Bendy said on 15/Aug/07
Neil: Its hard to say if Fingleton is taller than Stadnyk, Fingleton is 7'7.56" and very slim giving the impression of being taller than he is, Stadnyk is a fairly well built guy, I think if they stood side by side, they'd probably be 'about' the same height (I'd love Fingleton to be taller though), Ive seen pics with Jerry Sokoloski stadning next to Shaq, and Sokoloski dwarfs Shaq, and Fingleton is a good deal taller than Sokoloski in the video I posted earlier.
Jim Lanier: I think you may have set a record on the celebheights site as being the tallest person to post on a board.
Interesting that editor rob has put a new board up for Stadnyk and has him at 8 ft 0 in (244cm)
99mvp said on 15/Aug/07
Jim Lanier- In the off-chance that my writing style offended you ( which would surprise me to say the least ), I wish to reiterate that your contributions to this message board are indeed welcome and that I do want to know, in your best estimate, what you would guess Leonid Stadnyk's actual height is?
99mvp said on 15/Aug/07
ssx- You quoted me without attribution. See how you started your last post? You meant to write "99mvp" instead of yourself.
Anyway, Yao Defen was measured by doctors in the recent documentary "World's Tallest Woman" at 236cm and was constantly referred to as 7'8". So evidently she is a smidgen under 7'9".
But it is an exercise in futility to list the exact order of the current giants. There is no way one can be confident that one's list is indeed accurate.
Highman said on 15/Aug/07
99MVP: Glad to see someone else follow-through on this Guinness debacle. Thank you. If they took that Kiev certificate as a basis for the record, my lord....
Jim Lanier said on 15/Aug/07
Jason: I weigh 355 lbs.
99mvp said on 15/Aug/07
ALERT: I phoned the author of the article that Akirum byn Anaq posted for us. This article was written by Andrew Good. Here are the highlights of my conversation with him:
1. He spoke to Dr. Besser who told him that he absolutely did NOT measure Leonid Stadnyk personally.
2. Dr. Besser told him that nevertheless he does believe that Leonid is 8'4".
3. Mr. Good does not know where Guinness comes up with the 8'5.5" figure.
4. Mr. Good feels that somehow Guinness may have mistaken Dr. Besser's involvement with that documentary with his having actually measured Stadnyk. He feels that Guinness is giving great weight to that Kiev document certifying Stadnyk's height, although that was at 8'4" and not 8'5.5".
I told Mr. Good that the majority of people here on this message board believe that Stadnyk is around 7'7" or so, that all of the photos ( including comparison photos with the picture of Wadlow at 8'4" next to his brother ) clearly show that Stadnyk is under 8-feet. I told him that I truly believe that this doctor has badly overestimated Stadnyk's height. It is not like Dr. Besser has met Xi Shun and can then inform us that definitely Stadnyk is considerably taller. Mr. Good has not been able to speak to Guinness to ascertain the exact evidence that Guinness used to make its decision to include Stadnyk in the newest book. Again, he believes that Guinness may have given great weight to that certificate that we saw on the documentary, coupled with a faulty impression that Dr. Besser had personally measured him to confirm that height. But even so, he does not have a clue as to where 8'5.5" comes from.
I realize that this raises most questions than answers, but I got everything I could from this reporter. ( It was probably weird for him to be the interviewee instead of the interviewer! Ha ha ).
Satisfied, hirise? Or am I still a weasel ( by the way, THAT is the correct spelling, not "weasle" )?
Jason said on 15/Aug/07
I think Jim looks all of the 7'6'' he says is ........................... and some of you know what I'm like lol. How much do ya weigh, Jim (if you don't mind my asking!)? :)
ssx said on 15/Aug/07
ssx- Does your list of heights of current living giants reflect PEAK heights for those giants? Because Charbib is no longer his peak height, having shrunk as was documented in a recent measurement session on Japanese tv.
What about Igor Vovkovinskiy/Ladan? And what about Ri Myong-hun? And the tallest woman Yao Defen? And did you forget Sultan Kosen?? Hussein Bisad?
Good points. Yao Defen is 7'6-7'7" correct? Kosen looks very tall to me. I still think that Jun Cai is the tallest living person, after him it's debatable. Quite a few people appear to possibly be in the 7'7"-7'9" range. The one thing that appears very clear to me is that there are at least 5 or more living people who are taller than Stadnik. Does anyone doubt Grady Patterson being 8'8.25"? I've never heard of him until recently and have been interested in this topic for many, many years.
sky's da limit said on 15/Aug/07
i want guiness to measure Mamadou Diallo
but i guess he need a protese, before he can get measured,
he may be the tallest living man
Koundara, Boké, Guinea
Alias "Le Géant de Koundara"
99mvp said on 15/Aug/07
Highman- I will not change my personality. I make no apologies for my harsh writing style. I have no use for thin-skinned people. My views have been reinforced by years of being proven correct on all matters. For instance, do you not recall how late last year you and especially Big Show DEFENDED Guinness and how I vigorously criticized that notion?? Well, what do you say now, given that it appears that Guinness is proceeding to put Stadnyk in its book?
Furthermore, my writing style is intended to provoke and stimulate discussion and shake people from lazy thinking and complacency. Too often people are "allowed" to be sloppy and I force people to think, to sharpen their views. I provide a valuable public service! My posts raise the intelligence level of discussion here by a minimum of 25 IQ points, especially now that KG and Richard have been dismissed.
Highman said on 15/Aug/07
99MVP: Your tone and rhetoric is harsh at times.
99mvp said on 15/Aug/07
Wow- That is quite a disparity in height between Jim Lanier and his fiance!! She is shorter than almost all women and he is very very tall. It makes for quite a sight! ( But not good enough to make my height differential list. Ha ha ). So what do the board members think? Given her height, can we independently conclude that Jim is indeed 7'6"? I am still not convinced.
99mvp said on 15/Aug/07
Highman- I do NOT welcome Hirise. Not if he simply insults me without proper foundation. I welcome all forceful intelligent challenges to anything I write. I love healthy debate. In that regard, I do not restrict myself or anyone else from using tough language to get one's point across. I am NOT rude. I am fierce, but ultimately fair.
Neil said on 15/Aug/07
Bendy do you think Fingleton is taller than Stadnik?
99mvp said on 15/Aug/07
Akirum byn Anaq- GREAT link to that story!! I agree with Kemble- That is terrific news about Dr. Besser denying that he ever measured Stadnyk!!! ( Frankly, that was the one aspect of this whole sordid affair that I had difficulty reconciling in my own mind- how could a well-respected doctor who is not a charlatan by so wrong in his measurement?? ). Now it appears that this measurement session never took place! Hee hee. One thing though- the kshutchins family insists that they witnessed this measuring. Hmmmmmm.....
ssx- Does your list of heights of current living giants reflect PEAK heights for those giants? Because Charbib is no longer his peak height, having shrunk as was documented in a recent measurement session on Japanese tv.
What about Igor Vovkovinskiy/Ladan? And what about Ri Myong-hun? And the tallest woman Yao Defen? And did you forget Sultan Kosen?? Hussein Bisad?
Bendy said on 15/Aug/07
Neil Fingleton is on a mission to find the tallest person from each country. Currently searching for Canada's tallest man, who they believe is Jerry Sokoloski at 7'4"
Click Here
I'd love for Fingleton to visit Stadnyk, to show what a fraud that Ukranian is.
Highman said on 15/Aug/07
Hirise welcome aboard. By the way, has everyone emailed Guinness to protest Stadnik being named the tallest person in the world?? I have....
mytg8 said on 15/Aug/07
ssx-Nashnush was measured by U.K. doctors at 8' 3/4" in 1966, at the age of 23. He was visiting those specialists in gigantism because of troubles he had in standing and walking and muscle atrophy. No doubt because of a radioactive implant in his head carried out in 1960. Up until that operation, he matched Wadlow's height at that age(17).
Highman said on 15/Aug/07
I don't believe Uppal was that tall either. Zhang, Xishun, Somooro (he has been measured) and Sunmingming (who I didn't think was that tall until I saw the photo with him and George Muerasean).
KEMBLE said on 15/Aug/07
Akirum - that's a revealing article. The astonishing bit is the statement that Besser denies measuring Stadnyk. The whole thing gets more complicated (and sillier) by the day.
hirise said on 15/Aug/07
First time looking at this thread. Jim Lanier, nice of you to jump in. Do not respond to this 99mvp's stupid rude comments. Seems like this guy complains and thinks he owns the board. Yells in capitals. Little weasle. I read your response to stadnik and it was good enough for me.
ssx said on 14/Aug/07
By looking at different pics and videos, I'd say that Stadnik is 7'8" at BEST. Actually appears less than that to me. Vikas Uppal does appear to have been taller than Stadnik and close to 8 feet. I'd say the following:
Tallest currently:
Jun Cai 7'11" seems accurate.
Vikas Uppal 7'9" seems about right. Prior to his death.
Xishun 7'9" seems correct. Possibly taller in his youth.
Ajaz Ahmed, Stadnik, Charbib, Soomro all seems about the same as Sun Ming Ming or shorter. Of the above list Ahmed and Stadnik appear to be the shortest.
All time:
Wadlow 8'11.1
Grady Patterson 8'8.25"
J.W. Rogan 8'8" hard to tell by the photos.
John F. Carroll 8'7.75"
Väinö Myllyrinne 8'3"
Bernard Coyne 8'2'
Don Koehler 8'2"
Zeng Jinlian 8'1.75"
G.E. Monjane 8'0.75"
Nashnush and Musutaman appear less than 8 foot to me.
Keever, Cotter, Koch etc. we will never know because without pics and accurate measurements I'd doubt they grew to that kind of height without modern medicine to keep them somewhat healthy.
Akirum byn Anaq said on 14/Aug/07
Well. Guinness has lost their credibility once again. Read this article from OC:
Click Here
Apparently the OC-Register article alleges that Dr. Besser denies having measured Stadnyk! And Guinness is not returning calls (nothing new there).
This is simply confirming what we have known all along. The photographic and video evidence suggests Leonid Stadnyk is less than 8 ft 5--And Guinness, having been turned down by Stadnyk in July, simply went with media reports of his height.
Eclipse said on 14/Aug/07
So I was away for a week, and I come back and what do I see- a page on this very website showing the height of Leonid Stadnyk at 8'5.5"!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Editor Rob, Come on- do you honestly believe that is his height?!?

Editor Rob
no, it is effectively a 'guinness listing', a testament to them...
Rob C said on 14/Aug/07
Apparently Jerry Sokoloski could be Canada's tallest living person at 7'4". He said he varies from 7'4" to 7'5.5". Maybe this is what happens to Leonid Stadnyk, he varies from 7 feet something to 8'5.5" in the morning who knows? Just joking.
Highman said on 14/Aug/07
Johnny C: Suggestion for Wadlow site... have his Year and corresponding height with the year.... I believe his height most years was documented....
Johnny C said on 14/Aug/07
In order to continue compiling the 'net's most extensive Robert Wadlow photograph gallery (
Click Here), please let me know about (i) links to websites featuring additional or higher-quality photographs of Robert Wadlow, and (ii) a more accurate chronology of the gallery's photographs. Thanks.
Neil said on 14/Aug/07
Stu, Stadnik is more than 5'7.5 Lol. Going back to what Big Show said Stadnik does look huge in the video with Yuschenko it just goes to show you what tricks camera angles do in pictures. I still think he is between 7'10 and 8' no more or less.
Viper said on 14/Aug/07
It is amazing how Wadlow could walk at 8-11.
Nippu said on 14/Aug/07
I think it was blood cancer what killed Myllyrinne.
Philo said on 14/Aug/07
Regarding your comment about Myllyrinne and the "sad picture of him in his (final?) hospital bed", I remember hearing from his (Vaino's) nephew that he died of cancer. I believe that his pituitary tumor was benign and could not metastasize into malignant cancer, and therefore his death was actually not directly related to his height. I'm not 100% sure on this, though.
Big Guy said on 13/Aug/07
The Stadnik situation just gets more and more unclear. I did an analysis of a
picture with him next to his mother and estimated 7'7". The picture of him next
to Yushenko seemed to suuport that. Leonard looked to be around a 18 inches
higher, again putting him mid 7'. Then Akirum posts a video of Yushenko and
Stadnik in the hospital and Yushenko looks like a little boy next to Stadnik.
Perhaps Yushenk was standing on a box when the picture was taken? Politicians
are know to have done that in the past. He certainly looked like a completely
different height in the video.
Highman said on 13/Aug/07
Akirum byn Anaq: I have seen that video before. Nothing compelling. His is tall next to some very short people. Also like I said before nothing but weird angles and nothing to benchmark his height against.
I view him as the same height as Igor Vorkovinsky (Laden) who was on the National Geographic special. Unlike Vicky, Igor went to the Mayo Clinic for his treatment... he is alive and Vicky is dead. Its a shame.
Highman said on 13/Aug/07
Yea I don't think Vikas Uppal was anything close to 8 feet. All his photos are either far away or weird angles. I think he is around 7-8 or so, too. Nothing compelling.
Kemble: No one should want to be a giant. I would say Wadlow's mobility for a deep 8 footer was atleast good. Who are the comparables? Patterson, Carroll, and Rogan -- all of whom had spinal or joint issues.
KEMBLE said on 13/Aug/07
Massimo - I remember the posting you mention, though I forget the details. I think he was going by the photos.
Highman - I wouldn't say Wadlow had "good mobility". He walks like a man on stilts, throwing his (numb)lower legs forward to make strides. The most mobile I've seen is Myllyrinne, in that excellent little online video. But then look at the sad picture of him in his (final?)hospital bed. Who'd want to be a giant?
Akirum byn Anaq said on 13/Aug/07
Well, I wouldn't say he had good mobility exactly. But given his height and build, it's remarkable he could walk at all. For those of you who doubt Wadlow's height, simply look at his photos. If his father Harold, was indeed 5'11" tall, Wadlow had a 3 foot height advantage in his later photos. It's as simple as that.
Stadnyk could be an 8-footer, But I'd sooner believe in the late Vikas Uppal for that recognition:
Click Here
99mvp said on 13/Aug/07
Jim Lanier- Concerning this Stadnyk matter, you are NOT making yourself clear to us on this message board, which is quite frustrating to me.
You wrote in your August 10th post that "after watching that documentary special he [Stadnyk] is definitely bigger then me" and just now in your post you wrote that "Stadnyk looks huge". We are NOT interested in the words "BIGGER" and "HUGE". We already know that he is a big huge person. So was Andre the Giant.
We are ONLY interested in the word "TALL".
All we care about is HOW TALL would you estimate that Leonid Stadnyk is? What do you truly believe is his height?- 7'9"? 8'0"? 8'5"?
Highman said on 13/Aug/07
Massimo: People on message boards can say anything and often do. Wadlow being 8-11 is barely debated. Some say he might have only been 8-9 and discount his last measurement in a St. Louis hospital a month before his death at 8-11. Still others feel as though Wadlow could have been closer to 9 foot by his death.
Regardless, there was no one like Robert and he was very high 8 foot range with good mobility unlike every other human in history!
99mvp said on 13/Aug/07
Massimo- You wrote about Robert Wadlow: "But you never know. I still have a little little doubt about Robert's height."
Are you in the habit of publicly exposing your ignorance? The published measurement charts have been VERY specific. The photos overwhelmingly SUPPORT the height. But I will admit that I too have doubts about the 8'11" height.............I believe there is good chance he reached NINE feet at death.
Massimo said on 13/Aug/07
Years ago I read on Internet of a guy who had studied Robert's last pictures (around 1940) and thought that Wadlow was much shorter than 2.72. I don't remember well, but it seems to me that he thought that Robert's height was about 8' feet. I think this is very unlikely as he looked HUGE on pictures and I have read somewhere that he was measured by 2 doctors. But you never know. I still have a little little doubt about Robert's height.
Jim Lanier said on 13/Aug/07
LV: weekends are still the best for me to meet with you.
I agree with Big Show. Stadnyk looks huge in the picture posted by Akirum byn Anaq.
Highman said on 13/Aug/07
Well I guess Guinness doesn't care about accuracy.....
Big Show said on 13/Aug/07
Nice vid there Akirum byn Anaq, at the end we see Yushenko appearing and it finally confirmed something which I always thought. The pics with Yushenko are deceiving (Stadnyk is probably leaning against the wall behind him). Yushenko really has to look up in the sky in order to look Stadnyk in the eyes. Stadnyk looks to be around 2 heads taller than Yushenko there, which would probably put him in the mid to upper range of 7 foot. Still nowhere near 8'5 though, but I think he's taller than 7'6, I think he's more around 7'8, in the videos he does look taller than in the pics.
In the pic you posted Stadnyk looks huge next to that person, but how tall is that person? Stadnyk has a camera advantage there, so for him to be 8'5, that person has to be at least 6' tall. But if that person is only 5'5, Stadnyk would come out at 7'8 so really without knowing how tall that person is, it's pointless to state whether Stadnyk looks 8'5 or not as it's purely guesswork.
Look up to tall people, if you think Stadnik looks 6'10-7'3 tops, you never really serious looked at any of his pics. I would say he's 7'5 minimum. His max height is still not 100% clear to me, but he's no 8 footer that's for sure.
Btw. the people at Guinness that measured Xi-Shun, have they not seen Stadnyk? Clearly they must notice that Stadnyk is not the height he says he is, even without having to measure him.
LV getting rid of employees to hire people at 1/2 the wage is already a common trend here in Europe. Entire departments get tranfered to countries with low wages such us Poland, Ukraine, Romania, India, etc. That's all the direct result of globalisation.
LV said on 13/Aug/07
Jim, I'd still be happy to meet up with you. Not for my sake because I've seen you and know you're legitimately as tall as you say, but for those on this site that doubt you. I'm better at estimating heights than I thought because I guessed you were 7'5" or 7'6" when I saw you. I figured it was more than a coindence when you made your first post on here stating you lived in Indy that I'd seen you before. How many 7'6" guys are you going to find in a 100 mile radius in central Indiana?! Delphi has been going thru some rough times recently. They basically forced my dad to take an early retirement after 27 years or he risked losing his pension. It used to be the best place to work, but they're trying to get rid of everyone and hire people at 1/2 the wage. It makes sense from a business standpoint, but is unfortunate for the town and employees.
Akirum byn Anaq said on 12/Aug/07
Check out:
Click Here
Maybe Stadnyk really is 8ft 5? check out this photo:
Click Here
LOOK UP TO THE TALL PEOPLE said on 12/Aug/07
5'11.75 guy said on 12/Aug/07
Robert, at 272cm, would not have been far from being twice the height of that car. Stadnyk looks a good 1.5 feet shy of Wadlow's size IMO. Around Yao Ming's height (229cm), probably.
Johnny C said on 12/Aug/07
Poker Portal: Many thanks for providing a link to your uploaded photographs of Robert Wadlow, which I have now included in my Robert Wadlow website
Click Here
LV said on 12/Aug/07
Jim, We've never officailly met, but I've seen you on two different occasions. I saw you at lunch at Subway and Burger King on the south side of Kokomo (I'm originally from Kokomo). You are, by far, the tallest person I've ever been in close contact with and I've been very closer to 7'1" guys on several different instances. I'll never forget the time I saw you at Subway and, while seated, you were taller than some women that walked past you!
Mikrobi said on 12/Aug/07
I thing in this pics(
Click Here ) Stadnyk with a Volga car. Maybe the 3102 model. It's 1422mm height (
Click Here ). How tall is Stadnyk?
chris said on 12/Aug/07
to POKER, some of those Wadlow photos are simply awesome ! The one with the 6'4" guy who's shoulder is below Robert's waist is the most telling one yet that Stadnyk is NOT EVEN CLOSE to 8'5".......
Mikrobi said on 11/Aug/07
I think Huang Chang-Chiu with his 240 cm the second after Zhang.
Massimo said on 11/Aug/07
8'5" for Stadnik ? Weird! Stadnik himself states he is 8'4". IMO he doesn't look taller than Manute Bol and Gheorghe Muresan.
5'11.75 guy said on 11/Aug/07
Holy crap @ those Wadlow pics. It's clear Stadnyk isn't even close, let alone within with 6 inches of Wadlow's height.
Poker Portal said on 11/Aug/07
Johnny C: you asked for more pictures of Robert Wadlow. I have uploaded a few:
Click Here
There might be a few that you (and other readers) have never seen before. The pictures are not in chronological order. I hope you can use some for your dedicated Robert Wadlow website.
5'11.575 guy said on 11/Aug/07
I'm starting to see more and more websites reporting that Guinness have recognized Stadnyk as the world's tallest man at 8'5, even though it's blatant he isn't near that height. What the hell is going on!?
I mean, c'mon, check out the latest pics of 7'9 Sun Ming Ming at the Rush Hour 3 premiere. He looks way taller than Stadnyk.
chris said on 10/Aug/07 the 2008 book Jim and his brother are mentioned as the "tallest male twins, with an average height of 7'3" (GUINNESS WORDS FROM THE BOOK)......Jim, that's incorrect, isn't it? You and your brother average taller than that, don't you? Please contact them immediately to get the credit you deserve !!!!
Big Guy said on 10/Aug/07
There had been very little mention of Vikas Uppal's death. It that information
correct? I recently saw a news blip on him and with a chance to see him next
to others (even assuming no else was more the 5 FT) and seeing him against
buildings and other objects, I definitely believe he was 8 foot.
Jim Lanier said on 10/Aug/07
Highman: At my present height of 7’6” I have not met another person that is taller then me. I, however, met 7’5” Chuck Nevitt when I was 7’3” back in high school when the Detroit Pistons use to play at the Pontiac Silverdome. The Detroit Pistons donated us a pair of shoes that year. My mother was having difficulty in locating basketball shoes. We met Chuck when we went to pick up the shoes. He just happened to be there.
Chris: I have never viewed myself as a celebrity. I am not someone that the media is chasing down. I just happen to be one of the Worlds Tallest Twins. Nippon TV in Japan has done two shows with us participating in them. The one that you mention with the shortest female twins was really fun. It was title something like worlds most incredible people back in 87. They had a lot people that did amazing acts. It was the first time I had visited another country outside USA. The second was Twins show that featured many twins that that were Japanese in 97. That was also really fun. We were able to tour part of Japan and see most of the Tokyo Harbor and Aquarium. I always had a fascination with Japanese culture and find Japanese women to be cute. Japanese people have a great respect for their accomplishments and I was well treated on both visits.
I haven’t gone to any of the tall clubs. I have been approached do join a few but none of the activities that they were having at the time interested me. Just one of the things I never pursued.
Mytg8: I have been in the same situation and wished that I had bodyguards. The last time it was bad was when I went to the Detroit Auto show. Lots of gangs walking around made me very uncomfortable.
LV: Sorry to read your busy this weekend. Maybe we can do it another day then?
Yes, I did work at Delphi in Kokomo a few years ago.
Philo: My height affects everything but it is something that I am use to. I often resent it at the same time just as anyone who has a limitation of some sort. I wasn’t so …. I’d be able to….. Stuff like that! I try to be as positive as I can. I certainly do not dwell on the fact that I am really tall. It only comes out when strangers point it out all to often.
Big show: I have unexplained dry skin on my hands and they often will itch; repeated occurrences of nail fungus on my toes; and partial loss of feeling in my toes and bottom of my feet probably nerve related. I tend to sweat more then most due to larger sweat glands. I easily get over heated. I have had difficulty in muscle building and staying fit. My fiancé has kept my diet in check that somehow corrected rapid heart palpitations that I was getting when I worked at Delphi that I believe that was related to me eating too many dry roasted peanuts.
99mvp: Concerning Leonid Stadnyk, there is so much picture evidence that shows him to be smaller then Guinness’s claim of 8’ 5.5” inches; but after watching that documentary special he is definitely bigger then me. His chest to leg ratio appears to be proportionate to mine. The documentary represents that he could hardly walk around. I often find myself resting my hands on things to support my upper body weight. His motions are far more extreme. I would like to meet him to see how I size up to him. The photographs of him and his mom are close to what I look like to my fiancé. My fiancé stands about 6 inches under my chest. Those entire pictures may have been taken when he was indeed 7’5” or near that height. It would take 4 years to grow 12 inches at 3 inches per year to get to be 8’5”. So at age 32 he would look the same at age 36 just a foot longer Just unheard of to be growing taller at that age but it did happen to Don Koeller. Is there evidence to show when those pictures were taken. I might have missed that information in the earlier posts. Is there a chronological order of his height progression posted anywhere?
Akirum byn Anaq said on 10/Aug/07
Wow... What a shame. Stadnyk in the 2008 Edition of GWR, and they don't even use a convincing photo. Someone needs to replace the editors of Guinness. Guinness has essentially laxed their objective criteria, and gone with "what the Doctor said" which is in stark contrast to earlier Guinness editions which stated, that Medical records themselves are not exempt from publishing "fanciful as apposed to measured heights." They simply state that Dr. Michael Besser, in December 2006, measured Stadnyk at 8 ft 5.5 in in Kiev. We need photographs of this measurement, and verification. Otherwise their's no reason to consider him the tallest man.
Big Show said on 10/Aug/07
Click Here
Funny article about Stadnik.
99mvp said on 10/Aug/07
Who is this dufus poster "Leonid Stadnyk Rules!" who has the nerve to write that we should..... "crawl back into your holes backbiters! What say ye now? Oh, most knowledgeable of nothing! Way to wipeout!"
What a loudmouth. It is easy to act tough on a keyboard.
L'indien said on 10/Aug/07
actually on the video they claim he is 2.5 meters. I mean if stadnyk is 2 .53 meters without any confirmation maybe this guy is taller.The only problem is their is no confirmation for him either.
sky's da limit said on 10/Aug/07
great to see you .. mask on the board,
you always have some great posts, and photos,
do you have any info on who this giant ? .. how old is he ?
does he suffer diabetes.. how much of his feet is missing ?
Mamadou Diallo
7 ft 6 inches (228.60 cm) (unconfirmed height)
fl. 2007
Koundara, Boké, Guinea
Alias "Le Géant de Koundara"
Click Here
99mvp said on 10/Aug/07
Chris- Well written post. The credibility of this entire message board is under siege!! It is TOTALLY inadequate to put Stadnyk in the Guinness book with a disclaimer. Guinness has been aware of Stadnyk for some time yet has properly kept him out of the book because he refused THEIR measurement standards.
Big Show - You are so right to call upon Xi Shun and Zhang to challenge Stadnyk for the title and that it would indeed be "a disgrace and utter humiliation for Guinness if Stadnyk and Shun appear on the same program and Stadnyk was found out to be shorter than Shun."
chris said on 10/Aug/07
reviewed the 2008 Guinness book in the store last does have Stadnyk listed, with the measurement photo in front of the brick wall with his could Guinness print THAT photo when it's so easy to extrapolate his height from that of his mother and the bricks????? bricks are a standard height....and we know his mom is around 5' tall..... BUT BUT BUT...they DO include a disclaimer that says they did not measure him 6 times during one day like they always do, but gave deference to the doctor's measurements since he's a specialist, endocrinologist, blah also says that they hope to measure him in person soon.....what an embarassment that will be for them when they have to retract him from the book next year - IF the measurement ever happens
CAN WE GET THE DOCTOR REMOVED FROM THE MEDICAL PROFESSION FOR HIS LIES??? We need to send letters to whatever board in his country handles such things.... heck, even the photos of Stadnyk with the doctor show he's no where near 8'5". This man should not be a doctor anymore....did he agree to lie because Stadnyk is a fellow doctor????? SHAMEFUL
99mvp said on 10/Aug/07
Sanchez- While you make some good points about Xi Shun, your basic premise is FAULTY ( as was Highman's ). You conveniently ignore REALITY, of which I will not allow you to escape. Xi Shun has been touted by Guinness as the tallest man in the world, and gained quite a lot of publicity as such, when he HAS NOT been the tallest man at ANY time during his "reign". That is a fact. While it is true that he willingly allowed the measurement showing he was shorter than Zhang, this has not gained any public or media traction, as you are well aware. So he is still a fraudulent title-holder. You cannot dispute THAT reality. So your initial statement that "he has represented the tallest man Title well" and in your latest post writing that "Xi Shun has been a good title holder" are absurd statements in light of the TRUTH. A truth of which Xi Shun is WELL aware. You speculate that he may have attempted to correct the record in his Chinese language and that there may have been closed-door sessions in this regard. Your speculation is unsubstantiated and borders on recklessness. I deal with the facts as presented, not fantasy on your part.
But we must temporarily move on from this debate and deal with something of REAL consequence.
With all due respect to everybody here on this board who are posting long passages discussing height issues with Jim Lanier ( and if he is who he says he is, then it is indeed an honor for him to be contributing to the board ), may I suggest that everybody here FOCUS in on the current CRISIS??? My father handed me an article titled "Ukranian man breaks through as world's tallest" and quotes Guinness spokeswoman Amarilis Espinoza as stating that Stadnyk is 8 inches taller than Xi Shun. So now this fraud has made its way into my newspaper. The credibility of the message board contributors is at stake and so is Guinness credibility.
With that said, I would like Jim Lanier to give us answers to Highman's question and Big Show's question.
1. Highman asked if Jim has ever met someone taller than himself ( at his current approximate 7'6" height ). If so, who?
2. If he has, it would further his expertise in height relationships with respect to a tall person's perspective. Thus, we get to Big Show's crucial question- What does Jim think about Leonid Stadnyk's height? Does he believe that Leonid is almost a foot taller than he is?
sky's da limit said on 10/Aug/07
who is this giant ? anyone got any info .. how old is he ?
does he suffer diabetes.. how much of his feet is missing ?
Mamadou Diallo
7 ft 6 inches (228.60 cm) (unconfirmed height)
fl. 2007
Koundara, Boké, Guinea
Alias "Le Géant de Koundara"
Click Here
Big Show said on 10/Aug/07
Hey Jim, nice to hear you're in good health and not to have those nagging health problems that a lot of tall people are suffering.
The ironic thing with average size people is they don't know what it's like to be extremely tall. Most average size persons think it's cool to be over 7 feet tall. Well it isn't. I'm just over 6 feet tall and I am already experiencing problems when I get in an airplane, a hotel or a movie theatre. I can only imagine how it must be for a person who is 1.5 feet taller than me. For you it must be nearly impossible to visit a movie cinema.
About the job issues for taller people I think governments should be an assist for these people just as they are an assist to people who have been unemployed for several years and people who have to re-integrate after an illness or long-term injury. Companies get funds, financial or tax benifits to hire these people (at least here in Holland) but I've never heard of such a thing being arranged for tall people. There must be a lot of people who are over 6'8 who experience difficulties in finding a job. Because let's face it, if an employer has the choice between an average size person or a large person, he will choose the average size person, because that's cheaper. The office space has to be redecorated in order to supply to the needs of a tall person and that's more expensive for an employer. That's why governments should encourage companies to hire tall people with the help of certain benefits just as they're encouraging companies to hire other groups of people.
It's sad to hear that some people really get annoying when they see taller people. I think it's normal when they stare at you, as it's not an every day sight to see a 7 footer. But to think they actually harass them is just plain stupid. But certain people behave very odd when they travel in groups. They feel the urge to harass people simply because they know can. But when you encounter them while they're on their own and no group to back them up, they're scared ****less. I truly hate those kinds of people.
One thing I'd like to ask you Jim. As 7+ footer yourself, what's your view of Leonid Stadnik. Do you think he's almost a foot taller than yourself? Is the difference between him and his mother than much different as between you and your fiancé?
Philo said on 10/Aug/07
Jim Lanier,
Thank you for posting here! I have been a big fan of Guinness for a long time (although the Stadnyk issue is troublesome), and remember your and your brother's record when it first came out. If I remember correctly, you surpassed 7'2" Irish brothers to claim the title of tallest twins ever. I am also especially interested in people of very unusual height, be it very tall or very short. My grandfather, as a resident of Missouri, saw Robert Wadlow in person and said his height was absolutely unbelievable to actually see.
What really interests me is how the daily life of people that are very tall or very short is affected by their height. Things I take for granted, like driving a car, taking a shower, lying in a bed, walking around in public anonymously, or even walking through a doorway are obviously a lot harder for you. I'm very interested in reading your accounts about how these things affect your life, and hope you post more about it! I, for one, am very fascinated to read what you have to say.
JT said on 10/Aug/07
Click Here This is if Stadnyk's mother is indeed 5'0" barefoot and 5'1" in those shoes, which don't give her too much boost. Stadnyk comes out to around 7'8" in shoes, which I think has been the estimate for many here. The mother would have to be around 5'8" barefoot to get Stadnyk to 8'5.5" barefoot.
Sanchez said on 9/Aug/07
99mpv: Xi Shun has been a good title holder and is not a Fraud, Note the words has been, Three reasons
1. First reason steps up to the Mic and gets officially measured and it is documented and videotaped, Unlike other giants who are frauds and never get measured. Xi Shun is 7' 8.95" as an old man and takes the record from Radhouane Charbib Officially at the age of 54
2. Second reason tells people he has a personal friend who is taller than him and that friend is Zhang
3. Third reason Voluntarily goes on Japanese program knowing Zhang is taller
and shows the world he is not the tallest and there is no way he did not know this . A Fraud would never never ever do this.
At this point what should happen , Xi Shun should finish the year as tallest and the next year Zhang should be tallest man but no what happens our good friends at Guinness wait an extra year and hand it over to the real fraud Stadnik. 99 you said Xi Shun has make no attempt to crrect the record ,unless you speak chinese and have watched every interview he has given you can not say that for sure, we do not know all the thing that happen behind close doors, Guinness maybe telling Xi Shun they will take it from here. Xi Shun has done
everything right except publicly denounce himself ,but 99 he has denounced himself by going on that Japanese Program. I would like to sit down and watch this Japanese Program of course translated and see what was said about this and how it was setup, we may find out some things we did not know
Xi Shun has a wife now and I am sure a lot more money and I agree with you that he should step down to Zhang but not to Stadnik the real fraud.
I do not wish to fight with anybody on this board and do not believe in being negative but wish to focus on positive thing like you said the truth.
I know a lot about giants and so do you thats obvious ,we should have each others backs
99mpv and board: I want the truth just like you do and the truth is
1. Xi Shun 7'8.95" officially
2. Zhang 7'11.28" with shoes on (Unconfirmed) Asias tallest
Asias Guinness headquarters, 2.37 meters at the age of 32
3. Stadnik Shorter than both of them
One want to know how tall Xi Shun was as a young man lets say 27 or 28, possibly 7' 10" or a little taller
Leonid Stadnyk Rules! said on 9/Aug/07
Click Here
Crawl back into your holes backbiters! What say ye now? Oh, most knowledgeable of nothing! Way to wipeout!
LV said on 9/Aug/07
Jim, this is a bad weekend for me. I work on Saturday and then I'm heading straight to Michigan. I won't be back until Sunday night. We'll have to try another time, maybe next week. You mentioned working for GM, you didn't happen to work in Kokomo a few years ago did you?
mytg8 said on 9/Aug/07
Jim-Yeah, that's what my brother does, ignore it and walk on. I don't think I could handle it, myself. As I said, he lives in NYC where it's really bad; most of the time you have to walk to get where you're going so you're on the street a lot. Young punks and gangs of small kids are the worst. Especially when he's with his girlfriend--every punk(usually backed up by several others) will run up and insult him, badger him, and the little idiot kids will try to trip him. It's like he's a movie star and needs bodyguards! I bet many giants would have bodyguards if they could afford them. He does have a counter 'tho. His legs are so long and therefore his walking pace is so fast that he's usually by people and gone up the street before they can react! I have to run to keep up with him.
Akirum byn Anaq said on 9/Aug/07
The Stadnyk story is a disgrace. Those Guinness fools need to show us SOLID evidence of his stature, Showing Dr. Besser Measure Stadnyk at 8 ft 5.5 inches, or showing Stadnyk at full height, next to a 6ft man. Otherwise, Guinness just lost all credibility they ever had. Unlike Stadnyk, we KNOW Wadlow was a genuine 9-footer, based on all his records and measurements made by indipendant Doctors, CM Charles and Cyril MacBryde, in 1940. I still reserve the possibility that Stadnyk is over 8 ft tall, but I won't believe it until hard evidence is fourthcome.
Big Show said on 9/Aug/07
Doesn't anyone know of a way to contact Xi-Shun Bao and tell him that he should challenge Stadnik for the title. I don't think he's aware that Stadnik is not the height they say he is.
It would even be cooler if Zhang Jun-Cai challenged Stadnik for the title, but he seems to have disappeared from the face of the Earth.
Can you imagine what it would be a disgrace and utter humiliation for Guinness if Stadnik and Shun would appear in the same programme and Stadnik was found out to be shorter than Shun.
Highman said on 9/Aug/07
Jim Lanier: Glad to hear you have made it through and accept what must be a horrible affliction. I wasn't going to ask but great to hear you found a mate. Have you ever had issues of ciculatory problems, endurance or balance? Just wondering.
Here is a good question: Have you ever met in person anyone taller than yourself (or your brother)?
Jim Lanier said on 9/Aug/07
MYTG8: You learn to ignore it in public. Unless the person is verbally abusive I nod and smile and continue about my business. I tend to suggest to people to find another topic of conversation. I am not a lawyer but I view it as harassment and verbal assault if they do not stop. Friends of mine if they're not use to it cannot believe how rude people are with the picture taking especially with cell phones and the finger pointing gets old real quick. My fiancé (barely 5'1") makes people introduce themselves. In my travels I find Indiana people to be some of the nicest I have met where as Metropolitan Detroit is the worst for courtesy. When I was younger one of the best things I would do when people walking by pretending to ignoring me was to turn around and bust the people staring at me by staring right back at them mimicking there rudeness back to them. They would get so embarrassed. I always try to be confident and nice. People respond well to that and will defend you. Kids absolutely love it. My brother has done some Kung Fu training and wouldn't hesitate to snap someone wrist back if they messed with him. Martial art is something I would do if I had more time. People have suggested to me to wear a T-shirt with my height on it. I'd rather wear something else that draws less attention that looks good. For a long time after college when it really sunk in that I would never make it into the pros. I was depressed….really depressed. I was poor. I worked contract to GM late 90’s. They paid me $10 and hour… in one of the richest counties in the US that was a poverty wage. My education from college seemed like it was for nothing. I went back to school and worked towards a degree in computer aided engineering. I couldn't find a job. (US was in its worst recession since the depression with the Detroit area one of the highest unemployment rates at least 7 or 8 % then) I couldn't get a girl friend. I’m a nice guy and love what life has to offer. Every time I went into a public place it was these four questions: How tall are you? Do you play basketball? Why not? How old are you? I hated it. No one ever introduced themselves, never talked about normal conversations. I couldn't relate to people. I could barely make my car payments and pay my Dad a token rent amount. I eventually could afford a cell phone, buy a new truck. Several years ago I met guy at work who invited me to hang out with him. He really wanted to be my friend. He taught me how to have fun again. My fiancé made me feel it’s really ok to be you and that she loves everything about me….good and bad. So… now I have a good outlook on life filled with many hurdles and someone to share it with and her thinking is you should always make lemonade out of lemons. I am happier and a little less stressed. She is the best thing that has ever happened to me.
Stu in GB: That is awesome!! My fiancé is a real James Bond fan and she said that was so cool! So was I Port or Starboard and how did I meet my demise. I could probably play that guy in a movie. I'm well built and decent looking. People have said I should have done movies and gone into acting. My brother was in one episode from the tales of the crypt and he was originally caste as a barbarian in the movie the Shadow but had to decline eventually due to filming delays since he was leaving California after college.
chris said on 9/Aug/07
we need to do something 99mvp says, the story is big news all over the place (pun very intended)
Big Guy said on 9/Aug/07
Sorry, I accidently reversed my scale in previous posting. I meant
2.857 feet per inch, not 2.857 inch per foot.
Highman said on 9/Aug/07
Anyone protesting Stadnyk on this Board should contact Guinness about same. I have done so. Unless he had a sudden growth spurt..... its rediculous. I wonder if Besser lobbied for this or what because Guinness didn't want to give it to him. Also unlike Xi Shun that did publicity for Guinness I don't see Stadnyk doing so.
At 8-6 he is not far off from Wadlow.... he would have to look much taller.
Big Guy said on 9/Aug/07
I looked at a picture of Stadnik standing outside against a brick wall next to
his mother. A very clear straight on photo. The info says his mother is 5 ft tall. If you use that as a starting point and accurately measue her in the photo, she is 1.75 inches high in the photo. This would mean that 5 ft
divided by 1.75 converts to 2.857 inches per foot scale.(2.857 X 1.75 = 5 ft.
Leonid measures 2.7 inches in the photo. Using the photos scale (based on the
mother being 5 ft.), 2.7 x 2.857 = 7'7.13. Probaly 7.7 without shoes.
99mvp said on 9/Aug/07
This Stadnyk situation is gaining traction. It is all over the place on the Internet. It is now one of the stories on the MSNBC website homepage.
I found this passage from a British newspaper article: "Despite persistent attempts by the Guinness Book of Records to officially measure him over the last three years, Stadnyk had always refused until he met London growth expert, Professor Michael Besser. It was Professor Besser's discovery - filmed for a documentary on the Discovery Channel in December last year- that led to the emergence of his true height after it was measured officially in Kiev. Now he has been added to the record books in America, although the 2008 Guinness Book of Records won't be published in the UK until September 28 this year."
chris said on 9/Aug/07
SANCHEZ - that photo you posted is most telling on Stadnyk....unless Yushchenko is near 7 feet tall (which we all know he's not even close), then Stadnyk is lying by about a FOOT !!! Lets spread that photo around to the news agencies, Guinness, and anyone else......GUINNESS MUST BE STOPPED !!!
Stu in GB said on 9/Aug/07
Jim, don't laugh (well, do) but when I saw you and your brother in the Guinness book when I was a kid, I cast you guys in my imaginary James Bond film (I must have written dozens of these scripts!) – as giant twin villain henchmen called Port and Starboard, with matching suits but a red and green tie respectively. Shades of Richard Kiel, natch. Needless to say, these characters gave 007 plenty of trouble but met with sticky ends eventually!
99mvp said on 9/Aug/07
Neil- You are the closest to a pom-pom waving Stadnyk supporter as we have on this message board ( I realize you do not believe he is as tall as even 8'4" however ).
There is a fine-line between being a reasonable rational person who does not reach rash conclusions and someone who is needlessly provocative simply for the sake of being contrary ( I am often accused of the latter! Ha ha ). I am not sure on which side of the line you fall.
mytg8 said on 9/Aug/07
Jim Lanier-it's great to hear from you and that you're doing so well. I've read many accounts of giants who became discouraged with all the problems you talked about and they never leave their house. I had an acquaintance who got so tired of the questions whenever he was out in public that he always wore his custom t-shirt with "I'm 7-2!" in big letters on the front and back. My brother is a 'mere' 6-8, lives in Manhattan, and just about every time he goes out, kids follow him on the street squealing and pointing, every two-bit hustler wants to pick a fight with him or deliberately trip him and the like. I'm not doubting you're 7-6, but where did Guinness get that measurement from? My 2006 copy says 7'3.9", a pretty exact measurement.
Inre:Guinness and Stadnyk--I too can't believe he's that tall. My guess is that it's a marketing ploy for the new 2008 edition. They found a doctor who measured him, close enough, new record, sell those books. If he's measured differently, just claim we took the docs word. Ask him not us. Then the doctor says "Look, it's just a typo. I measured him at 85.5 inches, not 8'5.5"! It's happened before in the early sixties with the giantess Delores Pollard. Docs told Guinness she was 8'2", then later said they were mis-quoted: she was 82 inches!
99mvp said on 9/Aug/07
When writing about Guinness, I wrote at the end of that post this: "once a giant is listed, you knew that Guinness was spot-on accurate in getting that giant's peak height. And we know that even THAT little morsel was rather meaningless since there were other giants out there undoubtedly taller than their tallest listed giant."
I also meant to add this: That while we could count on Guinness being accurate in measuring a particular giant's height ( in the current case- Xi Shun ), this information was of limited usefulness not only because there are other taller giants out there, but ALSO because that particular giant they measured loses height and thus his height becomes stale and no longer reliably accurate in subsequent years.
Neil said on 9/Aug/07
Sanchez they might be standing side by side but the angle still favours Yuschenko look at the size of his head to Stadniks. We know Stadniks head would be bigger than Yuschenkos head.
99mvp said on 9/Aug/07
Sanchez- You wrote this: "Highman: I agree with you about Xi Shun, I believe he has represented the tallest man Title well".
What is the matter with the two of you??? Are you not as interested in the TRUTH as I have been, throughout all of my posts? Do you two not grasp that Xi Shun is a PHONY? katsu showed all of us the stunning Japanese show which showed us that Xi Shun was measured at a lesser height than Zhang. Xi Shun is aware of this truth. Yet Xi Shun has perpetuated the fraud that he is the tallest man. He does not say a word to the public or media when he has a chance. He makes no attempt to correct the record. Instead he will reap the benefits as long as he is able to, despite knowing that he is doing so under false pretenses.
So Sanchez and Highman are showing this board a troubling ethical compass. Please rethink your opinion about Xi Shun's character.
There is little I despise more than a phony/fraud. The banished Richard took that concept to new heights and was properly vanquished from this message board.
99mvp said on 9/Aug/07
Big Show- Thanks for showing the board my July 19 post. In my continued assault on Guinness limitation in this height area, I tried to throw Guinness a little bone there. And I stand by what I wrote- they are only useful in "getting an exact height of a particular giant IF they do the measuring". But you are quite correct that even that aspect of Guinness's contribution to this height business would ultimately be rendered useless if they DARE to list Stadnyk. Because they simply list the tallest human without going into the sordid details of the measurement process. And listing Stadnyk would only serve to sabatoge the one thing they were good at in recent ( they were deficient in the past ) years- once a giant is listed, you knew that Guinness was spot-on accurate in getting that giant's peak height. And we know that even THAT little morsel was rather meaningless since there were other giants out there undoubtedly taller than their tallest listed giant.
Big Show said on 9/Aug/07
Last week I send a letter to Guinness about Stadnyk supposedly being measured at 8'5.5? No reply received thusfar.
Last year I already send a letter to Guinness about Zhang Jun-Cai also with the pictures of the Japanese TV-show. No reply from Guinness received. A few years ago I also send a letter to Guinness about an issue (but I forgot what it was) but again, no reply from Guinness.
Maybe Guinness should set up a new record: Company which doesn't respond to letters or questions. They would probably hold the world record on that.
Jim Lanier said on 9/Aug/07
LV: Good too see a fellow hoosier reading the sight. Pick a place this weekend if your available. I am busy Saturday morning until 12:30pm but anytime after that including Sunday.
99mvp: I haven't read muuch of the blog. Just the last few days. I understand about despising flying since I have to bend over into a contorted pretzel shape with my may butt up against the door aiming for the Toilet just too peeeeeee in those tiny airplane bathrooms hoping my aim hits its mark. There is not enough room even to kneel down. Hopefully I will get to meet LV soon and end your skeptical reponses about me.
Highman said on 9/Aug/07
I emailed the lady Laura Plunkett at 212-463-9623 witht the pic of Zhange and Xi Shun on the Japanese game show. No Reply. I would encourage others to email or call her.
sky's da limit said on 9/Aug/07
oh sorry my bad
musutaman is dead,
and kali is not 7 feet 9 but 7 feet 8,
sky\'s da limit said on 9/Aug/07
so who of our competitors for the title tallest living man are still growing ?
ajaz ahmed, zhang jun cai , Jarne Salmivirta,Naseer Ahmaad Soomro, Haq Nawaz Noor Muhamad,
the unknown giant from kenya who measures - 251.4 cm,
is musutaman alive ? listed at 7 feet 11.67 inches on johnny c's worlds tallest ever people list,
they now report Kaliova "Kali" Seleiwau to be 7 feet 9.
also mu tie zhu the basketball giant is alot taller than what his mentioned to be -- he always said he was shorter .. dont know the reason for this .. but his taller ..
Huang Chang-Chiu 7 feet 9
sultan kosen ,
KEMBLE said on 9/Aug/07
Well, I take back all I've said before. I've just looked at the BBC site. This is terrible. If this is being done on the say-so of Professor Besser, he wants .....
ssx said on 9/Aug/07
anyone know anything about Chang Jiao-Tai? According to at least two sources I've seen on the net, he is/was supposedly over 9 feet tall? China's giant in general, do look the part. Unlike Stadnik and some others who don't even look to be close to 8 ft tall.
Big Show said on 9/Aug/07
I can't believe they're actualy listing Stadnik at a staggering 8'5.5. They were so sceptical when he claimed to be 8'4 and refused to list him as the tallest person in the world. Yet know they list him at 8'5.5!
99mvp says on 8/Aug/07
And you also said this.
But you also said this:
99mvp says on 19/Jul/07
Kemble and Eclipse- This situation further illustrates the point I have been making all along that Guinness is SEVERELY limited in establishing the TRUTH of the height relations between giants. They are only good at ONE thing regarding the tallest humans- getting an exact height of a particular giant IF they do the measuring. But that is the TOTAL EXTENT of their usefulness in this area. They are not reliable in any conclusions regarding height relationships.
Apparently they’re no good at that ‘ONE thing’ you’re referring to either. Stadnik is being listed as 8’5.5 and not only that, they’re claiming there was an actual measurement being taken in 2006. So they’re not just listing a height claim here, but an actual measurement. If wonder if they hired Stevie Wonder as a Guinness representative for this measurement.
Akirum byn Anaq said on 8/Aug/07
Maybe Stadnyk really is 8 ft 5 1/2? Those Guinnes friggs better provide some hard evidence, and quickly. The news of STadnyk is spreading fast, BBC is now reporting about it.
Click Here
LV said on 8/Aug/07
I live near Indy (Noblesville), Jim. I'd be happy to witnesss a measurement and post pictures or a video on the site for all the skeptics.
Sanchez said on 8/Aug/07
Highman: I agree with you about Xi Shun, I believe he has represented the tallest man Title well, and he is definitely taller than Stadnik. Check out my 8/3/07 Post
Neil: I respect everybodys opinion, not everybody can think the same , if they did, there would be no debate or discussion. I found a picture of Yushchenko and Stadnik standing side by side No weird angles
Click Here
Highman said on 8/Aug/07
Jim Lanier:
You seem to have a positive attitude. Thats great.
Jim Lanier said on 8/Aug/07
Highman: Thanks for the contact information
99mvp said on 8/Aug/07
Kemble- How do you respond to the links which Highman just posted which show that Guinness is poised to declare that Stadnyk is going to be listed at 8'5.5"?
HAVE I NOT, FROM THE VERY FIRST DAY THAT I POSTED ON THIS MESSAGE BOARD, WARNED YOU PEOPLE THAT GUINNESS IS A DISGRACE FROM THE STANDPOINT OF THE LACK OF ACCURACY OF THEIR TALLEST PERSON??????? ONCE AGAIN, I MOST MODESTLY POINT OUT HOW RIGHT I AM. I must admit that I do get bored with being RIGHT ALL THE TIME!! The most annoying aspect to all of this- somewhere the kshuchkins family is laughing at me, because they will have "proof" that they were right about Stadnyk. The fraud has been taken to new heights!!
Jim Lanier- You wrote to me "99mvp: I offer the same to you. Fly into indianapolis and measure me". If you had been reading this message board for a while, you would know that I despise flying. I get panicky. So I will pass on your invitation. You are claiming that both you and your twin are as tall as Shawn Bradley?? I am sorry, but I am highly skeptical.
99mvp said on 8/Aug/07
Highman- Your point about Xi Shun was lame. Who cares about his attitude? Who cares about his enjoyment? I will NOT give him credit as the tallest living human IF he is NOT the tallest human being. There is NO room for sentimentality here. He either is or is not the tallest living human. The person who is the second, third, fourth, etc. tallest human may be a generous wonderful person who gives all of his money to charity- he should NOT be listed in the Guinness book regardless. The height crown does not depend whatsoever on what you wrote- "looking tall", "good attitude", or "enjoying it". I am surprised at the nonsense that you wrote.
chris said on 8/Aug/07
someone needs to contact Guinness immediately and find out if it's true that Stadnyk will be recognized by them in the new book, and if they PERSONALLY witnessed his measurement by their long-held standards....which if memory serves are an average of 3 measurements taken at various times during one day, lying down. OR.....did they dispense with their requirements because he's so far from civilation...that would be a travesty...
Here is the Guinness contact info direct from the website:
Contact Details
Guinness World Records Limited
184-192 Drummond Street
3rd Floor
London NW1 3HP
United Kingdom
When contacting Guinness World Records please specify which department your enquiry concerns so that we can respond as quickly as possible:
Press Office
Records Management Team
Sales and Marketing
TV Production
highman do u know where i can find clips of it it looked really good also does anyone know now how long billy bud rogan lived for i heard he was like 8 foot 1 175 pounds thats gotta suck lol
Highman said on 8/Aug/07
Click Here
I think we should email these clowns at Guinness and ask them how they get Stadnyk at 8-5.5. There are email addresses on the press release. They really should do some research on their most prized record.
Highman said on 8/Aug/07
Johnny C: The last picture next to the Car has Wadlow in the exact same outfit as he was in the film clips on the National Geographic special. Could be in the last few days of his life. I concur. Did you see that special on Giantism? Amazing.
Highman said on 8/Aug/07
I don't think Xi Shun will take this claim by Stadnik lightly.... Everyone rips Xi Shun on this site but I find that he does look tall, has a good attitude and enjoyed it for what it was worth... give him some credit.
Highman said on 8/Aug/07
Oh no its true..... how could they!!
Click Here
KEMBLE said on 8/Aug/07
Why are people still posting digs at Guinness on the lines of "If Guinness list Stadnyk at 8' 5.5" etc etc" The new Guinness book is out, and links to scans of the text have been posted on this board. They HAVEN'T listed Mr S at his claimed height. If they ever do, it will be a scandal, but let's at least wait for it to happen!
Eclipse said on 8/Aug/07
99mvp- I agree that the wheelchair was irrelevant in my hypo. I just tossed it in there since we were talking about wheelchairs in a few posts.
Johnny C said on 8/Aug/07
Highman: (i) It was through my various tall people websites' invitation for visitor comments that the case of 8 ft 8.25 inches (264.80 cm) (unconfirmed height) Grady Patterson was brought to my attention by a resident of DeKalb, Illinois; (ii) If you're aware of a Guinness e-mail address, I'll forward to them details of my tall people websites.
99mvp said on 8/Aug/07
Neil- You maintain that Leonid Stadnyk is at least 7'10". Thus you are confident that if Stadnyk stood next to Xi Shun both barefoot, he would be at least one inch taller? You have seen how tall Xi Shun is, and looks. Are you confident in your claim?
Mytg8 writes that Robert Wadlow had "apparent spinal curvature...he surely was well over 9 feet tall if curvature was taken into account but precise measurements were never made...his parents refused any autopsies after his death". VERY interesting thought!!
Johnny C- I am pleased that you question the alleged Jim Lanier. I am leery about this guy's claim that he is at least 7'6". I am not convinced that this poster was Jim Lanier, and even if he is who he says who he is- we need a PRECISE measurement. He says he and his twin "are 7'6" and maybe taller". We need PROOF of an exact height.
99mvp said on 8/Aug/07
Eclipse- Your hypothetical introducing a wheelchair-bound giant only served to obscure your point. The wheelchair had NOTHING to do with your thesis- that "measurements are definitely time sensitive". THAT was your thesis, and thus the only relevant fact pattern in your hypothetical to that thesis was "10 years later, someone else measures 7'11.5".....I want to re-measure the 8-footer to see if he was STILL 8'0"." The added words "after being confined to a wheelchair for so long" are IRRELEVANT. The only relevant fact was the passage of time of 10 years. All that matters is whether or not the 8-footer is STILL 8-feet. If he is no longer at that height, the REASON he is no longer 8-feet tall becomes moot. He would no longer be the tallest living human, according to us. ( In fact, maybe a giant who walks around is affected by gravity and is thus more likely to shrink than a wheel-chair bound giant! ).
Neil said on 8/Aug/07
The Yuschenko picture which you all use to downgrade Stadnik means that Yuschenkos head is bigger than Stadniks which we all know is nonsense. It is the camera angle which makes Stadnik look smaller. In all of the pics of Yuschenko and Stadnik in the hospital , Yuschenko is closer to the camera. I know Stadnik isnt 8ft 5, we all know that but all im saying and I have from one of my first posts on here is that he is atleast 7'10.
mytg8 said on 8/Aug/07
Johnny C-Super new site about Wadlow. In the next to last photo, the one where Robert is standing next to the car and car salesman, may have been one of the last taken of him, I'm sure. It was one of a group taken by Robert Graul(the same fellow who took the April 1940 pic), his official photographer--the last shots he took of Wadlow. You can see the outlines of the new braces under his pants legs. The same braces that caused his fatal illness. So I think that photo was taken mere weeks before his death and show him at his extreme height, near 9 feet. Note the apparent spinal curvature in that shot. He surely was well over 9 feet tall if curvature was taken into account but precise measurements were never made(as with Carroll, Carmel, and maybe Stadnyk) and his parents refused any autopsies after his death, so no one knows.
The shot with him and the clown was taken when he joined the circus in 1938. BTW, other photos there that show a twist in his back when standing were taken late in his life too, probably 1940. In particular, the pic right before the clown shot mentioned above. Many of the others were earlier shots taken with short people. Posed photos. Wadlow was not beyond having his pic taken towering over shorties to emphasize his height(as if he needed the contrast).
Eclipse said on 8/Aug/07
Akirum byn Anaq- If Guinness is going to list Stadnyk at 8-5.5, I may as well submit my claim to them as being the tallest man in the United States. I'm only 6-2, but I am going to call them and tell them I am 8-0. Seems like that's all you have to do to get listed by them these days.
Johnny C said on 8/Aug/07
Given the disproportionate quantity of Robert Wadlow photographs available on the 'net relative to images of other 8-footers (
Click Here), I've launched a website dedicated to Wadlow
Click Here
Akirum byn Anaq said on 8/Aug/07
Unless Stadnyk has spinal issues, and Doc Besser calculated Stadnyk's kyphosis into his measurements, there's no way Stadnyk is nearly 8 1/2 feet tall.
Nippu said on 8/Aug/07
Well Guinness has never been really sharp in their records. If they really say Stadnik is 8´5.5, i´ve never buy that book again:)
JT said on 8/Aug/07
Click Here Here’s Wadlow also next to a 5’11” man
Click Here Wadlow would have Stadnyk by only 6 inches, right???
Highman said on 8/Aug/07
Johnny C: How did you come across Grady Patterson? Have you ever tried to contact Guinness about your website, Grady Patterson or Zhang?
Akirum byn Anaq said on 7/Aug/07
Stadnyk IS officially recognized by Guinness Book 2008, as the tallest man at 8 ft 5.5 inches. This is simply extraordinary. All photographic evidence suggests he is in the 7 1/2 ft range. I will believe Guinness, only if they have a convincing photograph of Stadnyk next to a 6 ft man.
Guinness is currently undergoing a search for the tallest men per country, worldwide. You can submit your height on their website. They will reveal the results in November.
Highman said on 7/Aug/07
Hi Jim!! So what did you and Mike do with your lives? Did you play basketball? How has your health been? Has it been tough with that height psychologically? Must actually be nice to have a brother in the same situation.
Eclipse said on 7/Aug/07
99mvp- The intent of my wheelchair hypothetical had nothing do with standards imposed or accepted by Guinness. I was promoting the idea that measurements are definitely time sensitive and should be redone when there is a possible new claimant to the tallest living person. (whether or not Guinness does it or not is irrelevant to the actual truth in my view- especially in light of the many posts illustrating Guinness' faults)
I realize my hypothetical didn't have to be so extreme to discuss a situation involving wheelchairs. I just wrote it that way to illustrate an example. I, too, had many hypotheticals posed to me during law school.
I agree with both your 6-0 answer to my earlier hypothetical as well as to what you said regarding the inaccuracies of the Guinness system.
Johnny C said on 7/Aug/07
Jim Lanier: Great to hear from you. In order to update my tall people websites to my own satisfaction, I'd be grateful if you could direct me to photographic evidence for your claim.
MykTurk: My 8-footers website now includes your two Robert Wadlow photographs. Thanks for bringing these to our attention - I've seen neither photograph before.
KEMBLE said on 7/Aug/07
Surprise is sometimes expressed that Wadlow died of something as trivial as a blister. Here's a quote from a recent item on a Daily Mail website:
A grandfather died after a blister caused by tight new shoes led to
blood poisoning and massive organ failure. Peter Catterall, 60, was
given dressings by a district nurse and told the sore on his toe should
heal by itself.
But just over a week later, the retired electrician suffered two heart
He was taken to hospital and diagnosed with blood poisoning, or
septicaemia, and died within a month.
So it can happen even today!
sky's da limit said on 7/Aug/07
great to see giants participate in this forum .. jim lainer,
so how is it to be a giant ? how do you view the attention you get from people ..
whats the upsides and the downsides..
simply put.. what's it like to be taller tham most people
sky's da limit said on 7/Aug/07
thanks a lot massimo,
i dont understand why ted turner hasnt helped jorge gonzales,
if its only a matter of money to get big jorge to recover...and get out of the wheelchair,
i cant understand why his connections and contacts hasnt helped him out.
i think we should write mr. turner
Jim Lanier said on 7/Aug/07
Great post!! I am Jim Lanier one of the Tallest Twins. I Came across this website while browsing the web the other day. The information posted about Jim and Mike Lanier is incorrect. Guiness has never officially measured us in the 20 yrs we have been in the book. We are 7'6" and maybe taller since neither one of us has been measured in years. The picture taken on the Japanese TV show is at least 20yrs old when we were in high school and the other is as you can see its from Maury and that was 5 or 6 yrs ago!
MykTurk said on 7/Aug/07
Click Here
Click Here
Johnny C, your picture of Robert with his family (him seated in the wicker chair, center) was taken at 2416 Sanford and should be dated between 1938-1940
Johnny C said on 7/Aug/07
Highman: Your kind words are appreciated re: my tall people websites (please give those Google ads LOTS of clicking! [right, editor Rob? :)]).
It's pretty subjective re: who's the more enigmatic of 8 ft 8.25 inches (264.80 cm) (unconfirmed height) Grady Patterson and 8 ft 7.75 inches (263.53 cm) John F. Carroll. Considering their 1960s adulthood and US citizenship they're both surprisingly mysterious characters. However, given Carroll's existence has long been widely known through Guinness (even though photographs of Carroll are relatively new to me), I'd say the "newly discovered" Patterson's the greater enigma. What say ye?
Sadly, I don't feel the general use of the term "enigma" completely applies in this context, as I tend to think of enigmatic people as being "blessed". That is to say, when I consider the "super giants" 8 ft 11.1 inches (272.03 cm) Robert Wadlow, Patterson, 8 ft 8 inches (264.16 cm) John William (Willie) “Bud” Rogan and Carroll I tend to feel sorrowful of their too-brief lifespans and their physical and emotional suffering.
Massimo said on 7/Aug/07
sky's da limit-
I'm Italian and Italian is very similar to Spanish, so I think I have
understood most of what Jorge Gonzales said in that short video-clip.
He just says that he doesn't have the words to thank everybody for helping him in this difficult situation (difficult for his health's problems). Of course a Spanish person would understand better, but I have tried my best.
99mvp said on 7/Aug/07
Eclipse- Your new hypothetical ( hypotheticals were posed to me all the time in law school ) is UNCLEAR as to its INTENT. Once a person gains the title of tallest living human at a set height, it has been my understanding that that giant does NOT lose his Guinness title as tallest living human to anyone until someone else gets measured at a HIGHER height. It is my understanding ( anybody on this message board correct me if my understanding is not accurate ) that Guinness does NOT follow up with that particular giant for re-measurement for possible downgrading of current height. Recent obvious examples are Radhouane Charbib, who was NO LONGER his peak 7'8.9" height when Xi Shun was measured at 7'8.95" tall yet lost his title only when Xi Shun was measured above the stale 7'8.9" height mark, and also Sandy Allen who has clearly lost some of her height yet is STILL recognized by Guinness as tallest living woman. Thus, in the current environment, Guinness would still recognize your 8-foot wheelchair giant as taller than the 7'11.5" giant.
Thus, your hypothetical question is MOOT, since Guinness would keep the 8-foot wheelchair-bound giant as tallest living human over one measured at 7'11.5".
But I think there is a general consensus on this message board that this Guinness approach ( or shall we call it laziness/sloppiness? ) is NOT the proper way to recognize current tallest human. Thus, if the giant has shrunk over the years, then the giant's height should be adjusted downward accordingly ( for purposes of keeping the title ). That brings me back to the INTENT of your hypothetical. If Guinness was in the habit of making it its business to keep up with CURRENT heights of giants, then your hypothetical need not be so dramatic. It would NOT necessarily take someone in a wheelchair to lose his title. If a healthy former 8-footer was remeasured and found to be now 7'11", then that giant should indeed lose his title of tallest living human to the 7'11.5" giant.
Johnny C said on 7/Aug/07
For the purpose of improving this website
Click Here dedicated to people exceeding a height of 8 ft 0 inches (243.83 cm), I'd be grateful if any contributors to this message board can direct me to further photographs/images posted on the 'net, as well as 'fine-tuning' the chronology of Robert Wadlow photographs.
Highman said on 7/Aug/07
Johnny C: Who is more of an enigma: Grady Patterson or John Carroll?
Johnny C said on 7/Aug/07
41 Robert Wadlow photographs are now posted on this website
Click Here
sky's da limit said on 7/Aug/07
someone speaka spanisssh ?
i need a translator,
found this videoclip of jorge giant gonzales .. it most be recently .. cause his in a wheelchair
Click Here
Neil said on 7/Aug/07
Gabriel Monjane does not look 8ft in the pic with the women to his right and the boy to his left, the woman barely looks 5ft.
Highman said on 6/Aug/07
Johnny C: I love your site...keep up the good work.
Eclipse said on 6/Aug/07
A follow up to my wheelchair comment......Assume someone is measured as the tallest living person at 8-0 the day before he becomes permanently confined to a wheelchair. 10 years later, someone else measures 7-11.5. At no time within this 10 year period, did anyone else measure over 7-11.5. Before dismissing this person that measured 7-11.5, I would want to re-measure the 8 footer to see if he was STILL 8-0 after being confined to a wheelchair for so long.
Highman said on 6/Aug/07
There really was a lot of interesting stuff on the National Geographic special, including the obvious point that Yao Ming and some NBA centers are really the tallest a human can get without medical condition of some sort.... Gene driven giants they called them.....
So really no 8 footers would occur naturally without a pituitary or other genetic disorder.
Johnny C said on 6/Aug/07
Big Guy: The graininess and cropping of the photograph featuring 7 ft 2.61 inches (220.00 cm) Surasaku Sudoplasat, 7 ft 6.25 inches (229.24 cm) Chris Greener and 8 ft 0.75 inches (245.75 cm) Gabriel Estêvão Monjane (
Click Here) obscures why Monjane appears greater than 6.5 inches (16.51 cm) taller than Greener. Perhaps perspective favours Monjane there?
LOOKUPTOTHETALLPEOPLE: The identity of the world's tallest living widely-known human being, as recognised by Guinness, prompts much discussion on this message board. In my own opinion, the frame taken from a 2006 Japanese television show featuring Xi Shun (Bao Xishunto) and Zhang Jun-Cai (
Click Here) provides compelling evidence of the latter's greater height.
Big Show said on 6/Aug/07
Big Guy says on 6/Aug/07
I have a question, in the pictures posted for Gabriel Monjane, there is one where he is on stage with Chris Greener. I believe Chris is an accepted 7'6". The picture is cropped at the bottom and not
clear but if they are standing on the same level Chris's head is only up to
Gabriels shoulder. If that is true, Gabriel would be 8" if his head was only
six inches high! I got to believe his head is alot bigger then 6 inches! I know
alot of "trickery" goes on in these photos.
In that pic Chris Greener is much further behind which makes him look smaller than he actually is. Plus the camera angle favours Monjane.
Highman said on 6/Aug/07
Somebody has got to contact Guinness.... Zhang is the real deal in my opinion.
Any new info on Uppal's death? Might they have done a measurement post morteum?
99mvp said on 6/Aug/07
Poker Portal- You are free to take me seriously or not. Since I have the sharpest mind when it comes to logic and am thus the most lucid writer on this message board, you should choose wisely to take me VERY seriously.
And I reiterate that I am most appreciative that you provided this message board with the Guinness tallest living human throughout the years. That was a great help to me.
Eclipse- You posed the hypothetical situation "Let's say Person X is 6'0" tall, but assuming normal spinal curvature he is figured to be 6'3". Now suppose he was walking down the street and someone asked him his height. How should he respond?" That is a TRICK question. His height is 6'3", according to accepted Guinness standards.
But you corrected observe that "unlike a person confined to a wheelchair, it is impossible to get this person to fully stand straight." By using normal spinal curvature, his height is EXTRAPOLATED and is thus a product of a certain fiction.
People do not ask the question in the manner you wrote. If they are so inclined to broach the subject at all, they ask simply "How tall are you?" And the answer to THAT question is "I am 6'0" TALL." That is his standing height. He stands tall to the tune of an even 6-feet.
Since that is the information that he is truly being asked to provide, the most accurate answer to the question being posed is "6 feet tall".
Big Guy said on 6/Aug/07
I am new to this site. Looking at Johnny C's web site, it is clear that Robert
Wadlow was clearly the largest giant. He is immense when measured against both
people and any object in the photos. I have a question, in the pictures posted
for Gabriel Monjane, there is one where he is on stage with Chris Greener. I believe Chris is an accepted 7'6". The picture is cropped at the bottom and not
clear but if they are standing on the same level Chris's head is only up to
Gabriels shoulder. If that is true, Gabriel would be 8" if his head was only
six inches high! I got to believe his head is alot bigger then 6 inches! I know
alot of "trickery" goes on in these photos.
sky's da limit said on 5/Aug/07
does anyone have any recent photos of jorge giant gonzales.. and does anyone have any news on his condition.. could he perhaps recover..
Johnny C said on 5/Aug/07
mask: Many thanks for drawing our attention to the three photographs of 8 ft 0.75 inches (245.75 cm) Gabriel Estêvão Monjane, which I've included in this new website dedicated to people exceeding a height of 8 ft 0 inches (243.83 cm)
Click Here
sky's da limit said on 4/Aug/07
hello again.
does anyone know who this giant is .. listed at
Click Here
Name Unknown) ¹Æ±(- Kenya) height 251.4 - birth 1962 - alive
sounds very interesting ..
Eclipse said on 3/Aug/07
99mvp- I never said I wasn't responsible for the words I wrote so I don't see how that statement needs to be said to ME. I am fully aware of that.
With that said, I agree with you. I did type something faulty. What I should have said was (and what I actually meant when I originally typed what I typed)-I do not like to put clout in the height of someone permanently bound in a wheelchair if we never had a reliable measurement to begin with. For example, someone claims a height of 8-3 and at the time of that claim, that person is in a wheelchair. I will not accept that at all unless, as you said earlier, we forced the person up or laid him down and executed a proper measurement.
Getting back to spinal curvature, let me pose this question to you. Let's say "Person X" is 6-0 tall, but assuming normal spinal curavture, he is figured to be 6-3. Now suppose "Person X" was walking down the street and someone asked him his height. How should he respond?
I would argue he should say that he is 6-0 because unlike a person confined to a wheelchair, it is impossible to get this person to fully stand straight. (short of killing him or severly injuring him)
99mvp said on 3/Aug/07
zas- I liked that video of Naseer Soomro that you posted a link to.
I also was impressed with the video of Igor Vovkovinskiy/Ladan that we all recently saw.
Unlike Sanchez, I do not yearn for Stadnyk's actual measurement. He is simply not in the discussion for actual tallest living human.
But I REALLY want these giants to be measured TODAY: Zhang, Xi Shun, Soomro, Igor, Kosen, Vikas Uppal, and Sun Ming Ming. Let's establish the pecking order!!
99mvp said on 3/Aug/07
Eclipse- Oh and by the way- I stand by my point about Robert Wadlow. As I just wrote, people are responsible for the words they write. I was very careful to write that once Robert was in a wheelchair, he would lose the title of "tallest living man and someone else takes his place at that time", based upon your position. Your response of "no, because we already had a measurement so that record would not be wiped out" was not addressing my point at all. I did NOT write that you would have wiped out his record. I wrote that he would no longer be the tallest LIVING man, according to the logical way to interpret your initial position. You insisted that for a permanently wheelchair-bound giant ( which Robert would have been at that point ) you "don't like to put clout in people being a certain height if they cannot stand up straight for the simple fact that they can never actually be that height." So according to your intial point of view, Robert could no longer be that height ( 8'11" ) or even taller if he kept on growing. And thus your initial point of view would have been to remove the title of tallest LIVING man from Robert and bestowed it on a giant who was able to stand up to show his height in a standing vertical position.
Sanchez said on 3/Aug/07
To the Board: President Yushchenko Is 5'11", in order for Stadnik to be 8'5.5" Yushchenko would have to be about 6'10" and that doorway would have to be an
8 footer. I forgot to say this in my last post
Click Here
99mvp said on 3/Aug/07
Eclipse- As I have written in the past, everybody on this message board is responsible for the words that he/she writes. You are expected to clearly state your opinions/views. This is EXACTLY what you wrote: "If he is permanently wheelchair bound, we'll never see him at that height. Therefore, I argue that his claimed standing height would not count. I don't like to put clout in people being a certain height if they cannot stand up straight for the simple fact that they can never actually be that height."
There is no ambiguity in your viewpoint.
But NOW you have changed your tune!! That is the nonsense that KG used to pull on this message board. And I will always point out to this message board when someone uses sloppy thinking or switches an argument. You now tell us that "reliable measurement instead of guess point in all of this- give me an exact measurement. Don't assume anything."
So now suddenly your initial clear rejection of wheelchair-bound giants is NOT some philosophical problem with the fact that you do not like the fact that you can't view them in a vertical position. Now your concern is with the potential problem of us assuming/estimating a height for a giant when he/she cannot stand up. That is a valid concern. No one would argue with that. The wheelchair bound giant must be accurately measured from head to toe before assigning a proper height to the giant. There may be logistical problems with doing that. I don't deny that. But that was NOT the argument you initially made. You rejected any giant who could not stand. Furthermore, the giant had to stand on his own in order for a valid height to be assigned to him, according to you.
This message board deserves clear thinking and arguments that follow logically. We can only respond to the words that you actually write. As an attorney, I will hold everybody ( including myself ) to that standard.
Everybody ( except for me ) makes mistakes. You have now backed off your intial unambiguous rejection of any wheelchair-bound giant. I am pleased that you now accept that these giants deserve their recognition, once properly measured.
Sanchez said on 3/Aug/07
To the Baord: If someone says they are over 8 Feet almost everytime its a lie
Stadnik lives in a poor village and is trying to make some money ouy of his height and pain and suffering, if this is true about Stadnik in Guinness in 2008
I hope Xi Shun demands a public measurement of both giants and reclaims his title and maybe more giants will come forward after finding out what being the tallest man in the world title holder can do for them monetarily
These two pictures prove that Stadnik is not 8'5.5" and is more likely to be 7'5.5"
Click Here
Click Here
Eclipse said on 3/Aug/07
99mvp- In response to your 4 points:
1) Then I want people to help lift said giant and either make said giant stand up straight or lie said giant down for a measurement.
2) No because we already had a measurement so that record would not be wiped out.
3) I wouldn't ignore this 20 foot person if we had a reliable measurement instead of guess work.
4) OK, then do it and I will believe it.
My point in all of this- give me an exact measurement. Don't assume anything.
With regard to Sandy Allen- I have no doubt she was at one point 7-7 1/4. However, she is a lot older now and spends much of her time in a wheelchair. Is she still 7-7 1/4? That is where my doubts lie.
99mvp said on 3/Aug/07
Eclipse- I have written about the subject of giants being unable to stand before. But to briefly address the "assumed normal spinal curvature" dilemma: There are clear VISUAL problems with ARTIFICIALLY boosting a giant's height via assumed normal spinal curvature. Johnny C goes with the Guinness standard of boosting the giant's standing height by assuming the normal curvature of the giant's spine. it is through that method that gives us the only Guinness-recognized 8-foot giantess, Zeng Jinlian. This is a personal preference that has no right or wrong result. makes LITTLE sense for you to take the view that wheel-chair bound giants do NOT deserve proper recognition. Why must the giant be able to stand on his own to get credit for being the height he is?? That is nonsense!! Giants who permanently sit down should not be penalized by your SUBJECTIVE view that negates the reality that they are the height that they are.
1. People could help lift the giant to a standing position to get the giant into a vertical position, which you declare is imperative. So how is a person's actual height dependent on one's ability to stand up on one's own?? That is silly.
2. To further illustrate this point, Robert Wadlow prior to his death was on the verge of being chair-bound and then maybe bedridden. So according to your logic, once this occurs, the tallest man ever gets wiped out of the record book as the tallest living man and someone else takes his place at that time. WHO ON THIS MESSAGE BOARD WOULD SUPPORT THAT NOTION? How ridiculous would that look?- everyone being told that Robert was the tallest guy living at 8'11", then past 9 feet, etc. but then someone else taking over the title while Robert was still alive!
3. According to your point of view, you could have someone lying down who is 20 feet from foot to head, but you would simply ignore him. Doesn't exist in your eyes. No place on a tall people list. Makes lots of sense, Eclipse.
4. To address your point directly- "I want to physically see the claimed height before I accept it." That is easy. Lie the giant down and measure him/her that way. Height is from head to toe.
So one's actual height is IRRELEVANT to one's ability to get oneself vertical. That is a restrictive standard that has no place in logic.
Highman said on 3/Aug/07
Most trackers of world records for tallest man do give creedence to spinal curvature and wheel bound claimants. Cases in point are Sandy Allen, John Carroll, Grady Patterson and Zach Devits. While I think funtionality is noted and makes Wadlow that much more special, it does not bar claimants. However, uneveness of frame and stature might. Ajaz Ahmed has a gimp leg and that has had atleast Guinness stated concerns before.... So I guess there are two sides to this argument. I would think all Giants should be claimed and left to the observer who is worthy of being a claimant. I personally would have no problem if Zhang was 7-11 and wheel chair bound or only 7-9 but had obvious curvature to give him compensating factors in a final calculation of his height....
Speaking of Zhang it seems that very few publications list him...just our Board here and a couple of internet postings which usually call him Xi Shun!!
Eclipse said on 3/Aug/07
Rob C- Let's say for argument's sake that if Diallo were to stand up straight, he would be 8-3. However, if he is permanently wheelchair bound, we'll never see him at that height. Therefore, I argue that his claimed standing height would not count. I don't like to put clout in people being a certain height if they cannot stand up straight for the simple fact that they can never actually be that height. This happens most commonly with the famed "assuming normal spinal curvature". Someone bound to a wheelchair would be another example. I don't want to "assume normal curavture" or claim that someone permanently sitting down is a given height. I want to physically see the claimed height before I accept it.
In this specific case, I am assuming that Diallo is PERMANENTLY wheelchair bound. You didn't say it was permanent. I am just assuming it to illustrate the aforementioned point.
Rob C said on 2/Aug/07
There is another giant from Guinea named Mamadou Diallo who is said to be 2,50 m tall (about 8'3"). He is seated in a wheelchair because he is missing a foot.
Akirum byn Anaq said on 2/Aug/07
No one likely to beat Wadlow's height for generations to come. Our current tallest publicity giants are 7'8 to 7'9. There might a legit 8-footer alive today, but I'll believe it when I see hard evidence, not sketchy pictures next to 5-ft women. Stadnyk would come to Wadlow's shoulder in real life--yet he claims to be gaining on Wadlow--Yeah right.. That's like me claiming I'm gaining on Shaquille O'Neal, even though I'm 6'0 tall.
99mvp said on 2/Aug/07
Sanchez- I want to thank you for your July 30th post providing the link to the crucial page of your hardcover 1998 Guinness edition listing Ri Myong-hun as the tallest living person in the world at 7'8.5". This confirms the softcover version that katsu owns which also listed Ri Myong-hun as the tallest.
But as we know, Poker Portal's British edition of the 1998 Guinness book listed Haji Channa as the tallest living man at only 7'7.25" ( which matches Sandy Allen's height at the time ).
So I am at a loss as to who should be the Guinness tallest human title-holder for 1998. I do note this, however:
The entry in Poker Portal's British edition shows this:
Tallest living man- Haji Mohammad Alam Channa (b. 1956)
But according to Johnny C's website, Channa was born in 1953! ( And Johnny C lists him at 7'8" )
99mvp said on 2/Aug/07
Arjun- That was a succinct accurate summary of my writings regarding photographic manipulation and its not being applicable in the Stadnyk case. Stadnyk SHOULD have used optical illusion to mislead us into believing that he could be 8'4" or 8'5.5". He is not even a competent fraud! Ha ha.
Eclipse said on 2/Aug/07
I agree with Highman... Going by strictly photographic evidence of course, Zhang is the tallest living person I've seen.
Highman said on 2/Aug/07
If we are going to talk photographic evidence I think Zhang then Xi Shun then maybe Somooro....I just don't see Stadnik, Uppal or Ajaz as that tall.
Arjun said on 2/Aug/07
Excellent points 99mvp. To summarise it all, it is simply not possible that Stadnyk's photos are manipulated to make him look nearly a foot shorter than he is (manipulation is always done to make the giant look taller, never shorter), nor is it possible that those photo angles are so bad that they are off by nearly a foot. Many of his photos are quite simple, straightforward ones with no camera trickery. Show me one photo of Andre the Giant looking 5'11" (that's right, not 6'11",but 5'11" ) and we'll all accept Stadnyk as 8'5.5". LOL.
Sanchez said on 1/Aug/07
To the Board: Here is a picture of Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko standing next to Stadnik who is known to be 5'11" inches tall and here is a picture of Harold Wadlow standing next to Robert Wadlow his son who is also known to be 5'11" inches tall. Note the distance between the top of Harold's head and Robert's shoulder, a long ways but with Yushchenko and Stadnik no Distance at all, Stadnik is just a little more than a head taller than a guy who is known to be 5'11''. If Harold tryed to touch Roberts face with his hand he would not be able to, nothing but air , Not the case with Yushchenko and Stadnik, Yushchenko would have to be about 7'0" or 7'1" just to be up to Stadniks shoulder. So from looking at these pictures how did someone
measure Stadnik just 5.5" inches shorter than Wadlows peak height.
I do not want people to think that I am being negative, I am hoping that Stadnik really is 8'5.5" so I can meet a legit 8 footer in my lifetime but the reality is that he is much much closer to 7'5.5"
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
zas said on 1/Aug/07
Mask, take a look
Click Here He is the pakistan's tallest man. Naseer Soomro 7'8" , in the same show.
Akirum byn Anaq said on 1/Aug/07
Feodor Machnov (c. 1906) was billed at 9 ft 4 ins, but dressed in a huge Cossack uniform, and tall fur hat. His actual height was around 7 ft 9, and he weighed 360 lbs, and wore a UK size 24 1/2 boot, (US
KEMBLE said on 1/Aug/07
Good work, Mask. I've come across him before, as Haq Narwaz nur Mohamed, with a claimed height of 8 feet. 7'6" looks about right in the video, and he's very likely still growing.
Highman said on 1/Aug/07
If there is any photographic evidence I buy into it is the video of Igor just inches from the Mayo Clinic building. I have been in that building and have collegues in that building those ceilings are 8 foot and he is just under them in the video. I believe he was measured at Mayo at 7-8. He is a very big kid....the interesting thing is the National Geographic special didn't classify him as Acromegalic but he certainly has those features.
Highman said on 1/Aug/07
Arjun did you see the National Geographic Special?
99mvp said on 1/Aug/07
Highman- Nice response, calling me a "blowhard". Real mature. I destroyed your reasoning about photographic trickery in this particular specific case of this specific giant Leonid Stadnyk. You evidently have too much pride to admit that photographic trickery ( used SOLELY to give the appearance of a TALLER height than actual ) is a totally irrelevant concept when it comes to the Stadnyk discussion. His photos are clear, many straight on without misleading angles, next to people whose heights are known, next to landmarks which are measurable. Why is this concept so difficult for you to grasp that photographic sleight-of-hand in the particular case of Leonid Stadnyk does NOT apply? The other admired board contributors clearly agree with this point.
So Highman- I would tread lightly if I were you. I am the survivor of the KG/Richard/99mvp battles. There was never a doubt in my mind about that outcome. Signed, the blowhard ( ha ha )
Mikrobi said on 1/Aug/07
Who was that 8'4" tall man whom Robert Wadlow overtop when he to passed that height?
mask said on 1/Aug/07
Hey Johnny C look at this:
Click Here
and then update your list
Nippu said on 1/Aug/07
"And the clips of Wadlow I had not seen before were tantalizin"..What clip
Arjun said on 1/Aug/07
Andre the Giant was billed at 7'4". I and some others think his actual height was about 6'10". Some others say upto 7'0". Either way, no one with any active gray cells inside their head claims 7'4" after looking at all the evidence. An overbilling of just 6 inches is very obvious from the photos - and it is clear as day that Stadnyk is being overbilled by considerably more than what Andre was.
Arjun said on 1/Aug/07
Some say Igor Vovkovinskiy is only 7'5". Was he measured with shoes or without?
He does'nt look all that gigantic in his photos.
Arj said on 1/Aug/07
I agree with Arjun when he says that photographic analysis may be off by a few inches, but never 10-12. Many of us on this board have analysed what would be considered "ideal" photographs of Stadnyk, that is, photographs where he is next to someone of known height, on equal footing, with a straight camera angle etc etc. Time and time again, Stadnyk's height came out to be within the range 7'4" to 7'8", and most of the time it was very close to 7'6" - 7'7". One of the advantages of having Stadnyk photos popping up all over the internet is that is has been very easy to out him as the fraud he is. I consider Johnny C's 7'6" listing of Stadnyk to be very close to the truth. If Stadnyk is listed at 8'5.5" in the 2008 Guiness book, I will never buy it again, and the good folk at Guiness will be forever branded as imbeciles.
mjv said on 31/Jul/07
does anyone know wadlow's morning height.
Akirum byn Anaq said on 31/Jul/07
Ok.. I'll illistrate it this way. Leonid Stadnyk claiming to be 8 ft 5.5, is the same as me, at 6 ft tall, claming to be 6 ft 7!. You just can't mask that much height differential. Leonid is 7 ft 8, or 7 ft 9 at best.
Highman said on 31/Jul/07
Igor is huge. And the clips of Wadlow I had not seen before were tantalizing..... The 20/20 was based on the National Geographic special.... 99MVP is a blowhard -> Photographic evidence can be off.... just leave it at that.
Eclipse said on 31/Jul/07
99mvp- Thanks for the video on Allen.
99mvp said on 31/Jul/07
Here is a website for a short video on the giantess Sandy Allen:
Click Here
I hope you can either click into it or successfully copy & paste.
Akirum byn Anaq said on 31/Jul/07
I saw the show on 20/20, featuring Igor Vovkovinskiy. They showed him being measured, his height 7 ft 8, shoe size 25, wrists 10.5 in, neck 21 in, biceps 19 in etc. He actually seems bigger than Stadnyk. You can watch some of it on ABC's 20/20 web cast. Guinness, is not faultless in reporting hoaxes. They reported a Muhammad Ghazi, at 8 ft 10, in their 1965 edition. it later turned out he was 7 ft 10-- A FOOT difference!
99mvp said on 31/Jul/07
Highman- Your thought process is totally muddled here. Let me explain: Manipulation of photographs goes to when there is a fraudulent skewing to INCREASE the giant's height. This is done by exaggerated angles and pictures being taken with smaller people. So if the pictures of Stadnyk all tended to show an 8'4" Stadnyk by sleight of hand, then your point of view would make sense. You would be arguing that people were being duped by misleading photos if those people were telling us that Stadnyk photos were proving that he was over 8-feet.
But that is NOT going on here, is it? It is just the opposite. The photos are PROVING that Stadnyk is below 8-feet tall!! Thus, the photographic analysts are NOT being fooled/duped, are they??
Your premise is FAULTY. There is NO photographic sleight-of-hand taking place here whatsoever!!! Stadnyk is freely and willingly letting us see pictures that clearly establish his lesser height!!
I have now shown with clarity to this message board that your arguments about manipulated photographs have no merit whatsoever in the case of Leonid Stadnyk.
Highman said on 31/Jul/07
Alezzzzx: Please be serious. We did once have a poster -- a woman -- from Robert's family and that was interesting. I would love to hear more first hand accounts of Robert.
Arjun said on 31/Jul/07
Highman: Photographic evidence and analysis can be off by 1, 2 or maybe 3 inches at a big push. Not 10 - 12 inches. I am not joking, the possibility of 60 foot humans having once existed is greater than that of Stadnyk being 8'5.5".
In other words - NIL.
Highman said on 31/Jul/07
Did anyone else see the National Geographic program on Gigantism? It really was amazing. It really went into depth about the various categories of Gigantism and spent lots of time on the problems with the circulatory and resperatory system. From Diaphram issues to rib cage and sternum restrictions on the lungs -- being a Giant is a horrible medical condition.
Igor is huge, just huge -- but he is not close to being an 8 footer but is probably one of the tallest in the US for sure.
99MVP: Photographic evidence short of filming a measurement can be skewed and manipulated. Look at all the pictures of Markanov and other giants. Don't be fooled by photographic slight of hand. We really need measurements to be sure.
Alezzzzx said on 31/Jul/07
Robert Was probably 10ft. I know that bacause i was with robert whe he had 21 years old. 9.5ft or 10ft.
99mvp said on 31/Jul/07
Big Show- I am anxious to see what the response by GBR Guinness will be to your inquiry. I hope you asked it properly- that is- who will they list as the tallest living person in the next edition? Because even if Guinness dismisses the rumor about Stadnyk, we would like to know if Zhang is going into the book!!
99mvp said on 31/Jul/07
LV- I meant your July 28th post was not sarcastic. June 28th was my birthday.
99mvp said on 31/Jul/07
Highman posted that National Geographic had a show on gigantism. I just found out that the Discovery Health Channel aired a show this last Sunday at 8pm EST and repeated at 11pm EST called "World's Tallest People". These times are Eastern United States. It is scheduled to air again on Saturday August 4th at 4pm EST. It is an hour long. I don't know if this is the same show to which Highman referred.
I have to find someone with that channel to tape it for me!!
99mvp said on 31/Jul/07
LV- I claim to be intelligent because I AM intelligent. Sarcasm is very difficult to spot when WRITTEN. It takes artful writing, of which very few people are capable ( I being one of them ). Your June 28th post bringing up this subject about Stadnyk did NOT hint at any sarcasm whatsoever. Read it again. But I will concede that you have certainly redeemed yourself in subsequent postings.
As for Highman- I believe you have finally settled on the position that Stadnyk is not 8-feet tall, but you WERE vacillating. My main issue with you is your nonsense regarding the possibility of faulty photogrphic analysis IN THIS CASE. It is only in THAT context that I take umbrage with you regarding photographic evidence. It is very accurate with respect to STADNYK. We know the heights of the people next to him. And Arjun ( and the late Richard ) have shown convincingly through photographic analysis ( since no one here as actually measured him, have we?? ) that Stadnyk is a fraud.
Eclipse said on 31/Jul/07
I agree that photographic evidence is also faulty- just look at many pictures on this very site. However, if you were to look at the Grady Patterson pictures on Johnny C's website and compare those to any picture you've seen of Stadnyk, I don't see how anyone could come to the conclusion that Patterson was only roughly 2.5 inches taller than Stadnyk is. Even with the faults of photographic evidence, that conclusion seems a bit extreme.
Highman said on 31/Jul/07
National Geographic did a wonderful and very scientific program on Giantism. Igor Vikovsky of Minnesota and Sandy Allen and Dave Rassmusen were the featured Giants. Vikovsky (Laden) is clearly one of the largest and tallest americans. He was 7-8 and it showed him being measured and there was much about the scientific make-up about Giants. However, while stating all the ailments and ciculatory afflictions Giants experience, the narrator out of the blue stated: "Some experts believe Giants could grow to be much taller than Wadlow..." and then no elaboration. I think that was left open and wish this otherwise thorough program followed that incredible statement with some support. I don't agree with that statement as I believe at anything above 8 foot is death waiting to happen.
On another note I believe the program showed some great Wadlow footage including one of his last newsreals walking away from a plane. I believe this was during the summer of his death.
Highman said on 31/Jul/07
99MVP: You are an attorney right? Well surely you know a human's perceptions deceive them often. Take for instance the Howard Hughes Hoax where lawyer after lawyer used handwriting analysis in defense of Robert Clifford then a respected editor. Only to have Robert Clifford himself show how he forged Hughes signatures much to everyones amazement.
Same with photographic evidence. It can be manipulated and subject to the same false indications and expectancies that Human Senses can falter on. Remember to reduce everything to is basics: "Think -- therefore I am."
Short of an actual medical or verfiable measurement, anything is possible. Could photographic evidence be faulty -- YES. It Could.
KEMBLE said on 31/Jul/07
What's up with you guys? You're ranting about something that hasn't happened. Once again, look at the link Sanchez posted
Anonymous said on 31/Jul/07
Even if, after all is said and done, Guinness were to recognise Stadnyk as the world's tallest living man at 8' 5.5", it doesn't necessarily need to be taken seriously. Guinness (even 40 years ago when they were considerably more credible)has been NOTORIOUS for listing the exaggerated dimensions of so called 8 footers as absolute fact. Apart from the well known blunder of proclaiming Channa as 8 foot 3, in past editions they have listed Albert Johan Kramer, Sa'id Muhammed Ghazi, Lewis Wilkins, Ted Evans, Chandra Barman, Marianne Wehde, Katiya van Dyk, Delores Pullard, an anonymous Kenyan giant and a medieval Italian giantess as having, beyond a shadow of a doubt, stood in excess of 8 feet in height. Although I don't doubt the hard work and honesty of the old time Guinness researchers, I take everything with a grain of salt. Just my opinion. Please draw your own conclusions...
Poker Portal said on 31/Jul/07
You have to give it to the guy. Stadnyk is getting what he wants: a lot of media attention. What else is there for him to do? He is not the tallest living person in the world and therefor not interesting. So his claims (and now claims by a friend) that he is well over 8 foot is the only way to earn some money. That is the problem with the height record. If you are close to be the tallest living man in height, but still shorter, life must be tough.
For the record: I have no doubt that Stadnyk is well below 8 foot. More like 7'6", maybe 7'7", nothing special. There are several guys his height around today. i won't believe Guinness publishing him as 8'5.5" until I see it with my own eyes.
LV said on 31/Jul/07
I'm just stating the facts from the 20/20 TV show because it seems like I'm the only person that saw it. I don't think he's 8'5.5" for God's sake! You claim to be so intelligent 99mvp, yet you can't even pick up on my sarcasm?!? I have the Stadnyk video and the 20/20 special saved on my TiVo and its clear that Stadnyk has about the same about of height on Besser as Greener does early on in that video. I qualified my statement by saying that they were going by Besser's measurements and then later stated that Besser will lose all credibility when the truth comes out.
Arj said on 30/Jul/07
If Stadnyk is 8'5.5", then I must be about 7'2" and never realised it.
99mvp said on 30/Jul/07
Highman states that, regarding the possibility of Stadnyk's 8'5.5" height claim, "maybe this is legit". And then goes on to denigrate sound photographic analysis.
I believe Highman claims to be a doctor. Since I am not in the medical profession, perhaps there is a "stupid pill" that was invented of which I am unaware. Because if so, Highman has taken several!! In this particular case, he NEEDS a doctor to perform an operation- to attach a SPINE because he is spineless here.
You have shown some intelligence in the past, so why are you so suddenly utterly CLUELESS now??
Akirum byn Anaq said on 30/Jul/07
Rob C. makes a good point. Guinness only allows those measurements made by their team under controlled conditions. I smell something fishy. We need solid photographic evidence to prove Stadnik is 8 ft 5.5. Wadlow was a solid 8 ft 11, and the photos of him easily prove it. Stadnik looks closer to 7 ft 11, if that.
Highman said on 30/Jul/07
Rob C: Right.... just like Xi Shun did.... they should do the same with tape it and everything.
KEMBLE said on 30/Jul/07
Rob, calm down. Look at the link posted by Sanchez. Guinness are NOT recognising Stadnyk as an 8 footer, unless Sanchez has been massively bribed by Besser to fake the scan from the book! Only joking, Sanchez.
Rob C said on 30/Jul/07
Is Dr. Michael Besser part of the Guinness crew because they are accepting his statement that Stadnyk is 8'5.5" when they refuse to give somebody the title unless he is measured by Guinness people under controlled conditions which that includes being measured at least three times a day during the morning, noon and at night?
99mvp said on 30/Jul/07
So there are four people who actually entertain the possibility that Stadnyk could be 8'5.5".
They are:
1. LV- "There are several people on this site (including myself) that are going to eat their words!"
2. Highman- "Might we have been wrong?? I mean this is Guinness TOP very TOP record."
3. Neil- "Stadnik isn't 7'6" or 7'7". I have continually said from one of my very first posts on here that he is at least 7'10"."
4. Rob C- "So if Leonid Stadnik measured 8'5 1/2......"
At least Highman backed off his remark by then stating he doubted this 8'5.5" height.
Well, in the face of blatant STUPIDITY, I must react. Arjun and Sanchez have not been duped like the clowns listed above.
LV- You ask "Didn't someone on here bet $10,000 that Stadnyk wasn't anywhere near 8ft?" That person was Richard.
Big Show- You stated that "on the Sun Ming Ming board there was this family called Kchutkins (or something like that) who had their picture taken with Leonid and Michael Besser and they said that they were eyewitnesses when they measured him. I remember they were flamed by 99mvp for being so naive to believe that measurement."
That family was kshutchins. And I absolutely stand by my blasting them. Rememeber something- I am NEVER NEVER wrong about a factual matter.
Arjun said on 30/Jul/07
Simple photographic scaling, even assuming that the people beside him are really their claimed heights, shows him to be nowhere near 8 feet. There was a pic in a recent article of him beside some 5'10" doctor. I scaled it up - he comes out to 7'8" tops in shoes (assuming that doctor to be a legit 5'10"). If Stadnyk is 8'5", then we might as well stop looking at and analysing pictures of any giant, and believe any **** as to what their real height is.
Big Show, there were plenty of pics with the "Kshutchins" family (around 5 or 6). One was with the 5'4" daughter-in-law (5'7" absolute tops in heels) and Stadnyk still looks 7'8" tops in shoes if she's really 5'7" in heels.
Whatever anyone (including Guinness) may say, Stadnyk is not even remotely close to this billed height. He is being overbilled by practically ONE FOOT. If Guinness lists him at this height, then they will have been DUPED, like a lot of other people. If we are to swallow this outrageous 8'5.5", then we might as well believe Andre was really 7'4", John Aasen definitely grew to 9 foot before he died, Siah Khan really had arms so long that he would have to wrap them twice around his head to eat, and that 60 foot humans once walked this earth. IMHO,even the last of the above possibilities is more probable than Stadnyk being 8'5.5".
Sanchez said on 30/Jul/07
To the Board: Neil ,Rob C I am an old timer and have been around for a long time, and time after time I have been disappointed by giants like Stadnik claiming to be over Eight feet tall, Guinness has tried to measure Stadnik
many times before and had been turned down because he did not want popularity.
If Stadnik was trying to claim he was 7'10" that would be a whole different story, but not only is he claiming to be over Eight feet he is claiming to be
5.5" inches over Eight feet, If this is true about Stadnik being in the guinness book of world records in 2008 at 8'5.5" (this is a joke), Remenber when ever someone is claiming to be over Eight feet tall 99.99% of the time it is a lie
Can someone please post the picture of Stadnik standing next to the Russian vice President when he visits his mother in the hospital which proves that he is just a little over a head taller than a guy who is 5'11"
99.99% or 99.999% of (all) giants male or female past and present did not and do not reach Eight Feet, and there is no difference here.
Highman said on 30/Jul/07
Big Show: Good point. Guinness has previously shown great detachment from Stadnyk so I don't think they "have a dog in the game..." So maybe this legit.
If so it goes to show all the effort of photographic analysis is not really accurate.....
Highman said on 30/Jul/07
If he really is 8-5.5 he is easily one of the largest humans ever. Unlike Koehler or Wadlow he is not a skinny kid.... He is a large person. I still doubt his height.
Big Show said on 30/Jul/07
LV the second pic you posted which shows us that Stadnyk was measured, it says he's 8'5.5 (2.739m). That's a mistake as 8'5.5 is 2.578m. 2.739m is 8'11.8 which would mean that he's taller than Robert Wadlow.
I remember a while ago on the Sun Ming Ming board there was this family called Kchutkins (or something like that) who had their picture taken with Leonid and Michael Besser and they said that they were eyewitnesses when they measured him. I remember they were flamed by 99mvp for being so naive to believe that measurement. I think it's kind of strange that a famous endocrinologist like Michael Besser would submit himself to a false measurement. If he indeed measured him, that measurement is legit. However did he truly measure him at 8'5.5, that's something I will only believe it when I read it myself in the new edition of Guinness. Guinness is very detached with Stadnyk's claim, so I'll doubt they would list him if they're not 100 % sure that it's a legit measurement.
Arjun said on 30/Jul/07
Whatever anyone may say, there is no way Stadnyk is close to 8'4" or 8'5.5". And we do not need to see him in person to know that. He is at the absolute max 7'7" barefoot.
Neil said on 30/Jul/07
Stadnik isnt 7'6 or 7'7. I have continually said from one of my very first posts on here that he is atleast 7'10.
Sanchez said on 30/Jul/07
To the board and 99mvp:
Sorry this took so long but better late than never......
Click Here
Click Here
LV said on 30/Jul/07
Screenshots (
Click Here) and (
Click Here). There is no way this is going to stick unless he really is over 8ft. I can't believe Besser would lie about his height. This guy is LEGIT when it comes to endocrinology and gigantism. He's on nearly every show or documentary I've ever seen about gigantism. He'd be ruined if this goes thru and its found out the Stadnyk is only 7'6" or so.
Arj said on 29/Jul/07
Just to add more fuel to the fire re: Guiness.....
Not so long ago there was a discussion about the disparity between (I think) the British and Asian versions of the 1998 Guiness book, where the British version had Channa as the worlds tallest man and the Asian version had Ri-Myong Hun.
As I understand it, from 1999 onwards Charbib was listed as the worlds tallest man until he was knocked off his perch by Bao Xishun. I have just returned from visiting my folks, who have a copy of the 1999 Australian version. This version has no listing of the worlds tallest living man at all (it does cite Wadlow as the tallest ever), but even more strangely, they cite Manute Bol as the tallest man in the U.S.A! I'm not sure what the situation was in 1999, but am sure that George Muresan at least was taller than Bol back then, not to mention guys like Daniel Gilchrist or George Bell. Seems like a pretty lazy effort by Guiness on that one.
LV said on 29/Jul/07
I will post some screen shots later. Did anyone else see the program?
Highman said on 29/Jul/07
Might we have been wrong?? I mean this is Guinness TOP very TOP record. Last time they measured Xi Shun. I hope they didn't take that Ukrainian Doctors Certificate that he had in the movie.... I would hope Guinness did it right.
While I think he is 7-6 to 7-7 my lord I was off 10 Inches?? That is a lot. I mean Grady Patterson, Kohler all look very tall in their pics.... even Xi Shun looks taller in his pics than Stadnik... I just don't see it.
KEMBLE said on 29/Jul/07
LV - You say this terrible mistake will be in the 2008 Guinness. Don't you mean 2007? The volume that's nearly due will be this year's. As I pointed out recently, the American edition seems to be a reprint of the previous UK one. Actuaally, I think maybe we should hold our fire on this matter. It hasn't happened yet, and plenty of wrong announcements are made in the media. Guinness may well issue an indignant rebuttal any time now! Here's hoping...
Arjun said on 28/Jul/07
Outrageous is all I can say.
Rob C said on 28/Jul/07
So if Leonid Stadnik measured 8'5 1/2", it is then possible that there might be more people in the world who are 8 feet or taller. I thought that the maximum height for nowadays giants was less than 7'9".
Highman said on 28/Jul/07
They seem to have a new website and indeed no listing on there for Tallest Man - Living! Also they have a Contact Us link but no ability to send and email just a written address..... stone ages.
KEMBLE said on 28/Jul/07
If Guinness do this, as far as I'm concerned they will have lost their status as a true authority. No scientist would accept a claim which he had not not verified himself. Remember the Three Stooges? One of the actors was named Besser. Very appropriate for anyone who makes Stadnyk 8' 5.5"! That's less than a handspan below the height of Wadlow. Look at pictures of the two men and bear that in mind. Less than a hand span difference? Come off it!
LV said on 28/Jul/07
I can't believe I'm the first to post this, but Leonid Stadnyk is going to be listed in the 2008 Guiness Book as the world's tallest man at 8'5.5"! I just saw it on a 20/20 special about dwarfs and giants. There are several people on this site (including myself) that are going to eat of words! Didn't someone on here bet $10,000 that Stadnyk wasn't anywhere near 8ft. Keep in mind they are giving him the title based on Besser's measurements. Also, for anyone interested, the National Geographic channel has a special Monday at 10pm called "Science of Gigantism". I'm sure they'll mention it on that show.
99mvp said on 27/Jul/07
Nathan told this message board on July 23rd that Jane Bunford "had a job at Cadbury Bournville. There is at least one photo of her there."
V.B then reacted to that bit of news by asking Nathan "How do you know that there is a picture of her?? Why didn't Guinness then include any picture of her during all editions?"
So, Nathan- Can you provide this message board with that picture?? We are anxiously waiting for it.
KEMBLE said on 27/Jul/07
I emailed the Dean's office at Birmingham University Medical School regarding the Bunford skeleton, and received the following reply:
"The skeleton of Jane Bunford is no longer in the Medical School. We disposed of her anatomy collection some years ago on educational grounds and the skeleton of Jane Bunford at that time was buried." I don't quite understand how they DISPOSED of her remains ON EDUCATIONAL GROUNDS. Probably family pressure. I wonder what the law is, on remains of known individuals. Could the Merrick family have the Elephant Man's skeleton removed from the London Hospital museum?
Anyway, there you have it. The Bunford skeleton is completely inaccesible. Make the most of that photograph!
99mvp said on 26/Jul/07
I encourage everybody on this message board ( as some of you do ) to contact Johnny C with any information to update his website of tall people. And certainly everybody should regularly view his website to get the latest listings. In that spirit, I occasionally notify this message board when a change is made to the upper-echelon giants on Johnny C's website. I consider it a public service. Ha ha. To that end, there are two recent changes I noticed:
1. Israel Jushbakov has been downgraded from 7'10.5" to 7'2".
2. Jose Calderon Torres is now listed at 7'6.55".
jamie said on 26/Jul/07
Jane Bunford's relatives have been very successful at pressurising the university and the local council to remove any evidence of her from the public eye. Bartley Green Library placed an eight feet tall plaque outside the building, but this angered her family. I'm sure VB has exhausted all possibilities but the library may have information at least on her life:
Cadbury Trebor Bassett is still based in Bournville, where Jane worked in the Cadbury factory. They have a museum and extensive photos and archives from the early 20th century. I wouldn't be at all surprised if they took pictures of Jane. However, it is highly likely that the family requested that any materials be hidden from public view. Unfortunately the museum is being remodelled as part of a visitor attraction and is not open at present. However you can submit questions through the
Click Here website - someone might answer ...
Highman said on 24/Jul/07
Anyone get a secondary evidence on Uppal's death????
V.B said on 23/Jul/07
Nathan is completely right when saying that Jane worked at Cadbury's.As late as in 1999 one of her "friends" (a very old lady likely to be deceased)posted a short note in the Birmingham evening mail that she worked with Jane as a child at Cadbury's and that she was a very kind but very shy lady.It is also very important to state that Jane was "at least" 7'11 inches tall meaning that the estimated height with assumed normal spinal curvature that guinness could verify was 7'11 but she was probably a little bit more according to sources.I also think Jane seems much more interesting than Zeng Jinlian.Zeng was a teenager when she died,She never worked,was barely able to stand and could not walk,she lived in a remote village,her back was much more deformed than Jane's.
Nathan- How do you know that there is a picture of her??Why didn't guinness then include any picture of her during all editions but still her death certificate??
Big show:There is MUCH to discuss about Jane..Why did she for example grow her hair to a length of more than 8 feet.Only such a thing would give big headlines in the newspapers today.If doing so you're just asking for being considered by social norms to be a freak.Why did she clean the upper floors while standing on ground level repeated times when people were looking?If she wanted to be considered "normal" and really "reclusive" she wouldn't do that kind of things.Jane Bunford's best friend Emma Kinver was a dwarf,she was offered to appeared in shows many times.She was offered a small fortune for cutting her hair off and selling it which were of course refused.
I know all this because of an article since 1974 about her.I also know that she featured in tv programs on several occasions about 1972 sent by the now closed ATV.The programs must of course have showed pictures of her alive..The topic was however the truth about her mounted skeleton and they caused much distress to her living relatives.I'm looking forward to see if Nathan could find a picture of her,I would be very surprised...
99mvp said on 23/Jul/07
Nathan- We need a picture of Jane Bunford on this message board, and for Johnny C to add to his website!
V.B- Big Show is quite correct. Jane Bunford is NOT the tallest woman ever. Guinness recognizes Zeng Jinlian, and Johnny lists both her and the even taller Trijntje Keever as taller women than Jane Bunford.
99mvp said on 23/Jul/07
I see that my corrected website address to get to the giant Akhtaev/Akhtayev got transformed into a direct link to click into. I don't know how that happened, but that is nice. As I stated, when you scroll down to the end of the page and click into the last blue sentence, there is yet another picture of that Russian giant, standing next to a car. I remember from past Guinness books, that he ( at 7'7.3" ) and then later Emil Rached ( at 7'7 5/8" ) were designated as the tallest basketball players ever. Although Johnny C has downgraded Mr. Rached to below 7'3".
Big Show said on 23/Jul/07
Nathan says on 23/Jul/07
Big Show wrote 'She stayed at home her entire life and rarely left it'. This is not true. She had a job at Cadbury Bournville. There is at least one photo of her there.
That's the first time I've heard of this. Could you tell me from which source you received or read that piece of information? None of the information I read about Jane Bunford ever mentioned this.
Nathan said on 23/Jul/07
Big Show wrote 'She stayed at home her entire life and rarely left it'. This is not true. She had a job at Cadbury Bournville. There is at least one photo of her there.
Big Show said on 23/Jul/07
V.B. Jane Bunford was really only 7'7. She would've been 7'11 if she had a normal spine (which she didn't). So she's not by any means the tallest woman who ever lived. That credit goes to Zeng Jinlian, who's the tallest 'recorded' woman.
Jane has lived her life out of the spotlights unlike many other giants who made their living out of performing in the circus or freak shows or promoting companies. She stayed at home her entire life and rarely left it. There are probably a few pics of her somewhere, but sofar we haven't found them. I think starting a thread for her is pointless as there isn't much to discuss about her. We know her height and seeing as there aren't any pics we can't really debate about her height. We mostly discuss giants on this page.
Arjun said on 23/Jul/07
Just what I was thinking Neil - the statues show shorter legs and a much bigger head/neck than what the real Robert had. He had a big head, but no bigger than some present day giants around 2 feet shorter - e.g. Big Show, so actually his head was a little small for his height. And yeah, his legs (and arms too, 9'5 1/2" wingspan) were INCREDIBLY long, his belt height was not much more than 3 feet less than his total height.
99mvp said on 22/Jul/07
I may have messed up the link to the giant Uvays Akhtaev ( aka Vasiliy Akhtayev ).
Here it is to copy + paste:
Click Here