Jimmy Strouse said on 19/Jul/06
Good point Big Show. However, Larry is right that the majority of heights much over 7ft are generally pathological in nature, and usually attributed to some form of giantism, though it is sometimes simply genetics like Yao Ming or Manute Bol who are both about 7'7. Guinness Book 1990 listed 11 different people who have legitimately surpassed 8ft in height, and all of them had giantism.
Giants exhibited in sideshows have always been exaggerated as part of tradition. One of the most famous giants was the Icelandic Johann Petursson who was 7'7 360 lbs, but claimed to be 8'8 and nearly 500lbs.
Viper652 said on 19/Jul/06
Only 7-9? I thought there were a couple of guys over 8-0 worldwide. There is a young basketball player that is trying to make it in the NBA that is that height, or 7-8
Big Show said on 19/Jul/06
Larry, the tallest man in the world today is Xishun Bao from Asia. He's 7'8.95 and has no acromegaly.
Larry said on 15/Jul/06
mask - Probably correct. The height of EXHIBITED giants is NOTORIOUS for being exaggerated (often by a foot or more). Wadlow was measured several times & was 8'11.1" tall at his peak. No human has ever been measured as taller or AS tall. Anecdotal stories tend to be pretty useless. In fact, I believe the 2nd tallest man ever officially measured was several inches shorter. He was a pituitary giant, as well. There appears to be an upper limit on NORMAL (non-pituitary) of just over 7'. Notice that most people over 7' at least have some acromegalic features (if not the full-blown condition).
Jimmy Strouse said on 14/Jul/06
After thinking about it, If Wadlow was 8'11.1 barefoot, he then must have been a staggering Nine-foot-One inches tall in his shoes. (assuming 2 inch heals for shoes his size) Therefore, using NBA standards, Wadlow was the first proven man in history to equal and exceed 9 feet.
mask said on 14/Jul/06
Hey guys now I give you the list of the real heights of circus giants and some others who were exhibited:
John Aasen claimed height 8'0" real height 7'0"
Martin van Buren Bates 7'11.5" 7'2.5"
Feodor Machnow 9'3.5" 7'9.7"
Jan van Albert 9'3.5" 7'8.25"
Jack Earle 8'7" 7'7.5"
Aurelio Tomaini 8'4.5" 7'4"
Henry Hite 8'2" 7'6.75"
Rigardus Rijnhout 9'1.5" 7'8"
Max Palmer 8'2" 7'7"
Clifford Thompson 8'8" 7'5"
Willie Camper 8'6" 7'2"
Baptiste Hugo 8'10" 7'6.5"
This is all I could find I hope it's enough to you guys(all the sources are quite reliables)
Big Show said on 12/Jul/06
The sun doesn't do much research before they put an article in their papers. Barty Crouch isn't 6'7, he's 6'5.5 (197 cm) and Leonid Stadnik only claims he's 8'4 but refuses to be measured. An Asian guy is the world's most tallest man at just a shade under 7'9. This kid who's now 7'5.5, could be the world's most tallest man in the future if he hits 7'9.
choppa said on 11/Jul/06
I think that :
Aurangzeb Khan is 7'4" (claimed 8"
Leonid stadnyk is 7'6" ( claimed 8'4")
Ijaz ahmed is 7'7" (claimed 8'4")
Mounir fourar is 7'3" (claimed 8")
Vikas uppal is 7'8" ( claimed 8'3")
sorry i don't speak very well english
Bendy said on 11/Jul/06
Interesting Article
Click Here
Big Show said on 11/Jul/06
Great evidence on Aurangzeb there, Bendy. I've seen pictures of this guy on his site, and I doubted that he was 8 feet tall. Calvin Lane looks taller compared to Maury Povich than this Khan dude, but he's slouching a bit, so that has to count for a couple of inches as well. In the end I think they're both around the same height.
Bendy said on 8/Jul/06
Hmmm Aurangzeb Khan is very tall 7'6" minimum I think, but doubt 8ft, take a look at the evidence.
Aurangzeb Khan with Maury Povich
Click HereMaury Povich with the legit 7'6" Calvin Lane
Click HereCalvin Lane with 7'-7'1" Shaq
Click HereAs I said at least 7'6" but I do doubt 8ft, He looks to be around the same size as Calvin Lane, I would imagine about 7'6"-7'7"
mask said on 3/Jul/06
hey rob take a look:
Click Here
Viper652 said on 28/Jun/06
In that Wadlow picture I assume the ceiling in the house is 9-0. Doesnt look to much shorter from it.
supes78 said on 27/Jun/06
Wow. That is a crazy height difference between Wadlow and his brother in that pic. You're right, Stadnik doesn't seem to dwarf anyone to than extreme in any of the pics I've seen. I don't think Stadnik looks over 8 foot, which would still qualify him to be the tallest living man. I wonder why he'd claim 8'4" but not want to be officially measured due to publicity. It sounds like a pretty flimsy excuse for a guy who supposedly is very poor and could probably use all the exposure he can get.
Jason said on 26/Jun/06
Leonid Stadnik looks substantially taller than even 7'4'' but he wouldn't be 8'0'' or over.
Viper652 said on 26/Jun/06
He should have taken up basketball. He would have been listed at 9-0 in the NBA.
Big Show said on 25/Jun/06
Mr. Stadnik's height has been discussed on this site many times. The general concensus is that he's nowhere near 8'4. Probably closer to 7'4. Personaly I think he's somewhere between 7'6 and 7'10.
Here's a pic of a young Robert Wadlow with his brother.
Click HereThis pic was taken in 1936 and according to Robert's growth chart he was 8'4 back then. See how he towers over his brother (who was of average height, so probably 5'7 - 5'8). The difference is at least 3.5 heads, in not 1 pic Stadnik even comes close in towering over a normal human being. He's mostly two heads taller than a normal human being. Thus indicating he's probably only 7,5 feet.
supes78 said on 23/Jun/06
There's a guy from the Ukraine named Leonid Stadnik who claims to be 8'4" tall! But Guinness refuses to acknowledge his claim stating;
"Leonid Stadnik refuses to be measured by us. We have been told that it is because he doesn't want to court publicity
Big Show said on 19/Jun/06
Guiness Book of Records has very strict rules as to measuring people's height. They measure them 3 times a day barefoot. Now I don't know if they've done it this way back in 1940, but according to Guiness there's irrefutable evidence of him being 8'11.1.
This Hussain Bisad guy, claimed he was the tallest man at 7'9, but when Guinness measured him he was only a smidge over 7'7. Maybe he's 7'9 in the morning, but on a average basis he's 7'7 and change during the day.
supes78 said on 18/Jun/06
Yeah, there's no doubt that Wadlow was measured barefoot by his doctors. It's silly to think that doctor's would do it any other way and the Guinness Book of World Records wouldn't have accepted it otehrwise.
Viper652 said on 13/Jun/06
They were not going to measure this dude NBA style with his shoes on, that would have been ridiculous.
Big Show said on 12/Jun/06
I don't believe they measured him with his shoes on. The height looks to be pretty accurate. Robert looks huge in his pics, far taller than any other man ever recorded. And remember one thing, in most of his pics Robert wasn't yet the 8 ft 11.1 he eventually reached. In most of his pics he's 8 ft 4 to 8 ft 9. Knowing this, you can just tell that this Leonid Stadnik is nowhere near 8 ft 4.
Jimmy Strouse said on 4/Jun/06
One of the greater mysteries surrounding Wadlow's height is whether his measurement of 8 ft 11.1 on June 27th 1940, included his shoes or not.
I feel that his actual tallest barefoot stature was 8 ft 9, but the Doctors that measured him included his shoes.
Cr@zyHor$e said on 2/Jun/06
RE; Dinas request for a documentary about giants, here is one about Robert Wadlow. Hope this helps
Click Here
Almost 40 and no girlfriend said on 31/May/06
Yes, Wadlow was nearly 9 feet tall, the tallest officially recorded in modern history. Nowadays people with his condition luckily can get surgery, so they don't grow to 9 feet.
I am pretty certain, though, that there have people in human history who were taller, but left no photograph or the world didn't know about them.
Piggyoops said on 30/May/06
I am originally from Alton Illinois where wadlow was born and grew up..he is buried in the Oakwood cemetery where my brother is also buried and his grave is huge..there is a bronze state in upper alton reserved for wadlow,,he is the most famous celebrity alton has..no one has forgotten him..standing by the statue you get the feeling how tall he really was!!..and , i can't remember where,,but there is a building who has his clothes and shoes on display..unbelievable!!
mask said on 29/May/06
Click HereThis is Mounir Fourar who is believed to be the tallest man at 8'0" or 244 cm if you click under the photo you can see other pictures of this man
Then if you want to see other giants go to
Click HereClick HereClick Herethis is Azad Khan Massoud who claims 8'3" but is more likely 7'10"
Dina said on 18/May/06
I'm a stock footage researcher for a kids show. One of the episodes we're working on is going to be about giants so we're looking for someone who we can interview and, I'm looking for any films/documentaries about giants. Do you guys know of any?
30 something and no girlfriend said on 27/Apr/06
anonymous, in the second photo he doesn't look taller than greener though in the first he looks taller that's because the sidewalk is sloped i think. i don't think hussain can grab the title from Xi Shun, I don't think he is 7-8.95 yet. He's probably 7-7 without shoes.
Viper652 said on 23/Apr/06
In that article that guy Chris says he only has size 17 feet at 7-6? That is extremely small feet at that height.
Anonymous said on 22/Apr/06
Hey Rob what about this Hussain Bisad:
Click Herehe was measured by Guinness at just over 7'7" years ago but now next to Chris
Greener the tallest man in England since 1967 at just over 7'6" he looks all his claimed 7'9" and it's enough to list him as the tallest living man(but he has gigantism and we all know there are at least 10 people around the world who are taller than he is)what you think Rob?
mask said on 2/Apr/06
Hey Rob here you are some photos of 8-footers:
Click HereClick Here(8'4" Leonid Stadnik)
Click Here(nearly 8'0" Sultan Kosen)
Click Here(nearly 8'0" Jun.cai Zhang)
I've always been fascinated by giants
Akiharu Murase said on 27/Mar/06
Claim height
John F. Carroll
born: 1932
died: 1969
height: 8'7.75 (claim: 8'9 - 9'3)
last measured: about 17 years of age (in 1949)
weight: more than 500lbs
race type: white male with blond hair and blue eyes, with gigantism (like
Wadrow's tyoe)
Link said on 20/Mar/06
As a side note, in a few thousand years im pretty sure 8'11 will be easily beaten.
They reckon a mans average height in 50-100 years time will be 6'2" if current medicines and nutritions keep going. and 6'6"+ in 200 years time, making most of todays "tall people" rather average lol.
some tribes in brazil have males averaged out at 6'6"-6'8"
Link said on 20/Mar/06
As someone who takes Advanced level Biology in college (England) I can safely say people do NOT grow when they're dead, its impossible for anything much to happen, the mitochondria use there last supplies of oxygenthe myocin has stored, and after that the body starts decomposing, bones need calcium to get bigger, matter doesnt appear from nowhere (Also taking A level physics and chemistry too), bones need something to get bigger, and nothing transports round the body when youre dead, he died the height he was when he was alive and stayed that height
Akiharu Murase said on 19/Mar/06
born: 1989
height: 8'4" (6'11" in 2003)
shoe size: 60 (European size)
mask said on 29/Jan/06
Colin, one more pleasure if you want.Could you please give me the complete list of these giants whose height's not that they claimed.Thank you.
ColinG said on 28/Jan/06
Me again!
I've been trying to find the picture I referred to. I didn't, but I found an even better one. Go to this website:
Then go to Gallery 3, and select the last picture. As I said, Lloyd was not a tall man, so look at this picture, then look at pictures of Wadlow. I'm certain Aasen was no more than 7 feet and maybe a couple of inches. Unfortunately film books and articles always accept the claimed height uncritically.
ColinG said on 28/Jan/06
I've seen the picture of Aasen with Mary Brian, Mask, and it certainly makes him look huge. However the Guinness Book of Records stated that he was seven feet tall! Guinness "dumbed down" many years ago, and now give little information, but they used to devote several pages to giants. In an American edition I have, they give a list of individuals for whom eaggerated claims were made, and these are some of the names:
John Aasen (1890-1937) Claimed 8 feet 9 True height 7 feet
Jan Van Albert (1897-?) 9 ft 3+ 7 ft 8+
Jack Earle (1906-1952) 8 ft 7 7 ft 7+
Al Tomaini (1912-1962) 8 ft 4+ 7 ft 6+
Henry Hite (Mullens) (1915-?) 8 ft 2 7 ft 6+
Max Palmer (1928-1984) 8 ft + 7 ft 7
Eddie Carmel (1938-1972) 9 ft + 7 ft 7
I picked out these individuals because, except for Van Albert, they appeared in films. There is a picture (I can't remember where I found it) of John Aasen carrying Harold Lloyd in his arms, taken when they appeared in "Why Worry" (1923). Now, Harold Lloyd was not a big man, and comparing him with Aasen makes it clear that the giant was nowhere remotely near his claimed height. Look at pictures of Wadlow - he absolutely towers over everybody in his vicinity, and yet he was only a couple of inches taller than Aasen was supposed to be.
There is a good website called "Giants and Girls" which offers scores of pictures of giants, mainly from films, and gives useful opportunities to compare them with ordinary people.
Akiharu Murase said on 27/Jan/06
Gustav Edman and V
mask said on 27/Jan/06
About giants ColinG this is a picture of John Aasen, billed at 8'9", in front of mary brian(5'2") in a 1927 movie scene.I read the story of John Aasen,of norwegian extraction, who is sad to have had a 8'0"(244 cm) father and a 7'3"(220 cm) mother but to me he is not more than 7'9":
What you say?
ColinG said on 25/Jan/06
I have always been fascinated by giants, and have compiled a list of every one in history I could trace with a CLAIMED height of 7 feet seven or more. It's pretty safe to say that a height is not authenticated unless it has been checked by the Guinness people, and they certainly don't acknowledge the alleged height of Leonid Stadnik. I don't think anyone has mentioned it, but there is a documentary film about Wadlow - I saw it on TV a few years ago. The poor guy could walk only with effort. He had to swing each leg forward to take a step, as if he were on stilts. Obviously the stuff about the Roman Emperor Maximin being able to race and fight was nonsense, not to mention the unlikely height claimed. By the way, Arthur Conan Doyle, creator of Sherlock Holmes, wrote a story about Maximin. Aren't I a mine of information?
I had never heard of this Gustav Edman of Sweden, though I shall now add him to my list! However, I strongly doubt that he was really over 8 feet tall.
I myself saw a genuine giant in a stage show called, I think, "You Won't Believe It", round the year 1950 (I'm that old!). This was Jan Van Albert, a Dutchman who was 7 feet 8 plus, though he was billed as 9 feet 3, which seems to be a favourite height for claims. At the time, I believed it!
Dave said on 15/Jan/06
This Leonid seems really to be 8 ft 4 tall. And he still grows. On the picture he stands next to his mum.
Akiharu Murase said on 14/Jan/06
A boy ten feet tall:
If he reach 10' tall, he dies only 17 years of age.
Anyway, too tall man would die so young.
Why was Robert Persing Wadlos's movement so slow?
Robert Pershing Wadlow weighed 490 pounds, but his legs were not strong enough for his weight.
I think Leonid Stadnik's movement was slower than Robert Pershing Wadlow's. Because Leonid Stadnik has big upperbody and too skinny legs.
No 7-footers in NFL currently.
In the near future, 7-footers probably will disappear from NBA.
7-foot players of the blond verge to the crisis of extermination.
Jonathan Ogden, offensive lineman from the Baltimore Ravens. He measures in at 6'9"
Brennan Curtin of the Green Bay Packers is listed at 6'9
Close behind is 2004 rookie Robert Gallery at 6'7 3/4"
Randy Moss is another tall NFL player at 6'6
Daniel Bosoms free safety for the Chicago Bears, with the height of 6'11"
Richard Sligh, drafted by Oakland in 1967. He stood 7-foot even
the tallest football player ever was bob bobinghanger who played in 1944 was the tallest ever
bob bobinghanger was 7'7
Akihru Murase said on 6/Jan/06
Robert Pershing Wadlow's life span
height: 8'11.1" (normal: about 6')
weight: 490lbs (normal: about 162lbs)
age: died only 22 years of age
started to walk: only 10 months (normal: about 22 months)
age of 8: 6' tall and weighed 169lbs
age of 9: 6'1" tall and weighed 180lbs
age of 10: 6'6" tall and weighed 220lbs (normal: 4'8" and 90lbs)
age of 13: 7'4" tall and weighed 270lbs
age of 14: 7'5" tall and weighed 301lbs
age of 16: 7'10" tall and weighed 374lbs
A boy ten feet tall:
If he would reach 10' tall, he dies only 17 years of age.
If Robert Pershing Wadlow slipping today the time when he become the player of NBA (Basketball player) or NFL (American football player)?
Akihru Murase said on 5/Jan/06
Robert Pershing Wadlow was a young blond man.
Former Soviet Union, Finland and Asia area
Approaching to Robert's height:
Sun Ming Ming (China), Pavel Podkolzin (Russia, 20), Lenid Stadnik (Ukraine, 34), Martynas Andriuskevicius (Lithuania, 19), Harri Keskitalo (Finland, 15), feng (China, 16), or others? 34-year-old man can't reach 8'11" (until death).
Forever young - Rest in Peace, young white giant.
1. Robert Pershing Wadlow (1918 - 1940): He was 8'11.1" tall and weighed 490lbs, but he died only 22 years of age.
2. Jason Collier (1977 - 2005): He was 7' tall and weighed 260lbs, but he died only 28 years of age.
3. Gustav Edman (1881 - 1912): He was 8'1" tall and weighed 530lbs, but he died only 31 years of age.
4. V
Flemish said on 4/Jan/06
I've said it and I'll say it again. Stop imagining how tall he could have gotten. He could have grown to be 9'1" and then he would have died anyway. Can't possibly grow taller.
TheMan said on 31/Dec/05
I wonder if he would have actually of stoped growing i think at some point he might of because he's body wouldent be able to grow any further. Or he would of just died at some point due to being to tall he was not natutuarlly sopposed to be that tall so no human was ever meant to be 8,11. It was a desease so i soppose it would of killed him in proabably another few years anyway. What does amaze me is that in some cases some poeple have got to like 7,5 natuatually i don't understand how that is possible without it being a desease were just not meant to be that tall It's completley out of sinc.

Editor Rob
I don't know how much internal organs would be able to cope above 9ft...
Viper652 said on 31/Dec/05
I wonder If he would have gone over the 9-0 mark If he had lived longer.You know 8-11 is so accurate, because you would think they would exaggerate his height at 9-0 for all its worth.
Akihru Murase said on 31/Dec/05
It is a pity that the tallest man should have died so young.
His height gets near to 9 feet, his lifetime becomes extremely short.
Gramps said on 13/Dec/05
Wadlow was notorious for wearing 24" lifts in his orthopedic shoes. My dad measured Wadlow at the NFL Combine in 1938 and Wadlow was only 6'2.5" barefoot. Even then Wadlow tried standing on his tiptoes to measure taller! Dad said he was a real animal on the gridiron, though, clotheslining running backs at every opportunity. He obviously never made it in the NFL - - even though he was only a bit over 6 feet, they couldn't find any spikes in size 28! Just kidding, guys!
Viper652 said on 13/Dec/05
I bet Wadlow's height would measure around 8-11.2 at the NFL combine:) He looks all of it in a picture in my guiness world record book.
Cobra said on 10/Dec/05
Muahhhahahaha the man is 8ft11 or 8ft9 or whatever, and you say he wears lifts!
Really funny.
Flemish said on 29/Nov/05
There's a certain height that no man can surpass. It's been calculated but I forgot what is was exactly. I believe something like 276 cm. It is fyscically impossible to grow taller than that without imploding. Our vains, our intestins, our body as a whole can't take more pressure than that.
Bird said on 24/Nov/05
flucuating: I'm 191.5cm in the morning and 189.5 at night generally. When people ask I say I am 190-191 (6'3)
Gramps said on 23/Nov/05
I loved your "lifts" comment, starwars! Just like an anorexic, he probably saw himself as a munchkin!
starwars23 said on 22/Nov/05
he was really only 8'9" but he wore lifts to make him look 8'11" (jk)
I was browsking through myspace.com and stumbled on this guy by the name of feng
he is listed at 8'4" and only 16! he might break the record.
p.s. how do we know that stadnyk is not 8'4" you cant just say it, you need to back it up with evidence.
phil said on 18/Nov/05
i think that robert wadlow was tonk i saw some pictures of him and he made the people next to him look like mini me ive got a big dad myself his name is lenny mclean and is 6"7
Christian said on 7/Nov/05
Stadnik 8 ft 4 in is a fake. Xi Shun is the tallest and he
MD said on 16/Oct/05
It is not ridiculous. It is proven fact for almost everyone, and you may be one of the few in the exception.
Joel said on 15/Oct/05
This stuff about your height fluctuating throughout the day is rediculous. I'm 5'7 1/4" all day.
height proportions said on 2/Oct/05
the comment that casper UK made about height was slightly incorrect but i did get his point... 6'6" to 8' is a lot less different than 5' standing next to a 7'6"er... although the distance in feet, 2'6" is the same, convert the heights into inches, then divide the lesser height by the greater height u are comparing it to and that will give you the percentage smaller you are... this means that as big of a deal the NBA makes over someone being 7' over a guy who is 6'11", the bigger difference percentage wise would be a guy who is 6' over a guy who is 5'11"...
Anonymous said on 6/Aug/05
I've read that his height is actually 8'11.1, but I doubt a height could be that precise.
On days during which I sit in front of the computer or on the couch alot, my night height is slightly higher. On days during which I am outside standing alot, my night height is slightly lower. On days when I lift heavy objects alot, my night height is even lower. Morning heights are also difficult to determine precisely: you can't even wait 2 minutes after you get up and measure yourself, cuz you'd already have shrunk a little. In the first few minutes when I get up, my height literally shrinks by the minute! So in order to measure Wadlow's morning height to 0.1 inch precision, they'd have to get him to a measuring device within like 10 seconds after he gets out of bed! Maybe they measured him while he was still lying down on bed, but then he only need to stretch a little to be 8'11.2 instead of 8'11.1.
Sing said on 2/Aug/05
Well Anonymous, obviously this "Leonid Stadnik of the Ukraine, 8'4 and still growing despite being 30-something years old" is not the world's tallest man. So all the media hype about this guy is BS. 8-4, give me a break, I would be surprised if he's even 7-4!
It's certainly no tall tale - we've found a herdsman, living in Inner Mongolia, who measures a whopping 7 ft 8.95 in (2 m 36.1 cm)... taller than Radhouane Charbib who, for the last six years, has held the title of world's tallest living man. Unlike most giants, Xi Shun, who was born in 1951, has grown to this remarkable height naturally, and not as a result of a medical condition. His growth was normal until the age of 16, after which an inexplicable growth spurt saw him reach his record height in just seven years!
Sing said on 12/Jul/05
Like I said, he was still growing when he died so it's very possible that at some point after he died, he became 9 feet tall but we will never know. Speaking of heights of people from the past, there was a Roman emperor, Maximus Thrax, who was 8-6 and supposedly could run and take on 8 men at a time in fighting. This guy would've dominated the NBA for sure! Peter the Great, an emperor from Russia, was 6-9, at a time when the average male height was much shorter. Also, supposedly, there was this Chinese guy in ancient China who was 12 feet tall, but obviously no solid evidence exists to verify his height.
Ball-A-Hallic said on 29/Jun/05
I heard Sun Ming Ming was 7'91/2 wit out shoes so probally if he does get drafted n measured wit shoes on he'll b like 7'111/2 probally so they could list him at 8'0 4 the team roster I would but i've heard from friends that waldrow was like 9'1 when he died not 8'11 but i think der bulls***in
CoolJ said on 27/Jun/05
Actually, he was 8'11 1/10"
Bill said on 27/Jun/05
Robert could have had surgery when he was young, but his parents decided it would be too dangerous, which it was. and people could still reach this height in countries with poor medical services or when religious or philosophy prohibit medical intervention.
Sing said on 26/Jun/05
Wadlow won't be able to play basketball because he can't run, jump, or do anything athletic for that matter. Nowadays people with such growth disorders are operated on to check their growth, Gheorge Muresan for instance, so they will never reach 8-11. It's also interesting to note that when Wadlow died at just 22 years of age, he was still growing even in death! So this guy's giantism was completely out of control!
If this Leonid guy doesn't get surgery, he will keep growing until death, so how tall he will be depends on how long he lives!
8-footers won't take over basketball unless they are by natural growth. Sun Ming Ming, a recent NBA prospect from China, is 7-9 barefeet and still growing, so he will be the closet an NBA player has ever gotten to 8 feet, if he gets drafted that is. My guess is he will be bypassed this year and drafted high next year.
cantstop25 said on 24/Jun/05
"RW was 5'6 when he was just 5 years old"
that is crazy!
to bad he never hit 9'
CasperUK said on 30/May/05
Wadlow would have been too tall for the NBA, I mean the tallest guys are 7'6 ish so to have an extra 1.5ft on them would be crazy, not to mention downright dangerous if he did fall (he weighed 490lbs), he'd need a huge amount of time to heel. Imagine, 8'11 Wadlow next to 6'6 Jordan!!! That would be like a 5 foot tall woman next to a 7'5 man playing basketball and the little woman winning!! Crazy. (I made the first post as 'Anonymous')
Viper452 said on 12/May/05
It would be great If Leonid played some basketball and made the NBA. Someday 8 footers will take the court. Could you imagine Robert Wadlow in the NBA????
Anonymous said on 11/May/05
Suprised more people havent commented on this. RW was 5'6 when he was just 5 years old! He was a definate 8'11 and still growing. Tallest man today is Leonid Stadnik of the Ukraine, 8'4 and still growing despite being 30-something years old. Most probably will beat Wadlow in the height stakes but unlike Wadlow, will never enjoy the fame and success unfortunately.