How tall is Matt Damon - Page 10

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Average Guess (503 Votes)
5ft 9.49in (176.5cm)
5 foot 10.5 is real average height said on 1/Oct/07
notice how matt damon is 5 foot 10, and he is considered SHORT! glenn himself even quoted the fans saying he was SHORT! and if glenn is 5 foot 8, but damon is about 5 foot 10! so in conclusion, people in reality still label 5 foot 10 people on the short side opposed the tall side.
Rocky said on 1/Oct/07
5 foot 10.5 is not average height for any population demographic. If that is the case, then people lie about their height, either taking shoes or whatnot into consideration, plus maybe an added 0.5-1 inch added onto that. Most guys I know who are 5'8'' say that they are 5'10'' and I tell them "that's not possible, because I'm only ..."
5 foot 10.5 is real average height said on 1/Oct/07
if you are judge either on the tall side or short side, 5 foot 10 is still on the short side. 6 feet is considered on the tall side!
5 foot 10.5 is real average height said on 1/Oct/07
noticed how the quotes from the fans glenn put up all say he was SHORT, and hes 5 10! hence 5 foot 10 in the reality is still kinda short!
Anonymous said on 30/Sep/07
actually mile, the average WHITE MALE in their LATE 20S (which is your peak height) is about 10.5 !!!!!!!!!!! so a strong 5 foot 10 is more like average height. every 5 foot 9 person i have known were considered kinda short in person! sorry!
Mike said on 30/Sep/07
Actually the 5'9 average consists of caucasian american males, but that's okay.

As for Matt Damon, I can't get this guy down. On the one hand it's said he is 5'10, yet in "Eurotrip" when he sings with "Fiona" (he sings "Scotty doesn't know". Look it up on youtube) he is only about 2-4 inches taller than an actress who is 5'1. Now supposing that she is wearing heels (bringing her up to approximately 5'4?) that still only makes him about 5'8...

What do you guys think? I'll try and upload a picture.

Editor Rob
kristin kreuk isn't really that short.
itsjustaname said on 28/Sep/07
statistically, in todays era ( the average height has increased alot in the last 30 years..sorry its not 5 foot 9 anymore!) , 5 foot 10. in, america this is considered the average height..which i still consider reality somewhat short. and thats EVERYBODY, including all race , and all age in america. so you got to take consideration that shorter people like asians and hispanics and old people who shrunk are going to bring down the average height! here is a real statistic. the average WHITE MALE in their LATE 20s, which is when you are at your peak height, is around 5 10.5 range! so to ya will stop crying, i was consider people that are a strong 5.10 plus AVERAGE height, anything below that is SHORT!!!!!!!!!!!
Big T said on 27/Sep/07
I'm 5'10 1/2'' although have been measured anywhere between 5'9 1/2" and 5'11" (barefoot)(!)- dunno why the discrepancies...but I do believe 5'10 1/2'' as that's the most common

I live in NZ where the average height is slightly taller than the US....

I have a bit of a complex about height, but in reality I'm not short. Most people are shorter than me- probably 50/50 when it comes to guys and like 90% of women. I'm probably taller than 90% of people over the age of 50, people my age (22) are most likely to be taller than me.

Compared to tall people I am short, compared to short people I am tall, therefore I'm AVERAGE! Dunno where people get off saying "there's no such thing as average, 5'10" is short" etc
Viper said on 26/Sep/07
"itsjustaname says on 25/Sep/07
looks like you didnt read my post, basically there isnt really average height, your either short or tall, get over it. 5 foot 10 is still somewhat short, not very shot, but still short! sorry robert!"

Whats the overunder on this guy graduating past the third grade? :) 5-10 is TECHNICALLY above average, since 5-9 is the average for males, at least in the United States. So 5-10 is certainly of average, If not technically 1 inch above average. Yet this dumbass actually says its short. HAHAHAHAH!!!
RobertJ said on 26/Sep/07
itjustaname: Oh I see so height is black and white? I read you post and I don't consider myself tall OR short because because I'm AVERAGE. Geez studies are done to determine height and in the US, 5'9''-5'10'' is the average.

Viper: I'm a clown eh, that's funny since I'm fully aware of people, especially men, exaggerating there heights. Look at my posts, I'm not some random spammer that wants to create trouble. I've been measured and I'm legit 5'9.5'' and still growing. 5'10'' can look 6 feet in person and vice versa.
itsjustaname said on 26/Sep/07
LOL at viper, this clown is probably some 5 foor 8.5 guy who think hes average height. i had a 5 foot 9ish friend who couldnt date this 5 foot 7ish girl because she thought he was too short! in the real world, 5-10 is still kinda short, sorry bro! i am measured a tad bit over 6.05 and i rarely ever get reconized as the "tall" guy, the only people that refered to me as tall were REALLY short people , 5 foot 6 and under!
Viper said on 25/Sep/07
LOL at itsjustaname. This clown probably thinks 5-10 looks 6-0 in person.
itsjustaname said on 25/Sep/07
looks like you didnt read my post, basically there isnt really average height, your either short or tall, get over it. 5 foot 10 is still somewhat short, not very shot, but still short! sorry robert!
dmeyer said on 25/Sep/07
5'10 is considered short because most 5'10 claimers are 5'8.5 at 5'11 people alwais say i am 6'1 but if someone is truly 5'10 like evening height then it is not short at all and might even tall in some occasion but i doubt damon is 5'10 at 8 pm he would have looked mush taller near pitt clooney
RobertJ said on 25/Sep/07
5'9" - 5'10" is AVERAGE not short. Most females are shorter than an average height guy. I'm 5'9.5'' flat and no one's remarked that I seemed short.
itsjustaname said on 25/Sep/07
5 foot 10 is still considered somewhat short in the real world. their isnt really average height. your are pretty much either short or tall, get over it. i am measured a little over 6 and a half , and i am considered kinda tall only. pretty much if you are under 5 11, in person people will see you as "short". this glenn guy is considered short, not average. sorry all the 5-9 guys , ya arent really average height, ya are short.
erik said on 23/Sep/07
matt damon is 5ft 9 I met him by earlier
bam said on 19/Sep/07
clooney is bizarrely always taller than damon.
KT said on 19/Sep/07
I agree Big-T. The scene when they're in the vault, standing side by side really showed the difference between the 2.

In the Departed also, he looked short. Next to Mark Walhberg, Dicaprio, and especially Alec Baldwin.

But Saving Private Ryan, he looked 5'10.5 next to hanks.'s confusing stuff.
Big-T said on 12/Sep/07
in ocean's eleven he looked only 5'9" i just watched it clooney is almost always around 1 1/2 inches above him
paulg said on 7/Sep/07
nice pic bam ! :) i think you should post it on pitt's height page... just to shut up ACG, he/she is getting annoying....
bam said on 6/Sep/07
damon's 5'10. He is the same height as brad pitt.
Click Here
keny said on 6/Sep/07
i want to know if he is 178 with shoes or without them, because if not he might be 175 more or less
radio_man said on 3/Sep/07
anonymous..something I learned its, do no trust pics, the can't say the height of anyone, I'm 5'9 in in some pics I'm just like an inch shorter than my 6'0 friend..
pics can be really tricky..I
¡m still thinkin that DAmon is shorter than 5'10..Clooney its always taller than him!
wasa said on 3/Sep/07
In the first Ocean's Eleven he looks only marginally taller then Andy Garcia, who is around 175cm. I'd give Damon 176cm evening height. He also looks shorter by 1-1.5 inches to Pitt and Clooney in the movie. On pictures of premieres also just doesn't have that tall built (shorter arms/legs). He's average height.
John Willer said on 3/Sep/07
I think his big head make him look shorter. When you see pictures of a guy whose head is big, you tend to think he's short
Anonymous said on 1/Sep/07
Let's be realistic here. Matt Damon is no 6 footer for sure, but before the ladies get all upset he's not a short guy. In that link you sent Sarah where he quoted Jackman as about 6 inches taller, well its easy to misjudge the difference since Jackman is more than 4 inches. If you look at another pic on that link, he is standing next to Julia Stiles who is 5'7.5" and he's quite a bit taller than her, and she's probably in heels.

Anyone who's seen the Bourne movies should see him next to 5'8.5" Franke Potente and its clear he aint shorter than her, although he's not much taller either. There's evidence when he's barefoot next to Clooney and Pitt that he's not much less than them, and in slippers next to Affleck he looks average height. There's so much evidence to me that Damon is 5'9"-5'10" range, anyone saying under 5'9" IMHO are just wanting to feel better about themselves.
radio_man said on 31/Aug/07
I'm still with 5'8 maybe a tiny bit more..but that's all, no way 5'10 in lifts of course but barefoot., no way!
Brad said on 27/Aug/07
I have stood right next to him and shaked his hand at a party, I am 5'10.5" and he semmed even with his great posture at most 5'9.25" he wear hats and things to make him look taller but when you she him hat less the truth comes out the man is kinda short. I have also met clooney and seen them together and clooney semms to have at least an inch always normally more, as far as I am consered with Brad Pitt it looks like he wears lifts a lot, I know this because I've met him in sneakers and he is 5'10.75"-5'11" and then i have met him again in flip flops and he is more like 5'10 or 5'10.25" that is why he is almost always wearing shoes.
Ace said on 26/Aug/07
Damon could easily have been exaggerating when he said 6 inches. Or there is the outside chance he has a terrible measuring eye. Afterall, the guys an actor not a carpenter.
Ed said on 23/Aug/07
I could see 6ft4 while wearing cowboy boots, like in X-Men. But the majority of the time he seems to downplay his height with flatter footwear like converse all-stars.

If Damon is a true 5ft10, then with moderate dress shoes with a 1 inch heel he'd be 5ft11 or a little less. If Jackman wearing similar shoes was 6ft3.25 or a little less that's still not 6 inches but only 4.25. Jackman would have to be standing 6ft5 in his shoes for this 6 inch difference to work. A strange quote by Damon, and I agree Bam he looks always a bout an inch shorter than Clooney!
bam said on 23/Aug/07
the thing i don't understand his how damon is always 1 inch shorter than clooney (5'10.5), who barely scrapes the 5'10 mark when he is slouching. Sarah- Jackman can and has given a 6-4 impression before though.
Ed said on 22/Aug/07
Interesting quote considering it's such an exact number. Yeah 6 inches would be 6ft4 for Jackman and we all know that's not the case, so is Damon admitting something here by mistake. Yes at 6ft2.25, a 6 inch difference would put Damon at 5ft8.25 which sounds very plausible! Also I don't know why he says they look like brothers because they look nothing alike at all!
sarah said on 22/Aug/07
Click Here --Damon himself is quoted as having said that Hugh Jackman is SIX INCHES TALLER than he is. Hugh has described himself as 6'2"-6'3", and this site gives him 6' 2.25" (which I think may be low, but anyway....) sooo, if Hugh is, minimum, 6'2", then Matt is,
maximum.....5'8. Give Hugh the 6'3" and Matt is a realistic 5'9". Unlikely that a short-ish actor would deliberately make himself even smaller than he is.
leonari said on 17/Aug/07
Look it's that simple: If a real 5'10" guy gets called's sooo ridiculous. Except for the Dutch and Montenegro who ar well over 6 foot on average this claim can only stem from an idiot who has no idea what average height is. a well proportioned 5'10" man with good posture and casual shoes looks pretty tall...not really tall but under no circumstance does he look short...why? Cause 5'10" ain't short!!!
So whoever started this 5'10" is short claim: get out of your closet! Or even better: get out of this site.
Ed said on 17/Aug/07
If he's 5ft11.5 or so in shoes, why do so many people who meet him describe him as short? That I don't get! He looks only 5ft10 in his boots and casual lifts the majority of time, not scraping the 6ft mark!

Alex, I agree in School Ties he looked pretty short compared to everybody else in the cast.
Dimitrijevska said on 17/Aug/07
Real short? Oh, come on. So also 5'11 is short? Everything under 6 feet?
Melvin said on 17/Aug/07
I mean to say he's not short like some witnesses unfortunately call him. He appears shorter because his limbs are short relative to his height and he has very small hands and feet.
Melvin said on 16/Aug/07
He's 5ft 9 barefeet. 5ft 10 in his regular super thick semi-casuals. I want to know what he had inside his head warmer when he met Glenn. His hair is thinning and short yet look at that massive mound under the hat. Did he stuff a towel in there to gain even more height?
Jackalar said on 16/Aug/07
He's 5ft10, why do some people call him short? Is above average height considered short these days?
Viper said on 15/Aug/07
It looks like Brad is wearing lifts there. Look at his shoes and his ankles.
Melvin said on 15/Aug/07
Can't upgrade Garcia unfortunately. He is consistently a weak 5ft 9 according to many witnesses. Damon is his height or from that line up pic could be 5ft 8 and 7/8s of an inch without the thick shoes. I would downgrade all the big names in the Oceans gang except for Clooney, Cheadle, Affleck and Caan.
Albi said on 15/Aug/07
This pic is on Brad Pitt's thread:
Click Here
Either downgrade Damon or upgrade all other guys. Damon is even wearing bigger shoes. Maybe he was wearing lifts with Glenn. I'm not keen on you downgrading Damon, so just upgrade Garcia, Clooney and the rest. At least be fair.
Alex said on 13/Aug/07
It's always interesting to see some of these guys in their early films, when they are just starting out, and being a certain height is not as important. I saw some of "School Ties", and Matt Damon looked about 5'6", but if you see him in "Bourne Ultimatum", there are scenes where he looks about 6 feet tall. My guess--5'10", based on seeing a display of the wardrobe of some of the actors in "The Departed" (on display at Warner Bros. Studios museum this summer.) Mark Wahlberg's costume manequin was the shortest, maybe 5'8" at the most, then Damon's was about 5'10"-ish, then DeCaprio's at almost 6 feet. My son is 5'8", so I used him as a yardstick.
Melvin said on 12/Aug/07
Watched Syriana today. Damon was 2.5 to 3 inches shorter than Alexander Siddig who is listed on his own site at "5ft 11.75 in socks."
glenn said on 11/Aug/07
exactly viper.there are strong 5-10ers and weak ones.some give the illusion of taller or shorter.david arquette could be 5-10.5.
6'3'' JK said on 11/Aug/07
Damon is 5'10'' next to Glenn he has 2 inches
Melvin said on 11/Aug/07
Arquette was pretty average in that wrestling comedy with Scott Caan.
Viper said on 10/Aug/07
Id love to see a picture of a David Arquette with Damon. Arquette always looks tallish and hes listed on here as 5-10. You would think he would have 4 inches on Damon or something. While Damon always looks kinda short. Its crazy to think about.
Caesar said on 10/Aug/07
It seems quite a few "celebs" list their height in regular shoes for some reason. Damon is probably 5'9.5-5'9.75; measured in shoes 5'11 or close to it. That's why guys listed at 6' are often 5'10.5-5'10.75.
Anonymous said on 10/Aug/07
i would say damon is 5'11. He has more head above his eyes like me.
glenn said on 9/Aug/07
no way is he shorter than 5-9. 5-10 tops.
Ed said on 8/Aug/07
At times Damon can look around 5ft11-weak 6ft or so in shoes, and then at other times he looks 5ft10 max in shoes. His barefoot height is a mystery, somewhere between 5ft8.5-5ft9.5 imo. I think with his hefty CAT boots he's pushing 5ft11 or so, and maybe a bit more with his Bourne footwear.

If Glenn is 5ft9 in the above pic or even 5ft9.25, then Damon has got to be around 5ft10.5-5ft10.75. He looks to have 1.5 inches on Glenn!

I don't think his Bourne shoes are monstrous 2.5 inch height boosters, but I wouldn't rule out 1.75 in or so, a little more than a pair of Nike Shox. He would have to run and jump in them, so they'd have to be realistically sized.
dmeyer said on 8/Aug/07
he dosnt look over 5'9.5 to 5'10 in those shoes so if they are suspicious then he is 5'9
dmeyer said on 7/Aug/07
hey rob wath is the shortest you think mtt could be i am talking 8 pm height i agree this guy can look as tall as 5'10.25 but can look 5'9

Editor Rob
5ft 9.5, I'd be surprised 5ft 9 flat
glenn said on 7/Aug/07
taken in midtown manhattan.after accident.
Andy_C said on 6/Aug/07
5'10 hmmm ...that seems about right but its to hard too tell. Some times its too hard to guess height. I been called 5'10-11 many times so i measured myself and i turned out to only be 176cm which is 5'9 i believe (correct me if I'm wrong) so its just to hard without measuring him yourself
dmeyer said on 6/Aug/07
6'3'' JK said on 6/Aug/07
Glenn where was the picture taken with Damon?
Ed said on 6/Aug/07
I saw The Bourne Ultimatum the other night and I agree at times Considine(5ft9.5) looked taller, and at other times he looked the same as Damon. These were also in clear face to face shots or walking side by side. I believe Considine was wearing heeled boots and Damon had on these black casual/athletic Steve Madden looking shoes that had very suspicious heels. You can see these heels in a lot of the stills of him that have been floating around in movie mags for the last couple of months. One thing is for sure Damon was looking pretty beefed up in BU, not as lean as in the previous Bournes. Once again Damon also didn't look much taller than Julia Stiles at all, who had on maybe moderate heels.
Melvin said on 6/Aug/07
Paddy Considine at 5ft 9.5 was taller than Damon all the way in the new Bourne.
deadman said on 5/Aug/07
there is a photo in us weekly, hes standing next to jennifer garner(both in flip flops)....damon looks 5'9
Aaron said on 3/Aug/07
saw bourne identity last night, and I have to say that at the beginning of the movie when he's doing pull ups on the boat, he looks absolutely tiny. His torso and leg length made him look like he was 5'7/5'8. I mean I can't really give an exact height for that scene because it's just him doing pull ups by himself, but the guy looked really small (height wise, not muscles--he's pretty strong, I think) is my point. I still think he's 5'9" max and a lift or elevator wearer based on photos with clooney and pitt. HE'S NOT A HALF AN INCH SMALLER THAN CLOONEY!!
Brah said on 3/Aug/07
People are fooled by Damon's build. Because he has an extremely large head and stocky limbs he looks shorter (especially if seen from a distance). Pitt and Clooney may have small heads and longer limbs, but the size of Damon's head puts him close to their heights. Where the top of his head ends is his height...I'm thinking 5'9.5" is a good estimate.

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john said on 1/Aug/07
hes gotta b smaller if brad 5'11';
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dmeyer said on 1/Aug/07
i totaly agree he looks 1 in smaller than clooney even when clooney is not forcing it
Yitzhak said on 1/Aug/07
Damon's forehead seems unnaturally large in the above pic. No idea why, it just seems much bigger tan in any movie I've seen him in.

I'll say 5-9.5. Pretty average height guy.
Aaron said on 31/Jul/07
I'm with Melvin on this one...5'9 max. Damon always looks an inch or more shorter than Clooney (5'10.5") who constantly has laid back, relaxed posture, putting him more at 5'10. If Damon were 5'10 also, with his posture which is similar to pitts (military/stick-up-the-butt posture), Damon would look as tall as Clooney at all the premiers and what not that they do together. Melvin's right yall.
Leung said on 30/Jul/07
Melvin, unlike yourself I don’t go searching the internet for “short” pics of celebrities. I have noticed the common trend for height downsizers is to find specific photos where a celebrity looks shorter than usual and use that as their evidence and say “look how short he is”. Most of us know that there are factors such as angles and camera distance that can sometimes affect the appearance in a photo.

There may be photos of Damon where he looks 5’9” but rather than concentrate on a couple of short photos I base my estimates on everything I have seen and try to be as realistic and accurate as possible.

I believe that Damon is 5’10”, and if you look at the top of this page you will see he is listed here at 5’10” which in my opinion is right on the money.
dmeyer said on 30/Jul/07
he can look 5'10 to 5'10.5 at times but i think he is 5'9.5 i doubt less i doubt more
Melvin said on 30/Jul/07
Leung still has no answer. Time and time Damon is 5ft 9. Where are you Leung?
Bud said on 29/Jul/07
Met an actor who worked with him on the new Bourne film last night. He described Damon as short. The actor was 5'10 so I can only presume this makes Damon at least an inch shorter than him.
18,181 said on 28/Jul/07
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another great one.3 inches.
18,181 said on 28/Jul/07
Click Here - im positive the guy is 5'9,since greengrass is 6ft and while looking 4iches under,hes 3 inches under.5'9.
18,181 said on 28/Jul/07
jaon allen looks almost 6'1 in heels,so shes wearing 3inch heels. now damon is wearing 1inch shoes,so that should make him 5'11,but next t0 6'1 allen he looks only 5'9,which I really think he is. Click Here
Bad Radio said on 27/Jul/07
this guy is definitely 5'10.
Ed said on 27/Jul/07
If Damon is really 5ft10 straight out of bed in the AM, then he's definitely about 5ft9.5 maybe 5ft9.25 in the pic above with Glenn after shooting chase scenes and doing stunt work all day! With his big heeled boots which he talks about in this months GQ (They are CAT work boots)and the other height enhancing shoes he wears, I think he's got a lot of people fooled he's a lot taller. He was on Leno the other night, and Leno had him by 2 inches? Damon can't be 5ft10 and Leno 5ft11 and have there be that noticeable a difference between them. Either Leno is 6ft or Damon is 5ft9!

As I mentioned before my ex met him in L.A. years ago and she at 5ft7 said he was only a few inches taller like 5ft9 or so in flip flops, and that I was a lot taller than him standing at between 5ft11.25-5ft11.5! After seeing the pic with Glenn I'm willing to split hairs and say he looks 5ft9.5 tops, he's got Glenn by an inch plus and Glenn's not standing up straight.
Viper said on 27/Jul/07
I do think Matt Damon's real barefoot height is in the 5-9 range.
glenn said on 26/Jul/07
amen to that leung.
Melvin said on 26/Jul/07
He's not 5ft10. You show some how he is taller than Garcia. I asked you before and you ran like away like a Matt Damon fanboi. When you run away this time put on a copy of Bourne Identity and watch the bathroom scene with Franka Potente (5ft 8).
Leung said on 26/Jul/07
but Marco, Melvin will probably try to convince you that he must have been standing on a box to look 5'10"

Melvin, please explain why would he stand on a box to look 5'10" when he could stand on a bigger box and look 6'2"?

Seriously the dude is 5'10", why is that so difficult for you to comprehend? 5'10" is not even tall anyway.
Melvin said on 25/Jul/07
If Damon was close to 5ft 10 1/2 that would make Clooney and Pitt six footers. Damon would be six foot in his thick soled shoes. Does not come close man.
dmeyer said on 25/Jul/07
when she wears converse he seems 3 in taller easy and like 1 cm taller when she has big heels i am starding to thing damon is like 178 cm on rare ocasion he looks 179 cm wath funny is that with clooney and pitt he seems no more than 176 cm
marco said on 25/Jul/07
Matt has to be at least 5.10 1/2; if you notice on Rounders, next to both Turturro and Norton he's almost their height and they are both a solid 6 feet.
Melvin said on 25/Jul/07
My last post didn't show up.
Damon is looking up to Paddy Considine who Rob has met and pegged at 5ft9.5
Aaron said on 23/Jul/07
I still don't understand why Damon remains at 5'10 when clooney is at 5'10.5". Even with Clooney's laid back posture, he always looks and inch, inch and a half taller than damon (and that's with Damon standing military/stallone posture all the time in photos). Downgrade to 5'9" please. This guy wears mountain boots all the time and other high heeled shoes to give the appearance of a weak 5'10" maybe. This guy needs to be lowered. No one who's 5'10" with damon's kind of posture would ever be called "Real Short". Doesn't happen. I know because I'm 5'10.5" and I hold good posture as much as possible and people call me tall (never "real short"). And that's with me not wearing high heeled shoes like Damon. I'm with 18,181--downgrade to 5'9 or 176cm whatever you wanna call it.
18,181 said on 23/Jul/07
Click Here
-he looks 176cm,similar posture,id say 176-77 for damon.more on the 177
Leung said on 22/Jul/07
random, unless you are malnourished, there is good chance that you will exceed your parents height. I'm asian too, and most of my relatives and asian friends are taller than their parents, in a lot of cases that outgrow them by a significant amount.
Even if you do remain short, just be happy with who you are.
random said on 22/Jul/07
I would LOve to be 5-10! i am short....real short....I'm asian so yeah but I'm supposed to be atleast 5-7 or 5-8 acoording to my parents fair my bro is 5-9...and not even 18 yet....s0 5-10 would be good! even in american standards thats rather average....and I'm fine with uncle is 5-10 but looks just as tall as most ppl or maybe even taller...he looks 5-11 though or six....but yeah I would rather be six but lets not let the short guy get picky!
glenn said on 20/Jul/07
not too mention veiwing other peers pics with celebs too.
Melvin said on 19/Jul/07
He's still the same height as Andy Garcia in every photo and a good inch and a half shorter than George Clooney on all occassions.
glenn said on 19/Jul/07
matt- i interview my peers,friends,bodyguards,hotel staff,photographers etc,and 90 percent of the time they give similiar estimates before i give i factor all those,plus my guaging and report like to see someone match that.
Matt said on 18/Jul/07
Glenn, although your encounters provide good and valuable anecdotal evidence, which must be taken into consideration, I'm not sure we can invest *100%* faith in eye-witness encounters. I can't count the number of times I've felt I've spoken to people eye to eye, only to later see on film or photograph that there is actually a significant height difference. Tricky business. Film and photograph provide much stronger evidence.

Looking at the main photo, I'm still unsure about Damon. I'm not sure he clears you by a full two inches. Perhaps 5'9.5" is nearer the mark?
Melvin said on 16/Jul/07
But you admitted Glenn that he had thicker shoes. Anyone should be able to see if you had equal shoes there would be only an inch between you. I hope nobody is counting the large mound of hair he has piled up under that muffin on his head as his height. It looks really bad like he has added padding inside his hat to make himself look taller.
glenn said on 15/Jul/07
whats real denial is when one argues with me when im the only one meeting them.
17,181 said on 14/Jul/07
exactly Melvin.It's denial if you choose to thin kthat Damon is that close to Norton.It's laughable.what next,maybe we'll put Brad at 6'2,cause though he's shorter than norton,but looks taller than Damon as much as 3 inches sometimes.
Melvin said on 10/Jul/07
I don't live in denial. I show photos every time I want to talk about height. You go ahead and show photos of Matt Damon taller than Garcia in dozens of photos then you can charge people with denial. Damon is standing on a platform next to Norton just like Brad Pitt standing on a platform next to Djimon Honsou on the cover of Variety.
Leung said on 9/Jul/07
Melvin, now that’s a strong case of denial if you prefer to talk about a box rather than consider that Damon could be 5’10”.
Melvin said on 9/Jul/07
That's the Brad Pitt technique of having portrait with taller stars. Damon is standing on a box.
runt said on 8/Jul/07
Some say Edward Norton is a strong 6-1. He's listed here as 6-0.25. Well, this picture shows that either Matt is a wapping 5-11+ or Eddie is a measely 5-11+
Click Here
Leung said on 8/Jul/07
Yes well said Caesar. Damon is a bit taller than Garcia.
I also think that Garcia is 5’9” plus change rather than a flat 5’9”.
Melvin said on 8/Jul/07
But their eyes, shoulders, hips and knees are the same level in 'dozens' of photos.
Caesar said on 8/Jul/07
Damon has a flat haircut while Garcia's is brushed up. Garcia is also slightly closer to the camera. That's enough for half an inch difference.
Melvin said on 7/Jul/07
Caesar, where did you get Damon taller than Garcia from when there's dozens of photos of them together on Wireimage with no height difference between them?
Scott said on 6/Jul/07
Since when is 5"10 "rather short?" Who are these people that making these comments? I would rather be Matt Damon than average Joe who is 6"3 any day of the week!
dmeyer said on 17/Oct/06
5'9.5 could be it
Ed said on 17/Oct/06
Something is off here, becuase if Alec Baldwin is between 5ft11 and 6ft, the difference in the way he looks(longer length of his legs,arms, and torso even though he's a few pounds heavier these days), and the way Damon looks(short limbed and stocky), there can't be only an 1 to 2 inch difference between the two. In The Departed Damon looked smaller than I've ever remembered him looking in a movie. In the scene at the first funeral, Damon is walking with several other cops,and he looks really tiny next to these guys. It's not as apparent next to guys like Sheen,Wahlberg, and Nicholson who are not tall guys. If Damon is 5ft10 wearing cop shoes or even his dress shoes he'd be 5ft11plus, that should come across a lot bigger on screen. I think Damon is 5ft9, 5ft10 with shoes.
Stef said on 17/Oct/06
he's 175/176, not more
Anonymous said on 16/Oct/06
Matt Damon was on Jay Leno one night a long time ago that he came from a family of short men but he was the tallest at 5'10.
Global said on 16/Oct/06
Matt Damon is 5 Ft 9.5 In - 177 cm
dmeyer said on 16/Oct/06
he looks 6 feet in that pics with affleck but i dont think he is over 5'10
YouKnwIt said on 15/Oct/06
Thing is, look how much shorter Damon is to "5'11" Jude Law, whos on wrong?
Height Detective said on 14/Oct/06
Damon / Affleck
Click Here
Click Here
Height Detective said on 14/Oct/06
This is the same pic but with better view , Damon is in open sandals , no lifts here.
Click Here
FilmNoir said on 12/Oct/06
Click Here
This is a good picture, look at his belt line it looks way higher than Leo's but leo is taller.
Height Detective said on 11/Oct/06
Matt damon and Heather Ledger in simliar shoes
Click Here
dmeyer said on 10/Oct/06
actualy 5'9.5 would make sens whi brad looks so mush taller than him
dmeyer said on 10/Oct/06
thank you rob i think he could be 5'9.5 or 5'9.75 177 cm
mcfan said on 9/Oct/06
I'm confused with both Damon's and Wahlberg's heights. First off, Damon is at least 2 inches taller than Wahlberg. More confusing, Alec Baldwin is probably two inches taller than Damon. Perhaps Wahlberg is 5'7 and Damon 5'9? Damon must wear lifts at times.
MHouillon said on 4/Oct/06
Just saw the Bourne identity again. Matt Damon wears lifts and is a 176cm! (5'9.25"). Not bigger, not shorter. He's not a legitimate 5'10" (178) and not the ridiculous (173) 5'8" some claime.. 176cm is just right!
Viper652 said on 3/Oct/06
Wahlberg is barely looking his listed 5-7 there.
alyson said on 3/Oct/06
Really, the only way to no how tall he is for sure is to measure him. I remember reading in People where they listed his height as 5'11" and thinking that couldn't be right. I have an uncle in the entertainment industry and you would be surprised how short some actors are. The camera makes people look bigger just as it can add pounds. I think he's a good actor whether he's 5'7" or 5'11".
leonari said on 2/Oct/06
in the pic below Wahlberg stands out as pretty short: 5'7.5 absolute MAX! Damon suprisingly tall next to Dicaprio.Looks like 5'10"
Glenn said on 2/Oct/06
Depending on which friend I ask,Leo can look 5-11 to 6-1.I havent seen him in 10 years.he looked 5-10ish then.I never met guess is 5-9,5-9.5.5-8 sounds too low.5-10 to high.I read 5-11 on him.
JK said on 2/Oct/06
I dont think he is 5'10'', he looks more 5'9''
Viper652 said on 2/Oct/06
I dont think hes as short as 5-7. But no taller than 5-8 1/2.
Pik said on 2/Oct/06
Alyson,this is very hard to believe. If this is so, than DiCaprio is 5'7.5 - 5'8 and Mark Wahlberg is about 5'5, which is ridiculous. Check the premiere pictures of the Departed.
Height Detective said on 1/Oct/06
In my last picture , altrough Nicholson is near the camera , make him look taller , matt colud be a copule of cm shorter that the height listed here , so rob may be you can began to putt him at 1.77 ...
Height Detective said on 1/Oct/06
This picture is a good one. Nicholson , Damon , Marky Mark and Di Caprio.
Click Here
Unleast he is wearing some lift , he look the 5.10 gived here.
Height Detective said on 1/Oct/06
Hey Rob , i dont know about his argentinian wife , but this photo is interesting , they are at the same level with like plain shoes both , so check it out
Click Here
alyson said on 1/Oct/06
I was an extra in "The Rainmaker". I'm 5'2" and I would say that Matt Damon is 5'7" at the tallest. He definitely didn't tower over me. He's a pretty short guy.
Pik said on 19/Sep/06
This picture is one of the best posted here. If the smallest guy is about 5'7 (Someone said he measured him 169 in the evening ), Damon really is 177, 178 cm. I am 178 cm myself, and I know that a 5'7 person comes to my eyebrows...
Click Here
anonymous2 said on 17/Sep/06
I'd agree with 174cm, though I think he actually could be a bit shorter than that
Jon said on 9/Sep/06
My friend is actually going to act opposite Damon in the Bourne Ultimatum, he's just under 6'1'', so we'll be able to find out soon. It will be interesting to see how my friends height might go up, when he goes over into the industry in America!
ralph said on 6/Sep/06
Daniel says on 9/Jun/06
Watch Dogma, Ben Affleck is nearly a head taller than Matt Damon...Affleck is 6'2"

daniel, if affleck is a head taller than him, matt damon is 5'3" ;)
Val said on 4/Sep/06
Click Here andy arcia...same height.
EMartin said on 16/Aug/06
I met Matt when working as a Bellman at the Boston Harbor Hotel. He was taller than I would have thought. I would say 5'10" is right on. He is a very polite and friendly guy.
John Doe said on 5/Aug/06
I have no idea on Damon...He looked 5'9" in the film School Ties but I don't know how old he was when it was made. He also clearly looked six inches shorter (if not more) then (his buddy) Ben Affleck at some awards show I saw on tv awhile back.
Viper652 said on 1/Aug/06
Im pretty sure 5-8 is Damon's real height.
dmeyer said on 1/Aug/06
the diferamce between cloonet and damon is aleast 1 inch so either upgreat clooney or down damon
Roy's Nephew said on 27/Jul/06
I think it was a documentary on conjoined-but-non-identical twins. They're seeing more and more of that these days ....
Roy's Nephew said on 27/Jul/06

re: Frank2 on Apr. 23 --- Uh, Frank, I think they were doing a movie at the time. I've heard that actors do sometimes wear wigs in movies. And some of them even wear MAKE-UP!! Also, I have it on good authority that some of the clothes they wear in films are not even their own!! I'm beginning to suspect there is something artificial about the motion picture industry ....
Ed said on 18/Jul/06
Well maybe he wears lifts, but I just watched Rounders the other night and Damon and Norton are pretty close in height in the movie. Norton looked to be about an inch taller, Damon seemed to be wearing boots as was Norton. Malkovich didn't look that tall next to Damon, as did Turtorro both 6ft to 6ftplus actors. I know movies are a lousy way to guess height, I'm just interested since an ex of mine met Damon in LA about 8 years ago, and she said I was much taller at 5ft11.25 barefoot.
bismarck said on 30/Jun/06
Well , like i've mentioned before , it depends on the way you stand , the way you dress (shoes include) , and your posture (including when standing or walking).Sometimes that's why Damon tends to look 5'8" rather then 5'10" , but i'd put him in between 5'8" or 5'10" , most probably he's 5'8" when barefoot.
SEBASTIAN said on 27/Jun/06
yea hes william hurt and hes tall.
Marcus said on 19/Jun/06
He was on Bernie Mac Show with 5'10'' Lucy Lawless and they were both the exactly the same height...besides they were wearing golf-shoes, so I guess Matt didn't wear lifts...
MHouillon said on 10/Jun/06
Haven't been on the Matt Damon site for a while. Now, where I'm back, I still can not believe that Rob has still listed him on this unreal 178cm !

Hello ? 176cm-177cm-max. (5'9.25-5) for Mr. Damon
Daniel said on 9/Jun/06
Watch Dogma, Ben Affleck is nearly a head taller than Matt Damon...Affleck is 6'2"
Bram said on 5/Jun/06
tough to tell with that video when considering that damon is on a pretty high curb when he enters the range rover.
rob said on 7/May/06
hello, you guys could check this link, its a duthc tv series, this episode they try to interview brad pitt, it also shows matt damon entering a 186cm high range rover Click Here
Bill said on 28/Apr/06
The colleague is Steve Remedios. Born in 1968, went to University of Toronto. short guy with a great sense of humor. Everybody who meets him liks him. 1/2 portugese 1/2 chinese. makes over a million a year. several of his colleagues/friends died in the WTC. Hobby is photography. that's how he got his picture with these 2 "stars."
Eddd said on 25/Apr/06
Bulllllll. That Bill guy's so called colleague is Donny Deutsch, I dont buy that he knows him.
Glenn said on 25/Apr/06
True Rob.5-8 is good to gauge.however,after 6-1 I get foggy at telling height.but I stilly bloody say GEORGE ROMERO was a basketball player! and my friend,another good gauger at also 6-1.5 found George 6-5! I say 6-6!
Glenn said on 25/Apr/06
I had this same friend of mine that thought I was close to his height at 6-1.5,tell me he was hanging out with Devito,and he was way! 4-10 max.4-8 min.

Editor Rob
devito 5ft 4, crazy, but I guess guessing heights is harder the further away from your own height someone is
Frank2 said on 23/Apr/06
I've got news for you. Danny DeVitto is so short he'd make Billy Barty look tall! (That is if Barty was still around)

Greg Kinnear is no more than 5'9". I'll bet Matt was standing on his tiptoes for that photo on the beach. But is that really Kinnear? Greg has a serious receding hairline and that fellow has a full head of hair.

Kinnear: Click Here

Kinnear with 6'1" Pierce Brosnan: http//

Matt and Damien Boisseau: Click Here
Anyone know how tall Damien is?

No, that's not me with Matt, but it'll give you an idea as to how short he looked next to me: Click Here
And one more time for those who forgot, I'm 5'11".

Matt without his lifts with Pitt: Click Here

Now get this! I have a makeup artist friend who swears that Pitt is just 5'10" and all his shoes have been custom made to increase his height by at least an inch. She agrees with me about Damon not being 5'10". She belives he's about 5'9" max. Take it for what it's worth. Oh, and she also tells me that Jude Law is just 5'9"!
dmeyer said on 23/Apr/06
i have a hard time to believe that norton is over 6 feet he barely looks taller than deniro and looks close to theron height when she is witout heels
Height Detective said on 22/Apr/06
Matt Damon and Danny DeVitto Click Here

Matt and his Wife Click Here

Matt damon and Edward Norton Click Here (lifts?)

Click Here Norton slouching hard that makes Damon appears taller

Matt damon , possibily barefeet , and greg Kinnear , they look the same height Click Here

Editor Rob
the rounder sidewalk, maybe sloping away from damon...
MHouillon said on 21/Apr/06
Damon is 5'9.25 (176cm) maximum !
Frank2 said on 17/Apr/06
That second shot of Matt with Clooney and Pitt shows that both Clooney and Pitt are standing in their stocking feet. Brad is standing slightly on his tiptoes thus gaining an inch. Check out the elevated position his left foot. Pitt looks like he's wearing deck shoes with small heels (perhaps an inch at most) and he's about two and a half inches taller than both men.
Frank2 said on 17/Apr/06
When I saw Damon I was at least that much taller. That's why I seriously doubt he's anywhere close to being 5'10".

john link said on 17/Apr/06
yeah i don't think he is 5'10" either, probably more like 5'8" to 5'9"...look at this picture of him and clooney, clooney is way taller. i know that damon is kind of slouching, but not much. even if he stood up straight clooney would be quite a bit taller.
this is the pic

Editor Rob
yeah, you can go from this to this which I think we argued about early 2005. Anyway, you can argue that Pitt could be 181 (182???)cm (taking 1cm off for his foot), Clooney 179-180 and Damon 177-178...maybe, its as close as you're gonna get to barefoot for these geezers
Height Detective said on 16/Apr/06
Frank2 , take a look at Paltrow footwear that is why he looks tall than Damon
Click Here
Frank2 said on 15/Apr/06
I know he isn't 5'10". That's for sure. He looked 5'8" when I saw him, but in fairness he could be 5'9". He just looked small. And I walked right by him. Ben Afleck is tall. He's at least 6'1".
Stiffelio said on 15/Apr/06
Frank 2, thank you for all these pictures but I'm getting more and more confused. How tall do you think Matt is? Please be conclusive!
larry said on 15/Apr/06
No Frank2!!! :-) That means I'm really 6'7" and I can barely find darn clothes that fit now. Sorry, just can't afford it. Matt does appear to have an inconsistent height; sometimes looks 5'10"... sometimes 5'8".
Frank2 said on 15/Apr/06
Jude Law certainly isn't 5'11" as this photo shows with Paltrow: Click Here
FYI That's a hairpiece on his head.

Paltrow, Jude and Matt: Click Here

Matt and Paltrow: Click Here

They look about the same height in this shot: Click Here

Matt with Brad Pitt: Click Here

Frank2 said on 15/Apr/06
Damon and Paltrow: Click Here
Frank2 said on 14/Apr/06
Then I'm 6'1". What can I say?
175-77cm17andgrowing said on 14/Apr/06
Well, 176cm is not possible. He was 186lbs or something in BOURNE or after, when he was thinner again. The guy can't be 5'9.25'' or shorter... also he can look anywhere from 5'8'' to 5'10''. Near Affleck you will notice Damon wears... umm... a little "better" shoes :D. Lifts are possible. And Damon needn't be 5'11'' like he says, he's a great actor.
MHouillon said on 14/Apr/06
MATT DAMON IS 176cm MAX!!! (5'9.25) !
dan said on 12/Apr/06
Frank2, sorry but 6'2''-4''= 5'10'' so the photos with Ben afflec give him 5'10''!
dmeyer said on 2/Apr/06
hey rob the chances that damon is over 5'10 are very thin wath do you think

Editor Rob
yeah, chances of 179-80cm are remote, 178 looks at best, you can maybe tell this guy wishes he was taller. He has the average-height 'big man' look in many photos!
dmeyer said on 2/Apr/06
damon is a good 2 to 3cm shorter than clooney i had comfirmation on getty images i think he is a good 178 i doubt more
Glenn said on 29/Mar/06
Oh, I hear Matt is 5-9.Ben 6-3.
Glenn said on 29/Mar/06
Never saw him or Ben Affleck.bad luck and timing in at least 50 celebs I never even witnessed.
Bram said on 29/Mar/06
Hey Glenn. Do you have a picture with this guy? Judging by these posts, he seems to be everywhere.
dmeyer said on 28/Mar/06
he looks to small compare to pitt and clooney to be 5'11
MHouillon said on 27/Mar/06
I haven't been on the Matt Damon listing for a while... I can't believe it ! Rob, are you serious ? Matt Damon 178cm 5'10 ? Never. Rob, please !...
He is a 176cm (5'9.25) maximum ! I still can't belive, that you have him at 178cm...


Just weird, Rob.
richinkle said on 24/Mar/06
He jogged by me in Tribeca. Difficult to estimate height under those conditions. He didn't look quite 5'-10", but definitely not as short as 5'-8". His pictures with Affleck show a consistent 5" difference. I'll give him 5'-9" to 5'-9 1/2" - Richard Burton's height.
Frank2 said on 22/Mar/06
I've seen him and he doesn't look any more than 5'8" to me.
Anonymous said on 22/Mar/06
6'2" -4" =5'10" or in cms 188cm -10cm =178cm, the thing is that i don't belive either he's 178cm. An spanish journalist that interwied him commented with disapointment that he wasn't quite de advertised 180cm , to make such a comment the diff must be bigger than just an inch, don't you think?
Frank2 said on 21/Mar/06
For those who still believe Matt Damon is 5'10": Click Here
He's obviously four inches shorter than 6'2" Affleck. Matt is 5'8". Here's another revealing full shot of the two: Click Here
Stop believing the publicity hype!
TNTinCA said on 11/Mar/06
I caught Good Will Hunting on TV the other night and Matt really did appear to be a good three inches taller than Robin Williams. Robin is around the 5'7" mark. I have seen him myself in San Francisco. That being said, I really do think Matt is right around the 5'10".
A friend of mine met Matt in Las Vegas one time. My friend stands about 6 foot and he seemed to indicate that Matt was a couple of inches shorter.
goer said on 4/Mar/06
much more taller than debra messing then i had imagined,she had to look up just to make eye contact, up to his sholder, and he was standing right next to sean hayes,almsot the same height,wow,expected him to be her height not seans.
edmond said on 3/Mar/06
he is only 172 or 5'8''without footwear
Anonymous said on 27/Feb/06
I think that link makes Ben look 5'8" since the "colleague" is leaning.
tgri said on 8/Feb/06
i think he is a weak 5'10 and ben a strong 6'2.
CelebHeights Editor said on 8/Feb/06
Copied from another part of the site:
Bill says:
"Check out the pic on the link, below. My colleague is 5'6" - 5'7". And Matt Damon towers over him.

brazilian guy said on 4/Feb/06
he looks 174-175 5'9" tops
in born supremacy, the scene in the beach running he looked kind of shorty
he uses elevetor shoes entire movie
as elio said he´s got short arms and long legs hehe just like stallone
this guy is very suspicious
i´ve seen an interview of his boy friend always affleck kkkkkkk, and he was telling how shorty and ugly matt was

i give him no more than 175
Nia said on 1/Feb/06
Matt was on Jay Leno like a year ago and he said something like "My family's pretty short..I'm the tallest...I'm 5'10"
elio said on 21/Jan/06
He looks to be standing around the 6 mark in shoes. However, I think he's a magic shoe fan. He looks like a T-REX the way his arms seem so short compared to his 'legs'.

Estimate : 5'8"-5'9"
Mr. R said on 20/Jan/06
Based on my recent Clooney sighting, Matt is between 5-8 and 5-9.
horacle said on 4/Jan/06
he is 176-177 cm whith his shoes off but no more
Viper652 said on 3/Jan/06
5-9 with his shoes off?? That is hard to beleive. I cant see this guy over 5-8 at all.
175cm16andgrowing said on 3/Jan/06
Well, yesterday I was surfing through the pics on and you know, there's one pic in the "Out" section in that Brad and Matt are the same height... you can'T see the footwear though...
Anonymous said on 2/Jan/06
I had the fortune of bumping into Matt last year in Geneva,Switerzland while he was filming his new movie Syriana. He stood toe to toe with me in a photography and myself being 5'8", there is NO WAY he is over 5'10" That's pushing it. At most I would give him 5'9" with his shoes off. Great guy by the way.
Anonymous said on 2/Jan/06
I had the fortune of bumping into Matt last year in Geneva,Switerzland while he was filming his new movie Syriana. He stood toe to toe with me in a photography and myself being 5'8", there is NO WAY he is over 5'10" That's pushing it. At most I would give him 5'9" with his shoes off.
gfggf said on 23/Dec/05
I don't see how clooney and damon have their listed heights on here, its obvious they are both around 5'9 barefoot, damon a tad shorter.
stAs said on 19/Dec/05
100% 178cm . his not too much smaller than law
TJ said on 13/Dec/05
Ah I see. I thought he meant 5ft 8.3. Thanks :-)
TJ said on 11/Dec/05
RunnerX, 70 inches is not 5.83ft, it is 5'10 ft. There are 12 inches in a foot.

Editor Rob
well, technically it is .83 of a foot...but of course .83 of a foot (i.e. 12 inches) is around 10 inch.
MD said on 10/Dec/05
RunnerX, that begs the question, how did you have access to these documents?
RunnerX said on 10/Dec/05
Confirmed, height of Mr. Damon. Films take out insurance on each actor(s) for each film. For the physical exam prior to SPR, taken straight from the exam sheet, Mr. Damon is listed on the sheet as being measured 177.80cm (70inches, or 5.83ft) These exams are always the way to find out for sure. What "they say", or what SAG has them listed as is useless. Hollywood is the city of LIES, when it comes to male height.
Xhavier said on 1/Dec/05
I have a friend who is 5'10" (that thinks he is 6'0") whom has met Damon. He described him as being "the shortest guy ever", now I know he was exaggerating. I would imagine that Damon is 5'8", since he may have been taller than Robin Williams (5'7") by an inch in good will hunting.
Hawkeye said on 23/Nov/05
I spoke to an aquaintance whom recently met Damon. He described Matt as "a pipsqueek" When I pressed him for a better description, he replied that Damon was a "skinny little guy who can't be any more than 5'7".
berry said on 13/Nov/05
He's shorter than Minnie Driver, who is listed as 5'10 (don't know how acurate that is).He is around 5'8. Sorry people. Same goes for Jude Law.
anonymous said on 29/Sep/05
In Good Will Hunting, Damon is consistently about the same height as Minnie Driver. Even in a bedroom scene where he is barefoot, and they stand eye to eye, they are about the same height. I have seen Minnie Driver in real life (she was wearing small heeled sandals) and she is definitely around 5'10". I'd have to say that Damon is around 5'10".
Also, notice how in the Brothers Grimm, Damon looks as tall as Heath Ledger throughout the whole movie. Damon is either wearing really BIG lifts or Ledger is much shorter than the 6'1" or 6'2" as he is regularly listed.
JUSTMATT said on 27/Sep/05
Hi CoolJ, me too I noticed that photo. In this photo (they are in Rome in a Museum)Damon and Pitt seem to be the same height, maybe Pitt is 1 inch taller (even if we have to consider his hairs) but want I want you to noticed are their shoes: I think not only Damon's shoes are elevator shoes but also Pitt's ones! Look at their heels....again more both Pitt and Damon prefer always to dress large trousers with a large hemstitch (=the end of th leg) so that they can hide the back of their shoes! Notice it!
CoolJ said on 26/Sep/05
Now heres an intriguing picture

Tilted ever so slightly in Damon's favor and his shoes look a bit chunkier.
John said on 25/Sep/05
From that pic with heath ledger, he is clearly on a box haha, his upper body is shorter then heaths by alot, as are his arms, it looks plain stupid, plus heath is just over 6ft anyhow, so its plain obvious hes on a box or has special lifts
JUSTMATT said on 5/Sep/05
Basing on Venice Film Festival photos in my opinion Ledger is 4 inches taller than Damon. There are only 2 photos where they are exactly at the same distance from the camera and in these 2 photos you can see the real difference between them! Anyway Stiffelio remember that no one could know if Damon's sneakers are elevator shoes or not, today shoemakers of elevator shoes are very good!
Stiffelio said on 5/Sep/05
I think Matt Damon may indeed be 5'10''. Have a look at this link where you may see him standing next to 6'1" Heith Ledger.
Depending on the angle Damon looks 2.5 to 3 inches shorter than Ledger. In some of the pictures you acn see they are both in sneakers.
Anonymous said on 3/Sep/05
Editor, how can Matt Damon get away with 5'10"?
monk said on 27/Aug/05
if you people want to be more precise check him next to kristin kreuk in eurotrip...she wasn't on big heels and she is 168 so maybe with shoes 170 and he looked about 5"10 but maybe he was wearing a boot so he is almost 5"9 or 5"8"5 and that is enough...should he be 6 something to b good???
if u check ...the best actors in hollywoods are from 5"6 to 5" pacino, marlon brandon, robert de niro, dustin hoffman, tony shalhoub and adam sandler and many many more... and shoes company do miracle those days :) .......
mcfan said on 19/Aug/05
Based on what I've seen, he's probably 5' the most 5'10. He was taller than Greg Kinnear (5'10) by a half-inch but I think Kinnear is only 5'9.
adam said on 8/Aug/05
what the hell are you kidding me 5'10'' he's not even 5'7'' I'm 5'8'' and i attended one of his premiere and he's not even close to 5'7'' i thought he was like my height not even close he's one of the smallest guy i ever seen change 5'10 out 5'6'' 1/2
Ricardo said on 6/Aug/05
I think this guys is about 5'8" seriously. In one of the bourne movies they list his height as 5'7" - 5'9" why wold they do that if he was 5'10". But before Rob can downgrade this guy he will need to downgrade Tom Hanks to 5'11" Because Tom didn't exactly shrimp Damon in Saving Private Ryan.
MHouillon said on 6/Aug/05
C'mon, Rob, change this guy to a more realistic 5'9.5" !
No bull**it said on 2/Aug/05
He's propably 5'9 'cause he usually wears high-heeled shoes to look taller, besides he even looks clearly shorter than George Clooney for example...
Josh said on 31/Jul/05
He looks 5'10 but with shoes on i would say hes 5'9 barefoot .
MHouillon said on 29/Jul/05
Just saw Dogma... I continue claiming of beeing a 177 cm guy.
KJ said on 10/Jul/05
Nah, I would say George is 5'10. He looked it back on E.R.
MHouillon said on 9/Jul/05
Matt Damon is the typical 5'9.5"-man ! 177cm !!!!!

Btw, Brad Pitt isn
sticks said on 16/Jun/05
Rob, because this is the fairest picture we'll ever get in a world where Brad Pitt claims his feet are too ugly for him to remove his shoes, I'm going to get into this with you. If you solve this as a trig problem, you'll see that:
a. Brad Pitt is no more than 20cm further from the camera
b. the consequence of that extra distance to his apparent height would not make Pitt appear taller than Damon.
So what? So the significant apparent difference in Damon's and Pitt's heights in the Webber photos can be completely eliminated by nothing more than a change of shoes. And Pitt's wearing lifts in both pictures. Matt Damon and Brad Pitt are within an inch of 5'8.5".

Bill said on 8/Jun/05
I think there may be a slope there on the Redford picture, difficult to say.
JS said on 8/Jun/05
Not sure on footwear but it appears level (at least) and a different of 5" or so.
KJ said on 5/Jun/05
I'd say Matt is 5'9, maybe 5'10 at most
JUSTMATT said on 2/Jun/05
Rob you can't put Pitt at 5.11 and Damon at 5.10 because is obvious everywhere that Pitt his at least 2 inches taller than Damon so or you change Pitt's height into 6" or 6.1" or you have to downgrade Damon at 5.9. This is my opinion but you are the editor so up to you! :-D
KJ said on 2/Jun/05
I think Matt looks to be about 5'10, but is only 5'9 1/2
Angelica said on 19/Apr/05
Saw him at a club a little over 2 years ago in Vegas. I am 5'11" w/o heels I was probably 6-6'1" when I bumped into him coming out of the restroom. I'm pretty sure I only had sandals on. I did a double take when I heard someone say hey Matt. He barely came up to my cheek. I was standing right next to him. I wouldn't list him at more than 5'9". In all actuality I dont think he is more than 5'8" at max. I remember telling my husband that I thought he was at least 6'0". I also met Steve Baldwin this past weekend and would say that 5'9" is the accurate height for him.
tommy said on 13/Mar/05
He said on Leno that he's 5 10" himself. But he was an inch shorter than Leno when they stood next to each other. And leno is 5 10". That makes him 5 9".
Bollocks said on 3/Mar/05
I think Matt is pretty close to 5 ft 8.5 in. There isn't that much of evidence in the Internet of this, but he stands tall all the time he is even exaggerating a bit and taking a look of some pics noticed that he has a habit of lifting his other feet (as he would start walking away)when standing next to so called shortish person such as Andy Carcia to look taller as he would fool anyone...
Ricardo Davis said on 19/Feb/05
If it's one thing that is correct most of the times is the celebs heights when they are listed in the movies. Although i do remember a certain instance when leonardo dicaprio was listed at 6 feet when he is clearly 5'10". Matt Damon is definately about 5'8" for the most, i don't have a hard time beleiving he is 5'7" though.
cantstop25 said on 7/Feb/05
i dont believe that he is 5'7" but i also do not believe that he is 5'10"
def in the 5'8"-5'9" range
Anonymous said on 6/Feb/05
there is also a document that says 5 7 in "the bourne identity". if you watch the part where bourne and the girl are at his house and after the assasin fights bourne the girl pulls papers out of the assasins bag. if you slow it down to when there is a document of bourne, it says plain and clear, 5 feet 7 inches.
miked2789 said on 5/Feb/05
if u watch "the bourne identity" and "the bourne supremacy" and slow it down to the parts where documents show bourne's height, it says 5 7 on a few and one says 5 7-5 9, why would the people who made this movie list damon almost 4 inches shorter then the 5 11 he claims? someone's lying here matt.
5 ft 5 said on 31/Jan/05
Matt was on a talk show recently (Letterman or Leno). At some point, there was a reference to sports in general and basketball in particular, and Damon very clearly stated, "No. At 5'10", that was never going to be for me."

Look at the many pictures with Ben Affleck. Matt Damon is definitely no taller than 5'10".

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.