How tall is Matt Damon - Page 7

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Average Guess (503 Votes)
5ft 9.49in (176.5cm)
RisingForce said on 18/Feb/09
I don't think Hulk said Nash was 7'2" before a match. Hulk may say those guys are bigger than they are because it's an interesting story, wrestlers being 7'2" and 7'4". Saying those guys are in the 6'9" to 6'11" range(like they are) makes it less interesting. Saying Sly is 5'8" is an interesting story considering he's one of the biggest action stars of all time and because of his ripped physique people expect him to be big. In reality he isn't 5'8" though. At worst he's 5'9" in the evening.
Complex said on 17/Feb/09
5'9 I would say is average, but not below average, based on that fact that the averages are likely gathered from ppl inflating their own heights, if every male in the us was measured properly you would see a drop in what the average is based on, like I said, if you base it on doctor visits alone i've been to 3 different doctors that measured me with my shoes on and one time I had one timberlands, that's not an accurate listing to me so if that's what average is based on, it's wrong. furthermore how can ppl say 5'9 for damon is ridiculous but that 5'10 isn't...can they really look and tell 1 inch, a 5'9 guy could bump his head with a hammer a few times and likely reach 5'10 with the little knot, so an inch wouldn't be ridiculous, ridiculous would be someone saying "Damon is not taller than 5'6", something like that would be crazy, but 5'8-5'9 max is fairly accurate for the lift wearing damon!
TELLEM said on 17/Feb/09
sadly, he didn't boost sly's height.
TELLEM said on 17/Feb/09
RisingForce says on 15/Feb/09
What does that have to do with Hulk claiming Kevin Nash was 5 inches taller than he really was? Wrestler's boost their OWN heights. Hogan wouldn't need to boost Nash 5 inches to pass for his own billing because Hulk was only 2 inches shorter than he was billed.

well risingforce, the man also boosted andre the giant to 7'4 prior to their big match, so what does that tell you? wrestlers boost their own height
JD said on 17/Feb/09
Damon looks more of a 5-9 to me than anything. Clooney listing is accurate, and I think Pitt is more 5-10 to 5-10.5 than a full 5-11
leonari said on 16/Feb/09
No Clay it's not!! Below average is below average. Short is when you are 3-4 inches below average. For you the glass must be always half empty, right? Incredible the folks on here. Seriously.
TELLEM said on 16/Feb/09
5'9 below average clay? where did u hear that? oh, and aren't you 5'9? don't YOU FEEL SHORT?
Clay said on 16/Feb/09
I dont think he's quite a full 5'10 but he's at least 5'9.25-5'9.5.
Clay said on 16/Feb/09
Except 5'8-5'9 is below average Tellem, so that would in turn resuklt into short, no?
glenn said on 16/Feb/09
mcfan is right.
RisingForce said on 15/Feb/09
What does that have to do with Hulk claiming Kevin Nash was 5 inches taller than he really was? Wrestler's boost their OWN heights. Hogan wouldn't need to boost Nash 5 inches to pass for his own billing because Hulk was only 2 inches shorter than he was billed.

The fact is that if Sly is 5'10" or even close to 5'11" then Hulk would have been 7-8 inches taller meaning Sly's head would be around his mouth or below. At that point it'd be pretty tough to estimate.
Complex said on 14/Feb/09
I've heard 5'8 fo sly my whole life, not that I really care either way, but I do say Damon is in the 5'8 range barefoot for sure, 5'9 tops.
TELLEM said on 14/Feb/09
RisingForce says on 13/Feb/09
Hulk Hogan also was 6'6" and he also said 6'9" Kevin Nash was 7'2". Should we believe that too?

thats because hulk hogan, like any other wrestler boosts there height up. he worked with sly, if he says 5'8 hes mostly that.
TELLEM said on 14/Feb/09
Clay says on 13/Feb/09
5'8 even is terrible for Sly.

you think everyone who's 5'8-5'9 is short, so ur opinion dont matter.
mcfan said on 13/Feb/09
If he's not 5'10, he must be extremely close. I just think of him as 5'10. The comments that he is somehow 5'8 or even 5'9 seem kind of ridiculous based on films and photos. There are some photos of Brad Pitt 2.5 inches taller than Matt, but I would bet Brad is wearing lifts as he is in other photos only looking an inch taller than Matt.
RisingForce said on 13/Feb/09
Hulk Hogan also was 6'6" and he also said 6'9" Kevin Nash was 7'2". Should we believe that too?
Clay said on 13/Feb/09
5'8 even is terrible for Sly.
TELLEM said on 13/Feb/09
Clay, did viper meet sly? i could have sworn he didn't. hulk hogan did and he said 5'8, which is where my estimate on sly lands, not 5'7 like you say.
Complex said on 12/Feb/09
I didn't say anyone was calling anyone a liar, I doubt either party is lying, just likely that someone's off a bit, but Mr. R knowing his own height and using that as a guage to size Clooney up is pretty convincing for me especially when he pegs Clooney what alot have always thought him to be.
Clay said on 12/Feb/09
Sylvester Stallone must be 5'7 then Tellem after all thats what Hulk Hogan and Viper say he is.
Brad said on 12/Feb/09
Cheadle is 5' 7". Damon is barely taller.
RisingForce said on 11/Feb/09
Complex, Glenn isn't accusing Mr. R of lying. He just thinks his estimate is off. Just like Mr. R probably thinks Glenn's estimate of Cheadle is off, but I doubt Mr. R thinks Glenn is lying.

Nobody accuses either of them of lying, we all know they're being honest with their sightings.
glenn said on 11/Feb/09
mr.r isnt going to isnt about that.
TELLEM said on 11/Feb/09
its an easy call Clay. Mr. R and Joaquin Phoenix. thats two witnesses over 1.
Complex said on 11/Feb/09
Tellem I'm with you, i'm not doubting Glenn, i'm just saying it's likely that Cheadle may of had some height help from footwear in Glenn's pic. Mr. R has been posting here forever and he's not gonna just come in and start lying for no reason, his sightings of Cheadle @ 5'7 and everyone else I know that says 5'7 range for him, make it undeniable for me that he's 5'7, which put Damon at 5'8 or in that range, 5'9 is the most i'd go for damon.
DejaVu said on 11/Feb/09
There is no way that is a 3 inch difference I just don't see it. Damon is 1 inch taller than Robin in that pic and his posture is not that bad either. I see a 2 inch difference but not a 3 inch difference.
Complex said on 10/Feb/09
I doubt Cheadle hits 5'8 after his best night's sleep ever.
Clay said on 10/Feb/09
Hmmm...who to trust - Glenn or Mr.R?? Tough call there TELLEM.
Anonymous said on 10/Feb/09
glenn met him as well. and says he is over 5.8
could mention that as well.. i think he is 5.8
TELLEM said on 10/Feb/09
i mean shorter than 5'8
TELLEM said on 10/Feb/09
i'll take 2 witnesses over 1 witness saying hes shorter than 5'7.
glenn said on 10/Feb/09
rob-can you use that cheadle pic?

Editor Rob
I still have the cheadle pic, I just hadn't updated his page but I have done that now for sure.
glenn said on 10/Feb/09
mr.r is the sweetest guy on earth but is off alot.sorry.i know his claims feed your estimates.but it isnt the case.he also sees some celebs once.which could be grounds for a mistake.i make mistakes with celebs only seeing them once too.dmx isnt 5-8.william shatner isnt 5-7.and donald sutherland isnt 6-2.and there is more.he is right on some.sorry,nothing personal.would still like to meet mr.r one day.
Complex said on 9/Feb/09
True tellem, mr. r's the witness and tons of ppl say 5'7 for cheadle, even phoenix, 5'7 cheadle, 5'8ish damon.
TELLEM said on 9/Feb/09
look at damon's shoes, and compare his to affleck's and robin's. they look bulkier than his conrads.
RisingForce said on 9/Feb/09
Glenn also saw Cheadle. Here is the picture of Glenn and Don Cheadle. Click Here
Anonymous said on 9/Feb/09
damon is a clear two inches taller than cheadle in that photo of them side by side in dress shoes
bam said on 9/Feb/09
guy pierce might be 5'11. He sure as hell looked it near that dude in memento (the guy with glasses and an italian name)
TELLEM said on 9/Feb/09
cheadle's 5'7. damon's 5'8. mr. R is a witness to cheadle.
DejaVu said on 8/Feb/09
Eventhough Damon's posture is not as good as William's, I don't see a 3 inches difference if Damon straightens up.
MikeD said on 8/Feb/09
Phoenixs' word is now gospel lol, guess clooney must be too
Clay said on 8/Feb/09
Cheadle - 5'8
Damon - 5'9.5
Clooney - 5'10.5
Pitt - 5'11
Affleck - 6'2.5
Rob G said on 8/Feb/09
Funny walk sometimes means lifts, but taking that aside, indeed they are all close in heigigh, like:
Clooney 5'10.5" (5'11"?)
Pitt 5'10"
Damon 5'9"
Give or take 0,25ich :-)
dicky curtis said on 7/Feb/09
I saw a clip of him on youtube from ocean's 12.
a scene that was shown from a different angle than it was in the movie.
they filmed clooney pitt and damon from the back when they are walking down a street. and the three of them looked very similar in height. and due to his strange/funny walk damon sometimes looks as the tallest. i don't think he actually is off course but it definitly proved for me he is around 5.10
maybe 5-9,5 but not any lower.
Complex said on 7/Feb/09
Cheadle 5'7, Damon 5'8 range
DejaVu said on 7/Feb/09
Not a chance that he is 5'10 in this photo

Click Here
glenn said on 7/Feb/09
thank you james.could you spread that around the site.alot of 5-7 talk for cheadle on alot of pages.
Complex said on 5/Feb/09
Phoenix himself claims 5'8 so how can his height range to 5'10 glenn? Phoenix 5'8 says Cheadle is 5'7 and Damon is in the 5'8 range, that should clear up alot of the confusion.
Clay said on 5/Feb/09
So one actor says another actor is a certain height...thats what he is? I guess Sly Stallone is 5'8, after all thats what Hulk Hogan said he is...
TELLEM said on 5/Feb/09
yea phoenix saying cheadle "is 5'7" takes the cake...cheadle most likely sported lifts next to glenn.
RisingForce said on 5/Feb/09
I wouldn't exactly call Joaquin Phoenix the voice of reason, anyone who has seen him since he's decided to become a rapper would agree.

Glenn is about the same height as Phoenix so what makes Phoenix's sighting any better? Glenn had a picture as proof and I'm sure he's spent more time estimating height than Phoenix.

Damon has managed to look about Pitt's height as well.
Click Here
Click Here

The reason Damon sometimes looks 2 or even 3 inches shorter is because Pitt wears lifts 24/7 and he has Sly type posture.
glenn said on 5/Feb/09
cheadle is a strong a weak 5-8.
glenn said on 5/Feb/09
you dont have to buy anything.i know he isnt 5-7.thats for sure.he is 5-8 minimum.5-8.5 max.phoenix height ranges from 5-8 to 5-10.depending on his footwear.obviously he is 5-8 tops.yes,brad.he was a hair taller than if im 5-7.25,5-7.5 at that moment,he was 5-8.
Brad said on 5/Feb/09
Cheadle at 5' 8.5" is a comedy. He's 5' 7" tops. Phoenix says ON CAMERA: "Cheadle is 5' 7"". Damon wears chunky customs. They don't work against Clooney & Pitt in Oceans...he's the kid. Cheadle was taller than Glenn?
TELLEM said on 4/Feb/09
tell that 5'8.5 to joaquin phoenix. he worked with cheadle. a legit 5'8. he said 5'7. and thats most likely what the man is.
TELLEM said on 4/Feb/09
sorry. cheadle is 5'7. i don't buy 5'8.
RisingForce said on 4/Feb/09
I agree Glenn. 5-8.5, he wasn't much shorter than Adam Sandler when they were in socks.
glenn said on 4/Feb/09
cheadle is 5-8 to 5-8.5.more on the 5-8.5.
TELLEM said on 3/Feb/09
how is it rubbish? can you please explain? just because you don't want to believe it doesn't make it rubbish LOL. like i said TWO witnesses have stated hes 5'7 or a shade under and he probably is since guy pearce whos 5'10 has him by 3 inches. So please clay don't go overboard saying its rubbish just because you think he isn't 5'7.
Clay said on 3/Feb/09
Lay off with the 5'7 Cheadle rubbish.
TELLEM said on 3/Feb/09
look at those pics again dejavu. in several of them damon's shoes are biiger than de niro's.
TELLEM said on 3/Feb/09
James says on 2/Feb/09
Well in both pics Guy Pierce does seem to be a good amount closer to the camera.

u'd make it seem like it be a HUGE difference if he and cheadle were standing side by side. face it cheadle is 5'7, not 5'8. joaquin phoenix said 5'7. isn't he 5'8? oh mr. R said 5'7 or under.
Complex said on 3/Feb/09
Oh and Rising alot don't believe Sandler to be a full 5'10 either, which would explain the cheadle thing, mr. r I believe said 5'8-5'9 for Sandler. I still say Cheadle is 5'7 and Damon is 5'9 tops, likely 5'8 range.
DejaVu said on 3/Feb/09
I am 100% sure this guy is in the 5'9 range. Just look at the pictures of him next to 5'8ish deniro. He looks an inch taller at most.
Complex said on 2/Feb/09
I'm positive Cheadle's 5'7, I really think Damon is 5'8 range, 5'9max, I could be wrong on Damon but definately not wrong on 5'7 cheadle.
You're wrong said on 2/Feb/09
Clooney is 5'10.5"...look he next to Nicole Kidman(in her page)...he's taller!If he is 5'10.5", Damon is 5'10"!!!
And Wahlberg? Is 5'7"!?No way!
RisingForce said on 2/Feb/09
I meant Cheadle was barely shorter than Sandler in socks.
RisingForce said on 2/Feb/09
Don Cheadle isn't 5-7. Glenn met him and he was taller than Glenn. Plus Cheadle appeared next to Adam Sandler in socks in a movie and was barely taller.

Did you measure Don Cheadle? You say he's 5-7 as if it's a fact, so you seem sure.
Complex said on 2/Feb/09
Rising, when you measured cheadle, did you take a picture ?? just curious, cuz everyone else knows that he's 5'7, 5'8 tops, 5'8.5 is pushing it, cheadle at 5'9 is comical! It's more like 5'7 cheadle, 5'8ish 5'9 max damon!
TELLEM said on 1/Feb/09
don cheadle is 5'7. look at him with 5'10 guy pearce. that ain't no 5'8.5 man: Click Here Click Here

mr. R and joaquin phoenix knew what they were saying when they pegged cheadle at 5'7.
RisingForce said on 1/Feb/09
Cheadle isn't 5-7, he's 5-8.5 so there's your answer. Damon is 5-10.
Complex said on 31/Jan/09
I've seen pics of him in chunky shoes, lifts are hidden in the shoe and virtually impossible to tell w/o seein them, there's no real reason to believe any stars wear lifts rising, yet they do! I have no real reason to see why Johnwayne would, but he did. I've also seen pics of Damon lookin 1-1.5 inches taller than 5'7 cheadle, if he's 5'10, he should be a solid 3 inches taller.
RisingForce said on 31/Jan/09
Complex, it's a bit different as far as Pitt who is almost always in chunky shoes or shoes with a big heel. Pitt's height is also always fluctuating. John Wayne had numerous people who worked with him who claimed he wore lifts.

With Damon nobody has even provided much evidence of him wearing chunky shoes often, or at all. His height doesn't fluctuate that much either. Nobody who has worked with him claims he wears thems. There's no real reason to believe he wears lifts. He almost always just looks around 5-10.
Complex said on 30/Jan/09
Rising your statement is flawed because if we can't provide evidence that they are wearing lifts, then in the same token we can't provide evidence that they aren't either. Since we can't prove it, if we assumed that no one wore lifts then Pitt would be 6'1, Clooney 6'0, Damon 5'11, John Wayne 6'8, etc. etc. Stars wear lifts obviously and no one can prove that they are or that they aren't in them. No one can surely say, Damon isn't in lifts. But ask yourself this. Say Damon looks that height while most are assuming he's not in lifts, then pretend he were in lifts (which he likely is), then how tall would he be? The height that I say he is, 5'8ish, 5'9 tops! Oh and Hartnett is 6'2 or 6'2.5, not a full 6'3. Damon pack lifts in his elevators!
Clay said on 30/Jan/09
How do I know Tellem? I saw him looking 1 inch shorter than 5'9-5'9.5 Matt Damon. Thats how.
Anonymous said on 30/Jan/09
@ James..Affleck is shorter than Josh..Josh is a full 6"3
RisingForce said on 30/Jan/09
If nobody can provide evidence then it shouldn't be assumed that Damon wears lifts!
glenn said on 30/Jan/09
well said tellem.
TELLEM said on 29/Jan/09
how can ppl provide evidence of lifts when lifts are hidden in your shoes? unless we talk about embarassing bulk boots like sly's and robert downey jrs.
Complex said on 29/Jan/09
Not really James cuz you're basing that on the fact that we know Affleck is a full 6'2, some say he's a legit 6'1, we'd have to know his height for sure for accurate comparison plus they would both have to be barefoot, we all know damon loves his customs. File as Pitt#2
RisingForce said on 29/Jan/09
No we don't all know that Complex considering nobody has provided evidence that Damon wears lifts.
Brent said on 29/Jan/09
damon is between 5'9-5'9.5 but not a legit 5'10
Complex said on 28/Jan/09
Nice video anonymous, although we all know he breaks out the big guns for premieres and awards shows, i've seen evidence of him looking a solid 5-6 inches shorter than Affleck, i'm stickin' with 5'8 range, 5'9 max!
Complex said on 27/Jan/09
Cheadle: 5'7
Damon: 5'8ish, 5'9 max
Anonymous said on 27/Jan/09
no more than 4 inches max between damon and affleck here Click Here
You're wrong said on 27/Jan/09
Clooney is a solid 5'10.5"(in my opinion)... in lifts, he's 6'1" next to Pitt...Or he's wearing "giant" lifts...
TELLEM said on 27/Jan/09
Clay says on 26/Jan/09
Cheadle isnt 5'7 'plex.

how do u know? did u work with him on the set of hotel rwanda?
RisingForce said on 27/Jan/09
Post that evidence about Damon wearing lifts then Complex. Post some really suspicious looking footwear. If he's the big lift wearer that you say he is, then it shouldn't be hard. Look at how much that has been posted that shows Sly, Brad Pitt, Robert Downey Jr. and even Tom Cruise as lift wearers.
Complex said on 26/Jan/09
To the poster named you're wrong: Alot don't think clooney is even 5'10. But do you know what legit 5'10 means? That means never goes under 5'10 at any point. If he's a legit 5'10 then in the morning he would be closer to 5'11, that's just not possible. But Rising there is evidence all over that Damon wears lifts. I'll tell you guys this, pre-a list for Damon, 5'9 something kinnear had him by an inch, from my view Affleck has always dwarfed Damon, minimum 5 inches between the two.
Clay said on 26/Jan/09
Cheadle isnt 5'7 'plex.
RisingForce said on 25/Jan/09
I still don't buy that Cheadle is only 5'7". I say 5'8.5" for Cheadle. Damon looked like a legit 5'10" guy next to Affleck and Damon was wearing sandals!

Show me some evidence that Damon wears lifts.
You're wrong said on 24/Jan/09
Damon is legit 5'10...Look he with Clooney(socks)in a photo (top of Brad Pitt page)
Complex said on 24/Jan/09
Rising that's not why I'm saying he's not 5'10, i'm saying he's 5'10 or a tad over in lifts, Next to Affleck he looks less than 5'9, next to cheadle he looks 5'8. Him being a legit 5'10 seems a little far fetched.
Clay said on 22/Jan/09
Anyone can look an inch taller than what they are James..
RisingForce said on 22/Jan/09
So one random fan calling him "real short" means he can't be 5'10"? Damon's height was never really written about much in papers. He's average height, 5'10" or close to it.

Larry King made a short joke about Burt Reynolds in the early 80's and Burt was atleast 5'10".
Complex said on 21/Jan/09
Exactly and if Damon were a legit 5'10, then why is he getting called "Real Short". I mean in lifts they prolly don't call him "Real Short" but in casuals or barefoot he gets hit with the "Real Short" comment, 5'8 range for Damon.
TELLEM said on 21/Jan/09
thats correct complex...look at 5'10 brad pitt...i don't hear anyone calling him short, atleast like matt damon, or even richard gere.
Complex said on 21/Jan/09
Anonymous clooney did say that about pitt but that was likely a shot at pitt for using huge footwear. Phoenex claims 5'8 for himself and was taller than Cheadle. Cheadle is 5'7, Clay I said 5'8 range though. But everyone I know that's met cheadle says 5'7 and some say less, he's not 5'8 in barefeet. And look at that last one of Damon and Cheadle someone posted, Compare their shoes, cheadles look sleek and small, Damons look monsterously huge in comparison, I mean honestly the best anyone can make me believe for Damon is 5'9 in morning height or maybe mid-day but in the evening he's in the 5'8 range. I know 5'10 is not huge by why would Damon be refered to as "REAL SHORT" at legit 5'10, cuz if was 5'10 and in even a small pair of shoes would be 5'10.5-5'11 so if anyone thinks that's considered real short, it would be nuts. He was called real short cuz he's in the 5'8 range, Smith towered him.
TELLEM said on 21/Jan/09
Anonymous says on 21/Jan/09
TELLEM says on 20/Jan/09
damon's closer to the camera, if he stood right next to 5'7 cheadle there'd be an inch - inch.5 difference...damon's 5'9 max morning height, most likely under. i'm sure phoenix would know how tall cheadle is, he worked with him.

george clooney says brad pitt is 6'1 and he worked with him on numerous occasions, do you believe that??

of course not. hes upgrading his height genius...why would joaquin phoenix downgrade cheadle's height? if he said cheadle was 5'10 i wouldn't believe him.
Anonymous said on 21/Jan/09
TELLEM says on 20/Jan/09
damon's closer to the camera, if he stood right next to 5'7 cheadle there'd be an inch - inch.5 difference...damon's 5'9 max morning height, most likely under. i'm sure phoenix would know how tall cheadle is, he worked with him.

george clooney says brad pitt is 6'1 and he worked with him on numerous occasions, do you believe that??
Brad said on 21/Jan/09
Phoenix said Cheadle is 5' 7". Friend of mine stood right next to him and said 5' 8" in shoes. He's short in everything he does. Haven't seen his mother to ask, she went off to see The Big O I heard. Fits Damon's under 5' 10" height.
TELLEM said on 20/Jan/09
thats a good pic anonymous...proves my claim of damon...the on complex posted is good also...
You're wrong said on 20/Jan/09
He is tall in many places, the world average is 167,7 cm 5ft 6in(I'm a researcher of Sao Paulo University, Brazil), the youth world average(18-30 years) is 170,5 cm 5ft 7in.
Europe Average is 176 5ft 9.25in - (youth)177,1cm 5ft 9.5in
Asia Average is 165,6cm 5ft 5.5in-Youth 168,9cm 5ft 7in
Latin America Average is 166,8 cm 5ft 6in-Youth 169,5 5ft 7in
USA Average is 5ft 9in-Youth 5ft 9.5in
Africa Average is 169,6 cm 5ft 7in- Youth 5ft 7.5in 171,3
TELLEM said on 20/Jan/09
Anonymous says on 20/Jan/09
cheadle and damon both in dress-shoes Click Here

damon's closer to the camera, if he stood right next to 5'7 cheadle there'd be an inch - inch.5 difference...damon's 5'9 max morning height, most likely under. i'm sure phoenix would know how tall cheadle is, he worked with him.
Clay said on 20/Jan/09
5'8'' isnt safe at all Complex, thats a hail-marry on your part. 5'9.5 is 'safe' for Damon.
Anonymous said on 20/Jan/09
cheadle and damon both in dress-shoes Click Here
leonari said on 20/Jan/09
Cheadle is 5'8" not 5'7"
RisingForce said on 20/Jan/09
So how do we know Phoenix can estimate height well? The angle on that picture is poor as well.

Someone please post proof of Damon wearing lifts or elevator shoes too. You guys act like he's Sly when it comes to footwear.
Complex said on 19/Jan/09
Hotel Rawanda Extras..Joaquin Phoenix: "Cheadle is 5'7". Phoenix is 5'8 and around an inch taller, Cheadle is 5'7. Now after knowing Cheadle is 5'7, check him out with Damon (listed here at 5'10) Click Here
5'9 is the absolute tipity top of the line Damon could be, 5'8 range is safer, 5'10 in lifts...
John said on 19/Jan/09
HAHA 5'10 yeah right more like 5'8. Keep in mind he wears major lifts, with those on he's 5'10 I'll give him that.
glenn said on 19/Jan/09
that sounds about right with cheadle.seemed a hair taller than me.
TELLEM said on 19/Jan/09
RisingForce says on 19/Jan/09
Cheadle is listed on this site at 5'8.25" and he claims 5'8.5".

that doesn't mean much, since joaquin phoenix already stated his height at 5'7, not to mention mr. r saw him around that height.
RisingForce said on 19/Jan/09
Cheadle is listed on this site at 5'8.25" and he claims 5'8.5".
italian boy said on 18/Jan/09
he is a solid 5 10 but he looks shorter because of his muscle,for example adam brody is the same height but he his very slim and look way matt is under 177 min
Complex said on 18/Jan/09
J that's prolly cuz he's not 5'10, lol! I do agree 5'10 is not short but it's not the tallest either.
Clay said on 17/Jan/09
Agreed 100% Austrian.
J. said on 17/Jan/09
The dude... therefore your calculations below surely would suggest Damon is only 5ft 8.5-9, because Williams is 5'7. hmmmmm?
J. said on 17/Jan/09
That quote above about Matt Damon being RATHER SHORT is a bit of an odd thing to say, I would never think of 5ft 10 as short :S
Complex said on 17/Jan/09
the dude, robin williams is 5'7 so if damon appeared 1.5 inches taller that would put him at 5'8.5, which is what alot of us say, he's in the 5'8 range. Not to mention the one of Damon maybe appearing a tad bit taller than 5'7 Cheadle, someone posted it before, no way is he 5'10, 5'9 tops and 5'8 range more accurate!
The dude said on 16/Jan/09
I'll buy 5'10". He appears that in Good Will Hunting. In the scence where Robin Williams LEANS in to hug him, he appears to be at least an 1 inch and half taller. Damon is 5'10" solid.
Austrian said on 16/Jan/09
well i wouldnt call 6' tall, thats still just pretty normal

tall starts at 6'2 in my opinion

but maybe thats cause im from europe and in most countries here average height is 5'10-5'11 rather than 5'9 like in america or even lower like in other parts of the world

but yea for me a normal height would be 5'9-6'1
Complex said on 16/Jan/09
I wouldn't say 178 is tall by no means but average yes.
You're wrong said on 16/Jan/09
Short?!5'10"!?The average in USA and UK is 5'9"!(world average is 5'6.5"!)
He is over average! 178cm is "tall-average"... 6'0" is tall, under 6'0" short?Why?And the average?hahaha
Complex said on 14/Jan/09
What I meant was the absolute most I could buy for Clooney is a weak 5'11, like out of bed height. I overestimate sometimes anonymous even tho no one would believe it. For instance I think Conan is closer to 6'5 than 6'4, maybe i'm wrong but ive only seen maybe 2 taller than him on his show. Some I think are dead on as well, just alot of the a-listers seem lower than they are, least to me, I could be wrong.
RisingForce said on 14/Jan/09
Clooney isn't under 5'10" during any time of the day. He's about 5'11.5" when he wakes. Pitt is atleast 5'10" but I've changed my mind and I'd say he's a solid 5'11". Damon is a solid 5'10", no more, no less. Pitt is the worst lift wearer of the 3 but I think Clooney does wear them at times. Damon might, but I haven't seen him wearing thick shoes very often.
TELLEM said on 14/Jan/09
so james, what does that tell you about jude law

heres jude law, matt damon, gwyneth paltrow, and some other dude:
Click Here
Anonymous said on 14/Jan/09

you also stated a weak 5.11 for clooney. or was that morning height and this evening height?
5.8 is too low for damon. don't know where you get it from. you never seem to over estimate anyone.
Complex said on 14/Jan/09
How tall did he say he was James?

Tim I could buy most of those heights although I think it's more like maybe Damon: 5'8, Clooney: 5'9.5 Pitt: 5'10....or in a rare scenario maybe Damon: 5'8, Clooney: 5'9, Pitt: 5'9.5 I really don't think any of them are over 5'10 legitimately, either way damon is never over 5'9 unless in lifts!
RisingForce said on 13/Jan/09
I still haven't seen anything that proves Damon is a big lift wearer like Sly, Brad Pitt, Robert Downey Jr., Vin Diesel or even Tom Cruise.

Yeah sure Tim, Pitt is an inch and a half taller than Clooney
Click Here
Click Here
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Click Here

What's likely is that Clooney is 5'11.5", Pitt is 5'11" and Damon is 5'10".

I used to think Pitt was 5'10" but I've changed my mind, he seems too tall to be 5'10" flat.
Tim said on 12/Jan/09
Matt Damon is 5 ft 8 in. George Clooney is 5 ft 9.5 in. and Brad Pitt is 5 ft 11 in. Brad is the only one who doesn't lie about his height. Brad is an inch and 1/2 taller than George. If you don't believe me, just go to Brad Pitts profile on this site and click on all the photos. F A C T.
RisingForce said on 12/Jan/09
What do you base that on Complex?
Complex said on 12/Jan/09
Rising any pic of Damon looking 5'10 is probably in lifts, lol!

James that's very true, I love the departed, seen it many times and in that scene Baldwin is standing in the center and is noticably taller than Wahlberg and Damon. 5'8ish for Damon
RisingForce said on 11/Jan/09
I think Damon is a solid 5-10, nothing more and nothing less.
glenn said on 11/Jan/09
im with hugh.wouldnt shock me if damon was 5-10.5.jude law is around 5-11.5.he was barefoot and next to a 6-2 michael caine ,who was in dress shoes,he didnt look that much shorter.of course caine is 6-1 now.
RisingForce said on 10/Jan/09
Can someone please post some good evidence of Damon being a regular lift wearer? I haven't seen any.
dicky curtis said on 10/Jan/09
He looked consistently taller than gwyneth paltrow on the talented mr ripley movie. and not much less then jude law, who some say is a little over 5.11.

I'd say alec baldwin would be slightly over 5.11
And after all, 5.10 is not particulary tall. i give him at least 5ft9.5
Complex said on 9/Jan/09
Baldwin had an easy 2 inches or more on Damon, I could buy max 5'9 for Damon...a weak 5'9, something like that, but that's at best, no way he'd measure a legit 5'10 mid-day, there's just no way. If he did then we would have to upgrade Greg Kinnear to 5'11 cuz Kinnear was taller than Damon in the prelift era, oh and we'd hve to upgrade Garcia too :) 5'8 damon
infin said on 9/Jan/09
i'm watching his bourne films right now and in one of those films they had his height listed at 5'9'', if you don't believe me i can post some screenshots of this. he looks average on those films tbh. i'm surprised how he looks the same height as clooney, pitt etc. 5-9 fot him i'd buy. no lower and maybe 5-10 as his height on in the morning on a good day.
Hugh said on 9/Jan/09
are you serious James? He's 5ft10 if not a little more. This guy always looks 5ft10 in movies. ALways.
Anonymous said on 8/Jan/09
next to don cheadle he looks 5'8??

but he has 2 clear inches on cheadle both men in dress shoes standing side by side, cheadle is 5'6?? even viper thought cheadle was 5'8 barefoot Click Here

he is no more than an inch shorter than leo in dressshoes and has close to 3 inches on wahlberg, 5'10 seems spot on for damon, wouldn't go lower than 5'9 Click Here
Complex said on 8/Jan/09
Right on Brad & Tellem and another thing is, if he were 5'10 then he could easily appear 6'0 in lifts, it wouldn't take much but everyone take this next phrase in: MATT DAMON IS NEVER 6'0 IN SHOES!! He simply isn't, he looks 5'10ish in lifts, if he were 5'10 barefoot, he'd look 6'0ish in lifts. 5'8 range for Damon. I think the highest Damon could possibly hit in monster elevators and lifts is 5'11...and that's with elevators similiar to that of stallone. I'm with tellem on this one, i've never seen Damon appear 6'0 in shoes. Even in Ocean's 13 he looked 5'10 in lifts, if he'd of taken off is shoes, he woulda been only a couple of inches taller than Barkin max. 5'8 Damon.
Brad said on 8/Jan/09
Casual for an A list actor under 5' 10" means lifts and he's got the best you can buy. Again, look at him in the Oceans films, the actual films, not stills, walking with Pitt or Clooney.
TELLEM said on 7/Jan/09
i 've never seen anywhere or any pics of matt damon looking 6'0 or near it in shoes or even to don cheadle he looks 5'8...thats what he is 5'8, 5'9 max! morning height!
linebacker40 said on 7/Jan/09
I'm very confused on how tall Matt really is. I always thought he was a rock-solid 5'10", but if he really wears lifts, I just don't know. I personally couldn't see him less than 5'10" is all.
Complex said on 5/Jan/09
That's about what I saw too James or even less. He was way under ppl like Baldwin and Dicaprio and barely taller than Wahlberg and I heard he wore lifts in certain scenes. Damon is in the 5'8 range in the evening and maybe close enough in the morning to claim 5'9 but that's tops, typical 5'8 guy claiming 5'10, priceless!! lol!
anonymous said on 3/Jan/09
seriously brad, rising is right, they don't look like anything more than regular casual sneakers.
Brad said on 2/Jan/09
Good photo Rising. Tread bricks.
RisingForce said on 1/Jan/09
They really weren't that big Brad
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Brad said on 1/Jan/09
Those things Matt wore in Bourne look like he had to practice running in them. Black bricks.
glenn said on 29/Dec/08
like you said,mucho $ for custom timbs is possible.unlikely to me though.
Brad said on 29/Dec/08
I met Kelis, she's big time tall with heels. Nas whups out the big wedged Timbs. I don't doubt rappahs know anything. What's the capitol of New York? 50 Cent: New York. How much is a key of Yeh? Oh I know dat.
if he's 5-8 then said on 28/Dec/08
greengrass is 5-11
i say matt damon is 5-9 even
Complex said on 28/Dec/08
I was saying "premieres" in reference to Rising's "Damon was taller than Garcia at premieres". That's here that came from.

Far as Nas goes I don't know much about his height, but doesn't he say 5'8 in one of his songs? Nas is likely 5'7 evening height and maybe closer to 5'8 in the morning.

Damon is 5'8 or 5'8.5, 5'9 max!
glenn said on 28/Dec/08
this isnt premieres i see nas at.clubs,parties.unless your talking about damon.then im
Complex said on 27/Dec/08
Yeah but premieres is usually when celebs whip out the big guns. Use Pitt & Clooney as reference.
glenn said on 27/Dec/08
what he rhymes,doesnt matter.wouldnt surprise me he doesnt know his own height.he looked 5-9.5 at least next to 5-11 dmx in belly.if he wears customs which i doubt highly,then at least we can agree he can look 5-10.even if he isnt.i read 5-6 for him.and believed it.thought i saw him that height too.mistaked him for someone else in a posse when i didnt know what nas looked like anyway in 1998.imagine my surprise.
TELLEM said on 27/Dec/08
nas' wife "kelis" is taller than i'm sure he packs lifts for a reason...
RisingForce said on 27/Dec/08
Glenn, to be honest I've never seen your picture with Nas. I just based him being 5-8 off of his own claim, and most of the pictures I've seen.

I could be wrong as I've never met him and I'm not a big rap fan but I thought he was a 5-8 guy who wears lifts which could explain how you and your friends saw 5-10.

Complex, Damon was taller than Garcia at premieres.
Complex said on 26/Dec/08
lol brad

I think if damon claimed morning height, he could get away with 5'9, not 5'10, but 5'9, but evening i'm convinced he's 5'8ish, or a flat 5'8 at that :)
Brad said on 26/Dec/08
Nas would be the only person on earth to say he is 2" shorter than people think or what he is. I'd grab that reality and rap it and agree with everybody. Too bad he raps 5' 8" like his mug shot says and how he looks with everybody in every photo. He wears custom Timbs, get with it. Timbaland wore stuff like that right in front of me.
adam said on 26/Dec/08
5-8, 5-9. About that. Njet 5-10.
glenn said on 25/Dec/08
nas is 5-10.i dont care if nobody believes not saying you risingforce.a-bomb backed me with that and i have loads of photogs,peers and friends that all back me on that.that actually met him numerous times.not to mention 2 pics with nas where is more than an inch,or 2 inches taller than me.proof and people still bs talk here.unless he is the first black rapper to wear lifts in timbs.i doubt it.but not impossible.
Brad said on 25/Dec/08
Complex with the jam stuff Kobe Bryant slam for two.
Complex said on 24/Dec/08
In the first Ocean's movie he was a tad smaller than Garcia. I'd buy 5'10 to 5'11 in lifts/elevators, but not barefoot. Barefoot 5'9 is possible, so is 5'8 evening height. I really think he's more in the 5'8 range, 5'9 wouldn't be too suprising, 5'10 would be MIND_BLOWING!!!!
RisingForce said on 24/Dec/08
What do you mean by banana split? I have Nas at 5-8, Pitt at 5-10 and Wahlberg I'm unsure of. I think he could be anywhere from 5-7, 5-8.5. He's tricky.
Dural said on 24/Dec/08
I mean he looks like a 5'10" guy (with unusual short arms) in lifts and in the 5'8" range without. Before Damon was A list he was a little shorter than 5'9"ish Garcia. If his listing is correct, he would be close to 5'11" in the morning. At a strong 5'10" he could easily look 6' but I can't remember any movie or picture he looks it.
Brad said on 24/Dec/08
Wahlberg looked wild short in yesterday's Perez Hilton snap caught with his daughter shopping....even in big tread heel. Weak 5' 7". Look at Damon with Garcia in that line-up in Cannes. I've met Garcia and Damon looks rather un 5 feet 10 there. Garcia is an actor who few people talk about how good he is. Banana split for Rising on Nas/Pitt/Wahlberg.
Complex said on 23/Dec/08
Damon is in the 5'8 range, smaller than Kinnear.
If you watch stuck on you (granted there is somewhat bad posture at times) but there is a line-up and Kinnear and Damon are smaller than all the other guys and Kinnears head hits 5'10 and Damons hits a tad below 5'9 and that's in shoes! We're judging barefoot height so no telling how low he would look on that chart barefoot. If he were 5'10 then even with loose posture should look a strong 5'9.5-5'10 since he was in shoes! But at the end of the movie he's shorter than kinnear standing straight up after they've been split apart, consistently he's shorter than 5'9ish kinnear, so I think it's safe to say in the evening range he's 5'8 or in the 5'8 range, maybe standing super straight up right out of bed he might hit 5'9, but to say he stands at a comfortable 5'10 barefoot in the evening, there's just no way. In Ocean's thirteen he looked the same height in lifts as 5'6 Ellen Barkin with 3-4 inch heels, if he woulda taken off his shoes and she had been in heels, I'd bet he'd been 2 inches smaller, he looked 5'10 in that movie with lifts, w/o I dunno, but i'd peg him 5'8ish, 5'10 in lifts and in super lifts he might be 5'10.5-5'11, never 6'0...
And this is a tribute to brad...file under stallone with claiming lift height as barefoot height..
RisingForce said on 23/Dec/08
If by lifts you mean sandals then yeah Dural you're right.
Clay said on 23/Dec/08
Dural, thhose pics are pretty bad angles.
TELLEM said on 23/Dec/08
a 5'10 damon = a LOL 5'9 don cheadle. c'mon
Dural said on 23/Dec/08
Look at Mark Wahlberg with his brother. That's never in a million years 5'8.5". Brad is right Damon is 5'10" in lifts.
Click Here
Click Here
RisingForce said on 23/Dec/08
Wahlberg could be as low as 5-7 but I've heard he was measured 5-8.5 for the movie Invincible.

Brad, you and I both know that Brad Pitt pretty much goes to bed in his lifts. With that being said, how would Damon end up the same height with looser posture in full body shot pictures if he was 2 inches shorter?

I don't know why you'd say file under Nas either for me. I think Nas is 5-8.
Brad said on 22/Dec/08
At least Riser has Pitt & Cruise at accurate heights. Damon has never seen 5' 10" except in lifts. Vin wears things stolen off wooden soldiers. Wahlberg isn't 5' 8.5". Damon wears killer stealth lifts, he's always looking short. The things in the Bourne films looked like black bricks with tread. Look at him in the Oceans films. File under Nas.
GUK said on 22/Dec/08
Mckensie Crook was the same height in Brothers Grimm, Crooks height is officially 5ft 8, although this site has him at 5ft 9. Crook took HGH as a child because he was small
Complex said on 22/Dec/08
Yeah but just looking at that sentence I see flaws. Garcia is a questionable 5'9, Wahlberg is likely 5'7 evening height, not closer to 5'9, Damon on a good day doesn't get within 5 inches of affleck's height and Pitt very well could fall into the 5'9 region at night.

I dont even think Damon is 5'10 morning height much less evening. Watch Stuck on you, not the parts where they are stuck together obviously due to poor posture, but when they are separated and extra features, you'll see that 5'9 Kinnear is taller than Damon by a strong inch. Granted when they're stuck together it would be arguable but i'm talking bout the last 10 minutes of the movie when they're apart and walking side by side and Kinnear is taller, i've also seen pics of Kinnear taller than Damon, until Damon found out what lifts where. Damon was also 3-4 inches maxx taller than Eva Mendez. Personally I think he's in the 5'8 region but if we're talking his max height, I could prolly buy 5'9 or a tad over.
RisingForce said on 22/Dec/08
Complex I have Damon at 5-10 now because of the pictures where he's Pitt's height(who I think is 5-10), taller than Andy Garcia(5-9), not much shorter than Affleck(6-2ish) in sandals and atleast 2" taller than Mark Wahlberg(5-8.5).
RisingForce said on 22/Dec/08
Another downgrade for Brad. Brad loves downgrading celebrities to ridiculous heights. File under 5-10 for Vin Diesel.
Complex said on 21/Dec/08
Rising from that perspective I certainly get a better feel about the heights ya'll say, really we may not be all that much in disagreeance, for instance if you say 5'9 and that's his morning height, i'm saying 5'8 evenin height but I would buy 5'8.5 or so for evening height, which would virtually be the same thing.

Glenn i'm really not trying to be the next Viper and I do agree he was wrong for bashing you, I just simply said I didn't see it, I wasn't taking sides, I liked Viper, I like you too, I don't hate anybody here, it's a discussion board, there is gonna be arguments and complaints, it's gonna happen, I just try to be respectful of other ppl's opinions and I usually do a good job of it until someone says something derogative towards me, tht's all.

I mean i've never said you're not 5'8 glenn, all I say if when someone (like Downey) for instance stands next to you and is taller when he's listed at your height then the celeb is prolly in lifts where as your in normal shoes. Heck I may have alot of these guys pinned down wrong, but ppl should keep in mind, i'm judging evening height. If I say 5'9.5 for Pitt that means i'm thinking he never goes below that not even in the evening, I think that's why so many disagree with me. If they say Damon is 6'0 and I say no 5'11.5 well there 6'0 (mid-day) listing may be the same thing as my 5'11.5 (evening listing), really if we all got on the same page, like evening, morning, or midday we wouldn't disagree as much. I think if I discussed midday height as a celebs height on here, I wouldn't be seen as a downgrader so much.
Brad said on 21/Dec/08
5' 10" is a joke. File under 5' 10.75 for Sly. Another inflate for Rising. He calls himself Rising cause he rises everybody. Damon is 5' 8" and wears customs Sly would love: very stealth.
glenn said on 21/Dec/08
your a better man than me complex.more patient at least.
RisingForce said on 21/Dec/08
Complex I don't care if he goes under that. If he can reach 5'9" barefoot without tilting his head up or standing on his toes then he's 5'9".

However Rob has him right, he's 5'10".
anonymous said on 20/Dec/08
He does look 5 foot 10 in ocean's eleven. 5 foot 10.
Complex said on 20/Dec/08
6'3 for Will is a joke, he himself doesn't say he's that high, 6'1 tops for will.
Damon 5'8.

Personally I think alot of ppl here upgrade celebs heights to support their own height inflations.

Glenn that was pretty much a direct shot at me, same as Viper done to you, but I personally don't take offense to what ppl say against me on this site, I state my opinions which are based by very solid evidence then I watch ppl try to post how they think a celeb is 2-3 inches taller than they really are. Ppl should keep in mind I judge celeb heights by their lowest evening height (minus shoes, lifts, and hair) and I don't judge them by the inflated morning heights they likely claim. Morning height is temporary, ppl should claim mid-day or evening height, morning height as a true height is laughable...that's how you get 5'7-5'8 guys claiming 5'10, is inflating their morning height which are temporary anyways.

And rising force if Damon is 5'9 morning height, then he would go under 5'9, simple math would tell you that...

What is it with everyone here not only claiming morning heights but also inflating their morning heights!!!
glenn said on 20/Dec/08
your right clay.then some will get nasty with me when i wake them from their dream.
Clay said on 19/Dec/08
This site is one huge delusional fantasy sometimes Glenn.
glenn said on 19/Dec/08
its official.complex is the new viper.i was gonna say the same thing said 6-3 for will always,ask will,and will says "6-2.5".and still people have their fantasies here.nothing against you complex.
Clay said on 18/Dec/08
Complex, give it a rest. Smith is 6'2'' Glenn will prove that very soon. Are you trying to be the new Viper?
RisingForce said on 18/Dec/08
Smith is taller than you say he is which is where part of the problem is.

That whole other response was pointless too. 2 of the 3 pictures I pointed out were not full body shots. The other was but Damon is slouching an dhis head is tilted down.

The reason I changed my mind on Damon is not to support Clooney at 5'11.5" but because Damon had 2 inches minimum on Mark Wahlberg(despite Mark's footwear advantage) and Damon looked the same height as Brad Pitt in a few pictures where neither seemed to have a footwear advantage.

Very few good angle pictures support Damon being under 5-9. I'm going by morning height by the way.
Complex said on 17/Dec/08
Over 5'9 for Damon is a joke seeing him with 6'0-6'1 Will Smith (who has been listed as low as 5'11). On a good day Damon might go over 5'9, but not in the evening!
Click Here
Complex said on 17/Dec/08
Rising Force that picture you posted is nearly impossible for judging any form of height. Very strange angle, Ben does have advantage on a hill. One if judging by that awful picture could even argue that Ben & Matt would be the same height if Matt walked up on the hill where Ben were. But to really analyze that pic, you have to look and notice that Ben has less of an advantage than you think. For instance you can't see the bottom half of Ben's shoes implicating that there's a hill closer to the camera that appears Ben's standing on it but really the ground Ben is on is flatter than you think because the small hill closer to the camera is covering ben's shoes. So far all we know the ground they're both on behind the hill could be somewhat level. Really after looking at it, it almost seems as if Damon has advantage even tho at first it appears ben does. Just judge their feet level. You can see all of Damon's sandals, you can't see all of Ben's shoes, almost as if the ground is going down hill where ben is standing yet looks higher due to that slope, Plus Ben has a major lean. Ben has an easy 5-6 inches on Damon! So in sense Rising force, you dissed my pictures but my pictures are more accurate for judging than yours because mine show level ground and full body shots with Dmon looking shorter even with advantage. If you google Ben affleck matt damon you see nothing but Ben DWARFING Matt and looks to me that you looked through them all til you found one where they appeared to be only 4 inch difference yet everything else shows a strong 5-6 inches. You at one point said Damon was only 5'8.5 or 5'9 and nthing over yet changed your claim to a full 5'10 to support your claim that Clooney is 5'11.5. I agree Clooney is taller than Damon, but evening height for Damon is more 5'8-5'8.5!!! 5'9 @ best in the morning. Right out of bed most likely. 5'10 is funny, lol, you're typical 5'8 guy claiming 5'10, it's classic!
Clay said on 17/Dec/08
I've always said there was 5, possibly 6 inches between Damon and Affleck (looked like it in Jay and Silent Bob) but Affleck is 6'2.5ish. 5'8.5 is LOWEST possible for Damon.
RisingForce said on 16/Dec/08
Complex that second to last picture with Affleck is horrible(look how much closer to the camera Ben is and the angle is poor) and a lot of those pictures aren't the best to judge because Damon is slouching in the first and the third picture has a terrible angle.

Here's the full body shot of Damon in sandals next to Affleck
Click Here

Affleck has the footwear advantage and Damon has the posture advantage.
Jim said on 16/Dec/08
5'8 is too short for this guy but 5'9-5'9.5 does look accurate.
Complex said on 15/Dec/08
True Tell em, 5'9 is out of the question for Cheadle...heck it's out of the question for Damon too,haha! Clay there are alot of fools on this sight, in that same token there's alot of ppl being FOOLED, fooled by lifts that Damon wears, glad i'm not one of those fools.

By the way guys, keep in mind im pegging down barefoot height, it seems alot of you are goin' shoe height. Most of the time I hear stuff like "I saw Damon and he looked 5'10" Ok if someone saw him and he looked 5'10 and is in shoes, then imagine if he took off his shoes, specially if in lifts! Heck if you see Pitt ur likely gonna see a little over 6'0 but that doesn't mean he is, it's called lifts & elevators ppl, get used to it, when stars stop wearing them, we'll stop accusing them of being shorter than they are.

But usually when a star abuses them it's obvious due to pre-lift era, usually all stars have a pre-lift era, cept maybe Pitt, lol!

Rising Force i'm not sure what you're using as your basis that there's only 4 inches between Damon & Affleck but here's some pics for you to check out:

Click Here
Click Here
Click Here

To me it sometimes looks he struggles with the little affleck much less the big one
Click Here
There prolly the same height, him & Casey that is!

More of Ben & 5'8 Damon..
Click Here
Click Here

So after this we all see the only way he comes within four inches of Ben is in elevators! 5'8 Damon!
TELLEM said on 15/Dec/08
James says on 14/Dec/08
Why is cheadle at 5ft9 laughable? He wasn't a tremendous amount shorter than Cage.

5'9 is laughable when his co-star joaquin phoenix said hes 5'7
Clay said on 15/Dec/08
Well how many are saying 5'8'' for Damon Complex? I guess there may be more than 2 or 3 (lots of fools on this site).
RisingForce said on 14/Dec/08
TELLEM says on 13/Dec/08
if hes LOL 5'10, then don cheadle is LOL 5'9

If he's 5-8 then Ben Affleck is 6-0.
RisingForce said on 14/Dec/08
Damon is taller than Garcia, I've posted the pictures.
TELLEM said on 13/Dec/08
if hes LOL 5'10, then don cheadle is LOL 5'9
Dural said on 13/Dec/08
You could argue he's 5'8" next to Jack Black
Click Here

but here's the definite proof he's 5'11.5"
Click Here

I agree complex, 5'10" in lifts. Glenn must have seen him in lifts or chunky shoes.
Complex said on 13/Dec/08
Clay can you count??

Rising force I closed the case first, lol, can't play copy cat...

He's 5'10 in lifts, i'll give him that, unless ya'll wanna upgrade Greg Kinnear and Andy Garcia then i'd suggest agreeing he's in the 5'8 range, cuz pre-alist he was shorter than both.

Damon is never 6'0 in lifts either, that's ridiculous, it's like Viper said, he's your usual 5'8 guy claiming 5'10, I see it all day long, ppl like Damon give legit 5'10 guys a bad name!
Clay said on 12/Dec/08
I wouldn't say 5'10'' but at least 5'9'', probably a little over.
Viper said on 12/Dec/08
The most he could be is 5-8 1/2 barefoot.
RisingForce said on 12/Dec/08
He looked 5-10 minimum in flip flops next to Ben Affleck.
Alex said on 11/Dec/08
I do agree you have many guys 5'8 if not a bit less claiming 5'10 but he does look to be 5'9, not 5'10 though.
Clay said on 11/Dec/08
I think like 2, maybe 3 out of 100 posters agree that he's 5'8 pal...
RisingForce said on 11/Dec/08
5-10, case closed
Complex said on 11/Dec/08
5'8...thread closed! I think enough here agree that the only time he looks 5'10 is in lifts, but we're discussing barefoot height, 5'8 case closed!
Clay said on 10/Dec/08
I suddenly feel tall at 5'9'' then. BULL.
RisingForce said on 10/Dec/08
If Damon is 5'8" then Wahlberg is struggling at 5'6" and Pitt would be 5'8.5" max. Damon is at the very least close to 5'10".
Viper said on 10/Dec/08
Hes your usual 5-8 guy upgrading himself to 5-10. There are MILLIONS of them, lol.
Jim said on 10/Dec/08
This guy seriously needs a downgrade. Judging by all the pics posted below Damon is 5'9 tops.
dicky curtis said on 10/Dec/08
I don't agree brad,
in a scene from ocean's 12 when the 3 of them walking down the street, damon sometimes seems to be the tallest of the 3. even though he is probably the shortes of the 3 indeed.
5.10 might be a little too much but 5.8 isn't really selling to me either. i think he's closer to 5.10 though.
Brad said on 10/Dec/08
Watch him the Ocean's films....he's owned by Clooney & Pitt in every scene. He wears chunky big tread customs...he has to, he's short for an A call actor.
Complex said on 10/Dec/08
Legit 5'9 is too generous for Damon....5'8 it is!!!
Ed(1) said on 9/Dec/08
In the Damon/Affleck pic posted by Neil, Damon looks all of 5ft9 tops and very stocky to boot! Just look at how short his arms are? In the Wahlberg/Damon pic he looks to have an inch or so on Wahlberg, but who knows what kind of footwear they're wearing? If Wahlberg is in the 5ft8 range, that would fit if Damon is around 5ft9.
Neon Genesis said on 9/Dec/08
This guy looks like 5' 9
Anonymous said on 9/Dec/08
I agree with complex.
i think he is just a little taller as danny devito, no more.
RisingForce said on 9/Dec/08
Dural says on 8/Dec/08
RisingForce - minimum 2" taller than Wahlberg?

Click Here

Yes that's 2" easily. Mark is looking up while Matt is looking down and the difference is still clear.
adam said on 9/Dec/08
Damon is 5-9 and pretty stocky.
Clay said on 9/Dec/08
Easily at least 5'9'' there in sandals for Damon.
Complex said on 8/Dec/08
Rising Force those are very good pics, I may have Damon pegged wrong, I really really think 5'8range but I could be wrong, but those pics definately prove Pitt can't be 5'11. I've seen the top one before, could make sense that Pitt is 5'9.5 or 5'10 at best and Damon is 5'8.5-5'9 at best, I could buy that. Either way,i'm thinkin' 5'10 @ best for Pitt and even that seems generous at times. But 5'10 just seems so high for Damon, I mean he's shorter than Greg Kinnear, or was back in pre-lift eras, but still unlikely Damon ever hits 6'0 in his lifts. At very best 5'11 in elevators for Damon I think..
TELLEM said on 8/Dec/08
exactly brad, this guy's 5 freakin 8
Dural said on 8/Dec/08
RisingForce - minimum 2" taller than Wahlberg?

Click Here
Anonymous said on 8/Dec/08
If you leave out the ratio and act on your gut feeling i can't imagine anyone seeing him at 5.8, maybe the constant comparison to other celebrity's on photo's and the assuming of him wearing lifts etc. etc. and maybe a deep down wish for these people not to be taller then you might be able to get to 5.8
Is it realistic? i don't think so.
I'd say 5ft9,5 for damon.
Neil said on 8/Dec/08
Damon and Affleck
Click Here
RisingForce said on 7/Dec/08
Brad says on 7/Dec/08
Damon at 5' 10" plus common Hollywood 2" added customs puts him at 6'. He's never that in any motion picture: he's always looking the short guy. Look at him with Cheadle for god's sake.

Look at him with Pitt for god's sake!
Click Here
Click Here

both are 5-10 and wearing suspicious footwear. Matt is NO more likely to have lifts than Pitt. Pitt is more of a proven lift wearer.

Look at him with Mark Wahlberg for god's sake
Click Here

Matt seems to have NO footwear advantage in fact Mark may have a footwear advantage and Matt is a minimum 2" taller. Mark is around 5-8 maybe a bit shorter. Figure it out.
Complex said on 7/Dec/08
Nice pics neil, cept Damon has some nice sized boots in both of them. I've seen rounders and if you watch the movie, you definately notice a difference between the too. Common sense says Damon is 5'9 maximum and falls in the 5'8 range, he only looks 5'10 in lifts, if he were 5'10 barefoot, he should look 6'0 in lifts which there is no way Damon ever nears 6'0!! 5'8 ish I give Damon. And anonymous it's not pessimistic judgements it's practical judgements! Open your eyes, he's shorter than 5'9ish Kinnear! And originally in Ocean's 11 was a tad shorter than Garcia! Pre-lift era I assume! And next to Will Smith, 5'10 is super generous!
Brad said on 7/Dec/08
Damon at 5' 10" plus common Hollywood 2" added customs puts him at 6'. He's never that in any motion picture: he's always looking the short guy. Look at him with Cheadle for god's sake.
Anonymous said on 7/Dec/08
he aint 5.8
just some common sense could explain that. maybe not a full 5.10 but definitly over 5.9
what pessimistic judgements around here.
Neil said on 7/Dec/08
Rounders photos

with Norton
Click Here
with Norton, Gretchen Mol, Melina Kanakaredes
Click Here
Complex said on 6/Dec/08
What's strange is Cheadle is prolly around 5'6.5-5'7 and in Ocean's Eleven there was a max difference of 3 inches between him and Pitt & that's assuming Pitt's footwear was normal.
RisingForce said on 6/Dec/08
What about the full body shot pictures of Damon and Pitt looking the same height where they're both in suspicious footwear. Damon's posture seems worse too. The camera angle is perfect as well.
TELLEM said on 6/Dec/08
Mr. R also pegged don cheadle at 5'6.5.
Complex said on 5/Dec/08
lol she'd prolly say he's 6'0 brad in defense of her son, but I really do think 5'7 Cheadle, I'ma still one of Viper's sayings for this next quote:
"Damon at 5'10 (or almost 5'10) is the ultimate pipe dream"!!!

Damon usually looks 5'10 in lifts, if he were 5'10 flat barefoot, he would look 6'0 in lifts, DAMON NEVER LOOKS 6'0 IN ANY FOOTWEAR!!!!!!!!!!

He's in the 5'8 range, he's not even 5'9 in the morning.

I think alot here would agree that these "MILLION DOLLAR MEN" can afford custom shoes and naturally would buy them to increase their height because they are in fact Million Dollar Men!

Most of them stay in their lifts most of the time but occasionally pictures surface showing them to be smaller, hence Pitt-Paltrow Pitt-Norton, Damon-Wahlberg, Timberlake-Walker-Tyrese, Beckham-Latifa, These are all pics I've posted showing a possible downgrade for some of these celebs, damon @ almost 5'10 or a flat 5'10 makes me laugh!! If he's 5'10 in the evening then in the morning he must be a little over 5'10.5, this is hysterical that in the morning Damon would be close to 5'11, there's just no way possible and I repeat again, DAMON IS SHORTER THAN GREG KINNEAR (5'9)!!! 5'8 range for Damon, 5'8 flat, not suprising!
Brad said on 5/Dec/08
Complex is correct. Ibid Tellum. Notorious chunky footwear & custom lifts for a 250 million dollar man. I see Cheadle's mama at my post office but I don't want to bother her, I should ask. She's tiny.
Clay said on 4/Dec/08
Cheadle is 5'8. Damon is 5'9.5. FFS.
Complex said on 4/Dec/08
That was me that posted that one about the phoenix quote, I always forget to post my name, haha! But yup tellem, I think that's right on the money. 5'7 cheadle, 5'8ish damon. I could see that, I really think those are accurate too!
TELLEM said on 3/Dec/08
exactly, even joaquin phoenix stated his height at 5'7...which makes damon in the 5'8 range with that pic i posted...and that was back in 2001
Anonymous said on 2/Dec/08
Cheadle is 5'7, just ask J.Phoenix. & in that pic with cheadle damon looks 5'8, 5'8.5 max! Damon after all has camera advantage, 5'9 is the ABSOLUTE most I could buy for Damon and that's in the morning, I used to lean more towards a legit 5'9 but never 5'10 but now i'm skeptical, he's a lift wearer and hits 5'10 in lifts which says he's 5'8ish barefoot! He's shorter than 5'9ish Kinnear!
Leung said on 2/Dec/08
Yes Damon has stated 5
Clay said on 2/Dec/08
Damon - 5'9.5

Wahlberg - 5'8
RisingForce said on 2/Dec/08
I believe 5-10 for him but not 5-11.
Viper said on 2/Dec/08
Ive heard Damon say hes 5-10 on Jay Leno.
just me said on 2/Dec/08
In The Bourne Ultimatun extras somebody says he's something like 180 cm tall so..
glenn said on 2/Dec/08
don cheadle i 5-8,5-8.5.
RisingForce said on 2/Dec/08
When did Damon claim 5'10"? I've never seen a claim by Damon himself. He's usually listed at 5'10" or 5'11" but I think he's 5'10".
Complex said on 1/Dec/08
I agree Viper!!!!!!!!!
Click Here
Factor in Damon wore lifts in the departed to hit his claimed "5'10"
He's in the 5'8 range, i'd put money on it!
TELLEM said on 1/Dec/08
and only 1 inch shorter than 5'7 don cheadle Click Here

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.