the truth. I do not speak for other lawyers. I speak for myself. So my training has given me the tools to better serve MY goal of uncovering truth.

So kemble- I do not need to resort to "ad hominem arguments" to whip you.

But in the interests of this message board, I will agree to cease administering to you these verbal beatdowns. They are growing quite tiresome and do NOT advance the discussion of GIANTS. This message board deserves better.
Eclipse said on 17/Aug/07
The following is a list that I found on a website- someone named Jeff Pyle from New Zealand. I have serious doubts as to its validity, but I'm throwing it out there for discussion.


All persons except the two women on this list are reputed to have stood 8 ft. or taller. No women has ever achieved a scientifcally verified height of 8 ft. Currently, the tallest living woman is the "still growing" Sandy Allen ( b.1955) of Shelbyville. Ind.s who measures 7ft 5-3/16in

1. GOLIATH OF GOTH (c.1060 B.C.)
Philistine giant killed by David with a sling. The Bible puts his height at "six cubits and a span" (9 ft. 6-1/2in) But some early histroians claim he was only 6ft 10in.

2. JAN VAN ALBERT ( c. 1920)
Dutch giant , 9ft 5in whose photograph appeared in The New York Times in June 1920.

3. MACHNOW (c.1905)
Russian giant, 9ft 3in who appeared in the London Hippodrome in 1905

4. JOHN MIDDLETON (c.1610)
A giant in the reign of England's James I. He is said to have measured 9ft 3in.

An American giant born in Alton, Ill., who at 8ft 11.1in attained the greatest scientifically verified height for a human being.

6. JOHN F. CARROLL (1932 - 1969)
Born in Buffalo, N.Y., Carroll measured 8ft 7-3/4in

A thracian of unusual size and strength who was emperor of Rome ( 235-238). He is reputed to have been 8 ft 6 in in height.

8. JAMES TOLLER (1795-1819)
Born on August 28, 1795, James Toller, known as "the young English Giant" stood 8ft 1-1/2in at age 18 and is reported to have been 8ft 6in when he died. He was exhibited in London in 1815-1816 and was presented to the czar of Russia and the king of Prussia.

9.JOHN WILLIAM ROGAN (1871-1905)
Born in Gallatin, Tenn., he measured 8ft 6in.

10. DON KOEHLER (b.1925
A resident of Chicago, Ill. Koehler is the world's tallest lIving person at 8ft 2in. (1978)

11. VAINO MYLLYRINE (1909-1963)
Born in Helsinki, Finland, Myllyrine measured 8ft 1.2in

A Libyan giant who stands 8ft 0.4in tall after having undergone a successful operation to halt abnormal growth.

13. CHARLEMAGNE (742-814)
King of the Franks and founder of the Holy Roman Empire, Charlemagne is said to have been 8ft tall.

14. JANE BUNFORD (1895-1922)
Born at Bartley Green, England, Jane Bunford stood 7ft 7in., though she would have measured 7ft 11in had it not been for a curvature in her spine. She attained the greatest scientifically verified height for a woman, and she grew her hair to a record length of 8ft.

15. ANNA SWAN (c.1865)
A Nova Scotian giantess 7ft 5-1/2in in height who became a member of P.T.Barnum's Museum at age 17. She nearly burned to death in 1865 when the museum caught fire and rescue attempts were hampered because of her size. She was at last lifted to safety by means of a tackle and derrick. Anna Swan was presented to Queen Victoria in 1869, and later married Capt. Martin Van Buren Bates, a Kentucky giant approximately 7ft 2-1/2in.–...
KEMBLE said on 17/Aug/07
"Permit" synonymous with "prevent"? No, of course it isn't. When did I ever indicate that it was? It's interesting that you were trained in law. There is a widespread and mistaken belief that lawyers are particularly qualified to search for truth. A lawyer is not concerned with objective truth, is he? He is concerned with persuading his hearers of the truth of a particular version of events, which he may privately know to be untrue. We have had plenty of this from Tony Blair, who is a lawyer by training. Also, I'd have thought that one of the things you'd have been taught at law school was the inadvisable nature of ad hominem argument. As to likening your wits to a bazooka, well, that'll do. A bazooka is basically a tube and so, like all tubes, hollow. Oh, and it makes a lot of noise.
Johnny C said on 17/Aug/07
99mvp: You really are setting yourself up.
99mvp says on 16/Aug/07
"Kemble=Tremble...... I have scrolled down this entire page and, as I suspected, found absolutely nothing of substance that you have contributed to this message board. Nothing."
KEMBLE says on 27/Jul/07
"I emailed the Dean's office at Birmingham University Medical School regarding the Bunford skeleton, and received the following reply:
"The skeleton of Jane Bunford is no longer in the Medical School. We disposed of her anatomy collection some years ago on educational grounds and the skeleton of Jane Bunford at that time was buried." I don't quite understand how they DISPOSED of her remains ON EDUCATIONAL GROUNDS. Probably family pressure. I wonder what the law is, on remains of known individuals. Could the Merrick family have the Elephant Man's skeleton removed from the London Hospital museum?
Anyway, there you have it. The Bunford skeleton is completely inaccesible. Make the most of that photograph!"
Nippu said on 17/Aug/07
Comparison between stadnyk and wadlow is not fair to Wadlow. Check out how much bigger shoes Stadnyk have. I think Wadlow have bigger shoes. And i think Robert´s brother should be bigger comparison these two women??? And also picture of Vaino and Stadnyk. Two big difference in shoe size. So Wadlow an Shun should both be shorter in these pictures. Everybody knows Roberts shoe size.
99mvp said on 16/Aug/07
Big Show- You tell us that "in his [wolverinejoe80's] comparison of Xi-Shun and Wadlow, Wadlow is indeed too small" given that since Wadlow is 8'3" in that picture, there should be "a 6-inch difference" as opposed to "only a 4-4.5 inch difference there".
Good point! That is an even BETTER result! Because Stadnyk has a similar disadvantage in comparison to Wadlow. And we can see that Stadnyk is not quite as tall as Xi Shun in yet another comparison photochopped image provided by wolverinejoe80. So does this still does not convince you, Neil? Anybody else have any thoughts after studying all of the photos in the link provided by Big Show to wolverinejoe80's photochopped pictures??
Sanchez said on 16/Aug/07
To the Board: Name calling and personel insults have no place on this board ,if we are going to be taken seriously by other people and organizations we must step up are game and professionalism must be at its highest,
99mvp said on 16/Aug/07
Kemble- By the way, your remark on my correcting Neil over his expression was totally mean-spirited. Anyone with half a brain could see my good-natured intentions in which I made that observation. Neil no doubt took no offense to that. In fact, I was self-deprecating when I agreed with him!
Furthermore, my usage of the word "suffer" with respect to your petty criticisms of me was absolutely proper since I did indeed mean it in the "permit" sense, as in I will not allow your drivel to go unchallenged. Thus, your usage of the word "permit" as being synonymous with "prevent" was misguided, old chum.

But it has dawned on me that I provide you with undeserved publicity. Without me, you would be exposed as someone without anything of real substance to contribute to this message board. I hope you prove me wrong in that prediction, since this message board deserves quality posts. Only time will tell.
99mvp said on 16/Aug/07
Kemble=Tremble. Tough guy behind a keyboard. I do NOT mangle the English language, you dolt. You remind me of the people I would carve up debating in law school. In a battle of wits, you come armed with a popgun and I come armed with a bazooka. That is evident for all to see.
I have scrolled down this entire page and, as I suspected, found absolutely nothing of substance that you have contributed to this message board. Nothing.
It is always the loudest troublemakers who have nothing to offer this message board except their warped sense of righteousness.
In fact, you made a fool out of yourself trying to defend Guinness but then your humiliation was complete when you wrote on August 9th "Well, I take back all I've said before." One would have thought that that slice of humble pie would have taught you a valuable lesson and that you would follow my lead as being the master of factual statements. The next time I need to retract anything I write of import will be the first. So I advise you in the strongest terms to cease making a public spectacle out of yourself and to post on this message board only when you have anything of significance to share with us. That last point you made about accuracy to one-tenth af an inch does NOT count since you should know that when Guinness does the measuring, they take an AVERAGE of the heights they obtain during the specified time period.
Johnny C said on 16/Aug/07
KEMBLE: Given that the standard fractions of the inch, an Imperial unit of length, are half, quarter, eighth, sixteenth and thirtysecond, I concur with your unease re: the .1 of an inch (a metric fraction) quoted for Robert Wadlow's height.
Of related note, Guinness rounded up Wadlow's height from 8 ft 11.09 inches in a relatively early edition of their records book.
Must agree with you re: 99mvp's inconsistency, finding it difficult, for instance, to reconcile these two statements:
99mvp says on 15/Aug/07
"I am NOT an Engish-language school teacher." and
99mvp says on 15/Aug/07
"Or am I still a weasel ( by the way, THAT is the correct spelling, not "weasle" )?"
KEMBLE said on 16/Aug/07
99mvp - why is correcting someone's mistake over a colloquial expression (grain of salt) acceptable, but my correcting your mangling of standard English unacceptable? So it's not wise to get on your nerves, eh? Oh, my,I'm shaking with fright...
Everybody - I've never been happy with the official height for Wadlow of 8' 11.1" In the case of an object as flexible as a large human being, I don't believe it's possible to take a measurement accurate to a tenth of an inch.
99mvp said on 16/Aug/07
Mask- Thanks for posting the direct link to the photo. ( But you should not have posted the IRS Circular 230 Disclosure. That is attached to all of my outgoing e-mails now evidently. And I will NOT give out free tax advice. Ha ha. )

Big Show- Thank you very much for posting the link leading to wolverinejoe80's photochopped images!!

I agree 100% with Eclipse's response to these revealing photos, but Neil is skeptical as to the usefulness of these comparisons. Anyone else want to weigh in??
Jason said on 16/Aug/07
Jason says on 16/Aug/07
Jim Lanier says on 15/Aug/07
''Jason: I weigh 355 lbs.''

Far out. What weight did you play b-ball at? You still look in good shape!''

EDIT: I was scrolling down the page and saw another of your posts where you said your weight and basketball weight lol! I must have missed that earlier. :P I'm not one of the regular posters on this page (the Robert Wadlow one). What other big name players have you met besides Chuck Nevitt?
Neil said on 16/Aug/07
Its not good solid visual evidence because Xi Shuns wife is only about 5'6 with the heels not 5'6 without the heels. If she was the height claimed then Xi Shun is something like 8'ft in the pic which we know he isnt.
Eclipse said on 16/Aug/07
99mvp- Taking a look at those links you just posted makes me wonder even more how anyone that took all of 60 seconds to look at evidence could legitimately conclude that Stadnyk is 8'0", let alone 8'5.5"!!! It's very telling to me how Guinness fails to respond to ANYBODY. What a Mickey Mouse organization!
Big Show said on 16/Aug/07
When you click on the link to the Wadlow/Xi-Shun comparison, you just have to click on username wolverinejoe80 to see all the pictures in his album. The Stadnyk/Wadlow pic is still there, although Wolverinejoe80 states that the comparison is inaccurate because Wadlow is too small. In his comparison of Xi-Shun and Wadlow, Wadlow is indeed too small there if he's around 8'3 there. An 8'3 person could probably look over the top of a 7'9 person's head, yet in the pic it looks as Xi-Shun is just above Wadlow's eye level which indicates there's only a 4-4.5 inch difference there, when it should be a 6 inch difference.

Click Here
99mvp said on 16/Aug/07
To get good solid visual evidence of the fraud Stadnyk, on the Sun Ming Ming thread on April 8th, wolverinejoe80 provided a photochopped picture ( which merge separate photos into one photo ) of Stadnyk next to Xi Shun, and a photochopped pictures of Xi Shun next to the 18-year-old Robert Wadlow ( who was 8'2.5"-8'3.5" then ). Those links still work. So I invite everybody over to that thread to view those links. Unfortunately the link no longer works to the photochopped Stadnyk-Wadlow comparison photo, which was posted on April 7th on that thread by wolverinejoe80. There was great discussion that day on that photo, which brilliantly merged separate pictures of Wadlow and Stadnyk into one. But I copied & pasted it into my computer and now have to find a way to get that link posted on this message board.
99mvp said on 16/Aug/07
Unfortunately the link no longer works to the photoshopped Stadnyk-Wadlow comparison photo, which was posted on April 7th on the Sun Ming Ming thread by wolverinejoe80. There was great discussion that day on that photo, which brilliantly merged separate pictures of Wadlow and Stadnyk into one. But I copied & pasted it into my computer and now have to find a way to get that link posted on this message board.
99mvp said on 16/Aug/07
I meant to write "Big Show" when I mentioned that he understands the difference between being RUDE and being FORCEFUL. As Big Show wrote, I in no way insulted Jim Lanier. Only a fool would interpret my posts to him in such a twisted negative light.

It should be noted that Johnny C, for the time being at least, continues to list the Lanier twins at 7'3.9". And his website carries far more authoritative weight than little old me.
99mvp said on 16/Aug/07
I forgot to mention you Neil. You wrote that "just take what 99mvp says with a bit of salt. We know he becomes a bit outspoken now and again but a lot of the time he does make sense."
I believe the expression is "grain of salt". And you are right! Ha ha.
But making sense "a lot" of the time?? Try "always". Ha ha.

I would like to get a link to this message board of that photoshopped picture I alluded to in the post I just wrote. That picture places Stadnyk and an 8'2"-8'4" Wadlow next to each other in the same room. I will try to get someone to help me do that. I think it is very nicely done.
Mike said on 16/Aug/07
One thing that interests me about Stadnyk (no, I don't think he's any taller than about 7'6") is video of him walking. The way he moves his legs is similar to the way Wadlow moved his. It's particularly evident when you see compare video of them walking up stairs.
KEMBLE said on 16/Aug/07
Wayne Gretzky? Who the hell is he?
So young 99 will "not suffer" criticism from me! Used in this sense, "suffer" means "permit" (there I go, being an English teacher again). Sorry, old chum, but you can't prevent it.
Jason said on 16/Aug/07
Jim Lanier says on 15/Aug/07
''Jason: I weigh 355 lbs.''

Far out. What weight did you play b-ball at? You still look in good shape!
ssx said on 16/Aug/07
Eclipse, that was a very good email that you sent to Guinness. I really fell than Zhang is legitimately the tallest living human and deserves credit due to him because of it. Guinness also keeps listing Sandy Allen as the tallest female and have been for years even though Yao Defen is taller than her by at least 1 or 2 inches. Sorry 99mvp for the misquote. I just found this board and enjoy reading and posting on a topic that has intrigued me for many years, but I am still learning.
Eclipse said on 16/Aug/07
99mvp- Very impressive in calling Andrew Good. Thank you for the contribution.
Eclipse said on 16/Aug/07
I e-mailed Guinness the following last night:

I am writing concerning your claim that Leonid Stadnyk is the current tallest living human at 8’5.5”. I strongly disagree with this claim for the following reasons:

First, there is no indication that Stadnyk was measured at this height in accordance with the rules that Guinness has lived by when measuring human height- three measurements in one day- morning, midday and night- by Guinness staff.

Second, it appears that Guinness is relying on the alleged 8.5’5” measurement of Dr. Besser in listing Stadnyk as the world’s tallest living human. Subsequent to your announcement of the 8’5.5” Stadnyk measurement, evidence suggests that Dr. Besser himself stated that he has never personally measured Stadnyk and further believes that Stadnyk is 8’4” and NOT the 8’5.5” listed in your new book.

Third, though photographic evidence can be faulty, there is plenty of it out there showing that Stadnyk is nowhere near this claimed height of 8’5.5”. Any picture of the properly measured Robert Wadlow at 8’11.1” will illustrate this. In comparing photographs of the two standing next to others, it is extremely unlikely that Stadnyk is only 5.5 inches shorter than Wadlow was at the time of his last measurement. Furthermore, comparing Stadnyk to photos of Grady Patterson illustrate that Stadnyk is not even close to Patterson’s alleged 8’8.25” height.

I am further inquiring as to why Guinness has not tried to verify the height of Zhang Jun Cai, whom I believe to be the world’s tallest living person at 7’11”. Of all of the photographs of living giants that I have seen (and there have been plenty), I have yet to see anyone appear taller than Zhang. If you are going to list Stadnyk at an outrageous height without an actual measurement, why has the case of Zhang not been looked into? Any picture of Zhang that I have seen makes him look at least 2-3 inches taller than any picture of Stadnyk that I have seen. This, coupled with other evidence, causes me to believe that Stadnyk is in the range of 7’7” to 7’9”.

Unfortunately, it appears that the truth has nothing to do with what you publish and that word of mouth will suffice to get someone listed as a record breaker in your book. I cannot get over the fact that you are listing someone as the tallest living human being without a measurement of that person!!!!

The listing of Stadnyk by your book at 8’5.5” is such a gross exaggeration in my mind that going forward, I will no longer consider your book reliable in any way, shape or form. Furthermore, I will most certainly cease to purchase it or use it as a reference.
Sanchez said on 15/Aug/07
I wish I had more time wright but I am a very busy man

99mvp: I agree with Highman, your tone and rhetoric is definitely harsh and I definitely did not like the way you talked to Jim Lanier and don't try to sugar-coat it, Why do you always have the constant need to talk down to people when they do not agree with you You are the only one left on this board who still cast personel insults , treat people the way you want them to treat you, with respect. Hirise's gut instinct was somewhat correct.

99mvp is very Knowledgable about giants and does give this board good information but everybody can be replaced.

Will the rest of the (MEN) on this baord please speak up, this is your chance to correct 99 I know that there are more of you who feel this way.

Editor Rob will you see that something is done
Neil said on 15/Aug/07
Kemble just take what 99mvp says with abit of salt we know he becomes abit outspoken know and again but alot of the time he does make sense.
Neil said on 15/Aug/07
The thing is bendy, Stadnik is a huge man much bigger than Fingleton in size so that alone probably makes him look smaller than he is. His hands alone are the biggest ive ever seen, they would make the Big Shows look small (Paul Wight). He must also be well over 400lbs in weight and it must be very difficult for him to walk although he seems to be a good worker which I give him alot of credit for.
99mvp said on 15/Aug/07
kemble- No, I will not suffer criticism from the likes of you. MVP stands for Most Valuable Player with the "99" being Wayne Gretzky's number. Since I am the top collector in the world in that area, you should refrain from calling me a meglomaniac until you are the best in the entire world in something.
And I am not capable of "perfect prose" nor is that important for this message board. I am NOT an Engish-language school teacher.
Chris- Have the guts to address me directly if you wish to call me rude. You obviously are clueless when it comes to understanding "civility". My first post and subsequent posts to Jim Lanier have been attempts to extract crucial insight from his perspective on the Stadnyk matter. I have readily acknowledged his special perspective. But he has not yet provided an answer to the question of his best guess as to Stadnyk's height.

And I will respond with crushing swiftness against anyone who simply insults me, as hirise did.
I insist that you late-comers use that grey matter which is between your ears and provide some intelligent discourse. The bar has been set high by the likes of Arjun and others and certainly me.

I realize that late-comers might not have a grasp of this board's history and thus need enlightenment. I am provocative but usually provide objectively-brilliant insight. And it may take a while, but the board members eventually see the wisdom of my words. The best example of this is that last year a great deal of time was spent by me on this message board in a one-man attack on Guinness credibility in the area of listing the tallest living humans. For a great while it seemed I was all alone in that position. But I have the courage of my convictions and, while I cannot say I am pleased that Guinness is placing the fraud Stadnyk in their book, it does indeed serve to vindicate me in that battle. And for that I will smugly accept whatever apologies I am due in that regard. Well??
KEMBLE said on 15/Aug/07
Perhaps a mere mortal could venture a criticism of someone who is free from error (as he often tells us). A little while ago 99mvp (mvp= Megalomania, Very pronounced) spoke of the late unlamented Richard as having been vanquished from the board. "Vanquished from" is a novel construction, but it isn't English. Should not error-free pronouncements be couched in equally perfect prose?
chris said on 15/Aug/07
Jim - awesome photos of you and the little woman hehe pun both look very happy, congrats on the engagement, best of luck. And please ignore the rude tone of some of the posters on this board, all of us I'm sure value your contributions from a perpective that NONE of us have.... be nice fellow contributors, Editor Rob is correct, tone is important, keep things civil

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.