How tall is Matt Damon - Page 8

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Average Guess (503 Votes)
5ft 9.49in (176.5cm)
RisingForce said on 1/Dec/08
You think that's a 1 inch difference Viper?
Viper said on 1/Dec/08
Damon = 5-8
Wahlberg = 5-7
RisingForce said on 1/Dec/08
I don't think Damon is 5-10.5. I think he's 5-10 flat. I think Mark is probably 5-7.5 and wears lifts at times. He looks really short next to Matt Damon. Mark's 5-10 claim is among the worst height claims of any celebrity.
Complex said on 30/Nov/08
In the first Ocean's he was shorter than Garcia, scene where he plays Sheldon Wills from NGC, he looked a tad shorter.
I often think Damon doesn't hit a full 5'9 barefoot, alot believe Garcia is in the 5'8 range which would make tons of sense.

Either way, they all seem to wear lifts! That's why it's hard to pin down!
leonari said on 30/Nov/08
Rising: In fact Wahlberg shoes are giving more height than Damons. Mark seems to wear some kind of "nike air max "which give quite a bit of height (see the sneakers thread). If you ask me Damon has over 2 inches on Whalberg who has bigger shoes (at least 0.6 inches more) and posture of both is similar . If Damon is a flat 5'10 " or tiny tad below there is a high probability that Wahlberg could be 5'7.5 flat barefoot. Don't you agree? You say yourself he looks "much taller" than Mark. If Mark is really 5'8.5 ,1.5 inches(4 cm) are not enough to look "much taller". I think my reasoning is only logic. To me Wahlberg could be half inch below 5'8" and could be a lift wearer on rare occasions (like with Glenn for example).What do you say? Or you think that damon could be a real 5'10.5? If yes we have to reconsider Pitts height...
glenn said on 30/Nov/08
exactly risingforce.5-10 it is.
RisingForce said on 30/Nov/08
Much taller than 5-8ish Mark Wahlberg. Matt's shoes seem normal
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Atleast an inch taller than 5-9ish Andy Garcia
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He's 5-10.
Anonymous said on 28/Nov/08
I personally think damon 5'9" or 5'9.5" stocky build makes him look 5'8"ish plus lifts he may hit 5'11" Now, Clooney is around 5'11" whether a weak one or a strong one is debatable, and think he is taller than Pitt. To me Pitt is 5'10" plus lift and posture gives illusion of a 6footer. I may be wrong cuz I base my knowlegde on tv, movies or pictures, and until you see a guy in flesh you never can be really sure.
abudgiesayswhat said on 27/Nov/08
178cm or 5'10" strong for Damon morning height and 177cm at night. Not much shorter than clooney in oceans. Great actor and by all accounts, a really nice guy who doesn't have his head stuck up his .... unlike many other celebs.
Clay said on 26/Nov/08
I think Clooney's more a weak 5'11''.
Catherine said on 26/Nov/08
I'm disappointed in the number of people who seem to think 5'8 to 5'10 is short. The average man in the US (and the UK too) is 5'9. Definitely nothing to be ashamed of. It's true that links have been found between height and success (career, wealth, etc.) In which case we should be even more impressed that men like Matt Damon who aren't above average height have been so successful too.
Ed(1) said on 26/Nov/08
Based on the pics of Damon, Clooney, and Pitt in their socks, Damon looks to be a 0.5-1" shorter then Clooney, who in turn looks to be 2 inches shorter then Pitt! So if Damon is really 5ft10, then would 5ft10.5-5ft11 for Clooney and 5ft10-5ft10.5( after subtracting his built up slippers) for Pitt sound accurate?

What I don't get is why Frank2 at 5ft11 would continually refer to Damon as 5ft8? If Damon is truly 5ft10, that's a pretty big difference at 5ft8!
RisingForce said on 26/Nov/08
Exactly. Clooney is 5'11.5" and probably in lifts which is why he towered over 5'10"-5'11" Colin Farrell.
glenn said on 26/Nov/08
you measured clooney at 5-10.5? is a 5-11.5 man that can occasion look 6-1 in lifts
Midget said on 25/Nov/08
The pic of clooney, pitt and damon on the boat shows to me that damon looks a solid 177cm-178cm or 5'10". Barely an inch smaller than clooney and both are in socks. Pitt however, wasn't. Hiding something maybe? Mr. insecure.
RisingForce said on 24/Nov/08
Complex says on 22/Nov/08
Rising force you yourself once said Damon is in the 5'8-5'9 region, but changed your mind to support your Clooney is 1/2 inch away from 6'0 claims. They're all three lift wearers, trust me on this one

I changed my mind on Damon because he looks close to Pitt and Clooney's height. I think without lifts both Pitt and Damon are around 5'10". I also trust Glenn's 5'10" estimate. I'd bet anything that Clooney isn't under 5'10". He slouches and can still look tall. He towered over Colin Farrell even while slouching.

Matt is always clearly a couple of inches taller than 5'8" Mark Wahlberg. Even in pretty normal shoes at a basketball game.
Anonymous said on 24/Nov/08
Nice pic tellem, and alot of ppl say Cheadle is only 5'7 including Juaquin Phoenix (hotel rawanda extras). Plus we have to factor in footwear with Damon,he's 5'8 barefoot and prolly in his big lifts grazes 5'10.75-5'11 with hair and in normal lifts 5'10, makes bookoo sense! 5'10 barefoot is just too high for the lift-wearing damon!
django said on 24/Nov/08
I believe he's around 176 cm (5'9.25), but he's tricky because of his big frame, which can give him a big look (with lifts) or a stocky short look (especially barefoot) at the same time.
Ed(1) said on 23/Nov/08
No James, my sister met Ford!

I'd give Damon 5ft9 tops, but not much more then that. He wears big boots and built up shoes in a lot of his films from The Bourne series, Rounders, to Goodwill Hunting. I don't doubt he can look in the 5ft11 range with shoes, but I'd be willing to bet they're lifts. I don't know if you've ever seen School Ties but there's a film where he definitely looks 5ft9.
Brad said on 23/Nov/08
Viper is correct. Notorious lift wearer.
Complex said on 22/Nov/08
Rising force you yourself once said Damon is in the 5'8-5'9 region, but changed your mind to support your Clooney is 1/2 inch away from 6'0 claims. They're all three lift wearers, trust me on this one!
TELLEM said on 22/Nov/08
Viper says on 19/Nov/08
Damon is 5-8 barefoot. With lifts he hits 5-10.

finally someone with some logic...he looked about an inch inch and a half shorter next to don cheadle in 2001
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TELLEM said on 22/Nov/08
Viper says on 19/Nov/08
Damon is 5-8 barefoot. With lifts he hits 5-10.

finally someone with some logic...he looked about an inch inch and a half next to don cheadle in 2001
RisingForce said on 22/Nov/08
Clooney at 5-9 is ridiculous on every level. Tell me how he managed to have 2 or 3 inches on Colin Farrell even while he was slouching!

Damon is 5-10 and Pitt is around 5-10(maybe a bit more)
Complex said on 22/Nov/08
I think he's 5'8 as well, he's was barely taller than wahlberg who I think is 5'7 barefeet and I heard Damon were lifts in the movie. Oh & he's shorter than 5'9 something kinnear. I'm with Viper on this one, 5'8 barefoot, 5'10 in lifts, 5'11 in Pitt like lifts, and never ever looks 6'0 to me.

I think this would make alot of sense, keep in mind ppl, these are non-lift heights, barefoot only!!
Damon: 5'8 barefoot
Clooney: 5'9 barefoot
Pitt 5'9.5-5'10 max barefoot

I would seriously bet on that, I would definately lay money down that those were correct and i'd bet if they were measured barefoot, i'd be right. Cept they could never measure Pitt barefoot, his lifts are likely glued to his feet, or Pitt would say somethng like "let me measure in slippers, then just subtract .25inch for the slipper height" with lifts hidden in the slippers, lol! Either way, i'd be richer after the bet!
Ed(1) said on 21/Nov/08
The Good Shepherd was on last night and I caught a few minutes of it. The one particular scene I saw had Damon standing barefoot in the bathroom of his house, and honestly he looked nowhere near 5ft10! If I were to guess I'd say he looked 5ft7-5ft8 tops in that scene, no more! I'm sure he can pull off looking 5ft10-5ft11 in lifts, but I'd be willing to bet he's no more then 5ft8-5ft8.5 barefoot!

As I've mentioned before my ex(5ft7) met him about ten years ago, and she said he was only a little taller then her, and much shorter then me(5ft11.25)!
Clay said on 19/Nov/08
I highly doubt im over an inch taller than Matt Damon. If anything he's slightly taller than me, and im a ''strong'' 5'9''.
Viper said on 19/Nov/08
Damon is 5-8 barefoot. With lifts he hits 5-10.
shf said on 19/Nov/08
teenagers are just growing taller faster
shf said on 19/Nov/08
stupid people in general aren't taller now than 10 years ago
teenagers are just growing faster
shf said on 19/Nov/08
5-6?!? maybe he just looks 5-6 to you because when i go out some people seem the same height as me but then i look at a mirror there really taller than me
that's crazy
i doubt that
he's atleast 5-8
i would say he's 5-9
bam said on 18/Nov/08
i think the man is 5'10 and wears a sleight lift, obviously near dicaprio. Its kinda weird why he would, but I would assume he doesn't go crazy with lifts like pitt because few people can handle looking much taller, without looking out of proportion.
Clay said on 18/Nov/08
I LOL'D big time at that hilarious post you just made Jessica.
TELLEM said on 18/Nov/08
next to don cheadle in 2001 he could look a good 5'8-5'9
leonari said on 18/Nov/08
Jessica: 2 possibilities: or even 3. You either didn't meet Damon cause he sure ain't no 5'6" guy. Or you are way taller than you think...or for me the most probable out of the 3: you have no clue how to estimate height on a stocky guy like Damon. sorry. He is average and minimum 176 cm but probably taller.
RisingForce said on 18/Nov/08
I still think he's atleast 5'10", Glenn says he looks 5'10"-5'11" in person.
Midget said on 17/Nov/08
Complex is right. Closer to 5'9" than 5'10" barefoot not including hair style.A quick shot of his character "Jason bourne's" driver's in one of the Bourne movies stated 5'9" as his height. Why would they downgrade the leading action star's character height from 5'10" unless Matt is infact 5'9" dead on in reality. Wasn't much taller than his female leads in the films. Good posture, dress suits and dress shoes aid him in appearing 5'10" plus. Still under Clooney by 1.5"-2" in Oceans as well.
jessica said on 17/Nov/08
i waited tables in new york for years and the two times i met matt damon he was my height (5 6) with my one inch heels on. very nice guy, but no where near 5 10
Complex said on 13/Nov/08
Yeah, that's true tellem, I remember at the end when he's tricking him into writing that check that they're nearly the same height, height is a tricky thing. Really hard to tell with celebs, Baldwin doesn't really come across as a lift wearer, but i'd say Damon is most definately a lift-wearer. I really think if someone put a tape measure behind Damon and didn't count his hair, it'd be 5'9 at the most.
TELLEM said on 13/Nov/08
the thing with alec baldwin was that jim carey only had him by about an inch-inch .5 in "fun with dick and jane" but who knows
Complex said on 13/Nov/08
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Alec Baldwin is more between 5'10 and 5'11 max, not closer to 6 barefoot! Stephen is 5'9 and i'm assuming that they're both getting the same amount from the bowling shoes they're most likely in since their bowling! Which makes you wonder how Damon could be 5'10 compared to Alec, plus Damon is shorter than 5'9-5'9.5 Kinnear, I really think Damon is 5'9 max! And maybe 5'8.5 or 5'8.75, he can't be a legit 5'10 barefoot in the evening, just no way!
Brad said on 9/Nov/08
Baldwin is a flat 5' 11". 6' 1" is 6' 2.5" in regular shoes. Cynthia Nixon must be wearing stilts.
glenn said on 8/Nov/08
reading comprehension helps and avoids arguments.i never said he was 6-1.i said he looks it lately.and i never saw cynthia nixon mysteriously,being she lives here,but i hear she is tall.5-7 sounds way off,but i could be wrong.every pic i see of her with people she towers.well,i mean with women.
glenn said on 8/Nov/08
as for the other anonymous,i see your point.but he has been looking taller to me.hence why height has been so interesting to can be mysterious.thats why the site.thanks for approaching me with class.not like the other one.
glenn said on 8/Nov/08
no i guess it doesnt mean anything.what do you have to offer the site? you cant even leave a name.or ever met a celeb.i meet these celebs repeatedly,some for 20 years before i make a judgement.
Dural said on 8/Nov/08
Damon doesn't really look 5'10" with Jack Black here
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RisingForce said on 7/Nov/08
James says on 6/Nov/08
Brad Pitt still looks just an inch taller than Damon in those pictures.

I think they look the same height, certainly not an inch difference. Both have suspicious footwear.
anonymous said on 7/Nov/08
and glenn im not tryna pick a fight with u but certainly a 5 11 man such as alec baldwin would look 6ft with shoes on?
anonymous said on 7/Nov/08
and how does 5 7 cynthia nixon get to baldwins height if he is indeed 6 1? Click Here is she wearing 6 inch heels?
anonymous said on 7/Nov/08
that doesnt say much about your height estimates does it glenn? mistaking your 5 11 friends for 5 9
glenn said on 7/Nov/08
alec baldwin is 6-1 every time i see him lately.he is no smaller than 6ft.i have a 5-11 friend i though was 5-9ish,until he proved me wrong.actually a few friends like this.
anonymous said on 7/Nov/08
this is ridiculous... a genuine 5 11 man would never be mistaken as 5 8 or 5 9... no way does matthew perry or alec baldwin ever look under 5 10... those are genuine 5 ft 11 men. im not saying its unlikely that matt damon is 5 10, but im quite certain hes no more than that..
leonari said on 6/Nov/08
average guy. I give him 177 cm. Fits him. Gets up to 5'11 with lifts. Once and for all: stop putting average heights as short!!!!!!!! It's ridiculous to say the least!!!! Damon, Stallone, Pitt etc.are all in the 100% average range. 5'8 is a bit shortish, true. Still not short! Keep it real guys and stop decreasing heights of celebrities who are average. Stop it. It only makes you look pathetic and jealous! When you can reach 5'11 in small lifts or elevator shoes it proves that you must be in average department.
Brad said on 6/Nov/08
You can see the big tread coming out the front of his customs with Brad. These are the things he wore in the BI movies...wedged up inside with the tread. Vin Diesel swears by them.
Stiffelio said on 6/Nov/08
Who do you think is taller: Matt Damon or Mel Gibson? These are two of the most discussed guys on this site and have been described as anything from 5'8" to 5'11". I have never seen a picture of the two together though.
Stiffelio said on 5/Nov/08
Mark, if you watch the picture carefully and use the words printed on the wall behind as reference you'll notice that Di Caprio is a couple of inches taller than Damon, who is as tall as Nicholson (they both reach half way up the word Departed, whereas Di Caprio reaches the top, and little Wahlberg does not even reach the bottom edge).
RisingForce said on 5/Nov/08
Brad says on 5/Nov/08
Notorious lift wearer. He wears custom chunky boots like Vin does. He can look like that with Di Caprio on a red carpet but gets owned by 5'10"-11" Clooney-Pitt scenes. They aren't gonna put up with that massive custom shoes b.s.. I can see George going "kid, take those off".

Brad Pitt couldn't have been too happy this day...

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Brad said on 5/Nov/08
Notorious lift wearer. He wears custom chunky boots like Vin does. He can look like that with Di Caprio on a red carpet but gets owned by 5'10"-11" Clooney-Pitt scenes. They aren't gonna put up with that massive custom shoes b.s.. I can see George going "kid, take those off".
Vibram said on 5/Nov/08
I notice 5ft9 guys suffer the same "he's a bit short" comments 5ft7.5 guys get. I can understand why some 5ft9 guys lash out if their referred to as short. It's average and it'd be wrong to accept your small, and in some way a carrier of deficient genes. Stand up for your rights.
Jones said on 5/Nov/08
It,s really funny how short such a lot of these hollywood guys are...I,m 16years old , 6.05feat tall and still one of the shortest guys in my class! In movies those celebraties look so tall but they are actually not..(excuse me for my terrible English im from Germany actually^^
The Horse of FUNK said on 5/Nov/08
Yeah, unfortunately Damon is a proven lift-wearer. Just look at his Brothers Grim premiere photos with legit 6'1" Heath Ledger. He's magically the same height as Ledger, yet his arms look jokingly short.
Dural said on 5/Nov/08
Take a look how long Di Caprios arm is compared to Damons. Damon is most likely in lifts in marks pic.
Mark said on 5/Nov/08
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At this picture you can see that Matt Damon is almost the same height as Di Caprio who claims 6ft as his height. Matt Damon got to be 179 at least.
lolololo said on 4/Nov/08
looks 5'9 at his best
Brad said on 4/Nov/08
Any woman who calls a man 5' 8" tall is either seriously in need of help or very short. You are looking up at someone 6' tall which if you said to such person "Gee, yer 6' tall, yer tall!" you'd be laughed at. Damon knew what lifts were the minute he hit a soundstage, he's not tall. He's short in everything he does. At 5' 10" he'd be over 6' in custom lifts....he never is.
dmeyer said on 4/Nov/08
i think 5 ft 9.75 is his exact height he might be 5 ft 10.25 at 10 am and 5 ft 9.75 by 6 pm
Clay said on 31/Oct/08
Cruise aint under 5'7.
anonymous said on 31/Oct/08
in hotel rawanda they stated cheadle was 5' Mr. R saw him about that height
Viper said on 31/Oct/08
I dont see many tall teenagers, at least where I live. Id say 80 percent are under 6-0.
Complex said on 30/Oct/08
You're right james, it is on the shorter side, but I don't necessarily look at a legit 5'8 and call them short, it's below average. I think when you're like 5'6 or lower you're definately short. But height really ain't everything. It's helpful for those that got it, but ones that don't usually compensate in other ways. If you look at alot of hollywoods leading men liked by women, most are under 5'11, and some (like Damon) are under 5'10, and others (like Cruise) are under 5'7...
RisingForce said on 30/Oct/08
I'm a little udner 5'8" in the morning and fully grown but I'm not really short. I am similar height to most men I see. Sure I'm shorter than the majority but I'm only 1 1/2" under average and that's not a particulary big margain. 5'8" is pretty much average, it's a very common and normal height for men.
glenn said on 30/Oct/08
thats true too james.ive had that happen a couple of times to me.has me confused.
RisingForce said on 30/Oct/08
I think he's 5'10" now, no more, no less.
Complex said on 29/Oct/08
Rising force let me guess, you think Damon is ummmm 5'11...5'11.5?? Wasn't it you that once said he wasn't over 5'8 or 5'9?? And 5'10 definately isn't tall, neither is 5'11. Tall starts at legit 6'0 barefoot. 5'11 is on the upper side of average, but i've never seen someone look at a 5'11 guy and say "Man he's tall" Unless it's a short woman. That being said, I don't think 5'9 or 5'10 or 5'11 is short by no means, it's just simply average and yes can appear tall with the right build or footwear, but isn't actually considered tall, just can appear it. 5'8 really isn't all that short either. When I say stuff like "Damon is 5'8-5'9" it's not like I'm saying he's short, he's average/below average a bit, they're all good heights, I know a ton of gus 5'3-5'5, so someone who is 5'8 or above should be considered lucky their not that short!
RisingForce said on 29/Oct/08
Complex, look at the premiere pictures for the Departed. They show Damon clearly a couple of inches taller.

Also I don't know how you can say Mark is listed everywhere at 5'7". While I have heard 5'7' for him a lot and he can look it, he's mostly listed at 5'8" and 5'8.5".
anonymous said on 29/Oct/08
Damon next to 5'7 don cheadle: Click Here looks about 5'8-5'8.5...this was in 2001, probably when damon had no clue what lifts were
glenn said on 29/Oct/08
clay-yes,im aware of that.
Brad said on 28/Oct/08
Likely lower is correct. He's short in every motion picture. 5' 10" considered tall? By very short women. Imagine being 5' 10" and a woman going "Gee, yer tall".
Complex said on 28/Oct/08
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Barely over Wahlberg, listed everywhere at 5'7 and Damon also were lifts in this movie. Not sure if Wahlberg did or not. Plus Damon is shorter than Greg Kinnear. 5'9 is just absolute max for Damon, but i'm thinking 5'8-5'8.5 evening height for Damon!!!
Complex said on 28/Oct/08
5'9 tops, and that's prolly morning height, likely lower. But with lifts, anything is possible :)
Clay said on 27/Oct/08
Try to tell that to Viper Glenn. He thinks Damon is 5'8. then again he has no clue and thinks everyone is 2 inches shorter.
RisingForce said on 27/Oct/08
5'10" seems good, that explains why he can look 5-9ish and 5-11ish. He doesn't seem the least bit short or tall, just dead on average which fits 5'10".
glenn said on 25/Oct/08
looked 5-10.5,5-11 last time i saw him.but i wondered if it was the thick work boots.5-10 seems safest.
RisingForce said on 24/Oct/08
Interesting quote

He's not short. For some reason this is the first thing people want to know when they hear you have met Matt Damon. "He's short, right?" the inquiries come. "How tall is he?" "Is he a Pygmy or what?" He's actually 5 ft. 11 in.

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I doubt he's 5'11" but 5'10" seems right. 5'10" accounts for all of the sightings. It's not hard to see a 5'10" guy getting estimated at 5'11" but on the otherhand 5'10" guys get a lot of 5'8" and 5'9" sightings as well.
Davidoff said on 24/Oct/08
James what do you think he looks?
Davidoff said on 22/Oct/08
Matt Damon does not look like a 5`10 man to be,5`9 tops.
Anonymous said on 22/Oct/08
i don't know why people are still arguing about the height of Matt Damon despite that it is already written above-reading others comments makes me think if the said height is true....but let's not try to insist what we think his height is if we are not sure. It just make me think that they are trying to say or to mean that the said height is a lie....but I will go for 5'10"
Caesar said on 21/Oct/08
Clay says on 17/Oct/08
What kind of land is that where a 5'9 man is taller than 50% of his peers? The land of the dwarfs? Give me a break Caesar.

There is no way you are a legitimate 5'9 barefoot if you think of yourself as a "dwarf". You must inflate everyone by several inches, possibly yourself included. 5'6 is as common as 6'2 anywhere I have seen, and in some places more common. 5'6 isn't even a "dwarf", let alone 5'9. Yes, pro sports teams are an exception, but they are an extremely small sample size.
Lmeister said on 21/Oct/08
I doubt Brad is shorter than 5ft10, but not much taller either. His ankle is really high considering those are slippers which usually don't have that much cushion inside.
Dural said on 20/Oct/08
James - His ankle is a little high and who's the one that never takes his shoes off, even on the beach?
Clay said on 17/Oct/08
What kind of land is that where a 5'9 man is taller than 50% of his peers? The land of the dwarfs? Give me a break Caesar.
Dural said on 14/Oct/08
Those are the same slippers he was on the beach with. They look a bis suspicious in my opinion:

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Caesar said on 14/Oct/08
Clay says on 14/Oct/08
Glenn where are when I need you? 5'9'' men have a habit of looking short. Especially when you see a famous one like Mat Damon looking short like that. Its clear he's 5'9-5'9.5. And I stroll down the streets of my ''western'' town all the time funk, Im shorter than 60-65% of males and im 5'9'' or a shade OVER.

Maybe you wear Converse or similar very low low-cut shoes or maybe you live in an unusually tall town. At 5'9 you should be taller than about 45-50% of all men.
Clay said on 14/Oct/08
Glenn where are when I need you? 5'9'' men have a habit of looking short. Especially when you see a famous one like Mat Damon looking short like that. Its clear he's 5'9-5'9.5. And I stroll down the streets of my ''western'' town all the time funk, Im shorter than 60-65% of males and im 5'9'' or a shade OVER.
Dural said on 13/Oct/08
and not to forget Pitt in his "magic slippers".
Dural said on 13/Oct/08
I think Damon looks 1in shorter than Clooney in socks and Damon's posture is better than Clooneys, so Clooney could be 2in taller if he is standing straight - hard to say.
RisingForce said on 11/Oct/08
Do you think he wears lifts then Frank2? He has looked close to Brad Pitt's height and you said Pitt was 5'11" so if Matt is only around 5'8" he must wear lifts.
Frank2 said on 11/Oct/08
He doesn't look like a tall looking 5'8" guy to me. Just someone who's 5'8" and a bit stocky.
JL said on 11/Oct/08
I was an extra on a movie with him as the star and during breaks, he would talk to us. He's an extraordinarily nice guy and very smart too. But he's 5'8" tops. I stood right in front of him, and I'm 5'10". No way he's any taller than 5'8".
Ponga said on 10/Oct/08
I seen Matt at Waterloo station in London filming the last bourne movie, more like 5'7 he is tiny
Frank2 said on 10/Oct/08
One more time. Matt is about 5'8".
The Horse of FUNK said on 10/Oct/08
News Flash, Clay, take a stroll in your typical western country. 5'9"-5'10" is distinctively average in most western countries.
Clay said on 9/Oct/08
News flash: 5'9'' is short/entering average.
The Horse of FUNK said on 9/Oct/08
He's just incredibly stocky. I mean he's the definition of a having a square build.
Brad said on 8/Oct/08
He's short in every motion picture: that's not 5' 10" and never will be.
The Horse of FUNK said on 6/Oct/08
I dunno... I used to support Damon being 5'10", but after seeing him with solid 5'11" Eddie Redmayne in 'The Good Shepard', his 5'10" is questionable. He might be more 5'9.5" or 5'9.75" than 5'10".

Oh, and btw, Eddie Redmayne is not listed on this site, but he is listed 5'11" everywhere I searched. I think Eddie Redmayne might be more 5'11.25" though, because he seemed more than an inch taller than Damon.
Vibram said on 4/Oct/08
Being a white guy and standing 5'9 1/2" (176.5cm) at noon, it does feel short here in the U.K, and wearing low-cut trainers only concentrates that paranoia, esp. in high-student populated areas where there's more sporty jocks grinning about small guys. There's more 6ft+ guys then there used to be, In fact, I notice a big difference now compared to the late 1990's when I was 21. 5'10.75" (179cm) is average for a white guy in the UK from my observations. It is difficult at this 5'9 1/2" height when choosing shoes, you want a boot that gives at least 1.2" inches, but if you choose soles that give around 1.8 - 2 " inches people begin to notice this and think you have insecurities, also if you do go for the thicker, 2" boots, when you get home and take them off and walk around in socks, it again only strengthens that feeling of being shrimpish more than it would per se with the 1.2" soles.
Big T said on 3/Oct/08
sorry James I was talking to Josh
Big T said on 3/Oct/08
dude what are you talking about, I never mentioned Matt Damon
josh said on 2/Oct/08
bigT is an idiot..matt damon is not "undoubtedly clearly" (which is redundant) taller than you..matt damon is 5'-9 1/2" so get your facts straght before you try to be convincing with your redundant statements
BigT said on 30/Sep/08
I have a friend who is probably 6' 1/2" (I'm 5'10 1/2" and he is undoubtedly clearly taller than me). He plays rugby league (it's kinda like NFL, if ya don't know) but his career hasn't been going too good. Anyway, I was discussing this with my 6'5" friend, who decided that the other guy was too small. I said "yeah, he's pretty tall but a bit skinny I guess". My friend looked at me like I was out of my mind. Seriously, I totally threw him. It just goes to show that 6 foot plus really isn't tall to some people.
Ed(1) said on 30/Sep/08
Rounders was on the other night, and I knew Damon wore boots in the film but I never noticed how built up they were! In the scene when Norton and Damon arrive at Atlantic City you can see them clearly, and not only is he getting a ton of lift from them but he can barely walk straight! LOL

Norton as well has some serious heeled boots, which makes me wonder if he's more like 5ft11 barefoot, and 6ft0.5 or so in shoes.

I still say 5ft8.5-5ft9 tops barefoot for Damon, and 5ft10.5-5ft11 depending on his footwear.
Senor Emanuel Rabeli said on 25/Sep/08
Always looked like a 5,9er in most his films, one time I did see him in person across from Rockerfeller center I think he was on SNL that week, I was abot 15 feet from him and he was looking at his cell he did not look that tall I would say 5,9.5 he could be 5,10 but that would be with footwear.
Pik said on 23/Sep/08
Damon and Law both at 5'10 or maybe, at 5'8 ? What do you think Rob ?
Click Here
Click Here
Captain Spaulding said on 23/Sep/08
Im guessing matt damon slouches alot to be called short at 5'10", im 5'9" and have never been called short nore have I ever felt short.

The person who said hes "real short", could have been implying that they originaly thought damon was taller then 5'10".
Clay said on 22/Sep/08
Actually he's 6'2.5. And im pretty sure he was saying that tongue in cheek.
Viper said on 22/Sep/08
Well your friend is 100 percent wrong or hes not his clkaimed height.
Clay said on 21/Sep/08
James, he doesnt consider himself tall at 6'2'', thats what I was getting at.
Caesar said on 20/Sep/08
Clay says on 19/Sep/08
James, my friend is 6'2 and when I got to talking about height with him I said ''well no **** cause you're quite a tall guy'' and he balked at me and said ''not really''.

Statistically, 6'2 is actually about as common as 5'6, and if you include the elderly and immigrant populations, less common than 5'6. In my college class at 5'10.25-5'10.5 I am just a touch taller than about 55% of the men in there. Then again, unlike a lot of people on this site, I consider my "real" height the measurement I get at night, not in the morning or afternoon. Straight out of bed I am 5'11.25, a few hours later 5'10.75 and then between 5'10.25 and 5'10.5 as late as midnight. When others have measured me my height has always come up as 5'10.5, although I have not been measured at the doctor's office since I was 16 and 5'9. I wouldn't say your 6'2 friend is "quite tall", just tall. Much like a I don't consider a 5'6 guy "quite short", just short.
Clay said on 19/Sep/08
James, my friend is 6'2 and when I got to talking about height with him I said ''well no **** cause you're quite a tall guy'' and he balked at me and said ''not really''.
Matt said on 19/Sep/08
There is one other thing to take into consideration with 5'10" guys...

I think we can generally agree that 5'9" guys (at least on this site) are perceived to be on the shorter side of things, whereas 5'11" guys can be perceived as being tall.

Now, a 5'10" guy has to have impeccable posture throughout the day simply to maintain that "average" 5'10" look. If they slump they can easily lose 1-2", just exacerbating their paranoia over being smaller than they would like.

A guy like Clive Owen can slouch as much as he likes, but he'll never look short because he easily clears 6'1", probably nearer 6'2". But for the likes of Daniel Craig? Being snapped with anything less than military posture can see him slip from "average" to "short".
Clay said on 19/Sep/08
Rubbish im nudging 5'10'' fresh out of bed I feel short unless im in good sized shoes.
Anonymous said on 17/Sep/08
I agree that many 5' 6" - 5' 9" guys report themselves as 5' 10" as though 5' 10" was the absolute barest minimum of an average height for a grown male, which is of course nonsense. I think alot of men who consider themselves to be average height simply give their height as 5' 10". They just estimate their height without actually measuring themselves. If a man believes himself to be 5' 10" and feels short; chances are he's not really 5' 10".
Big T said on 16/Sep/08
In New Zealand the younger generation is definitely taller than previous generations
Leung said on 16/Sep/08
Davidoff, go read the comments on the Daniel Craig page! A lot of the comments are trying to claim he is less than 5
Viper said on 16/Sep/08
And a ton of 5-7 guys claim 5-9.
Davidoff said on 16/Sep/08
Leung people dont comment that Daniel Craig looks short when they see him,They say he is short compared to previous bond actors who are all over 6`0.
D. Ray Morton said on 15/Sep/08
Did someone say that the younger generations are getting shorter? Where, on the Moon? Certainly not in New York City.

Re: Damon - never met the guy, but he's someone I take for 5'9" and a couple of dirty pennies.
Leung said on 15/Sep/08
I believe Nick.
Depending on body proportion a lot of 5
Clay said on 15/Sep/08
As if we even know what the average height is?? Its not like the government abducts everyone in their sleep and measures them. The average height in suburban area's falls somehwere between 5'9-5'11.
Caesar said on 15/Sep/08
Nick says on 14/Sep/08
I am 5 10 and a guy and I always feel short

a) You're not really 5'10. 80% of all people who claim 5'10 are under that mark, I have found, because in this day and age it is considered the "lowest respectable height".
b) You only look at guys who are taller than you, out of self-esteem issues possibly. I would say the absolute maximum average height for young white males in North America is 5'10.5. At 5'10 you should feel distinctly medium.
c) You live in northern Europe where average male height is 5'11. By the way, average height in the Netherlands is really 5'11.5. The 6'1 myth comes solely from incorrect metric to imperial conversions. Most superficial summaries put 180 cm at 6'0 when in fact 180 cm is not even quite 5'11. 182 cm, the average height in the Netherlands, is then reported as 6'1, being 2 cm more than the incorrect metric standard for 6'0.
Clay said on 14/Sep/08
Well there is photos of Damon having 2, 3 inches on Wahlberg.
Nick said on 14/Sep/08
I am 5 10 and a guy and I always feel short :(
Ed(1) said on 14/Sep/08
5ft8.5-9 tops for Damon, and depending on his footwear he can look near 5ft11 during certain scenes in films. Anbody else ever notice how he walks funny when he comes out to greet the host during talk show interviews? It's the same as when he first arrives at the seaport in the beginning of The Bourne Identity and crosses the street. He looks wobbly as hell, like he could tip over due to his lifts!
Dural said on 14/Sep/08
I'd eat my shorts if Damon is 5'10".
TELLEM said on 13/Sep/08
Clay says on 12/Sep/08
So what are you saying Tellem, Wahlberg is really 5'5.5?

i never mentioned anything about wahlberg...all i'm saying is to check out those pictures...their full body way is damon 5'10...hes more like 5'8...5'9 the most
Clay said on 12/Sep/08
So what are you saying Tellem, Wahlberg is really 5'5.5?
Anti-Hero said on 12/Sep/08
Damon is not near 5`10 is this a joke? The guy is obviously 5`8.
TELLEM said on 11/Sep/08
u guys should really check out the pics with damon and de niro on getty images...their very similar in height and damon soes are a little bigger than de niro's...seriously check it out...this dude is at most 5'9...but i can buy 5'8
Clay said on 11/Sep/08
WRONG in lifts he reaches 5'11-5'11.5 and doesnt need military posture like Sly.
Frank2 said on 10/Sep/08
More like 5'10" in special shoes.
Lego said on 10/Sep/08
btw proof that he's not 5'10 barefoot, more like 5'10 in shoes.

Click Here
Lego said on 10/Sep/08
Matt Damon is a strong 5'9 or more precisely berween 175-176cm max, he don't look taller than that at all except when he's wearing his boots or lifts that's when he start looking like a proper 5'10+.

so yeah, Damon is max 176cm.
Viper said on 10/Sep/08
I take it James meant 5-5 is shrimpish, or at least I hope so. 5-10 actually looks tallish at the school where Im taking a class. I hardly see any young people here 6-0 or over. The younger generation at least in my area is certaintly getting shorter. And I attribute some of it to poor diet.
Clay said on 9/Sep/08
I only mean professional sports Caesar. 5'10'' is completely average in Hollywood and society, correct.
Caesar said on 9/Sep/08
Clay, why do you insist on using the term "shrimp"? By your definition, about 75% of the worldwide population are "shrimps" (5'10 and under). Where is this magical land in which you live that everyone is 5'11 or over and 5'10 is an unusual deformity? I see 5'4-5'6 guys all the time. 5'4 is more common than 6'4 in almost the entire world, including North America, I see it every day.

And yes, if you reduced those player heights by 1-2 inches, 5'10 would still be on the short side, but not all that short.
Viper said on 8/Sep/08
There are only like a couple in the NFL right now who are 6-8.
Clay said on 8/Sep/08
Ok well if you're not even going to read what im saying im going to stop argueing with you Viper. When have I said 6'0-6'2 isnt above average/tall? All along i've just been saying it isnt anything special, thats all. 5'10'' is small for a receiver, period.

Here's one baseball team and their listed heights for the position players. Notice a trend here? this is just one example:

Chad Moeller - 6'4
Jose Molina - 6'2
Ivan Rodriguez - 5'9
Wilson Betemit - 6'3
Robinson Cano - 6'0
Jason Giambi - 6'3
Derek Jeter - 6'3
Cody Ransom - 6'2
Alex Rodriguez - 6'3
Bobby Abreau - 6'0
Melky Cabrera - 5'11
Hideki Matsui - 6'2
Johhny Damon - 6'2
Brett Gardiner - 5'10

...Notice a trend here? Even in your world where everyone is just inflated by 1/2 inches that still leaves 5'10'' on the shrimp side.
Viper said on 7/Sep/08
For other football poistions, Id say 6-3 is the average height for QB in the NFL. More 6-2 in college. 6-0 for average wide receiver height. 6-0 for safety. For linebacker areound 6-1, possibly closer to 6-2 in the NFL.
Viper said on 7/Sep/08
Poor diet is why the younger generation is getting shorter, no doubt about it.

And 5-10 isnt "shrimpish" for wide receiver either, lol. Its shorter than the average height of 6-0 for the position, but to say its shrimpish is assinine. "Shrimpish" for wide receiver would be 5-8. There are a lot of wide receivers around the 5-10 range just in the NFL alone. And loads of them in college.

Im starting to think you're a parody at this point. You still think most baseball position players are 6-0 or taller? Most are around 5-10-5-11. The Baltimore Orioles alone are mostly under 6-0 in reality. Ive seen it with my own eyes up close.

But the cherry on top is still you thinking 6-0-6-2 isnt tall. And this coming from a 5-9 guy no less. Im just shaking my head right now in disbelief.
Derek said on 6/Sep/08
Viper- I'm not sure if the younger generation is getting shorter, but they're certainly getting heavier. I believe nearly 2/3 are overweight to some extent and 1/4 or 1/5 are obese.
Brah said on 6/Sep/08
Dural, the angle on that pic makes it worthless for judging height. Here is one with a perfect angle from the same premiere that shows Damon looking 5'10":

Click Here
Clay said on 6/Sep/08
Try again Vipe. For starters I said 6'0-6'2 is above average and 'tall' I would suppose but it isn't eye-popping tall. Plenty of people would agree with that. I would wreckon even you at 6'3'' dont have people staring at you thinking 'good god that guys tall!' (funny how both you and Jason claim to be 6'3'' and yet downgrade everyone on giods green earth). So thats two positions on a football team where 5'10 is considered average, Great. There are 7 others (QB, FB, WR, OL, DL, LB, S) where it is shrimpish. There are probably a few 5'8-5'10 position players in baseball sprinkled in, sure, but most of them are 6'0 or above and that is just reality.
Big J said on 6/Sep/08
If Matt Damon is 5ft 10 then how come diCaprio towers over him in departed? How come Jason Boure is listed at 5ft 9 in the identity and 5'7 to 5'9 in Supremecy?

How come Bourne looks shorter than Bond, when the actors are both meant to be 5'10 and both are well built if Craig is better?? So you can't use the stocky excuse!

How come Damon is the same height as Nicholson and just over and inch taller than Walhberg with thick heeled shows on ???

And how come he is at least two inches shorter than Pitt??

LOL it's because he is 5ft 9 !!
Big J said on 6/Sep/08
If Matt Damon is 5ft 10 then how come diCaprio towers over him in departed? How come Jason Boure is listed at 5ft 9 in the identity and 5'7 to 5'9 in Supremecy?

How come Bourne looks shorter than Bond, when the actors are both meant to be 5'10 and both are well built if Craig is better?? So you can't use the stocky excuse!

How come Damon is the same height as Nicholson and just over and inch taller than Walhberg with thick heeled shows on ???
lillo thomas said on 6/Sep/08
viper call me dumbass then because to me 6-0 and 6-1 isn't really tall . To me those heights are only above average . Is impossible to me to see those heights as tall or really tall .
Viper said on 6/Sep/08
Clay, whats ironic is that you say some of the most outlandish statements on here more so than all the other posters on here combined. 5-10 cornerback looked at as small? WTF are you smoking? 5-10 for a cornerback is looked at as average. There are not many cornerbacks at 6-0 or over. Thats very rare. Safety is the defensive back position where there are more guys over 6-0.

And 5-10 is certaintly in the average range for a position player in baseball. Most position baseball players dont even reach 6-0 in reality. Ive seen it with my own eyes. I doubt 6-3 listed Albert Pulhols is even 6-0. They are inflated as much as 4 inches. Now most pitchers are certaintly 6-0 or taller. Heights for pitchers are more accurate.

But then again, you're the same dumbass who thinks 6-0-6-1 isnt tall, so I guess I shouldnt be surprised.
Viper said on 6/Sep/08
My 5-7 Uncle said he was 5-9 and I just shaking my head, lol. I was like, who are you kidding?

Anthony, you must be walking by the basketball team. And you have a classmate at 7-0? I think the younger generations are getting shorter actually. I rarely see anybody taller than me at 6-3 around my age. Im taking a class at a community college right now and nobody is even 6-0 or taller except for me.
Heights? said on 5/Sep/08
Anthonyjbs, American males are actually not getting that much taller, in fact, some studies suggest stagnation and even decrease in height. Seeing men 6'7" - 7foot is somewhat rare and certainly not common.
Anthonyjbs said on 4/Sep/08
5'10"- is basically average, and it's what a lot of men below 5'10" will basically say there height is. I'm 5'9", and I live with two women. My mom and my grandma, and I'm constantly told how tall I am. The reason is, because my mother is only 5 feet tall and my grandma is only about 5'1.5". So I am looked at as a giant even though they are well below average height for a women, and I'm average for a male. We also have different body types. I'm skinny and long, and they are short and overweight. When I step outside though, my height is barely noticed or talked about. Unless I'm standing by my 5 feet mother or someone else who is short.I actually do wish I was 3 inches taller though, because when I am at school walking down a hallway most of the guys tend to tower over me. It's just crazy how tall they are. 6'6",6'7",7 foot, e.t.c. I think younger generations are much taller. It's very rare that I see men that tall in their 30's or 40's, but I see it everyday at school. I think height is all about perspective, and who surround yourself with. Anyway, Matt is just average.
Clay said on 4/Sep/08
There is no point in argueing with a downgrading troll like you Viper. But no, 5'10 isnt ''abverage'' in football. LOL. Running back maybe. Cornerback possibly, but even a 5'100 corner back is looked at as small for that position. That is all. In hockey the average height is 6'0.6/6'1. FACT. And 5'10 is DEFINITELY small in baseball. Keep calling people idiots and you'll be on borrowed time..what you should be anyways with all your rubbish downgrades.
Brad said on 4/Sep/08
At 5' 10" he'd be 6' in regular customs. He never looked 6' in any scene in any Ocean's film except maybe with Al & Shaobo.
Net. W said on 4/Sep/08
I saw sexiest man alive Matt Damon wonderful family photos in "PEOPLE" magazine. But, I can't help to notice he and his mother look so much alike. She looks like a tall woman in stature compared to the average height woman of 5'4. So I say Matt Damon is on a level of tall.
anonnymous said on 4/Sep/08
Lmeister says on 4/Sep/08
5ft10 isn't short, but def. not tall either plain average. A lot of 5ft10 guys can look shortish from time to time not just in sports, but also in normal life. I know that a lot of ppl here will disagree with me about the average height just because they are from different parts of world. In Finland 5ft10 is still the average height, but younger guys are a lot taller...

Lmeister, that's very true what you said. If the whole population is considered then 5'10 is the average height, but for younger generations average is 5'11, and for the older generations average is 5'9.
Anonymous said on 4/Sep/08
Lmeister says on 4/Sep/08
5ft10 isn't short, but def. not tall either plain average. A lot of 5ft10 guys can look shortish from time to time not just in sports, but also in normal life. I know that a lot of ppl here will disagree with me about the average height just because they are from different parts of world. In Finland 5ft10 is still the average height, but younger guys are a lot taller...

Lmeister, that's very true what you said. If the whole population is considered then 5'10 is the average height, but for younger generations average is 5'11, and for the older generations average is 5'9.
Lmeister said on 4/Sep/08
5ft10 isn't short, but def. not tall either plain average. A lot of 5ft10 guys can look shortish from time to time not just in sports, but also in normal life. I know that a lot of ppl here will disagree with me about the average height just because they are from different parts of world. In Finland 5ft10 is still the average height, but younger guys are a lot taller...
Viper said on 3/Sep/08
Clay, you are an idiot. 5-10 is only looked at as shrimpish in basketball. In football it can be considered average height at a certain position. In baseball its average for position players.
Viper said on 3/Sep/08
Crispin Glover is another guy around 5-10 who can look tall. Much taller in fact.
Viper said on 3/Sep/08
Seeing Ed Harris listed at 5-9 on here shocked me. I think the tallest damon could be is 5-8 1/2.
Anonymous said on 3/Sep/08
Ed Harris is self claimed 5ft9. He can look 5ft10 which really isn't tall.
Dural said on 2/Sep/08
It's obvious Matt isn't 5'10"
Dural said on 2/Sep/08
5'8" Damon with 5'11" Di Caprio and 5'7.5" Mark Wahlberg

Click Here
TELLEM said on 2/Sep/08
Matt says on 2/Sep/08
David Arquette and Ed Harris have never looked tall in their entire careers.

Ha! don't kid yourself...ed harris has looked tall plenty of times
TELLEM said on 2/Sep/08
5'10" is the end of short, not the beginning of tall. Unless, of course, you would care to name some 5'10" celebrities who can look tall...

5'10 is the end of short? what planet are you from?
D. Ray Morton said on 2/Sep/08
Viper says on 2/Sep/08
David Arquette and Ed Harris come to mind.

Ed isn't 5'10".
Frank2 said on 2/Sep/08
Matt is a legit 5'10". I have met dear friend Lucy from high school married him. I attended their wedding reception a met his family. They had a small ceremony at NY city hall and then had a reception for friends and family not long after. He is a legit 5'10".>

Then please explain why when I saw him and stood right next to him I was more than just an inch taller? I'm 5'11" and if he was truly 5'10" I wouldn't have noticed that much of a discrepancy. He was at least three inches shorter.

I guess that day he wasn't wearing special shoes or maybe he has a switch so he can go from normal to looking like a 5'10" guy at the press of a button. Come to think of it, that might not be a bad business to start up. Real elevator shoes. They go up and down at the flick of a switch. Hmmmmmmm............
Viper said on 2/Sep/08
I thought Arquette was 6-0 or close to it originally. Hell, the lead singer for the Verve is 5-10 and he looked 6-3 at least in that bittersweet symphony video.
Caesar said on 2/Sep/08

I am 5'10, maybe 5'10.5 on a very good day, and I once told a legitimate 5'11 guy who looked similar to me that I was a "shorter, stockier version of (him)". Then the guy absolutely insisted I was taller, and claimed I had to be 6'1. He was completely serious. He had us stand together and another guy compare us and the other guy said he had maybe half an inch over me. Again, a guy taller than me thought I was taller than him and I am 5'10. 5'10 is plainly medium, and can look short or tall standing alone depending on body type and build, especially when people force themselves into contriving a short or tall dichotomy.
Caesar said on 2/Sep/08
I am not saying 5'10" is a short height. I said it is "the END of short". Just observe the comments that are all around you. Guys who are 5'11"+ are often referred to as "a strong" height, whereas guys under that height rarely get that kind of adjective.

There is something called medium, or average, and that is where 5'10 falls. I've never seen 5'11 as a "strong height", guys who are 5'11 rarely look particularly tall, because they aren't. Also, film is an entirely different animal than real life.

I would say Daniel Craig does look tall sometimes, and Clooney looks tall sometimes as well. It depends on who they are around. You want a 5'10 celebrity who looks tall? Richard Ashcroft. However, because 5'10 is such an average, medium height, body proportions make a huge difference as to how tall someone looks when standing alone. I think that is a real problem with people on this web site. They look at stand-alone pictures or footage and judge people's height by body type. Does James Gandolfini ever look 6'1 when standing by himself? Absolutely not, because he has a wide shape. Arnold Schwarzenegger is the foremost example of a legitimately tall guy (6'1.5 in prime) constantly perceived as being far shorter than he is. Again, his wide muscular physique and sloping shoulders make him look like a short guy when standing alone. With other people he looks the height at which he was measured.

Brad says on 1/Sep/08
Go to the August 9th Frank2 photo, he's owned by Pitt, Clooney, Garcia. Garcia has zero heel on. He's 5' 8" and wears customs.

Yes, in one picture Garcia is in front centre and Damon is way off to the left, and Garcia looks slightly taller, due to perspective. I gave you several pictures where the two are right beside each other and Damon is convincingly taller than Garcia. Glenn and his pictures are irrelevant, as you have said yourself, so there is no need to mention his picture with Damon. Again, people here seem to have no conception of body type and how it can play a big role in how tall or short someone looks standing alone. Have you never met guys who due to posture or build from afar looked shorter and when they come up close you are surprised at their height? The opposite happens as well. This is exaggerated with guys in the 5'9-5'11 range because it's completely medium, neither short or tall, but in people's minds they force themselves to label others' one or the other.

Also, celebrities are not shorter on average than the regular population. That is a serious myth. In fact, most leading men are statistically above average, especially when you look at Hollywood past. It's just that people expect stars to be huge as they build them up in their minds, and are shocked that they are not so huge when they meet them. For example, how many 5'6 leading men are there? There are a few, but not many. In contrast, how many 6'3 leading men are there? A lot. Yet in real life, 5'6 men are much more common than 6'3.
lillo thomas said on 2/Sep/08
5-10 guys arent short but not tall either . They are in the normal range .
Frank2 said on 2/Sep/08
Nor does Damon.
Matt said on 2/Sep/08
David Arquette and Ed Harris have never looked tall in their entire careers.
Brad said on 2/Sep/08
If Matt is 5' 10" then how does he become shorter than Clooney & Pitt in every scene? If you think he's 6' in all his films with common 2" customs yer dreaming.
Viper said on 2/Sep/08
"5'10" is the end of short, not the beginning of tall. Unless, of course, you would care to name some 5'10" celebrities who can look tall..."

David Arquette and Ed Harris come to mind.
Debbie said on 2/Sep/08
Matt is a legit 5'10". I have met dear friend Lucy from high school married him. I attended their wedding reception a met his family. They had a small ceremony at NY city hall and then had a reception for friends and family not long after. He is a legit 5'10".
Matt said on 1/Sep/08
Viper & Caesar -- stop being so sensitive. Calling 5'10" as "the end of short rather than the beginning of tall" is no implication on the value of those who are 5'10" or shorter (which includes me, by the way); it is just an observation.

Look. Guys like Daniel Craig, Matt Damon, Jesse Metcalfe, Ewan McGregor, even George Clooney...they are all in that legit 5'10" area. But how many people say those guys are tall or even LOOK tall? Practically NONE. On the other hand, how many people try to argue that the guys "look short"? LOADS.

I am not saying 5'10" is a short height. I said it is "the END of short". Just observe the comments that are all around you. Guys who are 5'11"+ are often referred to as "a strong" height, whereas guys under that height rarely get that kind of adjective.

It is almost inevitable that any male celebrity who could very well be a legit 5'10" will be the victim of the downgrade lobby on this site. People are always pushing for 5'9", 5'9.5". Although there are always good arguments to be made for certain downgrades, all I am asking you to do is observe what's going on around you.

FACT: No 5'10" range celebrity is every eulogised as being tall. They are nearly all the subject of downgrade attacks.

FACT: 5'11"+ range celebrities are often referred to as looking "a strong" height, or "looking tall"...descriptions that are rarely used for the 5'10" group.

5'10" is the end of short, not the beginning of tall. Unless, of course, you would care to name some 5'10" celebrities who can look tall...
Brad said on 1/Sep/08
Go to the August 9th Frank2 photo, he's owned by Pitt, Clooney, Garcia. Garcia has zero heel on. He's 5' 8" and wears customs. He had Glenn beat because Glenn is 5' 6.5" afterdark. Nas ate him and he's a decalred (by himself) 5' 8". He's short in every film for good reason: he is.
Viper said on 1/Sep/08
I was watching an old b horror movie from the 80s with Clooney in it. He physically didnt look any taller than 5-9.
Caesar said on 1/Sep/08
RisingForce says on 1/Sep/08
Damon isn't over 5'9". Pictures with George Clooney prove it.

Clooney is a legitimate 5'11. He is taller than Pitt and Damon. Lifts give the edge to Pitt in most pictures, however.

Viper says on 31/Aug/08
Id say Damon is 5-8-5-8 1/2 and Clooney around 5-9-5-9 1/2.

How tall is Andy Garcia then? 5'7? Al Pacino 5'3?
RisingForce said on 1/Sep/08
Damon isn't over 5'9". Pictures with George Clooney prove it.
TELLEM said on 31/Aug/08
so if damon is 5'10 why was he .5 inch taller than de niro in getty images? (by the way damon looked to be wearing lifts comparing to de niro's shoes)
Brah said on 31/Aug/08
Here's another picture:

Click Here
Clay said on 31/Aug/08
Nice try on the shorter than Andy Garcia Brad.
Viper said on 31/Aug/08
Id say Damon is 5-8-5-8 1/2 and Clooney around 5-9-5-9 1/2.
leonari said on 31/Aug/08
the end of short. What am joke! Really. Incredible...
Caesar said on 31/Aug/08
James says on 31/Aug/08
5ft10 is prettey medium here in the UK and the United States but still in my age range 18 and over 5ft10 is not very tall. I have mates who are 5ft10 and they look short next to 6ft+ guys, and belive me you get a lot of them.

Yeah, young white males tend to be 5'10-5'11 on average. I think calling 5'10 "short" only works if you go with a pure short/tall dichotomy, where there is no such thing as medium or average. I am 5'10-5'10.5 and I have never been called short in my life, though I do feel that way in some situations.
Caesar said on 31/Aug/08
"5'10" is not the beginning of tall, it is the end of short"

5'10 is around the 60th percentile for men in the U.S. Only about 40% of men are taller than 5'10. 5'10 isn't short at all in the United States, it's plain medium.
Matt said on 30/Aug/08
There is definitely a disconnect going on here. Damon kinda looks like a 5'10" guy ("5'10" is not the beginning of tall, it is the end of short), and he did have Glenn convincingly beaten in the old photo that was up.

However, the disconnect lies with the Ocean's cast, particularly Clooney. GC always, always, always has Damon effortlessly beaten, even with his casual postures. And you'd be very hard-pressed to say that Clooney is more than 5'10.25" nowadays. There is also the possibility of Damon wearing special shoes.

I think the safe bet to make is Damon being around 5'9", Clooney around 5'10.25", and a guy like Pitt could be around 5'10.5".
Caesar said on 30/Aug/08
Brad says on 29/Aug/08
Look at him with a 5' 9" Andy Garcia. He is shorter by an inch.

Is that so, Brad?

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Damon taller in all shots, separate times and locations. In the last picture Damon is well in the background and still looks like he would be taller than Garcia.
Brad said on 30/Aug/08
Hail Caesar, I mean James. Viper put the bite into correctness. Let's get Super M in a photo with Matt.
Brad said on 29/Aug/08
Look at him with a 5' 9" Andy Garcia. He is shorter by an inch.
Caesar said on 29/Aug/08
James says on 29/Aug/08
Caesar if you think about it maybe Dicaprio is barely if at all over 5ft11, Matt Damon looks slightly shorter than 5ft8.5 Jack Nicolson in that pic and if Walhberg straightend up he would be around the same size as Matt Damon as well.

Nicholson is well in front of the other three and thus perspective dictates he would appear taller. Wahlberg is slightly behind DiCaprio and Damon, but clearly still shorter just by looking at his body. There are other pictures of them together which confirm my analysis:

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Wahlberg is slightly in the background, but just examining him it is evident he is no more than 5'8. Nicholson again is in the foreground exaggerating his height slightly. In the film Wahlberg looked 5'7.5 at most, and Damon had 2-3 inches on him the whole time. Discounting Nicholson and Wahlberg, Damon looks one inch shorter than DiCaprio, who is at least 5'11 and probably 5'11.5.
Clay said on 29/Aug/08
Matt actually looks 5'10'' there Caesar. And I dont think lifts fall into the equation - Wahlberg and Leo have known to pack some hefty heels as well.
dural said on 29/Aug/08
Damon is definitely not 5'10". Clooney is 5'10" and more than 1 inch taller.
Caesar said on 28/Aug/08
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Only an inch shorter than DiCaprio (5'11-5'11.5), maybe 1.5 inches if DiCaprio straightened out. 2-3 inches taller than Wahlberg, and 1 inch taller than Nicholson. I would say all of them except DiCaprio are as likely to wear lifts. I have seen no picture evidence of any kind that suggests Damon is below 5'9. You can even find a lot of pictures of Stallone looking 5'8 that are somewhat reasonable. The same can't be said for Damon.
Viper said on 28/Aug/08
Id be surprised If Damon really is 5-9.
Clay said on 27/Aug/08
Glenn stands 5'7.25/5'7.5 and he wore those boots and Damon had 2/2.5 inches on him which leaves Matt at 5'9'' since he probably had decent sized heels as well. Thanks Lmeister. :)
Lmeister said on 27/Aug/08
Sorry Rob, for sending this comment Anonymously...

Clay says on 22/Aug/08
What smurff-land are you living in where 5'9'' is tall/average Viper? It is just on the cusp of average, if that. In the professional sports world a 5'9'' guy is looked at as a shrimp!

and LOL@5'9'' being ''so high'' of an estimate for Damon. Are you on crack?

Kinda agree with you Clay. Im from Finland and anything below 5ft9 is considered short here. The average of young men is around 5ft11-6ft. I don't see that many younger guys on the streets who are below 5ft11. Matt Damon is 5ft9 and a bit.
Anonymous said on 27/Aug/08
Clay says on 22/Aug/08
What smurff-land are you living in where 5'9'' is tall/average Viper? It is just on the cusp of average, if that. In the professional sports world a 5'9'' guy is looked at as a shrimp!

and LOL@5'9'' being ''so high'' of an estimate for Damon. Are you on crack?

Kinda agree with you Clay. Im from Finland and anything below 5ft9 is considered short here. The average of young men is around 5ft11-6ft. I don't see that many younger guys on the streets who are below 5ft11. Matt Damon is 5ft9 and a bit.
RisingForce said on 26/Aug/08
Thanks Leung. I saw the 5'11" listings too but I had never seen an actual claim from Damon himself. I think he's a little shorter than 5'10" though.
Brad said on 26/Aug/08
Hey Human, I admit this is freaking joke arguing heights, but in the words of Hannah Montana: "It sure is fuuuunnn".
Viper said on 25/Aug/08
Damon only had 2 inches max over Glenn in big shoes. Damon is 5-8 to 5-8 1/2 maybe.
Brad said on 25/Aug/08
He looks short in everything he's in. I don't think he has the Stallone complex of massive lift is needed. Just look at him with Pitt-Clooney-Garcia. He's the little guy.
Clay said on 24/Aug/08
If he wore Stallone-like lifts he would look tall (5'11-6'0). He just doesnt bother too as he doesnt have a little man complex like Sly does.
Leung said on 24/Aug/08
RisingForce says on 19/Aug/08
What has Damon claimed as his height?

I have heard him say 5
87 said on 24/Aug/08
he already claimed he was 5-10
Caesar said on 24/Aug/08
RisingForce says on 23/Aug/08
One thing about Damon that may point to him being around 5'8" is the fact that he never looks tall. I'm sure he wears lifts at times yet he struggles at 5'10" usually and never seems 5'11". It'd be interesting to see what he claims though.

I'm pretty sure he claimed 5'10, and his agency lists him 5'11. Again, he looked 2-3 inches taller than Mark Wahlberg, who is a minimum of 5'7. I would say 5'9.5 for Damon, possibly 5'9. With thick shoes he can look even with Clooney.
Brad said on 24/Aug/08
He couldn't get to Pitt & Clooney's heights. He can't. Correct, he looks short in every motion picture. He can get mean "tall" like he did with Glenn in lifts on the streets of NYC. Depends who he stands with and their footwear. The Andy Garcia photo was enough for me.
RisingForce said on 23/Aug/08
One thing about Damon that may point to him being around 5'8" is the fact that he never looks tall. I'm sure he wears lifts at times yet he struggles at 5'10" usually and never seems 5'11". It'd be interesting to see what he claims though.
Brad said on 23/Aug/08
Damon would be 6' in the Oceans films in 2" customs if 5' 10". Lo siento. Este es la verdad.
Viper said on 23/Aug/08
LOL at 5-9 to 5-10. Damon wishes he could be that tall. Only in lifts.
Brad said on 22/Aug/08
He wore custom 2" added footwear in the Bournes. Just look at him with the director and his shoes in the shot. Reminds me of Vin Diesel's foot magic. The tallest he looked was with Glenn. The thought of Andy Garcia (who I met and is 5' 9") taller than Damon then Glenn owned by Damon big gives me an idea how ridiculous Glenn's 5' 8" height was.
Clay said on 22/Aug/08
What smurff-land are you living in where 5'9'' is tall/average Viper? It is just on the cusp of average, if that. In the professional sports world a 5'9'' guy is looked at as a shrimp!

and LOL@5'9'' being ''so high'' of an estimate for Damon. Are you on crack?
Zach said on 22/Aug/08
5ft 9 - 5ft 10 max, he looked very short in The Deaprted, but alot taller in The Bourne Ultimatum (maybe lifts)

I'm 5ft 10 barefoot, and when I wear shoes/sneakers I've been told I look just under 6ft.

So Damon is not 'short' in my eyes. He's average
Viper said on 22/Aug/08
"5'9'' is 100% SHORT/borderline average"

Now I know why Clay estimates people so high.
Clay said on 22/Aug/08
How am I trying to make a celeb taller than what he really is Viper? Its not like im here flaunting a ''Damon is 5'11 campaigne'. Im saying he's 5'9'' or in that range, most everyone agrees with that. I said it before I'll say it again, 5'9'' is 100% SHORT/borderline average.
Brad said on 21/Aug/08
Pitt and Clooney aren't 5' 11". Stop lieing, er lying. Proove, er prove it. He only looks tall with Al Pacino & Glenn.
Brad said on 21/Aug/08
Yes, possibly 5' 11", that makes him taller than Pitt & Clooney and at 5' 10" taller than Pitt & Clooney. He's 1" shorter than Andy Garcia who is 5' 9".
Clay said on 20/Aug/08
Brad Pitt isnt as low as 5'100, neither is Clooney. Stop lieing to prove your point.
Viper said on 20/Aug/08
LOL at 5-11. Better chance hes 5-8. And Im not surprised Clay is yet again trying to make a celeb taller than what he really is.
Lin W said on 20/Aug/08
Matt D's not short or very tall for a man his stature.His height, maybe 5 foot 9 and a half, maybe 5 foot 10 or possibly 5'11". In all, he's a average height born American caucasian male.
Brad said on 20/Aug/08
I bet he said 5' 10". He's on the Vin Diesel lie mode if he said that.
RisingForce said on 19/Aug/08
What has Damon claimed as his height?
Clay said on 19/Aug/08
5'8'' is just too short for Damon. The lowest possible is 5'8.75 stretched out. Some of you are living in a world of belief where everyone is 1.5 inches shorter than what they actually are!
Brad said on 19/Aug/08
He looks short in every motion picture, even with 5' 10" guys like Clooney & Pitt. He looks really tall next a 5' 6.5" afterdark Glenn, with Glenn in 2.5" Portmans.
Lmeister said on 18/Aug/08
I'd give him 5ft9, because he can look somewhat short, but never really short.
Ahleks said on 17/Aug/08
The guy doesn't look taller than 5'8". Maybe 5'8.5" MAX.

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adam said on 17/Aug/08
I`ve met him twice. The first time was about three years ago, the second time I saw him was five days ago! And listen: When I met him in the first time, he was AT LEAST 6 inches shorter than me, and Im 6-2. That was in 2005. Then I met him a couple of days ago and he looked barely 4 inches shorter than me!

So he has grown two inches at the age of what, 30? Or then he just wears lifts!
dmeyer said on 17/Aug/08
frank2 is a good height judge but i think damon is aleast 5 ft 9.5
Complex said on 16/Aug/08
I think alot of these celebs really are 2 inches shorter than listed. It makes since. I know regular ol' average joes that upgrade their height by 2 inches or more, don't you think a celebrity in the public eye known for their image would do the same if not much more! There's evidence all on Pitt's page that 5'10 is his max height and plenty that he's a possible 5'9 to 5'9.5'er!
Clay said on 15/Aug/08
No I dont think they're all their listed heights. I think Damon is 5'9/5'9.25. Im just not going overboard with my downgrades trying to prove everyone is a liar, lol.
Brad said on 15/Aug/08
Somebody thinks "The Rock" is under 6' 3"? Cancel like a stamp. File under Glenn's Nas height claim: lost in the mail. Correct on Pitt/Damon vipe.
TELLEM said on 14/Aug/08
this guy's 5'8...quit making celebrities taller than what they are...nearly every person that has met these celebs they downgrade them because they are much shorter than when u look at their pics or watching them in movies
Clay said on 14/Aug/08
You're notorious for scraping an inch or even 2 inches of basically everybody Viper. I'll believe Pitt is as low as 5'10'' when I see it. If there is so much ''evidence'' why hasnt Rob changed his figure? Wahlberg could be as low as 5'7'' I definitely could see it, but 5'7.5/5'8 makes more sense.

And you're alone in this quest to make the Rock under 6'3'' Viper...
Mister Lennon said on 14/Aug/08
My guess is:
Pitt: 5'11 or 5'11 and a half.
Clooney: 5`10 or 5`10 and a half
Damon:5'9 or 5'9 and a half.
Brad said on 14/Aug/08
Wahlberg just made Glenn what he was and refused to admit: real short, just like Damon did in his photo with him. Weak 5' 7" when he got up and lower under 21 years old. Viper is correct: 2" shorter than a 5' 10" Pitt in the Oceans films. Damon in his big customs and Pitt in his. He still looked like "the kid" compared to Clooney/Pitt. Glenn's 5' 11" figure is like a lot of his "I've seen these people many times" figures: ridiculous and just a benefit for his 5' 8" fantasy.
Caesar said on 13/Aug/08
Clay says on 12/Aug/08
Brad Pitt was an inch shorter than Edward Norton he is not under 5'11'' regardless of whatever lifts he wears. He can look 6'2'' in lifts. MARK WAHLBERG ISNT 5'7. He's a solid 5'8'' as he was about a half inch taller than Glenn. Some of you are pretty histerical trying to make these guys an inch or 2 shorter than what they are.

I agree with your conclusion, but Wahlberg is 5'7. The pavement in the Glenn pictures favoured Wahlberg severely. Wahlberg stacks up at 5'7, maybe 5'7.5 against other actors. Damon was 2-3 inches taller than him.
dits said on 13/Aug/08
matt damon certainly 'looks' like he's no more than 5'8, but only when he's in a movie, standing somewhere without anyone around.

in his pictures with leonardo dicaprio,brad pitt and that group of actors,he certainly looks like he's close to 5'10.
Viper said on 13/Aug/08
My god Clay, have you even been to the Pitt page or seen all of the better picture evidence for him? 5-11 is pretty much impossible for Brad. But then again you think the Rock is a strong 6-3-6-4, lol.
Frank2 said on 13/Aug/08
What makes you think Glenn told the truth about his height?

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.