Frank2 said on 12/Aug/08
Ceasar, I go by what I see when I'm standing next to the guy, not how people appear in the movies. If I judged merely by photos and watching films, like you I'd be guessing. I can't tell you how many times I either met or saw up close some famous celeb who on screen always appeared to be tall and in person was my height or even shorter than me. And in movie after movie, some of these people were as tall or sometimes taller than actors I knew were in real life taller.
Clay said on 12/Aug/08
Brad Pitt was an inch shorter than Edward Norton he is not under 5'11'' regardless of whatever lifts he wears. He can look 6'2'' in lifts. MARK WAHLBERG ISNT 5'7. He's a solid 5'8'' as he was about a half inch taller than Glenn. Some of you are pretty histerical trying to make these guys an inch or 2 shorter than what they are.
Viper said on 12/Aug/08
If he was 2 inches shorter than Brad Pitt in the Ocean's movies that would make him 5-8, which he looks in just about every movie hes in. Pitt is 5-10 max If you look at most of the picture evidence on him.
Caesar said on 12/Aug/08
Frank2 says on 12/Aug/08
Caesar, I've been next to the guy. Have you? He's short. Period. End of argument.
Again, if you want to believe he's 5'8, then you have to downgrade everyone he has ever worked with by 1.5-2 inches. Therefore Baldwin would have to be 5'10, DiCaprio 5'9, Pitt 5'9, Wahlberg 5'5, Sheen 5'4,
Jude Law 5'9, Clooney 5'9, etc.
dits said on 12/Aug/08
i just watched the bourne identity and he looked quite short in the whole movie,not just some scenes. i was watching talented mr.ripley sometime ago and felt like he was a true 5'8, until i saw his height listings at most sites.
he looks really short, and if he truly is 5'10, then its quite weird, considering that a 5'9 johnny depp can look tall in a lot of places,even barefoot.
Frank2 said on 12/Aug/08
Caesar, I've been next to the guy. Have you? He's short. Period. End of argument.
Caesar said on 11/Aug/08
Frank2 says on 10/Aug/08
A few shots to check out.
Here with several people including George Clooney:
With 5'7"
Mark Wahlberg:
Matt Damon and wife Luciana Barroso enjoy a double date night out on Friday with actor pal Robert Downey Jr. (5'7") and his wife Susan.:
Seen here looking considerably shorter than 5'11" Brad Pitt:
(I wonder what the bags hide)
With 5'6" Don Cheadle:
I worked at Fox when Cheadle was in Picket Fences and I can say for a fact that he's no more than 5'6". I could easily look right over the top of his head.
Come on. In every single one of those pictures Damon is in the background, often considerably, except the one with Cheadle. Provide some unprejudiced pictures and then make your case. According to this web site, Cheadle is a little over 5'8. I can't take your in-person judgment on blind faith. Damon looks 5'9-5'10. I compared him carefully to other famous actors in The Departed. He looked three inches taller than 5'7-5'7.5 Wahlberg, nearly four inches taller than Martin Sheen, 1-2 inches shorter than
Leonardo DiCaprio, two inches shorter than Alec Baldwin, who is at least 5'11.5 and probably 6'0. He is another type who has put on some weight and looks shorter than he is. Damon is a weak 5'10. Not 5'10.5-5'11 like Glenn said, but a solid 5'9.5-5'10.
Viper said on 11/Aug/08
Legit 5-9 guys will not look short with most people. Especially considering they can look 5-10 or over.
Anonymous said on 11/Aug/08
In Ocean's 11 (12 & 13) he looks roughly 2 inches shorter than Brad Pitt who is listed at 5'11". I'd say Damon is about 5'9".
the shredder said on 11/Aug/08
Rob ,can you really see him as low as 5'8 ????????????

Editor Rob
I could see 5ft 9 as possible, 5ft 8 if he was some sort of permament lift wearer?
Brad said on 11/Aug/08
Baldwin is exactly 5' 11". I snuck into The Shadow stage at Universal right by the Seaquest stage and ran into him in period threads. You are right, he's owning Matt with ease. You might be right about 5' 8" . The 5' 10" figure is another Glenn fantasy over-inflating to adjust to his afterdark shortcomings. He looks 5' 11" in Glenn's world. Matt wears those big tread jobs in the Bournes. He's short in every film with male actors at his left and right. That's a great shot of Damon with Pitt, now put Glenn below Damon as he photographed. Ask Glenn to explain. "I wasn't in my Portman's".
Clay said on 11/Aug/08
Frank2, a lot of 5'9'' guys will look short.
Viper said on 10/Aug/08
Its safe to say that Damon is no way over 5-9, thats for sure.
Pik said on 10/Aug/08
I forgot the link to the picture on my previous comment, here it is
Click Here
Pik said on 10/Aug/08
Damon looks 4 inches taller than Jack Black, who is 5'6. Frank 2 ?
Viper said on 10/Aug/08
Remember, Damon looked 2 inches at most taller than Glenn with very chunky shoes. And most people agree that Glenn was really 5-7 at the most. Plus Damon looks 5-8 in movies. Damon at 5-8 isnt hard to buy at all.
Frank2 said on 10/Aug/08
A few shots to check out.
Here with several people including George Clooney:
Click HereWith 5'7"
Mark Wahlberg:
Click HereMatt Damon and wife Luciana Barroso enjoy a double date night out on Friday with actor pal Robert Downey Jr. (5'7") and his wife Susan.:
Click HereSeen here looking considerably shorter than 5'11" Brad Pitt:
Click Here(I wonder what the bags hide)
With 5'6" Don Cheadle:
Click HereI worked at Fox when Cheadle was in Picket Fences and I can say for a fact that he's no more than 5'6". I could easily look right over the top of his head.
Caesar said on 10/Aug/08
Frank2 says on 10/Aug/08
Damon is not taller. I've seen him. He looks 5'8". If Pitt is wearing lifts then Damon is wearing super lifts! Just look at his shoes. And at that distance, having Garcia a few inches in front won't change the perspective that much.
In your first picture, the feet of Damon and Pitt are not visible, but 9 out of 10 times Damon looks one inch shorter than Pitt, especially in the Oceans Films. I was just watching The Departed and Damon is 2-3 inches taller than
Mark Wahlberg, who at worst is 5'7. How tall a guy "looks" is not necessarily aligned with how tall he actually is. Richard Ashcroft looks 6'3 and he's 5'10-5'11. John Rhys-Davies is or was over 6'0 and looks 5'9. Those are extreme cases, but body type makes a major difference as to how tall someone appears. Damon is a stocky guy who looks shorter than he actually is.
Frank2 said on 10/Aug/08
Damon is not taller. I've seen him. He looks 5'8". If Pitt is wearing lifts then Damon is wearing super lifts! Just look at his shoes. And at that distance, having Garcia a few inches in front won't change the perspective that much.
Caesar said on 10/Aug/08
Frank 2:
Picture 1: Pitt is clearly in lifts there, the same kind he used when he appeared a couple inches taller than Clint Eastwood. Do you believe Pitt is taller than Eastwood? I didn't think so.
Picture 2: Come on now. Garcia is in the foreground and in the centre! And they still look the same height if you drew a line! Damon is at least 5'9 and probably taller.
34 said on 10/Aug/08
a girl told me her sister saw him and he's 5-8 ish
he's probably 5-8 1/2
Frank2 said on 9/Aug/08
You mean like here?:
Click HereNow, in the next photo, notice that Damon (seen on the extreme left) is wearing suspicious shoes and still looks shorter by at least two inches than Pitt. He also looks about an inch shorter than Andy Garcia who's 5'9". Seen him, talked to him, no question he's 5'9". And in the photo, Garcia is wearing shoes with what look like a heel hight that's nearly nonexistent.
Click HereAnd in that shot, check out how tall Elliot Gould is and he's leaning over. He's a lot taller than anyone there. Gould is roughly 6'3" when he stands up straight or at least he was when he was younger.
Caesar said on 8/Aug/08
Frank2 says on 8/Aug/08
I've seen Damon, Clooney and Pitt in person. Damon appears 5'8". Clooney looks like a solid 5'10", perhaps even closer to 5'11". And Pitt always seems to be my height or 5'11".
The problem is that whenever they are together, Damon looks one inch shorter than Pitt, and frankly, I would think Pitt is more likely to use lifts than Damon.
Frank2 said on 8/Aug/08
I've seen Damon, Clooney and Pitt in person. Damon appears 5'8". Clooney looks like a solid 5'10", perhaps even closer to 5'11". And Pitt always seems to be my height or 5'11".
Complex said on 8/Aug/08
The problem comes in because the three main stars of the Ocean's movies aren't tall at all...and that's hard for ppl to face because ppl don't wanna see stars such as Brad Pitt or George Clooney as low as 5'10 or 5'9. If I had to throw my big money down, i'd say barefoot it's something like this: Matt Damon: 5'8-5'8.5 (5'9 Max) George Clooney: 5'9-5'9.5 (5'9.5 Max) and Brad Pitt: 5'9-5'10, probably 5'9.5 but (5'10 Max). Several times we've seen them all stand pretty much eye level, nearly the same height. I think Pitt just took the ball and ran with it because it was almost like they were all the top three goodlooking men in the business competing against each other, so how can Pitt get an edge on them, by looking taller. This is where his customs came in, in reality, barefoot, not much difference between these guys, and none of them hit 5'11 much less 6'0!
Frank2 said on 7/Aug/08
By the way, speaking of camera tricks, check out this photo of Bill Holden next to Audrey Hepburn during the filming of SABRINA on a New York City street:
Click HereHolden was supposedly 5'11". But for some reason they felt they needed to make him tower over 5'7" Hepburn seen in ballerina flats which she wore in most of her films when her feet weren't seen. As you can see, they placed the boards so he could walk on them. They did this sometimes just to allow the proper camera angle so that with a specific sized shot, both actors would remain within the frame.
Frank2 said on 6/Aug/08
That's because he IS 5'8"! That or the two times I saw him it was a body double that's shorter. Or maybe he has very bad posture. I know my wife tells me I have bad posture. Many of her friends find it hard to believe I'm 5'11". Most think I'm around 5'9". Then I'll stand up straight in front of them and they can't believe it saying "I had no idea he was so tall!" I think I must gain about two to three inches standing erect.
Viper said on 6/Aug/08
Damon looks 5-8 in movies though
Frank2 said on 6/Aug/08
Clay, have you seen Damon up close like I have? Trust me. He's short. No question. Clooney used to be about 5'11" but has lost some height. Why? I have no idea. Back when I first saw Clooney in the early 1990s, he and I appeared to be the same height or 5'11", but when I last saw him a couple of years ago he looked about 5'10". He's definitely taller than Matt Damon and from the photo he looks to be two inches taller. Also remember that Clooney has somewhat bad posture so had he stood up straight he'd have looked even taller than Damon.
Clay said on 5/Aug/08
Matt Damon is more than 5'8'', come on Frank2.
Frank2 said on 5/Aug/08
Here's Damon next to George Clooney and Cloony never stands up straight:
Click Here
Caesar said on 5/Aug/08
I know about camera angles, and frankly, they are usually easy to spot when directors are trying to favour a particular actor. Pavement is a different story, especially if the feet can't be seen. In the Talented Mr. Ripley, Damon's feet could be seen next to Cate Blanchett, hence why I knew he was wearing dress shoes and she was wearing heels.
Damon is at worst 5'9, and even that is pushing it. Alec Baldwin was 6'0 or close to it in his prime.
Jude Law is 5'11. He has strange posture and may have looked shorter to you, Frank. Again, one-time meetings are more or less useless for ascertaining with certainty one's height. The first time I met this one manager where I work, I thought he was 5'7. A few weeks later I saw him actually stand up straight next to a legitimate 5'8 guy, and was several inches taller, looking nearly 5'11. I was somewhat blown by how my height perception could be so off. His posture when he appeared 5'7 didn't even look that bad to me, but it was. Determining height based on brief encounters is actually quite difficult.
Glenn never said he measured at 5'6.5. He said he measured at 5'7.5, and Rob put this listing on a number of pictures, and Glenn forced him to change it back to 5'8. I suspect Glenn was a solid 5'7 at night regardless of how late he slept in the afternoon. However, he really thought he was 5'8, hence the standard inflating of every celebrity by 1-2 inches, and his belief that the average American male height is 5'11-6'0, which is clearly wrong.
Frank2 said on 5/Aug/08
Having worked in the entertainment business for almost forty years I can tell you that camera tricks are done all the time to make shorter actors look taller. Sometimes just placing an actor a few inches closer to the camera will make him appear to be as tall or taller than other actors who are in reality much taller.
The first film where Damon starts to look his true height is THE DEPARTED. He's several inches shorter than 5'11" Alec Baldwin. He's about the same height as 5'8"
Mark Wahlberg.
Brad said on 5/Aug/08
Just watch the Ocean's films. Compare him with Clooney & Pitt and especially Andy Garcia. He had on his big ones with Glenn. He's 5' 9" with possibility of shorter. Glenn was probably at his 5' 6.5" after dark height. Getting owned by a person 5' 9" by a few inches must have irked Glenn. He really piled it on saying he looks 5' 11" at times. Wow.
Frank2 said on 4/Aug/08
Jude law is about 5'10". And that's a maybe since when I saw him I couldn't see his feet.
Matt Damon is no more than 5'8".
Caesar said on 4/Aug/08
Brad says on 3/Aug/08
Glenn said 5' 10" possibly 5' 11" next to Affleck. Weak 5' 9". He was owning Glenn by a few but then again it seems everybody does and it makes no sense when Glenn says he's 5' 8". The Baldwin comparison is great. You might be right on 5' 8". Damon wears the
Vin Diesel chunkys in the action pictures.
Damon looked 5'11 next to a "5'8" Glenn. Glenn is a minimum 5'7, so Damon was 5'10. I think Glenn said he was wearing boots in that photograph too, while Damon was in thick dress shoes.
Damon is 5'8". I've seen him and no way is he close to being 5'10". Not unless he uses height enhancing footwear.
Damon was nearly two inches taller than 5'8 Cate Blanchett in heels in the Talented Mr. Ripley. He was in shoes, not boots. Even with lifts it would be impossible for him to look taller than her in heels if he were 5'8. Damon was only an inch shorter than 5'11
Jude Law. Again, Damon "looks" shorter than he is. I have known a number of guys that "look" shorter than they really are.
Brad said on 3/Aug/08
Glenn said 5' 10" possibly 5' 11" next to Affleck. Weak 5' 9". He was owning Glenn by a few but then again it seems everybody does and it makes no sense when Glenn says he's 5' 8". The Baldwin comparison is great. You might be right on 5' 8". Damon wears the
Vin Diesel chunkys in the action pictures.
ese said on 3/Aug/08
matt damon is probably 5-9 or 5-10
this girl told me she met him and said he was 5-9 or 5-10
i say he's 5-9 1/2
Ed(1) said on 2/Aug/08
Frank2, welcome back man! Did Glenn's leaving bring you back out of retirement?
As for Damon, 5ft8 huh? I could definitely see 5ft9 for him, not to mention my ex-girlfriend met him years ago, and at 5ft 7 she said he wasn't much taller then her. Also, she said I was considerably taller then Damon at 5ft11.75!
Caesar said on 1/Aug/08
Frank2 says on 1/Aug/08
More like 5'8". I know since I stood right next to him. He was wearing enormous shoes and was still considerably shorter than me and I'm 5'11". Just look how short he is standing next to Alec Baldwin in THE DEPARTED. Baldwin towers over him. Baldwin is 5'11".
That's ridiculous. There are countless photographs of him, Pitt and Clooney. He sometimes looks the same height as those two, usually no more than an inch shorter. He's 5'10 with ease in every movie I have seen with him. Downgrading him two inches requires downgrading all actors he has ever worked with two inches as well. The man gives a "short" impression because of his low set, sloping shoulders.
Frank2 said on 1/Aug/08
More like 5'8". I know since I stood right next to him. He was wearing enormous shoes and was still considerably shorter than me and I'm 5'11". Just look how short he is standing next to Alec Baldwin in THE DEPARTED. Baldwin towers over him. Baldwin is 5'11".
charlrose said on 31/Jul/08
Damon is no where near 5'10". A good friend of mine had a picture from her birthday in NYC and Damon happened to be in the restaurant - she got a pic with him - and he was shorter than her and she and I are both 5'9". He's 5'7" ish - and yes, guys that is short for a man. The average American male is 5'10".
sum41deryck said on 23/Jul/08
Sorry for interrupting your topic guys, but Id like to ask, if you consider me as a male 177cm for short. koz i know that i am not tall at all, but i dont see this for a major problem of mine:)
EB said on 16/Jul/08
I am 95% sure his 5'9 because in the born Identity when the cops or whatever are looking at his file it says height 5'9"
Davey said on 16/Jul/08
Leung your name sounds asian and not australian.I think your dead wrong,All men are sensitive to some degree about there height,I have friends over 6 foot who are sensitive about there height, aswell as friends below 5`9,So enouth of the bullcrap please.
Leung said on 15/Jul/08
Davey says on 14/Jul/08
Im in australia leung.People here are just as sensitive about there height.So i dont know what your talking about.
I am making a generalisation about Aussies and how they react to the height topic and in my experience it
Davey said on 14/Jul/08
Im in australia leung.People here are just as sensitive about there height.So i dont know what your talking about.
Leung said on 14/Jul/08
Height must be a really sensitive issue for Americans because I have noticed that when 5
Davey said on 12/Jul/08
I agree jd,If your under 5`9 your probably short.
martiko said on 12/Jul/08
guys , what the hell are u is just funny to say that average height is bet. 5.9 and 5.10. ur giving a big world with big variations only 3 cm to bargon if 5.10 is average then the range of average would be from 5.8 to 6 . but i think the rang is from 5.7 to 5.10 . cuz how many 5.8 guys u know.maybe a million.its unfair to say 5.8 is short becuz it is almost the most common height u have every were.mammun,rob,glenn and others.u can only say that 5.7 and 5.8 lay in the short half of average.
Chris said on 12/Jul/08
Im 5 ft 8, and i do get short jokes.anything below 5 ft 9 is short, and above 6 ft is tall.
jd said on 11/Jul/08
average height is around 5 10, 5 9 and under is short, id say "tall" begins at 6 foot
Davey said on 11/Jul/08
dave your an arse.6 foot short? are you mental? 5`8 is the start of short and 5`11 is the start of tall,5`9 to 5`10 is medium.
Viper said on 10/Jul/08
6-1 is taller than 85-90 percent of the population guys, lol. I have a feeling Dave and Jack are a lot shorter than they think they are.
dave said on 10/Jul/08
dude if your anywhere between 5-7 to 6-0 your short just face the facts im 6-1 and I dont feel or look that tall ever I just blend in....... so how is pitt considered tall lol he is just trying to milk being average height... hes not tall and needs to stop being a poser ..... this is the first time i've ever seen this site......... its a good laugh how celebs are so insecure and how short everyone is in reality hahahahah wow this makes me feel so much better about myself!
Yaspaa said on 10/Jul/08
5'9 is not short you nugget.
Jack said on 10/Jul/08
-5'9 = Short
5'10-6'1= Average
6'2+ = Tall
Matt Damon is exactly on 5'10 178cm, 178 is just over 5'9 so they get called kinda short while 187 is just under 6'2 so they get called kinda tall
There is only a 1cm difference from him being short and this is not clearly noticeable so i deem him kinda short.
B said on 9/Jul/08
Look at the facts people 5' 10'' is a little bit over average in the US, average is still in the 5' 9'' range for a man in the United States. I'm 5' 9 25'' and I never feel short unless I'm around guys that are 6' 4'' and 6' 5''.
Now 5' 9'' is not tall at all by any means but lets get one thing strait it's not short it's 3 inches away from 6' 0 and 3 inches is a fare amount of height to have on someone but it's not towering at all, I have a lot of friends that are 6' 0'' and up.
Davey said on 9/Jul/08
5`10 is tall.Damon is 5`9 and always wears big boots you are right brad.
Brad said on 8/Jul/08
5' 9". Wears chunky footwear.
Jon said on 7/Jul/08
Damon looks to be about 5' 10" in nearly every scene I've seen him in. And 5' 10" is not short at all. And I'm not saying this because I myself am 5' 10", Im 6'2". 5' 10" is not short.
Erkki Junkkarinen said on 6/Jul/08
He seems to be shorter than Joan Allen (who is 5'10), so maybe 5'9 or even 5'8.
martiko said on 4/Jul/08
bill-david cook is 5.9 tops.
Bill said on 1/Jul/08
5'10 is not "short". People consider American Idol winner David Cook to be tall and he's 5'11.
Davey said on 1/Jul/08
damon is 5'9 nothing more.
Yaspaa said on 25/Jun/08
.7" is pretty close
Dude said on 22/Jun/08
Superman is spot on. The older generations did not average the height of today's youth due to less hermones and other junk in their foods.
The averages including full range of U.S. ages of men is not anywhere close to 5'10" as some folks believe. Just a decade and a half ago the male average was 5'8" among black and white males in the U.S. which means the average range was more 5'6" to 5'10". Also you have to account for the fact you see some shrinkage in height in the population over 60 in many cases, but records do not update as it goes unrecognized or ignored generally.
Yaspaa said on 22/Jun/08
Caucasian males in US between 20 and 40 years old average at 5'10.2, 5'9.3 for the whole male population.
Superman said on 22/Jun/08
Jared with you on a basketball team your perception is slightly skewed.
Avg. range in U.S. is 5'7" to 5'11" with short avg at 5'7" and tall avg. at 5'11". Anything below 5'7" is start of short, and anything above 5'11" is start of tall. That is why when you are 5'9" you see many people taller and many people shorter because 5'9" is mid average range. You have to remember that averages may be a little higher if you only focus on an age group like 18 to 35 year-olds. You must consider 18 to 85 year olds now-a-days. Average male life span has increased to 78 in the U.S. so you must account for the shorter range of men ages 50 to 85.
Ed(1) said on 20/Jun/08
GSP, I'd agree with those averages! 5ft8-6ft these days seems to be the average margin, and in fact it seems like I see more 5ft11 guys these days then ever before.
As for Damon, I actually watched The Bourne Ultimatum last night and it's funny how all over the place his height is in that film. At one point he's the same height as Paddy Considine(5ft9.5), then both shorter and taller then Joan Allen(5ft10). I do think Damon favors bigger heeled footwear, and at times wears a moderate lift. But 5ft9.5-5ft10 sounds about right. This would track with Glenn's observations and pic above. Damon could be 5ft9.5, and with a 1.5 inch gain from the boots Glenn says he was wearing, be around 5ft11. I'm sure his stocky build only adds to the illusion he's a short guy too!
Jared said on 19/Jun/08
I live in Dallas, Tx. Its embarrassing because the Point Guard on the team is taller than me, lol. I am a small forward, and Im only 6 ft (well 5 11.025)lol. But I am third on the team in rebounds per game.
GSP said on 18/Jun/08
IMO 5'8" - 5'10 is lower average 5'10 - 6' is upper average
leonari said on 18/Jun/08
Jared: 5'10" is NOT average short. It's plain simple good average. 5'9"- 5'9.5" is rather short average. where do you live??
Realme2008 said on 18/Jun/08
Yeah, I think everyone can agree that isn't very tall. I'm 5'9" myself, and when out with other guys I either feel average and on par with my friends or shorter. If one of the guys is shorter than me it's obvious that they aren't tall to begin with. I also think that 5'10", if you have a big build or a muscular build can look short. Like 5'8". I think a good height to be is 6 foot or 6'1".
glenn said on 6/Jun/08
he had work boots heel.but,yes thicker than my adidas.
glenn said on 6/Jun/08
interesting to know affleck 6-3?
Vibram said on 5/Jun/08
It'd be nice to know what footwear Glenn and Mr Damon were wearing in this pic. Thats if Glenn could tell in a dark street photograph.
In the Bourne Identity when he's walking through the snow towards the US Consulate in Zurich, he looked no more than 177cm.
Vibram said on 3/Jun/08
Adam (31 may 08), 6ft+ guys that act demeaning are usually single and frustrated I find. It's called "sizing up the competition" or trying to nerve rivals for females/jobs by picking on physical traits.
bob said on 3/Jun/08
Adam,i know the feeling,it's ridiculous how people discriminate when there are people so much worse off. 5"10 is not short, it's a good height.
look back a few generations and people were generally shorter, i'm taller than most of my folks.and i'm 5"10.
Clay said on 3/Jun/08
5'10'' isnt short Adam. Not in the least. Perhaps you are really 5'8.5.
Glenn, there is a scene in Jay and Silent Bob where Damon and Affleck are screwing around as themselves, and you can clearly see about a 5 inch gap.
35434a said on 1/Jun/08
5-10 is not above average
if ur in college you will notice people are usually 5-10-6-3
glenn said on 31/May/08
ed-we arnt talking about indoors.outdoors they are usually not an expert on the inside.yes,ive seen 5-4 suit and tie guys with lifts too.rare the lifts part.
bob said on 30/May/08
why is 5"10 short? it's above average for most men.
ed said on 30/May/08
who is wearing lifts in this scene?
Click Here
ed said on 30/May/08
im chuckling at several posts here mentioning the "businesss world" where the avg. is 6-6.1? Well... i Ive been pretty high up on the chain in business and have worked with millionaires etc. Some were taller, but lots of them were smaller than i or same height and im 5-10... so i think people just maybe associate suits with taller guys. Anyway, my thoughts are 5.95 for Damon, especially seeing him in Good Will Hunting where he was nose to nose with Robin Williams.
glenn said on 28/May/08
thats why people think stallone and depp are short.i agree with the business man claim too.
35434 said on 28/May/08
i do notice businessmen in hotels, airports
are like usualy 6 plus
spider monkey said on 26/May/08
benj, I totally agree with you man. I'm 5'10.5" also, and a coworker of mine is 6 ft(female, tallest female I know off a basketball court) and she thought I was 6ft also, but then the other day someone said I was short. The 5'10" range is very deceptive. Footwear can make all the difference. Same with posture. 5'10 can be tall and short depending on the circumstances.
benj said on 25/May/08
What people seem to forget is how small a single inch really is. It's very difficult to see a difference in height within 1, 2 or even 3 inches. At About 5'10.5 myself lots of people think i'm smaller. Some people think I'm taller.
James W. said on 16/May/08
Damon does appear slightly closer in this shot. I met him and he looked a half inch under 5'10.
Tony said on 12/May/08
i just watched the departed and he looks about 2.5 - 3" shorter than leonardo dicaprio and just taller than mark whalberg so i reckon 5'8.75" min 5'9.25" max
Zally said on 9/May/08
Both wear chunky boots. He's 5' 9".
homesick said on 9/May/08
damon is more like 5'9.05...i dont think he is a full 5'10 he's not short...just average
clark said on 8/May/08
It is a roll of the dice in Hollywood. An inch too tall or short, and they say, NEXT.
bam said on 7/May/08
damon 5'10 even and clooney 5'10.75. Clooney has horrible posture. Clooney consistently appears under 5'11 even though he probably essentially is.
dmeyer said on 4/May/08
rob do you realy think think there is only 1 cm between clooney and damon ik would say more 2 to 3 cm

Editor Rob
1/2 inch, there could be 3/4, never rule him out as weak 5ft 10 although he can pull off strong 5ft 10 aswell...damon that is.
glenn said on 27/Apr/08
on occasion he can look 5-11.especially next to affleck.
glenn said on 25/Apr/08 boot types.but i see him looking tall in my pic.even 5-11.keep in mind,its only in the last few months i took the broomstick out my bum.
glenn said on 24/Apr/08
he is 5-10ish and isnt skinny or puny at fact,built.

Editor Rob
he could have 1/2 inch shoe advantage on you, did you say he had 1.25 inch, like a decent sized shoe?
Jon Doe said on 23/Apr/08
some girl on the internet wrote this big article going on about how Matt Damon couldn't be the "sexiest man alive" because he "has been reported to be very short and rather puny in stature in person." Jeeze I know height is important to women but c'mon she only doesn't think he's attractive enough for her because some idiots consider him to be "short",that's rediculous!
Chris175 said on 9/Apr/08
i agree with rob i think he is 5-10 or 178cm
Click Herehe always seems shorter than clooney and pitt so i dont think he can be as tall as 5-11 but its possible
MattC said on 8/Apr/08
I wouldnt say 5'10 is short at all for a regular person but when your talking about an A list movie star to an average fan it does seem kind of short. Because to alot of fans in their heads these actors are larger than life so they expect them to be taller so when you see one that isnt you think of him as short. Other big time actors like Cage, Dicaprio, Hartnett, Will Smith, Affleck, Hanks among others are all around 6' or more so comparing Damon to them he is kind of short. I think thats what the fan meant when he said he was short, if he was some random guy on the street you wouldnt say or think that .
leonari said on 8/Apr/08
anybody saying 5'10 "is short has some very serious issue and should get his head checked somewhere. Really. This idiotic bull has to stop. Just becuase it's a height page doesn't make average height short or small. Any human being ith half a brain would say 5'10 " is average for a man.period.
zedrein said on 7/Apr/08
People saying this guy is short, is 5' 10 really that short?
bam said on 31/Mar/08
for sure a strong 5'10 guy.
Scott said on 31/Mar/08
Since when is 5"10 "real short"...the fan must have been huge
glenn said on 30/Mar/08
hell,with my posture he could be 5-11 on top with me.what if he snuck in some more posture? i read 5-11 for him and he did look it next to affleck at times.but i agree 5-10 is most accurate since he looks 5-9 alot.
jay_d said on 30/Mar/08
Jude Law is 5'11? In Gattaca, they said he was 6'1 and that Ethan Hawke was 2 inches shorter(so i thought Jude would be at least 6' anyway, Matt looks 5'10+ and can't be shorter than 5'9.5
ACG said on 29/Mar/08
looks an easy 5'10. glenn has his arm around matt's shoulder, which could make glenn appear taller....even so, matt still has a good couple of inches on glenn. i wouldn't buy anything lower than 5'10 for damon
Roberto said on 23/Mar/08
I am Italian from Naples,I am 5'10 tall I met Matt Damon when he was acting as Tom Ripley.By a pure chance he was standing next to me,I found him to be if not shorter,maybe 5'9.5 or so.But well proportioned.
Jon said on 22/Mar/08
Matt damon is perfect male height, if anything above normal average male height slightly, but most important of all he has great proportions (weight/muscle/stature ratio) which is why he can look tall, and one of many reasons he is an action movie star and you are not.
Keep in mind alot of these reports are out to knock an actors reputation. With that in mind, anyone who says 5'10 is real short either wants to try knock him his rep or must have a genetic height disorder & trying to make themself feel better about being lanky/unnecessarily tall (6'1+ approx).
Sid said on 19/Mar/08
Da pic shows 5-10 easy, could buy 179, but DOG-BOY sometimes they make mistakes in films such as overbilling van damme as 6-1 in hard target and underbilling wesley snipes and a bunch of others all at 5-9 in seven seconds
glenn said on 19/Mar/08
i see 5-10 in my pic above.
Dog-Boy said on 18/Mar/08
If you watch Bourne Supremacy, there is a scene where Matt Damon goes to Berlin airport and they check his passport. On the passport is stated 5'9". Unless this is his actual height, they would have no reason to state his height otherwise. If any thing, they usually INCREASE a celeb's height in scenes such as this! So I think this is his actual height.
The photo above also suggests about 5'9".
Dude said on 14/Mar/08
He doesn't look very tall but never looks short. Matt is a good height as he could play roles that require height and roles that require less stature.
In the U.S. avg height ranges from 5'7" to 5'11" for males, with short to tall avg ranges. So Matt is in the taller avg range. No one should call him short, he has a couple of inches on Glenn who is in the shorter avg range. But both Glenn and Matt are in that avg range.
Rob (not the editor) said on 14/Mar/08
I dont get how at the top that fan that met him says real short? The guy looks about 5'9"/5'10"....since when has that been "real short"?
Bosco said on 12/Mar/08
5'9 flat for him..he wears lifts and look 5'11 on them
Brah said on 11/Mar/08
Well eddie,
Jude Law is 5'11". And Paltrow has a long model-like 5'9" body, maybe 5'9.5" in slippers in that scene.
So, 5'10" sounds reasonable for Damon. He was also barefoot with 5'10" Minnie Driver before, and they looked about the same height.
diana said on 7/Mar/08
lol this wall is hilarious
obviously he's smack dab in the middle
that's what it means to be of AVERAGE height
eddie said on 6/Mar/08
I dont know if movies are a great guage of anything but in Talented Mr. Ripley, the scene where his character Tom Ripley is in the bathtub and Gweneth Paltrow's character calls him out about the rings...he gets up and is standing next to her barefooted and naked and is right about the same height...she appears to be in a robe and maybe slippers....Jude law appeared to be 1 inch taller than Damon in the film
TNTinCA said on 6/Mar/08
"anyway to the point the problem with being 5ft10 is that although you will see quite a few people that are shorter than you will also see a hell of a lot that are taller than you as well. so your are kind of slap bang in the middle"
Yup. That's why it's called the "average height". :-)
diana said on 2/Mar/08
Yeah, he's 5'10 which is average. Average does not mean short
diana said on 1/Mar/08
He is average height. Get over it. Honestly I've seen pictures with him and brad pitt who is taller. Matt Damon still looks good. He doesn't look short at all. He is really well proportioned and knows how to dress himself and never looks short to me. Of course, he isn't short at all, but people in the United States are so obsessed with guys being 6'1, it's a shame that average height is branded as short.
Anonymous said on 1/Mar/08
in the Nertherlands the people are giants averaging 184cm
Leung said on 28/Feb/08
My estimate based on Australia is that the average height for Caucasian males between the ages 20-40 is 5
glenn said on 28/Feb/08
i never said 5-11 for all races,all guys dont read what i said many times.
Brah said on 28/Feb/08
Average height of the U.S. also includes all ages.
Everyone seems to forget this also. If you go to any place where senior citizens hang out, you will notice that they are noticeably shorter. At a college a guy may feel short, but at an old folks home, the same guy may feel tall.
Marcelo C. said on 28/Feb/08
Tho/Glenn: I think Tho isn
glenn said on 28/Feb/08
they try nate.they try.
nate said on 28/Feb/08
no one messes with glenn!! lol
glenn said on 27/Feb/08
damon is 5-10 to my eyes.i remember reading 5-11 years ago an d laughing.well,now 5-9 seems low to me for him.
glenn said on 27/Feb/08
james-i think on occasion rob deletes some here and there.its bound to happen.i have some weird fans in my personal life thats been giving me headaches through email and myspace.male and female.not interested in discussing the details.thanks.
glenn said on 25/Feb/08
tho-i somehow doubt that.cause people with real money or jobs never mouth off like that.
glenn said on 25/Feb/08
rob-no let one slip biggie.we all make more than do your best.thanks leonari.
leonari said on 25/Feb/08
tho: leave for f*** sake. Nobody wants you here.
tho said on 25/Feb/08
i will make more money than u and ur buddy rob

Editor Rob
please tho, yes Glenn cursed, but you threw a lot worse insults back. Go away, browse some bikini sites and calm down, life's a lot better without getting angry over trivial discussions on height.
glenn said on 24/Feb/08
thats possible james.but i think the average is 5-9, my eyes,at least in nyc,its 5-11 for white males.i think the average is all encompassing obviously.
glenn said on 24/Feb/08
tho-fuk you.hows that? for immature of course.what have you contributed to the site except hot air?
tho said on 24/Feb/08
cursing on this site is allowed?ur a immature...ur the one who's stupid.....and those charts are outdated..and u can't get everyone's height to tell the average height...i looked in charts that pertain to only white males..and it said the average height is 5-10 for whites
glenn said on 20/Feb/08
5-11 white males is what i see the most in nyc.i know about the 5-9 was 5-8 once.possibly in the not interested in a education of something ive know for 27 years at least.
GSP said on 18/Feb/08
Im watching "the good shepperd" the dancing scenes he is only 1 inch over angelina jolie.
tho said on 18/Feb/08
glen quit getting all defensive man..don't even say online it says 5-9 is average bec. for a white american male that ain't true...i'm not trying to criticize u but that's just right......the average american height isa 5-9 it says bec. there are other races that contribute to that....average is 5-11 for a WHITE american male
u would be tall for an asian or a mexican
diana said on 17/Feb/08
everyone's aware that 5'9 1/2 is the average height of a guy in the United States anyway
so he's average height
big whoop
he looks about 5'10 no cause for such a huge discussion
Anonymous said on 14/Feb/08
Looks an entire head shorter than the actor playing his father in Oceans 13, who's listed at 6'4. Makes me think 5'10 is a stretch.
sam said on 12/Feb/08
On The Bourne Supremacy DVD it shows a wanted poster when you play the movie listing him as 5'10" and 175 lbs. Probably as a way to correct the numerous 5'9" listings in the Bourne series. I do believe he's a true 5'10"er though.
glenn said on 11/Feb/08
i noticed long ago.i dont even know why its up least its not downgrading matt.
ACG said on 10/Feb/08
Am I the only one to notice how weird the quote is at the top of the page?
The fan starts out by describing Matt as "rather short." then goes to say he is 5'8 but Matt was "only a few inches taller." now if he is 5'8, then add a few(assuming 3-4) inches you get 5'11-6'0!!
Now, in what alternate universe is 5'11-6'0 classified as "rather short?" Anyone agree?
Darkfalz said on 9/Feb/08
Lifts and good posture, desperate to be taller. 5'9" at most.
Jack Daniels said on 9/Feb/08
I think that this excellent actor is 177cm, after watching him barefeet with Mr Clooney.
C. said on 6/Feb/08
He looks taller than I thought here. I could have sworn he was 5'9" but I guess not.
bruce_wayne said on 6/Feb/08
for sure he does not look for 178 every movie i have seen he looks short around 175 cm no more..i don't get it why he is listed as 178
FletchLives said on 6/Feb/08
I'm a legit 5'11'', and I come off as short because most of the guys I hang out with are 6'1'' plus....also I noticed that when I was in college I felt shorter when walking on campus than I do now in every day life a few years later...I think it has socio-econimic effect as well
GSP said on 1/Feb/08
You are considered short at a legit barefoot 5'11????? BS..even in holland thats only slightly below average.
glenn said on 1/Feb/08
someguy-i never denied any of this.i agree with some of it.not all.
glenn said on 1/Feb/08
exactly leonari.
Someguy said on 31/Jan/08
From my experience, height does matter to almost all girls. One example is that tall people loom over shorter people and this comes across as confidence to females; however if you are aware of it you can compensate. They have also done studies and have found that height does influence career success dramatically. oh and I am 5'11 without shoes and I am considered short.
JackieTreehorn said on 31/Jan/08
Those average heights are generally for whole populations...including older people who have shrunk. I think the average height for 20-somethings is 5-10 flat in US and probably 6-0 in a place like Holland. In other words you have to add a little to the reported average to describe a typical guy on the street.
leonari said on 31/Jan/08
tho: why come here and post you bull? "haha." How old are you 12?
glenn said on 31/Jan/08
and your point? 5-8 isnt short at reality.but yes its not always desirable depending on the girl.
tho said on 31/Jan/08
glenn u mentioned that girl's don't like guys shorter than 5-8 as if ur not short haha i'm not short
glenn said on 29/Jan/08
thank you catalina.the audacity of some posts.
catalina said on 29/Jan/08
Clark... as if a million photos of Glenn standing next to celebrities wouldn't be enough to believe he is as tall as it is posted.
And in my female opinion, height isn't the main issue when it comes to sex, getting girls and relationships; it's all about personality.
glenn said on 21/Jan/08
sure problem.i have time for that.i forget your new here.i had a few failed attempts at that and dont normally have time for that,nor have people over to help me with that.
clark said on 21/Jan/08
Glenn could you stand with a tape measure behind you. We need to make sure YOU are 5'8".
Gago said on 17/Jan/08
Exactly DMeyer, and with footwear he can look 5'11.
dmeyer said on 16/Jan/08
i agree that 5'11 is the tall side of average since i get describe as tall all the time
dmeyer said on 16/Jan/08
damon is 5'9.5 maybe 5'9.75 since i looked at several pics of him and affleck there is a minimum of 4.5 in possibly 5 in between them ,he dosnt look full 5'10 by affleck ,ben has 4 in on him when damon is standing as tall as possible
Gago said on 14/Jan/08
I think he's more 177, may be 5'10 right out of bed, Rob, you had him at 177, what made you upgrade him, and what are the chances for 177? Thanks.
bam said on 13/Jan/08
im convinced he is a legit 5'10. That makes clooney 5'10.75 with terrible posture.
Chris said on 12/Jan/08
Hey Marcus, are there areas in Sweden where the average height is above the national ave. ? For example, I've been in certain regions in countries, where the average is several inches taller/shorter than the national ave. What do you think?
Marcus the Swede said on 12/Jan/08
To Whatever: 5/11 Is not short. The average man in Sweden wich a country with tall people is 179cm.ers The figures and numbers you have short or tall and average and so on is just rubbish. 5/11 is not short.Maybe youre list is in your head but it is NOT representative in the real world.
181cm said on 9/Jan/08
And then Vice versa on another one Ive seen.
Anon said on 9/Jan/08
And then on pic number 45 of 46 of The Brothers Grimm Los Angeles Premiere, Heath has a few inches on Matt..
181cm said on 7/Jan/08
Oh and check it out Damon and Heath Ledger same height.
Click Here
181cm said on 7/Jan/08
Who gives a &^%$ Caersar, I'd wager Americans are more athletic. Plus have the edge is range of genetic attributes meaning a wider range and broader combination.
Adam Brennon said on 7/Jan/08
Greg, do yo have an email or messenger?
Boston said on 7/Jan/08
I thought he was 6' in the Bourne movies, cause most action stars are usually big.
Caesar said on 6/Jan/08
The same people who claim 5'10.5 is average in North America are the same ones that claim 6'1 is the average in the Netherlands. There is also the conversion from metric to customary that is usually rounded off, further distorting the data as presented to the rest of the world. In reality, average height in the Netherlands is 182 cm, or 5'11.5. Average height in North America for a white male is 5'9.5.
Adam Brennon said on 5/Jan/08
I've never been to Holland, but it's hard to imagine a 5' 11" man being short.
glenn said on 3/Jan/08
adam-everyone can speak their mind.its up to rob in the end.
Adam Brennon said on 2/Jan/08
Thanks Greg, that's reasurring. It is definately a parrellel to anorexia (you sound pretty big to me). Your measurements are impressive. I think you'd agree that 180 lbs of muscle is probably better than 250 lbs of lard ass. I think I'll follow you're example and drink three shakes a day instead of one. If permissable, perhaps you could tell how much you bench, squat, shoulder/military press, deadlift, tri curl, bi curl and barbell or bent over row. Thanks again for your consideration. I get the impression that you speak from experience and know what your typing about, which is very refreshing.
Take care,
P.S. Glenn, I know this has nothing to do with height but I think I owe him the courtesy of a reply.
Chris said on 31/Dec/07
I saw in person, and he was not tall at all. two of the people I worked with even commented about it, he looked almost 5 inches shorter than me and I'm 6'2"
dmeyer said on 30/Dec/07
matt damon does look solid 5'10 in the pic with glenn
derbi said on 29/Dec/07
danius, doesn't make sense at all what you're saying. So we should list Glenn's morning height and Damon's nicht height? That would make Damon's height less accurate... And by the way, you're saying there is a 6 cm difference, so Glenns height (173 cm) plus 6 cm, that would make 179 cm which would mean a little upgrade for Matt...
Caesar said on 29/Dec/07
random says on 25/Dec/07
then why does he look like an inch shorter than clooney?
Because Clooney is 5'11. More legitimate a 5'11 than Pitt, though they are both probably the same height barefoot. Damon is 5'10, possibly 5'9.5-5'9.75 at the absolute shortest.
glenn said on 29/Dec/07
random-and your point? that may be true but i get my fair share of women.maybe more than you.and rob i want anus removed from the site if he keeps this up.he is posting this crap all over the place.and furthermore,i just woke up when this pic was taken above.danus assumes too much.and keeps putting his foot in his mouth with mistakes.damon looked 5-10.25 at least.and was up all day and night.this was 10pm.i have erratic sleeping hours too due to work.
andrew said on 29/Dec/07
I just noticed in the Bourne Supremacy that it said Jason Bourne's height was 5-9... I'm assuming they used the same height as Matt Damon so that would probably make him 5-9?
Danius said on 28/Dec/07
downgrade Damon by a cm. Glenn isn't really 5'8. Glenn is 5'8 morning. This was at night so Glenn would be maybe 171 cm making Damon 177.
random said on 26/Dec/07
glen i saw ur comment...well ur 5-8 that doesn't help that much...tons of girls don't like a guy that short......that's still short for a white man...especially...5-9 is considered average because that's including all in general asians are usually short...that will bring the number down...and hispanics as well
alot of girls like guys close to 6 foot or atleast 6 foot
dg said on 26/Dec/07
glen how tall did he look to u?
random said on 25/Dec/07
then why does he look like an inch shorter than clooney?
Adam Brennon said on 23/Dec/07
At five ten I'm comfortable with my height but wish I was more substantial. I have a 14.5" neck, a 39.5" chest (exhaled), 14" upper arms (relaxed), 12.5" forearms, 6.5" wrists, 16" calfs, 20" thighs and a 32" waist. With these statistics, I feel more slender and delicate than normal. I'd be interested in peoples thoughts. Apoligies if this segues off Matt Damon.
Adam Brennon said on 23/Dec/07
Closer to 5' 9.75" than 5' 10.75".
glenn said on 15/Oct/07
5-5 and good looking isnt going to help you with girls me on that.the 6-4 ugly one will pull 5-8 good looking and up is a different not saying that cause im saying that from experience and knowing plenty of females and how the react towards short men.
Alonso said on 15/Oct/07
Yeah, you don't have to be tall the be super cool like James Bond.
Go into the Daniel Craig page, he's listed at 5'10.5" and was picked to be the new James Bond. What does that tell you?
Lmeister said on 15/Oct/07
Your commets aren't based on real facts. Really immature comments. I think you are one of those ppl who think that tall guys are always stronger and better looking. I'd rather be 5'5'' and good looking than some fugly 6'4''.
5 ft 9 is still short said on 14/Oct/07
since ya obviously didnt read my previous post. i said in their late 20s because thats when you are at your peak height dumbass. all these short 5 ft 9ers try to find little excuse to boost their self esteem. I WAS MEASURED EXACTLY AT 5 FT 9.5 BAREFOOT WHEN I WAS 18, AND I WAS ALWAYS SEEN AS SHORT BY MY FRIENDS WHO ARENT EVEN THAT TALL. (THEY WERE AROUND AROUND THE 6 FT 1 RANGE) eva longoria who is a dwarf called ewan mcgregor (who is 5 ft 10) short!!!!!!!!!! get over it. learn to stop being so insecure about it and live your life!
Viper said on 14/Oct/07
5-10 is what, taller than 65-70 percent of the population? Yet 5-9 is just one inch below that. Most people are in the 5-9-5-10 range overall. This guys perspective is all screwed up, lol. Its pretty funny. Im wondering If hes even the height he says he is. He says hes close to 6-1, yet doesnt feel tall? When I was 6-0-6-1 in high school I was one of the tallest. Even in college at 6-1 I felt like I was taller than most. Its hard to buy what this guy says when I can go out in public right now and see the najority of males in the 5-9-5-10 region. Even young males like he says, He must think the entire male population is short.
leonari said on 14/Oct/07
5'9" is still short: you are a fool. And your friends probably as well...First you go 5'9" is short and now 5'10" ..where will this end dumbass? 6'0" also short? MAn fools like you piss me off cause you have no idea what you are talking about. Most men in the world are between 5'9" and 5'10". So what you are indirectly saying is that the majority of men in the world are short...Don't you understand how stupid your posts are ? No? Well than you are even dumber than I thought.
dmeyer said on 13/Oct/07
average young white male is 5'10.25 178.5 cm wish is almost 5'10.5 so i think you gotta be aleast 6 ft to be tall
5 ft 9 is still short said on 13/Oct/07
i said in their late 20s because thats when you are at your peak height dumbass. all these short 5 ft 9ers try to find little excuse to boost their self esteem. I WAS MEASURED EXACTLY AT 5 FT 9.5 BAREFOOT WHEN I WAS 18, AND I WAS ALWAYS SEEN AS SHORT BY MY FRIENDS WHO ARENT EVEN THAT TALL. (THEY WERE AROUND AROUND THE 6 FT 1 RANGE) eva longoria who is a dwarf called ewan mcgregor (who is 5 ft 10) short!!!!!!!!!! get over it. learn to stop being so insecure about it and give your life!
Viper said on 13/Oct/07
Ive said before that skinny 5-9 guys can actually look kinda tallish from a distance.
leonari said on 13/Oct/07
X: THANK YOU!! Finally a tall guy with some brains. 5'9" is not short!!
OutBenchThis said on 13/Oct/07
Yeah I have to agree, I thought a colleague I know was close to 6ft however it wasn't until I was talking to him face-to-face yesterday that I realised he's probably 5'9.5" or so..really strange. 5'9" therefore isn't short and those of the 5'9" range can appear taller.
bam said on 12/Oct/07
A legit 5'9 is not short. There's no use in disputing it.
Vipe said on 12/Oct/07
I feel like my IQ is dropping by the second whenever 5 ft 9 guy brings up his "late 20s" statistic, lol. Dude, your getting owned here by everyone for being an idiot. You should just stop posting before you embarrass yourself even more.
5 ft 9 is still short said on 12/Oct/07
the statistic of a black/white male in their late 20s is around 5 ft 10.5. ewan mcgregor is 5 ft 10, and was refered as kinda short by a real life dwarf (eva longoria whos struggling with 5 ft.) all you guys struggling with 5 ft 9, sorry ya are seen as short in the real world.
Lmeister said on 12/Oct/07
Good points X.
5 ft 9 is still short said on 11/Oct/07
now, back to matt damon for a sec, i do notice he never slouches in any of his photos and i have a good feeling he wears lifts alot. he was on the letterman show this year and wore a redsox jersey and jeans. so i wonder if he would been lame and still wore dress shoes so he could wear lifts?
5 ft 9 is still short said on 11/Oct/07
well viper, you have nothing to worry about thens ince you are tall. but still, 5 ft 9 is still short. my have alot of friends who are in that range, and they know they are short. like dave said they dont get short jokes, but they still see themselves as somewhat short. and like i said the average height statistically in their late 20s of a black/white male is in the 5 ft 10.5 range.
Viper said on 11/Oct/07
"I can honestly say that I know more guys who are roughly between 5'8" to about 5'11" than guys of any other height. Most of those fall into the 5'9" to 5'10" area."
Same here. Honestly, you would have to be off your meds to call a legit 5-9 guy in America short overall.
Viper said on 11/Oct/07
"But once again, that is perception vs fact. Average is average, period!"
100 percent agreed. These loonys think 6-0 is close to average, or that 5-10 looks 6-0. Yet 6-0 is taller than 80-85 percent of the population.
"Nevertheless, the overall male average is little over 5'9. By the way, why not ask someone in the average height range (5'7-5'11) if 5'9 is short? You simply ask women, who tend to look at tall men, and you ask tall men, to whom relatively speaking, 5'9-5'10 is short. It seems the heights of non-white men don't matter, nor do the opinions of regular average or short statured men. You are choosing a certain audience to get the result you desire. By the way, "I am 5'10.5, not 5'9. I don't feel tall or short, and never been called either since I have been an adult."
Right, nobody from 5-7-5-11 is going to call somebody 5-9 short for sure, and there is more of those people than over 6-0 by a wide margin. And I wouldnt even do it at 6-3. I actually just asked a 5-9 friend of mine today If hes ever been called short before, and he said no. He actually said that most people think hes 5-10 at least.
Viper said on 11/Oct/07
5-9 guys dont even look that short to me and Im 6-3. Im willing to bet that these supposed 5-9 guys getting called short are actually 5-7-5-8.
5 ft 9 is still short said on 11/Oct/07
Leung said:
5'9" guys get referred to as short all the time.
My friends and colleagues that are 5’9” openly admit that they are short. Most of them are secure in themselves and don’t have an issue with it.
5 ft 9 is still short said on 11/Oct/07
when i did my survey, I didnt target a certain gender or height range, I asked at random . I also asked them to state their own gender and heigh to be fair!
5 ft 9 is still short said on 11/Oct/07
i chose white males, because asians and hispanics are generally short people. I could of said blacks, but the average height in blacks and whites are pretty much the same. i chose in their late 20s, because that is when you are at your peak height. I love how people who are struggling with 5 ft 9 or 5 ft 10 get very insecure about their height, and have to come up with every little excuse and research up every little statistic that doesnt even matter to try to boost their self esteem. ryan secrest is 5 ft 7.75 actually which is 5 ft 8. like i said, every little detail and excuse. only insecure people do that. 5 ft8 and a 5 ft 9 person will look the same height ok. the outside world sees 5 ft 9 people as short, and apparently even alot of people on here think so too. and no i didnt get turned down by a chick for being too tall because I actually face reality, and that is I am not THAT tall. I am BARELY over 6 ft. Measured last time at 6.05 which is somewhat tall. My ideal height is 6 ft 3- 6 ft 4. But I am almost 20 years old so I can pretty much face the fact that I wont be that just like how ya can face the fact that 5 ft 9 is still kinda short.
averageman said on 10/Oct/07
I am starting to wonder whether or not "viper", and "most people think..." aren't really more than let's say around 5'6"/7" or so, trying to take away from we, who are of average height, something that they will never attain. I can see that Dave put some thought into his conclusion. Very laudible; But once again, that is perception vs fact. Average is average, period! Any ten government and/or non-government websites will tell you that! Everyone have a great day. It's been fun.
Viper said on 10/Oct/07
Im willing to bet that anynymous guy got turned down by a chick for being too all. Hardly anyone is going to think a legit 5-9 guy is short. Anyone who thinks that is clueless. Especially considering 5-9 will look 5-10 or even over that too many. And Seacrest is 5-7 at most, which is short. The Anonymous poster must think a 5-9 guy has to make 200,000 to attract women as well, lol.
Caesar said on 10/Oct/07
When Viper says that 5'9" is short, it's akin to someone saying a circle is actually a square.
To be fair, Viper said 5'9 was average, not short.
most people think 5 9 is short says on 10/Oct/07
the 5 ft 9 people on here complaining about how they arent short reminds me of ryan secrest. he is 5 ft 8, and he gets pounded with short jokes all the time, and he cries about how he is average. you can not tell the difference between a 5 ft 8 and a 5 ft 9 guy. 5 ft 9 people are short, get over it. AND ACTUALLY, STATISTICALLY, WHILE MALES WHO ARE IN THEIR LATE 20S ARE IN THE 5 FT 10.5 RANGE!
Ryan Seacrest is called "short" because he is actually about 5'7. If he were 5'9 and people called him "short" it would be because they expected him to be taller. And we were talking overall averages, not strictly young white males. I didn't know young white males were the only group that mattered. Even so, MEASURED studies put it at about 5'10, interviews put it at 5'11. Nevertheless, the overall male average is little over 5'9. By the way, why not ask someone in the average height range (5'7-5'11) if 5'9 is short? You simply ask women, who tend to look at tall men, and you ask tall men, to whom relatively speaking, 5'9-5'10 is short. It seems the heights of non-white men don't matter, nor do the opinions of regular average or short statured men. You are choosing a certain audience to get the result you desire. By the way, I am 5'10.5, not 5'9. I don't feel tall or short, and never been called either since I have been an adult.
dave said on 10/Oct/07
it really depends on whos judging the height. taller people will see people in the 5'9"-5'10" range as short. shorter people will view them as average. it also depends what environment you are in. I am 6'1" and whenever I go to say the grocery store, I usually am one of the tallest people in there and most people there I would say are around in the 5'8" range. When I am at school, I consider myself average because I am in usually in the middle of the crowd. I would say the common height would be around 5'11". When I am on the basketball court, I feel short, because I usually get towered.
most people think 5 9 is short said on 10/Oct/07
the 5 ft 9 people on here complaining about how they arent short reminds me of ryan secrest. he is 5 ft 8, and he gets pounded with short jokes all the time, and he cries about how he is average. you can not tell the difference between a 5 ft 8 and a 5 ft 9 guy. 5 ft 9 people are short, get over it. AND ACTUALLY, STATISTICALLY, WHILE MALES WHO ARE IN THEIR LATE 20S ARE IN THE 5 FT 10.5 RANGE!
averageguy said on 10/Oct/07
By the way, I can honestly say that I know more guys who are roughly between 5'8" to about 5'11" than guys of any other height. Most of those fall into the 5'9" to 5'10" area. When Viper says that 5'9" is short, it's akin to someone saying a circle is actually a square. It is NOT logical. By the way, Matt Damon, while NOT being short, could be considered stocky just looking at his body type.
Alonso said on 10/Oct/07
Let's talk in centimeters. It makes things easier.
Anything above 180cm is tall.
174-179 is regular or average height.
There. What so you guys think of that?
Viper said on 10/Oct/07
"5'9" is still short"
Thats an outlandish statement when statistics say its average.
Dave said on 10/Oct/07
5'9" is still short, but you're not going to get short jokes for being 5'9". People under 5'8" range get alot of short jokes. Like 6'1" people aren't going to get tall jokes, but people over 6'4" probably will.
Alonso said on 9/Oct/07
"exactly leung, only insecure people keep crying about how they are average height. like i said, just be happy you were born healthy!"
Very well said!
In the morning I'm 180cm, during the day and night I'm 178cm, but when I come back from running I'm 177cm.
I think I'm 177cm, normal height. I admit it, and I'm comfortable with my height.
And 5'9" is not short. What do say to the people that are 5'6"?
5 ft 9 is still short said on 9/Oct/07
exactly leung, only insecure people keep crying about how they are average height. like i said, just be happy you were born healthy!
6 ft 1 male says average height is 5 ft 10
5 ft 6 female says average height is 5 ft 10
5 ft 3 female says average height is 6 ft
5 ft 9 female says average height is 6 ft 1
6 ft male says average height is 6 ft
? ft ? says average height is 5 ft 10
5 ft 5 female says average height is 5 ft 9
? ft ? says average height is 5 ft 9.2
5 ft 8.5 female says average height is 5 ft 10
6 ft 1 male says average height is 5 ft 10
6 ft 2 male says average height is 5 ft 9
5 ft 7 female says average height is 6 ft
5 ft 1.5 female says average height is 5 ft 9
Leung said on 8/Oct/07
5'9" guys get referred to as short all the time.
My friends and colleagues that are 5’9” openly admit that they are short. Most of them are secure in themselves and don’t have an issue with it.
5 ft 9 is still short said on 8/Oct/07
updated 8/08
1. 6 ft 1 male says average height is 5 ft 10
2. 5 ft 6 female says average height is 5 ft 10
3. 5 ft 3 female says average height is 6 ft
4. 5 ft 9 female says average height is 6 ft 1
5. 6 ft male says average height is 6 ft
6. ? ft ? says average height is 5 ft 10
7. 5 ft 5 female says average height is 5 ft 9
8. ? ft ? says average height is 5 ft 9.2
9. 5 ft 8.5 female says average height is 5 ft 10
10. 6 ft 1 male says average height is 5 ft 10
11. 6 ft 2 male says average height is 5 ft 9
12. 5 ft 7 female says average height is 6 ft
13. 5 ft 1.5 female says average height is 5 ft 9
glenn said on 8/Oct/07
you need to get rid of those #s next to the heights.that was dumb and makes it harder to read.maybe its just me.
Anonymous said on 8/Oct/07
ok ok, we know 5 ft 9.2 is technically average height statistically, but lets just settle this right now once and for all. the problem is, most people dont see a 5 ft 9.2 person as an average height person, that person is still going to be viewed as an "short" guy in their eyes. hello, i was 5 ft 10 exactly and i was viewed as SHORT by people even though i was techically above the average height of 5 ft 9.2. the truth is people see a person not being short as 5 ft 10 min! so if you are around the 5 ft 9 range, statistically you are average height, but reality you are on the short side my friend. when you look at a person , you dont think to yourself, ok that guy looks about 5 ft 9.2 , he is a average height man, it doesnt work that way.!
averageman said on 7/Oct/07
Once again it seems like you are comparing statistics with opinon. First of all the 5'9.2" average is from one or two average samples that I have found while others claim it is 5'9.1 or 5'8.75". It all seems to net out to about 5'9". Secondly, I think you may want to visit the classroom for textbook definitions on average, mean, and median. What you are claiming regarding 5'10 or 10.5" to be ther real average, I think you are a actually referring to the median number(more men of this height that any other height) of men being approx 5'10" or so. I personally do not have that statistic at hand, but it certainly does not mean the average height of a United States-born man is any greater than 5'9" (or5'9.2", in your findings). And last, no matter how many people you sample for an opinion, opinion is opinion, not fact. By the way there are other postings that describe Matt Damon as 5'9".
Caesar said on 7/Oct/07
Sorry, that one "Anonymous" post was by me; I just failed to type the name in.
Anonymous said on 7/Oct/07
5 foot 10.5 is real average height says on 6/Oct/07
to caesar :i have never heard anyone calling JT or arnold short, sorry... because their not, JT is listed as 5 foot 11.5 which is on hte tall side, arnold is 6 feet, also on the tall side, not VERY tall, but somewhat tall. i was 5 foot 10 when i was 18 and was considered short by my friends who arent that tall either, they were in the 6 foot 1 know what, im going to do a survey and ask what do you think the average height man is, and ill get back to you.
It's irrelevant what people "think" average height is. The actual mean is what counts. Furthermore, your sample size will be so small and isolated that it will not reflect the population at large anyway. I think it's time that you looked at the methodology of height studies. In terms of the United States, whenever you see a 5'10+ average you'll notice that the study is survey-interview style. Whenever the average is 5'9, you'll notice the study consists of actual measurements from a statistically significant sample. People inflate their own height, and people on the shorter side are the worst for it usually; often times 5'10 is seen as the "minimum respectable height" and guys as low as 5'7 will seek to claim it. A legitimate 5'10er will rarely, if ever, look short, and a legitimate 5'10er will rarely, if ever, look tall.
If, as it seems, you don't care about the statistics, you should know the perception of height is often distorted by a person's weight and build. Overweight people with bad posture often look shorter, thin and lean people with good posture often look taller, and then there are things like head length, shoulder width, vertical shoulder position that skew height perception.
5 foot 10.5 is real average height said on 7/Oct/07
ok i did the survey online on what people think a average height man is (ignoring statistics and race) in their own views. i also asked them to state their gender and their own height so this is what i have gotten so far. ( ? means they did not leave their own height or gender)
1. 6 ft 1 male says average height is 5 ft 10
2. 5 ft 6 female says average height is 5 ft 10
3. 5 ft 3 female says average height is 6 ft
4. 5 ft 9 female says average height is 6 ft 1
5. 6 ft male says average height is 6 ft
6. ? ft ? says average height is 5 ft 10
7. 5 ft 5 female says average height is 5 ft 9
8. ? ft ? says average height is 5 ft 9.2
9. 5 ft 8.5 female says average height is 5 ft 10
thats what i have so far, i will update once i get new replies
5 foot 10.5 is real average height said on 7/Oct/07
its acutally 5 foot 9.2 , but thats statistically! that doesnt mean most people will be 5 foot 9.2! most people will look an average height person around 5 10!
averageman said on 7/Oct/07
Just to clarify, 5'9" is considered dead average in the United States for a man's height...Neither short nor tall.. Just Average. By the way, the average height of a woman in the United States is 5'4". If any of you have ANY doubts at all you can look up the exact statistic just about anywhere.
5 foot 10.5 is real average height said on 6/Oct/07
to caesar :i have never heard anyone calling JT or arnold short, sorry... because their not, JT is listed as 5 foot 11.5 which is on hte tall side, arnold is 6 feet, also on the tall side, not VERY tall, but somewhat tall. i was 5 foot 10 when i was 18 and was considered short by my friends who arent that tall either, they were in the 6 foot 1 know what, im going to do a survey and ask what do you think the average height man is, and ill get back to you
Caesar said on 5/Oct/07
And like another guy said, Damon "looks short" because: 1. People always expect "stars" to be tall and "larger than life"; and 2. Damon has a smaller man's body attached to a rather large head which gives him an inch or two. Justin Timberlake and Arnold Schwarzenegger are also called "short" and they are both around 6'1. So I guess by your inductive reasoning, 6'1 is "short" because a few people have said certain 6'1 people are short? Wow.
Caesar said on 5/Oct/07
itsjustaname says on 25/Sep/07
looks like you didnt read my post, basically there isnt really average height, your either short or tall, get over it. 5 foot 10 is still somewhat short, not very shot, but still short! sorry robert!
So 5'10 is both average and short? Your definition is so arbitrary and incoherent as to be meaningless. Most people do congregate around the mean, hence why people in the 5'8 to 5'11 range (5'9 to 6'0 range for younger people) rarely "look" anything, just normal. Furthermore, I could "buy" a 6'4 guy calling a 5'10 man "short", but you are 6'0.5! I have a friend who is 6'0.5-6'1 range and when looking in the mirror on flat ground inside he barely looks taller, and with his bad posture occasionally looks shorter. You clearly don't realize how small an inch is, which is part of your misunderstanding the concept of "average height".
Oh, and your evidence? 5'7 girl rejects 5'9 guy for being "too short".
About that: the average height difference between the sexes is five inches. Hence, the equivalent of a 5'7 woman is a 6'0 man. Thus, adjusting for that mean difference the woman is an equivalent of three inches taller, and consequently her view that he is "too short" is understandable to a degree. That doesn't mean the man is "short", because she is technically tall. Sorry, my explanation might be a little complex for you. Also, the fact that you don't "feel tall" is your problem; it doesn't invalidate the stats. There are five billion people in the world, and if you are in a crowded place you will see many men 6'2 and above. If you care to take notice, you will see many many more around 5'9 and 5'10, and a very big number as low as 5'6.
5 foot 10.5 is real average height said on 4/Oct/07
well i guess some people consider 5 foot 9 short and some average....
bruce_willis said on 4/Oct/07
5'10.5 is real average: I am 5'9'½ and very skinny, people consider me average/tall because i'm so skinny and lean, I have never been called short, and i do live in a country with full of tall people(Sweden, where the average height's about 5'11). I wouldn't consider a 5'9 person short, neither a 5'8 person. Everything under 5'8 is short, and everything under 5'6 is extremly short. That's my and many of my friends opinion. And no, my friends are not short, most of them are above 6'.
Lmeister said on 4/Oct/07
Ok talking about average height is stupid. We should talk about median height. I agree that for younger guys the average is around 5'10'' - 6'' for western guys.
5 foot 10.5 is real average height said on 3/Oct/07
ok, someone made a comment earlier about how you shouldnt look at statistics when judging average height. for example, lets say you 100 people in a room, half of them are really short and the other half really tall, making the average height in the room 6 feet. that doesnt mean most people in the room are 6 feet! so forget all the numbers. in society, MOST people will considered a 5 foot 10 an average height man (regardless of race), and thats the bottom line, but 5 foot 10 to alot of people is still considered on the short side.
Alonso said on 3/Oct/07
5 foot 10.5 is real average height - That's true, and it hurts when girls don't like you for NOT being as tall as others. But that shows that the girl is full of [yeah, that], even if that girl or woman is gorgeous.
But I've seen taller girls than me that get attracted to me, and even if nothing will happen between us(because of the height difference), it makes me happy knowing that sometimes height doesn't effect every girl. But in the end, I feel sad and end up crying. Wah!!! People think I'm short! Wah!!!
Not every person is the same, we are all unique. We're humans, with the image of God. We're the best.
The most important thing is personality.
You mentioned American football and basketball. I play football(soccer), and in soccer height doesn't really matter. The best soccer players of all-time have been very short, like Maradona for example. Zidane on the other hand is an exception(he's 1.85). Mostly, football has to do with shoe size and if you're playing as a professional in Europe, speed is very important.
I know this has nothing to do with Matt Damon, sorry about this guys.
Lmeister said on 3/Oct/07
That is one of the most stupid comments I've heard here. 5'10.5'' isn't the average height of US men. '80 - '83 born whites have the average height of 5'10.6'' in US, but it isn't the real average. For instance in that way Finnish guys have the average around 6'' in reality it is 5'10''.
5 foot 10.5 is real average height said on 2/Oct/07
thank you leung! i have alot of friends who are in the 5 foot 8 5 foot 9 range, and they were all considered somewhat short. only really short people considered 5 foot 9 average.
and alonso is right, being taller doesnt make you a better person, but it doesnt give you more confidence and girls. remember girls like : tall , dark, and handsome. if you are a average looking person, but you have good height(around the 6 2 range) all of sudden you are alot better looking than you truy are. also you step on the football field or court, and your taller than everyone else, people will fear you ..well unless they find out you actually sucks, BUT atleast you decieved them!
Alonso said on 2/Oct/07
I'm 5'10" (178cm), and I feel quite comfortable.
But being a taller person doesn't make you a better person.
A person with a good heart is all that matters.
leonari said on 2/Oct/07
5 foot 10.5: No. Most people would not say 5'10 is not short. Fans who see a SUPERSTAR of Matt Damons caliber look for a larger than life figure. He is only average so suddenly when expectations are high people tend to see something which is not reality.
JO said on 2/Oct/07
Leung and 5 foot 10.5 is real average height, are talking tripe. Matt looks short because he is stocky. Thats all!