Aphrodite said on 10/May/07
Tom Jones is a legitimate 5'10" and Elvis is clearly taller than him by 2 inches in these pictures:
Click Here
Click Here
Aphrodite said on 10/May/07
To Anonymous,
Elvis was officially measured 6'0.5" in bare foot while in Army. So your estimation is completely wrong by just estimating pictures. lol!
vandam said on 30/Apr/07
The shredder: well the heights here are estimate measurements of them barefoot
so the 5'11" ish is a rough estimate ,ya probably in boots he was 6'o5" and 6'2" well thats was his stage boots in the 70's that could of made him that tall .
the shredder said on 30/Apr/07
Could be vandam ! ... I don't get why Rob puts Elvis under the 6 ft 1/2 , but still keeps Dean 5 ft 7 1/2 and 5'8 ! ... Dean always had boots on .
Some that is ridiculous is that I saw 5'10 listings for Dean , and 6'2 listings for Elvis ... LOL ... NEVER
Ramiro said on 30/Apr/07
All who knew Elvis say unanimously this: Elvis was the most humble and non conceited person ever known by them. When the gossip about Elvis wearing lifts raised in Hollywood he laughed about with his entourage because that statement was completely false and ridiculous, just the kind of thing that he would never do. It was very common in the seventies and even in the sixties, especially in the show business but not exclusively, to wear high heeled footwear; Elvis was just one more to do that, and above all he did it when on stage (I almost never have seen boots with little heel, so if you wear boots you almost surely are wearing high heels). If Elvis lived today he'd laugh a lot with this discussion and he'd put a post saying that he was 5'6'', believe me. Anonymous, I respect your opinion but if something is unquestionable is that Elvis was well over 5'10''.
leonari said on 30/Apr/07
Dean was 5'7" ,Elvis 6 feet.
vandam said on 30/Apr/07
you are pretty close on the money THE shredder !!
the shredder said on 29/Apr/07
I would buy Elvis being 6 ft 1/2 before James Dean being 5'7 ft 1/2 ! ... If both those heights were taking in boots , then Elvis was about 5'11.5 and James Dean about 5'6.5 ?
TJ said on 29/Apr/07
You are 100% wrong then Anonymous. To say Elvis was 5'10 is frankly laughable. If Elvis was 5'10, Bill Haley was 5'8.5 or so, Dean Martin was 5'9, Frank Sinatra was 5'6, Johnny Cash was 5'11 tops, etc etc. Elvis was 6ft or just possibly a hair under.
Anonymous said on 28/Apr/07
I think Elvis's true height was only 5'10! in that picture in the 1960s with Lee Majors, it shows how short he was. Lee Majors was probably 5'10.5 peak height and now about 5'10. Elvis was
Obsessed With Height and wanted to be taller. He did wear high heeled boots and maybe lifts to add to his height. I am 100% certain the King was 5'10 barefoot.
vandam said on 21/Apr/07
by the way i will never shut up !
vandam said on 21/Apr/07
aphrodite : for someone to choose a name like yours , must think very highly of herself or himself dont know but to come on a site like this and call people names and bring nothing on the table to prove your point thats ignorant at the lowest level specially the pics you chose and the editing of the Ali pic my god you have no brain , and specially that this site tolerates this kind of posting makes wonder about the credibilaty of this site !!! I said what i had to say
Aphrodite said on 20/Apr/07
You are all wasting your time with this ignorant and egoistic vandam,lol! The whole world knows that Elvis is a 6 footer guy.
vandam = ignorant fool so you better shut up!
vandam said on 20/Apr/07
ramiro : not saying that anybody is lying , but maybe just avoiding the hole story . and I aint calling nobody dishonest . I know what i know thats all
Ramiro said on 20/Apr/07
Graceland Archives of EPE have the last and official word on Elvis' topics. They confirmed to me other things about Elvis that didn't add bright to him, they didn't hide them, they tell what they know about Elvis and height wouldn't be that serious matter to lie about. Graceland Archives say that the so called lifts were only insoles with less than 0.5'' that added no height with feet over them; the only thing that added height was the heels and sometimes he wore 1.5 to 2'' heels on stage, that would put some extra height (they have Elvis' footwear to look and all the data about him). You are saying that EPE would lie to upgrade Elvis'image and then you say that the ones who said that Elvis wore lifts are saying the truth; what makes you think that these persons are more honest than EPE? And why couldn't they be simply wrong or calling "lifts" something that wasn't?
vandam said on 20/Apr/07
But roamiro and TJ I do get your point about the picture thing , it can be really arguable ! if he was only alive we could ask him lol :)
Ramiro said on 20/Apr/07
Of course we can argue but with the upmost respect. This forum is a good chance to learn things, to get fun and to meet people around the globe. And when all's said and done we are discussing only about a non important thing. It's only that I always thought that there would be little controversy about a thing so clearly stated as Elvis' height, but then I realized that the controversy was huge and tried to put my point and to make clear what I think that is the truth about Elvis' height. I think that if Elvis was measured scientifically in the army (and he was) and if his height was stated as 6' then it shows that Elvis was surely somewhere very close to that figure (if we assume that it was rounded). Could the army measurement have been erroneous? Yes, it could, but it's very unlikely and if so it's a lot more realistic an error consisting of measuring him less height than real and not vice versa. Also, the appreciation made by human eye is 100% unaccurate so it can not compete with the anthropometrical one. I'm just waiting for the army records that I requested to see if there is any clarification (I'm starting to get nervous because they charged my credit card but the days pass and the documents do not arrive). I don't know if Sinatra wore lifts, Elvis doesn't. And in the hypothetical case that both wore them they would be equalized. The pic of them that shows Aphrodite is from the "Welcome back Home Elvis" TV special in 1960. Again depending on the angle, position of bodies and a lot of visual effects the difference between persons changes, but it's clear that Elvis was taller than Sinatra by a great difference, even with Sinatra wearing lifts.
TJ said on 19/Apr/07
Well the top of Elvis' head is above Ali's eyebrow, and Ali has his head back and looks to be standing straighter, so not sure how your point about you and your friend matches up. My point in the previous post is that we can't always trust what we see in pics. Just as one Elvis and Hayley pic suggests Elvis was 3 inches taller, another suggests he was an inch taller. Just as that Ali pic suggests Ali was a strong 3 inches taller, another might suggest something entirely different. It's daft to make a big deal out of one pic where we can't even see below either guy's waist or tell if one is slouching etc. Incidentally, I don't think Elvis was trule any taller against Haley on the day the second pic was taken. It's likely just the angle of the photo and that Haley is slouching more.
vandam said on 19/Apr/07
And Aphrodite your lackness of inteligence offends the name your using and what it stands for !
I did the experience and took a pic of a guy that is 6'4" and the gym and i'm 5'11" and we are wearing same type of shoes and the top of my head is at the same level of the lower part of his nose ! so do the Math . Ali 6'2 or 6'2.5" and elvis suposutly 6' , makes no sense . and Ali does not have his arm on him it is touching his back not pushing him down ! and not because the guy was thick and had muscles that he looked taller , it is the other way around
vandam said on 19/Apr/07
Aphrodite : go eat your cornflakes so you can calm down , and maybe make you grow taller to !! and to start calling others names just proves that your not to much of a smart guy , i've been arguing with Ramiro and i never called him any names :0) what a joke .and your pic of Ali and elvis your played around with jesus you are desperate my friend, your are blinded by your obsession with elvis . i can have 20 people looking at this pic and will tell you other wise and i have 100 more to show but it is a waste of time . but you can argue all you like Aphrodite( dont know why you would pic a name like that but who care ) the height you see up there is is height deal with it
and your pics you are showing of sinatra is worth crap cause both of them were known to wear lifts ! i have many of them where the difference is not that much , some with dean martin that is almost same height . and theres one of Lee Majors that claimed he was 6' and was not was 5 11 and elvis was standing right next to him , so sorry . still not proving nothing .
Ramiro maybe we argue but all for fun I respect every opinion you bring on the table , this is the purpose of this site but it is obvious that some here cant take it .
Ramiro said on 19/Apr/07
Also, the immense heftiness of Ali contributes to make him look bigger in all senses.
Aphrodite said on 19/Apr/07
Frank Sinatra is 5'7 1/2" and Elvis clearly towered and 5" inches taller than Sinatra in this picture!
Click Here
Aphrodite said on 19/Apr/07
In this picture Ali looks only 2 inches taller than Elvis. This is the same picture vandam is always showing lol!
Click Here
Aphrodite said on 19/Apr/07
I think you guys are wasting your time with this egoistical vandam! The pic Elvis with Ali he is always showing is not accurate. Ali's body was so straight, his chin was high up and the fact he put his arm on Elvis shoulder looks him so tall besides Elvis, Ali could have also raised his heels a little bit because he was cheered-up. Elvis was leaning a little in that picture, while Ali was all straight and chin-up.
vandam is a pathetic, egoistical guy lol!
Ramiro said on 19/Apr/07
Vandam, Elvis has literally millions of photographs beside other persons to compare with. The two pics that we know he has with Ali are amongst the less appropriate to state his height because of the position of both bodies; Elvis loses a lot more height than Ali due to that. This leaving aside that we can not accurately state someone's height looking at pics and that many times 1 inch looks quite more to our eyes when looking at the persons than when looking at a rule with inches marked. Elvis, in the worst of the cases, was 5'11 3/4'' and this is virtually 6', there's imposible for the human eye to catch a difference of 0,63 cm between persons. When comparing Elvis with Ali (hotel's pic) we are comparing one person stretched to the maximum, with the highest martial position, to another relaxed and even somewhat slouched. And yes, when somebody puts his arm over you, you tend to be less straight than the other person. We don't have to ask ourselves for the real Elvis' height when looking at him beside others, we have to ask ourselves for the real height of the others, because Elvis' height is unquestionably known, he was somewhere very close to 6', up or down.
Jason said on 19/Apr/07
Vandam, I actually dunno how tall Elvis was exactly lol - in fact I've never posted on this page before until now - I was just pointing out about Ali's height. Ali looks mighty tall in that pic with Elvis, though...
vandam said on 18/Apr/07
TJ : i made long research on Bill Haleys height no where it says he was 5 11
and the army pic it is obvious he is wearing high footwear ! cause it is a known fact that vernon was taller than elvis and every pic of elvis that you see in his army dayshe is taller and if you look at him before the army there is a remaqueable difference ! i show the ali pic M TJ cause it the most accurate one that we have where we know the persons height next to him and are both standing straight to each other . elvis was not over 6 it was obvious close to it like i said millions of time the height you up there is accurate
Ramiro said on 18/Apr/07
An error again, at the end of my last post I wanted to say 5'11 3/4''+, I forgot 11 inches.
Ramiro said on 18/Apr/07
Great comments TJ. Pics, footage and personal appreciations are very unaccurate, only offer us an approximate height for a person who hasn't his height scientifically measured. This is not the case of Elvis; army records say that he was 6' or 6'0.5''. There is even information about a measurement at 6'1 3/4'' (issue) that was confirmed by Graceland Archives and Joe Esposito and that would be with army footwear. I've consulted U.S. army methods to take heights and they round heights to the NEAREST QUARTER OF INCH. That means that in the worst of the cases Elvis was measured at 5' 3/4''+ (virtually 6'). There is no way for less height for Elvis.
TJ said on 18/Apr/07
To further illustrate the point about pics not necessarily telling the full story, check this other pic of Elvis with Haley:
Click Here
Well Elvis looks a solid 6'2 in that one, which he wasn't of course. But both appear to be standing up straight don't they? For whatever reason, the pic makes the height difference look greater than it really was, and that's the nature of pictures.
TJ said on 18/Apr/07
Vandam, you keep using only the Ali pic to make your point. Pics can be and often are misleading. As I've said, for every pic where Elvis could be a little under 6ft, there is one where he can look a solid 6ft or more. How about this pic with 5'11 Bill Haley:
Click Here
Shall we go on and on about how Elvis can't possibly be below 6ft in that pic? No, because it's just one pic and pics can be misleading.
vandam said on 17/Apr/07
Jason : ok then jason look at the pic with ali and elvis tell me do you find that elvis like a solid 6' guy ????
Click Here
Jason said on 17/Apr/07
Ali was 6'2 1/2'' if you want to be exact.
vandam said on 17/Apr/07
aphrodite : i think if someone as no clue would be you , you make me laugh with your assumptions of Ali : maybe he had this up and had this in his shoes ..... or had cornfalkes before meeting elvis and was the reason why his arm was so heavy and was pushing on elvis ......you and ramiro make a good team lol. ok ok ok elvis was 7 feet tall !! sorry this insane
Ramiro said on 17/Apr/07
And she was quite exact TheJerk, congratulations. Vandam, I'm the only one here supporting what is documented about Elvis: Elvis' army records say nothing under 6' for his height, and all official sources say that. I'm the person here who assumes less, even nothing; I use the official data and there is no need to have them in my home. We have access to very few original documents and, as consequence, to know the immense majority of the data we have to do it through the experts and specialists who can have access to them. Anyway, I'm now waiting for Elvis' army records that I requested to N.A.R.A. (I paid not little money for them) and I hope that they could clarify the situation to people who have to touch the moon to believe in its existence. People's estimations about someone's height have very little value and are distorted by many factors (it's the same if they say that Elvis was 6'2'' or 5'11'') and pics and footage have similar problems: I talked before about Zidane and Ronaldo; there are pics where Zidane is clearly taller than Ronaldo, others where Zidane is taller by very little margin and even several ones where Ronaldo looks taller than Zidane (Ronaldo is 183 cm tall and Zidane 185 cm tall). This situation happens with all people when we see their pics and footage. There is only one scientifical anthropometric method accepted by doctors and specialists on anthropometric measurements and the probabilities of error are siderally lesser than the ones with other rough methods, where you have almost 100% of probabilities to be unaccurate.
vandam said on 16/Apr/07
again you are judging people ability to estimates someones height nothing scientific about it ! i could gone on and on about but it is a waste of time . you talk about official this and that but bring nothing on the table to support your theories . you assume all the way on everything . makes no sense
TheJerk said on 16/Apr/07
She met him in 77' or 76', her last year in high school. Wasn't that his heyday? She told me it is hard for her to pinpoint exactly how tall he was, but that he was 6-2 to 6-3.
Aphrodite said on 16/Apr/07
Tom Jones is a legitimate 5'10" and Elvis was clearly taller than Tom Jones by 2 inches.
Aphrodite said on 16/Apr/07
In that picture Elvis with Ali. Ali was clearly all chin-up and Ali might had raised his toe because he was cheering up in that picture, while Elvis was leaning a little bit. It's really hard to tell because they didn't show their feet. One thing for sure, Elvis was a legitimate 6'0".
vandam has no clue at all.
Aphrodite said on 16/Apr/07
In that picture Elvis with Ali. Ali was clearly all chin-up and Ali might had raised his toe because he was cheering up in that picture, while Elvis was leaning a little bit. It's really hard to tell because they didn't show their feet. One thing for sure, Elvis was a legitimate 6'0".
Ramiro said on 16/Apr/07
All sources say 6'3'' for Ali and it looks like if they were talking about a height scientifically and medically measured. Of course I believe more in that than in a personal rough appreciation. Still, if you mark a distance in a table, it looks a lot shorter than when you look at two persons with that difference in height. I just met Dudu Aouate (goalkeeper of my hometown football team) who is 188 cm and he totally towered over me making me look like a dwarf. I'm 176+ cm tall; the difference is 12 cm, it's remarkable but only when you look at the persons one beside the other. When you look at the distance marking it on the table it looks shorter. Even looking at the pics of Elvis with Ali, and taking into consideration the different position of bodies that gives advantage to Ali, it makes sense to say that Elvis was somewhere around 6' tall. TheJerk, when did your mother met Ali? He shrunk a lot since his heyday. Well, just remember that we are now discussing only on 1/4 to 3/4 of an inch. What the hell is a difference between 5'11 3/4'' and 6'?? It's virtually the same. And if you are being measured in the army you surely are straight to the maximum and why not to reach the 6'0.5'' mark? Even if you reach the 6'0.25'' mark it would be rounded to 6'0.5''. And yes, Elvis loved and used to be barefooted when in his hotel's bedroom. I don't imagine Elvis saying: "Ali is coming, I'm going to put on my shoes"; when all's said and done, Ali is almost nude in the second pic, he is dressed as boxer.
TheJerk said on 14/Apr/07
My mom met Ali, she told me he looked 6-3. He also apparently hit on her as well. Very true. She tends to overetimate heights, however she thinks I'm 6-0, but I'm 5-11 all day - after the first few hours. As far as Elvis? I don't know if lifts were nearly as popular back in the day, but he'd of worn them at some point, that much is so. I would'nt rule out 5-11 with the weight gain, especially.
vandam said on 13/Apr/07
Ramiro: thats makes no sense , that no proof of nothing about being barefooted
he was infront of cameras and journalists you think he would be barefoot
specially in front of Ali , you wore freaken shoes in the Dojo when doing karate sometimes (not all the time ) and it is known thats stats on height of pro athlete are not always accurate , mike Tyson is an example. And look at Brad Pitt everyone thinks he is over 6 feet and says on is "OFFICIAL" web site and he is not . I think the Ali pics proves a good point and you just cant admit it.
Ramiro said on 13/Apr/07
Anyway, Ronaldo, the famous football (soccer) player, is 183 cm tall (according to medical examinations) and I've seen several photos of him with Zidane (another famous football player), who is 185 cm tall and the difference between them is clear and not little as one would expect for only 2 cm. So it depends on the photo and perhaps what we think that is a little difference looks bigger to our eyes. By the way, those who knew Elvis well say that he loved and used to be barefooted when in his hotel's bedroom. The pic with Ali is there.
Ramiro said on 13/Apr/07
Yes, Elvis looks clearly shorter than Ali on the last photo, Vandam. But you can appreciate that the difference is not as great than the one we can see on the previous photo with Ali puting his arm over Elvis, and Elvis has his legs clearly opened and flexed. Elvis loses more height due to the position of the body than Ali on this photo. Regarding Ali's height, all sources I've consulted say 6'3'' for him, I don't know what Dundee said but if all sources say one thing I suppose that they are based on medical exams and perhaps (only perhaps) Dundee is wrong or he is refering to Ali's height when he started to shrink. Bill Belew was very close to Elvis too and said a lot of different heights for him, why not Dundee? I've seen another photo of Ali with Vernon Presley (as I said before) and they were not so far in height. Vernon, in the time of the photo (the seventies) looked about the same height as Elvis. I insist, pictures does not show us an accurate measurement of heights. If you look at the photo you provide in the link below (a more clear and with colour photo) the difference even looks lesser.
Click Here
vandam said on 12/Apr/07
Click Here
this the pic you were talking about again looks alot smaller for a suppose over sixer guy !!!!
vandam said on 12/Apr/07
ok then is long time trainer Angello Dundee is lyer , this site as no idea what they are talking about , and all my contacts need glasses cause Mister Ramiro says so ! you are to focuse on what is written on paper my dear friend . what is on paper does not equal reality !
Ramiro said on 12/Apr/07
Muhammad Ali was 6'3''. This is his official height taken scientifically many times during his sports days. Vandam, the photo you mention shows Ali almost flying over Elvis, stretched to the maximum, with his arm over Elvis' shoulder and I'd like to see the position of legs and the floor that we don't see. Elvis is almost flattened by Ali and he is even slouching. There is another photo that shows Ali with Elvis pretending a fight where, despite they weren't straight, the difference of heights between them isn't that great. There is also a photo of Ali and Vernon Presley where you can come to the conclusion that the real difference between Elvis and Ali is not as great as we can see in the photo you provide. Still, there is a good difference between 6'3'' and around 6', don't you know? Vandam, I bet that the wardrobe measurements of height were only rough appreciations and they depended a lot of the man or woman who did them and the moment of this appreciation. I repeat, taylors don't take total height to make clothes (my father was taylor), and Bill Belew, the taylor who made Elvis' jumpsuits, gave us not less that 5 Elvis' heights, and the majority of them were 6' and over. Remember again that is sure that Elvis wasn't as straight when measured by taylors than when measured in the army. For your information: I consulted my credit card statement and the N.A.R.A. has charged the taxes, so I'm now waiting only for the documents via mail.
vandam said on 12/Apr/07
TJ: Angello Dundee Ali trainer , stated many times , and commented in a book that he was 6 feet 2 inches . so on this pic elvis looks closer to 5 feet 11 if you compare shoulders and were the eyes goes to (mouth or chin maybe) does not look 6 feet at all here
TJ said on 12/Apr/07
vandam. If Ali's head is down, Elvis' eyes come to about the centre of Ali's mouth, making him 2.5 to 3 inches shorter than Ali. Ali was likely 6.2.5 in his prime though, not 6'2. But note Ali has his arm around Elvis, which can have the effect of pushing the person down a little and of course we know nothing of their shoes. But yes, that pic does suggest Elvis was below 6ft. There are also plenty that suggest he was above 6ft, so it's interesting but not ultimately conclusive. As for the comment about Elvis being shorter for some wardrobe measurements than others - why not? People shrink half an inch or more during the course of a day. It's perfectly feasible that some wardrobe measurements were right at the start of the day and placed him at 6ft, while some were taken later and had him at 5'11.75. The army measurement should also by rights have had him shorter than his maximum height as the guy didn't even go to bed the night before.
vandam said on 10/Apr/07
in this pic Ali as per this site is 6'2" in his prime look at elvis you gonna tell me he is over 6'
Click Here
vandam said on 10/Apr/07
and how could the wardrobe measurements go from 5 11 3/4 to 6'0" , he grew somedays and was shorter others , thats because they were rounded up !!! and theres was never mention of being over 6' , im 5'11" and alot of people think i'm 6' .
no offence Rammiro , instead of your smart remarks concerning the moon and NASA show us the proof IF you have some till then 5 11 3/4 !!!!
Ramiro said on 10/Apr/07
Vandam, I've never said that I have the official papers, I said, and say, that I asked the N.A.R.A. of the U.S.A. for information about Elvis' army files containing his exact height as measured in the army and they answered to me that they have 205 pages of files and they would send them to me if I paid some taxes. I've sent my credit card data to them to pay taxes and I'm now waiting for the documents if everything works well. As soon as I receive them I'll provide to this site. There are many people who say that Elvis was 6' or above and even saw him barefeet and were a lot more close to him and more time than anyone. Do you believe more in personal rough appreciations than in a medical exam?? That's your problem; you can now look at the moon and say that the N.A.S.A. is wrong in their calculations of distance between earth and moon. The wardrobe measurements from Hollywood you mention, if we assume that the ones Dan Calderaro has are originals, because Graceland Archives of EPE showed that Dan lied here, stated Elvis' height sometimes at 5'11 3/4'' and sometimes at 6'. Also, tailors don't take total height to make clothes and surely they were only rough appreciations on a man who wasn't as straight as he was on army measurements. Bill Belew, the man who made Elvis' jumpsuits, gave a lot of different heights for Elvis, and the majority of them were over 6' and again rough appreciations with the same problems I mentioned regarding Hollywood. If you don't believe in army measurements you should believe a lot less in Hollywood's wardrobe ones.
vandam said on 7/Apr/07
PM: the difference is alot of people saying he was 5 11 34 are people that actually met him or know people that met him , and there are documents stating that he is that height ( wardrobe measurements in hollywood and jumpsuits measurements) Ramiro here states that he as the official papers but we are still waiting and anyway as per lots of comments here the army rounds up height measurement and many more other celeb were measured in the army were suppose to be at a certain height and was not true . so can we really trust those papers , personnally i dont think so !
PM said on 5/Apr/07
Someone here said Elvis's height was 5'11 3/4" and it was a certainty-the Army says 6'0 in bare feet-I take that as the certainty.
Ramiro said on 22/Mar/07
I've received answer from the National Personnel Records Center of the U.S.A. They have 205 pages of Elvis' army records for me. I just have sent the "Order For Archival Record Reproduction Services" that they sent to me and the payment, so I'm now waiting for Elvis' army records to see and to share with all of you. Let's wait.
Aphrodite, thank you for your support, you are correct. Photographs give us an approximate estimation of height but they aren't scientifical proof because there are a lot of factors that distort what we see on them (position of bodies, ground or floor, footwear, visual effects, perspective, and a lot more...) There are even shots made immediately one after another where we can see one man looking taller than another and then vice versa. If we don't have another thing we have to use the pics and footage to roughly appreciate height, but in the case of Elvis this is not necessary because he was scientifically measured in the army by medical team.
Aphrodite said on 16/Mar/07
These are pictures of Elvis Presley together with Frank Sinatra. You have listed Frank Sinatra's height 5' 7 1/2" while Elvis Presley's height 5'11 3/4". These pictures show Elvis is clearly taller than Sinatra by 5 inches so Elvis is 6'0" and above!
Click Here
Click Here
Aphrodite said on 16/Mar/07
Elvis is 6 foot flat and that is considered very tall if you will compare to average person's height. But I was surprised the moderator here put him "only" 5'11.75"?
Ramiro said on 22/Jan/07
Sorry, I wanted to say 6'1.75'' with boots, not 6'0.75''. I'm starting to lose my eyes with all these numbers :-)
Ramiro said on 22/Jan/07
When we say that Elvis was measured in bare feet at 6'0.5'' we also say that there is another measurement with army boots at 6'0.75''. You can or can not be measured with boots in the army, but you'll surely be measured in bare feet. There are other pics with Elvis being measured in bare feet and I recently saw a picture where his height is being measured, and it is completely different from the one we can see here at the top; even the stadiometer is completely different and more like the ones we can regularly see. Vandam, I understand what you say, but then you have to admit that the caption of the picture above says:"Singer/Army Pvt. Elvis Presley clad only in his skivvies as he stands on scale while Army doctor measures his height at 6 1/2". It says that Elvis is only in his skivvies, does not say anything about wearing boots, so it's very likely that the caption refers to Elvis' measurement in bare feet and not to the pic we see. Also, the date of the pic would be march 24 and not march 26 as we see below, because on march 26 Elvis was at Fort Chaffee, Arkansas, and there he was processed and measured too. It looks like there are mixed data in all the caption below the pic. If we want proves, well, EPE says that army records say 6'0.5'' or 6' for Elvis in bare feet and nothing has been proved about the 5'11.75'' figure, absolutely nothing. Rob used it as an estimation, but then he even doesn't dare to say that 6'0.5'' was with boots, he only says that there is a picture showing Elvis being measured with boots on. A thing is very clear I think, Elvis was surely somewhere around 6'.
Mike said on 21/Jan/07
Does this mean that if Elvis was 5 11 3/4" the army boots only had a heel 3/4" high in order to make Elvis 6ft 1/2" in boots!!!.The entry mentioning 6ft 1 3/4" in boots seems far more believable especially as photos exist of Elvis having photos without boots during his medical.
vandam said on 19/Jan/07
carl: read what the editor wrote : 6.05 official army measurements and he had his boots on ,look at the pic , what else do you need ! nobody else here came up with any other proof to say otherwise !! kind regards
Carl said on 19/Jan/07
Elvis should be put back upto 6ft as there is too much evidence to support this height and only a few who say otherwise, facts speaker louder than words! Kind Regards Carl............
Ramiro said on 16/Jan/07
I've been watching again Elvis' measurement photo through PhotoEditor, making some improvements to see it better, and there are some interesting things. Elvis seems to wear some kind of boots totally different of the footwear that the black man waiting behind him is wearing (they seem to be shoes). Also, Elvis is holding what appears to be a bag that I suppose contains his own shoes. The black man waiting behind him also holds something in his right hand, and it seems to be either the same bag that Elvis has or the boots he had to wear to be measured the same way Elvis is measured. And then, you have to look to the black man's look, he is looking to somewhere with fear, as if some sergeant were saying to him:"Hurry up, put on the boots!!". In my own computer I could see more details, the image on screen was less dark than the one I see here and I could even lighten it. On the site this photo comes from, there are at least another pic where Elvis is being measured in bare feet to take other physical data. His height was measured too in bare feet and his weight should be measured in bare feet too, if not it wouldn't be accurate. Rob, I've been searching through internet and found a different edition of the book "The King" with more pages than the one in standard edition. I wonder if this edition has Elvis' Report for Transfer Or Discharge that states his height with and without boots. I found both editions in german at Amazon.de and one has 192 pages while the other have 159. Perhaps it happened the same with the english edition. Also, it's true that Joe Esposito (Elvis' friend at the time of Elvis'army years) has an internet site
Click Here where you can ask him questions. The problem to me is that he give the answers through audio and I don't have audio in this computer and given my poor spoken/heard english I doubt I could understand him well. If someone wants to do that, it could be clarifying. I've sent to U.S. military administration a request for information regarding Elvis' height measurement at the army, I hope they answer to me something. But by now I think that the more reliable and official source is EPE. Also, I did a research through U.S. military rules to measure height and weight and it looks like they round heights to the nearest quarter of an inch.
Ramiro said on 15/Jan/07
Well, then you would have to change the explanation at the top of the page Rob, because you have no reason to say that Elvis was measured in the army at 6'0.5'' with boots, to the contrary, that measurement has been provided for Elvis in bare feet. If you don't give credibility to it then you'd have to delete it without giving it another interpretation without any proof. I think that the more reasonable thing is to maintain at least the 6' figure; it is the only one that has always been provided by official sources according to the army data. If someone proves another thing then it will be the moment to do the change, but not before.

Editor Rob
Don Cravens was one person present taking the photo of Elvis being measured and that the info supplied shows him in boots. I asked Time and they said the blurb is supplied by the photographer at the time.
Ramiro said on 11/Jan/07
Rob, I've not insulted nobody. You have access to information that I don't have regarding this site, but I still don't find any reason to downgrade Elvis' height. Whatever Tiger did, it does not deny the fact of Elvis being 6' in rounded numbers, and 6'0.5'' according to the army records, as Graceland Archives of EPE confirmed on a previous answer to my question. Rob, what do you have to say about EPE denying what Dan said here? You gave him credibility and changed Elvis' height, but it seems that he wasn't telling all the truth, don't you think? And he did not showed us the documents with poor reasons to do that.

Editor Rob
I give nobody credibility - Dan's never shown any documents on the subject of Elvis.
I give Elvis a mark which people can believe is either evening or morning...
TJ said on 10/Jan/07
To me it seems that Elvis has been downgraded with pretty flimsy evidence. Why has more credibility been given to hearsay than what is recorded in official documents? Yes, some close to him think he was a little under 6ft, but equally many close to him think he was dead on or a little over. So just wondering Rob, after the months of debate, what was it that made you decide to take off the half inch?
Ramiro said on 10/Jan/07
Sorry, I wanted to say 5'11 3/4'' instead of 5'11 1/2'' when I said that there is not a single army record that states Elvis' height at that level.
Ramiro said on 10/Jan/07
Graceland Archives sent an email to me (and I posted it here and re-sent it to Rob) where they confirmed that the army records stated 6'0.5''. They said that used to round it down to 6', as other army records do. The one who answered to me at that time, obviously, did a more deep research than the other because myself admitted in my question that I asked them before about this topic and he could see our (for him) nonsense discussion here. What is clear is that there isn't a single army record that state Elvis' height under 6', so there is not any army document that states Elvis' height at 5'11 1/2''. If you watch someone you can figure out an approximate height but you can not be sure of being 100% correct and we are discussing here about a very little difference, so I think that the stadiometer has something more scientifical to say. Furthermore, there are a lot of factors that distort the simple appreciation of the eye and it looks like the doctors choose to use the stadiometer instead of only seeing the person, don't you think? Regarding the form filled by Elvis you talk about, there are some possibilities: the form being a fake; Elvis not having his height properly taken (and probably rounding down it from somewhere under 6'); and perhaps Elvis did not take his height at the moment and used the one measured some time ago, or never measured himself and did a rough estimation using your method, Vandam. Who knows, myself I'm not very sure of my own height, because it has been measured many times in my house and the results have been different each time, remember that we are not pieces of steel.
vandam said on 8/Jan/07
Ramiro i think it is common sense , if your eye site cant figure out an approx height of someone standing right beside you need glasses sorry ! your graceland archive guys wrote on this site and told us that they cant even confirm if he was lower or above 6 feet . and these papers of yours contridict themselves , some say 5 11 3/4 and others 6.05feet and i found some form filled by elvis HIMSELF 1954 (a copy) stating he was 5 11 .and often gave approx . height figures on people and was 95% of the time right .
Ramiro said on 8/Jan/07
Yes Ed, and the official records, according to the response Graceland Archives sent to me some time ago say that Elvis was measured at 6'0.5'' in bare feet. Other military records like his driver's license state his height at 6', rounding down his height. There is not a single official document stating his height under 6'. Vandam, totally to the contrary you said, Elvis is one of the celebrities who has his height scientifically and officially measured, there's no need to roughly appreciate it. You can not state someone's height looking if you are at the same eye level because it's very difficult to know if that "eye level" is 100% rightly appreciated and furthermore the eyes, the mouth and everything is at different levels from one person to another. That unaccuracy is even bigger with celebrities like Elvis, because some people tend to overestimate celebrities' heights, impressed by the presence of the idol, and some tend to underestimate them, because they tend to be more skeptical about celebrities and to say "he is not that tall". The people you say that saw Elvis, saw him with shoes more than likely; the people I said that were very close to Elvis for years and say he was 6' and more, saw him with all kind of footwear and even in bare feet. One of them even wrote here (Richard M), he worked for Elvis for years and saw him in private moments in bare feet, and he says that he surely was at least 6' and very likely a little more. But I don't give too much attention to personal appreciations, specially when we have Elvis' height scientifically measured.
vandam said on 7/Jan/07
as ramiro said many times below , there is a military record , but not certain if it was rounded up or down , nothing certain , i ve done research many times on it , and i ve seen 5 11 3quarters to 6 05 so it s arguable!!
ED said on 7/Jan/07
vandam said on 5/Jan/07
you have a good point , just i dont think that theres really anything official on his height , really precise on it , for me a guy that stands in front of me and is at the same eye level , i can safely assume he is 5 11!! so the people i talked to are around that height and some knew people that were around that height and was standing close to him and elvis was not much taller or even same height ! so for me that kind of opinion id pretty good , no need for more so the height up here is pretty good , people said probably 6 feet when he was wearing his shoes , i'm easally 6' with my running shoes so you know for me case close . but i like you hahaha fun to argue with !! :)
Ramiro said on 5/Jan/07
Vandam, I've never said nothing to downgrade nobody, I fully respect everybody's opinion, to me is a pleasure being able to share opinions with all you; and I admit that I can be wrong in many things, if someone proves it I'll admit. But regarding Elvis' height, in my humble opinion, I'm only saying what the official records say, nothing more and nothing less. Personal appreciations have no scientifical value and don't forget that there are a lot of people who were very close to Elvis and say 6' and more for him. If you have to believe in all that was said about Elvis instead of going straight to the documented facts you'll become mad, because, as I said some time ago, almost everything has been said about Elvis. Nobody's personal appreciation can state Elvis' height with the same accuracy as a medical exam. The problem here is that we have no straight access to the document made at the time of Elvis' medical exam and, as a consequence, we have to go to other institutions that have the documents or at least access to them. They told us what the documents say, but some people insist in not believing them (to their surprise). Now, I'll tell you something: I'm on the point of sending to the U.S. military administration a request for information regarding this subject. I don't know if I'm authorized to receive this information, but for what I've read about there is a possibility, if not to receive a copy of the original medical exam, at least to get access to the height data. I'll tell you what I get, perhaps only the loud laughing of the U.S. government employees :-)
vandam said on 4/Jan/07
no offense there ramiro , but you seem to downgrade everybody that thinks differently than you and assume it is an obsession or a personnal issue with height or something , i just want to clear that out for ya right away , im 5 11 and 195 lbs , im a bodybuilder , i have no physical complex what so ever and i dont have vandam as a nickname for nothing , a base my comments on what i see and hear . and base on movies , actors , pics , and people that actually MET him
in person , better than any report or transcript that you can own !! so please dont assume you are absolutly correct and that everybody else here that says otherwise are complexed freaks or something and needs to get him down . not the case .
vandam said on 4/Jan/07
TJ said on 30/Dec/06
He was never 6'2 S.J. He was written up as such as early as 1955 though in promotional material. I think he was just a little over 6ft in the morning and a little under at night.
Ramiro said on 27/Dec/06
A little late to say it, but merry Christmas everybody and I hope you and yours have a very happy 2007 whatever your height :-)
vandam said on 23/Dec/06
for sure if for you Elvis was over 6 feet , thats what you believe , till someone proves you otherwise , you have the right to , i think otherwise du to discussions I had with certain people that knew him in a personal way or knew people that knew him very well and by comparing him with other people at 6 feet . does not matter really just taught was fun to see how much people still cared that much about elvis , to argue about his height .
merry x-mas and a happy new year to all the users here and the editors of this site was fun !!
Ramiro said on 22/Dec/06
I'm not the only one to put my opinion many times on this site. I just put it as many times as I see others putting theirs. Yes, poor Graceland Archives staff, they are not believed when they say the true Elvis height, the only one backed by the army records. Yes, it's a silly thing to discuss about so little difference, but I think that it is less silly if at least you use the true data. It was a big surprise to me to see that Rob changed Elvis' height at the top of the page without literally nothing (please, correct me if I'm wrong) to back that statement, while the official height backed on the army records is not believed. I'm sadly starting to think that this is only a question of "take it, obsessed Elvis' fans!". I've always said that if, at the end, someone proves that Elvis' exact height was 5'11.75'' I'd be the first to recognize it and say sorry for my insistence in the wrong way. But until now nobody nor nothing has proved that I'm wrong and Graceland Archives (although understandably tired of the controversy) backed my statements. In the Elvis' army records there is no height under 6', and even when Graceland Archives did some more deep research, after one of my questions, they confirmed that the exact height was 6'1/2'' and they use to round it down to 6'. So, in my humble opinion there is no reason to put Elvis' height under 6' at the top of this page and I have the same right to say it as others to say the contrary every time I post here.
vandam said on 20/Dec/06
M.Ramiro do you just like having your name last on this site with the last remark , you should not take it so personal , we all have our opinion as this is a forum for argumenting . It is fine you told us already you have your records about 6 times only on this page . I had my opinion in saying 5 11 3/4 did not panic because it was written 6 feet on the top of the page . and went to ask Graceland archive there opinion (again) . Thanks for letting us know (20 times ) that you have this info on elvis's height , that's really great .
POOR graceland archive researcher guy ! :)
Ramiro said on 18/Dec/06
I have to say that Graceland Archives Researcher has all the rightness here. We are discussing about a silly thing and I'm sure I have a big percentage of the blame. When I emailed Graceland Archives regarding this topic (one more time) I did it with quite shame because perhaps I'm not Einstein, but I have intelligence enough to be aware of my insistence in an insignificant question. The only important regarding Elvis, obviously, is his music and his undeniable impact in popular culture, and I agree, Elvis should be laughing out loud of me (and perhaps of some others) from heaven seeing that we are discussing for so long about 1/2 or 1/4 of an inch of his height. On the other hand, this is a site about heights and from this point of view it has some sense to discuss about heights, although this does not include to bother others who have more interesting things to do than to search for a portion of an inch through Elvis' records. Sorry, and this said, Elvis' height according to army records isn't less than 6', there is no evidence of Elvis' measurement at 5'11.75''. I'm not trying to be the new Galileo Galilei, but I think that to say the truth is not going to condemn me to hell.
Anonymous said on 16/Dec/06
Nice try.
Graceland Archives Researcher said on 15/Dec/06
Then, was 6' the only figure we have or is it a result
of rounding down 6'0.5''? Could it be possible that
Elvis were measured at 5'11.75'' and the army rounded
I am so deeply saddened by yet another email about this subject which led me to this web site where I
find that you all have spent over six months of time and energy debating this. What must Elvis be
thinking as he looks down on us at this Christmas season? How do you measure a man? By a tape
measure or by the good he does on while on this earth? Out of love and respect for Elvis, end this discussion on a 1/4" or a 1/2" one way or another and do something good for your fellowman with
your energy. Mr. Ramiro, in answer to your latest email below, we can only state what is on the documents, we can not second guess them.
it up to 6'? This is the confusion many have because
we don't know if 6' is the only figure or it is the
result of rounding down or up Elvis' exact height.
Ramiro said on 15/Dec/06
You should read what Graceland Archives of Elvis Presley Enterprises answered to me (one more time) regarding Elvis' height and Daniel Calderaro (Dan).
Dear Ramiro Sanchez,
Both Elvis' U.S. Army Driver's License (issued in 1958) and his Army
transfer papers prior
to discharge (Feb. 1960) state Elvis' height at 6 feet even. The
driver's license states
his weight as 180 pounds and the transfer document states his weight at
170 pounds, so he lost
10 pounds during his active duty.
As for Daniel Calderaro, he has contacted our department asking
questions about
our collection, however, we have not consulted him for information as
we have
more than enough resources of our own here in Elvis' and Col. Parker's
which contain over 1,000,000 documents.
The only outsider that we have consulted with was John Heath, an Elvis
memorabilia collector, who helped us to evaluate the current value of
we sold at auction in 1999. We have also worked with historian Peter
record producer Ernst Jorgensen and a very select few other authors in
on various book projects. Daniel Caderaro was not one of them.
As for seeing our documents, I'm sorry, our archives are not open to
the public.
Thank you for your devotion to and interest in Elvis Presley!
Best Regards and Merry Christmas,
Graceland Archives Researcher
Nothing more to say.
Brad said on 15/Dec/06
The return of Frank2. Rack up those balls and get the pool cue. Get him a beer and aim him to the Stallone section where the 5' 10" believers lurk. Maybe Elvis had an early version on Sly's "sandals" that put him well over 5' 11". Laughter (howls of).
TJ said on 14/Dec/06
Carl, you said said TJ/Tiger, as if we might be the same person - or maybe that's not what you meant. In any case, I'm not one of Tiger's aliases. Only ever posted as TJ or once or twice as anonymous when I forget to input my name :-) And Frank, Elvis was evidently at the very least 3/4 inch taller than you at his shortest. That said, you have mentioned that you are 5'11 with a very relaxed stance.
Carl said on 14/Dec/06
Elvis was six foot end of story, he needs to be upgraded back to six foot on this page! Carl
Frank2 said on 14/Dec/06
Unlike most of you, I saw Elvis up close on several occasions, even spoke to him. When he wore loafers with one inch heels, he and I were just about the same height and I'm 5'11". He might have been a half an inch taller, but that's about it.
Anonymous said on 14/Dec/06
First off the FBI does not investigate US Army records, unless the amount of records are abundant, and the soldiers were alive. When Elvis died, his records both official, and published are public record, and all documents relating to his military service, are no longer maintained in hard copy form. They are microfished, and the originals are destroyed. So again, please do speak beyond your depth. The records I have are orginal. I did not state that I have Elvis's complete file in original form, I do have the released documents on file, and some original copies such as his orginal measurments on induction. I am not disputing the Army records, in fact if you re-read my threads you will see that I states clearly that the US Army, did, and still does round a soldiers height to either the highest or lowest fraction of an inch. EPE has Elvis records as complete as my own. Elvis was NOT given a copy of his service record when he was discharged, nor has there ever been a request by Elvis or the Estate to provide such info. What they have is what was left when Elvis died. I am not going to debate the authentisity of my collection, or anyone elses, its a mute point. Ramiro you have clouded the issue with your logic, and not fact. The point is still the same, Elvis was 5'11 3/4 exactly on the day of his induction, not 6ft. The Army records show clearly 6ft as a result of their standard round-up. No big deal in my opinion. My issue is when some one like Ramiro comes into frame, and starts spewing info has if he has hands on experience. I have the experience, and the resume to back up my claim. I do not post my collection online, I never have, nor will I. Portions of my collection can be viewed currently in the Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame, and in the upcoming Kings Ransom Exhibit, which will include some of my ORIGNAL U.S. Army documents from Elvis's service stint. I have no problem with opinion, but when someone starts dropping names, especially of people that I know personaly, I have to set the records straight. EPE will always use the U.S. Army measurments, because it is the closest to his height. Thye do not have all of Elvis's wardrobe measurments etc, they use the most accepted measurment which is the US Army Record. I too tell people Elvis was 6ft, because who cares about 1/4 of an inch. End of story.
Brad said on 14/Dec/06
I saw him from close-up 30 years ago. He's 6'. His boots with 2" heel put him at 6' 2" onstage.
Carl said on 13/Dec/06
Elvis to be upgraded to six foot! Vote now. I for one back this, Elvis was six foot! Kind regards, Carl!
Ramiro said on 13/Dec/06
Dan, if you had official and original U.S. army record at home then they would have to have been stolen from the archives (as yourself said). Believe me, it would be better that it were fake or maybe the F.B.I. could have some questions to do.
Ramiro said on 13/Dec/06
It seems that even if the president of the United States did a press conference holding Elvis' army medical exam and saying: " Elvis was 6'0.5'' tall in barefeet" it would be said to us that until God does not say it from heaven it wouldn't be believed. On the other hand, someone says that he has one piece of paper saying that Elvis was 5'11.75'' and immediately is believed what he say to change the statement at the top of the page. With all respect, this is unfair.
Carl said on 13/Dec/06
Dan one question why don't you provide an attachment to show these documents you have! surely that would once and for all back up all your allegations as fact and not fiction! I will say that to battle over around a half an inch or less seems abit silly in my mind and you seem determined to keep Elvis's true height of six foot be proven as false! Why would or should it bother you so much in the first place if you believe what you have as valid and real proof, with the greatest of respect to you it just does not make sense, I support Ramiro and TJ/Tiger that Elvis was never anything less than six foot in barefeet, there is just much other solid evidence out there to support this fact from reliable sources! Kind Regards Carl.
Ramiro said on 13/Dec/06
You have not to be resent Dan; even if some documents you have were fake (and it could be possible), that doesn't mean that you aren't fully honest. If you provide some artifacts to EPE and others it seems that your army documents aren't amongst them or at least they don't give them any credibility because EPE mantains that Elvis was measured in the army at 6'0.5'' in bare feet. If EPE are telling lies then, tell me, are these lies including something stated in your documents? Have you provided your documents to the administrator or here to see? I believe in your honesty, but it seems so strange to change Elvis' height at the top of the page with so poor justification when the legitimate army records (according to Elvis Presley Enterprises among others and including Elvis himself) say 6'0.5''. Dan, can you say (as Rob says) that 6'0.5'' is Elvis' height with army boots? If so, the height you defend for Elvis in bare feet has no sense.
TJ said on 13/Dec/06
Dan, you have said that you have some wardrobe documents stating 5'11.75 and some stating 6ft. How do you decide which to believe? My guess, assuming they are authentic, is that all were correct at the time of measuring. I believe Rob now has Elvis at his night time height and previously had him at his 'just out of bed' height. Personally I think the latter height is someone's accurate height.
Anonymous said on 12/Dec/06
I resent your uneducated opinion on my documents, or anything in my collection. I have been activly collecting Elvis OWNED artifacts for 15 years. I AM THE PERSON EPE comes too when they want research done, or are in need of aquiring certain artifacts not already in their inventory. As for documents in or out of the National Archives. Do you have any idea how many documents that had Elvis' name on it that were taken by the various S1 troops duting his stay in the service? I bet not. Based on your "theory" then all docuemnts not in the EPE inventory would be fake (Original Draft Document 62K, Various Firearm Applications, Awards Etc.) I have contended with "experts" like you for years, and it always boils down to the same thing. None of you "Elvis historians" have any type of real experience, other than emailing EPE for "answers." You can think what you will about my collection, but keep this in mind. My collection has been provided for loan to EPE, The Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame, and the Kings Ransom Exhibit just to name a few. So I guess that means that most of the artifacts you have seen abroad must also have been fake. Its fans like you that dillute Elvis fact, and cause myth to flourish. Believe what you want in regards to my collection, Elvis true height, or that EPE are the all knowing Gods of Elvis, but remember that its fans like me that own, and preserve Elvis and his AUTHENTIC artifacts.
Ramiro said on 12/Dec/06
Thank you Carl. I think that there are only three ways: 1) If you assume 6’0.5’’ as true, then you are agreeing with those who say that Elvis was measured in the army at 6’0.5’’ in BARE FEET (including the Graceland Archives of Elvis Presley Enterprises, they are the official word in this field). 2) You can also use the rounded down figure and say that Elvis was 6’ tall (you know that Graceland Archives answered to me that they use to round down the official figure to 6’ when talking about Elvis’ height. 3) It could be possible too (but unlikely) that Elvis Presley Enterprises and all those who use the army records were lying or incredibly wrong. Another question, it sounds very strange to me that someone could have in his own house not a copy but an original of Elvis’ official army documents, as was said here below. I thought that these original documents and records were on the National Archives; so if someone tells that he has in his house one official army record it is more than likely that it is a fake; there are literally thousands of fake things related to Elvis out there. I think that there is only one truth and it is shown in the official army records used to state Elvis’ height. I assume that when EPE and all the serious sources say that Elvis was 6’ or 6’0.5’’, according to the official army records, they are using data taken out of the official army records they have access to. If we don’t believe in that then we can not believe in almost all the data of every kind we see in books or other sources only because we don’t have straight access to the original documents that contain them. It would be a complete madness; even Graceland Archives said to me that they really don’t understand where the controversy is in a thing so clear. This is not a question of a bunch of Elvis’ fans trying to put him over the real facts and others trying to put Elvis down, this is only a question of searching for the truth regarding a fact quite well documented. I don't really know why for others a mere conjecture is enough to state their heights while for Elvis a medical exam made in the army isn't enough. I think that there is no reason to take away the 6' figure for Elvis' height, that's even less than the real figure supported by the army records according to those who use them to state Elvis' height. I don't know what was the problem with Tiger or if he used or not different nicks here, but this is no reason to refuse all he said, because there are other official sources that support it.
Carl said on 11/Dec/06
Elvis should be put back to six foot, I support Ramiro! Kind regards Carl.....
Ramiro said on 11/Dec/06
Vandam, there are others who were very close to Elvis too, some even wrote here below (Richard M) and say that Elvis was no less than 6' and very likely 6'0.5''.
Ramiro said on 11/Dec/06
With all my respect Rob. Don't you find completely inconsistent to say that Elvis was 5'11.75'' in bare feet and 6'0.5'' with boots?? This is only a difference of 0.75''(less than 2 cm!!), even a low heeled shoe adds more height. The difference between 6'0.5'' and 6'1.75'' has a lot more sense. And by the way, the photographs we regularly see show Elvis being measured only with briefs on.
Ramiro said on 11/Dec/06
I'm very surprised to see that you changed Elvis' height at the top of the page. Based on what?? The 6ft 0.5 was without boots. If you believe this figure you obviously have to believe in the other that puts Elvis at 6'1.75'' with shoes. The two figures are inseparably linked. You can not use one without the other and less to change the meaning of the measurement. I emailed you the answer of Graceland Archives regarding this where they confirmed Elvis' measurement in bare feet at 6'0.5'' in the army. Nobody has proved the contrary so this official statement has to stay in my humble opinion.
vandam said on 24/Nov/06
wow Ramiro , you wont quit won't you , well you have the right to believe what you want , with your Graceland theories , (paid to say what they told to say ) by EPE. I'm satisfied with the version of the "genuine" people that i'v talk to that were close friends of elvis and worked with him and had nothing to gain by lying about it , and the people i talked with are people that reasearched and are not there to downgrade elvis but to tell the facts . And the guy i'm talking about as the highest respect for elvis and is well known and respected
in the elvis industry . Elvis was not over 6 feet , not 5'10" for sure but not 6'o5" like you mentioned ! maybe with shoes or boots (lifts or without) I STILL KEEP MY ESTIMATE AT 5'11" 3/4 NOT MORE .
Carl said on 23/Nov/06
One final note I missed out was that when Elvis was doing his Karate exhibitions he was bear foot, you cannot simply challange or compete with another person in situations like that with any form of footwear as you could quite easily hurt a person wearing shoes let alone boots! For the record I have seen many shots of Elvis during the 60's and 70's when sparring with his bodyguards either on film set or Graceland etc almost always either just in socks or his plain feet, I refer you to look at the book by Joe Esposito titled Elvis 'Intimate and Rare', it can be bought either on ebay or amazon! There is a complete chapter dedicated to Elvis and his love of Karate with many candid shots of Elvis during his life in Karate kit without any footwear! Thanx Carl
Kane said on 22/Nov/06
I never met Elvis Presley but I do believe he was over 5'10". People grow over the years till they reach 30, and the process reverses when you reach 50 - 60 (though you only lose an inch or two). You must also keep in mind that Elvis went through heavy training (exercises) during his army years – which required strenuous stretching of his body. Moreover, he maintained his
stretching exercises during his karate years through practice. Now, I have noted in many of his documentaries and books dedicated to the King that he (Elvis) was well conscious of his height (disappointed so to speak). Elvis may have grown past his 5’11” to ½ and reached his peak around ¾ which (they or the King himself) could have estimated to 6’ when filling out forms. Here, it is comprehendible why he was billed 6’2” – the reason solely being attributed to the added 2” on his shoes.
Someone mentioned here Elvis Presley was measured 6’ ½ in bare foot, and that would be true if Elvis had started out as 5’ 11” ½. There is a high possibility that Elvis Presley never knew his own accurate height. Honestly, I believe he was no less than 5’ 11” ½, and no taller than 6’ ½. Hope I was able to confuse you guys more? (JK)
Carl said on 21/Nov/06
Guys can anybody really tell the difference in half an inch, it really is impossible without a tape meausre to really get the true height of anybody, that's a fact! I mean some people are taller than what people assume or some people or shorter than what people think they! It can have alot to do with surface your both on, the build of that person etc... I mean I'm 5ft7.5inches but have been described as being on one extreme 5ft 5ins or on the other extreme 5ft 10ins, I'm of a thin build so you can see that we all have own judgement on peoples respective heights, all we can do really is speculate on height! I mean here we are all talking about Elvis Presley 29 years after he passed away the main argument here is really 1 inch at the most or half an inch, I mean lets be honest here can anybody really be honest and say that they can truly be that accurate on a persons height, give or take an inch, I think not and at best we can all only guess! My theory is this most people like to believe that their idols are larger than life and are quite surprised to find them either of average height or smaller than they expect! I have worked in the music industry for almost ten years and have met quite a few celebs! But really I now understand when I have met them that I was also a victim of thinking they were smaller than their billed but thats simply because we expect them to be all 12ft tall and they are not! I have now come to the conclusion that that if anybody on this site can truly tell me that they have been 100% accurate on their guess then I will gladly pay them a reward fee! We all know that nobody can be that accurate when meeting someone! That is the truth, we are all just guessing and my guess is based on visiting Graceland and seeing his costumes, clothes etc that Elvis was approx 6ft and that is my guess! Kind Regards Carl.
vandam said on 18/Nov/06
guys this is not the same anonymous !! does not seem as logical as the other one
Mikex. said on 18/Nov/06
It seems certain that Elvis was in the 5'11'' to 6 ft range. Unless you knew him personally which no one on this site seems to have done I don't think it is possible to be more accurate.
Carl said on 17/Nov/06
Anonymous wow you must be the first person ever to say Elvis was 5ft 10ins as throughout this site and even sceptics have never listed Elvis anything less than 5ft 11.5ins! For arguments sake if was just below or just over six foot with boots on he still would be around 6ft 2ins in boots, please search for photo's of Elvis and Sonny West (Elvi's bodguard for many years) in 1970, Elvis was his best man and Sonny was a big guy at 6ft 2.5ins, they are almost identical in height, ok given Elvis was perhaps Elvis had boots on, they most certainly would not be four inch heels, I wear 2inch heel boots and they still look alittle silly at times so four inches would look madness on any man! Elvis never wore boots with more than 1-2 inches tops, it's a fact!
As for photographic evidence you simply cannot go by photo's as evidence, take for instance photo's of Elvis with Tom Jones, at times there can be 1.5inch difference and then other times 2.5inch difference! This is not a suitable or reliable source! Finally the Elvis backstage footage I also have (1977 CBC Special) and camera angles can be alittle deceptive at times! Also most of Elvis's aides and security were big or some cases very big men, take Sam Thompson (Linda's brother), he was very tall around 6ft 5ins to 6ft 6ins, there was only really very few people in his entourage below 6ft, Charlie Hodge (5ft 3ins), Joe Esposito (5ft8/9ins), and his cousin Billy Smith (5ft 7ins) and he always towered over these little guys! Elvis was 6ft or indeed just 1/4inch off! Kind Regards Carl.
Anonymous said on 16/Nov/06
I think everyone has been deceived by Elvis's actual height!! The clip on youtube showed Elvis backstage and showed for the first time how really short Elvis was! He looked well below six foot!
There was a photo of Elvis without his shoes taken standing in front of a height wall chart, I think by the FBI, it was posted on this site some time ago! His height was shown to be 5'10
Other pictures posted by Frank2 showed celebs and others in the business and who were listed as being 5'10 and they clearly showed Elvis, standing next to them and was the same height!
One thing you have to remember, even Frank2 overlooked was that Elvis grew up in poverty and hence this did affect his height!
I now know that Elvis was 5'10 and he and his agent inflated his height to 6' when interviwed on radio and then to 6'2 during the 1970's Las Vegas shows.
His real and actual height was 5'10! He was the King and the King had to be tall and not average in Height! His slim build gave the impression he was taller and later on when he was overweight his high heeled boots provided additional height!
The man was clearly no more than 5'10 barefoot. He did manage a decent height coming from a very poor background.
Anonymous said on 16/Nov/06
EPE Archives are the WORST source for any facts on Elvis. I know Angie personaly, and worked with Greg Howell for years. I would not believe for one moment that they would say Elvis never wore lifts. Thats is simply false. There are several examples of the very lifts they say Elvis did not wear. Elvis NEVER had "special insoles" sewen to his shoes for comfort, or anyother form. His shoes in most cases were custome made by Floreshiem, Silviano, Breda, among others. None of them had special internal soles. Elvis did throughout the 1960's through the 1970's wear lifts on multiple ocassions. There is no point in arguing this, its a fact, regardless of what info you think you have.
I just spoke to Angie, and she said she never said Elvis did not wear lifts. So who did you speak with? Please by all means post your copies of records from the National Archives. I have all 236 documents related to Elvis military record, and do not see 6'.05 anywhere???
Carl said on 14/Nov/06
Vandam and Ramiro well I agree with both of you now 100%, you both are quite bright and decent logical minded people like myself! I'm 31 and have been listening to Elvis all my life, have been to Graceland three years ago! The one thing I will say is I have spoken to DJ Fontana and his wife and they have always said Elvis was indeed 6ft when they knew him! That's all I have to say! With or without shoes who truly knows but we can be certain on one thing and that is if we indeed just under six foot it was a microscope of 1/4inch so even with flat shoes on he would have been just over six foot anyway! Thanx guys, your great. Kind Regards, Carl.
vandam said on 14/Nov/06
anonymous : yes it was a compliment ,wish I had somebody like you around to chat with more !
Ramiro : I agree with you on that 100% concerning the man himself he was a great artist iM 34 years old been listening to him all my life and been admiring his work forever as well .wish i could of seen him on stage .
TJ : never said that you did not believe what he said , was just saying that he is considered a could source ,and saw him live 3 times , poke with him a few times to , I chat with his father by e-mail great people , he as a great voice and saw his show where he does his own thing . all i can say if you have a change go see him .
Ramiro said on 14/Nov/06
According to the official army records as was said to me for Graceland Archives of EPE, Elvis' height was rounded down to 6' in other army records apart from the medical exam that states 6'0.5''. So it's true that Elvis' height was rounded, but rounded down. I admit that sometimes this controversy seems quite absurd, and I carry with my part of the blame, but there is also a lot of fun in talking with other Elvis' fans, or at least interested on him, and therefore, learning many things about the man from Tupelo. Height is only a very little part of Elvis' facts and sometimes, when comparing Elvis' height to others through pics shown here I thought to myself:"What this guy or another would give to lose some inches of height and gain some beauty that Elvis had". Many times it is not a matter of height but a matter of how the height is given out in the body, and Elvis in his good moments, that lasted for the most part of his life, was unbeatable in my humble opinion. All the people who met him say the same: He looked incredible, a lot better that we can see in pics or video.
Ramiro said on 14/Nov/06
We all agree that even if Elvis was 5'11 3/4'', it would be a more than decent height then and now, I consider it a height of a tall person, not a giant of course, but tall. We all agree that the difference between that height and 6' or 6'0.5'' is very small and could be due to different measurements under different circumstances (the human body isn't a piece of steel as I've said before). I've consulted to Graceland Archives of EPE and they said very clear and loud that Elvis never wore lifts, the so called lifts were normal insoles that added no height. If we have to believe in all that the members of the Memphis mafia and other people who more or less knew Elvis have said, we would become crazy because all has been said about Elvis from 0 to the infinite and many, many lies and contradictions between themselves. Graceland Archives of EPE confirmed to me clear and loud too that Elvis was measured in the army at 6'0.5'' according to the army records they have access to. The National Archives and Records Administration of The United States Of America published the same records as was said here before. EPE said to me that they don't understand the reason of this controversy in a thing so clear.
Anonymous said on 13/Nov/06
Something that is very humerous is that people here keep refering to the induction papers as "evidence" of Elvis's true height, forgetting of course that his height was rounded up to 6ft. There is no paper (that I am aware of) that state Elvis's height as anything over 6ft from the US Army. I have original documents from the service which include, but are not limited to the original hand filled out form from the induction showing Elvis as 5'11 3/4. I also have copies of both of his annual physicals. One listing his height as 6ft, the other as 5'11 3/4. Why is this so mystifying? I am not sure what the big deal is 1/4 of inch. When people ask me how tall Elvis was, I say 6ft. If they say, "wow I thought he was much taller than that", then I add is actual height. There is an overwhelming abundance of documents, physical artifacts etc proving:
A. Elvis was 5'11 3/4 barefoot
B. For a time Elvis wore lifts in both stage/ personal wardrobe
Ramiro time to face the music. MANY celebrities did, and still do wear lifts in thier shoes. Big deal. there is no shame, nor stigma in Hollywood about it. I was born and raised in Hollywood. My family has been in the buisness for years, as have I, what is the big deal about lifts? Bottom line, Elvis was a normal person, and was of normal height for a man.
TJ said on 13/Nov/06
Vandam, I'm somewhat friendly with Jamie (exchange the occasional email) and I wasn't suggesting he isn't knowledgeable about Elvis, just making the point about the difficult of anyone being precise to within half and inch. On the subject of Jamie though, he is very talented and just about the only tribute artist who doesn't embarrass himself when he gets on stage. He's actually more than a tribute artist, as he creates his own music too. Great guy.
Anonymous said on 13/Nov/06
Thanks for the compliment.......I think.
vandam said on 13/Nov/06
anonymous : what comes to say , that Jamie is a good source in a way , i dont know who you are but you must know alot base on what i just read, and he did take this info from you .Thanks for confirming what i was trying to explain all along , i guess we call you the expert here !! :)
Anonymous said on 13/Nov/06
Elvis did wear lifts, contray to your statements. If you would like I will be more than happy to put you in contact with Lamar, marty, Billy, whom ever you desire. I am friends with them all, and they all said Elvis wore lifts. Your statement has no credibility. EPE confirms the lifts, his studio wardrobe confirms the usage of the lifts, and many examples of his shoes, have the lifts built in. What elsew would you like confirming his usage of LIFTS?
Anonymous said on 13/Nov/06
Jamie Kelly is far from an Elvis expert. He is knowledgable in regards to Elvis' music, being that he is an impersonator. However when it comes to Elvis's personal life, or characteristics he is lacking. The information he has on Elvis's physical stature came from me. Seems people her do not want to face the reality, that Elvis was 5'11 3/4, and thats it. Sorry to disappoint, but it is a certainty.
vandam said on 13/Nov/06
the people i was talking about concerning recordings and stuff are not simple back up singer and musicians , do you know whoo is Boots Randolph,DJ fontana ,Millie Kirkham,Bob Moore ,David Briggs ,Buddy Harman all people closely involve with the man and new him alot ,and Jamie the expert i was talking about recorded with them go see his site :
Click Here you will be blown away .he as abeen studying the man forever and is the official ambassador for the new elvis fan , given by Graceland itself .so he must know what he is talking about .that is why i like to believe what he as to say du to the contacts and sources he as and also the devotion and respect he shows to elvis . I respect all opinions on this site and you seem all very intelligent people ,not downgrading nobodies views . just i tend to believe more someone that was or knew someone that was in close contact with elvis .and just wanted to share some elvis topics with you guys .
Ramiro said on 13/Nov/06
And by the way. Elvis never wore lifts, this is a false rumour started in Hollywood that made Elvis and his friends laugh a lot at the moment. Of course nobody can trust in a musician who sometime worked with Elvis and says that he wore lifts, ridiculous, could he look inside Elvis' shoes?. And his heels are in the same range of many people of the 70s, specially in the show-business. He wore 1.5 to 2'' heels in his stage boots, a lot less than David Bowie, Robert Plant and many, many, many... more. And yes, he is not doing anything to look taller in the pics, to the contrary, he is slouching a lot of times and very relaxed while the others beside him are almost flying (just remember the pic with Muhammad Ali; Ali is almost riding over an smashed Elvis).
Ramiro said on 13/Nov/06
As TJ says, there are a lot of different appreciations about Elvis' height made by many people, but those who knew him better almost always say nothing under 6 feet and the army documents stating his medical exam say 6'0.5'' in bare foot and not 5'11 3/4''. At least we can agree in one thing: Elvis was surely somewhere very close to 6 feet and obviously his height could vary slighty depending on several circumstances because a human body isn't a piece of steel.
Carl said on 13/Nov/06
Thank heavans and thank god there is some rational thinking on Elvis's height with 'TJ'! I have to agree 100% and back TJ on his argument! I agree that Elvis had to be 6FT and maybe a half inch over! I mean it's just silly anybody can say that Elvis was this and that height without any certainty, how can somebody be this certain without actually every measuring the man!
I tend to belive facts and the recorded evidence for Elvis is his army physical and that is 6ft.05inch tall! TJ you are 100% right on your previous email, I back you all the way!
TJ said on 12/Nov/06
Vandam, some people who knew him claim he was 6'0 1/2, some claim he was 6ft even and some claim he was just under. The fact is, I'm not arguing with those who knew him, I'm just not choosing to take one person's word over another as you evidently are. For example, Joe Esposito has categorically stated that Elvis was 6'0 1/2. That's a guy who knew Elvis a heck of a lot better than most and was around him for nearly 20 yrs. Is he wrong? No idea! I would certainly think that, if true, it was the absolute max height out of bed. I would guess that Elvis varied between 5'11 3/4 minimum and perhaps just a touch over 6'0, depending on time of day, how much weight he was carrying etc. I don't know for sure, but that's my guess. Given that the debate is over a figure of around half an inch, I have a question for you to put this in perspective. Do you know the exact height of all your friends and acquaintances to the nearest half inch? Do they know your exact height to that degree of accuracy? If asked, would they all have the same answer? No, of course not. Even if you're a very similar height to a friend, you would need to actually measure them to be that precise. So can we trust to that degree the figures given to us by those who knew Elvis? Frankly, no we can't. If I did have to choose one to believe, I'd probably go with a friend who was around Elvis all the time, rather than a backing singer who was around him infrequently, but it would still be uncertain.
vandam said on 12/Nov/06
TJ: as I keep repeating , he was not over 6 feet he was maybe close to 6 feet but not over it . And if you want to argue with people that actually was standing beside the man go for it , I rahter take there word for it .
TJ said on 11/Nov/06
By the way clad-in-black, the Elvis and Marilyn one night stand story is total garbage peddled recently by the same guy who wrote an article about Elvis in Playboy last year which was also full of utter crap. The truth is, the guy is sick and trying to raise cash for treatment. He will write and say anything. Amazingly, newspapers will also publish it. And as I keep repeating Vandam, if Elvis was measured at 5'11 3/4 during the army induction, we're talking about a 6ft guy, because he'd not even slept the night before. If not, he's the only guy in the world who wouldn't shrink after being up that long.
vandam said on 11/Nov/06
Ramiro:Course not he never wanted to look taller!! thats why he had suits made for him at 6feet 2 inches , and wore really high heals !! never saw him in any pics slouching . the guy in the official army measurements barefoot 5 11 and 3 quarters at age 23 .I read another article from a guy that is considered an elvis expert (and trust me this guy is )Jamie AAron Kelley , this guy met and recorded with people that recorded with elvis and knew him personnaly and said he was not 6 feet tall and habits of wearing lifts . I think i would trust someone that actually met the guy than assumptions and pics .and why would they repeat the same height for the Daniel Caldero article , my opinion is they were based on facts .
Anonymous said on 9/Nov/06
I am the person that wrote the article on the Cisko Kid suits. The photo of the black and red jumpsuit are mine, and the suit in the photo is 100% original, which also is part of my personal collection.
Ramiro said on 9/Nov/06
Also, and always if the job application is true (I doubt it), Elvis very likely could have written a height measured time ago, and perhaps rounded.
Ramiro said on 8/Nov/06
Vandam, the paragraph you mention from Bill Belew is not from him but from Daniel Calderaro, simply the guy who wrote an article about jumpsuits on
Click Here Interesting article but with no scientifical value regarding Elvis' height. Elvis was a great sloucher, he almost never is doing anything to make him look taller in the photos while many of the people he had beside are trying to look the more tall they can; there are a lot of examples. Is the job application vandam mention true or a fake? we don't know but I'm sure there are a lot of fake things related to Elvis and made simply to make money. And if true, had Elvis his height properly taken in 1954 or did he simply a rough appreciation or rounded it? I'm 35 years old and I'm not completely sure of my own height because it has been taken with different results several times, and if you measure height in your own home you can obtain very surprising and different results. So we have to trust in the army medical staff.
clad-in-black said on 28/Oct/06
Elvis was quoted to say that "she's a little too tall for me"
In reference to Marlyn Monroe, who was a reported 5 ft 5 1/2.(They had a 1 night stand btw)
So you guys come up with your own conclusions.
vandam said on 17/Oct/06
maybe he did , he was elvis presley ,there was 20 cameras on the guy getting himself measured and photos being taken i think the guy doing the measures was nerveous like hell :)
Glenn said on 16/Oct/06
I have a cheap B movie at home from about 1980 where Majors looks barely 6ft.
TJ said on 16/Oct/06
And in the army records, it's supposed to say that he was measured twice - 6'0 1/2 barefoot and 6'1 3/4 with shoes. I've not seen that evidence but others claim to have. If it was indeed 5'11 3/4, then we can safely say Elvis was 6ft as he'd not been to bed the previous night. I keep repeating that point, but it's a plain fact. Everyone would be smaller than their optimum height under those conditions. If his peak height was 5'11 3/4, he probably should have measured at more like 5'11 1/4 on that date.
vandam said on 16/Oct/06
johnny cash was not really standing that straight in any of these pics ,you have to look at the shoulders , thats were you see the difference, theres more than an inch,his eyes are aligned with his nose (johnnys)on the second pic and on the first one he is doing something to make him look taller .
i navigated the net and everywhere they say he was measured twice bare foot at 5 11 and 3 quarters and 6.0.5 feet with shoes in the army .elvis was 23 years old you dont really grow anymore and he stated 5 11 on his job application at 19 years old so growing 3 quarters of an each makes senses . but like i said i ll give him the 6 but not an inch more even his ex wife says so she should know !! :) pics are to debatable . I like facts from people that actually met him and could compare himself with the guy not to many around i guess .
TJ said on 16/Oct/06
Lee Majors was supposed to be 6'1 in the 60s, but that's debatable of course and was likely more to do with footwear. The guys on the western shows seemed to like their lifts :-) This site has him as 6ft when at his peak.
As for Elvis never looking a similar height to taller guys, there's a pic where he looks the same height as 6'1 1/2 Johnny Cash...
Click HereIf anything, Elvis looks a half inch taller. Yet there is another pic of the two where Elvis looks around an inch shorter...
Click HereJudging by the clothes, it's likely Johnny was in cowboy boots in the second pic and Elvis in dress shoes. But the point is, photos just don't tell the full story.
vandam said on 15/Oct/06
maybe your right TJ,just the ones with Lee Major (5 11) he is the same height and the one with Milton Berle (5 10 )were he even looks shorter . and some guys that are 6 feet looks the same .But i dont agree that he is close to a guy thats 6feet1 or 6feet 2 . But i will agree for 6 ,just wish i was 6 feet :)
TJ said on 15/Oct/06
But we have records of measurements at either 6ft or 5'11 3/4 vandam. The very least anyone has ever claimed he was measured at was 5'11 3/4 and there's more established evidence for a 6ft measurement. For every pic where he doesn't look much taller than a guy of 5'11, there's another where he doesn't look much smaller than a guy of 6'1 or 6'2. That's the nature of photographs. They aren't reliable in nailing down a height to within less than an inch.
vandam said on 14/Oct/06
Just with all the pics here on the site , showing him with guys that are 5feet 10 inches , others 5 feet 11 and he does not seem that taller even some he looks same height ,iM close to 5 11 and i have friends that are 6 feet and 6 feet 1 inches and the difference is considerable .and depending what kind of shoes i have on i can easally look close to 6 feet. and elvis was all about looks , he needed to be the king in every aspect so being tall was an important aspect in hollywood , so he probably did anything to look taller .
my guess 5 11 12. just my opinion
TJ said on 13/Oct/06
That's a quote from Bill Belew. The trouble with him is that he's very inconsistent. He's said different heights at different times. The guy who tailored Elvis' famous gold suit in the 50s said 6ft in bare feet. Who knows if they really measured him properly anyway. There's a difference between holding up a tape measure and using proper equipment. That could also explain Dan's claim about some tailor's measurements during the 60s films saying 6ft and some saying 5'11 3/4. Then again, the confusion with that 1/4 inch could all be down to different measurements being made at different times of the day.
vandam said on 13/Oct/06
got this from the actual designer for his suits on Elvis in concert wesite :
They were all cut to Elvis desired on stage height of 6'2. Of course Elvis true height was only 5'11 3/4. The reason for the height difference, was the fact that Elvis wore lifts in his shoes, plus the normal heel of the boot, which was 1 1/2 inches on average. All suits were made of a heavier Italian wool gaberdine material. This was of course the norm in the early 70's.
TJ said on 12/Oct/06
There is talk of Elvis growing during his first year on the road (54-55), so annoyingly that hand written note might not even be that helpful.
VANDAM said on 12/Oct/06
but in 1954 he was only 19years old it would of been possible for him to grow 34 of an inch later on
VANDAM said on 12/Oct/06
I found this document in Yahoo auction sells or simply google : elvis presley s job application and it will get you there .and you will see he wrote his height and weight and the reason why he wanted the job , to pay off his dads financial obligations .
Frank3 said on 12/Oct/06
vandam: any way we can view this document on the net or is it yet another wasted opportunity? Is it legit or a fake? It surely contradicts Dan's "material". Dan: do you have this document that vandam discusses?
vandam said on 12/Oct/06
can someone here tell me how tall he really was , cause i read on this site his height is between 5'11" and 6'2" quite a difference , I found a copy of a job application on the net and in his own hand writing he said he was 5'11" and 150 pounds in 1954 he was 19 years old !
Ramiro said on 10/Oct/06
Dan, I'm completely open minded. I'm absolutely ready to say "sorry I was wrong, Elvis was 5'3/4''". But the official army records say he was measured at 6'1/2'' in bare foot. Graceland Archives have straight access to the official documents and if we say this is untrue we are saying that Graceland Archives have fake documents while your documents are the originals; please, let me doubt it. The army records have been published through other sources too, as was said here before. This said, I think that a difference of approx. 0.75 inches is very little and a possible difference between measurements that everybody can have depending of the moment of the measurement and the position of body. Taylors never measure height to make clothes (my father was taylor), so if they or the wardrobe managers provide measurements of height this is a rough appreciation as confirms the different Elvis' heights Bill Belew let us know and even the different heights you admit were "taken" by the Hollywood staff. These appreciations have the same validity as the one made by Richard M, who says he knew well Elvis and he was 6' or a little more. The only time Elvis was scientifically measured with little margin of error is in the army induction and to this day the official records say 6'1/2'' unless you prove to the world that Graceland Archives and the National Archives and Records Administration Of The United States are wrong, have fake documents and the one you have is the true one. If you prove that I promise you that I'll say the biggest SORRY to everyone and I'll admit my error. Regarding your statement about Elvis being short at 5'.11.75'' for a man of the south, I don't really think that Elvis would be short at this height then nor even today; I consider it a more than decent height, not a giant but a tall man. Anyway, lets relax, we are talking friendly about a non very important topic, the world is not going to end even if Elvis was under 6 feet. As always, is a pleasure to me to share Elvis' knowledge with all you, and Dan, I'm sure you are a huge Elvis' fan and that makes us far closer than any discussion about heights.
Tom said on 6/Oct/06
I think he is 6ft tall.
TJ said on 29/Sep/06
Interesting that the studio height listings have him from 5'11 3/4 to 6ft. That either means the 6ft measurements were rounded up or he was really measured at that height. We are talking about 1/4 inch here so it is very possible he was measured 6ft one day and a little under on another day. It probably depends on how long he had been up. This is supported by the army record Dan mentioned. If Elvis was measured at 5'11 3/4 on a day when he hadn't even been to bed the night before, his height straight out of bed would certainly be 6ft and possibly a little over that. It would be very unusual for someone to be up that long and not lose at least 1/4 inch. Rob's 6ft listing is looking pretty much spot on.
Sam said on 29/Sep/06
Guys listen, lets just say for argument sake Elvis Six foot even, I mean either way if he was just under or just over six foot means there is only a half inch difference which basically means to me that the mean average on his Height would be six foot, it just makes sense that way!
I for one don't think anybody who is around six foot as being classified as short, I'm only 5ft 7.5inches and have been to Graceland and have seen his clothes and costumes, he seemed tallish to me with big feet!
Anonymous said on 28/Sep/06
The studios have his height listed as ranging from 5'11 3/4 to 6ft. Vernon was 6'1. As discussed earlier, I do not post pieces from my personal collection on the internet. No offense, simply I just don't do it. I am not saying you have to take my word for it, you can believe EPE if you chose. Makes no difference. Elvis was 5'11 3/4, and Vernon was an even 6'1. These are well founded, and researched facts, not opinion.
Frank3 said on 27/Sep/06
Dan: actually, in all of the references I have seen, Vernon Presley is 6-2. Maybe you can post this prison record to the site?
TJ said on 27/Sep/06
OK Dan, so what do these heights recorded for the three films say? Also 5'11.75?
Anonymous said on 26/Sep/06
To address a question here about tailors. I am not sure what happened to a post I submitted detailing the wardrobe managers recording Elvis's height for wardrobe. Hopefully the administrator can retrieve the post. In a nut shell I have original correspondence from the studios to Sy Devore where Elvis' height was reorded in 3 films. Not just his inseam, etc, but his stature. It was nessacary, and is a continued practice to this day by the studios wardrobe departments. To add these film correspondance cover the entire range of Elvis's film career, and are not limited to one production. For those not in the "buisness" the practice of measuring a star may seem odd, but it is reality. The measurments also serve for camera angles, set design, and wardrobe.
Anonymous said on 26/Sep/06
I would like to provide a quote from one of the posts on this subject:
I went into the house and Elvis walks up to me and says, 'Hi, I’m Elvis Presley' and I put my hand out and say, 'Hi, I’m Larry Geller'. Elvis was about 5ft 11½ tall and I’m 6ft 2 and I have this deja-vu of 8 years earlier when I was the kid looking up at this same man when I saw him in the car park. I shook his hand and he says, 'Let’s go into the bathroom, you can do my hair and we can talk'."
I sumitted this quote as additonal proof that my stating Elvis was 5'11 3/4 was not the first time here. This thread was at the bottom of the page. Larry Geller is 100% correct. I am not saying that Geller is the ideal spokes person when it comes to Elvis, but in this case is is right. Here is another case in point. Vernon Presley was measured when he went to prison for forging a check when Elvis was a child. The official prison records show Vernon as being 6'1 barefoot. If you ever look at photos of Elvis and Vernon, one can clearly see that Vernon is a good two inches taller than Elvis regardless of shoes. I am sure there are those here who will say that photos do not prove anything, and that person would be correct. Short (no pun intended) of having Elvis standing infront of you with a measuring tape, photos, documents, and physical evidence is all we have to go on. I don't see anyone debating a Paleontologist about the height of a Tyrannosaurus Rex.
TJ said on 25/Sep/06
Dan, did those measurements from tailors specify height or just chest, waist, inside leg etc? I'm not sure it's common practice for a tailor to measure height. Also, as you haven't mentioned any heights from those sources, I'm guessing height wasn't recorded? Anonymous is certainly correct on Belew being all over the place.
Anonymous said on 25/Sep/06
I agree about Bill. My info, as described earlier, is not soley based on Bill, but from physical evidence, and actual studio wardrobe fittings from various Elvis projects from 1957- 1968. Not only do I have the original induction handwritten documents, but copies of several studio wardrobe inner office correspondence detailing measurments for several of Elvis' costumes. One 4 of the documents (Loving You, Tickle Me, Girls Girls Girls, and Charro) the wardrobe manager specificly lists Elvis' height as 5'11 3/4, and one lists his height as 6ft. So now you have Army induction notes handwritten showing 5'11 3/4, and studio wardrobe documents detailing 5'11 3/4. Given that most of Elvis' pants for the films were "high cut", as was the style then, you can not measure them appropriately to determine height. However you can go by the measurments of the studio wardrobe manager who had to actually do the physical measurments on Elvis so that wardrobe could be appropriately altered. I find it incredible that most people would love to believe Elvis was a giant of a man, when in actuality he was short for a man in the south.
Anonymous said on 22/Sep/06
Dan: I am very impressed with your input and that you have so much material on Elvis. Over the years, though, one of the worst sources to rely on is Bill Belew. He is very inconsistent and seems to change measurements on a whim. Not sure why, he just seems not very credible on Elvis' height!
Anonymous said on 22/Sep/06
Graceland is far from experts on Elvis Presley. As a collector of Elvis owned memorabilia, and being that I consulted for EPE for a number of years, I can attest to thier ignorance about Elvis. For me to expalin "how I know my document is real", would take longer than I care to type. Rest assured it is legitamte. I am perfectly aware fo what the final induction papers states, as I have already explained on two other posts. There is no argument there. I even went so far as to explain why the officail induction states what it does. This however does not change the fact of Elvis' actual height. Put aside the induction documents. Now look at the physical artifacts of Elvis. Examine in detail, as I have, his clothing. Obtain his measurments from tailors like Fred Seigal, Bill Belew/ Gene Doucete, Nudies, Sy Devore, and Lansky's. I have. I can speak with facts, as I have the very items, and am in contact with the very people who can confrim information on Elvis. EPE has always taken Elvis myth, and allowed it to spread to their benefit. People assume that EPE is the say all on Elvis facts, and material. In actuality EPE come to people like me to get thier collections, and sort out facts on Elvis. What does that tell you. I am not being brash, but this discussion is relativly mute. Facts are facts, and can not be changed. That is what makes them facts. Believe what you want, an opinion is not going to end the world, but if your going to have an opinion, at least keep an open mind.
Richard M said on 20/Sep/06
Did I ever look into his stage boots? No! Never had the chance nor would it be anything I would have thought to do. I can say that in all the time I had known Elvis and had spoken to his "people", I never once heard the word "lifts". I spoke with Elvis a great number of times casually in his suite at the Hilton and he was always wearing loafers or went around in his stocking feet. Of course, with his stage boots on, he did achieve greater height. But, when I say 6 feet even and maybe a half-inch more, I say that based on my interactions with him away from the stage! We were invited many a time to visit him and eat and hang out in his suite after shows. It was incredible the charisma that man had :)

Editor Rob
I am saying nothing...
all I'll do is
Post this image and retreat in silence...
mike said on 20/Sep/06
Richard M tells us more because there will be people on this site who will say that Elvis would have been wearing lifts etc.when you spoke to him.Did you ever meet him when he was lounging around without shoes and did his stage shoes give him a slightly taller look due to the heels we all use to wear in those days.
Richard M said on 19/Sep/06
I worked security for Elvis for his 7 year run at the Hilton in Las Vegas. I find this website very fascinating and interesting to read. Having met Elvis and talked with him over a 7 year period, I came to know him quite well. He always treated our team with the upmost respect and courtesy; he always went out of his way to talk with us! Anyhow, Elvis Presley was 6 feet even in height! (maybe a half inch more). In all the years I knew him, his height never "fluctuated" and I was always about 2 inches taller than he (I'm 6-2 1/2). Those who state Elvis was 5-11 really surprise me!
Viper652 said on 15/Sep/06
I said around the 5-11 range, not 5-11 flat.
TJ said on 14/Sep/06
Viper, Frank2 never said Elvis was 5'11. Frank2 is 5'11 (or a little more if sanding up very straight) and he said Elvis was taller than him, but by very little. At the very least, Elvis was 5'11.75 and that was when measured at a time that he had been up probably 24 hrs. The guy reported to the induction centre around 6am and had not slept the night before. It's not a stretch to say he would have measured over 6ft at another time, as pretty much everyone shrinks at least 1/4 inch if up for that long. That's assuming Dan's record is authentic in the first place.
Viper652 said on 14/Sep/06
I think Frank2 was right about Elvis's height. Around the 5-11 range.
Frank3 said on 14/Sep/06
Rob: are you able to post what Ramiro sent you? I would have to assume that Graceland has the official army records and they have this document that seems to be the one we are all interested in. Why can't anyone post it?

Editor Rob
it was this, didn't ramiro actually mention this a while ago:
"Dear Ramiro,
Yes, some sources including the U.S. Army have measured
him at 6' 1/2". We have rounded that off and just refer to him
as being 6 feet tall. His stage boots have 2" heels and thus the
reference to 6' 2" is often stated.
Not sure what the controversy is or why there is a controversy.
Archives Staff"
Ramiro said on 13/Sep/06
Dan, what makes you think that the document you have is an official one and not a fake? According to Graceland Archives and to the National Archives and Records Administration of the United States Of America Elvis' official height measured in the army was 6'0.5'' in bare foot. As Tiger said some time ago, the NARA published the document through internet for some time and in a special edition of the great book "The King" there is a photograph of an official army document stating Elvis' height and weight at the time of his induction with the author thanking the NARA for providing the record. I only have a doubt: Elvis passed a pre-induction medical exam on 01/04/57 and then passed another on 03/24/58 when he was inducted into army; my question is: was Elvis' height measured on 01/04/57 too? If so, it could be two different measurements for Elvis' height. But the height Dan provides is related to the induction exam too so only one can be right for that moment. I have commented all this with detail to Graceland Archives and they confirmed to me (I gave the information to Rob) that the army records say 6'0.5'' in bare foot for Elvis' height and that they usually round off that half inch to 6', they were completely precise on that.
TJ said on 9/Sep/06
Just maybe he was when measured Dan. You sound very plausible to me and I have no reason to doubt you. Of course, a person's height can change by a good half inch over the course of a day though, so what if he'd been measured at another time?
Brad said on 9/Sep/06
Somebody swears to me he saw Esposito escorting Far East high rollers to table games at Wynn Casino. I'm gonna hang at Wynn and ask him. 6' 2" in the boots is what I remember in '76 onstage in Denver. Very pale. The Bay City Rollers were sitting in front of me. Man, they were midgits.
Dan said on 8/Sep/06
Elvis was 5'11 3/4, like it or not.
Frank3 said on 6/Sep/06
I met Joe Esposito in LA a few years back at a fan convention. He is a super, super nice man. I agree, though, that he seems very unsure of himself when discussing 8/16/77; very disappointing for someone so close to Elvis! Dan: that is the first time I have ever heard anyone present info stating Elvis' height as 6-3. What is your view on his height and, based on all that you have, what do you think Elvis' height is?
Dan said on 5/Sep/06
I find it ironic that you question the induction documents. I am not saying that I have a "copy" of the original induction, I have the ORIGINAL induction with the handwritten notes. I own tons of Elvis' clothing, shoes, stage suits, movie clothing. I consult for Graceland to this day. Yet you still hold on to this belief based on an archivst (Angie Marchase, or Greg Howell) both of whom I know, and are friends. Or the opinion of Joe Esposito, who was not there when Elvis was measured, a guy who still tothis day can not get his facts straight about what happened 08/16/77. Depending on which "friend" of Elvis' you ask about his height you WILL get a difference in opinion. Marion Cocke would swear that Elvis was 6'5, she was friends with Elvis. I have id badges issued from various police deptartments for Elvis with ranging height, I have his finger prints, and handwritten 1969 Las Vegas Entertainment license that lists his height as 6'3. Give me a break. Just goes to show you that people will always believe myth, and not hard truth. Sad.
TJ said on 4/Sep/06
Anonymous, Elvis' weight at death was never disclosed, so the 265 pounds was always speculation. One thing is sure, he was never as large as a lot of people assume or indeed a lot of the bloody awful impersonators. The 6'2 reference in the mocked up autopsy report is definitely false. Mike, I do have some Dec 1976 shows. I'll get back to you on that.
Anonymous said on 2/Sep/06
I don't know if anyone saw the show 'The Death of Elvis' on Discovery Channel last night, but the show centered on all of the controversey surrounding his death. Anyhow, a reproduction of the autopsy report was shown and Elvis' vital stats, at time of death, are listed as 6-2 and 255 lbs. I have seen Elvis' autopsy report before in reference books (that one never listed height or weight), but I have never seen the one presented last night. I always thought Elvis was 265 lbs. when he passed away!
mike said on 1/Sep/06
TJ we will have to agree to differ on Desert Storm.I could be wrong with the 74 show if you have listened to them both.It was after CC rider again and I had this show on tape many years before Desert Storm.I will try and find it and get back to you.I did say on a previous entry that it could have been during the Dec 76 season;do you have these shows and if so can you check them out-thanks.
Frank3 said on 31/Aug/06
Alot of this may be "Hollywood Drama" also. In 'Harum Scarum', Elvis' character, Johnny Tyronne, is introduced at a performance and his height is stated at 6-2. Now, could Elvis have started to believe the hype? I don't know, but he seems to be inconsistent about his height at some of his shows. Where are these army docs for everyone to see? Someone must be able to post them!
TJ said on 31/Aug/06
Yes he does say the half inch Mike, but he says one before it very clearly, ie "I'm six one and a half". Listen again. As for the 4th Feb '74 show, I have both the Dinner Show and Midnight show from that date and can't seem to find the reference to his height in either. What song is it before and which of the two shows?
mike said on 31/Aug/06
TJ-when I listened to Desert Storm initially i considered 6'1.5" but if you listen carefully Elvis does slur his words slightly and I believe he does say the half inch and goes on to say 6ft 3 1/2" for the other person.The other show I mentioned is on 4th Feb 74 when Elvis again mentions kahane and that he is 6ft 1/2".Try and get a copy of this show.
TJ said on 30/Aug/06
Three different people have quoted what Elvis says on Desert Storm, and none accurately. Elvis says he is 6'1.5. He's complaining that the mic is set up for a 6'3.5 guy. Now he clearly wasn't 6'1.5, but the show is quite infamous for Elvis not making a whole lot of sense in places.
Frank3 said on 30/Aug/06
I hope there is no other Frank3; I have read quite a bit of this site and I haven't seen one yet. Yes: there is a limited, expanded edition of 'The King'. My brother has one and it does describe the info in the upper left corner inside the front cover. That woman at the publishing company is wrong! I do own the Desert Storm CD and Elvis states his height as 6-0 1/2, not 6-2!

Editor Rob
I'm saying nothing, my silence says it all on the existance of this limited edition book
Dan has said he has a copy of an induction document. Of course I would love to see this - I'd have no intention of showing it to anybody.
If Dan is worried about my ability not to reveal or publish a part of a document showing Elvis height, all I would say is that I've never revealed any actor/singer who may have posted in the past on here, nor did I ever mention Frank2's real name...all I want is to see a document from the army and post in bold at the top of this page a bit of text saying what I have seen with my eyes!
mike said on 29/Aug/06
The CD Desert Storm is from the closing night show in Sept 74.After the first track Elvis mentions the microphone stand and states that his height is 6'1/2".He also makes a similar remark quoting the same height during a show in Feb 74.
Ramiro said on 29/Aug/06
Sorry I wanted to say 1.5'' and 1.25''
Ramiro said on 29/Aug/06
Tiger, the difference between Elvis' height in bare foot and with army? shoes is not 1.5' but 1.25' and this is a very reasonable difference.
Ramiro said on 29/Aug/06
I have to say that in my copy of the book "The King", by Jim Piazza there's no trace of the army document that states Elvis' height, but as Tiger says, his copy can be a limited or special edition. Please, Tiger, we'll really appreciate if you were able to scan and show us the document. Anyway, the data provided for Tiger are fully confirmed by Graceland Archives: Elvis was 6'0.5'' in bare foot according to the army records.

Editor Rob
there is no limited edition...well, that's what the publisher told me.
if Dan wants to scan a portion of the document which shows Elvis height or put a watermark on the scanned document or something I can guarantee it would not be posted.
Ramiro said on 29/Aug/06
Dan, you are deadly wrong. Elvis was measured in the army at 6'0.5'' in bare foot and 6'1.75'' with shoes. This is the official statement confirmed to me by Graceland Archives and confirmed too by Joe Esposito.
Dan said on 28/Aug/06
Rob, sorry I can not make copies of the documents. They are part of my private collection. I do not normaly make copies, or photos of my collection for others, simply because there is far too many hucksters out there. Not saying you, or any member of the board here would do that, simply I do not make them accessible to other non-Elvis collectors I do not know personaly. Hope you understand.

Editor Rob
well, I wouldn't be uploading or showing anyone. I simply am trying to find some document with such a height listed on it, in order that I can report here I've seen it.
Dan said on 18/Aug/06
Well I certainly can respect your opinion "California", however you are incorrect. I have many pieces of Elvis' personal wardrobe, including movie worn costumes. I met Elvis in 1976, I consult for the Estate on a regular basis, and the concert where he stated his height as 6'2 was on Sept 4, 1974 (Desert Storm CD, released by Fort Baxter). On many of Elvis' personal police ID badges, his height ranges from 6ft to 6'2. The police did not measure Elvis, Elvis simply provided his height weight etc. To note how Elvis exagerated his measurments:
On a 1974 police Captains badge ID from Denver Colorado, Elvis listed his weight as 170lbs. At that time Elvis weighed 191 lbs (noted by Bill Belew/ Gene Doucette)
Elvis did wear lifts, its a fact, not an opinion. Elvis was measured in the service at 5'11 3/4. According to the US Army records Elvis' height was rounded up 1/4 on an inch, which was/is common practice to this day. I have copies of his original induction documents where it is clearly noted by hand that Elvis was 5'11 3/4. The typed copy of the induction has Elvis listed as 6ft. I served in the US Marines. I am exactly 5/10 1/4, and my service records state my height as 5'10 1/2. So as you can see Elvis was exactly as stated regardless of any foot wear, or Holly Wood camera tricks 5'11 3/4.

Editor Rob
wait, you have copy of documents...and there's no way to scan or take a digital picture of the document?
Anonymous said on 14/Aug/06
Juliet Prowse (GI Blues), Angela Lansbury (Blue Hawaii), and Mary Tyler Moore (Change of Habit) all stand 5-8. Barbara Stanwyck (Roustabout), Carolyn Jones (King Creole), Ann-Margret (Viva Las Vegas), and Ursula Andress (Fun in Acapulco) all stand 5-5. Dolores Hart (Loving You and King Creole), stands 5-5 1/2. Julie Adams (Tickle Me) is 5-6 and Marlyn Mason (The Trouble With Girls) is 5-7. Furthermore, it is well-documented that Richard Egan is 6-2 and, according to William Campbell's biography, Campbell is six feet even. Frank2: you are the first person that I have read on this page or anywhere else who states Egan as six feet even!
Brad said on 14/Aug/06
Brand was a king kong boozer but Doug McClure was worse. They'd prop him up on a horse and catch him in the fall. James Drury is the biggest (well wrong word cause he's small) jerk I've met from TV. Those 2 must have been a pair. James Dreary. I bet they cost Universal a lot in fits n boozin', probably more than George Maharis on Route 66 by running out the producer's slush fund for pay-offs.
Frank2 said on 14/Aug/06
Nevelle Brand was about 5'10". Campbell (still living) was 5'11" and Egan was 6' even. I met them all. Brand was a huge boozer. He was also a highly decorated soldier in WW II winning a Silver Star as well as a Purple Heart.
Brad said on 14/Aug/06
He looked taller in the westerns he did, those cowboy boots added 3" with ease. His leading ladies (for the most part) were 5' 4"ers. Anybody know what the autopsy figure was? Those steel tables with measuring devices are pretty accurate.
Larry said on 12/Aug/06
Watched LOVE ME TENDER today. Elvis looks a bit shorter than Richard Egan. William Campbell is the other, young dark-haired guy (I think) & he & The King looked the same height. Elvis looked taller than Neville Brand (sp?). Any idea how tall he was? Cheers! :-)
Frank2 said on 11/Aug/06
You didn't strike a chord. Not at least on my piano.
I worked all over. Besides MGM, I worked for Disney, Universal and Fox.
California said on 11/Aug/06
Frank2: my apologies! I did not mean to strike a chord with you. I was just reflecting my observations. I will look closer the next time I watch these films :) Did you work anywhere else in Hollywood other than MGM?
Frank2 said on 11/Aug/06
I have a copy of Love me Tender. Looking at it, it's clear that in the wide shots, Elvis is shorter than Egan. I have photos taken on the set. Rob published them on this thread. Egan is taller by at least an inch.
One more time. I met Egan. He was not 6'2". He was exactly 6'. If he was indeed 6'2" then why was he at least two inches shorter than Vic Mature in Demetrius and the Gladiators? and please don't tell me Mature was 6'4" since that would have made William Marshall 6'7"!
Elvis is not the same height as Wendell Corey, not in the wide angles. Do not go by close up's or two-shots. That's when all kinds of height manipulation takes place.
And finally, California, did you ever meet Elvis? I did. I saw him more than anyone posting here. He was just about my height, maybe, just maybe, a half an inch taller. No way was he over 6'.
California said on 11/Aug/06
I watched a triple-header last night of some of my favorite Elvis films: 'Love Me Tender', 'Loving You', and 'Jailhouse Rock'. I paid special attention to height, of course! I noticed in 'Love Me Tender', Elvis and Egan are the same height throughout and in some scenes Elvis is taller. Sources I've checked have Egan at 6-2. I noticed that Elvis is the same height as 6-1 Wendell Corey in 'Loving You' and a bit taller than 6-0 Mickey Shaugnessy in 'Jailhouse Rock'. I very much doubt that Elvis stated his height as 6-2. Any interview from the 50s has Elvis stating his height as 6 feet even. I also read on this page where Elvis stated his height as 6-0 1/2 at a concert in LA in 1970. I believe this is the height that he was measured at in the army! As far as lifts, I guess that would all be opinion. Anyone can state it and anyone can deny it!
Frank2 said on 11/Aug/06
Larry, When you watch Love Me Tender please notice that Elvis is shorter than Richard Egan. I met Egan and he was 6'. Also in the same film, Elvis and Bill Campbell are the same height. Bill was 5'11" back then.
Dan said on 11/Aug/06
I wanted to quote the bellow statement:
Ramiro says on 29/Jun/06
I have no more to say about the "lifts" thing, it has been fully clarified on posts below. Elvis never wore lifts, Elvis' original footwear is available to see, there's no mistery about. Graceland Archives said that the so called lifts were thin insoles similar to the Dr.Sholes ones that added no height with feet over them. The extra height was due to the different heels of the footwear. There is no need to believe in bulls*** rumours, perhaps someone near to Elvis said this but many more as close said the contrary. Elvis himself had a funny moment when he knew the "lift rumour".
This is untrue. I have many examples of Elvis' footwear, and I have also consulted for the Estate. Elvis did wear lifts on many occasions, which was not uncommon in the 1960's nor 1970's for men. No shame, most celebrities do this today. Elvis was precisely 5'11 3/4 with no shoes.
Dan said on 11/Aug/06
I am a collector of Elvis owned memorabilia, and can assure you that Elvis height was 5'11 3/4. The US Army rounded Elvis' height to 6ft. In a concert Sept 4, 1974, Elvis stated he was 6'2. That was untrue, Elvis tended to wear both lifts in his shoes, but not platforms as most would think. On Stage Elvis' boots were normal 1 inch, and at times 1.5 inches.
Larry said on 11/Aug/06
P.S.: Greoge Washington was SUPPOSEDLY 6'1" tall. :-)
Larry said on 11/Aug/06
I'm starting to buy Frank2's 5'11 or 11.5 assesment. My son LOVES Elvis & Johnny Cash, & Carl Perkins & Rob Orbison! :-) He has many, many tapes and vinyls. He also has a lot of Elvis' movies. We've been watching one per week and PERHAPS The King was a tad under 6'? Will watch LOVE ME TENDER tomorrow.
Frank2 said on 10/Aug/06
Well, all I can say is he wasn't 6' tall, not the Elvis I met. And I saw him many times in all sorts of situations.
One thing I've noticed is that just about everyone I know lies about his or her height. Most add at least an inch, sometimes two or three. A good friend of mine who unfortunately died earlier this year claimed he was 6'2" yet he and I were the exact, same height. When I questioned his wife one day after she mentioned he was 6'2" reminding her that I was his height and I'm 5'11", she then said that I must be 6'2"! Go figure!
California said on 10/Aug/06
I spoke with my friend (exactly 5-11) who worked at MGM during the 1970s and he says, flatly, that Elvis was a little over six feet tall. He spent quite a bit of time with Elvis in informal settings when Elvis was "out of costume" and said he was very tall and alot taller than he expected when he met him for the first time. My friend stated that Elvis loved to wear loafers and would always get into them when he was off-stage and done with his day (of performing). 'On Tour' was a 15 day account and my friend said they pretty much followed the same schedule and that Elvis was a creature of habit and loved routine, thus my friend saw Elvis on a regular basis during the entire project.
Frank2 said on 10/Aug/06
Not according to a book I have on Sinatra. It claims she went with Elvis after Frank refused to marry her.
George H said on 10/Aug/06
Frank2: No, actually she was still involved with Sinatra. She and Elvis would be in his trailer with his cronies on the lookout. Then, when Sinatra would enter the set, they'd quickly warn them that he was on his way.
Brad said on 10/Aug/06
Has anybody ever seen a photo of Elvis watching John Lennon & George Harrison leave his house in '65? Pretty cool candid. I wonder if the person took more shots.
Frank2 said on 9/Aug/06
"Elvis moved on to make "G.I. Blues with then Sinatra girlfriend Juliet Prowse, who fell like a log for Elvis' charms"
That must have been after Prowse dumped Sinatra after he refused to marry her. At one time she was deeply in love with him and wanted to get married. That was the last thing on Frank's mind. What really got to Frank was the fact that after she left, she never called him. Frank was used to women chasing after him, especially after he dumped them. Not so with Prowse.
Frank2 said on 9/Aug/06
I worked at MGM from 1968 until 1973. I met Elvis when he was filming The Trouble With Girls. I would see him at least a couple of times a week on the lot. One day I was up at his publicity headquarters where I had to deliver a check for one million dollars! He was there with a group of people and joked about where he was going to spend it. I had never seen a check made out for that much money. I believe it was for royalties.
And Gramps, I never had Washington over, but I did know Ben Franklin. Nice fellow. Had an eye for the ladies. And he wasn't that tall.
George H said on 9/Aug/06
Frank2: yeah, I noticed that at the end of the clip it said 1957. That's a glaring ommission. California is right about the name and date of the special. Half of the Rat Pack was in it, Frank, Joey, Sammy and Frank's daughter Nancy had picked up Elvis and welcomed him at his arrival press conference. They posed together there. The colonel had secretely invited many of Elvis' fanclub to be in the audience, hence the screaming which took Sinatra - whose show it actually was, even if it was dedicated to Elvis - by surprise. I read that for those days, Sinatra had to pay the highest amount to a guest star until then, to Elvis (but really the colonel) to get him on the show. "That's how the cookie crumbles", was the "fun" ending of their supposed spontaneous interaction. Elvis moved on to make "G.I. Blues with then Sinatra girlfriend Juliet Prowse, who fell like a log for Elvis' charms. They sure milked his time in the service.
Gramps said on 9/Aug/06
Frank2: I suppose you had George Washington over for cocktails last week, too.
California said on 8/Aug/06
I have noticed on this site that when one wants to give their point of view credibility, all one has to do is mention lifts! Not saying you are wrong Frank2, but can you really decipher from what you have posted that Elvis and/or Sinatra are wearing lifts? Incidentally, when did you meet Elvis? A very good friend of mine worked at MGM in the 70's and met Elvis while working on the documentary 'Elvis On Tour'in 1972; he was on the production and advanced camera teams. I am going to be speaking with him this week and I am curious to hear his input on Elvis' height. He and I have spoken about Elvis alot over the years, but I can't recall anything being mentioned about Elvis' height.
California said on 8/Aug/06
Frank2: that clip info is definitely wrong! It was March 26, 1960 and it was the 'Timex' special at the Fountainbleu Hotel in Florida. It was immediately after Elvis' discharge from the army om March 5. Doesn't matter if the clip info was wrong or not, it was historical and fantastic! Burt Reynolds has claimed he is 6 foot? WOW!
Frank2 said on 8/Aug/06
Here's the bottom line: I met Dean, Frank and Elvis. Dean was no more than 5'10", Sinatra was 5'7" and Elvis was shy of 6' by at least half an inch, possibly by an inch. I know I'm not 6'. That's for sure. And I know that many celebs who claim to be 6' are not! In many cases they're shorter than me! Burt Reynolds was shorter. He claimed he was 6'. Ricky Nelson claimed he was 6'1" yet he and I were the exact, same height.
George, the clip showing Elvis with Sinatra says right on it, 1957. I'm not mistaken. If it was in fact done in 1960 then the clip info is wrong. Don't shoot the messenger.
California said on 8/Aug/06
Frank2: If Dean is 5-10 and wearing 2 inch heels that put him "on par with Elvis", wouldn't that make Elvis 6-0? I also read a quote from you from some time back that said when the top of a person's head comes up to the eyes of another, that is roughly 5 inches. In the video with Sinatra and Elvis, Sinatra comes up to Elvis' eyes and Elvis even seems to being slouching a bit. When Elvis straigtens up, Sinatra is below Elvis' eye level. Anyhow, IF Sinatra was 5-7 (lifts or not), wouldn't Elvis be 6-0 plus?
George H said on 8/Aug/06
Frank2, you are mistaken. The Love Me Tender clip of Elvis with Sinatra was part of Sinatra's "Welcome Home, Elvis" special, AFTER Elvis left the service in 1960, making him 25 years old.
Frank2 said on 7/Aug/06
Somehow on my post with the clip of Dean, Frank and Judy, the word "inch" was left out. Hmmmmmm.....Should have read, "two inch lifts."
I seem to remember someone on the Dean Martin thread mentioning the name of the custom shoemaker that Dean as well as Frank and other celebs used. Anyone remember the fellow's name?
Frank2 said on 7/Aug/06
Now, here's Dean with Frank as well as Judy Garland and here Dean is wearing two lifts:
Click Here
That makes him on par with Elvis.
Compare that with a later appearance where Frank was the guest on Dean's TV show:
Click Here
Here both men are wearing obvious lifts. Dean is not as tall as he was in the earlier clip. I think Frank's lifts are bigger!
Frank2 said on 7/Aug/06
Here's Frank with 5'7" Bing Crosby and 5'10" Dean Martin:
Click Here
No one is wearing lifts. Notice that Crosby is the same height as Frank. And please notice that Dean at 5'10" is not as tall as Elvis was when next to Sinatra.
Frank2 said on 7/Aug/06
Just to prove that Elvis had reached his adult height long before he entered the service, here he is with 5'7" Frank Sinatra in 1957:
Click Here
It's clear that Elvis was about four inches taller than 5'7" Sinatra who for some reason decided not to wear lifts. When I saw Frank and he was wearing normal shoes I was about that much taller. Those who keep claiming that Sinatra was as tall as 5'9" are nuts! Sinatra and Gene Kelly were the same height. I met Kelly and he was also 5'7".
Frank2 said on 7/Aug/06
Elvis wasn't any taller coming out of the army. He just started wearing lifts, that's all.
Look, I met him, stood right beside him and no way was he 6' tall. I'll go to my grave thinking that. He and I were just about the same height. If anything he could have been a half an inch taller, but thinking back I seem to remember that in most cases we were the same height. His former brother-in-law agrees with me. Others have come forward saying Elvis wasn't six feet. He was shorter than a good friend of mine who worked in publicity at Fox. My friend was a solid six feet and in a photo he had with Elvis it was clear that Elvis was shorter. Elvis entered the service when he was 23 so I seriously doubt he suddenly grew by an inch to an inch and a half. It's time to get real.
Carlos said on 7/Aug/06
Elvis to me seemed taller after the 50's and when he came back after the army he just seemed to be taller than what he was before.
To my knowledge Elvis was a six footer and plus half inch change! Why it's plain to see!
Thanx Carlos
Frank2 said on 6/Aug/06
I doubt it. Elvis always looked about the same height to me going back to when he first became well known. The people I knew in Fox publicity swore he was only 5'11". One fellow who recently passed away was the guy who actually met Elvis at the airport and drove him to Fox Studios. For that day, the Fox publicity dept. made up signs saying stuff like "Elvis for President!" making it look like kids did it. Then when they got to the airport they passed them out to the girls who were there waiting for Elvis to arrive.
Stevie G said on 5/Aug/06
Frank2: I noticed that also, Elvis looking the same height as Berle after the Hound dog performance(which was brilliant). But was'nt that performance from -56. That year Elvis was 21 years old, maximum. Some guys grow a couple of centimeters after 21. He might have been one of them. I grew about 1 inch after 20.
leonari said on 4/Aug/06
that was probably in 1977, his death year...very sad...the man was the greatest.
Frank2 said on 3/Aug/06
That shot of NBC on Sunset & Vine at the beginning of the Elvis clip with Berle reminds me that as a kid I used to accompany my mom there when she acted in radio. I'd sit in the booth with the engineers and they'd sometimes let me twirl the dials. It was a beautiful building that unfortunately was torn down to make way for a bank and a parking lot. That's progress for you.
Frank2. said on 3/Aug/06
Here in this old clip, Elvis looks the same height as 5'10" Milton Berle:
Click HereHere's Berle next to Ronald Reagan:
Click HereReagan was about 6' at that time. In the 1940's he had been about 6'1".
Frank2. said on 3/Aug/06
Here's Elvis not looking that tall, but instead rather fat and really loaded:
Click Here
Poor man.
Larry said on 2/Aug/06
Hi guys! I don't disagree that Elvis was 5'11.5", but we certainly never measured anyone in shoes or boots during physicals in San Antonio. The only apparel that they were allowed to keep on was underwear (which was often pretty wild then!). Basic issue service boots would add 1.25 inches (in the early 70's anyway). The army wouldn't issue any shoes with higher heels that that to a service guy. Wonder if Elvis' fit? My first were 1 size too big! :-)
Frank2. said on 1/Aug/06
Oh, and Tiger, I'm just fine. Thanks
Frank2. said on 1/Aug/06
I was at youtube checking out various stuff on the war in the Middle East when by chance I typed in Dean Martin and discovered people had downloaded clips of his old shows so I returned to post the link on Dean's thread. Then I tried typing in Elvis and more interesting material came up.
I was there when they filmed those rehersals at MGM. For some reason they did it in the mixing booth that's next to the stage. If you watch That’s The Way It Is you'll see this rehersal. In the background in some of the angles you can see the huge theater-type speakers that were lined up against the back wall. It was a screwy setup where the audio engineer looked out onto the stage through a double glass, but in order to hear the playback had to turn around! That's all been changed over the years.
Chris, that makes perfect sense since when I met Presley he wasn't that much taller than me and I'm 5'11" exactly. We were basically eye to eye.
Tiger said on 1/Aug/06
Frank2: I can't remember. Was it during this time (That's the Way It Is)that you met Elvis or when he was wrapping up his film career? How much of the rehearsals did you get the chance to see or hear? You sure do live a charmed life! :>)
Tiger said on 31/Jul/06
Frank2: How have you been? Thanks for the link! Awesome stuff! Where the heck did you find that? I will be spending alot of time over there. Thanks again! Rob: I, myself, doubt that '73.75' listing on the doc. I may not be interpreting it correctly or I may be off completely. All I know is that Elvis' HEIGHT is stated at 6-0 1/2! I assume 'issue' means 'in boots', but, again, I could be completely wrong and I have questioned it from the moment I saw it!
Frank said on 31/Jul/06
Still arguing over his height huh?
Forget it and instead check this out:
Click Here
It was shot in the large mixing booth adjacent to Stage One (the scoring stage) at what was MGM (Now Sony). I was there when they were filming these rehersals for one his concerts in Vegas. I wandered in and out. As you can see, Elvis was having a lot of fun. Some of this footage ended up in the documentary, That’s The Way It Is which I worked on.
While at youtube, type Elvis in the search bar and you'll see there's a lot of stuff on him.
Tiger said on 31/Jul/06
Maybe the '6-1 3/4' in boots is a bunch of garbage then. Maybe I have misinterpreted that doc. As far as a 'Limited Edition, etc.', Mary Wowk should research a bit because I have one and there were a hundred of them! The book that I have right in front of me has to be SAID book and the certificate of authenticity is inside the front cover in the upper left! I am motivated now to get that to you, Rob! I will track down a scanner!

Editor Rob
ultimately all I want is to see any document that shows the 'in boots' measurement because that is the key point of contention...
if there is 6 0.5 (6 1.75) in print on this document, then great, it would be linked at the top of the page for any visitor to see for themselves.
mike said on 31/Jul/06
Rob,I have checked Chapter 6,page 59 and there is no such document printed,just a photograph and a picture.I suppose it is possible that this U.K. version is different from your USA version, but chapter 6 is entitled Stars and Stripes as you have described, so I was very disappointed not to find this document.The book is by Jim Piazza,published by Black Dog and is very large and black in colour with a silhouette of Elvis on the front.
Tiger said on 31/Jul/06
Well: I do not know which 'The King' book Mike is referring to, but the one that I have (huge over-sized, white hard-cover by Jim Piazza) shows on page 59 Elvis' 'Armed Forces of the United States Report of Transfer or Discharge'. If it is the same book as Mike, the problem might lie in the fact that I have a limited edition, gold standard, EXPANDED edition (Number 25 in a series of 100). This info is stamped in the upper left of the inside front cover and is a certificate of authenticity. It says: LIMITED EDITION, GOLD STANDARD SERIES, EXPANDED EDITION. Number 25 in a series of 100. The book is copyrighted 2005, so i'm sure that the limited editions are long gone. Page 59 in my book, as I look at it right now, has SAID information!

Editor Rob
Mr Paul
There was no limited edition
Mary Wowk
Black Dog & Leventhal Publishers
you see, that email is real, the limited edition gold standard superduppa elvis enhanced gold plated non-elevator shoe version of 'The King' which has a page showing elvis 6ft 1.75 in boots is not...
no wait, the enhanced version was handled by another publisher ;-)
mike said on 31/Jul/06
I have purchased The King book from Amazon but can find no trace of the army document.There is a reference on P93, below a photo mentioning that Elvis was 6ft 2ins and 180lbs, which I believe everyone on this site does not agree with.

Editor Rob
so you have the King book...so, at long last someone with this book can either backup and scan, or refute and deny the following statement:
"Chapter 6 is titled ''Stars and Stripes'' and is loaded with info and photos on Elvis'' military career. Page 59 has a photocopy of Elvis'' Armed Forces Of The United States Report of Transfer or Discharge: in the ''Personal Data'' section, under height, it says " 72.5 inches (73.75 issue)", under weight, it says, "180", and under station of record it says "Kennedy Hospital, Memphis, TN" It is stamped US DEPT of DEFENSE. Date of Induction states 3/24/58. Piazza acknowledges the National Archives for releasing this data to the public."
Viper652 said on 30/Jul/06
I agree, I think Elvis was no taller than 5-11 1/2.

Editor Rob
that reminds me...
"Ramiro says on 28/Jun/06
I've just ordered "The King" from Amazon.com"
are you able to scan or take picture of the army document that's been mentioned a number of times, so that it can be linked to top of this page...?
Anonymous said on 29/Jul/06
Why do people insist that Elvis was over 6ft? He looked tall compared to short people like Sinatra but whenever he's next to a genuinely big man like Muhammad Ali the difference is substantial. Johnny Cash said he was 6'1.5'' and he was a couple of inches taller than Elvis. Elvis might have been close to 6ft but was in all likelihood in the 5'11'' to 5'11.5'' range.
mike said on 6/Jul/06
In a magazine written by Billy Smith,Marty Lacker and I think Sonny West Elvis was listed as 6ft 3/4"!!!.I still go with the 1/2" version as whoever measured Elvis for the Army was obviously very close up took time in noting his height.A casual look would have resulted in 6ft or 6ft 1" being listed.Care to get it right must have been taken.I measure peole's height fairly regulary and it tends to be rounded off to the nearest inch.The army wanted to be precise.
Ramiro said on 6/Jul/06
I don't know what Billy Smith said or even if he really said that Rebecca. Anyway, if we have to believe in all that the members of the Memphis mafia said we'll become mad because they have told many untrue stories and even they don't agree among themselves with their stories. Remember too that Billy Smith was fired from Graceland and that he expected that Elvis left him something in his will but Elvis didn't left him anything. I've checked several pics too and discovered that Elvis towered over Billy Smith in height, so perhaps it is a simple question of Billy being jealous of Elvis height over him and trying to find some reason. Why to believe more in Billy than in others who were very close to Elvis too and said that the lifts story was untrue? (Charlie Hodge as an example, and Charlie was not the kind of person who lies, believe me). I tend to believe more in facts than in gossip. Don't you find ridiculous to wear lifts in slippers? Whom could Elvis deceive into his own home?
Rebecca said on 29/Jun/06
Tiger, the book is "Elvis and the Memphis Mafia" by Alanna Nash with Billy Smith, Marty Lacker and Lamar Fike.
Ramiro said on 29/Jun/06
Elvis shoes and boots are still on earth. Few celebrities have their memorabilia collected in the way Elvis has. Graceland Archives has told us what Elvis' footwear had and hadn't inside. This is the only truly official and definitive source, the rest are only gossip. I honestly think that I've provided the most reliable and solid source on this topic.
Frank2 said on 29/Jun/06
As far as Power, no one except the Marines and his studio publicilty ever claimed he was 6'. Most biographers swear he was 5'10". The people I knew at Fox who actually knew and worked with him told me he was anywhere from 5'10" to 5'11", but none said he was 6'. They would play tricks with Power to make him look over 6'. How they did it in Rawhide is a mystery. His boots look to be about the same as Marlowe's. And in the film there are quite a few long shots with the two are standing together. I do know that Marlowe was a solid six footer since I did see him in person. He and Cary Grant were the exact, same height. And Grant was six feet tall. Not six foot one or six foot two, but six feet even.
Here's a photo of Power next to Grant:
Click HereThe photo is slightly tilted making Grant look taller. When you correct it by raising the right corner, they're almost the same height. I'd say Power was an inch shorter so 5'11" seems about right for him.
Power with Gable:
Click HerePower and 6'1" Henry Fonda:
Click HerePower looks to be about two inches shorter so 5'11" seems again to be correct.
And Ramiro, you cannot make such a statement about no lifts as fact when you weren't there when Elvis was alive and working in Hollywood and have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.
Tiger said on 29/Jun/06
Elvis' father,Vernon, was 6-2. Rebecca, I'd like to know which book you are referring to. Ramiro: don't let the 'lifts' nonsense get you down, my friend! Learn to roll with it! There is not much you can do when someone throws that out there. Remember Duke Wayne: he is 6-4 1/2 and wore 3 to 4 inch lifts! You tell me how educated that sounds :)
Ramiro said on 29/Jun/06
I have no more to say about the "lifts" thing, it has been fully clarified on posts below. Elvis never wore lifts, Elvis' original footwear is available to see, there's no mistery about. Graceland Archives said that the so called lifts were thin insoles similar to the Dr.Sholes ones that added no height with feet over them. The extra height was due to the different heels of the footwear. There is no need to believe in bulls*** rumours, perhaps someone near to Elvis said this but many more as close said the contrary. Elvis himself had a funny moment when he knew the "lift rumour".