Ramiro said on 30/Mar/06
First of all thank you very much for your words Tiger and sorry for my bad english (I write from Spain). If there is a mistake in Elvis' army measurement I'm sure it's for defect and not for excess. It is quite frequent that soldiers are shrunk at the moment of height's measurement because of being inhibited and at least a little distressed. In the case of Elvis we must add the tremendous pressure made for all the media attention. Regarding some pretentious people of the show business lying about their height and adding some inches, this is clearly not the case of Elvis who was a non pretentious and very humble man, he often admitted his failures. By the way, I saw a picture of the moment Elvis was measured in the army and he was exactly relaxed, but erect, and not forced.
Frank2 said on 30/Mar/06
Here's Bob Hope standing on a box photographed with Marilyn Monroe and Joe DeMagio:
Click Here
Frank2 said on 30/Mar/06
The photo of Elvis with Carson shows that Carson wasn't 5'11". He was 5'10" and Elvis looks about two inches taller. And we don't know what shoes Elvis was wearing. I do know that Carson never wore lifts. When I stood next to Elvis I looked taller than Carson does in that photo. When I met Johnny he was shorter than me by at least an inch. Figure it out. This isn't rocket science. Or maybe, just maybe, I've been mis-measured over the years. My doc told me that most people stand up as tall as they can when they're measured. To be accurate one is supposed to stand erect, but not stretch themselves to enhance their overall height. I've been measured just standing there relaxed, but erect. I suppose if I stretched myself I'd be closer to six feet. Who knows? Maybe that's the entire explanation for why many of these celebs don't appear as tall as they're supposed to be. I had a friend in high school who looked 6'2". But he always said he was 6'-1/2". It turned out he got measured the way I was. Both of us were considered to be taller in high school than we were. It would crack me up to be standing next to some jock who'd claim he was six feet and notice he was actually no taller than me. When my mom remarried, her husband claimed he was 6'1" yet he was hardly any taller than me. My mom still thinks I'm more like 6', but I know I'm not. In fact if anything I've lost a little as I now approach the big six-o. Back in the 1970's I got to be friends with actor Don Dubbins. He claimed he was 6' but I knew he was no taller than 5'10". I casually knew actor Clu Gulager who claimed he was 6'2". In reality he was closer to being just under 6'. George Segal told everyone he was 6'1" yet go to his listing on this site and see how much shorter he is than me. Check out Tippi Hedren with me. She's tiny. But she claims to be 5'5". Marilyn Monroe was listed at 5'5-1/2" yet I know that simply wasn't true. She was closer to 5'4". Had she been 5'5-1/2" that would have made her close to 5'10" wearing four inch heels which she did in a lot of films. That wasn't the case. Cary Grant is listed as 6'1" yet he was no taller than 6' even. I hate to break the news to all you fans, but most of the heights listed are bogus. Most stars who aren't giants routinely add inches. On the contrary, truly big men like Lon Cheney tried to play down their size thinking it would hurt their chances at playing leading roles. Cheney was a solid 6'2" which was very tall back in the thirties and forties. Then in the fifties along came Rock Hudson, Troy Donahue, Tom Tryon, Jeff Chandler all big men all playing romantic parts and things changed. Up till then tall stars like John Wayne and Randolph Scott had mostly played in westerns and action films. Exceptions were made for a handfull of really tall actors like Jimmy Stewart and Gary Cooper, although Coop also got stuck in action films and westerns. Stewart was such a fine actor that he couldn't be pigeonholed into acting in limited genres. A good rule back then was, "Be athletic and tall and get shoved into a costume. Then maybe, just maybe, by the film's conclusion you can kiss the girl."
Tiger said on 30/Mar/06
Ramiro: excellent job referencing that bogus notion! Very well done! I recall another subscriber some time back, on this page, who also e-mailed Graceland and got a vey similar response. It was a rumor that started in Hollywood in the mid-60s when Elvis was focusing on movies. Hollywood tabloids took it and ran with it. Even with the tabloids, the issue rarely surfaced in the mainstream. From what I gather, Elvis used to get a big kick out of the rumor.I have never thought to contact Graceland or anyone else because I always thought that Elvis wearing lifts was absolute nonsense! However, there are people who will, as Rob put it, take the rumor and let it make the rounds. We have also discussed on this page about the footwear in the 60s and 70s. Even with 1.5 to 2 inch heels on his boots, Elvis was far from the true, "excessive" heels of the day. Ramiro: again, nice work! Thank you for doing some RESEARCH and then DOCUMENTING! You know, there will still be some people who will bring up lifts, especially when they don't have a leg to stand on when it comes to perceiving height (especially in photos). It happens all over this site, not just the Elvis page.
Ramiro said on 30/Mar/06
I think that with photographs we can only have an approximate idea of height, there are a lot of factors that influence our perception and you can always find a picture where someone seems to be taller than another and vice versa. We must see too that some people use lifts in their shoes and this possibility not only affect Elvis. By the way, I emailed to the Graceland Archives Department some time ago and they answered me this:"Dear Ramiro,
> The so called lifts Elvis had in his shoes are more like what we
> would put into our shoes as an inner sole. You may not have them
> in Spain but Dr. Sholes here puts out these things you put in your
> shoes to cushion your feet, something like those. They really don't
> add any height because they less than 1/2" high.
> The extra height Elvis got was from the heels on his boots and
> some of his shoes. However, that type of boot and heel was
> popular in the 1970's and most American men wore them.
> (Including my then husband) That was what was out there.
> In fact there were shoes popular then that have come back
> into style today that we called "platform" shoes. You might
> have seen them in exagerated form on the group KISS.
> These platform shoes are a good 4" - 6" high. Elvis didn't
> wear those of course, but heels on shoes were very common
> in the 70's.
> Elvis stood 6 feet tall without shoes, he wasn't short.
> Archives Staff
I think that the lifts affair is closed if we are talking about Elvis unless we want to speculate about the nothingness.
Tiger said on 30/Mar/06
As far as analyzing photos, here we go again. PERCEPTION. Doesn't Hope look alot more than 5-9 against the 6-3+ Fred MacMurray? Hope looks more in the 5-11/5-11.5 range. In addition, that angle gives the people closer to the camera even more of a height advantage. Doesn't Nixon look taller than Hope in that picture? Doesn't Nixon look taller than the 5-11 Richard Carpenter in the 'Carpenter's' photo. Any photo taken from "below and angled up" is always hard to judge (everyone appears to be the same height who are the same height or close), but Nixon appears a bit taller. I know absolutely nothing about Alpert or Barry, so I am going to stay away from them. The last time we had someone who we didn't know anything about, Danny Thomas, Frank2 stated his height as 5-10. However, Thomas stated his own height as 5-11 1/2. So, why go there?
Tiger said on 30/Mar/06
Nixon was 5-11 1/2 / 6 feet tall. Of course, in much later photos, he did appear to have lost some height; he was well into his mid 70s/early 80s! Of course one of the photos is "tilted" to give Elvis some extra height; when in doubt, let's add something to "enhance" so we can "downgrade". Elvis with the 5-10.5/5-11 Johnny Carson
Click HereElvis with the 5-8/5-8.5 Sinatra
Click Here Click HereElvis with the 6-1.5/6-2 Johnny Cash
Click HereFrank2: please refer to 20,21,23 MAR 2006 below for many more photos I've submitted. Also: to quote you from the Cary Grant page on 27/MAR/06: "Height is in the eye of the beholder. We see what we want to see. An inch is pretty small. I doubt anyone would notice the difference except rarely. In fact, an inch is the exactly the width of a bottle cap!" Frank2: you seem to go against your statement; you seem to be able to decipher down to a half-inch or less in your recollections or when looking at a photo. Aren't you contradicting yourself? Isn't that inconsistent? Is Dean Martin really 5-11, but you perceive him as 5-10? Is Peter Lawford really 6-0, but you perceive him as 5-11? Is Nixon really 5-11 1/2, but you perceive him as 5-10? Didn't you state on Dean Martin's page that he wore lifts to get himself to six feet or just under? (assuming he IS 5-10) I believe you did.
You are an intelligent man, Frank2: regarding Elvis' FAKE mugshot with a phony background, which looks very much like a film strip that is part of the photo. What is the "writing" in the background? If that is a real height chart, where are the height markings: 5-5, 5-6, 5-7,etc. Why are we left to "count"? Having said all that and laughing as I look at that photo, thinking how anyone can take it seriously (we analyzed that thing way down below on this page; you might want to scroll down to 15/16 DEC 05 Rob has a link to where you can go to see it as a fake; the website that posts it explains it!): don't you find it rather ridiculous that Elvis is having his height measured SIDEWAYS?
Frank2 said on 30/Mar/06
Oh, and if I didn't mention it before, Nixon was 5'10". The heights of various Presidents have been, shall we say, embellished a tad.
Here's Tricky Dick with a group:
Click HereDoesn't look like he's nearly a six footer to me. But then others might just come back saying there's hardly any difference.
Still think Nixon was over 5'11"?:
Click HereNixon with 6' Gerald Ford:
Click HereNixon and Elvis:
Click HereNotice the photo is slightly tilted to give Elvis a little more height.
Here's another:
Click HereHere's Elvis with 5'10" Dean Martin and 5'6" Shirley MacLaine:
Click HereAnd pleeeeeeezzz don't tell me Dino was 6' 'cause that's just plain rubbish. And Shirley is 5'6" not 5'7".
And another one:
Click Here5'7" Sinatra with Elvis:
Click HereAnd yes, people, Old Blue Eyes was just 5'7".
The Rat Pack:
Click HerePlease notice that Peter Lawford is taller than Dean. Lawford was about my height or half an inch taller. The last time I saw him he looked like death warmed over and had shrunk to about 5'10". That was close to when he cashed in his chips and went to that "big casino in the sky" where now all of the Rat Pack members are at play.
Elvis with Sinatra:
Click HereElvis' mug shot:
Click HerePlease count up from the 5' mark and tell me how tall he looks. I see no more than 5'11".
That's it. I'm off to bed.
Frank2 said on 30/Mar/06
So Nixon was nearly six feet? Hardly:
Click HereHere's Nixon with The Carpenters:
Click HereFYI Richard is exactly my height which is 5'11". He also weighed about 145 lbs.
Here's Karen and Richard with 5'10" Herb Alpert:
Click HereAnd to show you Herb is 5'10", here he is with Jack Nicholson:
Click HereHere's Nixon with a shrinking Bob Hope:
Click HereI doubt Bob was over 5'9" when that photo was taken.
And here's Nixon with Elvis:
Click HereI'm telling you! I was next to Elvis and he wasn't that much taller than me! At best he was 3/4". When he slumped he was shorter. It wasn't like I walked up to this giant (height-wise) figure! Sheeeeeeeeeeezzzzzzzzzz!!!!!!!
Frank2 said on 30/Mar/06
Look, here's Elvis with actor Gene Barry:
Click HereI met Barry on at least two occasions and he was slightly taller than me both times, say by about a half an inch so as you can see in this photo Barry is as tall or taller than Elvis. Today Barry is about 5'10".
Ramiro said on 29/Mar/06
Well, I'm with you in that the army is full of non very intelligent people, but I think that the record regarding Elvis height is correct and not too difficult to obtain, and more, if there was an error it would put Elvis over the official height and never under it (he could not be completely straight but not to measure more unless he was on his toes). It is the only official Elvis' height measurement and that's more than other celebrities have. We have this official statement of Elvis in bare foot (6'.1/2 inches) and with shoes (6'.1.3/4 inches) and we have Elvis saying this too in different occasions. Regarding Bill Belew, as was said below he stated many different heights for Elvis(in "The Rough Guide To Elvis Presley" he adds one more if I'm not wrong (5'.11.1/2 inches), this is due to that total height is not an important measurement for taylors (my father was taylor), so he roughly measured Elvis' height or even estimated it from partial measurements. Furthermore the taylors use a flexible tape measure that is not the best thing for measuring height with accuracy; and I remember taylors taking measurements with shoes on, one more time this is a not very good way to measure height.
Ramiro said on 29/Mar/06
First of all excuse me for not putting my name before (Anonymous). I made a typing mistake, Elvis was officially measured in the army at 6'.0.5 inches. If there is an official height why to use other sources?
Tiger said on 28/Mar/06
TJ: thanks for the support; you are very much a person of reason and one willing to look at the real evidence. I can't believe that I am still able to find so much info on Elvis' height. Remember, way back when on this site, people were analyzing the army photo and the caption that stated 6-0 1/2. Well, several different subscribers to the site stated that they had seen that same photo and it stated 6-1 1/2. We weren't sure at the time which was correct. The key to the mystery is the "getting measured twice" and we have seen Elvis being measured at least twice in photos: under the stadiometer (2 photos, each from a different angle or totally different situations?) and up against a height chart. I know that it is ludicrous to debate 1/2 inch to 3/4 of an inch, but maybe the army "overmeasured" him? I really don't think one can remember nor look at a photo and for sure say 5-11 3/4 or 6 feet or even 6-0 1/2 and definitely be able to differentiate between the three; too small of a difference, they are all too close. If Elvis was 5-11 3/4 in barefeet and measured as such, it would be in his record!
Anonymous said on 28/Mar/06
I think it is quite stupid to discuss about a thing that is officially measured. Elvis was officially measured in the army so 6.1/5 is his real and definitive height. Frank2, I really doubt that Elvis told you he was under 6 feet or 5.11 because it is a documented fact that Elvis said several times he was over 6 feet, or simply 6 feet, he always stated that figure. I really can't imagine Elvis telling you his height, why?? and why to put his height under he always told?? Also when you say that Elvis told you that he just missed out being 6 feet tall he could be saying it for excess not for defect.
Frank2 said on 28/Mar/06
"but each time that you try and explain yourself, we get a different answer: "eye to eye", "a little taller than me", "no more than 6 feet tall", "5-11 1/2", 5-11 3/4", etc. Which is it?"
I said he was slightly taller than me, never the same height. In that I've been more than consistant. Almost eye-to-eye isn't the same as being the same height. One time I saw him he was wearing loafers and was no more than 3/4" taller if that so I say he was somewhere between 5'11-1/2" to 5'11-3/4". He said in my presence that he just missed out being six feet. Later when I saw him on the set of The Trouble With Girls he was over 6' since he was wearing boots with two inch heels.
Frank2 said on 28/Mar/06
When I met and spoke with Elvis he was wearing loafers with no lifts and he and I were almost eye-to-eye level. In fact in one room I was in they had a big mirror on the wall and I occasionally looked towards it and didn't notice a big difference. Had I been filmed with him most people would have a hard time seeing any difference in height. He was broader than me (back then I weighed about 145 lbs) and bigger boned. But I doubt he weighed more than about 170 lbs at the time. (Now I weigh 185!) Of course later he ballooned up to about 250 lbs. Maybe more. All that fried food and candy did the trick. The man looked incredible when I saw him at MGM and later he looked like a blimp. Also, his hair started looking like he wore a wig when he got older and was making his last appearences in Vegas.
TJ said on 28/Mar/06
Tiger mentions the two heights in Elvis' army records. Some have suggested that the often quoted 6'0.5 army height was with shoes, but that is undermined by the fact that there is also the reference in the records to 6'1.75 with shoes. This fits in with Joe Esposito's comment that back then guys were measured twice when they were inducted - once with shoes and once without. It also explains why there are photos of Elvis' height being measured more than once during induction. No one is saying that Elvis didn't wear boots with sizeable heels, but so what? That doesn't mean he wasn't the height that the army measured him at. He either wanted to look even taller or just wore them for fashion - in common with a lot of people in the 60s/70s.
With a lot of celeb heights on here, it is pure guesswork based on how tall they look against another celeb or the differing perceptions of people who met them. How often do those perceptions alter? Er, all the time and often by significant amounts. I don't doubt that Frank2 met Elvis and perceived him to be 5'11.75, but that's only 0.75 inches less than his officially measured height and so quite an easy mistake to make. I have a friend who was certain he was the same height as me until I got him to stand in front of a mirror next to me and he realised he was a good inch shorter. Our perceptions from standing in front of someone are often not accurate. With Elvis, we have an officially measured height that is far more trustworthy than guesses from people who met him. There is no need for further argument.
George H said on 28/Mar/06
Gentlemen, please don't fight "over" me, I'm beginning to feel like a girl now :) Only kidding.
Tiger: the only celebrity I met up close was Warren Beatty, and I trust Frank2's assessment of Beatty's height more than others who have pegged him shorter. The man is big, bigger than me (and I'm not short myself at 6'1"), period.
As far as Elvis goes: I've been an Elvis fan for just over 30 years now (I'm 42) and I've seen him in concert three times. The closest I got to him was about 4 or 5 feet. I can say that he definitely wore lifts in later years, because he did seem quite a bit taller. Also the difference between him and Charlie Hodge seemed to grow in later years, so that Charlie had to resort to wearing ridiculously high platform shoes during the shows. But, like I said earlier, before all the craziness began and before Elvis was spoiled by the stuff that was weighing him down, he said he was 6 ft even, and I believe him on that. He may have added half or a quarter of an inch or shaved off half or a quarter of an inch because most people really don't like to say for instance I'm five ten three quarters of an inch each time they're being asked for their height, LOL.
Tiger said on 27/Mar/06
Frank2: I would remember everything about someone like that; for me, it would be a dream come true. I have no problem with your recollection, but each time that you try and explain yourself, we get a different answer: "eye to eye", "a little taller than me", "no more than 6 feet tall", "5-11 1/2", 5-11 3/4", etc. Which is it? What about the people who have met Elvis and worked/lived directly with him who state him to be over six feet tall? I don't think that you were around him more than his wife, Esposito, his step-brothers, Red and Sonny West, etc. I was being sarcastic when responding to George H about "long, long ago", but what does "almost eye-to-eye mean"? Are you sure there wasn't an inch or so difference? It really is not alot!
Frank2 said on 27/Mar/06
"Yeah, but you have to remember George H: Frank2 met Elvis (long, long ago), so there is no way he can be over six feet tall"
Let me ask you something, Tiger. If you met Elvis as you say long, long ago, would you forget his height? I think you'd have remembered vividly most everthing about him that you observed. I'd even bet on it! Being 5'11" and standing there talking with him almost eye-to-eye is something I'll never forget.
Frank2 said on 27/Mar/06
No, just two inch lifts in my case.
I met Yvonne back when she appeared at a gathering of older TV and film stars here in LA who were there to sign autographs. She was still quite lovely.
People who seem obsessed with Elvis trivia as well as the man himself must not have a real life of their own. Just my own personal observation.
I've tried to lend a bit of info based on my own observations, in my case standing next to Elvis (not an impersonator) and speaking with him as well as what I've overheard him say to several people as well as what Jeff told me as well as what I observed in various photos as well as Elvis's many films and TV appearences. Take it for what it's worth. But I'll be big bucks I'm the only one on this forum who met the man in the flesh and saw him on several occasions.
Tiger said on 27/Mar/06
Click Here at the beginning point,the site gives seven steps to follow to find what one is looking for. Here one can view 8-10 of Elvis' military records (just a sample), now released to the public. One can also view a sampling of other celebs' records who have served over the years. As far as Elvis, one can view the admission sheet dated 24/OCT/59, when Elvis was hospitlaized, in Germany, for a second time with tonsillitis. His vital stats are given as 6-0 1/2 and 180 lbs.
Tiger said on 27/Mar/06
Yeah, but you have to remember George H: Frank2 met Elvis (long, long ago), so there is no way he can be over six feet tall :)
Frank2 said on 27/Mar/06
"I think your "relationship" with Jeff Beaulieu is, at best, an acquaintance."
How wonderful it must be for you to have such intimate knowledge of people you don't even know with amazing insight into their personal lives. Perhaps you can tell me accurately who my true friends happen to be. If so there's a TV show in it that you need to star in. Let's see, we could call it Tiger Sees All, Knows ALL.
Anyone who believes Lisa Marie is never going to get to the truth. After all, she "married" the King of Pop!
Tiger said on 27/Mar/06
George H: I absolutely agree with you! Lisa has stated her father's height as 6-2. I believe she is incorrect. I have heard that interview you have documented (have it on the 'Elvis Speaks' cd and have read the quotes in a couple references). Elvis has always stated his height as 6 feet tall or a little over (Lakeland FLA interview see below 5/DEC/05). However, when processed for the army, he was measured at 6-0 1/2. Now, I don't think 1/2 of an inch is all that relevant, but it was an official measurement and is in Elvis' medical records. Could the 1/2 inch be "over-measured", yes, but a stadiometer height is usually very, very accurate. Thus, after the army, Elvis has stated his height as 6-0 1/2 on at least a couple occasions. I don't think anyone disputes the fact that Elvis is not 6-2; it is just documented alot. Elvis has NEVER said he was 6-2, nor 6-1 for that matter. Priscilla,in the 2 DVD set 'The Great Peformances' and her book 'Elvis and Me', states Elvis' height as 6 feet. Joe Esposito (see below 22 DEC 05) states Elvis' height as 6-0 1/2. George H: excellent input, my friend!
George H said on 27/Mar/06
Tiger, I have to come to Frank2's support here as far as accurate statements about his height by his ex-wife or other relatives and friends, because on "Elvis by the Presley's" his daughter Lisa Marie claims he was 6'2", and that certainly isn't true.
Elvis has always said he was 6 ft even. The earliest tape I have on that was from early 1956, from a local radio station. He had not had his big national break yet then, so what would be the point to exagerate(sp) his height? The reporter starts the interview saying that Elvis is quite a tall fella and then he asks what his height is and Elvis answers "I'm 6ft even, sir".
Tiger said on 26/Mar/06
TJ: alot of what Frank2 "recalls" about Elvis or people Elvis knew seems to be made up. He changes "recollections" to fit his opinion or point of view, which is rather inaccurate. I would put Jeff Beaulieu at #37 (on a list of 50), as far as going to someone about information on Elvis. I would put ELVIS' wife, Priscilla Beaulieu, in the top 5. Frank2: did you read me right? ELVIS' wife, Priscilla Beaulieu.
Tiger said on 26/Mar/06
Wait a minute Frank2: I can come up with alot more than "dufuss" (by the way it is "duface") for you. Let's keep it on the up and up. I think your "relationship" with Jeff Beaulieu is, at best, an acquaintance. ELVIS' WIFE PRISCILLA HAS STATED HER HUSBAND, ELVIS', height as 6 feet. Wouldn't she know more about Elvis than her brother? Can you offer more than one website, regarding Dan Blocker? That is the same website that also lists Elvis at 6-2 (just scroll down). Frank2: any other "official" records you care to speak about?
Frank2 said on 26/Mar/06
If Jeff is married to Priscilla that would make it incest. Jeff is her brother, dufuss!
TJ said on 25/Mar/06
Frank, I have Elvis' army records and they do not list him at 5'11 3/4 at all. I've never heard any mention of such records before either, and I know some serious superfans who are really obsessed with detail. If you are correct and Elvis was 3/4 inch shorter than Joe Esposito claims, that isn't written on his army records.
Frank2 said on 25/Mar/06
FYI The following site lists Dan Blocker as standing 6'3":
Click Here
Tiger said on 24/Mar/06
Rob: I think we do now have "enough". I should have waited to respond to Frank2's comments and the stars must be aligned. The latest addition to my Elvis collection (as of a few hours) is a giant, over-sized book titled 'The King' (2005 by Jim Piazza and published by Black Dog & Leventhal Publishing). Chapter 6 is titled 'Stars and Stripes' and is loaded with info and photos on Elvis' military career. Page 59 has a photocopy of Elvis' Armed Forces Of The United States Report of Transfer or Discharge: in the 'Personal Data' section, under height, it says " 72.5 inches (73.75 issue)", under weight, it says, "180", and under station of record it says "Kennedy Hospital, Memphis, TN" It is stamped US DEPT of DEFENSE. Date of Induction states 3/24/58. Piazza acknowledges the National Archives for releasing this data to the public. Elvis and many other celebs' military records were released in June of 2005. For those that cannot convert inches to feet: 72.5 is 6-0 1/2 and 73.75 is 6-1 3/4. HMMM, Joe was wrong. Elvis was measured at 6-1 3/4 in his boots, not 6-1 1/2. We will forgive you Joe :)
Tiger said on 24/Mar/06
Joe Esposito, Elvis' best friend and fellow draftee in 1958, states Elvis' height as 6-0 1/2. This is the height on his official medical records. Jeff Beaulieu? How about his WIFE Priscilla Beaulieu, who states her husband's height as 6-0? Joe Esposito says Elvis' official height, listed in his medical records, is 6-0 1/2. When measured for uniform, with GI issued footwear, he is recorded at 6-1 1/2. Please see my correspondence below with Joe from 22 Dec 2005! You have referenced ONE webpage and for every photo you claim as evidence, I think I have submitted 5 that have shown the truth! Your recollections on Elvis are clear as a bell? What?
Frank2 said on 24/Mar/06
Enough!!! According to Army medical examination records, Elvis stood 5'-11 3/4". When I asked his former brother-in-law Jeff Beaulieu, he confirmed it. According to Jeff, Elvis's Army records lists this height. As far as his public knew, he was 6'.
What's next? We go to Graceland and dig him up?
Frank2 said on 24/Mar/06
FYI Bobby Darin was not over 5'9". He was a lot shorter than me when I met him. I'd say no more than 5'8".
And Tiger, please explain how I'm not consistant. My recollections are as clear as a bell. Just because I forgot about Red West doesn't destroy my entire argument. I've said all along that Elvis was slightly under six feet. I've shown photos of him with other people and referenced webpages. I've stated what I know to be true.
Tiger said on 24/Mar/06
Frank2: you are losing credibility very fast. You are very inconsistent and you are scrambling to keep yourself afloat. It appears that you have forgotten quite a bit over time. I am not sure your recollections are very clear at this point! With Jerry Lewis, you are convincing. With Elvis, you are not even close!
Frank2 said on 24/Mar/06
By the way, the photo I found of Elvis with his arms raised up was a joke. Know what a shortarms inspection is?
Frank2 said on 24/Mar/06
Liberace was short, no more than 5'8" max. I stand corrected with Red West. He was 5'11" not 6'. I had forgotten that I'd see him almost daily back when he was in Baa Baa Black Sheep. And the shoes Elvis is wearing with Russell are lifts.
TJ said on 24/Mar/06
Frank2. I'd like to correct one of your pics.
You posted the following pic of Elvis' Army shortarms inspection -
Click HereNow take a look at a comparison between that pic and the full, undoctored pic -
Click HereAs you can see, in the first, the guy has been moved up and closer. Things are not always as they seem. It's quite easy to create the doctored pic youself if you have the original. If anything, Elvis was a little taller than that guy, not the 6-7 inches shorter that he looks in the fake pic ;-)
mike said on 24/Mar/06
in the karate pictures-1974 elvis is barefoot but still appears tall.I have met Ed Parker and I was eye to eye and also Richard Davis whom I was about 1"-1.5" taller.I am 6ft 1" and in photos of Elvis with these people he appears to be of similar height to myselt,so considering the Joe Esposito comments and Elvis' own comments on desert storm etc I think the six foot and half inch is probably correct.
Tiger said on 23/Mar/06
Elvis with 6-5/6-6 (depending on the source) football great Rosie Grier
Click HereElvis with 6-3/6-4 (depending on the source) Steve Allen
Click HereElvis with Liberace (listed and has stated his height as 5-10, but we will say 5-8.5/5-9 to make people happy)
Click Here Click HereFrank2: stop making the heights of these people the way you want them to be. Give us something concrete. You are being very inconsistent (examples: Red West and Glen Campbell, to name two and you've stated Elvis as 5-11, 5-11.5, 5-11 3/4 and one inch taller than you, which would be 6 feet!)
Frank2 said on 23/Mar/06
Blocker doesn't look like he's 6'4" next to 5'8" actor David Macklin:
Click HereAnd to show you Macklin's 5'8", her he is with 5'8" Dick Clark:
Click HereScroll down and check out Blocker with 5'10" Neville Brand:
Click HereBlocker doesn't look 6'4" to me.
In The Rifleman episode that Blocker was in he was at the very least three inches shorter that Chuck Connors. In some scenes he was four inches shorter.
No way was he 6'4". Another myth from a town that couldn't survive on telling the truth even if it meant saving their lives.
Frank2 said on 23/Mar/06
Go to this site and click on the photo of Elvis on stage:
Click Here He looks at least to me to be the shortest one in the photo.
Frank2 said on 23/Mar/06
Here's 5'11" Red with Elvis and 5'11-1/2" Glenn Campbell:
Click HereCampbell and Elvis:
Click HereI'm sure Elvis wore shoes or boots that boosted him by at least a couple of inches.
With 5'8" Bobby Darin:
Click HereI met Bobby when he attended a classical concert given by the LA Philharmonic at the Dorothy Chandler in LA and he was that height. He wasn't wearing his rug that day or lifts. We sat almost next to one another and ended up speaking. Nice guy.
Check out the boots on Elvis standing next to 5'7" Don Ho:
Click HereAnd once again, Elvis with 5'10" Jim Backus:
Click HereIn the background is 5'7" Donald O'Conner. Backus was an inch shorter than me going back to when I got to be my full height in the mid-1960's. Before that I noticed he was almost the same height as my 5'9-1/2" father. Backus and his longtime wife Hennie were good friends with my folks.
Backus with Bogie:
Click HereHere's Backus 2nd from left with 5'10" Jonathon Winters, 5'11" John Carradine, and 5'10" Richard Burton:
Click HereBackus with 6'3" Fred MacMurray:
Click Here
Frank2 said on 23/Mar/06
This is from Elvis impersonator Wade Cummins: "Plus, he's got his share of an insider's buzz: "Elvis was 5-11 tall, but put in two-inch lifts in all his
shoes; he had a thing about height, so he always said he was 6-1," said Wade, revealing this little-known tidbit. "I am 5-11 and 190 pounds. I don't know what his normal weight was, but he's been up and down." The entire articel is here:
Click HereThe following website lists his height as 5'11":
Click HereElvis backstage at the Ed Sullivan Show:
Click HereElvis's wig:
Click HereYep! That's right! He was bald! (just kidding)
Army shortarms inspection?:
Click HereBy the way, wasn't 6' Gary Lockwood slightly taller than Elvis in It Happened at the World's Fair?
If those aren't lifts on Elvis I'll eat my laptop! Just look how high up his ankle bone is in this photo:
Click Here That's "little" Kurt Russell in that photo with Elvis.

Editor Rob
mentioning 'lifts' in the same sentence as Elvis should require a public health warning on here
Frank2 said on 23/Mar/06
Oh I forgot to mention that Red West was only 5'11". I saw him, even spoke with him when he was at Universal in Baa Baa Black Sheep. That one I'll also bet big bucks on. And by the way, Robert Conrad is really short!!
Elvis, a liar? Well, maybe the Elvis I saw last week who tried to sell me his old Cadillac.
Tiger said on 23/Mar/06
I can definitely see Dangerfield getting down to 5-8 in his old age. Sorry Frank2: Elvis was 6-0 1/2 (okay, 6-0)! Now we're down to about 1/4+ of an inch, as far as debate. Do you really think this is the last time? Are you calling Elvis a liar? How dare you? :)
Frank2 said on 23/Mar/06
I met Pernell and he was 6' or one inch taller than me, period. And for the last time, Elvis stood 5'11-1/2", maybe 5'11-3/4", but never hit the six foot mark. And for the fans of Dean Martin, on his TV show when 5'9" Michael Landon appeared, Landon was the same height as Dino! Watch the DVD of that show that they now sell and tell me Dean was taller.
Glenn said on 23/Mar/06
Dangerfield shrunk to 5-8.
Tiger said on 23/Mar/06
mike c: great to see you on the Elvis page. You are still testing? Must be make-ups! TJ: also great to hear from you; where the heck have you been?
Tiger said on 23/Mar/06
Ray: you READ somewhere? Where? Are you not following this page very well? I think you should READ this page. Are you referring to the single website that Frank2 cited, where Elvis is listed at 5-11? Hardly enough to convince anyone. Sumner was very much 6-6; he states it in an interview for 'Elvis:the Legend of a King' (1980 radio tribute) and his daughter states it in 'He Touched Me: the Gospel Music of Elvis Presley' (DVD). It is also documented in at least 3 Elvis references.
Ray said on 23/Mar/06
JD Sumner wasn't 6'6". He was 6'4"
Ray said on 23/Mar/06
I read somewhere that Elvis was measured in his army days at 5'11"
TJ said on 22/Mar/06
The Hamilton pic isn't much use really, as we can't see the ground. Either one could be given an advantage by a gradient. If Jim Brown was really 6'2, then Elvis looks the 6'0.5 that Joe Esposito claims. The second pic has a full length shot and Brown is in boots. Elvis probably had a heel too, but still doesn't look more than 1.5 inches difference.
mike c said on 22/Mar/06
Dan Blocker was 6'4" inches tall!!..I'm 59 and a huge fan of Bonanza...my favorite program when I was growing up...no way Jose! was Dan shorter than that..it's a shame he died so young..Frank, I like you, but look at the picture and tell me Dan was 6'2" and compare him to Roberts...while stating that Pernell was only 6'..Tiger, got here by chance...proved JW was 6'4.5"..maybe it't time to tackle Blocker..6'4" +...a blind man can/could see it...by the way, I read an article after he passed while in surgery...6'4"..and nothing less...Frank, are you sure you're not AKA Rob? because you don't don't have a chance in hell to prove that Dan was less than his reported height...Tiger, two more days of testing. Frank, they say that as one ages, the memory starts to go...
Tiger said on 22/Mar/06
What did Frank2 call it, "explaining away the photos"? Frank2: you are the only one I have ever heard who has stated that Elvis was "shorter than first thought". I think your memory fails you on this one! In the photo with Hamilton, they don't look ABOUT the same height to you ? Really ? Elvis an inch taller than you-doesn't that mean that Elvis is 6' ? Your recollections seem inconsistent.
Frank2 said on 22/Mar/06
OK. First, in the shot with Hamilton, Elvis is about an inch and a half shorter, possibly two inches. Second, Jimmy Carter is 5'8". Forget documentation. Third, Dangerfield wasn't 5'10" or at least he wasn't when I ran into him. It turned out he lived for a time at the Beverly Hilton Hotel. I was there for some black tie event and Dangerfield walked in dressed in sweats inquiring what the event was for. If I remember correctly it was for Leonard Goldenson who started the ABC TV network. When told, Rodney looking puzzled said, "Who the f#@%& is Leonard Goldenson?" I'd say dangerfield was about 5'9" at most. And as far as Elvis, when I saw him the first thing that hit me besides the fact I was in the presense of a huge celeb was the fact that he was shorter than I thought he was. In his films he sometimes looked 6'2". But in person he was no more than an inch at most taller than me. That registered. When I spoke with him we were almost eye to eye. And with Pernell, I first met him at MGM in the early 1970's back when he made a horrible film called Kashmiri Run. He was only and inch taller than me back then and when I saw him at Fox in the 1980's he was an inch taller. What really surprised me was how much Lorne Green had shrunk by the time of Earthquake. By then he was my height. Another actor who lost several inches was Cornel Wilde. When I met him in the 1980's he was my height. Cornel had been a definite 6'2" when he was young.
larry said on 22/Mar/06
Thanks! STEVE FOREST, that was his name. He was in a movie with Anthony Quinn and Sphia Loren called (I think) HELLER IN PINK TIGHTS. Frank2: Dan Blocker was about 6'3" tall; you're correct. He started the BONANZA steak houses here and my dad met him at the opening of the first one in Austin. Now, I never met him, but Dad was 6'0" and said Blocker was 2-3 inches taller than him. Uh, he mentioned the teeth too. :-) BAD TEXAS WATER!!! A lot of limestone. In FLAMING STAR Elvis was at least 3" shorter than Steve Forest. See: I got back on the subject! :-)
Tiger said on 21/Mar/06
Elvis with 6-1 George Hamilton
Click HereElvis with ex-president Jimmy Carter (listed and documented at 5-9 1/2, but we will say 5-8, to make people happy)
Click HereElvis with 5-10 comedian Rodney Dangerfield
Click Here
Tiger said on 21/Mar/06
I'm not going to take that bet Frank2 because I have never thought that Elvis was 6-2. I'm simply illustrating the fact that yet another personal observation that Elvis was over six feet tall. I don't know Frank2, all the documentation says Pernell Roberts was 6-2. Makes sense in the photo you submitted! Wasn't 'Trapper John' a number of years after 'Bonanza' ?
Tiger said on 21/Mar/06
From 'Datebook' magazine (November 1961), an interview with Elvis' 'Wild in the Country' co-star Tuesday Weld. She comments on her feeling about Elvis before they met: "I couldn't wait to meet him. Are you crazy? That sexy, 6-2 hunk of a man was going to be my co-star. I had to pinch myself to realize I wasn't dreaming." Of course, they were an item off-screen and Weld seems pretty wild; she was only 17 when they made that movie.
Tiger said on 21/Mar/06
Elvis with 5-6 (AND wearing very tall heels) Tempest Storm, famous stripper and burlesque performer
Click HereElvis with 5-11/6-0 Sheena (from Sheena, Queen of the Jungle)
Click Here
Frank2 said on 21/Mar/06
Dan Blocker wasn't 6'4". I met him and he was about 6'2-1/2" maybe 6'3". He was also missing a lot of teeth! Jim Brown was closer to 6'1".
Tiger said on 20/Mar/06
Elvis with more sports stars:
with hall of fame pitcher dodgers/angels 6-1 Don Sutton (standing to Elvis' immediate right, looking at the picture)
Click Here2 photos with hall of fame running back 6-2 Jim Brown (Cleveland Browns)
Click Here Click Here
Tiger said on 20/Mar/06
Elvis with 6-4 Dan "Hoss" Blocker from Bonanza
Click HereElvis with 6-0 (according to some) and 6-2 (according to some) Red West
Click Here
Tiger said on 20/Mar/06
Elvis with sports stars:
with 6' Brooklyn Dodger hall of famer Duke Snyder
Click Herewith 5-7 hall of fame golfer Gary Player
Click Here
Tiger said on 20/Mar/06
Elvis with the Stamps Quartet, Elvis' main backing vocal group in the 70s (looking at the photo, to Elvis' immediate right is 6-6 JD Sumner)
Click Here
Tiger said on 20/Mar/06
Where is it stated ? Come on, now!
Frank2 said on 20/Mar/06
We know he's 5'10" because it was stated when he was alive and I knew him and he was 5'10".
Tiger said on 20/Mar/06
Frank2: how do we know that Backus is 5-10? I haven't been able to locate anything regarding his height. Being that Elvis is 6-0 1/2, it seems to me that Backus is more likely 5-10 1/2 at the shortest. This is even with Elvis slightly leaning/slouched forward in that photo. Yes, Larry: you are talking about Steve Forrest. He starred in 'SWAT' in the 70s. He is a huge man! Anything I have ever seen on him says 6-3 to 6-4.
larry said on 20/Mar/06
Frank2: Well, I must say (as a field scientist) you have impressed me with your robust data! :-) Looking at all of your photo links (which ALL work), I'd say Elvis may have been "only" 5'11.5". But since the mean US male height is 69.1 inches, that still makes him tall/average. He looked 3-4 inches shorter than Steve Forrest (sp)... Forrester(?) in FLAMING STAR. Wasn't HE 6'3". Wish I could recall his name.
Frank2 said on 20/Mar/06
Here's 5'10" Jim Backus with The King:
Click Here
Tiger said on 18/Mar/06
Rob: have you ever thought about adding Elvis' father, Vernon, to the site? He is documented in every reference I have as 6-2. I think that photos and video/film footage definitely bear that out. Just a thought!
Tiger said on 14/Mar/06
obits.com/presley_elvis_aron.html the entire article is located at this link. Page 3, first full paragraph: "By his final days at Humes High School, Elvis had hit his full height of 6 FEET TALL and made the Humes football team..."
Tiger said on 14/Mar/06
Click Here very sweet and very touching, the following is written on this link: "Elvis at 13" unveiled in East Tupelo, MS on the 67th anniversary of Elvis' birth. It was dedicated to Elvis fans worldwide on August 9th, 2002. The sculpture is 5 feet, 5 inches tall, the height of Elvis when he was 13 years old and the Presley's left Tupelo for Memphis, TN.
Mr. Awesome said on 13/Mar/06
well, tiger, i don't know about the others, but i do know that carter was closer to 5'7'' than 5'9''...it has been documented that he wore lifts
Frank2 said on 13/Mar/06
It's clear as a bell where I live. No clouds to speak of. We had rain last week. You honstly can't see a two to three inch difference? Amazing.
Tiger said on 13/Mar/06
I don't know Frank2. Depending on how cloudy it is, your vision may be obstructed!
Tiger said on 12/Mar/06
Do you really see these 2 men 5-10 or less up against the 6-1 Reagan, 6-0 1/2 JFK, 5-9 1/2 Carter and 6-0 Ford ? Do you really ? Let me guess: the other men are shorter than is documented. Go ahead: let us know their "true" heights.
Frank2 said on 12/Mar/06
And another with Hope and JFK:
Click Here
Frank2 said on 12/Mar/06
Here's Hope and Nixon:
Click HereBy the time of this photo, Hope had shrunk to about 5'8". Later he would shrink to about 5'6". On the other hand, Nixon didn't lose that much in height.
Here's Bob Hope with JFK and LBJ:
Click Here As you can see, he's even shorter than he was when he stood next to Nixon in a later shot. JFK was 6' and LBJ was 6'3". In this shot Hope was about 5'10" which is what he was as a young man no matter what Tiger says to the contrary. Look people! I know of what I speak!!
Frank2 said on 12/Mar/06
Here another one that shows Nixon is jsut 5'10":
Click HereAnd still another:
Click Here
Frank2 said on 12/Mar/06
Nixon with 6' Gerald Ford:
Click Here
He looks like he's clearly 5'10" to me.
Frank2 said on 12/Mar/06
By the way, here's a shot of Tricky Dick with Agnew and some other men:
Click Here He doesn't look much over 5'10" to me.
Tiger said on 12/Mar/06
Frank2: wouldn't a press agent's dream come true be 6-2? I don't think many press agents go around saying "my six foot star".I think the ideal height for fame and stardom is definitely 6-2 (for a man anyway). Elvis has never claimed that he is 6-2, nor even 6-1 for that matter! Why doe you have to ask Jeff Beaulieu about Elvis' height? Elvis' closest friend, Joe Esposito, confirmed Elvis' height of 6-0 1/2. I am going to say that Joe is probably a better source than Priscilla's brother. Joe was by Elvis' side for 18 years and was drafted at the exact same time and knows how they were processed for the army. He even states Elvis' height in his DVD 'Elvis:His Best Friend Remembers', talking about how they met in the army and how they survived army life.
Frank2 said on 12/Mar/06
Like I said, you're a press agent's dream come true. Use common sense for a change. What sounds better tagged to a big star publicity and in this case, one of the biggets of all time? Six feet or five eleven or five eleven and a half? Come on!! Anyway, next week I'm calling Jeff who was Elvis's former brother-in-law. We've been good friends for years. I'll ask him once again as to how tall Elvis was. And as for Elvis being 180 lbs back in 1956, that's utter hogwash. My God! I'm 180 lbs, five feet eleven and look like a blimp next to photos of Elvis taken in the 1950's. He weighed more like 160 lbs. Cary Grant never weighed more than 165 lbs when he was in his prime. In comparison, Clark Gable weighed about 190 lbs when he was younger. And he looked like a bear next to Elvis and Grant. Gable wore a size 50 Jacket. I'm a 42 regular. I believe Gable was at leat 6' tall. His official record lists him at 6'1" but I think he was closer to 6'.
Tiger said on 12/Mar/06
From 'That's Alright, Elvis: the Untold Story of Elvis' First Guitarist and Manager, Scotty Moore' (Moore with James Dickerson 1997): Says Moore: "My wife could not believe the first time she met Elvis. Here was this skinny, OVER SIX FOOT teenager wearing black slacks with pink stripes down the sides, a white sport coat, pink polo shirt, and green-laced white loafers. She about flipped."
Tiger said on 12/Mar/06
This entire article is readable on-line at
Click Here under the "newspaper reviews" section. From the June 4, 1956 San Francisco Chronicle, an article by William McPhillips, reviewing Elvis' concert at the Oakland Auditorium Arena on June 3, 1956: "Presley, 180 pounds of undeniably male characteristics, built in a SIX FOOT FRAME, appealed to something else."
Tiger said on 12/Mar/06
Frank2: there are over 50 websites, at least that I've visited, that list Elvis at 6' or more. The one you've submitted may be the only one that lists him at 5-11. Go to google and put in "Elvis Presley's height" and see what you get. This is just 'websites'. Pick up any reference book and/or biography and you will see anywhere from 6' to 6-2. This 'Wade' person has nothing to do with Elvis. Have never,ever come across him in any reference or research or biography. An impersonator? Come on! Where did he get his information, first-hand? Did he actally see Elvis put lifts in his boots? How come Elvis "experts" like Guralnick, Hopkins, Belew,Esposito, etc. have never alluded to lifts? Looks like this 'Wade' person just took the old Hollywood rumor and passed it on. Another guy with a "secret tidbit of info on Elvis" Give me somewone with some stature in the Elvis world who suggests lifts and then you may open a door. Frank2: we have already had a huge laugh about the mugshot photo. See 16 DEC 05 below for our comments. That one I am still laughing about! Even Rob thinks its a bunch of you know what!
Frank2 said on 11/Mar/06
And I know this has been published before, but can anyone explain why in this shot Elvis is obviously under six feet?
Mugshots-elvispresley.html" target="_blank">Click Here
Frank2 said on 11/Mar/06
And from this website:
Click Here
"Plus, he's got his share of an insider's buzz: "Elvis was 5-11 tall, but put in two-inch lifts in all his shoes; he had a thing about height, so he always said he was 6-1," said Wade, revealing this little-known tidbit. "I am 5-11 and 190 pounds. I don't know what his normal weight was, but he's been up and down."
Frank2 said on 11/Mar/06
The following website lists his official height as being 5'11".
Click Here
It's way down on the left side.
Tiger said on 11/Mar/06
From 'Hollywood Beat', a mid-70s and short-lived publication: an article by Steven Aames (1976) discusses the success of 'The Six-Million Dollar Man' and Aames' interview with Majors. "Majors has been referred to as the 'six foot' star. When I interviewed him for this piece, I considered him to be closer to 6-2. Regardless, he was very charming and had a great sense of humor."
Tiger said on 11/Mar/06
I believe, also, that Rob documented an interview from a Honolulu newspaper from 1957. Elvis states that he is 6 feet tall. This is before he went through his army induction in 1958 and got a most accurate height. Rob, the 'click here' for
Click Here displays an error message. Did I do something wrong? On a side note: even Bill Belew, Elvis' wardrobe and stagewear designer from'68-'77, has been very unclear or inconsistent in disclosing Elvis' measurements over the years. However, he has, except for a 5-11 3/4 height statement, has given nothing below six feet in any interview about Elvis. In addition, he has never used the word 'lifts' in any interview that I've read. If anyone would know, he would (see below 11 DEC 05 citing Elvis biographer Peter Guralnick).

Editor Rob
ah, there was a dot (period) at the end of the link, just make sure there is a space before and after the link.
Tiger said on 11/Mar/06
Elvis stated his height on 11/10/70 at the Forum in Inglewood, CA as 6 - 1/2 (see below 5 DEC 05). Lee Majors is listed in most locations (reference and web) at 6-1 and in some others at 6-2. There is not much to explain there.Joe Esposito, Elvis' closest friend for 18 years and a draftee at the same time as Elvis confirmed to me, via e-mail, Elvis' height of 6 - 1/2. There were some media reporting Elvis' height, upon induction into the army, at 6-1 1/2 and others were reporting 6 - 1/2. Joe cleared that up rather emphatically (see 22 DEC 05 below).Feel free to e-mail Joe at
Click Here Also below (5 DEC 05), I document an interview from Lakeland,FLA where Elvis states his height to the interviewer as "a little over six feet". Frank2: I think Elvis was at least six feet tall, definitely taller than the 5-11/6' Martin.
Frank2 said on 11/Mar/06
Explain the Majors/Elvis photo. I worked with Lee on The Fall Guy and he's my height exactly - 5'11". And yes, Elvis was taller than Dino! Elvis was just under six feet. Dino was 5'10". What does it take to sink in? A hammer? I told you that Elvis stated in front of me that he missed out on being six feet by about a half an inch or so. I'm still good friends with Elvis's former brother-in-law Jeff. Next time I see him I'll ask him.
Tiger said on 11/Mar/06
Rob: Thanks very much for doing that. According to the reference book 'Country Music Stars from A to Z' (by country music historian William James 1999),which I purchased just 2 days ago, Glen Campbell's height is stated as 6 feet even. There is even the first photo,which Rob has linked for me below, in the book. Just to correct: the SECOND photo Rob linked for me below was taken in Las Vegas, not at Sonny West's wedding. The other 2 photos (one from Frank2 and one from me) are from West's wedding. Off the topic of Elvis and Campbell: from that book I just bought, Rob: did you know that Alan Jackson is 6-4 ? and Kenny Rogers is 6-1 ? I had no idea these guys were these heights. Interesting trivia!Looking forward to going through this book!

Editor Rob
it does it automatically now as long as there is a space before/after the url you include in a comment. They all get changed to proper links now
Rogers looks seriously under 6ft in the last few years, I'm not sure how big he compared at his peak, near 6ft 1?
Tiger said on 11/Mar/06
Just a couple notes on the Elvis/Cash photo: Cash is clearly wearing a western outfit, thus it is highly likely that he is wearing cowboy boots. Elvis is wearing a tux, thus he is wearing regular,formal dress shoes. I have seen a full picture of Elvis' outfit at this event. He is dancing with Brenda Lee and the photo shows Elvis from head to toe. A better picture is the one elio has linked below (4 Mar 06) and it shows Elvis and Cash the exact same height. Also, Rob if you can create a link to these 2 photos; I don't know how to do that:
Click Here and
Click Here The first photo is a better one of Elvis and Campbell, Elvis appearing taller. The second photo is Elvis, Red West, and Glen Campbell, Elvis appearing taller than Campbell again. All photos of Campbell and Elvis are from Sonny West's wedding, where Elvis was best man.
Tiger said on 11/Mar/06
Frank2: I forgot to ask you. Do you have any Elvis stories you could share with us? I would love to hear one?
Tiger said on 11/Mar/06
We have all see these photos at one time or another. Elvis, strictly from a photo sense, is definitely his documented 6/6.05 range (I go with 6.05 because of his army physical and he has stated his height as this). I am not really sure about Skitch Henderson.Is he really 5-10 ? I seriously doubt that. I need to research him. The 6-1.5/6-2 Cash, 6-1/6-2 Majors, 5-10.5 Jones (from my research) and 5-11/6' Martin all make sense. We all know that Elvis is taller than Dino; that's no surprise and never has been. What lifts ? Where ? I don't see anything along those lines and what custom made boots ? Elvis' footwear, especially in the 60s and 70s, is no different than anyone else's. For the record, ELVIS DID NOT WEAR LIFTS! It is a notion that does not exist. Please read my previous research and documentation below. Too many to cite! Lastly, the 5-5 Ann-Margret (with 3+ inch heels in that photo I might add) easily puts Elvis over 6 foot.
Glenn said on 11/Mar/06
I admire guys like you tiger.without you Id be nothing.
Tiger said on 10/Mar/06
I really admire Glenn. He is a go-getter ! I don't spend much time on alot of the pages that he contributes to, but he does a great job and appears to be very thorough. That's important!
Tiger said on 10/Mar/06
Rob: I understand Frank2 may have some relevant encounters and some worthwhile input, but he is not an authority on these people. Just because he is true to his word and recollections does not mean he is correct. Most of us try to be true to what we do and we may not always be correct. He has met many special people and I have the upmost respect and admiration for that. However, like the rest of us, he is contributing his opinion, not necessarily the way it is. If he is the real deal, there should be some type of documentation to support his point of view.

Editor Rob
I'm simply saying he isn't a 'McFly' and is a real person who has met celebs through his career. A few people probably were wondering about this, so I'm 'putting their minds at ease', so to speak. In the same way that Glenn is the 'real deal' in terms of meeting celebs...
admist a lot of dodgy sightings on this site, at least we can put faith in Frank2 having met who he's said...Of course, I myself might not agree with some of Frank's estimates, but they are of interest and of debate.
Frank2 said on 10/Mar/06
Nope. 6'8"!

Editor Rob
Carlos, Frank2 is the real deal...
he kindly let me know who he was and so I would consider his encounters as being quite relevant and *very* worthwhile to the site!
There's not many posting on this site who have had the great privelige of meeting Elvis or Red West, or as many celebrities (apart from Glenn or Mr R) as Frank has in his life, so although folk may not agree with some of his estimates, please consider them as being true to his word and recollection.
Carlos said on 10/Mar/06
Why do we have people like Frank2 on this sight? Elvis 6ft.5inch end of story!
Frank2 said on 8/Mar/06
Why is the moon blue?
Tiger said on 8/Mar/06
I have documented, on several occasions below, different people's recollections of meeting Elvis/stating his height. They met the man and/or have seen him in public and have stated things like: "over six feet tall", "at least six feet tall", "much taller than I excpected", "6-2, the perfect height for a man", "6 foot plus". These people were not "studio people", they were ordinary citizens or people who worked directly with Elvis. Why are their recollections not valid?
Frank2 said on 8/Mar/06
Being with some one and seeing them many times doesn't just automatically get documented unless one carries a camera around wherever they go. I doubt I could have had my camera every day while at work and then bother celebs on their sets just so I could have "documetation." But I suspect that even if I did have it on every celeb you'd still question it. I take comfort in knowing that what I know to be true is from actually meeting and being around these people and you know what you know to be true from reading material written by people who in many cases were hired to make stars look bigger than they were. This was routine in the studio publicity departments.
Tiger said on 7/Mar/06
That seems to be just your opinion. There is nothing that you have presented that is true, credible evidence. Recollections are fine, but they don't seem to match up with what we have in front of us. Where is the documentation? "Remembering" how tall someone is means nothing if it is inaccurate. How accurate can a "rememberance" be if we don't all see it or no where to find it ? It simply becomes an opinion. I am very much for gathering everything I can about someone's height before I form an opinion and I research as often as possible, but you are dismissing everyone else's point of view because they don't match your recollections. You are 5-11 and I bet you would be irritated if someone saw you and then "remembered" you as 5-9.5.
Frank2 said on 7/Mar/06
What you fail to grasp is the fact that I met Tricky Dick! My dad knew him. The man was 5'10". You can believe what you want. You know, if I was interested in finding out correct information on a subject I would take in all that I could. If I wanted to know about someone and discovered that another person knew him or met and talked witth him I'd take that info to be more accurate than what some official website published. And yes! Most modern-day Presidents were shorter. Carter wasn't 5'9" but was closer to 5'8". Nixon wasn't 6' or 5-11 1/2. Eisenhower wasn't 5'10" but was 5'9". If you take all official heights and then knock off an inch or two you'll be closer to the truth.
Tiger said on 6/Mar/06
Many more than just his offical site list Nixon at 5-11 1/2 / 6 feet. Photos are debated and debated and debated all over this site. Look at any star's page. I think photos are, at best, a rough estimate of height and I'm not much for judging photos (well, now and then). Do a google search on JFK and it gives you a bunch of sites to visit that have photos. There are a number of photos with 6 - 1/2 JFK and 6-3 LBJ. In some photos, they appear more than 2.5 inches apart and in some photos less than 2.5 inches. Official sites are the gate-keeper of that person's information and life and works. They are structured to eliminate alot of the garbage that floats around out there. I don't think height is earth-shattering stuff, but it should be right when it comes to communicating information. When you see a particular height listed consistently, it is hard to contradict that. My perception of the height difference in a photo is going to be different than someone else's perception. Photos do make for good debate, though. You mean every president is shorter than is recorded? Come on!
Frank2 said on 6/Mar/06
And this one: http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/images/prescott-nixon.jpg
No way was Nixon six feet or five eleven & a half. No way, period. Stop believing what official sites claim. They list Harry Truman as being five nine and that's just silly. "Give 'em hell" Harry was closer to five foot eight. They list Jimmy Carter as being five-nine & a half. Nonsense! He's also about five-eight. I saw him back when he was campaigning for President. And Bobby Kennedy was closer to five-eight. I saw him too when he was in LA campaigning.
Frank2 said on 5/Mar/06
Now, take a look at this photo. http://i.esmas.com/image/0/000/003/806/nixon_N.jpg
Frank2 said on 5/Mar/06
Check out this site. http://www.nps.gov/lyjo/Ourheartshome/lbji2.htm Scroll down and look at how much taller LBJ is than Nixon. Then go to this site. http://media.www.dailytexanonline.com/media/paper410/news/2004/05/04/TopStories/Ut.Still.Hoping.For.Bush.Library-677804.shtml?sourcedomain=www.dailytexanonline.com&MIIHost=media.collegepublisher.com
Frank2 said on 5/Mar/06
Hey! I see Elvis all the time at my local market. He's now about 400 lbs and stands about five-six. Seriously, on JFK's autopsy he's listed as six feet. Maybe his bad posture over the years lost him half an inch. I did see his brother Ted when he did a bit part on Picket Fences. He didn't look much over six feet and weighed in like Moby Dick! Also, the makeup artist had to apply putty to fill in where his nose was all distorted from heavy drinking. In person Ted has a W. C. Fields nose. He was also making after some of the young starlets on the set. He's a real hound dog!
Rut said on 5/Mar/06
Hey guys, Elvis is still alive, saw him yesterday! but seriously Elvis was max. 1.83m, but I personally think slightly under.
Frank2 said on 4/Mar/06
What I originally said was that some women I knew and worked with at MGM in the 1960's who were big Elvis fans would later routinely attend his concerts in Vegas. I know that Trouble With Girls was shot on a soundstage at MGM and I realize that it was before he started his concerts at The International Hotel (now The Hilton) in Las Vegas. Still confused? And as far as Nixon is concerned, he wasn't 5-11 1/2. He was 5-10. JFK was exactly six feet and in photos with the two men standing next to each other JFK is noticeabll taller.
Tiger said on 4/Mar/06
Frank2: You did mention 'The Trouble With Girls' being filmed on the soundstage at MGM. That was pre-Vegas and pre-return to live performing. I am still a little confused. As far as Nixon, I don't know what to tell you.I have never come across anything less than 5-11 1/2.
Tiger said on 4/Mar/06
Thanks for explaining the 'McKellen Technique'. I had no idea what that meant. Although in the Elvis/Cash photo, I don't see that. If the technique is being used, it is very slight. I don't see Elvis "trying" to push Cash's shoulder down. He is clearly resting his arm on Cash's shoulder.Not saying that both are the same height, just that they are the same height in that photo for whatever reason.
Tiger said on 4/Mar/06
I over-looked that fact that the movie 'The Trouble with Girls' was shot before any Vegas concerts. Elvis returned to the International Hotel on July 31, 1969 well after 'The Trouble With Girls' was filmed. Interesting! The only live shows in that span were for the 'Comeback Special' in 1968. Those were not concerts, though. They were filmed for the NBC special and there were only a handful 'in the round.' Rob: what is the 'McKellen technique' that elio refers to?

Editor Rob
Ah, good to see the 'McKellen technique' is being picked up on Elio ;-)
Yeah, you can see it in Bruce Springsteen and Hopkins pages, using your arm to kind of make yourself as tall as possible, but not letting the other person stand as 'full' as they could...basically the arm pushing on the shoulder if you get the idea. You're more likely to see it with a shorter star beside a taller star.
Frank2 said on 4/Mar/06
That's not what I said. I worked at MGM in their film lab from 1968 to 1973. The women I mentioned were like me lab techs and also huge Elvis fans. They later went to Vegas to see him. Sorry if that confused you. And as far as Nixon's height, trust me, he was five-ten. Sometime take a look at the photos of him with Lyndon Johnson who was at least six-three. Nixon appears to be at least five inches shorter. Lyndon is so tall he can look over Nixon's head! And NEVER believe what's written at official sites. Edward Andrews was a character actor who did tons of movies. He was in that classic Twilight Zone episode called You Drive where he hit someone accidentally with his car and then took off. Later the car makes him turn himself in. Remember? Like Jack Carson, Andrews was an enormous man, at least six-three. Type in his name on Google Images and perhaps you'll recognize him.
elio said on 4/Mar/06
2-3 inches, taking into consideration Elvis' hair and that he is closer to the camera. As you've said, Cash had a footwear advantage, so the real gap (IMO) seems to be about an inch or so.
I still think Cash is an inch taller in the second pic, considering hair and that Elvis is half engaging in the 'McKellen technique' (tm).
I have no problem believing Elvis was between 6'0 and 6'1.
Tiger said on 4/Mar/06
elio: we have all seen these photos. They are grat photos. In the first one, isn't that about an inch and a half, not 2 or 3. In addition, Cash is wearing a western outfit, so he is probably wearing cowboy boots. Elvis is wearing a tuxedo, so he is probably wearing regular, formal dress shoes. In fact, he is. I have seen a full shot of that same tuxedo and he is dancing with a young Brenda Lee (probably the same event) and he is wearing regular, formal dress shoes. The second photo: don't Elvis and Cash look the exact same height ?
Tiger said on 4/Mar/06
On 12/18/05, I submitted information on Nixon's height. 2 sources list him at 5-11 1/2 and 2 sources list him at 6 feet even. His own official website has him at 5-11 1/2. Elvis, himself, has never said that he was 6-2. Even though I have seen 6-2 alot in my research, I know that he is not. As far as the 'Trouble With Girls' story over on the Cary Grant page: I don't know who Edward Andrews is. Could he have been wearing 'built-up' shoes? Could he have been more than 6-3 1/2. A 6-3 1/2 person could "tower" over someone a little over six feet from most viewpoints. What is "considerably shorter" from an observation standpoint? I remember an aunt of mine who was a huge Elvis fan and shw got to see him in concert in the 50s and the 70s. She always said how seeing him in person was what what put her over the edge. She would always say Elvis was her definition of "tall, dark, and handsome." She said Elvis was the perfect height for a man, 6-2. This is not something I think she would say if he was under six feet. Most who have no idea of Elvis' height and who have met him state that he was "taller than they expected". A couple people on this page below have written about that. I did, also (12/5/05): I quoted Kathy Westmoreland.
Frank2 said on 3/Mar/06
Apology accepted. Nixon wasn't anywhere near six feet. My dad was just under five ten and somewhere I have a photo of the two together and they're the same height. And for those who say Ronald Reagan was 5-11 that's utter nonsense. I met him twice after he left office and he was at least an inch taller than me, perhaps two. I worked with his wife back when she recorded her anti-drug radio spots. Nacncy is a nice, caring woman, not the dragon lady as described by those who hated her husuand.
Tiger said on 3/Mar/06
Frank2: I apologize for angering you; that is not my intent. I very much believe and respect that you have met so many great people, especially Elvis. I just respectfully disagree with your remembrance of his height. If Elvis wore lifts, then I think that the biographers and family members who know his life inside and out and have written extensively on it would make note of that; and they have not, at least anything I've ever come across. People make this 'lifts' stuff up to prove a point that they cannot back-up with credible evidence. People have stated that Elvis was over six feet because he wore lifts. I am saying that he is over six feet because he was measured as such (barefooted) at his army physical and he has stated his height. To confirm the army physical situation, I spoke (via e-mail) with Elvis' closest friend Joe Esposito, a draftee at the same time Elvis was. He confirmed it (down below 12/22/05). He is located at www.tcb-joe.com and there is a section to e-mail Joe.
sam said on 3/Mar/06
The lifts, or at least tall boots, may explain why sometimes Elvis came off as 6' feet at most, and then other people insist he must have been at least 6'2".
Tiger said on 3/Mar/06
Yeah, the whole 'lifts' notion is bogus. Most that throw it out there take it from most likely a Hollywood trash magazine or they "hear" it and think it must be true and then repeat it. There is so much innuendo and rumor in Hollywood, who knows who is reporting legit. I remember a person writing in on this page about e-mailing Graceland about "hearing" Elvis wore lifts and they responded to him about how someone started that rumor in Hollywood in the 60s when Elvis was making movies and it is totally false. I have never thought about e-mailing Graceland because the whole topic is silly. Elvis was measured and has stated his height as 6 foot and a half and I don't think one is going to find a quote from him that he wore lifts. The whole notion just doesn't exist. For Duke Wayne, either.I guess one can't control what other people say.That is our society: people can say whatever thay want, true or not. Frank2: I did not claim Red West was 6-2, he, himself, did.
Frank2 said on 2/Mar/06
You obviously can't read. I said I saw West many times when I worked at Universal. He appeared to be about six feet, not six two as you say he claimed. Most people say they're taller than they really are. So what?
Editor Rob said on 2/Mar/06
Georgie Nichols, MGM's press agent talking in regards to a 1973 satellite broadcast of a concert: "Elvis wore lifts, but so did John Wayne."
In 50's, a 1994 book about that era, the author stated: "As an adult [Elvis] always wore lifts in his shoes"
This is just to illustrate that in the past, the notion that Elvis wore lifts has been mentioned and, like Wayne, its one of those 'rumours' that has done the rounds...
Tiger said on 2/Mar/06
Show us where it is stated that Red West was 6 feet tall. I simply wrote in what I researched. I did not say Red West was 6-2, he said it. Elvis and Red West are very much the same height in almost all photos together. I tend to think that Red West is not 6-2, because Elvis is 6 - 1/2. However, there is no evidence yet that I've come across which says Red west is not 6-2.
Tiger said on 2/Mar/06
Are Allison and Height Detective the same person? Where are Height Detective's comments on this page? Maybe there are so many comments, there is no room to display them all (some do get cut off). I don't see Height Detective on this list of comments, though I do remember that person submitting a comment or two a while back. Why would someone respond to a comment from someone not even listed or from way, way back? They must have a great memory for what the person said.

Editor Rob
they are down the bottom
Tiger said on 2/Mar/06
Elvis was 6 - 1/2. One should some research instead of making unfounded comments, backed up by no evidence. There has been no shred of information, ever, suggesting Elvis wore lifts. Again, where is the documentation? Tell us where to find this piece of information. Nixon was 5-11 1/2 / 6 feet tall (referenced below on 12/18/05 from 4 websites and including his own official website). The Elvis "mugshot" is a fake and a fraud, when it comes to determining height; look below for our discussion on it (12/16/05). I have never seen that photo and I have and have seen a lot on Elvis. He has a number of badge photos; he was a huge collector of badges. I do believe Frank2 met Elvis and Nixon. I don't believe he is aware of how tall they were. He is very off.
Allison said on 2/Mar/06
Height Detective, you are exactly right. Elvis was a little under 6 feet tall, and he added lifts to his shoes, along with heels to his boots to make himself appear well over 6 feet tall. Also, when he was thinner he appeared taller.
In regards to the "mug shot" that photo was taken for one of Elvis's police badges, and therefore isn't fake, but it is not exactly a mug shot. If you go to Graceland to can see that photo in one of his badges.
Frank2 said on 2/Mar/06
I met Richard Nixon back in the 1960's and he was five ten. Elvis was five eleven and even said so in my presense. I know many won't believe me, but I don't really care that much. I worked at MGM in the sixties and saw him quite often on the lot. He always called me "sir" which was rather unerving to say the least since I was a lot younger and just a working stiff. He was the consumate southern gentleman. later I became rather good friends with his former brother-in-law Jeff Beaulieu who worked as rep for a post production company in LA.
Tiger said on 21/Feb/06
Yeah, I know: Joe Esposito is a far superior source than Lichter. I never took Lichter it too seriously, though. Esposito was drafted the same year as Elvis, he knows how they were measured for height, and he was closer to Elvis than anyone else in Elvis' life from 1958 forward. I'm keeping my 6 - 1/2 listing. TJ you are right: there have been a lot of people who were 'good friends' of Elvis in their own minds.
TJ said on 21/Feb/06
Hi Tiger. With respect, I wouldn't use a Paul Lichter quote as evidence of anything. He was only a 'good friend' of Elvis in his own mind and is famed for both his dubious utterings and for selling less than legitimate memorabilia. I think you had it right when you quoted your correspondence with Joe. Elvis was 6'1/2. Incidentally, thanks for the Christmas wishes a few weeks ago. I only just noticed :-)
shawn said on 18/Feb/06
i recall elvis inlisting in the army,I was 16 at the time so i was quite young and aware, as i remember, he was exactly 6.05 feet tall,with no footwear and his hair cut down to a buzz cut.
Tiger said on 14/Feb/06
Even though I am 99.9% sure that Elvis stood 6-1/2, I am always on the look-out for new information (as everyone knows by now). From 'E.P. in Concert' by Elvis' good friend Paul Lichter (1997) in a section of the book that discusses Elvis' stagewear: "Elvis was very particular about his stage outfits, especially his boots. Elvis was a big man, standing 6-2 and well over 200 pounds by the mid-seventies. Someone asked him why he wanted 1.5 inch heels on his boots since he already stood so tall. He replied,'The people pay to see me perform. I want everyone in the last row to see me.' A typical, classy quote from Elvis. I know people are going to disagree, but I am just contributing more info and I am NOT changing my view. Don't shoot the messenger.
Tiger said on 8/Feb/06
2tall for Thailand: we have seen the Elvis/Nixon photos hundreds of times; we've been thru this. Nixon was 5-11 1/2 / 6 feet tall, according to at least 4 sources (listed somewhere down below here on this page 18/Dec/05). Worst case, his own official website lists him at 5-11 1/2. Elvis is clearly taller than Nixon (minus any hair).Your surmise makes no sense. Please document where Nixon was less than 5-11 1/2.
2tall for Thailand said on 8/Feb/06
look this picture rob Elvis with Nixon.Nixon was 177cm so there is noway that Elvis is taller then 181 cm if we not count his hair.
Also see on this web site about Nixon saying he was medium hight and what was medium hight inn that time.
TJ said on 7/Feb/06
Red is wrong. Sonny was 6'2 maybe, but Red was shorter than Sonny. Elvis was also shorter than Sonny unless in his boots. Elvis and Red were of very similar height, with Elvis generally appearing a little taller, whether comparing them in the 50s or 70s. I think Elvis was 6ft and Red a little under.
Tiger said on 6/Feb/06
Elvis International Forum magazine (September 1997): a discussion with Elvis' bodyguard and close friend Red West about Elvis' love of karate: "He was truly an 8th degree black belt. He tested for and earned every one. The man would practice and practice sometimes until he dropped. He got all of us involved and we all became very serious about it. Elvis loved to spar and he got pretty rough at times. Sonny, myself, and Elvis were all 6-2 and around 200 pounds, so we were pretty evenly matched and we got after each other pretty good. Going against more skilled guys was a definite challenge. But, Elvis was more into the mental discipline of karate than any other aspect. He always said that was most important thing. We learned alot from some of the best over the years."
Regus said on 30/Jan/06
First off: McFly you are an idiot. Period. Second--what did Brando ever say about Elvis? For that matter, what did Duke Wayne ever say about Brando? I always thought Brando was so Over-rated it was stupifying. Mitchum for example was as good. So was Spencer Tracy. So was Cagney. So what's the point?? Elvis height--that 6-0 and a half sounds right to me. Oh--Beatles mention: George Harrison talked about meeting Elvis in Vegas while Elvis was touring in early 70s. Harrison was in his 'Give me Love' phase, jeans, beard, hippy look. There's Elvis in his Evel Kenival suit, and heels. George said it was like meeting a 'Hindu God' and that he felt suddenly very, very small. Okay?? The Fabs were Bonkers for Elvis. Even John Lennon. Anyways. Back to the show!
Tiger said on 13/Jan/06
Jason: No one has claimed that Elvis is 6-2. People have just stated seeing that height documented in a number of places; I have seen 6-2 a lot in my research. I think you do make a good point referring to the sports science background. But, can you really look at a photo and determine a height difference of 1/2 to 3/4 of an inch? I could measure my height 10 times in a row and always be off by that much each time, based on accuracy, am I standing as tall as possible each time?, is the measuring the same each time? time of day ETC. Elvis was measured at 6-1/2 during his army physical. He could have been measured 5 minutes later and it could have been 6' or even 6-1 for that matter. However, a stadiometer is probably the most accurate way to measure height and there is less margin of error. Are athletes measured up against a height chart or under a stadioemter? I agree with you: Elvis was not more than 6-1/2.
Jason said on 12/Jan/06
From being 6 feet 3 inches exactly myself (people always tell me I'm 6 feet 4 and get upset when I correct them believe it or not - maybe if I'm 6'4 they can say they are taller themselves who knows?) and from coming from a sports science background involving constantly measuring girths, height, bodyfat etc etc and by looking at the various photos I can safely say that Elvis was definitely not over 6 feet and 1/2 inches tall. More likely 6 feet even or even 5'11 and 3/4. He simply doesn't have the limb and torso proportions of someone taller. No way is he 6 foot 2 inches.
Gramps said on 28/Dec/05
Rob, glad you allowed my post. I couldn't resist the temptation!
Tiger said on 28/Dec/05
Rob: I have no come-back for that; very good. I am laughing as I write this!
Tiger said on 28/Dec/05
Actually, I measured him at 6-4 1/5. I think I have a better, more accurate tape measure :) But I measured him at the White House and it is on a little higher ground than other government buildings :)

Editor Rob
Elvis and I once spent time on the Mir Space station - after his spine decompressed, me and Buzz Aldrin measured him at 6ft 7.5...beat that!
Gramps said on 28/Dec/05
Elvis was actually 6’4” in his bare feet. I know because J. Edgar Hoover had me measure him when Elvis came to visit FBI headquarters. Of course I already knew exactly how tall Elvis was because I was his stunt double in every movie from “Love Me Tender” in 1956 through “Change of Habit” in 1969. Elvis was very particular about his movies and insisted his stunt double match his height within 1/8”. When Elvis died in August of 1977 at age 42, he was still 6’4”. I should know because I performed the autopsy and measured him with the Stanley tape measure I always carry with me - - just in case, you know. That should just about close the book on Elvis’ height. Regards, Jone. ;-)
carlos said on 27/Dec/05
Merry xmas to all, Tiger yes going to valid source such as Joe Esposito is valid enough, the case should be closed now, ELvis was 6ft and half inch and Joe Esposito is a very valid source if information. Merry Xmas and well done Tiger! Carlos
Gramps said on 25/Dec/05
Best wishes to you, too, Tiger!
Tiger said on 24/Dec/05
To Editor Rob, Gramps,Carlos and TJ: Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Happy New Year! All My Best! Tiger
Tiger said on 23/Dec/05
Researching old newspapers on microfilm from 3/25/58, I found that 3 listed Elvis' army physical height at 6-1 1/2 (The Tennessean, Miami Herald,Chicago Sun-Times) and 1 at 6'1/2 (San Jose Mercury News). Up in the air again,I just wanted to find someone who knew Elvis and go right to the source. Joe Esposito's website is an excellent one and who better to speak with? So many discrepancies in reporting Elvis' height over the years. Case closed? Pretty much, but still fun to research.
Tiger said on 22/Dec/05
Elvis' best friend, whom he met in the army, was Joe Esposito. He has a website at www.tcb-joe.com and one can e-mail questions to him. Of course, I did. I told him about the 'evidence' army photo from Time/Life, the inconsistencies in reporting Elvis' army height by different media, and asked him how tall Elvis was. Joe's reply: "Elvis was 6-1/2 exactly. The media that has reported his height 6'1 and up then and over the years are wrong. For that matter, anyone who reports Elvis' height at 6' is wrong. The reason no one sees 6-1/2 is because no one ever bothered to change official documents or references. Draftees at that time were measured for height twice, one for uniform and one for official military/medical records.So Elvis' true height was 6-1/2 (without boots/shoes)." Joe, also drafted at the time Elvis was, did go on to say in his response that no one ever was concerned enough to change anything,like a driver's license or death certificate because "6' or 6'1/2; six of one, half a dozen of the other." I did let Joe know about celebheights.com, so let's see if he gets involved.Now, of course, we do know Elvis has stated 6'1/2 on at least a of couple occasions... :)

Editor Rob
the 6ft 1/2 thing makes sense in that context if they got measured twice. Maybe Elvis case should be closed ;=)
carlos said on 21/Dec/05
6ft and half inch case closed
Anonymous said on 19/Dec/05
Carlos, I don't think anyone here discounts the King's importance and impact, just his real barefooted height!
carlos said on 19/Dec/05
Elvis was 6ft and half inch case closed, does it really matter anyway how tall he was, what he did for popular music was huge and we are still feeling the effect today! Elvis was tall in more than just height, he was the foundation and pioneer of what is known as popular music today, without Elvis there would have been no Beatles or many other legendry artists or bands! He was tall amongst men not just cos he was just over six foot for many other reasons. Give the guy a break!
Gramps said on 18/Dec/05
I can't believe McFly and I agreed on something! The sky is falling! LOL
Gramps said on 17/Dec/05
Nixon was never 6'0".
Tiger said on 17/Dec/05
McFly: please purchase 'The Elvis Encyclopedia' by Elvis' step-brother David Stanley and Elvis biographer Frank Coffey (1994). Turn to page 100 and see if you can find J. Edgar Hoover's name anywhere on that page. That whole page discusses Elvis' trip to DC on 12/21/70. The only people in attendance or mentioned are the 6'2 Jerry Schilling (Elvis' friend from high school), the 6'2 1/2 Sonny West (bodyguard and friend), the 6' Ricahrd Nixon, John Finlator of the FBI's office (height unknown), Senator Murphy of California (height unknown) and the 6'2 Elvis Presley.So many refernce books to choose from; I picked this one at random.
Tiger said on 17/Dec/05
No,wait: I think I am going to upgrade Elvis to over 6-1. Yes, that seems about right. Then, from here we will have our second incredibly shrinking celebrity behind Clint Eastwood. Check out his page: He has gone from 6-4 to 5-11. At that rate, we will see Elvis go from 6-2 down to 5-6/5-7. Those darn celebrities, they lie about their height, they wear lifts, and they wear big-heeled footwear. Shame on them! Have they no decency?
Tiger said on 17/Dec/05
I am going to say the mugshot is a fake and a fraud and has no relevance to the discussion. That is not even a real height chart in the background. Even if it was, it is faded and one does NOT have their height measured sideways. RIDICULOUS! No, Elvis was definitely tall, not average and I say, again, 6' to 6'1/2, possibly a little more.
Tiger said on 17/Dec/05
McFly: I just don't believe in putting other people down and I do believe everyone is entitled to their opinion. As tempted as I am to respond to what you have written, I am going to just stick to he topic of height. Where have you read or seen where Elvis is 5-11 or is this just an opinion?
TJ said on 16/Dec/05
McFly, Elvis did meet Nixon, but never met Hoover. Just another unfounded assumption on your part I'm afraid.
Gramps said on 16/Dec/05
In the Hurley photo (assuming it is legit and not doctored), Elvis only measures about 5'10" if you take out about and inch for hair. Look at the top of his head vs. his eyes and you'll see just how bouffanted his hair is here. If this picture and scale are correct, Elvis must be in his socks.
Tiger said on 16/Dec/05
Mr. Hurley: give me the name of any refernce book where that photo appears and I will go look at it. I have been through about 50 books on Elvis by many different biographers (Guralnick, Hopkins, Tamerius, Elvis' step-brother David Stanley, and many more), countless magazine articles,and websites and have never seen this photo. Elvis DID NOT visit FBI Headquarters on that trip; White House ONLY. I know that he was a great fan of guns and badges; he has a huge collection, but a meeting to go to the FBI Headquarters was not even scheduled.This is stated in the DVD by Joe Esposito 'Elvis: His Best Friend Remembers' and in any chronolgy of Elvis' life including 'All Shook Up: Day by Day', 'Elvis Day by Day', and 'All About Elvis' to name a few. I have no problem with your OPINION, but where is it stated that Elvis is under 6' tall.In my OPINION, Elvis was definitely between 6' and 6' 1/2. An inch, maybe two, can always be debated, but facts about a person's life should be accurate.
david hurley said on 16/Dec/05
tiger that photo is original its in many of my books.ill tell you again the stoey behind this photo
The shot was taken in 1970 at the FBI headquarters in Washington DC. Elvis was a big nut for guns and badges. He had the mug shots taken when he went to visit Nixon to get a DEA badge for his collection.
now as a fan ive read this story loads of times. so take it from me elvis presley in his socks measured 5"11
thankyou and goodnight
Tiger said on 16/Dec/05
McFly: I thought we were done with you. You are still as illiterate as ever. Read a book and educate yourself. Or better yet, try to do stand-up comedy because you have great material. It figures someone like you would be excited about a made-up, ridiculous photo such as the one sent in by Hurley. I guess you mean Ringo Starr when you say Ringo. I don't believe he said that. Document where he said that. I believe Elvis is the one who influenced the Beatles more than any single artist or group. Read quotes by any four of them throughout the last 40 years.And certainly, Elvis never said that about the Beatles. They met on 8/27/65 at Elvis' home in Bel-Air. Elvis sang a number of their songs live, and Harrison and Starr visited Elvis and went to his show at least once each in Vegas.From Elvis'1968 Comeback Special he says on stage, "I like alot of the new groups: The Beatles, The Byrds,..." DOCUMENATION my friend McFly.
Tiger said on 16/Dec/05
Editor Rob: Yes, thanks for the text that explains the photo. Mr. Hurley seems to have omitted that. Elvis did meet with President Nixon on December 21, 1970 at the White House. I have never seen this photo before, nor is it documented in any reference that he was ever photographed like this during that trip to DC. No documentation that he ever visited FBI headqurters, either.In fact,he left DC the same night, according to Lee Cotten's book 'All Shook Up Elvis:Day by Day', "without ever getting to meet J.Edgar Hoover." Amazing what people can create!
Tiger said on 16/Dec/05
IF legit, why is Elvis not up against the 'scale' and why does the scale not have any measurements on it like the other
Mugshots on this site or
Mugshots in general? I don't see any 5'5 marking or 5'10 marking or 6' marking, etc. This situation seems very similar to that army physical photo of Elvis up against that wall with the solid black lines. Editor Rob said, "...although God knows why that the hell that guy is trying to judge Elvis' height up against that wall..." I am positive that the army physical photo is barefoot and the person who submitted it was very confident that the top bar was the 6' mark. I would hope that the police department would want precise measurements and would measure one's height without his/her shoes.
Tiger said on 16/Dec/05
Nice try david hurley.I don't recall Elvis ever being arrested nor posing for a "mugshot". This is clearly a doctored photo (very 'fake' background with no date or any information).The website that it comes from seems a bit shady, based on other content it contains. Where does the picture come from? What date was it taken so one can cross-reference it? Even if legit, looks like alot more than 1-inch increments up the scale. Is Elvis wearing shoes? Why is he being measured for height sideways? Why aren't his height and weight listed if it is truly a mugshot? He doesn't appear to be standing perfectly straight (inaccurate measurement). Why does Charles Barkley measure 6'8 in his "mugshot", when he is 6'4.5? If that is "conclusive proof", we still have alot to uncover.

Editor Rob
yeah, you can read
Mugshots.com/Music/Elvis.htm target=_blank>On this page that it's highly likely faked...unless Elvis really wanted a mugshot as a joke...
david hurley said on 15/Dec/05
sorry to end all of your arguments but heres proof the king was 5.11 heres the proof. it wont take a genius to work it out.
thankyou and goodnight

Editor Rob
5ft 11 in shoes ;)
Tiger said on 15/Dec/05
TJ: very well said, my friend!!!!! To add: Dean Martin is listed here and at least 2 other sites as being 6'. Also, a quote from the 6-1 Ronald Reagan from one of 'The Dean Martin Roasts'(Reagan the roastee; year not sure): "Dean and I are similar in a lot of ways...we are about the same size..."
TJ said on 14/Dec/05
Lee Majors has shrunk considerably since his peak in the 60s, partly because of back trouble I think. He was also a cowboy boot wearer, which could give him a shoe advantage on most who stood next to him. A good way of getting a reasonable idea of Elvis' height is how tall he was against Priscilla. Priscilla says that she was 5'3 in the 60s (seems about right as even now she is taller than her 5'2 daughter). Now Elvis is never less than a full head height taller than her and in some shots even more - probably when in boots. There simply would not be that huge difference if he wasn't at least 6ft. There's also a pic of him taller than Dean Martin, who Jerry Lewis claims was 6ft and this board I believe claims was 5'11. Another important point is that in the huge number of fan accounts of meetings with Elvis that I've read in hundreds of magazines, not once has anyone said that he was smaller than they expected. If any height remark is made, it's that Elvis was tall. Given the natural inclination for people to expect stars to be tall (as shown by the numerous 'much smaller than I thought' posts on here), if Elvis was 5'11, someone would have said so. Instead, we have people saying things like "You are much taller than I expected" - a 50s DJ in an early interview. All evidence points to Elvis being 6'0 - 6'0.5 and no evidence points to him being any smaller than that. David's 6'2 with lifts and 5'11 without comment is without a shred of evidence. It was large heels he had on stage, not 2 inch lifts.
Tiger said on 14/Dec/05
Looks like we have another well-educated person among us. David: that was a great response. I am very convinced based on what you have presented.Your attention to detail and your use of documented sources is perfect. Thanks for enlightening us all.Your contributions are valuable.Please don't write in anymore; we can't keep up with your brilliance.
David said on 14/Dec/05
Definitely 5'11 without his lifts, 6'0 with shoes and 6'2 with his lifts. Yes that sounds right.
Tiger said on 14/Dec/05
To Gramps: I do think Elvis is in the 6' to 6'1/2 range also. I did jump the gun on saying 6'2. I was speaking from strictly a photo point of view, as far as determining based on known heights of people Elvis knew. I am just tired of the 'lifts' nonsense. It is all over this website. It is fun to contribute, but people are getting ridiculous. Thank you for your excellent commentary; enjoy reading it.
Gramps said on 13/Dec/05
I respectfully disagree, Tiger. I, too have seen hundreds of photos of the King and all his movies and TV appearances (contemporaneously, I might add), including many with celebrities of known(?) height. Taken as a body of evidence, I must conclude Elvis was between 6'0" and 6'0.5", at his best. With most celebrities, there are a few pictures where they seem very tall compared to others, while in other pictures they look ususually short. As in gymnastics, you throw out the high and the low, and settle on the rest - - which to me is no taller than 6'0.5".
Tiger said on 13/Dec/05
From 'All About Elvis' by Fred Worth and Steve Tamerius (1981): I.C. Costume Company, Elvis' jumpsuit maker/supplier in Las Vegas,"... chest: 41-1/2 inches, waist: 32 inches, height: 6'3/4 inches, and weight: 185 lbs." I assume these measurements to be from the early '70s.
Tiger said on 13/Dec/05
I don't know what pictures David is referring to. It is sometimes very hard to judge a height based on photos; I try to stay away from that. However,from strictly a photo perspective: MOST pictures that I have seen here or anywhere else leads me to conclude that Elvis was well over 6' and probably 6-2. Comparing photos with the known heights of other celebrities he's with puts Elvis well beyond 6'. Again, I would like to see the photos, which David refers to, that suggests Elvis is 5'11.
Tiger said on 13/Dec/05
Actually, Lee Majors is 6-1, and listed at some sites at 6-2. It is NOT common knowledge that Elvis wore lifts. It is a complete bogus piece of info. It is recorded nowhere in the official record. Again, where is it documented by ANY source that Elvis wore lifts? I am not a die-hard fan, just looking for the facts! It seems as if people are going by how tall Elvis LOOKS. If that is the case, then anyone can say anything. Elvis LOOKS well over 6 feet tall in my opinion. I am amused by people who say bluntly that Elvis was not over 6'when of course they don't say why or how, they just say it. Where is the basis ? Again, where is this 'lifts' evidence ? Researching a topic is important before stating an opinion!
John said on 13/Dec/05
Yet more evidence that he wore lifts. That was common knowledge during his lifetime, but the really diehard fans can't accept the reality - that Presley was 5'11 without his magic boots.
Tiger said on 11/Dec/05
Peter Guralnick, a long-time biographer of Elvis, interviewed for TV Guide for the week of 8/16/98. He talked about all of his research and how it was sometimes tough to track down certain information. He was particularly frustrated with a man named Bill Belew, Elvis' wardrobe designer from '68-'77.
Belew said 5 different height measurements from 5 different interviews, all surrounding an article titled "The Man Who Dressed the King" (magazine/year unknown, possibly late '90s from a Japanese fan medium.) Peter says Bill Belew mentioned: "5'11-3/4, 6'-1/2, 6'-3/4, 6'1 and 6'2". Peter laughed when the interviewer asked:"Well, how tall was Elvis?" And Guralnick replied: "I guess it depends on the day".
Tiger said on 11/Dec/05
What evidence? What evidence? There is not one shred of evidence that puts Elvis under 6 feet tall. I don't know of any documents, official or unofficial, that list Elvis at under 6 feet. Worst case scenario is taking Elvis at his word. I am pretty sure Elvis Presley knew his own height. I have a couple more items I'm looking into and hope to present them soon. I would like to ask Richard if this is an opinion or if this is documented some where. Also, I would like to know where to get these magical boots that Elvis had. Was he the only one to wear them? Has anyone ever measured Elvis in his on-stage boots? Maybe he was 6-3 or 6-4 with boots on? How do we know what length of heel he wore on them? Has anyone ever measured them?
Gramps said on 7/Dec/05
AF's picture is an excellent one, as it at appears to have been taken at a height close to the top of Sinatra's head. Elvis clearly looks to be about 6'0" here.
Tiger said on 7/Dec/05
I did look at that photo sent in by AF. That is actually a great photo; I've never seen a color photo from this event (always black and white). Again, it is hard to judge photos, especially photos taken at an angle. I am pretty confident that there is A LOT more than 1 inch separating the two heights:)We have seen enough photos of Elvis and Sinatra head-on to know that the 5'8.5/5'9 Sinatra just does not measure up even close to Elvis ij height. In AF's photo, like all the others documenting this particular event (motion picture relief fund check presentation from 1964/65), Elvis seems a bit slouched for whatever reason.
Tiger said on 7/Dec/05
To Gramps: I have worked alot on this and I agree with you very much. I really think that this is Elvis' height range. I will always try to find more info, but I don't know how much more is out there. I grow more confident each time I find something,though,that Elvis is right there around 6'-1/2. Happy Searching!
TJ said on 7/Dec/05
AF do you seriously see a one inch height difference in that pic of Sinatra and Elvis that you posted? If so, time to get your eyes tested.
Gramps said on 6/Dec/05
I can easily buy 6'0" to 6'0.5" - - but no more than that!
Tiger said on 6/Dec/05
I see the quote from Elvis' good friend Larry Geller on this page and I found a quote from him from August 17th, 1977 (Memphis Press-Scimitar). From an article after Elvis' passing titled 'Shock Envelops Presley's Family, Close Friends' by Bill Burk: Geller says,"Elvis and I hit it off immediately. We found we had a lot in common. We loved to read,we were interested in the same type of books, we loved music, and we were ABOUT THE SAME SIZE." Now I have seen the picture link you have here; I thought this was an interesting piece of info, though.
AF said on 6/Dec/05
A picture of Sinatra and Presley, Sinatra is around 5'8 (173cm) so I guess Presley was around 5'9 (178cm) or so perhaps.
Tiger said on 5/Dec/05
Interview from August 6th, 1955 in Lakeland, Florida by Paul Wilder for TV GUIDE (Source: 'Elvis Speaks' CD): Paul: "May I ask you how big you are? I bet you don't get asked that question often." Elvis: "Yes, Sir. A couple times. I am a little over 6 feet tall and weigh about 170 lbs." Paul: "170 lbs.?" Elvis: "That's right. I burn up more than I eat when I perform." This interview is BEFORE Elvis went national in 1956. Also, of course, this is just a snippet of an 11 minute interview.
Tiger said on 5/Dec/05
From a book that I own titled 'Elvis: Thank You Very Much'by Paul Lichter: Elvis said the following at the Forum in Los Angeles, CA on 11/14/70 at the evening show:"I think Jackie Kahane did this to my mike. Now look, I'm 6'-1/2 and this s.o.b. (the microphone)is 6-3 1/2. I gotta stand on my toes to sing into this."

Editor Rob
that's 2 quotes from elvis about the 6ft 1/2 thing...maybe the photographer came to the same conclusion...6ft 2 in boots and 6ft 1/2 barefoot...
Tiger said on 5/Dec/05
Editor Rob: Thanks for taking the 'lifts' nonsense off of Elvis' page. Garbage like that has no place in a forum where we try to discuss objectively and by backing up what we say through some type of evidence or legit documentaion. Mr. McTabloid (the Fly guy) should do stand-up comedy because his write-ins are hilarious :) Thanks again, Rob, for keeping the integrity of the site. It has been fun to contribute and ALMOST ALL of your submitters have excellent commentary.
Tiger said on 5/Dec/05
More Elvis height info:
a.)from back-up singer Kathy Westmoreland's book "Elvis and Kathy": she recounts her first meeting with Elvis. "...I was surprised at how different our heights were. I am 5'4" and Elvis was 6' tall at least. I had to really look up at him."
b.) an article titled 'A Legend Lives On' by Frank Lieberman (newspaper or magazine unknown): it discusses Elvis' second Las Vegas engagement in January/February 1970: "...Elvis is 35 and happily married... on stage, his 6 foot PLUS frame stands tall and his hair is still long and jet black..."
It looks as though Elvis is definitely 6' and a little more. How much more? We may never know.I am gaining confidence that 6'1/2" is probably his correct height.
TJ said on 4/Dec/05
In an article in the April 1966 issue of Motion Picture Magazine, Elvis' co-star from Paradise Hawaiian Style, Marianna Hill, was pretty blunt about Elvis and the film and not always very complimentary. She was of course working with a very uninspired Elvis on perhaps his worse film. In any case it comes across as an honest account. Here's what she has to say about Elvis' physical stature...
"Elvis is a rather big guy. Over six feet. But he's not in such great shape. In fact, he was putting on weight during the first weeks of the filming, so he'd sneak out of the hotel late each night to go work out at a gym."
So there's yet another account of Elvis being at least 6 feet. Note she doesn't say 'around' or 'about', she says 'over' six feet.
Tiger said on 4/Dec/05
Book entitled Elvis Day-By-Day (Lee Cotten 1985):Elvis received his PRE-DRAFT physical on January 4, 1957 in Memphis.This is a different situation than March 24, 1958 when he reported to the same hospital (Kennedy Veteran's)for a "check-up and in-processing" to begin his service. March 24, 1958 is the source of the 'evidence' photo listed on this site. January 4, 1957 Elvis is measured at a height of 6'2". I don't know what to make of that. The photographer who snapped on 3/24/58 could have reported a wrong height. Or, January 4th, 1957 could be off. Once again, only 2 photos documenting this piece and they are waist-up only. Editor Rob, what do you think? because I have no idea why this is so difficult to crack. Should I give up my search?

Editor Rob
lol, there's a lot of confusion still...more confusing than ever ;) Yes, the 6ft 0.5 might have been an error, it might have been the guy taking account of boots. The 6ft 2 measurement, I've no idea about this. That might have been with boots and if the boots were 1.5 inch, then you can have 6ft 0.5...
I really find it hard for Elvis being 6ft 2 barefoot though.
Gramps said on 4/Dec/05
All I can say is I have seen every film Elvis made and saw most if not all his TV appearances, beginning in 1956 with Steve Allen and Ed Sullivan, and I truly believe Elvis never saw 6'1" barefooted, even on his best day just getting out of bed!
Tiger said on 4/Dec/05
I definitely feel that this McFly person is clueless. He is trying to get a rise out of people with his ignorant persistance. He is clearly anti-Elvis, but has NOT the sense to still proceed objectively.I am wondering if he is that uninformed or really just a #$%!!*(&!^%%$!!!(can't write that). However, I did jump the gun on saying 6'1ish. I think definitely that Elvis is bewteen 6'05 and 6'1, maybe closer to 6'05. There is lots more to research!!!!
Tiger said on 3/Dec/05
In looking at that photo with Sinatra, I definitely think that Elvis has AT LEAST 4 inches on him. If you watch the actual tv special they did together from 1960, Elvis towers over Sinatra. The photo, compared to the actual footage, does no justice. I think Elvis is 6'1 ish (Only My Opinion). To Gramps: I enjoy your commentary and you are very repectful.
Gramps said on 2/Dec/05
Carlos, I think McFly admitted below that Elvis could have been 6'0" (which happens to be my belief; certainly never more than 6'0.5"). But the Elvis/Sinatra picture does NOT show Elvis at more than 6'0", as his bouffant hair style adds at least 3". Comparing eye levels puts Elvis at around 6'0".
Tiger said on 2/Dec/05
I researched an article back to March 25, 1958 out of the Memphis Commercial Appeal (one of two Memphis newspapers), stating Elvis' readiness to begin basic training in Fort Chaffee, Arkansas. The article states, among other info,"...Elvis is physically fit at 6'1.5" and 175 lbs.and has survived a battery of mental tests as well..." Of course, no photos to accompany the article, which is a little frustrating.
Tiger said on 2/Dec/05
I have no idea why the army would measure someone's height with boots on either.I just don't get that. There is no reason to measure someone's height for clothing. They must subtract boot width when recording actual, physical height; thus 6'1/2" would be true height. To McFly: show me where this well-known fact about lifts is located anywhere in the official Elvis record. Celebheights is a forum for discussion, not an official height source. I have researched this topic for quite a while(all over the net and beyond) and I have seen NOTHING written or quoted suggesting Elvis wore lifts. If you don't get that, we can't help you!
carlos said on 2/Dec/05
McFly you live on planet Mars, please go back there, anybody can see there is more than four inches between Elvis and Sinatra! Dream on buddy, you just have a bee in your bonnet about Elvis, grow up fella! Elvis was 6FT end of story!
Tiger said on 2/Dec/05
Websource: newyorktimes.com (archives 1851-1980)--2 articles:'The King of Rock and Roll Enters the Army' (1958) and 'Elvis' FBI Files ' (1990). Both articles mention Elvis' army induction physical and mention his height at 6'1.5" Neither article mentions whether the measurement was done with/without boots. Also, unfortunately, no pictures.

Editor Rob
I don't have access to this article ;) But it is very interesting...
King of Rock 'n' Roll Becomes Pvt. Presley
Mar 25, 1958
The Time Life Picture of Elvis in army boots under that stadiometer was filed 26th March 1958.
So, if it says 6ft 1.5 in the article, then I would say it is feasible the height they took from the stadiometer is the one with boots...maybe the photographer in time and life filed his caption with 6ft 1/2 already having taken an inch off for boots?
But why the army would measure in boots in the first place...
49er said on 30/Nov/05
I noticed a photo of Elvis and Lee Majors on the Lee Majors page. They are the exact same height and, if they are BOTH known for "fancy footwear", then how could Majors be listed on the site at 6-1 and Elvis at 6' ?
Gramps said on 30/Nov/05
Rob: I presume you are referring to these multiple personalities coming from the same IP address? I like that, "...having conversations amongst themselves." LOL

Editor Rob
well, ip (and isp) ranges yes.
Tiger said on 29/Nov/05
Question: according to a google search (Elvis' army records), Elvis' military personnel file, along with other celebrity veterans,has just been released to the public as of June; and one has to pay for the information through the national archives. Where do people come up with the army height of 6'05 and is it possible for that location to be listed here on the site? Is Time/Life the only source? Much interest!!!
Tiger said on 28/Nov/05
The tally so far:6'(12 websites), 6'1(9 websites), 6'2 (10 websites),and any info army-related 6'05, but who is keeping track:) ?
Tiger said on 28/Nov/05
Websource:'Famous People Height List' from a Google search (celebrity heights)has Elvis at 6'2" and a link to his official site at Elvis.com. Also, Elvis' army pocket bio from 1958(elvisnews.com) has 6'2".
JD said on 28/Nov/05
Those photos by Inchman are very, very good. I showed my dad, who served in Korea, said photos. He said when he was drafted, that was how they measured one's height: barefooted and up against a height chart. IF that top mark is the 6' mark, then this guy has solved the case.

Editor Rob
but you are Inchman...you are agreeing with your self ;) But anyway, unless I can see what the height markings truly are, I can't offer my view on just how tall he looks. I think he's barefoot though, so it would be very interesting if the full-sized picture ever comes by my eyes...although god knows what the hell that guy is doing trying to judge Elvis height against that wall - I thought they'd already measured him with the stadiometer! Maybe this guy's got some sort of laser-eye that has the ability to judge a person's height to within 0.1 of a micron?
ps: on the backend of this site I can click a link and see if a user has added comments to the site before. I can view the name(s) and comments they've submitted...
In some way this reminds me of the radio phone-ins we have here in Glasgow for soccer. 50% of the callers on them are complete wind-ups, fans of a certain team who phone up pretending to be a fan of the other team...on celebheights the 'multiple personality' effect is nowhere near as bad as some forums because I delete an awful lot of junk. Reluctantly I do let some folk continue posting since they obviously can't decide and settle on the one name and regardless of what name they use sometimes they have valid points of interest ;)
multiple-names only bother me a tiny bit when people start to have conversations amongst themselves or make up stuff like, say, erm...skull measurements or 6ft 4 Elvis hairdresser sightings ;)
las vegas said on 28/Nov/05
We have seen 2 photos of Elvis and Sinatra in 1960 and Elvis easily has 4-5 inches on him. What does wearing lifts and having a weight problem have to do with each other? Elvis DID NOT wear lifts. Let's move past the trash magazine 'dirt sells' type of talk. Let's stick to the official record.
JoeM said on 26/Nov/05
Personally, I find alot of this discussion and pictures and documentation to motivate me to put Elvis at about 6'2 (alot seems to fit). However, the bottom line is: the only 'official height' that has ever been measured was that of the army. I feel that if we are not sure where to go, we probably should list Elvis at 6'05 and leave it at that.I think we've exhausted his topic.
InchMan said on 26/Nov/05
Gramps: I don't know if I can contribute anymore information. I think I was lucky to find this particular photo. It has been very interesting to research. I guess that 6' and a little more is probably all anyone is ever going to come up with; at least as far as army photos are concerned.Thanks for your support and I hope I have helped.
Gramps said on 25/Nov/05
InchMan, you've ALMOST got me there, but I'm still not fully convinced he was anything over 6'0". Maybe with some strong corroborating evidence...
Gramps said on 25/Nov/05
Excellent photos, InchMan. The strange thing about that first photo is the horizontal markings on the wall are not consistently spaced, and all the index numbers on the left appear to start with "4." It's also a bit strange that two different guys are measuring Elvis, both using different methods. I wonder if the first photo isn't more of a 'staged' pose, rather than the official measurement. Notice too in the first photo that the other guy is just eye-balling Elvis' height, and he's not even on the same plane! These certainly do show Elvis being measured for height barefooted, but what was the result?
JD said on 20/Nov/05
To the McFly guy: Walter Matthau was/is 6-3;it says so everywhere you look for information. Let me guess: Matthau is really 6-2, but wore one inch lifts to make himself 6-3. Come On!!!!
Gramps said on 20/Nov/05
Elvis Presley, in his bare feet, NEVER, EVER reached 6'1" tall. End of story.
heightster said on 19/Nov/05
I agree with TJ: Kurt Russell is a 'zero' when it comes to information on Elvis. The bottom line is we hear 6',6'.05, 6'1, or 6'2. Elvis is definitely in that range somewhere.The photo with Sinatra will definitely be debated, but I am confident about 5+ inches. The heeled boots has to be eliminated because that was a style everyone wore in the 60's and 70's(especially Elvis' people). Like alot of trash that has been written about Elvis, the whole 'lifts' notion is ridiculous.There is no way someone that tall would where those. If Graceland says it is 'garbage', I kind of have to go with it, compared to uninformed or not-ever-sure-of-themselvestype people(Russell or Bill Belew). It is hard for a fan not to say 6'2 if it is stated in a fan mag or reference book. There seems to be a lot of documentation supporting 6'2. Based on this website, it looks like everyone's height can be questioned.
Mr. R said on 15/Nov/05
I sat behind Jim Brown at Wilt Chamberlain's funeral. I chatted with him for aminute. I was surprised...he always seemed so big. At this point, he is not 6-2. He was not mauch taller than I, just a little over 6 foot.
o'call said on 15/Nov/05
Elvis is 6'2 (6'1.5 at the shortest). Obviously,people are having a hard time agreeing. I think everyone needs to move on!!
Mischa said on 15/Nov/05
Elvis is 6'1. I read his bio. He's dead and handsome, lol.
las vegas said on 15/Nov/05
Very interesting Kid Galahad photo by Gramps. Bronson is 5-10, not 5-8. Also, on Bronson's left(in the photo) is a 6-1 Gig Young. Amazing how Elvis is a little slouched and just about Gig Young's height straight up. I have seen Kid Galahd and there is no "fancy footwear". Thanks!
heightseeker said on 15/Nov/05
This is rather fun: go to www.elvis-presley-biography.com/ElvisPictures3.htm to see Elvis photographed at the exact same height with the 6'2 Johnny Cash.Also, you can view a photo of Elvis with 2 or 3 inches on the 5'10.5/5'11 Johnny Carson. Hope to send more references soon!

Editor Rob
Johnny Cash stated his height as 6ft 1.5...
heightseeker said on 15/Nov/05
Sightings: Three photos of Elvis with 6'2.5 in bodyguard and friend Sonny West at www.elvis.com.au/presley/interview_sonny_west.shtml. Please post to sight.
CelebHeights Editor said on 15/Nov/05
One thing I do question heighseekerr is you're 'meeting of' 6ft 4 Larry Geller? Seriously? Here's a pic of
6ft 1 Jay Ashton and 6ft 4 Larry Geller. Yes, I asked his height...
"Jay is 6' 1" tall,
Sara" was the reply...
familyguy said on 15/Nov/05
Wait a minute: I am a friend of the Geller family and there is no way he is 6'2.He is about 6'4. I just recently saw him in Vegas at a function at the Hilton and he definitely has at least 2.5 inches or so on me and I am 6'1. Furthermore, Wayne Newton stood near him at this function and he is about 6'4. As far as GRAMPS' comment, Charles Bronson is 5'10 and Elvis easily has 3+ inches on him. Where are people getting their information!
TJ said on 15/Nov/05
Matthau was a couple of inches taller than Elvis in King Creole. The pic on this thread is a little misleading as Matthau has his head raised, but nevertheless he was a couple of inches taller. I'd ready that at his peak Matthau was 6'3 anyway. He was certainly shorter later on and a notorious sloucher. But Elvis should not be upgraded to 6'2. He was no taller than 6'0 and I'm pretty confident no shorter.
CelebHeights Editor said on 15/Nov/05
Pshycic Larry Geller:
"I went into the house and Elvis walks up to me and says, “Hi, I’m Elvis Presley” and I put my hand out and say, ‘Hi, I’m Larry Geller”. Elvis was about 5ft 11½ tall and I’m 6ft 2"...
Maybe Larry is lying?
There's a pic of them on the page here...no idea type of shoes elvis wearing...
Gramps said on 15/Nov/05
Here Elvis looks about 1.0-1.5" taller than the 5'10.5" Tom Jones:
Although Elvis looks more than 1" taller than the 5'11.5" Richard Nixon, Elvis was likely wearing 'well-heeled' boots with his costume.
Take a good look at this shot from "Kid Galahad" where Elvis is standing right next to the 5'8" Charles Bronson:
Here Elvis is but 3-4" taller than the 5'8" Sinatra:
THE ANSWER: 6'0" yes; 6'2" absolutely not!
Gramps said on 14/Nov/05
Well heightster, Elvis looks noticeably shorter in both photos, including about 3" shorter than Matthau. Not sure who that "Jim Brown" is...doesn't look like the football player(?). Also not sure which size lifts Elvis was wearing in these pics! :-)
heightster said on 14/Nov/05
Remember,photos don't tell the story. Angles can deceive the reality in a lot of pictures. No, those are not the pictures I am referring to. I will try to get them and submit them.Although, in the photo with JB, they are pretty close in height. Besides, I said about 6'2. I don't know, there is a lot of evidence to upgrade the King. I will try to hunt down more info. Thanks!!!I would like to know how to contact someone in the Elvis circle like that Las Vegas guy who wrote in!!!
las vegas said on 14/Nov/05
I have a copy of a magazine titled Elvis International Forum (quarterly newsletter on Elvis).In this particular issue, a man recounts his first meeting with Elvis in Las Vegas, in 1972. He, among other questions, askeshim how big he is.Elvis replies "6-1". I was able to meet Joe Esposito, Elvis' best friend, at a function at the Hilton and asked him about this. Joe said, "Without a doubt. At least 6-1".

Editor Rob
in 1957 he said '6ft I reckon'
in 1958 gets measured by the army and probably given the height 6ft 1/2...unless there was a conspiracy to under-measure the guy. Stranger things have happened ;)
Then having been told 'Hey Elvis you're 6ft and 1/2 inch' he probably just says 'I'm 6ft 1' from thereon in?
Carlos said on 11/Oct/05
Hi Guys, Yes all very interesting qoutes on Elvis's height, but as stated on many occassions, Elvis was a shade over six feet in the army!
There is no question that Elvis was indeed Six Feet for certain!
Elvis was six feet, the case is closed!
CelebHeights Editor said on 29/Sep/05
From Honolulo 1957 newspaper interview, he said: "Six feet tall, I reckon, and 180 pounds."
Height Detective said on 25/Sep/05
(..) "They were all cut to Elvis desired on stage height of 6'2. Of couse Elvis true height was only 5'11 3/4. The reason for the height difference, was the fact that Elvis wore lifts in his shoes, plus the normal heel of the boot, which was 1 1/2 inches on average. " (...)
May be you have to downgrade him a little Rob...
Mr. R said on 6/Sep/05
TJ, sure I don't know where Kurt Russell got his info. But the pic of him being measured in his boots is pretty incriminating. If he is really 6 foot, then wouldn't he show up to at least 6-1 in his boots? They list him at 6 foot and a half. His army boots have more than half an inch heel!
Mr. R said on 3/Sep/05
Also, Carlos, when Kurt Russell did the Elvis biopic in the 70's, he reported that Elvis was almost 6 feet, but not quite, and that he used lifts to put him over that height.
CelebHeights Editor said on 1/Sep/05
Elvis costume designer 'Billy Belew' said this on being asked his measurements: "Chest was 42, waist was 30, 5ft 11.5, shoe size 9". This ties in with that army measurement of 6ft 0.5 'with shoes on'.
Mr. R said on 8/Jun/05
Actually, when Kurt Russell did the famous biopic on Elvis in the 70's, he did a lot of research, and discovered that Elvis was almost 6 feet tall, but not quite. He also uncovered that he put lifts in his boots to get over the six foot mark. I believe that interview was with the Philadelphia newspaper.